The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, August 04, 1894, Image 3

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    The Times-MocntaiRetr
AUGUST 4. 1S94
From Wetlne-day's Daily.
Mr. nenry Heppner, of Arlington, is
- In the city.
- the usual monthly calls will be made on
business men.
. Mr. A. H. Jewett, the manager of the
co-operative colony at White Salmon,
Wash., is in the city.
Mrs. L. Nichols and Mrs. A. A. TTrqu
hart are camping in the monntains about
eight miles from Hood Kiver.
Mr. J. F. rJalloran, formerly editor oi
the Auorian, passed through the city tliie
morning en route lo Astoria from tin
east. r
Mr. D. H. Stearns, of Portland, wrs
pitssenger on the train from the east this
morning - He left ou the bout lor Porl
: land
Hon. C. M. Cartwright, of Crook
County, is in the city.
Mr. Wm H. Staats, of Dufur, is in
- town today. He says nearly everyone
in that vicinity is in the harvest field,
saving the grain, which has produced an
: abundant crop.
The'ealmon run is very light, and the
cannery iff-using from four to five tons
daily. The season will end on the luth
of August for a month, and will again
open on the 10th of September.
A farmer from auenusn county wuo
was in town yesterday says bis wheal
crop on one hundred acres will average
thirtv-two bufehe s to the acre. He cal
culated on harrestioe only tivteen bush
els to the acre.
A eirl in El Paso, Illinois, curled her
'. 3iair at an expense of $176,000. She set
"fire to a house in doing so, ,and this
" -.amount of property was destroyed. A
Joss of that kind would curl almost any
one s hair and keep it curled.
There were four arrests made last
night of persons who were drunk and
disorderly. They were brought before
the recorder this morninc. and each was
fined $5. in which amount they-relueed
to replenish the city, but preferred to
work the amount out on the streets.
The success of the state portage road
around the Cascades makes it evident
that the same improvement x-ould be in
autmrated around the obstructions be
tween this city and Celilo, and the next
. -Oregon legislature should pass an appro
priation lor that purpose.
Large qnantities of wool have been
baled in this city during the present
amvnatn tkia Vino luinn oil 1 i-innjl Anat
' in this convenient shape. We have
noticed during the past few days several
loads going to the wharf, which will be
sent to the eastern market dv water.
And now con.eS Judue Bronaugb of
Portland, who fixes the date of the end of
.1 1,1 .1... ......a 1UI1Q 1'1.a
tllC Will IU IVl IUO JGUI 1 lie juukc
has settled some knotty questions in law
' m his time, but our opinion is that be has
now tackled a bigger' rounding ud of
things earthly lb an he has ever passed ou
in court..
Mr. C. S. Miller, of .he Monumental
' mine, writes a column in the Baker City
ZMnoerof of yesterday, explaining his side
t the larceny Dy bailee case tor which
be is under $1000 bonds to answer the
.charge at the circuit court. He claims
that the witnesses gave false testimony
Pelore the magistrate, and that the jus
tice was prejudiced in the matter.
.- A brother of Mrs. Wm. Keyea, of Maiy
ville. died recently at Reiser. Idaho.
worth about half a million dollars, says
. the Fossil Journal. He bequeathed" .all f
his properly lo bis nieces and nephews
-who will each get in the neighborhood Of
11 fiy thousand dollars. Tba property is
' inverted in real estate and a Vveiser hank.
- Mr. Keyes has one son aud three
daughters, all unmnrried.
We received an agreeable call this
morning from Mr. Willis Brown, of Port
land, manager of the Oregon Fruit
Union. He is in the city for the pur-
. pose of seeing what could be done as re
gards snipping a car oi iruit east tnis
week The object of the Union is to ship
fruit direct to de lers in the east, with
out paying any commission to middle
men. -
asro tribe, No. 16, 1. O. R. M., of this
; city, adopted three pale faces into the
tribe at the regular meeting last evening.
'The next council will be held at the
-eighth run tit the sleep of the seventh
- sun, sturgeon moon, at which time the
three recently adopted into tbe tribe will
be raised 10 tne rank oi nuniers, and an
the. chiefs, warriors and braves are earn
Mllv rcmipRtMi In h nresjinl.
With tbe five' new members chosen at
the June election the personnel' of the
state beard of equalization,' which meets
in annual sessiou next December, is as
follows: First district, A. O. AuUlon;
second district, A. U. Woodcock of Eu
gene; third district, 8. D. Gibson ot
Kickreal; fourth district. George K. Wat
kins ol .Portland ; filth district, G. Win
gate ot Astoria; sixth district, W". G
Hunter of Island Citv : seventh district!
IV. O.Mills.
- Frank P. Bogun, of Spokane, has been
appointed chairman ot a commissi n to
examine and recommend a site atr near
Walla, Walla upon which to locaie the
United States penitentiary lor Washing
ton I be other members are Jteceiyer
JJunpby, ot the W alla Walla land office,
and William R. Forrest, of Seattle. The
deficiency appropriation act of March 3,
1H93, appropriated $30,000 for tbe pur
. chase of a sue aud erection of tbe build
ing, and designated Walia Wulla as the
Mr. W. L: Chittenden, who was for
merly clerk in the postotfice in this city
when Mr. J 5. CiObsenwas postmaster,
and also during a portion of Mr. Nolan's
term of office, but who h s lately re
sided at Koslyn. Wash., arrived ' in the
-anttr t.rtia nmrninir. When ltf i To mtia A
; (Jroseen is inducted into tbeofhee, which
. will De as sooii as his bonds are ap
' proved by the author ties at Washing
ton, Mr. Chittenden will again assume
tbe clerkship iu which he has always
given general satisfaction tq the public.
Will McUlure lefl this morning (or Se
attle where be will spend a day or two
visiting his brothers Horace and Walter,
ays the Eugene (Juard. From there'. he
will go directly to Auuapolis, AId.,to take
. tbe September examination for a cadet
ship in Ibe U. S. Naval Academy. He
leceived the appointment two weeks ago
upon the retouimeudalioB of Hon. Biu-
' ger Hermann. .Only one appointment in
allowed for each congress onal district
The course includes lix years instruction,
four in the school and two on board a
naval vessel.
Salem Statesman: That injunction case
against tbe location and erection of the
Eastern Oregon branch insane as.lum,
commenced in the cin-nit court for Mari
on county at the February, 1894, term . is
still on tbe docket of tbe supreme court.
Judge Burnett granted tbe injunction by
reason of not having sulficien time to
examine into tbe case an J with the
understanding that it would be appealed
to the supreme court. ' It was entered
upon the docket for :be March term and
being among tbe cases from the tb!rd dis
trict, it will not be reached until about
the middle of September.
Hugh Medlock, who is now a fugitive
from justice and is wanted by the officers
of Columbia for stealing horses, says the
Walla Walla was formerly well
known in Walla Walla, this being his
borne tor several years. He served a
term in the state penitentiary when John
Justice held the position of warden. The
woman who was seen with him at
Meacham, dressed in male attire, is said
to be a former resident of this city., Her
name is given as Sadie Mallatt. They
are supposed to be in biding in the Blue
mountains between Umatilla and Union
counties, Oregon.
