The Times-Mountaineer . SATURDAY ....JULY. 21. 1894 ' Frem Wadnssday Dally, Mr. O. M. Scott, of Grant, was in town las night. . Mra. G. C. Blakeley returned laet night from a short visit to Portland, The weather still continues warm, and farmers hare tears of Injury to spring wheat. - . The Hood Hirer base-ball nine and the local club of this city will play a match -fame next Sunday at the fair grounds The "Mazamas" will show up art for art's sake by burning red ores on tne white peak of Mt Hood tomorrow evening. . The Mazamas. the mountain climber of Oreeoo. will attempt the ascent of Mi. Hood to-morrow from Cloud Cap Inn It they are successful the summit will be illuminated at nient. There is through traffic east and west on the U K.Af(. Co.'s line, and this ' ives Front street a very busy appear nce every night on the arrival of the .boat and the departure of the train for Abe east. It is expected in ten days that there will be through railroad connection with the east, and by the 1st of August, the O E. & N. Co.'e line will be in condi tion for the passage of trains for The Dalles to Portland. . W. . Howe has gone out of the office ot county treasurer ot iUamatn county $8000 abort in bis accounts, and his bondsmen will have to pay it. He claims the money was burned up in a fire which destroyed nis place ot business. The case of State vs. Guy South well was postponed yesterday afteruoou ' ami! 4 o'clock p sr. today. We are iu- iormed that Mr. G. W. Phelps, lately graduated from the law department oi .Michigan university, represent the state nd Judge Bennett the defendant. . The Regulator, cornea loaded with heavy freights every evening, and a large pas eenger list. On her arrival each night Dy tne crowds ot people and excitement around her wharf one is reminded of the days when The Dalles was the shipping point tor tne mines in Idaho and Mc lon- tana. The little three year old child of Mrs. Richard Broofe bouse, rending on Ten .Mile, fell through a window yesterday, causing some pieces of glass to pierce the : skull. l)r. Hoi I ister wm called and ex. tracted them, aod the patient is resting easily, wttn every indication ot a speedy .recovery.- Lee Graham and Wm. Wilson, who were arrested for selling liquor to In dians 7 by - Deputy Marshal Malonev. . pleaded guilty to the charge before Com . tnissiooer Huntington yesterday after noon, and were taken to Portland this morning to have their, trial before the 7- R rfiatrint. nrnr There were fifty tons of grain sacks in , fades of 1000 each an loaded from the ; Heyuiator last night. These will be used in Mfkincr wheat in EflHtorn Cinxmn - -it , i . i , vtvy nut ms luiiucutsVf auu limb mre . nuuioer ot cram sacks will not neariv BUptJSJT MIC UCUiDUUi t .' Tue rata arrived in the city last night 1 H.IUI. Will JOTWUIV MIIJ1UK lUO Uidl I tiff - day, and this will be transierreo at the . JjOcta to the Regulator. This will be fol- . lowed lor a few days until the railroad is com nletp. and then the former railway service win oe resumed. Uorvallis Tmut- 'I he new morning aauy to be estaonsned by fortiand print ers on the cooperative plan has not yet . 1 I I.I. " , WW. m fiHIIICIUMI II II Ul a ll v ,land states that its projectors are bard at ' -work qu the details. It is believed that i the Oregohian't contract with the Asso- 'VIOMM A IGW, II J IfUKiU 1 . UBS V U IIIU 1 1 JJ I Jf .01 iLe oispaicnes, expires next mentn. -There were three arrests made by the - .City marshal last night, two for being dmnk and disorderly and the other for theviolation of another city ordinance, 'They were, brought before Becorder . :$5 tor their misconduct, After lfquid- nMmr ttiA amnnnt thmr utam miran thmp liberty. . ... . - A new question of damages baa been decided by Judge Osburn of King coun ty, Wash. David Darville was killed by an electric car His sons, both of whom are of age, fined the street car company. The judge dismissed the case on the ground that children who have retched their majority cannot compel their father to support them, and are entitled to re - cover no damages at bis death. Indians may be very good on reserva tions; but they are not considered desir able roaming at large around the country. Recently a petition was circulated by . i 1 T TTnlnii .ni4 1 signed praying the Umatilla Indian agent In h imi liia nta at hnn.fl anil nMwonl lli.ip roaming at will through thn mountains, slaughtering game out of season and no ' liainir m.nin.ihla fi. m an., nf llin . forest fires. Wasco county residents . should do likewise in this matter. The state improvements at the public mineial springs at Sodarille are now in course of construction. The state owns an acre of land surrounding and inelud- isiat'ire appropriated $500 to Improve - this ground. Three who have charge ot the work have planned a great deal more Ihin tliA triVl will ill. anH Vi a ,- ti n V mw K(lir- lainre will be asked to appropriate more money. The work already begun con sists of a Inrge summer bouse covering the springs. ' - s uorvauis injormen James Dolan, who has been in the employ of Kraus e Brose as shoemaker for the past three months, went to Lebannon to celebrate S':d while there got to drinking, some- ": thing as a rule he does not do and has kept it up ever since until yeater'ay morning about 3 o'clock when he had got so far as to have been crazed from the effects, and tried to take bis own life by shooting at himself. Luckily his aim ' was not stea y and he missed the mark. The first enceunter as the result of the Railway Union strike occurred on Front - street last night. 