Of J The Times-LIonntaineer SATURDAY. .: APRIL 21. 1894 When overruling demurrers judges of tea speak more , freely t than when giving rulings on the ultimate issues of causes, so that part of what J udge Gibbons says in the matter of the Spring Valley Coal Company may be considered as his opinion, of legal philosophy rather than his deoision upon a presentation, of law, says the Chicag4.t7Jier.0cea7i..JSeverthele88, it is.noteworthy - that - an s American judge should have spoken so plainly as Judge Uibbons has done, and it is quite probable that what he said will be approved by a majority of tbote who read his decision, and it is quite possible that his "obiter diota" on the principle of common law may be prog nostic, and that not very remotely, of statutorv enactments in limitation of the power' "of 'corporations to hold " property. . ' ". The noteworthy utterances of the judge are these : It is a question of seriouB moment whether the 'court might not, as a matter of law, declare it against the .- public policy of the state for any cor poration to own 1,500 and to acquire the mining rights of 31000 acres of land. If the question of public policy : in any case of this nature be open to the consideration and decision of a oeurV--while reasonable minds- might differ as to where the 'line should be drawn respecting the quantity of prop erty a corporation may own 'and con trol. I would say that' it ought to be drawn here, and declare thatto own and controL 31,000 acres of land is con trarr to' a ' sound public policy. It may be, however, that the facta when properly before the court would justify a different conclusion; and as there is difference of opinion as to whether or notrthff question of -pnblicpohcy- does not more properly belong to the legii lative department of the state being in denbtV therefore, as ', to. the ; course which I should pursue, I prefer to adopt the more conservative course and leave the ; matter . for future con- sideratfofa. i f- 4- 5 f i , "Large accumulations of property, whether controlled by a corporation or owned by an individual, are dangerous to the state, and the experience of ages demonstrates that nothing is more galling or oppressive to the peasantry of a country than a landed monopoly, it is nniversaUyieonoeded that the sta bility and durability of the govern ment, and the happiness and , well be ing of society, are best secured when the great balk of the property is in the hands of peasant proprietors. )n the hoar bFthe nation'a'peril it is the farm aWnot1hi"m aMTwhich furnish ers her defenders." It is easy to take exception to some of the passages Quoted. It is of rec ord that, proportionately to the num ber then deriving .sustenance from "marts" and "farms," the armies of the anion were as liberally, recruited from the towns as from the country. Patriotism and pluck are net incidents, bat factors, of life. j. The repeated use of the "peasant" is objectionable. A peasant is defined as "a person of in ferior rank, living in the country." But while the American ' owner of forty acres ; may admit the superior wealth of him who owns 4000, he will not recognise him as a peen of su perior ; rank, - nor should he. There are no Arnencanprasants; nor-sbould there be. It is one of the "self-evident troths" of American life that "all ojed art? born freehand equafj" and re main equal in rank, though not in wealth, in intellect, or in the, exercise of certain, functions, mainly social, that are incidental . to .wealth and in tellect '- Bat iii is good doctrine tfiat small holdings ofan3"nialce" toward national safety. - . . Jv 'HAD ITEMS ; IN ; BRIEF.) From BUurday'a Daily. C. Brock, of Wasco, U in the Mr. V. citv today, R. Sigroan, of Dufur, U register eel at the Umatilla House. - ( - . , The old Colombia continues high, and the heavy wind today gave; i an angry ap pearance: i.-t its' ' t V ' ; A cold, chilly wind from the west blew to-day, which -is not appreciated at this season ot the year. Mr. Chaa. Brnne who lives n ar Bock land, Wa-h , and who has been sick for sev eral months, is improving rapidly, The primaries for 'the Populist party was held , this afternoon at S the usual voting place. There were not many vo'es as there were at the Republican and .Democratic primaries. , .... Tha Cooa Bay . jailroadcompany is hav ing its horses brought in from the valley and is preparing to begin the work of ex- . tending , the ; road through to Roseburg. The engineers are expected to begin work next anonaay. 5 - ft . v The Graad -. Rdbde Lumber Company promises to replace the washed out bridge above Perry with a very strong structure, with three piers, and put in the finest dam in the state, so that tbe future floods will rage against it in vain, . ; ' , A female brigade of the industrial army is being organized at Oakland, GaL It has 200 names now on the list, i Arrangements are being made for their transportation east. Frank Cartier was ' this morning elected colonel.. Wednesday afternoon the "first drill wu hajl -- v.., - , We have received from Hon. H. De Young, president of the executive commit tee of the Midwinter fair in San Francisco, a - beautifully-printed lithograph of the grounds and buildings. Thefair is a grand success, and is a credit to the stats of California."- I I Ia a letter published in the Baodon Ht l eordar, JiH. Upton states that he will rio- aate to the county school superintendent to i be apportioned among 4he school-districts f Carry a sum equal to bis oyer draft for . mileage, as a member ot tbe state legisla- . tore., tie fails te fix tbe time lor so doing, however. i f t J . T . - 1 -' Telephones -are. being placed in bnaiosaa . houses quite generally in thi city, and ' there has been more talking over wires dur- - ing the last few days - than ever before. -. .Conversations are carried on for amuae- - ment. as well as business. 1 ha telenhoae ' exchange will be a great convenience when it is foiiy established. . - - . . Tamhill SeporUr: A distressing dent occurred near North Yamhill last Thursday afternoon. A little son of Cyrus Roberts, aged 4 years, went with him . to the field to plow. After being amosed for awhile by following around the laud with his father, the little fellow stoyped to play oesr a braaoh that ran near by. . On mak ing the round Mr. Roberts missed the boy and immediately instituted a search, finding him cold and dead at the bottom of tbe stream. ;The water was only a boot twenty inches deep -, , : i :- '' Prof. Bircrfeld's orchestra has rehearsals every Thur-day eveuing iii Chrys nthetnum nail, ana ux.se tare rare rnn-icuu wca . the members displayes a proficiency in the art that does credit to themse ves and honor to the city. The professor is a th rough musician, and he is ably assisted at t piano by Mi s Holliater. - The Southern Pacifio is sending ont cir culars calling 'particular ' attention to tbe grsnd marili (irawc-aj-uival at Sid Francixo on the 18th, 19ch and 20th ! Apn!, to neciioo with the mid niow fair L. is -oulated to reprono.ee jt Sin Frstn'ifco oo the above dte the. pr-j.eioal le-t'U-.