The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, August 18, 1894, Image 1

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    11 j it ij
NO. 52.
Jinn Michell, Editor amp Proprietor
Professional Caraa.
" Physician and Surgeon
Booms over Dalle National Bank. Office hour., 10
imt'lim, and tram 1 to 4 p m. Resi
dence Wet End of Third Mrset,
Attorneys at Law, '
Office on Court Street, opposite the Old Court Honse
Toe Dales, Oregon
A. S. BENNETT, . t ;
Attorney at Law
Office ia Schanno's Building, up sta'rs. The Dalles
. " Oregon
Attorneys at Law
Rooms 42 and 43 Chapman Block,. The Dalles, Ore,
1 Physician and Surgeon,
Rooms 3 sod 4. Chapman Flock, The Dalles,
Practical Dentist
Office Over A. A. Brown's grocery. Second St
All work guaranteed to g ve atisf ction and all the
atest improved methods use in denta operations.
16, A. F & A. M. Meets
V ant and third
Monday of each month at 8
1 aleets m Masonic HaU the third weduesda)
fOLCMBU- LODGE, NO, 6, I. O. O. F. Meets
yj every rnaay evening at 7 aw o ciocl. m a. of p.
Hall, corner of tiecoud and Court street. Sojourn
ing nrotners are welcome. u. ulooqh, hec v.
every Monday evening at 8:00 o'clock, in Sutian-
no's building, corner of Coun and Second streets.
Sojourning brothers are cordially invited
D. Vaobs, K. R. and H. ' F. MENEFEE, C.
will meet every Fndav afternoon at 3 o'clock
. at the readinrr room. Ail are invited.
Hood Camp, No. 69, meets every Tuesdav
- evening of each week at 7:80 o cl'ick, in A. Keller's
ball. All brothers and sojourning .brothers are
Invito to be oreent-
TEMPL LODGE. NO. 8, A. O. V. W.-Meets
in KKollers Hall ever' Thursdr.v evening at 7::ja
.-o'clock. -PATL KKEFT, M. W.
W. 8. Utihs, Financier.
JAS. KESM1TH POST. NO. 42, O. A. R Meets
every Saturday at 7.30 P. M. in K of P. Hall.
OF L. E. Meets every Kriuay afternoon iu
K. of P. Hall.
AjT Suiiday evening in Keller's Hall
BJF. L. r. DIVISION. NO. 167 Meets n K.
of P. Hall the first and third Wednesday of
:acn month at 7:30 P. M.
iantor. Services every Sabbath at II A. M.
P. 11. Sabbath school immediately after the
morning service. Prayer meeting every Thursday
evening at 8 P. H.
ME. CHURCH Kev. Jso. Whislir. Pasur.
. Services every Sunday morning and evening .
Sunuay school at 12:"i!0 o'clock P. M. A cordial lnvi
' "'atioc extended bv both pastor and people to all.
Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and
P. it. Sunday School after morning service.
JTiT. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father Bkoksokkki
Pastor. Low Mass svory Sunday at 7 A. M. High
.Mass at 10:30 A.M. Vespers at J P. M
fjT. PAUL'S CHURCH. Union Street, opposite
Fifth. Kev. Eli D. SutcliHe, Hector. Services
rsverv Sunday 11 A. M and 7:80 P M Sunday
Kluxil at 9:30 A. M. Evening Prayer on Friday at
3:3 P. M.
"tHRlSTIAN CHUKUH Itsv. J. W. Jsnrins, pas
j tor. Preacbing every Sundav afternoon at 9
- e'clock m he Congregational uhur.h. - All are cor
dially invited
The Dalles National Bank.
President, .LF. Moody,
.H. L KoodyS
General Banking " Sstocss Transacted.
8ight ETchanes sold or
!Ths Rosehill Gresnhouse
Is still addiwr to its 'large stock of
all kinds of
( And can furnish a choice selection; also cut flowers
and floral designs.
igar Factory,
PIP ft DO of the Beet Brands mannfact
UlUnllU ured, and ordeas from all parts
of the country filled on the shortest notice.
The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAB
lias become firmly established, and the de
mand for the home manufactoaed article
increasing eyery day.
Jer;24dv-tf A. ULR1CH ft SON.
Park Onitarrv Ptlls win reduce your weight
1KKMASiiCSiTajV from 12 to la p mni a
i.h No starving sickness or injury: no public
i. Thnv build ud ihe health and beautify the
complexion, leaving no wrinkles or flabbineas. Stout
.-amtomflns anu nuniuii ureatiuiilf buicij icuctwj.
Hit KVPEKlHEMTbut a scientifle and posi
rtive relief, adopted only after years of experience,
an orders supplied direct from our office. Price
2,00 per packag, or three packages tor so 00 by
mail postpaid. Teetimouials and particulars (sealed
All Corraspandennn Mtrlelly Cusifldea-tlal.
PAEK: BEiLEDY CO., Boston Mass
m D
. - i Recoiid street next rirvir e-
-' The lalles at Bank
s of
laving Just open d in buiuess. sni haviny a full
aifMM-iujem, or fcne latent go -a in my Hue, I (le
sire a share of th- j ubli patronage
HiML : l.xS.RUMEXiS.- MO .C.
And Everything to be Found in a Fr-t JClasi
Book anH Music Store.
Gunning & Hoclinian
Id the 'new shop on Second street, first blacksmith
ftaop e w of f reocu & Uo. 8 brick block
Horse-Shoeing a Specialty.
All kinds of work Id Iron, whether of strrictiltuial
napkin nts or vehicles, doiie in the most niechan-
cat stvl) and satisfaction, iruaranttied. jan2wkv
Manufactures the Best Articles of
Soda, Sarsipa'illa and Ginger Ale
Le&ue Order- With Kn Irevr Keller.
Oonfeutiooer. .
Goods hauled with the ureateit jar-to- all
oarts nf th oitv on short notice.
Northeast Cor Second and Court Streets, The Dalles
TheBEiTof Wines,
lDd CJigGlS Always on Sale
Columbia Brewery Beer on
Sample : Rooms,
(Nearly opposite Umatilla House.)
The Best Wines,
Liquors and Cigars
The 1 fflercknt $ Tailor
Suits Made to Order and a Fit Guaranteed
Clothes cleaned on the Short
est Notice
Near Cor- Third and Washington Sta.
IP 110
Northwest Cor. Second and Washington Sts. George Such.
'Xlie Cheapest Place
All Kinds of Groceries,
We respectfully solicit a sh of the public pat
ronage and shall endeavor to give entire sat'sfac
tion to our customers both old nd new.
The U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Or., June 11,
tmplaint having been entered at this office bv
W. W. Mason auainat Tony Flam track for abandon
ing his homesthad entry No. 4427, dated June 2,
1pS2, upon the ne or sec 17, tp 1 s range 10 east. iu.
Wasco county, Uregon, with a view to the cancella
tion of said entry, the said parties are hereby sum
moned to appear at this office on the 23th day of
July, lt84. at 10 o'clock a m, to respond and fur
nish testimony concerning said alleged abandon
Bent. JQOS W. LEWIS. Register.
