L0 Ttie Times-Mountaineer 8ATURDAY. ..MAY 19, 1894 EBFOSM IA EDUCATION. The Chicago Inter Ocean, in writ ing of the reforms in elementary edu cation, wts the sabiect deserves the attention of every parent, teacher, and school trustee who has any apprecia tion of the importance of bettering oar pablio schools. The matter alike con cerna cities with their graded schools and rural districts with their single schoolrooms and teachers for pupils of all ages and grades. One of the leading purposes, ' per haps the initial one, was to make our pnblio schools preparatory for ad mis aion to college, or, in other words, ' establish a connection between public schools and institutions of higher learning. Hitherto even the regular general course in the high school see oh to have little thought of the college. President Eliot, of Harvard, was i prime mover in the matter and wan aiade chairman of the committee of ten appointed by the National Educa tional Association, The initial idea light easily be carried too far, just as there is no small danger of. adjusting instruction in the lower grades of our - aublio schools to the high school. -' Tt must never be forgotten or overlooked that a very large per cent of the child ren of the land, city aad country, are taken out of school so early that strictly elementary education is about all they can ever acquire nnder teach ers. Jut there is really notning objectionable from that point of. yiew in the reform proposed. Indeed, the committee could not have suggested a better plan of elementary instruction had the very object been to meet the wants of those who never pass beyond the threshold of education. The leading idea is to banish the obsolete and substitute ' such new studies as may be best adapted to the early stages of education. For exam pie, in arithmetic the committee would drop out compound proportion, cube root, abstract mensuration, and the greater part of commercial arithmetic, and early give some instruction in algebraic expressions and symbols, also in solid and plane : geometry. There are a great many dead limbs on the tree of knowledge which ought to be cut off, giving the fresh sprigs a chance to grow. Beneath the kindergarten system lies a deep philosophy Of pedagogics. The child needs to have the faculty of perception cultivated in to. the habit of . observation, so ' that familiar things, such as the weather, plants, animals; and the like, shall be constant text books. The root idea of Froebel is applicable iaT every -public school course. Mrs. Blackwelder shows luminonsly that the report of the com mittee of ten is very largely based on Froebel. . . The educational tendency of the day is in the main in the right direction. The development of the mind, rather than cramming it by memorization is the key note of this tendency.1 But there are not wanting indications of no Btnali danger of carrying this reform idea too far. There are many things, at least some things, which ought to be gotten into the mind, and in such a way as to be remembered, whether . understood or not. Every child, for example, should be drilled in the multiplication table until perfectly familiar with it all, and absolute master of it. Then, too, spelling is largely a matter of memory. , The English language is purely arbitrary in orthography, often to the point of absurdity, and every child should, be drilled in spelling. Until these 'arbitrary variations are I .... . I familiar one can hardly write a sen tence without using at least one word which, with a different , meaning but the same sound, would be spelled dif ferently. ' Take this last sentence and it has three such words, one, write, ani would. There is no primrose path to correct spelling, and thedrudgery of the long journey must be accepted as inevitable. Hut while all this is true and important the modern ' idea of leading out the faculties of the mind, instead of lumbering up the brain with unintelligible knowledge, is a great and beneficent educational re form, ITEMS IN BRIEF. From Saturday's Daily. Hon. Thomas Harlan, of Mosier, is in the city today. The nails in some of our side-walks are able to be up again. The season is about opening up for the mall boys oaretoot craze. The raavor of Portland bas tbe appoint ment of 4UU municipal officials. . Two or three pleassnt days do not make - a spnng, but a jack rabbit does. The cities and towns will soon be agita ting f ourth of July celebrations. Vios Bauer today made application to be come a citizno of tbe United States. Mr. George T. Day is, a well known wool buyer of nan franciaco, is in the city. . W. B. Fowler is running on the U. P. branch line between Willows and Heppner, . Large invoices of freight are daily being received by the bosinesa houses of The Dalles. Francis C Ireland, is now in rharge of the typographical department of the Moro Cdaei'ver. Hon. A. S. Bennett has returned from Pendleton, where he has been attending the late session of the sapreme court. Tbe many teams and faces from the rural distriots on onr streets today seem to indi cate that times are getting better. There will be no danger of the Coxeyites being jailed in Caldwell, Idaho, for walking on the grass ana injuring snruooery. Three weeks and three days from today ta tnis state the people will deride by ballot who they wish to serve them officially. Miss Emma Vogt, who has been attending he teachers' examination in this city, re turned to her school at Kongsley today. Many possessors of small sailing craft enjoy themselves daily on the river gliding before tbe invigorating zepnyrs oi laiies fane. , Common wealera are now scarce in this neighborhood. It is supposed that all of the Portland conttugent have passed through. - The feathery flakelets of the festive Cot tonwood trees remind one of winter scenes as they float in tbe air pro and eon before the window. ' David Diggings, of Milton, mho has just e turned from Wallowa county, relates a miens cause of death to horses on the range in that county. A lvttie Dug, wmewi similar to the woodtick, buries itself into the flesh of the snmmal and haiidreaa 01 good bones have died from the effects f its poisonous bite. What is the difference between model young lady and a Ooxeyite on a spree? The former is tidy and neat, while the latter is needy and tight. There is no nercentible change in the roi- ume of water in the river from yesterday. but i this pleasant weather continues e may look for an e rly rise. The knowing ones predict that the winds of the past week or so will start the snow to melting in the mountains and that we may look out tor men w.ter. Th. nffifinl ha lot for Portland at the enmins election will no doubt bt of rlephan tine prouortion?,as there are only 240 names of candidates to be place i tnereon, Twenty five thousand head of sheep are said to have been sold within the past two weeks in Morrow count, to eastern Dayers at about $1 50 per head, after shearing. A stranger living near Howena was brought up on the Regulator veaterday to receive medical attention, having bad bi abnulder dislocated. Dr. Hollister has the patient in charge. . The prospect for a large all-around frmt eroD