The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, May 12, 1894, Image 1

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    ' -J.'.
' - ' ' 1 " " ' ' " --..I ... ,.. i i i 1 i a saewaaiaansssanwo)
John Michell, Editor and Proprietor
ngsoopy, year....
tig copy 'month........
sa-Teraa etrictlv to advance.
,. 1.0.
. t ik. Pnatntlr at Tht Datta. Or teond
CUut Halter for tratumiuion throagk tke mailt.
Secretary of dtate
..8. Pennovei
Phillip lletschao
Supermtendent of Public Irurtruction.. E. B.
Sea ton J.H. Mitcbcli
rv.n.m.mai-first dtotrict B. Hermann
second district..
..'A'. R Hdfc
State Trinwr.
. Frank Baker
County Judge..
Clerk ;.. '
Commissioner.... -.-----Auemr....'
i. ....... ..........
(Superintendent of Public School
Coroner. .........
.. George B'ake 5
T. A. Ward
.....J. B.Croewn
Vim. Mlcheli
Jas. Dernieilt
J. w. Kuala
E. F. 8bart
Troy ehelle
..N. M. ta8too.
Professional G rda.
Physician and .Surgeon,
Room S and 4. Chapman Block. The Dalles, Ore.
Physiciajasnd Surgeon,
' Boom over Dalle National Bank.
Office honn It A.M. to It M., and from t to P.M .
Residence Weatend of ihird street.
Attorneys at Law.
Offln On Court street, opposite the Id Court
House, Tbe Dalles, Or
At -
at Law,
Office Id Schanno't boildlnK, np-rtair..
C The Dalles ' "
a. a. dp
Attorneys at Law.
Booms 42 and 4S Cna man Biock Tbe Dallr. O. .
Rett! Estate.
Insurance and
. Loan Agent.
i..nt 9nr tiM Reottish Union and National
nrance company of Kdin migh, Scotland, Capit
Valuable Farms- near the City to sell on easy
OtSoa over Post Office. The Dalles. Or.
Dalles Military Road Land,
. v : " ' X-CALL ON" .Z:. '
;..: , (Socseaspr to Thornbury Hudson),
8J Washington St., THE DALLES, OR.
-' Lands, or the laws relating thereto, yoo. imi e nult
-. him free of cbaqre.- He ha made a specialty ot th
. " business, ar d has pract ced before tbe United States
Land Office for over ten years ..
He laaeentfor the EASTERN OREGON LAND
COMPANY, and en sell you. Grasine or I nim
proved Ansicnltorai Landa in anv quanitv esireu.
Will srnd pamphlet aescriblng these lands upon ap
vUcataon. ' He is agent for tne sal of lot in
Thompson's : Addition
- ' " TO
This addition Is laid off into one-acre Inis. and Is
destined to be tbe principal res dence pari of the
i'-'eltv. Only twenty minutes' walk from the Court
. House and ten minute irom the Railroad Iepot.
To Settlers Located on GoTemment Lands:
If j on want to borrow Hooey on long time, he can
t .,-1, acjotTtroodaie toq. T , .
yoi euii't call, write, and your letter will be
romptly anw arsd.
SS Washington Strtst.
Tie Slunilag Greennause.
HatIdpT enbived oar Floml Outlen and increased
oar already U(ge coiiecion of
Potted Planfs, Roses, &c.
We w;h t announce, in addition, to the
public, that we h v m .de a ape lialty of
' Pavaay Plantti and Forget-Me-Nots,
WL1 be Sold at Reason b!ti Prices.
We au hara a fine (election of Dihlla Bulb,
which for heauti are unetcelled. We are prepared
te furnish on abort notice Cut Flowsra fjr weduing
poruos, socials and f umTils. -
Snecial Prices to Cash Buyers.
Irj-BsodsBeateV Fiiriiisiiiigs
i. i ' - 1 "' - -
iu nvl Biroei. next door easdof Tbe Dalle
- . . National Bank.
Eavirtf vst opened In badness, sad hat mr a full
MortoiMit of tho latest food in my lin,.l deu
8. 8CBENC&,
-' (Successor to)
?tssrsz?w york- san a and
Directors t
D P Thomfsoi, . Eo M Williams,
13 SoHmcx, G BO roi A Libs.
Keeps on band tbe oest
fines, Lianors and Cigars.
Near tbe Old Mint, Second Street,
Familiar" Faces is a low foe..
Late Special Agent
Uen'l Land Office.
Iiirfnce:&nd Collsction Agency.
Paries bavins: pioprtv thev ish to 11 or tra
ooures to rent, or abstract of title furuisbed.
Sua t to their advantage to call apun as.
We ' all m&kf .prdaliy of the prosecution of
eUlnis and conttsts before tbe.Ubited States Lalid
ufSoe. july2S
58 Washington
AND ; .
Second and Union Streets. .
. ... .. ' J. . . ..
L. NEWMAN. PfoBrietoT
I will furi.lsh drafts and estimates on til buildin
dwellinira'and stiira.
Mr Ostlund is a practical mechanic, and the plant
drafted hv nim will prove anistis. cheap and dura.
We - " '
Paints, Oils, Gla&
And the Most Complete and Latest'
Patterns aud Designs in
W A X. JL, P A I, E K .
Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. None but
the best t randa of the Sherwin-Williams Paint used
mall our work, and none but the v. oat skilled
workmen empioyeo. ah orunra ui w piu,nP.f
attended tu .
Shop adjoin-nir Columbia rackirur uo..
THrR " STRECT - .. . .- DAiU!-
lencral Exon
Good hauled with the jrreatest can to all
art of the city on short notiw. .,w
' Tt-acLier of
Iiistrumeiital Music
i m.... nn thi Plan., nr Violin. Person
desiring instruct! ns can four 'heir names at E.
