I " ' 1 " I r itttlj XTAISE1K, Volume 3C3T - WRnj TTjimTj OM rsMKS-UOsJ.TAlESB. " X.I1J --m BBBwawBBSBBBBBwaBBBwawawawawj. ; ; . .. . . I ew. tv.-. -l . - ,.- . u ..-I FROM TERMINAL OK 1N1ERIOR POINTS PRINTED EVERY SATURDAY BT John Michell, Editor and Proprietor TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. i.H-copy, i gr c-.pj efNr.... ............... - months....... r-Tenns strictlv lu aavanro. ...ft.Vl ... 1.0C xi a. Prv.li, Urn at The Dallet. Or eamd fiaw At attar for trantmiuion through the mailt. LIST OF STATE AND COUNTY OFFICIALS. . : 8. Pennoyer Zi-ZZi afte O- W- McbriU, aduAiurs ............ J J.H. Miu.-bt.li ... B. Hermann ...'."A'. R KUis Congressman, first district second district gute rrinter ..... ' COFJHTa County Judge..'. . Sueria. ...... Clerk Treasurer CominUsioaei .-. Assessor Surveyor superintendent of Public Schools. Coroner...... ... Frank Baket . George Bake'y T. A. W ard ....J. B.Crueeu .... Wm. Michell ...Jae- Daruietl ...J. W. Konnta E. F. Shai jj Troy rnciwy Professional C rds. X 8UTHEBLANDJSL D., C. M. Physician and .Surgeon, Rooms 8 and . Chipmao Block. The Dalles, Ore. 0. C. HOLLlSTEB, Physician and Surgeon, Rooms over Dalles National Bank. Office hours 10 A.M. to H M., and from 2 to 4 P. M Residence West end of 1 bird street. - t. B. OOKDOlf. J. W. I (ONDON CONDON, Attorneys at Law. Office On Court street, opposite the House, The Dalles, Or Id Court A 8. BENNETT, At f. at Law, OSes in Sehanno's building, upstairs. The Dalles ' - Ongon. a. a. pv .' , FSAMK HBBsrBB D .UFTjfi a MENEFEE, Attorneys at Law. : Booms 42 and 8 Cha man Block The Dalles, Or. , KOONTZ, Ileal Estate. Insurance and Loan Asent Agents for the Scottish Union and National 1 uraoce company of Edinburgh, Scotland, Capit 0,000,000. - , Valuable Farms near the City to sell on easy arms Office over Post Office, The Dalles. Or. If YOU WANT ' GOVERNMENT, STATE Dalles Military Road Land, . CALL on- ' . ; : THOS. A.. HUDSON. (Sucaessor to ThoroburyVSudaon), S3 WasMngtoiI St., THE DALLES, OR. IF YOU WANT JWS4SSS: Lands, or the laws relating thereto,, you can e nsult him tree of chance. He ha made a specialty of thm business, ar d has pract'red before the United hUte. Land Office for over ten tears He i. went for the EASTERN OB BOON LAND COMPANY, and can cell you erasing- or Unim proved Agricultural Lands in any quantity ifeaueu. Will send pamphlet describing these lands npon ap plication, lie is agent for the sale of lots in Thompson's : Addition THE! DA-IiES. This addition is laid off into one-acre lots, and is destined to be the principal res-dence part of the city. Only twenty m notes' walK fmm ihe Court House aud ten minutes from the Railroad Iwpot. To Settlers Located on Government Lands: If joa want to borrow Hone; on long time, he can accommodate von. WRr.ES FiRE, 1JFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCES f you cannot call, write, and your letters w:!l be promptly answered. - THOMAS. S3 Wsshiniton Stri et. A. HUDSON, THS DALLES. OREGON FAT PEOPLE. Park Obmitt Pius win reduce your weight VEHHAMKST1.Y from 12 to 15 p on- s a mouth No sttrvinc sickBess- or iniury; no public ity. They build up the hralth and b autiiy the complexion, leavinc no wrinkle, n nahbmees. Stout abdomens and difficult breathing- -urt-ly relieved. Jkt IXHi 1I1I1EMI but a soenUna and posk tive rtlivf. adopted only after years of experience. A orders tupplied direct from our office. Price ti 00 per psckagn or three packages for tfi 00 by msil po tpaid. Testimonials and particular, (sealed Sets. A1 CorrrpondeBr- tHrietly Cwafiden tlml. PARK RMEDY CO., Boston, Mass BARB WIRE. If yon want cheap fencing use the new wire called "WAUKEGAN." This will stretch S6 I er cent, farther to the same njmber of pounds than any other wire in the mar ket, and alM makes the best fence. Stop and ex amine it and you will be convinced that this is the wire you want. Jos T. Peters & Co-, SOLE AGENTS. Andrew Velarde, HOUSE MOVER The Dalles. Adiinwa: Lock Box 181. . JAS. FERGUSON, General Expressman! Goods baoled with tbe greateet cart to all oarto of the city on short nouor. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. (Successor tn) SCHENCK & BEAL.L, BANKERS, i-kansaitm a rsvjulak banking business BUT AND SELL EXCHANGE. c ul.LECTIONS CAREfULLT AlCoUMED MADE AND DRAW ON NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. Directors! , D P Tacarsoa, Ed M Viuun, 1 3 SOHIMCK, OeOHSK A LlBBB, H M BHALb. fei SALOON, DAN BAKER, Fropr. Keeps on band the oest Wines, Liprs and Cipii FREE U1KCB EVERY EVENING. Near the Old Mint, Second Street, THE DALLES. : : ORKOON- L. P. OSTLUND I I wOl fur isb drafts and eaiimates on til buildin a dwellinirs and stores. Mr. Ostlund is' a practical mechanic' and the plsnt drafted hv tim will prove artistic, cheap and dura. tie 'f me SluDiing Greennouss. Havinir enUrffed our Floral Gtrden and Increased our already at ft collection oi Potted Plants, Roses, &c. We wish to announce, in addition, to the public, that we h.ve m.de a specialty of Pansy Plants and Forget-Me-Nots, WLI be