The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, July 07, 1894, Image 3

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    The Times-Monntaineer
JULY 7. 1894
From Thursdav's Duly.
The wealher is warm.
Mr. Wm McCrnnf. 1r . Is back id his
old Quarters, adjoining Mclnerny's store.
Ron. a. M. Trwln.the state superinteDd
nt nf schools lately elected, is in the
The trial of Maloney and Snelling oc
cupies the attention of the circuit con rt
Mr. O. and children - were
passengers on the boat- this, morning
the seaside.
A. L. Newman's rrocery store was
mored back to the corner of Second and
Union today-
The ball at the Umatilla House last
night was fairly attended, . and a good
time was enjoyed. There were fifty
couples on the floor.
The barge lidentate arrived in the city
vesterdav with the pile driver on board,
which will begin work on the bridge across
Mill creek lmgieaiateiy.
Miss Ursula Ruch left on the Regulator
this morninir for Portland, where she will
spend a few days and then visit relatives
and friends in Marion county.
Miss Ertma Voet. who has beet teach-
in e a successful term of school at King
sley, is spending her vacation with her
parents in in is city.
Th peach crop it beginning to ripen, and
Mr. D. 1). Garrison showed ui two early
Crawford this morning which - bad fnllv
matured, and whicb were poseued of the
usual luscious flavor.
The 4th of July, 1894, will be of little
importance to the citizens. There was no
event of unusnal occurrence, and the day
will have no especial significance from
others except the memories that cluster
around it in former years.
As a resnlt of celebrating the 4th of July
in the vicinity of The Dalles three young
- men called up Dr. Hollister last night, and
had several stitches inserted in their scalps
and faces to bide the effects of collisions
with something or bstio fights while in a
state of hilariousness.
One of the sealed cars at Hosier, con
taining merchandise, and left there when
the read be was washed away by the
high water, was broken open last satur-
rfoi .nil uiranl artiiilan ar.lan Thn -ll T-
lint has not been arrested, although the
authorities have -been hunting him for
some time.
We-received a call today from Mr. 8.
T. Richardson, formerly a resident of
Prineville in this county, but at present a
lawyer In Salem. He is en route to Lew-
iatnn Trlahn hnt ia rintained hvrejunn of
the strike ot tbe Railway Union, and
there being so train or boat east of Celilo.
- - -j
The next strike anticipated is by the
employes ef steamships and steamboats
from sympathy with the Railway Union.
If this means of transportation is slopped
the railroad companies may realize mpre
fully the necessity of not hauling any
more Pullman coaches. ...
A large force of men are now employed
between this city and Celilo, and work is
being pushed as rapidly as possible on
the Union Pacific road. When this is
completed an outlet wiil be bad for
wool, fruit and fish, which the people
very mncn aesire ai present.
This is the first season since 1890 that
there has been a good run ot salmon in
this vicinity, and there is no possibility
of the flab being; shipped east or west.
The cannery is run to its full capacity,
and it cannot nearly can all the fish
. T .1 11 1
cauKut. xi luc raiiruau woo in operation
ready sales could be made of the salmon;
but transportation is worse tied-up from
the effects of the flood than it is east as a
result of the strike
' It turns out that th e young man Jayne
struck by a locomotive on the Union Pa
cific bridge near Willapa and instantly
killed, was paralyzed by fright A com
panlon who was with him testified at the
coroner's inquest that Jayne, as well as
himself, had plenty ot lime to step aside,
but seemed clued to the spot. The com
panion endeavored to get him, off the
track, but was unable.
People who think bears are such terrors
will please read the following from the
Ivison correspondence of the Eugene
Register: While L. A. Chastain, of Hal
sey, was visiting in this part a few days
go while coming np Wild Cat he ran
foul of a black bear near the roadside.
Bruin took to his heels with Mr. Chastain
in pursuit. Chastain was unarmed, but
he wanted to show the bear- be wasn't
alraid of him. He chased him about 800
yards up tbe mountain and the bear out
raced him.
The McMinnville Telephone-Register
tells the following: W. W. Baker, of the
Rural Spirit, has a colt, out of Scarlet
Letter. He has named it McKinley BiH
and has challenged any Wilson Bill-in
tbe state. A short time ago, Annie B,
sister of Lady Bcactr, gave birth to. a fine
horse colt by Scarlet Letter. Mr. Gallo
way has named him Wilson Bill, and has
accepted the Baker challenge. The Wil
son Bill will win in congress; but tbe
Oregon horse bearing the same name will
be McEinleyized on the race track.
' The passage of the Baker over the rap
ids at the Cascades to take an active part
In the trade of the middle Columbia has
beev anxiously desired by very many
Business men and citizens, both in Ore
gon and Washington, who have been de
prived ef necessary tiansportation facil
ities lor goods, wool, - fruit and fish since
the flood destroyed the Union Pacific
road. Several attempts have been made
and each has failed, and oar people must
bear their losses patiently. The high"
water was caused by natural causes, ever
which no one had the least control, and
the Union Pacific has exerted and will
exert its utmost efforts to rebuild its road
at the earliest possible date.
' Prom Friday's Dally.
Mr. James H. Fraser and wife, of Moro,
are. in the city.
Miss Fox of Moline. Illinois, is a guest of
Mrs. P. Cram.
Miss Irma Cos of Hood River, is visiting
Miss Hattie Cram.
' Mr. E. Y. Judd, the superintendent of
the wool scouring mill at Pendleton, was in
the city last evening.
John Roth, of Kingaley, is in town today,
and appeared before the county court this
afternoon in a road matter.
m No eastern mad baa arrived in this city
for several days, and the oity is nearly
much isolated as it was during the flood.
Mr. George Thornton, of this city, man
ages the transfer of passengers to and fiom
the boat at the mouth 01 the ifescbntes.
The Irma arrived late last night. At
the Iocks there was considerable delay in
waiting for the mail to be transported roroas
the postage. ,
The wheat aphis is reported is seme por
tions ot this county; but, after careful in
quiry, we are convinced it will do no ma
terial injury to the aheat crop,
The passengers for the east left the city
early this morning for the boat landing at
the mouth of the Deschutes, and several
carriages were uied tor tbe purpose.
Notwithstanding the tie-up on the Union
Pacifio construction of tbe road bed con
tinues, snd large forces of workmen are
employed at dmerent points along the line.
