The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, May 26, 1894, Image 4

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The Times-Mountaineer
.MAY 26, 1894,
In the revival of the silver debate
which recent circumstances and politi
cal movements have called to the sur
face, old fallacies are being revamped.
One of these is, that "the moaey
power," as the populists term all mon-
' eyed interests, profits by the prostra
tion of the national finances. Tt is
wise to leaven all political argument
with reason that is no argument that
is not reasonable. A little thought by
those who would flood the country
with cheap currency ' and state bank
issues, and make the silver craze the
national policy, will convince them, if
they are vopen to reason, that their
, charge is iOogiciI, truthfully ' remarks
the Sacramento Record-Union. With
ent at all championing the so called
"moneyed interest," any one can see,
who will, that in whatever befalls a
' nation the "moneyed interest" would
be the greatest sufferer. In every
. national, interest this has been plainly
written moneyed interests find their
highest good in the' greatest prosperty
of the people. It is not possible to find
in history any denial of this. There
may be, doubtless are, capitalized in-;
. te rests that for the time may .take a
narrower view, but never long, or in
any number sufficient to effect a state
policy. Wherever there is money in
vestment there is, as a rule, the clear
conviction, fortified by ' experience of
the past and the commonest reason of
the present, that injury to material
interests of the people, industrial, pro
ductive or. otherwise, is injury to cap
italized interests, no matter what their
form. Those moneyed men who op
pose the silver craze ought to be given
. credit therefor for being possessed of
ordinary self-interest, for capital is a
coward, and the most sensitive of all
other interests to the menace of danger.
It is the demand for dilation, of the
circulating medium that alarms it, and
makes it -voice its protest All such
debate as that now revived ought to
proceed upon principle, and not seek
strength in vituperation, abase and
the calling of hard names, . Some of
- the brawling leaders in the silver
craze, however, deal in nothing so
much as denunciation and imputation
ef insincerity of everyone who does
mot oat of hand accept their dogmas.
' South Carolina Democrats are very
dry. The supreme court says that,
the dispensary act of 1892 having
been declared unconstitutional, in all
its provisions except that forbidding
the granting of licenses to sell liquor
'after a certain date, the repealing
clauses of the act must be regarded as
if never enacted, and hence the previ
eus law forbidding the sale of liquor
without a license remained in force.
Not a drop, is the word in South Caro
lina. Governor Tillman just lies hack
and holds his sides while he laughs.
- A short time ago the girls of Win
chester, Ky., organized a "matrimonial
club," and proposed to pay $50 to the
first , girl who cot married. , . Four
members are s already engaged and
harrying up the preparations, and it
ia probable that it will wreck the club
u they all Happen to select tne Bame
day and hour.
From Saturday's Daily. ; ,
' Mrs. O. a Knecht of Portland, ia visit-
, ing mends and relatives in .the city.
Rev. P. H. McGnffev and fa.milv left nn
cos tceguuuor this morning, en route east.
Prof. C. L. Gilbert, ot Hood River, ar
' rived on the afternoon train, and went to
Endersby this evening.
: The picnic of the Gesang Verein Har
laonie, on account of the weather, has been
postponed until Sunday, May 27tb.
The Republican club at Endersby will
nave a pumic meeting this evening at the
school house. Speakers will be present from
lhe ilalles who will address the audience.
Fruit ha been injured near Rockland,
Wash., bj the recent frost. Prunes, plums.
xnernea ana grapes nave Dten damaged, and
it is leared vat there , will be a small crop
oi tneae. .
. The Orchestral Union will give tbeir
second soriee this evening at the Baldwin
able, and the music famished by the Union
-. cannot be excelled anywhere. ' -
xne xnaepenaens w orKers loaee. i. u. u
' T., will give an ice-cream sociable Monday
- night, in Keller's hall. The proceeds of the
entertainment will be devoted to the pur-
coase oi regalia lor tne lodge.
Mr. Cbas. Brune, an old resideat of
Rockland, Wash., who has been prostrated
by illness for the past six months, haa so
far recovered as to be able to walk around
He took his first buggy ride this morning,
rarttea from JUickitat county inform us
that crops need rain very much in that
- locality. The surface of the ground is dry,
caused by the east wind, although there is
. considerable moisture at a certain depth.
A special meeting of the common council
was held yesterday afternoon, and the re
pairs to the city jail were accepted, and the
vr it xm C . : t
wuMaviva, ui v. u. 1.-UUM, vr oa uiilt lux
the same by a warrant on the treasury for
- Mr. A. V. R. Snyder, editor of the Dallas
Transcript, and formerly oity editor of the
Times. M ountaik bxr. passed through The
Dalles this morning, en route from Pendle
ton, where be has been attending the grand
lodge, JL O. O. jr. .
Methodist Episcopal church Preaching
by the pastor, Hey. J. W Dialer, at 11a,
and 8 r. M-; Sunday school after morning
: T 1 . . . je ..T u . p . i.
v nulla Hwua at w v wivbl, cuvuibu
league at 7 o clock. Social services
usnaL All are cordially invited.
We received a call this afternoon from
'Mr. G. E. Beeson, editor of the Vancouver
Independent. ' He is taking a vacation, and
making a tonr ot Eastern Oregon and
Eastern Washington. Mr. Beeson is plac
ing agencies for the Overman Wheel Co. in
connection with Victor bicycles.
The Regulator returned to her whar(about
8 o'clock this morning. She wentdown the
river about eight miles, and found a strong
south-west wind blowing, against which the
captain did sot deem it prudent to steer his
craft, and he returned and ilea tne boat np
to the whan.
Abont July 1st the Oreqonlan and the
Telegram will dispose of the services ot 25
printer, and eight type-setting machines
will be substituted. The machines are now
on the wav from the east, and within two
months will be set np and in working order.
Mr. G. A. Phil-man and Mr Henry
Clouffb. who have been attending the grand
lodge, I. O. 0. F. at Pendleton, returned
this morning. They report having a very
enjoyable time, and that the people of that
eity entertained the Odd fellows in a royal
The Pendleton Tribune says: "It is
learned on good authority that 95 per oent
ot the aUU or more uoxeyites woo leu rors
land some time ago for Washington, a few
of whom are now sojourning in Pendleton,
live east of Chicago. They thought by or
ganizing as Coxey contingent they would
encounter fewer obstacles in overcoming the
difficulties of a free ride. It will be found
that the same thing ia true of a larpe major-
lty 01 toe western memoers oi inauairuu
The river ia falling a little; bat if anything
like the present stage of water remains
when the Jane freshet begins the Columbia
will reach a mark not witnessed since 1876.