1 A brakeman who claimed to be a member of the Union attacked one who was employed on the i cm 1 1 in . : - 1 1 .. .i ir . L, a. ix. ja. vu b tram uuu cuiieu uiiu a ''scab." This finally resulted in blows. : and we are informed that, although the "scab" fought gallantly he was knocked . out in the third or fourth round. The . contest was according to the Marquis of Qneensbury rules, and there was no . striking celow the belt or while down. It is described as a "fight to the finish," , and the one who was whipped is re ported as having the appearance of pass ing through a sausage machine. Corvall s Time'. Last Sunday John jt osier came neany passing in nis cnecas and taking his departure into the great beyond. He and a son of Harvey Ham -' ilton were handling an "empty" revol ver, when it was discharged, the bullet cutting off a thumb for young Hamilton, and continuing in its course, went through the Boater boy's neck, missing the arteries and doing no damage, save scaring the boy out of a year or two's growth. The physician who attended them says that it appears almost incred ulous that a bullet should pass through the neck in this manner, and not cause instant death. From Tbondar's Daily. Dr. J. A. Geiwnriorfer, of Arlington, is registered at ttw Umatilla House, A gang of eightoeo brHg carpenters will be put at aork .pear Hoed River tomorrow. Lut Tnedy eveoioK a fire in Peo1itnn destroyed property to the amount of $1000. A marratte liceoae was 8Tnte1 by the county clerk yeaterday to Mr. H P.' Wood ard and Mra. C C. Edmnodion. There was an agreeable change in the weather laat night, and tday the atmos phere is cool sad oomfortan e Ao inqliaad platform has heen constructed from the Regulator dock to the railioid track on Frost street to expedite loading freight cars. The whistle at the shops blew twioe to 4ay and it is piesumed that some of the strikers have gone to work, or other men takm their placts. The arrival of wool wagons in tbs Bt End giye that part of the city a very lively appearance, and Biases easiness for the merchatit and mechanic N itwitbstaoding the fast that the ware houses in the East End are orowded wool continues to arrive daily. There is more woo now stored in this city than at any onetime before. - Work on the bridge over Mill creek baa jtopped because piles of soifioient lsogtb s - ' hare sot been received. As soon as these srrive the bridire will be reconstructed as rapidly as possible. At Mooay'a ware-boose goods were shipped by river and rail to pointa in the interior that were formeily sent by wsgous The O B. N. Co. takes all freights for p.ii ts east and west. In some places .the rocks pot on side walks t save thfm from being washed wav durina the fl Kid still temsio. These should be removed, as they are great im pediments to pedestrians. The esse of State ot Oregon ys. Guy Soothwel', cha'ge 1 with msliciously killing horre, tbe pruaerty ot an luiliau, was aia msaed bv the iuxtice. the testimony not being sufficient to bold the d-lendaot to he grand jury. - According to tbe Courier Grat ts Pass must be a very '-fly" town. It says: "Tbe tnke knocked oat oar flirting leminine. There were not only no trainmen o flirt ith, bnt tbe blind haggtge tourist vu nnt -hire to respond to tbe nirls tbrowa out at random. Mr. Fred Smith ot l;rook eoonty, is in 'own. He came from a point seventy miles southeast of Prinevil'e, about 200 miles dUiant Mr. Smith is one of tbe most prominent tb-epmen in that region, nod considers ine Udlies tne nee; maraet for wool. Mrs. Charles Butler, of Port Townsend. has been visiting her metier, Mrs. Cram, in 'hie oity for a few days Mr. aoJ Mrs Butler brought the remains of their infant nild to Portland for burial, and Mrs. out er csme to Tbe PaUes to ray a short visit to relatives. Between Biggs and Grant the most diffi cult obstacle is enoooutered lu supplying a bri'ige that washed away during the ttKd, close to an overhanging bluS. 1'be rock is being blasted away for a considerable dis ancetoforma rosdbed, aod there will be no bridge at this point hereafter. - Albany Democrat: The item in the Tel egram, republiuel bv the Democrat. tbr tiers is a "nerr Mo t Anarchist Club m Albany, is undoubtedly correct though dis puted. It does not save 1UU mmnere, that is the membership bl tne Portland club, bnt has several, bavicg started with nioe.Th headquarters of the club is well known to some of onr oitizeos t is not a Inod thirsty, affair, and the members will probably always be peoaeahlet but they talk anarchy and believe io It, Eddy Nybert, aged 14 years, , wss drowued Saturday evening m thn Mo'alla river, a short dista0 from Cinby, and was buried Monday at tbat pjaoe. lie and several boys were io swimming, aod whnn he bad gone put in the stream to th dpth of hia waist the surrent proved too strong for him, sweeping bins oa bis feet aod down the river to his death, his companions being unable to ewim and tno young tn save him The boy w4 a a no of Mr Nybtrt who oon. duuted a hlabksmitii b.uuness at Turner some years. - A marrisce ceremony wss solemnized in tha ci cuit court rotioi bv Jadse Blakeiev Mr. Wnodard and Mrs. . . . V R lmuuiiaoo bad lust nrocured a msrniB-f 1 nceuae from the cuBntv clerk, aod were desirous of heiug made bastund so I wife They hunted no the county judge, and tb C erk K.elay and Deputy tther tt Kelly as witnesses they were soon joined in lawful wed loos and left happy and con tented. We understand the judge did not read the Episcopal ncaal, but pei formed the seryioa io a few brief words, wbioh will make the contract with tbe state a binding if it were performed by an archbishop. The Salem papers are getting rather per sonal, i ne inarpexartu say s: ' ijisc weea the Journal annouueed the fact that the editor of this paper bought a couple pairs of socks for two-bits. We d not deny it Ic now becomes our pleasant doty to in form the publio that the editor of the Joutt naihss recently bonght s new .