The Tifles-Mauntainer SATURDAY. MAY 5, 1894 DEMOCRATIC RESPONSIBILITY. It is evident that the Democrats of (be senate are in a quandary, say a the Inter Ocean. Tne tariff bill la stalled. Xbe income tax feature is necessary to thb support of Ibe Populists, and yet it in alienating some Democrats. To take it out or to leave it would be dai.geroua. On one side ia Scylla, on tbe other Charybdis, and the Odyssean problf in is hard to solve. Tt is clearly the duty of the He- publican senators to render no assist ance to the other side in getting out of the dilemma. If the Democrats have made a mistake' let them rectify it as best they can. lhere are no - occasions when party consideration must be set aside. A publio calamity should always be averted, if possible. however strong the strictly political temptation may be to let the enemy ' fall into the ditcb of its own digging Tbia, however, is not such a case. Even if tbe fate of the proposed in come tax iUelf were really at stake, and nothing else, there would be no occasion for Republican anxiety. There is no good reason tor reviv ing any special war tax. . But very little really depends upon the fate of this feature of the Wilson bill apart from its effect upon the fate of tbe bill as a whole. It seems from the re marks of Senator Teller, of Colorado, made in debate a few days ago, that his state has such a tax as an integ gral part of its general revenue . sya- ' tern, and that it works - fairly well. He does not see that ' it is - much dif ferent in practical operation from a personal property tax lie did not, however.advocate the tax.but obvious ly regards it as wholly . unnecessary as a part of our national revenue sys tern. It is clear that the Republicans should let the Democrats of the sen ate decide the fate of the amendment as an amendment, and thus be in pos ition to antagonize to the: best possible advantage the bill as a whole. But it now " looks as if congress ' would have something more perplex ing to consider than- the income tax, There are converging on Washington from all parts of the north bands . ef unemployed - workingmen' attracted there solely because the government of the United States is located there. From an industrial point of view that city is : about the . last place in tbe country to attract , workingmen. It was designed from the first to be de voted exclusively to the uses of tbe government and such persons and in terests as might grow out of such gov ernmental affairs. It has got to be quite a large city now, but all ia the original line. These industrial pilgrims are neither tramps nor anarchists. The disgraceful riot in Boston Sund y was "incident to the movement in a sense, but in no respect a part of it. The rioters ' were local toughs, ith no thought of enduring the hardships of the commonweal The "army," wher ever found,seems to be gaining tbe re spect of the people along its route. At Washington they will hardly , be snuffed out by neglect. At least, if they are wise, they will by, their, con- I dnfifc and rtAtilinnn nnmmand resneot. I ana in proportion as tney no win meir demands increase the responsibilities I of the party in power. "Tbe notes of the national bankers are guaranteed by the government. " Salem Independent. The falsity of the above statement has often been pointed out, and the Populist organ knows it is trying to deceive its readers. Tbe government in its sovereignty jo secur ity for no man or corporation. Only as an agent that is itself first secured does it agree to insure tbe payment of ' national bank circulation. The gov ernment holds property that is ten ninths of the amount of the bank cir culation ot this country, and thp Salem organ knows it or might know ' it. Hillsboro Independent. V , . ITEMS IN BRIEF. From Batordar's Daily. K'r. C. P. Balcb, of Dufur, is ki town to day. Mr. Fred Merril1, tbe bicyclist, is regia- - teredat the Umatilla bouse. Two cases of diphtheria are reported in the city; but these will be isolated, and there will be little fear of the contagion spreading. . Hall's Hair Renewer enjoys tbe confi dence and patronage of people all over tbe civilized world who use it to reato e and . keep the hair a natural color. ' . i Mrs. J. B. Warner returned from Arling ton last evening, and left on thi b at this morning for her home as White t-a moo, Wash., accompanied by lira. M. Spink. A man was arrested last night for firing a pistol off in the streets. He was brought before tbe recorder and nned fa and costs The city treasury was reimbursed to that amount. There will he -a meeting of the E ght Mile McKinley club on Satnrday evening. Mav 12tb, at which a fnll discussion of pol itical issues may be expevt-jd by"1 public speakers. Tbe are light which was formerly p'nc d at the Regulator wharf has baen rt moved to tbe corner 01 Frout and Uonrt sireet. Tn s was rendered ne:essry bv the high w r io the Columbia an 1 to afford a safe 1 m ling for the boat. Ko cattle have arrived at tbe stockyards of R K Saltroarshe tt Co. ftr the piat i wo -days, but bogs are shipped daily. Lii-t week several carloads were slipped to Troutdale and rortlaou, and a tuy seastn miy be expected in a fi w days. A load of woolahived atMooly'a ware house today from Aott lope. Th fl seues were very clear, and the fibre very, long. Eastern Oregco wool should oommand a . good price in the market this season, ss it is exceptionally free from dirt, an i ia of extra quality. Increase tbe appetite by the use of A cr's Carthartio .fills, iney cause toe stoma n, liver and bowels to perform their functions . properly, do not debilitate, by excessive stimulation, and are not irritating in their . action. 'As an-after-dinner Pill they are nnequaled. Lewiston TeJer: After having been laid np several weeks for repairs, the stean er Almota has again been put on the river for I regular trips. The first trip tip was made Wednesday. .Everything about the rig gings of tbe boat are ia hrstcl ss shape and works to perfo tion . .. Last evening ' Gov rnor Peonoyer left Portland for the scuth rn portion of the state for tbe purpose of openiD? bis cam paign, tie will deliver bis nrst speech this vfuingat Ashland, and from there will 'scenery. come northward, speaking at tbe various promt en points on both si e. 01 tne river. Alt r making a thorough canvass 01 ine Willamette vallev. Governor Pernio er will cross tbe Cascades and visit the principal own- ot Eastern Oreeon. tie will con. elude his campaign at Portland, making his closing speech Saturday, June z. - No small objection which voting folks had to the old time suring-medio nes was beir t auseousaes. in our uay tins oujbuihuu removed and Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the most powerful and popular of blood-puritiers, is as pleasant to tbe palate as a cordial. For the past few days the principal tot-ie of cnivem.