It most be recollected that the cold spring
haa had the effect to keep the snow in the
mountains, and this will not begin melting
until next month.
' The remains of John J. Braddock, of
Vancouver, Wash., who has been missing
from that lty since January 4th last, w
found one day last week in the Tomtum
monntains. He had evidently become be
wildered in the snow and perished. The
cartridges of hia Winchester hd become
exhausted, and it is supposed he fired these
signaling for relief.
The theory t!at evwry man who lives in
town is an enemy to the farmer, and lives
at the expense of the man who plows, U as
far from being the truth as anything can be.
If oar towns were destroied and each man
was given his allotment of land required to
produce hog and bominy tor himself, the
condition of the farmer would be infinitely
worse than it is.
Hood River Glazier: A heavy frost pre
vailed here Wednesday night, in spots
Some of the berry patches have been in
jured, and possibly gome of -the orchard
fruits; but it ia impossible to ea:imate the
amount of damage. That the damage is not
general, however, we are quite sure, fom
the many reports we have had, cove ing all
sections of the valley.
Services at the Congregational church to
morrow as usual at 11 A, M. and 7:30 P. JC
In the evening Rev. W. A. Trow will speak
on the life and writings of Isaaj Watts,
"The Father of English Hymnody," and
OBly hymns of Watts will be sung. Sunday
school after morning service, and Christian
Endeavor at bait-past 6. All persons not
worshipping elsewhere are cordially invited.
According to the W. W. Statesman in the
investigation of the Chinese quarter by Dr
Ely, he found a white- woman living
in the midst of Chines and probably taking
part in their uncouth and filthy practices,
smoking opium and making herself as famil
iar with the Mongolian as she would with
one of her own race. This U a case of total
depravity that is met with but rarely in any
Dart of the country. vVe are quite positive
that there are no such cases at The Dalles,
and we earnestly hope there never will be.
This is a high compliment for the Pe
publican candidate for governor from the
Salem Indeoendent. a naoer of Ponulist pre
dilections: "Judge Lord is the only candi
date on any of the three ticke s who is
thoroughly competent to assume the duties
of governor of Oregon . Mr. Galloway and
Mr. Pierce are both strictly first-class men,
thoroughly familiar with the duties of a
farmer, but not with the duties wh ch ce
volve noon a governor. Therefore Jndge
lord shonid be seated as governor by an
overwhelming majority. It is no disc-ace
to be beaten in a race lor election hen one
well knows that the candidate who 18 suc
cessful ia better qualified for the office than
the one defeated.
' - From Monday's Daily
Mrs. M. White and Mrs. D. Nickel,
Portland, are visiting Mrs. E. Jacobson,
this eity.
Hon. T. R. Coon, M. P. laeoberg and A.
A. Jayne. returned to-day from a visit to
Mr. Harry Lie be, the watch maker, took
the afternoon train to Portland where be
will make a short visit.
After a few days in the blacksmith's shop
many a wheel snows what it is to have
that tired feeling."
Seyeral Albina people came np yesterday
to attend the picnic, and were much disap
pointed to learn that it had been postponed
Miss Ida Booth, who has been managing
the kindergarten in this citv for some
months past, left on the boat this morning
for Portland.
Yesterday was delightful, and our disci
ples of Isaac Walton had a good time trout-
ing, returning after a day a toil with well-
filled baskets ef the finny tribe.
The following U. S. patent was filed with
the county clerk today: United States to
MUo M. Cashing; s nf of nw qr sec 32, tp
Z n, r 14 rat; timber culture.
Jndge O'Day, ot Portland, was in the
city yesterday. He spoke in favor of De
mocracy and Populism at the school house
on Eight Mile Saturday afternoon. .
One of the bsh-wheels ot Winan s Bros
on the Washington side of the river, oppo
site Celilo, floated down the Columbia to
day. The timbers ware caught near this
city and hauled to the beach.
Herald: The town of Antelope has a live
lier appearance than for many months. The
sheep shearers are here from, all parts of the
northwest, and wool haulers with their
teams almost blocade the street occasionally,
Before the county clerk came Godfred
Fncker, of Germany, and under oath de
clared his intention of becoming an Ameri
can citizen to-day, and to this end renounced
all allegiance whatever to the emporer of
the Herman empire.
To-morrow evening at Hood River, Hon,
C. W. Fulton, of Astoria, will address the
citizens on the political issnes of the day.
lie is one of the most eloquent speakers in
the northwest and will undoubtedly have a
good audience at the neighboring towB.
The river rose over two feet daring the
last twenty-tour nours, and tne current is
full of logs, lunr.ber, etc.. . This morning
what appeared to be the heavy timiers of a
fish-wheel floated past the city, but were
hauled to the beach by men engaged in sav
ing drift.
The portage from the noner to the lower
Cascades is now mad m wagons, by reason
of the high water covering a portion of the
railroad track, -and the Dalles City not being
able to make the lauding at the mouth of
the canal. . Passengers and freight from the
Regulator are taken in wagons and trans
ported from one landing to the other.
The prospects for a heavy crop of grain
in Sherman county were neyer more flitter
ing than they are now. There is an abund
ance of moisture in the ground, and the
grain is already 15 inches high in the stock.
Now if the price will come up to about 75
cents per bushel by nezt fall, it will make
lively times in our neighbor county.
rrinevuie jsews: joe. iiiiiiot who was
down from the Ocboce mines Thursday, in
inform ns that the late snow storm stopped
work two days at the mines, tnere being
abont five incnea. He informs us that there
are about twenty-five men atjwork opening
up nve claims. & thorough test. is to be
made of these mines during the coming
A man named Patfick Ryan received
several severe scalp wounds Saturday night
while in an intoxicated condition, and was
arrested and placed in the oity lail. Dr,
Hollister was called and applied the usual
surgical remedies. We nave not learoed
the particulars, but from the beating the
man received we believe the matter should
be investigated by the courts.
James Wesley, an Indian, informs us that
lleotor Ubarue, an abonginee who lived on
Mosier creek, has been missing for over two
months. Jim says he has hunted for him
for a long time, and can find no trace of hia
whereabout. He was in the habit of whip
ping his wife, and Jim thinks perhaps his
boy haa shot him for the treatment he gave
bis mother. Doctor fjharlie ia well known
in the northwest, and his disappearance is
very mystrnova. Any information regard-
ng him will be thankfully received by his
mend, James Wesley, The Daller. .
One of the busiest places in Eastern
Washington at present is the little town of
starbuck, says the W. W. Union Journal
As mis piace tne u. r. railroad company
has a large force of met. at work re-build-
ing the machine shop and round Viotnte.
which were destroyed by fire some time ago.
