Tbe Tiies-Monntaineer SATURDAY .JUNE 23. 1894 LET TEE SCAR REMAIN. The McMinn villa Telephone-Register, which has been a DedJocrat on principle from the beginning, has these rigorous words for that other line of action adopted for policy. The Yam hill organ says: .' ' ' Democratic tackling to Popnlist ideas for Popalist support has . been the ruination of the Democratic party of this state. The wedge for deser tions was entered : when the senile Democratic committee of two years ago sent forth the edict to support the Populist electors. The Democratic ErinciDle. Dure and unsullied, will be . supported by thousands, but when adulterated with Pennoyerism and all the kindred evils of the people's party, the returns Bhow that Democrats pre fer Republican men. Hereafter the Democratic party most keep in the middle of the road. It is not often that we find any thing to approve about the Republi can party, but the election of Monday demonstrates that the Democratic party can take a lesson from them in fighting. Nearly- every Republican Populist voted the straignt Republi can ticket.' Every 'Republican stood up and was counted. They voted the ticket straight. Without the support of a righteous cause they planted their feec firmly on the line and fought for the entire Republican hog or none. Today they are successful, although in the minority. Today the Democrats and Populists are defeated. The concessions of Democracy to Populism has accomplished nothing but.-djsBonor and disaster. The faith less have deserted a great principle for nothing. The party is better off without them.' Now let the true Democrats stand together and fight for actual Democratic success. Too much management has entered into Democratic affairs, too many man agers and too few fighters, too much courtesy and too little grape and can ister. Seige guns are needed, not gat lings that sputter without damage. We have learned a lesson. We have learned that an honest position is a Bafe one. Tictory cannot be purchased at the sacrifice of a principle or any part of it. Let the wound heal, but let the scar forever remain vpon Democratic memory. . Remember the election of 1894. Memphis Commercial: The west is not more cursed with droughts and locusts than with governors. New York Daily American: If Ore gon has squelched Pennoyer she is en- j titled to a national vote of thanks. and relatives in this city for some weeks, returned to their borne this morning. .. .- List Sundiv waa a bnav riav wita oar oitiz- as; lini tomorrow will be observed as the Sabbath ehuull be. Tbe Dalles ia once more out of the water, and another such visitation may not be expected. One of the hottest places in this city is the teat occupied by The Dalles National bank, adjoiumg onr sanctum, ins tner- mometer registered 104 degrees tnere yes terday, and it reached as high a mark today. At the primaries held last evening M. T. Nolan was nominated for councilman and J. B. Crossen for water commissioner for tbe first ward: and Samuel Johns for conn- cilman and H- C. Nielsen for water com missioner in the second ward. Last evenma- at Dufur. a team attached to a buggy in which were Mrs. T. Slasher and Miss Annie Dufat, ran away, throwinjr the occupants out. Fortunately they were not seriously injured; but their escape from a violent death waa almost miraculous. The freieht cars that have stood on the railroad bridge daring the flood shows the effects of high water. At one time thev wpre almost snbmerucd. and now, with very many of the bents under the bridge washed out, they have the appearance of having been struck by a cyclone. Mr. FitzGerald. the janitor at the court house, since the waters of the Columbia has ceased to wash the door stepj ot ine ouua ing, has began "bouse-oleanenu,'' and in less than a week it can be wagered that the ef fects of high water cannot be discerned in the court house, the yard or oo the side walk. John bn a broom that always aweens clean, and a lawn mower that cuts grass as clean and smooth as a metropolitan barber staves. Todav e lost one of our boon compao inns in a business line. The First Natiooal bans moved to its old quarters on Sscond street this afternoon, and the smiling con tenances of the president and cashier are missed from our editorial g?za. Ott-.fr environment wi'l surround us next week when in our former room; but tha pleasint comnanionshiD of bankers. Populist, cauotv officials and undertakers will never be forgotten. Front. Second and other submerged street, can be traveled over today, and busines men are Drenarinz to move back to their old quarters. Tbe Umatilla House is preparing to use its first floor, and the building shows not the least damaee from- the Hood . 1 here is considerable debris left on the streets, and they have very much the apperance of having teen the bed oi tne river, o.u walks ara washed away in many instance, and awnings are in a battered condition Dnring the flood our county treasurer, Mr. Wm. Michell. has evinced a commend able spint of accommodation, and has opened his office to bankers, editors and even business competitors with the same cenerositv. For the past two weeks th editor of tbe T.-M. has scribbled bis "copy," cheered by the view of the plethoric shelves of twenty dollar piece?, rolls of greenbacks, and at the same time notified ot the sad end of all that is mortal ov an ar ray of caskets around the walls. Not withstanding this gloomy aspect of affairs he considered himself fortunate to bave a drv nlaoe to publish his piper when the an erv waves of the Columbia washed the walls of bis office to tho depth of six feet. Next Monday we shall be at tbe old stand; but the reminiscences of tbe early days of June. 1894' will always be a source of con stant enjoyment. From Monday's Daily Back in tbe oil quarters. The flood has subsided. The street sprinkler is making its usual rounds today. . Mr. A. ScheDneckan. of Astoria, has beeu in the city f.r tbe past few days. Charles Frank has removed back to his old quarters, nearly opposite the Umatilla House. ' - Dr. and Mrs. Snedrker returned yester day from a few days' outing on the Des chutes. The election passed cff quietly with the exception of the contest for the offices of marshal and recorder. tbe canal by means of sk -M ' was the