-i.ra on our streets ha b?eo the expected visit of the branch ot C-iXV army, which baa been at Troutdnle. Duly rhey hive been looked Tor, anil tne luquiry of persons meeting on the g'ree's his bdi-n ia reference to this matter. There was a very obstreperous drnnkeu mu arrested this mo niug, wno w.e atuhhtini that tne othcen. were forfeit to drag him through the s-reets ti 'ha ciuoty jail. He was very wild uutil ! ui 1 1 the cod tines of the jail, wneu ne quieten down and became tractable W W tTniou: Thursday morning C 1. Gmpton received orders from the War IJenartmeiit 10 have two troops iu rrui- n. trt mnvfl at a. moment's not ce, eithe by rail or march, should their services be requ red to suppress the industrial army CoL Compton designated troops U and II, commanded bv CaDtain James R. Richards and Capt. W. E. rt ilder, for this purpose. Pn'novillA Ym- With the fl ods we hnvn had here in therast month, one cou d ayiw4 anvthtner fmm hirrh waters: but a nnrMnnta.ti n of this lace visited the De aMintaa lnat week, when- it was reported higher that for year", and had o look long anrl harrl for a Hiatance Tnis river runs r1r,a-n hill an fast that a foot rai e S rnor- mnna Trnlv this is a wonderful stream. and a better one for fishing never lay out of doors. Portland. Tom-hawk: E I Kdlfether. who was not Dermiited to to as one "f the Mult nomas delegatioi to the state convention in Astoria, turned up there with proxy irom Umatilla county. He had much to say and was continually recoeoized by Chsirmin Weathxrfnrrf aa lha 'VeDtltmsn from Urn tills." The result is that every member of that dftlocration has caneht his effulgent, fffrirveacent and ilowerv brogue. Even Senator Riley, asked me: "Au' phat does vb think av the oominashune? Ai shure ae the Jane inn will rise out of the east dip its golden hne3 in the camm blue wath ora 01 the Paeifick. every min ay them will be illicted." I told him that I thought so too. . ' From Monday's Da ly Mr. Jones, a sheepman of Mftihell, gave Us an agreeable visit this morning. Mr. F. Swift, ot Tygh valley, was in town Saturday. We acknowledge a pleas ant call. Miss Kose Michell returned last niebt from a visit to the midwinter fair in San Francisco. A marriage license was granted by the county clerk todtv - to J toon turcica at-a Miss Emma Pearl Rohrer. ; .' The funeral of the late Mrs. Wagonblast took nlace from tne Methodist church t' day. It was largely attended by relatives and mends of the defeated. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sobults and children arrived in tbe city Saturday night from Sin Francisco. They will spend some days here yisitirg ineods and relatives, Dr. Hemlock, of Mitchell, gave us an agreeable call this moraine. He is the r C. of Welcome lodge, No 61, K. of P , lately organized in that town, which now numbers 33 members. - There are three oases of diphtheria in the citv. and each, at 1 .at accnanta, was re-ov ering from the ravsges of the disease. They have been properly isolated, and there is little danger ot tbe contagion spreading. .The next venture in journalism in this citv will be a Populist organ, edited by Air H. D. Jory, formerly of Sherman coaoty It will not be large, but is expected to sound forth in shrill note) the doctrines of iti party, There teems to bs something wroog about that celebrated artesian well they have been boring in Harney county. The county icurt has held bacw $583 of the contractor's Pv. nd wDt hi,n 10 Put dawn new wc" A petition was circulated in Weston last week, and signed by over 100 ritizens, pray iug Internal Revenue Collector B'ackman to reconsider his appointment of Divtd Tay lor, of Athena, to tbe position of store keeper and ganger of the Weston distillery . One hobo and one inebriate were arrested by the police force, last night and incar cerated in Jthe county Jill. Xbey were brought before tbe recor der thin mcrning, and the result of ibe interview was such as to make the city treasury mora plethoric. The weather is very coil for April mouth; but notwithstanding this fac! the risa in the nver something never experienced bsfore during this month of the year.. Tbe ,nd ,re npldiy approtching the Umatil'a tiouse. .. ' Among the "industrials wno passea through the city Saturday were some who bad formerly resided in this city. One had been a deckhand on tbe Regulator, another had worked at the company a shops, and others were known as boys on the streets in former years. ' At a meeting of the Republican central committee Saturday afternoon, at which a full representation were present in person or by proxy, except the mambnrs from Bike- oven and Aansene, the resignation of Mr Frank Menefee as chairman was accented. and Mr. J. M. Patterson of this city was elected to nil tbe vacancy. Tbe McKiuley club of Columbia precinct ,'H mutin. -. I held a meeting Saturday evening at Fair- held school house, lhere were quite a number present from theimoiediat vioioity, and some from this eity. A number of stirring speeches were made, and the o-.eet log closed with the most hopeful feeling among those present of the success of the Republican ticket. We are informed that high water has again interfered with work at the Locks. and that the Day brothers were forced to discharge nearly all of the force of men Friday evening. Since they have taken the contract there have been many unavoidable hindrances to tbe progress of the work, and the unprecedented high water in the Colum bia has b;en au almost insurmountable ob stacle. We learn from the Oregonim that sfter their arrival in fortlrnd, Marshal Grady picked 62 as -leaders of the contingent to Isoxey a army, and these were imprisoned in tbe city and county jails. The others in the box cars were taken to A bioa.and were guarded by D. S. troops. During tbe trip iroen Arlington aoout 7o men had managed to escape, raakir-g the number 434. when 504 had been arrested at the former place. The wider ia oyer io Oregon, hut there i an item in an eastern paper win in every woman fhpul.i cut out and piste in the top ot her butbantl a hat, as a sure proof of tne dagger of compe'ling tbe woman of thi nouse to split the kindling wood. Th item says that a Minnesota weman was splitting wood in the bouse, when either ber blows or tbe expressions she wa using at the tme jarred down a hanging lamp which exploded and burned down tbe hnnse. Reaebnrg Plamdealer: J G. Kelley left here yesterday to inspect the route by which is proposed to connect Rosehorg with tbe mam rrad now being built from Oak land to Boh' tnia. Tomorrow or the day after be will continue his examination to I E k meadows or further if snow will per mit, and a report from him may be ex pected early next week. Meanwhile, about three miles ot mountain baa been converted into a public highway, and the construction party is marching steadily onward, making good progress and metiug with no obsta cles worth Mentioning. . A San Francisco dispatch says there is CIo.UUU.UUU lying id e ia the banks of that city for which the banks can find no use. It is offered aa low as 4 p-r cent on first-class security, but evea at this rate it must be gilt-edged. One reason for this money ba ing idle is the uncertainty regarding the fate of the tariff bill. Business men are getting aioog witn as little money as possible until tney Know where they vtaod, and the in terminable debate in the senate t nds to be- f g the business man and the capittlist who otherwise would work band in hand in re storing tbe country to prosperity. Oregonian: Wnen Mr.