The brick work on the buildings is all com
pleted and the finishing work is now being
done. The round bouse is a large building
and will have a capacity of fifteen engines
at one time.
ab exenange says: & lew days ago a
citizen cut into a piund of butter which he
bad poicnasea at a store whose proprietor
does not aovenise, and found therein
small tin box, which contained a piece of
paper bearing the following, wri ten in a
neat femine band: "1 am a girl 17 years old.
good-looking and an excellent boose-keeper.
Should this be found by some unmarried
Christian gentleman, will he please write to
the following address," etc The finder.
being a bachelor, decided to unravel the af
fair, and succeeded, only to destroy the ro
mance lhe girl bad dud many years ago,
leaving an aged husband and a grown family.
The La Grande Chronicle publishes the
following regarding a railroad accident near
North Powder: "Foreman Johnson and
three men of the work train were hurt Fri
day while getting out rock near the 300 foot
tunnel betweeo lelocaset and North Pow
der, iney were walking through a cut
where thev had shortly before blasted with
giant powder. The rock had been loosened
and came orasbing down upon the men.
Johnson bad the top of bis head cat, another
bad bia face frightfully cut, and one
man had nis loot crusnea, wane all were
otherwise badly bruised. It was a narrow
ipe from steatn to some of the men.
Saturday night and yesterday created
considerable practice in the police court
this morning before the recorder. There
were two inebriates and one hobo in this lot,
and they were mulcted in the usual tines.
From Tnesday's Daily.
Miss Lulu Bird returned last evening from
a iait to Portland.
T.e liver rose eighteen inches last nii(ht,
and ia now almost at full tide.
Two loads of merchandise left Moody's
warehouse yesterday for Dayville.
Miss A. G. Fulton, of The Dalles, is visit
ing her sister, Mrs. W. Fioyd, at Pasco,
Hugh M. Rogers representing Folger &
Co., has beeu attending to tmsiuess iu the
city today.
Mrs. B. Conroy and Mrs. L. J. Law lor
left last evening for Portland where they
will visit their mother.
A heavy rain fell at Wapinitia and Warm
Springs Friday and Saturday, and the roads
were miry for traveling.
The Good Templars sociable last even
ing was- quite largely attended, and we
understand the receipts were very liberal.
Several of our cit zeos tosk the train this
afternoon for Hood River, where Hun. C.
W. Fulton will address the citiz ns on the
political issoes'of the day.
Tnere were nine carloads of sheep shipped
from the stock yarils of R F. Saltmarshe &
Co , yesterday to Trontdale. .They left on
the mixed train in the afcernoon.
Together with a full set of Justice and
other blanks there is at the Times-Mountaineer
office a good form of chattel mort
gage, all of which are sold at reasonable
-The gang of thieves who robbed Mays
& Crowe's store last night are supposed
to have been the same persons who raided
a Chinese camp near Kowena yesterday,
and in which scheme they secured about
Mr. John Cradlebaugh, formerly of the
Wasco County Sun and later of the Hood
River Glazier, has assumed editorial charge
of our evening contemporary. He is an
able, racy writer, and a 'genial, courteous
It was a smart saying of a New York girl
in London to an Eog ishmao who took ber
io'o dinner. He said: "I sometimes wonder
what becomes of all the peaches in your
country. And the damsel said; "Oh, we
eat what we can and can what wh can t.
Chis. Kaabe and Cbas Frank started for
Five mile vicinity this morning where they
spend a day or two fishing. Judging from
the amount and quality of "bait" which was
put aboard their' wagon, some remark ible
hsh stones may be expected on their return.
Sunday. Dan. Malnney, acting as deputy
U. S marshal, returned with two witnesses
from Warm Springs, uo were subpoenaed
to appear at the U. S dTetrict court in Port
land. He had a difficult time in finding his
men, but finally succeeded and brought
them to town with him.
The greatest excitement prevailed io the
city this moruing when it was ssuertai ned
that a burglary had been committed . . Sev
eral of our citizens beard the shots fired,
and one who live near the store, saya the
shots were fired first and the glass in the
window of the shop broken afterwards.
The sheriffs posse who started after the
burglars who broke into Mays and Crowe's
store were J. H. Phirman, George Joles, G.
W. Rnnyon, Ral. h Gibbous, J. W. Blake-
ney, Jirsnlt tklien, Utis Savage, J. A JacR-
son, jr. These were all sworn in as deputy
sheriffs, well mounted and armed with Win
chesters and revolvers. They left about 8
o clock this morning, and their course will
be directed by farther developments.
Wool is coming in qaite lively to Moody's
ware house from different portions of the
county, and the large force of employes are
constantly kept busy unloading wagons,
The fleeces this year xre in better condition
than eyer remembered, and shoo Id bring
the highest price in the m irket. There are
a few buyers in the city, but the same eager
ness to purchase choice clips has not been
eyincod as were in former years when fac
tories bought largely, and the shadow of
free-trade bad not fallen noon American
industries. '
Friday, Washington Wear, a farmer
living four miles north of O'ksdale, Wash., "
was shot by Alva Tucker, .The men had a
difficulty last winter over a game of cards
and Wear was always taunting 'Tucker.
Wear fired three shots at Tucker and out
him with a pocket knife. Tucker then fired
one shot, the ball striking Wear in the left
aide, near the heart, killing him in a few
minutes. - Both men 'were single. , Tucker
came to town and gave himself np to an
officer. Relatives and neighbors exonerate
Tucker from all blame.
There is some evidence of s gang of horse
thieves on Uovernment nt and portions of
the county contiguous. We were informed
that Mr. Roedell lost three horses and three
head of cattle recently, and, after diligent
search he has been unable to find them. Ooe
of his neighbors hss also missed some of his
livestock and his house was burglarized and
articles stolen therefrom. Another person
living at Mosier says tnat on the summit
between that place and Hood River, dead
cattle have been foundwith simply the back
bone removed. These reports, if true, wonld
indicate that a gang of thieves infest this
part of Wsnco county, and lost cattle and
horses mav be accounted for on the hypothe
sis that tbey have been stolen. '
Tbey 'Want Names,
The Russell Art Publishing (Jo., of 938
Arch street, Philadelphia, desire the
names and address ef a few people in
every tewn who are interested in works
of art, and to secure them they oiler to
send free, "Cupid Guides the Boat,"
superbly ' executed water color picture,
size 10x13 incbesuitable for framing.
ana sixteen other pictures about same
size, in colors, to any one sending tbem
at ence the names and address of ten per
sons (admirers of fine pictures) together
with six two-cent stamps to cover expense
of mailing, etc. The regular price of
these pictures is $1.00, but tbey can all be
secured free by any person forwarding
the names and stamps promptly.