-oat for ex actly the same money: The new garment tits tbe gentleman well. I: is a tr hi short for Kiajinfcv anH im a liEtla ninrhnrf in thn small of the back, but it sap htu ned in side oat at pleasure, which- ia a gnat con venience to tbe gentleman who sports it" The engineer of th fi e department Mr. Geo. Brown, left his watch and chain io his vest banging in the engine room while he went to Montf yesterday. During his absence some one took tbe watch aod cmrin, leaviog tbe vest remain where ft was. When Mr. Brown - ascertained his loss he was very much worried and hnnted the cjtv over for the culprit. After suffering con siderable tribulation of m ad over his loss he was approached, bv a friend and his watch given to him This will unques tionably teaoh Mr. Brown a leesoo not to allow valuable "articles where "moth and rust do corrupt aod thieves break through and steal." Walls Walla Union: News reaabsd this city Sunday morning that Arthur Pierce bad ben drowned th.t forenoon while swimming in ton Touobet river, near Tju- chet atatinn. The particulars learoed are that Mr. Pierce and two other men named .Tom Foster and I-a Sril went bathing in the river about I o'clock. After swim ming near the bank for a abort time P eroa attempted to cios, but got beyond his nsptn snd tne eurrent ot tne stream swept bun away Hie two coin pinions made strennoa iliru to save bim n I one was nearly drowns I in the attempt, The body w-ta reevrred about five 'clock. Mr Pieroe 27 years of ae aod leaves a wife and four children. From Friday's Daily. Cjuuty court is in session today. Mr. Henry HbdOD, of Nanaene is in the city. , - - - Mr. Geo T. Prather, of Hood Kiver, is in town today. Mr. C V. Lane, of Antelope, is at the Umatula Huaae. There were 20 000 wheat sack received by tbe b ist list uignt. Miss Maie Atwater left on the boat this morniug for Portland. The boat will hereafter leave tbe city for the Cascades at 7 o'clock. Mr. Geo. Each left on' the boat this morn ing on a short visit to Portland. Mrs. J. Forwood returned laat night from a visit to trimdi jo Portland. we learn 101 anout zuu men are at wore on the railroad near Hood River. Prof Shelley, eouoty sapermteodent of sohools, arrived in the eity last evening. - Captain A S. Blowers, county coinmnb- sioner, is iu a'tenda ice oa the county court. Mr. M McLennan, one of the sheen kings of the Autelope country, is ia town today. Tbe C Mmopolitan is being repainted aid e paired, and is assuming tbe appearance of a new building. - Tbe s'reet sprinkler ie engaged ia a work if'mt-rcy these day in keeping the duat down in the streets. I' seems tbat the lack ot piles for bridge is delaying the work of reconstructing the railroad between this city and Portland. The county teacnera' institute for Wasco county will not be held this summer but will convene in tbia city some time m December. Harvest is in progress in 8hermao county aod the Observer ssys there are so many men iu the tielda tbat Moro seems un usually dull. Tbe Regulator did nrt leave h-r wharf hie mormon until 7 o'clock. This d-lay was caused b the non-arrival of tbeput senger train from Celilo. The following dte I was p'aoed on fi'e to day with the county cler-: Wm S D is to A. 8 B oweri"; qr of ae qr of sec 20, tp 2 n, r 10 east; $500 The little tag Rawena was hauled np by the O R k N. Co. 'a train yesten'av ann put in the river near Wyetb. She will be med for construction' purposes hereafter. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Butler w-ie pssen gers on the boat this morning; Mrr. Butler will visit friends at Hood River sod Mr. Sutle will proceed on his wsy tj Port Tuwnsend. There were two persons arrested by the oity marshal lut night for being drank nd disorderly, Tbey were lodged in tbe city jail, and brought this morning before tbe recorder, who imposed on each of them a fine of $5. Hon. W. H. Bigga, receiver of the land office in tbis ciry, left on tne train laat night on a vint to his former boms at itasco. Mrs. Biggs is in ibe blockade io California, and it waiting for trams to ran regulsrly and the strike to end to retu n to tnis city. Pendleton is now the headquarter of the assistant superintendent of tbe 0 R & N system, and Mr A J. Bone, who has lately been appointed to that office hat removed from Li Grande. All otfi es of the company in connection with the division east of Umatilla will be located in that 'city. A great many peop'e ars continually making mistakes now by assuming that the recently elected state officers are now in office. As a remit the editor of the Ei gene Journal, Mr. Harrison Kincaid, sec retary of state elect, say tbst almost daily hevreoeires eommaoioatian and offloiat documents which should go to Mr. Mo - Bride at Salem. The new t tate officer du not go mto office till Js nary, 1895. Railroad trains leave for tne east every night on the arrival of the boat Jr m the C iscades, and arrive from the east in time for passengers to take the boat tor points west, in is arrangement win oe aept an until the road ia reconstructed, which will be in a few days. The work at Columbus rock is expected to be completed n Sunday next,when there will be through eaat-nound i uasseuger aod height trams liom in OalUs. Deatli on tne Ra 1. List evening about half past 6 o'clock a telegram was received by Uoroner Butts stating tbe faut that ac employe of the rail road company bad been killed by the train at Cel Io. Be immediately sommoned a jury and took the night train for the scene of tbe disaster. Alter arriving at Celilo and viewing tbe remains be swora in and impanelled tbe fol lowing jurors Samuel Klien, Wm. Bobio soa, John Ryan, John ' O'Connor, Hugh Steward aod J. D-iherty, J. J. Burns, the conductor, and other witnesses tettiHtd 'under oath regarding the circcmstsoces of the death. The deceased was a native of Dentrark, named George Hansen, aged about 26 years, aod was em ployed pa construction work. He was ait- tine on a flat car in company with some others wheo the conductor came forward and told the men to move, as he was going to make a switch, Hansen arose to bis feet, but lost his oailibriam and fdl over back wards between tbe rails, two ears passing over bis head, and t is supposed, causing his death ioaiintjy. The portion of tbe head aboye tbe obio was