Jasohsen's or I. C Nick. lavn'. Music Store. Second
est. Tie -alles, Oret-on. - : wrio
Andrew Velarde,
The Dalles.
.i rR: Lock Box 181.
WelliDgton, Eock Springs,
- and Rbslyn CoaL1-
112, sacked snd delivered to mny part Ol
tbaeitj. , . s :
At Moody's Warehouse
Dress Making.
A U person Jsdriaf dre smiktn? don will pi
rail at th resident: : l-txm y ruut d by Mr L. e
1 nt'er Latrst style from th east. Salisf a c l
or and Builder
Horthern Pac.
la the Hne to take
t to th Dining Car Route. It nun Through Yep
nbuled Trains .ery pay in tne yer so
rvimpu ed of Pininar Carp nnroirv-teed. .
irawin-rni Meepeia untax
Beat !t)iat can he corrtnjcted. and Id which acooni
modation- are toth Fret and Fornisbed
cr holders of Firat 01 Hecond- . s
class Tickta, aoi
A Continuous Line, Connecting with
A.I1 Lines, Affording Direct and
Uninterrupted Service.
Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured In ad
. yance u ronxn any sgen. 01 uie roaa.
Enirland and Europe can be purchased at any ticket
omce oi tne company.
Full information CO mine rates, time of traics.
routrs aud other details furnished oni plication to
W. C. ALLOW AT, Arent
D. P. A. A Co.,
fiepulotor office, The Dalles, Or.
Asst General Psssenf er Asrt.,
No, 121 1-irst St., Cor. Wa-h.,
Chicago. St. Louis, .
East B"und....
West Bound...
.11:16 P. M
. 3:46 A. M
From tbe East...-. 8:40 A M
From the Wist .11.10 P M.
Steamers from Pcrtland to Sai Francisco
' For 'rstes snd svnrral information call on EJE.
LVTLE, L'epot Ticket Agent, lbe Dalles, Onajon.
W. B. BLBLBl KT, Asst. Gen. Psn. Agt.,
264 Wachiiuiton &W, fortlana. Or.
Merchant Tuilor.
Next door to the Wasco Cxnnty Sun, Court
between First and Second. Tbe Dalies, Or.
Sample : Rooms,
58 l' ROM
(Near!) (opposite Umatilla House.)
The Best -Wines,
Liquors and Cigars.
Cigar Fact jix
nilDO of the Best
Branrls manufct
Ul mnO an
ured. and ordea from all palU
of the country filled on tbe shortest notice.
Thereontation of THE DALLES CIGAB
has become firmly established, and the- de-.
mand for tbe home manoiaotaaea aracie,
increasing eyery day.
den24iv-tr : - A. CLE1CH k. SON.
R. E. Saltmarsne
. Comolj Treasurer's Notice ; :
All eonntv warrant 'registered prior to
I.n i &: 1890. will be Did i n ureeent
uon at rav office. - Interest cease after thir
date. William Michbll, ,,
County Treasurer.
The Dalles, Oot. 21. .
Blot at neotidale.
8COTTDALE. Pa., May 4 A not oc
rnrr-d at the Pointer work ot tbe Mc
Clure Coke Company, at 6 o'clock th
morning. The comDtnv mnde ao effurt
O " -
to siari this and other plaota Tuesdat
and loiiav thd women deitrm ned to
dile the "blacklegs"' from work with in
pans, c'ulw, coke forks and brooms Th
marched to the cokeytrds Sanfurd
White, tbe mine superintendent ; Ewioi.
B Roddv. a ho.'kkeeuer. and a lot ol
deputies were on guard. A shot wa
fired to scare tbe women and the mrn
rushed to the scene. Wnite opened fir.
on a rrwd bat numbered over 100 A
tie first fire three men fell, wo :nded, no
shot through the thifrh, one through bo h
lees and the third in the neck. Ih
wBitn curried off the woonded and Il-t-
infuriated men Bt-t upon Wh te and Rod
dy . While was beaten ver lbe lieail
Knocked down and kicked and hruisro
nliout 'he hod v. His recovery is dnutl
ful A big Hungarian had White down
cd wa- standing over him witn an ax
when he was knocked down bv J unes
Tarr, a store clerk, Ridrty was at firs
tbriught to be bad v ii jured. but he es
caued with only alight brui-ts. While
a'l this was going "n 'lie deputies sli
one woman, who I- said to lie dying. It
is nnw believed at least 16 were shot.
There is great excitement throughout the
i nti.e region. 1 be sinkers are buenming
despera'e and mobs are HSembling at
various nomts to raid tbe plants.
Dr. W. H. Cole, the company physl
Clan, states that 15 strikers went noo
o tbre charges. Three men and one
woman were carried off the ground after
tbe first charge, and when the mob fin
ally retreated tbev bore away at least 10
more. Three woanded were lett near
the works, twonf whom will die Whit
s pnfft-riog inteng" agnav and Ins reeov
ery is r!outtfnl. Roddy is believed to he
fatally wounded. It.-is feared the, for
eigners will avenge the deith of the'r
counrmen. It would not oe a surprise
here should tbe strikv-rs resort to dyna
mite to blow up the works.
The X win western Army.