Sold at Reasonable Prices. We als-t have a fine selection of Dihlia Bulbs. which for beautv are unexcelled. We are prepared te furnish on short notice Cut Flowers for wedJing parties, socials and funerals. MRS. A. C. STUBLING & SON. R. E. Saltmarsne AT THK East Ena stock yards. IU PAT THE HigliestCash Price for Hay and Grain. DEALER IN LIVE STOCK. PAUL KKEFT k CO , DEALERS IN Paints, Oils, Glass, And the Most Complete and Latest' . Patterns and Uesiirns in t V A L. PAPER. Practical Painters and Paiier Bankers. None but Uie best : rands of the Sherwin-Williams Paint used; ia all our work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. All oruers win do prmuj-wy attended Vk bbop adjoining Columbia Packinar Co., . j rillBO STREKT DAI.LFS-' COAL! COAL! -THE BEST- Wellington Eo"ck Springs and Roslyn Coal 112. sacked and delivered to any part of tte'TJ. . At Moody's Warehouse HEXM L KUCK, ! llanufacinrer of and dealer in ( Harness and Saddlery, Second 8U, near MoodVs Warehouse, DALLES, ' A Work OREGON ttea-aateed te lvr Mat- lffctloa SorthwestOor. Seoond and Washington! Sta. i 8ucoessora to Georxe Such. X"lio Olieapest Place THS DaLLXS FOB All Kinds of Groceries, FLOUR, GRAIN. WILLOW WARE, ETC j W respectfully solicit a shar of the public pat ee and suall endoavor to (rive entire satisfai onr customers both old and new. Coaaty Treasurers Notice AU eonntv warranta registered prior to Jan. 16, 1890, will be paid n prrsebti tioo at my office. Interest cea.e after thi date. - William Michell, ' - ro.mty Treasurer. .: The Dalles, Qui. 21, 1803. WOOL EXCHANGE oat or and Builder ract PI FEB Northern Pac. RAILROAD I the line to take ID ALL POINTS EAST AP SOUTH It ! the Dinlu? Car Routt. It run Throw Ves tibnled Trains Icrt Day in tlievearto ST. PAUL aha CHICAGO (NO CHANGE OP CARS. Compu ed of Dining Can unsurpassed. ullmsn Lning-rxm deepens 01 uum Equipment. TOURIST'S SLEEPING CARS, it Vliat can be corstructed. snd in which accom modation are hot b Free and r umisbed ,. or holders of First or Second class Tickets, mi ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Line, Connecting with All Lines, Affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service. Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured in ad vance tM-ouffn any agent of tne roaa. THROUGH TirKETS To and from all points in Amei jcm. England and fcurope can be parcliaaed at any ticket omc6 oi trie company. Full information co rninr rates, time of trains. routi-s and other dttails furnished onjtii plication to W. C. ALLOW AY, Atrent D. P. A. K Co., Regulator office. The Dallas Or. A. D CHARLTON, Ass't General Passenger Atrt., No. 121 Hrpt St.. Cor. Wa-h., PORTLAND. OIGON fl MAMA J mini. i KANSAS CITY, ST. PAUL, . Chicago. Si Louis, : ALL POINTS EAST, HO Tfl and S TH TKAIN : SCHEDULE: - LEAVE THE DALLES. East Bound .-. West Bound. ARRIVE AT THE DALLES. From the East. . . .'. From the West , . 11:15" P. M . SU6. A. M 8:401A M. 11:10 P M. PCLXMANiSLlEPERS. COIOMST , J "rr' Rl CIJK1KG CBAHUBS ' nd DINERS ' . .- - Steamers from Portland to San Francisco EVERT FIVE DAYS. -ICKETS TO AND FROM EUROPE. 8. H. H CLARK, OLIV K W. MINK, RECEIVERS. E. ELLERY ANDERSON, For rates snd penrral information call on E.(E. LYTLE, Depot Ticket Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. W. H. HURLBCRT, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt, 2M Washington bt Portland. Or JOHN PASHEK, 11 &f chant Ta ilor. SUITS TO ORDER 1 FIT GUARANTEED CLEANING AND REPAIRING. Next door to the Wasco County Sun, Court between First and Second, The Dalies, Or. Sample : Rooms, 58 JkT&OlST ST- , (Nearly opposite Umatilla House.) ' CHARLIE FRANK. PROP. The Best Wines, X ' 1 Liquors and Cigars. '( LUMBIA BRKWEBt UEEB CK VRK HT I THE DALLES Cigar Fact iry, FACTORY NO. 105. pi p 1 nQ of the Best. Brands tnanofact-Ui-lnn0 ured. and ordras from all pal ta of the country filled on the shortest notice. . The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR has become firmly established, and the de maud for the home man'ufactoaed article ncreasing every day. len24dv-tf A. ULRICH ft SQN. WM.BIEGFEIB, . . Tonolaer . of : . - . t - -7 Instrumental Music Lessons iriven on the Piano or Violin. Persons desirine ins ructi- na can leave their names at E. Jacoooen's or I. C Nickelscn's Husic Store, Second a eet, Tte allea, Or&ron. ' - aurlS THE GRANT HOTEL ; GRANT, OREGON. j J. , B. KENNEDY, PROP'R The table la provided with the best in tbe market. Trans! nt travelers will be accommo dated w 'b tbe best meals furnished by anv hotel in town. ' oct22 TMets THE DALLES, FishttDS at Samoa. San Francisco, April 13 The steamer Moaowai tirinas the followmp; uews from Apia, Samoa, dated March 33: It the last few weeks a'l hope of peace being maintained here has been diasi pated, and much Samoxo blood has again hn ch.pl. O.n the 10th inst the two par les came to actual warfare Figoling was started by i-ome Oana people fanug upon three meo-whn were quietly gath eriui? food. Oueofthe men was killed and according to tbe Sarooan ca:oai was inattntlv