completely seyereil, aod the left foot was crashed beyond recognition. At the time of the accident the tram made a sudden Movement and this must have thrown Hansen off his balaaee. He had been st work for the company for some time, was stesdy and icda-itrioDS, sod the forrjpja said one of tbe best men in his employ. Que circumstance tbat makes the death sad sod deplorable is that Hansen bid recently sent sufficient money to th old country for the gjrl, to whom be had been ergaged for years, to reach America, and she a expected to strive daily, at which time he would have led her to tbe hy- mene d altar. Tbefiist intelligence of bim, fur boin she crossed the ncen, will be an account ot his trag's dcath.and this will not ukely be rrceivtd by ber until sae lands at fhe Dulles. Tbe verdict ot int. jury was as follows: We, the jury duly sworn and impauelled to oquire into tne cause ot toe aeatn ot tne man now before us ti id that his nmi is George Hansen, a native of Denmnfc, age ?6 yearn, height five feet f inches, and that he came to bis death by falling off a fl it csr at Celiln, in county, state of Oregon, July 19, 1894, and tbat po person wss to blame therefore. After the inqaest Coroner Butts learned tbat the deccas d bad a brother w .0 w irked at Columbus rock recently. He telegraphed there si d found tbat bs bad left there on the 12:h and ' bad goue to Peadleton. - The coroner then sent a dis patch to Mr. Boiie at that place, bot had not received an answer np to 1 o'clock this 'afternoon, when tbe funeral took place, - . Preset- ny pralt for JtWon. Tbe following te ie i ri0ommsudd by the Oregon State Horticultural society, and wat th one followed when oar fruits were sent to he world' fsir in Chicago: Boil the quantity of water to bs melaod allow the sedinr.eot to settle, then pour into a barrel or clean . wooden receptacle on til about two thirds full. Oa top of the water flt a quantity of sulpbar in a tin baaio. Set the sulphur on lire and coyer tightly uoti tbe fire goes out; .renew the sulphur nutil the wholg is consumed, re moving the cover for renewal of sir between doses. Stir the liquid at eoh firing. Use about one pound of aulpbur to eaob twenty gallons of. water. To every gallon ot water add eight ouooea of g'yoenne and a half ounce of corrosivs sublimate to keep the fruit from bursting. Seal the jir hermet ically. . . -. ' The above is the best recips for keeping fruit in its natural size. ' There 4 is bot . one ot jsotion to it it la apt to bleach'" some varieties, so in selecting fruit to use this on be careful to get that whjch is naturally light colored. For dark , co'o t fruit I send you the following: Stlioylic acid 1 os to 5 gallons of wa'er. Dissolve the acid by boiling. Fur preserving for a lorg time, use 1 J ox to 5 gbons; dissolve the laat J oa, by tbe cautious addition to the boiling water, of enough sal sola to make the water clear, and to make it remain so after cool ing It is of great importance that not a particle more of a' soda be used than it sufficient to dUaolve the last Hike of acid, as the least excs of sod i will tend to soften aod disxilor the fruit. Fur fsncy picking of home goods, use a good dear syrup midefrom sugar. J will send you the exn amount of sogtr to the of Witer (cannery style for eating purpose) if ya desire, sn l also the wav of picking the fruit iu jvs for show if you wish. ' Hoping this will help you oat, I am. yours very truly, ' Gso I. Saeobnt. M it by Mr. Wheal loo Be very careful ia haod-pi.king the fruit, so as to get it free from bruise or dint. Bs careful also to cut the stem aod not break them off or tear them out. Attend to it promptly as aoos as removed from the tree. . '" Decision (AKslnet TJaary. A decision of Judge Bradsbaw was filed wah tbe County Clerk today in the case of John Burger, plaintiff, vs. O. D. Taylor and Sarah K. Taylor, defendants. Tbe suit was on two promissory note ope tor f 117 and tne otnerior fiuuu. both secured by mortgages, and tbe rut ing on the first was that tbe conditions c- said mortgage have become wholly bro ken and tbat said mortgage is now liable to foreclosure. On tbe second the judge ordered and decreed . tbat ' tbe plaintiff have at.d recover off and Irom tbe de fendants the sum of $26 1 93, tbe amount due on tbe note sent out in plaintiff's first cause of action herein, aod for Ibe further sum of $26.19, attorney's fee therefor. It is further ordered, adjudgetWnd decree.! by the court tbat tbe state of Oregon have and recover off of the defend nts tbe sum of $940, being tbe amount of tbe actual loan on tbe note set out in plaintiff's sec ond cause of action, and that the plaintiff is pot entitled to recover any amount, the note being usurious. Alan oat a Fatal Accident. ' Arlington Record. Mr. R. H. Lyon, of Dot, met. with a very serious accident on Isst Sunday evening. He was hauling a barvtater on a wagon, and on coming dowo -a steep place id the toad the horse must have become unmanageable. He was thrown from the a agon- aad the machine tell on bim.hornbly msog'iag bim, as it was evidently drug over him. He was fonnd tbe next day with bis srru broken, hi collar bone crashed, hi ribs on one side broken, his head and fact braised and cat. Alter lying all night in an nn eonscious rendition, be reooyered his senses and crawled to his father's residence, about a quarter of a mile distant, bis presence be ing the firs' indication qf bis misfortune. Dr. Ueisendorfer was hastily summoned and dresed bis wounds snd . set tbe broken bones, and did all possible for bis comfort Unless internal ic juries should cause serious result, Dick will be oa bis f"t again soon. Ho has no recollection of the occurrence and can give no account whatever of bow it happened. COUNTY COCRf. In tbe matter ol tbe county read peti tioned for by vv. E. Husky and others, report of viewer snd surveyor filed, claim for damages filed by D. A. Sturgis and Dichtenmuler. rt. K. Husbands, Amos