The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, May 12, 1894, Image 4

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    The Times-HoantalnSf
SATUBDAT ...MAY 12, 1894
" ' -,
Mr. Morrisorl L Swift, of Boston,
is one of the gentlemen who hare read
much, theorized much and reflected
little, gays the Inter Ocean, To him
and to such as he Goxeyism using
the word as applicable to all the so
called industrial army movements is
a new things a sign of the .times.
It is not a aew thing, and it is a
product rather than a sign of the
times. It is as old as the cave of
Adullam into which David gathered
"every one that was in distress, and
every one that was discontented.
. - '-. And he became captain
over them, and there were with him
about four hundred men," which was
quite a large number in a kingdom of,
perhaps, 1,000,000 souls. '
Whenever times have been "bad" it
has been the custom of a thoughtless
elass to 'ask the government to make
them better by spending money for
the benefit of the comparatively few
who were "in distress, in debt, or dis
contented." The remedy proposed in
variably has been one that would ag
prravate the evil . condition. This is
specially true of the remedies Goxey
ism proposes. to administer. . The only
effective remedy is that which will re
store the conditions that existed when
times not only were not "bad," but
were unprecedented!' good. -
Senator Hoar, in reply to Mr.
Swift's shallow letter of exhortation
that congress should accede; o the
Ooxsyite demand, reminds his corres
pondent that less than two years ago
"the people of the United States, es
pecially the working people, were bet
ter off than they ever had, been before,
better off than the people of any other
country, either now or in any former
time." And he expresses his .opinion
that the present evil condition is due
"wholly to fear on the part of employ'
era f the overthrow of a policy which
has prevailed for more than thirty
years, and nnder which the, country
had prospered until it became the first
manufacturing, agricultural and com
mercial , nation of . the r.worli, the
wealthiest -nation, and -the - nation in
which labor got the largest proportion
of the joint products of labor and
capital, and where the purchasing
power of wages was continually in
The conditions prevailing prior to
the election of 1892 could not be bet
ter described than in the words -that
we have quoted from Senator Hoar's
reply to Mr. Swift. Restore those
conditions and you restore the old
time prosperity. There is no other
way of restoring it. '
In an evil, hour - tbe wage earners
were led to regard the wage-payers as
"tyrants, - bloodsuckers "and "-robber
barons" by Democratic writers and
speakers who? preached a thinly veiled
anarchy, nnder guise of a theory of
"tariff reform." The inevitable has
come; tbe indissoluble .boad . that
unites the interests of laber and capi
tal has been made manifest, . When
capital flourished labor flourished; now
that capital is depressed labor is de
pressed." The healthfulnesB of one is
the healthf ulness - of the other, 'the
prostration of one is the prostration of
the other.
From 9atairoY'a Daily-Ex-Gov.
Moody is in the city. '
Mr. T. H. Johnston, of Dafur, is in town
today. ,
The street sprinkler would be very wel-
' come these days. ' ?
Mr. H. P. MichelL of Goldendale, Wash,
is in town today. ' .
Mr. V.' U. Brock, of Wasco, Sherman
county, is in town today.
There was quite a movement in real estate
to-day, caused by a Dalles tvphyr.
Mr. A. J. Gehres, wife and family re
turned last night from a visit to friends and
relatives in California.
The E'.lis Republican olub of E'ght Mile
v. will nave a puouo meeting on Saturday,
May I9th. Speakers are expected from
Tbe Dalles to discuss the issues of the day
The Portland contingent of Coxey's army
are in camp in that city, nd sickness is
prevalent. The board of health will take
tbe neeessery means to improve tbe sanitary
eocaitfon ox tne men. .
Tbe Coxeyites who have been in camp at
x'uyauup, wain., secured a .Northern i"a
cino train this morning aud arrived at Yak
ima tnia atternoon. mere will De more
work for U. S. marshals snd regular troops
It now transpires that this "General'
. Fry, of the commonweal movement, is the
same fellow who told the people to keep an
eye on Pasco - The pub ic will do veil to
- keep their eyes on Fry and men like hia
The horticulturists of this vicinity held a
meeting this atternoon in tbe coonoil cham
. bers. It was not largely attended, and it is
a great mystery tbat people engaged in this
great industry take so little interest in this
matter. -' .'"
The drama of "Enlisted for the War" will
be produced at tbe new opeia house by the
noma jjramatic troupe, luesaay eveum
May 15. The proceeds will be for the ben
e6t of the Y. W. C. T. U., and w.ll be de
voted to charitable purposes. -..
In a einversatioa with, the frnit-growera
in this vioinity we leant that verv little, if
any, damage has been suffered by orehard-
ists on account ol the recent cold weather.
Some tender vegetables and tomatoes ' hav
suffered; but all indications point to goo
crops ot orchard ana garden products.
. Yesterday the Regulator on her trip from
the Cascades nconnttiwd the roughest
weath'r she Has, eyer : experienced. At
times the waves were like ocean swells, and
the spray dashed into th pilot house. Some
of the freight got wet, but little damage
was acme, oowever.
air. xienry nuasoo, ot nansenr, is
town today. He loaded one wagon with
goods for Grant county during tbe week,
and will icai another tor points in the in
terior next weex. i ne roaas nave been in
a bad condition, but are now in fair, travel
able shape.' ' " " -
E. BoettchT is prepari"ff to drive two
bands of alxepjfrom Umatilla Ne-
braoka. In each bai d m be four me-, a
covered . wagon, witn about 6000 sheep.
. They are now sc ttere-f all t r tbe country
and will be gathered as soon aa shearing is
finished 1 he drive will occupy -on U the
middle of October next. ' 1
"Numbers of - dead calves" says the
Marshfield AVim, ;'are t : be seen floating
in Coos river, filling tbe air with a fragra ce
th t is not pleasant to tbe olfact ry nerves.
Farmers are knocking the calves on the head
and throwing them lni the river, to save
the trouble of burying them, which is a
- practic- that oug t stopped."
Teste day and today have furnished rough
experience for - railroad men, especially
tb Ee whojnn between this city and Uma
tilla. In oonreraation with an engineer to
day he informed us that they were forced to
make their way through a perfect storm for
the past two days, the sand completely
darkening the atmosphere. Fortunately no
accidents happened but train were forced
to move very a owly. The company has
used every precaution to irnard against sand
covering the track; but it seems impo sible
to furnish complete protection, nd every
summer delays are caused by this means.
While the engineer of the Mi.nnt Scott
aid Sooth Mount Tabor railwav was at
lunch yesterday in Portland, a crazy man
took possession of trie engine and ran it into
a ditch. He procured a crowbar aod would
not allow any one to approach until a d-p
uty-sheriff overpowered him. He was vio
wlently insane, andaa locked up io the iron
cell in the county jail.
Mr. E. Grenier, a professor of languages,
committed suicide at his heme in Portland
yesterday. Since the present depression he
lost the position of profecsir ot languages
at St. Helen's ball, and has been forced to
depend on giving lessons to a few families
as a.means of support, and becoming des-
dondeot ended bis existence. lie was
highly educated but mas of a melancholy
There was one lonely and solitary indi
vidual, who so far forgot his native dignity
as an American citizen as to become mtoz
ioated last night. In consequence of this
act of indiscretion he was arrested by the
Officers and lodged in tbe newly repaired
citv iail. This morning he was brought be
fere the recorder, and, on promise of good
behavior, was given his liberty.