-s ot th-j great annual cainitsl xt N w Oie-n-. We are informed trat Capt. Short, of the UDDer Colurnbea t-Jaee ot the Ketiula tor his morn ins is olace f C'a. t. Sherman, who has been in command of- tbe !at for a long time. . This will be a matter of regret to the traveling public,"" Capt." Sheruiau thoroucElv understands the middle ri er, and has been accoiumodating and courteous to passengers American Sheep Kreedtt and Wool Grmrtr; Our goveroin-nt-:stitis!iriin rcpnr's trie wool clio of 1893 as 801.533 138 lbs i! the National Wool Msuiiicture-K Ascit- tion places the figure lit 34d 533 138 x eeediDg the 1892 clip by 10,000.000 b The government eives ii ar-tngrt ot 5 3 t mr hiad and the as ioiMCll 6.3S l . a slight decrease from 1892. "' Olnhf. Demaerair"rhe features of the tariff which will create the greatest trouble for the Democracy are- tbe uga.- and in come tax schedules. The sugar provisions help the. trust to such an extent tha' its passage in its pre ent form would tu n Democrat' in every-state against the r party, while the income tax, if retained in the bill, will make New York, New Jersey and Connecticut radically Republican. Iq tearing out tbe partitions of the o!J ail yesterday a Democratic ticket voted for in 1868 was found -in one of tbe e-li. Some of the candidates are still residents of The Dalles and vote the Democratic ticket, and others have pissed to the silent major ity. We were informed ;tbst a Democratic nomination then waa equal to an election; hut a change has come over the spirit of our dreams, and the contrary is true now. - The blossoms which cover fruit trees iu this vicinity are indications of a good crop, if there are no killing fruS s, which are not likely to o enrr so late m the season. It may be expected that prices for this pro duct will rule" lrih, as the severe weather last month destroyed much of the fruit in the eastern states. ; Wasco 'county may be highly' favored in this regard if the yield of fruit proves as large as expected." From the report of Superintendent Shelly ws learn that there are 3416 school children in this county "between the ag s of 4 and 20 years, while the report last year showed only 3086. Tbe number: not attending school are -M69, a large percentage cooai u ing the tact that Wasco county is sap posed to have excellent school facilities. For school purposes tnere have been re- ceived $23,618.79, which ha e be-n dis tributed among the different districts. . From Honday'i Dm ly Mr. C - M. Grimes, the cattle buyer of Huntington, is in town. . ' ! i ' ' ; . 1 1 Mr. T. . Driver, of Wamie, the Repub lican candidate tpr sbtrtnvu in town totiay. O. F. Kinne and Henry Adams, of Port landarcregistered at the ymitilla House. There will be a political meeting'at Fair field April 28, 1894, under the auspices of the Eepoblican club. Prominent speakers nay be expected to addrta the meeting. The heavy snowfall during the past winter makes a good outltok for mining in Eastern Oregon. - New mines will be opened this year, and old ones will reward owners for extra toil. ' Four hoboes were brought before tbe city recorder this morning, three of whom were fined $5 and costs, and the other was dis charged on consideration that he would leave town. - Tbe following deed was filed for record today:' Frank Reeder to Anna J. Brock; tea acres and tea feet for roadway to the present county road, in section 13, township 2 north range 10 east; ,1000. -""The" xnixed train- tuft for Portland at 3 o'clock this afternoon. It arrived from Portland an bour late, and . did not go through to Heppner as expected. Whether this through service to Morrow oounty will be inaognrateq 15 undetermined. " We have received from Hon. D. W. Vor bees a copy of the tariff and administrative customs acts of 1899, as reported to the sen ate from the finance committee March 20, 1894. ' Tbi ts'tftommonly known as the Wilson bill, and-isv now being debated in tne senate. The first wool of the season wss received this morning at Moody's warehouse It came from Dayville, and was about 2000 pounds. The fleeces were very clean, and the staple long and firm.' No' "prices are quoted yet, as there are no buyers in the market. It may be expeotfsd that wo -1 will be broogbt to the city continuously, as shearing has been 10 operation some time, Bays tbe Astoria, a' gentleman in tbis city went home a few evening ago inu eaxually remarked, as he hung up bis hat, "I see women are sold at actual value in Seattle. ' A woman was bongns-at a church lair up there for bye cents, " "Well I know a woman," about the" time ' I ' waa married," who was sold for nothing. " reolied his wife. Then the man. put on his hat again and went ao wa tne street. ftj 5 , - r Antelope Berald: A primary clats In one of the pnblio sobools of Sherman' county was reciting, and the teacher, who is a wor shipper ft tbe Democ ratio altar, nut a ques tion to one of tbe little boys whose father is a Republican, , expecting an answer en tirely different .from the one he 'got. He asked the aittle- vupil How many mills make a centL. "Noo.ot.'envdo. . Pa says tney an ar.ni uown on Mount ot tbe Wilson bill." Two carloads of sheen were shinned this afternoon from the stockyards of . E. Saltmarshe (Jo. of this city for Victoria. B.'C. ; Thehippingneaiorj is fairly opsned,' j ana came ana sneep will leave the stock yard id" this city almost dailv to feed tha denizens of, the Sound and other portions of ins nortnwesc. unncngraas mutton and oeet are good muck a muck for those who live under theasa or aaywber. eie.. High water so early in tbe vear ia con- I sidered by some indicative of a small rise in I June; wuiie others prophesy that the freshet 'I this year will be of more than usual volume mere u enongn snow it. the mountaios to cans a flood la Jnn it - the- conditions sre favorable; but ootbiog can be foretold in tins regard until the time comes. One ,on tell more about high water tbe last-days of June tnan ne can in tbe middle of April A schooner laden with the huge logs and tree trims or wnicn tne waabington state building at the world' fair was conn rooted will sad out of tbe harbnr soma time -coring May. Its destination will be either Havre or Cherbourg. The - Washington state Building was one of the most interesting at iue lair. Many ot tbe timbers in tbe build Ing are three feet square and one hundred and forty feet long. It is tbe intention of those who purchased the building to set it up in irraooe exactly a it stood npon the world e fair ground, i , ruacfclock, the consnl-geoeral of tbe united states in Samoa, is an Oregon boy. He was several years ago a resident of Coos eounty ana is well known 10 southern Oregon. At severs! periods while he has represented nis government, in Samoa,' his uiuoa uaa oeoom an important one, - owing mi u luwnanonai complications anrinu from the covetous eyes east by several European nations upon that group : Just now there is fresh occasion for tbe exercise 01 gooa lodgment by Mr. Blackloek an other rebellion haying broken out. State- faun. : .