in tention to run her into i On the line of the toad the conr.pany is em ploying a large force of me. " ud this will be repaired as quickly as pos At half past 4 o'clock to. fey there had been 128 votes cast in the first'- ward aud 275 in the second, Dr. Snedake.r. C. Founts and O. W. Gilhousen were judges' and JS. V. Fitzgerald aud Henry Smith cleTks in the first ward; U. L. Phillips, John Lates and J. Ii. Story, judges, aud E. C. Bay.ird and I. I. 3urge:t clerks in the second w.wd. Yesterday was devoted to sightseeing by residents and strangers and every por'-ion of the submerged district was visited. Very many who live in the country came to town to look at the streets before the effects of the high water should be removed. The high watef mark can be plainly de cerned, and very many were astonished to see the height this reached.. The mark of 1894 has never been reached before in the history of The Dalles, aud it is not un reasonable to believe it never will be again. The following item in regard to the run of salmon near the Cascades we find in the columns of the Skamania Pioneer: John White and John Bailsman had good luck with a (linnet, in tix hours they scooped out 4,5S0 pounds actual weight, of choice salmon, and were at it when we left. James Ualbreatu the chief eogiueer of the steamer Dalles City came op to where Messrs. White and Baaghman were fishing and in five minutes dipp;d up five una salmon, one a minute, he said "I haye a notion to quit Bttainboating ind dip for salmon." Arlington Record: Governor Pennoy?t found himself afoot and eleven miles from Arlington - at Wiliows Tuesday morning early. He went to the door of the section foreman's bouse and rapptd A voice within abked who waa there. The answer without was, "A triend who wants to be tnkeu to Ariiogton." The foreman in quired bis name He answered, "I am Sylvester Penuover, governor of Oregon , and I want yu to take me to Arlington." The voice within said, ''1 am Pat Maloney; Iain working for the railroad company. I will say t', yva what you sxid to the presi dent: Y-jO attend to your busiuesa aud I will attend to mine." And thu governor I'S'l !? tramp ties to Arlington. The arrest pf Haffthoipe places the last member of a baud of desperadoes in the hands of the law, and it is to be hoped that hereafter property in this vicinity will be safer from depredations. Hays, one of tbe gang died in camp twenty ml!ea fr m Duf r, aud it is not known who gave him the fata) wound, I nt evidence was sufficient for the coroner's jury to come to the con clusion that be died by the hacds of one or both of his companions. . Hawthorne was examined this afternoon befpre commisT sioner Huntington for the crime of killing of the Indian policeman Carpolus. Up to tha time of going to press we have not beard the result; but presume be will be peld for trial in Portland. The body of James Spence was found with a bulht bole through his head, in the Klamath riyer, about thirty feet from Jai. Wbalea's saloon, near the Shoyel Creek Springs hole', last Wednesday. Spence was an old soldier, aged about 50 years, and had resided in that neighborhood for several years working for Mr. Hessig. He left Hesaig's house a week sg'i last Thursday and was not seen afterwards until his body was found in the Klamath tbe following Wednesday. Tbe body had evidently been in tbe water tor several aayB. as it was badly disfigured. An examination of the bullet wound stowed that the ball bad en tered juBt bck of the right ear coursing at an angle of about 53 degrees and lodging on tne opposite side ot tbe bead. The Jacksonville Timet says that about 9 o'clock I? it Wednesday morning Phillip Miller, while laboring under a temporary hallucination, started for the Miller mine on Farmer's flat. Not hearing from him his friends became uneasy, and Thursday .com menced to search for him. His tracks were found where be had left the road and wan' dered into tbe brush, and next morning he was discovered where he had jumped from a bank over thirty feet high to the bed of the creek below. He had followed the stream three or four hundred yards after falling, and the searching party found him lying near the water with his bead on a boulder. He was bruised and cut severely, but it was thought he would recover. limilLg.J,m i iiLiHliiin.im.iL.i-j A sewer has fcursted in Union street, and the water flows from it continuously. The street commissioner says it is clogged far ther down the street, and this cannot l e repaired until tne river fal's sufficiently for the fewer to have an outlet. Tlf printing office of the Wasco Sun fared badly during tbe flood. A gieat portion of the type is "pied," and the presses will need thorough overhauling. An cpen river to the sea has always been demanded; but there was too much water 'in the Colum bia it was too free to please the most earnest advocate. Deputy sheriff Hailey, ot U matilla county, arrived in the city yesterday with four pris oners who were being takea to the peniten tiary. One was a boy who received a yeai's sentence fcr laroeny of a valise, another a negro sentenced for the same length of time for assault, still another for two years for assault with a dangerous we.ipon, and a cattle thiet sent up for one year. Democrat: The great slide en Pine creek below Cornucopia was about 700 feet long by 400 feet wide. It changed the channel of tbe stream and necessi tated tbe buililiag of two miles of new road. This road is high enough up the west bank cf the canyon that it will not be damaged by high water or another slide from the same place. The new road is about completed with the exception of a new bridge at one place which cannot be put in now on account of the shifting channel of the stream. Another slide ol about 160 acres has started out but may not come down until the snow melts next sprint;. A crack about three or four feet wide along the side of the mountain in dicates where it has started. Truths sick. For those DFiTui v mi inna i SPELLS depend on Sulphur Bit- ""i never ians to cure. , . , U SUFFER with that urea and all-gone feeling? If go use ouipnur fitters; it will cure you. Don't be without a bot tle. You will not regret it TRY IT. Thb I of a fair face is a beauti- SecretIIuI skin. Sulphur Bitters if ,... a I makes both. suffer from RHEUMATISM, use a j bottle of Sulphur Bitters; it never .iia i kj cure. Areyou CONStipatfm ir ln Sulphur Bitters is just what you need mm sl clear'q LJ long ;. ?KlM MIM I i 1 m a. M I K T I I k C J I I Iw B STRONG tl Wi MENTAL! ENERGY! STRONG Poor, weak, and weary mothers RAISE PUNY, PlNDLINQ children, bulphur Bitters will make them strong, hearty, and healthy. Cleanse the vitiated blood when you see us impurities burstixiir torougntnesKin in I Rely on Sulphur I P'MPLES, Bitters and health I BLOTCHES will Mi, AND SORES . Send 3 2-eent stnmr to A T nrrinmv Xr. rn T!.. I ., - l, t . 