The TiEaes-Monntaineer SATTJKDAY,. .JULY 14, 1894 There 13 a sickly sentimentality, coupled with a morbid cariosity, says the Salem Statesman, abroad in this country that dictates the carrying of flowers to the cell of the red-handed murderer; that simpers over the fate of the man expiating in prison a re Totting crime against the rales of organized society; that has a false and veneered sympathy for the waifs and outcasts of strangers while allowing their own to grow up in idleness, neg lect, vice, ignorance and squalor. From the hot-beds of such sickly sentimen tality and false and show sympathy are the crops of law-breakers and oat oasts of society transplanted. Thy : take root; get their start, are "forced" there. We draw attention to this picture in order to set the reader to look upon the reverse side of it. What do we find. We find the released prisoner spurned, cast out and abhorred by this class of people. Their sympa thy is bestowed at the wrong time and place where it does barm and not good. This is the great curse and shame of our prison system the great . disgrace of it to this enlightened nine teenth century. The time is here now when there mast begin to be a change. Sensible people are ' begining to see that some way mast be provided for caring for and looking after discharged convicts. Some way mast be provided for washing away the feafrul convict stain the awful, relentless, prison taint. Society owes this te its unfor tunate outcasts, often the victims of untoward circumstances, and it owes it to itself. The prison system itself is wrong. It most be reformed. Ore gon should fall in line with the pro " gressiye ideas, experiences and experi ments of.tbe older states. The California supreme court has decided that a politician can not run a celd bluff on a confiding public with out paying for it. The story is this: Curing the campaign of 1890 Col. Markham, the Republican candidate for governor, posed as the special ad vocate of white labor. The Democratic : State Central committee then stole a starch on him by publishing a letter from Markham to the manager of a mine of which he was part owner, in which he (Markham) advocated throw ing ent the white labor and the em ployment of Chinese. "I am glad that the Iruh crowd are out and hope the Chinamen will be all right." Repub licans charged that the letter was a forgery, and Irwin 0. Stump, chair man of the Republican State Central committee, publicly offered $1,000 for the production of a genuine letter in Markham's handwriting containing the statement. The Democrats produced the letter and demanded the $1,000. The genuineness of the letter could not be disputed, bat Stamp did not pay the money and was sued with the above result. Iowa editor aaya it U caused by kissing the hired girl while she is feeding hay to the cow. An esteemed Kansas exchange is of the opinion that is is caused by missing the girl and kissing the cow." The Irma did not arrive last night, and Mr. Nolan, the postmaster in this city, sen the mail by a agon to Hood Ri vei . It seems that the supply of coal for the little steamer gave oat, and a mess 1 go to this city met with the response that none could be pro cured at The Dalles. Tonight the Irma is expected to arrive with two days' mail from Portland. ' The Union Pacific is st' lining every nerve to construct the read from this city to Port land at the earliest pessibe date, and it is expected that on or before the 20th inst. there will be through traffic between the two points. This will be a desired relief to the people generally, s during the past month our merchants have almost suffered a freight famine. Tdeqram: The flood has its compensa tions. There is more money ia circulation in Portland today than there was a month ago, and it is circulating among people who can't board it. The flood brought many an old stocking out of its hiding place and emptied its contents into the laps ot people who needed it. It would be a blessing if the whole country could be flooded, to be followed by like beneficial results. Miss Blanche Kothrock gave a public ex hortation list evening at the corner of Sec ond and Court. The number present were not as many as at the same place last week, vrbea the expected the miracle to be per formed. It is generally believed her eye sight is as much impaired as eyer, the con ditions being such that nothing of a phen omenal nature happened on Friday of last week. With no communication from the east or west The D-tlles is completely isolated from the outside world. ' The great strike is the principal subject of interest, and every one is anxious to know which is supreme, cap