The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, July 14, 1894, Image 1

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rimts.AniTAl!IEKB. M X.II
No. 47
.JULY 14. 1894
John Michell. Editor and Proprietor
Professional Cams.
Physician and Surgeon
Booms over Dalles National Bank. Office hour., 10
imlius, and from x to 4 p m. Keel
denoa We.t End oi Third street,
Attorneys at Law
Offlce on Court Street, Apposite the Old Court House
The Da. lee, Oregon
Attorney at Law
Office in Schanno's Building, up stairs.
The Dalle
- . Attorneys at Law
Booms 42 and 43 Chapman Block, The Dalles, Ore.
Physician and Surgeon,
Sooms 8 sod 4. Chapman Block, The Dalles, Ore.
TT7A8CO L0DG8, NO. 15.
A. F & A. M. Meets
TV nnt and third
Monday of each month at 8
J Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wed need)
each month Kir s,
COLUMBIA LODGE, NO, 6, I. O. O. F.-Meeta
J every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in K. of P.
Hall, corner of neooud and Court street. Sojourn.
lor Brothers are welcome. fx. ulousb, sec v.
FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets
32 every Monday evening at 8:00 o'clock, in Schan
no's building, corner of Court and Second streets.
eetournrng brother are cordially uivited.
D. Tadsb, K. H. and 8. F.
YV will meet every Friday afternoon at 8 o'clock
at the reaoinar room. All are invited. .
JjJ. Hood Camp, No. 69, meets every Tuesday
evening' of each week at 7:30 o clock, in A. Keller's
Hall. , AU brothers and sojourning; brothers are
Invited to be present. - ' -
TEMPO LODGE. NO. 8, A. O. U. W.-Meets
in KKeller1 Hall every Tburedav evening at 7:30
W. 8. Mtsks, Financier.
I AS MS8M1TH POST, NO. 82, G. A. R Meet
I every Saturday at 7.30 P. M. in K. of P. Hall.
OF L. K. Meets every
K. of P. Hall.
Friday afternoon in
J Sunday evening in Keller's Hall
OF. L. F. DIVISION. NO. 167 Meet n K.
of P. Hall toe first and third Wednesday of
tain month at 7:30 r. m .
mrst baptist church Rev. x d. Tatlob,
Pastor. Service everT Sabbath at 11 A. M.
P. M. Sabbath school immediately after tbe
morning service. Prayer meeting every Thursday
vening at r. a.
E CHURCH Rev. Jxo. Wesui, Pastor.
Service every Sunday morning and evening.
Sunday School at 1230 o'clock P. M.. A cordial invi
tation attended bv both pastor and people to all.
I Pastor. Service, every Sunday at 11 A. M. and
P. M. 8unday School after morning service.
, CtT. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father BaoHaessn
O Pastor. Low Mas every Sunday at 7 A. M. Hi
Masse 10:30 A.M. Vespers a P.M.
TP PAUL'S CHURCH.- Union Street, opposite
l Fifth. Rev. AUi D. Sutcuffe, Rector. Services
very Sunday at 11 A. M and 7:80 P M., Sunday
school st 9:30 A. M. Evening Prayer on Friday si
70 P.M.
flHRISTIAN CHURCH Rv. J. W. Jimusa, pas
j tor. Preaching every Hundav afternoon st 8
o'clock in the Conirreirational church. All are cor
dially invited
Cigar Fact ry,
FIR rr . N BEKT.
nininQ of the Best Brands manufact
UlUAiiO nred. and ordras from all puts
of the country filled on tbe shortest notice.
The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR
has become firmly established, and the de
mand for the home mannfaotoaed article
. increasing every day.
deaMdy-tf : A. ULR1CH SON.
' From Baturdey' Daily.
Fabk Oissitt Pills will reduce your weight
' PERMASKtlTliY from 18 to 15 p un s a
mouth. Mo starving sickness or iniury; no public
ity. They build up the health and b. autify the
complexion, leaving no wrinkle r nabbiness. Stout
abdomen and difficult breathing .urely relieved.
- NO fcXri'.BlMK r but a aaentifi aud posi
tive relief, adopted only after year of experience.
All orders supplied direct from our office. Price
S8.00 par peekago or three packages for 88 00 by
mail postpaid. Testimonials and particulars (sealed
Ail Correpndee ratrteily Caalldeu
tlal. PARK REMEDY CO., Boston, Mass
-f aw 4 Second street next door east of
J--: The Dalles Nat Bank
Having just openrd In business, and having a fall
assortment of the latest good in my line. I de
sire s share of the public patronage. .
And Everything to be Fonnd in a Frst Class
Book and M otic Store.
162 sSS?2
The; Rosehill Greenhouse
, IsSstUl adding to itaflarge stock of ;
all kinds of
And esq (umidi a choice selection; also est flowers
. and floral designs.
R. E. Saltrrr..-i
East End STOCK TfiBDS,
HighestCashPrice for
Hay and Grain.
Northwest Cor. Second and Washington 8ts.
Successors to Georite Buch.
rile Cheapest Place
All Kinds of Groceries,
Ws respectfully solicit s sh of the public pat.
rnage and snail endeavor to gl'
rive entire satisfac
DAK BAKER. Prop r.
Keeps on band tbe oest
Wises, Liprs and Cigars.
Near the Old Mint, Second Street.
Sample : Rooms,
(Nearly' opposite Umatilla House.)
The Best Wines, ' .: .
Liquors and Cigars
Northeast Uor Second and Court Btreets, The Dalles
Columbia Brewery Beer on
STiFis mm MM,
Soecial Prices to Cash Buyers.
Manufactures tbs Best Articles of
Soda, Sampaiilk and Ginger Ale
Leans Orders With Andrew Keller,
W - Exchange - Saloon.
Wines, Liauors Cigars.
aecond8treet East End.
The U. 8. Land Office. The Dalles. Or.. Msv n.
Complaint havfaur lm entenwl at thfa olflM hv
Frank Malone against John Vrtdt for ahnd ning
his horn., Lead entry No. 1383, dated Mareh ii. 1892.
upon the e hf sw qr, nw tr w qr and sw qr nw ur
tec 10, tp 8 s range 18 out, in Wasco county. Or.
son, with s view to tbe cancellation of said entry.
toe ui parties are bereby summoned to spp ar at
this offlce on the 21st day of July. 1894. a1: 10 o'clock
a m, to respond and furnish testimony concerning
said alleged aba noon men t, K. M. uhutt, V tt Com
missioner U SUtborUed to take teatimohv in this
ease st Antelope, Oregon, at 10 a m, July M. 1894.