1 : i i i i .- i i ' .HNfHnp-fie in m&wT irst Class ANDAporiQ Che lTanrest, Fastest and Finest In tne World. rasoenger accomodations unexcelled. KEW YORK. LOHDSKQERRY AND GLASGOW. P1tp"T Bntnrrlnv. NEW YORK, GIBRALTAR and NAPLES, At reenlnr Interval. SALOON, SECOND-CLASS AND STEERAGE rates on lowest terras to and from the Drlnclole SCOTCH, ENGLISH, I2I3H t ALL CO-JlIlTElIIiL POKIS- Excursion tickets available to return bv either the plo turesqne Clyde A North of Ireland or Naples A Oibraftal Draft! ibI Koiiiy Ordsn for Any Amount t lovut Satis. Auiny to nnr or our ineni Arantsnrro HEXDEBSON BROTHERS. Chicago, Pt Sarsaparilla! jr. Hammerly. a well-known business man el Hillsboro, Va., sends this testimony to the merits OI Ayer'a sarsaparnia: -oeverai years ago, I hurt my leg, the injury leaving a sore which led to erysipelas. Jly sufferings were extreme, my leg, from the knee to the ankle, Deing a soiiu sure, which ueau iu ex tend to other parts of the body. After trying various remedies, I began taking Aver'a Sarsaparilla, and, before I had finished the first bottle, I experienced great relief: tne second bottle effected a complete cure.'1 Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Hau Cures others.will cure you US &nHl Ms Opportunity 1 I5(WT Mis lourKvoilcr, fc6D)njiityn?ct their op portnnititts, uk) froo. Chat oanse livo in poverty and die in ebscajtUrl Harrowing despair is the lt of ninny, as they &ok Laok on Iwflt, frrnwerioaL OjinortnnHr. 1-hc UpaM. Ins! Rooata out BTBRnd acintr I improve vour oruortu- nence, peace, .itwus aaifl ies oi runm oners t u i t f, aKl iocwq jwwvf y , protiri i byapliitasairtw-v, tfmt tho odd golf Ian onpor tanhy to eaeb perse nerson nt noma tteriod ofltfV cuibttieti tlie.MOo, aod sriiaporm nt licr riches; fhuto do 1 onportanrty a the elwHioe. i so ami site dopm-to, nrr to return, ' How shall yon find State op Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County. Fkakk J, Cheney makes oath that be it the senior partner ef the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co, deing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLiARS for each and every case ef catarrh that canuot be cured by the use of Hall's Catabrh Cube. FRANK J. CHENEY. sworn to Detore me ana suoscrioea in my presence, this 6th da of December, A.. D 1336. the aeuw5 oppartttoitrf Iiwestinato every cliance that oppea wortfi?. and of fair piiwu ; that U what an suo-cc-feri Men do. II ere is an epport nutty, feitHi as is ant ef within Ateaeurfiot laberiinr people. Improved, itwill at least, a seaud stnrt in fTTo. Ine eduEM oppor! t many h hem. If oncy to b made rnpidly and h -uly bT BlUrfndnatriotMTWM-.ii'M elf eirliop A 11 nr, . .n i.n do tto woi and Kve at home, wherever von are. Even be- "Nii.e ave eaMny earning irom Jv 10 D,as pur any. Yoa can de as wefl yon will wosk. not too Imrd, bat indnstri onsls'; and yon can increase yonr income as yon goon. Yon canplveapAMtHDeeoly, or all yonr time to the work. Easy to learn. aprtel no. required. We start too. AUiscom , --aiivety new antf really wonderfnl. We instrnct and 3ho yoohow. Tree. Failure unknown smens onr work srm. Ke room to esplars here. Write and learn all fte. '.v retnrn mall. Unwise to delay. Address at once. II. Ualiett & Co.. ltox 8 BO. Portland. Vwtnq. SEAL A. W. GLEArfON, Hotary Public, Kansas City Journal: - The Pcpu- liat governors will all go out as rapidly as the people can get at them. Pen uover merely goes early and avoids the rush. Pittsburg Dispatch: Oregon Popu lists succeeded in electing fourteen members of the legislature out of a total of ninety. .This is tbe most elo quent argument yet advanced against sending Governor Pennoyer to the United States senate. With the government work at the Cascades not injured and good crops the coming harvest The Dalles and vicinity may yet be considered fortu nate. Tha flood came unexpected, and spent its fury on everything within reach; but the fruitful soil and healthful climate of Wasco county . still remain, and these will be some of the means of the wonderful develop ment of this region in the future. Inter Ocean: Grover Cleveland will observe that a small zephyr from "the wild and woolly west" has started up in Oregon. By the time it crosses the Rockies it will be a political cy clone. A president cannot pull down "Old Glory" and shut up the nation's workshops and undermine the com mercial prosperity of the nation with out being called to account. The president and his party have been false to the people, and the people will si t in judgment ITEMS IN BRIEF From Saturday'! Daily. Hon. W. H. H, Dufur is in town today. There are seven occupants in the county jail. Mr. O. E. Leet, of Moro, is in town to day. Sortie boats are left high and dry on Court street. Tbe Union Paci6e has a force of men em ployed cleaning the railroad track through the citr. ' ' The flood has subsided, bat there are re minders of it still remaining in the shape of mad and debris. The cannery began work for the season yesterday, and it is expected will continue busy daring this month. The corner of Washington and Third is till the business center of the city; bat this will be changed in a few days. Juat received a new lot ot oars, oar locks and boat chains at Maier & Beaton's hard ware store in basement of Baptist church. The telephones are being placed in posi tion. They were removed at the time of ' the flood when the central office was sub merged..' Notwithstanding tbe hot weather experi enced here daring the past few davs reports from above indicate that the Colombia is till falling. The Regulator will land at tha foot of Washington street this evening, the Colom bia bavin? receded