Hon. J. M. Brown, a lawyer of Heppner,
was in the city last night. He came down
to meet bia wifo wbq "was returning from a
Visit to friends and relatives in the Willam
ette valley.
If you want reliable dye that will color
an even- brown or black, .and will please
and aatkfy you 'every time,- nse Bucking:
feam's Dye for the whiskera, ; -.
frasier & Wyndbam are removing today
to toeiA' v .e m'liuMiiSM on Front
street, and will be prepared tomorrow to
satisfy the wants of their customers in re.
gard to hot or cold baths or in hair cutting
or anaving,
Jobn Hailey. jr., deputy sheriff of Uma
tilla county, arrived in this city from Pen
dleton last eyeniog having in charge two
prisoners sentenced to tbe penitentiary and
an insane man en route to Salem. Tbe eon
riots were' "sentenced to two and a half
years each for larceny of cattle.
The Union Pacific is the shortest line to
the Lewuton Miners' Delight, Atlantic snd
South Pa.-a Gold Fields. Buv your tickets
via K ick Spring or Rawlins, from which
point yon can go by a first-class stage line
to Lewiaton. reaching the mines the same
Mrs. K. r. Sharp and two children re
turned Tuesday night from Portland, where
she has been visiting her parents for sev
ers! weeks past.
Ed. M. Williams. W. H. Corson and C.
E. Haight, will leave tomorrow mornfng
for an outing at Trout Like. Wash. They
take with them a complete camping outfit
and will be gone several weeks.
A very pleasant 4th of July celebration
waa held at a grove, about four miles from
Rocklwd, Wash. Hon. K. B. Dufur, of
this city, was the orator on the occasion,
and his address is highly complemented by
those present.
Mr. E. F. Sharp, returned Tuesday night
from Southern Oregon, where be has been
engaged for some time past in a surveying
contract with the government. His work
was coo lined to the counties of Jefferson,
Jackson and Douglas.
Marshal Blakeny arrested two persons
last night for being drunk and disorderly
There were brought before the recorder this
morning, one giving his name as James ri
Flynn and the other being booked aa John
Doe. The former was fined V1U, and the
other $5.
The case of State of Oregon vs. Dan
Malonev and Charles Soelling went to the
jury this forenoon soon after 11 o'clock, and
no agreement hid been reached np to the
hour of going to press. This case had
b;en 00 trial since Saturday.
Many a poor sufferer who submits to the
surgeon's knife, in consequence of malic
nant sores and scrofulous swellings, might
be cured, without an operation, by taking
Ayer'a Sarsaparilla. This medy expels
trim tie blood all the impurities by which
disease is generated.
The Atmota made a trip yesterday from
Wallnla to the mouth of the Deschutes.
she connected at the former place with a
train from Walla Walla, Wash., but no
through train from the east has arrived for
several days.
Weary wives, mothers, and daughtei
tired nurses, watchers, and help tired
woman of all classes should take Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. It 13 tbe kind they need to
give pure blood, firm nerves, bouyant
spirits and refreshing leep. There is no
tonic equal to Ayer's tarsaparilla.
There waa a large list of passengers from
the Atmota last night. Trains east of Ar
lington are not running, but the boat goes
to Wallula, and there receives passengers
and freight from Walla Walla, Pendleton
and points contignous.
Tbe following officers were installed for
the ensuing term at the regular meeting of
Temple lodge, No 3. A. O. U. W., last
evening: J H Blakeny, P M W; V t
Stephens, M W; Jesse- Simorson, F; G U
Eahelman. O; W S Myers, F: T N Joles, H;
i N McArtbur, R; B Eaton, G; G W Run
Xan, W; D CSerrin, O W. .
sheriff Dnyer went below this morning
B'-compamed by the deputy snerin from
Umatilla county. Mr. Driver took with
him Walter Douglas, convicted of larceny.
and sentenced to serve ont a term of
eighteen months in the penitentiary, and
Deputy Sheriff Hailey bad with him two
persons, one to serve out a term of two
years and a half for cattle stealing, and tbe
other adjudged insane.
The salmon rnn at the Cascades is some
thing unprecedented in the history of tbe
state. Wheels catch tons every day, and
tbe facilities for transportation over- tbe
portage are sorely taxed to afford means of
shipment. If the railroad wera in 'opera
tion there would be a large export trade
east, but the alow carriage by water will
not almit of very large shipments. .
The newspaper men seem to have been in
it in tbe recent election. H. R. Eincaid, of
tbe Eugene Journal, will be secretary ot
state, W. H. Leeds, of the Ashland Tidings,
state printer: B. F. Alley, of the Florence
West, is a state senator: in the house will
be Editor Patterson, of Long Creek, Stew
art of Coos and Curry, Guild of Tillamook
and Yamhill, Morehead of Lane and Hofer
of Marion.
From a passenger who arriyed from Wal
lula yesterday we learn that a subscription
was being taken for an aged man when tbe
boat was leaving, who was burned severely
in a fire which happened in that town some
days previously. In' the samo bnilding two
children were burned to death, and their
charred remains were " discovered in the
ruins. Our informant could gather no fur
ther particulars.
The case ef S. P. Cooroy vs. N. Harris,
in which tbe plaintiff claims wages for extra
labor while in tbe employ ot the defendant.
waa on trial this afternoon. Tbe jury em
panelled consists of L. D. Miler, George
Roch, H. W. Wells, Leo Rondeau, Henry
Smith, W. H. Davis, D J. Harris, E R.
Mems, J a. Douglass, J. S. ocelyn, Lem
uel B .rgeas snd Phil Brogan. Tbe plaintiff
is represented by J. L. Story and the de
fendant by A, S. Bennett.
Some years ago an old deacon in Oregon
was very self-willed, snd on two or three
occasions made endless trouble in cburch.
At last the cburch clerk got np and said:
"Brethren and sisters", I wish Deaoon Jones
was in hell." The new pastor and the
members were horrified and tbe pastor said:
"Brother Smith, such a remark is nnkind
and unchristian, why do yon use such ex
pressions about a brother?" "Well, pas
tor," he replied, "I calculate if Detcon
Jones was in hell about six months he would
bust it up." "1
Considerable wool has been received at
Moody's warehouse during the past two
days, principally from Grant and . Crook
counties, and the employes have been ry
bus) receiving and storing the "product.