There have been 'uroed loose in Wod
Gulch, near Smytbe's place, two pairs of
China pheasants for the i urpose of jr pa
rat on.- Tiies are be finest game bir
p 'i haps in the Uni ed States, an i all lovers
of sport will watcn me resu tin nmuu
interest, for if they are not disturbed it will
only be a short ti e until they ill be
nientifuL aa thev ln rea-e rapidly. It is
honed that those living in that locality wi
in no way di-tnrb them and .allow them to
propagate. Arlington aecora.
Mr. C. W. Gilbouseo, the photographer.
secured a good pictuie of the Coxeyites as
they guarded the captured 'engine down to
tha soal bankers lsst Saturday. The view
is taken just as the locomotive is entering
the company's yards, and the background,
snnaiatins of the river and green hills be
yond, makes the scene verv picturesque. It
is au instantaneous view, and the crowd in
front of the Umatilla .Home, drawn there
by tbe excitement, can be seen io different
attitudes ss they watched the proceedings.
At Moody's warehouse to-day 3000
rounds of wool were received from tbe
sheaiing camps on Chenoweth creek. Tbe
fleece are very clean, and the nber long
and of sTeat strength. During the past few
years our sheepmen have been improving
their flocks by the introduction of Shrop
shire and Merino sheep, and this is showing
itself in the condition. ' With protection
prices for wool our flock-masters would en
joy good times; but with the shadow of free
trade over;the land it makes little difference
whether wool is good or bad. Ibe trice
does not remunerate the sheepman for his
trouble. '
From Monday's Dal ly
County court is msessioB.
Mrs. Ik J. Lawler of Spokane is visiting
friends and relatives in this city.
The' sheriff reports having collected $63,
000 taxes out of tbe $88,030 due on tbe test
assessment roll. -
: The county elerk : has received official
notification of the list of the candidates for
offices to be filled by the election of the
state at large at the coming Juoe election.
: Seven carloads of sheep were shipped for
Troutdale today from tbe stockyards of R
E. Daltmsrsbe ft Co. They were sent to
the American Dressed Meat Co. at that
place. . '
New dress-making parlors have been
opened on Liberty street, between Third
and Fourth, where a competent dress maker
guarantees a fit and makes designing a
specialty. '
Tbe funeral of tbe late Miss Jennie Hedge,
aged 22 years, who died last Saturday of
consumption, took place yesterday from tbe
residence of her sister, Mrs. Hunt, on Mill
creek Services w-re conducted at the honse
by Rev. O. D. Taylor.
Pendleton Tribune: There is talk in rail
way circles that the Union Pacific will
again inaugurate tbe double train system
running a faat mail train to Portland, it is
said such a plan has been under coo.idjri
tion at headquarters.
There were two loads of merchandise left
Moody's warehouse to day for Dayville in
Grant oounty. The Dalles is tbe distribu-
ting point for a large portion of Eastern
Oregon, and our warehouses handle freight
lor places 2UU miles distant.
The babe born at Weston without eyes in
a family named Ourtis. several years ago,
and taken away for the purpose of exhibi
tion, is now pretty and suwrt little girl.
She lives with her parents who are prosper
ing, and attends a school tor tbe blind.
The Oregon soldiers' home at Roseborg is
about Completed. '.The contractors will
turn tbe building over to the commission on
the 8th of May, and it will be formally ded
mated on the 10th. Tbe annual state en
campment of tbe u. A U, will be in pro
great at Kosebnrg at that tm and the
event will be one of interest and note for
Southern Oregon.
Two loads of wool were received today
from the shearing camps on Chenoweth
creek. Wuik is progressing very rapidly
at these camps, and a la g) foree of shear
ers are bun every day. Trier are thou
sands, of sheep to be sheared, and being
convenient to The Dalles the fleeces will
be loaded immediately and brought to tbe
warehouses in this city.
Mr. W. C. , Johnston, the electrician of
the Telephone company, informs os tbat he
will be forced to leave tbe city without there
are more aobsi ribers to tbe exchange. There
bar been a n-w switch board -put in the can-
tral office, and this will be useless without
there are more telephones. Any one de
siring the exchange may have the phone pu
in free nntil Tuesday, but after tbat date
extra charges will made.
Ellensborg Localizer: A msu by the name
of Fred JeBrie was drowned whilst fording
tbe fjhewa on the S25th of April. Ha was
accompanied by three other men, bnt was
behind, at the time. The accident was
caused by the horse falli; g down, the horn
of tbe saddle striking him on the head. At
last account tbe bode had not ben re
covered. There facts ware communicated
to ns by James Irwin. ' ' t .
On Tuesday last, at Colfax. Clarence Hon
rick and Loyd Welah, aged respectively 8
and 1U years, were arrested tot horsestealing.
The charge was that they unhitched a horse
belonging to U. a. - UartJeson and staked
him out near towo. They were charged
with grand larceny. During the progre a
of tbe trial yound Hanrinrk suddenly rolled
down the stairway leading from the court
room to the street aud tried to escape, but
was atterward re-captured.
The Astoria is responsible for k'e follow
ing: "An llwaoo man bas a new form of
delirium tremens. He was once shocked
by a live el -crrie wire: and now that be is
afflicted he makes frantic effirts to get
away irom live wires, which be ttnigioes
are writhing and sputtering all aronnd him.
tie must have wandered across the Colum
bia and imbibed some of the justly cele
brated lightning they have over there." .
We received this morning trom the Ru
sell Art Publishing Co., of 928 Arch street,
Philadelphia, fa , a copy of a beautiful
publication called series No. 1. There are
gathered from the leading' galleries of th'
worm, ana are reproduced in excellent style
by photogravures. ' They are issued on the
1st and 15th of each month at the subserin
tion price of $24 per year, and are gms
of art, aa tbey haye been collected from tbe
master pieces in tbe galleries of all nations
, Prinevil!e New: J. H. Sbearer aud wife
arrived in thia place Wednesday of. this
Mr. Shearer is with os for the par-
pose of looking over the roads which the
county csnrt have advertised bids for, es
pecially tbe one known a the Sichel road
tie claims the present survey is very im
practicable, aod tbat the suryey should be
ohaoged so aa to mak- the grade higher up
on tbe mountain aide. - Mr. S. is good au
thority on roads and it might be well to
heed bis council.
The destructitn of fruit in the east ia
greater and more extensive this ysr than
ever was known before. Ordinarrily th?
oss of fruit in the east opens tbe way for a
market for that ot the Pacific northwest,
but we cannot hoj e to be fenefi'ted nntii
here is sdopted a me a of picking and
picking fruit tbat wil. insure safe transpir
ation. To this end he horticultural as-
ouiatioo will bnd a brood held of labor
Freah fruits are perishable and tbe market
s a long way off.
Mr. Wm. Buskirk, of H od River,
been in tbe citv for a lew days past, tie
creased the pltios to Calilom a lu i850.
and baa resided in Ortgou for many ierj.