ital or labor. There has been nothing re ceived fiom the east except by telegraph for some time, and two days have elapsed without any intelligence from Portland. When the Union Pacific road is completed will be a happy day tor The Dalles. Lone Bock Correspondence Condon Globe: Seyeral calves have died hereabout with something like black leg. Last week A. Crawford lost 3 head, we are informed. About 40 head have teen vaccinated, which it is claimed, will prevent it form killing calves. The remedy is to cnt a small hole in the leg of the ca'f and make a small pocket between the skin and flesh and in sert a piece of garlic about the size of a bean. It is said to be a sure remedy. doubtless bid away.- Of-coarse-tt was acci- i dental as far as the wounded man was con- j cerned, but the folly of tiring pmtola came near being a dear lesson to tbe unknown shooter. D. H. Brazzill is able to walk. the bullet was extracted by the steward of the Regulator, and the man was taken over to Dr. Caodiaoi at the Locks to have the wound proaerlv dressed. Tlie strike. The columns of the metropolitan press are completely absorbed by the news of the strike, which is more general than, any that has been experienced in tbe history of the world. Nearly evtry railroad is tied up by the strikers, and the Railway Union, it,, their contest against the railroad corpora tions, has been joined by nearly every labor organization in the Uoited States. The situation in Chicago is desperate, and the railroad strikers have attracted the lawless J elements and property has been destroyed. The military has come in collision with the I rioers, and several ot the latter have been killed. Gov. Altgeld has written to the president to withdraw the regular . troops, and this has not been heeded. As a conse quence the people are btcoming inflamed, and more trouble ia expected. In Sacra mento the situation is unchanged, . and Southern P-jcifij trains that are determined to haul Pullmans are tied up in the va d. There have been several cabinet meetings to consider the situation, and the attorney general has advise 1 the use of the U. S army in tbe protection and transportation of tbe maile. There is a general strike in Oregon on all lines of railroads, and freight and passenger trafBo is greatly impeded. When the end will be cannot ba conjec tured, as organized labor is determined to continue the fight to the bitter end, and combined capital, with apparently the wealth of tbe country at its back, is making a bold 9ht for . supremacy. President Debs, of the R ul way Uaioa, is very con servatiye, and advises all members of the organization, to pursue ooly lawful methods. Every day brings news of further . tie-up, and without some compromise is effected soon the business of tbe couotiy will be completely paralyzed. The strike is the general subject of conversation on street corners, in hotels and every place else where tbe abiqaitous American can make himself beard. ' ' Children Cry tor PITCHER'S C ASTORIA "Castorfobao well adapted to children thai I recommend it as superiur to any preecriptioa known to me." H. A. Arcbkk, M. D., - Ill Booth Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y "I use Castoria in my pi jrlce, and find Iv aynlnlly adapted to affections of children." A LET. ROBIBTSON, M. D., 1057 2d Ave., New York. From personal knowledge I can say that Castoria is a most excellent medicine for chit dren." Da. G. C. Osgood, . Lowell, Mass. Castoria, promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural.- Castoria. contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. ISM. Harper's Weekly. OMAHA ILLUSTRATED HARPER'3 WEEKLY is beyond all question the icauing; juurnai in America, in Its splendid, illustra tion, in iu euro- of uistintruis led eutribuco s. and in its vast arm.v of readers. In special lines it draws on the highest order ef talent, the men best inieu oy pjsiuou ana Taininr to treat the leading; tupics of the day. In Sction the most popular story writeis coutrihute to its columns Superb draw bit by tbe foiemoet artists illustrate its special articles, its stories, and every notab.e event of pub- pa V A TVTOI A O PIT' 1 1 1 OT D A Tl I" I "rt'c,e, " stories, and every notab.e event of pub JV.illNOa.0 01 J. It OAs XxaUJ-I I lie interest; it contain portraits of the distinguished ' I men nd women who are making tbe history af lha Chicago, St. Louis, ALL POIHTS EAST, SO TH and S TH qopd filings T TRAIN : SCHEDULE: I LEAVE THE DALLES. East Bound IU167P. M West Bound S:4S.A. M ARRIVE' AT THE DALLES. From the Rut 3n A rrem the West 11:10 P The climate of British Columbia is ut to healthy for the