Pendleton is gathering in wool from
he surrounding country, and the W. W.
Union Bays: "tjrant Johnson, of the
Pendleton Scouring Mills, was in the city
Monday miking arrangements to pur
chase and clean Walla Walla wool. He
visited the large Legrow sheep r nch
and was shown the extensive buildings
and accommodation that gentleman has
for his sheep He stated that the Pen
dleton mills have turned out 3,000,003
pounds thus far', and expect to scour
6,000,000 before the season is over." The
Dalles should have two or more of these
mills in operation, as this point is ad
vantageously situated in many regards.
It is close to the producers, and has the
most available means of shipment of any
city in the northwest.
Mr. Hjnry Hudson, ol NamtLe, is in
tbe eity.
Hou. A. R. Lvle, of Crook county, is
the city today.
Pi of. C. L. GiiK-rt of Hood River, arrived
in tbe Of y last mgbt.
Large quantities of wool are being shipped
east by b-iat and by rail.
Goviroor P"nnover anl State Treasurer
lttiehau anived in the city from Portland
on tbe boa i. la t night.
Mr. and Mis E. SchuH 1 ft yesterdav for
a v sit to Cl-b, where tl ey will rtrmiu
orae lime vi.-i ing with rtlttions.
This weather is good for harvesting; bot
with the memory nearly 100 tegr-e in the
ahaae it la not very comfortable.
The election of chief engine r will take
place. on the 6:h instant. We uorlerstaud
that there are several candidates for the
Mr. Wm. Cram, who has spent a fe
days at the springs at Collins' Landing, re
turned last nig-it, feeling much improved
by the short vocation.
The agent of the Pacific Express Co , in
this city, whs forced to work very late laxt
uight on account of the through train tak
og east a targe qiautuy of freight.
Thi re is not much basin as being done in
the justice court these Winn days, ami
p-oijlu txmlit coipiiienriabli xenie in not
disturbing tne temp e of jus ice during the
heated period. - .
A. W. Branner, Wm. Murders and E
OunDe returned last night from a few days'
oiting at Tri ne Like, Wash Tnev hid a
very pleasant trip and enjoyed the recrea
tion very much.
Mountain climbing is a great "fad" now,
but a Hillsb iro party, not ta'isHed with
ii at, are going to tne top of the C scades,
i ar St. Helena an. i cavel alnntg the ridge
to Mt. Rtoirr, which -they will asc-eud.-
There were three pugilists brought befor
he city recorder, tins mdruiug Thev ex--rcised
their miisjle on each other last
eveoii-g. and for a-B'.urbmg the peace of the
-ommauity were ai rested ana placed in
The bath-hf use at Collins' Landing wi 1
ie readv for quests in a tew days The
mediciiibl springs which auppiy the bafha
re well kuon for their healing qualities,
and have a wide reputation as a te.-ort for
Mr. Wm. Oab irne, who has just returned
n m-the vici-o'y i f Mt. A lams, says iher
are fully 100.000 sheep pasturing there
Vuey are erje lent c ludi ion, and art I
n goo I Tox.e flicks are owned in Oregou
ainl Washingt
. The wages of the men emuliyed in the
ham department of Armi nr'o packing hnuae
ere reduced la cents per day today. The,
aked for a le.uro to the old wages, whicn
was refused and they were told that they
might strike if they wao'ed to. It 18 not
nelieved that they will do so, -
Tne war between China aud Japan about
he Island of Cores has attracted luterent
that locality. 1 1 C 'Ov. riatlou with VI
L Newman, a repnitr of the TlMK-3-
v1i UNTAINEKE le.rutd tne fact ihit duriug
1869 De was iu bu-mesx ou the Amour
river he made several v. s ts to Coraa. f)e
is a gentleman of great ii.forinatno, and it
is vtry interesting to spend an hour or more
in conyrsation with bun.
The Solvation army have i-pread a largo
ieut ac IJivton. vin. Ihev have a bras
hand and all the pirapherualia horses.
wagons, small tents to live in, eto or the
canying on of tent meetings. Tnev ho d
meeiingi each night. This branch of tne
army is fri m Portland and Seattle, aud will
k-9 a trip through the valley to the south
ern prt of the state, n 1 will hold' meet
lugs in most of tbe tuwus en route.
Ellenaburg is to have an alwmi'um fac
tury, a company having Deen turin-d, wjth
large c pital. under the laws ot the state of
Washington, to build a factory there for the
purpose or manufacturing aluminum, in its
various forma. It will be a branch of the.
Hirsch company, at Chicigo. They say
hey will put in $100 000 worth of ma
chinery and manufacture on a lirge scale.
A Bik-r City rti-Mia'ch of Angut 1st sav-t
rnclo ia t t ie Biker Cry Na'iiuil bauk
ci"sed this in rniug. Ci-ber Bake states
that the suspension was brought ahout by
tie Chase National bank of New fork ap
plying fuu'ls on depo it to aeainuunt due
on a loan w.thout notice, and an unex -ected
run or deuoaitora wl o were alarmed ov r
the closing of the .Arlington taik, J R
Frick being president of both institutions
I he amount owing to d p ml tors is about
973,000 with bills receivable and securities
reauhiug $160,000. It is confidently ex
pec-ted that business will be resumed within
thirty days.
Tne O. R 4 N. Co's passenger train ar
rive I iu the Utiles from fortlaud Ihout 2
o clock this morning, having m de tbe
throogh trip without tiaaafer. When it
arrived at the bridge west of Hood River
there were 200 men busily employed, and the
work i no', quit-; boished. After wailing
some time the bridge was placed in position.
and the iron horse pissed over with its long
line or cars. I his is tbe brit tram that has
made the trip from P rtlanri to The Dalles
since May 2S.h, and the people of this city
and vuioity will feel gratified in hav ng
through connection by rail with the east
aud west.
H. F. Putnam aud Alex. Fargher. buv-
e-s for the Jraciho Meat .oorouauy. nf
Meeker, Wa-b., were traveling aloug the
road near E-lio on two of Mr. Fargher's
aLoient horses, when they stirted t cross
the river, says thH Has'. Oreaonian. Fr-
ghtr's horse stuinl 1-d and lauoed his rioer
iu the water. Putnam offired to exchange
animals with his comuiuion. and boasted
that a little superior horsemanship would
prevent any such mishap as befei Mr. Far
gher Ou the return trip the old horie re-
eated the stumbling operation and Mr.