the coming season in this section are very flattering, the reports of "blighting sad killing frosts," etc., to the contrary notwithstanding. . A number of promineot citizens, of He publican proclivities, of The Dalles, left yesterday afternoon to atten.l the rl y held at JJufnr last evening and the picnio which is being held at Wapimtia tcaay. It is announced that Senator William Stewart, th- silver king" of Nevada, wil leave Washington May 15th 'or OregO"'.to lend his oratory in behalf of populis- prin ciples daring the ampai.n in ibis st.te.i Considerable interest in some of the east ern state aeems to be manifested regarding Rirn Oregon frnit lands, and the pros- nt tnr a healthy emigration to this favorer! aeotion the coming summer are bright. Three vam-snts were arrested last even ing and bi ought before Recorder Dufur this morning, who discharged one of them, but fined the others 5 esch, in detaait oi wnicn thev were today exercising themselves iu cleaning the streets. " .There was an interesting law suit at In dependence Thursday wher in a rs Kiter was ued by a vir . Ksteb for J200 amag s for slander. The jury returned a enlict that the plaintiff have SI damages and the costs of the suit, which amoun ed to about $100. Mrs. Ks eb alleged that Mrs. Kiter publicly accused her of the theft of pair i ii Knun. ii i . . v wiumnn v in the case. From Holiday's Daily Judge Bradrhaw returned yesterday from holding a term ot court at rrinevuie. Mrs. L. Booth and children are visiting Mr. W. Sharp, who resides oo Three Mile. Mr. A. M. Kelsay and two daughter-, Loto and Lela. left this morning for Ante lope. ";""""".'.''': District Attorney Witon returned Satur day evening from attending a session of oircnit court at Prineyille. Several loads of wool have been received at Moodv s warehouse. They were from Dayvilje. Prineville and Antelope. Mrs. K Martin and son. of San Fran cisco, are registered at the Umatilla House. Mrs. Martin ,u the mother ot our Deputy oounty elerk. Yesterday morning at the 7 o'olock mass at St. Peter's Catholic ohuroh there were .two boys and five girls who made their first communion. The stockyards of B, E. Saltmsrshe ft Co. nresented quite an animated aprear- ance yesterday and toaay. mere were two c0Ids of cattle shipped today to Portland I and a carload of sheep to Troutrfaie. Anotner irrigation proiw i. uu iwi io the neighborhood of Pasco. Ic is to take water from the Snske river by nan of turbine wheels and dnplex pemps aid irri cite from 8000 to 10.000 area. Theodore Newcotnb, ot Bro klyn, M. Y., is the pro moter ot the scheme, Mr. W. B. Cowne is in the city from Portland en. route to his home at Caleb, Grant oounty. He is deputy U. 8. mar.hal tor Grant county, and accompanied B dy Smith who is accused of robbing the mail of a registered letter, to the U. 8. district court io Portland. Mr. W. N. Wiley arrived in town Satur day from his sheep oamp nesr Antelope, and will return in a few days. He will be gin shearing as soon a he returns The . wool, he says, i- 100 ter cent better tbso it baa ever been, and should command a good figure io the market. Salem Journal- The city is visited al most daily by persons of al kinds solicit ing aid on some pretext. The latest it lady raising money for a miners borne in British Columbis.and she has rustled a good many dollars. , We have our own poor and ought not to be asked to support foreign cparities,.especiliy whan we knew nothing about them or their solicitors, There is no further news of the rubbers wbc blew open the safe of Johnston Bros at Dufur Tnursday night. Their camp was fonnd near Five Mile creek, where evidently tbev bad pirtaken of' breakfast Friday, and then made for the nearest point oo the rail road; No description of them can be fur nished, as tby have not been. seen by any one, and path p by this time are io a dis tant state plying tbeir nefanou- vocation. Several of the Republican and Democratic candidates returned yesterday att- r visiting Lrorur and wapimtia. these gentlemen although opponents, politically, were t:ie best ot friends socially. rtnrnerl vera Hon. ' Among those who returned were Hon. T. E. Coon, A M Kelsay. A 8. Blowers, F H. Wakefield, W. H. Butts and K. JS. Williams. Mr. T J. Driver went to his borne at Waroic and Messrs. L E. Morse aad E Martin left Tygh Svnday morning en route to Antelope. Grant County Netct: Mr. Anderson, a Swede living at the lower end of town, is missing. It appears he bad been oo a visit to Mr. A. Anderson on Beach creek last Friday, and sometime in the night he arose. took bis pistol and started out, mtkiug the remark that be waa going to kill somebody, This is the last seen of Mr. Anderson and it is feared he has gone crazy and done him self injury Parties have made a search but can bnd no trace of him They were returning home from a politi cal convention lately held io Eastern Ore gon, and naturally the conversation turned on the subject of money, says an exchange. The chief speaker was a gentleman of Pop ulist proclivities who insisted that money need not pos-ess any intrinsio vslne. All that wis needed was the government stamp The government could put its stamp upon a piece of leather and make it a dollar The h 1 it could, said one of the listen era. .urpoe the government took you to the corral where they brand the govern ment moles and dapped the brand on you wool I that make you a government oii.le?" 1 be only answer was a roar ot laughter in bich the bat money aovocatt joined at bis own expen-e. Silem Statttman: - Superintendent Row land's April report of the humbxt of pa tients in tne state fssne asylum shows the following Dgures: JN amber o' patients no April 1st male 644. females 292, total 936; number received daring April, males seven teen, fei sles twelve; number of returned escapes, two, making a total of 967 nnder care and treatment. Daring April .even were discharged as recovered five males and two females; seven died, two were dis charged as mueh improved; one was dis charged as improved, two as not improved. oneeuned; making the number remaining oo the 30th, 947 The number of employ-a was iuz anu tne average number oi mtient daily 940 making the total number 1042. : From Tuesday's Daily. It is cool enough for overcasts at night. and fires are comfortable in tbe mornings. We received a pleasant call yesterday evening from Col J. B. Eddy, one el the ranroaa commission Tbe repairs to the city jail are finisher;. and contractor Foots is now awaitinir the acceptance oi ine j n oy tne city. U . 