The problem of transportation is the great
est difficulty now experienced, and sacks
are being pil. d to the , rafters in the build
ing and every available foot of space ia
being occupied. Prices remain the same as
last quoted, and these will not appreciate
while there is no opportunity to ship. Of
fers baye been made of from 6 to 7 cents a
pound, but there have been tew sales at
these figures.
Following is crop-weather bulletin, No.
14, of the Oregon state weather service,
tor the week ending Monday, July 2, 1894,
by B. S. Pague, local forecast official :
Weather The fore part ot the week
was cool ; there was an absence of sun
shine and a few showers fell. The mean
temperature ranged from 60 to 60 degrees,
being a rise of 2 degrees over preceding
The weather has been favorable to all
vegetation. Haying is in progress. The
hay crop is heayy and it is being secured
in good shape. The wheat harvest will
begin in some sections within the next
ten days. The wheat prospects were
never better. The heads are unusually
long and well filled. The wheat is gen
erally sufficiently well advanced that the
weather cannot injure it any more." The
wheat aphis is reported from Wasco
county. Barley and rye are heayy crops.
The cereal crop promises to be greater
than ever before and the quality will be
first class. Hops have ben experimented
with in Wasco county and they are doing
finely.- Wool continues to come into the
warehouses and it is all unusually clean
and of strong, long staple. The fruit in
the Colombia river valley is very promis -ing;
in the interior the fruit has gener
ally been injured by the late frosts. The
range food continues to be good and large
quantities ot hay are being secured for
food next winter.'
Rivers The riyers continue to fall and
they are now mainly within their banks.
The warm weather ot the past few days
may melt sufficient snow to cause a slight
rise In the rivers j but any' material, rise
is practically impossible.
The present weather conditions indicate
a continuation of fair, warn weather.
- ' ' - - rnn
SFourtii of July.
In The Dalles tbe day was as quiet as any
we have experienced in the eity. There
was no attempt at celebration, other than
that manifested by the small boy in explod
ing firecrackers, bombs, etc., and tbe usual
hilarious feeling manifested by citizens.
The day was very warm, and a dear, still
atmosphere added to the intensity of the
The Good Templars' pionio at Creighton's
grove on Three Mile was quite largely at
tended, and thosa present sppeared to fully
enjoy the occasion. A bountiful refection
was served nnder the shade of the trees,
snd digestion waited 00 appetite, and both
on health. Tbe address of Rev. J. Whisler
was a masterly effort, and the lessons
which should be taught on the occas
were fully outlined.
The Regulator left her wharf at 6 o'clock.
and about 200 took passage for Hood River,
where preparations bad been made for a
grand celebration of the anniversary ot the
natal day. A very entertaining program
of exercises were rehearsed, and short
speeches were made in responce to toasts.
Hon, E. L. Smith read tbe Declaration of
Independence, and delivered a short, elo
quent address. In the afternoon there were
base ball, horse racing and other amuse
ments. A nine from the Dalles entered the
field against one from Hood River, and tbe
result was a score of 22 to 4 in fayor of . the
latter. Our boys had not practiced the
maoeuvres of the game, and were in no
shape to enter the contest. The yacbt race
of three miles was won by Mr. Underwood,
but tbe time we did not ascertain. There
were OLly two boats in tbe race, and there
s not much interest in the outcome.
About 9 o'clock tbe boat reached her . wharf
iu this city, sod tbe happy visitors to tbe
neighboring town disembarked and wended
their way to their homes.
An Indian Drowsed.
Yesterday atterooon persons on the
back porch ot the Umatilla House saw an
Indian leave tbe Washington shore in a
boat, and row for the Oregon side. When
near the coal bunkers the boat was ap
parently caught In a whirl,, and moved
around very rapidly. It had not made but
two or three turns when the Indianjuniped
out and swam tor tbe shore. He made
his way through the water very rapidly,
but when near the shore he was seen to
turn around and seemingly attempt to
again reach the boat. Very seon he was
observed to disappear below the surface
of the river and never appeared to view
again. He was ascertained to be a well-
known character in the city known as In
dian Jack, who makes his living by cut
ting wood. Those who are acquainted
with him say he was honest and indus
trious, fairly intelligent and spoke some
Thrown One.
Nearly a eerions acoident happened at
the residence of Mr. beufert last Saturday
evening. A party of visitor from tbe city
bad called on Mra. Ssufert, and the double-
seated carriage was remaining under the
cherry trees preparatory to leaving. Two
ladies with ohildren one with a young
baby were seated in the hack, and the
driver mounted to his position and started
the horses. Just aa the animals moved
along at an easy gait the limb of an over
hanging tree came in juxtipositioo with the
carriage-cover and completely removed it
from the vehicle, throwing tbe occupants
out and the children under the wheels.
Fortunately the driver had great presence
of mind and held a tight rein before the
horses took fright. Tbe animils were soon
stopped and the women and ohildren res
cued from their perilous- positions. Aside
from bruises . and one of the ladies being
rendered unconscious from fright no injuries
resulted from what might have terminated
fatally. v
. The Official Vote
Secretary of Srate Kincaid 41,125; Mc-
Kercber 2,198, Nickell 19,001, Wakefield
Treaaurer-Caldwelf 23 680, Davidson 18,-
124, Metschan 41,609,. Richardson 2,555.
School Superintendent Harford 2,776,
Irwin, 36,603, .Tory 23,345, Raid 24,616.
Printer Leeds 40,957, McKibben 2138, j
O'Brien 19.991, Orton 23,211. 1
Attorney General Bright 22S9, Holmes
19,490, Idlemen 38,449, Olmetesd, 24,151.
Supreme Judge Bennett 20,849, Boise
23,492, Hackleman 2,312, Wolverton 39,
875. Congressman ' First . District Hermann
22.264, Hurst 1,080, Miller 12,620, Weath
erford 10,790, - --."
Second District Ellis 18 875, Miller 775,
Raley 9,013, Waldrop, 10,749.
Land Transfers.
Jnly 5 John H Middleton et ux to A S
Blowers; Be qr of sw qr sec 29, tp 2 n, r
10 e; $1.
July 5 Laurence N Blowers and Ber
tha E Blowers to Amby H Blowers; sw qr
of se qr, sec 20, and n hf of ne qr and e
hf of nw qr and se qr of sw qr, sec 29, tp
2 n, r 10 east; $2000.