Patnan was immersed in the water. He
has done no b lasting of late about skill in
handling horsis. l
Finm Che Biker City Democrat we learn
hat Tuesday evening about 8:30 the quiet
flat pervaded the city, was disturbed hy a
pistol shot and the repcrt that somen had
heen killed. The scene was anon located
and crowds of people that were on or adja
cent to Maiu street rushed to tbe Torrev
-y office on the block in the rear of the
Kentucky liquor store where it was ascer-
oined that Dannie White, a courtesan, had
t. ken. her own life. The'motive that
prompted the uofortun te woman to self,
destruction was insane j alously over her
hu-biud, B P. Torrey, with whom, bnw
e er. she had only lived at intervals, their
cnnuilew quarrels being a harrier to their
coinpiuiunsh.-p for anv length of time
Tne Salem Journal stys: A oumher of
this party, mcludiug Prof Ctmiihpll, Kl Ion
Ha'sey. frof. Hutch-no, Mr. Leai-, Mr,
vlcllvain, S. R Burford, Jr., spent one
night on the summit of the snow-peak,
-leeping in the snow all night. Mrs. Mc
Iivain i the only woman in the world who
has braved the terrors of a night on Mt
Hood. This party excavated a cave in the
mow and slept three abreast, picked like
sardines. The norih wall of 'he cave was
'bout a foot thick and was fluik-d hy a
precipice of anow. At aunriee tbe temnera
ture n the sumit was 26 grees, or six be
low freezing. All aptnt the ight comfort
ably and slept some. The experience was
a novel one, the entire party witnessing the
sunrise and sunset from the peak.
Albanv Berald: Receiver C'ark, of th"
Oregon Pacific, reports that during his trip
to the flint a man rane o i the Mtio at
Na ara with between 50C0 and 10 000 em
bryo salmon and salmon eggs taken from
'he tish he had killed at the narrows at
that point. He said th dam the mdling
company had there is entirely washed oat,
yet the salmon cannot get np farther to tbe
160 miles of good breening itronnd above on
account of he timber j m in tbe narrows.
He made $3 Friday nignt, selling his fish at
Bye acuta per pound, and $4 the day before.
I' seems irom this that high .water in the
O iiomhia has he'ped some ffsh to get into
t ie Willamttce. . -
From Thursday s Daily.
Cotle tion day.
Joe hated term till cpntJoaef.
From Friday's Dally. .
Large quan'iti a of wool are being shipped
east both by rail and by boat.
The afternoon mixed tram arrived in the
city from Purtlind at 4 e'e ock this afur
noon. ;
Regular monthly meeting of the common
ouncil will be bed in their chambers this
Mrs A. Wyudham is quite sick at her
residence in this city. She has the symp
toms of brain fever.
Freight and passonicer trains to and from
Portland, airive anl depirt on time. The
Dalles is onee more in totioh with civiliza
tion. We learn that the wages of section men
ou i he line of the railroad in this vicinity
ave been reduced 10 per cent since the
Tbe election of chief engineer will take
ploe in ibis city on the 6 h m-t ot We
understand there are several candidates fcr
the position.
Forest fires have began their devastation
of the timber in tha state, and. as a coose
qu nee the sir is filled with smoke and tbe
landscape obieuri d.
Mr. Geo. Hardy, formerly operator at tbe
W. U. T. Co.'s office, and now residing in
Portland, left this mtruing after a few days'
Visit to friends in this city.
Hall's Veget hie Sicilian Hair Re-'ewer
has restored gr y hair to its original color
and preve ted baldness in thousands
cases It will do so to ou. ' . -
Mts J. Juker. who was a resident of The
DiHe-i from 1862 until after the September
tire ot IbHl. but who has resided in fort
aud sine, that time, is in the cty viaitior
Iri nds.
ITour arrests were made by the oity mar
shal last night, a id thU m irning the re
corder discharged two, and the others were
hi ed (a, which they wilLwork out on the
A private dispatch received f'om Wa-h
initt jn yesterday states that R V C x, o
Peudleton, has been appointed by r-oinptrol
er E-Kles r ceiver of the suspended First
Natiuoal bank at Arlington, Oregon.
There will be fully 2.000.000 bushels of
grain harvested in Sherman county this sea
sO i, ana at a fair price farmers will bi sup
plied with aumcteot of the "tilthy lucre" to
make themselves clear with the world.
We received an agreeable call today fro
J. W Armawortbv, tditor of Wasco New
He says nearly every person in Snennai
county is in the hanot tieid, an I are gath
ering tha most bountiful crops iu the history
of ti e ci untry
Daring these warm eveni"g Mill Creek
ira conyeoien place for bathing, and very
many ot our bovs eniiy this luxury. It is
beait-itnl and invigoi-atiug and no pers -i
has any teason to object if proper precau
tions ase used bv the participants.
Ii is doubtful whether Messrs. Walker &
Giooelt will rebuild their distillery a
Great, if an eligible location is offered else-
here. 1 his is an opportunity Ine Uali
should not miss of securing a factor that
won d tend lare y to develop our resources
Ayer's Ague Cure never fa la to ne tral-
ize tbe poisous of malaria and eradicate
them from the system. This preparation
is pur ly vegeta le, contains no harmful in
gredients, aud, if taken according to direc
tions, is w arrauted to cure lever and ague
try it .
Albany Herald: Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Hoohsted'er will leave iu a few days for
Washington, D. C, where they go as su
preme represent -tive of the Or gon Kn ghts
ot Pythias and Pythian Stile s. . lua su
preine Indue will convene in Washington on
August 2s,
V bat causes bad - dreams is a question
that has never been satisfact inly answered
bat, in nine cases out o ten, frightful
dreams are the reaul of imperfect diges
tion, which a few doses of Ayer's Sara p-
arilla will effectually remedy. - Don't delay
try it today.
The sheepmen in the vicinity of Cimas
Prairie will give a grand ball tonight at
that place, to whuh they have invited all
thH neighboring farmers. We are informed
that this will be tie graodent aft nr ever
given in that locality, and a large attend
ten auce is expected.
Tr.ern ia a movement on foot to ininre the
O R. & N. Co. to re-establish tbe shops in
his city. A puhlio meeting should be hel-i
and a committee appointed to upon wait Mr.
Mi Neil, the manager. By a united effm
now tbe city might be impelled forward On
the road to prosperity.
Mr. Jolius M. Baldwin and Mr. A.
French, two typos win formerly held cats
in this try, walked intq the TiHBS-VloUN-TAINEE8
o iCk this morning. Mr. Baldwin
i e of the 'pi-ees of the Walla Walla
Union, and Mr. Freooh is foremin of tbe
Diytou Chronicle The boys are on a
short vacation from business.
A Spokane special from Kalso, B C, says
the losses so far rep r"ei from the awful
lorest fires raging through the mountains of
that section aggregate about $123,000. The
people of Si can district are It ft destitute,
without shelter or food. Three small towns
m tne lumber district, Tnree Forks, Wat
son and Bear Like were destroyed. It is
thought several people were burned to
death. Th:re ii much safTjnng and relief
parties have been sent out.
A cb of as-ault and battery war tried
efore Recorder Dufur t is morning, in
which thi complaining witness allege ! th t
while sitting Oi the siriawalg last nitfht he
was struck h tne defendant. In mitigation
the defence the defendant allege-! that
the complainant used ve y abusive language
towards him, which p-ovoked fcim to ai g r.
Uonsirlering the circumstances tbe recorder
imposed the lowest tine in the ordinance.
$10 which the defendant paid and was re
leased from custody.
An exeha ge has this about oar governor!