- . t: i t Vregontan- The water at tbe Cascades Jjoccs is tailing, and tbere is a probability that work will soon be resumed. The dam built to keep the water out of the-upper . . . 1 , ... . r "b oanai is almost completed, aod ik. L- r - . . . . us wu, a. ui pamBing ont tne canal was emmenoed Saturday This dam will be maoe a titue bigber, and will .probably en able work . to be carried on eontinnously. unless tbe water gets very high. Tbe best that can be hoped fer is to be able to work at a medium stage of water, which continues for longtime after the highest point haa oeen roacnea ana tne water begins te fsll. Comrieri Although tbe Josephine oaves are now attracting the attention oi the out side world very tew of even ear old reu dsnts bare ever visited, much less explored them. . Eastman, the expressman, however, spent a week op tbere a year or so ago and wss ia for a distance of a mile. He asys be maae do attempt so explore the bis; nolaa to their sxtrantty, bat be pronoaaoet them she grandest thing; in America. The walla and, ceiUngs of the various mammoth chambers glitter as though set with dia monds and the better the light; the more weird sad roagnifioent the effot.' There will doubtless be a Isrge number of visitors registered there the coming summer. From Tuesday's Daily. The county jail hasn't a single occupant Hon. C. M. Cartwright, of Crook coun ty is ;n tbe city. The drug store bf K. W. Helm & Co., has been closed for a short time- on account of the business depression. ': Repairs on the oity jail are going forward quite raridlv.sod Mr. Fonts, the contractor, is pushing tbe work ss rapidly as possible. ' Tbe Democratic state convention' is in session in Portlaud. Tuose in attendance from this city are Jas. B. Crosseo, F. A. Seufert and A. Bettiugeu, jr.. High water in the Oohoco river baa in terfered with the operations of tbe Prine ville gnat rarll, and there i compUiut of a dtarta of flour .in that market. An Ellis Republican ctub has been or- gaoiard at Eight Miia with seventeen mem bers. Meetings are bed every two weens -ad the cmp..igo will be male interesting i'l a political hue . - Mr. James Smith, the dancing master, met with an accident today by ialliug irom bis horse by which " he has become quite lame; but he says, nevertheless, that 1 lie soiree will be held Saturday mgbt the a tne as it nothing had happened. Hon. W. H. H. Dnfnr, of Dufur, is in town today. ' He says the cold spring is keeping all vegetation very backward, null farmers are becoming discoursed. 'I here have been no frosts to injure fruit, and a good crop is expected in that vicin ity. -V ' . Many 61 the ranches "alone tbe Ochoco, tava tbe Prineville Nam, especially in the upper portion of the valley, have been more or less aamaged by the recent high water. The damage to some is said to have been so great as to largely impair their value.' . - ; Tho river at Monument is yet very high and teams cannot cross, says the Long Creek JCaqle. Some of our merchants have a lot of goads on the other side ot tbe river on the road from Heppner, ana are doing some good loud kicking at the r'elay the floods are causing. Tbe political contest will be fully opened afier the nominations have been made at Astoria today. Tben the Ameii can citizen will be called UDon to decide between tbe two contending parliei, and politicians will be heard on evvry street corner. 80 mote it be. Selah. The lirdly Columbia U ws down to the s-a, and hears far d.fferent eouo'ls than its own dashing. No ore would desne to stop its flight to mother ocean only to reader its path easier by the rciuvl-of all ob stractiona. Tnn4 an open ' ,rivtr bcnmta popular with all, as it is considered the great commercial highway of tbe Iuland Empire. D. W.Aldiidge publishes lis valedic tory in the last issue of the Prineville Jfmm. The paper has been disponed of to a joint-stock company, and will hereafter be run in the interests of the Republican and he will be missed Iron the editorial management. . : Five carloads of cattle left the stack yards of R. E. baltrxmrshe & Co. last night for Troutdale. These wefe in extra fine condition tor beef, and were idriyen nfl the bonch-grass range of Eastern Ore gan. Taday there is a large torce ot men engaged in weighing cattle and corralling them. There are about ten 'carloads' of tliess, and te destinations i' i-u n I hi 1 Sound points. , Tbe run of salmon has been very discour aging thus far. Although the wheels have been in the water- -for a week they have managed 10 haul in -very few ef -the- tinny apeuiea. When the river assumes a 'normal stage and the- water becomes -clear it is hoped that the silvery saluion will viBit this portion of the state la large cumbers, and the wheel-men will extend to tuenv a be coming welcome. By reason cf "complaiots of citizens resid ing in the immediate vicinity, tha plans tf the repairs to the city l-til bve been cbsogsd. The narrow giatiugs, which were to furnish light and air to prisoners, ta th original plan, opened on the streets, and a n injunction being thrtateued, these, were changed and Were made to open in the yard A special meeting of the council was called for this purpose, and tbe alteration agreed upon. V Tnis is the latest news from a well-known typo and newspaper man, gleaned from the columoaof the Walla Walla lUatettnan: R. M. Smith, or as he is familiarly known "Rocky Mountain Smith," sends word by Depnty 8heriff Ellieraworth to old friends in Wla,Walla that he is still at the head of tidewater X Pataha-Oity in Garfield county. Mr. Smith waa one of the first newspaper publishers in Walla Walla near ly thirty, years ago. ; " - The beautiful gardens of The Dalles, rendered charming by tbe smile or now- ets, should not be put to the blush by al leys covered with debris;, hut all environ ments should be in harmony with the maidenly blush of tbe season. ' This may ue consiuerea a gentle reminder that tn alleys of this city might he Improved by a little ' gratuitous' labor" As exercise ' is necessary to sound health no rule of hy giene will be violated by work - in this line.- ' - ' . -.- - The following is a novel manner of showing appreciation .--of -a, - iolcinea, copied irom lue jxrws: : Anoioeror rrtne villeSs most estimable young ladies is the recipient or a little pig. . it was leu on her doorstep by night, aod in the morn ing it squealed its little wants, which were readily-stipplied from the-oooienta or a bottle. Wish we were a young lady, especially if ' bachelor, intend t sdppty aU the girls -with little pigs. We have always desired to go. into the hog busi ness anyway. Orrgonian: . Collector of Internal Reve noe Blackmao ays a mistake was : made in tbe report of the sale' of a band of 6000 sheep at Heppuer, reported by him' a few dayssgo. Tbe price paid was SI 50 per bead after shearing, inatead of $1 25 Since the paragraph was published parties at Heppner have received letters from peraons aaxious to buy lots of sheep at $1 25, but there are none to sell for tnat price. If any one wants mutton, lie. need not "kick" at having to pj $1.50 for good fat sheep. Walla Walla Statesman: The Jfor-ninp (MO en Saturday wa- lea-el tiy the Uuiuu Pablinhing Compaay lor the 'srm ot five yeara tor 'B. S "flirt, H rr K:lo, Au.ly strarns and Juiiuritaldwin. who t session ikn.mtmin. u All except Mr. Kelso re practical prmtms of- tni- 01 -v. 