Mr. Kusfcirk is tn bis votb r. aod his
recollections go back a loug distance in the
history of the country. He remembers tbe
hard times of former epocua in our history.
especially those ot 1833, 1843 aod 1848, and
tbe years following the latter date np to
rbe dawn of the rebellion. Tbe pre ent
financial depression, be aaya, ia nothing new
n tbe history ot -the country, snd is but a
repetition of past epochs. j
Ochoco Review: Bood Smith was arrested
at Caleb aod taken to Canyon City last week
on a charge of robbing tbe postoffice st Ca
leb of three registered letters. The letters
were mailed at Diyville. but failed to reach
Mitohell, aod Caleb being the only office be
tween the two points, tbey were supposed to
have been taken from tbe mail there Smith
had been ailowed to handle the mail at tbe
Caleb office, and his havi g displayed aa
oenausl amount of money caused suspicion
to rest on bim.
L H. MiMahan's new paper, the Me
Mahan t Wasp, haa made Its appearance
Tne editor savs: "This naoer is not pub
lished for tbe purpose of making money. I
have learned that the people take news
papers for news and i olitica papers for poi
ities I have also learned (it an expense ot
$5000) tbat no paper in Oregon can succ as-
fnllv como-te with the urtaonum in me
matter of furnishing current news to the
people. Therefore, I shall never again pub
lish a newspaper io this state, but will con
fine my work in this direction to editorial
discussion of political and social affairs. "
The detachments of Coxey's army that
arrived in the city yesterday were the
soenes of attraction during the day. At
their exmp near the old brick yard ia tbe
Etst Eud were many visitois, ho were
drawn there by curiosity and for the pur
pose of teeing the men who were tallowing
nn this latest mania. Io all uersoos tne
men were respectful, and appeared willing
to answer any Questions tbat were asked
them. They wre not dressed in '"style,
but could not be denominated vicious
tramps, although, perhaps, there were
many who prtferred not to work too Ardu
From Tuesday's Daily.
Mr. M. Thorborn, of Kingsley, is in the
Mr. K. C. Sexton, of Kingsley, is in
town today.
Uncle Joe Woodford, the poet sheep-
herder, is in town today.
The Columbia river has been falling
during the past few days.
8heriff Ward started out loday subnee
nteing jurors for tbe coming term of tbe
circuit court.
The street sprinkler made its appearance
yesterday on the atreets greatiy to the de
light of all citizens
There were no sripments of cattle from
tbe stockyards today. This is tbe first
idle day for a long while.
Messrs T. A. Wsrd aod W. .1. Kerns
have purchased the livery stable nd bus-
ioess ot it. u. Hooa on secona street.
Several loads of wool were received at
Moody's warehouse today, and the siason
may be considered Ittlrly maugaMtea.
A force of men have been at work dur
ing tbe day digging a ditch tor a sewer
from the citv iail to the one that drains
Court street.
Rev. Wm. A. Trow, ot Albany, arrived
in the city oo the train last night, and wiil
occupy the pulpit cf the Oiogregationa
chnich next Sunday, morning and evening.
Judge Bradsbaw. Dristrict Attorney Wil-
son. H. S. Wilson and Hon E. B. Dafur
are in attendance on the circuit court now
in session in Prineville, which coveoed yes
terday, r -
Mr. Wm. M'ichell, county treasurer, has
$8000 in school bonds of Hood Rner dis
trict, which he is offering for sale in bis
official capacity.. 'These bonds draw 7 per
cent, interest, payable semi-annually. - -
Next Saturday a 'political picnic will
be held at Wapinitia. under tbe
ot the Republican club of that precinct.
All are respectfully invited to be present,
as a good time is antic pated. . Several
Republican speakers will be present, who
will discuss the issues now agitating the
American people.
' The 'industrisls,' who came "here Sun
day, haye had coru'ortahle qnaitere nesr
tbe old powder magazine io the East End of
the city. Several have journeyed eastwasd,
en route to Washington, bnt there are quite
a number still bere The city have fur
nished provisions, and the Cxeyites have
no reason to complain of their treatment at
The Dalles.
Rey W. C. Curtis will make an exchange
of pulpirs-with Rey. Wm A. Trow, of Al-
biny. He will leave Thursday for Albany,
and will occupy the pulpit of the Congrega
tional church in that city for a montn.
Rev. Mr. Trow will arrive in this citv, so
as to bold services next Sun lay. The ex
change was made at tbe reque-t of M
Trow. Mrs, Trow being in poor health
and believing that this climate would be
Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Myers, Mrs. 3. M
Patte-sorj, Mrs. J. W. Lewis and Mr.
H. Brown lfft ibis morning for Keseburg
to attend the annual d-partraent conven
tion which will be held there tomorrow,
W. 8. Myers and J. H Brown go as del
egstes from this post of the Grand Army,
and Mesdames W. 8. .vtyers, J. M. Patter
son and J. W. Lewis from tbe Women
Relief :rps. The soldiers home, latel
erected in Roseburg, will be dedicated by
tbe delegates assembled
' Tbe run of salmon bas been very light
in the Colombia river during tbe present
season; bnt this has not been true of
other streams in Oregon, as the following
from the Gold Beach Gazrtte will demon
strate: There are thousands of salmon
buttinsr their heads against tbe Pokegam
Lumber Company's dam in the Klamath
river. Thi- winter's treshet took away
tbe fish ladder, and tbe Klamath river,
Inst below the dam, Is composed of as
mucb nsn as it is ot water. All tne
creeks, streams and brooks, aod miner'
sluice-boxes in some instances, are fai rly
gorged with salmon trying to go further
- a They Want Mantes.
The Russell Art Publishing Co., of
Arch street, Philadelphia, desire
names snd address of a few people
every town who are - i nterested in - works
of art, and to secure them they offer
send free, "Cupid Guides the Boat,'
superbly executed ; water col or -picture,
size 10x13 inches, suitable for framing,
and suteen other pictures about same
size, in colors, to any one sending them
at once the names and address of ten per
sons (admirers of floe pictures) together
with six two-cent stamps to cover expense
of mailing, etc. Tbe regular price
these pictures is $1.00, but tbey can all be
secured free by ant person forwarding
the names aod stamps promptly.
Note Tbe editor of this paper bas al
ready received copies of above pictures
and considers them really "Gems of Art."
In nemorlam. .
In loving reiremhranue of Mable D-ll
Griffin, who dird at Naosene May 2, 1894,
aged 10 months, 18 days.
Asleep in Jesud blessed a.'eep.
From which none ever wxkes to weep!
A cslm and undisturbed repose
Unbroken by the last of foes.
Asleep in Jkue ! Far from thee
Thv kindred an I their graves may be;
But thine is still a blessed sleep,
From which none ever wakes to weep.
J. R.G.
Saived Her Life.
Mrs. C. J. Wooldridox, of Wortham,
Texas, saved the life of her child by the
use of Ayers Cherry Pectoral.
"One or my children had Croup. The
ease was attended by our physician, and was
supposed to he well under control. One
night I was startled by the child's hard
breathing, and on going to It found it stran
ellng. It had nearly ceased to breathe.
Realizing that the child's alarming condition
bad become possible in spite of the medicines
Riven, I reasoned that such remedies would
be of no avail. Having part of a bottle of
Arei-'i Cherry Pectoral in the house, I gave
the child three doses, at short intervals, and
anxiously waited results. From the moment
the Pectoral was given, the child's breathing
rrew easier, and. In a ahnrt timn h wn
oipcpuiK uurcuy ana Dreaming naroratij
' h i n tr nftturttllv
The child Is alive and well to-dav. and I do
not hesitate, to say that Ayer's Cherry Peo-
toral saved her
Cherry Pectoral
XepsredbyDr.J.aAyerkOo Lowell, Haas.