- Watteraon to'.d his visi ors yesterday morning that he liked Oregon better than Calrorni , they did not for a moment imagine that his sincerity wa tainted with a desire to fl itter. He was surprised to hi d so marked a difference be tween California and Oregon, and which is decidedly io Orgoo's f vor. Particnl ily Is this true of its climatio conditions. A. a lover ot perpetual verdure, from the time be approached the Oregon hue until he ar- I rived here be found a continuous vision of landscape beauty, a id was impressed with tbe fact that the fertility of the soil of the Bo as river and the W llamette vallejsl surpasses even tbe piuturetqueoew of the . From Tuesday's Daily. May day. Mr. 'J. J. Yanduyn, the merchant at Tygh Valley, is in tbe city Mr. John Crate has been acting as mar shal during the past few days. Rev. J. W. Adams, pastor of the U. B. church at Dufur, is in the citv. Ur. and Mrs. Ge P. Morgan, of the Cascade Locks, are in tbe city. Miss Nellie Michell, ot Columbus, Wash., is visiting friends and relatives in the city. New cross walks, which were very much needed, are being laid ia parts of the city. f Hon. Cbas. ji. Wolverton. of Albany, Republican candidate for supreme judge, h in the city. Repairs on the city jail are Rearing com -p'etion, and it will be ready for occupant in a few flays, Mrs. LovhIv and her daughter, who liuye been vUiting Mrs. Sherman in this citv for some months onst. returned t their home ia MiDnesma Saturday night Alrt,. Lovely is a sister of Mrs. Sherman A cyclone of considerable dimensions blew down the bell tower ot the ere de D irtment at PriDeville a few days ago. Outhouses were blown over, windows sli .ken down aud the cclene made itself known in several ways. A very interesting session of Friend ship lodge. No. . K.. ot P.. was held last evening at which there was a full attend ance of members. The second rank was conferred on a Paee. aud the work was witnessed and complimented by visitors from other lodges. Mr. R. Palmer, Very successful farmer, whose land is situated in the vicinity of Dufur. is in the city today He savg there was a light frost on vegetation at his farm this morning: but he did not consider it sufficient to damage fruit, which promises to produce an abundant i-rop. Mr. and Mrs. Brigjs and children left this morning on a visit to Mrs. Uriggs' parents at Chebalis, Wash. Mr. Briggs was formerly in the employ of Pease & Mays, of this city, aud, after the lit of June will assume & position in the mer cantile establishment of A. M. Williams & Co. There was one drunk and disorderly person arrested last night, and be was in carcerated in the repaired city jail, the first occupant of one of the cells which have been lately fitted up. These are not carpeted yet, and no pictures hang on the walls; but they are palaces in com pan son with the old ones, which served the purpose for many long years. . . High water is er ha? been a standing item ef news for the past two months.and it is in order again this week.sajs tbe Ochoco Review. Crooked river ttot up again Sunday and has been on a high ever since. It is doing considerable dam age to tbe road wes: of town, having washed it out worse than any ot the pre vious freshets. Long creek Eaule: The petition tor a bounty on tquiirels ia being signed almost to a man in this locality, t he ranchers ex press themselves as not being ab eto furnish the means to exterminate the pests even on their own farms, let alone the main army which have possession of the public domain. Much speculation is bein matte as to tne action onr county court will take in tnis matter. Antelope Herald A big Republican rally will be held at Autelope on Saturday, May 19th, at "h'th Hon A A Jatoe, Kepohli can nominee for prosecuting attorney, Hon. H. H. Du'oi uuH other prominent .political speakers will audiei- the people of this sec tion no the two gieat issues of thedv tariff and free trade Let everybody, ladies ami a I, lay aside their work on that day and come out to this meeting, Says the Pnneville Jfeuw.- Mr. Wm Adams inform these headquarters that he will save 100 tier cent, ot his lamb crop this year. -As n.ocii might be Slid for many others in tbe ame business. The season has been a m"st favorable one. Bur what is the future tontlook for the indnstrv? What is niut'oo worth? What is being pain to the employees in this business? I not the sheep herder rntit'ed to living wages? Several of the floebmastors in this connty have driven their sheep to the headwaters of Chenoweth creek, near this city for the purpose of shearing. About three thousand pounds of wool from these camps -ere received at Moody's warehouse yesterday. This is a convenient place for shearing, and close to ibe Ualles so as to require little haul- in?. Wheelmen nave caught few 6sb yet, and the salmon run is tiot expected until about the zlhh, of the present month. A n-her- man, who has t Mowed the river tor six yeara, informed a reporter this morning that it is quite early yet tor sol-non in this pir- tion it tbe (Jiluinbia luey usually nick at Astoria his, and then make their pro gress up stream. Ibe orb harvest is brat gathered at the mouth of the river, and then other portions of the state can snap what remains. The 6fty-two leaders of the "industrials' were brought befire Judge Be'linger yes terday afternoon, in Portlaod, and after they had acknowledged that they were in nocent ef any yio'atinn of the mandates of the court and promised no further recur rence of the lime act io the future, they were dismissed. They unintdia'e'y repair d to their old ramp in .North Portland, some still determined to make the pilgrimage to Washington, while others had sufficient campaigning and started oat on their "own hook. - . , sookane Ktvew: strawberries come high, buT tbe "Industrial army" officers of sposane must nave them, lesterdav Captain" brill, who is eager to leave