Tacoma, May 4 The Northwestern
indus'iiai army has degenerated into au
unorganized body of tramps. Na freight
traius were sent out today . eastbouod,
and the men will hive no cbance to steal
ride until tne overland train, leaving
here at 11 p. m pisses They are scat
tered, to tne number aoout 8 10, between
Payallop and the samtnit of the Cas
cades, waiting for a chance to snek on
tbe blind liaggage or brake beam. Mar
sbal Drake returned today Irom Hot
Spring. He has lefts x deputies at Les
ter. tins side of the tunnel, aud otnrs at
tne principal stations netweea bere and
tbeie. The sidetracked tram at aimer.
which tbe cminuuwelers boarded last
nigbt, is still there under guard of six
deputies. Must ot the inoustriais wbo are tramping up the ia:k lo
email squads The crowd at Puvallup
as bieu moviug out ail day. not more
than 800a remain there now. Ucueral
Jiimbu went tu-Hot Springs with the
Oiarfchit last uighl ano returt.ea to ruy-
ailuptoday. Hh claims that 75 ot bis
men reached lakima lai-t . night m a
ir lgbt train Wi ich lei t here early la tbe
day. They locked tbemselve. in a box
car. Rsili'oad i ffi ia.s say only 27 went
through. Tbe army proposes lorendtz-.
vous at Spokane, "Jumbo' deprecates
train s'eaiiug methods, but advit-tstbe
stealing ot rides in crowds ot eight or
ten This is the way the men orouose
to go.
Ellensburgh, ' May 4 Toe ndancc
contingent of tbe Puyallup Coxeyites ar
rived here tuis m irnipg in a reirigerttor
car, 60 strong, aud ao hour ater left f r
the east. About a dozro went up town
andentend a Chinese-lestaurant. They
ordered break las', and then refused to
pay lor it. Tbe (Jhiiivst are very indig
nant. The ut It lot win find It difficult
to secure meais in the same way . Those
who airived tbia morning aid 400 more
wi'l tie in on the freight due at 9 o'clock
tooigtt. It Aeeui to be tU'i p ilicy of the
company to rush tbeui through
citizens probably will not
Coxey, Browne ot at. oa Trial.
Washington, My 4 The Coxeyitei
bad a good bieaktast in camp today.
Health officers say that if Coxey does
not get another site, legal proceedings
will be commenced to expel him from
his present unhealthy camp, CVixey..
Browne and Jones were placed on trial
in court today on a charge of via!aiog
tbe United Sia'e- statutes in unlawfully
displacing oaooers or devices on tbe cap -
liol grounds snd breakiog tbesbrubs and
olan-s there. The court wa crowded .
Lawyers for defeod'iut- moved to quash
the information against-defendants on
tbe ground that the law under wbicn
tbey were charged i void, because it
prohibited the constitutional right of tbe
people for redress. Senator Allen, who
was present, said be appeared merely to
see tbe mea on trial have a fair bearing
He beld tbe law under which tbe infor
mation was brought was uucnu8tl:utinoa.
the motion to quash was deoied, and tne
work of procuring a jarv begin.
Representative Van Yoorhis, of New
York, declared in court tbat tbe com
plaint was not sufficient to imprison
Coxey. When the coart everru ed tbe
met inn to qaasb, Pence of Colorado said
be appeared a counsel for Coxey. A
motion for a severance ot the cases ot tbe
three dettndaots was ovtiruled.
Fight Oyer Barled Treaaarr.
CiTT OF Mexico (via Galveston), May
4 Tbe people of Toluca, In the state ol
Mexiro, have related for years a story to
tbe ffect that a great treasure wasaburied
on the Jalpa ranche, netr tbe town. Mnn
day a laborer on tbe raocbe found just
under tbe surface a large fiat stone, with
the inscription, ' Five million dollars are
buned bere," and tbe owner of the ranch
began digging for tbe money. The peo
pie of To'Uca claimed tbe treasure was
theirs, and the town authorities forbade
him to dig further. " Botb tbe town and
tbe ranch owner set watchers where tbe
stone was found. Tbe werk of excava
ting bas been stopped Sod each side is
reaty to fight. Trsops bave been sent to
Toluca to preserve peace.
The Jenkins' O der.
Washington, May 4 Representative
B mtoer, chairman of the special com
mittee of tbe uouse judiciary committee
appointed to investigate the Northern
Pacific decisions of Judge Jenkins, today
submitted to tbe lull judiciary commit
tee tbe majority report of . tbe special
committee. Tbe report was discussed
or two hoars, bat do action was taken
by the full committee. Tbe report was
made tbe special order for tbe full com
nittee next Tuesday, Rep e-entative V
V Slone. of Pennsylvania, tbe Repari
an member of the committee, dissents
torn tbe majority report on the. ground
.hat it is an attempt to make judicial rul
I iae, but be bas net yet submitted a min
ority report Tbe report says that tbe
orders of the court reducing wages and
prohibiting the employes Irom quilting
work were a gross abuse of tbe power ot
tbe court: were supported by neither rea
son nor authority; were beyond the jur
isdiction of the ludge, and were there
lore void; that the second or upplemeo
try writ was more reprehensible than
the firct, because the ju'ge was advined
before he rendered it f the exact oi
l 'Ct and purpose s oeat to be accom
Kobbrd an Invalid.
Central IA. Wash., Mty 4 Mr. Hub
ner, an invalid, hying in tbe soutb part
of town, who has a b'iod wife and a
daughter to support, was, wi:h his fam
ily, awakened last evening by two men
at 11 o'clock, and his daugh'er was to d
her em putter's wife was nick and meded
ntr. She declined to go, and 'he men
asked tor something U eat. f ood was
obtained snd 'he girl opened a screen
door fastened ao the io-irie, when the
m-n forced themselves id. covering the
facher snd daughter with pis'ols, and
proceeded to Search the house. Under a
in Ureas tney fouod nearly $300, wuii:h
they appropriaed. Eir y this mmning.
the gin sought the auihonties and told
her sorv.
A Voanx 14 ,llor.
Vancouver, B C, My 4-Lst nighi
tie little eo.i of Ciptaia McRm, of the
American ba'kotiae Kilty FlirJcinger
feu overboard lata the chilly waters of
Burrard in et before the eves of his
mother. Mrs. McRte - immeduteli
jumped oyer alter him, but, being un
able to twin, botb would probably have
been drowne I had not Dick Tibhett, an
apprentice on the aarkentine' Xuntippe,
lying a ong'ino, gallantly plooged in al
ter them He succeeded is holding both
above water until a boat arrived, though
terribly xhauted and cou'd not hav-
he'd them much longer. Tibhett was
presented with a go d ring by Captain,
l-fentM- to Fallow.