TN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Oregoo
J. for the Couutv of Wasco
Ihe American MorttMce Company of Scotland. Lhn
ite" a Corporation, plaintiff, vs. J sines Doiris
and Th- mas W Glavey, administrator oi tne
esttte of Fatri k jUorrn, deceasoJ, deimiaanu
To JaniL'S Dorris, the above named d fcnJant:
In the nime of the "tale f Oreiron, ou are here
b itq ired t ap(ienr na answer the couMaint
filed atfriinst you in the above entitled suit, on or
bef re Mmday the 28th day of May, 1S94, that
beinir the firs d;v of the uw reuufar ter n of
said Court, and if y u fj.i s ti answer. f'r wnt
there f, th pi in iff vili apply to sa d Court f. r the
relief uutaiiei n ri comp a nt, w-n:
To foet;lo!e plaintili's mortkjae made, executed
and delivered o fr'airicit I 'Orrn-, now decease i. in or
nbout tne lOMi daj' of be'-emtmr, ISOi, upon the
ia-t ball oi iheso'ttneascqu-o'Te' ana me dj
of the n rtheat. auarttrr of vcin 18 ii. towti-ni
3 Mouth, or r it 'ire 14 eat. of he Willamette Alerid
i,n, in Va co County, regon, aid to liavo said
D rem we wild aoordiMf to law and the practice
tt.e a ove entitled Court to satisfv pbdm iff 's de
mands, to-wit, to pay thn t-uro of $350 and interest
op Maid um since vembt:r 1st, lowz, at -n oi
10 in-r rent nr annum, together with D ai tiff's
Cvsts and di-htm nit-n-s made and expended in
thm uit. indiiuiiitr eubsi queu e-sts nd epenst
of bale; that upon mh foiet josure and decree an I
sale all uf vour riuht. title und .merest and ail p t r
son clitimtmr, or to c;aim, by, throath or under
you. or bv, through or under sai l Patrick ixjrris,
n w deceasfd in aud to said premise, be forec o-ed
ami forever barr-d troiu the equity of edeniption;
that plaintiff he alloweti to i-urcha-te iki lands arm
prtu lists at its ption; that the purchtcersof suit.
pemiBes have the immediate p-msft-gion f said
ireuue and everv part a d mrcel tb reof, and
for such other and fur her niief n to the Court
may see equitble and just.
Thesrvic of this summons is made unnn you by
pubIiction th' ref in rne iimks Mountain-ekr, a
news aprot eencrai circuiaiion. puDnnnea we kv
tThe Oaltes. Wasco ountv. Orciron. it beinv the
paper most li elv to convcv not re to you, by order
cf the tion. w. h. Jir..inaw, juuj;e or tne aoove en
titled Cour . which oider was duty made on the 2d
Juy o April, 19. at chambers, in Dalies city,
Wasco Couuti. Oregon.
ap7 7w AitTi.eV3 for Piaiuitff
Oiegon, tor th- Couutv of Wasco.
In the matter of the jruardianship es-
late of Nancy Stanley, an aged and V Citation,
infirm person. )
To Nancy Stanley and Hns Latre; guardians of
N am y St ntey, an aged and v nrm peison, ana
alt other her- and leu a tees, known anu unknown,
of John Si an ley. decea-ed: trreeting :
In the name of tl e state of Oieiron. you are here
by citt:d and rcouired to appear in the county couit
of the stwtte rf rpon, for the county of Wasco, at
the court-, oom thereof at Dalles City, in said
county, on Mojidav. the third duy of teptember,-
1894 at 10 o'clock in tlie forenoon of thutdav, tnen
and there to t-how cause, if an v there be, why the
following desctibd rtl property, to-wit: Lots
number oi.e d. two (D. three (3) and four (4), of
sectton thirti-two (32), in townhio three (S) nr:h
of ranue eleven (II). ea t of Wiliamet'e meridian,
c ntai in. 13d 45-100 -cres and situated in v a-co
couutv. s la to f if treifon: sh u Id not be so d f -r the
suppoit of Nancy Stanley, widow of sid John Stan
ley, deceased.
Witnrhs, the Hon. Ooo. C. Blakelv,
iucurt of the saiii county cc-urt. with
thsal of r-aid court t. (fixed this
20th day of July, A. I. lit4.
W. M K ELS AY, C-erk.
By E. MAUT1N, Deputy.
Administrator' Sale.
WH '-BEAS, the Hon. (,'ounty Court of the State
of Oregon, fit t.e Countv of Wasco, on the
6th day ot November, 1893, duly made an order di
recting me, the ' ul) appointed, qualified and acting
administrator of the estate of Kmest S. II -ape, de
ceased, to sell the 'ands and premises belonging to
said estate, and hereafter particularly described, at
public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash in
Now, therefore, by virtue o f such authority, and
in pursuance of said oruer, I will, on Saturday, the
10th day of Fehrua'V, 189 4, at the hour of ten
o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the front door
of the County Cou t House in Dalles City, Wasco
County, Oregon, sell, at puiU c auction. :o the high-ei-t
bidder, for C;sh in hand, the lands and p em iota
belonging to tvdd estate, and particularly described
s fo Iowa, to-w t:
i The southwest quarter (sJ) and the southeast
quarter of the orthwert quarter (e of uwj) of
section fifteen, (15) in towmdiip one (1) south, of
range fourteen (14 ea&t, of the Willamette Meridian
in Wasco ouuty. Oregon, containing two hundred
acres of la d. aid le will be made subject to ap
proval and confirmation of the sa;d County Court.
Dated at Dalles city, Wasuo t'ounty, Uregou, this
ill day of January, 131)4. - ' -
Adm'r of the t state of rnet 8. Ha .ge, de-ated.
TVTolICK IS HKBKBY GIVEN that the under
JJS sig ed, administrator of the estate of Harri
son Corum dec- a ed, b7 v rtue of an onter ot the
ounty Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco
County, in probate, made on the 6 h day of Septem
ber, A. D. 1893, and a apph-inentary older made by
said court of date Hec Tuber 22, 1893, wll on atur
day, the 27th dy o Jatiu rv, 1894, t the dour of 2
P. il. of ftid da, at th Cou t House doo in D dies
City, in Whhco Co'intv, Stare of or-gon, sel at pub
r. vi?;ion to rie higet nbie' for ca-h in hand,
tui -ct t the conSrmation of said Court, all of the
following described real es ate d water rurht-, be
longing o the estate of the said Jecetsed, to-wit.
'Ine west half of the nortte st quart r, and the
nouhwrat qu-vrtor of the stjutheast quarter of sec
tion twenty-five, in towunbtu two u- rtn of range tn
east of tne Willamette meridian,conttiniiig 1 0 acres
and situatod la acco County, -ttte of . regon; aud the eas naif of the eatit half of section o.
twenty-five in township to two nortb of mnve ten
east of the Willamette meridian, containing 160
acres, and situated in Wa-co County, State of Ore
gen, totteth r with the tenemen9. hereditam nts
and appurtenances and water rights thereto belong
ing, aiid be ongiog to sai-i est-te
All ti.e above described property, includin? the
watrr rights, to be told in one parcel.
Dated, December 22. 1893.