der.aoitated . Tbe other two. thoueb wounded, contrived to e caDe. Tbe firipe brnueht more of the government aupportera to tbe rescue ami a sharp dkirmishensued. resulting in nur of tbe rebels beiue killed and sis woun did, and one of tbe . government troops beioe killed and a large number wounded A cessation of hostilities for the day took place, but mucb . excitement was cansed bv the newa that tbe peop'e of O'na. who svmDatbized with those of Oana. intended to atta. k Aula . At thu juncture tbe consuls issued a proclama ticn warning armed parties of Samoan from coming within tbe municipal dis trict This proclamation was sneered a hv some of the malcontents, but it bad a good effect, and it prevented . the towii mm being overrun by armed natives. On the following Monday an attack was made upon the rerl camp, hut tne gov era men i sup; oners were driven oacK losing four men and having a large num ber of wounded, while the rebels escaped without loss. Matterx lemaiued fairly ooiet for about a week after this, until the 19th, when quite a large eogagcmeot took place, ending in the complete no feat of the rebels, who lost 10 or 12 men and bad a large number wounded. Tn lovalis's lost about the same Dumber, and their list of wounded was also very large. In tbe meantime the consuls paid a visit to tbe other end of tbe island, ana have evidently persuaded tbe disaffected id that quarter to remain quiet tor a time hut an outbreaK is daily exuc.ted. Thirty have been killed and 50 wounded so far. Will Iaveatrau. Tacoma, April 13 Governor McGraw. tbe three trustees of the Stei'xrooin in sane asylum and Prosecutor VV. H. Soell, of Pierre coonty. held a mee'ine ia t b li cit y today, to discuss tbe mystery nur- rountiing the deatb of Representative Jnseph A. Sbidle. accountant at tbe asy lam Dr. Wsughop, supennteudeot of the arylam. was before tbe committee, sod made a report, in which be incorpo rated bis reasons tor assigning apoplexy aa tbe cause of bhadie 8 deatb. It was eiermined at tbe meeting to call upon be commissioners for fond to prose cute a thorough investigation and to em p oy an eipenenced detpctive in tbe case. A vrriQtd reiortet Dr. Hamlin, the chemist of tbe Detroit medical college, wbo analyzed tbe contents of Sbadle's 6toraach and found a quantity of atrop- bina poison therein, - will also be pro cured bv tbe committee Death of E. F. Sett emlnr. Pendleton, April 13 E. F. Settle- Biittf, pr?mineatRe'U0lican ao( ener getic business man of Pendleton, died at 10 ibis evening, of. pneumonia, aged 37. Deceased was a member ol tbe last Republican county convention waa taken ill shortly afterward, aud lapidly grew worse UDir death came. He waa at tbe time a heavy stockholder in tbe Daily Tribune, but was engsged in tbe grocery business. He was a member of .the Wot dmen of the World, which society is taking cbrge of the tuoeral, wbicb will occur at 2 o'clock Sunday . - Paul Piay Suapeeted. Grant's Pass, April 13 James H. Wallis arrived in this city today from Paris, Idaho, from whence he comes to investigate the disappearance of bia broth tr-10-.law, Henry Todd, a miner, bo disappeared about a mnntn ago Wailis learned that au unknown body' had been recently, washed ashore near old Beacn, and upon arrival obtained descriptions of the body, and at once identified if as the lost brother-in-law odd. f oul plav nas teen suspected, as was known that Todd had about $600 in money on bis person when be disap peared. AmerleauM Thantt Tbe Brlttnh. Panama, April 13 The BlueSelds essenger prints a memorial from tbe American citizens thanking tie captain and officers of the Britisi warship Cleo patra for the r valuable assistance in ; re- oring order on the . Motquito reuervai tion, regrett iog the tos, pi tbe Keartarge, nd expre8tinu a nope that the fixes of America and Eng and will yet be the guarantee ot abiding peace and protec- un throughout toe world.. The Cok Iteanoa. Union town, A or ! 13--Over 1000 strik ers are pM-anlug the coke region to 'a : i,o taiding coke p atils in tbe southern eertiou. Workmen at tbe plants fled at e approach of he strikers and a con ict was thus averted. Deputy sheriffs are being hurried to tbe location ot tbe orka tti protect them. Two constables, who went 10 the Oliver worka to arrest a ftriker today, were beaten and driven off by women. A Murderer Hanged. St Louis, April 13 Charles Wisdom, colored, waa hanged today for the mur der of Edward Drexter, in April last. Wisdom abused tbe sheriff because be in sisted on reading tbe death warrant, call- Dg blot, among other things, "a dirty Irish dog." On tbe scaffold be apol- iized. - lee Hast Drowned. Pendleton. April 13 Lee G. Hunt, ged 21, 8oo of.G. W. Hunt, tbe railroad cocractor, ot Walla- Walla, was drowned at Echo, in this county, at 4 o'clock tbis afternoon, while attempting to croaa the Umatilla river. He never reap peared after having been swept Irom bis horse. Tbe body has not yet been recovered. Coxpy'a Army. Addison, Pa., April 13 Coxey't army today began its tramp over tbe mond- tains. Many wou'd desert but fear tbe Winchesters of the mountaineers. A clash of authority occurred between Coxey, Browne and Smith, who detest each o:ber. (Joxev has disappeared, os tensibly in searcb ol provisions Bread Far ILelley'a Amy. Cheyenne, April 13 Tbe bakers have been working all night to prepare for Keiley's army. Membeia af tbe army generally desire to go to Denver and probably will do so. Trainmen pronounce OKEGON, SATURDAY. APRIL. 