JOHN W. LEWIS, Register,
TK THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Oregon,
J for the County of Wasco
The American Miirtarafle ComnanV of Scotland. IJdT
iten, a Corporation, plaintiff, v. James Dorris
and Thomas W. QUvey, administrator of the
estate of Patrick Dorris, deceased, defendants
To James Dorris, the above named defendant:
In the name of the state of Oregon, jou are here
by required to appear .no answer the complaint
Bled against you in the above entitled suit, on or
before Monday the 28th day of May. 1894, that
being the first day of the next regular term ol
said Court, and if you fail so to answer, for want
there f, the pi intiff will apply to said Court fur the
relief demanded in isa comp aini, vo-wiv:
lo foreclose plaintiff? mortvage, made, executed
and delivered to Patrick Dorris, now deceased, on or
about tne 10th day of December, 1892, upon I be
eat halt of the southeast quarter and the east half
of the northeast quarter of section 18. iu townsnip
3 south, of range 14 east, of the Willamette Merid
ian, in Wa-co Couuty, regon, and to have said
premise aold according to law and the practice of
tl.e a ove entitled Court to satisfy plaintiff's de
mands, to-wit, to pay the sum of 83S0 and interest
on said sum since fiuvember 1st, 18K2, at the rate of
10 per cent, per annum, tcvetber with plaintiff's
costs and dUburs men's made and expended in
this suit, including subsequent costs and expenses
nf ...l-.- thut titvin uifh loreciosure anu oecree anti
.1m .11 nt vniir Hhfc. title and interest and all iter.
sunx claim ng, or to claim, by, through or under
you. or by, through or under said Patrick ooms,
n w deceased, in aud to said premises, be foreclosed
and forever barred from tbe equity of icdemptiun;
that plaiutiff be allowed to purchase said lands and
premises at its option; that the purchasers of saia
premises have the immediate p-jsaeesion oi saia
mmiML anu averv rjart a a narcei Hitreoi. hu
jr such other and furiher relief as to the Court
luay seem equiuble and just.
The service of this summons is made upon you by
publication thereof In Tne Tim as mountaineer, a
newspaper of irenerai circulation, published we. ky
at The Dalle. Wasco ountv. Oregon, it being the
paper meet lUelv to convey notice to you, by order
of the Hon. w. u. Kradsnaw, juage oi uie aoove en
titled Cour , which order was duiy made on the id
day of April, lti94, at chambers, in Dalies City,
Wasco County, Oregon.
Ail; run. , mlekit eta,
spT-7w Attorueys for Plainitff.
signed, administrator of the estate of Harn-
eon Comm. deceased, by virtue of so order of the
i ountv Court of the State of Oregon for asco
County, in probate, made on the 6Ji day oi Septem
ber, A. D. 1893, and a .upplementary order made by
aairi court of date uec- mber 22. 1893. will ou Satur
day, the 27th diy of January, 1894, at the hour of 3
r. M. OI silo aa, at tne muit nouse uoor in lhicb
City, in Wasco Countv, Stale of On gon, sell st pub-
c virion to tie nignet iiauer iot cau in iuin,
innl.-et to the confirmation of aaij Court, all of the
following described real es ate aud water rights, be
longing o the estate oi tne saia jeceasea, to-wit.
The west half of tbe nortneist Quart-r. and the
northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of sec
tion twenty-five, in townshio two m rui of range ten
east of tne Willamette meridian.con tuning 1 0 acres
and aituatod in Wasco County, atte of regon; and theeas'- half of tbe east half of section -o.
twenty-five in township No to north of ranue ten
east wf tbe Willamette meridian, oontainlng 160
acres, snd situated in Vmo County, State of Ore
gon, together with the tenements, hereditaments
and appurtenances and water rights thereto belong
ing, and beonging to said est,te
- All tne above described property, iocludinr tbe
water rights, to be .old in one parcel.
Dated, December 2. lows.
Administrator of the estate of Harrison Corum,
Administrator's Sale.
WH -.REAS, the Hon. county Court of the Bute
of Oregon, f jr the County of Wasco, on the
6th day ot November, 1893. duly made an order di
recting me, tbe '.ulj appointed, qualified and acting
administrator of the estate of Ernest 8, Uage, de
ceased, to sell the isuds and premises belonging to
said estate, and hereafter particularly described, at
Eublic auction, to tbe highest bidder, for cash in
Now. therefore, by virtue o f such authority, and
In pursuance of said oruer, 1 will, on Saturday, the
lOtn day of February, 189 4, st the hour of ten
o'clock in the forenoon of said day. at the front door
of the uouuty Unit House Tn DalleSCfty; Wasee
County, Oregon, sell, at pu.ui e antlon. .o tne nign
et bidder, for bum in band, the land and p- emises
belonging to said estate, and particularly described
as fu lows, to-wit:
The southwest quarter (s-J) snd tbe southeast
quarter of the i orthwest quarter (net of uw) of
section fifteen, (16) in towiuhip one (1) south, of
range fourteen (14 eats, oi tne Willamette Meridian
in Wasco ountv. Oregou. containing two hundred
acres of land, aid sale will be made subleot to ap
proval and connrmation of the said oounty uourt.
Dated at Dalles City, Wasco Couuty, Oregon, this
th day of January, 18a.
1. H. JOHNSTON, -Adm'r
of the Estate oi Ernest 8, Haage, deceased,
SlieriflT's Sale.
J OTICE is hereby given that undei and by vir-
1 t'le of sn execuuon issue i out 01 tne circuit
iurt of tbe state of regon for Wasco county, on
tbs 16th day of April 1894. upon a Judgment made.
rendeied and entered In said court In a suit wherein
Waller Breege was plaintiff and Alfred Kennedy and
Caroline Kennedy were defendants, to me directed
and delivered. I did ou tbe 21st day of April, 184,
duly lev; upon and will on Saturday, tbe 26ih day
of May le9t, at 2 o'clock in the afternooi of said
dav iu front of the Court house door in Dalles City
Wasco county. Urvn. sell to tbe highest bidder
ioi cash 1 1 hand all of the following described real
estate to-wit:
Lot 18. in section 4. and lots 6 snd 6, in section 6,
all in township 1 north, of range 13 east, of tbe
MU.amette Men lan, containing 20.78 acre accord
ing to the government survey thereof, toietb.r
with tbe tenements, hereditament snd appurte
nances thereunto belonging or in any wise apier-
Lainiiig. or so much thS'Sof ss shall be nessssary to
satisfy the sum of (309.6U and interest on said sum
at tbe rate of 10 pel cent per annum sines tbe 8th
day of Janmuy. 1894, and th ousts of said writ ana
accruing oust ami expenses of sale.
Dated at The Dalies, Wasco County, Oregon, April
27, 1894. T. A. WARD,
Doerux os nasco vounsy, vreguu.
Lass Omca at Tan Dalle, OaseOH,
April 2, 1894.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler bis 81 od notice of his intention to
males final proof in support of his claim, and
tLat said proof will be made before the Register and
Receiver of tne U. 8. land etHee at Ti)s Ifellss, Or.,
on May 17, 1894, via;
Hd No 8507, for the lot. 1 and 2, sec 18, tp 1 n, r 16 o
He name the following witnesses to prove bis
continuous residence upon and cultivation of said
land, vis:
Anna Brown. Thos McCoy. Chas Green, Dell C
Wilder, all of The Dalles, Oregon.
p7 juuii w. Ajawab, uegister.