Washington. Mty 5 Tne constitu
noun case of the tinned states agaiust
J. S Coxey, Carl Browne and Christo-
pher Co um bus Jones, for luvading the
capitol grounds with a banner and tread
ing on tbe grass, was continued in tbe po
lice court today, and bids lair to continue
indefinitely at its present rate of progress
Alter much informal threshing around
and battling over insignificant paints.
the prosecution wss finished. The de
fense r Hcred an nnsnccestul demurrer to
the suffi leocv ot tbe evidence, and when
it takes up its cr se Monday it will have
on hand several membeis of congress in
the nspasity ol Senator Allen
was not there today, but his congres
sional quota of the delense was fil'ed by
Renretentative Hudson, ot Kansas, who
assisted Lafe Peuce. Once daring the
d-iv the fieiy Colorado man attacked
Judge Miller's course of procedure, but
afterward disclaimed any intention to re
flect on the impartiality of the udgetJ
Mrs. C"Xey was in court with Miss
Mam e Coxey, the "goddess of peace."
and Jee C xey, tbe walking svmhol ol
the union of the blue and gray. Con
gre-s was represented by Haiuer ot Ne
braska, B anil of Missouri, Wugh of In-
1ian. Sid ey of Peonsvlvania, Meredith
ot Vrgioia and K m ot Nebraska.
Es t of the R-ie Ira.
Des Moines, May 5-K ley's srmy is
tonig it tempi rarily dismissed from pub
lic attention through the promise that it
ill di-aopear Irom Des Moines pes -
tively not later thin Tuesday morning
Kelley's men to.iuy all voted to accept
the proposition to take b crges. The Des
Moines people were so much re ioved over
this solution that thev have sn'iscr bed
money liber-illv to billed 150 boats, 6x16
f-e .toc.rrv 10 men each. Kile ws
compelled todav to tke part ot his army
purse money to buy 1100 pounds ot m-a1,
as tbe men were grumbling at nytng on
bread aud crackers. Tomorrow morning
the saw mil's will be set to work to cut
imher for the boats, and Monday a!' tbe
men in the Camp who can hand'e ham
mers, aided by the mem tiers of tbe Des
Moioes Carpenters' Union, will be -t to
ork framing the barges. It will bean
unique undertskitg, as tbe river ba oot
been used for transportation since 1844,
and Is full of snndoars and snags and un
usual I v low. Mtnv predict tbe venture
will end in disaster. Eelley thinks be
an reach Oitumwa tbe evening of tbe
second dav.
The Coal Famine.
Chicago, May 5 Tbe soft-coal famine
is b ginniug t tie seriously felt in Chi
cago, and some of the sarrounding towns
as well. Coat that 10 days ago wis prac
tically a drug in the market at $3 75 a
ton, was eagerly sough) for at $ 5 a ton,
and it is claimed Oy some dealers that as
high as $5 50 was obtained tor small
quantities. Seme nt tbe Chicago consu
mers attr hate the limine lo a scheme ot
the Ohio & Western Pennsylvania oper
itors. Assistant Central Manager Wood,
of the Co cago & Anonis of tbis belief.
He said:
For the la-t year the Ohio operators
nave been storing coal at the various lake
points. They accumulated - 66.000 tons.
and then cut the wages of tbe men to
the starvation point, knowing they would
strike rather than accept tbe cut. Tbey
also figured that the Indiana, Il'inois and
Iowa miners would strike in order to aid
their Ohio and Pennsylvania brethrfn."
Several other ruiiroad officials made
tbe same s'alement One . said over 50.-
000 tons ot Pittsburg coal lay in barges
at tbe docks at Cairo, and even greater
quantities were at tbe St. tiouis aocss
and also at Alton,
The Earth Agalai qwaked.
Athens, May 6 A severe aerthquake
shoes: wis telt at 5 o'clock this morning
at Thebes, Atalantt and Livadia. Tbe
shock was slightly fe t bere and a so in
tbe northern part ot tbe island ot Eaboa.
King George and the members of bi
party landed today at Stvlida, and sab
seqaently proceeded to Ltmaoia, where
a te deum was sung in the cathedral.
Tbe prophecy made by Professor Faaib
a few diys ago thst there would oe a de
structive earthquake Fiiday oi Sunday
caused a pan e in tbis tity. A large
number of persons tie leved tbe prophecy
and thought their buildings weald be
destroyed. A great many ot them en
camped in tbe fields about tbe city, and
many others fled tor safety to the nil is.
where thev remained Friday and Satur
day nights':' At the Piraus many inhab
itants parsed the night in boats, belie
ving the water would besafty than the
land in tbe . event ot a bsavy earth
quake tatriltrra rreated.
Babnksvtxlb, Minn May 6 Deputy
United States Marshal Short arrested 17
ex strikers last nigbt. A ioint bond of
$6000, signed by 34 iiroperty -ho ders of
.te c ty and county, was promptly exe
coted. The charges are based an sets of
violence committed daring tbe G'eat
Northern strike.
12. 1894
The Train Sidetracked.
Tacoma, May 6 The commoowealers
put a toipedooo the Northern 'acific, a
mile and axbaif east of Eision, late this
evening, and stopped ihe east-bound
freight train. Over 100 of them boarded
it. I tie engineer backed the train into
Ei-too and sidetracked it Deputy mr
ihals are on their way from Stampede, a
statioo 11 mties west o' Etaton, to eject
the commonwealers. It Is er-timi:ed
that only one-naif ot tbe army originally
camped at Puyallup bas croosed tbe
mountains Tbe marshals headquarters
ares'HI at stampede. All tbe deputy
marshals who have been guardloc rail
Mad property in Tacoma have been with
ir-iwn, and a large portion ol the f.irce
tiuw on tbe road between here and Stam
pede has been called in.