"Thev sav G ivernor Penoover carries par
dons signed in blank and that a abort time
ago when a stranger in a crowd trod . in a
feeling manner on a pet bunion that the
governor brought with him from old Miss
ouri away back in the forties, and politely
asked tbe governors pmlon, his excellency
tnrast into tne onender s n d large of-
bclal envelope which being opened was
tound t contain- an official pardon, signed
lo blank by his Populist nibs, under , the
gieat seal ot tbe state."
Articles of inoorporation 'of The . Dalles
Canniug Co , were filed with the county
cl-rk today. Tbe business of the corpora
tion is the eannmg and preservation of all
kinds of meats, fi h, fruits and vegetab es,
aud its location Tne Dilles Oregon. Amount
of capital stock is $10,000, divided in
two hundred shares of tbe par yalue of
fifty dollars each. Tbe names of the incor
porators are E. C. Phirmac, H. H Camp
hell, W. Ifc. Corson, W. H. Taylor, H.
G eun, H. J, Maier, Q. Y. Bolton, C. W.
Dietzel, Hugh Cnrismao and G. W. Row
lard. '
R. A. D zier, nf tbe Pacific Coast Eleva
tor company, Adama, was in town this
morning, says the Want Oregoman, and said
nf the wheat market: Wnde tbeie are
causes at work which may lower the price
of wheat from the present hnre. I am
quite positive there are sufficiently strong
influences at work on the other side to brine
it op to a fair mirk. I would say that 37 J
otnti is about what oan be surely expected.
and it won d he no cause for surprise to mt
were the market to g) later to 50. As yet
all is nece-sirily speculation ia naming
provable prices.
Following is crop-weather bulletin, No.
18, of the Oregon state weather service,
for tbe week ending Monday, July 30, '94,
by B. S. Pague, local forecast official: .
Weather Tne temperature averaged
slightly cooler than the "normal. No pre
cipitation occu red. Cionrly weather pre
vailed during the first portion of tbe week.
The sunshine was about an average.
Crop-i lo the Columbia river valley har
vest of fall town grain bas become general.
There is scarcely enough machinery in tbe
country to handle the crop. Grain was not
injured a muoh b the fly as was first an
ticipated. All graio is maturing rapi lly,
due to the warm wtather of the preyiou
week. Tne warm weather burnt some late
grain causing it to shrivel. The reports re
ceived this week are very encouraging. The
beads of grain are reported well filled.
There is a ytry heavy grain crop in Wasco
county. A lair yield of godd quality may
be expected. Some threshers are running
with the headers, which is a new method in
the art of ban Uing the grain crop in Ore
goo. Barley will be of excellent quality.
Haying is practically over with a large crop
secured, condition excellent. Hops are do
ing nicely and pjtatoea are a medium crop
T.iere will be a hght crop of Hood Riyei
peaches. Blackberries are ripe and abund
In the interior and eisfrn counties tbe
btrveat of falling wheat and barley has
eommenc a. ine weatner nas oeen iavor-
able for the maturing of all grain and hay
... . i . , . . i i
crops. Wild nay is Deirg cut, sou atacaeu
as rapidly as possible. Tbe yield is an
average. Wheat is filling well; no indica
tions of damage by the grain aphis is
noticeable. Some rnst is observed in the
grain, bat not enough to do serious injury.
Some farmers have out the second crop of
a'falfa. Vegetables are doing well . There
is plenty of water for irrigation.
malting; Errors.
All newspapers and books are full of
... 1 . . ..1.4
errors. It can't oe neipeu. uoe
think, though, that school hooks would
be. correct. See how far '.hey are from it.
The Pope Manufacturing Company sent
out an offer to the young people of the
United States, of five bicycles as prizes
for those discovering the greatest number
of errors in text books published In this
country. As a result of the contest, from
162 critics 5360 alleged errors were
pointed out, 73 admitted by the judges
as real errors, 3114 rejected, and 1573 not
considered. Tbe prizes went to six per
sons, all gentlemen, and residing respect
ively in New Jersey, Kentucky, Pennsyl-
... .. . J T - 1-1.
vania is), Massachusetts anu jowa. iuc
order given indicates the order of preced
ence from highest number of errors din
covered to lowest, and the range was 23
to 25. Tbe two la?t were ties, and the
Pope, company to mase it satisfactory
gave each one a bicycle,, making six lq
all. When all returns were in the pub
lishers of the text-hooks were notified and
in nearly every instance changed tbe
plates from which the books were printed.
No disputed historical point, no differ
ence ot opinion, po- typographical error
was admitted to figure in the contest.
visit The Dallet, may be of interest to our
"A stress fak;r appeared on the streets
Tuesday I'ight.and after attracting a crowd,
proceeded to stick bi oaelf full of pins and
to ! nn with water, tiding the crowd with
wild at the same time be poured the 25
olasaea of water down bis throat. After
sticking sundry and various pins thfouub
his ears, cheeks, lip and into his arms, he
sewed his lips together and proceeded to
take ud a collection, which returned him
only $1 60. at which he became mad and
refused to inflict farther punishment upon
himself till the hat should contain $5. As
his audience was not interested, to that ex
tent he palled his pegs and left for green
, Tbe BroiHer Jonathan
Gal-i Btash OaZstte
Jim McLaughlin, 'Vur Jim" the cham
pion diver and the boss yarn apinner and
Chinook seiner, has arrived in Crescent
City and will do tbe submarine act in
searching the wreck recently dtscoveied
there, and which is supposed to be the
Brother JonaJuin. Jim will scoa settle
the question for the discoverers, and we
hope it will prove tbe vessel wanted. J. N
Macy, of this pi tee, says, however, that the j
vessel found is one of several schooners
wrecked in that vicinity in early days
Macy Was a whale hunter there in early
days, and was at Crescent City when the
Jonathan was wrecked, and is positive the
Jonathan was further off shore when
wrecked. However, now that the diver is
here, the question of whit the discovery ia
will soon be settled.
For Years5
Says Caerix B. Stockwbll. of Chester
Held, N. H.. "I was afflicted with an
extremely severe pain In the lower part of
the chest Tbe feeling was as if a ton
weight was laid
on a spot the size
of my band. Dur
ing the attacks, the
perspiration would
stand In drops on
my face, and it was
I agony for me to
'make sufficient
effort even to whis
per. They came
suddenly, at any
hour of tbe day or
night, tasting from
thirty minutes to
hall t day. leaving as suddenly; but, tot
several days after. I was quit pros- N
trated and sore. Sometimes tbe attacks
were almost dally, then less frequent After
about four years of this suffering, I was
taken down with bilious typhoid fever, and
when I began to recover, I bad the worst
attack of my old trouble I ever erpertenced.
At the first of the fever, my mother gave
me Ayer's Pills, my doctor reeommendlna . '
them as being better than anything be
could prepare. X continued taking these
Fills, and so great was tbe benefit derived
that during nearly thirty years I have baa
but one attack ot my former trouble, whicn
yielded readily to tbe same remedy."