sufficiently to admit of wharfage at this point. ' W. E Garretson, the jeweler.moved into Rowland's office in tbe Masonic building today, where be will be pleased to see bis old customers. Mr. Andrew Keller is located directly north of the Baptist church, the next baild ; ing, and is prepared to furnish customers with all article in his line. Rev. J. Whisler. pastor of the M. E ehnrli alin k.. kun in et.ronr1a.nnA. nn t h P commencement exercises of Willamette uni versity, returned last evening, Mr. Wm. -Sheffield, well known at The Dalles, and at - present on tbe staff of the Taeoma Ledger, was in this city yesterday, and left this morning for Umatilla, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scbultze, of San Francisco, who hat been visiting rieods J. 0. Mack is again occupying his old place of buswecs on Second street where he will be pleased to see ail bis old customers. Our presses are now in working order, and we are prepared to do job work in tbe most artistic manner and on tne shortest notice. Maetz & f undt again occupy the corner of Court and Front. They have thoroughly cleaned the banding, and areas snugly sit nated as ever. Many citizens were busy moving their roods back to tbe places of business occu pied before the flood which may account for the light vote. There are two boats, high and dry, in front ' of the Times Mountainkmb office, which the owner are very welcome to if they will remove them. A zephyr bl w with considerable velocity this morning: but winds are desirable now while tbe walls of the buildings are damp from tbe effects of the flood. The Regulator landed Saturday night near tbe toot of Washington street. At ber wharf the piling appears in view; but it will be some time before tbe . boat can land there. Mr. Andrew Keller, the confectioner, has moved back to his old stand oo Second street, and is now prepared to eater to tbe wants of the publio tor anything in bis line of business. The Umatilla House is the scene of the greatest activity, and Messrs. Sinnott k Fish will occupy their lower floor as soon as the furniture and appointments can be moved from tbe second story. City elections always furnish the usual excitement to some citizens, while with others tbeje is only sufficient interest man ifested to cast a yote, and some even do cot exercise the privilege of suffrage. Mr. Moody is receiving wool at the pa vilion on the fair ground, and there are fair receipts every day. At the warehouse the wool has not all been taken down from tne elevated piatiorms; but this has re ceived little or no damage. The court house furnished no grist for the reporter today. We visited ihe clerk's office for deeds or matters of record of which to make a note, and nothing appeared bat the ordinary routiue of business. Ia the office of the sheriff nothing new was elicited. A railroad bridge halt a mile long, with the rails still adhering to the upper part of the timbers, floating down the Columbia river, was rescued above the locks one day last week. It was landed oo tbe Washing ton shore, just before reaching the rapids. - Tbe wound that Hawthorne received was not as serious as at first reported. Instead of passing through the ball entered the back, struck a rib, and followed it until it left the body. With proper atten ion he will be all r.ght in a little while. He ap peared somewhat emaciated when be left the hack yesterday, and walked up the court houae steps with belp. Col. Thompson has appointed A. Ad. Keller capain and inspector of rifle prac tice, and A. S. Blowers, of Hoed River, first lieutenant and commissary of subsist ence on bis stab; in the third regiment. These are very commendable appointments, and all persons interested in tbe U. ri. O will commend him in the appointments he has made. Alf Kelsay started overland to Pendleton this week with 6000 head of 2 and 3-year old wethers, which be will deliver to Wm, Rea & Sons, of Fargo, N. D., says the An telope H erald. They were bought of the B. 8. & Ii. Co. at $1.60 per head, and were as fine a lot of sheep as ever left this coun try. Alt will go. on to Chicago witb t jem. At a meeting of the school board at Ore gon City, held on the lo:h, the wages were reduced to SIUUU a year tor tbe superintend ent, $60 a month for ice principal and $40 a month for the subordinate teachers. The bid of John Bell, to furnish wood at $1.70 per cord, was accepted. Both janitors were discnarged during tbe summer vacation. This is retrenchment during the hard times. Antelope Herald: Allan Grant returned from The Dalles last Monday, having been there to see tbe flood at its highest stage. He says that all reports relative to the Umatilla House being rendered in an onsafe condition by tbe flood are false, and that during the yery highest water that favorite resort was as solid on its foundation as the rock of Gibralter. . Allan is a great friend of tbe Umatilla, and savs it is the best stopping place in Eastern Oregon. Mr. John F. Trana, of the Cascade Lucks, was iq town Saturday. He iuformtd us that the run of salmon is better than it has been for" ja number of years, and fisher men will experience a very good season The Unii-Faoifia -company intended to bring the Baker to the Locks that night, and it she could be got into the month of From Tuesday's Daily. Mr. F. H. Wakefield filed his official bond in the sum of $5,000 with the county elerk today. . Mr. F. G. Hull, cditar of the Milton Eagle, paid this office a fraternal visit last evcDiog. He was en route to tne grand lodge, A. O. U w. Messrs. Sinuoit & Fish are rapidly plac ing the Umatilla House in as good condition ae it was before, and it will only be a few days before this popular hotel will not show any of tbe effects of the recent flood. Mr. L. E. Yates, of Milton, arrived In tbe city yesterday afternoon. He was a delegate to the grand lodge, A. O. U. W., and left this morning on the boat. Tbe Columbia Packing Co. shipped by tbe Regulator la.