-Note The editer of this paper has al
ready received copies, ef above pictures
and considers tbem really "Gems of Art."
Land Transfers. .
Hay 19 Istbella B Hood and & B Hood
to D M French and J W French; wet hf of
lot H and the east hf of lot 4, block 4 in
Langhlin's addition to Dalles City; $3000
May 17 Lydia Wilder to J Cart-
wright; lots 1 and 2, sec 18, tp 1 n, r 15 e;
May 21. E. H. Watterman and Nancy
M. Waterman to Jennie Watterman; 140
acres in seo. 1 town 1 south range 13 east:
May 21. E. H. Watterman and Vancy
Waterman to M. M. Watterman; 32 acres
in sec. 28, tp 1, north range 14 east; $1.
"For Years,"
Says Cabbtb E. Stockwbia. ot Chester
field, N. H., "I was afflicted with an
extremely severe pain in the lower part of
the chest The feeling was as If a. ton
weight was laid
on a spot the size
oi my band. Dur
ing the attacks, the
perspiration would
stand in drops on
my face, and it was
agony for me to
make sufficient
effort even to whis
per. Tbey came
suddenly, at any
hour of the day or
night, lasting from
thirty minutes to
half a day, leaving as suddenly; but, for
several days after, I was quite pros,
crated and sore. Sometimes the attacks -were
almost daily, then less frequent After
about four years ot this suffering, I 'was
taken down with bilious typhoid fever, and
when I began to recover, I bad the worst
attack of my old trouble I ever experienced.
At tne first of the fever, my another gave
me Ayer's Fills, my doctor recommending
tbem as being better than smythlng lie
eonld prepare. I continued takins these
Fills, and so great was the benefit derived
that during nearly thirty years I have haa
but one attack of my former trouble, which
yielded readily to the same remedy.''
Prepared by Pr. J. C. Ayerle Co., Lowell, Maaa,
Every Dose Effective
Robbery of a store.
This morning between the hours of 2
and 3 o'clock the hardware store of
Messrs. Mays & Crowe was entered tram
the back door of the workshop, and from
there entrance was effected into the store
by removing an axe handle that held the
lower sash ol a double window down,
ami then sliding it np. From the store
were titken five revolvers and ooe im
proved Winchester rifle. Mr. Ralph Gib
ods, one ot the mght policemen, gives the
following particulars:
At the time mentioned be was walking
up Third or Fourth street when he heard
some one whistle, and believing that Po
licerntin School ini; wanted him he hur
ried te the place from whence the sound
proceeded, aud at. the corner of the alley
in the rear of Mays & Crowe's store he
Siw a man standing with a Winchester
rifle iu bis hand, and towards the center
of the block, on the side street, another
one armed in the same manner. The
moonlight, was very bright, and Mr. Gib
ons readily recognized them. As soon as
he came opposite the men, Hawthorne,
who stood on the corner, called to him to
halt and throw up bis hands. To this
Ralph objected, and asked .what they
wanted with him. The man! who first
talked to Gibcns told him "he had it in
for him.'' Ralph inquired what he hd
done. Hawthorne said, "You remember
two years ago." At this Gibons pulled
bis pistol and fired, but. his gun did not
bitthe man. Then two shots were fired
at Ralph, and three persons ran from the
store down Third street. Ralph ran
through the alley and fired ooe shot at
the robbers as they passed down Third
street They must have secreted their
horses somewhere in the west end ef the
city, as they were on foot and ran in In
direction. Mr. (iibous recognized the
three boys, or young meu, as dawthorne,
Rowe and Hayes. The Curistian names
could not be ascertained. As soon as
possible Officer Gibons gave the alarm,
and the sheriff started a posse of citizens
in pursuit.
It is to be hoped that the gang will be
captured and brought to justice, as there
bave been several acts done of late which
may be traced to tbem. This is the third
time that Mays & Crowe's store has been
burglarized, and it is time that such op
erations should cease and the perpetrators
punished. -
Jllled with the testi
mony of women who
have been made well
and strong by Dr.
Pierce's Favorite
It's a medicine
that's made especially
to build up women's
strengin anu io cure
women's ailments
an invigorating, re
storative tonic, soothing cordial, and
bracing nervine; purely vegetable, non
alcoholic, and perfectly harmless. For
ail the functional derangements, pain
ful disorders, and chronic weaknesses
that afflict womankind, the "Favorite
Prescription" is the only guaranteed
It must have been the medicine for
most women, or it couldn't be sold on
any such terms.
Isn't It likeiv to be the medicine for
you t Sold by druggists everywhere.
Keep Out the allies. '
Screen doors and wire screen at bedrock
prices, Jos. T. Peters &V co.
16, A. F & A. H. Meets
Y V first and third
Monday of each month at 8
X' Meets iu Masonic Hall tho third Wednesda)
eacn monm amr a.
COLOMBIA LODGE, NO, 6, I. 0. 0. F. Meets
J every Friday evening at 7:80 o'clock, in K. of P.
nail, corner ot becoud ana Uourt streets. Sojourn
(dc brothers in welcome. H. Clodsh, Sec y.
T7IR1EN 08HJP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meet
U every Monday evening at 8:00 o'clock, In Scban-
oo'a Building, corner oi uour. and second streets.
Sojourning; brothers are cordially invited.
. D. Tadss, K. tt. and 8. F. ME EFEE, C C,
f f will meet every Friday afternoon at 8 o clock
at tne readiiur room. All are invited.
Hood Camp. No. 60. meets everv Tuesday
evening of each week at 7:80 o'clock, in A. Keller's
nan. Ail nrouera and sojourning- nrocners are
invited to be present.
TEMPLK LODGE, NO. 8, A. 0. U. W. Meets
in KReller's Hall every Thursday evening at 7:30
ri ClOCK. fALU eUtClTT, M. W.
W. 8. Mraas, Financier.
AS. &E8M1TH POST, NO. 42, G. A. R Meets
O every Saturday at 7.80 P. M. in K. of P. H&1L
OF L. E. Meets every
K. of P. Hall.
Friday afternoon in
IT Sunday evening; in Keller's Hall
OF. L. F. DIVISION. NO. 167. Meets n K.
ot P. Hall toe first and third Wednesday of
taoo monui av l -Ml r. jb.
Park Osesitt Pills will reduce your weight
rEHXASKilTliV from 12 to IS p unos a
mouth No starving sickness or injury; no public
ity. Thev build up the health and bt autiiv the
complexion, leaving do wrinkles or flabbiness. Stout
abdomens and difficult breathing rtuvly relieved.