Prompt toact, surdto curct
Datar Items.
Dufur, Ore., May 5, 1894.
Editor Tims-MouHTAUissa.
Candidates of the several political par
ties are now aod then visiting our town
wi.h a view of getting in their work.
"Have a cigar, hoy t"
Mr. and lire. Andrew Dufur were the
recipients of a surprise party on the even
ing of the 2d of May, it being the 25th
anniversary ot their wedding, and many
and hearty were the congratulations they
received on that occasion. Or. A. Diet
rich, our new physician, statev! in well
chosen words ibe fact ot the uiauer, aud
surprised tveii the majority of the sur
prise party as the celebration of a silver
wedding was least thought of. He con
cluded by saying that the matrimonial
life of the honored couple had not only
crystallized iuto "cheese and batter," but
into a happy and model family life up
held by the bonds of love and appreciated
by the whole community. May tbey live
to celebrate the golden weddiug aud al
ways be happy aud prosperous Appro
priate speeches were made by Squire
Brigham, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Johnston
and others to which the groom resiionded,
and ia a most touching manner he gave a
short resume of his wedded life, tbe con
clusion of which was: "And so we will
proceed with the travel through this life
with hearts and bands jni&ed in true love,
and then I (bins when the end comes we
can look back with satislacliou, knowing
that at least as far as Mary aud I are co i-
cerned marriage has not been a failure,
but a complete success."
Mrs. C. B. Balcb, who was oo the sick
list for a few days, is up and around
R.cycles, the vehicle of modern times,
are becoming quite numerous. Uur drug
gist has been seriously ridden by one of
them on various occasions, which fur
nished considerable sport to the lookerx-
on. Get there, Charley, next time you
will be on topi
Mr. Peabody, the artist, has adorned
the Central House with a new and most
elegant sign.
Mrs. Louis Khoger. who has been sick.
is improving aud will soon be able to be
Dr. Dietrich performed two surgical
operations on Saturday. One was the
correcting of a complicated deformity ef
lip and palate of a child belonging to C.
T. Green, and the other was the suturing
and setting of a finger of Mr. M. J. An
derson, which had been lacerated and al
most torn on while be was snoeing a
horse. In both cases Dr. Dietrich proved
himself a competent surgeon. In con
nection with this it may be said that the
doctor is gaining the esteem and confl
deuce of the community mcro and more
every day. .
Dufnr can now boast of a private tele
phone line.
The condition of the crops is quite
hopeful, and our farmers are wearing a
smile on their countenances .which we
hope will not be disturbed by -any adver
sity in the weather. i Nimrod.
Children Cry
"Castorlafcao well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superiur to aoy prescription
ssown w me. 1. A. archkr, ol. IX.
ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.
v me Castor! in my practice, and find U.
sauna i ij iwimneu so anecuuns or. cauoren.-
1057 2d Ave.. Mew jerk.
- "From personal knowledge I ean say thai
Castori ia a most excellent medicine for chit.
Oreo." JOB. (i. O. Osgood,
Lowell, Mass.
Csurtoria promotes Digestion, and
overcomes Flutuleucy, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered health y and its
eep asnirai. vaitona contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
icin State Ticket
For Congress, Second District, -W.
K. ELLIS, of Heppner. .
t For Governor, .
W. P. LORD, of Salem.
For Secretary of State,
H. E. KINCAI 0. of Eugene.
For State Treasurer,
PHIL. METSCHAN, of Grant County.
For Supt. public Instruction,
G. M. IRWIN, of Union.
For Supreme Judge, "
CHAS. E. WOLVERTON, of Albany.
For Attorney General, .
C. M. IDLEMAN, of Portland.
For State Printer,- ,
W. H. LEEDS, of Ashland.
For Prosecuting Attorney, 7th Dist.,
A. A. JAYNE, of Arlington.
For Member of the State Board of
Equalization, 7th District,
W. C. WILLS, of Crook County.
For Representatives,
T. R. COON, of Hood River.
T. H. McGREER, of Antelope.
For Sheriff,
THOS. J. DRIVER, of Waniic.
. For Countv Clerk,
A. M. KELSAY, of The Dalle.
For Supt. of Schools, -- -,
TKOY SHELLEY, of Hood River.
For County Assessor,
F. H. WAKEFIELD, of The Dalles.
For County Treasurer,
WM. MICHELL, of The Dalles.
For County Commissioner,
A. S. BLOWERS, of Hood River.
- For Coroner,
W, H BUTTS, of The Dalles.
For County Surveyor,
E. F. SHARP, of The Dalles. .
For Justice of t ie Peace, The Dalles,
For Constable, The Dalles.
WEAK MEN?uf",ir
manly vitrnr. Varicocele, etc. Dr. 'Duslont's ner
pills will effect a speedy enre by its use. tbous an
oi cases oi us yeiy worar aiaa ana or i"tur stanaiDS;
nave been restorwi tj partect Dealta. rutcen
thousand testimonials from all over tbe wor Id
Price tr packaoe tl 00. six for S5. 00. trial pickaee
sent seAareiyseaiea lor iu oeats posiaire.
- Aoaress, iia u. irnarai
9' I kio btbcaiiO.IU U
will do you ss much
good ss the one that
buys Doctor Pierce's
Plennnt Pellets. This
is what you get with
r.iipm : An absolute
! s and nermanent aire
E.J&'a for Constipation, In
K7S'rlireation. Bilious
Attacks, Sick and
Bilious Headaches,
and all derangements
of the liver, stomnch,
and bowels. Not
Just tempornry relief, snd then a worse
condition afterward but help that lasts.
Pleasant help, too. These stignr
conted little pellets are the smallest, the
easiest to take, and the easiest in the
way they act. No griping, no violence,
no disturbance to the system, diet, or
They come in sealed vials, which keeps
them always fresh and reliable; a con
venient and perfect vest-pocket remedy.
They're the cheapest pills you can buy.
Rarper's Bazar.
HARPER'S BAZAR, is journal for the home. It
trives the fullest t-mi latest information about Fash
ions, and its nnm roue illuftr Hons, P-iris deuiirns
and pattern-8h-el supplements are indisinsahltf
Hiike to the home Iruss-maker and the professional
modiste. Noepeif i spared to make its artistic
ttractivncM of tt highest order. Its bright
stories, amusingr comedies and thoughtful t-ssays
wttufy all tastes, and -is last page is famous at a
budget of wit and humor. In its weekly issue,
vfiryhhig is included whith is rf interest to women.
The Serials for lt-9t will be written bv William liltcb
and Walter Besant. Short stories will be written by
Mary E Wiikins, Mria Louise Pool, Kuth McKnery.
Stuart, Marion Har'and and others Out Loor
Spor's and In-Door Games, S"ciffl Entertainment,
rmbroidery, and other interest in? topics "ill 'eceive
constant attention. A new series Is promised of
''Coffee and Repartee.1
Pn TaUtu
Ilarpor'f Magazine... $4 00
Harper's Weekly 4 Ou
Harper's Bazar t 4
Harper's Young Peopfe 200
Poetag free toad ntbacribersln thet U niUd State
Canada and Mexico
"he Volumes of the Bazar begin with the fl st
Number for January of act ye?ir. When no time f
mentioned, subscr ptions will besrin with the Num
ber current at the time of receipt of order.
