The Tim es-Mountaine er SATURDAY .JCNK 2, 1894. ITEMS IS BRIEF. From Saturday's Daily. . Hon. W. H. H, Dutur u io the city. . Mr. Robert Kelly, of Kinsley, was in town yesterday. Mr. J. B. Hoeford, of tbs Moro Observer, waa in town yesterday. Mr. John Brookhouse, of Kingsley, gave . ns an atre-able call this afternoon. &T. H. A. Lravens and Mr. E P. Ash, .01 Cascade Locks, were io the city yester- day..; :-..f Hon. K. B." Dufur returned yesterday """from an extended trip over the counties in i this judicial .district, - . ' From Hood "River there were in town yesterday Hon. T. R. Coon, Captiin A. S. Blowers and Hon. M. P. Isenberg. ' ' If 1 he Uallea inteod to make an enorr in ; the way of a tourth-of-July celebration it is time some movement was made in that direction.- 4 . ... . i High water is threa'eninz the raiWad . : track in places, and if it rises a few feet more the road will be submerged at low points close to the river. - The following deed was filed for record with the coaoty clerk today: Mamie Strick lin and husband to Phillip Brogan, sr.; lot 10 in town of Kingsley; $329. '; - "? Telegraph poles alooj the line of the railroad track have been washed out by the t " rsceat high water, and in many places they : will have to be replaced by new ones. ' A youn? son of Mr. Frank Gabel, aged . about 6 years, fell down stairs yesterday : evening, resulting in a dislocation of the elbow. Dr. Hollister was called and ap ' plied the usual surgical remedies, and the patient is resting easily. Grain in different portions of the connty is in good condition, and there are favorable indications of a bountiful harvest. .Until within the past few days spring wheat bad not exhibited much growth, but the recent warm weatner nas oeeo very Denenciai. " The rise in the river reported this morn ine at Umatilla was 26.2 feet above low water mark, or a gam of 1.2 feet over the record of yesterday. At Riparia Snake r- , river was reported 20.2 feet yerterday, this morning 21 feet, an increase of 10 inches. Sheriff Ward is deliver og election tick ets in the eastern and southern portions of ' the county. Wasco baa quite a lavge area . to be traversed, a' d each precinct, nrder the Australian ballot system, - has to be supplied with sample and official ballots before the, election. J. he pleasant ram last night was very e - agreeable in its enects. Although the tern- " perature is ne rly as warm there appears to : be m re ozone in the atmosphere since the rainfall. It has done a great deal of good to growing crops, and the prospects for bountiful harvest were never better. : The Albany Herald, says that Mr. Wallis . Hash has gone to New York to confer with ; colonel 1. . K. Hogg concerning the ap proaching sale ot the uregon racihc rail road. Those who are supposed to be best posted express a firm belief that Colonel ' Hogg at d bis associates will purchase the -- - road this time, and will have the money to pay tor it. Mr. Davis St Klair. of Grass Valley, fer ried over the river this morning about 2000 head of sheep ' They will be taken to the ; summer pasturage near lit. Adams. Dur- inK the "drive" to this city Mr. St Klair lost about 150 head in the neighborhood of Fifteen Mile creek by poison. He does net I . . know bow it happened, but the sheep must U have ate it while grazing. Lewis ton TeUen There is a rumor to the effect that the Union Pacific will rebuild -the Annie Faxon at once. They aie taking ". warning of the expectations for a big crop in the lorks of the river, and will be pre pared to handle the crop. Something of tre turn will De surely needed. The crop , will demand a hasty removal to market, as the people need the money in return for 3 meirpioaucxs. . - - The speaker's stand last night at Wio- gate's ball was occupiep by about fifty in : ? vited guests, Hon. M. A. Moody, member : i 01 tne state central committee, and Mr. J. . M. rattersoD, of the county committee. had sent invitations to prominent Rnpnbli- cans in neighboring counties to be present - on tne occasion ot Mr.-Horri speech, snd there were several on the stand from Sher man and Gilliam and other parts of Eastern , uregon. .. . A special dispatch of Thursday . from Hope, Idaho, says: "There was a terrible ' ' and bloody conflict between two railroad men here at 1 o clock this morning, which, .'. it is believed, grew out of a rivalry between me amerent organizations' of railroad men and which' may lead to more serious conse- ' quences. ' James Murphy nas' shot and ln- sianuy Kiiiea Dy onerman ve w itt in a sa loon and was carried to the undertakers". . He fell and died with a big knife in bis right hand, raised in the act of striking a . ' desperate blow, and bis left hand pressed to -. cis heart, where a 33-calibre bullet bad en tered. DevVitt is in jail and is guarded. Sympathy is . divided between- the two . men." ' - - Fifteen Laplanders, under contract with .'. the United States to go to Alaska and take care ot reindeer imported from Siberia, - passed through Spokane Thursday morning. ' They came over the Great Northern, in a Pullman car, and will take the first steamer to Alaska. Since toe advent of the white man, the Review says, the natives seem to have lost all ability to care foi themselves, - The Caucasian haa seized npon the chief source of food supply also the seals and to keep the unfortunate Indian in existence 'the scheme of breeding reindeer was pro 'posed. " It has 'worked like a charm, but the natives are not yet able to care for the animals, hence the importation of people .. laminar with the habits ot the domesticated deer. j.!;;;'.' '.;'.-. ,:. . " From Monday's Dally . The circuit court convened today. Mr. B. F. Swift, of Tygh yalley, is in ; ane city. -. ' - - ; Miss Ethel W. Grubbs is visiting , friends in the city. .. , -.. . - . ' Mr. Geo. A. Yonng, of Bakeover.'came in town yesterday. Mrs. Mary Gropper, of-Sbephard's Land ing, is visiting friends in the city. . Mr. R, Palmer, one of the solid farmers of Dufur precinct, came in town today. ' Mr." John M. Davis, one of the sheep . kings of Wasco county,' is in town from Bakeoven. J. H. Jackson and T. G. Hayden have qeen appointed bailiffs for the term of court . new being held in this city, " . J. A. Walker and William Mack, of Con don, Gillman county, took to Portland thia morning on the steamer Regulator, 35 head . ot draft horses. ..'