Prepared by Pr. J. C. Ayer B; Co., Lowell. Ifass,
Every Dose Effective
pfe.-inct. in le?s quantities than eo gallon tat in
period of one f -aur;
Wm Cav
H D Parkins
Wm McKturie
A 1 Knightly
. P Ash
B B ack
A B Olszier
Chas Olsen
P W Nettick
Carl J K Carlson
John Trana
Peter T ana
Kenneth McKenils
Geo S henry
P Paula n
Tahn Ne aon
Dr C J Camtlana .
Profe-sor 1 C U FarrU
Tnos Scully
I Nordstram
T W Lewis
W A Calan
Dtur Nilsun
O BLra
Jack Amelia
J WM .rah bank
U A Losvens
Mapa We eh
use MuCarv
1 a Mcliooeuxb
K 8 Aldrich
i E Sorbin '
Thomas Williams
K A Allwick
Alex Watt
8 J Dryder
Ol trier Klsary
ti irrT r Krorar
8 U Irersoa
AM Barrett
r.KsrriTT1 w trr-.-z -TV-.
A. al -y
Thos Edxecoab
A FColis
O Bricks m
John Teison
Thomas W Bidder
JF Stout
F Douglas
(No. of Sank, SUL
at The Dalles, In the Stat) of Oregon, at the close of
. business, Julr 18, ISM.
Loans and discounts 78,978 69
iiveraraits securea ana unsecured. 2,231 17
t . -. Bonds to secure circulation 12,500 01
Premiums on U. S. bonds 1.600 00
Stocks, Securities, eto. 6 663 46
Banking- house, furnitnre, and fixtures.. 1,681 r-5
uue from national Bank (not reserve
sirent )
tue from Mate Banks and Rankers
Due from approved reserve sirenta
Checks and other cash items
Notes of other National Banks
Fractional paper curency, nickels, and
Redemption fund wltn V a. Treasurer (a
per cent, of circulation). .'
iW2I;t'JtlRr,H.Ai,TTHlNla,NEKDEr KR0M AN ONDKRrAKER as obesp as can be piorldsd
from any one that does not batons- to the Aswciation, and I bar, a betw claw ot eaoda. H.Tirur
en the necessary courts of inatratiun in .mhiimi,, i . .., i ........ j r.?..7r. -.-....i
to the business. ' i 1- yoiviuu
PLACE OF BI.'BIMFSS rwnr nf Thlrrt .na w. ..!..-. . utx..r.nnn .
and Wadungtoo streets. All . er. prompUy .Vtded ia.
WM. MICHELL, Dodertaier and Embaker
6,014 73
1.231 24
XfA 14
2.081 22
106 00
10 06
22,182 60
582 60
Second St. THE DALLES, Or.
JHust Advertise.
A man may liny,
And a man may lie,
Add a man may puff aud blow;
Bat lie can't get trade
By sitting; in the shade.
Waiting for business to grow.
No Hope ot Having Han to.
Paris, Aug. 1 M. Dubroniil, who will
conduct the defense for Santo, the mur
derer of President Carnot, visited his
client in tbe Lyons prison today. Subse
quently be said that he did not have ibe
slightest hope of saving Santo's head.
The Krief and resentment ;n Lvona, be
added, were strong that it was foolish
to ( iptct a local jury even to find exien
uating circumstaoci s. M Dubroniil re
gards Santo as mentally no balanced, al
though not sufficently so as to. render
him irresponsible. . ..
" Application, Lr Liquor License.
Cascass Locks. Falls Prscikct,
Wasco County,
- mate ot Oregon.
1 Lewis and D. Nelson of siid precinct and
county, wi 1, on the Sa day of September, 18M,
apply to the County t.'ourt nl the a-ore-uamed
county for license to sell spi. ituous, malt and rin
ous liquors in less quantities than one irallon.
Falla Precinct, Wasco County, State of Oreron.
Jnly 22, 1894.
- Cascadi Locks, Falls Pasnxcr
Wasco County, State of Oregon.
To the Honorable County Court of Wasco County.
We, the undersigned taxpayers and leg! voters of
vans j-recioct, county ana state aioresaid, respect
fully petition your hoo-irable no .rt to grant a li
cense to T. W: Lewis and o. Ntlsnn to sell spiritu
ous, vinous and malt 1 quors at the town of Cascade
Locks said precinct, in less quantities than one
gallon f-.-r the period of one rear:
Total $136,oeo M
Capital stock paid in t 50,000 00
surplus tuna jz,uuu ou
uniuviuea pronta less expenses ana taxes
paid 6.660 44
National Bank notes outstanding 10-80 00
Due to other National Banks 110 00 I
Individual deposits subject to check. .... 88,646 17
Demand certificates of deposit 17 801 93
Total 8138.006 64
State of Oregon 1
County of Wasco
I, J. M. Patterson, Cashier of the above-named
bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement
is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
J. 11. Pattsrsos, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day
Notary Public for Oregon
Correct Attest : J. 8. Scbksck, )
En. M. WiLuaaa, Directors.
- Oao. A. l iKBS, 1
The Oro Kno Wine Eooms
Best Grade California Wm and Brandies io the City
Dots f War Lieaed.
LoND 'N, Aug. 1 A dispatch jast re
ceived says Japan made a formal decla
ration of war upon China today. ord
K mbly, upon receipt of notice from the
Japanese minister that war bad been de
clared, wired all the British represeDta
tives abroad to warn the captains oi mer
chant vessels of tbe fact In order that
they might form their cargoes accord'
ingiy. Any contraband ws re comprised
in tbe cargoes will be bandied at tbe
risk ol the owners of tbe vessels
Q lite a destructive fire broke eut at
about 10 o'clock Wednesday nioroinir, in
t .e so th end of Harm in Me'zztr'a wool
and hide frame warehouse, ou Fruat street,
between Salmon and Main. Tile- tinder
material of tbe structure was very dry, and
before the department was even apprised ot
the fire, the 8 me-i had spread very rapidly
and began In king up the rqually inSmitna
hle warehouse i f Biasioger 4 Co., a-ijomiog
Me'z.'er's on the north Tne amount ot
stock contained in the warehouse was con
8iterble and is a total loss, as nearly every
Ound of woo1, tallow and hldea-wrre swal-y'
lowed by the Haturs, saya the Ort'jonuxn,
Dr. Wallace" ot the Conirreiratiora.1
church of Pur; land, attacked a particular
theatrical performance at the Marquain ana
a couple ot tne actors personally, m a feo
satioual manner that has stirred up the
public. Oue correspondent anawennfr the
seroinp, emnng olhiT things ssys; Ah I Mr
A'allacR, the Chriftianity of today is far
dirfdient from what it wa.s when I was a
boy. Then the preacher was looked upon
aa a goo t, loving man, whise look, word or
act was love and tenderness, who nev-r had
a harsh word f- r anyone. A genial soul he
was. Ab, met how the world is changiugl
Politiciaas occupy the "temul- of God" and
sensationalism is ssbstitqted for religion.