July h Amby S Blowers and Ellen L
Blowers to Laurence N Blowers; nw qr
of sw qr sec 9, tp 2 n, r 10 east ; $2000.
Jnly 3 United States to Mary E Frazier;
se qr sec 5 tp 2 n, r 10 east; homestead.
July 3 Mary E Frazier to Joseph Frazier J
and Margaret Frazier; w hf of sw qr of se
qr sec 5, tp 2 0, r 10 e; $1,
' A "Reform" 8nn;sTested.
Superintendent Downing, of tbe state
penitentiary, thinks the time is coming
hen criminals will be sentenced not for
specified periods but in snub a manner as to
make themselves responsible for the length
of their incarceration, leaving their dis
charge the first time discretionary with the
prison authorities and the state executive,
then if committed a second time having the
time of pinishment doubled, and if a third
time, making the punisbment for lift-, or in
definite. Tbe most advanced thinkers on
prison discipline are disoussing these ques
tions thoroughly with a view of making
prison life as much reformatory as possible,
and aa little revengeful as may be.
abetters) Advertised
Tbe following is the list of letters re
maining in Tbe Dalles postoflice uncalled
for Saturday, . July 7, 1894. ' Persons call
ing for these letters will please give the
date on which tbey were advertised:
Anderson, Jobn Bins, J C
Burch, Jershua Carter, Mrs. Lulu
Coffee, Wm. - Denning, Ethel B
Faurie, Mrs Mary ; Geddes, Henry
Gassaway, Lorena Hays, JO
Kimgle, Luther M Knee, George
Kelly, EJ Martin. Mrs Chrias .
Plaroy, fl Scott, James
Sumnor, Pomnie Spear, G M
Stanley, Dr. Xoung, Ferz '
Whipple, Hon Wegtnan H
'Wilson, Mra N J Wilson, Elmer M
Walker, Mrs alia Tucker, S
M. T. Nolan, P. M.
A Hi8ln Party.
W. W. Statesman.
The whereabouts of W. H. Barnes and
young son, Nathan Moagrove snd Mr An
derson, all of Coppei, is a mystery and
causing considerable alarm to relatives and
friends in that vicinity. Just before tbe
recent floods the above named parties left
Coppei on a prospecting trip up the Clear
water, since which time they have not been
heard from, excepting one . letter reoeived
by Mrs. Mosgrove 00 the 12th inst. With
them tbey took five horses and one pack
mule. , Recently word was received that
five horde's and a pack; mule corresponding
in description to those above mentioned
were found orowned in tne uiearwate- aj80
that two men, whoss oriptioaa were not
given, were found lodged against the bank
and bad been dead for sevaraj days. Today
Mr. and Mrs, O. R. Frazier came to Walla
Walla, from Coppei to make inquiiy regard
ing the identification of the bodies found,
but met with no success. The relatives
and friends of the missing party will further
prosecute the search. letters written to
Clearwater have received no answer, and it
is feared tbe four men were drowned during
the high water, which ' occurred soon after
their departure.
Tbe supposition is that they had en
ctmned 0.1 an island or near fie bank of
tbe Clearwater and during the night we
eaugbt in the flood and washed away. De
velopments as to their fate are awaited
with anxietv. All are well kcown in this
Mr. John Sullivan, a merchant of Cas
cade Locks, is in the city today. . He .say
there is nothing doing at present on the
government work, and it will take some
time to repair the damages done by the
According to the annual report issued the
last ot May tbe Salvation Army is now
ta bin bed in 42 countries. It his 1997
corps, numberiug 6433 officers, 10,328 local
officers and 3331 bandsmen. The cun.ber
of "soldiers" is not stated, but "Gen
Booth claims that the Army converts to
Christianity 200,000 people every year.
REESE In this city, July 6th, 10 tae wile of Mr.
L. Beeae, a son.
MrlNERNY In this city, July 4th, to the wife of
Mr. J. P. Mclnerny, a son.
KELLER In this city, July 4th, to the wife or
Capt. A. Ad. Keller, a son.
Roomers and boarders. Apply at Tenth
and Union.
A girl to do general house work. Ap
ply Mrs. J. P. Mclnerny.
Dry Wood
We now have a large supply of strictly
dry fir wood for family use for sale at tbe
owest rate. Jos. X. Meters b Co,
All persons having claims against the city
for the past month must present them on
or before June 30th, as after that date the
newly elected mayor and council take their
official positions. Paul Kbeft, Mayor.
For Sale or Rent.
A two-story house, with 9 rooms, with a
well kept garden surrounding it, and only
fifteen minutes' walk from the business cen
ter.. Will be sold or rented in tbe fall. In
quire at this office.
To he Public.
Will everyone who came out to the cor
ner of Second and Court streets last Friday
evening come again tonight at the same
hour, half-past 8 o'clock! I want to. talk
to you a little while.
Blanche Rothbock.
County Treasurer's Notice.
All county warrants registered prior to
May 1, 1890, will be paid on presentation at
my office. Interest on these will cease from
and alter May 21, 1894,
William Michell,
County Treasurer.
The Dalles, May 19, 1894.
Boys' and Vina Aid Society.
Boys may be had (and sometimea girls)
(l)or ordinary seryice at wages; (2) upon
indenture, to work, attend school, and be
brought up somewhat as your own; and
(3) children may be bad for legal adoption.
Address, J. H. Misener, Superintendent
Oregon Boys' and Girls' Aid society, Port
and, Oregon.
An Old anl Well-Tried Remedy
Mrs. Winslows Soothing. Syrup has been
used for over, fifty year- by millions of
mothers tor their children while teething
with perfect success. It soothes tie child,
softens tbe gums, allays all pain, cures
wind eolio, and is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. Ij pleasant to tbe taste. Sold
by all druggists in every part of the world.
Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its valne is
incalculable. Be sure and ask tor Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take ao
other kind. . .
Clubbing; Rates.
The regular subscription price of tbe
Times-Mountainekr is $2, and tbe regular
subscription price of the weekly Oregonian
is $1 50. Anyonesiibsenbioj; for .the weekly
Times-Mountaineer and paying one fear
in advance, - can get both the .Times
Mountaineer and tbe weekly Oreqonian
for $2.50. AH old subscribers paying their
subscriptions for one year in advance will
be entitled to tbe same offer.