. KXPIiBljblEX b..t a sraentiUe aud posi
tive relief, adopted only after years of experience.
al orders supplied direct- from oar office. Price
42.00 per packaga or three packages for $6.00 by
mail postpaid. Testimonials and particulars (sealed
A.I Correspondence Strictly Confiden
Will cure
Tne worst cases
Of Skin
Disease '
From a
Common Pimple
On the Face
To that awful
Try a bottle
8end 8 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ordwnv A rv
Boston, Haas., for best medical work oubUahed
r Kcoomoebfttioiia Qoezcmll(L
.mi v Ratnrdav.
AS rag-uiar incerraia.
rasas on lowest tarms to and from the prtncrele
00T0a,SamUB,tSISRAU eoimmTaiFcim
Bxeorahm ttsketa available to return by atthar the pl
taraaana dvda A Norta of Iraland or TT.nlna A Olbraltar
finds soa Vac? Orlsn far Aay iaotat at Imct lust,
Apiv to aar of onr local Am-ota or to
li Jf e7T&V IBI CtAtB
ff ffl t iS-1 jwrt Apntiqi
1 aa In nl FasOat an Ftaaar t ffca aU
K YUX.ll
Children Cry
" Caetorbi Is so wen adapted to children that
1 recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Abchir, M. D.,
Ill South Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. X
"I one CastoHa in my practice, and find u
ayi-inlly adapted to affections of children.''
Ai st Robertson, M. IX,
1057 Sd Ave How York.
From personal knowledge I can say thai
Castoria, is a moat excellent medicine for chil
dren." Da. G. C. Osoood,
Lowell, Mass.
Castoria promotes Digestion? and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural 1. Castoria contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
4txoo Reward, sioo.
The reader of this paper will le pleased
to learn that there is at least one dreaded
disease that science has been able to cure
in all its stages, and that is Catarrh.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive
cure known to- the medical fraternity.
Catarrh being a constitutional disease, re
quires a constitutienal treatment. Hall's
i atarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly on the blood and mucous sur
faces ef the system, thereby destroying
the foundation of the disease, and giving
the patient strength by building up the
constitution ar d assisting nature in doing
its work. The proprietors haye so much
faith in its curative powers.that they offer
One Hundred Dollars for any case that it
tails to cure. S.nJ for list of testimoni
Address, P. J. Cmenet,& Co., Toledo, O
tSold by Druaitists, 7,-hj.
County Treasurer's Notice.
AH county warrants reeisterel prior to
May 1, 1890, will be paid on presentation at
my office. Interest on these will'cease from
and alter May 21, 1S94,
William Michell,
County Treasurer.
The Dalles, May 19, 1894.
Republican tate Ticket
For Congress, Second District,'
: TV. R. ELLIS, of Heppner.
' For Governor,
W. P. LORD, of Salem.
For Secretary of State, -H.
R. KENCAI D, of Eugene.
For State Treasurer,
PHIL. METSCHAN, of Grant County.
For Supt. Public Instruction,
G. M. IRWIN, of Union.
For Supreme Judge,
CHAS. E. WOLVERTON, of Albany.
For Attorney General,
. C. M. IDLEMAN, of Portland.
For State Printer,
W. H. LEEDS, of Ashland.
For Prosecuting Attorney, 7th Diet,
A. A. JAYNE, of Arlington.
For Member of the State Board of
Equalization, 7th District,
W. C. WILLS, of Crook Coun?v.
For Representatives,
T. R. COON, of Hood River. .
T. H. McGREER, of Antelope.
, For Sheriff,
THOS. J. DRIVER, of Wamic.
For County Clerk,
A. M. KELSAY, of The Dalles.
For Supt. of Schools,
1 TROY SHELLEY, of Hood River.
For County Assessor,
F. H. WAKEFIELD, of The Dalles.
For County Treasurer,
WM. MICHELL, of The Dalles.
For County Commissioner,
A. S. BLOWERS, of Hood River.
For Coroner, -W.
H BUTTS, of The Dalles.
For County Surveyor,
E. F. SHARP, of The Dalles.
For Justice of t .e Peace, The Dalles,
For Conetable, The Dalles.
Democrats State Ticket.
" ' For Governor,
For Congress, Second District,
JAMES H. RALEY, of Umatilla.
For . Supreme Judge,
A. S. BENNETT, of Wasco.
- i -
, For Secretary of State,
For State Treasurer,
For Attorney General,
W. H. HOLMES, of Polk.
For Supt. of Public Instruction,
-' : D. V. S. REID, of Lane.
For State Printer,
JOHN O'BRIEN, of Multnomah.
For Member State Board of Equalization J
T. H. LA FOLLETTE, of Prineville.
For Prosecuting Attorney, 7th District,
E. B. DUFUR, of The Dalles.
; For Representatives,
M. V. HARRISON, of Wasco.
V. C. BROCK, of Sherman.
For Sheriff,
L. E. MOKSE. of Hood "River.
For County Clerk,
E. MARTIN, of The Dalles.
For Superintendent of Schools,
For County Assessor,
II. PITMAN, of Dufur.
. For County Treasurer,'
R, E. WILLIAMS, of The Dalles.
For County Commissioner',
J. C. WINGFIELD, of Boyd.
For Coroner,
JOHN CATES. of The Dalles.
For Justice of the Peace, Dalles Precinct
For Constable, Dalles Precinct,
I N THE CIRCUIT C017KT of the State of Oregon,
1 for the couatv or Wuco
lhe American M-rgrRft Company of Scotland,
itet, i Corpfiat.nn, plaintiff, ra Jainea Dotris
and Th mas W Olavey, admiUatrtor ui tne
estate of Patri k Dorr is, dece se J, defendant.