Silem Statesman: At the state-peniten
tiary brick yard Burton Bro. are burning
f ,r the several state institutions perhaps the
largest aim oi orioc eva . curnexl la this
section of the state Iter nsista of twenty
st-yen arohes and ooutam between aiz and
seven hundred thousand briok. These will
he'nserl in the Construction of tbe new wing
at the state prison, it. the mute acboiri
building and at the reform school. The
ki o was fire 1 on Thursday of last week and
rt will ri quire eight days burning to com
plete ti e work. Ab'iut 200 cords of wood
will be consumed io tbe operation,
Arlington Record: Last Friday Mr.
IJhaoibeilaiD ot Kl cki'at was on hia way to
Arlington with a load ol trait when bis
horses became frightened aad broke looe
from the wagon, and ran with such speed
rhat when tev came to tbe rimrock thev
could not stop, but went headlong oyer, fal
liug some hftv or one hundred feet on the
rocks below. M-. Cnara erlaio followed up
and got his h rieea His team wss hilled
n-t'autlv by tbe tall, pieces of borifle-h
hi ing spattered for fifty yards arou'id on
the rocks. He secured another r-pan o
horses and came on to Arlington hi
frait. He brought the first ripe peaohes of
tbe season.
Condon Globe: Flatterirg reports are
brought us from all "e: tions regarding the
best p'O pcts. At jio time within the
memr.rv o the olli-Bt inhabitant nave they
betn hrighter than- they are this year in
Eastern Ureg-io. Fifty o m t wheat this fall
would inaneu ate an era of prospri'v on-
equaled by anv we have ben fayored with
in the paat. Tbe large acreage in this sec
tion, and tbe magnificent yield promised.
ill make the output much greater than it
bas been in previous years, and. of course.
the rsturns will be eorre.-pondingly greater.
Oir people have no canse to deoond.
Prosperous sbove the mot favored seo tions
of ti-oitil.ia d woild, and endowed with
the blowing of good health, wbat more caa
be desired? " . ' '
Wrdded at Koon.
Charles H. Carier, esq., aud Miss Grace
Evans were married at noon yesterday
at the Church of the Redeemer, Rev VV.
B Potwiue perfortninar . tbe cremony,
using Ibe marriage service of the Episco
pal church, Mr. Richard T. 3ox acting as
best man. 1 he bride looked handsome ia
robe of Bengallne silk, with picture hat.
Immediately after the ceremony tbe
bridal party .partook ot a wedding break
fast at the. borne of Mrs. E- P- Marshall,
a sister of the bride, on Water street. Dr.
and Mrs. JS. C. Carier, of Vancouver Bar
racks, were the only guests present from
abroad. ' '
Mr. Carter stands high professionally
and in social circles. Miss Evans was
one ot Pendleton's most accomplished
young ladies, and a general favorite.
Many friends extend sincere congratula
tions. Tbe newly married couple will
make their home in a beautiful residence
ou Vincent street, between Court and
Uew is -Pendleton Tribune.
Tbe bride was formerly a resident of
this city, and wll known to all old citi
zens, who will extend congratulations to
the contracting parlies.
SI iBlaters) a aid Consul Bec-illeel.
London, Aug 1 Private dispatches
say that Japan has closed her legation
in Peking and recalled ber minister and
all ber consqls from China.
SjiAHGHAr, Aug. 3-12:30 it. x In
const-qnence of the declaration of war
qpon China, proclaimed by Jsoac jester
riay, the Japanese tnioiser will leave for
Tokio tomorrow.' The Japanese flag was
hauled down from tbe consulate here to
W ACJrin
JO Melia
O Williams
Tim Brennan
L Weaver
E Scranton
W E Duffer
D Hunter
J W M iron bank -J
James Kenney
W C Jehnnton
Peter Trana
I Nordstram
A FMclntlre
Thos Manion
H 1) Parnins
W T Bauer
4 J Mcauly
J MM Isaac
W McLennon
ausu-t Engestrom
A J Kn ghtlv
Ausrust Peterson
A 0 Hall
P bhsringer
A F CoilTs .
A K Durr
Harvey W Kroger
r rj mirna
D LCates
HA Leavens
A B Oiasier
J H McDonouth
EP Art
Ii M Iyerson
Abel Thoriq
K Ij Waspaaa
J A Maedoaald
Gov Oray
Pat McLany
Wm McKenile
James Clark
Andy Kelber
WHO er
A J Jaeger
J C Murphy
FT Burckman
John Cam pall
Geo 8 Henry .
Chas Malandev
t; fa jaiuer
A B Andrews
D J Honney
W R Hunt
W B Hergaton
Hike Onnion
8am Heedry
Knbt Mills
K L Aldri. h
, W JQ rdon
W M Kraine
Krick Nelaon
August Fnneliua
Chirles G Brou
8 J Devden
Swan Peterson
' William Bennett
C O Hickok
Cart J K Carlson
Cbas Gray
John 'ibiesen
J E Sorbin
Oeo McCauley
Duncan Chalmers
J F Shannon
C D Merwin
H E Wiley
(sal Morin
Joseph Hhank
Moab Koubx
Wike 8isk v
J 1 Hobertaen
$ r Murphy
B P 8kaadin
A H Parnell
E G Haiilod
Patrick Walsh
T 8outea
J F Dalv
D8 McKay
L A Grant
Dan Keeder
J F. Btqut
William Houtts
Andrew Larsen
If T Riiug
William Gourly
Thos J Kelly
r aionott
J Dl
public ftovicjLoirr.
the U. 8. land ottlce at .The Dalles. Oregon, to
I. E Pritt May 7. 1891, for 8Wi of 8ee 85, Two 1,
N of R 16 kis 1 and i and 8U NKU of S- K
Twp 16, of K IS I, has been lost or mislaid and has
not been recorded or transferred to any one. My
right, title and interest remain the same as when
received, aad that on the Sd d iy of September, 1881,
will apply at the V a) Land office at Ibe Dalles tor
repayment, L. E. PaATT.
!LN"o. 90 Second door from
the corner of Court Street . . .
The New Umatilla House,
Northeast Cor Second and Court Streets, The Dalles
SINNOTT & FISH. Proprietors
The BEST of XXTi
and arJ. .
Always on Sale
Brewery Beer on
I Lnndll
A W Vause
John F Trana
Application- far Liipr License.
for tbe Werld M Take Metlee.
Tokio, Aag. 11 be Japanese govern
ment bas lofurmed a representative of tbe
foreign powers bere that a state of war
exists between Japan and China. This
is regarded as equivalent to a declare
tion of War.
Dafar CorreBp mdence.
. Dufctk, Auut 1. 1894.
Editor Tints Moontaimse:
AiKUt came to u-' with its usual warm
and sultry days, but we hope that it will
prove as nice as July, for although the tern
peia'ure waa quite high during that mouth,
very little damage was done to tbe crops.
If everything continues favorahle the farm
ers will gather a bjuntiful harvest. '
A Dumber of those who delight in tjie
art of terpsiohore met at the ball Saturday
evening.' Tne pleasant houra- passed so
swiftly that all were filled with regret when
the miitnight chimes bid them remember it
waa tbe gabbatb. .
