The Times-Mountaineer SATURDAY. JUNE?, 1894. ITEMS IN BRIEF Patient and Hopeful. We went to preas with the Weekly Tintis- ' MotJ!rrAlKHB this afternoon at 2 o'clock, and tha water in oar compound room was over two inohea deep. It la doubtfol if the motor will work, and tor that reason will not alterant to issue the daily today. But the paper hat not ruspatded, and if it possible the Daily Tdcis-Mourtaikksx will iasne tomorrow the same as usual. We are proof against eyery obstacle except the elements, and to these we are forced to sue eamb. The T.-M. has always been in favor of an open river; but the Colom bia appears to be particularly antagonists axainst us. and for a time we most be patient and bopffat. From Thursday's Daily. Mr. H.- S. McDaniel. of Moro, is in the elty. . - ' - . Mr. M. J. Anderson, of Dufur, is in the city. ' " - Dr. Hollister can be foand tor night calls at the residence of Mrs. C E. Don- ham, near the Academy. Mr. Fred Lemke can be fonnd Washington street, surrounded by walls f the old opera house. on the The only free, true and reliable trans portauon line is from Stubllng's corner to the Umatilla House by boat. The high water mark: of 1876 has been passed by over two feet It is now 63 feet S inches above low water mark. Boat-riding thronsn the streets of The Dalles is a pleasurable amusement thci-e days, and is geoerallv indulged iu by those having leisure time. ' Wood Bros.' meat market has moved to the Columbia Packing Co.s' building, and can be found in the room opening on Washington street. Hall's Hair Benewer contains the catural food and. color-matter for the hair, and med icinal herbs for the scalp, coring graynesa, baldness, dandruff, and scalp sores. Mr. A. GehresJs manufacturing a superior article of soda water, sarsaparilla and gin- ' ger ale, which he is selling to the trade and to the people at greatly reduced rate. The Union Pacific railroad is now selling round-trip tickets to Portland from this station, good returning ten (10) days from date of sale,at the very low rate ot (4.50 Mr. Chaa. Hall lost one of bis 6h wheels last night, and it washed down and lodged against the piling of the Regulator wharf. Part of the gearing and some of the small wheels were saved. . The little town ot Grant Is under very distressing conditions. We are informed that every building in that hamlet is sur rounded by water, and yisits from one house to another are made in boats. ', Mr. F. Drewf apturned from his Clack , am as coal mi night. He brought . with him gctl specimens, which leave no donbt that the coal is of the best quality, and will pay well for -its development. In addition to the usual drift floating i down the river bouses were noticed today ' earned downward by the tide. There has evidently been gieat damage to property : la all the towns on the Columbia during the present flood. ' ' We understand that the steamer Ahnota will be brought into requisition for trans ferrlng freight and passengers on the tipper Columbia. -.The boat will land at Celilo tonight, and rfie portage to this city will be made in wagons. Ayer's Pills are valuable for the cure of Headache, Constipation, Stomach and Liver troubles, and all derangements of the dig na tive and assimila ive organs. - These Fills are sugar-coated, sate and pleasant to ak, always reliable, and retain their . virtues in any climate. , Boats constantly leave the corner of Washington and Front streets for the benefit of the guests of the Umatilla House. Floods nor fires cannot stop the energy of Messrs. Sinnott & Fish, who are determined to allow nothing to in terfere with, their basinets. Dr- Wm. Tackman, dentist, has opened dental parlors in the Schanuo brick, on Second street, over A. A. Brown's grocery store. He is well prepared to do all work in tbe most artistic manner, and understands thoroughly all the latest in novations in the art of dentistry. The floors of the Umatilla House in the office, bar room and dining room have been raised four feet, and guests are lodged and fed the same as usual Messrs. Sinnot& Fish are determined to keep hotel at the old stand, and for over thirty years it has never failed on a single occa sion to furnish meals and lodgings for the traveling public The railroad track, both east and west of The Dalles, is in a terrible condition, and in many places the roadbed is washed out and the ties are floating , around. It has been estimated that it will take the company fully six weeks (o repair the road bed so that trains can make regular trips. This will be a heavy loss to tbe railroad and a great inconveni ence to the traveling public. Rafting through the streets Is a com mon occurrence during these days of high water. Jtt 11 o'clock, a party consisting of Mesdames C. J CranJall, B. S. Hunt ington and Chas. Corson, with Mr. C. J. Lrandall and a small boy as escort,landed in front of the 1 ikes-Mountaineer office on a raft, compased of a portion . of sidewalk. . They floated through the principal business streets, and appeared to enjoy the novelty of the ride very much.' Tuesday night Winans Bros. lost an other fish wheel by washing down stream. This makes the fifth lost dur ing the recent freshet, and will foot up a loss of several thousand dollars. It is particularly heavy on them at this time ; but with pluck which insures suc cess they are determined to rebuild, and, if possible, by attention to business, to recover the losses they have suffered. -: Miss Lucy Staats, who died in Portland last Tuesday, was a daughter ot the late J. G. Staats, a pioneer resident of- Dufur. and who died there about four years ago. She was a young lady of most estimable character, and leaves a great many friends at Dufur, where she was born. The re mains will be brought to this citr and buried Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. Mr. Patrick Fagan returned from his farm near Bridge creek yesterday. He has been absent absent several weeks looking over his ' property interests in that portion of Oregon The streams, he says, are higher than they have been known for many years, and great dam age has resulted to farms on the bottom ' lands. ":. . . ..