-t night a carload of cat tle and forty-one head of sheep to the Locks to feed the employes on the gov ernment works. There were sixty passengers who ar rived in the city last evening from the - Almola. She landed at the mouth of the Deschutes, and those on bard were driven iu vehicles to this city. Now that the city election is over the next matter of interest is to clean up tbe debris left by the flood, and the health of tbe city demands that this be done im mediately. ' A man waa arrested last night for be ing drunk and disorderly, bat this morn ing before the city recorder the evidence was not euuicieot lor conviction of a violation of the city ordinance and he was discba.-gad. flu. re were S49 votes cast at tbe city election yesterday. Vry many of our citizens wire busy cleaning up their buildings and did not exercise tbe privi lege of suffrage. This accounts tor the light vo'e. Miss Josie Mansfield, who acquired great notoriety on account of ber cotjnec tion with the Fisk-Stokes shooting scr .pe, in .New York twenty yews ago, is said to be now a resident of Oregon, uving a lite of seclusion in Poitlaud. Fiank ArLol.l, formerly a . prominent business mxn if P.-mHclO'1 , was bdjuilged insane last Friday by :be county ju'ige of Umatilla couuty, and committed to the asylum. He met with business reverses recently, and his mind has become un- oalanced. Jack Hawthorne had his examination yesterday afternoou before U. S. Commis sioner Huntington. He did not produce any witnesses and was held fur trial ia tbe v. t. district court. Deputy Marshal Malouey accompanied him to Portland this morning.' The railroad bridge over Mill creek. since tbe water has receded, has fallen with the river, anJ tbe middle is several feet lower than the ends. It is very evi dent that the bents have been washed out, and when the river reaches the lowest stae it will present a pertect wreck. Last Saturday eyening William Penn Carter, aged 84 years, and Eveline Mills, aged CG, were granted a marriage license by the county clerk. This is not quite an illustration of January and May joining hands; but perhaps may be considered as January and December mating. Union Republican: An amusing inci dent occurred here at the recent election. A Populist rushed into a place of busi -ness with a sample ballot and said, "rfome one is circulating bogus tickets," He was asked what made him think so and he exclaimed: "Why, I can't find Pennoyer's name on here for senator." Friendship lodget No. 9, K. of P., elected the following officers at the regu lar meeting last evening for the term be ginning July lBt: W. L. Bradshaw, C. C; h S. Gunning, V. C; T. A. Ward, P.; H. Chrieman, M. of W.; H. H. Riddle, M. of F. This was the first meeting held for two weeks, for tbe reason that tbe ap proaches to the hall were submerged by lhe Columbia river. Dr. Hoi lister, who was called to dress the wound of Jack Hawthorne by the Deputy U. b. marshal, made a diagnosis of tbe injury. The ball entered the bedy about two inches from the spina! column, ranged around the seventh or eighth rib. and made its exit about six inches from where it struck the body. The doctor says the wound is not eyen serious, and with proper dressing Hawthorne will be all right in a little while. In conversation with a person who came down the river on the Almota yes terday we learn that the damage to tbe Union Pacific road has not been over estimated by those whs have pictured it in tbe worst light. The roadbed has in many places washed entirely out, and has to be newly constructed. He says that the construction of tbe road will cost heavily, and new grades will have to be built almost aleDg toe entire line. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and muceus surfaces of the system. Send . for testi monials, free. if. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Drnggists, 75c- . An Old anu Well-Trikd Remedy Mrs. Winslows Soothing. Syrup baa been used for over fifty year- bv millions of mothers lor their children while teething with perfect success. It soothes tne child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by all druggists in every -part of tbe world. Twenty-five cents a bott'e. Its value is incalculable. Be sure a id ask tor Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. WE TELL YOU nothing new when we state that it pays to engage In a permanent, most healthy and pleasant Dull ness, that returns a protit for every day's work. Such ia the business we offer the working class. W e teach them how to make money rapidly, and guarantee every one who follows our instructions faithfully the making of S30O.O0 a month. Kvery one who takes hold now and works will sureiy and speedily increase their earnings; there can be ne cfuestion about it ; others now at work are doing it, and you, reader, can do the same. This is the best navina business that von have ever had the chance to secure. You will make a frave mistake if you fail to give it a trial at once, f you grasp the situation, and act quickly, you will directly find yourself in a most prosperous business, at which you can aurely make and save large sums of money. The results of only a few hours' work will often equal a week's wages. Whether you are old or young, man or woman, it makes no difference, do aa we tell you, and suc cess will meet vou at the very start. Neither experience or capital necessary. Those who work for us ar rewarded. Why not write to day for iuu particulars, iree .- c. v. allc ti cu., mx no. axu, Augusta, aie. Tfotiec All CUV warrants rerisfrrl nrior t December 3, 1891, are now due and payable at my office. Interest ceases after this oate. 1. 1. BtmoET, City Treas ore Dalles City, Ore., May 15, 1894. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Oregon, for the County ef Wasco The American Mortgage Coinpanv of Scotland. Mm ited, a Corporation, plaintiff, va. James Dorris and Thomas W. Glavey, administrator of the estate oi ratncK JJorria, deceased, defendants, To James Dorris, the above named df fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are here by required to appear ana answer the complaint against, jbu m tne aooye eniiiiea suit, on oemre -Monday the ZStli day of May, Ktf4, that being the first day of the next regular term of said Court, and if you fail so to answer, for want there f, the pi lintiff will apply to said Court for the reiiei aemanaefl in its complaint, to-wit: To foreclose plaintiff's morttrage, made, executed and delivered to Patrick Dorris, now decease.