.' ' . .' . , . .' : ,': The following attorneys are in attendance on the circuit court: E. B. Dufur, Frank Menefee, J. B. Condon, W. fl. Dufur, B S. Huntington,- H. S. Wilson, J. L. Story, - H. H. Gates, Hcbutz, U. H. Kiddell. Bishop Morris, o! the Episcopal church,' . conducted seryioes in Sc. Paul's church in this city yesterday forenoon. A large num ber of communicants were present,, and a very edifying and interesting discouise was . preached by tbe bishop. Deputy Sheriff Ed. Brawley and Mr. E. W. Garlio brought in today Henry McRey- nolda and Walter Douglas, who are charged . with larceny They .were being tried -in Sherman for tho crime, when they secured a change of venue to this county. The following are tho names of those on the grand lory, who were sworn in and re- : tired naber the instructions of the court: James Miler, foreman; M. D. Farrington, " 'W. 11. Whipple, Patrick Ward, T. U. Dal las, J. E. Soesbe, W. K. Corson; grand - jury bailitt, L. f. Ustlund. ... . Oyer in Washington last week, says an -, exchange, : Ben Snipes sold 1000 head of - cattle at the large and magnificent sum of $3 per head. . Tbe Populists sre eternally ' howling for equality, and their hopes bare . been realized in this particular line. Cattle are now woith nearly as much as sheep per head. - As we go to press the river has passed tbe 49 feet mak, and is crawling to the 1876 limit. Residents near the old city mill are nearly surrounded by water, al though it has not reached the floors of the dwellings. The river IS crowded witl dntt, . and reports are corren t of bridges and hah- whells washing away. Last Friday night, tbe dwelling bouse on the Chandler place, near Bakeoven, owned bv Mr. Geo. A. Young aud son, bnrned to i the ground, with all the contents. The building a not occupied at the time, but was. generally used by campers, and it is Dresomed tbe carelessness in not extin- - guishing their fire caused the condigratioo. Mr. Young says his loss will amonot to $20Q0, and be ha $800 insurance. . The following from the Prineville Newt hows.tue existence of one industry in that town that does not need any protection: - "The foreman of this office baa been busy Hnnrg the week furnishing cats tor Jiir. Meyers of Juniper oovon. That enterpris ing farmer wanted them to eat sage rats on mi l around his raocn. uur ioreman una furnished three sacks snd a cracker box full of felines and thinks he has the contract almost fi led. Ai nearly all these cats were voluntary contribntious from some persons who mistook bis dwelling for a foundling asvlum for undesirable kittens, he wishes it understood that a J more are needed at present. From Tuesday's Daily. H ave you moved r Boat riding in Union and Court street today. Mr. ames Kelly, cf Kiugaley, is in the city today. J. A. Gulliford and wife are in the city today from Dufur. - Tomorrow being Decoration Day no paper will be issued from this office. The city treasurer's office will "be in the Masonic building until further no lice. The petit jury was excused tins morn ing from attendance on court next Tues day. -, Capt. Bioers,.J. A. SSpsIms, E. S. Oiiuger and L. E Morse, of Hood River, are in the city today -"The ladies ot the Methodist church have postponed indefinitely their festival, owing to the high water. The small boy has a fine time paddling aronnd in the streets. He roiv take a boat ride now, and still remain in town. The telegraph lines to the east have been down all day, and no definite news has been received regarding the rise , of the river at Kipana or Umatiua. The report by telephone from Umatilla says the river has risen six lni-hes during the past tweoty-fonr hours. Nothing has been heard from Riparia. Mr. Rohert Kelly, of Kingsley, drove over from G"ldenda)e, Wash , yesterday. He haa made a tour of Klickitat couutv, examining that region of country. The railroad trak is covered witli water from Cape Horn for a mile east, bat the only impassable place is from T Seufert's farm to near the mess house. ' The high water has been the cause of death to many rats; but the supply will not be exhausted, and there will still be rats after the river recedes to the normal ntage. -' A spfcial and a passenger, consisting of two trains, were being transferred across a washout near the mess house at 4 o'clock this afternoon, and may be expected in at any time. ' The submerftfd traok of the Union Pa eitic. cut tin if off communication east and west, leave The Dalles in an isolated posi tion. The only news from the outside world will be by the Regulator. When Wilkereon was arrested in the mountains Mr. Ferris was accompanied by a son of Mr. A. J. Swift, aged 12 years While Ferris held the revolver on Wilker aon. the bov searched bi:n. and he did it with all the bravery of a man. It was reoorted this morning that Win- aus Bros, lost two mors fish-wheels, mak ing four in all. and that Mr. F. A Seufert also lost two in addition to the one that waahed down the river Sunday. These will be heavy losses on the parties, as the cost of eachoi these will foot up thousands of dollars. The berry crop st Hood Riyer, on ac count of having no facilities for shipment, will be almost a total loss. We understand that sales of atrawberr-es had been con tracted at the price of 22 cents per box. These cannot be shipped, and the pioducera not only lose the sale of the crop, but the co?t of gathering. All last night Hen. M. A. Moody and a fprce of twenty men were at work at Taffe's cannery 'Baying property. His wheels are all safe, and his loss Will sim ply be a little ice. They worked all night and only left this afternoon when every thing was in good condition. The fljod at the Locks has practically stopped all work on the cana, and yester day the water was reported within tour feet of the bulkhead. Me. Geo. P. M org in was in the city last' evening securi' g all the sacks be could, which were to be filled with sand, and to be used in strengthening the bulkhead. ' Mr. F. C. Sexton, wife and family, ar rived in thU city yes'erdayifrom Kingsley. He intends to go back to bis old home in Kansas, where he will remain a few years for the purpose of giving his children ed ucational advantages. Mr. Sexton nas lived in this connty for the past fourteen years, during which time ho has resided in the yicinity of Kingsley. - . ' - The grand jury fouBd true bills yester day against Frank Williams lor burglary and Charles Weaver for forgery. Charles was arraigued last .evening, and pleaded guilty to the indictment and . was sen tenced to the": penitentiary for two years and a half. This morning Frank Wil liams was brought into court, the indict-: ment read to him. and be entered a -plea of guilty. He was sentence i to serve a term o'f-two years in the penitentiary. A Forsrery Committed. --. '. . Antelope Herald; T. C. Weaver, a labnrer came up from the Cascade Locks recently, aud was employed on Pat Walsh's sheep ranch until Miy 18th On that day Mr., Walsh paid him off with a check of 510 7a and gave him a horse with which to come to Antelope for bis mail. ;. Weaver in someway procured blank check, on Tbe Dalles National Biok, drew it up for $46, signed Pat Wulsh'a name to it and presented it to J. D. Tunny, who cashed it, giving 46.hard silver dollars in return for the check. The fellow then got on his horse, went up above too short ways, pretending to return to Cross Hollows, and struck over tbe hills for Lower Antelope. Tbe horse either threw him . off or was let go, for it was found the next day below town and brought back to the livery stable! Pat came to town on Monday last and inadvertently discovered that bis nime had been forged to said check. ' A - wa'raut was immediately sworn out before Justi :e Keaton, and