Tbe U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Or., June. 11,
lomplsint having been entered at this office by
Louis Delcore against Kdain btoefer for failure to
Comply with law to limber culture eutry No 2202
dated June 22, 1880. up.Jl the s nf sw qr and s hf
se qr, sec tO, to 6 range 13 east, iu Wasco county,
O.egoo, with a view to tbe cancellation of said
en'rv: contestant alleging that said Edwin Stoever
fa' led to plant in timber, seeds or cuttings the third
ear alter making said entry, ana tout aia nuiore
till exitt; the laid parties are hereby summoned
to appear at this office on tbs 26th day of Jul,, 1894,
at 10 o'clock s m, to ropend and furnish testimony
concerning saia allege) failure,
JOHN W. LEWIS. Register.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the nnosrslgned has
been duly appointed by the County Court ol tbe
btate of Oregon, for Wasco County, in Probate, ad.
ministrator of tbs estate of A K. Bonsey, deceased.
All peii-ons having claims against said estate are
hereby notified sad i quired to present them to me
with proper voucher, at the law office of Condon
sod Condon, In Dalies City, Oregon, within six
month from the date of this notice,
Msy 12, 1894
Administrator ol the estate of A. K. Bonier,
malt deceased.
TheU. S. Land Office, Tbs Dalles, Or., June 11,
Complaint having been ent red at this offlce by
Gilbert 8. Mann again Joseph Stoedter for sband
oniag his homestead entry No 4 80. dated June 18,
1892, upon the nw qr sec 17, tp 1 s range 10 east, in
Wasco county. Oregon, with a view to tbs cancella
Uo of said entry, the said parties are hereby sum
moned to appear st this nthoa on the Sfith Jay of
July, 1894 , at 10 o'clock a m, to respond snd furnish
testimony concerning said si eged abandoiiment, -JOHN
W. LEWIS, Register.
8. Land Office, The Dalles, Or., June 11,
The U,
Complaint having been entered at this office by
Wyatt A. Stark against heirs of Gel K. Laogiile far
abandoning homestead entry No. 8982, dated July
29, 1891, upon tne w hf of se qr and s hf of sw qr,
see 22, tp 2 n range 11 east. In Wasco County, Ore
gon, with a view to the cancellation of paid entry,
the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at
this office on the 26th day of July, 1894. at 10
o'clock a m, to respond and furnish testimony con
cerning said ailegad abandonment.
JOHN W. LEWIS, Segistsr.
I 1294. 88.000 in bonds of Hood River Sch
District, bearing ? per cent interest, payable semi
annually. They will either be sold In puts of
fl OuO each, or tbe entire 88,000 at one time, or any
number of the eight bond of 81,000 each, to th
highest bidder for cash,. These bjods are redeem
able in twenty years, or after ten years if conve
nient for the district. WILLIAM MICHELL, .
. County freamrer,
Th Dalles, May 81,18i. -
Biz (strikers Dea4
Chicago, Jul; 6 Six deaJ and an in
definite number injured is tbe record of
casualties in tbe strike conflict in Chi
cago today. Yesterday one man was ebot
in tbe leg. If tbe blood-letting tomor
row nball sbow an increase, tbe coroner
will have a summer's work before him.
1 be deyelopemeoU of yesterday went far
to convince all thinking people that tbe
gravity of tbe situation bad not been ap
preciaied by the authorities or tbe people
at large. Persons who were here during
tbe railroad riots of 1877, and wbo saw
the atmosphere clear perceptibly when no
more tbao 80 bronzed and husky reeo
lnrs from tne piaios mrcbed down Madi
sun street ana went Into camp on tbe
lake front, wagged tbeir beads koowiugly
when three times that number were or
dered from f ort Sberidan, comprising
three armies ot tbe service, and said they
would make abort work of Deba and bis
followers. But 12 hour of as patient
nd persistent coolness sod bravery,
under as trying circumstances as were
ever seen, the same citizeni and otTcera
in command were forced to admit that
things were not as in 1877, and that it
was still a long way to peace and tbe re'
sumption of traffic on any of tbe roads
running out of Cbicago.
Tbe local and state authorities bave
awakened to tbe critical gravity of tbe
situation, which is effecting ibe nation
generally and Cbicago particularly, and
are taking measures to apply adequate
mi-asnres of relief. Ibe police force has
already been recruited up to over 3000
men, and, at the request ot Mayor Hop
kins, and by tbe order of Governor Ait'
geld, two brigade! ot state militia bave
been ordered here in quelling 'he dis-
turbaoce. At tbe national capitot, also,
tbe fact is recognized that tbe prevailing
conitioos are entirely out of tbe ordinary,
and that provisions must be made for
such a number ot Lighting men as never
has been seen in tbe history nf tbit nation
in tiroes ot peace, and that tbe dignity of
be Uoited mates and processes of its
court are not to be langhed to acorn for
an indefinite time.
Tbe stuke lnfectien is widespread and
so menacing at points that tbe presiden
and his adruers bmleve it would be tan
wise to withdraw any more regular
troops from the country west of Cbicago,
Tbe day baa been one ot constant alarm
and calls tor tbe police, deputy ra rshals
and soidiers here, and everywhere.
tbroogb a wide stretch of territory in tbe
southern part ot tbe oity, riot has ' been
running rampant throughout .the day;
cars bave been overturned: switches
broken and'tiacks obstructed in numer
ous svavB. - The torch; baa, been' applied
numerous instances to, cars,- switch
to ers aud like, not to meotio.i an ; at
tempt to fire a part, of the great Armour
pack lug plant ' In fact, at one time one
incendiary blaze foliowud another in such
quick succession that tbe fire department
was put in straits to care for all. To add
the gravitv it waa found that tbe
strikers were, interfering" with tbe opera
tion of tbe Ore alarm and telegraphic
signa'a, and in one or two Instances po
lice who were using tbe police telephone
ca! s were stopped.
Iaeeadlarlant Kaaapaat,
Chicago, July 6 With flaming torch,
lawless hordes of firebugs are at work at
a score of points in tbe south half ' of
Chicago. Fires are raging in every di
rection among tbe numerous railroad
yards, hundreds of cars and tens of
thousands of dollars' worth of merchan
dise bave gone np in smoke or been
carried off by tbe now frenzied moos of
rioters. Incendiarism is rampant, alarm
alter alarm bas follawed in quick suc
cession all day, and tonight at 11 the
glare reflected from tbe heavens shows
the disorderly pas time continues . un
aoaied. From early morning until this
bour, midnight, reports of fresb fires
followed eacn otber with rapidity, being
oouQned, however, principally to rail
road rolling stock and buildings, against
which thus far tbe greatest part of the
moo's fury has been directed. Eirly
this morning a blaze started among some
overturned cars at Kensington, quickly
communicating to tber 'tracks' filled
ith long lines ot cats, and many con
taining valuable merchandise.' These
were soon raging furiously, fanned by
strong winds. There is, at this point, a
total 01 ou cars wiped out. - '
At the stock yards one blsje after an
otber was reported and from the out
lying districts came urgent calls for
engiuesand police protection.' Bat with
tbe tailing shades of ' night - came 'tbe
climax of tbe fiery festival. In the Pan
handle yards, from 50th to 63d streets, 80
stock cars are on Are. Tbe tracks coo -
tain 1000 to 2000 cars. Half of them are
loaded, t hey will be a total loss. No water
being at bapd the fire must burn itself
out. Tbe Panhandle station st 83d street
was all fired and destroyed. ' The Grand
Trunk yards at Eiston is a sea of flams.