-, on or about tne 10th day of December, 1S92, upon the east halt of the aeutheast quarter and the east half of the northeast quarter of section 18. in townsnip 3 south, of range 14 east, of the Willamette Merid ian, in n ac;) county, regon, and to have aaid premises sold according to law and the practice of the a ove entitled Court to satisfy plaintiff's de mands, to-wit, to pay the sum of 8350 and interest on said sum since .November Jst, 18K2, at the rate of 10 per cant, per annum, together with plaintiff's costs and disburs men's made and expended in this suit, includiuf subseauent atata ami Mnm. of sale; that upon uth foreclosure and decree anil sate all of your right, title and interest and all rr sons claiming, or to claim, by, through or under you. or by, through or under aaid Patrick Dorris, n .w deceased, in and to said premises, be foreclot-ed and forever barred from the equity ol redemption; that plaintiff be allowed to purchase said lands and premises at iu option; that the purchasers of Saiu premises have the immediate possession cf aaid premises, and every part a.,d pircel thereof, and for such other and furiher relief as to the Court may seem equitable and just. The service of this summons ia made upon you by publication thereof in The Tihss-Mouxtainebr, a newspaper of general circulation, published weeky at The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon, it being the paper most liitelv to oonvey notice to you, by order of the Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, Judge of the above en titled Court, which order was duly made on the 2d day of April, 1B84, at chambers, in Dalles City Wasco Count y, Oregon. , UUt Uft & MENEFEE, apT-7w Attorneys lor Piainitff . SherilT's Sale. TOTICE is hereby given that undel and by vir Jl t-ie of an execution issutd out of the Circuit Court of the state of reiron for Wnarti Mi,n,. An the 16th day of April ISM, upon a judgment made, rendered and entered in said ennrfc in a ,,;. ari,o.a;n Walter Breeze was plaintiff an! Alfred Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy were defendants, to me directed and delivered, I did ou the 21st dav of April, 1894, duly levr nnon and will on Stiinlnv. tha 9tii. .!, of May lsOl, at 2 u'elock in the afternoon of said dav iu front o the Court house door in Dalles City Waspo county, Or?e..n, sell to the highest bidder for cash iu hand all of the following described real estate to.wit: Lot 18, in section 4. and lots S and a. In ra-tinn a all in township 1 north, of rane-e IS ut f ,h Willamette Meridian, containing io.ra ing to the government survey thereof, totether witn tne tenements, hereditaments and nm,rfa. nances thereunto belonging cr in any wise apper taining, or so much thereof as shall be necessary to satisfy the sum of 309.50 and interest n dri m at tbe rate of 10 pel cent per annum since the 8th day of January. 1S94, and the costa of said writ ana accruing costs aud expenses of sale. ieu at ine uanea, vyasco uonnty, Oregon. April , 1894. T. A. WARD, Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. GUARDIAN'S NOTICE. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May lt 1891. Notice is hereby eiven that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on June 20, 1894, yiz: MARY E. I.ATHIM, Formerly Mary E. Brownhill, Home stead No. 21 14, for the s ht se qr, nw qr se qr, and se qr sw qr, sec 24, tp 2 a. r 12 east, ' She names the following witnesses to proye her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: F. M. Thompson James La Due and C H Stoughtoa of Dufur, Oregon, aud VV J Thompson, of Boyd, Or JOHxN W. LEWIS, Register HENET I. EUCK, -Manufacturer of and dealer in Harness and Saddlery Second St., near Moodv'a Warehouse, EAST END Opposite Diamond Flouring Mills, ROBEKT JL. WIL.1T.V3X, Proprietor - DALLES, A Work Hfaetloa OREGON .boarsnteed to Ulve Sat JAS. FERGUSON, General Expressmao Goods hauled with tha greatest careto a! oarts ef the city on short notice. DAN BAKER, PROPRIETOR OF THEV- Wool - Exckow - Saloon BEST IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC Wines, Liauors Cigars Second Street East End. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court, ... ui wreon, lor nasco t;ouU' m uronate. iruardian of the nArR.,n ,nH tate of Nancy Stanlev. an aired and infi rm nerartn AU persons havinir claims against siid estate are uereuy noiinea ana required to present them to me at the law office ol Condon Condon, in Dalles City, v.nwu, n.w. t'l ujrti vuueuers mereoi. Guardian of the rjerson anrl cj( itj. f v,.,..c M,nn ".j , -.cu .uu .iiiji in person. uanes uty. urefron, March 17, 1894. Administrator's Sale. "ITTHEREAS. the Hod. County Court of the Stat. V of Oregon, for the County of Wasco, on the 6th day ot November, 1893, duly made an order di recting me, the duh annointed. auaJined administrator of tbe estate of Ernest S. Ilaaee, de ceased, to sell the lauds and premises belonging to said estate, and hereafter particularly described, at tuua, auhnivu, KW IUO UlUOSK U1UUU1", I Of COSQ 1Q and. Now. therefore, bv virtue of snch anthnritv n in pursuance of said order, I will, on Saturday, the 10th day of February, 189 4, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the front door ui tne touiiw uours nouse in uaiies Citv Wun County, Oresron, sell, at publi c auction, to the hiifh- cpi, uiuuer, mr cusn in nana, cne lands and p tenures belonging to said estate, and Darticularlv S IO.IOWS, IrO-Wlt: The southwest quarter (swj). arid tbe southeast quarter of the northwest quarter (nej of nw$) of cwwu uitwu, u wwuniip one soutn, 01 rouge wuiireu 111 eaafc. ui tne Willamette juariiiiari in Wasco t ouuty, Oregon, coutaininir two hundred acres of land, f-aid sale will be made subject to ap proval and confirmation of the said County Court. Dated at Dalles Citv. Wasco Count.'. Oregon ihi via aay oi January, isy. T. U. JOHNSTON. Adm'r of the Estate of Ernest S. ITaatce, deceased. Children Cry for PITCHER'S C ASTORIA Castoria is so well adapted to children that a. ibvuU"-uu aoguiiui lVJ oiij piiacripuua known tome.11 H. A. Archer. H. D.f - Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, u. y " I use Castoria in my practice, and find It ipeuauj' cuiapuxi to aiiecuons oi cniiaren. 1057 2d Aye., Kew YorU. 