'he Utter naving l-euu coniit-c'e.i with the Unions a repwiert. aaessra. r D ana o. o. rfonnmn wi l retire from the newspaper business in this city. The p Iicy o' the paper under its new management will no doubt be de fined in its next issue.) r La Crsode Cironkbr. Robert Smith. manager ot the Grand Roode Lumber Com pany a Perry, informs a reporter that, as republ c.n sto-np speakers say. "tba wheels ' wdt begio to turn" in the big saw mill next J Wednesday morniug. This will at euoe give employment to about 50 men. In two weka this force will be increased to nearly 100 men. The reason that they will nor open up with a tull force at the outset ii because the log supply to feed to tbe saws doe not equsl the demand. But by tbe early days or May, matters will be hum ming and buzzing-like millions of boxy A farewell reception wss given Rev. E.D. rjtrtclifla and wife, at the residence of Mr. r. IVboff Ust evening. Very many of tbe friends of Mr. and Mrs. Sutcliffe were ores- ent ana toe evening wss passed very enioy- .... . . ahly in games and other amusements. A delicious refection was served by Mrs. Da- huff, consisting of loe cream and cake, be tore the departure of the guests. M-.nv re grets were expressed at the early departure or mr. and Mrs Hutoline from tbe city and the kind wishes of a large eirole of friends will follow then to tbeir new home. Their destination will be ' Ponghkeepsi", N. Y., and. they will leave on Friday next. ioe amimion oi me Dase Dai lists in his vicinity has not -become sufficiently aroused ior mem 10 lorn a club. YVbea the sun-shines . with . create r warmin.ana tne evening zepnyr toys with beauty's ringlets, then it may be exnected -our ooys" win rail in line at tho com-. mana ot the captain or the nine, and en ter tbe neid slier successful com net iters have wen their laure's. Therewill be no foes tor them to meet theo.aod the glories which will decs their escutcheon will be those that are given to the silent, inactive hero, who scents the battle from afar. Trout fishing is reported ss verv snccas- ral in the neighboring streams, aod several have been eausht during the riant few dava This is eonsidered royal amusement bv many: but if the decision were left to the quill-driver of tbis paper be oould prefer some other recreation. It may be fun tn tramp all day up and down the ruezed banks of mountain streams, wsde in water to the waist, debar .yourself of meals, and then come back bearing as trophies of vou'r labors three or four - little - fun. Half tha joys of this life, dwelt in the lmsrioation, aad we eerily believe front fishicc ia an amusement more ia faucy than in reality. Saved Her Life. Mrs. C. J. Wooldridos:, of Wortham, Texas, saved the life of ber child by th use of AVer's Cherry Pectoral. "One of my children had Croup. The ease was attended by our physician, and was supposed to be well under control. One night I was startled by the child s hard breathing, and on going to tt found it stran gling. It had nearly ceased to breathe. nririnr that the child's alarming: condition bad become possible in spite of the medicines given, I reasoned that sucn remedies wouio be of no avail. Having part of a bottle of AVer's Cherry Pectoralin the house, I gave th ehltd three doses, at short intervals, and - anxiously waited results. From tbe moment : the Pectoral was given, the child's breathing . grew easier, and. In a short time, she was - Sleeping; quietly inu ui earning uo.uiau.. The child Is alive and well to-day, and I do not hesitate to say r that Ayer's Cherry Pee. (oral saved ber Hie.' AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Piepsrsd by Dr. J.C.AyerfcCo., Lowell, Mass. Prompttoact, sure to cur - 1MI4 . x. Harper's Bazar, ILLUSTRATED HARPER'S BAZAR Is a Journal for the home." It rives the fullest and latest information about Fash ions, and its numerous illuetr tions, Paris designs and pattern-sheet supplements are indispensable alike to the home dress-maker and the professional modiste. No ex pent 1- spared te make its artistie attractiveness of th highest order. Its bright stories, amusing comedies and thoughtful essays satisfy all tastes, and iu last page is famous as a budget of wit and humor. In its weekly issue veryrhing is included whith is of Interest to women. The Serials for 1894 will be written bv William BNck and Walter Besant. Short stories will be written by Marr E. Wilkins, Miria Louise Pool, Ruth McEnery Stuart, Marion Har'and. and. others Out-Door Sports and In-Door Games, Socbl Entertainment, Embroidery, and other interesting topics will receive constant attention. A new series Is promisedof "Coffee and Repartee." ' HARPER S PERIODICALS. 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HARPER'S WEEKLY is beyond all question the leading Journal in America, in its splendid illustra tions, in its corp. of Qistinguisned Contributes, and in iu vast army of readers. In special linea it I draws on the highest order of talent, the men best I fitted by poaitiou and training to treat the leading topics of the day. la action toe most popular story writers contribute to us columns bupero araw- ings by the fo emost artists illustrate its special articles, its stuies, and every notab.e evvnt of pub lic interest: it contains Pur traits of tbe dintinguished men nd w- men who are making the history ef the time, while special attention is given to the Army and Kavy, Amateur Sport, and Music and the Drama, by distinguished expert. In a word. Har pers Weekly combines the news features of the daily papsr and the rtistie and literary qualities of the magaalns with the s.lid critical character of tbe review. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PbTui: Harper's Magazine Harper's Weekly harper's Basar Harrer's Young People ....... .St 00 4 00 4 00 5 00 Pottage tne to all Subscribers m'Jthe United Statu Canada and Mexico. Tne be Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first uumiwr for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the num ber current at the Urns ef receipt i oroer. Bound Volumes ot Barpott Weekly tor three fears back, in seat cloth bind'iur, will be sent by mall, postage paid, or by sxpre-s. tree of expense (provided freight oes not exceed one dollar per vol ume, lor 91 per volume. Cloth easss for each volume, suitable for binding will he sent by mail,, post-paid, on receipt of '1 each. Remittances should b made by postofflce money rder or draft, to avoid enaaee cf loss. . - , Stvevaven are not to earn thit advertisement without the express order of Harper & -Brothers. . Ili.'iu. HARPgR BR T ; 1 Iht lit Y1 HARM LIEBE, I:. AKD DEALER lit ;3, Watches, J ewelry, Etc Always keep on sale the latest and best stvles of i-unr-pieees ,uiamona rungs, isow-anot rungs, su erware, etc., etc. REPAIRING A. SPECIALTY. 