Five hundred box cars are 'supposed to
bave been burned and efforts to check
tbe fl mes bave been futile. While di
reeling the movement of tbe 11th bau
tilioo at 51st .street, Fire Marshal Fl'i
patrick was seized by the thoroughly
frenzitd mob of firebugs and thrown into
tbe pond, trom which be was rescued by
the police more dead than alive. Every
thing at tbia point wall probably be a
total loss. At Hyde Park. near the
world's fair grounds, tbe ashes of 40 cars
are smouldering snd word bss just come
10 that after numerous efforts tbe mob
succeeded in firing tbe Illinois Central
shops at Buroside.
Aa Appeal sTraa Deba.
Chicago, July 6 President Debs has
issued tbe following proclamation, ad
dressed to all sinking employes:
H In view of the report at disturbances
in various localities, I deem it my duty
to caution you against being a parry t
any violation of law, municipal, state or
national, during the existing difficulties.
We bave repeatedly declared that we re
spect law and order, 'and our conduct
must conform our professions. A maa
wbo commits violence in any form.
betber a member ef our order or not
should be promptly arrested and pun
ished, and we should be first to apprehend
tbe miscreant and bring bim to justice.
We must triumph as law abiding citizens
or aat at all. Those who engage in force
and violence are our leal enemies. We
bave it upon reliable authority that thugs
and - toughs are employed to create
trouble so as to, prejudice the public
against our cause. These scoBavdrels ia
every case should oe made to pay th
penalty of law. I appeal to yea to b
men, orderly and law abitfuig. - Qor
cause I just; the great public is with us,
and we have nothing to tear.
"Let it be borne ia mind that if tbe
rairroada caq secure men to handle tbeir
trains, tbey have that right. Our men
bare tbe right to quit, but there their
right ends. Other men bave tbe ngbt to
take their places, whatever the opinion
of tbe propriety of so doing may be
Come away from the railroad yards, or
rights-of-way, or otber places . where
crowds congregate. A safe plan is to
remain away entirely from places where
there is any likelihood ot there being an
outbreak. The railroad managers, bave
sought to make it appear that their una
do not operato because of interference of
strikers. This statement is an nnqualt
Bed falsehood, and no one knows it better
than tbe managers, themselves. .Tbey
make tbe falsehood serve tbeir paroose
of calling cut tbe troops. R spect the
law, conduct yourselves as become men
and our cause shall be crowned . with
Bred' Hot Crlttelaaa.
Washington, July 8 Tbe ways and
means committee met at 1 p. x. and took
np the tariff bill. Chairman Wilson an4
bis Democratic associates endeavored te
report back to the boute at once in favar
of a disagreement with the senate,'
Reed and bis associates "insisted
reading tbe senate amendments. ' Tbe
session of tbe committee lasted through
ut the afternoon and Wilson : was
compelled at last to abandon the hope of
reporting back the bill today. Through
out tbe discussion Reed poured hot an
bitter criticism at tbe bill and its .sup
porters. He moved at tbe outset itbat
tbe collars and cuffs' petition, in. book
torto, be laid on Chairman Wilson' desk.
as a protest to the bill aud a a means af
obscuring the chairman himself. - Wilson
did not like tbe jocular motion and re
fused to entertain it.
Martial Law Kew.
Washington, Jaly 8 Just before
midnight President Cleveland ismed the
following proclamation:
Whereas, By reason of unlawful ob
structions, combination and assemblages
of persons it bas become Impracticable,
in tbe judgment of the presideat, te en'
force, by tbe ordinary course of judicial
proceedings, the law of tne United States
within the state of Illinois and the city
of Cbicago within said state; and
Whereas, For the purpose of enforcing
tbe faitbful ezectuioa of tba laws of the
United States' and protecting its property
and removing obstruction to the United
k'ate in the state and city aforesaid, the
president has employed a part of the
military forces of tbe United State.
Now. therefore, I, Graver Cleveland,
president of tbe Uoited Slates, do hereby
admonish all good citizens and all per
sons,' wbo may be or may coma 'within
tbe city and state aloreaaid, against aid
Ing, . countenancing, 'encouraging or
taking any part in such unlawful ob
structions, combinations and assemblages,
and I do hereby warn all : persons
gaging In or in any way connected with
sucb unlawful obstructions. ; combinations
and assemblages to. dispersa and retire
peaceably to their respective, abodes, on
or before 19 o'clock oon,on the 9h day
of July, instant. Those who:. disregard
this warning an 1 persist -in. taking part
with tne riotous moo in ioreioiy.teisuog
and abstracting the execution of the- laws
of tbe Uoited States, or with interfering
with tbe functions of tbe government, or
destroying or -attempting to destroy the
property beiong'ng to tbe United, states,
or under its protection, caonot be re
garded otherwise tbaa as public enemies:
Troops employed against sucb riotous
mobs, willacc with all moderation .'and
forbearance consistent with tbe accom
plishment of tbe desired end,' but t he
necessities that confront tbem will not
with certainty permit discrimination be
tween guilty participant and these wbo.
are mingled with them, front curiosity
and without criminal intent. ..Tbe only
sale course, therefore, for . those not ac
tually unlawfully participating is .to
abide at tbeir hemes, ar at least not be
found iu the neighborhood of riotous as
semblages. While ' there will i be no
hesitation or vacillation in tbe decisive
treatment af tbe guilty, this warning 1 is
especially intended, to- protect and save
tbe innocent, la testimony whereot. 1
hereunto set my band and cause tbe seal
of tbe Un ted Bute to be hereto affixed.
Done at tbe city of Washington, tbl 8th
dav at Jaly. tn tbe year of out Lord. 1894, 1
and of tbe independence of the United I
States of America the 118ih. . 1 I
The proclamation practically declaring 1
martial law in the city of Cbicago was I
decided 0PD aflOT -U. a,l8cnMWB IQ
tbe, W2lB9'. 'Tt, I' J01!?
which General Mi-e dessred. from tbe be
gin ing, as It will give bim ample author
ity in the . ....
The following,, sent from, the war de
partment to General Mi es tbis-.eyeniog.
serves in a measure to interpret the in
tention of the president s action;
'in view ef the proyujon Qt -,'.9 stat
utes ana tor tne nuspoteof -luiiis. am
ple warning to all innocent a i well-dis
posed persons, the president hits deemed
it best to issue, tbe following proclama
tion, today i This doe not change tbe
scop .of .your authority iSnd dutius uor
relations .to local, authority., ,Yu will
make this known to Mayor Hopkins. 1
l7asler,eversaeBt rroteetlwst.-
Tacoxa, .July 8 The" local train,; to
Seattle leaving here at 8.50 r. X. wa
fired at by ambushed, men while crossing
the Puyallup reservation, flye .miles from
the city. The men who fired were lying
in the grass on both sides of the track.