Root aod George Sel linger appointed to appraise damages in bolh cases. In the matter of tbe county road peti tioned for by George W. Covert and other, report of viewers and surveyor filed, read first and second time and no claim for damages or remonstrance filed. said road is hereby declared to be a county road and public highway, Road Dslitioned for by Hugh Farmer and others, in tbe matter of tbe claim for damages by J. A. Fleck ; no action taken In the matter of delinquent taxes for 1892 and 1893 ordered jUal tbe clerk at tacb an aljas warrant to tbe delinquent tax rolls commanding tle collection of acid taxes by levy and. sale pf prpperty thereon assessed, aod tbat the sheriff pro ceed at once to advertise said delinquent rolls. In tbe matter of tbe counly road peti tioned for by U. T. Porter and others, amended report ot viewers and surveyor filed, report read second time and there beiug no claim for damages or remon strances, said road is hereby declared a public road and highway in tue matter oi ine county roao pen tiuned for by A. F. JSrick and others, amended report of viewers and surveyor filed, read flrst time, reports read second time " and being nq remanstrasce or claims for .damages, roa4 declared, public blfbway. Fhe same acjjon was had io tne matter of tbe road petitioned for by Edward Botbwell and others, Lieut. Benjamin, of Warm Springs Agency, for Korpolls' belrs, reward for Hawthorne, $6tififJ allowed j for return of Hawthorne, proportion of reward offered. Bond of A. M. Kelsay, county olerk. approved. Bond of T. J. Driver, sheriff, approved Bond of vy. H Butts, coroner, ap preyed.' Bonds of Surveyor Sharp approve. Bonds of justices of tbs peace aud con stables approved as follows; G W. Fligg, Eight-Mile; J. A. Soesbe, West Hood River; H. McCoy.Nansene; R. H. Birnle, Fulls; L. S, Uavis, Tbe Dalles; U. H. Gilbreatb, tSoluiobla; S. It. Brooks, Co lumbia; A. A.Urquhart, The Dalles; J. R. Under hill, Nansene; Parauel H. Ed monson, liulur; Henry Ryan, Eight-Mile. License for two months granted to N. 4. Anderton to sell Honors in Antelope petition for raf? ly L. L. McCartney and others died with proof pf posting; remonstrance and bond filed. J. M. Mar den, . K- llusieil and 2. p. Sharp ap pointed viewers. One deputy allowed county olerk at $13 per month. Une deputy allowed sheriff "S"" '"". . iii me maiier oi ine county roaa peti tioned for by A. S. Roberts and others, petition, proof of posting and b ind filed. Head first and second time, and W. F. Floyd.'rii? i lawsen and W. L. Ward ap pointed yiew'ers. petition presented by W. R. Wjqans and 148 others asking for assistance tp build road from Tucket's Mill to Forks of Hood river. Two hundred dollars ap propriated for that purpose. Seventy.five dollars were appropriated for repairing road to Mosier, to be ex pended under direction of F. Lapier. Tbe bills for judges and clerks of election were allowed, the Isrge precinct being paid $6 for two day snd the smaller precinct ti 50 for one day and a half Messenger Were allowed tfjeir bill at ten cent per mile. Other bill were a! 'owed a followsi J D Tunny, witness tees (16; alUwed 2 00 00 4 20 t 00 8 40 8 40 8 40 6 80 ISO 1 90 6 00 a so so 14 40 s so 15 00 11 so 19 00 16 40 16 00 14 0 16 40 it io 14 40 15 00 7 SO 4 SO 4 20 4 20 4 SO 90 5 20 6 20 4 0 4 20 4 SO 8 20 8 20 .8 20 4 20 5 20 8 20 6 20 6 20 5 20 fl 20 20 6 20 2 90 4 20 4 20 6 00 4 00 5 60 16 40 19 20 26 IO 26 00 f 00 S 60 S 60 4 00 5 60 4 20 20 4 20 4 20 8 20 2 20 20 4 20 4 20 2 20 2 20 2 SO 2 20 2 20 5 80 S 60 S 60 9 20 86 90 IS 00 S 80 4 40 5 20 S 20 S 20 t 90 2 90 2 10 S 20 2 90 4 25 1 20 1 TO 2 60 5 SO 6 00 1 70 2 00 10 00 10 00 1 40 1 40 - ffl 29 90 1 46 IS 70 4 60 460 4 60 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 9 76 5 00 2 00 2 00 S 00 8 00 2 00 2 0 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 10 00 4 00 4 00 A unnner, witness fees S15; allowed Emma Phirman, witness fees P J Walsh do A 8 Bljwera do l8 01inieer -do F C Brosius do MraBelat do A Phirmao do E Ferris . do Thos Johns do Ben Bag-ley ' do at Walt a do M O Farnneton. Juror, juror do do do to do .,, - do do ..'. .. ... do v do .. ' do .'. do do do , 1 -VfV .;..:t do ...,,. do do not allowed....;.... do ' do do do do do do do do 40 seaff aeee atfaaaa do ... - do ' do- do r.7.".V.'.'.'."."7!7r.'.'! do do de do do do ... do do no '..... do 4 do ......., do .;. do ...J do do do do do do .........few.., do do , -do . do do do do do do do do do do iraea aastoa B L Foremaa C W Wing , ?HcHae O Dallas w a Whipple James tier J A Soesbe WKOonon Patrick Want Isaaejiles T E Wiihelm C E Haight E Schanno B H Moore W H Butts John Pmrrott . A C Banford T E Wiihelm E N Cbaaller Lou Kelly S B Adams J E Harnett Geo W Rowland i W 8 wick A W Mohr B B ttoore KLar CBbuibia F W Hela, Chas Ball Wm Craft W A Hendrir Henry Reads! T J Driver Tom McCoy John Bonn A 8 Roberta John B iwles J C tVbert W H Taylor Geo Bellinger W 1 Boker m a fotter . M H stiller U at at rria h A Sears M at Gluey KSlnjin Henry Mayhead Prank Vt 1 N Sargent JOKuodU T Hatem B R Brooks J L Keeley T T MchoU Jshn Robinson F H t'ieUel J.hnWood W Birgfeld H LChenoweth Harrv Cook Geo H RiddeU Albert AUen a P Ferausua II 1 Kpieu Bchuu, I'lstiae lees J H Jacks n, o table .. Henry 8pehuiger, witness. . Ralph Dovle . do James nipes da J H rhirman do W Jolea o There Klempt do FredKli pt do ... ThenMeeplie do ... IHefc Edgar Mo Theo laiquet do & Bcnuis, job we lees. F T Esping, jaror D C Henry. Witness ft or man Mcuonald. witness ..- A Keaton, Juati e fees. ......'' M Shut , p-os ai ty teas, not allowed J U Jackson, cna-table L s vans. Justice lees H C Klepper, onsuble, not allowed E Frinnell. constable, not allowed A Keaton. justice fees , Geo Patterson. Con.table E 11 8hutt, pros tty loss, not allowed E B Olinvrr, constable L Henrv, Justice fees .'