To James Dorris, tbt abuve named d fenJant:
In the name oi the -stale uf Oretron, ou are here
by rtq ired to appear ana answer the cum plaint
died against you in the above entitled suit, on or
bet to Monday the 28th day or Hay, that
being1 the first day of the next regular term of
said Court, and if you fail bj to answer, for want
ti.ere f, the pi intiff will appty to sa d Court fur the
relief demanded m iu cump auit, to-wit:
to toiecloae plaintid's morUcae, made, executed
and delivered 10 fatrictt Uorriu, tiow decease i. n or
.about tne lOin day of Do-ember, laOi, upon the
-att halt of the southeast qu.rte and the ea-i half
of tbe northeast, quarter of weciiun 13 in town -nip
3 south, ot rasiige 14 eaet. of the Willamette Merid
ian, in Wa c County, regon, atad U bave aaid
premises sold according to law and she practice uf
the a ove entitled Court to satisfy plain i iff de
mands, to-wit, to pay the sum of 350 and i uteres!
on said sum since is o vera ber Int. 181 at the rate of
10 per cent, per annum, totretber with plaintiff's
costs and dUbura menv made and expended in
this suit, includtuff subsequent, costs and expenses
of tale; that upon iuuh foreclosure and decree ami
sale all of your right, title and interest and ail ier
son claiminir, or to claim, by, through or under
you. or by, through or under said Patrick Dorris,
n w deceased, in aud to said premiseH, be foreclosed
and forever barred frum the equity of ledemptiun;
that plaintiff be allowed io purchase said lands and
premises at ita option; that the purchttiers of said,
premises have the immediate p wsettsion -f said
premie, and every part a d puree, thereof, and
for such other and fur her relief as to the Court
laay seem equitable and just.
The service of this summons is made unon you by
publication thereof in Tne Tim &g Muuktainkkr, a
news. apr of treneral circulation, published wo ky
tThe Dalles, Wasco ounty. Oregon, it being the
paper most li. elv to convey not ce to you, by order
of the nou. W. L. Bradshaw, Judge of the above en
titled Cour , which order was dmy made on the id
day of April, 1091, tar, chambers, iu Dalies City,
Wascu Count), Oregon.
ap7-7w Attorneys for P lam i Iff
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby jrfven that the unuersig-ned has
been duly appointed by the County Court ot the
state oi uregon, lor wasco county, ia rrouate, ad
minist ator of the estate of A K. Bonzey, dec- ased.
All iet -ons having claims aguinst said estate are
hereby notified and r quired to present them to me
with proper vouchers, at the law office of Condon
and Condon, in Dalies City, Oregon, Within six
months from the date of this notice.
May 12, 1894
. Administrator of the estate of A. K. Bonxey,
maj.z deceasea.
Attention, Freighters!
BIDS WANTED for hauliug 100,000 pounds ot
wool (more or less) and 25,000 to 46,000 pounds
of back freigbt; said wool to be bauled from Little
front crerK, about niteen miles southeast of Ante
lope to The Dal es, the back freight to be hauled
from The Dalles to Muddy station, about eighteen
miles southeast of Antelope. All w,k1 and freight
to oe well protectou witi wagoa-sneeis and deliv
ered in good order and condition Bids will be
opened May 1st and the award made known at
Moody's warehouse. Terms: one-half will be paid
on the delivery of each load, if desired; balance on
completion oi contract.
Address all bids to HENRY HAHN, Sec'y,
Care Wadhams & Co.,
mch31-4w Portland, Oregon.
Land Omca at Thi Dallrs, Orbook,
- May 1. 1894.
Notice is hereby given that the following named
Settler has filed notice of her intention to make final
proof in support of her claim, and that aaid proof
will be made before the Register and Receiver at
The Dalles, Oregon, on June 20, 1894, viz:
Formerly Mary E BrownhilL Homestead Ko. 2774.
for the s hf se qr, nw qr se qr, and se qr sw qr, sec
, tp z s, r ix east.
She names the following witnesses to prove her
continuous resiaence upon ana cultivation ot said
ana, Tut:
F M Thompson, James La Due and C H 8tooghton
oi imiur, Oregon, and w J Tnompson, of Boyd, Or.
jvaa w. Lewis,
mays Register.
Sheriff's Sale.
XT OTICE is hereby riven that nndei and by vir-
XI tue ef n execution issntt out of the Circuit
(jourt of the state ot retron for Wasco county, on
the 16th day of April 1894. upon ft judgment made,
rendered and entered in said court in a suit wherein
Walter Breeze was plaintiff and Alfred Kenned v and
Caroline Kennedy were defendants to me directed
and delivered, 1 did on the 21 at day of April, 1894,
duly levy upon and will on Saturday, the 26th day
of May 189., at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said
day in front of the Court house door io Dalles City
Wasco county, Orwin, sell to the hiirhest bidder
for cash 1 'i hand all of the folio wing described real
estate io-wiv - .
Lot 18, in section 4, and lots 6 and 6, In section 9.
all in township 1 north, of ran ere 13 east, of the
Willamette Meridian, containing no. 73 acres accord
ing to the government survey thereof, tottetlvr
witn tne tenements, nereditaments and appurte
nances thereunto belonging cr in anr wise apper
taining, or so much thereof as ehail be necessary to
satisfy the sum of $309.50 and interest on taid sum
at the rate of 10 pel cent per annum since the 8th
day of January. 1894, and the costs of said writ ana
accruing costs aud expenses of sale.
Dated at The Dalies, Wasco County, Oregon, April
iW, XBtfft. X. A. YVAKU,
Bneruxoz wasco county, Oregon.
o ear are
Sfill batter When
made - Wffi
pee from QrAS&
and are ea$y dl-
gesiea.. ror frying
horTentny . artef all
Mm m
OffOLENE 1$ DtTei-
Und Jbu.rej- fnatt. lard.
Genuine made only by
25o. 50a
J 1.00 $1.25
FBATHERBONE is made from oitttt b
nature's own toughest material, best whips made for
vrnx uuvaii, aiuraoie, JS -L. SXlljKS,
tnevn, a yow dealer ior a . PDinv
run '
Th Dales, Or
Easily TJlzde.
We want many nien, women, borg, and jrirls to
work for us a few hours dully, right in and around
theirown homes. The buttiness is easy, pleasant.
strictly honorable, and pavi better tlmn any other
offered agents. You hare a clear field and no
TOR 1"13
competition. Experience and special ability on.
necessary. No capital required. We equip yon
with ererythlng that you need, treat you well,
and help you to earn ten times ordinary wages.
Women do as well as men, and boys and girls
make good pay. Any one, anywhere, can (o the
work. All succeed who follow onr plain and sim
ple directions. Earnest work will surely bring
yon a great deal of money. Everything is new
and in great demand. Write for our pamphlet
circular, and receive foil information. No harm
done if yon conclude not to go on with the
Ceorce Stinson&Co.,
Box 488,
lecal Notices.
Administrator's Sale.