his wife here and press on to Washington, wpnt l n ti Vinton'a Irmftrv srnrA nn Sprague street and asked for strawberries. Mr. Vinton was out of them just then, so Brill went te J.G.Davis' store near by and ordered the same luxury, at 40 cents per box. Strawberries are still a stranger to most of tbe Spokane bankers and "plu tocrats," but there's nothing toe good for the "army." Th"re were 'various rumors rife io this city last evening regarding the excitement craved by the release of the. imprisons I 'commonwealer. "industrial, or "Cox- evites. as they were various y denominated. . One report Slid that 200 men bad surround- fd the Oreyouian building, threatening to destroy that structure and lynch the editor After this another one spread to the effect that sheriff Kellv and three depnties had been killed. These are proved without foundation; but they created the necessary food for gassia. and kept people bony ta k- ing and from other mischief. Tbe lambiag season is the proper time for monstrosities, and tbe following from tbe Ellensbnrgh Localizer comes up to the occurrences in this line: "J. ri Smith- snn has a ewe that produced a monstros ity of a lamb, which was double from the shoulders back; two bodies with four hind legs and four front legs, two of tbe front lsgs pninted down and two up. Tbe bodies and the bind leT3 were natural Tbe mnnstr sity died soon after beirg born. Another ewe bad a litter of four lambs all alive. Mr. Smithson thought four were too many tor one mntber to raise so he gave two af them away." INFLUENZA, Or La Grippe, though occasionally epi demic, is always more or less prevalent. The best remedy for this complaint la Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. - "Last Spring, I was taken down with La Grippe. At times I was completely pros- trated, and so difficult was -my breathing that my breast seemed as if confined in an iron cage. I procured a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner bad I begun taking It than relief followed. I could not be lieve that the effect would be so rapid and the cure so complete. It is truly a wonderful med icine." W. H. WrxxiAHS, Crook City, 8. D. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Prompttoact.suretocure ' cat Drowned in Lower powder. Tbos. Pierce, of Lower Powder, gives the Baker City Democrat the following particu lars of the drowning of a man in Powder river last Tuesday: About ten days ago three prpec'ors ar rived on Lower Powder and pitched their camp about fifty feet above the n.rnth of the stream. An old skiff was seen across the river, just opposite their camp, and from the time it wai first espied, one of the mem bers by ths name of Murtin, concluded tnat he woull have it. For several days his fnenda succeeded in persuading hin not to attempt to secure the boat as it was a dan gerous undertaking. Martin ndevored to conviuce bis comrade', who kmw hs was an expert swimmer, that tie was tqnal to Ihe task, and after b.eakfatt Tuesdty morn log he informed his fnenda that he had fully decided to make the attempt, and removing his clothes he put on a pair of overalls and juinoer and adjusting a belt aroend his waist stepped to the bank. .-After pauaing for a few minutes he turne I around and waiving hi haud shouted, "Uooilbye boys,'' and then p'unged into the stream. It was a daring undertaking, the current was swift and only fifty feet bolow was to be S4eo the raging and treacherous Snake, whose victims are many. Martin made splendid headway aud his friends were of the opinion th tr be would reach the other side in safe y, but when he was within ten feet of his destination they were horrifi d to a. e the unfortunate mil sink. Hi i im mediately aros, a shrill acreun was h-ard, and tbe unfortunate man again sunk and ws never seen afterward. Hi- f i lends are of the opinion that he was seized with cramps aa he ho wed no sign of fatigue. Martin was a native of Pennsyl vania, and aged 25 years. t - ' Held to Keep tbe peace. Last Tnursday A. S. Briggs, of Warn c, was arrested on a charge of assault and bat tery, tbe complaiuing witness' being F. S. Gordon, of that town. He was taken be fore Justice Swift, of that precinct, pleaded guiltv and was fined S3 and coats. Tnis he paid and was giyen his liberty. ' The next day he made threats that if he ever caught Gordon outside the store he would kill him. Complaint was again made before Justice Switt, and he was arrested. The evidence ot the threats being clear to the mind of the justice he was placed nnder $1000 hnnds to keep the peace. Tn se be was unable to furnish, and he was com nitted to the coun ty jil. Deputy-Slieriff F Swift brought bim in town Saturday and gave bim into the custoly of Sheriff Ward. Gordon is the merchant at VVamic and Brigga is the "vil lage b'ack-mith." $ioo Reward, Sxoo. The reader of this paper will be pi east d to learn that there is at leat one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, re qu ires a constitutional treatment. Hall's atarrh Cure ia taken internally, actn g directly on tbe blood and mucous sur faces ef the system, thereby destroying tbe foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building np the constitution at.d assisting nature in doing its work. Tne proprietors have so much laitb in its curative powers,that they offer One Hundred iJollars for any case that it tails to cure. SvnJ for list ef testimoni als, r Addr ss, F. J. Cheney,& Co., Toledo, O. tSold by Druggists, 7AC. Stabbing- A ffray. ' Huh McEiroy was daugeronsly stabbed Friday morning at Walla Walla by his part ner, John Ainiley. Daring tbe past three weeks the two ain have been traveling tb ough the count-y ii search of work, and during this Imi were accompanied by an- other man, whose name is not known. The three men were campjd in the northwest portion of town this morning. McEiroy and Ainsley became engaged in a discussion over the cooking. Suddenly the latter drew a large pocket-knife and stabbed McEiroy in tbe left breast. AinBley then fled to an other camp, next to the low hi lis on the op posite side of the city. McEiroy was re moved to tbe hospital, and the physicians discovered tbe knife blade had entered the eft breast, penetratiug the lung four inches. Aiaa ey was arrested and placed under $j00 bonds. 