. A J Brigh m. junice fees Samnel rdmonson, witness BTHimnea do J J Powell do Frank Pe body, Juror R W Hinman do H at Piunu do Timothy Brown do r v Bart e ao Carter Roberts do -. J T Traoa, conataole bill for SIS SO; allowed C D Doyle, tustice peace, drawing-jury J R Doyle, drawing jury? .- 8 C OoS - do do E Schuis, canvassing vote. . . L B Davis do no Henry Darnlell. road viewer Rubt Bnodgraas do do ,,, LBioa do do r at Harrimsn, ehainman J L Laner do A A Urquhart, marker. E t Sharp, surveying Thaw atsulnie, rout viewer . L fcvmns do do ................. . Larkin Lamb do do , W E Huekty, ehainman T P Wsidner, marker. . . . E F 8harp. surveying. $20: allowed Troy 8belley, quarterly examination 0 L Oi bert do do Aniiis Lang do do ....... GAB, relief. SI?.... , , GW Landr. to, Juror 1 H Both , do notallowed.....,, ACIegg do , 9 caton do Emma Phirman, witness...... Lbzie Belat do ' , JamaeSempte do , Gso Joss do . G APbirmau ' do , 400 4 00 4 00 16 00 18 00 16 00 16 00 88 00 5 20 4 80 ' 2 20 2 20 6 20 T20 5 00 10 40 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 John Douilas do at do Miry Dovurlas BridtMalo ey Kmmt M 'Inns? Ann Hawthnrns james Mai ney J H Phirman 10 20 10 so A 20 10 20 6 20 do do do do do do do do uo do do d do do do M. Theo Hesplis Theo Miaaet 7 40 Bert Daudaoa K 8cbutz Judge Walton John Or-te Dies Fderar 8 SO S 20 10 0 12 20 10 20 l'l 20 10-20 Tonsil loner p Maionsy Miks Doyle KaJph Iiot e IS 20 IS 6 20 2 20 4 20 Ellen Mclntrre do E J cnbsen, Jur r.. L D 111 ler ao J H Douglas do W H Davis do 0 R Meios do 4 20 4 20 4 20 4 20 DiveHariis do ,. CL Schmidt do 2 20 8 20 IS 20 11 80 L Rondeau do ....... 8 P Raker da AJPndlav do h W Hngtte do 14 20 16 00 H K Hlua do W J Cropper do W C Dansrton do 87 6' 15 60 Si 00 B L Pore man do M Kennedy do 42 00 J 11 Davis do 40 4L W Benn tt do 16 SO James Ward do C O Motoiog do Qeo Buch do 12 80 14 SO 4 20 4 20 4 SO Henrv8mlth do .. EBJoaiin do .'. Lem Burgess do ........ Phil Br san do ......... Aessaqr Proeeoutinir Attorney , 4 20 4 20 800 00 TO 00 75 00 J BCrassen, supplies.... Bills allowed witoeeaio Sherman county cases are not noted, AH bills not ctherwise marked were allowed. Tholills of the deputy sheriffs for tl cilo day were i U al- lowed. ' Fatal Accident. fossil Journal. Friday mornjog, July lth, Martin Lewi Was ttirpwp frJin a l0"i Qf hay st hia, home at Buckhorn, nine miles beyond Mayville, and was so badly injured that he died 12 hours afterwards. He was putting a load of hay into the barn, which stands on a rocky hillside above tbe heus when the team scared and ran down tbe bill- Close to the bouse is a fence, to avoid which the horses mads a sharp tarn, which caused. tbe under side of the rack to- break loose. throwing Mr. Lewis violently to the ground, the hay falling on top of him. Wheo he was extricated bv Mr. Llewelling and another neighbor who was assisting with the (arrest it was found that Lis head had struck pile of rocks that held a fence post ip position. - He was oncopscious, and Dr. Howard was at anoe sent tor and was soon on the spot. An eiammatioo t bowed tbst the base of the qnfortunate man's skull was fractured, the right side of hi lower jaw was fmtshrd to pieces, and his collar hone and i boulder blade were broken. He never recovered cQocloosaes, but lay with blood oosing out pf his mouth sod one ear until aeatn pame at t. M. rue acci- dent took pUoe withiD g0 feetof te h00ge aod was witnessed by his wife. The buria was arranged to take place at Mayville cemetery on the following $f. ft Franksj. Dr. Adam Fran it e, who died on Friday at thfl Hntel Rnmrnsv from an apilpntat OTCrdose of medicine taktn to produce la eon. was a man of cnlluro and wealth He formerly owned a large drug store at Lakeview, Lake county, and was a mem ber of both tbe Masonic and Odd Fellows lodges. While there he was also the lead -ing physician. He recently bought 4000 head of sheep in Idaho and shipped them to the eastern market. a Grande Chroni. ete, In a conversation with County Clerk Eelsay last night, wbo formerly lived at Antelope, and who was well acquainted with Dr. Franke, we learn that he was a gentleman In every particular. He has very many friends in that town wbo will be heartily sorry to hear of his sad death. A gentleman in education and culture, a misfortune while surgeon in the navy In duced, h(m to drown his grief ia strong fjrink, and the habit fastened so tena ciously on hire tbat be became Its' slave. IM HEHQRIAIhT. . Line io memory of little Ada Patterson, bt lived niera of Mr. and Mrs. J". N. Pat terson, who died. Jane 3Q. 18U4, aged 8 years, 10 mouths and 15 day, by Laura Lenning: Pot aside tbe little dresses Tbat onr darling nse to wear; She will nee I them here no more She has olimbed the golden stair. She is happy with the angels. And J Ipug for her sweet kiss, Where ber little feet are waiting In the realm of perfect blis. Angel whisper that onr darling - Is in bands of love so fair; Thsc her little feet are waiting Close beside the golden stair. ' ( ttesige Fvejre are)Ws.e4. . Lacamas, Wash., July 18 George Poairef son ot J. R- Poage, of tbis place was drowned wbile baibiog yesterdav evening. He was bathing in an artificial channel cot between tbe lake and tbe logpond of the sawmil'. Sirnuel McEee ver, a lad of about yois old, was standing cn tbe bank and noticed that something wss wrouif who George. He pluogud in. w-.tb a), his t! 