J. D Tunny, together with A Greiner, left on Monday about noon for Prfneville, where they expect to nail the rascal. y He 8 last teen at Grant Ash by'. in Lower Antelope, where he ate breakfast on Satnrday morning. .We hope be ill b captured and receiye his just deserts in the Salem summer resort. Later Mr. Tunny and Mr. Greiner re turned with their game on Thursday even ing having captured him twenty miles be yond Prineville, on the Burns road. He was biding under a juniper tree wh n dis covered, and offered no resistance whatever. He bad his examination before Justice Kea ton here at 10 o'clock on Friday, but plead ing guilty to the charge, was bound over to appear before the grand jarv, which, luckily I f.. k,m . ft 1 ' TXT I for him, convenes next Monday. Weaver's bail was 6xed at $1000 bnt not being able to seenrs bondsmen be was committed to jail, Messrs, Greiner and Tunny starting to the Dalles with him Friday afternoon Honesty is always the best policy. M. Hammerly. a well-known business man - 01 HinsDoro, vs., senos tins testimony to the merits ot Ayer's Sarsaparilla: "Several vAat-fl aero. I hurt mv lep. thA inlnrv ln vina asorewiucuieu tuerjsiiieias. my were extreme, my leg. from the ki sufferings nee to the ankle, being a solid sore, which began to ex- tend to otlier parts of the body. Altertrying various remedies, 1 began takine Ayer's Sarsanarilla. and. before I had finished the first bottle. I experienced ereat relief: the second Dome eneciea a complete cure." . Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mnss. CuresotherstWillcureyou I glOolt SLEEP 'I'll -in) , jT" ", .111! clear) B (long SKIN, LIFE mentalu w 1 strong! ENERGY 1 NERVES Ay ER'S 1 Sarsaparilla HIGH VITA TEK. The Columbia at Hiieri Tide - Loss of Flail Waeels and Damaie Done to Railroad Track. For the pat week the greatest inter est has centered in the river, and the rise of the water baa been auxiuuaiy wa cbed by bur people every hour during the day. The mars: of 46 feet above low water was reached Saturday, and reports from Uma tilla aud Riparia continue! people in tbe belief that tbe tlauger line would ba reached this year. Sunday showed tne water still lucreaaiug in volume, and the current full of drift of all kinds, trees, lumber ami heavy timbers. Qiite a brisk business was done yesterday in saving these from the angrv flood, by those who owned boats, aud in some instance?, very valuable appliances in connection wita fish wheeis were rescued. HEAVY LOSSES. Yesterday forenoon, about 11 o'clock, Mr Frank Seuftrc arrived in the city driving fuuouily, aud attempted to procure help t save his wheel which had washed from its moorings. He secured the little steamer Inland Star, aud aceatned don tde river, but was unsuccessful in saving tbe wreck age. Some ropes and tackle were taken from the wreck, but the current was so strong that the Irtcle craft could make no headway. Later in the day fish wheel owned by Messrs WinaosBros. weut into tbe river and was washed down by the curreof. This is the second wheel they heve lost dur ing the list few days, and the loss w 11 ba about $10,000, not considering the "oiteh" from these during the season would nav e netted a considerable amount. Both M r. Seutert and the Wiuans Bros, worked ardu ously to save their property; but the force of the water was so strong that hev, roc ks placed on the frames and lare ropes at tached to them were powerless to keep them in place. Other wheels were in danger, and, notwithstanding the fact taat yester day was the Sabbath, every fisherman spent the day in securing bis property. THE RAILROAD TRACK. ' There were no arrivals of trains on time this morning. From Hood River to this city the track was rendered dangerous in places, and the east bound tram arrived in this city at half-paat 8 o'clock this morn ing, when it was due at 11 last night. The washing of the river had undermined em" bankments, and these had to be parsed over very carefully. The west bound pas senger h;d not arrived at noon, and the lat est news stated that the road-bed was dan gerous in places. Tho east-bound that ar rived started out after waiting for breakfas; hot it is difficult to say whether it witl be successful. Following it was a work train with a force of employes who will repair damages as rapidly as possible. MOVING OCT. . The merchants oti Second street, who had goods stored in cellars, began moying Saturday evening, and this morning those on the highest ground were forced to re move all goads stored in basements. Tbe water has reached the mark of 49 feet, and tde. report from Umatilla indi cated a rise cf 1 foot 4 inches. this morning and at Riparia 1 foot 1 irch. There can be little doubt that the .1876 water mark will be surpassed, and that the Columbia river, will again flow through the streets of The Dalles. Already a low place in the'eastern part of Second street is submerged, and three feet more wi 1 bring it over the raii- road track. Tbe Flood. Today will mark the beginning of one of tbe hih-water epochs in the history of the city, and may continue for some time. Last evening he water washed in on Union stieet beside the Columbia hotel, and later a sewer gave it an outlet to Second street. From that time ic gradually increased un til thisnorniog, when Mr. Newman and Mr. Crois were forced to new quarters, and these were soon followed by Mr. Ad Keller, Mr. Branner. of tiatght's restaurant, Wono Bros.' meat market, Ch is. Schmidt, C F. Lauer, Fred Lstnke, W H. Bitts and C. J Stubling.A Tne enter of the street in front of the Hun office caved in about 9 o'clock this morning, and chia let tbe force ot water into the alley between First and Seooud and before boou Union street was submerged to the cornel otSecood. Harris and Hertz had moved their stock of mer chaudise into tbe K. of P. hall. Mr. J, P. Mcluerny was determined to hold the fort, and raised his goods on platforms, while Mr. Wm Cruui, jr., removed his soda works1 to the othce back of F.encb & Co. 'a buk Ou Frout street; water covered the track in front of the Umatilla House at 11 o'clock, but did not reach the floor of tbe hotel. Messrs. Sinnot 4 Fish made preparations to put in false no jrs in their buiidiug, and remain where they were. Maetz & Pundt still continued at the old stand, but Fra zier & Wyndham moved their barbershop to a building adjoining the Columbia Pack' ing Co.'s establishment on Third street Ou Saturday afternoon, on the grounds at tbe company's snops ou what la called the island, water began to flow, and yesterday it had so increased that beats had to be used to go from one building to another. All iha locomotives and rolling stock of tbe company were taken tut of the round house and formed in line near the freight depot The railroad bridge over Mill Creek, on the main irack, was washed by the waves at uoou, and in the afternoon was completely covered, In thu west end of Second and Third streets tbe water began to encroacb yester day afternoon, and tb:s morning Dr. Hjili ter's resilience was on an island, and Mr. Pnuz