'Walked Back. Soon after midnight Satnrday when tbe train having the "industrials" on board re turned to the city accompanied by U. S. troops, quite a number of our citizens were at tbe freight depot. O le of these, thinking the train would stop at the Umatilla bouse, jumped on tbe cars, but when passing that place there was such' a high rate of speed ttained that he did not consider it safe to jump, tie continued on board until the train reached Crate's point, when the con ductor ."slowed np" ani tbe individual jumped with safety. But bis chagrin can well be imagined when he ascertained the fact that his only m -ans of reaching the city was by footing it back. Another time he will leave passing trains alone and not 'ake a ride through the streets for pleasure. THE WOMAN WHO WORKS. and is tared, will find a special help in Doctor Pierce's Favorite Pre scription. Perfectly harmless in any condi tion of tile female sys tem. It promotes all the natural tnncnona, ana builds np, strengthens, regulates, and cures. For women approach, ing confinement nurs ing motners, ana every weak, run -down, deli cate woman, it is an in vieorating. supporting tonlo that's peculiarly adapted to their needs. But itrs more than that. too. It's the only guaranteed remedy for all the fractional disturbances, painful disorders, and chronic weaknesses ot womannooa. in --iemaie complaints " of every kind, periodical pains, bearing-down sensations, internal inflamma tion, and kindred ailments, if it ever fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. Something else that pays the dealer better, may be offered os " just as good." Perhaps It is, tor Jam. but it can't be, for you. JaTOHL WHIPS 25o. 50o 73o. $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 sorJE is FEATHFltROKR la made rmm nrTIT T nature's own toughest material, best whips made for the price. Cheap, Durable, ALL STYLUS, all prices, ask jour dealer fta- a . JTirr- "'ItID JTOSSAl H!37 tuii: ''llil, HENRY KUCK, -. Th Dales, Or F,8. GUNNING. t. D. H'CKMAN. Gunning k Hocknian Blacksmiths Iu till new s'io o i -eem l I 'rent first blac .'smith saop e st of French s 'n.'s brii It block. Hor' e -Shoeing Specialty. All kinds rf work In iron, whether of a&ricultuial m nlemeots cr vehicles, done in the moat mechan- style and satisfaction ruaranteed. (an2wkr fm mrnmm A Doll Market. The wearv.- walk trudging over boulders, carefully watching fir "bitiV i i shaded nooks t-r r ffl .a is nr.duubow!! ; stimulating to the a; petite an I also t th ; imagination, and lha rt.-t.s aru tirj.l limbs and fish yun- w.-'i dra , n ; bi . whether on ac count of tfco nr. i vers.-. 1 r!i pretsir.u that per vades all luaivhes of bosimsi or the scarcity of tn u', we h.-.ya hea d few of these this year. It is u-.tio-g o cora-r one of these yarns spi.,:,rrs hi n a reirtrr ia iu need of an item H i em't wiu l ii -mselt up lu tlu proper tetisu.u a:i i tti&retwi vur. .pi.uii itf is out ci the question. A!!r csr.ful con aiJvr'. ou uf t:;' ui,j -j ihe coi.eius? u !.;. been reached th-tt tne lack tl uidf legisla tion in the senate, general stagnation 1. trade and the march of Coxey' army tu Wath ngton all have their ltflumce upon the bjuvaut spirits of the trout seeker. Children. Cry . tor PITCHER' Castoria Castorii Is so well adapted to children that I recommend It as superiur to any prescription known to me." H. A. Arches, M. D., Ill South Oxford Sc., Brooklyn, N. x "T. nae CaatoHa in my practice, and find u specially adapted to affections of children." Robertson, M. D.. 1057 lid Ave., Mew York. From personal knowledge I can say that Castoria is a moat excellent medicine (or chil dren." Da. G. C. Osoooo, Lowell, Ilass. Castoria promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its deep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. Repoicio State Ticket. For Congress, Second District, W. K. ELLIS, of Heppner. For Governor, W. P. LORD, of Salem. For Secretary of State, H. R. KINCAID. of Eugene. For State Treasurer, PHIL. METSCHAN, of Grant County. For Supt. Public Instruction, G. M. IRWIN, of Union. For Supreme Judge, CHAS E. WOLVERTON, of Albany. For Attorney General, C. M. IDLEMAN, of Portland. For State Printer, W. H. LEEDS, of Ashland. For Prosecuting Attorney, 7th Dist., A. A JAYNE, of Arlington. For Member of the State Board of Equalization, 7th District, W. C. WILLS, of Crook County. For Representatives, T. R. COON, of Hood River. T. H. McGREER, of Antelope. COUNTY TICKET. For Sheriff, THOS. J. DRIVER, of Waniic. For County Clerk, A. M. KELSAY, of The Dalles. For Supt. of Schools, TROY SHELLEY, of Hood River. For County Assessor, , . F. H. WAKEFIELD, of The Dalles. For County Treasurer, WM. MICHELL, of The Dalles. For County Commissioner, A. S. BLOWERS, of Hood River. For Coroner, W. H BUTTS, of The Dalles. For County Surveyor, E F. SHARP, of The Dalles. For Justice of t ,e Peace, The Dalles, L. S. DAVIS. , 'For Constable, The Dalles. A. A. URQUHART. DAN BAKER, rPBOPRISTOB OF THB I- BEST IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC ATines, Liauors Cigars. Second Street Kaat End. rd DAX.LES 1 OROOA Find fault 'with the cook if the pastry does not exactly 6uityou. Nor with your wife either perhaps she is not to It may be the lard she is using for shortening. Lard is indigestible yon know. Bnt if you would always have Cakes, pies, rolls, and bread palatable and perfectly di gestible, order the new short ening,"COTTOLENEt" for yonr 50LD BY ALL GROCERS. Rrass All Suasiiiuias. Made only by N. K. FAIRBANK & C0 ST. LOUIS and ICHICAQO. NEW YORK, BOSTON. 6end thjen cents In stamps toN. K. Palrfaank A Co.. Cbicaa-o. for hand some Cottoiene Cook Book, contain ing six Hundred recipes, prepared By nine eminent authorities on rooking. SsLl" DO T BLAKE UlfE SUMMONS 1 for the C'ountv of Waso !he American M -rlie Companrof Gotland, I im- Z , i r , , Gltviy- admlni-tntor of the estate of Pitil,k born,, deee .se J. .lefendants. To James Dorrii, the ab ,ve nuracd d frn.lant: In the name of the -tote rf Oreeon, 3 ou are here by rwi ireu u appear .no aulwer the complaint 8:ed against you the above entitled suit, on or before Monday the 28th day of May. 1894. that being the Brat di- of the next resuiar term of ltL ? ' and ' y""'""" to answer, for want tl ere f, the p. iiiufl wi.l .ppy to said Court fur the relief deman.led in i:s c .nip a nt, to-wit: To foreclose plaintill's mortuae. made, executed and dehverrd .p 1-al.icK liorr.s. now a,ceaVe ..n ot .but tne dv of De ember, 1S9I, upon Ihe .t halt of the so ,lhear. qu .rte-and theea-thilf o! the n rtlieai qturt.