1 . f I ... oupenntenueDi, oneney will start on a tour of visiting the schools between this city snd the Deschutes river to-mirr -w. Mr. Field, who lives three mil n west of the city, took out with him e-terdav sev eral orates ior strswnerries. they are now ripe, aad in a few days be will begin ship ping loem. rrvpeny owners on oecona street sre covering the rough, crushed rock with dirt. Ihis will be a great improvement, a it will pack down solidly, and will not injure ani mala in walking or standing The railroad commission arrived in the city yesterday oo a special from Portland. lbey completed the examination of tbe road from Portland, and tbis morning stariea eastward tewaras HuBiington. Portugese Lonis who is packing to the sheep cmp ot Mr. J. H. Phirmaa on Chen. oweth creek, ssys that last Saturday night some one broke into the bouse, took some artioles and rode away a horse, .No clue to the robber is anearn. The cilv Jail was not desolate and lonely last night as formerly, but it bad four occupants, one incarcerated for be ing a vagraot ana tbe other turee tor Do ing drunk and disorderly This morning tbe recorder interviewed them in bis offi cial capacity, and in consequence there will be more tree work en the street. Mr. O. C. Fi zGerald, bo is attending Notre Dame university in Indiana, standi) very high in his studies, tie is taking the scientific nod engineering course, and will be graduated with the degree of 'J. E. at the next cominencerant. Mr. Fllz Gerald is a srni of Mr. E. P. Kuz'lerald, of this city, and is well known to all res idents uf The Dalles. Tne thrifty little towo of Dufur has an agreeable and entertaining bort in tne per son of Mr. A. J. Dufur, jr , proprietor of the Fifteen Mile house. Guests are always made welcome an I the table is always np- olied with the be t the market aff rds As a landlord Mr. Dnfar has no superior, and be who has once ei tyed his hopitality will always remember it with p easure The following from the An'lope Her ald shows how the present oational policy bas att'.cted the sheep industry in that portion of the couoty: "James Connelly, of Cherry creek, sold 1400 bead ot sheep to an eastern buyer last week at $2.35 per bead with tbe wool on. This is uelo tbe price of mutton alone two years ago, or when this great industry was yet pro tected by a Republican administration." The following are the names of the sue- ces.ful applicants for teachers' certificates a, the examination hM in tuis cny last wk: First grade I la L Evernart, E uma V at. Ella Coooer. As S oiisdill and Susanna Ward: aei-'ond grade B uiah Ster ling, Pnihd Oni"g; third grade Nellie Hudson. Dilla Watson. Lur Ibomuson, Waldo Brigham. Auna Frazier, Hittie Sum weis,. Mabel Omeg. Down by the "Sounding Sea" Astoria ladies are getting the bicycle habit. It comes slow, but sure, and moves band in hand witb improv d streets. In other cities, with lest advantages than Asloria, hundreds of 1 .dies affect the wheel. There ought to be at least 23 lady riders here before tbe summer is over. In a bicycle tournament last week held in Hike county. Mo., in which over 200 'cyclists staited, a St. Louis lady rider led I lie pro cession when the start was made for a 40- mile ride ever tbe pike road. A school director down in Kiusis, while visiting his sch iol recently, when sske.l for Mime remarks bv the teacher. sid: "Chil dren I'm glad to see thtt you have cipnerel ciar through 'nthmetic, begiunin with uh traction and goiu thro addition, perlstiu adomination, justification, huluiicisrion, deriviatiou. creation and amputation Ynu went through 'nthmetic like the ate oy: lone went through Crowley county you made clean abuckinas vou went. I'ui much obleedged to yon for our attention during my prednory remarks. La Grande Chronicle: Jack Cinaday, a foimer res dent of Uuioo. was t'ie victim of a terrible accident in Baker C ty, Friday. He was assisting in the raising of a fi F pole and when about tbi- ty-'.wo feat tr-m the ground one of the guy ro. es gave way, let ting the nnfortumte in a to the eirth lie sustained a common id depressed fracture ot the skull above tbe left eye ai.d bis no at.d ankle were broken. Surgeons immediately set to work to do all that was possible to relieve the ii juries. At last accouiiti Cina day was still alive, but wis in a very preca nous condition Io many Oregon cases ot Iadiao depreda tions, coming Up before the court of claims under the Indian depredations law ot tbe 61st congress, there have arisen disputes as to whit is meai t by the words "in a nity and "b.nds" as applied to Indian tribes. Senator Dolpb has introduced a bill dt-fioiog these words. "In amity is to eomcrue.l to mean Indian, at peace or in treaty reia ti.ns with the Uuited Srates. 'Bmd is e be a tube having a separate or independent orgaoisttion I his hill is made uecetsiry by the many quibbles that is raised by judges and lawyers in canes where attempts are made by citizeDS to obtain their just dues from tbe Uuited States. Accident on tne Branch, H ppaer Gazette. A very peculiar and what at one time threatened to be a very senou sccident oc curred on the branch between Douglas and lone, early Tbnrtdjy morning as the train was msking the return trip. Tbe train was behind time, and waa moving along at good rate of spetd when the ergme struck a patch of grass in tbe middle ot the track. This caused the drive wheels to slip io such a manner as to detach the "driving shafts" on both side, and before the tram onald be stopped, the firemao'o seat had been demol ished and the cab' otherwise injured. The ends ot the ties for some distance were badly demoralised ss if an ax had been used. Tbe damaged portions of tne engine were remoyed imme (lately, which left one driver on each side connected with the piston, and tbe train proceeded Hi ppoer- ward, but was una le to haul the load only a portion of the distance between lone and Lexington. Backing to Douglas tbe freight oars were left. The train then came on to Heppner without 'incident, arriving at 7:15 A at. It la a wonder that all eajaped with out some person being hurt. . , Tne Fruit Outlook. Oram's Pass Courier. There is no denying the fact that last wtek'a frosts have created havoc with the fruit prospects of Josephine and all South ern Oregon for this year. Even ss far north ss Portland reports of onusual . "killing' frosts are heard and only favored localities have escaped, VVe will have some fruit perhaps enough for horde consumption, but export wi 1 be lignt sod we will have to make up our minds to get along witnout shipping much out. . v . lbere is a "thermal belt which " runs along all bar hillsides at a certain height and frosts never touch frnit planted withn its favored' border'. The farm of C. H. Sampson above town lies within this belt and his fruit has escaped 'entirely. Fruit growers are beginning to realize this dis crimination of Dame Nature aud it will not be many years before tbis "thermal belt" wiil change from its present wild, timber condition to One of high cultivation. Bot tom lanos are a grand success in other productions, but Jack Frost appears to be adverse to climbing the hillsides in spring. and so deyotes himself when be comes to viciting our rich, alluvial low groouda. Care For Crippled Children. The National Smgicai Institute, No. 319 Bash street, San Francsco, successfully treats all cases of orthoi SB lie surgery On or more surgeons t t thi- Institute will be at tbe Dm ttilla House The Dalles, Friday. May 25 1 h, one day only, to examine cases. Tbe success of the Institute in treating all cases of orvature of the spine, diseases of tbe nip and knee joints, clab feet, crooked limbs and bodily detormi ies as well as piles, tiato.'a, nasal catarrh and all cbronin diseases has made for the Institute a na tional