bad moved up stairs. The water cov ered many of the yards, leaying tbe dwell ings surroundel. On west Secoud street many of the residents moved to higher quarters. The day has been the scene of the great est animation, and every available wagon was-pres8ed into service to move goods and furniture. Teaming was done in many in- stances ander difficulties, and breast deep . . . in water horses would wade through to the submerged buildings. Land Transfers. Slay 2$ United States to Patrick Dor- ris; w hi ot nw qr ana w lit ot sw qr sec 17, tp 3 8, r 14 east; cash payment. May 2t4 United States to John Glavey ; b hf oi ne qr sec 20, tp 2 e, r 13 east; homestead. Alay 28 United States to Thomas W Glavey ; sw qr sec 23, tp 2 s, r 13 east; cash payment. May 28 United States to Honor Gla vey . ne qr sec 22, tp 2 s, r 13 east; home- Stead. Mm 90 TiVlix f! Rpytnn and wifp fn V M Glavey; nw qr sec 26, tp 3 s, r 13 east; 12500.,; . - . Captured H s nan. Mr. S. E. Ferris returned last mjriit with a young man named Billy Wi.kerson, h on luurtdny mght last, took forcible p s- tession of a horse owned by Wm. Barley He rnde the animal to npper Fifteen miie creek, and the next day stopped at the farm of Mr. Robert. From there he pro ceeded to Tytrh valley and attempted to cross t ;e mountains to the Willamette. The officer followed him closely, and found him near Barlow's Gate, where he had be come bewildered and was wandering atound. not knowing where ne was. the vouuu man appeared perfectly willing to accom pany Ferris, and rode tbe Bagley horse in town beside the ntticer. Alter being incar cerated io the county jtil Wilkerson was interviewed by a reporter ot the Times- Mocntaineeb, and he claimed that he bal cure work, bat wm nDsnccewful. Ha did I not acknowledge the wrongful taking of 'he horse, bat seemed unconcerned regarding what action was taken with him. Wilker eon said he was about twenty-one year of age, and formerly lived iu Seattle. His features do no indicite a hardened crtmiual, aud this may be his first wrong act. Verdict of Murder. Dufur, Ore., May 28, 1S94. Editor TmES-MotTSTAi.vKSK: About 9 :0 o'clock Saturday morning a young man called upon Dr. Dietrich at his office in Dufur and urgently requeued him to attend a wounded companion, whom lie said was incidentally shot and lying at a camp abnut twenty miles above Dufur, and on Fifteen Mile creeS. The stranger was heavily armed.having three or more revolyers in convenient places about bis person, and" soon was recognized as Jack Hawthorne, one of The Dalles robbers. Nearly everyone in town had some extra good plan to effect bis capture as soon as be became known, but tbe fellow remained un hour or u.ore on our streets and tbeD rode quietly away without being molested. From the description of the wound the physician concluded that it would be belter to have the patient removed to Dutur, and sent E. T ilinman and I.J. Powell to atteud Hawthorne to CHinp with a spring wngon and bring Lhe victim. Having 'described tbe location of the camp Hawthorne rode away, aud was seen no more. After much searcbinj Mr. Powell dis covered tbe body of a tnau in the described camp with blankets thrown over it. Culling Hininan, they proceeded to uncover the corpse aud found' it still warm, indicating that it bad been dead but a short time. Covering the body with logs, to prevent disturbance by wild ani mals, Messrs. Hinman aud Powell started home to report. Ou the wey they were met by Deputy Stierift Phirman with a posse in pursuit of the robbers. Return ing to the camp the whole posse remained until Sunday morning, then came to Du fur. Coroner Eastwood was notified and ap pointed Judge Brigham to bold an ln vuest ou the remains, aud a jury, accom panied by Ot. Dietrich and a Iimes Mountaineer correspondent, proceeded to the scene of action. Alter a thorough post mortem examina tion, Dr. Dietrich reported that there were two gunshot wounds on the body one bullet entering the abdomen in the right groin, and was found aud extracted on the righl side of tbe spinal culumn, near tbe third lumbar vertebra, it being so near the surlice that tbe skin was broken ; tbe second wound was from a large calibre gun and entered tbe right temple, ranged a little forward aud passed directly through tbe brain, causing in stant death. From appearances it is evident thai Hawthorne told the truth regarding the accidental shooting of the abdominal wound, and from its nature it is extreme ly doubiful if tbe victim ever recovered consciousness after tbat shot was fired ; but when Hawthorne returned from Du fur, and lout d tbat bis wounded com panion could not be taken along, he, and bis companion deliberately put a shoe under one side of tbe body, to get it into tbe desired position, and fired a bullet through the brain, justifying themselves lib the saying of "Dead men tell no tales." Tbe following is tbe verdict ot the coroner's jury: We, tbe undersigned jurors, summoned to sit upon tbe body of tbe man found on Fifteeu Mile creek some twenty miles, more or less, above Dufur, after examin ing the surroundings and listening to tbe report of tbe physician, making the post mortem examination, do fiud as follows : Tbat deceased was known as Jack Hayes. Tbat the wound in his abdomen was ac cidentally caused, but tbat the wound on bis cranium was the direct cause ot his dcalb, and was made by one or the other ot his companions, wham all evidence point out to u- to be John' Hawtborne and Walter Howe. We, therefore, do charge said Rowe and Hawthorne, one or bath of them, with the crime of murder - E. W. Hinman, - FltASK fEABODT, h. ai. pitman, Timothy 11kon, Frank C Uaiulett, C. Roberts Messrs. Thos. Driver and Kichard Pal mer arriyed soon after Hawthorne bad left Dulur and were sworn in as consta bles. They followed Hawtborne about twenty miles, but tbeir horses gave com pletely out and they returned without tbe criminals. Hayes was rolled in -blankets, put into a box and buried near where he died. Removals. By reason of the tiool, the. following business houses have removed their loca tion: A. L. Newman, Third street, next to Engine house. crazier & Wyndham, Third strear, next door to D W. Vausa's artist's empor am, Chas. L. Schmidt. Masonic building, cor- uer Third and Court. L. L. Branner, Haight's reitaurant. Third street, two doors from P. Patau's merchant tailoring ettablisbineut. Financial Statement. The following is a statement ot tlie re ceipts and expenditures of the pubtic school entertainment: Door receipts... 58 05 rXPKSDITURra. Opera bcuse with rehearsals.". 315 00 Printing tickets and programs 6 00 Musical accompaniment -nd drillim; of tliflrerd.. '. .' .......20 00 lrayae on 160 chairs 3 60 Material tor fligs S 40 Material for teur cuetumes 4 85 ' Material lor special colors in fan drdl 4 ft) Fuur pairs wooden shues. 