-r of feci i u i i i.,,,,,.,,).,, or ro'sre 1 east, of the Wiiiairrue l..rid i n, in Ba cM County, resoa, a..d tj h.v id premise sold aocordi. g to law and the praerice . f the a ove enut.ed Court to sat'sfv uUiniiff'sde muids, to-wit, to pay the sum of ;50 and interest on said um since ftuvember Int. 18S.2, at -.he rate of 10 per cent, per annum, together with puictifTs costs .and dishurs nitn's made and expended in this tuit including subsequen. c ts And expenses ol -al; rhat upon -uvh foreclosure and decree aud sale ail of your nht, title and interest and all per on claim ne, or toe aim, by, through or under you. or bv, through or under said Patrick uorri n w deceased, in and to said premises, be forec o-ed jjid forever barred from the equity of edemptiun: that plai tilt be allowed to purchase slid lauds and preuu-ea at it) option; that the purchasers of aai-; premises have the immediate p vsersion f said uremic, and every part a d parcel th. reof, and f..r such other and fur her rnef as to the Court may see equitable a. d just. Theservic of thia su unions is uiade uon you by pubhction if in Tne Timks MorrxTaiNKKa, a news ap rof general circulation, published we ky t The Dalles, Wasco ouuty. Urrgon. it beinjr the iwper most Ii e!v to convey not ce to you, by ordsr f the :ion. W. L. fir.d-uiaw, Jude of the above en litkd Cour , whi(h order was du.y made on the Id .ly o' April, 191, at chambers, in Dalies City, W isej Countt, Ore, on DUFUR at MENEFEE, ap7 7w A t.Ti.eys lor Plamilfl. Sheriff' Sale, BY VtfiTUE OF AN FXECUTIO.V and order o f sal-, iul ou o tne Cir uit Court of tna state oi oreiren fr Wuaco cuniy. upon a decn-e and j idment made, rendered and entered by said Cou. t on the 2Hth daj of February, 1894, in favor of the plaintiff, iu a suit wherein Simon Mason was plain iff an F. A. Djugltss, Waher Douglass nd .artha Douglass, and Uluford D uirlaas Stepheu A. Douglass,. Joseph Di,utriaas, Assa 8. Doug aa, Grant DougUss, May Doug ass. Annie iMluiass, Clyde Dotiir'ass and Samuel Douelais, bv h. Chandler, their guvdiui ad litem, were dei'end at t-. ami to me direst d and de ivvred, c mm -tn.'ine to levy upon nd sell ihe lands mentioned -did de cri-'ed in stid writ and hereinafter described, I did on the 15 h day of March, WM, dulv levy upon, and wilt eil a public auction, to the high est bidder for cash iu haud, on Monday, the 16tn div of April, 1894 t, to o'clock In the afterno q of said day, at the irjnt floor of the Cou av Court House in Du'le City in Wasco Cou - ty, tirenon, a 1 of the lands and p.emea described in said writ an.l heroin described .s follows, to-wit: Commencing at the southeast corntr of that cer tain tract heretofore, and on the 20th day of May, ls82, conveyed by deed from J. C. and wife to Mrs: M A". Chnniberlin, which i duly recorded in the records of detds for W.isco Couniy, Ore.-on, at Paee 178 of Vol. '-11". thereof which deed is hereby referred to for particular description; thence runn ing east 24 rods; theuce north 15 rods; tneuce wet Z4 roos, ana tnenoe suutu Lu roils to the p ace o' be ginning; said tract above described, ljln,' and neine in section 14, township south, of range It east of the Willamette Meridian -. Wasco Countv. Ore. iron, together with the ' cements, herediraxuents au I appurtenanc-s tne' junto nelonirmg. or lu anv wise at pertaininir or so much thcr-'O' aa shall be suf ficient to satisf the sum of 4662 60, with interest, thereon at the rate of tea Djr cent oer annum. since the 6f i day of February. 1894; $60 a'toruey'a fee and 4T. 70 cos-s bi said , uit, together with the costs ox said writ an I accruing costs of sale. T. A WARD, Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon Dated at Dalles City, uregun, March '.6, 1894. Assignee's Notice of Final Account. To All Whom it May Concern; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UN derglgned, assignee of t .e estate of P. T. fibarp, an insolvent debtor, has fi ed his fiual ac count with said estate in the Circuit C urt of the state of Oregon, for Wasco Countv. and that final accouut wid be heard and pa-sed upon by said Court, in the Circuit room, in the County Court House, at Dalles City, Wasco Cou.ity. Oregon, on M'.ntJay. the 28th day of Mav. 1834. at 11 o' I.k-It in the forenoon of said day. or at such future time us tbe Court mav then appoint for the hearing of the utters (AjuuMiieu iu saiu account, ana oojsctluns, if any, thereto. J. W. CUftDuN. Assignee of the estate of P. T. Sharp, aa insolvent aeotor. aprsl-bt Attention, Freighters! BIDS WANTED for hauliug 100.000 pounds of wool (more or le-sl and 26.000 to 40.000 nounria of back freight; said wool to be hauled from Little Front creek, about fifteen mtlen southeast of Ante lope to Ibe Dales, the back freight to be hauled from The to Muddy atation, about eigntee i milea southeast of Ant lope Ad w.ol and freight v ue wen probecuiu wifcu wagon-anee a ana aeiiv ered ia good order and condition Bids will ba opened May 1st and the award made known at Mo dy's warehouse. Terms: une half will be paid ou ue ueuvery oi eacn ioaa, u aeairea; balance on completion f contract Address all Diua to UEHHY HAHN, Sec'y, Care Wadhams A Co., mch31-4w Portland, Oregon. Administratif s Notice of Final Acconnt. NOTICE IS HERFBY GIVEN THAT THE UN. dersurned, admieiatr tor of tbe estate of William A. Allen, deceased, baa filed in thn .iffi.. of the County Clerk of Wasco County, Oregon, his final account with said estate, and that Moi.dav. th 7th day of May, 1894, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the Countv Court room in the County Court house. Dalles City, Oregon, has been, bv Hun. dooms C. Blakelev. Oonntv JnHtr. flr-l and appointed as the time and place for examining said accouut and bearing objections, it any. thereto. Dated at Dalles City, Wasco County. Oregon, this 80th day of March, 194 - QrX. A. LI LB IS, Admr. of the Estate of Win. A. Allen, deceased. ADMiaiSTHATJ 'S NOTICE- NOTICE ia hereby given that the underside 1 has been duly appointed by tbe Countv Court nf State of iireg. n, for Wasco County, in probate, ad ministrator witb the will annexed of the estate of Clarissa MeEwen, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are herebv reotiirari tr present them to me at tbe law nice of Condon 4t Condon in Dalles Citv, Wasco County,- Oregon. with!., mi-w m..n,h. w.n. .1 -J-. . ... "" .. . - w.VUM.a tiuw fu u in litis nuuee. w. n. wji Ey, Administrator with the Will ininMl ,.r ih. aa.... of Clarissa McKwen, deceased. Dated April 21, 1894. Cleanse The Vitiated Blood When you see Its impurities Bursting througl The Skin In Pimples, Blotches And Sores. 9 Rely on ters and follow. Sulphur Health Bit will L lr -JFi,.r,,Mrii'i" Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ordwrrt Boston, Jlaaa., for best medical work pal Easily We want many men, frotnen, bors. and rirls to work forns a few liours ctil!yri;;lit insnd around tiieirott-o nomes. buiMi-m is ensy, pleasant strictly honorable, and navs belter titan any other oJered agents. You have a clear field and no competition. Experience and special ability nn. necessary. No capital required. We equip you with everything that you need, treat you well, and help vou to earn ten times ordinary wages. Women do as well as men, and boys and girls make good pay. Any one, anywhere, can ro the work. All succeed who follow onr plain and sim ple directions. Earnest work will surely bring yoo a great deal of money. Everything is new and in great demand. Write for our pamphlet circular, and receive fall information. No harm done if you conclude not to go on with the business. George Stinson&Co., Box 488, PORTLAND, MAINE 5 DOLLARS PER DAY 20 Legal Notice. Administrator's Sale. W i il ! Hor- Canl Court nf State nth ru i "V "r Countv of Wasco on the S2t?n?m ,,TeD"?r' ,89? da,f n order di 1h!? me,.tl,e. Ui PP'. qualified and acting administrator of the estate ot Ernest 8 II .aaTde ceased, to sell the lauds and premise, belong w said estate, and hereafter particu,ariy deKrttSf at Sow therefore, by virtue of such authority and Ot," HTCe,,.Td 0ruer' 1 00 S-turday.". o?oil.tV.'