162 Second Street, next door to A. M. Williams & Uo., THE DALLES. OREGON Baldwin! Cor. Court and Front Sta, THE DALLES. - OREGON. The Best of Imported and Domestio Alwavs on Sale. Kentnekr Stralsht Wfaiakv on Hand A BE1TINGEN. Jr., Prop THE OliD ESTA CISSJ E" COLUMBIA BREWERY . Second St., aat End, AUGUST BUOHLEB. PBOP. t Has been rtfltted throughout with the LATEST IMPROVED -MACHIMIY. And Ig now nuBubkctarinff the Best Keg and 3ott!ed Beer and Porter la Eastern Oregon. Mr. Buchler always aims tu adopt she latest brew ing apparatus and will furnish his customers bee squat toacv n markoi: wit VJANTFI1 SALESMEN 1 Mm I I law nV Local It Travelina ' '""" to iepment our well known house. Too need ne I oi eaiiiul to r, present a firm that warrai. ta ourseiv I stock flrstlaas a d true to name. Work all the I year. elOO.a month ss the right man. Apply, Stat- I ur ac . i. I. MAY a uo, - I men, nonets and iMerJsmen, I at f aol, Minn. I The Familiar Fasssinisw'te O. E. BAYARD, ILate Special Agent Uen'l irfum office. J. E. BARNETT 0 iDAUP REAL ESTATE, LOAN, kmm d CoUsctioa L. - NOT-VBY PUBXJCOJ Paries haying piopertr they wish to sell or tnrie, noa-b lo rent, or abstract of title furnished,ill find it to their advantage to call upon us. We i'rall make - specialty of the prosecution of claims and contesta before thelUnited States Land Office. Julyxfiia 58 WasMngtoj THE DALLES, OR. Iu a. r;. ounnisq. j. D. HOCKMAN. Gunring & Hoclanaii ; OEM-aiAL, RlacksmithS. In the new shoo on Second street, first blacksmith sho est of French a.Co.'a brick block. Horse-S'aoeiiig a Specialty. AU kinds ef work In iron, whether of sgricultuial mplements or vehicles, done in the most mechan cal style and satisfaction guaranteed. fanSwkv ; r""A asva Tiust Clais) a ....lunii. Larmt, Fastest and TtmtM la .the Wsrld. Paadeager accomodatlona nnexoaiiwi- KV YOflaTlMDGMDERRV AND fiUSOOW. NKVYOBE, GIBttALTE'and NAPIJW, At regular innni. innna. KtrinMn-ciaM and STEERABE - M. Ia .nd Trom the DrlDCi Die lowca. KKiujsB. nuaa a all ooOTnniniL PflffiTS Bxenrskmtleketa available to return by either the pie turesqne Clyde 4 North of Inland or Naples Gibraltar Brans sad Mossy Onlsn for Aay Aasut st lovrrt btst. Apply to any oi vur iovi biiuw w. . HENDBSON BKOTHEKS. Chicago, HI WATHFRRONF, is made from QTrriXS. nature's own toughest material, best whips made for the price. Cheap, Durable. ALL ST VLB 3. all srice. ask your sealer for a . - BBI'F" ' (IN K a uui - u. HENRY KUCK, - Th Dales, Or WE TELL YOU nothing new when we state that It pays to engage in a permanent, most healthy and pleasant Eusi- ness, that returns a profit for every day's work. Such is the business we offer tbe working class. We teach them how to make money rapidly, and Jwarantee every one who follows our instructions aithfully th making of S300.0O a month. Ever; one who takes hold now and works will surely and speedily increase their earnings; there can be no questioa aboat it; others now at work I are doing It, and you, reader, can ao tne same. I nils is the oest paying ousiness mat you nave I ever had the chance to secure. You will make a srave misiaae u von rail in Kive n a irnu um-v. If you grasp the situation, and act quickly, you will directly And yourself In a most prosperous business, at which you can surely make and save large in mi ef money. The result of only a few hours work will often equal a week's wages. Whether you are old or youug, man or woniuu, it makes no difference, do as we tell you, Hurt suc cess will meet you at the very start. Neither experience or capital necessary. Those who work for ns are rewarded. Why not write to-day for full particulars, lree is. v. allkh ss aaoa sn av, auusut, mo. GOOD Food- - -Digestion- -Complexion - are all intimately connected practically inseparable. 5 Though the fact is often ; ienored. it is nevertheless true that a good complex ion is an impossibility with out good digestion, which in turn depends on good m : food. ; There is no more common : cause of indigestion than j ) lard. Let the bright house- S ! keeper use COTTOLEfJE Th New Vgvtable Shortening. and substitute for lard, and Kr-jg s -A her cheeks, with those of ' ber family, will be far . - 'j, S more likely to be M Like a is 1 "i; rose in the snow." , COTTOLENE is clean, deli- ; STTSi cate, healthful and popn- -. lar. Try it for yourself. - " Send three cents ra stamps to N. " - K. Fairbank & Co., Chicago, for ST" - .-U handaomeCottolene Cook Book, " T r-i-J containing six hundred recipes, prepared by nine eminent author- " - .JZl ities on cooking. ' ' ' riade only by N. K. Fairbank & Co., ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO. NEW YORK, BOSTON. ZZ MIavHihia OpportanlT ! DOVT Jkfl. sia x ours. AaeA4lr. i nitijuntj uc-ioct their op MHtntjlties. And fron. tliiii esato livo in navm t and JiA U (tearitrl Harrowing ntpir Is tliclutof mjnj, u they i rin OBcsoflivsi, loruvarium uwpvrinnuw. a. tic IU paJta rtrr I Ronch out. Boa and doiiitr. 1 u rjroT tour onDurtst- ci; j, d kvcarepnrw;ritr, prominrucH, pac. 1 1 wa ?ai :;v apltliuaopair, tna "tha (soddusa of Fwrjna otTari , lolclcnoppot tnnitf to each porauii at nrvnio poriod of Ul, tfuiuntca lb c ban co, and hopotiTontl:or ricUos; tail to do w and Mis depart, tw to return." Lnw irUittl you flnd ino coLDkutupporinniiTr iBToaiixtrca erary cuancotuat jtppoar wornry, ana oi wr promi-o; ttxai ia wiiait all sno re -smi men oo. uere is as opponirniiT'. mcniu is not or tritbintbo reach ot laboriDK ponpla. Inrpnsvil,itw:" ailuawt, a frrana start ta uio. luecoi.nicv o;.tr i-iany ia bcra. Slonvy to bo inado ropier cnU 1, kij tij tin jnransmuus person vt mmor vox. aii sj.'es. . caa lo tuo work and lira at homo, wlierovarTa ara. va b- fXimiers aro ea-iij tusroiojr from a to slo prr day. Yotj can do as wall if yoo wlil work, not too liartl, but iuUnaTtri tmttj; aod yon can incraaM yoor inetmoat yon goon. Yo can plrm spare tl rue only, or all yonr lima to tlte work. Easy toItMtro. Capital no. reqnirod. We startrou. AHiseonv , -aiiToJy nw an really wonderfuL V a fnatraci aad lur you bow, free FafinTe nnknwn amons; snr work ers, Ko oom tn sxpssxlo hero. Writ arxl roaxa ail fW, ujrinni luiiii. muwisv aa wimj. Auurvsi m once. II. UaliccS sdtB Caw AaX tiM. Fortiiuul. ""'ay FREE TRIAL. WEAK MENS nianly vig r. Varicocele, etc Dr, puia wiU .fleet a speedy cure byi Suffers from youth ful errors loss of vr. Lniajont's nerva Its tlSS. thonaanHa eases of th very wotst kind snd of lnnr sUndinr have been rertored to perfect iMslth. Fiftoan thouseod testimonials from all ever toe vrorl d Price per pseks tt.CO, six for V6.00, trial packue sent securely .sealed for 10 cents postage. Address, 11 a. K. IMrKon 81 K, Washington St., Cbicsao,tfs.U. ' FOR WHIPS w-S. 25o. 50a PKOO $ 1.2 5 OH A. A. BROWN FULL ASSORTMENT stafu n mn mmi, AKD PROVISIONS, Soecial Prices to Cash Buyers. 