reputation. Write for circular Kelerences may be bad to lien t snipes. banker, Seattle; Sarah A. Runnel), C 'lorn- baa, Wash.; Governor E. P. Ferry, Olvra- pis, Wash.; Judge T. It. Davidson, Salem; Rev. E. U. Condit, Albany, and hundreds of others . ' Children Cry for PITOHJUft-8 C ASTORIA ' Oastorfa is so well adantmi tn 4nfe. that I recommend it aa superW to any prescription awwu w iuo. XI. A. ARCHJKR. l. 1J 1U South Oxford St., Brooklyn, H. Y ! use OaatoHa In tnv rrm-r!ri mwut bui ay ii isiij mawi w anecaons ot cnudren." - 1067 d Ave'Hew forte 'From mrsnnal knnwiedm T nan Castori is a moat excellent medicine for chil dren." .. Da, Q. O. Osonon. Lowell, Kaas. Catoriat T remotes THtrnmtlmt- and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea- and FevariahtuMaL Thus tho child is rendered healthy and its sieeD navtnrml. CmMtnri contn.imi na I Morphine or other narcotic property. Preliminary Examination. O Friday ewniug Iks . a warrant of ar rest was issued for Dao Maloney, charging him with the larceny nl horses. Tue mm nation was beguu Situriay afternooa at 2 o'olock, tne state being represented by the district attorney and Ur B S Huntingtoo and the defense by U n. A S. Bennett Tbe first witness examined was Mr. M Doyle, who swore to tne ownership of the animals touud in poss anion ot Mr Ma oaey Taat he had not seen them r-iuce the Friday moruiug before they were fouud; but evi de c- was adduced to tne etf -ct that tnev had bteu seeu aa late as tbe Saturday pre vious. Deputy Sheriff J H. Phirman was theu called and testified i t eff i -x tnat he had been apprised of the lois of ttie bines by Mr. Doyle, aad i n tnat he bad been in formed that auimais answering their descr p tion were in an enclosure adjoining t e old city cemetery. On tbe Sunday nignt pre vious he, io company witn Mr. Geo. Joles, Secreted himself tu tbe city grayeyird, ex pecting that someone would come tht night for the horses. Tliey bad betn there some time when a man rode np on hi rat back, ditmouiited and sat on the ground, doou afterwards another man rode up. gave his reins to the person m ntioued and then entered the enclosure. He tied the two horses togethnr, led them -uc. and wis then accostol b th-! d-.paty sher ff Ho proved to be Mr. Maloney and tbe other m.n' name was Snelling Pniimio told the men tbe horses had be-n stol n, and turned thein over to Mr. Jules, who took them to hi biro. Malouey claimed thtt hi had pur chased tbe animals from an Iudi in nam i J.ke, aid thtt he hd giveu f ir ciion val uable consideration. After tie testimony of Mr. Gaorgd J.iles, which was corroborative of thtt giveu by Mr. Puirmao, Justice Sihuiz conciuued th- examioatiun uucil Taesdty morning at 10 o'ciock. The case of State of Oregon vs. Dan Ma loney and Suelling was 'called .in justice court this morning before Justice Schutz, and further testimony taken. Mr George Joles wa recalled, and testi fied that Maloney told him that he had pur chased tbe horses tf.iuday morning. Mr. M. Dovle waa sworn and testified re gird ing his farm and presented a diagram of the ioolusure, giving the place where the animals were in the pasture, ani also where the barbed wire fence had been broken and the horses taken out. Mr.. Ralph Doyle was then called and testified tnat Monday morning, a week from yesterday he hid gone down to tbe pasture and fonnd the horses missing, saw the horses' tracks leading oot of the eoclo-nie aad a man's track. The barbed wire bad been wrenched iff the potts, and by this means an opening had been made to .allow the animals to pass through. The trsck of the man's boot or shoe waa about cne-half inch longer than the one he wore ani about a quarter inch wider. He had placed his shoe in the track to obtain the m-asure-ment. After tbe testimony of this witness the court sdj turned to half past 1 o'clock in the afternoon. After the noon recess the court was called at Half pist 1 o'clock. Mrs. There K iwpt was the first wit ress She saw about dues. Sa urday even ing Dan sMalocey and another man leading two horses, a soml and a black. He was riding s rosn horse. She did not recognize the mau who was with him. This was about a mile from her r(s:dei,ca west of the cry, and in the road a little below tbe place where it was testified the fence had been broken to ltt the animals oat of the ioclosare. Her son Fred was called and corroborated her evidence, and he recognized the other man with Maloney as the- defendant Snl'- ing- Here the state rested, and at the request of the attorneys for the defense the court took a recess until 4 o'clock. They 'Want Names). The ltussell Art Publishing Uo., oi 928 Arch street. Philadelphia, desire, the names and address of a few people every town who are interested id works of art, and to secure them they offer send free, "Cupid Guides the Boat,' superbly executed water color picture, size 10x13 inches, suitable for framing, and sixteen other pictures about same size, in colors, to any one sending them at once the names and address of tea per sons (admirers of fine pictures) together with sit two-ceut stamps to cover expense of mailing, etc. Tbe regular price these pictures is $1.00, but they can all be secured free by ant - person forwarding the names and stamps promptly. .NOTE Tbe editor of tbis paper has al ready received copies of above pictures and considers tbern really "Gems of Art. Teachers' Examination. Tbe examination lor coutty certificates of those h-retofore mentioned in tbis paper was concluded yesterday at the conrt house, the result of which will not be made public until the brat of the comini; week. Other examinations are being conducted today at the court house, for state certificates and diplomas. The following are the appli cints and tor what exa niued: John A, Haylock, for state certificate; Misses Ln Welch, Jrasie Welch, Minnie E Flvon a P. A. Suyder, for state diplomas, and Mis Eini y House for life diploma. The result of tliese examinations will also be mad known early in tbe week. letters Advertised . The folio wmii is thu list of letters re- maining in The Dalles prmtnftice uncalled for SatU'day, May II, 1894 Persons call inK for these letters will please Kive the date on which they were advertised: D -aulas, Carrie E Irington. W T Ha en. Nikolai B . Hartinan, E D Huit,HB Osendoiff. LJ Olhel, Eruste Wolfenbarier, Harry Woods, Sadie M. T. Nolan. P. M A "RUN DOWN and " used-up " feeling is the first warning that your liver isn't doing its work. And, with a torpid liver and tbe impure blood that fol lows it, you're an easy prey to all sorts of ail ments. That is the time to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Aa tfve tonic to rertel disease and build nrj the needed flesh ana strength, there's nothing to equal it. It rouses every organ into healtb- braces ud the whole svstem. .and restores health and vigor.- For everv dismse cansnrl hv a disordered liver or impure blood, it is the only guaran teed remedy. If it doesn't benefit or cure, in every case, you have your money back. 500 is offered, bv the nroDrietora of Dr. Sage's Catarrh 'Remedy, for an in- curaDie case or catarrh. Their remedy perfectly and permanently cures tho worst cases. Notice. , All city warrants registered prior to D'.cember 3,lb9l,are now due and payable at my office. Interest censes after this date. 1. 