WH REAS thr Hoi. County Court of the Stata
of Orego-i, for the Countr of Waco on the
6th day ot Novamoer, 1893 duly an order oi
reeling- me, the uulj appointed, qualified and acting
administrator of the estate oi Ernest 8. 11 are, de
ceased, to sell the lauds and premises Ibelomnng to
said estate, and hereafter particu arly described, at
Eublic auction, to tbe highest bidder, for cash in
Sow. therefore, by virtue of such authority, and
In pursuance of said oroer, I -ill, on Saturday, the
lOtn diy of Februa v, 1894, at the hour of ten
o'clock in the forenoon of said ilay, itt the front door
Of the I'ouuty (Jou t House in Lfctltes City, K'mii
County. o c.n, it pu Ji u tion. o the hnth-e-t
bidder, for c sh in hand, the lands and p emns
belonains; to Mtid estate, anu particularly cUscribuU
s fo lows, to-w t:
The southwest quarter (sJ) and the southeast
quarter of the ' orthwest quarter (sej of uwj) of
aection fifteen, (15) in township one (1) south, of
ranee fourteen (14j east, of tbe ivillametui Meridian
in Wasco ounty, Oreyoti, containing two hundred
acres of land. aid sale will bo made subfect to ap
proval and confirmation of the said County Court.
Dated at Dalles City, Wasco iJounty. Oregon, this
9th day of January, 1894.
Adm'r of the r'sute of Ernest 8. Ha ire, do-eased
Administrator's Sale.
NOTICK IS Hh.Kr.liY GIVEN that the under
siir ed, administrator of the estate of Harri
.on Comm. deceased, by virtue of au order ot the
ounty Court uf the State of Oregon for Maco
County, in probate, made on the 5 h uay of Septem
ber, A. D. 1893, and a .Lipplt-uieniat y older made ny
said court of date iec moer ti. 1893, will on utur
day, the 27th day oi January, 1894, at the dour of 2
P. M. of s-'id ua, at the Couit House doo. in D l;e
City, in Wa-co County, State of on gon, sell at p .b
lie auction to the highest biuder for ca-n in naud,
i-u fi-ct fc the coutiruiation of said Court, all of tne
following described real ea ate and water riehts, be
longing o tbe estate of the said deceased, to-wit.
Tbe west half of the quart r, and the
northwest quarter of the southeast quarter ot sec
tion tweut -five, iu township two n.rtb of range ten
east of tne Willamette meridian,cont-ilnlug 1 0 acres
and situatod iu wasco County, ca .te of regon; aud ibeeas- half of tlie east half of suction o.
tweiity-five in township fto two north uf ranice ten
east of the M iilameite meridian, containing 100
acres, and situated in tVaco County, State of Ore
gon, toietb.r with tbe tenemems. hereditaments
and appurtenances and water righta thereto belong
ing, and belonging to saiu est .te
Ali tne above descrioed property, including the
water riithts, to be told in one parcel.
Dated, December 22. 1893.
Administrator of the estate of Harrison Coram,
aeceasea. y
Adfliinistratif's Notice of Final Accoont,
JLl dersigned, administr tor of the estate of
William A. Allen, deceased, baa filed in the office of
the County Clerk of Wasco County. Orrgon, his
final account with said estate, and that Mondsv. the
7th day of May, .894, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon
oi said day, at the County Court room io thf
County Court house. Dalles Citv. Oreron. haa been.
bv Hon. Oeotve C. Blakelev. Uountv Judm. IIvhI
and appointed as the time and piace for examining
said account and hearing objections. If any. thereto.
Dated at DaUes City, Wasco County. Oregon, this
0uui uaj oi marcn, is. tx&o. A. Lil .13
Admr. ol the Estate of Wa, A. Allen, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has
been duly appointed by tbe County Court of
oiaie oi uregon, ior wasco county, In probate, ad
ministrator with tbe will annexed of the astalu nl
Clarissa MeEwen, deceased, and all persons having
claims against saia estate are hereby required to
present uiem so me as tne law omce of Condon a
Condon in Dalles Citv, Wasco County, Oregon,
wiboiu su niouuia irom tne oaxe oi inis notice.
Administrator with the Will annexed of the estate
oi Clarissa McKwen, deceased.
Dated April 21, 1894. ' '
ATotice is hereby given that the andersurned Ex.
Xl ecu tor of the estate of John Stanley, deoeated
uas uita in tne munty iwurt oi tne state oi Oregon
i r nasco vonniy, in rrooate, on January 26th,
1894, a full and complete account as such Eitciitor
to and including January 25th, 1894, and he intends
to. and will, on Monday, the 6th day of alarcb. 1894.
apply to the Honorable George C Blakeley, Judge of
said Court, for an order allowing, approving and
seiuing dis accounts, allowing mm to resign as such
jAevuwr anu exnonorating mm irons furtner llabll
itv as sucn aecucor.
Executor of the Estate of John Stanley, deceased,
January zy, lovs..
Assignee's Notice. .
"VT OTICE is hereby given that C. L. Phillips, as-
signee ei wm rarre as ix, insolvent debtors.
baa filed his final account as siicb assignee in the
circuit court of the 8 tate ef Oregon for Wasco
county, an tnst aaid nnal account will be heard in
said court on Hondat , the 12th day of February.
ifiOJ -. l. l ... a - i. it i.
after as the same can be reached by the Court, said
day being tho first day of the tegular February,
ion, mhui w saiu ouur.. v. Li. railtljlr&.
. Assignee.
muiea uiy, wregon, Jan. is, 18V4.
Executor's Notice.
In the matter of the estate of William H. McAtee,
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has
been by the Countv Court of Waaco Htt
oi uregon, appoiniea executor as aomw mm instead
of B. C. McAtee, removed, ol the estate of William
H. McAtee, deceased. Ail persons having claims
against, or o asm ess witn, saia estate are housed
ana required to present same with the proper
vumiera to we unaersurneu execnuir. as nia na.
uence in lie Dalles, wasco county, Oregon. -
Dated The Dalles, Oregon, this 12th day of Jan
uary, ISM. UKOtlGE A. LIfc.BE,
fcxeeator of the Estate of Win. H. McAtee, decsd
NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has
been appointed by tbe Countv Court.
i of the Htit of Oregon, for Wasco Coun
ty, in drobate, guardian of the person and es
tate of Nancy Stanley, an aged and infirm serson.
All persons having claims against said estate are
Hereby notined and required to present them to me
at the law ohlce of Condon at Condon, In Dalies City,
Oregon, with proper vouchers thereof.
Guardian of the person and estate of Nancv Stan.
jcj , mu af(cu iuu ihiuui person.
Dalies City. Oregon, .
, March
17. 1894.
Administrator's Noticd.
J.1 derigned was duly app tinted administrator o
the estate of Nels Carlson, deceased, of Cases' d
Locks, by the County Court of the State of Ore gon
County of Wafco, on September 22, 1893. And,
therefore, all persons having claims against said
estate are required to present tbe same, with prope
vouchers attacbed. within six months from the dat
I of this notice, at my otfloe at Ca-.cade Locks, Wasco
County, Oregon. f
uascaae locks, Bept, au, isa.