A Church Kuw
Aberdeen, Wash., May 5 Tne jus
lice court of Si. S. Arnold, of this city.
was crowded yesterday to listen to tbe
ventilation of a chuich row among the
brethren of the Presbyterian church at
Cosmopolia. Rev. M. Parker, " pastor of
tbat church, wa. on trial tor assault and
oa'tery, the comp a nt being sworn oot
tt Mm. O ive Arzna Gaihraith. The
evidence showed that a row bad been
brewing there for some time, the woman
lo question having assisted matters con
siderably, and, a lew oigh's ago, she de
mauded tbe church records at tbe close
ot a prayer meeting. To save tteuble,
be psstor ordered out tbe lights, and
told tbe initor to put the woman ou
Lic-b he at once did. The prisoner was
XtoTlnx Eastward.
Spokane, Wa-h., May 6 The first big
wave of tbe rVestern WasbinUn Coxey
lies rilled in here today, t here were
about 100 of them. Tbey were beaded
by -one Jeffries, an agitator, who formerly
ran a paper bere and ' tried to practice
. Aboot 200 of the scattered Pay.
ai lap army were caught at Pasco hv a
force ot deputy marshals under Sam Vin
son I bey are ngly over their detention.
and Vinson has telegraphed for rein
forcements. He expects trouble when
others pile in at Paaco hom tbe west.
Coxev's regiment here Was given a bene
nt t Twickenham Park today. The net
proceeds were about $100. Spokane's
army gave au enthusiastic reception to
the men from tbe west.
The Traanpina; Bands.
St. Cloud, May 5 The only trouble
with the 'weaicrs reported from" the east
was at St. Cloud, Minn , where a band ot
40 seized a train, wt)icR tbe conductor
he'd until deputy marshals arrived.
Fi'zgerald'a New England contingent
marched irom New York to Newark, N.
J, and tbe C unecticut division from
Bridgeport to South Nor walk Galvin
is in rittsourg, still try.Dg to secure
tisnsportatton. He has about concluded
to tramp it. Riodall took bs men from
Hobart, Ind.. lo F ink Like, where they
will pass Sunday, and ' fxoa) . tb.ere will
move on to Valparaiso
Crashed to treath.
Medford, Or , May 5 News reached
this city today ot tbe accidental deatb of
Ed Smith, a yoang man, 21 years of age,
who was working in the logging camp at
Olsen Bros' mil', oa npper R gae liver.
He and another man bad just pot a Urge
ioad on tbe wagon and smith mounted
the load, intending to ride to lbe mill.
On the way, one - wheel of the wagon
struck a lock and cramped the wagon,
throwing yuog 8m tb on a rock. One
ot tbe los from the wagon rolled opoo
him, crushing him in a frightful manner
and caused tustant deatb.
Hew Diap)tea Slav Arlttea.
St Paul, May 6 -The Globe says all
is not harmony n Great Northern rsil
roid circles, aSd on tbe ' uihorityof numbers of tbe American Rail-
way Union if is said tbe company is act
ing in Dad laiih, and is oot waiting for a
comoleie aojusiment ot all tbe differ
ences bv arbitration before beginn ng to
toil'iw the same coarse that led op to tbe
strike in some p rticolsr.
The Cnmmlttefi Kill.
Washington, May 7 After more than
two weeks of patient and hard work, tbe
Democratic members of the finance com
mittee, acting through tbe committee of
r vision, ol which Senator Jones has been
the head, late this evening gave to tbe
public the amendments which bad been
heralded as thr compromise measure
upon which the Democratic party was to
solidity, and after a brief debate passed
tbe tariff bill. The committee was in
sesfion all day Sunday, and tbe experts.
cbarKed with formulating the amend
ments upon tbe conclusion reached by
the committee, were kept at work all
through Sunday night, Tbe final print
ot lbe bill reached the committee- room
sool after noon, when the majority mem
ber of tbe committee went into execa
tive seas on Meanwhile the senate bad
gone Into executive sessi in, and it was
supposed the amendments would not be
reported until tomorrow. During the at
lerooon, however, copies ot th amend
ments were laid on the desks of each
senator, and in this informal way tbey
were reported as public.
As printed they comprise 81 pages of
the ordinary bill size, and a carefulcoant
of the Bomber oi amendments shows tbe
aggregate to be a little more than 400.
Many o' tbe changes are unimportant,
and consist of a restoration of the bouse
duties which tbe senate bad agreed. . A
number of articles baye been taken from
tbe free list, among these being agricult
ural products. Tbe sugar - schedule is
identically as bas beretolore been pub
lished in these dispatches,' namely, 40 per
cent ad valorem on all raw sugars and -n
additional cent on all sugar above No.
16 Dutch standard,' with a discrimina
ting .duty of I 10 cent against those
countries which pay an export bounty.
The oolariscopic test bas been dropped
Irom the schedule A provision tbat will
set at rest much of tbe discussion likely
to grow oat of this section is tbat which
expressly stipulates that tbe treaty wiib
Hawaii shall not be cojstrued to be abro
gated or in any manner irauaired by tbe
passage of tbis act. Probably as tbe re
sult oi the criticism that the bill bas
been draws on sections! lines, tbe com
mittee bad reduced the doty oa rice. -'
- . War tm Africa Ended.
Zanzibar, May 7 Tbe punitive expe
ditinn, under Colonel Colville.sent against
King . Kabarega. of Unyoro, bs van;
quished that king, it is leported from
Meugo , Uganda. Kabarega attacked,
last November, at Torn, a ci.ief wbo was
a British ally. The chief app'ied to the
British for aid, and a fore of 300 Nubian
soldiers, commanded by' Major' Oweo,
was sent to bis assistance. This force
mst tbe force of Kabarega, aud after a
fight of three boors tbe latter fled, leav-
ing at least 50 dead on tbe field. War
was tbeo declared on Kabarega, and a
force ot 700 Nubians and 10.000 Way-
anda natives sent against him. Five
thousand of thu latter carried firearms.