They are supposed to bave bees strikers.
Tbey fired about 20 shots,. which were
returned by tbe deputy marshal on
board. The ballets flew sroqad the en
gineer's bead and about tbe passenger
coach. N one was hurt.' Superinten
dent McCabe was notified by wire as
soon as tbe train reached -' myauup.
Thirty deputies were put aboard tbe
Seattle train, due to leave at 4:89, which
was dispatched at once. The conductor
was instructed to stop the train if any
shooting occurred, so tne deputies could
charge tbe bush wback rs. Up to 8 P- M.
n further shooting hs been 'reported.
Companies A. B, D and t- Fourteenth
Infantry, U. 8-A., urived 'row . Yoa
ver barracks at 11 A. M. under command
of Colonel Thomas A. Anderson. The
newa nnicklv anread. and soon a .Crowd ot I
several hundred strikers estDerea at ine i
' ' , . ., 11
depot, ftieir faces were dark, bqt little I
wss said and no threat were made. Tbe
troops have pitched tbeir camp in the I
!r.H ..nt mt thm tna whu-K fairlV I
' J- . . . . 1
bristle with arms tonight. JJesiqes ap I
208 regulars, 150 deputy m.ar8bIa and s I
dozen special police were on duty during
tbe day. . . - - .1
Beginning this evening, seven or eight I
regular will go ont an every train leav i
fnav fauwim Mini-nine, writ h tha train I
T""T . . I
tnnlannl Andet-ana crnaftl to be Here a I
meets, and expects mare troops will b
sent from Vancouver. Local trains on I
tbl division are all running. A freight
train started west from Ellensburgb. to-1
dsy. Tomorrow a freight train wul be
Sent East sot IBQther te Portland.
AifT. -
A. western editor apologises te, nis I t
resdnrs anmpwhat allnv this f sshlOB : Wa I
expected to have a death and a marriage I
to publish this week, but a violent storm
preventea the ann. tne oocior
ksaiew faban iab himaJl ft hah mmtlnt I
covered, and wa are accordingly cheated I
asaum ssAmau Dtsat. BAia4wUist waw aiwsvws " " I .
out of both."
Kss) t the Railroad.
Chicago, July 8 The Pennsylvania
system succeeded today in sending out aa
early accommodation and the Columbian
special for tbe East, Neither train met
with serious interference and left the city
limits about on time. Some idea of wbat
the strike bas meant to Cbicago railroads
can be obtained when tbe organisation of
the Pennsylvania linos - is noted. . Tba
company, alter, tbe . declaration of tba
boycott, established headquarters in tba
city nnder tbe charge of etrlke moa
ger, and proceeded with an oigamzatioa
warlike ana complete. A commissariat
nf seven barracks was established and for
a week tbe department bas been feeding
sod lodging 1500 people. A force el
150 deputv marshals was organized with
officers, patrol wagons and signal stations
and a corps of engineers was put to work
npon tbe details of the damage done by
tbe strikers. But despite this force of
men, backed by citv, county, ta e ana
government troops, the company haa,suf
feree a tearful loss of property. Up te
Saturday night 687 - of -it- freight cars
bad been burned, besides ..many stgoal
towers, oil and tool bouses and other
property. Tbe burned cars, more tbaa
100, were loaded, about 50 with coal and
tbe remainder wi'h merchandise. . Nf
a tempt at an accurate estimate of th
damage bas yet been made, but it wilt
reach an enormous figure, ,
Despite tbe danger Incident 0,po
travel during tbe strike, large nunVer
ot. people nsye daily gone out overt tba
Pennsylvania and tbe cumber of paaseaa
gers was materially increased today. ,
Cast's (report Theaa.
8. F. Bulleton.
Official reports .say that of 110,000
Chinamen in, the . Uoited States 107.000
have registered under the law tbose wbo
fail must be deported, except few who
are exempt by reason of ,tbeir business
status, but no money is available for tbe
purpose. Sucb a state of affairs brings
our government into contempt not only
with the Chinese but with every one else
having knowledge of the fact.: .A law
for, whose rxtcaiion no provision is mado
invite attempts at evation. . .It also en
courages the violation nf other laws.
When Mr. Cleveland flatly refused to
execute; tbe Geary law,-even alter it
consutatiooalily had been declared, i b
excused ,bis course. on, the. : ground, that
there was no money lor the enforcement
Congress, shou d not give bim another
chance to seek sucb a .subterfuge. It
owes it to the dignity ot the country to
make sucb an appropriation as will-fully
uthce for tbe purpose lev view-fro-
I bably there are more tbao 8,000. Ctsinsee
I subject tn deportation,- even making
sHowance for exempt. .. We -knowjtist
how many are registered, but there, is no
doubt that 110,000 does not fully repre
sent the Chinese population of tbe Union
At any rate provision should be mad
for the deportation of sucb number as tbe
Statistic-, .abow: are subject L to tbeulaw
an" tbe work of culling tbem out sboald
ue prosecuted with vigor.
The HeaaMe Belle'a Aaaaal Wall.
New.. York World: 1 The . dodo, - they
say, is . extinct,. tpe( tph'qyosrqs. has
flown ; anq the auk, aqd bison,, beneath
tbe horizon will never come back to their
own. . ., . .. ,. ,. .
The young, man is extinct as the rest.
Pe bas gone like the dodo and tba auk ;
like-tbe auk-and tbe bison beneath the
horizon we sneet 'htm no more in our
Walk.,. -t ' - '-i - 't: "SI
Th mammoth and mastodon great and
the mrgaloaarus - have fled, and the
pleiosaurus Is dead. . .
Tbe young man is txtincter than they
from tbe seaweed, the ooze or the d'rt so
pleiosanrus come up to devour UK- no
young man to worsbio and flirt.1 -
Jmeriatbao's fled from 4be deepr' and
the - unicorn's gone . from- tba land : and
mermaid and mermen no mare dance the
germau by the shore of the sea ou the
Toe voting man is extinct a all these;
he is lost in tbe depths of the past: like
mermaids and mrrmen we eace - danced
the germau but that was too blessed to
last. . -. --:..
But tbe sea, -So the v tell us, is grand,
snd the skr is wsgniijceut too, and they
J1 th,'i'. f'Tf?1? ' ",, Md 10 0Ce"
in poetical hullabaloo. ! -
But wbv should we care far tbe seat
and why should we care for the (bore?
With .so, tainr by the .ocean to 'Whisper
devotion tie whole norrid thine is :a
bore. .
Tlte lassaeaaitw ar the Heavau,
The .New York Tims: if our sun
were removed to tbe l'leides it would
hardly be visible in an opera glass, with
which nearly 100 stars can be seen ia the
cluster. Sixty or seventy Pleiades " sur
pass our sun in biillancy, A'cyone being
1,000 timea more brillant, Electra nearly
500 times and Maia nearly iVT times.