- - - ' - - ' Yesterday the water, was generally at stand still; but news from above gave the unwelcome information that the Snake and Colombia had risen nine inches, which wou'd be over a foot rise here. This dis eooraged oar people, and those who had before determined to remain in their places of business, made hurried preparations to remove. Tha Times-Moontainebr eon sidered it probable that it would print th daily edition as nsnal; bat its determination is weakening, and this article was written while the water babbled throagb the edito rial onair. Governor Penneer did net speak in this citv on the evening of the 29th -as advertised. He reached Arlington early in the week, but railroad communication being cut off he did not consider himself eaual to the hardship of making the iourner to The Dalles in a buggy. At Wiagatc's hall. Henry Patrick Winston "held forth" that night to a few Populists, who appeared to feel equal to the occa sion regarding the necessary enthusiasm. His remarks were very forcibly expressed but we caunot say that they were either convincing er logical. lira. Martin's Visit. The Uregonian has the following in ref erence to the visit of Mrs. Martin to Ore gon: Mrs. bdward Martin returned to San Francisco on Wednesday last from a visit she has been making in Oregon with her son, Andrew IX Martin, who is borne from college on a vacation. Her visit was on business connected with her in terests in The Dalles Military Road Com Dairy's lands, and also to see her son, Mr. Edward Martin, an old-time resident of The Dalles, who is now a csndidate for county glerk of Wasco county. Her son Andrew remained over to accompany Mr. T. A. Hudson, the company's Oregon agent, who is now making his annual visit cf inspection over this property, which embraces over 500,000 acres, ex tending some 850 miles from the Colum bia river at The Dalles to the boundary line of Idaho, near Huntington, on the Union Pacific Short Line." This extensive body of land is now offered for sale in large or small tracts upon most favorable terms. Mrs. Martin had a mett enjoya ble time with -her friends both at The Dalles and at Portland. The weather during her stay was delightful, and she returns to ber ( alifornia home favorably impressed with the prosoerity and beauty of the country, and charmed with the hospitality of the people. Decoration Day. Yesterday, being the annual memorial day, was properly observed in the city. The business portion was principally under water, and the houses above high water closed in honor of tbe occasion. On account of the calamity, under which the community was suffering, it was not expected that our people would feel little inclination for the observance of the day in a becoming manner; bnt in this they were disappointed, and Decoration day in 1894 received the same attention as in former years. . At half-past 1 o'clock in the afternoon the procession formed en Third street, between Court and Washington, and marched to tbe cemetery, where the im pressive ceremonies were rehearsed. Tbe members of the G. A. K. were at the head, and these were followed by ? Co. O. N". G. as an escort. Then came tbe W. R. U. in carriages and citizens in wagons and en horses. Arriving at the cemetery tbe usual ritualistic services were rehearsed in a very impressive manner, Mr. W. 8. Myers acting as pest commander and Rev. J. Whieler offering the prayer. In addition to the usual exercises, Mrs. Myers, president of the Woman's Relief Corps, delivered an address, very beauti fully worded and appropriate to the occa sion. Each member of the G. A. R. de posited his floral memento of a fallen comrade, and G Co. paid a similar tribute to the soldiers. After these services were finished, tbe procession returned to the city in the Bame order. The members of the O. N. G. were in vited to Fraternity hall by the W. R. C, and sat down to a luncheon of hot coffee and sandwiches, which, alter the tiresome marcn, were very acceptable. In tbe Metropolis. This is flood year in the northwest, and 1894 will be referred to as the one of highest water both in the Willamette and Columbia rivers. From the Ore- gonian of yesterday we glean the follow ing in reference to the flood in. that city: The steadily increasing rise of water is proving a matter of serious concern to a large portion of the business interests of Portland Front street, from Washing ton north, and a greater portion of First street is now simply an extension of the boundary limits of the Willamette. The flood has encroached upon Second street and last night, in some localities, lapped the eastern line of Third. The cellars of many of the large business houses are overflowing, and . in other buildings where the constant