170 SECOND STREET. First door east ot Cramlall &,Burgett's Fur niture Store. CITY BAKERY -AND- Second aod Union streets. A. I. NEWMAN. ProDrietor WILL drive the humor from your system, and make your skin f Clean anu BiiiwjLii. auusca imicwiu u Blotches which mar your beauty are F caused by IMPURE BLOOD. E Thef can be removed In a short time, if you: are wise and use the great blood purifier, Sulphur Bitters, Why suffer with Boils? Why rave with that terrible Headache P Why lay and toss on that bed of pain with RHEUMATISM? Use Sul phur Bitters. They will cure you where all others fail. The dose is small only a teaspoonf ul. TRY IT and you will be satisfied. The young, the aged and tottering are soonmade well ry Its use. Remember what you read here, it may save your life, it has SAVED HUNDREDS. If you are suffering from Kidney Disease, and wish to live to old afre. use Sulphur Bitters. They never fail to cure. Get it of your Druggist. fj PONT WAIT. CET IT AT ONCE. Sulphur Bitters will cure Liver Complaint. Don't be discouraged; IT WILL CURE YOU. 8end S S-eent stamps to A. P. Ordway ft Co Post on, Mass., for best medical work published 5 DOLLARS to per 2N ?0 EasHv Mhd. ! We want many men, women, bors, and girls to work for us a few hours daily, right iu and around sheirown homes. The business is eusy, pleasant, strictly honorable, and pays better than anyotlier offered agents. You have a clear field and no competition. Experience and special ability un necessary. -Jfo capital required. We equip you with everything that you need, treat you well, and help you to earn ten times ordinary wages. Women do as well as men, and boys and girls make good pny. Any one, anywhere, can do the work. All succeed who follow our plain and sim ple directions. Earnest work will surely bring you a great deal of money. Everything is new and in great demand. Write for our pamphlet circular, and receive full information. No harm done if you conclude not to go on with the business. Georce Stinson&Co., Box 488, PORTLAND, MAINE. SUMMONS IN THS CIRCUIT COURT of the Htate of Oregon, for tho Count? of Waeoo : The American Mortgage Company of Scotland, Urn- lied, a uorporauon. plaint) a, ti. James tforne mnd Thomas W. Glavey, adminitntor of the estate of Patrick Dorri, deoeaseJ, defendonti. To Jmmee Dorria, the above named di fend ant: In the name of the stale of Oreeon. ou are here- ; by required to appear ana answer the complaint filed against yon in the above entitled suit, on or i before Monday the 8tli day of May, ISM, that being tbe first day of the next regular term of i said Court, and if yon (ail so to answer, for want thereof, the pi in till will apply to said Court for the relief demanded in its complaint, to-wit: To foreclose plaintiff '0 mortgage, made, executed ! and delivered to Patrick I orris, now deceased, on or I about tne 10th day of December, 1892, upon the ! east halt of the southeast quarter and the east half ! of tbe northeast quarter of section 18. iu town snip 8 south, of range 14 east, of the Willamette Merid ian, in Wa oo County, regon. and to have said premises sold accordir-ir to law and the practice of the a ove entitled Court to satisfy plaintiff's de mands, to-wit, to pay the ram of $360 and interest ! on said turn since Novembtr 1st, 1892. at the rate o! 10 per cent, per annum, toeetber with p'aintiff's cists .and dibburs nipri B n.a-e and expended in : tbis euit, includiug luq wuve 48 and expenma oi sale; that npon tuvh fo. icsnrt- and decree an 1 sale all of your right, title and iniTeH ani all per son. claim'ntr, or to caim, by,, through orundur you. or by, through or under bh! t lot Uorris, n w deceased, in and to said premie , be loree oed and forever barrml fruui the equity of ledemptiun; that ptaii tiff be allowed to puichae said lands ann preoiLxes at its option; that the purchasers of sail. piemUes have the immediate poesersion of said premise and every part a d parcel thereof, and tot such other and fun her relief as to the Court iitay seem equitable and Just. The Se rvia- of this summons is made unon von bv puDiiouon HM re in me 1 imks-mou.vtaixkk, a newsap-rof ireneral circulation, published wek tThe Dalles. Wasco ountv. Orriron. it beinir the paper m'-st li elv to convey notice to-vou. bv order 1 01 tne Hon. w. Ls. isruodnaw. juaire 01 tne above en titled Coor , which, order was dmy made on the 2d uy ot April, lsv. at cnambers. in Dalles Citv. ttsvbco wiuf, ureon. UVtVtt AS MxEFlE. ap7-7w AtWruevs ior Piainitff Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE OP AN tXKCUTION and order ot sale, issoad ont or tha Circuit Conn of taa blats of oregroB for Wasco eonnvy. upon a decree ana j idirment mads, rendered and entered by said I Couit on the 28th day of February, 1894, in tavor of tbe plaintiff, in a suit wherein Simon Mason was plain-iff an F. A. Dnurlaas, Walter Uougiaas and Martha Douglass, son JMuford Dutwlaaa. Stephet a. vouaiasp. rfoaepn vnaaiasa. Assa B. iiouirlaa.. Grant Donflass, slay Doug 'ass. Anuis Iwulass, Clyde Douffiaas and Samuel Oou;laai, br t.k unanuier, their guardian aa litem, ware defend aiita. and to me directed Slid delivered. emman. ins; so. to levy upon and sell the lands mentioned and drKrtned iu said writ aod hereinafter described. I did on the 16 h day of March, 1894, duly levy opoa, ana win seu a purine auction, to tha bifc-h ujuuer lur vmmn in uauii, on Monday, the 16tb day of April, 1894. at two o'clock In the aftemixm of said day, st thi front dour of the Con tv Court Home in Dalle- city In Haaco County, riaon, a 1 iif the lands ana p oniirtie described in said arit and herein described s roiiowa. uwit: Comrnencina st the southeast corner of that eer. bun tract heretofore, and on the 20th day of May 1882, conveyed by deed from J. C. Pratt and wife t. Mrs. si A. unamDerlln. wnicn la duly recorded I, the records of dexds for Wasco County. Oregon, a- Patre 17S of Vol. "H". thereof which deed ia hamhi referred to for particular description; thence runn ing east 24 rods; theuce north 15 rods; thence weft 4 rods, and thence south lfi rodd to the olaos of be. (rtnainu; aaia srac aoove ueacnoea, lying sna betn in aectinn 14. township four south. .f raotre 12 eas of the Willamette Meridian i H asco Countv. Ore gon, together with the elements, hereditament and appurtenanoBS the junio belooging, or in am wise a, pertaining or so much tht-rt-or as shall be sttf naent tn satiart rne sum of tsua oo. with interna thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum since the 28th day of February. 