Administrator of the estate of Harrison Corum,
Atluiini'stratirs Notice of Final Account
aeraigncd, administr tor of the estate of
William A. Allen, deceased, has fl ed in the ffic of
the County Clerk of Wasco County. Oregon, his
fina account vith said estate; and that Moi day, the
7th day of May, 894, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon
of said day, at the County Court room in the
County Court house, Dalles 'ity, Oregon, has been,
bv Hod. Geoite C Blakeley, County-Judge, fixed
and appointed as the lime and place for examining
tuid account and hearing objections, if any. thereto.
Dated at Dalles City, Wwco County, "regon, this
30th day of March, 194- GEO. A. LIfc.BE,
Admr. of the Estate of Wm. A. Allen, deceased
NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has
been appointed by the Counry Court
of the State of Oregon, for Wasco Coun
ty, in dmbate, guardian of th person and es
tate of Nancy Stanley, an aged and infirm person.
All persons hv ng claims against said estate are
hereby notified and required to present them to me
at the law office of Condon Condon, in Dalles City,
Oregon, with proper vouchers' thereof.
Guard'aD of th" perron and estate of Nancy Stan
ley, an aged and infirm person.
Dalles City. Oregon, March 17, 1894.
a J. l UlilltVIUl
BIDS WANTED for hauling 100,000 pounds of
wool (more or lees) and 25,000 to 40,000 pounds
of back frr.igbt; said wool to be hauled from Little
Front creek, about fifteen miles southeast of Ante
lope tp Tbe Dalies, the back freight to be hauled
front-The Dalles to aluddy station, about eighteen
mi-'es southeast of Anttlope Ail w.iol and freight
to be well protected pith wagon-shee s and deliv
ered in good order and condition Bids will be
opener) May 1st and the award made known at
Mo dy's warehouse. Terms: ne-hatf will be paid
on the delivery cf each load, if desired; balance on
completion -f contract
Address all biuB u HENT HAHN, Sec'y,
Care Wadhama & Co.,
mch31-4w Portland, Oregon.
DAN BAKER, fProp'r.
Keeps on band tbe oest
Wines, Lipors and Cigars.
Near tbe Old Mint, Second Street, "
To whom it may concern: I have disposed of all
my Interest in the sa'oon, corner Front and C ourt
streets, to Mr. A Baldwin, who will hereafter con
duct the business in his own name. All bills due
and owing up to Jnne 26th will be collected by me,
.nd I will be responsible for all indebtedness to that
U. - A fiEHlSQESf iit.
JSliei-ifF'-s Sale.
By virtue of an execution and order of rale, is
sued out of the circuit court of the State cf Oregon,
for Wasco county, upon a decree a.d judgment
made, rendered and enteied by said court on the
25t'- day of June, lb'. 14. in favor oi tne piaintm, in
unit where n The Amtrica'i Mortifauv Companv,
Scotland, limited, a c rporati'-n, was plaintiff, and
Jatnes Dorris and Thom.-s W. Glaver, a nr-ini-trator
i.f the eatte of Patrick Dorris. - e -ea-ed. and brra
Henspn were defentants. and to me directed and do
Ilvered. commanding me t"1 levy ujxm and sell all
the lands mentioned and ie?cribcd in id writ, and
t fereinafterrferibed. I did on the 19th dy f J.ily
ls94, duly lvy upon, ami wi ' fe 1 at public aucti m
tne highest biuderfr cn-h in ha n, on Mondav
the 20th .lay of August, I&94, at 2 o'clock in he
afterniKJit oi s- iH dy at rhe front door 1 V e coun y
conn hou!e in iM e City. u wasco c-unty re
iron, ad o the laniis nd i-reni'.-es He cribed in said
writ Hid h rein described a follows, to wit :
'Iheeatthilf of the outhiat quarter and the
eag' ha't of tn nt rthr--sc quarter section enrnc
en (18; m twnship (3) south of rang fouiteen (14)
east ot the Wilaneite rori -liai, i Waw c-junsy,
Oregon, eontnining ne hundred and sixty acres
mora or Ic-rs of land TOLfuth :r w th all the improve
meits i her fin, ai-d ai-purtenanc ft thereunto be
longing, or 0 tnucn tnceoi as so in oe u uucut w
satisiv the sum t -407 75 with i teres: fere n nt
th r.itanf rn wr rent nrr annum since June 2--,
1894. and S3f 7C costs in saiu uit together with
cotits of said wr t and accruing CO t.s o s tie.
T. J. DtU Ct,
SherilTof Wasco C ointv, 1 'regon
Dated at DaMes City. Oreg n July 19rh, 1894
Land Omc at Tax Dai.lkx. Or.
June i6, 1894
Notice is hereby given that the following-nameu
settler ha filed notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before the He-aster and Ke'ver of th.
U. S. Land Office at Tbe Dalles, Or., on August 4,
1894, viz:
HomnstKid No. 3.123, for the nw qr Sue 20, Tp 1 s,
Kange 136.
He names the I hnw witnesses to prove nis
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said
land, viz:
: i Doyle. Ben Southwell. Ed Doyle, wm uvoie,
all cf fenders y, Oregon.
juu so junn vy. Li&nio, negisier.
Land Office at Tii Daliks, 0roo,
Julv 26. 1894.
Notice is hercbv triven that the following-named
settler his filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
tla' said proof will be made before the Register and
Keceiver or trie u. s. lanrt omce at ine uuiiea, ur.,
on September 12, 1S94, :
H E, No 279(1, for the eH iwli, and w)S ne, sec
tp S s, r 12 e.
Be names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation ot saiu
land, viz:
T J Unver, of ihe Dalles, Or; John u liudfon.
Albert bavage aid James Gnriiiigme, of Wamie,
jy28 ' JAS. F. MOORE, Register.
Land Optics at Tub Dallks, Oreoon,
July 2, 1S4.
Notice is hereby gi.'en that the following named
settler bas filed uotice nf his intention to make final
proof in support of bis claim, and that suij proof
will be made before the Kegiter and Receiver at
Tbe Dalles, Oregon, on Aiuusi 14. 184, viz:
Hd 2839, for the ne qr sec 23, tp 4 s, r 13 e.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence noon and cultivation of said
land, viz:
A. Stogsdill, Robert Bn'ts, R. D. Pitcher anil
George Woodruff, oi T gh'ey, Crigon.
jas. r. 410UKK, tugister.
Land Offics at Tns Dallks. Or.,
J'lly 23, 194.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of hU intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, and tint said
proof will be made before the register and receiver
at The Da'les, Oregon, en Keptem er 12, 18J4, viz:
H E No 3117. for the nej, sic 34, tp 4 a, r 12 e.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, sain
land, viz:
Albert Savage, of Wamic. Or: T J Driver, rf The
Dalles. -r: James Burlingame and Edgar Burlin-
game, oi Wamic, Ur.
jvzs jas I . Jiuimc, register.