't' s a, to as si at him, and twice succeeded io catch ing bold of bim, but was not alile to re tain bis hold, because of tiu: s niggles of the drowning boy. The bank ot tbe channel is steep, aod tbe rv.r- at swift, otherwise youog MrKeverV lucK at empt at rescue would have U.ea success ful, ' ' A Diasuttruas Hasawiy. GuLDEndale, Wash , July IS Isaac Laucaster aod wife, old settlers of Gold endsle, wbile driving in from their coun try borne, met with a serious acciden', t heir bortes became frightened, ran away and smashed up tbe wsgon and nearly killed tbe occupants. Mr. Lancaster re ceived a painful fracture of tbe knee aod of the collar bone. Mis. Lsocas'er was badly hurt internally, but tbe it) jury is not believed to be fatal. " .MottsU to Property Owners! . Notice ia hereby g;ven that all filth rubbish, stone and obstructions of eyery kind and nature must be remoyed from tbe streets and alleys immediately; and also all buildings which have floated put into the alleys and streets must be re moved as the same are liable to cause a conflagration. Unless tbis notice is forthwith complied with, I shall proceed l cleau said streets and alleys es herein '-rUred at tbe ex pense of tbe property. Dated at Dalle Ci v, Oregonthis 10th day of July, 1894. W. A v.AnnBOX. . Strjei Jomtuissioaer Ait Old anl Will-Tbisd Remedy Mrs. Window Soothing Syrup baa been used for over fifty year by million of mothers tor their children while teething nth perfect success. ' It soothe toe child, often the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and i the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasaot to tbe taste. Sold hy all druggist in every part of tbe world. Twenty rive cent a bottle. Its valne la incalculable. Be. sure and aak tor Mr. Window's Soothing Syrup, and take bo Other kind. . . Land Transfers. Jaly 19 Jane A' Erwin to Oolver Gor don; lots 31 and 32. Erwin and Watson's additieo to Hood River; $15. July 19 Bruoe 1 Carr to P Johnson & Co; loU 3 and 6, block 4, Hood River park; 1. ' m For Hoot. - Five room bouse, below the bluff, suitable for small family. Apply at this office. Hnae Wasted. Small bouse, with three or tour rooms, reasonable rent. Apply at tbis office. I rtmu Wvnoham, witness.. 80 pml sleep "!'" .muff "i .ill)." CLEAR Fl LONG iQL'i Eh utM MENTAL STRONG ENERGY! NERVES W VCD'O Sarsaparilla V. Hammerly, a well-known business man oi nmi"i ., aeuus mis testimony to the merits of AVer's Sarsaparilla: "Several years 8BO.I hurt my leg.tlie injury leaving a sore which led to eryaiiielas. My sufferings were extreme, my leg, from the knee to the aiiKie, uemg a sonn sore, wnicu pecan bi tend to other parts of the body. Aftertryine various remedies. I he ran takimr a ,. Sarsaparilla, and, before I had finished the first bottle, I experienced great relief; the cvuuu uovue euecieu a oompteie cure." Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Haas. Cures others, will cure you tJQKS,. BMPES Near this city, July loth, to the w.te of air. nenry oi.ipes, a dangnter. JIAHUIED. HUNT BRoADBt-fcTT-At the Europei Dalles Ity. Jul 10, 1894, by Justice L 8. Davis, F. M M. Hood Broad bent to lias lues Hunt both of uiver. Pa Kit. dUTLEK Disi this mnmine;. July 12th. at Port itmiwwi, nasq.. miaut son Ol Air . ai.a Mrs uoas uiuier. aged 7 taonim. ClabblUaV Rates. Ine reeifar sub-criDtion r.ricR nf the Times-Mountainekr is S2. atd the recnlar subscription prjoe of the weekly Oregonlan I is SI 50- AavoqesnbscvibinH for the weekly uE8 MOUNTAINErm anil paying one vear io savanna, cm eet 00 tn the Times. Moitktaineer and the weekly Oreqonian for 32.60. All old subscribers dhvidj their subscriptions for one year In advance will be entitled to tbe same offer. County Treasurer's Kqtice. All coun'v warrants registers! prior to Aug. 1, 189Q. will be piid on presentation at my office. Jnte-eat rp these will cease from and alter July 12, 1S04. YtIL14A MlCHELL, Countv Treasurer. me panes, juiy v, isy. Motive, Tbe O. R AN. Co. are now prepared to handle through eastern business from this Station, trains leaving Dille (Umatilla House) at 7 A. M. daily. D. P. t A. N. Co. boat leaving for Ponlicd at 6 a. m. daily except Sunday and will honor this com pany s ticket-. E. E. Lvtlb. Notice to I. O. Rv M charier Mem bers. -- The Independent Order of Rid Men will be instituted at the K. of P. ball next' Tuesday evening, July 24, 1894 All par ties interested should not fail to attend said meeting. " Notice. All city warrants rezistered prior to' December 3, 1891, are now due and payable at my office. Interest csases after this date. . 1. 1. Burokt. City Treasure Dalles City, Ore.,-My 15, 1894. For Sale or Rent, A two-story bouse, with 9 rooms, with a well kept garden surrounding it, and only fifteen minutes' walk frbnt the business cen ter. Will be sold or rented in tbe fall. In quire at this office. For Rent. Two fine comer office rooms, up-stairs in brick building oo Court and Second. Apply to A Bettingen. ' EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. By virtue of an order made 1 v nc Countv Court or nasco enuncy, uregon, at me Juijr terx thereof, 1894. to me direct d. as the executor of the estate ol W. Mel). Lewis, decewed, I wilt after the 10th day of Angus', T894, proceed to sell for cish in hand the following described lauds of the said estate, to-wit: The west half of the northwest Quarter, the northwest quarter of tbe southwest quarter of sec tion twenty; the northeast quarter of the north west quarter of section nineteen fi township 6 sooth of range It eist; the north half of the southeast quarter, northeast quarter of the souths1 est quarter ana sou tn east quarter oi northwest quarter cf sec tion twenty-one oanshlp 6 south, sange 12 east of Willamette meridian ia Wasco ooun-v. Ommr Said land will be sold tn lots tu snit purcnasers. WWII hiu iuy O, Z F. MOODY, Executor of the estate of W. Men. Lewis, da. ceased. luiT-4t D.W.YAUSE (Suocesaor to P. KREFT & CO.; Dealer in Artists' Material and Painters' Supplies Agent for MASURyS LIQUID PAINT All orders for painting, paperinar and kaltominir.g promptly attended to , HAEEY LIEBE, Pi i;.wa(GH AND DEALER IN Clacks, Wi'clies, "Jewtlrj, Etc Always keeps on aale the latest and bet style s o Time-piece, Diamond Mings, Bow-knot Rinrs, Sil verware, etc., etc. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. 162 Secood Street, pezt door to A. Williams fcfo.' M' THE DALLES, OREGON r.aasaw- as try V. : niiflii .