This foice was too S'rong for Eatiarega,
and though bo gave battle he was routed
I be exuedinon has established a chain
of forts irom Albrrt Ntanzt, on the
banks of which Kabarega had bis bead-
quarters, to Uganda. It is expected tbat
the sncoss of the expedition will prove a
deathblow to the slave trade oi this re
gion snd will bring Arabian influence to
an end. A force under Major Owen went
to tbe north end of A bert Nyanzaand
descended theJSile to Wadeiai, wbeie
tbe British flag was planted.
Two Convieia' Bloody Flaht-
Salbk. May 7 There wa a bloodv
fight in a prison ee l of the Oregon state
peniteutiarj Friday night. Tbat evening
twoconvics had a little quarrel over tne
reading of a newspaper, bat wben tbey
went lo bed nothing was thought of tbe
quarrel. White, serving a year term
Irom Umatilla county, occupied a lower
bertb id the same cell with J. H. John
son, front Oregoj City. Wnite teli asleep
and was awakened by Johtson, who was
on top ot bim, slashing at bis face and
throat with sbtetiron kuife, which coo
victa i. re permuted to have in their cells.
The meu struggled and rolled out of bed.
White in tbe meantime shout eg "mur
der" at the top of bis voice. Tbe tumult
brought the guard to the rescue, and ou
opening t e cell door be fouod tke men
fighting on tbe floor, one bleeding like
hog at a slaughter pen. Johnson was
removed to a dungeon, where be is still
confined, while White was taken to a
hospital, where be will be lor some days.
Oar Indian Affairs. -
Washington, May 7 Senator Teller
today presented tbe report of tbe com
mittee on civilized tribes of Indians on
affairs In Indian territory'. Tbe report
shows an anomalous condition of society
and indicates tbat many abases bsve
grown ap. Tbe report give tbe Indian
population ot tbe territory as 50,055. and
tnere are between 250,000 and 300,000
wbo bave no rights to cifzensbip. Tbe
Indians tbtmaelvea are beld responsible
lor the intrusion ot whites. Tbe expense
of maintaining the federal court and
prosecuting crime in tbe territory is about
oae-seventb of the judicial expenditure
ot the United States. Tbis cannot be
fully remedied until a territorial or "state
government i established. Tbe com.
mittee thinks, however, a partial remedy
may be found in the appointment ol two
additional justices and the appointment
by the court ot commissioners at different
localities. ' '
Chris Bnekley's Lamb.
San Francisco, May 7 Joseph B. El
liott, business manager of the Chronicle,
was shot at shortly after noon today,
Tbe shooting was done by Jake Rudolph,
a well knowo politician, and for many
year's Chris Buckley's right -band msn .
Mudolpb entered tbe business office ot tbe
Chronicle and excitedly asked for M. H.
de Young, the proprietor. He was told
that tbe atter was st the fa r. Rodolpb's
excited manner drew Entott from hi of
fice and be was admonished to be quiet.
bat, drawing a revolver, attempted to
moot jyiioti. The latter fell upon Ko-
dolpb, snd in tbe straggle tbe revolver
was discharged, tbe bullet spending it
self on some silver contained in tbe busi.
ness manager's pocket, thus saving bi
ll te. Rudolpo was arrested, and refutes
to ta.k.
The Wool Tariff A (reed on.
Providence, R I., May 7 A Wash.
Ington special ssys that the proposition
ot tbe woolen manufacturers to tbe sen
ate committee on the wool tariff is as
Tbe McKioley tariff is to remain un
touched tin January l, 18U5. tben a re
duction ot 10 per cent is to De made, fol-
lowed annually by a similar reduction,
until abso ute tree-trade conditions are
reached "
This schedule bas. it is understood.
been eubmi'te J to the New England man
ufacturers by tbe D moiratic woolen
manufacturers, and they bave agreed to
it, and it is claimed virtually a I the
woolen manufacturers ot the "United
States bave sighed tbe petition.
The Cause of the Depression.
Washington, May 7 McGann of Illi -
dois, chairman ot tbe bouse committee on
labor, bas framed a terse pint resolution
proposing to appoint a committee of six
senator and three member of tbe bouse
to inquire into the cause of tbe present
industrial depression and idleness, and to
report within 80 days. The resolution is
to make inquiry on broad noes so tbe ef
fects of the tariff uncertainty, sliver leg
islation, etc, all will be considered with'
oat reference to tbe politics involved.
Washington, May ,7 Representative
Bland has received a let'er Irom Repre
sentative Allo, of Mississippi, member
of the coinsge committee, stating be has
decided to vote to report the tree coin
age bill, bat Representatives Tracey and
Harter object to proxy voting, thus tbe
tree coinage bid is at a standstill until
Allen returns. Tben tbeanti-siiver men
bint another absentee will lurtber post
pone reporting the bill .
The Tariff on Bogar.
Washington, May 7 Representative
Breckinridge, of Arkansas, ul tbe com
mittee on ways and means, today intro
duced tbe following:
Resolved, That tbe committee on
rules is berebv instructed to report a role
making it in order to amend any general
appropriation bill so ss to reduce or re
peal the bounty or tariff ou sugar, or
eitbei of tbem."
Frye Again on the Hareh.
Indianapolis, May 7 General Frye
and an army ol 20J filed eat of camp to
day on tbe march to Wasbington . Frye
said .he roasting tbe local press bad given
mm bad pot $500 into his pocket. He
win reach Washington, he thinks, witn
$'3000 in the treasury from the sale of bis
Don't Want Them..