The U. S. Land Office. The Dalles, Or., June 11,
CmDiaint having been entered at this office by
Lou it Detcore against fcdw in btoever for failure t
niplv with law sto .unber culture entry No "202
dated Jui.e S2, 18m, up n the a f sw qr and 8 hf
qr, sec zu, tn o a rant;e 13 ea t, in w sco county,
euon, w-tb a view to the cancellation of paid
en ry; contestant aliening that said Kawin Stoever
faned to plant in timber, see-8 or cuttings the third
ear of lot making said entry, and that said failure
sti.i exists; the said parties are Cere by t-unim-nevi
to appear at this office on the 25th day or July, 1SU4,
at 10 . 'clock a m, to rtpond and furnish testimony
concerning &ui alleged failure.
JOHN W. LEWIS, Register.
The U.S. Land Oft ce. The Dalles. Or., June 11.
coniphiint having been ent red at this office by
(hen a Mai n agaius Josepn stoedter lor anmu-
mg tilM nomesteau eutiy INo 4 oO. dated June is.
189, upon the nw qr sec 17, tp 1 b rane 10 east, in
ttasco county, uregon, wttn a view to the ca. c-iia-
tio of aid eiitry, tbe saiu parties ire heieby sum
moned to appea at this mceon the 26th lay of
uly, 1894 , 1 10 o clock, a m, to respond and furiusn
-umony conceruiug aiu ai egea auauuoiment.
.JOHJi W. LEWIS, Hester.
The U. S. Land Ollce. The Dalles. Or.. May 21.
Complaint having been entered at this o'ce bv
Frank Mlone aga nst John Vrcdt for alanloiiing
his hornet tea d entry Mo. 4333, dated Mareh 28. 1892,
upon the e hf sw qr, nw qr sw qr and sw qr nw qr
sec 10, tp 8 s range 18 east, in Wasco county, Oie
kon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry.
tn sii'l parties are hereby summoned to app ar at
this office on the 21hi day of Ju y, 1894, a 10 o'clock
m, to respond and lurninn testimouv concerning
said alleged absnnonment. E. M. Lihutt, U S Com-
lssioner is authorized to ; take Wstimony in this
case at Antelope, Oregon, at 10 a m, July 14, 18i4.
JOHN W. LEWIS, Register.
The U. S. Land Office, The Dalles. Or.. June 11.
Complaint having been entered at this office by
Wvatt A. Stark agiinst heirs of (Jer E. Lantrille for
abandoning homestead entry No. 3962, dated July
29, 1891, upon the w hf of se qr and 8 hf of sw qr,
sec 22, tp 2 a range II east, in Wasco Oonnty, Ore
gon, with a view to tbe cancellation cf laid entry,
the said uarties are hereby summoned to appear at
this office on the 25ih day of July, 1894. at 10
o'clock a m, to respond and furnish testimony con
cerning said alleged abandonment.
JOHN W. LEWIS, Register.
Tbe U. 6. Land Office, The Dalles, Or .June 11.
Compliant having been entered at this office by
8 Kichmonj againa ira v. Miller lor abandon
ing his homestead eutry No. 4488, dated July 22,
1892, upon the a hf of se qr and s hf of sw qr sec 5,
tp l s raiure 10 east, in wasco c unty, Oregon, witn
view to the canoe lalion of said eutry, tne sail
parties are hereby summoned to appeir at this
office on the 2(3 cb day of Julv, 1894, at 10 o'clo-k a
, to reapond and furnish tostimony concerning
Bald alleged abandonment.
JOHN W. LEWIS, Register.
Bv virtue of mi order made l y the County Court
of Wasco county, Oregon, at the Juiy ter - thereof,
1894. to me directed, as the executor of the estate
of W. McD. Lewis, deceased, I will after the 10th
day of Angus, 1894, proceed to sell for Cash in
hand tne following described lands oi tbe said
estate, to-wit: a
The west half of the northwest quarter, the
northwest quarter of the southwest qnarter of sec
tion twentv; tbe northeast quarter of the north
west quarter of section nineteen i township 6 south
of range li est; the earth half nf the southeast
quarter, northeast quarter of the aouh reat q uarter
and southeast quarter of northwest quarter t f sec
tion twenty-one onship 5 south, range 12 eat of
WiU-tmette meridian in Wasco coun'y, Oregon.
Said land will be sold In lots tu suit purchasers.
Dated this July 5. 1894.
Executor of the estate of W. IfcD. Lewis, de
ceased. lUl?-4t
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the unuerstgned has
been duly appoi ted by the County Court ot the
State of Oregon, for Wasco County, in Probate, ad.
ministrator of the estate uf A K. Bonzey, deo acd.
All per on 8 having claims against said estate are
hereby notified and r quired to present them to me
with proper vouchers at the law r.rfice of Condon
and Condon, in D-dies City, Oregon, Within tix
months from the date uf this notice.
May 13, 1894
Administrator of the estate of A. K. Bonzey,
mal2 deceased.
iey4, $8,000 in bonds uf Hood Kiver school
District, bearing 7 per cent interest, payable semi
annually. They will either be sold in paits of
91,000 eacb,-or the entire 8,000 at onetime,or any
number of the eight bonds of $1,000 each, to the
highest bidder for cash. These D3nds are redeem
able in twenty years, or after ten years if conve
nient for tbe district. WILLIAM M1CHELL,
County Treasurer.
T Dalles, May 21, 1894.
Awful Traiu HrefS.
Lincoln, Aog. 10 A fearful wreck,
iovo mg the lsa of 13 or more live, oc
ciirreci on ibe Chicago, Roi k Island &
Pacific railroad, where it crosses oo a
high trestle tbe tracks ot the Union Pa
cific ami Burliiiyt m & M as uri R vt-r, at
10 o'clock nijiit Tn Fort Worth
acc itumodatiun is due to it-ive here at
9:40 P. M. I: w& about 10 oiiuutes l ite,
and was ruakiuir up tune wieo it .-Irufk
a trest e crmsi ! Silt lake. Tbe rail
spread, aod tbe rci;iue, drawic ; two ctr
ter it, w-ot 'hum iuj a otn over th
cross lies aooul 50 'ret, ami fien vih .
rrtsh fell 40 feet t the hed of the creea
oelow. The eDsine burst, md the glow
lDg coals lgnli.a tne woonen support
aud the coaches beniud. Io a lew tn
merits tbe bridge, dry us ttmher from lou
exposure fo the sua, was one mass ol
ll. cuts. Coals failing unou the coiches
set ibem afire. The flames mounted
liijfh in the heavens, coloring tbe entire
S 'Utmrn eky a brilliant carmine, whi!e
the moonbeams fell upon the glowing
miss below, from which mortal shrieks
of agony were heard to is-ue Willing
har ds were there to help, but little could
be done The engine had fallen first.
then tbe combination smoker and express
coacb fell partially upon tbe eagine, and
tbe I ear coacb following telescoped that
car, p:nioning tbe untoriuuates in the
smoker so that it was impossiable to save
them or for them to escape.
J. W. Glover section man, today said
he saw three well dresad men jump the
freight and go west, tie said the men
each carried a long, brand new satchel.
This gives rise to the suspicion tbat some
ot the Round Pond (Oklahoma) enemies
of the Rich Island mi? bave caused tbe
wreck. The marks made by a wrench on
the loosened rail were plaint; visible, and
there were mirks of a crowbar on the
crot-s ties J be woca ot the ties was
deeply deDted where tbe crowbars bad
been inserted, aud tbe rails lit' e 1 clear
off the ties and the spikes pulled out
were lying loose around tbe bridge.