Bound Volumes of Harper's Bazar or three rears
back, in nrat cloth binoirtr, wilt be sent by mail,
p stage paid, or b) exp ess, free of expense (pro
vided the frristht does not exceed one dollar per vol
ume), for 87 per volume. f
Cloth caies for ench volume, suitable for binding,
will be sent bv mail, post-paid, on receipt of $1 each.
Remittances should be marie by postoffice money
order nr draft, to avoid ehance of loss.
Newspaper are not to copy this advertisement
v ithout the express order of harper A Brothers
Address: HARPER A I) KXTHERS New York.
Harper's Weekly.
HARPER'S WEEKLY is beyond all question th.
leading journal in America, in its splendid illustra
tion, in its corp. of atstiiuruisoed c-ratributo s, and
in its vast army of readers. In special lines it
draws on the highest order of talent, the men br-st
fitted by positiou and training to treat the leading
topics of ineday. In fiction tbe most popular storv
writeia contribute to its columns Superb draw
ings by the f o emoat artists illustrate its special
articles, its stories, and every notab.e ev nt ot pub
lie interest; it contains pur traits of the diatinfruished
men nd men ho are making the history of the
time, while special attention ia given to the Aruiy
and Navy, Amateur Sport, and Music and the.
Ununa, by distinguished experts. In a word. Har
per's Weekly combines the news features of the
daily paper and the artistic and literary qualities of
the mairazine with the s lid critical character of the
(Iarpers Magasine...: St 00
Harper's Weekly.. 4 00
daroer'a Baxar 400
Harrtr'e Young People S 00
Pottagt free to all Stibteribm in the United States
vanaaa ana Mexico,
Tbe Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first
numlier for January of each year. When no time ia
mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the num
ber current at the tune of receipt if oroer. a.
Bound Volumes oi nonet's Wetkl for three
ears hack, in neat cloth binding, will be sent bv
mail, postage paid, or by expreoa. free of exuense
(provided frewht oes not exceed one dollar per vol
ume), lor 91 per volume.
Cloth eases for each volume, suitable for bindinr
will be sent by mail, poet-paid, on receipt of 1 each
Remittances should b made by postefficc money
rder or draft, to avoid cfanee of loss.
newspapers are not to copy this advertisement
without the express order of Harper Brothers.
tllmi: HARPER BEIT llll lit li.
Purest . Medicine
Don't bo without a bottle.- Yon
will not regret it.' Try It to-day.
What makes .you tremble so?
Your Nkbvks are all nnstronir, and
NEED a gentle, soothing TONIC
to assist nature to repair the damage
'which your excesses have caused.
Sulphur Bitters -
to be taken by the class like other
preparations which stimulate only to
destroy, xi you nave failed
to receive any benefit from other
medicines or doctors, do not despair.
Use Sulphur Bitters Immediately. E,
in an cases oi stuDDorn, aeep seated m
diseases, Sulphur Bitters is the best t
medicine to use. Don't -wait nntil
to-morrow, try a bottle to-day.
Rpnd s 2-rwit stamps to A. PlOrnwaT A fo
II . n..Lxli 1 1. 1.11. 1 .1 "
jwwiil m.wiiia w iii" n. wiiuimihibu
iTlie Questions
jjj ' is a simple one easily ' f
decided' by reason and -' jg
common sense.
tne new sdentifically
prepared shortening is
made from pure bef suet,
. and highly refined vegeta-
ble oil. Lard is made, ia
the majority of Cases, in
the : packing-house, and
not ss of old, from the pare
leaf of the hog. Which is
likely to be the most
healthful ? Decide for
yourself. It must be
Send three cents in stamps to K.
K. Fairbank & Co., Chicago, far -handsome
Cottolcne Cook Book, fjf
containing six hundred recipes,
prepared by nine r minrnt autho- JC
Cottoleoe is sold by all grocers, f
Refine all aurntrgirra. j
- Jlade only bjr
ST. LOUIS and .
T AIIIEM who will do wndnf for meet their
I l hoauis will mass cooa wsarea. Heplr w ui sell-
addrssssd. stsmpea envelope.
South Bend, nd.
N THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Oregon,
J. for the couutv ol Waaco
1 he American il -r g-ae Company of Scotland, I un
ite , Curptitttimi, plaintiff, vs James Dorris
and Tb mas W tiiavey, admiiiir-trAtur of uie
eeWteof Pairi k UorrU, dece se.l. defendant.
To Jauiea Horrid, the above named d fen.iant:
lu the n one of the state of Oraron, jou are here
by req ired to appear ana answer the coin plaint
filed against you in the above entitled suit, on or
before Monday the 28th day of Hay, 1884, that
being tbe firat day of the uext regular term of
said Court, and if you Uil si to answer, for arvit
tnere f, thi pi in. iff ami apply to aa d Court fur the
relief demanded in its eomp ant, to-wit:
To (oiecloae puintin'a morurage, made, executed
and delivered .o HatricK lorns, now decea&e on or
bout tne 10 n day of lie -ember, 189;. upon tbe
ait bait of iheo-itheastqu trteiand the e-t half
of tne nortbeaa. quarter of acc ion 18 i., town-nip
S south, oi 14 east, of ibe Wi.iaiuettu Mend
i. n, in v a Ct County, regon, aud to. huve aaid
premises sold according to law and the practice of
Sue a ove entitled Court to sattsiv plunulf'j de
mands, to-wit, to pay the sum of 3.-50 and interest
on said um since Auvember 1st, 1S2, at th , rat of
10 per cent, per annum, together with p'aintiff'a
Ousts and disbura men's made and expended in
Una euit, induuiug subsequen. cts anil expenses
of .ale; that upou uvh fuieciosure and decree ant!
sale all of your right, title and interest aud ail i-er
son- claim-ng, or to claim, by, through or under
you. or bv, through or under said Patrick dorr is,
n w deceased, in aud to said premises, be lorec-Or-ed
and forever barred from the equity of .edemption;
that plaintiff be allowed to purchase said lauds and
premises at its option; that the purchoersof saiu
premises have the immediate ptesevsion of said
premises, and every part a d parce. thereof, aud
tor such other and fur her relief aa to the Court
may see.u equitable and Just.
The aervic ol this summons is uiaie unon you by
publication thereof in Tne Twss MouKTaiMsxa, a
news ap.-rof ireneral circulation, published w ky
t Tbe Dalles, Wasco ouuty, Uregon, it being the
paper most li .elv to couvev not ce to you, by order
ot the uon. W. L. Brudsnaw, Judge of the above en
titled Cour , which order was duty made on the 2d
day of April, lc91, at chamuera, in Dalles City,
Wasco Count), Oregon.
ap7-7w A.toruevs for Plaioitff.