.Fehru T- 18M- t the hour of ten oeloek th. forenoon of aud day, at toe front door County o eunn, sell, at pu .lin an tion. o the hiX nlTJ '"'.W southea-t UDtv-.Orfo ooeuioittg- ,wo hundred ntT.; T. ii .T",u "! lae aia (Jounty Court. 9th dly of Jlnua 1894 " Ore0n- ,j . . ... T. H. JOHNSTON, Admr of the Estate of Ernest S. He. deceased. Sherift's Sale. BY V IRTUE OF AN EXECUTION, issued out of th.i Circuit Curt of the Slate of Orwrou for vvasco Countv, in an action entitled J W Blakeney iira!idi"!"ve' d 1 d,d- 00 the t day ..i ..arch, lt94, levy upon, and will sell at public auc tion. to the hiuhest STdder, for cash in haid. in M. niay. the 23 i .ia, of April, 1S94. at tw . o'clock p m of saH dav, st the Hourt Honn, uoor in l-Jles Uy, in Wasco countv. Uttmoii, tne follow.iij dcrilie. property., to-wit:" All .1 tint Un.i lvin in lne wJ.t bsll of th northwo-t qtuiter of section seventeen. (.7) town ship i . (i) north, of r.nice thir en (W) east. ud ly uir betueoa ihe south bank of the Coluin .ia riv. , nd the limon PaciBj Kaiiway Compinv's trai-k, and rutht oi w running be we-n Ihe Dalles, in Waaw, county. Oregon, aud fortland. Or. iron, nein the land i-urciiused bv Andrew UaKer froa, Q orje Ha vor, all of said laid bung- in Wasco county, Ortgon, nd iieinu about twenty acres, m-ire or .ea., or so much thereof aa .hall e utSdent to aalisf j the sum oi thr.-e hundre and flfty-Bix and Ufty-Uve one-huudmlthidolluK, (M6.35.) interest there ou at Uie rate of eiirlit per cent, per from Auif.iM 9th, A D. ego. Taken and levied upon a tn. pro(H:rtv of A. drew anu Mary Ouiger to MM; M. . iu"S,u,' '6io5. interest thereon, in fator oi j BL-kobsy, t.a;ether with cost, aud accruing e08t- T. A WArtLi, . . Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon, Dated at D dies City, Oregon, Marub 23, 1894 Administrator's Sale. NOTICK IS HERfcBY GIVEN that the under ' sis; ed, administrator of tbe estate ot Uarri on Coruni. die ad, by virtue of an order ol the ouuty Cou.t of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, in probate, made on the 6 Jl uay of Septem ber, A. D. 1893, and a -applnnientarv order made bv saiil court of date lec mber 22, 1893, will ou -atur-day, tbe 27th d.y ol Jauuarv, 1894, at the nour of i P. 41.. of snid aa, at thn Court House door in Utiles City, in Wasco Countv, Stale of Orrgon, sell at pub lit auction to the highest bidder for cash iu haud, u i ct t j tbe coti Urination of said Court, all of trie following described real ea ate aud water rigbta, be longing .o the estate of the said deceased, to-wit. Ihe west half of the nortiiest quart r, and the northwrst quarter of tho uuiheist quarter of sec tion twent-five, in townshio two n. rui of range ten east of tne Willamette meridian, con t lining 1 0 acres and aituatod in watco County, ot.te of rtgon; and iheeas naif of the east half of sectiou o. twenty-five in township ho two north of rarwe ten east of the Willamette meridian, containing 160 acres, and situated in iVa-co Countv, State of Ore K'a, toietht.r with the tenemenis. hereditaments aim appurienauues ana water rights thereto belong ing, oi.d be onu-iuu- to aaia est .ta All above described property, includine the wbmu- luinu,, to oe kmu in one parcel. Dated, December 22. 1893. J. w nnwnnv Administrator of the estate of Harruou Corum, aeceaaeu. NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY FoB LEAVE TO RE- SIGN. XT otice is hereby giveu that the nndersiimed Rt. Xl ecutor of th" cstat- of John Stanley, ueceatrd has filed in tbe County Court of tne State oi uregon t r Wasco Conntv. in Probate, on Juimr With 1894, a full and complete account aa such fcxecutor to and including J nuary 26th, 1894, and ba intonds w. anu win, on jaonuav, the otn dav of alorch, 1894. apply to the Honorable OeonraC BUkalev . Jndm ni said Court, for an order allowing, approving and roiMiua u' kwuum, auuwuig iiiiu o resign a. sucu r.aecuior auu exnonoratmg un irom further liabil ity a. enen uecutor. JOHN M If ARIiFW Executor or the Estate of John Stinley, deceased tfauuary 2, lettft. Assignee's Notice. aTOTIClI la h.rhv viv.n . V.n . tl T Vkllll Xl aignee of Wm Farre U Co, insolvent debtors, baa filed his final account aa inch assignee in fie circuit court of tbe State ef Oregon for Wasoo euuu.y, au untv aa'u nuai account will De beard in ... i.t . .11., ,,n Mnml.. . V. u ,H,u J . . n... . - UH wvuuw,, . . .... uoj i. roiiutfy, 1891, ,t the hour of i o'clock P. At., or as soon tbere- auwr as wa same can oe reacnea oy tne t;ourt. Said uay ueiug wi urn uay ox tne regular rehruary 1894, term of said court. C. L. PHILLIPS. Assignee. Dalles City, Oregon, Jan. 12, 1S94. . Executor's Notice. In the matter of the estate of William H. atcAtee, deceared. Notice is hereby kiven that the undersigned has been by the County C urtor Wasco CouiUv, state of Oregon, appointed executor de bonit non instead of B. C. McAtee, removed, o. the estate of William H. McAtee, deceased. Ail person. bavng claims against, or business with, said estate are notified and required to present same with the proper vuueuer. to toe unoerskfuea executor, at nl. r denoe in Th. Dalles. Wasco Countv. Oreron. Dated The Dalles, mgon, th s 12th day of Jan uary, low f.CUhUIS A. ljlfc.atE, fcxecutor of the Estate of Wm. H. McAtee, dees'd GUARDIAN'S NOTICE. XT OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has mil aii;tcu uy vue touuiy iourt. oi tne btate oi uregon, tor Wasco uoun ty. in tiro bate, guardian of the neraon and ea. late of Nancy Stanley, an aged and infirm person. All person, bay ng claims against said estate are Hereby uotined aiu required Vi present them to me at the law otfioe of Condon A Condon, in Dalles City, uregon, wita proper voucaers tnereof. HANS LAOS. Guardian of the person and estate of Nancy Stan ley. an aged and infirm person. Dalles City. Oregou, March 17, 1894. Administrator's Mo tie a. NOTICE IS HEHEBY GIYS.f THAT THE UN denigned was duly aoD anted administrator o tbe estate of Nell Carlson. U xyjie 1 of Casca d Locks, by the C unty Court of the Stato of Oregon Coui.ty of Warop, oo