Walla Walia is not favorably iuchned to-'
ward the Coxeyites and are determined to
"speed tbe parting guests" by the most
available mean. The business citizen and
honeat 'laborers of that town on Tharaday
evening evi let.oed their disapproval of the
Coxey armv movement at that community in
uo nucertaia tone. The meeting wa one
of the largest on short notice ever held
there, and the action taken meets with gen
eral satisfaction. There i no doubt ex
pressed that the hoard of county commis
sioners, city council and ponce omoor win
ai t in the movement to check an unneces
sary agitation, rebellious ia its nature aad
whicb could only result in injury to the fair
name of Walla Walla.
Tbe continuous cool westber is having
a bad effect on growing crops, and tbe
grain planted tbis spring bas made little
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
II V C2r
The "Industrials."
At 3 o'clock Sunday morning Company
H" ot the industrial army, under com
mand ot Captain Kenny, arrived at The
Dilles and went into camp below Moody's
warehonss near the railroad track. During
the forenoon tbey were met by Mayor
Kreft. who furnished them with sufficient
proyinous to last them until they reaohed
Umatilla Junction. Quarter Master Breck
eoridge, on behalf of the company, heartily
thanked the mtyor for the kind treatment
hi oompany had received, and aaid that it
was not their desire to remain in any com
inanity a moment longer than necessary
Mr. Biecaenndae ssid also tbat the ma
jority of Company "a were mechanics.
and all were American citixens. Perfect
military order is strictly enforced and no
one is allowed to leave the camp, and no in
toxicants are permitted to enter the esmp,
Tbe most interesting personage io this
company is Mr. Luke Johnson, their on 'or
bearer, who stands 7 feet 4 inches in his
bare feet." He says that although be is
in sympathy with the army be is a very
'unoommonwealor " .
In answer to a qaestioo regarding the ob
ligation of a new recruit the following was
handed the report r:
I have sworn to support the constitu
tion of tbe United States and the industrial
army. '
"To obey all lawful order tbat may be
said,' sent or banded to me by those author
ued so to do,
"To reader cheerlul support and assist
ance to all officers and eomrsdes of tbe
"To never violate any law of the Unitd
State or sacb state or territory in w tainn I
may be, or aid or abet any riotous oooduot
''To respect the right of property and
law and order.
"To never act in anv manner to bring dis
credit upon the industrial army of tbe
United 8tats."
When asked about their capture- of a
Union Paoifio train a few day ago, in direct
opposition to their oath, Mr. Breckenndge
said, "Well, we ware hungry, and bad to
Yesterday afternoon another detachment
arrived and -went into oamp with those who
bad arrived the day before. lhey now
number about 80 in all, and they bave very
comfortable quarter near the old brick yard
io the east end of the city.
Speech of Hon. J. B. Cleland.
Hon. J. B. Cleland, last evening, at the
opera house, waa greeted by a good audi
ence After several hoice selections were
rendered by th-' Orchestra Union, th
speaker was introduced by Mr. J. M. Pat
terson, chairman of the Republican county
central committee, and be beld the atten
tion of the audience for fi hour in the dis
cussion of public questions. His tyle is
argum ntative and coovi-.cing, and while he
may not ct eat- that enthusiasm that a more
impnlsive orator would, bis reasoning cn
tbe issues of this campaign lead men to ex
ercise their cooler judgment. He did not
talk much about tariff, but on those subjects
inwhicnithe Populists are attempting to
lead citizens astray. He bas a command
ing presence, a clear enunciation, and at
tracts tbe attention of bis audience more by
the arguments h- uses than by any flights of
elojuence. Mr. Cleland left a good im
pression on the people by the logical method
be adopted, an no donbt his - speech will
bear good fruit at tbe coming election in
June. .
. Caastic Criticism
The Salem Journal indulges in the fol
lowing canstio but just criticism of Pen-
noyer's Ashland speech: In theory Pen-
noyer bas been a reformer. In practice be
has himself joined in extravagance and ta
ken all that was in sight for himself, a
nearly everybody else seems to bave done.
He says he recommended the abolition of
tbe domes tia annimal sommisaion for servic-
on which he gets $250 a year for doing noth
ing. If be had had the Jefferson simplicity
and Jacksonian honesty to refuse to take
this $2,000 be draws in 8 years for doing
nothing he would be a true reforme-. And
so with thousands of dollars he draws on
other boards and commissions. He clearly
oes not earn a dollar of tbis money on the
domestic animal commission wbxb ba
nothing t i do and never meets. If be were
an honest reformer be wonid not draw this
money One act of returning a dollar thus
dishonestly snd illegally squandered by law,
would do more for tbe cause of reform than
all bis long tirades about economy. '
Cnknowa Dead.
The Lewiston Teller says: Tbe coroner
was summoned to the mouth of Ten Mile,
Monday morning to bo d an inquest on a i
unknown body found in Snake r ver, at that
point. The description of the man shows
bim to bave been about five feet aad ten
inches i w- ight 160, luht cotnilex-
ioned, with short dark -brown or black runs
tache, and that be hid been in tbe water
two or three months No one was able to
identify bim, but it is thought by tbe d -scrip
ion that be is one ot t ia two men wbo
were drowned in a creek several miles above
Asotin, about two or three month ago,
whose name was Crea.
Mew Machine Shop.
Mr. Henry Ciongh, who is well known to
our citizen a a thorough machinist, ha
opened a chop on Second ctrret opposite
Messrs. J. T, Peter A Co. hardware store.
He has lately procured lathe, engine, eto ,
and is now prepared to do all kind of work
entrusted to bim. This ha been needed in
thi city for some time, and especially so
ainoe the removal of the railroad (hop from
thi city. Mr. Clong'n ba bteo a citizen of
The Dalie for many year, sod hu compe
tency as a machinist can ba vouched for by
those acquainted with bim. He has sil th
machinery Decenary for repairs or new
Land Transfers. '
May 6 Hood Rivet Townsite Company
to William A Langille and wife; lot 6,
block C first addition to town of Hood
River; $259 50.