Sheriff' Sale.
sale, issued ou o tbe Cuvuit Court of tns
btate of Oregon tor Wasco county, upon a decr-e
aod dgnient made, rendered and entered by eaid
cou.t on the 28th da of February, 1894, in favor of
the plaintiff, in a suit wherein Simon Mason was
plain iff nn F. A. Djuglags, Waiter Douglass and
tartha Douglass, and Bluford D -uiclasa. Stephen
A. DouKlaas, Joseph Douglass, Assa s. Dougiass,
Grant Douglass, May Doug ass. Anuie Douglass,
Clyde Douglass and Samuel Douglasn, bv
Chandler, tbeir guardiua ad litem, were defend
ants, aud to me directed and delivered, emulat
ing me to levy upon snd sell the lauds mentioned
and de-cri.ied in said writ and hereinafter described,
1 did on the 16. h day of March, 1894, duly lev?
upon, and wil sell a public auction, to the' high
est bidder for cash in baud, on .
Monday, the 16tn dnv of April, 1894.
it t vo o'clock in the afternom of aaid day, at the
iruutdoorof the Cou .tv Court Hnuie in Dalles
City in Wasco Cou ty, Oregon, a 1 of the lands and
p.euiiees described in said writ and herein described
as follows, to-wit:
Commencing st the southeast corntr of that cer
tain tract heretofore, and on the 20th day ol May,
1982, conveyed by deed from J. C. Pratt and wife to
M.-h. M A- Chamberlin, which is duly recorded 1 ti
the reco-ds of detds for waoo County, orenon, at
Pa.'e 178 of Vol. "H". thereof which deed ia hereby
referred to for particular description; tbencs runn
ing east z4 rods; thence north 15 rods; thence west
24 rods, and thence south l;i rods to the piace O' be-
Snuing; said tract above iiescribed, lying and being
section 14, townsnip four south, ot range 12 east
of the Willamette Meridian ' . v. aaco County, Ore
gon, together with the '-nemeata, nereditanients
an i appurtenances the' junto belonging, or in any
wise appertaining or so much ther.-or as shall be suf
ficient to satisfy the sum ot S662 60, with interest
therein at the rale of ten pur cent per annum,
since the 28tn day of February, 1894; S60 atorney's
fee and 47.70 cos's in said Miit, together with the
coats oi aaid writ and accruing costs of sale.
Sheriff of Wasco County, uregon.
Dated st Dalles City, uregon, March 16, 1894.
Assignee's Notice of Final Account
To All Whom it May Concern:
dersigned, assignee of ti e estate of P. T.
8 harp, an insolvent debtor, has fl ed his final ac
count with said estate iu the Circuit C urt of the
state -if Oregon, for Wasco County, and that said
final account will be heard and passed upon by said
Court, in the Circuit room, in the County Court
House, at Dalles city, Wasco Cou ity. Oregon, on
Monday, the 28th day of May, 1834, at 11 o' lock in
the forenoon of said day. or at such future time aa
the Court may then appoint for the hearing of the
matters contained in said account, and objections,
if any, thereto. J. W. I'OMhiN,
Assignee of the estate of P. T Sharp, an insolvent
debtor. spr21-6t
, Freighters!
BIDS WANTED for hauling 100,000 pounds of
woo! (more or lers) and 25.U00 to 40.000 nisnih
of back freight; said wool to be hauled from Little
rrontcreeK, snout ni teen miles southeast ef Ante
lope to Tbe Dal es. the back freurht to be hauled
trom rne imiaa to Muddy station, abuut eigoteeu
miles southeast of Antelope All wiol and Ireight
to oo wen protected witn wagon-soee s and deliv
ered io good order and condition Bids will be
opened Hay 1st and the award made known at
Ho dy's warehouse. Terms: one-half will be oaid
oo the delivery of each load. If desired; balance on
completion i cou tract
Address all bids to HENkT HAHN, Setry,
Care Widhams Co..
mch31-4w Portland, Oregon.
Aflministratif's Notice of Final Account.
dersUned, administr to.- of the estate of
William A. Allen, deceased, faaa-flied in the "the ot
the County Clerk of Wao Countv. environ, his
final account with said estate, and that Mo. dv. tha
7th day of May, 8&4, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon
of ' said day, at the County Court room In the
uounty uourt bouse. Dalles flty, Oregon, has been,
by Hon. Geome t blakelev. Uountv Jndra. flxMl
and appointed aa tbe time aud ilace for examining
said account and hearing olj clions, if any. thereto,
tlated at Dalles City, nun County . wegon, this
oviai uay- ui starcn, 1SW4 Mw. A. 1.1 1-o E.,
Admr. st tbe Estate of Wui. A. Allen, deceased
VT OTICE is hereby given that the undersignel haa
i.1 been duly appointed by tbe Countv Court at
State of t It eg-. ft, tor Wasco County, in probate, ad
ministrator with the will annexed of the estate of
Clarissa sircwen, deceased, and all persons i-aving
ciain.s against aaia estate are nerebv reo Hired to
present them to me at the law fiice of Condon
Condon ' in Dalles City, Wasco Countv. Oregon.
wiliuu aut BHiDuii irou.tne oate oi tnia Botice.
W. . 1 EY.
Administrator with the Will annexed of the estaia
oi i;ianssa aiei-.wen, accessed.
Dated April 21, 1894.
' Lams Orki at Thi Dillss, Oeioos,
May 1. 1884.
Notice is hereby given that the followinir named
aettier has filed notice nf her intention to make final
proof in support of her claim, and that said proof
will be made before the Kegister snd Receiver at
The Dalles, uregon, oo June 20. 184, vis:
Formerly Mary E Brownhill. H m-stead Ko. 2774.
for the s hf se qr, nw qr ss qr, snd se qr sw qr, sec
24, tp 2 s, r 12 east.
she names th-- following witnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon and cultivation of aaia
in l, vis:
F M Ihomnson, James La Due and C H St uzhton
of Dufur, Oregon, aod W J thnmpwn, of Boyd, Or,
JUiUI w. lk is,
may5 hagister.
S herifT's Sale.
VT OTICE Is hereby given that undei and by vir-
1A . tie of sn execution issut nut oi the Circuit
cour' of the state of pnron for Wasco countv. on
the 16th day of April 1394 upon a judgment made.
renoeiea ana entered in bam court in a suit wnerein
Walter Breexe was Dlaintiff ani Alfred KennHv an.-l
Carol! e Kennedy were defeawfants. to me directed
and delivered. I did on the Sl-.t day uf Apll, 1884,
duy levy upon and will on Saturday, the 26 h day
oi joay ires, at z ocioca ID uie alternoO'l ol sai l
day in front cf the Court bouse door in Dalles City
Wasco county. Or n, sell to tbe haghest bidder
for cash i hand all of the following described real
estate to-wit:
Lot 18, 1 section 4. snd lots 6 snd 6. in section 9
all in township 1 north, of range 13 east, of the
Mil am.tte Men tan, containing 20 73 acres accord
ing to the government survey thereof, tof eth r
with the 'euements. hereditaneot and aonurte-
nanoes thereunto belonging cr in any wise apier
taining, or so much the eof as shall . be D- oessary to
atisfy the aum of S309 6-' and interest oo aid sum
at tbe rate of 10 pet cent per .annum since the 8th
day of Januaiy. 1894, and the costs of said writ ana
accruing eosts suit expenses of sale
Dated at The tial es, Waaco Connty, uregon, April
27,1894. T. A.WAB0.
bberuT of Wasco County, Oregon.