-jp appr, V Oils anb OREGON : BAKERY -AMD A. KELLER Prop; I am spared to furnish families, noUuS an I tanmnta with thr choicest. Bread, Cakes and Pies. Fresh Caters SsrYel in Every Style. errand Sir-t. Next door to The Dalles Na tional Bank, CITY BAKERY -AND- Second and Union Streets. A. L. NEWMAN. FroBrietor Denny, Rice & Co. Wool & Commission Merchants 610 Atliatia A73, Boston. JSlserilT's Sale. Br virtue of an execution and order of sale, is- ueu uui oi in ireui( court ii ine mate oiungnn, i for Waaoo county, upon a dcree d judifment made, rendered and enteied hy said court on t6 totn day oi June, itw, in lavor or tne plaintiff, in a suitwhere'n The Amtncai Morta-ajr Compny, f , Scotland, limited, a corporation, tu plaintiff and James Dorria and Thomas W. Olavey, a imittitrator of the estate of Patrick DorrU, oeuea ed, and Ezra Henseo vare defenJanta, and to me directed and de livered, commanding me t levy upon and soil all the land mentioned and rfeacribed in naid writ, and bercipafteriecrited, I did on tbe ltn diy f July, llttH. duly levy upon, and wii se 1 at duoiic auction to the hi&rheat bidder for canh in ha -id, on Monday. the 20th day of August, 1894, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of 8id day at the front door of tne coun y court houae in Dai'ef. City. n Wasco cunty. Ore ron, all of the lands nd premtces de-cribed in aa;d writ and herein described a follows, to-wit : .The eattt biif of the outhr-ast quartr and the- east hall of the mrtheuss quarter of section ei?ht een (18) in township (3) south of rang:) fourteen (14) east of the Wil aineits meri iiai. i Wisoo ouotv. Oregon, containinir une hundred and sixty acres more or teas oi land togetn r an tne improve meiits thereon, and atwurtenanc a thereunto be- lonuioar. or so much thereof as sh Ul be su fficient to aatisly the snm f 407.75 with li'teresfc tiere n at the rate of ten per cent per annum since June 25, ifitft. ana mov iu owu in niu ui. wei.iif:r witu costs of said writ and accruing co.-ts o sue. x. J. tmnfctt. Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, July 19th, 1894. Children Cry tot PIXOBBB'0 CASTORIA rvutorla Is an well adarjted to children that I recommead ic as superior to any prescriptloa known to me." H. A. Archkk, M. D., Ul boutb oxford Bt, tiroomyn. Si. I " 1 use Castorla In mr vsaetlee. and And It cpecialJjr adapted to affections ot children." . 1067 ad a-va., iiew fork. 'iFmm wnnnl knowlsdre I ean sar th:sl laatoria is a most excellent medicine for onil . iron." ia. Q. C Oeoooo. mvsu, jisas, a ITaffjAvlav smnntM Slaraation. and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrncea, and Feverishnese. Thus the child ia rendered healthy and its sleep aatnraJ. Caatorlm contaics no llarpaine or other narcotto property. r INFLUENZA, Or La Grlnne. thouErh occasionally epi- rtemic, is always more or less prevalent. The best remedy for this complaint is Ayer's Cherry Sectoral. "Last Spring, I was taken down with La Grippe. At times I was completely pros trated, and so difficult was my breathing that my breast seemed as if confined in an Iron cage. I procured a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I began taking It than relief followed. I conld not Re lieve that tbe effect would be so rapid and the cure so complete. It is truly a wonderful med icine." W. H. Williams, Crook City, 8. D. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral P ro m pt to act , s u re to c u re A Gentleman Who formerly resided tn Connecticut, bnt wbo now resides in Honolulu, writes : "For 20 years past, my wife and 1 have used Ayer's Hair Vigor, and we attribute to it the dark hair which she and I now have, while hun dreds of our acquaint ances, ten or a dozen years younger than we, are either gray-headed, white, or bald. When at air arl lisieer stt tie lt tiaa jLa, tffff retained Its color and 3 fullness, we reply, By the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor-nothing else." - "In 1863, my affianced was nearly bald, and the hair kept fall ing out eyery day. I Induced her to use Ayer's Hair Vigor, and very soon. It not only checked any further loss of hair, but produced an entirely new growth, which has remained luxuriant and glossy to this day. I ean recommend this preparation to all in need of a genuine hair-restorer. It Is all that It is claimed to be. Antonio Alarran, Bastrop, Tex. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR FAMILY GROCERIES en, jaw Joles, Collins & Co.. STJCCE8SO The Dalles Mercantile and Joles 'Bros., SPECIAL AGENTS FOR POSSON'S LITTLE GEtVI INCUBATORS ND BEE SUPPLIES CALL AND' SEE THE MACHINE IN OPERATION. ALSO HEADQUARTERS FOR General The Hew Umatilla House, T E DALLES. OREGON SINNOTT & FISH, Proprietors THE LARGEST AND FINEST HOTEL IN 0REG01V Frre Bus to atd from the Hotel Great Price Reduction. .-...IN.... GENTS',' YOUTHS' AND . BOYS' CLOTHIIG Spccuvl Values In . Staple and Fancy Pry Guods. . -' EVERYTHING TERMS CASH. THE GERMANIA, STUBLING & WILLIAMS, PROPS. Fine Wines, Liquors andXigars All brands ol Imported Liquors, Ale and Porter, snd Genuine Key West Cigars. A full line of CALIFORNIA : WINES. : AND : BRANDIES welve-year old Whiskey, Istiictlj pure, for medlciual pur. : notes. Halt Liquor. Columbia Brewerybeer on diaU(ht. 94 Second Street, S. IP. Gener Gnu ' 391, 393 arid 395 SECOND STPEET . ' (Adjoining Railroad Depot.) Consignments - Solicited Promp Attention to those who faor me with their patronage San t Francisco i Beer i Hall TP. lUEMBJE, WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS. ALL' KINDS OF COLUMBIA BREWERY WASHINGTON STREET, BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD MEECHAro MR. PAT. FAG AN, At his establishment on the corner of Third and Federal streets La prepared to make Spring and Summer Suits Merchandise, , FireJProof Safe for the Safety of all,Valuables. ... Good Boys' Boats and shoes. ' suits from AT CUT PRICES - TT TT?T TT TKTCl XJ., tli s.a.M-a-j.a.av.a.A.1 TIIF3 OAIT-aES, Oil t Tr-opr-IetoT-. BOTTLED BEER. BEER ON DRAUGHT TAILOEING. MWD'JDflDW and Forwardm Mercliaii