21. 1894 the recruits orderly, having no trouble on the trip. Tbe army is expected at P. M. Went Over an Embankment Woodland, Cal , April 13 -W. W Montgomery, a prominent rancher living near Davisville, was instantly killed last evening by falling from Fatah creek bridge, tiia team oecame rrientenea ami backed off the bridge, carrying tbe wagon and driver over tbe embankment, a dis tance of 40 lect. Near tbe city mill two keys one brass and tbe other plain.. ' Tbe finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving the same at this office. Damages Awarded Hits Pollard. Washington. Apnl 14 Foreman Charles R. Cole, of the civil court, an nouoced a verdict lor tbe plaintiff, Made line Pollard, for $15,000 damages from Coogre'Stnan Breckinridge tor creaking his contract to marry her, tbns ending th long and exciting Poilard-Breckin ridge breacb-of-piomise trial. Sensa tions fairly crowded themselves into tbe last day of the trial. There bad been some of 'be most dramatic scenes which ever stirred np the dingy little courtroom, reeking as it waa with tbe memories of celebrated cases There was an approach o a personal collision between Jung Wilson and Attorney Cbatles Stoil dur ng the magnificent closing argument of he Washington lawyer, followed by talk of a duel, and Judge Bradley, in his charge to tbe jury, scored Colonel Thompson as a lawyer is seldom spoken fin court Tbe jury retired at 8:07 p. M. The first ballot taken was on tbe merits of the case, leaving out of consid eration tbe question of tbe amount ot damages. If resulted in 11 votes for a verdict for the plaintiff and one for tbe defendant. Thereupon the dissenting gentleman was figuratively cornered by ma colleagues and for some time was ar gued with. ' HOW A BALANCE WAS STRUCK. In speaking ot this discussion after ward. Foreman Cole said that tbe jury men displayed fully as great a familiar. ity with the points of the testimony as bad been evinced by tbe lawyers in their arguments.--. They laid the cas fully be ore tbe cbdurate jurymen, calling for the grounds on which his belief was based, and finally overcame him bv sheer force of logic. The next question to be ettled waa tbe Ogure at wbicb tne dam ages should be awarded. Tbe foreman aid that a verdict of $1 would vindicate Hiss Pollard and pnnisn Mr. Breckin ridge sufficiently, and he thought it was unnecessary to impose any great finan cial punishment upon bim. Dicussion of this matter followed until the usual course was adopted, each juror writing tbe amount he considered just opoo a slip of paper and a balance being struck. The amounts ranged from SI to 150,000, and 15,000 was the average. , To Const a Quatrain. Washington. April 14 As soon as tbe brief and fruitless session of tbe bouse ended today, tbe plans of tbe committee on rules were changed, so as to have a meeting and begin the formulation of a quorum -counting rale '- It bad been in' tended not to take np the subject until next week, but the eo forced recess of this afternoon gave plenty of time to go over tbe many plans submitted. Outhwaite said the first step would be to examine into tbe various plans with a view to ex tracting tbe best possible method. There was evidence of reaction on tbe Demo cratic side today. An undercurrent of intense hostility to quorumconnting ex iated: Tbe 44 wbo voted agtinst tbe pro. posed rule are a nucleus of this feeling. and with the other members wbo are ar riving, it is estimated that fully a third of tbe Democratic membership of the bouse is opposed to the rule, Tbis makes Rred tbe master of the situation when tbe rules come before the bouse, for the Democratic opponents to the rule and the minorityunder Reed would together form an opposition strong enough to de feat tbe rule. Tbis has made it clear to the friends ot tbe rule that they must shape it to secure the Republican en dorsemtnt, aa without the endorsement tbe caucus action could never be carried into eff-ct lo the boose. There iaeviry evidence that these elements will come together, however, as ibe Democrats are now so lolly committed to counting a quorum that tiKy do not feel disposed to dirguise tbeir action on such an impor tant rulp, while, on the othir band, the R publicans are read v to accept any thing embodying quorum couottcg.witb put quibbling over detnils. Coonty Trieasnrer Wan Short. Whatcom. April 14 The Whatcom County bank baa changed bands, C. W , Wallron, wbo was proprietor, retiring. He has also c osed tbe bank at Fair haven, which he established, and of which he was sole proprietor. .Individ uil sposi tors of both banks have been paid in fui with certificates on