. Wanted Gold-Mlnera
To develop the gold properties in Lewia
ton Miners' Delight, Atlantic, South Pass,
Gold Creek or on the Rustler Belt. Ton
can get foil information regarding reliable
mines which are for sale by tbe camps men
tioned by addressing James A. McAvoy,
county -clerk of Fremont county, Lander,
Wyo., Wm. Stnrgis, jr., Cheyenne, Wyo.,
A. Kendall, cashier First National Bank,
Rook Springs, Wyo., S. L. Spingler, chair
man Fremont board ot county commission
ers, Atlantic City, Wyo. "
The Union Pacific is tbe shortest and
quickest line to the South Pass country,
daily stage's from Rock Springs aud Baw
ling. Children Cry
" Castorli Is (to well adapted to children that
I recommend it aa superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Arohkb, M. D.,
1U South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. X
"1 use Castorla in my pr stice, and find U
spy'"1 adapted to affections at children."
. .1057 id Ave., Sew York.
"From personal knowledge I can say that
Castoria, ia a moat excellent medicine for chuV
area." - Da. G. C. Osoood,
Lowell, Maes.
overcomes .
Thus the child ia rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Cavstorlav contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property -
Can ndw be found at tbe residence of
. Geo. A. Llebe, Third Street.
ildant Hood Samnle Rooms
Best Kentucky Whiskey
Very Best Key West Cigars, and Bes
of Winea.
Sr.glish -Portrr
Ale. arid ililaaoke
Beer always on band.
Real Estate, Lams and Insarance,
' Agent for the Scottish Union an National Insurance-oompany
of Edinburgh, Scotland, Capital
30.000,000. ' -Valuable
Faims near the City to sell on, easy
Office over Tost Office, The Dalles, Or.
Castoria promotes Digestion, and
s Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Diarrhoea, and Feverikhness.
Land Omci at Thb Dallks, Oregon,
July 2. 1894. .
Notice uf herebr giren that the followintr named
..t.tlar has filed notice nf hia intention to make final
proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof
will be made before the tteirister and Receiver at
The Dalles, Oreeon, on August 14, ism, viz:
Hd 2839, for the ne qr sec 23, tp 4 s, r 13 e.
Be names the following witnesses to prore his
continuous residence upon ana cultivation ox said
land, viz:
A. Stotrsdill, Robert Butts, K. D. Pitcher and
George Woodruff, 01 TVRh Valley, Oregon.
JAS F. MOORE, Register.
Attention, Freighters!
BIDS WANTED for hauling 100,000 pounds of
wool (more or less) and 25,u00 to 40,000 pounds
of back freight; said wool to be hauled from Little
Front creek, about fifteen milea southeast of Ante
lope 10 The Dalies, tne oaca ireigni to De named
from The Dalles to Muddy station, about eighteen
miles southeast of Ant-lope. All w.kj! and freight
to be well protectea wun wagonaneeis and deliv
ered in good order and condition Bids will be
opened May 1st and the award made known at
Moody's warehouse. Terms: One-half will be paid
on the delivery 01 eacn ioaa, 11 aeau-ea; balance on
completion of contract.
Address aU bids to ukki hahu, Secy,
Care Wsdhams & Co.,
mchSl-4w Portland, Oregon.
fejlierilT's Sale.
XT OTICE is hereby given that undei and by vir
1 t'le of n execution tssut-l out of the Circuit
Court of the state of regon for Wasco . county, on
the 16th day of April 1894. upon a judgment made,
rendered ana enterea in saia court in a suit wnerein
Walter Breeze waa plaintiff ani Alfred Kennedy and
Caroline Kennedy were defendants, to me directed
and delivered, 1 did ou tne zist aay 01 April, 1894,
duly levr upon aud will on Saturday, the 26 h dav
of MdV lb9l. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said
day in front of the Court house door in Dalles City
Wasco county, uregon, sen lo tne nigne9t bidder
for cash in hand all of the following described real
estate to-wit:
Lot 18, in section 4, and lots 5 and 6, in section 9,
all in township 1 north, of range 13 east, of the
Willamette Meriiiian, containing 20.73 acres accord
ing to the government survey thereof, toueth-r
with the tenements, hereditaments and appurte
nances thereunto belonging cr in any wise apper
taining, or so much thereof as shall be necessary to
nati8fy the sum of 5309.60 and interest on fcaid sum
at the rate nf 10 pel cent per annum since the 8th
day of January. 1894, and the costs of said writ ana
accruing costs aud expenses of sale.
Dated at The Danes, tvawo uonnty, Oregon, April
27, 1894. T. A. WARD,
onerra 01 naaco uouncy, uregon.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby riven that the undersigned has
been duly appointed by the County Court of the
Mate of Oregon, for Wasco County, in Probate, ad
ministrator of the estate of A K. Bonzey, deceased.
All persons having claims against said estate are
hereby notified and r quired to present them to me
with proper vouchers, at the law omot of Condon
and Condon, in D-Jlea City, Oregon, within six
months from the date of this notice.
Jtay 12, 184.
Administrator of the estate of A.mK. Bonzey,
malZ deceased.
The U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Or,. June 11,
Complaint having been ent red at this office by
Gilbert S. Mann againS' Joseph Stoedter for aband
oning hia homestead entry No 4 60, dated June 18,
1892, upon the nw qr sec 17, tp 1 s rane 10 east, in
Wasco county, Oregon, wun a view to tne cancel! a-
tio i of said entry, the said parties are hereby sum
moned to appear at this ottjoe on the 26th .lay of
Julv. 1894 . .it 10 o'clock a Di, to resoonri and furnish
testimony concerning saia ai egea aoanaoumeut.
JOHN W, LEWIS, Register.
The U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Or,, June 11,
Complaint having been entered at this office by
. a. Kichmond aKainst Ira V. Miller for abandon
ing bia homestead entry Ho. 4188, dated July 22,
1SU2, upon the a hf of se qr and s hf of sw qr sec 5,
tp 1 s range 10 east, in Wasco county, Oregon, wi'b
view to tne cancellation oi saia entry, tne . saia
parties are hereby summuned to appear at this
office on the 26th dav of Julv. 1991. - at 10 o'clock
.. to respond andiurniah testimony concern! jir
sail alleged abandonment.
JUHN W. LEWIS, Resist ji
The V. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Or., June 11.