use of machinery is employed, siphon pumps are kept act ively at work to prevent the furnace fires from being extinguished. The gange at Ash street wharf last evening at 6 o'clock showed the stage of water to be 27.0 feet, and ihe river steadily rising at the rate of an inch an hour. It will take but a few more hours to reach the highest mark of other floods and estab lish a new record. . In the vicinity of the boneyard the river presents the appearance of a huge lake of water continually increasing in dimensions. No trouble is anticipated there, all the boats being securely moored and an extra force of men em ployed to watch the rising waters. At the Grand Central railroad station there is no immediate danger, but should the rise increase two feet there would be water on the lower floors. r All the bridges are still open to travel, but the water is coming in close prox imity to the lower deck of the steel bridge. The central police station is still on dry ground, but it is thought that the lower portion will have to be abandoned this morning. At 8 o'clock last night it required but a rise of ;ix inches to sub merge the floor of the main office. Pre parations are being made to move the prisoners to the upper floors. The cap tains' and clerk's offices will be moved to the second floor this morning, and all damageable stuff taken out of the rooms on the second floor. As yet no special orders have been issued to - patrolmen Who guard the river front. They have hitherto been permitted to flounder about in hipboots, but as the water is getting too deep to permit wading, they will be furnished with boats today. Special Officer Bran nan has secured a boat, as most of his beat is under water. abetters Advertised Tha following is the list of letters re maining in The Dalles postofnee uncalled for Saturday, June 2, 1894. Persons call ing for these letters will please give the date on which they were advertised: Baldwin. Mrs Aunts Birber. Nella E Copeland, Joseph Cronin. Katie ttnkson. Mat Fame, J Jtsse, J Lues, Alvin Masser, Babie E Reed. Mrs L W Esmond, M C Johnson, Mrs W Pearse, R S Melker, I M Raios, E L Smith, Augusta M Wenaat, Mrs. Rose VanTalm A Tindall, MrsRA M. T. "Solas, P. IS, Attempt at Jail Delivery. There was a well executed effort dis co vered last night to break jail at the court house, and give those incarcerated their liberty. Thi s was done by cutting a hole through the roof ef the corridor, and this had progressed so far that the prisoners would soon bave breathed the air of freedom if the officers had not nipped it in the bud- The lathes and plaster of the ceiling were cut through with a jack-knife, and the roof offered but little obstacles to the prisoners. The place was covered with a souare piece of white muslin, and held in position by be in pasted at the corners. For some time the officers were aware of tbe fact, and only waited for it to bo ready, to be car ried into execution betore they effectually stopped it. They knew the man who was the principal actor, and since noon he has worn heavy jewelry on his right leg. Ot course the men had to work in a very inconvenient position, standing on the ledge of the iron window frame; but thev were almost at the fruition ot their hopes when they halted at the call ot Sheriff Ward and Deputy Phirman. This attempt disclosed the fact that the ceiling makes the county jail very unsafe, and should immediately be made more secure. Leave orders for ice at Blakelcy & Hough- tout -Tfiird street is now tbe business street ef tbe city. Hon. A. A. Jayoe arrived iu tbe city ast evening from Arlington. Hilly Wilkersoa was indicted for lar ceny of a horse by the erandjury Tues day evening, and will plead to-morrow morning. Elevated walks have been erected in cer tain portions of the city, snd in some of the mercantile establishments business is done on elevated platforms. An indictment was found by the grand ury against F. A. Seufert for removing a bridee oa a pubtlc road, and pleading guilty to tbe charge be was fined $100 and costs. . Dr. O. R. RoIIIbs, of Grass Valley, re turned yesterday from a visit to the mid winter fair in San Francisce. He was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. 3. H Meore. It is a fortunate rtay for a man when be first discovers the value of Ayer's Sarsap arilla as a blood -purifier. With this med- !,. he knows he has found a remedy npon which he may rely, and that his life long malady is at last conquered. Has cured others, will cure you. It is believed that Hawthorne and Bowe are above Dufur in the mountain?, and if a sufficient reward were offered to warrant the risk of taking these des perate men they could be -arrested. Both these robbers are resolute and care little for consequences if attacked. The canyons in the Cascade mountains are almost inaccessible, and two men, well armed, could "hold the fort" against ten times their number. The marriage of Miss TJlrich and Mr. Ohling was celebrated yesterday in this city, at the resieence of the bride's par ents, by Kev. Wm. Michell. The happy couple left this morning for Portland, Oregon, where they will spend a few days, and then go to Albany, where they will permanently reside, sirs. Ohling, who has many friends in this city, will receive from them their kindest wishes for perfect happiness in the new relation in life Bhe has assumed, and these will also be extended to the happy groom. When Baby was sick, we gave her Caatoria. When ahe waa a Child, she c-ted for Caatoria. When she became Hiss, she dung to CaEteraa, VTaaa she had Childrea,tb gave them Castorta. State of Ohio, City ef Toledo, ) Lucas County. J Frank J. Cheney makes eatU that he is the senior partner ot the -firm of F. J. Cheney & Co, feeing business in the. City of Toledo, Ceunty and State aieresaid, an that said firm will pay the sum ef ONE HUNDRED DOLixARS for etch and every case ef catarrh that ' cannot be cured by the use of Ball's Catabbh Cube. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D 1888. 1 seal I A. W.GLEAriON, Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal iy and acts directly on tbe blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testi monials, free. J. J. CBENEY & CO., Tolede, O. t"So!d by Druggists, 75c. Wanted A girl to do general house work. Ap ply Mrs. J. P. McLnerny. Keep Out the FUes, Screen doors and wire screen at bedrock prices. Jos. T. Fwebs A co - Dry Wood We now have a large supply of striotly dry fir wood for family use for sale at the lowest rate. Jos T. Pbtirs t Co. Motlce. All city warrants registered prior to December S,1891,are now due and payable at my office. Interest ceases after this date. 1. 1. Buboet, - City Treas ure Dalles City, Ore, May 15, 1894. Horses Wanted. I will be in Tbe Dalles on May 81st and I want to buy 50 bead of good saddle horses. They must be gray and bay.from 15 to 16 bands high and weigh from ten to eleven hundred pounds. " Yfu. Fkazieb. . id. Keller on Deck.. To my Friend and Patrons: You will find Ad. ready for business at his resort on Third street, next to .Max Yogt's office. Give me a call and oblige Yours, Ad. Keller County Trrasurer's Notice. All county warrants registered prior to May 1, 1890, will be paid on presentation at my office. Interest on these will cease from and alter May 21. 1894. William Michell, -County Treasurer. The Dalles, May 19. 1894. BoyaV ud Vina' Aid Society. Boys may be had (and sometimes, girls) (l)or ordinary seryice at wages; npon ndenture, to work, attend school, and be brought up somewhat as your own; and (3) children may be bad for legal adoption. Address, J. H. Misener, Superintendent Oregon Boys' and Girls Aid society, Port and, Oregon. HAKH1EU. OLR1CH OHLING la this city' at the residence of the brides parents. Hiss Winfred Ulrich to Mr. Heike Ohuuir, of Albany. Ore. . . v DIED. STAATS In Portland, Hay 2tth, of consumption, Miss Luc) Staats, aged 19 years. BOBS. KELLER -In this city. May 88th, to the wife of Mr. Geo. Keller, a Jaocbter. . . BOCIKTIFM. 1TTASCO LODGE, NO. 15, A. F & A. M. Meets first and third Monday of each month at a P.M. mns t J Meets iu Masonic Hall the third Wedneedaj each montn Mar a. CiOLVMUIl LODGE, NO, 6, I. O. O. F. Meets everv Friday eveninc at 730 o'clock, in K. of P. Hall, comer of Second and Court streets. Sojourn- lua brothers are welcome. . H. Clouoh, bee y- rjlRlENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of F. Meets A; every Monday evening at 8:00 o ciock, in ocnan no'a buildinir. corner of Court and Second streets. Sojourning brothers are cordially umteo. I), vaubs, a. k. anu n. i. mwert.i w OMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION will meet every Friday aiternoon at s o cioca at tne reaping room, au are uivmj. m KiraRN wnOllMEN OF THE WOKL.U Mt. IV I Hnnri Pmn Nil R9. meeta everv Tuesday evening of each week at 7:30 o clock, in A. Keller's Hall. All brothers and BOlourning brothers are invited to be present. TEMPLK LODGE. NO. 8, A. O. U. W. Meeta in KKeller's HaU every Thursday evening at 7:30 OCIOCJC IT ALU ttI-r L. OI. " . W. 8. Myaaa, Financier. I AS. NE8M1TH POST. NO. 52, G. A. R. Meets I everv Saturday at 7.80 P. M. in K. of P. HaU. B. OF L. E. Meeta every K. of P. Hall. Friday afternoon in n ESANO VEKE1N HARMONIK. Meeta every jf Sunday evening in Keller's Hall EOF. L. F. DIVISION. NO. 167. Meets n a. of P. Hall the first and third Wednesday of eacn month at 7:30 P. M. J Professional Cants. SUTHERLASD.IM. D., C. M. Physician andSurReon, Booms 3 and 4, Chapman Block. Tbe Dalles, Ore. Q C. HOLL1STEB, xrnysician ana surgeon, Booms over Dalles National Bank. Office hours 10 A.M. to It M., and from 2 to 4 P-M. Residence West end of Third street. 1. . oohdow. w. ooascs. Attorneys at Liaw. Office On Court street, opposite the Id Court House, The Dalles, Or A. S. BENNETT, i. ill' at Law, Office in Schanno's building, up-stairs. The Dalles Oregon. i. b. no . I a isr kUFTJB k HENEFEE, Attorneys at Law. Booms 42 and 43 Cha man Block The Dalles, Or. J. KOONTZ, Ileal Estate, Insurance and x Loan Agent Acents for the Scottish Union and National 1 uratice company of din jurgh, Scotland, Capit 80,000,000. Valuable Farms near the City to sell on easy arms. Office over Post Qffice. The Dalles. Or. If YOU WANT GOVERNMENT, STATE Lilitary Road Land, -CALL ON- THOS. A. HUDSON. (Sucseasor to Thornbury k Hudson), 83 Washington St., THE DALLES, OR. TTI T7 rTT TAT A 'M'tTi Information concern- IT XUU 11 J- ing .Government Lands, or the laws relating thereto, joa can e- nsult him free of charge. He has made a specialty of this business, ar.d has practiced before the United States Land Office for over ten years. He Is agent for the EASTERN OREGON LAND COMPANY, a ad can cell you Grazing or Unim proved Agricultural Lands in snv quantity desired. Win send pamphlet describing these rantbvopon, ap plication. Ate is agent tor tne saie ui miui m