Administrator of the estate of Nels Cars oe . d
Laso Omci at VAKcorvxa, Wash..
April t. 1891.
Notice la hereby given that the following-named
settler haa filed notice of her intention to make
commutation final proof in eupport of her claim,
and that aaid proof will be made, before W. R. Dun-
nar, commissioner united States Circuit Court for
district of Washington, at Goidendals, Waah., on
May 12, 1894, vis:
formerly Mary A. Barry, Hd No 9021, for the w hf
ne qr ana w ni se qr sec 31, tp a n. r 14 e. w M.
She names the following witnesses to orove her
continuous residence upon, ana cultivation of, said
lauu, viz:
Dietrich H Btegman. William Wilkinson. Herman
Eugleke and James Riley, all of CentervUle PO,
tt turn.
ap7 JOHN D, GEOGHEGAN, Betiater.
Laud Orncs at turn Dallss, OineoH,
Anril 2. 1KS4.
Notlce is hereby given, that the following-named
settler his filed notice of his Intention to
i final proof in support of his claim, and
tLai said proof will be made before the Register and
Receiver of the U. 8. land office at The Dalles. Or..
on May 17, 1894, vis:
Hd No 3507, foi the lotsl audi, sec 18, tpl n, r 16 e
He names the following witnesses to prove hia
continuous residence upon and cultivation of said
land, vis:
Anna Brown. Thos McCoy, Chas Green, Dell C
Wilder, all of The Dalles, Oregon.
ap7 JOHN w. LEWIS, Register. -
In the Circuit ourt of the State of Oreron for
tneuounryoi naaco.
E B Dufur, plaintiff, va W T Roarers, defendant
To W TRmrera, the above named defendant:
In the name of tha State of Oregon, you are here
by required to appear an d answer tne complaint
Died against yon in tne anuve entitled action on or
befre the fltnt dy of the next regular term of the
above entitled court, to-wu: on or tefore Monday,
tne 28th day of May, 18M, and, if you fail so to
answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take lor tne sumol sl5O.U0,"d interest thereon
at the rate of of ten per cent, per annum -ince July
1st, ISM; for 30 .aa a reasonable attomev's fee f or
instituting: said action to collect the note therein
sued upon: for the further sum of S38 bfi. and len-ml
interi'St thereon since the 17th day of Mar, 1802; fir
we runner nun m .1 1 .ou, ana legMi interest thereon
since June xS. 1SU1, together with plaintiffs casta
and disbursements of action. This summons ia
hereby served upon you by publication thereof cv
an order duly euaae by the above named Court ai
Ita retrular February Term thereof on tbe 24th dav
oi r euru ary, lovt. F IV An n. air.?) tftt,
marswt Attorney for Plaintiff.
"VT OTICE is hereby iriveo that the undersigned haa
XM been duly appointed by the Cjuatv Court of
the State of Oreeon for Wasco Countv. in Drobate.
administrator with the will annexed of the estate of
Clarissa MeEwen, deceased, and all persons having
eaiaas against aaid estate are hereby required to
pieaent them to me at the law office of Condon 4k
Condon in Dalles City, Wasoo Couuty, Oregon, with
in six months from tha ixtm of ibis notice.
W ft WI1.ET
Administrator with the Win annex of the estate
ef Ctariaaa MeEwen. ie
SaOed April a, UN,
Opposite Diamond
For the Next Thirty 'Days, to Close Out Some of Our
Lines, Will Sell Goods at
Having Purchased Our Goods at
Can Give Customers the
Men's Overshirts formerly $1 50 now $1 00
V 1 25 " 75
" Underwear........ " 1 00 " 75
" 1 75 " 1 10
" Hats " 2 50 " 2 00
" " 1 25 " 75
You Know What You Want
Bee Smokers,
Fishing Tackle,
Post Hole Augers,
Spray Pumps,
Force Pumps,
Sheet Iron,
Wire Netting,
Garden Tools,
Iron Pipe,
. Powder and Shot,
Revolvers, Guns,
Loaded Shells, '
Building Hardware,
MAIER & BENTON. The Dalles.
YOU Want
We keep the Largest nd Beat Assorted Lin m
the city, of Dry Goods and Notions, Gents' Fur
nishing Goods and Clothing, Men's, Ladies' and
Children's Fine Shoes. ,
We ' Wan t
Of coarse we will pat Prices to suit. Always do
that. Nobody undersells us. Come around and
investigate. -
Hon of a faiiimi.
wpauon. 1 1
Bras of diacharre.
BEFORE nd AFTER t J,!.h?r10'
The reason sufferer are not en red by iMrtors la because nfnetr ip rnt .v.i ,.
Proauatltls. CDPIDENK la the only known remedr teTcurewlihout aVoSrVtlS? EZJrLl?
I1!, A"rltt?a'.m' giTen ,nd mney returned Ifax bo7 dSeT n!t llTmJmat
flM a box, aix for 15.00, by maU. Send f or ru circular and teaUmoolaJsT cur.
AAlressDAVOI. JlI)ICIHa!CO,P.aBoia07t:8aoFraiioiaco,Qu. jbrAtfsfry
For Sale by K. W. Helm & Co., The Dalles, Oregon.
.jy, KELLER, Proprietor.
Port 81,"
Sherry 81
Muscat 83,
Angelica 83,
Mountain 83
an Gresrorio "Vineyard Co, A izenr-y
All Wines and Brandies Guaranteed Strictly Pure
The Best Wines, Liquors and
t. o. Miioz:, .
Fine Wines and Liquors,
the Celebrated
171 Second Street,
END Mills,
Advantage of the Same.
Stoves, Steel Ranges,
j Scythes, Snaths, . ,
Axes, Wedges, i
Barrel Churnsj
Tin Churns,
Cross-cut Saws,
Wire Cloth,
, Cutlery,
Plumbing Goods
Chimney Pipe,
Wire and Cut Nails, "
Barbed Fruit Box Nails,
Terra Cotta Sewer Pipe,
Garden and Field Seeds,
Your Dry Goods
Your Patronage
1 Thl rrMf V...t
Fr - nr - h nhu.. iTi ,7ZJ'rir'lmPT?r:nl'
atom an mm hv h ... ..i.k. ' r. : . . .
which If not ch-Vd 1,. . u:." "'-
IJ"1"'T. -y,,OK"I!luieeU.eUvr. ul
Burgundy 83,
Zinfapdel 84,
Riesling 83
Hock 83,
Table Claret
Cigars Always on
ipabst Beer
! '-Ar