The Tariff 31 addle.
Washington, Aug. 10 It Is stated on
the authority of a conservative senator
the Republican senators will be called in
today and tbe senators will make a prop
osition to report a dicagreemeDt on tbe
tariff bill, Ir tbe house will not accept
this, a resolution is to presented io tbe
senate recalling the senate conferreea. It
did not take the couferrees long today to
Gad out they could not come to do agree
ment on tbe basis of free sugar.
Within half an hour after the confer
ence began tbe sea ate con.ferrees left the
room and met Gorman Other conserva
tives were-sent for and it ws said the
point has beep reached where a decision
one way or another must be reached.
Tbe differences between Democratic
conferiees on the tariff' are as gieit as
ever today. Tbe seoate- conferreea ofn
tercd the bouse members either free coal
or free iron, with a 40 per cent du'y on
he TeroaroJDg articles When ibe houe
coo tenets accepted this and agreed on
ree coal the senate withdrew tbe offer.
Tbe bouse members say t!ie senate mem
hers nre trilling with them, and the houe
members hive decided to mulotain their
poittion. They say the off-rs by the sen
ators are inspired bv tne ug,r trust witb
the iiope of killing the bin . It the bill is
esi-eo-iully changed from thn shape in
wbich it passed the senate, Qiay has de
lared his intention ot attaching tbe bill
a speech that will, he says, take 40
days to deliver. He adds tbat be will
deliver the speech without regard to
what his senati rial associates may do.
It is said tbe conterrees will report a di-'
aereernent lodav. and a motion to dis-
charge them will be made.
Thn Business P .rllon Burned.
Danville, 111., Aug. 10 Almost the
entire business portion of Fitbia, 600 in
habitants, 15 miles west of this city, was
bprned last night. Tbe origin of tbe fire
is unknown. 'There was lit le insurance.
Tbe residence of James Cunningham at
Hoopeston, the finest residence in eastern
Illinois, just completed at a cost of $27, .
000, was burned last Light. No insur
aBce. - :
A Whole Family Poisoned.
Oelwein, la., Aug. 10 Merobeis of a
family named Walker, wbo live just over
the river, were poisoned last Digbt. Two
children bave died and others were barely
alive at last reports. Mr. Walker came
to the city last evening and bad a pre
scription containing tartaric acid and
other ingredients filled at a drug store.
It was designed to be mixed with water
and used as a cooling summer drink. On
arriving at bis home Mr. Walker imme
diately prepared a pitcher of the bever
age and the family drank it. Shortly
afterward tbe children were taken sick,
and in less than an hour tbe whole lam
I t was in an unconscious condition.
Everything possible was done by tbe
neighbors to relieve them, but it was im
possible to save tbe lives of three, anc it
is by no means certain tbat auy will re
coyer. A Judge (jSailty of Murder.
Montgomkby, ' Ala.. Aug. 10 The
supreme court of Alabama bas banded
down a decision declaring Judge Job Tale
ley, of North A'abama court, guilty ot
murder, and he is ordered impeached and
stripped of bis jus'ice ermine. Tbe case
grew out of tbe Killing ot R ibert C. Riss,
cashier of tbe Bank: of Scott boro several
months ago. by three Skeltou brothers,
tor the seduction of tho r sister Judge
Talley, a relative of tbe Skeltons, ore
vented tbe delivery of a telegram to Ross,
warning blm he was being followed by
the SKelton brothers. For this act the
Bupreme court bod Talley is as gui ty ae
those wbo fired on Rts. and be must
staud tritl on tbe charge of murder. .
, A BruiAl father.
Oakland, Cal., Aug. 10 A m n
named J Covia bas been found guilty
here of inhumaq 'conduct to bis tittle 3
year old daugther. On tbe child's back
and bossom being bared for exm n moo
in court, they were found to be one mas
of and welts, her bead was full of
cuts, and around the eyes and nose weie
many aisco orations, the latter having
been permanently Injured, evidently by a
blow. Tbe father admitted the accusa
tions, but piead intoxicailn, In mitiga
tion ot tbe offense. ,
Ad Editor Tnrashcd.
San Diego, Cal.,- Ang, 10- Paul H.
Blades, editor of the San Diego Sun of
this city, was knocked down in tbe street
last evening by-Viacent Surr, a young
man wbo took this means of resenting a
series of editorals reflecting opon his
father, Joseph Surr, a member of the
board ot education. The assault was
made after Blades' refusal to apologize
for them, several blows on jhe face being
given wit lout resistance on 1 ades ptrt
whose eves were blackened.
Hcraniou s UrenteMt In Years
Sciianton, Pa., Aug. 10 Tne greatest
miue cave in that Scrauiou known in
years occurred yeiterdav at tbe Diamond
vein of the 11am ptou mine. Eight acres
and 21 duelling bouses were effected
One or two nwrll nis wtre almost ii rep
arab y dim iged. It is repor.ed thai the
loss w'li ream o,er $25U.O0U. The cave
lu oci:s.ioutd a great pau.c yi the neigh
borhood, aud the residents rushed pel
Hi; l: iuto the street, but none ot theui
w re injured. . . :-
The Woodlai.rt Trial.
Woodland. Cal., Aug 10 la the
traiu wrecking ca-e. at 9 o'clock this
iU'rnug Ctrroli Co k commenced bis ar
guinea' against the motion of the defense
for the disjtiHrgR of tne defendants, and
at tbe noon intermission he bad delivered
himself ot about one-half of his method
ical and merciless arraignment of the five
Ktnklnz Tenants to He Ei-lrted.
Chicago. Aug. 10 Tbe Pullman com
pany has practically decided " to evict the
striking tenants for nonpayment of rent'
Vice President WicUes aid today the
Dew employes must have houses. The
announcement created great excitement
among the airikers. '
lit Njw Chlnad Turn.
Shahghai, Aug. 11 A dispatch from
Cbe Foo says tbe Japanese attacked
Port Hamilton (Fort Aitbut) yesterday
evening, and were repulsed A special
dispatch to Che Foo cod firms tlie repoit
tbat tbe Japanese fleet attacked the Chi
nese fleet at Wei- Hai-Wel yesterday
morning and were iepuise-1 at one en
trance ot the harbor, and subsequently
attacked the other cntiancc. The dis
patch says the Japanese nude a dericg
atempt to capture the forts and arsenal
at Wei Hal-Wei. The Japanese attached
in force, four cruisers and several smaller
vessels bold1 rig the advance, be first
shots were exchanged at daylight, but tbe
Chinese were on the alert and their gun
ners returne - a vigorous fire from the
forts. Tbe Japanese apparently expected
to take the Chinese by surprise while the
latter' warships were away, the' Ciiicee
Sqaadroo, with the exception of enme
i-mall gunboats and torpedo boats, having
sailed tbe day before for another port
The cntjOoHts at the fort kept up such a
well directed fire that the Japanese were
unable to enter the harbrr The Chi
nese torpedo boats were then ordered to
advance, and when they did so the Jap
anese fleet retired. Tbe same fleet of
Japanese attacked the harbor eo trance
later in the day. The result wis uot
known when this dispatch was sent.