1. BuroKT, City Treasurer Dalles City, Ore, May 15, 1894. As the strength of a building depends upo i the solidity of its foundation, so health depends upon the condition of the blood. 1 o expel impurities aud lause the vi al fluid to become vigorous and life-giving, Aye 'a Sarsaparilla is the most powerful and efTeo tive medicine in use. Placer Mining). William 'ackson, a prominent mining man of Grant county, bas just returned from Portland, where he purchased 200 feet of pipe and 200 feet of hose for tbe Lake (.'reek Gold Mining Company. Tbis will be used in hydraulic mining on the north fork of the John Day river, where the company owns some good claims. MiniDg for tine gold in the same locality will also be engaged in shortly. Within th' next thirty days a Cook amalgamator, witb a placer attach ment for catchiug fine gold will arrive and be taken out for trial. It is claimed for tbe amalgamator that it will work 100 tons per day. If it proves a succe s a vast field of operations is offered on the north fork, where there are thousands of acres of sand containing fiue gold. Mm SARSAPARILLA h& me other WILL CURE YOU A Bright Lad, Ten years of age, but who declines to frive 1; ! mime to the public, makes this authorize, confidential statement to us: "When I was one year old, my mamma ill f consumption. The doctor said that too, would soon die, and all our iieiclib. hoiight that even if I did not die. I won n'ver he able to walk, because I w;is vetik and puny. A gathering formed nr roke under my arm. I hurt my finger in gathered and threw out pieces of bom null, inyseu so as to ureaK the sk hi. i is sure to become a running sore. 1 Iihii .1 take lots of medicine, but nothing has lie nie so much good as Ayer's Sarsapa- iih. it has made me well aud strong." 1 . 1. M., Korea tur, Kaus. AYER'S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Haas. Cures others, will cure you Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby siven that the unuersiirned has been duly appointed by the Ounty Conrt ot the Mate or uregon, ior wasco uounsy, ib rrooate, ad ministrator of the estate of A K. Bonaey, dec- aaed. All pei-ona having claima against said estate are hereby notified and r Quired to present them to me witb proper vouchers at the law office of Condon and Condon, in Dalies City, Oregon, Within iU months from the date of this uotice. Mar 12, 18M R, O. CLOSTEft. Administrator of the estate of A. K Bonser. mal2 dee- aaed , THE BEST Blood Purifier IN THE WORLD. WHY SUFFER with that chronic disease? Do yon want to die? Sul phur Bitters will cure you as it bas M thousands. Wht do you suffer with, that 9 CAlll AeerMQiwc ddcituv Ton need not if you rise Sulphur J Bitters. They never fail to cure. A Operatives who are closely confined A in the mills and workshops; clerks who do not have sufficient exercise, ana au wno are connneu inaoors, should use Sulphur Bitters. They will not then be WEAK AND SICKLY, fc Is your Breath impure. Tour Stomach is out of order. Sulphur Bitters is the best medicine to take. Sulphur Bitters will build you np and make yon 8TRONQ AND HEALTHY. At the dawn of womanhood, Sul phur Bitters should be used. W1""P w H PJJ Bend 8 2-cent stamps to A P. Ordway & Con KJOTTOLHUK Q UoTTOLSNB; q IJotTOJ COTTOLSWM COTTQUKaj COTTQl ST UUI OF THE 3 FRYii'G PAH Has come not a little knowledge as to cook ery what to do, as well as what not to do. Thus o an we have learned to use z K 33 3 U the most pure and per o fect and popular cook z z H ing material for al frying p o it a a and shorteningpurposes. PQOBBESSIVE G0IMJ& o Z X H M J i tt i3 the natural outcome of the age, and it teaches us not io use lard, but rath o o an Z Z M er the new shortening, O O MTTIILEIE, o which is far cleaner, and more digestible than any z z 33 lard can be. The success of Cotto- lene has called out worth less imitations under o in Z T ta m i .1 similar names. Lookout for these! Ask youri o o Grocer for Cottojlene, O re and be sure that you get it. z z Made only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO.. ST. LOUIS and ICHICAGO.NEW YORK.BOSTON. ICDTTOUNSj Q ICOTTOLBMBI Q COTTOmnd ICOTTOLBltal PEATHERBONE la mad from OniI.T.S nature's own toughest material, best whips made for tbe price. Cheap, Durable, Al l. STYLKS, all anoe, ask roar dealnr tin- a CDiir- (IVD a un -.alii. HENRY KUCK, Th Dales, Or ABCtTBICTty TitUT Class a. ..a lUfti.. , - r.stiist mm riaast I ftuiBmr a-nmmlationa anexoslle CECr TOBiTUINDCNDERRy AID SUSfiOW. Kverr Saturday. NEW TOBK. GIBRALTER aad W APICES, . At rafralar tntervaia. tiLana. i?niiiiQ-ciAs and steesaqi rate, on lowwat torms to and from the prlncrple nsTDH. ntousa. wsa all comMim ll team. rtxeorsto. tteavts available to return by either pie smesfus Otyd. St HtxOt ot Irslaad or Maples A Qfbraltal tssfatssa Kossy Orisn far ixy Axxxxt at Iswstt latss. Apply to any or our rocai aTors or to BSVDJtCJtSUN BKOTHJE1U, Chleaww, XO if FOR WHIPS P $1.00 $1.25 OH U .SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COUttr of tbe State of Oregon, for the wouutv ui Waaao the American H riff Company of Scotland, Um iie t, a Corpuraunn, plaintiff, rs. Jamas Dorrts and Th, ma W Oliver, adminii-trator of Uia estate ol Patrick Dorria, deceuuj, defeusanu. To Janiea Dorris, tbe above named d fenaant: Inthenuueof the -tale uf Oregon, jou aie here by rtq ireU t appear na answer tbe cuintaait flied aaiiiet run in tbe above entitled suit, on -r bef -re M uday tne Xgtli day uf May, jSUs, that being- tbe firs, day of the next regular term of said Court, and if you fan aj to answer, for wuit mere f, th pi hniff wi.l apply to aa d court fur the relief demanded to i.s cump ami, to-wit: io lo.ecioee piaiutia's mortaae. marie, executed and delivered -o fatiicit iorris, now deoeaae. on or about tne 10.11 day of le--ember, lay uuou tbe -mt halt of .be eo itbeaat qurie- and tbe ai ttalf of the nortneaa quarter of aecluu is 1.. towiwuu 8 south, oi rj'tfe 14 ea.-t, of ibe Willamette Mend i.n, in Ha eo Couuty, reson, and to have said premises Bold accardi.g- to law and the practice of te a ova entitled Court to satisfy piaiuiiS'a de mind, to-wit, to pay the .uo of fctfiO and interest on said um since November 1st, 18a 2, at -M- raw of 10 per cent per aunum. toaetber with p'aii. tiff's costs and duburs men a made and expended in this suit, iuelutuuic suowquen. cans and enpensns of aJc; that upon - ueh foreuiosure and decree and sale ail of your right, title and interest and ail i-er son . claim. uk, or to claim, by, through or under you. or uv, tur jutq or Uuuer said fatrlck uorris, n w deceased, in and to said premises, be lorec.o ed and forever barred trout the eauitv uf .ariMmnti..n- that plaiutitf be alloweu io purcuase said lauds and premises a, iu, option, tnat tne purcn tsera of sail piemiaea nave tbe tmmeuiate psera.on if said premises, and every part s d pares, th reuf, aud for auuh other sou fur her relief as to the Court raay see.u equiuble aud just. The servic of this au.umoua is made uon you by pu. wuu .in itui . 