newspaper "fake" as on this side of the border The reporter who started the story recently that a Canadian Pacific rail road train had been : wrecked and that forty members of a Raymond-Whit-comb excursion party had been killed, has been arrested on the charge of criminal libel, and will be tried at Vancouver. British Columbia does ' not approve of that kind of "newspa per enterprise." from Monday's Daily Tbe county court adjourned Saturday un til June 20th. Miss Irma Cos returned to her home at Hood River this morning. Mr. Truman Butler, of Portland, spent Sunday with bis parents in Tbe Dalles. " Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Crowe were passen gers on the boat this morning for Portland. Mrs. J. S. Keller, of Portland, is visiting her brother, Mr. Andrew Keller, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. F. Faulkner retained from tbeir bridal tour to Portland Satnrday night. ' - . Tbe time of the circuit oourt today was occupied in hearing and disposing of mo trans. ' ' , Mr. Alhe Henderson was a passenger on the boat to White Salmon, Wash., today where be will spend a few days with his mother. r Messrs. Sinoott & Fish are repainting and repairing their hotel throughout, and it now baa as bright and cheerful appearance as if it were new. A Threatening; abetter. Mr. Martin Jaksha, who resides about ten and a half miles from The- Djllea, re ceived ;the - foregoing letter thronKlt the postoffice on the 4th of July, which be de sires published." He is entirely innocent of the charge made of "offering any one a bones," or of other nnenbeooming action. As an inducement for the anther to expose himself he is willing to - give $100 to find out the wiiter of the episite: The Dalles Orboom To Mr. Martin Jaltha The VaUer Ore. Owing to remarks made by your own month, also propositions that yon made to tbe prosecuting attorney of giving him a bene if he would work bard to prosecute William Hurst some time ago, baa be n given away to some of the cowboys of year community, and that yon . would swear false to help convict bim, also to convict others. - Now then, yon fool headed datebman and sneak thief ought to koow that this is against tbe law and unlawful for the prosecuting attorney to accept such mousy. the same law applies to all jurymen. Therefore you have committed a crime and we 12 stockmen, who are taxpayers of this county and se orally organised to look into the development that yon and some others ars raking np against the stockmen, we'll likely to visit yon some night and teach yon to hold yonr tongue. Yoar hogs always wear an unhonest mark. .What remarks have yon made about the Brookbouse boys that they have got hold of. ' We have cattle and horses ranging from Hood Biyer to the John Day Haver and pro pose to pro teat oar rights. K. K. K. , 1 o eai are Still better Wten fbrihey ara from CfRElSB and are easily a?- korTen.ny ,and alt Coo Km& Iburjboaes oTfoteHE is 5TTei- PCLLMAN SLEEPERS, CQLOSIST SLEEPER. RECL1MNG CHAIB.CARS sad DINERS time, whils anecial attention is iriven tc the Armr and Navy, Amateur Sport, and Music and ttaa Drama, by disttniruUhed experts. In a word. Har pers Weekly combines the news features of tka daily paper and the artistie and literiry qualities of the magazine with tba s .lid critical chancier of the review. HARPER'S PERIODIC ALB. Pea Tata: Harper's Mag-ajina $4 OS Harper's Weekly 4 00 Jarper's Baser 400 HsiTer's Young People t 00 Poetogt free fe a Suhterieert intke United Statu . Canada and Mexico. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subeoriptiooa will neirin with the num ber eurrtnt at the time af receipt i f oruer. Bound Volumes or Harper' t Weekly for three fears back, in seat cloth bindnc, will be sent by mail, pottage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided freight oes not exceed one dollar per vol ume), for 47 per volume. Cloth oases for each volume, suitable for binding will he sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of 1 each Remittances should b made bv postoffice money rdor or draft, to avoid chinos of Iocs. NetmjMtper ere net to amy $ a-Avrrtsement without the exprete order ef Harper 4c Brother. Address: HAtPtt 4 B hO.BERS, New York. IM94. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED EAST END SSS Truths ;s Sick. For those DEATHLY BILIOUS S SPELLS rlpTmnit nr. c,,lv. -n: V ..j.... V UUlUUl -LV ters; it never fails to cure. DO YOU SUFFER with that K. tireri Ann A l.rrnna fonl-nnO T - sj Sulphur Eitters; It will cure you. Don't be without a bot tle. You will not regret it The Secret 3 suffer from RHEUMATISM, use a P jm uuiuo m ouipnur Hitters; it never ijiua iu cure. TRY IT. of a fair face is a beauti ful skin. Sulphur Bitters makes both. If you do not wish to L Are you constipated? if So. Sulphur Eitters is just what you need Poor, weak, and weary mothers RAISE PUNY, PlNDLINQ children. Sulphur Bitters will make them strong, hearty, and healthy. 