Dispatches received here say tbe sec"
ond attempt of the Japanese fleet upon
Wei-Hai Wei has bapn defeated. An
other dispatch says tbe Pel Kang fleet Is
engaged with the Jarjanese fleet, and a
stubborn battle is being fought TweDty
one ships are taking part io it.
- To Kill the Compa.iy.
Chicago, Aug II Attorney General
M T. Moloney, of Illinois, filed a petition
which, while virtually asking that the
character of tbe Pullman Palace Cir
.Com piny be revoked, is legally a pe
tition for leave to file quo warranto pro
feedings against tbe Pullman company
This is a proceeding to c iiiiool the com
oanv to show cause why its charter
should not be revoked. The petition
wi'l be taken np August 23. It is Dot
settled what judge of the court will bear
tbe' matter, but it will come up belore
the board sitting for emergency An
effort was made to see Attorney-Geurral
Alaioney in regara to tne case, oui ne
was Dot in the cit v . In his petition and
information, however, he sets forth that
the Pullmim Pa ace Car C .inpany was
organized under a special act of the
legislature of the state ot Illinois, ap
proved Fenrnarv 22, 18G7. witb a capital
stock of $100,000, with power to increase
it at will.
A Merlons Runaway.
Medfokd, Or., Aug. 11 A livery team
belonging to E. Wurman, of this city,
wbich was bitched to a buggy contain
ing Mrs. Josie Miller and ber sister. Miss
Elsie Armstrong, were frightened by
tbe circus here and ran away. One horse
looseued tbe bridle from his head and,
beiomiDg Dnmanageabie, upeet the
buggy and threw its occupaiits to tbe
ground. They wtre badly cut and
bruised, and feara are entertained for
Miss Armstrong's recovery. She was
paralyzed about a year ago, aud, as a
result, her injuries ars more serious tban
ber sister's.
The Rnek Island Wreck.
Lincoln, Neb.. Aug. 11 Coroner Crim
is boldmg an inqueat over those who per
ished in tbe Rjck Island wreck Thursday
night. It is believed only 11 people
were killed outright. ColoDel Bills, the
most important witness examined, stated
he saw a man with a crowbar etandiog
around, but did not know whether he
was white or black. He wi called to
to the police station to see Davis. He
thought be was the man. but was uot
positive. The detectives are perfectly
coDvicced of the guilt of Dayis, and no
one is allowed to see bim.
Yaqui Indians Victorious.
HebM"8illo, Mexico, Aug 11 The
forces of government soldiers tbat were
sent against tbe Yaqui Indians are meet
ing detests in all the attacks tbat bave
been made so far. A courier bas just ar
rived here, bringing news ot an encoun
ter with a detachment of soldiers and a
band of Indians near tbe village of Cbilte
Pines, wbicb reui'ed in 15 soldiers being
tilled and a large number wounded.
Tbe Indians lost about 10 killed Infor
mation as to tbe battle is very meager,
out it is stated that tbe Indians am-'
bushed the soldiers, nud after firing a
volley into their ranks, fled into the
mountains. . -
Knot by a Hobo.
Endicott, Wash , Aug. 11 Word was
received here this afternoon tbat Jsmes
Towe, a farmer of Rock creek, was shot
through tbe lungs and fatally wounded
by a ho no at Winona, about 3 o'clock.
Both men were drinking, and quarreled
over a game of cards . Tbe uflender es
cap-d. Deputy Echo passed here in pur
suit of bim . .
A Chicago nan Arrested.
City of Mexico, Aug. 11 C. R. La
tbrop, of Chicago, wes arrested yester
day and put in prison at tbe instigation
of tbe Mexican D. strict Messenger Com
pany. Tbe arrest is tbe outgrowth of
a row between American and Mexican
stockholders over tbe management of tbe
The Taking of II ueHelda.
Washington. Aua. 11 Acting Sec
retary McAdoo today received . full re
pons by mail ftom Captain- Sumner
commanding tbe cru ser Columbia at
Bluefields. The government does not
feel warranted, at this time, in making
public tbe details of these reports, except
that they show that the T?tcaraguan9
have landed and tak.n possession ol
B uetields, and that they will probably
remain la coutrol of the pUce heiesfter
the opposition to their penuunent occu
pation being considered insignificant by
ttie American naval officers on iha Col
umbia aud MarbUheMl.
A ajulileiy Horror.
Wausaw. Aug 11 Tbe great coal
mines near Dombrowsua Cracdoo bave
been burning siuce yesterday a: ter noon
The fire siarted by the explosion of gs
while the lull lorve was under ground
The main shaft was wrecked. Com pap
utive!y few miners were resaued. The
latest report is 700 men are entombed
nid all hope of saviag them has been
a'tauoned. The mines are owned by tbe
Franco-Italian bank.
An old tto diet's Suicide.
Olympia, Aug. 11 S. Chase, aged
th- ut 65 and a native of Maine, died
lar-t night after taking mo'rpbioo with
suicidal intent. Tbe derer.sed was bb
old soldier, but did not affiiiate witb tbe
Gana Army at the time of bis death.
House Backs Doss.
Washington, Aug. 13 One hour be
fore the lime set for the caucus, Speaker
Crisp was joined in bis private office by
Chairmaa Wilson and Representatives
Turner, McMillin aud Montgomery, the
full membership of the house Democratic
conference committee, and Represeota
live Breckinridge, ol Arkansas, advisory
member for final consultation. Tbe cur
rent ot feeling ainoog the members of the
house teemed to be setting stroDgly' in
favor of accepting the senate bill without
further belay. At 10 o'clock Crisp and
the couferrees file! out of the speaker's
office and took seats in a body. At that
time 153 Democrats were on the floor.
Chairman Wilson took the fluor iiumedi-
tely after roll call. The members
crowded aiouad him, listening intently
to every word. Wilson began witb a re
cital of the difficulties encountered.
which be said, at each step bad been pur
sued wi h an ardent desire to support
with honor the desires of the house to
resist what was regarded as tbe unreason
blea demands ot the senate. He reviewed
the differences in conference on the dis
puted items. He took np each proposi
tion on sugar and sooke of the vast profits
to tbe sugar trust which would result
from many if to'em. He did n t Indulge
in the sharp criticism that was expected
on tbe motives of the senate confeirees.
While Wilson was speaking, word was
passed around tbat tbe conference in tbe
speaker's room bad resulted in decisive
action, and that Speaker Crisp himself
would move tbe house recede and accept
tbe senate lull.
Wilson spoke of tbe fight made by tbe
bouse couferrees for a specific" duty on
sugar on the ground thai under tbe ad
valorem system it would be impossible
to tei, on account of tbe invoice meth
ods, the xact advantage that would ac
crue io ibe sugar trust. He made tbe
remarkable statement tbat he bad been
credibly informed, and believed the su
gar trust, anticipating the enactment of
the senate sugar schedule, bad purchased
$112,000,000 worth of raw sugar. If this
was true, he said, tbe profits accruing to
the trust from this investment on account
of the senate scheauie would be at least
$40,000,000 "The great battle," "said
Wilson, warming, "is between the Amer
ican people and the sugar trust. It is a
battle in which tbe trust has taken tbe
people by tbe throat, and it will never
tnd until we throw off its grip."