1894: 60 atornev' fee and S47.70 cos:s iu said auit, toaother with the costs of said writ an J accruing owes of sale. . T. A. WARD, Sheriff of Wasco Countv. unm Dated at Dalles CitT, Oregun, March Is, 1884. B1 IDS WANT ED for hauling 100.000 pounds ol wool tmore or leesi sna Zd.uoo to 40.000 noand of back frv-igbt; said wool to be hauled from Litt,- Front creek, about fifteen miles southeast ef Ante lope to Trie Dal es, tne back t renin t to be haulvi from The Dalies to Muddy station, about eigntee miles soutneast or Antelope All wuol and freigb U be well protected with wagon-sheeis and delir ered in good order and condition Bids will be opened May lsc -and the award made known Mo dy s warebouaa. Terms: tme.baif will h. mL on the delivery of each load, if desired; balance oi compieoon "i contract. Address aU bids to HENhT HAHN, Sec'r. Care Wtdbams A Co.. mch31-4w Portland, Oregon. Administratif's Notice of Final Acconn! NOT1CR IS HERFBT GIVEN THAT THS VS. dersUned, administntor of tne estate o William A. alien, aeceasea, nas nied In tbe office a the Oonnty Clerk of Wasco County. Oregon, his nnai acoouns wita saia estate, ana tnat Moudav. tli 7th day of May, 1894, at 10 o'clock in ths forenooi of said day. at the Connty Court room in tha county court nouse, Liaties city, Oregon, haa been. I bv Hon. George C. Blakelev. Countv Judn. Sil I and appointed ss the time snd place for examining said account and hearing objections, If any. thereto. Dated at Dalles Citv. Wssee County. Onwon. tii.a SOth day of starch, ISM. GEO. A. LIKBK, sow, ot toe assess oi wm. a ansn. nmismiiL 1 FAMILY GROCERIES Jemtcol NottOSM. Administrator's Sale. WH -.REAS, the Hon. County Court of the Stats of Oregon, fir the Countv of Waeoo. on tha Sth day ot November, 1893 duly mads an order ul recttog me, tbe ul) appointed, qualined and acting administrator of tha estate ot Krnest 8. Uare, de ceased, to sell the lands and premises beloniring to said estate, and hereafter particularly deKribed, at public auction, to tba highest bidder, for cash in hand, ow therefore, by virtus of such authority, and In pursuance of said oruer, 1 will, on Saturday, the Wtn day of Februa v, 1894, at the hour of ten o clock in the forenoon of said day, at the front door of the Couuty Ouu.t House in OallesCity, Wasco County, o.eiron, aell, at pu !: au -lion, o the hiirn et bidder, for c . ah in hand, the lands and p smkes belonging io id estate, and particularly described as fu luwa, u-w t: The southwest quarter (swlj and the soothes quarter of the orthwest quarter (i of nwi) of section fifteen. (16) in towuahip mis (1) south, of range fourteen (Is. east, of the Willamette Meridian in Wasco ouoty, Oregon, containing two hundred acres of la. d. aid aale will be made subtest to ap. proval and oonfirmstiun of the said County Court. Dated at lalle city, Wasco Uounty. Oregon, this th day ot January, 1894. T. H. JOHSSTON, Adm'r of the rstate of Emet tt. Haags, deceased. Sherift's Sale. . BY VIRTUE OF AN EXKCUTION, issued out of tho Circuit Curt of tne State ol Oregou for Vtaaco Countv, in an action entitled J W Biakeney vs Acdrew Oamrer and M ,ry Gauge -, aud to me directed and .leliver d, I did, on tbe 1st day of March, 1894, levy upon, and will xll at public auc tion, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, on Moniny. the 231 day of April, 1894. at two o'clock p m of sail day, at the IJourt Rom uoer in Dalles Ci y, in Wasco countv, Oregon, the foiluw.iu ! -fcritied property., to-wit:" All if iliit lan. lying in the west hx't of the northa'd t u.uiter of auction seventeen (.7) town ship t () norih, of r.nge thir a (l.H) eat. and ly-ng bei-Mevn the south bank of the Uoiumuia river nd tbe Lii:ion Pacific Kailway Compinr'i track, and right oi running be-we-n The Dalies, in Wasco county, u.-'imi, and Portland. Otva-nn, ring the land .iircl.ieed br Andrew Uancer from O orae n He vor. an of said lan-i being In Wasco county, Uregoi , ana being about tweutv seres, m-ire or -ean, orau ii iicn thereof aa sbsll i e aulfident to satisfy the au:i. oi llir. e hundre and filcy-six aud flfty-ttve one-hunilredrhs dollar:, (KIM. 65.) w:thiuterest there on' at ia iate of eight per cent, per anuum from Auguit 9iit, A D. -C90. Taken and levied upon a the pro-- n, of A, .drew and Marv Oknirer lo aatiafv said ii.m i f 68 56, and Interest theraun. in fat or of -J W lJl.kjLer. Uelher with coata and aivtrulna- '1' A WAitll- . Sheriff of Wat-co county. Oregon. Dated at D dies Citv, Orexon, March 23, 1894. Administrator's Sale. Ni-TICK H HSRKBT GIVEN tliat the under signed, !tUmiiii3trator uf tbe estate of Uarrl- ron ttrum. jrc a ed, bv vrtua t an on.erof the oumy CuU t of tha Stats of Oregon for aaco Cuunty, in .rui.e. nude on the 6 h i-ay of beptens. V. . n IUM j .. . .. wei, a. v. low, ui.u a .jpiwuieniary oroer uuhie b sain ouurc oi aate i'ecembrr 22. Ife93. will on tnr. day, tbe 27th day of January, 1894, at the oour of a r. in. wi bniu ua.i , ai liw court Hnuae aiKX in Llllrs City, in Warao Countv, ute of On goo, sell at pub lic auction tu tbe highest bidder for ca.h in hand, au ot to lbs oourjrmaiion of aij Court, all of t-.e foa-.wing deacr. bed real ea ate aud water richt., be loi ging tlie utate uf the aaid -jeceaeed. to-wit. 1 he west half uf the northe.st quart r, and the oriuw.ei, qtnrcer oi tne sourneist quarter uf eec tiou iwentv-tive. in townsbiri two north e ranira u-n east of tne Wiliauvtte meridian.coutiining 1 o acres miu eituavjo in waaco county, rt,te of r, g.m ; and a.i ihe eas half cf the east half of sncuoji .a twenty-five tn township o to north i f rans ten east uf the Mlilameite meridian, containing 160 acres, and situated in VVaco Countv. tttate of Ore. grn, together with tbe tenements, bereditamenu and appurtenances and water rights thereto beion- uig, ana oeiongiog to saia eel tie All the above described property, lucludinr tbe water rignta, to be told in ens parcel. Dated, December 22. 1898. J. W. CONDON. Administrator of tba estate of Harrison Corum. deceased. SUMMONS. ; In the Circuit rart of the State of Oregon tor tas county ot Wasco. E B Dufur, plaintiff, vs W T Rogers, defendant. To W TrWera. the above named defendant: In the name of the State ot Oregon, yon are here by required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled action on or befre tne n rst day of tbe next regular term ol tbe above entitled court, to-wit: on or before Monday, tne 28th day of May, 1894, and, if you fail so ts snawer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take Judgment for the sum of S150.00.and interest thereon at tbe rate ef of tea per cent, per annum iice July 1st, 1892; for tSO as a reasonable attorney's fee fur instituting said action to collect the note therein sued upon: for tbe further euro of 3R bfi. and haral interest thereon since the 17th day of May, 1892; f jt the further sum of S17.60, and legal interest thereon since June 28, 1891, together with plaintiff's costs and disbursements of action. This summons is here By served npon you by publication thereof cy an order duly made by the above named Court at its regular February Term H ereof on the 24th day wrcorusrr, lev. - IttAflS Sanarss, mergl-7t Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLV FOB LEAVE TO RE SIGN. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Ex. ecu tor of theestatn of John Stanley, accent? has filed in the County Court of tne State oi uregon f r Wasco Connty, io Probste, on January 26tb, 1894, a full and complete acoount aa such Executor to snd including J-uuary 25th, 1894, and ba intends so, anu win, on jaonaay, tne ato day of March, 1894, apply to the Honorable George C Blakelev. Judire of said Court, for an order allowing, approving and settling his accounts, allowing him to resign as such sjiecutor ana exnonoraung mm from further liabil ity as toxh Executor. JOHN M HARDEN, Exesutnr ot the Estate ol John Stmley, deceased. January 27, 1894. Assignee's Notice. -SaTOTICE is hereby given that a L. Phillips, es- aignee ei nm rarreei -co, lnsoivns debtors. bas Hied his anal account as snch sasitroee in fw circuit court of the 8 rate ef Orevon for Wasco county, an that said Bnal account will be heard in said Court on Mondat, the 12th day cf Fe!ruary, 1894, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M , or aa sona tbere sf ter aa the same can be reached by the Court, said day being th , first day r.f the regular Fehrna'y, cr, ierm oi saiu cour. ; c u. rmiiLdrs. Aseigues Dalles City, Oregon, Jan. 12, 1894. Executor's Notice. Jn the matter of the estate of William H. McAtee. decesred. Notice is hereby friven that the undersigned has oeen oy ins county c urt ot waai-o uoui-tv, State of Oregon, appointed executor de bonis turn Instead ot B. C. McAtee, removed, o the estate of William H McAtee, deceased. Ad peraons bavng claim, againsw or business with, said estate are notified and required to present same with the proper vuncners to toe unnerauneu executor, at nia real de-ice in Ths Dalles, Wasco County, uregnn. Date! The Dalles, On gon, thi 12th day of Jan-u-u-y, 1894 liEOhGE A. LIr.BE, Kxecutorof the i state of Wm. H. McAtee, decs'd GUARDIAN'S NOTICE; NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by tbe County Court, ef the State ef Oregon, for Waeoo Coun ty, in drobate, guardian of the person and es tate of Nancy Stanley, an aged snd lndrm pert on. AU persons har.na claims against said estate are hereby notified ai.d required fr preeeot them to ine at the law orfl.se f Condon A Oondo:i, in Ueltee City. Oregon, with proper vouchers thereof. HAND L.AOK. Guardian of the person and estate of Kane Stan ley, an aged sjd infirm person. Dalles city. Oregon, March 17, 1894. . .. Administrator's doll cq. rOTICB 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THR OS i X deraigned was duly app anted aduuoiatrator o he estate of Nels Carlson, dooeated of Oaiea d Locks by tbe C wnty Court ef the State ot Oreoi .Tin, 'tw rj IVarnn am Mtnr.mk.. 1 0-ifl i.j therefore, all person, having claims saainst said estate sre required to present toe same, with props vouchers sttaoied, withiu six months from the dat of this notice, at my oiUes at Ca cade Locks. Waeoo county, vregnu. l-eecade Laicks. Bepr, so. 1883. C. J. CANDIANA. tdministrator of ths estate of Nels Ctr on . d sen. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION., Lasd Omci at Vaaoorvsa. Wash., ADril 2. 1891. Notice is hereby given that tbe followinsr.named sttler has filed notice of her intention to make commutation nfial proof In support of her claim. wd thtt said proof will be made before W. U. Dun- har. Commissioner United States Circuit Court for dl-trict of Washington, at uoldeodale, Wash., on May 12, 1894, vis: MART A. GIL MORE, formerly Mary A. Barry, Hd No 9021, for the w hf io qr and w hf ss qr sec 31, tp s n, r 14 e, W M; sne names tne following witnesses to prove her tonunuous resiaenoe npon, ana cultivation of, said no, viz: Dietrich H 8tegman. William Wilkinson. Herman Migieke and James Riley, all of CentervVlle P O, ap7 JOHN D. GEOGHEOAN, Begister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laas Omci at Tun Dallbs, Oasooir, April 2. 1894. Notice Is hereby siren that ths following-named -rttler his filed notice of his intention so i final proof In support of his claim, and S.a said proof will be made before the Retrister and teeeiver of the U. 8. land office at Ths Dalles, Or., n May u, tows, vis: LYDIA E. WILDER, Hd No 3507, for the lots 1 and t, eec 18, tp 1 n, r e ne names ue loiiowtog witnesses to prove bis jonunuoua residence upon and cultivation of ana, vis: Anna Brown. Thos McCoy. Coas Green. Dell C vuaer, au oc ine uanes. Oregon. ap? juun w. ckwis, Hegtster. ADMINISTRATOR'S KOTICi VTOTICE is hereby given that ths nndersit-ned has 1 1 neen aulr apnolntea nr the Countv court of the State of Oregon, for Wasco County, in probate, ad ministrator with the will annexed of the estate of Clarissa atcEwen, deceased. All persons having -Maims against aaid estate are hereby notified aad requited to prtobnt them te ms with proper vouchers u toe taw omoe or vooaon at cenaon in umiies city, tregea within six months from the date of this UVWW. T . a. KIliDl. I afaSiwdeco!' "" "Uto notice. W. N. WILEY. inues taty, tnegon, iiarcn 17. levt. s MEECHAFJ TAlLOnlG, MR. PAT. FAGAN, t establishment oh the corner Third andFederat street prepared to make Spring and Summer Suits! CALL and EXAMINE SAMPLES You Want Your Dr.y We keep the L.reot and B"t Assorted L'ne in " ' ' the city, of Dry Good and NotionM, Gr-ntV Fur; ; nifhing Goods and Olothinfr, MenV, Indies' and . Children' Fine Shoes. " ' . We Want Your Patronaso Of coorse. we will pat Prices to suit. Always do ! that. Nobody undersells us. Come around and investigate. m WOOD RESTORED; TOIH (IP niaj.saaaaws 1 1ia Ineomiilausln-uirB Ptftsof dischnree. which if nm M BEFORE .so AFTER JiiXate jrVaPIDEBrE fttrenfftb ens find rMtoreaamall AdnaATOIaalar.MCMCOP.aBoxarfIVaiicla JbrBotebf For Sale by K. W. Helm & Oo.,5The.Da!les, Oregon.' THE 0R0 FINO WINE ROOMS AD. KELLER, Proprietor. 1 . ' Port 81, a finrOTindv ft.r a Sherry 81 -Muscat 83, Angelica 83, Mountain 83 an Grefcorio Vlney artl Co. J itmc-y All Wines and Brandies Guaranteed Strictly Pure The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Always, on Sale. . Try the best remedy for Dyspepwa, "Dandelion Tonic The Hew Umatilla Mouse T DALLES. OREGON . ',' SINNOTT & FISH. Proprietors IF- 1; . jtW1L1 - - t rHE LARGEST AND FINEST HO ra li OREGON Free O.nnibus to an. ta tne Hotel. re-Proof Safe for the Safety of aU Valuable- The One Price Cash House, COR. SECOND AND COURT STS- j 'DKALKH Foreign and Domestic Drj Goods Hata and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. . Agent for the Battenclt FatUrns: also (or tbe llall Bacaar Dress Forms. 7L..W. Gener I Commission and Forwarding Merchant 391, 393 and 395 SECOND STBEET, (Adjoining Railroad Depot) ' . I ,,,. Consig-hments Solicited IT..' ' Promp Attention to those who favor The Highest Price paid in Cash THE CELEBRATED Columbia . AUGUST BUCHLER, PROP'R. This well-known Brewery is now . m , tft . www uidv Wa7T- SUU X UlitC east of the Cascade. The latest aDDlianeen fop rriit m.n..in i,i.t I I) a , . tf6' l lntroduced' nd 0Bl s . A. M. WILLIAMS & CO sawMaassssSsvil 'COPIOENB" ThNrritVM.t.hi. ilonof a faaiouaFmich p.a1cJ.nTi:7icr.;r. :'.r M.-inb'-od. , wetik onrana, Sdrcularand teadmnnlala. O J Zinfardel 84, . Riesling 83. Hock 83, Table Claret a. ' Js4t-r.a fldDHD. tne with their patronajre for Whea, Barlev Etc Beeweey tnrninir ont fl.A v.i j ra - w-svavwli-S v KUVU fi-t-cl article will be placed . . imp en, Uiinuiess to Marrv, itxIiaUMtln,, Drnlna. 1 Cons-.lpatlon, 1 1 stops all louse, bv rinv , ii.h. n