September 22, 18U3. And, therefore, all per-ons having claims airaiust said estate are required to preseut the same, with prope vouchers attooned, within six months Irom the iat of this notice, at my omce at Ca cade Lock., Waco Coaoty. tireg-.n. Cascade Locks, Sept, SO, 1893. C. J. CANDIANA, , Administrator of tha erUta of Nels C.r, on , d aaed. ' NOTICE FOR PUBUCiTIOX. Land Omci at Yaxoorvxa. Waso., ADril i. ist. Notice is hereby given that the following iianieu settler has filed notice of her intention to mke commutation final proof in support of her claim, and th,t said proof will be made before W. ft. Dun bar, Commissioner United Bute Circuit Court for di-trict of Washington, at Goldendaie, Wash., on May 12, 1894, via: MARY A GIL ORE, formerly Mary A. Barry, Hd No 9.121, for the w hf oe qr and w hf se qr sec 31, tp 8 n. r 14 e. W M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon, ana eultivatH4i of, said land, via: Dietrich B Stegman, William Wilkinson. Henn .n Eugloke and James Riley all nf CentervUie P O, nasn. ap7 JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lass Orrics at Tuk Dailsh, Oreooh, Auril 2. 1894. Notice is hereby riven that the following-named settler das filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hi. claim, and tLa said proof will be made before the Register aud Receiver of tne U. 8. land omce at Th Dalles, Or., on stay i , low, via: LYDIA E. W1LDFB, Bd No 3507, for the lotsl and 2, sec IS, tpl n, r 16 s He names th following witnesses to prove bia continuous resiueiic. upon ana cultivation ol said land, viz: Anna Brown. Tbos McCoy, Cha. Green, Deli C Wilder, all of Tbe Dai'cs, Oregon. ap7 JOHN IV. LEWIS, Register SUMMONS. In the Circuit ourt of the State of Oregon for the County ot Wasco. B Dufur, plaintiff, vs W T Roirers. defendant i To W TKoirers. the above named defendant: In the name of tns stale of Oregon, you are nere by required to app.-ar an d answer the complains filed vainst yon in the ab,ve entitled action on or befrd tbe a . st o.y o tne next regular term oi we above entitled court, towii: oo or rwioie Monday, ibe 28th day of May, lttfs, and, if you fail so to ani-wer. for want thereof the plaintiff will take judgment for the sum of 160.IX),ai-d in tere-t thereon st tbe rate el of ten percent, per annum i ce July 1st, l&bti: for KM) a a reasonable attorney', fee for fntitutin? said action to collect the note therein sued unon: for the further sum of 838 bS. and leiral intern thereon since the 17th day of Hay, 1892; fx the farther sum of fw.oo. and tej-.l interest tnereon siuoa June 2s. 18VI, together with .lai!itin" oust. and disbursements of action. rois summon, ui harebv server! unon vou by publication therrot cy an order duly maae by the above named Court at Its reerular Fehruary Term tl ereof on the i4th day . . - . . -1. . I- I." .. L- V. L- L" L' L.' ot reom .ry, ievi. r a hb... E.r mar31-7t. AUornev for Flainttn ar31-7t Attornev for Plaintin I mmmnm-. NOTIPB is herebv iriven that tbe under, lgned naa lieen dulv annointed br Uie Cjuuty Curt f.f IhA SUtaol llravon for WasCO County. In rrobale. a.lmiiiiirtnr with tbe wi 1 anuexed ol tbe estate of Clarissa Ucfcwen, deceased, and ail persons havinir caims against nid are btreby required to pieeent them to me at the law ottice nf C noon A imrl..n 1.. Iallea Citv. Wasco O uutr. Oreeoil, with in six months trum the ii te of this notice. w. M. niLfil, Administrator with th. Will annexed of the estate of Clarissa MeEwen r'eceaaed. on Daoed April 21, UB4, . YOU Want. Your Dry Goods We keep tbe Largest and Beat Assorted Line in the city, of Dry Goods and Notions, Gents' Fur nishing Goods and Clothing, Men's, Ladies' and CliiMro..' F ne Sh.ies We Want Yonr Patronage Of course we will put Prices to suit. Always do that. Nobody undersells us. Co rue around and investigate. Tal Tiffin MANHOOD RESTORED IF T1 Tir riYThifh- wnren"notchprkllrstoSporn,rnrrhrcaand BEFORE AND AFTER f ''hehorrpraoflmpotencr. IJPinsr.clettuaestUallver, Jio CITPlni.-a.-a- .,,K.kl,ney"."na tn" 'Jnary organs of all impuriUea, 1 vurEDEaE strengthens and restore, small we.-tk orrana. .wa. -..'.'.r"V,.",;V.';;" r" PS1 r f ua box.stx for 5.00, by mail. Send for FRKdreularand Tteatimoniais. I"""- -i". Addxesa DiTOL JHEDICISE CO P. O. Box 207S, San Frailaco.Ca. 'rorBaUtrj For Sale by K. VV. Helm & Co., The Dlle8, Oregon. THE 0R0 FINO AD. KH:L,IE:, Proprietor. Port 81, Sherry 81 Muscat 83, Angelica 83, Mountain 83 an Gregorio Vlnpynrd Co. Attvnvy All Wines and Brandies Guaranteed Strictly Pure The Best Wines. Liquors and Cigars Always on Sale. Try the best remedy for Dyspepsia, " DariilaHon The lew " Umatilla House T . DALLES. OREGON SINNOTT. & FISH, Proprietors rHE LARGEST AND FINEST HO 1 tL IN OREGON Free Omnibus to and ta tne Hotel re-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuable WEPTUWE BATHS MING AND LADIES' UAIRCUrTJNQ and Children's Hair N -ally Out. - V A Shower Room in A Bootblack Stand Connected witn our 110 FroatSireet, Oppoaite Costuopililan Hotel, THE DALLES, OREGON. ' ' TELEPHONE JNO, " FRAZER & WYNDHA.M; Propb. When You Have School Books to Purohas REMEMBER Who always gtrllj a-i low as tin lowest quite generally distributed tUrouuh this Book Gnrupany, the price list of Hf-ho il hereby withdrawn; all tho prices in as;nnt claims are the proper retail pricrs. 14S Necoud Htroet. TIIK COLUMBIA PACKING COM PINT Oonier Third and Washington Streets. Cored Hams, Bacon, Dried Beef and Tonps, And tbe bent Beefxteaks, Mutton Chops and Veal Cutlets in the market. Orders Delivered to -Anv Fart cf tie Citv Fresh Vegetables on sale THE CELEBRATED SJ COLUMBIA : AUGUST BUCELER, PROFR. This well-known Brewpry ii now turning ont the brat Beer and Porti-i east of the Cascade. The latest appliances for the tnaufacturo of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and only the first-class artiele wilt be placed the market A. M. WILLIAMS & CO "crjpiDsr.-E" Thhi rrMI.Vuat.M. tion of a famous French physician, will quicklvcme .-ou of all c-rt yous or diseases of tbs generative orgwia, sue , " tM b.rT Insomnia, rains In tbe Buck, Seminal JiniUii",rTs" tiV i-, j ,'bl o, PtmpleaTUnauiw to Warry, Exhausting Driil ii'arie a 'd Constipation. 1 1 stops all lossw by dav or lilffhrl p4Tnnb.Vr. iwinri la becnuse ninety r ront am WINE ROOMS Burgundy 83, Zinfapdel 84, Riesling 83;' Hock 83, Table Claret l-s, J SHAMPOOING A SPECIALTY. Buh Rooms Heated by Steam. Each Bull Room. shop, and eapeoul attention paid to all M. T. NOLAN, in the city. On account of circular Heotion by tbe afeoc of the A'herican liook - i published in Sep'.o.uber, 1691, ia that list being lower thin those t For new pries inquire at Ins stor O V LLIX ORKliO' at tbe Lowest Prices, W v JdEEWEEY : - I F HA1RGDTT1NG PARLORS