Sinus - itself takes a subordinate rank
when compared with tbe five most brill i
ant. members, of tbe group, the- real
magnificence of which we can thus Ja
some degree apprehend. ..If we seek-to
know the .dimensions, not of tbe tn
dividual stars bat ef. the cluster .itself.
we. are. met with many .difficulties; but
on tbe assumption that it. is approxim
ately spherical lu shape, we can calculate
IU diameter to be over 49,000,000,000
miles, so that light. . would . take., seven
years to pass from one extreme to the
other, . ' . : . .
CIKiastssees Alter Csse.
Puck:, "Oh, papal Can't I play itr.
Little Ethel McGoegia's eyes were fllled
with tears,1 her childish voice waa' plead
ing. Mr. McQoogin spoke up testily from
behind the folds of bis paper. . "Empbat
ically, nr ,he said. , "IX the money I
bave spent, en. your musical edacatioa
baa-only advanced you sufficiently to
strum , these - vulgar jingles, misnamed
'popular.'.leevA to piano P , ( :
just tnen the portiere , were stirred.
said sweet, low voice, "I bave
iubt .receiveu a tetter irom mower, an
. I , , . . . , oi
doesn't like it at Brother William's,
and she will be with q again Tuesday
Ethel," said tba father, jou may
TjlaV that ilT."
. a 3-1 ' ',,., t -i .'
- AD. tnen, marreq oy cnnoisn aiscoras
we notes of "And tbe Cat Came Back"
isnnaaerea inrougn tao room.
Oar Fralts f rare in Onxla.
. erT .,. 0r nf nn. trnltM
' 1 - . .
at on re amriresr their fnralim anoin
- " .. ; . - .. . -
Corinth was tbe sponsor pf5urrau,'
and Uamasctii ol 'mon we . have
borrowed the word "gooseberry from
the French -groselUe," "spricot1, is de-
rived from Arabic, "peach" . from tbe
French or the Itsilanand tomta" from
tne Mexican Aiieo tomotei i" wnne tne
word "cauliflower' Is almost comical Iv
Ijiu . ju derivation from the Spanish
- col - y - Ber". cabbage and flower.
Philadelphia Rtcord: -There bas been
t dea, of .ng d 10Bie8e
. T'
a. (
aypaousm, .. u were some.
thing abstruse," said aa Area street
physician. '-In fact, it is an every day
phase of mental abstraction. Any one may
bpynotlze himself in a few minutes by
closing bis eyes, directing tbem inward
and downward, and then. Imagining bis
breath to be vapor, watching its inhala
tions-and expulsion from the nostrils
Babies invariably looic crosseyed before
going to sleep, 'in this way producing
wbat hypnotists call 'transfixtion.' Fish
ermen often hypnotise themselves watch
log a cork on a surface of shining water.
An bour passes as if It were a lew mm
. Wheat.
Wast Coast Ttads.
The local situation possesses no intere
in view of tbe fact that tbere bas. bee
practically no transactions foi some
weeks, and tbougb tbe figures are nearly
nominal tbe quotations of 4243c for
little club continues to prevail. All at
tention is centered on the new crop, and
in some sections of Eureka flat in tbe
Walla Walla country . harvesting ha
commenced, the yield averaging, it is
aid, thirty and thirty-five buihels to the
acre. Gradually tbe harvest .will drift
northward, and. though in certain por
tions of the, Palouse country where th
land is comparatively new, squirrels hsve
created considerable ravages, tbe pros
pective- yield is excellent, and exports
Will undoubtedly be fully up to tbe aver
spje for tbe season . Tbe present situatioa
is a trifle bullish, tbougb fluctuations
either way are- rapidly readjusted. -The
amount of wheat on passtge to the United
Kingdom , has decreased to 8,2574000
quarters and to continent to 1,235,009
quarters.- Duns says: "Wheat has de
clined 2c, tbe year closing with insignifi
cant exports. For tbe four weeks ot
June only 2,920.620 bushels were shipped
from Atlantic portsv against . 91 7,454
last year, while western receipts bave
been 5 620,880 for tbe same weeks,
against sS,cU0.940 last year, a - much
smaller decrease. Corn bas declined
receipts being larger than tbose of
and a heavy crop is expected."
;,-,.' 1.11 l!. '
Hew It taaitlnaea W ark.
Chicago Tribune: . "I , am taking up a
collection in aid of tbe striking coal
liners," said tbe man with the subscrip
tion paper. ' '
rd like to give something," replied
tbe man sitting 00 tbe doorstep, "bat I'm
out of a job myself. Tbe factory where
I've been- working bad to shut down the
other, day because tbey csnld'nt get any
more coal." r
- Cyellas; ia Kaaala.
Tbe bicvele is 'but little encouraged la
St. Petersburg. Wheelmen tbere are xe-stneted-tuv-thw
use -of -certain streets,
which are tor tbe most part so wretchedly
paved as t make riding through tbem
almost impossible'. No person un er-tb
sge of. eighteen may enjoy the priyilekei
of cycling, and no very btgb machines are
allowed in tbe streets. Another order J
provides that after dark no cycles of any
kind shall be admitted. ' -' " '
Far Csarederate Oeaerala lfc
1 There were nineteen lieutenant-general
in the confederate army, 'end of
these all are dead save four Wade
Ham plop, Joseqh. Wheeler. James Long
street and John B. Gordoo. '- Of the eight.
tun generals, Albert Sidney Johnston
LeonMas Polk' and Btonewall Jacksoa
were killed . in battle, while Robert E.
Lee, Bravton Btagg, E. Kirbv' Smith
Beauregard and Samuel Cooper have died
since tbe close ot the war, a "
A roaalble Setuttor.
Foyallup Commaros.
Hon. Thos. H. -Brent, of Walla Walla,
ia being talked of as a possible candidate
for United States senator. - Mr Brent
made very, good congressman, bat his
health has been so poor of late years that
he ha had to retire trom aotire business
and politics. Mr. Brents is a remarkable
man, and has always been a great joker,
He bas, pushed many -a -man to tbe front,
wail modestly remaining loth background
himself. . H played his. first game of mar
bles in Pike eouoty,Ilitnei. in IS4S; played
his second game with Jim Pnoe, now seqre
tary of state, near Soantygreas ,a.d Uma-
lickit, Claokama county, Ore., to which
point h had led hi people across the plains
to chop dowa the wilderness, and hard old
chopping it is to this day even off toward
Padding river and Porterhouse Jaok's place.
where there didn't useter be any timber.