There was enthusiastic applause at this.
He proceeded to state ttiat tbe bouse
conferreea bad been willing to concede
almost everything except tbose vital
items of sugar, iron and coal. The sen
ate conferreea bad also seemed willing to
conctde much, but were apparently dom
ina'ed by the knowledge tbat it they
conceded wbat the representatives were
demanding, tbe bill could not pas, and
the agreement would be useless. W'lUou
closed at 11.05 o'clock, hav tg talked
just an hour. Montgomery, McMillia
aud turner corroborated his statements
Crisp followed; he spoke witb much
sp rit, and round slier round of applause
g ree led bis remarks. He spoke of the
critical condition and tbe apparent Deed
to accept the senate bill, and then, if need
be, introduce separate bills for tree sugar,
iron and coal. H said it was "Toe
senate bill or nothing." As long as there
was a separate chance of securing the
cuccess one tbe bouse demanded, he was
lu favor of standing out, but be was sai
l-tied the time bad come wbeu further
insisieuce by the bouse was usele s. He
offered a resolution instructing tbe bouse
couferrees to recede from the disagree
ment, aud Ibe wujSand means committee
to bring in separate free sugar, iron and
coal bills. A burst of applause greeted
the reading of tbe resolution, but half a
dozen irate Democrats were on their feet
demanding recognition, prominent among
them being Cock ran, of New York.
Owing to the lateness of tbe hour, a rule
was adopted limiting further speeches to
five minutes. Tnen Cockran delivered a
vigorous and eloquent speech against sur
rendering to tbe senate. "Better no tir
iff legislation tban ibe senate bill," be
A division on tbe Crisp resolution was
deratcded, so as tojiavt a separate vote
on the first part to recede from the dis
agreement to tbe senate amendments aud
tbe provisions or separate bills The
first part was adopted by a rising vote ol
130 to ai, and the cecoud part wi bout
division. Tbe caucus was adjourned .
Among those who voted against tho res
olulti'Q were tho Louisiana members,
Warner. Strauss, Tracey, Cockran, Covert
and Dunpby, ot New .York; Cooper, of
Indiana, Jobusou of Ohio, Kilgore i.t
Texas and T .raney of Missouri.
Tbe vote on the passage of tbe senate
tariff bill should occur about 0 tbis even
ing. Usee a Mayor. Jlow a frainn
L uisvillk, Ky., Aug. ' 14 J. H.
Bunce, formerly mayor of Louisville, and
for years a member of the city council,
bas turned up as a member of tbe Kelly
industrial army. He is now one
of tbe crowd of vagrants round
Washington. He left bere ten years ago
in good circumstances, and made a for
tune in silver mines in Colorado, His
sons led a dissipated life and cost bim
his all. Then Bunce went to Cl'forDi-i.
where be joined Kelly's army. Friends
hern are making an effort to baye bim
return to Louisville.
The Crafty Chinene-
Shanuhai, Aug 13 There bas been
no cuufirmation of the reported engage-
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. 3. Gov't Report
m v 4 ry
ment between tbe Chinese Pei iang
squadron and the Japanese fleet. Tbe
Chinese fleet seems to bave disappeared.
and their whereabouts is a mystery. Re
port ban it the Chinese war vessels may
shortly be heard from off the Japanese
Gxrltemrnt in Knssia.
St Petersburg. Aug. 13 Consider-1
able excitement has been caused by a
dispatch from London stating it is Great
Brliain's intention to propose hat tbe
powers intervene in Cores with a view of
obtaining the evacuation of tbat country
by Japan and China, and t e eataitlisb
ment of international coitrol It is
stated Russia would preler to allow tbe
war to continue.
Esrtapert Burglar Keeantured
Fresno, Cal Aug. 13 Sheriff Scott
late list night recapturncd John Taylor.
the burglar who escaped from Sheriff
Buckner, of King's county, at the depot
here. A cordon of officers was formed
around the town, and out of tbe 10 men
beld up on the railroad track, Taylor
wm8 the lOtb. He was taken on to San
Qientin tbis morning.
Kil'ed Herself W ith Morphine
El Paso. Tex. Aug. 13 Annie Lip-
pell, aged 32, of Hamilton or Lindoo.
Canada, a domestic, committed suicide
with morphine yesterday. She dressed
in ber grave clothes and was f mnd ready
for burial. She was an uptight, indus-
rions girl and no cause can be assigned
tor tins ber last and most rash deed .
Pullman Employes Me"ktng Work
Chicago, Auf. 13 The gates of the
Pullman Company's plant were besieged
this morning by a host of ttriki'ig em
ployes seeking work. A 9 o'clock the
ire m no found he bad 1784 men. A I
he old employes will get their places
back until a full quota is at work.
Ntnkera' Bail Reduced.
San Francisco, Aug. 13 Tbe strik
ers now lying in the couLty jail aud Ala
meda prison have bad their bail reduced
from $5000 to f 500 and two ot tbem
bave already been released, and tbe bal
ance are to give the required bail today.
Toey denounce thoir incarceration as an
Knox Is full of Business.
Sacramento, Aug. 13 Henry Knox,
ex strike leader, will run for sheriff ol
Yolo county on the populist ticket, and
his friends are confident ot his election.
Knox says be bas signed a contract witb
a Sin Francisco theatrical li in to take a
drama, aud tbat be is to got f 100 per
"Prom tlie Jawa of Death."
Mr. W. J. Hamilton, of tbe Cascades, re
lat s a thrilling experience that happened
there one day last week. His nephew, a
boy about 15 years eld, was at the landing
watching affairs when he saw a boat tied to
the bank and thought h would take a sail
on the river. He did not understand boat
ing very much, aud bis craft was soon drift
ing down to tbe rapids, when the horror
stricseu spec a tors on shore became wild
witb excitement. His father was among
those who were powerless to save the boy
from what appeared to be his impending
fate. Different directions were given him.
One halloed to pull down tail; an tlier to
use his oars and so on; but steadily the
boat was nearing tne treach rous whirl
pools, and human aid was powerless to
avert the awful fate of the lad. The craft
was within ten feet of the impetuous tor
rent and the boy had bade father and
friends good-bye, when the boat, by the
force of its own velocity , was whirled aside
into the eddy and he was saved. A hap
pier throng of people were never seen and
the father wept tears of joy. There were
many old river men present, and tney say
they never witnessed such a thrilling spec
tacle, a-d one that filled them with such
intense feelings as this one.
cattle Thieves Arrested.
A band of hone and oattle thieves form
erly confined their operations to this county ;
but they have begun deprelatiooe else
where, and wa learn from the La G ande
Gazette that Waliowa couuty courts are
making a deterininei fiht" agiiost them.