Complaint bavine been entered at this office bv
W. W. Huaoa against Tony Plamnack for abandon
ing his homeathad entry so. 4427, dated June 2,
ltuz, upon tne ne-qreec 1, ipiB ranjre lu ease. In
Wasco countv. Oregon, with a view to the cancella
tion of said entry, tbe said parties are hereby sum
moned to appear at this office on tbe 25th day of
July, lfw. at 100 clock a m, to reepood and fur
nish testimony concerning; said alleged abandon
ment. JOHN W. LEWIS. Register.
The IT. 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Or., June 11,
Complaint having been entered at this office by
L. C. Hennurhan against Wm. Worden for abandon
ing h s homestead entry No. 4326, dated Marco 19,
1892, upon the sw qr sec S3, tp 4 a range 13 cast, in
Wasco county, Oregon, with a view to the cancella
tion of said entry, the said parties are hereb sum
moned to appear at this office on the 30th day of
July, 1894, at 10 o'clock a m, to respond and fur
nish testimony concerning said alleged abandon;
menu ' - -
JOHN W. LEWIS, Register.
The U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Or., June
Complaint having been entered at this office by
Wyatt A. Stark agiinst heirs of Qeo E. Langille far
abandoning homestead entry No. 8962, dated .July
29, 1891, upon tne w hf of se qr and s hf of sw qr,
sec 22, tp 2 n range 11 wet. in Wasco Connty, Ore
gon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry,
the said parties are herebr summoned to appear at
tbia office on the 26th day of July, 1894, at 10
o'clock a m, to respond and furnish testimony con
cerning said alleged abandonment,
JOHN W. LEWIS, Register.
The U. 8. Land Office, Tbe Dalles, Or., June 11,
1894. -
Complaint having been entered at this office by
Louis Uelcore against Edwin btoever for failure to
comply with law as to limber culture entry No. 2202
dated June 22, 1886, upon tbe s bf sw qr and s hf
se qr, sec 20, to 5 s range 13 eaat, in Wasco county,
Oiexon, with a view to the cancellation of said
entry; contestant alleging that said lulwin 8toever
fa'Jed to plant in timber, seeds or cuttings tbe tbird
year after making said entryi ani tost said failure
stiu exists; the said partie- a r- r-uy bummonea
to appear at this office on the z&tb U ot July, 1894,
at 10 o'clock a m, to respond and furnish testimony
concerning said alleged failure. -
JOHN W. LtTIS. Register.
The V. 8. Land OXce, The Dalies, Or.k Hay 21,
1894. , .
Complaint having been entered -f IVs office by
Frank Malone against John Vrfd u .handoning
his homettead entry No. 4333, d:i lreh 8. 1892.
upon the e hf sw qr, nw qr aw qr and sw qr nw qr
sec 10, tp 8 s range 18 east, in Wasco county, Ore
gon, with a view to t he-can eellation of said entry,
the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at
this office on the 21m day of July, 1894, at 10 o'clock
a m, to respond and furnish testimony concerning
said alleged abandonment. E. it. uhutt, U 8 Com
missioner is authorized to take testimony in. this
case at Antelope, Oregon, at 10 a m, July 14, 1894.
JOHN W. LEWIS, Register,
Lass Omci at Vancorvnt, Wish.,
April 2, 1894.
Notice is hereby given that tbe following-named
settler has filed notice of her intention to make
commutation final proof in support of her claim,
and that said proof will be made before W. R. Dun
bar, Commissioner United States Circuit Court for
district of Washington, at Ooldendale, Wash., on
May 12, 1894, viz:
formerly Mary A. Barry, Hd No 9021, for the w hf
ne qr and w hf se qr sec 31, tp 8 n. r 14 e. W M.
She names the following witnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said
land, viz:
Dietrich H Stegman, William Wilkinson, Herman
Eugleke and James Riley, all of Centerville i O,
ap7 JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN, Register.
ldministrat)f's Notice of Final Account
deraigned, adm;' 't the estate of
William A. Allen, deceased, l .i ed in the office of
the County Clerk of Wasco u uniy, Oregon, bis
final account with sa-d cstatt, and that Monday, the
7th day of May, 1894, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon
of. said day,- at the Onnty Court room in tbe
County Cpurt house, Da,.ej City, 1 'regon, has been,
bv Hon. George C. Blakeley, County Judge, fixed
and appointed as the time and place for examining
said account and bearing objections, if any. thereto.
Dated at Dalles City, Wasco County. Oregon, this
30tb day of March, 1894. GEO. A. LIEBE,
Admr. of the Estate of Wm. A. Allen, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has
been appointed by the County Court,
of the State of Oregon, for - Wajco Coun
ty, in dmbate, guardi of the person and es
tate ot N, Stanley, an aged and infirm pereoa.
au persons having claims against saia estate are.
hereby notified and required to present them to ma
at the law office ot Condon Condon, in Dalies City,
Oregon, with proper vouchers thereof.
Qoardian ot the person and estate of Nancy Stan
y. an aged and infirm person.
Dalles City. Oregon, March 17, 1894.
lm, $8,000 in bonds ui Hood River SchooJ
District, bearing 7 per cent interest, psjabJe seini
fenou&Uy. Tbey will either be sol 4 in P!t of
11.000 each, nr tha entire 2ft. 000 st one time. Of any
number of the eurht bond of $1,000 each, to the
hierbest bidder or cash.. These bonds are redeem
able in twenty years, or after ten years if conve-
nien,tiortbe district. . WILUAM wiuufcLi .
County- .Treasurer.
Hw Dalles, May 21, 1894. P
Xl signed, administrator of the estate of Harri
son Comm. deceased, bv virtue of an order of the
ounty Court of the State of Oregon for W as co
County, in probate, made on the 6ih day of Septem
Der, a. l. IStS, and a upplcmeniarv order mode Dy
said court, of date Oec.mber 22. ratt. will on Mitur-
day, the 27tb day of January, 1894, at the hour of 2
P. M. of said da, at the Court Houbg door in Dulles
City, in Waeco Countv, State of Oregon, sell at pub-
I c vi?tion to ne higneu oidaor for ca-m in naud,
subject to the conformation of saiJ Court, all of the
following described real estate and water riirhts, be
longing to tbe estate of the said deceased, to-wit.
Tbe west half of the northeast quart r, and the
northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of sec
tion twenty-five, in township two north of range ten
east of the Willamette meridian, containing 1 .0 acres
and situatod in Wasco County, btate of .-regon; and
a i so the east half of the east half oi section ao.
twenty-five in township Ho two north of rnt ten
east of the Willamette meridian, containing 160
acres, and situated in Waco County, State of Ore-
gen, together with the tenements, hereditaments
and appurtenances and water rights thereto belong
ing, and belonging to said estate.