Mr. Brent discovered the Bin Bucket
diggings and gave them to Sam Allen on
the Abiqaa; he was postmaster at Canyon
City when every mail sack was full of gold
dost; he waa clerk of Grant county when
Joaquin Miller was judge, and insisted that
Miller had poetry in him, whieh all others
denied. He pushed Mr. Miller forward a
a poet, and aooa that gentleman wa able
to stand alone, - and the result is known;
one of Miller's sweetest poems, "Beautiful
8now," was really written by Tom Brents;
whan Mr. Brents was out prospeotinr ' in
Malheur county he stood on Hosarock
mountain, made a speech to the Snake In
dian, and advised Ean and Winnemucca
to . run for chieftainships, and tbey wi
elected; ditto Sam Pamth aa tbeir. agent
and ditto Hash McQaaid aa a lecturer oa
prehistoric nuggets, Cap. 'Ferguson as
took (peculator and Phil Metaohan aa state
treasurer of Oregon.' '
t would he meet and just that Tom
Brents should attain senatorial distinction.
for his work in the 46th, 47th and 48th con
gress shows for itself; bat his health' for
bids. ' - - "i -
' It Makes Little Dlfferenc
Tba isolation of the town at present re
mind en ef pioneer day, and old residents
give fall reins to their imagination. Some
say that; whan they first settled here th
il arrived ' Mmi-oocaaionally. : Oaoe a
week was very rare for intelligence to be
received trom the outside world, bnt usual
ly a mouth intervened from one mail te as.
other ...But the people, were happy, then,
and why should they not he aowt There is
no possibility of starving while th present
run ol aslmea-eontianei, and it is an indi
cation of an effete civilisation to desire tbe
Knowledge of event elsewhere. ' Tbe world
moves along as usual and in the ordinary
channel. 1 Man of th rich are happy and
contented, and about the same aambsr of
the poor are miserable aud starving. Queen
Victoria dangles bar latest great-graadobild
oa ner corpulent knees, tbe. ameer, of
Afghanistan dwells in his palac ' guarded
by hi laye and the khan af Beloochistaa
moke hi ehihnnk aad drink his iherbet
cooled by anow from th Himalayas. There
are births sad deaths, marriage and f oner-
Is. persecution . and philanthropy, wealth
and poverty in all quarters . ef tbe globe,
and the eooditiona msy be expected to
oootinua whether Tbe Dalles receive a
daily or weekly mail from the east or west.
' Kor stale or Kent. ,
A two -story house, with 9 rooms, with a
well kept gsxdsn surroanding it, and -only
fifteen minutes.' walk from th business cen
ter. Will be sold or rented in th fall. In
quire at this office.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
1 jiwhm
The Strike Bltnat'on.
Last Saturday at Chicago was a terrible
day for that city .and the rioters continue!
burning cars and destroying property un
til attacked by the militia aud regular
troops. Serious trouble was expected
that morning, and tbe authorities made
preparations to protect property. ' The
mob became wild and excited around the
Grand Trunk roundhouses and in' the
afternoon began tearing up the track and
turning over freight cars. Finally thej
militia was attacked with stones and mis
sile, and tbe order was given to fire.
They obeyed orders, and it is estimated
that twenty of the rioters were killed' and
several wounded. - The militia continued
to charge and fire until they had driven
the crowd from tbe vicinity. In other
places in the great city the same state ef
feeling existed, and General. Miles, in
charge of tbe regular troops, issued or
ders to repel all attacks with firearms.
The disturbed section embraced'an' area
of about twenty-fire miles square not to
mention other places where small crowds
of men were wreakiog vengeance on rail
road property. This condition of affairs
being telegraphed to the president Chi
cago was placed under martial law, and
the supremacy of the civil courts sus
The scene of disturbance wa transferred
Sunday to Hammond, Iod., ia which a col
lision occurred between regular and rioter,
and the result was that aeveral of the latter
were killed. This seem to have effectually
quieted tbe mob, and no turther encounter
were reported that day. '
A Runaway,
There was a litt'e excitement out ot tbe
ordinary line this morniog in tbe shape ef a
runaway team of horses, which made it pre
carious to be in th vi. inity for a while.
Mr. Chas. W. Denton's horses, attached to
his fruit wagon was tied near the Umatilla
House, so we are informed, .wnea, from
fright or some other cause, they ran up
Union to Third, then akii ting the corner of
the Masonic building collided with two
post ot the awning tearing there away, and
then ran diagonally across Court street and
were stopped by running into a tree on the
cage of the sidewalk. A horse waa tied to
the tree, and his btidltf -was struck by th
tongTi of the wagon and the animal nearly
asphyxiated..' Some men in tbe rlcinity
to the relief of the animal and soon released
him from bis perilous position. Tbe hor s
were unharnessed and found not to be in
jured in the least, only terribly demoral
ised - " '
Land Tranafera. .
' Juiy-o-H C Co and Kittie Co to
School District- Nov S of Wasco county.
Oregon; lota 6, 8 arid 7 see 6, town of South
Waaooma; S400. -. '.:; .' - .
. July 6 -A 8 Blower to HCCoe; lota 6,
6 and 7 eo C, Wauooma addition to Hood
River; $1.
' Jaly 6 H F McElroy to H C Coe; lot
6, 8 and 7 sea C in Waaooma addition to
Hood River; 81. . . v i
July 7 O 8 Woodward and Gilbert N
Woodward to Mrs Sarsh E Taylor and B D
Taylor; parcel of land west of th sooth-
easterly corner of tha Win Jenkins dona
tion claim eo 30, tp S n, r 10 e; $300. !
Jaly 7 A J Swift, Mary Jane Swift,
Amos Richardson, Lydia Riobardson, W R
Can troll and Phebe Angelina (Jan trail to
Sarah McAtee; nw qr of seo 24 and s bf of
sw qr of see 13, tp 4 , r 13 e; $1.
The New York World tells of a young
taoy irom rDiiaoeipoia who came to a
. m ......
surgeon in that city, a day or two ago
and Submitted to a aurencal oneratlaa la
uu sHuntticHA. w a surgical operation IO 1
Detter tne snsoe Other ears. Her ears I
stood oat from her bead further than
she liked. The surgeon made au mcissnn
at the back or tne ear. removed a V-
snepea piece er membraln and sewing
up tbe wound, drew tbe ear back close lo
tbe head . After it was over tbe young
lady took a look at herself in tbe glass,
and said that she thought her looks very
much improved. Tbe surgeon says that
he Trequently has calls to perform sim
ilar operations.
vVawted fsold.siinen.
To develop the gold properties in Lewi-
toa Miners Delight, Atlantic, South Pass,
Gold Creek or on the Rustler Belt. To
I ttet full intormatlotf reoardina rehahls I
able I
mine which are for sale by th camp men-
twned . by addressing James A. MoAvoy,
county clerk of Fremont county, . Lander,
Wyo.,' Wm. Sturgis, jr., Cheyenne, Wye.,
A Kendall, cashier First National Bank,
Reck Springs, Wyo., S. L. Spmgler, ehair-
saaa. Fremont beard ot county commisaioa
ers, Atlantlo City, Wyo. v- , .
Th Union Pacific i ' th shortest and
quickest line to the Sooth Pas country,
daily stag from Bock Springs and Raw
lins. .
:. 'Dry IVoed
le new hay a large supply f strietly I
dry fir wood for family as for sale at ' tha 1
ewost rata. job. a. rxrxBS m ve.
arwa- ksh . .. I
Five room house, below the bluff, suitable
for (mall family. . Apply at thi office.