160 rwo cantata book 60 Balance on hand 20 453 05 Johk Gavin, Principal. YOU CAN SEE IT, perhaps, one or Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Jfeiiets but vou can't feel It after it's taken. And yet it does you more grood than any of the huge, old-fashioned pills, with their griping and . vio lence. These tiny .Tenets, tne smallest ana easiest to take, bring you help thtit lasts. Constipation, Indigestion, Uilious Attacks, hick or Bilious Headaches, and all derange ments or . liver, stornnciu ana Dowels. are permanently cured. A square offer of $500 cash is made by the proprietors of ur. bages Catarrh Kemedy, for any case of Catarrh, no matter how bad or of how long standing, which they can not; cure. , FAT PEOPLE Park brsity Pills will reduce your weigrht i;K ll V from 12 to 15 p nn- a mouLb. 08tu-viux sickness or injury; nio public Kv. They build up tne health and b autu y the complexion, lea vine: no wrinkle- r flabbiness. Scout abdomens and difficult breathing -un-ly relieved. KXfr.HIJIKII'b t a scientific and posi tive nlitrf, adopted only after years of experience. Ail orders KUupied direct froni our office. Price $2.00 pir packuffj or three packages for 95 00 by mau po-tpaio. rebUinoniats ana p-iriicuiars iseaiea 2ct?. : - Ail Correspondence Strictly Confiden tial. rAlvA XlJilUXiJUI UU., DU31UII. UiaS3 55aw Children Cry for PITCHBS'S ASTORIA ' Castorii is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription cuown to me.'1 H. A. Archer, M. D., Ill South Oxford Sc., Brooklyn, N. Y " T ne Cnntor'a in my prai-rtce, and find u specially aduwd to affections ot chUdren. Robertson, AI. D., 1057 i!d Ave., New York. 'From pwsnal kni w-ledsre I in say thna Cflstoria is a luoat excellent medicine for chil dren," Jjb. G. C. Osooon, Lowell, Mass. Castoria promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flutulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. They ant Mantes. The Hussell Art Publishing Co., of 928 Arch street, Philadelphia, desire tbe names and address of a-few people in every town. who are interested in works of art, and to secure them they offer to send free, "Cupid Guides the Boat," a superbly executed water color picture, size 10x13 inches, suitable for framing, and sixteen other pictures about same size, in colors, to any one sending them at once the names and address of ten per sons (admirers of fine pictures) together with sii two-ceut stamps to cover expense of mailing, etc. Tbe rejular price of these pictures is $1.00, but th'ey can all be secured free by any person forwarding the names and stumps promptly. Note The editor of this paper has al ready received copies of above pictures and considers them really "Gems of Art." Only ina Scars Remain. - "Among the many testimonials which I see in regard to certain medicines perform ing cures, cleansing the blood, etc.," writes Henry Hudson, of tbe James Smith Woolen Machinery Co., Philadelphia, Pa., "none impress me more than my own case. Twenty years ago, at the nge of 18 years, I had swellings come on my legs, which broke and . became running sores. Ki Our family physician could do me ue good, and It was feared that the bones would be affected. At last, my good old mother fjtj urged me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I took three bottles, the sores healed, and I have not been troubled since. Only the scars remain, and the memory of the past, to remind me of the good Ayer's Sarsaparilla has done me. I now weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and am in the best of health. I have been on the road for the past twelve years, have noticed Ayer's Sarsaparilla advertised in all parts of the United States, and always take pleas ure in telling what good it did for me." For the cure of all diseases originating in Impure bloodthe best remedy is AYER'S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Cures others, will cure you Forthose "DEATHLY BILIOUS SPELLS defend on Sulphur Bit ters; it never fails to cure. lw i vu ourrtn wun mar, tired and all-gone feeling? If so use fcuipuiux jjiLLcia, li, w iu curs yuu. Don't be without a bot tle. Ton trill not rejrret it TRY IT. The Secret of a fair face is a beauti ful skin. Sulphur Bitters If you donotwiehto I 1 ma&es both. suffer from RHEUMATISM, use a P Dotue ot ouipiiur JJitters; it never fails to cure. Are you CONSTIPATED? If so, Sulphur Hitters is just what you need Poor, -weak, and weary mothers Raise Puny, Pindlinc children. Sulphur Bitters will make them strong, hearty, and healthy. Cleanse the vitiated blood when you see its impurities bursting through tne skin in Kely on Sulphur Bitters and health will follow. PIMPLES, BLOTCHES AND SORES. Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ordway & Co., jiostun, Aiassior uesimeuicai woncpuuusnea ARCITMCTIY FIRST CLA99 ....lain..- Tbe Lsnrrat, Fastest and Finest In the WrlfL rar oromorlations unexcelled. iew vobkTlonqgnderry and glascow. Bvpty Raturdnv. NIW YORK, GIBRiiLTER aod NAPLES, At ratrniar interval, SALOON) SECONO-CLASS AND 8TEERA6E mtea on lowest tftrrns to and from tbe principle SOOTCB. ZtfSLISB, 12133 i ALL CONTTCEHTAL POINTS. RrmrsloD ticket arailable to return br either tbe Die- tureaqne Civile A Mortb of Ireland or Kttilea A Gibraltar Draftl gad 110107 Orlsn lot Aa? Ammnt at I evtft JMtt, Appiy to an J or our looai Agents or to BENDEBSOX BKOTHEKS, Chicago, IU iSi.G'.-v-j- hi Onport43n!ty ! a 1 5,;!-, .eA4t. 1 ttiujorhy ru-WcI their jv rtncrtifs, nJ i.u. tunc eensa nvo iii jniveri im ai ta wrUyl m:v;'.ns wspair H thlut of many, M they rt Rurb oiit. lia ftnd doing. Ji;.nvejotr typuorta yvfl:td8.'eI!'opr1'JiT. proi:iiniiC' pv&ee. ItWMn .iJ a i':ik8op:i-r, ttiii i(MJit of Fwron otrrs , H?n .'ioi trinity to nob parson i o:io period of lift i ..rf.icvtliticltan- wid tiheponrtont 1 r rlcljf t; f.tUtodo jind tl'.'p.ii iwr iorc.urn." licwtb.ill ya find 4 caLifi.x iv-portMtJty 1 Iavs1:.-ato cvory cUmnea tbat t.:::r K-.Ti'I.j. and of faftrprouii o; th :t i l.!iiHK uo -.: ulmcii tlo l-t ie isRQ t?pptrttmi,7, :i''hn Nnotof .!.In Uieruni b tt Ittborinipccplo. lijpvMvti, if "' IcJist, spr;tid utart i iii" 'iU Cti.i:.i o; -w " is 1kt. ftlMBy V ba mailt r-iii .if c l V .Ay ,.:i3rbiHiiriornM;rom' iiiior f--x. Ail u;- s. v-u can i tJia wnrxuil iree at tionio. wiif-jvir -n i.r. l.vcn lo- niifrfaratM ity enmfn Irom H- Io ti : i rd v. Ton :ii domi vrtli ifwu vi'A work. nott(K li i J. I - ti:i Initrl 'uly; and yoa din iarrxjuse ymir inr- iiio .-. y.-t-i rrnon. Voa :in;:ivt.rr0inueoiiij.ornii j mir u. :a io i iu w rft, l.nsy .