Msv 70 W Champlia snd Lizzi
Chamilin to John S Koootz; lot 1 in sec 30,
tp 2 n, r 13 east; $35.
Common Council.
An sdjnuroed meeting ot the eonnoil was
held ia the recorder's offioe Saturday even.
Present T. A. Hudson, W. H. Butts C
F. Lauar, J. N. Jolos and L. E Crowe. '
Tbe mayor being absent T. A. Hudson
wr appointed chairman pro Um.
.The object o! the meeting was to receive
the report of the marshal in regard to la
pounding livestock and any other business
that might be brought forward.
The report on itnponniJing livestock wss
referred to the judioiary committee, with . '
nstrnctions to procure legal advice and re
port at the next meeting. t
Tbe bill of James H. Blak any amen a ting
to $46 75, for as of team daring the
months of March and April wa read and -
ordered paid.
The bill of Saitxmarsh A Co.. for feed was
referred back to them for date.
Oa motion when the council adjonros it
adjourn to meet Monday afternoon at S
o'elocc, p. u. ' -' - '. - -.
On motion it was ordered tbat the slsetrio
light pole, situated near tbe Sisters' aoade
my, be taken down by reason of it being in
a dangerous condition, and tbat a swinging
light be substituted io its place. -
The marshal wa iostrncted te be present
at the meeting Monday afternoon, give his .
report, and iurniah an : explanation of mat
ter oonneotsd therewith; also to show causa
why his duties have not been attended to.
It was tben atated that there was a stag
nant pond of water or oesspool, situated on
or near, tbe premises of th lata Joseph
Beesiey. ' Oa motion tbe matter was re -t
erred to tbe eommittoe on streets and pub
lic property with instructions to ascertain
th feasibility of patting in a sewer to af
ford drainage for tbe same. "
On motion the eoooeil adjooraed. -
Ao adjourned meeting of the oooooil wss
hOd yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Present Paul Krelt, Mayor; G. C. Eahel-
man, L. E. Crowe, T. A. Hudson, W. H.
Butt and T. N. Joles.
The object of tbe meeting was to bear a
report of marshal regarding impounding live
stock, eodbis explaostion regarding bi ac
tions in not enforcing the ordinanoe in rela
tion thereto. i
Th report of the marshal whioh waa here
tofore presented to the ooanoil May 6, was
read. . -. -. , ,..'-,.,--:,-
On motion it was ordered to inform tbe
attorney 'for James Herman that the council
will oot pay damages for sale and death of
hi steer.
It wss ordered on motion that a telephon
be placed in tbe offioe of th engineer of tbe
fir department.
It waa ordered that the atreet oommi-
sionor drain the osaepool or stagnant water
in front of tbe Beezley's premise by oat-.'
ting a ditob on the south side of Fol too
street and onnoeoting it with the aewer oa
the head of Washington .street.
It wa ordered on motion tbat tb rerhoa-
itranoe filed againat the ceeitraotion of
idewalk oa th south side of Eighth street
be considered aofioientvand that the im- '
provement be oot made.
Oo motion tbe recorder waa instrooted to
request F. Drew to conatruot the aidawalk
90 tbe west side of Court street adjoining
is premises, as heretofore ordered.
The recorder was ordered to collect tbe
rent on tbe aoda work budding ot tho rate
of $100 a year. - ......
Mr. T. N. Joles was than appointed aot- .
log mayor until Mr. Krefr'a return, a he
Informed the ooanoil tbat ha was going to
leave tbe oity for two or three weeks.
It was ordered thst the marshal famish
full and detailed report of all his offiotal
aotions during tb mouth, a provided for by
the ordinanoe. .
On motion tbe council ad onrnad.
XTotectlon Prices.
Ia a few day tb roads leading to Tbe
Dalle will be crowded with wool wagons
wending their way to this city, where they
can market tbe produot to a better advan
tage than any point ia the northwest. The
vaogoard of tbe wool brigade ha already
arrived, and from th cleanlioe of th
fleece, the length snd strength of th fibre
hopes are entertained that thi year will
eclipse all other in th quality of tbe pro-
act. Bat buyers are scarce, and many of
these cannot be expected while tb olip ot
Eaatern Oregon i expected to eompet in
tb Boston market with that from th
Argentine republic and from Aaitralia.
One year ef protection prtoes woold again
set Oregon sheepmen on their feat, and to
oa figurative leogasge, they woold be able
to see their way oat of tb woods. It is
well to dwell in the pleasure of hop and
posse a firm conviction thst a change will
come, wben Americana will be proud of
their country and American laborer will be
the beat olotbed of any in tb world, aod
oot dwell in tbe regions f despair.
Sinful Extravagance. '
Such exirayagaooe ia hardly to be
behaved in auoh a close eoonomiat as the
great oracle of Populism. Gov. Peonoyer, as
the following woold indicate, and his many
admirers will be gtsd to know that it was
imwly a report: It waa reported that on
Tuesday lsat whil in this city, ssys tbe
Rosebarg PUundtcder, Governor Ponoyr,
oat of bis great abundaooe of thi world's
goods, gave the forty odd industrial asti
worker, assembled at the depot enroot to
joio the Coxey army iu Washington, the
magnificient aom of $5,' with which to pur
chase food, eto. It i u sales for th Gov
ernor to preach againat th iinful extrava
gance of tb late republican legislator while
iodalgiog ia sacb reckless extravagance
himself. Jnat thick of itl Five dollars for
torty hungry men more than a dime apieoe
Wben Baby wa sick, w gov her Castors.
When she was a Chfkl, ah cied for Caatoris.
When she became Ml, she dung to Cesser,
vvawach had CfcUdrwa, f-"- I rirtsiku
ruaraatetd . MRS. krt,LFF L