Roomer and boarders. Apply at Tenth
and Uaioa. . . - . .. -
,J i ' Awarded " " "
Highest Honor World' Fair.
A mire Crsce Cream of Tartar Powder.
from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant
rant what you want, If your stoea
ach and bowels ar. lrrvajuiar.
That' about all you get, though,
with the ordinary pin. It may re
lieve you for th moment, bat
you're usually lu a worse state af
terward than before, . . ,
This is Just wbar Dr. Flares
Pleasant FeUea do meet mod.
They act in aa easy nod natural
way, very different from the has,
old-fashioned pilla. They're mat
only pleaaanter, but there no re
action aftat-ward, and their help
leuta. One little suRar-coated pelle
for a gentle laxative or corrertiT
three for a csthau-bio. Constipsy.
tlon, Inditfwtion. Bilious AttacAa.
" 1 Dirrlne, riick and Bilious Hssvd
I aches, ar promptly reliirrsd and
Mil l00.
1 1 They Ye the srnallest, the Mjnest
I to take and th rJtsapest pill you
I I can buy, for they're iruara itfeed so
I I 1" satisf action, or your mooer is
Ya pay only (or th good jxm '
Our Baby Boy
8uffrt)d ; Intensely Prom
Impure Blood '
sJIIl Perfectly Curtxl by Hoedjfs
- rwapamia.
Haryeyyflle, Kansas.
C. t. Hood town, Mass.: .'.
"OarllUlyhxrf Uhowslrnost tw years
eld. WTiea he was ahout six weeks eld ther
appeared a hreaklnf out on his hsad and brssst
Ws tried various salvs and soap, but It
Continued te Crow Worse :
And w took hhn teadeotor. E said It was
Scrofula, hut his trsatmsnt failed, and ws- calisd
upon three ether physlolaas, who tsn&sd It salt
rhsum or eczema. Xyea than he tmv worse.
A crust would rather on his hsad a thick aa
qaartarand puff up with eornmtlou. Tbaa It
would some off, taklss tha hair with M Abwut
thrs roooths ace w resotved t try Heed's
hmparina and Hood's OHr Ointment Te
y ws are happy say that Borlrwa Is bow
Cnttrely Well.
Th seres have all disappeared aad his hair Is
syewlnxnlosly. He has enlytaka eoe hottle
f Hood's Bsrsaparm and used an hex f
DmOBaot. W aa nowrssorssssnS Hood' tar.
eaywltla te ethar, aad truaursily say It has
werkad wonder In our Bttl hoys ease. I have
'Site a taUng Hood SarsspartUaforuidlfSs
oa aad Uvar trouble aad ass hasfwrlac rlfhi
ioi.t Patt a. Xnro, Esrvsrvlll, Kansas.
Hood's Pills areprenpt aad ffldsnt.rt
easytnaotto. Sold by an drucxlsts. . SB.
int feanlior 100,000 pouaos of
wool (more or less) snd 46.000 lo 40,000 pound
of back frvlfht; sata wool to be hauled from Little
Front crerk, about Blteea mile aothet f Aats-
kD 'n" Dalles, tbe back freurht to be hauled
( p, u Muddr sUUon. about slirhlM
aaiia suteast or Anufosw. an wom snaimrns
sred la rood order a
opened May 1st and
Moody warehouse. - T
MS WCH nwitR;vAi wsB wr mm Jt-i sail iva aim wvtiv
wrateeted with was-on-hu aad i
sad eondiaoa. bios wiu oe
the award mad know at
loodv warehous. - Terms: On-half will be paid
oa the delivery of each load, if desired; batano oa
eaon or contract.
Address all bids to HsWllY HAH", Bse'y, -.,
Uars waonam a ue..
BtehSl-tw - Portiand. Oisaraa.
- Lai Orncs at VASoorvms, Ww.',
April t, IBM.
Notlo Is hereby itvea that th followinr-aamed
ssttler has Sled aotlo of her intention to mak
aommutatloB final proof is support of her el aim.
snd that said proof will be mad before W. &. Daa-
har. Commissioner United States Circuit Court for
district ot Washington, at Ocidsndals, Wa.., oa
May 18. 18M. vis:
' ""T A-B- gd i Me mo, .for the w hf
Hd No B0S1, fa- th w kf
She names tbs foUowina- witness t provs kwr
m - T
Dtetnoa H Btesmall. wunam wuaineon, nernsam
Eusiek and Jama Biley. all of CsnterrUl t O,
ap7 JOHN D. QKOOHEQAtf. lusrister.
Lass Omcs at Th Dau., Ouaoir, s
- Joivt-ia.
KotleatsberabvairsB that the Mlowinc asn
Sattlar ha lied notlo of his intention t maks Snal
aroof In support ol hi claim, aad that said proof
will be mads before the Register and Bsoaivsr at
Th Dalle, Orswon, en Aug tall li, 18S4, via:
HitSSO, forth neqy sects, tp 4s, Ills.
H names th follow! as; witnssaes te prov his
rssldenos upon ana cuiursuoa of au
r' VzL-i
Btotsdlll, Robert Bsrst, E. D. rltchar aad
u ot Tjn vanev, vreron.
JaS. F. MQOKk, Raglstar. .
.... i i IT ! TV 11 1
AflimTOvf S flQUCC 01 filial ACCOUfll
1 dersarned. adounlstrator of the sstats of
frllll a .11- - - K.a SUH In I lu mSm mi
th County Clerfc of Waaoo County, Oioa, hi
Snal aonooot with said estate, and that Monday, tn
1 7th day of May. ItfiX. at 10 o'clock la th feraoooa
or said day, at th County Court room la tbe
County Court bona. Dalles City, Oreffoa, bss kwsa.
k. Hon. Oun C. Blakelev. County .odfre, Sxl
sad appointed as the time and pates for aasmminr
said aeoouot and haarins; ob)etoo, II any. thsrsto.
Datd at Dall City, waaoo umnmy, unarosi, huw
uua av. A-iaoa,
sftdmr, ot im mmmwm m aWAjiaam, wmwii.
OTTCE Is hereby liven that the undsrahrnad has
appotntea oy.-ao vrouiy voora.
the SUte of Or-too,, Wasco ON.
la drobats, naidlai ei tns peraua ana sa-
tats of Nancy Btanary, aa arsd aa UBrm petso.
I hereby notified and iwruind lo present them te m
at th law ofBc ot Condon Oondoo, In (MuMa City,
m bavin claims asain ai asaaasare
I Orsiroc, Wltn propov vonaoer w.
' Otaardian of the persoa aad asUW of liaoey Staa.
U m 1- MSV m,.
(ley, sn e;ed ana innrm peraoa.
Dalle aty.Orwroa, March 17, 1884.
To whom H may eeneern:
I have disposed ef all
itsreat in th saleoa, eereer Front and Court
sweets, to Mr. A. Baldwin, who will bsrsaftw con
duct the buatne ia hut own am. AU bills do
owmc up to June Seta will be collect by sae,
I will b napouaibl for all Indebtrdneas to that
A. SfcTTInwJiil, M,
Attention, Freighters!