Thompson's : Addition TO- "" THH DATiES.1 This addition is laid off into one-acre lots, and is destined to be the nrindoal residence part of tha city. Only twenty minutes' walk from the Court House ana ten minutes irom tne xumroaa iepui. To Settlers Located on Government Lands: If ou want to borrow Honey on long time, tat can . , acjommodsue you. ... WRITES FiRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT IN8VBAJVC. you cannot call, write, and your letters will, be romptly answered. THOMAS. S3 Washington Street, A. HUDSON, , ' THE DALLES. OREGON tub stuDHag Greeanouse. Having enlarged our Floral Garden and increased our already large collection of Potted Plants, Roses, &e; Ws wish to announce, in addition, to the public, that ws have made a specialty ot Pansy Plants and Forge t-Me-Nots), Will be Sold at Reasonable Prices. We also have a fins selection of Dahlia Bulbs, which for beauty are unexcelled. We are prepared te furnish on short notice Cat Flowers for wedding; parties, socials and funerals. MRS. A. C. STUBLING & SON. C. P. STE I ENS ; DEALEB IN Dr; Cods, Hi BATS. CAPS, SOOTS, SHOES, i ISt Second Street, next door eastfof The Dalle . National Bank. Having ust opened In business, and hat ng a full assortment of tho latest goods in my line jl desire a share of the pubic patronage. apr4 t3.r STEPHENS ONI? UISTJOY Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the only remedy of its tind ever pro luced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effecto, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is for sale in 0O0 and $1 bottles by all leading druggistii. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. - 8AH FSAMC1S0O. OAL, levisruu. a. mew rose M.r. Familiar Faces in a IswFlacs.! a E. BAYARD, J. B. BARNETT Law Special Agent tien'l Land Office. BARNETT, REAL ESTATE, LOAN, - Ins ui I eciion NOTARY I3XJULICJ Parties having; property they wish to sell or tra nouses to rent, or aDstract or title iurnisheu.1 find it to their advantage to call upon us. We shall make specialty of the prosecution of claims ana contests neiore tneunited states Land umce. ijuryza.i 58 WasMngtDi THE DALLES, OR, DAN BAKER, PROPRIETOR OF THE : Wool - Exchange - Saloon. BEST IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC Wines, Liauors Cigars. . Second Street East End. ME DAJjX.ES OREGON CITY BAKERY -AND- Second and Union Streets. A. L. NEWMAN. Proprietor Legal Notices. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Oreeon. for the County of Wasco Tbe American Hortgsge Company of Scotland. Urn- lien, a uorporauon, piaintm, vs. James Dorria and Thomas W. Glavey, administrator of the estate Of ratncic vorru, deceased, defendants. To James Dorria, the above named defendant: .In the name of the State of Oregon m in hn. by required to appear anu answer the oomplaint uiea against jou in vne aooye entltleu suit, on before Monday the 28th day of May, 1894, that being- the first day of the next regular tarm nf said Court, and if you fail so to answer, for want there .1, the pi lintiff will apply to said Court for the reuei uemanaeo in i complaint, to-wit: To foreclose plaintiff's mortgage, made, executed and delivered to Patrick Dorria, now deceased, on or about tne 10th day of December, 1892, upon tbe east halt of tbe southeast quarter and the east half I I tne nortneast quarter of section 18. in town snip south, of range 14 east, of the Willamette Merid- 41. in n a?co launtv. . regon. and to hava a ,1 premises sold according to law and tha nnctio nf the a ova entitled Court to satisfy plaintiff's de mands, to-wit, to pay the sum of 3a0 and interest on said sum since November 1st, 1892, at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, together with nudntin" costa .and disburs. menu made and expended in this suit, including subsequent oosta and nn.nM w his, ium upuu puvu foreclosure anu uecree anu sale ail oi your ngnt, title and interest and all uer. sons claiming, or to claim, by, through or under you, or uy, uirougn or unuer said ratncK uorria. now deceased, in and to aaid premises, be foreclosed ana rorever oarrea ironi tne equity of redemption row, piaioaa do aiioweo. to purcnase said lands and premises at its option: that the Dnrchaaera nf nirt premises have- the immediate possession of said premises, and every part -ai,d parcel thereof, and for such other and further relief aa to the Court may seem equitaDle ana just. The service of this summons is made nnon nw hv nnhlimhnn l,aiM In Ttu It-uu Unn - newspaper of general circulation, published weeky at The Dalles. Wasco Countv. Oregon it hrfno. thi paper most liaelv to convey notice to you, by order of the Hon. W. L. Bradahaw, Judge of the above en titled court, which order was duly made on the id day of April, 1884, at chambers, in Dalles City, Waeeo County, Oregon. DUr UB at MKNKf EE, ap7-7w Attorneys for Plainitff. Administrator's Sale. WHKREAS, the Hon. County Court of the 8tate of Oregon, for the County of Waaoo. on th 6th day ot November, 1893, duly made an order di recting me, the dul appointed, qualified and acting administrator of the estate of Ernest S. linage, de- ceasea, to sen tne tanas ana premises belonging to said estate, and hereafter particularly described, at puouc auction, to tne mgnest bidder, for cash In nana. Now. therefore, by virtue of such authority, and I ni pursuance of said oruer, I will, on Saturday, the 10th day of February. 