We want man nic-n, noijtp. Lo; a. nnd rirh lu
won: f.-irua a few honi a d tii riiii iii.atid around
ttici-owu homes. Tue burlm-s i.i ran-, pleasant.
"trittlv honorable, and pa s belter tlmn snv oilier
O'Jered agents. You have a clear fit-Id snd no
competition. Experience and special ability un
necessary. No capital required. We equip you
with everything HuU rou need, treat you well.
and help vou to earn ten times ordinary .wages.
women do as well as men, and boys and girls
make good par. Any ono, snywliere, can o the
work. All succeed who follow our plain and Sim.
pie directions. Earnest work will surely bring
you a great deal of money. Everything Is new
and in great demand.. Write for our pamphlet
circular, and receive full information. No harm
done if you conclude not to go on with tha
George Stinson&Co.,
- Box t83,
Legal Notioes.
Administrator's Sale.
WH-.REA-i, the Ho-. County Court of the ate
of Orego ,, f r tt e Countr of Wasco ru tha
6th day ot November, 1893 duly m .de an order tit
recting me, the uuly appointed, qualified and acting
administrator of the estate of Krnest 8. Ii are, de
ceased, to sell the lauds snd premises belonging to
said estate, and hereafter particu.arly described, at
public auction, to tbe highest bidder, for cash in
Sow. therefore, by virtue of such authority, and
in pursuance of said oroer, I III, on Saurdsy. the
lOtn day of Fehrua v, 1894, at the hour of ten
0 clock in the forenoon of said day, al the fr uit door
01 tne Lounty Cou t titrate in DalU-s Citv, 'asco
County, o egou, sell, at pu t ,u tion. o The hign-.-
t bidder, f jr o h in hand, the lands v d p emu
belonging -o id estate, and particularly described
m fo lows, lo-w t:
The sou t'. quarter (s.J) and the southeast
quarter of the ortbwest quarter (set of uwtlof
section fifteen. (16) in townah p one (I) south, of
range fourteen (14, east, of the Willamette Meridian
in Wasco ount.v. Oregon, containing two hundred
acres of land, -aid -ale will be made aubfect to ap
proval and confirmation of tbe aaid County Court.
baled at Dalles City, Wtseo 'kmnty, Oregon, this
9th day of January, 1894.
Athu'r of the utate of Ernest 8. Ha ,ge, deceased
Sheriff's sale.
th.- Circuit Court of tne Sfte of Oregon for
YVasco County, in an action ent tljd J W Blakeuey
vs Andrew Ganger and M.ry , and tome
directed and deliver d, I d.d, on the 1st day ol
uarch, 1894, levy upon, and will -asll at public aue
tion, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, on
'. Moo my. tnt- 23 I nv of April, 1894.
at tw o'clock p m of said day, at the Court Hou-e
aoor in Dalles Ci y, iu Wasco county, Oregon, tlu,
following described property., to-wit:
All of that land iving iu the west ht'f of the
northwest quarter of section seventeen, ( 7) town
ship tw . (2) north, of r.ugi. thlr.n (13) east, and
lying between the south bank of the Columtiia rivr
nd the Union Pacific Hallway Cumpany'a track and
right of way running be-ween Ihe Dalles, in Wasco
county. Uregon, and Portland. Oregon, teirg the
land purchased br Andrew Ua er from o orae rt
flavor, all of said laud being in Wasco county,
Uregon, and being about taenty acres, more or teas,
or so mucb thereof aa shall - e sufficient to satisfy
the sum of ttave hundre and fifty-six and tlfty-Uvo
one-hundredths dollars, ($166 65.) interest there
on at the rate of eigut per cent, per annum from
August 9th, A D. .890. Taken and levied upon a
thv property of Andrew and Mary Gtnger to satisfy
aaia sum ef 46066, and interest thereon, in fat or
01 n niaaouey, togetber with costs and accruina
A . A WArtl",
Sheriff of Wasco County, uregon.
Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, March 23, 1894
- Administrator's Sale.
NOTICK IS HRRhBY GIVEN that the-tindcr-sig
ed, administrator of tbe estate of Ham.
son Coram, dec a- ed. by v rtue of an order ni th
ounty Court of tbe Stats of Uregon for nasco
i" prooate, maue on tne sin day of Septein-
tuv . it iuag 1 1 -, '
" M,u m --apnnuieuiarv oraer made by-
said court of date Dec moer 22, 1893, will ou -atur-
aay, me ztn o.y ot January, 1894, at the oour of i
P. M. of said day , at tbe Court House door in Dalles
City, in Wasco Countv, state of On gon, sell at pub
lic auction to the highest bidder for cash iu hand,
ru. .-ct to tbe couttrmation of aaid Court, all of the
following described real es ate aud water rights, be
longing .0 tne estate ol the said deceased, to-wit.
ibe west naif of tbe nortnesl quart r, and the
nortnweat quarter 01 tne southeast quarter ot sec
tion twenty -five, in township two north of range ten
eaat of tne Willamette meridian,cont-iniiig 1 0 acres
and ailuatod in Wasco County, etate of regon; aud
a. so tbeeas. half of the east half of section o.
twenty-five In township So two north of range ten
east l tne Willamette meridian, containing 160
a.cres, and situated in Wasco County, utate of Ore
gon, together with the tenements, hereditament
anu appurteuances-and water rights thereto belong
ing, and belonging to sail est.te
All t ie above described property, includinr the
water rignts, to ne rold in one parcel.
Dated, December 22. 1893.
Administrator of the estate of Harrison Coram,
otlcs is hereby gived that the onderslgnsd Ex-
has filed in the County Court of tne State oi iflveon
f r Wasco Connty, iu Probate, on January 26th.
1894, a full and complete account as such txeeutor
to ana including January 2oib, 1894, and ha intend
to, snd will, on Monday, the 61 h day of Marco, 1894
spply to the Honorable Geonre C Rlakeiev. Jmln .a
said Court, for au ord r allowing, approving and
settling his accounts, a lowing him to resign as such
tawuiw anu exnouora-ing aim from lurtuer liabil
ity as sain executor.
Executor of the Estate of John 8tuusy, deceased
aanuary zy, aeifa.
Assignee's Notice.
XT OTICK is hereby given that C. L. Phlllins.
signee of Wm Fane Co, insolvent debtors,
baa filed his final account ss such ass urn ee in Vie
circuit court of the 8tate of Oregon for Wasco
county, an tnst smm onai account will be beard in
said Uourt on Monday, tbe Kth day ( February ,
1884, at the hour of 8 o'clock P. M., or aa soon there
after as tbe same ean be reached by tbe Court, said
day being tha first day of the regular February,
ISM, term of said court. C.
Dalles City, Oregon, Jan. 12, 1894,
Executor's Notice.
In the matter of the estate of William H. McAtee,
Notice is hereby tiven that the undersigned has
neen oy.tne bounty u urt oi Waseo (, btate
of regou, appointed ex.cutur de bonis non Instead
of B. C. McAtee, removed, o the estate ot William
11. MeAtee, deceased. Ail persons having claims
against, or business with, said estate are notified
and required to present same with the proper
voucners to toe undersigned executor, at his reel
denes in The Dalles, Wasco County, uregon.