4 Cleanse the vitiated blood when fyou see its tmT5uritis hiirsMntr 1 1. 1 .1 i T UUUUU hUC DJUU 111 Eelv on Sulnhnr Bitters and health will fallow ... PIMPLES, blotches AND SORE8. .Jl3WJ'iJlVJ Bend 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Orrtm A- r Boston, Alass., for best medical work published Steamers from Portland to San Francisco EVEET F1VK OATS. TICKETS TO AND FROM EUROPE. S. H. H. CLARK, OLIVER W. MINK, E. ELLERY ANDERSON. RECEIVERS. For rates and t-encral information call on E.'E LYTLE, Depot Ticket Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. W. H. HTJRLBTJRT, Asst. Oon. Pass. Art.. S&4 Washimrton St.. Portland, Or anet JbureJ- man, lard. REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. Genuine made only by N.K. FAIRBANKS CO., ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTON D. f.YAIISE (Successor to F. SRKFI ft CO.; Familiar Faces in a lew Place. . E. BAYARD, Late Special Agent Gen'l Land Office. J. E. BARNETT Dealer in Wall p tippr, 3Painfs, Oils anb EEAL ESTATE, LOAN, Issue d jectioQ NOTARY PUBUC. HARPER'S BAZAR is a journal for the home. It rives the fullest -nd latest information about Fash ions, and its dqoii reus illuttr tiona, Pris designs and pattern-shret supplements are indisivensaH aiike to the home jretuvmakr and the professional modiste. No ex pe a i spared f make its artistic attractiveness of tb highest order. Its bright stories, amusing1 comedies and thoughtful essays tatisfy all tastes, and its last page is famous as a budget of wit and humor. In its weekly issues veryihhig is included whiih is of interest to women. The Serials for 1894 will be written bv William Btick and Walter Began t. Short stories will be written by Mary E. W ilkins, Maria LouUe Pool, Ruth McEnery Stuart, Marion Har'and. and others Out-Door Sports and in-Door Games, Socio 1 Entertainment, Embroidery, and other interesting topics will receive constant attention. A new series Is promised of C3ffee and Repartee." HARPERS PERIODICALS. Put Tear: Harper's Magazine $4 Harper's Weekly 4 no Harper's Bazar 4 Harper's Young People 200 Pottage fret to all tub$criberimin the United State, Canada and Mexico. The Volumes of the Bazar begin with t Number for January of racr year. Whe no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Num ber current at the time of rtoeipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper $ Bazar or three Tears back, in ftrat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, p. stoge " paid or b exp'ees, free of expense (pro vided the freight does not exceed one dollar per vol ume), lor $7 per volume. Cloth capes for each volume, suitable for binding, 1 will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of 1 each. Remittances should be made by pustoffioe monev ' order or draft, to avoid chance of loss. Hewspaperi are not to copy this advertisement without the exyreu order of Harper & Brother. Address: HARPER A BROTHERS New York. HENRI L. KUCK, -Manufacturer ot and dealer in Harness and Saddlery, I . Second St., sear MoedVs Warehouse, 4 y ,tte,w(iJ Mu.-'iy "5 -7-? M.wkmI hla Opportunity! DOVT Mlaft " Ji- "a om,..iwjHrr. mcjority usjlict thtkr op rricniUu9, nod frou iht Mnolivin porvriy Mid iie ia -t onrityl Harrowing aeaaair la tka twl of ninny, a they k bark on lott, fnrurar laat. Ofperlnnlty. J.lf apna Kciwh out. Ba o and doing. Improve your opporto . ;f, an il sore pmnerti r. prom i nrnca. a. 1 1 vnt ?aid a phiiuM,?!.', timi "ike GodavM of For on atTars , jifieu ot rx l-unlty to erneh pntm nt ma reiiod af Uf9 ( -aiaHTuco tho rliance, and Uepoun ant kr richva; fail to da - inna wio a-'pini, i-r to retnm." Uaw uull yo and !iGoi.pK.'n-.iortnnitvf InTiii,Ttita arory chnoca thai 7fM;ir win tliy. Atid of lair pro mi o; tlmt is what all tao- j "u mm no. ioro raan opporinuiiy, hn n m tnotor ri.liin tbord.tihitt luborhir sanpl. liupr.ivc.l, it:" U Ict, a KtAtnl tUrt ia Ufa.'X o-;m - -nnylabsra. Blnry tr ba maU rapijly c-il 1. .ly 7 t iiiiisnmHiHjr?oiMi NLiit;r irx. ai'i's. . j can ji Uta work ana live at hoaia, whfrivir vm ura. Even ba ratefsra are aa Hy earning from 3 to JO n.r dry. Yoo ran do a wait if yon will work, not toe hr.rd, butla'tlaitrt ouly;andyoican incroasa ynnrinci-morta joupooo. Yoa eeatTivj spare thuaaaly, or all yonr time tot lie work. Easy "atively now am' realty wonderful. We tat tract and yoa bow, free Fail are unknown r'nonsr onr work nt room t explain bare. WriU a'td b.