Sunday a very interesting game of base
ball was played ttween- the nine of Dufur
and that of Tygh Valley. The Ioudcheerr
iug ot the Dufurites when " their favorite
Dine were on the road to victory reminded
one of tbe delight of suitano.
Dufur is ever smiling in the beams of a
summer sun, notwithstanding the dark
clouds that hover over us when we gsze on
tbe vacant places once filled by dear ooa so
popular in onr circles bnt who recently pie
ceeded us to that nokuowo. ' K L.
Several Beautiful Upright j
Pianos, Different Grades.
I now offerfor sale all my new and
second band pianos at a great sacrifice,
regardless of cost Twenty-five dollars
cash at time of purchase, and on install
ments of f 10 per .month. For cash 0 per
cent discount. AH ian oa are marked in
plain figures, and, as b,aye but 4 few of
them, they will sell fast at the price
ottered; therefore, if you want one of I
these fine instruments do not delay, but
call early Monday morning, August 6th,
at I. C. Nicknlsen's Music and Book
more, Mecond btreet. This sale, com
mencing on that date, is instituted tor tbe
purpose of making room for new styles,
and to raise money to purchase fall and
winter goods. The sale, therefore, will
continue till all are sold.
Cascade Locks, Falls Pkicirct,
Wasco County,
State of Oregon. ,
Williams of said precinct and county. wilL on
the 3d day of September, 1884, apply to the County
Court of the a bore-named countv for license to seil
pirituoua, malt and vinous liquors in leas quanti
ties loan one-gaiion.
Falles Precinct, Wasco Canity, 8tate of Oregon,
stay zz, xova.
Case ads Locks, Falls FkicIxct,
Wss, o Countv. State of Oram.
To the Honorable Countv Court of Wasco County,
We, the nndershraed taxpayers axd leva! voters of
Falls Precinct, county and state aforesaid, respect
fully petition your honorable court te erant a li
cense t" T. H Williams to sell spirituous, vinous
and malt liquors at the town of Cascade Lo as, said
precinct, in less quantities than one g-alloa for tne
period of one jean
. KAHaa. " Nams.
Duncan Chalmers H E Wiley
James Clark William Crabb
Harry Gray Oeo Oray
James mattery w Lynch
LComfui Cbas Merwin
WC Johnston Andy Keleber
D LCates W M Larsin .
C F Kershaw J If Mclsaae
Nick Weoer Tim Breooan
John W Haley Zoel uarnes
U'W 9ergmaa Fred T Burckman
A M Barrett - M or (ran Williams '
M Fiturerakl Thos Manion
Isalstoiin DSLowney
A J Jordan T W Lewis
1) 8 McKay C B Loll
Tbos J Kelly W A Cat ran
Wm Cjlelta Ana Nelson
JPnluvan HDPeikins
Tom Boully D Cnnninrham
Wm McKenlie Wiiuam Thomas
W Day Wm'..ycook
A E barAnt F Paulsen
Ed Eyr .iner Willpun Gourley
F McDjuald John Watkina
Patrick oulliran E Black
Patrick K. liners E P Ash
K 8 Aldrich C A Stewart
University of Oregon!
Next session begins September 17, 1(94.
Tuition, fiee. Bo.rd, 83 50 a week
Eiva courses -ClaaalcaL ScntiSc I.ltrrr sM
fflish a-id business.
DORMI WRY The boardinR- hall for young- ladies
and the boa ding- hall for young gentlemen will be
under the personal supervision ot Mrs. Munra, a
iaay of reunemeot and large experience.
jot catalogues soqress
J. J. WALTON, Secy Retsnta.
northern Pac.
... Is the tins to take
rr - A
Free Bus to'and from
Fire Proof Safe for the Safety .of
Itibbinar Rates.
. The regular subscription v of the
Times-Mocntainebr is f'2, at! In regular
anbscriptioc price of the weekly Oregonian
is $1.50. Anyonesnbscnbiojf for the weekly
Times-MorNTAiKKKR and paj mg or e year
in advance, c in f?et both the TlMKS
M OUNTAINEXB and tbe weekly Oretoniam
for fi 60. All old subscribers payioif their
subscriptions for oue year in advance will
be entitled to tbe same offer.
A Mew Arrancement
P. F. Sieuger, of Burn. Barney eonnty,
who left for the east recently in compaoy
with T. A. McKinnoo, taking a band of
horses tor shipment, writes from Cheyenne
that they are that far on the road, says tbe
Baker City Democrat. They tva shipping
to the Nawcastle, Ind. market. The east
era borse Dayers recognize tne value ol
Eastern Oregon horses now, and make an
inducement to ship them. Now an Eastern
Oregon nas may drive bis horses to tbe
railroad and abip them in care of an eastern
commission merchant and have all the ex
pense of shipment paid to their destination.
Then, if tbe markets are not as represented.
the horsemen may ship to other points and
have no coct of ahipping to pay. Ia other
words the borse commission men will yir
tnally guarantee the slipper of Eastern
Oregon the sale of his horses at a reaaonable
figure. before shipping. And this is as it
hould be.
Tplie Reform School.
Salem Journal: - Complainta are again
rife about tbe reform school manage
ment, and objections are made that Bry
ant is really installed again as disciplin
arian, ana tbat lua removal was only a
sham. This was denied in these col
umns By his resignation he confessed
that the charges made against him were
true in part at least. The writer saw
Mr. Bryant in charge of a recently es
caped boy an i return him to the school
in the presence of Mr. McElroy, The
management should not be guilty of
fooling the people in thia manner. The
public has been very lenient but cannot
always remain so, Mr. Bryant is not
considered a man of proper disposition
to have any control over these boyt.
A Peculiar Fakir.
As this is tbe season for street fakirs to
delude (he publio and make an easy livi'n,
tbe following frjm the Oregon City Enter:
prise ot the psonliar antiosof one who is
making a tour of the state and will likely j
Boys' aad (.iris AM Society.
Boys may be had (and sometime- girls)
(l)or ordinary seryioe at wages; (2) upon
indenture, fto work, attend school, and be
brought np somewhat as yonr own: and
(3) children may be bad for legal adoption.
Address, J. H. Misener, Superintendent
Oregon Boys' and Oirla' Aid society, Port
and, Oregon. ,
An Old anu Wbmx-Txikd Bjumdt
Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup baa been
nsed for over fifty jeaxr by millions of
mothers tor their children while teething
with perfect ausoeaa, ft soothes tie child,
softens 'the gums, allays all pain, cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy foi
diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold
by all druggiata in every part of tbe world.
t wenty bve cents a n-;n. its value I
incalculable. Be s r- l ask tor Mrs.
Winslow's Soothinz ;-np, and take na
other kinr. .
. Firemen Attention.
The annual electi :i ir tbe chief and as-sistaot-ohief
engineer oi the fire depart
ment ol our city will b he'd in Jackson
Engine House, Third street, cn Monday,
Auitust 6, 1894. Polls will be open be
tween the hours of 5 and 7 P- V- Alt ac
tive firemen in good standing are qualified
to vote.