All the above described property, including the
water rights, to be told in one parcel.
Dated, December 22, 1893.
Administrator of the estate of HarrUon Corum.
Administrator's Sale.
WH UREAS, the Hon. County Court of the State
of Oretron. for tr.e Countv of Wasco, on the
otn day ot .November. 1803, duly made an order di
recting me, the dul appointed, qualified and acting
administrator of the estate of Ernest S. Unaie, de
ceased, to sell the lauds and premises belonging to
said estate, and hereafter particularly described, at
luonc auction, to tue ninest oiuuer, lor casn in
INow. therefore, bv virtue of such anthoritv. and
in pursuance of said order, 1 will, on Saturday, the
lutn day of February. 189 4. at tbe hour of ten
o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the front door
of the Countv Court House in Dalles Citv. Wasco
County, Oregon, sell, at publi c auction, to the high
est Diauer, tor casn in nand, tne lands ana ptemi&es
oeionging io said estate, ana particularly u escribed
as fo lows, to-wit:
The southwest quarter (swl) and the southeast
quarter of the northwest quarter. (e of nw)of
section fifteen, (15) in township one (1) south, of
range fourteen east, oi tne Willamette Meridian
in Wasco ounty. Oregon, containing two hundred
acres of land, .-aid sale will be made subject to ap
proval and confirmation of the said County Court.
Dated at Dalies Citv. Wasco Countv. Oreiron. this
via aay oi January, itw4.
Adm'r of the Estate of Ernest S. Haage, deceased.
N THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Oregon,
for the Countv of Wasco
The American Mortgage Company of Scotland, Lim-
neii, a uorpo ration, plain tin, vs. James Doiris
and. Thomas W. Glavey, administrator of the
estate of Patrick Dorri. deceased, defendants.
To James Dorria, the above named defendant:
In the name of the stale of Oretron. oa are here
by required to appear ana answer the complaint
filed against yon in the above entitled suit, on or
before Monday the 28th day of May, 1804, that j
being the first duy of the next regular term of
said Court, and if you fail so to answer, for want
thereof, the plaintiff will apply to said Court for the
relies aemandeo in its complaint, to-wit:
To foreclose plaintiff's mortiraflre. made, executed
and delivered to Patrick Dorria. now deceased, on or
about tne 10th day of December, 1892, upon the
east halt of the southeast quarter and the eaat half
of the northeast quarter of sectiun 18. in township
o buuiu, oi nuige i east, oi .ne wuiameice stena
in, in Wa-co County, regon, and to have said
premises sold accordiiiir to law and the practice of
the a ove entitled Court to satisfy plaintiff's de
mands, to-wit, to pay the sum of $350 and interest
on said sum since November 1st. 18U2, at the rate of
10 per cent, per annum, together with plaintiff's
costs .and ditiburs ments made and expended in
this suit, including subsequent costs and expenses
of sale; that upon t? ueh foreclosure and decree anil
ale all of your right, title and interest and all per
sons claiming, or to claim, by, through or nnder
you, or by, through or under said Patrick Uorris,
ni.w deceased, in and to said premises, be foreclosed
and forever barfed fruni the equity of redemption;
that plaiutiff be allowed to purchase said lauds and
premises at its option; that the purchasers of saia
premises have the immediate possession of said
premises, and every part a d parcel thereof, and
for such other and further relief as to the Court
raay seem equitable and just.
The service of this summons is made upon you by
publication thereof in The Timbs Mountaineer, a
newspaper of general circulation, published weeky
at The Dalles, Wasco County. Oregon, it being the
paper most lixelv to convey notice to you, by order
of the Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, Judge of the above en
titled Courc, which order was duly made on the 2d
day of 'April, 1891, at chambers, in Dalles City,
Wasco County, Oregon.
ap7-7w Attorneys for Plainitff.
Omci at Tux Dalles, Orsooh,
April 2, 1894.
Notice is herebr iriven that the following-named
settler his filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
tlat said proof will be made before the Register and
Receiver of the U. S. land office at The Dalles, Or.,
on May 17, 184rvii:
Hd No S507, fot the lots I and 2, sec 18, tp I n, r 15 e
He names the following: witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of said
land, viz:
Anna Brown. Thos McCoy, Chas Green, Dell C
miner, ail oi ine uaiies, uregon.
ap7 JOHN W. LEWIS. Register.
By virtue of an order made 1 y the County Court
or wasco county, Oregon, at tne July term tnereoi,
1894. to me directed, as the executor of the estate
of W. McD. Lewis, deceased, I will after the 10th
day of August, 1894, proceed to sell for cash in
naad me loiiowing aescrioea lanas ox tne saia
estate, to-wit:
The west half of the northwest quarter, the
northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of sec
tion twenty; tne nortneast quarter oi tne north
west quarter of section nineteen io township 6 south
ef range 12 east; the north half of the southeast
quarter, northeast quarter of the southwest quarter
and southeast quarter oi northwest quarter of sec
tion twenty-one township 6 south, range 12 east of
Willamette meridian in Wasco county, Oregon.
Said land will be sold in lots W suit purchasers.
uatea this July o, ism.
Executor of the estate of W. McD. Lewis, de-
Park Obesity Pills will reduce your weight
PEKMA.CSfTL.V from 12 to 16 pjunds
mouth. No starving sickness or lnlury; no punuo
ity. They build up the health and beautify the
complexion, leaving no wrinkles nr nabDinesa btout
abdomens snd difficult breathing surely relieved.
91 W UArKHimG.! 1 out a saentins aua posi
tive relief, adopted only after years of experience.
kn orders supplied direct from our omce. race
f 2.00 per package or three packages for $5 00 by
man postpaid, lesumomais ano parncuiars iseaiea
Ail CorreBponaenee Strictly Confidea
tlal. PARK REMEDY CO., Boston, Mass
Land Ornoi at Thb Dallxk. Or.
June 26, 1894
Notice is hereby given that Hie following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before the Kegister and Receiver oi thj
U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., oo August 4,
1894, via: -
Homestead No. 3223, for the nw qr See 20, Tp 1 a,
Kange loo.