For many years their predatory operation
have gone on a id as soon as one gang was
broken np another was orgin'Ztd to con
tinue their nefarious work. The principal
business of Wallows countv is stO:k raising,
and the com try is of such a character as to
render it comparatively easy to carry on
oattle thieving. The officers have arrested
fonr suspects and hayn boun I them over to
the nfxt term of circuit ecu t for appear
ance before the grand j'liy. It is thought
these men are members of a band of de
perate and well crganiz :d cattle thieves
who have carried oo extensive operations
tor m iny months and a strtnious effjrt will
be made to fo'liw np the lead arid capture
the entire outfit. Cittle stealing in a coun
try where stock interests are paramount is
hi'd to be almo.t as fligrsnt as murder, and
there is intense feeling against the men now
under arreat.
oar g ia output.
Baker Democrat.
The production of gold this season in
Eastern Oregon is something phenomenal,
and while other sections of thn ountry are
distressed by a scarcity of the circulating
medium here in Baker, Union and Grant
counties, the treasure vaults ot mother
earth are being opened up and the golden
metal is being poured oat in such quanti
ties as to gladden the hearts of every resi
dent of this favored section.
As an example of oar production of gold,
last evening Mr. Ira Sproule, of the Hum
boldt Mining Company near Canyon City,
arr.yed in the city with 213 ounces of gild
dust worth $18 to the ounce whi :h makes
an amount of $1,374. This is the second
cleanup of this company this yea', a former
output brought in last Jane amounting to
215 ounces, or $3,870.
Mr Sproule says the season will last oo
til the fall fre ze up aud another big cleanup
ia yet to come in.
The season of the year when farmers re
alize tbe result of th-(ir labors bas arrived,
and the fields of this and anj lining counties
are full of men busily cutting and garnering
the golden grain. In the fall and sprins
plowing and sowing were done for this end,
and the winter's snow and early rains were
anxiously watched for nourishment for the
sprouting grain. Tnen as the weeks pissed
by the fields were lxik d over to sea in
what condition the crops were; bat harvest
his arrived, and the full beads of grain
mutt fall "before the aha'p aiekla. The -plump
kernels will be sacked and sent to
the markets of the world. Sums lota will
go to feed the ttarying thousands in Cores;
other cargoes will go, perhapt, to China and
f npjn, to five sustenance to the soldiers of
thoie empires, no batlhug for supremacy
in Asia.
Bat a harvest Held in Easto'o Oregon is
different from what it was in the far east.
There a ffing of binder would follow tha
reaping machine, anl tarn the sheave out
is. rapidly as possible. Here two or'm- ra
header are driven throug'i tne graia field,
and the heads are taken immediately to tbe
threshing machine. Bat little stacking will
l dons this season, and suffioient h -aders
are employed to kep the thresher constant
ly in operation. Tnere have been i nprove
tn .-nt in harvesting the ssnis a other em
ployments, and ttisie hsve been to the end
if economizing labor. With the nsi of the
oeader the wheat i more qnickly sacked
than by the old plan of catting, binding, .
stacking and threshing. Bat the work of
tbe farmer I not fiu.ahed until the sacks
are hauled aud store or sold, and tb's will
iccupy his time for tbe next few week or
Cartons Answers.
Tbe Salem Stattuman publishes the follow
ing, which demonstrates the fact tbat even
in that uoiveriiy city there are persons
who are not "read np" on general subjects:
"The oaunty board of examiners' to pass
upon the papers of the applicant for teach
ers certificates finished their labors yester
day, and have the general ay erases yet to
figure out -. They had a big lot of answers
to peruse this time, and q iite a number of
tbem were moat ridiculou displaying ignor
ance on the part of the app'uiut. For in
stance, oo the subjdut of modern history
such responses were given to questions as
follow: Q Name tiree form of govern
ment that existed among the eolonie prior
to the revolution: A. French, E iglish
and Spanish.. Q. ' Whit caused the civri
war: A. Anoexst'oc without retireaents
tion. Q. Iimi two American uoe's: A.
Shakespeare and Byrou. The Pequot and
Sioux war were given as among the battles
of the Frenoh and Indian war. Ten Dyson
and Burui were named as prominent Amer
ican statesmen. The art of printing was
named as an important Atnerioan inven ion.
One of the answer to the question 'what
and where is Lima,' (referring to the oipt
tal of Peru) was that 'it was a large bird
found in the Andes mountain.' Oat of a
possible 100 one papr in modern history
received nine per cent."
Look Like a Clear Case.
Iu' speaking of tbe capture of tbe fonr
young men accused of cattle stesliig be
tween Dayton and Pomeroy, the Pomeroy .
Independent ray:
"There i a elear cue against the prison.
ers, as they had stolen in Asotin ooao'y and
delivered a carload of cattle to John Cnuroh
aud were to help him drive them t the
Gritmau plaoe in this county where they
were at first to be received.
"It now tarns oat that thrre weie about
ten men enjoying the profit of the stealing
of the gang and other will certainly be ar
rested in das time. It ii rumored that a
number ot tbem have left Dayton and
"Puttijohn and Lloyd were taken to
Dayton on Monday, and tbe sheriff of Aso
tin county came dowu oo Taeadty sad took
Taylor np to Aotin to be bound over to the
district oourt. He ha made a confession
implicating about twenty other in various
robberies and thefts."
Heard From.
In Oregon' section at the world's fair at
Chicago last year many three ounoe simple
sack of Oregon Surprise wheat were given
away to visitor from all seotioos of the
United States, and jost now return are be
ginning to some in a to tbe reu't. Fro-s
A. A. Irish, of Cookltn, Mich., eomx a lat
ter to W. H. Sivage, who hid oharga ot
Oregon' agricultural exhibit at tha exnosi
:ioo. Mr. Irish say: "Tee thre pounds
thtee ounce of Oregon Surprise winter
wheat you let me have at the world's fair I
sowed S;ptem icr 10th and harvested July
5 h 112 pound of nice wheat; (thi wheat
remind me very much of the O.d Souls'
heat we railed year ago, which wat the
oest we ever raid.) It (tooled oat well,
.traw e'ein and white, head iqoare and of
d ie length and would have averaged about
43 bu b'ls per aore. I believe it will be a
alu ibie acquisition, I oftea think of the
jleas int hour spent at the world's fair and
always take in tha Oregon exhibit."
A Sprinkle of tiplee.
Proprietor Si you want a vacation,
do yout Why, I baven'c bad one lor
twenty years.
Clerk You've been going away for
month or two every summer since I came
Pooprietor -I know that yery well;
but I bad my wife and six children witb
me, didu't It South Boston Nets:
- Guffy I thought you said yon could
tell ibe past, present aoJ future?
Fortune Teller So I can.
Guffy Yoa must bave known, then,
that I wouldn't pay anything for jour
humbug. Good-by 1 Truth.
"I don't see why yoa bay sacb shock
ing ciears."
"Oh, that's all light. I pet tbem of
old Leafage, who gives me long credit,
you know; and then I get even witb bim
by goiog over and fritting in his shop bo
ne can smell tbe smoke." Daily If etc.
Husband A great scientist nays that
women are lea sensitive to pain tban
Wife I presume it is so. I can suf
fer torments, and go ngbt along with a
smile on my face, while yoa swear and
tear around like mad if yoa bump your
bead wbtle huntiDg a coital buttoo.
Jfem Tor. Weekly.