tbe Ben net National here and tbe Citizens' bask. of Fairliaven. Tim county, however, ia a creditor for f 68 000. of which $20,500 i-t iu the form of a certificate ot deposit. hicb Waldroa c'aims was given merely lnr accommodation, wrkont va ne re- ce ved; to prevent investigation of tbe treasurer s accounts by tbe grand jury, and that it was to be returned to him. He says be is prepared to accoont for all the county funds actually received by bim for deposit, and tbat it tbe treasurer is. short in bis accounts." he is willing to bear bis pro rata of tbe shortage, being a sorely lor $50,000 on bis bood . Mucb excitement about tbs matter preval 8 The more so, aa this citv was lately ban- coed out of over $69,000 by tbe embez- z ement by ex-Treasurer Iensee, who had been convicted and sentenced to f ur years' imprisonment, but has ap pealed to the supreme court. Waldrnn waa arrested this evening, at Fairhaveo. n a complaint sworn oat by the deputy county treasurer, charging bim with hav ing received for deposit in tbe Whatcom County bank aiter be knew the hank to be insolvent. He furnished bonds in tne om of $30,000 lor bis appearance next Wednesday. ' The Final Collapse. Montevideo, April 14 Admiral de Mello and 1500 insurgent troops, wbo disembarked on the frontier of Uruguay, after having been driyen out of tbe state ol Rio Grande do Sal, have surrendered to the Uruguayan authorities, and tbe rebellion in Brazil may be said to have completely collapsed. ' Tbe government of Uruguay sent a force of troops on board the gunboats to tbe point where admiral - Meiio landed the Brazilian insurgents from tbe Repub- lica and tbe other vessels, .eventually the Uruguayan troops nrroonded tbe Brazilian insurgents Irom tbe RepuUica and tbe commanding . officer, after con fernng witb Mello, accepted bts sword and placed bim and bis followers for mally under arrest. TELEGEAPHIC. Senator Vanee Dead. Washington. April 14 Senator Vance, ot North Carolina, died at bis home, 1726 Massachusetts avenue, tbis city, at 10:40 tonigbt. He bad a stroke of apoplexy. He had been suffering for some time ot paralysis and a complicax tion of diseases, bat his death was sud den and unexpected, as lie was regaining bis health, and waa thought to be on tbe road to recovery He was compelled dunog the winter, - to leave the senate and go to Florida . Here he oecame somewhat better, and. in view of tbe struggle over tbf tariff, he returned to Washington. He was a member ol tbe committee on linauce, but took little or no part in framing tbe present tariff bill Hia death is expee'ed to result in a hot fight, both for tbe short and long term Tbe North Carolina legislature is Demo cratio, with radical tendencies. The dead senator was a strong advocate ol free coinage of silver and a very , low tariff Slashed with a Kaife Tacoma, April 14 Captain F. V. H. gao cat ana seriously injured u Al. un.- non, wbo recently arrived in this c'.iv from South America. Hogan was drink iug in a saloon, and without any piovo. catiou began abusing Gannon, calling him vile names. He took a kotle out of ms pocket an I slashed at liiuuoo. m flictiug a wound several inches long across tne abdomen, idogan was ar rested, and released on $1000 bonds. i ne doctors say the injuries may prove fatal. Gannon is an Au-tra lan 'awycr ou his way to Englan, and is a man of means. Hogan is a prominent real es tatc dealer, and a lead n ' member of the people'e party. A Peculiar Phase. St. Paul, April 15 The strike co the Great Northern ii gradually working eas", hayiug taken in Grand Fork?, N, D., last night, and if not soon settled will probably reach this end of the line in about two or three days. It is devel oping a pecoiiar state of affurs. The strike was ordered by tbe American Rail way union and Is being more actively antagonized by the railroad .employes' brotherhoods than by the railroad com pany itself. There can be no doubt ibat the officials of tbe various brotherhoods are priately somewhat dissatisfied, but they recently accepted tbe revised sched ules and are standing by tbeir agreement wttb tuej&mpany. ' - .. A i:-;flled Burglar. Bbownsvili.k, April 16 Last Friday night tbe store of R. N. Thompson, in this city, was entered by some one wbo intended to ro'i '.he safe. Tbe room was full of powder smoke on Saturday morn ing, when Mr. Thompson went into tbe store and the knob of tbe combination lock and nog was knocked 'off and a brokeo drill found in "be bole ot tbe door; but it was evident that the door bad not been opened. A hammer, chisel and other tooU were found on tne prem. i-es, and they were taken from William Moore's b ackeraithbhop, tbe door of which was broken open. Tbe burglar secured entrance bv prying -open oae of tbe front door. Except some jewelry acd pocket enrtery, and a few cen'a from the till nothing seems to be missioH, be safe does not seem 'o be damaged in anyway except the breaking of Ibe com did a tion lock, but Mr Thompson' baa had ta send to Portland for an expert to open it.: No cine has yet been found to tbe guilty