'From personal knowledge I can say that kiastorui is a most excellent medicine for chii- iren." iiiu ii. C. Osoood, Lowell, Mass. Castoria promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrnaea, and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains no Aiorpnine or otner narcotio property. Good ft9. in T Administrator's Notice of Final Account "Vr0TICK JS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THB UN- L1 dersnrned, administrator of tbe estate of William A. Allen, deceased, has filed in the office nf the County Clerk of Wasco County, Oregon, bis nnai account witn said estate, and that Monday, the 7th day of May. 1894. at 10 o'clock in the forennnn of said day, at the County Court room in the County Court house. Dalles City, Oregon, lias been, dv uon.a ueorge r. ftiakeley, County Judge, fixed and appointed as the time and place for examining said account and bearing objections, if any. thereto. Dated at Dalies City. Wasco County. Oreiron. this ouiu aay oi Aiarcn, l&tti. UbU. A. IjlUric,, Admr. ot tbe Estate of Wm. A. Allen, deceased. sa Only the Scars Remain. "Among tbe many testimonials which I lee in regard to certain medicines perform ing cures, cleansing the blood, etc," writes Henry Hudson, of the James Smith Woolen Machinery Co., Philadelphia, Pa., "none Impress me more than my own case. Twenty years ago, at the age of 18 years, I had swellings come on my legs, which broke and became running sores. Our family physician could do me no good, and it was feared that the, bones would be affected. At last, my good old mother urged me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I took three bottles, the sores healed, and I have not . been troubled since. Only the scars remain, and the memory of the past, to remind me of tbe eood Ayer's Sarsaparilla has done me, I now weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and am in the best of health. I have been on the road for the past twelve years, have noticed Ayer's Sarsaparilla advertised in all parts of the United States, and always take pleas ure in telling what good it did for me.n For the cure of all diseases originating in Impure blood, tbe best remedy is AYER'S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. O. Ayer &Co., Lowell, Mass. Cures others, will cure you mas stVl better When 3 "ttcv ara from Cf?El5B ane( arc easfy cf- gzsmct. Tor frying horVsnin and all Cookmck hurhose.9. 077OLENE is fteirer' Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby eiven that the undersigned has been duly annointed by the County Court o! the ouue 01 uregon, lor wasco county, in fro bate, ad. ministrator of the estate of A K. Bonzey, deceased. All persons having; claims against said estate are hereby notified and rt quired to present them to me with proper vouchers, at the law orfioe of Condon and Condon, in Dalies City, Oregon, Within six montns trom tbe date of Una notice. may 12, lav. R. O. CLOSTER. Administrator of tbe estate of A. K. Bonzev. aeceaseo. NOTICE FOR PUBUCATTON. Laud Optics 11 VaiioorVBR, Wash., April 2, 1894. Notice la hereby siven that the followinir.nRmnd settler has filed notice of her intention to make commutation final proof in support of her claim. and that aaid proof will be made before W. R. Dun- nar, commissioner United States Circuit Court for district of Washington, at Ooldendale, Wash., on May 12, 1894, viz: MARY A. GILMORE, formerly Mary A. Barry, Hd No 9021, for the w hf ne qr and w hf se qr sec 31, tp 8 n, r 14 e, W M. ane names tne rouowina; witnesses to prove ber continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Dietrich H Stdrman. William Wilkinaon Hnrman Eugleke and James Riley, all of Centenrlile P O, Wash. ap7 JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN, Register. 113 I m M p M w r 11 1 rain" and barer Tnatt, ar4. REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. Genuine made only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTON SALE OF BONDS. IWLL SELL, ON THE gST DAT OF MAY, 1894, $8,000 in bonds of Hood River school District, bearinar 7 per cent interest, payable aemi- annuaiiy. mey wn. eitner ne sold in paits ol 1,000 each, or the entire S8,000 at one time, or any number of the eight bonds of 81,000 each, to tbe nurnest bidder for cash. These bonds are redeem. able, in twenty years, or alter ten years if conve nient lor tne district. WILLIAM MICHELL, County Treasurer, The Dalles, May 21, 1894. ONE ENJOYS Uoui the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, ijiver ana .Bowels, cleanses the sys tem -effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitua constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the oniy remedy ot its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its ;tion and truly beneficial in its effects, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is for sale m oOc and ?1 bottles by a" leading druggist Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAH FHAN01S00. CAL. 10UI8VIUE. Kf. HEW fOBK. M.f. THE DALLES Cigar Fact ry, inn rv !- beet. FACTORY NO. 105. CIGARS nred, at Best Brands manufact- and ordeas from all cuts of the country filled on tbe shortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR has become firmly established, and the de mand for tbe home manufactured article! increasing every day. deo24iy-tf A. ULR1CH & SON. REGON -AND- A. KELLER Prop'. 5 TO 20 FOR WHIPS 25c 50o. 75c. $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 -BONE ISQHV FEATHERBONE Is made from QV, 1 i, -I rsy-j nature's own toughest material, best whins maoe n. mo price. Cheap, Durable, ALL, STSXE8. an aaivm. as jtmt ueaier iut a . ij rj i my PER DAY Easily EVIade. We want many men, women, boys, and girls to work for us a few hours daily, right in and around their own homes. The business is easy, pleasant, strictly honorable, and pays better than any other ouered agents. You nave s clear neld and no competition. Experience and special ability un necessary. No capital required. We equip you with everything that you need, treat you well, and help you to earn ten times ordinary wages. Women do as well as men, and boys and girls make good pay. Any one, anywhere, can do the work. All succeed who follow onr plain and sim ple directions. Earnest work will surely bring you a great deal of money. Everything is new and in great demand. Write far our pamphlet circnlar, and receive full information. No harm done it you conclude not to go on with the business. George Stinson&Co., Box 488, PORTLAND, MAINE, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lajtd Omci at Tm Dallis, Orssov, April 3. 