11. c 1HBB MODMTAINaBlt, S news ap.r ot Keneral cireulaUou, pub.ished so, kv t The Dalles, Wasco ouuty, Oregon, it beinK the paper most li .elv to convey not ee to you, by order of the .iou. W. L. Bradsnaw, Judge of the above en titled Cour , which oruer was diny made ou the ad uay April, isvt, at clumbers, iu Dalies City, tlNIM OJUUH, WI OpOII. DUFUK ME.NKFKE, ap7-7w A.toruevs lor PlaiuiTff , SheriflTs Sale. DT ViRTCE OF AS tXBCUTIOK and order o XJ sale, iasaed ou' o toe Circuit Court of U bvate oi uregos ior Wasco ci uniy. upon a decn aud dfrmeut made, rendered and entered by said cou t on the Zsth day w February, 1894, in favor of tne piainiin, iu a suts wberein bimon Mason waa plain iu ..n . r. A. ujug-iMs, Walwr uoutrlass and -anna Dougiaas, anu minora 11 uvlaaa. Stepheu a. iwuuissr, 4oeepn uiiog-iass, assa a. lknuriass, Urant Iioug-lass, 41 ay Duu, ass, Annie Douglass, wjuo uvigfiws aim eamuei twuxiasn, ov i.A Chandler, their guajdiai ad litem, were defend' ai t-, aud to me uirect.-d and de-irered. e mma , mg me to levy upon and sell the lands meuuoued ana or cn.ea iu sid writ and hereinafter described. 1 did on tbe IS h day of March, I8S4, duly levy upon, sua wii. sea a puoac aucuuu, to toe bigh- w wiuuer iiu saw iu uauu, on .Vluud-y, ttir 16fci dty uf April, 1894. ht two o'clock in the aftemo d of id day. as the Iroiit door ot the Cou iv Cour. Ut,uo in United City Ui Watfoo On ty. t'reKon, a 1 uf the lauds aud pieusieen dtMcribod iu uid writ au.. herctu dtnteribcd iouowo. to-wit: ComuieuciDK at the aoutheast corotr of that cer tain tract heretofore, od ou the tOth day oi May lal&i, coureyed by dtd from J. C. trvt aud wife U Hi. M. A. Otiuuiberiiu, wtuca is duly recurued iu the revutde ol demis Ior Weco Coumy. Ureta, Fa-b 178 of Vol. "11", thereof which deed ia hereby referred to for particulai description; thence ruuu iug eaet 24 rods; theuce north 16 rods; iheuoe west i4 roda. and thence south In rods to the o.ace o te ginuiuK; said tmc above ueBcribejit lym and beinr iu aecuou 14, towuauip four aoULh, i.f rautfe It east ui uitt nu.aiueite jnuriuian Masco cuuuty, the iron, tofretnur with Uie ' uiementa, hnieoitanienta mo a appuxiaeuaucs uie jdnto Deioniritig'. or tu any wise a, psjixaima or so much thur.-o aa siuui oe suf fiaent Vi satiar, tho suiu of 60. 60, witn in teres. tuerewn ac uie rate oi ten pr Ocnt per anuum since the 28tu day of February. 1894: do anornev' fee and 47.70 uosta iu said suit, tutret-'ier with the ousts ui saia writ auj accxaiiifr costs of sate. X. A WaAd. Sheriff of Wasco County, urefroa, Dated at Dalles City, ureou, March 16, HUH. Assignee's Notice of Final Account To All Whom it II ay Concern: NOTIC 18 HEREBV GIVEN THAT THE tJN derakrned. assiirnea of ti.e estate of P. T. sharp, an insolvent debtor, has fl ed his final ac count witn said estate ia the Circuit C urt of the Htate , ,f Orea-on. for Wasco Oonntv. and that i I final account will be beard and parsed upon by said Court, in tbe Circuit room, in the County Court Hou-w, at Dalles city, Wasco Cou ty. Ore, on. on awnaay, tne asm aay 01 May, 1BJ4. at 11 o' lock in the forenoon of said day. or at such future time e tae court ma then appoint for the hearing; of the a wuuuiun in eaiu acouuet, ana uoj -cuons. if auy, ther. to. J W. cu.OuM. AasiKoee of the estate of P. T bharp, an insolvent debtor. apnll 6t BIDS WANTED for hauling; 160,000 pounds ot wool (more or les) and 25,000 to 40,000 pounds of back fr.-i.ht; said wool to be hauled from Little r root cm-it, about nlteen mile, southeast of Ante lope to The Dal es, the back f -eutht to be hauled rrom rne inuiea to Muddy station, about euruteau miles southeast of AnUlope Ail w.ol and freight to oe wen protectoa witn wagon-aaee a and deiiv ered in good order and condition Bids will be opened May 1st and the award made known at Uo dy'a warehouse. Terms: one-half will be paid ou uie ueuvery oi eacn loan, u desired; balance ou wuiupieuoD 'i cotitr.es Address all bios to HENhY HAHN, Sec'y, Care Wadhams Co., mch31-4w . rortUnd, Ukkou. Aiininisti atif's Notice of Find Account. VfOTlCR IS HEKFBY GIVEN THAT THE UN- XI aersuined, admimatr tor of the estate of William A Allen, deceased, has fl ed in the - flic- of ibe County Clerk of Waaro County, Ilivgon, hie nnai account ltn said estau. and that Mo day, the 7th day of May, 8M, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon i f said day, at the County Court room in the county coun, bouse. Dalles 'ity, Oretron. has been, bv Hon. Oeorte,-'. Blakeley, Ooonty Judge, fixed and appointed as tbe lime and place for examining said account and bearing objections, if any. thereto. Dated at Dalies City, Wasco County, ilretron, this wwui) tw aiarca, isvs. ucaj. A. 1.1 bus, Admr. of the Estate of Wm. A. Allen, deceased ADM!' ISTRATVJS NOTICE- VT OTICE is hereby siren that the ondenisme 1 has -11 - been duly appointed by tbe Connty Court of btate of itreg n, lor Wasco county, in probate, ad ministrator witb the will annexed of the estate of Claris MtEwen, deceased, aud all persons I'avinc cuui.s sirainst said estate are hereby required to fnaein mem to me at tne law nice of Condon a Condon in Dalles Citv, Wasco County, Oregon, aoui sut moutus irom tne aate oi mis notice. W. fi. WI EY. Administrator with the Will annexed of the estate ot cianssa aK.--.wenv deceased. Dated April 21, ltM. NOTICE FOR PUBUCAUON. Lams Ornca at Tub Dalles, Oesooh, Mav 1. 1894. Notice is hereby gUen that the following named Pettier has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at ine uaues, ureifou, on June 2d. le4, vug MARY E LATH lit. Formerly Mary K BrownhilL H meatead Ko. 2774. lor the s hf se qr, nw qr ss qr, and ae qr sw qr, sec , ip z s, r iz east. ine names tbr following witnesses to prove her mntuiuoue residence upon and cultivation of aaiu laaj, viz: F M Thompson. James La Doe and C H 8Vnirhtnn oi iiuiur, uregon, and w J rnompson, ot Bnyd, Jr, JUMM W. LEWIS, mayfi UKister. SherilT's Sale. VT OTICE ia hereby given that nndel and br vtr i.1 t-ie of so ext-cution iasut ut oi th. Circuit Cour or the state or rtron for Wasco county, ou the 16th day of April 1SS4 upon a judgment made, rendeied and entered in aail court in a suit wherein waiter Breeze was plaintiff an' Alfred Kennedy and Carol i e Kennedy were defendants, to me directed anil delivered. I did on the ilot day f Ap II, 18M, du'y levj upon and will on Saturday, the 26 h day of M ,y 11-91. at 2 o'clock m the aitamoo'i of aai.l dav in front of tbe Court bouse door in Dalles . ity. Wasco couniy. Orir n, sell to tbe highest bidder tor cub 1 hand all of the following described real estate to-wit: Lot 18, in eeetten 4. and lots s and 6, In section 0. all in township 1 nor h. of rang. 13 east, of the s 11 ami tte Men ian, containing 20 73 acres accord ing to the government survey thereof to. eth r with the tenements, hereditamet.te and aoDurt. nances thereunto belonging cr in anr wise apper taining, or an much the eof aa shall be moessary to avtisfy the sum of S309.S.I and interart on aid mm at the rate of 10 pel cent per annum since the 8th day of Januaiy. 