- irn. Ciipiwliu). rannirad. We stars rod. All is com--aiively nu .iti,j xcn.f wonderful. a instruct and w v yoa iisw. fa? i'annronnlin.iW7i amrij ur werk- No room u explain bera. Wii: nid :tx all free, roa-firnm .il. Jnwisa to Jelay. ,U .rs mot-b. II, -Ulott A; Co.. iiox 60. r . tl ji-O- Mulixa. WE TELL YOU nothlnr new when we state that It pays to encage in a m-rmaneiit. most henlthy and pleasant busi ness, that returns a oroiit for everv dav's work. Such is the we offer tbe working class. We teach them how to make money rapidly, and guarantee everv ae wuo ioiiows our instructiouj faithfully the making of 8300.00 a mouth. Everv one who takes hold now and works will i sureJv and speedily increase their earnings: there can be no question abont It; others now at work are doing it. and you, reader, can do tlve same. This Is the best paying business that vou have ! ever had the chance to secure. You will make a frave mistake if you fail to give it a trtul at once, f vou graap the situation, and act quickly, vou will directly nnd yourself in a most prosperous business, at which yoa can surelvmake and save large sums of money. The results of only a few hours' work will often equal a week's wages. Whether you are old or young, man or womaii. It makes no difference, do as we tell you. and suc cess will meet you at the very start. Neither experience or capital necessary. Those who work for ns sre rewarded. Why not write to-day fur fun particulars, free ? E.C.A LLKN A CO., Box "o. 420, Augusta, Me. HI 1 truths the Sick, I M 1 i SUMMONS . t N THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Oregon, .1 for the couutv ul Wasco The American M.irrg-tgn Company of Scotland, itei, a Corporation, plaintiff, vs James Dutris and Th- mas W Glavey, administrator ol the estate ol Pair I. It borrii, J. defeudants. To James Oorris, the abuve named d fen Jant: In the oiue of the .tale of Ore-j-on, jou ai e here, b.v rtq ireil t. appetr nu answer the cuuipiaint fiied a'.tlnst you in the above entitled suit, on r bef re Mjuday the i8tli day ol May, 1894, that beinu the first d y of the next reuular tern of said Court, and if y.iu fail s to answer. Ii.r wint u.ere t, the pi in.iff m.l apply to sa d Court for the relief demanded in i'.s cinip suit, to-wit: Io Io eelose pluiutiik'a morta. made, executed and delivered 10 PatiicK I'-jrns. nuwr dteae i ud or about tne lOili day of Ue euiher, ls9.', upuu the ea-it ball of ihe sa itheast qutriei-and the ea-i half ol the nortneas quarter ol neeii'in 18 i. towii.nii S aoutli, ot r.ig-e 14 eat, of the Willamette Merid ian, in Wa-cu County, regon, aud to have said premises sold according to law and the practice of the a ove emitied Court to utisfv plaintiff's de nunda, to-it, to pay tho um of 450 and interest on said urn since .November 1st, 18:2, at th . rat-? of 10 per cent, per annum, together with piuintiff's costs and diburs men's made and expended in this suit, inuluuiujr subsequent costs and expenses ol vale; that upon m.h foreclosure and decree ami sale ail of your right, title aud interest and all -er son- clami ne, or to claim, by, through or under ycu. or bv, thr iuvh or under said Patrick uorris, n w deceased, in and to said premise, be lorec.o-ed and forever birr, d Iroiu the equity of edemption; that plaintiff be ahWert u pureliaVe a ml la, ds and premises at its option; that the pureh uiers of sai.. premises nave the immediate p wsei-sion . f said, and every part a d parce. th reof, aud for such other and fur her rtiief as to the Court may see it equitable and just. Tne Sfrvic.- oi this summons is maie anon you by publication tbtreot iu Tne Times Moii.vtain'kkr, a news up rot general circulation, published we. ky at The Oalies, Wasco ounty. Orison, it beinje the paper most lielv to convey not ce to you, by order cf the uon. W. L. ttradshaw, Judge of the above en titled Cour , which order was dmy made on the 2d day o( April, 94, at chambers, iu liahes City, Wasco Couut) , Oreaou. DUFUR & MENEFEE, P ?w Ait..rueya fur Plaiuitff. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby civen that the unueniiirned has been duly appointed by the County Court ol the btaie of Orejrun, for Wasco County, ia Proliate, ad ministiator of the estate of A K. 'Bonzey, dec. ased. All peitons haviuif claims against t&id estate are hereby noiiiied and r quired to present them to uie with proper vouchers, at the law omce of Condon and Condon, in Utiles City, Oregon, Within six months from the date of this notice. May 12, ISM R. O. CLOSTER, Administrator of the estate of A. K. Bonzey, ma!2 deceased. Attention, Frekhters! DS WANTED for hauliue 100.000 pounds of wool (more or le-s) and 25.000 to 40.000 D-.unds of back frvighi; said wool to be hauled from Little j rout eret-k, about Alteon nitlw southeast of Ante lone io The lul en, tie back freight to be hauled from The Dulien to Muddjr station, about eitfiitten mi ley southeast of Antlpe All wol and freight ti be well protected with w.igoo-shceis and deliv ered in good ordr and condition Bids will be opened May 1st and the award made known at Mo dy's warehouse. Terms: one-naff will be paid on the delivery of each load, if deeired; balance on completion of contract. Address all bius to HENKY HAHN, Sec'y, Care Wdhams & Co., mch31-4w Portland, Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Officb at Tec, Oregos, May 1, law. Notice is herobr Rifen that the following named Settler has filed notice of her intention to make final prool in support nl her claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, ou June 2o. 18e4, viz: MARf E LATHIM, Formerly Mary K Brownhill, H imesteai Vo. 2774, for the s hf ee qr, nw qr sa qr, and se qr sw qr, sec 24, tp 2 s, r 12 east. sne uaines th- following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said i&nJ, viz: F M Thompson, James La Due ani C H St' ughton of Dufur, Oregon, and W J Thompson, ot Bnvd, 'Jr. John w. lkw'is, may 5 Kr-uister. JSliei"iXrs Sale. "VJ OTICE is hereby (riven that nndei and br vir Jt t'ie of wn execution issut-ut ot the Circuit Court of the state of retron fur Wasco county, on the 16th dav of April 1894 upon a judgment made, rendered and entered in said court in a suit wherein Walter Breeze was plaintiff ani Alfred Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy were defendants, to me directed and delivered. 1 did ou '4e 21t dav f Ap il, 1804, duty lev? npon and will on Saturday, the 26 h day of M-ty lbdi, at 2 o'clock in the afWrnoon of said dav iu front of the Court house door lit Dalles City Wasco coumy, Or-v- n, sell to the highest bidder for cash i . hand all of the following described real estate to-wit: Lot 18, in section 4. and lots & and 6, in section 9, all in township 1 north, of raniro 13 east, of the viil-sniitte Men ian, containing 20 73 acres accord ing to the government burvey thereof, to.eth i with the tenements, hereditaments and apparte nances thereunto belonirin cr in any wise apper taining, ipr so much thereof as chail be ntceRary to satisfy tie sum of $309.5 aud interest on raid sum at the rate of 10 pei cent per annum since the 8th day of Januaiy. 1894, and the costs of said writ ana accruing costs aun expenses or sale. Dated at lhe Dalies, Wa-eo Connty, uregon, April 21, IOV. x. -A. haku. Sheriff of Wasco County, Oreicon, mas o eai are SfiI better rAcn from Q?ElSE Hcl are easily di gested, "or 'frying fiorTemnj-fand alt Cooktna burho&e. OffOLENE is oetfei Mnd jjurtf fa an, zxdL. REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. Genuine made only by N. K. FAIRBANK &. CO., ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTON FOR r7KIPS 25o. 50a VX 75c. $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 FEATHERROKR la man. rrnm rbTTVT Y w nature's own toughest material, best whips made for the price. Cheap, Dnrahle. ALL STVLKtf, all prtcm. ask your dealer for a DP im- "'AUP rOBSAJ -"EY-. 