1894. Notice is herebv eiven that the following-named settler his filed notice of bis 'intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and tl.at said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver or tne u. b. lanu owvo iw wujw, ur., en May 17, 181, via: LTDIA E. WILDER, Hd No S507, for the lots 1 and 2, sec 18, tp 1 n, r 16 s He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ox aa land, via? Anna Brown. Thos McCoy, Cbas Green, Dell C Wilder, all ol ine Katies, Oregon. p7 JOHN W. iWI3, Register, ' Attention, Freiffliters! BIDS WANTED for hauling 100,000 pounds ot wool (more or less) and 25,000 to 40,000 pounds of back freight; aaid wool to be hauled from Littls Front creek, about fifteen miles southeast of Ante lope to ine Danes, tne oack treutht to be hauled from The Dalles to Muddy station, about eighteen miles southeast of Antelope. All wool and freight to ne wen protected witn wairon-aheeta anrl dpliv. ered iu good order and condition Bids will be opened May 1st and the award made known at Moody's warehouse. Terms: On?. half will h ,ih vu uv ' .""j u w.u lucMi, u uesireu; oaiance on vuUJpei'on t contract. Address all bus to HENRY HAHN. 8e&r. Care Wadhama & IV, mch31-4w Portland. Oraron. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. rOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN that the nnder- j.1 aigaed, administrator ot tbe estate of Harri son Comm. deceased, bv virtue of an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, in probate, made on the 6th day of Septem ber, A. D. 1893, and a supplementarv order made by said court, of date December 22, 1893, will on (Satur day, the 27th day of January, 1804, at the hour of 2 P. M. of said da), at the Court House door in Dalles City, In Wasco Count v, State of Oregon, sell at pub lrc auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, tubiect to the confirmation of said Court., all of the following described real estate and water rights, be longing to the estate of tbe aaid deceased, to wit. The west half of tbe northeast quarter, and the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of sec tion twenty-five, in township two north of range ten east of the Willamette meridian, containing 120 acres and situatod in Wasco County. State of reiron: and also the east half of the east half .of aaction Aa twenty-five in township No. to north of range ten east of the Willamette meridian, containing 160 acres, and situated in Wasco County, State of Ore gon, together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances and water rights thereto belong ing, and belonging to said estate. . All the above described property, includine the water rights, to be sold in one parcel. Aiatea, uecemoer zx. loua. - J. W. CONDON. Administrator ol the estate oi Harrison Coram. deceased. l p.epared to famish families, nstels and res tanranta with'thr choicest. Bread, Cakes and Pies. Fresh testers Served in Every Style. Merond Wtreot, Next door to The Dalles Na tional Bank, For the Next Thirty Days, to Close Out Some of Our Lines, Will Sell Goods at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Having Purchased Our Goods at Can Give Customers the Advantage of tho Same. Men's Overshirts formerly $1 50 now $1 00 " 1 25 " 75 " Underwear " 1 CO " 15 " 1 75 " 1 10 " Hats " 2 50 " 2 00 " " 1 25 " 75 You Know What You Want Bee Smokers, Fishing Tackle, Post Hole Augers, Spray Pumps, Force Pumps, Sheet Iron, Wire Netting, Garden Tools, Stoves, Steel Ranges, Scythes, Snaths, Axes, Wedges, Crowbars Barrel Churns, Tin Chum?, Wheelbarrows, Cross-cut Saws FtJLL LINE OF GROCERIES- Iron Pipe, Tinware, Graniteware, Powder and Shot, Revolvers, Guns, Loaded Shells, Building Hardware, Wringers, Wire Cloth, Cutlery, Plumbing Goods Chimney Pipe Wire a.nd Cut Nails, Barbed Fruit Box Nails, Terra Cotta Sewer Pipe, Garden and Field Seed -AT LOWEST PRICES.- MAIER & BENTON. The Dalles. Ton Want Your I)ry Ms We keep the Lai-Rent and Best Assorted Line in the city, of Dry Goods and Notions, Gents' Fur- - I nishing Goods and Glothing.fMen's, Ladies' and Children's Fine Shoes. We Want Yom Patronage Of course ws will pat Prices to suit. Always do that. Nobody undersells us. Com a around and investigate. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO 1 V m MANHOOD RESTORED CUPIOENE" Thtft rroar VaraaiKlA t?-0L"7.?? Pl'?:aican' 1teky cur. vou of nil DeVT n lxwt Manhood, enrons I Ability t rHWPr8 Una 'revonta onb-k- BEFORE AND AFTER ?!', " horrora of Impolwirr. rBPloi;itiK toUw,u3 The reiuon RnflY rprs nrn tint fit rvi hv Ikioinn la Ko.ia. nlMii. . . ..... PmMUatltl.. CUPIDBNE I. theonly known rrBlv to c.rewl.hoiil.i ortloiK ITJ""'.? sift. A written ffnAranrpAiHvAn nrt mnnv ti.tswl it ai kw m ""wir-mimfjiu. W0 a boa. six for I&.00. by malL Send for Van a drrilar "d 7iiimST.S." " cur Address DlTOt MEDICISB CO., P. O. Box 2078, Ban FraiioJaoo, CU. Insomnia- Tains In tbe Back, Seminal Kmlaalnna N Plmplea. TJnfiuiafia to Marrr. t ),-, . I, Constipation. It stops all loase bvday or night. P pt-ss oi uincnarre. wmcn 11 nntfhM.irH in-.,- . For Sale by JS. W. Helm & Co., The Dalles, Oregon. Tie Dalles National M OF DALLES CITY, OR, President. Z. F. Moody, Cashier M. A. General BanMng Business Transacted, Sight Exchanges sold on NEW YORK. SAN FRANCISCO. PHOTOGRAPHER, THE DALLES, ORE., cnapman mocs. I bars Received Eleven First Prises. A. A. BROWN FULL ASSORTMENT STAPLE m FANC7 HIS, AND PROVISIONS, . Soecial Prices to Cash Buyers. 170 SECOND STREET, MEPTTLTHE BATHS Seine AND HAWTJI PARLORS LADIES' HAIRCUTTING akd SHAMPOOING A SPECIALTY. Children's Hair Neatly Cut Bath Rooms Heated by Steam. A Shower Room in Each Bath Room. A Bootblack Stand Connected with our shop, and especial attoation paid to all 110 Front'Street, Opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel, THE DALLES, OREGON. TELEPHONE JNO, 4G. PRAZER & WYNDH AM, Props S. IF. MMMD 9 enerl wsm ion and ForwardiD g Merchant 391, 393 and 395 SECOND STBEET, (Adjoining Railroad Depot) Consignments Solicited Promp Attention to thos a who favor mo with their patronatre