-urn all free, - rrfcrnnnnnil. Jnviae to Jelay. A. ,nin at 0'ie, II. UaUett fe Co.. Xlox PitrtianO. llulne. GENTS' FURNISHING STORE Opposite Diamond Flouring Mills, ROBERT IL. WILLIA.MS, Proprietor. For the Next Thirty Days, to Close Out Some of Our Lines, Will Sell Good3 at GREATLY REDUCED PRCES. Having Purchased Our Goods at Can Give Customers the Advantage of the Same. Men's Overshirts formerly $1 50 now $1 00 " 1 25 " 75 " Underwear " 10-" 75 " 1 75 " 1.10 " Hats 2 50 " 2 00 " " 1 25 " 75 mm Parties haying propertr they wish to setl or in ooaaea to rent, or abstract of title furnished. find it to their adTantage to call upon us. Wa shall make stwclaliv ei the rrosccurJnn of claims ana contests Before tne united Htates lnd Office. july26 . 58 lasMngtOu THE DALLES, OR. THE DALLES, A Work laf&ctloa OREGON (xDaraaterd t Hlvrt Snt- ITEM3 IS BBIEF, From Satorday's Daily. Hon. M. C. Nye, ef Piineyillle, ia in tbe city. - - The pile-driyer ia t work on tbe bridge Mrtsa mill creek. A Kentle zephyr blows today. which makes the atmosphere very comfortable. The police court waa very qniet this , morniDZ. there being no arrests , made last sight. - The recent warm days are rapidly ripen. iog the grain in this county, and harvest will not oe long deferred, and all indica tions are that it will be a bountiful one. - Very many of the residents of the eity are preparing for the summer vacation, and will leave in a abort time for recreation and sport by tbe seaside, or ia some mountain " resort. The jury in the case of Conroy va. Harris returned a verdict this afternoon of "ho contract. " This decision ia in favor of the .. defendant, aa the action waa brought to re ' cover wages for extra labor. ' - Fruit thia aeaaon ia very excellent in quality, and very abundant in quantity. If transportation facilities were what they were in former years Tbe Dalles and vicinity ' would receive a large revenue from the ex - port trade in thia respect. We understand that the river and rail division of the Onion Pacific will be here after separated under different manage- menta. Mr. James Troupe will have charge of the river division, and a more competeut ' man could not have been appointed. The jury ia the case tf State o! Oregon va. Dan Maloney and Cbsrlea Snelliog re turned a yerdiot at 3 o'clock this afternoon '.- of "guilty as obarged in the indictment,", and recommended the defendants "to the mercy of.tbe court. The case waa given to the jury at 11 o'clock yesterday forenoon. - It ia currently reported that Mr. Oliphants f agent of the D. P. & A. N. Co. in Portland, has resigned his position and that Mr. Tru- man Butler haa been appointed to tbe va '. cancy. Mr. Frauk French, of thia city, we are informed, has been appointed purser, the position formerly occupied by Jar. Butler. Tbe force of men at work between thia city and Celile are pushing forward ( as rapidly aa possible, and it is ex : pec ted tbe road will be completed for tbe ... . "It IPL! passage ot trains tomorrow nigas. j.ois will be a welcome relief to our shippers and producers, aa the portage by wagons to the mouth ot the Deschutes is a great hardship on them. . - There is a diversity of opinion regarding 1 the cause of hay fever, and the following are some viewa of the matter copied from an exchanges "An Ohio editor aaya hay fever la caused by kissing grass widows. A Mis ' souri editor says it k aaused by the grass Widows kissing fellow by moonlight. Aa Miss Annis Bulger who has been visiting relatives and friends in this eity for some weeks past, returned to Portland on tbe boat this morning. . Walter Eove, one of the Hawthorne gang, who was indicted by the last grand jury for larceny in a store, changed bia plea of not guilty Saturday to guilty.' It is reported by the Baker City Demo crat that an almost solid ledge of gold has been struck in the White Swan mine, and that in consequence tbe owners are in ecatacy. Tbe rooms for the headquarters of the Third regiment, O. N. G., in the Maaonis building, are very elegantly fitted up, and afford to the colonel and hia staff many oomiorts and conveniences.' After the verdict of the jury in the case of State of Oregon va. Dn Maloney and Charles Snelhop the bonds were raised to f 1000 by the judge, and Tuesday morning fixed as the time for aentenciog the defend ants. Miss Fox, who baa been visiting Miss Hattie Cram in thia eity for several days past, waa a passenger on the boat to Port land thia morning en route to Newberg, where she will spend a few days with her brother. i . ' y. A complaint was sworn ont before