party. -.BLUB BIVES GOLD MINES. Two mining men from the Black Hi1 Is are in tbe city, just, arrived, to go up to tbe B us river goid mines. They will start with interested parties in a few days, to inspect tbe camp witb a view of investing capital if satistsctory. " Fatal Train Wreck. Wilxesbarkk, Pa, April ,16 A seri ous railroad accident took place at oil verbrook, near Hazeltoo, yesterday. A Pennsylvania railroad freight train ran inlo a Lebigb Valley express train, kill ing Patrick 'Dailey, of Milton, P., and injuring many others." The accident was due to an oversight of tbe Pennsylvania freight crew. - The latter left Pittsville in the morning witb a train of mixed cars, including box cars, gondolas and cattle cars. As only a few traio. are run on Sunday, the freight bad a clear traik. and wa making fast time.' The engi neer did not fee the passenger train notil it t as tad late, and a moment later betb engines came together, tbe forward car being driven into the tender of the Val ley eng'ne and demolishing it. Tbe gondola were driven through the box cars, and the engioes are hot b 'wrecked. There were nearly one hundred passen grrs on the train. They were thrown bout in all directions in a most violent manner, and - many were oadly hurt. Dailey, who was killed, had been riding on the freight train, and was sitting on tbe end ot a gondol i. - Ha was crushed to death. Mews From Blaeflelds. New Orleans, April 16 The s'earaer George SeyUy arrived tod y from Blue fields. Nicaragua, bringing news te April 12 Tbe Picayune's correspondent writes tbat on tbe eveniog of the 5th a small acbroner arrived trom Greytowo, bring ing mail advices and several Nicaraguan officials. Among those, to " tbe surprise of even La Cayo, was tbe Wilson ' mur derer, Norbut Arguello, late acting gov ernor of Rama. As 'soon aa it became known this man ' was in town", the citi zens began to congregate in ' groups, wbere one could, witb the click of a pis tol. bear "Yes, the murderer is here." As tbe Nicarignana suspected tbat tbe pe culiar movement tf the Americans meant something, the essaasio Arguello waa quickly placed under arrest and has since been confined in tbe provincial tombs It would seem that Arguello escaped from Rama to tbe interior, wbere be was safe beyond a dount. His advent . here, in connection w.tb tbe other matters tran spiring, is a part ot a plan being made by Cayo. Therefore, nnless tbe comman der of the San Franeitco. provided be reaches here, makes , a demand for bia execution, Arguello .will - probably es cape. ' Killed His Daoshter's Seducer. Chattanooga, Tenn.,' April 16 Two aristocratic families of Sevierville, in this state, have been brought into deep est trouble by tbe indiscretion of tbe son of one family and the daughter of the other. " For a year or so. Job n Mullen dose baa been devoting btmself to Mary Montgomerydaughter of Captain Root. Montgomery .'. Tbe gin's parents de manded an explanation, and she named Mnllendose as her betrayer. Tbe father of tbe girl ' took bis shotgun and went after 4be young man. lie met bim in company with bis father. "Marry my daughter, or 1 will kill vou," tbe girl s father said. Young Mullendo:e said he would not Tbe other raised his gun. Tbe boy's father put bia hand to the muzzle of tbe teapoo tosayeh e son. The discharge blew bis band off and killed tbe young man as well. The Com mi oa weal. ; Cumberland, Md., April 16 Tbe commonweal army, 300 strong, did not leave here today. Mountain climbing In Pennsylvania nearly disintegrated the army. Tbe army will leave on Tuesday morning early, in canal-boats, for Han- cock. It may be tbat tbis route will b- continued to Hagarstuwn. The men are being fed extravagantly. This has layed tbe leelicg of ditcontent.- It is rumored that several score of unem ployed are being organized for an uppn sition march to Washington. It is stid f 100 baa been paid 'the army by tbe street car company which is carrying crowds to tbelrcamp, to induce them to stay. Tbis was Cnxey's biribday and it waa ce:-lia' d tv h mxa me-lniK and speeches '"Ollill. The N-irihwe t Army. SEATTLE, Wash , April 16 A new feature wis added to the Northwest In duatrtal army toutght, by thi organiza tion of a woman's auxiliary, composed principally of ibe wives of the members, About 40 women were at the meeting, and Mrs. Paul Mohr, wife ol one of tbe most active men of tbe male army, ws elected president, and the other officers were cboseu Irom the wives of tbo prin cipal male members. An open air rally of tbe industrial army tooight attracted a great crowd. The announcement was made that boib tbe male and female con tingent would move on . to Washington in a few days. Line the Cornell Kffair. Lawrence, Kan., April 16 During tbe progreaa of a banquet, wbicb was tendered tbe secior class of the high school by tbe middle class - last evening, some miscreants succeeded in getting a quantity of acid into tbe hall, nearly suffocating tbe young people in attend ance.' Some were overcome by tbe naut seating odor. Suspicion points itrrogly