1 lJ.t "'llli. HENRY KUCK, - Th Dales, Op DOLLARS PER DAY EasiSy Made. We want many men, wouien, bors, and girls io work for us a few hour daily. riht In nnd around theiuwn homes. The business is easy, pleasant, strictly honorable, and pays better than any otlier ottered agents. You have a clear field and no corti"etition. Experience and special ability un necessary. No capital required. We equip you with everything yoa need, treat you well, and help vou to earn ten times ordinary wapes. Women do ns wrll as men, and boys and girls make good pay. Any one, anywhere, cano the work. All succeed who follow o'ur plain and sim ple directions. Earnest work will surely , bring you a grat deal of monoy... Everything is new and In great demand. "Write for our pamphlet circular, and receive nH in form nt ion. No barm done if yoa conclude not to go on with the business. George Stinson&Com V- Box 488, PORTLAND, MAINE. , of in tof? res 57. TO Legal Notices, Adijiinistrator's Sale. WH-.REAS. Hip Hon. County Court of the Stat. . . ' Urejjon, for ti e County of Waco on the 6ttldayot November, 1893 !uly imde an order ill itctiii)! me. the nulj appnintwl, qu iliti.d and acting ailinimatrutor of the olate ol Krnesi S. II ie, d ceased, to aell the aude and premises Ibeloniriri! to tai.. ,lr, and hereafter particu arly dencribeil, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for rash in hand, . w. therefore, hy virtue of such author tv. and in pursuance of said oruer, I ill, on S iturdav. the lOtn day of Fehrua v, 18D4, at tho hour of ten o clock iu the forenoon or said .lay, at the fruu't door or toe (.'ounty cvu t n.iute in Dalle city, a. o County. (J eifon, cell, at pu ,u tinn. o the hi-h-o-t bidder, for c sh in hind, the lands ai.d p enn-cs belooaliiif to Nid estate, aim particularly duacribed u io lows, to-w t: The southwest quarter (s) and the southeast quarter of the ' orthwest quarter (el of n J) of eection fifteen. (15) in ton-rirh.p nNe (I) soutn, of rniL-e fourteen (14. ea.t. of the w illam. tie Meridian in Wasco ounty. Orcj. iutaiuine; two huuarcd acres of land. aid sale n :ll bo mark suhicct to ap proval and conflrm.ti..n of the ea:d County Court. I hi ted at Dalles city, Wasco "louuty. Oreaou, this 9th day of January, 1J4. t. U. JOH.VSTON, Adm'rof the Kstate of Ernest 8. Ha-ice, deceased. Administrator's Sale. NolICK 16 1IEHKI3Y GIVEN that the under siK ed, administrator of the estate of Ham con Curum. dec:ared, by virtue of au order oi the ounty Court of the state of Urca-on for vaoo County, in probate, made on the 6 Ji uay of Septem ber, A. D. 1893, and a -jppli-uieluarv oider made by said court ol date Dec mucr 22, 1S93, will on -atur-day, the 27th d .y ol January, 1894, at the nour of P. 31. of add ua, at the (Joint House door in D.lies City, in Wai-co Couutv, state of or gon, sell at pub lit auction to the taigneat bidder for caih in hand, .-u - i-ct tj the couhruiation of said Court, all of tne following described real es ate and water rurhts, be longing .o the estate uf the said deceased, to-wit. The west half of the northeast quart r, and the norihwrst quirter of the southeast quarter of see tion twent -live, in townshiu two nortb of range un east of tne Willamette incridian.conriiniiig 1 u acres aud situatod in a?co-County, ctte of regon; aud als.i the eas half of tbe east half of section -o. twenty -live In township Ko two north of rane tea east of ihe Willamette meridian, contaiuiug 100 acres, and situated in kVaxco County, State -ol Ore gon, touethr with the tenemems. bereditsmmts and appurtenances and water rights th-. reto belong ing, aiid belonging to saia estte All tne above described property, including the water lights, to be cold in one 'ureal. Dated, December 22. 1893. J. W. CONDOX. Administrator of the estate of Harrison Coruin, deceased. " Executor's Notice. " In the matter of tbe estate of William H. McAtee, deceafNl. Notice is hereby iciveu that the undersigned has been by Ihe County C urt oi Wa-o Com tv , state of -regou, appoiuUid mcutor de bonis non instead of B. C. McAtee, leuioved, o. the estate uf William kl McAtee, deceased. All persons having claims against, or ousiuess witn, said estate are notined ami required l present same with the proper voncuers w Lne unoerauneo executor, at bis resi dence lu The D..lles, Wasco County, lreg n. Dated The Dalles, mgon, th s 12th dav of Jan uary, 18U4. liEUnUE A. LlciiB, txecutorof the r state of Wm. H. McAlee, decs'd GUARDIAN'S NOTICE. "VT OTICE is hereby jfiven that the undersigned has 11 oeen sppoititea oy ine vouniy uourt. ot tne otito of uregon. lor vv asco Coun ty. in dnbate. sruardiau of the ttersun and aa lute of .Nancy Stanley, an sired and inhrm Dcrson. All persons htv nir ciaims against sid estate axe Hereby notined aid rtquireJ t present them to me at the law otn.u uf Condon A Condon, in Dalle City, vreffuu, wibu proper voucners meruoi. HANS LAOS. Guardian of the person and estate of Naucy titan ley. an afceti aud in linn p rson. Dalles City. Oregon. March 17, 1894. . Administrator's Notiea. KTOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEK THAT THE ON JAj derained was duly app 'in ted administrator o the estate of" Nets Carlson, diceawj. of Cisca d Locks, b.v the C unty Court of the State of Ore gon Courity of wa-co, on aepiember 22, 1893. And. therefore, all .persona hannir claims ayainst said eHUtie are requirea to present me same, witii prope vouchers att c e-J. within six munchi frmn the fiat of this notice, at my oiUce at C cade Locks, Wa.-cu, oretf -n. Cascade Locks, Sept. 30. 1893. C. J. CAN DIANA, Administrator of the estate of Solt Ciri on , d ased. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Omci at Takooitver. Wash, April 2. law. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of her intention to make commutation final proof in support of her claim. and in it said proof will oe made betore w. K. Dun bar, Commiss.oner United States Circuit Court fur di-trict of w asnuigton, at Uoideuuale, wasn.t on Hay 12, 1S94, viz: MART A. GIL ORE, formerly Mary A. Barry, Hd No 9021, for the w hf ne qr and w nf se qr sec 31, tp 3 n, r 14 e, W M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon, and cultivation of. a land, viz: Dietrich H Stefrman, William Wilkinson. Herman hiurleke and James Utlsy. all of Centervule r O, wan. . ap7 JuHJf D, GEOGHEGAX, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Oppici at Thk Dalles, Orkooh, Aoril 2. 1K94. Notice is hereby (riven that the following-named settler his filed notice of bis intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and tLat said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver of trie U. S. land ottice at The Dalles, Or., on juay ioih, vis; . LYDIA E. WILD PR, Hd No 3507, foi the lots 1 and 2, sec 13, tp 1 n, r 15 e lie names the follow ine witnesses to prove his continuous resioence upon ana cultivation of said land, vis: Anna Brown. Thos UcCoy, Chas Green, Dell C wnaer, au oi ine uaues, uregon. ' ap7 JOHN V. LEWIS, Retrister. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY" FOR LEATE TO RE SIGN. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Ex ecutor of thcstat of John Stanley, aeceated has filed in the County Court of tne St ite oi uregon f r Wasco Connty, in Probate, on January 20th, 1894, a full and complete account as sjh fcxtcutor to and including J uuary 25th, 1S04, and he intend to, and will, ou Monday, the 5th day of Mtrch, 1894. apply to the Honorable George C Blakeley, Judge of said Court, for an order allowing, approving and set tling his accounts, allowing him to resign as such Executor ani exhouoraiiug him from further liabil ity as fcUib Executor. JOHN M MaRIjEN, Executor of the Estate of John Stanley, deceased. January 27, 1894. Assignee's Notice. NOTICE is hereby iriv. n that C. L. Phillips, as signee of Wm Farretk Co, insolv-nt debtor, lias filed his final account as such assignee in tu circuit court of the State of Oregon for Wasco county, an that sa d final account will be heml iu s fi Jo. art -m Moodat, the litfi day f Fe.'rurv, 1894. it the hour of 2 o'clock P. M., or as soon there after as the same can be reached by the Court, siid day being th - first day uf the regular February, 1894, term of said court. C. L. PHlLLlHa. Assignee. Dalles City, Oregon. Jan. 12, 1&94. t ADMINISTRATOR'S KOTIC . VJ OTIE is hereby given that the undendgned has J been duly appointed by the Cjuuty Court of the State o Oreton for Wasco O untv. in probate. administrator with the wi 1 annexed of tbe estate of Claritma Met wen, deceased, and ail persons having caiins against said estttc are hereby required to pjesent them to me at the law office of Condon it Condon in Dalies City, H asco C uutv. Oregon, with in six montns from uie u.t oi tm nraicti. w. S. WILEY. Administrator with the Will annexed oi the estate of Clariast McEwen, receased. DaCed April 21, 1894, SUMMONS. In the Circuit (urt of the State of Oregon for tnecounryof wasoo. E B Dufur, plaintiff, vs W T Rogers, defendant To W TRucers. the above named defends nt t In the name of tbs atate of rgon, yoa are here by required to appear ana answer ttie complaint fiied auinft you in the ab tve entitled action on or belm the flrstd yof the next regular term of the above entitled court, to-wit: on or before Monday. he VSth dav Of May, 1894, and, tx you fail so to Of-wer, for waut thereof tbe plaintiff will take Judgment for the sum of sl&O.Oo.atid nitere-tihereoi at the rate si of ten per cent, per annum i ce July 1st, 1892; for 30 as a reasonable attornr's fee fr nttituting said action to collect the note ther -in i ;ied upon; fr the lunber xum of $38 95, and legal n'en st thereon siune Uie 17th day ol May. 1892: f the further sum of $17. 5m, and leg! interest thereon since June 28. 181H, together with plaintifTa eots and disbursements ol actiou. in is summons is hereby served upon you by publication thert-ot .y an order ouly uiaue by the above nauicl Court at its regular February Term t ereaf on the 24th day otfebf-u sry, 1894. tKAIHn. Hfin Cr bb, mar31-7t Attorney for Plaintiff. Adininistrat if s Notice of Final Acconnt. XTOT1CR IS HERFBY GIVEN THAT THE UN- Xl Oersigned, admin is tr tor of the estate of William A Allen, deceased, has filed in the - mc of the County Clerk of Wasco County. r.gon, his flna1 account with said estate, and that Monday, the ttn a ay or auy, esn, at iu o ciock in me forenoon t said day, at the County Court room in the County Court house. Dalles 'ity, Oregon, lias been, bv Hon. George C. Blakeley, County Judge, fixed and appointed as the time and place for examining sia accouut and hen ring objections, if any. thereto. Dated at Dalles City, Waco County. Oregon, this win aay of Marcb, lairt. UtO. A. LlbUU, Admr. of the Eatate of Wm. A. Allen, deceased ADMINISTRATES NOTICE- NOTICE is hereby given that the undersignel has been duly appointed by tbe County Court of State of Oregon, for Wasco County, in probate, ad ministrator with the will annexed of the eatate of Clarissa MeEwen, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present them to me at the taw office of Condon At Condon in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon. within six months from the date of this notice. W. N. WILEY, Administrator with the Will annexed of the eatata Clarissa McKwen, deceased. Dated April 21, 1894. fits- EAST EHTS' FURNISHING STORE Tppositk Diamond UOUEUT IL. YVILilL.1 AJVl!!, Proprietor. For the Next Thirty Days, to Close Out Some of Our Lines, Will Sell Goods at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Having Purchased Our Goods at Can Give Customers the Men's Overshirts formerly $1 50 now$l 00 " ", 1 25 " 75 . " Underw ear ; . . " 1 00 " -75 " " " 1 75 " 1 10 " Hats " 2 50 " 2 00 ' " " " 1 25 " 75 uwm XDO Mmm' J You Know What You WM Bee Smokers, Fishing Tackle, ' . Post Hole Augers, Spray Pumps, Force Pumps, Sheet Iron, Wire Netting, Garden Tools, FULL LIIVE OF RtCKRIES. Iron Pipe, Tinware, Graniteware, , Powder and Shot, Revolvers, Guns, Loaded Shells, . Building Hardware, Wringers, -AT LOWEST PRICES.- MAIER & BENTON. The Dalles'. lOU Want Your Dry Goods I We kpep the Largest and Best Assorted Line in ' the city, of Dry Good and Notionu, Genu' Fur- nishing Goods and Clothing, Men's, Ladies' and i Children's Fine Shoes. We Wailt Of course we will put Prices to suit. Always do that. Nobody undersells un. Gome around and investigate. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO MANHOOD RESTORED, tion of a famoua f i - T.Ti - 4 Pimi Com nrmoi. aisriiarRe, BEFORE and AFTER all tlierfopror.if The rt-aion Kitfteren re not cn.-Ki by Iorioni la heron. nlnty pr-r rrnt un trmMM with PrfMlmlltla. CUPI DENE Is th only known remml tocurawiilioutun or-nitioii. KMHwiilmoni. ! A written raarantt-e Kven and money rernrnrd If alx boxe. doea not eilacl a uwmaiuiiileuta BUX a box. alx fur B&.0U. hr malL fl.ndfnrmirinii n I ru.. I.. ul.. w Acklreas Dlt oL MEDICIXE to, P. O. Box For Sale by E. W. Hr-lm & THE 0R0 FINO -A-O. KELLER, Proprietor. Port 81, Sherry 81 Muscat 83, Angelica 83, Mountain 83 A mm Gregorlo Vinoynrd Co. iifn All Wines and Brandies Guaranteed Strictly Pure The Best Wines, Liquors and Fine Wines DOMETIG and KEI the Celebrated JFK INCH'S 71 Second Street, END Flouring Mills, Advantage of the Same. Stoves, Steel Ranges, 4A, Scythes, Snaths, Axes, Wedges, ' Crowbars; Barrel Churns, Tin Chum?, Wheelbarrows, Cross-cut Saws, Wire Cloth, Cutlery, Plumbing Goods Chimney Pipe Wire and Cut Nails, Barbed Fruit Box Nails, Terra Cotta Sewer Pipe, Garden and Field Seeds, Your Patronage "CUPIDENE" - Thla rrnt VM.til. Frerirb pliyslrlan, will quickly cure vou or all oer- .. d" i i"uv "". ' Lit Manhood, wnicn ll not chocks Irailn tn Ht.rma.rrl.r.nrl Impotncr. UfinKSIKcleumj6UeUv.r, Ui 2D7B, San Frajiclaco, Onl. JbrSolebf Co., The Dalles, Oregon. WINE -ROOMS Burgundy 83, . Zinfapdel '84, Riesling 83-. Hock 83, , Table, Ciaret - , Cigars Always on and Liquors; WEST CIGARS. ' Pabst Beek BLOCK, THE DALLES, OREG C 5 ' t