Dated Tbe Dalles, Tgon, tha 12th day of Jan
uary, 1804 GEOhOE A. LIh.BE,
txecutor of the tstatsof Wm. H. McAtee, decs'd
"VT OTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned has
11 oeen appoiutea oy tne uounty court.
oi tne tit-ite us uregon, tor waaoo coun
ty, in dnibate, guardian of the person snd es
tate of Nancy Stanley, an sfl-i-d and innrm Derson.
All persons hv ng claims against said estate are
hereby not i ned ai d required t present them to me
at the law odi x ot Condon Oondo . in Dalles City.
uregon, witn proper voucners tnereor. -
Sinn uui.
Guardian of the person and estate of Nancy tttan
ley. an ageu and mnrm pirson.
Dalies city, uregou, March 17.
Administrator's Nklc3.
dersigoed was duly app doted administrator o
tbe estata of Nels Carlsod, diceasea of Oasoa d
Locks by the C unty Court sf the dtate of ureon
Coo -ty of Wa-co, oo September 22, 1893. And,
therefore, all persons having claims against said
estate are required to present tbe same, with props
vouchers att ened, wiihiu six months from the flat
of this notice, at my olhce at Ca cade Locks, Wareo
County, oreg-n.
tatcsue locks, sept, so, ims. .
tdminlstrator of the eitate of Sale C.ri oa . d -
Laid Optics st Vasoorvia, Wash.,
April 2. 1891.
Notice is hereby given that the fouowiiig-nameo
settler has filed notice of her intention to make
commutation final proof in support ol her claim,
aod th.t said proof will be made before W. R. Dun
har, commissioner United States -Circuit Court for
di trict of Washington, at Goldendale, Wash., ou
May 12, 1894, vis: - v ;
formerly Mary A. Barry, Hd No 92l, for the w bf
ue qr aod w hf se qr sec 31, tp 3 n. r 14 e. W M.
tone names tne touowing witnesses Co prove tier
continuous resiocnce upon, ana cultivation of, aud
lana, viz: YSaSflBi
Dietrich H stegman, William Wilkinson. Herman
Eugleke and James Riley all of CentervUls P O,
ap7 JOHN D. OEOOHEOAK. Regiater.
Laud Orrics at Tks Dallmi. Orsooh.
Abril 8. 1894.
Nstlcs Is herelir siren that the followinir-nsined
settler his filed notice ot his Intention to
make final proof Id support of his claim, and
tla said proof will be made before the Retrister and
Beceirer of tne V. 8. lausl office at The Dalles. Or..
oo Slay 17, isut, ns:
Hd Ko 8507. for the lots 1 snd a, see 13, tp 1 n, r IS s
He names tha following- witnesses to prove bis
continuous resiaenoe upon ana cultivation of
land, vis:
Anna Brown. Thot McCoy, Chas Green, Dell C
Wilder, all of Tbe Dalies. Oreiron.
ap7 juun w. ut.wia. Hetrister.
In the Circuit iurt of tha State of Oregon I
tha County or Wasco.
E B Dufur. Dlaintiff. vs W T Rogers, defendant
To W TBVsrers. the above named defendant:
In the name of tbs btate ot Oregon, you an here
by required io appar ana answer the complaint
filed against you in the abre ebtitled action on or
befrstbe n'Std.yol the next regular term of tbe
above entitled court, to-wit: on or ra-fois Monday,
lbs 28th day of May, 1V94, and, if you fail so to
soswer, for want thereof tbe plaintiff will, take
Judirmenl for the sum of slS0.00,ad liitere.tihereon
at the rate ef of ten per cent, per annum -l- oe July
1st, IVOi; tor 30 as a reasonable attorney's fee for
institutius; said actioo to collect the note tnerdn
aued upon: for tbe further sum of S38 sfi, and lesral
inienst thereon sioce the 17th day of Mar, leS2; I r
tne rurtner sum or sisi, and leir-i interest inereoo
since June 2S, 18i!l, togeiher with i lainufTs costs
ana disbursements ol action . in is summons is
herebv served udou vou br publication trier-or .y
an order duly n.aae by the above named Onurt at
Its regular February Term f erect on the 24th day
of reoru ary. lev. - raAJia ataine.rr.BK
marSl-7t Attorney for Plaintiff
VT OTICK is hereby iriven that the undersigned has
1 1 been duly appointed by the uouuty vours of
tne state o ureron tor wasco ununty, in pro sate.
administrator with the will annexed of tbs estate of
Clarissa McKweu. deceased, and all persons having
cairns againat said estate are hereby required to
Dissent them to me at the law otfiee of Condon
Condon in Dalles City, Waaoo County, Oregon, with
Io six SMQths truss the data of this nntios.
W. fl. WlliKI.
Administrator with the Win annex sd of the estate
Of Clarissa McEweo. receased. -
Daoed April il, 16, .
You Wan t Your
We keep the LarjreRt and Beat Assorted Line in
the city, of Dry Goods and Notions, Gents' Fur
n.Bhing GondR and Cloihinc, MnV, Ladif' and
Cbildrf .im F tie Shoes
We Want Ym nm
Of course we will pat Prices to suit. Always do
that Noti-idy undersells u. Come around and
1 Xr V
nrnoi aiiariiBiTTr.
BEFORE and AFTER ?iln!1Lm"
awx.- . Kidneys nd the 11 ri narv nrvtviismr mil immi.i..
irtT- "trengrtbensand renton-sfunall
als. A wrl
Kix.slx for Sl00, by mall. Send for R a a
For Sale by K. W. Helm
aA.0. KELLER, Froprietoi.
Port 81,
Sherry 81
Muscat 83,
Angelica 83,
Mountain 83
nn Gi-eeroi-io "Vineyard Co. A it envy
All Wines and Brandies Guaranteed Strictly Pure
The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Always on
the Celebrated Pabst' Beek
171 Second Street, ,
The Bew Umatilla House
SINNOTT & FISH. Proprietors
a 1" 'i 1 I atarJ
lar0 - .
free Oiiinibus to and Trom tne
re-Proaf Safe
establishment on tbe corner
". prppureJ
Spring and Summer Suits i
, i ,
Corner Third and WaehlcRton Streets.
Gored Hams, Bacon, Dried Beef and Tongues,
And thp rat Bpfftpka, MoMon Chop and
Veal Outlets id tbe niarket.
Orders Delivered to Any Part of lire Citv.
Fresh VpjfetablfS on 8l
San i Francisco i Beer i Hall
F. Ti-opi-Ietoi-.
as i sail
Tllld PATaTsT0ig.
Th Fs Prast
-. -,- - ,'i jo inn, Wni quicsi v care you i
youa or dlsi-ases of the generative oiguosTaurn V TfaaTi
Insomnia. I'ahialn tha Rnolr .mi.i 'E ".rr B 1XS'
111 quickly cure you of all ner-
wniin ir sia j i . , .-. - ... .... m-
weak orjrnn-Z
circular ? ffZZZ?!.V.' Uct pscmaocuiourfi
Box HOT, Sao Frai CaL JorSaUb,
& Co , The Dalles, Oregon.'
Burgundy 83,
Zinfapdel 84, "
Riesling 83t
Hock 83,
Table Claret
and Liquors,
for the Safety of a!l Valuable
of Tbini apd Fdnral
to make '
at the Low pa I Pncea,
s . -
iat lists as, scwij-lgr, "
...I-." l.'U.-1s'