1894, and the easts of said writ ana accruing costs aud exo-ynses of Bale. Dated at The Dal ea, Wtw County, Oregon, April 27,1894. T. A. WARD. , - bnenff of Wasco County, Oregon. PER DAY Easily Made. We want many men, n oiueit. bo-, nud rirK lo work fur us a few hour dully, right Iu and around thei-owu homes. Tiie uumhcss is ensv, pleasant. strictly honorable, and pa better than am other oDered agent. You have a clear fit Id and no competition. Experience and special ability un necessary. No capital required. We equip you with everything that you need, treat yon well. and help vou lo earn ten time ordinary wscrs. Women do as well as nien, and boy and girls make good par. Any one, anywhere, can o the work. All succeed who follow our plain and sim ple directions. Earnest work will surely bring you a great deal of money. Everything is new and in great demand. Write for our pamphlet circular, and receive full information. No barm Attention Frei Iters 5 TO 20 done if yom conclude not to go oa with the balness. George Stinson &Co., Box 488. , PORTLAND, MAINE. Aaecstl Notloa. Administrator's Sale. WH vREAS, the Hon. County Court of the State of Oregon, for tr e County of Wasco eo the 6th day ot Movember, 1893, duly n-ude an order di recting m, the oulj appoiuted, qualified and acting administrator of the estate of fcrnesi 8. II are, d ceased, to sell the isude and premises belomring to said estate, and hereafter particularly described, at public auction, to tbe highest bidder, for cash io how. therefore, by virtue of such authority, and in pursuance ot said order, I -ill, on -Saturday, the lOtn day of Februa r, 1894, at the hour of ten o clock in the forenoon of said .lay, at the front door or tne Loui.ly Cou t House in Dalles Citv, vt aa, o County, o egon. Mill, at pu ... an tion. o the high-e-t bidder, for c sb in band, the lands and p emises beionguig lO-id estate, anu particularl. doscribed oj to lows, to-w t: The soutn.est quarter (s-aj) and the southea-t quarter of the orthwest quarter (se, of uwof section fifteen. (16) in tow,ih p one (l)snutb.of raige fourteen 04. es.t, of the Willamette Meridian in Wasco ounty. oregou, o -statu ing two hunured acre, of laud. aid .ale will be made sublect to ap proval and confirmation of the said County Court. Dated at Dalles City, Wasoo .'ouuty. Oregon, this 9th day of January, 1894. I. H. JOHNSTON, Adm r of the state of Ernest 8. Ha .ice, deceased. Sherifl's oale. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION, issued outol th. Circuit Court of the8tte or Oiegou for wasco County, in an action ent tl at J W Blakeney vs Andrew Ganger a, d M r) Ga ge , and to me directed and deliver d, I d.d. on the 1st day ot ..arch, 1894, levy upon, and will -ell at public sue tlon, to the higheat bidder, tor cash in hand, on M.m ay. ttir 23 i . ot April, 1894. at tw . o'clock p m of aai-i dav, at the ttourt Hous uoer in Dalies Ci y, in Wasco oounty, Oregou, the following described p,operty.. to-wit: Ail of that lan-i iving iu the west htlf of the northwest quarter of section seventeen, (.7) town ship tw. (J) nonh, of r.ugn thirteen (13) eest, and lymg between ibe sooth bank of the Col lunula river nd the Union Pacific Hallway Company's track and right of wy running be ween I he Dalies, in Wasco county. Oregon, aud Portland. Oregon, neing the land purchased by Andrew Oa .ger from Q orge . flavor, all of said laud being in Wasco county, Oregon, and being about tntr acres, m ire or teas, or so much thereof as shall e sufficient tu satisfy the sum ol thr-- bundre and fifty-six and tifty-nve one uuudredth dollars, (i&6.55 ) w.th iutereet tnere on at the rate uf eignt per ecus, per an-,um from August 9tn, A D. 890. Taken and levied upon a. UR proiertv of A.-drew ana Mary Gtnger to astiafy said sum of V6d 65, and interest thereon, in fator of J W ztUkeney, together wi.h costs aud accruing e- V. A WAitu, Sheriff of Wasco Couniy. Oregon. Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, March 23, 1894. Administrator's Sale. NOUCK IS HEtthBY GIVEN that the under aig .ed. adiniuiatrator of th. ,.r. UuH. eon Coram, decern ed, by v.rlue of an oruer oi th. ouuty Court ot the Bute of Oregon for aco wm".!, iu iiruwis, maue on tne b.n uay of aeptem we., m. ion, mju a '.jppimentary order made iiy said court of data uec moer i inns w.ii day, the 27tn d.y oi January, 1894, at the nour of i at. wi S.W.U ua, at toe cou.. House duoi in O.l s City, in Wasco Countv. state of un iron a.i. at m.k. lit auction to the bignest bidder for ca-.h iu hand, ru 1 ct to tbe couhriuauon of said Court, all of toe following described real es ate aud water rights, be longing .o tbe estate U the said -ieeeased, to-wit. 'lue west half of tbe norti.e-.st quart r, and the Dorihwrat quarter of the Southeast quarter ot seo tiou tweut -five, in townshio two m-rtn uf range ten east of tue Willamette meridian, con ttin ing 1 u acres and aiiuatod in wasco County, .--t.te of regon: aud a.su iheeaa naif of tne east half of aecuou o. tweuty-Bvo in township .no two north of ruue ten east oi tne wuiameite mendtan. containiug 160 acres, and situated in Wanco County, state ut Ore gen, togetb r with the tenements, hertsliumnu and appurteumues and water rights thereto belong ing, and be ongiug to aaij est .ts All tue above described property, iueludinr the w.Mir rignta, to oe .old in one parcel. Dated, December 22. 1893. J. w nnmiAv Administrator of the eaute of Harrison corum, owcessco. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOB LEAVE TO RE SIGN. XT olios is hereby given that the nndsralmd Rr XI ecu tor of the estate of John Stanley, aeoeatrd has filed in the county Court of the State oi Oregon f r W.BCO ConntV. in Probste. on Jannar With 1894, a full and complete account aa a-ch kjcrontor to and including J uuary 26 h, 1894, and be intends i, anu win, oo atonuay, the eth day of March, 1894. apply to the Honorable Georare C Blaaalsv. Jnrim, ,J said Court, for au order allowing, approving and settling his accounts, allowing him to resign aa such Mwuior anu exnonoratiug' mm from further liabll ity as each Executor. John m marmen. Executor of the Estate of John Sttnley, deceased. tfauuary z, lotf. Assignee's Notice. XT OTICE is hereby given that O. L. Phillips, aa. Xl signev of Wm Farre Co, inaolv.nt debtors, has filed his final account as snch assignee ln t'ie circuit court of the 8tats of Oregon for Wasco couuty, an that said final account will be heard in saiu conrt un Monday, the lztn day if Fetruafy, 1894. at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M.. or as soon there after as ths same can be reached by the Court, said uay oeiug tn . nrst any ox tne regular rehniary, on, wrm m nuu court. o. L. eaiLtlara. fti.ignoo Dalles City, Oregon, Jan. 12. 