Jus- I tice Davis this morning, charging Alyin Sigman with larceny of cattle ' Tne de fendant was arrested and the examination waa bad this afternoon, tteginning st 4 o'clock. Tomorrow evening, at Fraternity hall, Mt. Hood Camp, Woodmen of tbe World, will give a public installation and aocial en tertainment. A program of ' exorcise" has been prepared, and an enjoyable time may be expected. There was one arrest made last night of a person in an inebriated condition. After sleeping in the city jail during the night he was brought before Recorder Dnfur this morning, and fined $5, to which amount he replinished the eity treasury. Yesterday and today have been good dava for wool at Moody's warehouse, and over one hundred sacks have been received. The fleeces come from all portions of the inte rior, and are in excellent condition. .No quotations can be given at present, as buy ers are not anxious to purchase, while the facilities for transportation are ao nooertaiu. Aa stated in Saturday'a Timeb Mount iinkkb the Union Pacific road was com pleted to Celilo last evening, and the first train passed over the track since May 2Sth. The Union Pacific ia using every effort in reconstructing their road in thia portion of the northwest, and is sparing no expense in famishing means of transportation to seaboard to- the producers of the Inland Empire. ' ' ' i ' M. Sichel & Co. have started 250 bead of horses east in charge of K. Sichel, says tbe Prineville Newt. These horses will be shipped from Huntington and will be at tended by Elmer Graves, H. Gibson, Joe Crooks and A. Crooks, who own interests in them. Mr. Sichel will be absent about six weeks. If a satisfactory market la found for these horses they will be followed by seyeral more bands thia season. They are destined for Greencastle, Ind. D. H. Brazzill while at work on the fish wbeel was shot in the thigh last Monday afternoon by a passenger on the steamer, aaya tbe Skamania Pioneer. When George Stevenson learned of the accident be offered $59 reward for the man who did the shoot ing, bnt be could not be identified, and Artists' Material snd Painters' Supplies A Fittt Story. " Trout fishing still commands tbe atten tion of sportsmen, and tbe finny inhabi tants of the neighboring' streams furnish many meala to onr oitizena. 1 It ia contrary to law to 'make sale, of them, ' but if any angler is burdened with the number of bis day's "catch" there are always friends and neighbors who will gladly relieve him. Mr. C. L. Phillips la the prioee among fishermen in this vioinity, and he never makes a mis sionary tour of the neighboring hills with out he comes home with a well-filled basket, yesterday waa , not a yery good day for: trout, and our friend only removed about seventy of the inhabitants of Mill creek." Tbe phosphorescent elements of the pisca torial species have always been renowned for stimulating effects on the' gray matter ot tbe brain, but whether this stimulation .is caused bv excitement of the1 blood, ex pansion of the oellolar tissue in the convo lutions of the organ or by the oreatioo ot new cellalar tissues therein has not - been fully determined by scientists. At any rate, from the premises stated tbe syllogism may be formed something after this manner: Fish food creates' or 'stimulates the mental faculties; all men, editors especially, need stimulation or creation of the mental facul ties; therefore, all men, editors especially, sbbnld eat fish'. '. :. OREGON : BAKERY mu com A Gentleman Who formerly resided in Connecticut, but who now resides in Honolulu, writes: "For 20 years past, my wife and 1 have used Ayer's Hair Vigor, and we attribute to it the dark hair which she and I now have, while hun dreds of our acquaint ances, ten or a dozen years younger than we, are either gray-headed, white, or bald. When asked how our hair has retained Its color and fullness, we reply, 'By the use of Ayer's Bair Vigor nothing else.'" "In 1868, my affianced was nearly bald, and the hair tkept fall ing out every day. I Induced hertouse Ayer's Hair Vigor, and very soon. It not only checked any further loss of hair, but produced an entirely new growth, which has remained luxuriant and glossy to this day. I can recommend thia preparation to all In need of a genuine hair-restorer. It is an that it is claimed to be." Antonio Alamm, Bastrop, Tex. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR Agent for MASURY'8 LIQUID PAINT -AND- -THE BEST- AH orders for painting, papering and kslsomining promptly attended to , A. KELLE R Prop'; Wellington, Hock Springs, and Roslyn Coal. tka iTlAIiTRICIiy TiRsrCLAia . ....IMIK.. I aaa u. spared to furnish families, natals and rea $12, sacked and tbe city. delivered to any part Ot THE DAT.T..K3, OREGON. Bread, Cakes aM Pies. At Moody's Warehouse i bnwt. Ptuftwt aa Ftatat la the Wri& PusfSjiLffer svecoraodation unexcelled. REW YOilaTlONDGIIDERRV AND BLASBOW. KrAry R&tnrrlAT. NEW TOBK GIBRALTAR and XAPLES, At r(ruiar lDierrmift. SALOON, SECOND-CLASS AND STEERAGE rata on lowest terras to and from the nrlnclDle hotoh, rauisB, nisa all ooktikiotal foots. -Kxooraoci tweets available to return dj eitner tne pio toreeqoe Crjde A North of Inland or Maples A Olbraltar bafts aaa Hooey (Men to air isesst st I evert littt, Apply to any of onr local Agents or to HBVDKJiSON BKOTELEKS. Cnioaro, JJt J8SCHKNCK, jTesraent. J 1 PATTERSON Cat bier. You Know What You Want Bee Smokers, Fishing Tackle, Post Hole Augers, Spray Pumps, Force Pumps, Sheet Iron, Wire Netting, Garden Tools, Stoves, Steel Ranges, Scythes, Snaths, Axes, Wedges, Crowbars Barrel Churns, Tin Churn?, Wheelbarrows, Cross-cut Sawi FDLL LINE OF GROCERIES Iron Pipe, Tinware, Graniteware, Powder and Shot, Revolvers, Guns, Loaded Shells, Building Hardware, Wringers, Wire Cloth, Cutlery, Plumbing Goods Chimney Pipe Wire and Cut Nails, Barbed Fruit Box Nails, Terra Cotta Sewer Pipe, ' Garden and Field Seed -AT LOWEST PRICES, MAIER & BENTON. The Dalles. ' - Ton Wn.nfJou'DryMs We keep the Largest and Bear, Assorted Linn ia tbe city, of Dry Goods and Notions, Gents' Fur nishing Goods and Clothing, Men's, Ladies' and Children's Fine Shoes. ' We Want Ml Patronage Best Kentucky Whiskey Fresl Caters Sened la Eiery Style, the First National Bank OF THS DALLES. FROM LOTJSriLXJS. Very Best Key West Cigars, and Bes of Wines. Beeaatl Street. Bext door to Uonal nana, The Dalles Na I Successors to The Dalles National Bank SCHENCK AND BEALL, BANKERS. FOR WHIPS '"iPI 25" 500, - 1M Wl II L. .j W rTATHERRONK Is mad from 0. nature's own tongues material, best Milna maan n. the nrlos. Cheap. D arable, ALL, STYLES, an anovs aia )w bdmw ict b WKH' flNP Death of an Old Settler Mr. A.- Schuster, a pioneer resident of this region, died at Goldendale early this morning, after a lingering illness of several months, and . was aged 75 years. Ha came to The Dalles in 1862, and worked m this oity for Mr. Teal in the Washington market, corner of Court and Second streets. Removing to Klickitat he lived for several yeais on the Washington banks of the river a few miles wast of the city, apd ' was " for along timesheriff of the county,' fulfill ing the ardonns duties of that office to th satisfaction of all. Of late years he has re sided at Goldendale, Wash., where he was universally esteemed as an honest nprigh' citen. He joined the Methodist chnrch many ' years ago, and was a consistent. Christian man in his everyday life and in his dealing with his neighbors. Besides his sged widow be leaves a family of three daughters Mesdames Schanno and Wyck man of this city and Mrs. Davis of Walla Walla and two sons to monrn his demise. English Portr Ale and Mil wank e r . . Beer always on band. ; OF DALLES CITY, OR. maetz & ptjndt. : prop's I President,. Gunning & Hockman CasUer .Z.F. I. A. Moody Transacts a Regular Buy and sell Eichanye. Collections carefully mads and promptly accounted lor. Draw on new lore, oan rancisoo ana rort land. Directors s DP Thompson, Ed H Williams, J S Hchenck, GeorffS Llsbs. H M Basil. CITY BAKERY HAERT LIEBE, Practical :. walclinaier AND DEALEB IN -AND- Blacksmiths. FAMILY GROCERIES Clocks, Watctes, Jewelrj, Etc, Always keeDS on sals the latest and bwt atrlea of xime-piecee, ununona Klnirs, Bow-anoc lunrs, oil Terwaxe, eve., .K, REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. General Banting Business Transacted. In the new shop oa Second 'street, first blacksmith shop ast of French Co. 'a brick block. 8igbt Exchanges sold on Second and Union Streets. A. L. NEWMAN. Proprietor 163 Secood Street, next door to A. Williams & Co. THE DALLES, OREGON. All kinds of work In Iron, whether of agrlcultmal mplementaor vehicles, done in the most necaan- cal stria and satisfaction ruaranteed. lanzwkr Lcca uouoty. f- HoiBe-Snoeing a Specialty. .Frank J. Chesby makes oath that be ia the senior partner ef the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co, doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aferesaid, and that aaid firra will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLuARd for each and every case of catarrh that canuot be cured by the use of Hall's Catabbh Cube. FRANK" J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D 1888. " 1 ' NEW YOREL, NOTICK June 11, SEAL A. W.GLEArtON, . Notary Public, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acta directly on the blood and mnceus surfaces of the system. Send for testi monials, free. -' '; I.i. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, O. i ISSold by Druggists, 73c. NoUce, All city warrants registered prior t December 3, 1891, are now due and payable at my office. Interest ceases after this date. , L I. Bubokt, . City Treasure Dalles City, Ore, May 15, 1894. The D. S. Land Office.' The Dalles, Or-18M. Complaint bavins; been entered at this office by I W. W. Mason airainat Tony Plamback for abandon ing nis bomeswiaa entry no. MZ7, aateei June x, i2, upon tne ne qraee if, ip l a ranire in eaaa, in Wasco oountv, Oregon, with a view to the cancella tion of said entry, the said parties are hereby sum moned to appear at tbjs office' on the 26 to day of July. 1894. at 10 o'clock a m. to rwpund and I ur nish testimony couorrnina; said alleged abandon? meat. - - JOHN W. LEWIS. Begister. IfOTICE, Tbe 0. 8. Land Office, Tbe Dalles, Or., June 11, 189. Complaint having- been entered at this office by L. O. Dennijrhan against Va Wordes for abandon? inrhs homestead entry No. 4326, dated March IB, 1892, npen the sw qr sea 83, tp 4 rawre IS east, in Wasco county, Oretron, with a view to the canceluv Hon of anid entry, the said narties are hcrebi sum moned to appear at this offloe oa the SOtb day of July, 1804, at 10 oelock a on, to respond and rur- niah testimony eoncermns; said aliejred abandon ment. . .. ' JOHH W. LEVIS, Bef) later. 8 AN FRANOISOO, Denny, Rice & Co. Wool & Commission Merchants j Andrew Velarde, ' T HOUSE MOVER. EXECUTOR'S NOTICK The Dalles. Address; Lock Box 181. 6 10 Atlantic Ave., Bo pton. JAS. FERGUSON. KOONTZ, Real Estate, Loans and karam Agent for tbe Scottish Union an I NkUonal In surance company of Edinburgh, Scotland, Capital Valuable Farms near the City to sell on easy "offlos over Post Office, The Pallas, Or. General . Expressman ! Goods baaled with tbe greatest sarcto all carta of he atj n short notice. Tirtue of art order made I t the County Court of Wasco county, Oregon, at the July tern thereof. 1S94. to me airecua. as tne executor oi tne eetate of W. Mel). Lewis, decewed, I wll. after the 10th day of Angus', 1894, proceed to sell for cash in haad the following described lands of the said eaiatA. tA.wit; Tne -west half of tbe northwest quarter, the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of aro- UOO twenty; tne nortneast quarter ui ie ouruM west quarter of section nineteen in tonsUip 6 Miuth of range 12 e-ist; the north half of the southeast quarter, northeast quarter oi tne eou'nwen qnarter and aoutheaat quarter of northwest quarter of see lion twenty-one loanship 0 south, range 12 east of Will.mette meridian In Wasco coun y, Oregon. Said land will be sold In lots tu snit purchasers. Dated this July a, 18U4. Z. F. MOODY, Executor of the estate of W. McD. Lewis, de ceased. Jui7-4t NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . s Lairs Optics at Tbs Dau.h, Ob. June 26, 1894 Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler haa Sled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Kegister and Receiver of thj U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., on August 4, 1894, viz: William a. nuuw.wiv, Homestead No. 3i23. for tbe ow qr Sec 20, Tp I f. Range 138. Hm nimM the followfnir witnesses to Drove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: J t Doyle. Ben Southwell. Ed Doyle. Wm Dyole, all cf Eudaraliy, Oregon. JUnau urui TT. ijinu, nexietor. Of course wa will pat Prices to suit. Always d tbaU Nobody undersells us. Coma around and investigate. A. M. WILLIAMS & 00. ETEFTUHB BATHS mm AND HAIRGDTTNG PARLORS LADIES HAIRCUTTINQ ajtd SHAMPOOING A SPECIALTY. A Shower Room in Each Bath Room. A Bootblack Stand Connected with our shop, and especial attention paid to all 110 Front'Street, Opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel, THE DALLES, OREGON. TELEPHONE ISO, 45. The One Price Cash House, DIBECTLt ROBTH OF METHODIST CHUBCH. J. P. IcIIEKNI DEAXEB IN Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c ' Agent for the Buttenek fatterns: also for tbe Hall Basaar lreas Forms. When You Have School Books to Purchase REMEMBER H. T. NOLAN, Who always sails as low as the lowest in the city. On account of a circular quite generally distributed through this section by the agen. of the America Book Company, the price list of school books published in September, 1891, ia hereby withdrawn; all the prices in tbat list being lower than those tpe agent claims are the proper retail prices. For new prioes inquire at his stor 14S (Second Street, TUH DALLEM, OKlCGrOjX Si