He names the following witnesses to Drove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said
land, via:
O D Doyle. Ben Southwell, Ed Doyle, Wm Dyole,
all ci tendency, uregon.
jun su joufl w. mwia, Kegister.
To whom it may concern: I have disposed of all
my interest in the sa'oon, corner Fron. and Court
streets, to Mr. A. Baldwin, who wifT hereafter con
duct the business in his own name. All billa due
and owing up to June 26th will be collected by me,
and I will be responsible for all indebtedness to that
Rarper's Bazar.
HARPER'S BAZAR ia a jom-na for the home. It
fives the fullest ind latest information about Faah
ions, and its nnmi reus illustrations, Paris designs
and pattern -sheet supplements are Indispensable
alike to tha home dress-maker and the professional
modiste. No expe-is is spared te make ita artistic
attractiveness of tb highest eider. Its bright
stories, amusing comedies and thenghttol
satisfy all tastes, and ita last page is famoua aa
hnuireE oi wis ana lunwr. ju im .en . uui
vervthinff is included whicb is ef interest te women.
The Serials for 18M will be written by William Black
and Walter Peaant. Short stories will be written by
Mary E. Wilkina, Maria Louise Pool, Rath McEnery
Stuart. Marion Harand. and others Oat-Door
Sports and la-Door Games, Social Entertainment,
Embroidery, and other interesting topics will receive
constant attention. A nsw series la prvmipedjof
Coffee and Repartee."
Harper's Magazine ft
Harper's Weekly 4 ee
Harper's Baaar .'. t en
Harper's Young People , 200
Pottage free to all tubtcrienltnjtlu.UnUd State,
Canada ofW Jfp.
The Volumes of the Bazar begin with t
Number for January of each year. When no time is
mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Num
ber current at the time of receipt of order.
Bound Volumes of Varprt Bazar or three rears
back, in neat cloth binoing, will be sent by mail,
pestoge paid, or by express, free ef expense (pro
vided the freight does not exceed ens dollar per vol
ume), for 17 per volume.
Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding,
will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt ef 1 each.
Remittances should be made by postoffios money
order or draft, to avoid ebanos of loss.
. Eevupapm am not to am this advrtiimtnt
teHhout the expru order of harper Brother.
Address: HARPER & BROTHERS Nsw York.
d; w. yause
(Successor to P. KEEFT CO.
Dealer in
Mall Pappr,
Oils ant
Aniais' Matrrial and Painters' Supplies
All orriers for painting, 'papering and
Italsominiop; promptly attended to . . .
- r y4 Second Ftreet next door east ot
A. J"fc The Dalles bat Bank
Having1 Just opened in business, and having
a full
assortment oi tne latest gonai in my une,
I de
sue a share of the public patronage.
And Everything to be Found in aFrst Class
Book and Music Store.
mm m im wis,
Soecial Prices to Cash Buyers.
Manufactures the Best Articles of
Soda, Sarsaparilla . and Ginger Ale
Leaue Orders With Andrew Keller,
Second-and Union Streets.
A. L. NEWMAN. ProDrietor
The Dalles National Bank
President, -Z. F. Koody,
Casnier .... 1. A. Koody
Banting Business Transacted.
Sight Exchanges sold on
As KELLER Prop'r
I aaa ..'par ad to furnish families, netelf and ret
taKrante witn tne cnoicesta
Bread, Cakes and Pies.
Fresn'Cysters Sened lo Every Style.
ffteerad Street. Next doer to The Dalles-Na
tional Bank, .
Wines, Liauors Cigars.
Second Street East End.
Manufacturer of and dealer In
Harness and Saddlery,
Second St., near Moodv's Warehouse, 1
A Work
Unarmnteed tt Give Sat-
Wellington, Eock Springs,
and Koslyn Coal
$13, sacked and delivered to any part Ot
At Moody's Warehouse
Cgr Adjoining Stoneman it Fiege
Opposite M. E. Church.
.Incorporated 1886.
The Dalles Lumbering Co.,
Wholesale and Retail
1P1R 9 11
OAK and
Office No. 67 Washington St. .
J. O.
171 Second Street,
In Order to Make Room
For cheaper tfoods we absll hereafter
Gents' Dress Shoes
--ST,HEY are of Superior quality in material, in
S a. fit, in make, and in finish. ..... i
Embrace this Ooportooitj
While it Lasts,
Bess of discharge,
all the horrors of
w a mi n . i r-1 1 g uiviib miiu rim Mim niusii nrn. urtnii
The reason sufferers are not cured by Doctors is because ninety per cent are troubled with
Proaamtltla. CUPIDENE li the only Known remedy to cure without an operation, auwiesilmonl
ala, A written guarantee given and money returned if six boxes does not eileot a permanent cu rev
(LAO a box, six for f 5.00, by mail. Send for fkii circular and testimonials.
Address DA Vol. nEDICIKE CO p. a
For Sale by K. W.
The New Columbia Hotel
This large and popular house does the principal hotel busi
ness, and is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodatiens
of any house in the city, and at the low rate of
$1 Per Day.
Office for all STAGE LINES leaving The Dalles for. all
points in Eastern Oregon, and Eastern Washington, is
locaten in this Hotel. .
Cor of Front and Union Sts.
The Hew Umatilla House.
SINNOTT & PISH Proprietors
FreeBas to and from
The One Price
Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods
Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &a
Agent for tbe Batterick Fatteros: also for tbe Hall Baaaar Dress Forma.
Dealers and Manufacturers of
Dimension Timber
IN 111,
Yard at old Government Barracks
sell all of oar
At Greatly
Stoneman & Fiege.
This rreat Vrentahla
tlon oi a lamoua i renen physician, will quickly curs you
Tons or diseases of the generative organs, auch aa Loal
Insomnia, I'ains in the Buck, Seminal Emtsaicma, K error
Pimples, Unfitness to Marry, Exhausting Dralna. Varl
on oi ail ner
it Alan hood.
crrona Debility,
Constinatlon. Ititomu Iiumm ni.hi p-.
is, Varlcorele and
which If notchrcked leads to HnermalorrlKBa and
Tmpotency. C'tTPmEMKcleauaeaUieUveri tua
Box 207b, Ban Francisco, Cal.
& Co., Tha Dalles, OregoD.
Fire Proof.Safe for thelUafety of
Cash House,
First Class Meals, 25 Cents
' '"--I r-lli1-!!!,! if.