1894. at the hour of tan o'clock in the. forenoon of said day, at the front door oi tne vounty court Bouse in mules city, waaoo County. Oregon, sell, at public auction, to the high est bidder,- for cash in hand, the lands and premises belong ing-to said estate, and particularly described as ioiiows, to-wit: Tne southwest quarter (sa-4) and the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter (sex OI nw) of section fifteen, (16) in township one (1) south, ot range fourteen (14) east, of the Willamette Meridian in Wasco county, Oregon, containing two hundred acres of land, faid sale will be made sublect to ap proval and confirmation of the said County Court. Dated at Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, this vtn aay or. January, taw. T. tt. JOHKHTUH, Adm'r of the Estate of Ernest 8. Haage, deceased. SUMMONS. In tbe Circuit Court ot the State ot Oregon tor tne county ot Wasco. B B Dufur. plaintiff, va W T Sogers, defendant. To W TRogers. tbe above named defendant: in tne name oi tne Btate of uregon, you are nere by required to appear and aaawer the oomplaint filed against you in the above entitled action on or befre the first day of the next regular term of the above entitled court, to-wit: on or before Monday, tne ztn aay of May, ihh, ana, n you tan so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take lodgment for the sum of 160.00,and interest thereon at the rate af of ten per cent, per annum ainoe July 1st, 1802; for $30 aa a reasonable attorney's fee for instituting said action to collect tne note tnerein aued unon: for tha further sum of t38.W6. and legal interest thereon sines the 17th day of May, 1892; for the further sum of $17.60, and legal interest thereon since June 28. 18vl, together with plaintiff's costs and disbursements at action. This summons is hereby served npon you by publication thereof by an order duly made by the above named Court at its regular February Term tnereoi on tne zsin aay oi February, 1884. FBANK MKNEFEE, marai-is . Attorney wr riainuu. Ataistrator's Notice of Final Account -VrOTlCKIB HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UN- JjL dersigned, administrator of the estata of William A. Allen . deceased, has filed in tbe office of the County Clerk of Wasco County, Oregon, his final account with said estate, and that Monday, the 7th day of May. 1894. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the" County Court room in the County Court house. Dalles City, Or egon, Has neen, by Hon. George O. Blakelcy, County Judge, fixed and appointed aa the time and place for examining said account and hearing objections, if any. thereto. Dated at Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, this autn aay m atarcn, isvs. umi. a. aunvn. Admr. of tne Eatate of wm. A. Alien, ueceaseu. ADMI.1ISTR ATOM'S NOTICE- TtTOTrfTR ia hereby riven that the undersigned baa 1M been duly appointed by the County Court of Stat of Oreiron. for Wasco County, in probate, ad ministrator with the will annexed of the estate ot Clarissa MeEwen, deceased, and all persons Having claims airainat said estata are hereby required to present them to me at tbe law office of Condon as uonuoa in Dalles city, nasoo inuy, urqruu, within six months from the date of tbis notice. W. . WILIS, I, Administrator with the Will annexed of the estata - I oi uiansaa jscijsan, aeceaseu. Aiatea Apm zm, uw. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOB LEAVE TO RE SIGN. . -.-TAt9m ia herahv riven that the undersigned ex- 1M ecutor of tbe estate of John Stanley, deoeaud has Tiled in tne county toun oi toe owe ui wrqpin I t Wasco County, in Probate, on January 26th. 1894, a full and complete account as such Executor to and including January 86 th, 1894, and be intends to, ana wui, on jsonaar, tne vlu o, anniy to tha Honorable George C Blakeley. Judge of aaid Court, for an order allowing, approving and settling his accounts, allowing him to resign as such Executor and exhonoratlng mm iron, runner iianu ity as such Executor. . dum at. aaovui, Executor of the Estate of John Stanley, deceased. January 17, 1894. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by tha County Court of the State of Oreron for Waaoo County, in probate, administrator with the will annexed ot the estate of Clarissa McEwen, deceased, and all persons having cairns against aaid estate are hereby required to it tnem to me at tne law omce or unog. Ion In Dalles City. Waaoo County, Oregon, with ia six """- from ths data of this notice. W.H. WILET, Administrator with ths Win annexed of ths esatet ' Clarissa McEwsn, c scans ad, fed April U, ISM, FAMILY GROCERIES Administrator's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UN derthrned was duly annointed administrator a tbe estate ot Nels Carlson, deceased, of Caeca 4 iocKe, by the County Court f the State of Ore iron I County of Warao, on September 22, 1898. And, tnererore, au persona navina; claims against said are requireu to present toe same, wito props vouchers attached, within six months frrim the riat of this notice, at my office at Cascade Locks, Wasco juunty, iiregon. uascaue Locka, Sept. so. 1893. c. J. ctvniAHt Administrator of the estate ot Nels Cars oa , d ased. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. Laud Ornci at Vaxcoctzs, Wash. April I, 1891. Notice Is hereby sriven that the foliowin&r-named settler has filed notice of her intention to make commutation anal proof in support of her claim, and that said Proof will be made before W. B. Dun bar. Commissioner United States Circuit Court for district of Washington, at Ooldendale, Wash., on aiay iz, ibw, viz: MARY A. OILMOEE, formerly Mary A. Barry, Hd No 9021, for the w hf ne qr ana w ni se qr see si. tp s n, r 14 e. w M. She names the followins: witnesses to prove her continuous reaiaence upon, ana cultivation of, said land, viz: Dietrich H Steenun. William Wilkinson Herman I augieae and James Kliey. ail of CentervUle P O, nwa. ap7 JOHN D. GEOGHEOAN, Becister. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Laud Omci at Th D all as, Oasooir, Aoril X. Notice is hereby riven that the followinir-named Bevwer ujs mea notice oi nis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and receiver ox tne u. &. land omce at Tna Uallea. or.. vu xi, AOtfs, nz: LYDIA E. WILDER, . Hd No 3607, for tbe lots 1 and 2, sec 18, tp 1 n, r 16 s He names the followins: witnesses to prove his wuuuuuua reaiaence upon ana cultivation oi aaiu land, vis: Anna Brown. Thoa lffnftov. Chaa flnum. Twtli nuuer, an oi Ane Aiaijes, ure gon. apt jutiN w. lewis, Register. Administrator's Notice. Notice tice Is hereby riven that the uniiersiiroed has duly appointed by the County Court of the been State of Oreifon, for Wasco County, ia Probate, ad. ministrator of the estate of A K. Bonsev. deceased. All Dei Rons bavinfir claims airainst said eataLs am hereby notified and rtauired to nresent them to me with proper vouchers, at the law office of Condon and Condon, in Dalles City, Oregon, within tix montns from the date of this notice. aiay iz, lay R- a. clostkk- Adminiatrator of the estate of A. BL Bonny. uAia ueceaseu. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd Omm at Thb Dallss, Orison, May 1. 18B4. Notice is hereby given that tha followimr nuasi Settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in rapport of her claim, and that aaid nroof will be made before the Register and Receiver at ins inuies, uregon, on June zo, 1894, riK MAR If E LATH1M, Formerly Mary K BrownhilL Homestead Ko. S774. for the s hf se qr, nw qr se qr, and se qr sw qr, sec , p a s, r xz msb. sue names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said tana, via: F M Thompson, James La Duo and C H Stoughton ot Dufur, Oregon, and W 1 Thorn: npeon. , of Boyd, Or. JOHN W. . LEWIS, may 6 uegister. Shieriir's Sale. XT OTICE ia hereby given that undei and by vir- J.1 tae ef an execution iasutd out of tbe Circuit court of tbe state of regon for Wasco county, on tne totn aay oi Aprn toys, upon a Judgment made, rendered ana enterea in sal a oourt in a suit wherein Walter Breeze waa plaintiff and Alfred Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy were defendants, to me directed and delivered. I did ou the 21 at day of Anril. 1894. duly levy upon and will on Saturday, the 2oth day of May 1891, at i o'clock in the afternoon of said day iu front of the Court bouse door in Dalles City Wasco county, Oregon, sell to tbe highest bidder for cash in hand all of the following described real estate to-wit: Lot 18. in section 4. and lots 6 and ft. in section 9. all in township 1 north, of range IS east, of the Willamette Meridian, containing 20.73 acres accord ing to tbe government survey thereof, together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurte nances thereunto, belonging or in any wise apper taining, or ao much thereof as shall . be neoeaaarv to satisfy the sum of S309.60 and interest on said sum at the rate of 10 pet cent per annum since the 8th day of January. 1894, and th. costs of said writ ana accruing costs auu expenses of sale. Dated at The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon, April 71, tons. A. a. nArttr, Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. l-i VJlF -M wo1 ("ore IDS WASTED for hauling 100,000 pounds of wool (more or leasi ana za.uuu toso.uuu pounds of back freight; aaid wool to be hauled from Little Front creek, 'about fifteen milea southeast ef Ante lope to Tbe Dalles, the back freight to be hauled from Tne milea to aluddy station, about eighteen miles southeast -of Antelope. AU wool and freight to be well protected with wagon-sheets and deliv ered in good order and condition Bids will be opened May 1st and the award made known at May li Moody's warehouse. Terms: One-half will be naid on tne delivery ot eacn loaa, u aesirea; Balance on completion oi contract. Address all bids to HENRY HAHN, Secy, cars wadnama c Co., .mch31-4w Portland, Oregon. Clubbing; Rjttea. Th regular subscription price of tha Times-Mountainexb is $2, and the regular subscription price of the weekly Oregonian $1 50. Anvonesnbscnbiog for tbe weekly Times MorSTAINEKR and paying one year in advance, c-tn set both the Times- Moui'TAlliKER and tbe weekly Oreqonian for S2 50. All old subscribers paying tbeir subscriptions for one year in advance will be entitled to tbe same offer. FOR RENT. The brick store building, corner Union and Second atreeta, under the Union Lodging House. For terms apply to GEORGE W 1LLIAM9; Administratarof tas estata of John Micneioacn as- ceased mch.28 DISSOLUTION NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that the psrtnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the firm name of Paul Kraft fc Co., baa been dissolved by mutual consent. Paul Kreft retires from the business, and the same will be continued by D. W. Tause at the old stand, who will assume ail tbe partnership liabilities. PAUL