V J. p. MclNIRHr,
Chairman of fire Board. .
Locbhead. -eretary.
W. H.
Th- O R 4 N. Co. are now prepared to
hand'e thrwugh eastern business from this
Bta'ioo, trains leaving Dalles (Un-atilla
House) at 7 A. at, daily. D. P. A. N. Co.
boat leaving for Portland at 0 A. M. daily
except Sunday and will honor this oom-
pnny's tickets. E- E. Lytlx.
. A sailboat for ;AbfuU -ten -days Inquire
at this office.
We now have a large f striotly
dry fir wood for family nae for sale at the.
lowest rate. - Jos. T. Prsbs k Co.
Application for Liqaor License.
Cascade idese, Falu Paacncor,
Wasco County.
Bute of Oregon.
Xi Scully i t said precinct and county, will, oa
vbe Sd aav of Sepiemher, 1881, apply to the County
Court of the aBore-naiaed county for license to eel
spirituous, malt and vinous liquors in less quand
ties than one callon.
Falls Precinct. Wasco Countv. Stata of Omn..
July 82, 188.
Cascade Locks, Falls Pa reiser,
Wasco County, state of Oregon.
To tbe Honorable County Court of Wasco Countv.
We the understrneV taxpayers and legal voters of
Falls Precinct, county anal state aforesaid, isspeet
rully petition your honorable court to a rant a u
cense to Thomas Scully to sell spirituous, vinouos
and malt liquors at the town uf Caacsde Locks, said
pret-inct, ia Im quantities than oue gallon for the
period of one year.
Anas. . una,
Dan Snllhraa , Peter Valentin
OW Bergman Pa Welth
0 Hurphao . P H Sullivan
A B Trask P M KenJier
P If cAlaney t Filsgerald
H Walsh OLund
W at Fnine W U'Briea
B 8 Aldrich HA Leavens
TnamasKinf D LCates ,
1 H McOoajuirh ; L O Hickook 1
BsaMeiry AuBsll
TW Lewis WC Johnston
CBLes . FrukPoxd
WACaJvan CAbtewart
Aug- Nelson J II Mclsaae
J w at arch bank TuaBmnaa
H O Artis James Eenoev
M IfcKensls WB Hergaton
8 Iverson Thos Ma ion
Oeo McCauley O J McAnlr
T U WUIam - J F Daly
Wm Day I Nordstrom
D A Lowney - Pet r sinuott
D -i McKay M Nelson
JCllelU - TTbiesar
L A Grant - leal korin
Dan Boeder W T Kettner
0 Hunter Swan Iverson -.
W H Laj-km Oenrre 8 Ysnery
Jamea Clark E Nelson
William Crabb Harry Graf
William Coutts . Chasoisen
1 atrick holaa Martin Johnsna
Frank Dolos - J t Trana
Olirier Heuiy v 81 Dasis
Duncan Chalmers A 1 Parkins
Charles DiJ Zoil Oarnian '
Peter DugKan JBSoibio
A W Van.e J ho Sullivan
C H Trask Mick Webber
H T Krogen Pat Sullivan
K A bweeUand CI Mdler
Matt Weber
Appllctiou" for Liquor License,
Cascade Loess, Falls Pikcihot,
Wsaco Oouaty,
State oi Ongoo.
XI rica stcaneuv ea saia pr anct aad county,
will, on tha ad dav ot Bepteinber, 1884, aoply te the
rpounvy Uoun of tne abovs-aamed eouaty for 11.
eenseta sell aiaritu-ias malt sad yliaous liquors ia. j
lata q oan titles thaa ana galloa.
Faiis Precinct, Wasco County, Stat of Oregon,
tfiuyza, i y.
CasciBs Locgs, Falls Pebci-iot,
Waaao l eaintv. atfes of DrMnw
To tbe Honorable County Court at Waaao County,
We, the underatrned taxpayers and legal voters of
raiia memos, eouat) ana state ainrsssia. raapect
fully pstttioa yoor hoaorable court te grant a li
cense to Patrick MoAuear to sad asaritacua. ilami
aad malt Hquots at the town af Cajscad Locks , said.
It Is the Dining Ca Route. It rnns Through VtsJ
tibnlad Trams Eaery Day ia the year to
Compo ed of Dining Cars unsurpassed. oil man
vrawing-room Sleepers of Latest
Best;;tliat can be constructed, and in which aoeon
onaiawuu an wui r ros ana r urnisoen
or holders of First or Second
class Tickets, and.
A Continuous Line, Connecting with
All Lines,. Affording Direct and
Uninterrupted Service.
Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured in ad
vanee torougn any agent of tne read.
England and Europe caa be purchased at any ticket
omca oi ins company.
Full information CO rains- rates, time of trains.
routes and other details furnished onjapplloatioo te
W. C. ALLOWAY, Agent
D. P. 4A.N Co..
ReffulaUr omoa, The Dallaa, Or.
Aast General Passenger Agt.,
a; ia, " o. r t. L
.! x uw o., jur. naa., I
DRY FIR WOOD, $3 Per Cord, delivered.
"AT , ri 1 TT1
This large and popular house does the principal hotel busi
ness, and is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of
any house in the city, and at the low rate of
D. w. VAUSE $1 Per Day. Pir3tCla$$Meal$, 25 (ft
8uacsssor to P. KREFT O0.
Dealer in
Office for All STAGE LINES leaving The DaUes for all point
in Eastern Oregon, and Eastern , Washington, is located in
this Hotel.
Cor. of Front and Union Sts.
Oils enb
Artists' Material and Pahilers' Supplies
All orders for paintinsr, paperlnir and
ksigotniniBff promptly attended to . ,
The V. 8. Land Office. The Dalles, Or., Jus 1L
Complaint having been entered at this office by
W. W. Maaoa ajainst Tony Piaaalxsk for abandon
ing nia nomeauiaa sairv do. mh, asuo June s,
11, upon tbe as erase 17, tp 1 a range 10 east, la
Wasoo oouatr, Oregon, with a view to tha oanosila
Uoa of said entry, tha said parties are hereby su as
atoned so appear at this office on the tath dsy ol
rfuiy, lew. at lOo'eloeK am. to sssanod aad fur-
man testimony coieermns; aaia auegea anaaaon-
JOHtf W. LEWIS. Bsgtstar.
In Order to Make Room
For cheaper irooda we iball hereafter sell all of our
Gents' Dress Shoes
High grade, at GREATLY REDUCED, Pricea,
J l 'HEY are of Superior quality in material, in
J. make, in fit, and in finish
Embrace tbis Opportunity
While it Lasts,
Stoneman & Fiege.
1 1 r i ii ni i ii -
it i on nave mm dooks 10 rureoase
Who always sella as low as tbe lowest in the city. Oa account of a oiroular
quite genertvlly distributed through this section by the agent of the American
Book Company, the price list of school books published ia September, 1891, it
hereby withdrawn: all the prioes ia that list being lower thaa tho
agent claims are the proper retail price. Foi new prices inquire at his st
143 p?eoona Btreet, xiw uaiiiir, vxcjluuu