to a member of tbe junior class or tbe high school and a student of tbe univer sity pharmacy schoo'. ibe board oi education will thoroughly investigate and punish tbe offenders it caught. Wsnia City Treasurer Short, Fobt Scott, Kan., April 16 Expert investigation ot tbe books of City Treas urer Mrs. F. R. Pullman, tbe only fe male city treasurer in the state, makes it appear she is $1500 short in her accounts. It is not thought she baa been dishonest. hut tbat tbe shortage is doe to some one baying obtained tbe money . by illegal means. florell Meatenced for Life. Fresno, Cal., April 16 Ed Morel), Cniis Evans' partner, was tbis morning sentenced by Judge Harris to lifo im pritoument at Folsam. Judge Webb fixed tbe bail of Heath, the alleged mur-i derer of Mc VTbirterW $20,000; - v.. Panose's nar derer. San Francisco. 'April 16 William Fredericks, murderer . of Casbler Her- rtcks, baa been identified by Jobo Toy and William Bovey, of Nevada City, as the man wbo killed 8benff Pascoe near tbat city some mouths ago. Burned ta Death. Janesvili.e, Wis., April 16 Last night tbe residence ef James Krink, five miles west of here, wss burned, and three children, aged 8, 10 and 13, perished. The mother waa also burned in attempt ing to rescue ber children .' DEMOCRATIC COS VKKTIO.V Special to the Tum-lforaTAiKBUU Astoria, Or. April 17. Convention organized by electing J. K. Weatberford chairman; M. D. Roach, of Multnomah. secretary.' "District nominations so - far are: representatives, V. C. Brock, M V. Harrison; district attorney, E. B. Dufur; board of equalization, T. H. Lafolett of Croo'-c county . A Band af Heroes. Eveiybody witb a heart appreciates bravery, and every natural pulse beats quicker at the sight or story of human heroism . Tbe English soldiers who fell before the hordes of the Matabeles dis played those qualities that only dwell in the bosom ot the world's conquerors ; acd though they were swept down be fore tbe overwhelming force of the mem bers and perished from the earth, tbe history ot tbeir deeds will live and cause a glow of enthusiasm in the souls of men whereever tbe tale ol their last struggle ia told. Tbe following tribute to tbeir desper ate valor is given by one of the enemy, an officer in tbe Matabele regiment, wbo wimes-ed the stubborn bghl by a hand ful against a boat: I. Macbasha, induna of tbe Iusnka regiment, tell yon tbese tbiogs. We were 6.000 men against your 34. Tbey rode into tbe track.aod linked tbeir horses in a ring and commenced a heavy fire upon us, and our men fell fast and thick. We opened a fire upon tbem and killed all tbeir horses. Then they took to cover behind toeir horses' bodies and killed as just like grass. We tried to ru-h tbem. Twice we tried, but failed. After a while tbey did not fire so mucb. and we thought tbeir ammunition waa getting short. Then, just as we were preparing to rush again, ttiey all stood np. Tbey all took off tbeir bats and sang We were so amazed to see men singing in tbe face of deatb we knew not what to do. At last we ros'ued. Yon white men don't fight like men bnt like devils. Tbey shot as until tbe last cart ridge, and most ol tbem sbot themselves witb ibat. But those wbo bad none left jnat covered np their eyes and died with out a sound. Cbild of white man. your people know bow to fight and bow to die. We killed all tbe 84. , But tbey killed as all like grass. Exchange : Ten thousand men in tbe Pennsylvania coke regions are on a strise because of disagreement with their em ployers. Ten thousand or more are on a strike in Chicago for the same reason. Some other thousands employed in the bituminous coal mines of the entire coun try have been ordered by tbe head cen tres of their organizations to quit on the 21st And yet armies of unknown thou sands, who have no work of any kind to quarrel with, are marching on to Wash ington to tell congress why it is that work ia so hard to find. Tha situation is a pe coiiar one... Highest of all in Leavening ii cry ABSOLUTELY PURE Damages by Flood. We have heretofore published report ol the damages done by high water in the John Day river; bnt the following from the B irnt RiDch correspondence of the A-i'elop Herald ia the most complete acsouut that wa have seen in print: Tbe John Day river waa higher on March 30th, at 4 o'clock ia the afternoon than it was ev--r known to be, and great ilamax was done to pr.ir-ertv alt along its bauks Jo-epli Ch'pmto, of Contention, had hi whole ranch inundated, lo-iing his hay crop fxr this year, and bad ' 20 fine pirker drowned, McAllister & Paasleo, of the same place, had their three ranches over flowed, losing all of their growiog crops, two hayatack and most of their fencing The river also cut a new ehinnel throunh their home ranch, doing great damage to it. Pet Connolly lost his croDS and a pitoh ot potatoes, which ha had already planted twice At Burnt Ranch tbe water backed up into tbe orchard and ran through the fields, tearing away the fences and washiog out the gardena. Jay Saltzman bad two cellars to collapse and bad to dig through