1894. Executor's Notice. Jn the matter of the estate of William H. McAtee, deceased. Notice is hereby siven that the undersigned has oeen oy tne county c uxloi waaeo cou. tv. State m 'regon, appuintea executor as eonu wen Instead of B. 0. McAtee, removed, o the estate of William tt, McAtee. deceased. All nersous b.vmr claims against, or business with, said estate are notified and required to present same with the proper vouchers to the underaUned executor, at his resi dence iu The b.llea, W asco county, Oregon. Dated Tbe Dalles, -re gon, th s 12th dav of Jan uary, 1894. GEObGE A. LI EBB, ixeeutorof the r state of Wm. U. McAtee, decsd GUARDIAN'S NOTICE. NOTICE t hereby jrieo that the underfilled ha been appoiuted bj the County Court, of the bttW uf urejroo, ' fur Waaoo Ooun ty. in tirobate, guardiau of the pereua and ea. bate of Manc-y Stanley, ma aged and inflnn pcraoa. All pertODt hv nv claitus affainat aid eetace are hereby notified ai.d required t pntaent them to me at the law ottl wf CoikIuo Condon, in Ualtee City. Onqroaa. with proper rouohen ihereof. f UIUB. Quardian of the person and ertate of Nancy btan- ley . an afred atad infirm p traon . j" uai.ee city. urmcQu, Marcb 17. 'Administrator's Jlic3. NOTICE IS UBHEBT GIYEK THAT THE US dersigned was duly app anted administrator o Ibe esutt- of Nela Carlson, d-wesaei of Oasoa 4 Locke by the O -uoty Court ef the titate of Ore gon Cou ty of Wa-co, oa September 22, 189S. And, therefore, alt person, hating claims sgamst said .state are required to present tbe same, witb props vouchers att -c .ed, withiu aix months from the dat of ibis notice, at my ottice at Ca eade Looks, Waou Coui.ty. oreg-n. cascaue laicxa, Bept, su, iso. C. J. CANDIANA. td.ninistrator of the estate of .Vols C .rs oa , d NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Laid Ornca at Tasoottcs, Wash., April 2. 189t. N otiee Is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of her intention to make commutation final proof in support of her claim, and th t said proof will be made before W. R. Dun bar, Commissioner United States Circuit Court fur di-trict of Washington, at Goidendale, Wash., on May lz, ltfiM, vis: MART A. GIL' ORE, formerlr Mary A. Barry, Hd No 902t, for the w hf ne qr and w hf se qr see 81, tp S n. r 14 e. W M. tins name, tne louowing witnesses tu prove ner continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, auo land, via? Dietrich H Btegman. wuiiam Wilkinson. Herm.n Eugleke and James Klley. au of CentervUle t o, Wa.h ap7 JOHN D. GEOGHEQAN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laxd Ornci at Tub Dalles, Oassoa, April 2. 1884. Notice Is hereliv siven that tbe folloeimf-named enttler his filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and tLa said proof will be mala before tbe Register nd Receiver ol t'-e u. B. land omce at The Uallee, or. on stay 17, usm, vix: LYDIA E. WILDKB, Hd No S50T. for tbe loto 1 and J, see 18, tp 1 n, r 16 tie names tne following witnesses to prove nis eontinnous residence upon ana cultivation ot land, ru: Anna Brown. Tho McCoy, Chas Green, Dell C WUdt-r. all ol Tne lMis, uregon. ap7 jitlN iv. t,twia, KeKister. SUMMONS. In the Circuit mrt of the State of Oregon for tneuounryw wasco. E B Dufur. plaintiff, vs W T Roarer, defendant. To W TRmrers. the above named defendant: In the name of tn State of rtifoo, you are here by required io appear and answer tbe complaint filed attaint you in the anjve entitled action on or befro tne nst a y m tne next regular term oi tne above entitled court, to-wit: on or iwiore Monday, i he zSth dav of May, 184. and, if you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take iudirment for the sum of S150.00.aiid interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent, per annum -i oe July 1st, lawz; ior ssu a. reasonanie etrornv iee ior instiiuuinr said actioo to collect the note therein ued uuon: fur the further sum of S88 16. and leml inten-M thereon aiure the 17th day ot May, 1802; 1 the further sum Of Sl7.su, and les;l interest thereon since June to. lbVl, togeiher with plaiatuTa eusu and disbursement of action. Tnie summon i hereb) served upon you by uublication tharrot y aii order iiuly maae by the above named Court at its reicBUur February IVrm t er4 oa the 24th day of Febiu try. lotM. e'KANK MKNEFEK. marSl-7t Attorney for Plaintiff. ADMINISTRATOR'S KOTIC . NOTICE is hereby siven that tbe undersigned has been duly spnointed by the County Uuurt if the State o ureron for Waseo O unty. in irobate. administrator with th. wi 1 annexed of the estate of Clarissa Mctwen, deceased, and .11 persons hiving caiina against said si talc ars hereof required to pieaeat them to me at the law oroee of Ovnuoa Si Caodua in Indies City. Waseo O uiitv, Oragoa, with in sis month from th of this aotioa. w. M. vVliiltT, Administrator with ths Win annexed of the estate at Otariasa at cBweo fiawssd. JMOed Aurtl XI, IBM, EAST GEfJTS' FURNISUHfi STORE Opposite Diamond ROBERT IL. WILLI VMS, Proprietor. For the Next Thirty Days, to Close Out Some of Our Lines, Will Sell Goods at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Can Give Customers the Men's Overshirts formerly $1 50 now $1 00 " " " 1 25 " 75 " Underwear " 1 00 " 75 " 1 75 " 1 10 " Hats " 2 50 " : 2 00 " " 1 25 " 75 You Know What You Want Bee Smokers, Fishing Tackle, Post Hole Augers, Spray Pumps, Force Pumps, Sheet Iron, Wire Netting, Garden Tools, CJLI lHVaE OF GROCERIES, Iron Pipe, ' Tinware, Graniteware, Powder and Shot, Revolvers, Guns, Loaded Shells, Building Hardware, Wringers, -AT LOWEST PRICES. MAIER & BENTON. The Dalles. YOU WmTI tDry Goods ... W keep the Largest aad Bnst Assort fid Lin in the city, of Drj Goods, and Notion, Gents' Fur Dishing Goods and Clothing, Men's, Ladies' and Children's Fine Shoes. : We Wailt Yow Patronage Of cooran we will pat Prices to soil. Always do that. Nobody andpiftella us. Corn sronnd and investigate,' ; MAfJHOOD RESTORED I 1 . y f 1 Si AW sav-a" VS3 voaa or dlsisjes xnsumiiu Plmplss, Constlpal Draa oi aisciianre, BEFORE and AFTER all the horrors ut Tbe rrsKO saffprers are not cured by Doctor is because ntn.tr tm cent sr. tmahtsrf wtth PrMtsitKla. CDPIDKNK Is theonly known remv tocurewlihoul.rtlonT IinJTnS; a A written marant-e etven and money reinrned If six boxes does not tdect a imausui oiraV 1jOO a box, six for fa.00, by null. Send for rax. circular and teeUmonialaT ruimutm i suras aVrlrtrawJ 1A Vol, HKBlCXSm COP. O. Box I07a,Ban FraJicav.Cal. WbrBaUbt For Sale by JS. W. Helm & Co., The Dilles, Oregon. THE 0R0 FINO KELLER, -Proprietor. Port 81, Sherry 81 Muscat 83, Angelica 83, Mountain 83 an Greer010 "Vineyard Co. All Wines and Brandies Guaranteed Strictly Pure The Best Wines, Liquors and T. O. :tv Fine Wines I CRITIC and KET the Celebrated Pabst Beer JLTKINCITS 71 Second Street, END Flourixq Mills, Having Purchased Our Goods at Lr1 peice Advantage of the Same. Stoves, Steel Ranges, Scythes, Snaths, Axes, Wedges, Crowbars Barrel Churns) Tin Churns, Wheelbarrows, Cross-cut Saws, Wire Cloth, Cutlery, . Plumbing Goods, . Chimney Pipe, Wire and Cut Nails, Barbed Fruit Box Nails, Terra Cotta Sewer Pipe, Garden and Field Seeds, A. M. WILLIAMS & CO "CUPIOENE" ,Ttas rreat VeseUbl Vltallar,Ui.praecrlp of Uie f enerauve ,i P"ralclan, will qutckljr car. vou of all dst- wnicn 11 notchsclcrd lraiia to Impotnev. tjriI:sjE(.RUMUliiv WINE ROOMS Burgundy 83, Zinfardel 84, Riesling 83 Hock 83, Table Claret A irw-Dc? Cigars Always on - a, and Liauors. WEST CIGAES. BLOCK, .. THE DALLES, 0EEQQ V-iunsinwe cca,oijilnal Emissions. Nervnns DohUltv Jon. It stops a lloaan, bvdav or nlsht Prevmis nnb-k. V'gaiia, Buca as Manlinod.