ERECT, D. W. VAUSB. Dalles City, Ore., May 26, 1894. - PHOTOGRAPHER, THE DALLE8, ORE., Chapman Block. I bars Reoeired Eleven First Prises. ESTABLISHMENT, Mrs. LeBallister, - .Prop. Next doorte FirstlNationaBank, SECOND STREET, THE DALLES, OB. Latest Styles in Hats and Bonnets. BARB WIRE. If you want cheap fencing use the new wire called TIT ai TTTTWri A TAT This will stretch t5 per cent, further to the same numoer oi pounds tnan any otner wire in toe mar ket, and also makes ths best fence- Stop and ex amine it and you will be convinced that this is the wire you want. Jos. T. Peters & Co-, - SOLE AGENTS fJeu illinery HENRY L. KUCK, Manufacturer ot and dealer la Harness and Saddlery, Second St., near Moody's Wareaoaae, DALLES, ft. Work OREGON Vaaraatced at lafaetioa THE GRANT HOTEL GRANT, OREGON. KENNEDY, PROP'R The table Is provided with the beet is tbe market. Transient travelers will be accommo dated with tbe best meals furnished by any Doiei in town. octaa OMAHA - ...v ii nun ' ncriAv- KANSAS CITY, ST. PAUL, Chicago, St. Louis, in 9 ILL POUTS EAST, 10 TH andJS TH TRAIN : SOHUDTJLB: LKATK THE DALLBS. last Bound.. .11:15 P. M . :4 A. It West Boud . ARRITE.'AT TBI DALLES. Front the Bast.. . t:40A.M. Frem the West . .11:10 r u. PDXXMAK SLEEPERS, COLONIST . RECrXNIKOICHAIlCCAlU avmd DZNEKS Steuers iron Perilled to.Su Frucisco ITEST TITE DATS. TICKETS TO AND FEOM EUROPE. S. H. H. CLARK, OLIVER W. MINK. RECEIVE. E. ELLEKT ANDSKSON, Fr ntsM aVxtd rMiiml informtxtlnn mmJ am C n W. H. HURLBURT, Ami. Om. Pw, Art. 1M WuhiiirtoB Sk, Portiftad, Urk WM. BIEGPELD, Tetvolier of Instrumental Music. Lessons riven en the Plana ar Violin. P.rsnna assirinr Instructions can loav. tbeir naaaaa at bl Jacebsea'a or I. C Nickelsen's Alusic 8tora. 8aond ax Mt, iTe uaues, wregen. aprlg Andrew Velarde, HOUSE MOVER. The Dalles. AMrees; Lock Box 181. WANTED 2 T resa-esent aur well known hevss. Ten a sad a. sapital to rspiwMnt a firm that warrants nnrssiy stack ft rat-class a.d true te name. Work all the year, f 10.a month to the right saaa. Apply, stat us; ar-). Lt. L. MAT st CO., men. Florists ana BeMlsasai, 81 Paul, Miss. PAUL KBEFT & CO. -DEALERS IM- IMinttf d i;QCCj l tump, unp, viupp) And ths Most Complete and Latastl Patterns and Designs in . W ALL PAPER. Practical Painters and Paper Hangers.. Mens bnt tb. best brands of the 8herwin-Willisana Paint nssd i all our work, and none hut the most siuiiea workmen employed. All orders will be promptly attended to. 8 nop adjoining Columbia raokinc uo.. THIRD STREET DA0LES JAS. FERGUSON. . General Expressman! Goods hauled with tha greatest 9reto all oarta af tha otty on short notion. Coanly Treasirer's Notice All comfy warraata registered prior to- Jaa. 18, 1890, will be paid on present tian at my offioe. Interest oeases after this data. William Miokxll, County Treasurer. Tbe Dalles, Oct. 21, 18P3. . The Dalles National Bank OF DALLES CITY, OR. President,. Cashier, ... ..IF. Moody, .1. L Moody General Banking Business Transacted. 8i(?ht Exchanges sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND, OR. Ut Collections mails on favorable terms at all as cestilile points THB OLD ESTAIOMHKD COLUMBIA BREWERY Second St., Eavat End, AUGUST BUOHT.KR, PROP. Has been rtfltted throughout with the IATEST IMPROVED ECMERY . And Is new manulacturing Best Keg and SottledBeer and Porter La Eastern Oregon. Mr. Buehler always alms to adopt the latest brew Ing apparatus and will furnish his easterners see equal to any n market: wtl jii Mts XAJ t i. n ii o n l j oies, uoinns x uo., SUCCESSORS TO The Dalles Mercantile o and Jolea Brs., ' - SPECIAL AGENTS FOR POSSON'S LITTLE GEM INCUBATORS AND BEE SUPPLIES. COME ANDSEE THE -ALSO HEADQUARTERS, FOR General THE DALLES, OREGON. GREAT : PRICE Hill 1 - - Gents', Youths' and Boys' -CLOTHING GQOD BOYS', SUITS FROM S2 OO XJI -Special Staple and FancylDry Goods, Bocts and Shoes Has GINGHAMS, CALICOS. At Out Terms Strictly Cash. The One Price COR. SECOND J. P. IcIIEKK -DEALEU Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &a ' Agent for the Batteriak Patterns: also for the Hall Basaar Ureas Forma. THERE IS NO With FURNISH ANYTHING NEEDED KROM AN CNDEKTAKEB as cheap sa ean He praeura trom snv one that does net belong to ths Association, and I have a better class ei goods. Bavin taken the necessary oourt. ot instruction in em hailing, o an. onsinnaSi CAJS BE CAIXKD, PLACE OF'fiUSINESS Cornar ot Third and Washington stmts, and Washington streets. AU ore era promptly attended to. PICTURES'FRAMED TOgORDEB, AND ATfSHORT NOTICE. WL MICHELL 7Viss HNNH PETGR & COMPHNY. FI1E HILLI1E1Y, 181 Second !,St. s. if. Moni)ir, Gener'l Commission and Forwarding Merchant 391, 393 and 395 SECOND STBEET, (Adjoining Railroad Depot.) Consignments Solicited Promp Attention to those wnofttv-orma wlth'tholr twtronatr HEFTUETB BATHS AND LADIES' HAIROUTTING and Children's Hair Neatly Oat Bath Rooms Heated by Stoam. A Shower Room in Each Bath Room. A Bootblack Stand Connected with our shop, and espeoial attention paid to all 110 FrontStreet, Opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel, THE DALLES, OREGON. t TELEPJCIOIVE JNO, 4A5. , FRAZER & WYNDHsAM, Props MACHINE IN OPERATION. Merchandise, IN Value' in MUSLUSTS Prices. OVERAXaX. H. Herbiing. Casli House, AKD COURT ST&, COFFIN TRUST I prepared to attsad to svsrything partalaia day on iviairr. RESIDENCE Oorasr ot Fourth DndeMer and Maimer SHAMPOOING A SPECIALTY. HAIRCDTTK PARLORS