the tops to rescue tha content. At James Connolly's the water overflowed hia desert lind claim and cayed off considerable of the same, a rancia ttwter lost most ot hi orop and lome fencing. Vast qoantitiea of drift went down tbe river in tbe shape of huge logs, immense trees, bay staoka, lumber, water wheels, bridge timbers, posts, rails! and other things too namernui te meotioa. At the preseut writing the river is higher than at any time last year. Fear are enter j tained that it will reaoh a point even higher) than it did last we-k, nnless the' weather stay cool, for there ia a great deal of anow I ia the mountain yet. OregrosB'a WooICllp. I According to the assessors report from different counties of Oregon on January 1, 1893. there were 2.456 077 sheep to tne I state, their fleece weioht averaging 8 Dounds per head making in the aggregate 19,64 S.616 pound of wool grown in the state, tba placing Oregon according to weight of clip tbe fourth wool growing state of tbe union, Texas witb 4.334 551 aheep and weight ot fleece averaging 7 pounds gives her first place in the wool producing state with a weight of wool washed and' unwashed of 30,341,857 pound. Ohio follow next in order with 4.378,725 sheep average fleece weight of 5 pounds, giving in pound 21, 893,625 a her prodact. . The golden state of California rsoka third on tba list with 4,124,376 heep with aa average fleece weight of 6 making tbe total orep foot op to about 26,808,444 poaod. The tetel pro ductirtB of wool in the United State in 1893 was 301,638,138 pounds and the total camber of aheep waa 47,239,633. Tbe Xost Men. ' Cottage Grove Leader. 1 ' " The lost men, Downing and Weaver, could not ba found by tba party,, of search era. They met a aad fate. Within four milea of the Annia Mine, in a trail just made fresh by the snow shoes of the man coming down, they and their guide thought they could have no trouble in finding tha mine. so they permitted tbeir guide to leaya them, bnt in an hour a blinding snow storm nam) niu-thii mnafc m&verm of tha sMinn. I which lssted (even day. In nch a blind- inn storm it wa impossible for them to aee tbeir feet. Tbe last trace found by those looking for tbem were where the poor men had been tramping aroand in a eirole hope- ImsIv tfMB erith nn ea.rr.hlw nowAF tn MVS I . j r l tk.m Tha reanft ta too aifikertitio1 of whifih I t writ. ton aad and too nainfnl to eon tern-1 plate. Tbe miner in camp subscribed over I one hundred dollar to present to tha rifa of Mr. Downing, Railway Accident. . lit Grande Gazette: Freight train No. 24, Vi'edatsday morning, rau into a land slide about two milea west of Hilrard. Engineer G. W. Hansen jumped, or was thrown from the cab and quite badly in jured, but it is hoped not seriously. - Mr. Hansen waa picked np in an unconscious cond tion and brought to his home in tbis city, and it ia believtd beyond a severe shaking np will suffer no permanent injury. Fireman John Burns climbed out on the running board and escaped uninjured. Fortunately r-nly the front trucks of tbe tender left the rails, the train running about two hundred yards over a high trestle before coming to a standstill. Morrison Dlacbarned. Tbe man Morrison who was arrea'ed in this city on ompaint of a detective from Boise City, Idaho, for eloping witb Mrs, Brown, was discharged from custody tbis morning. Requisition papers could not be procured, and he .was attempted to be held on the charge of lewd cohabitation. There waa no direct evidence against him, and Justice Schutz, before whom he waa tried, released him from arrest. Mrs. Brown and her two children will return to her hus band, ahe feeling heartily sorry for her acta, and desiring to be at home. It seems that Dr. Morrison became acquainted with the family aa a physician, and bv bia knowl edge of human nature secured complete control over tbe woman. Prospecting;. Lewis ton Teller: This will be a great year for mining prospector. Near'y every paper yon pick up haa an item coooe ing a new party fitting out for he search of placer or quartz mining. A Spokane daily, of recent a ate, telle of a party fitting out to go placer mining on Salmon river thi aea a"n. Others are going on tbe sarhe errand. There is no doubt that the bars of tbe Sal mon will yield handsome returns to the miner wbo works th-m, and it would be no aurpnae if tales of fabuloua wealth could be trathfully told about some location before the aeaaon is over. There is plenty of gold in the bars along Salmon river . Such ia the assertion of all who have prospected there. When Baby waa atck, we fave her (aatorta. When she was a Child, she cied for Castoria. When she became lliaa, aha dune Caatcria, NUMBER 37 Power. Latest U. 3. Gov't Report Q-s . The Council Trial. .A fall council was present Saturday ever, i-ig to hear the petition of James Harman, of Lyle, for $60 damages, cansed by the death of on steer of a band of cattle which had been driven into tha city tor tbe par pore of shipment and tha aale of another by the marshal aftej being impounded. Tha common council determiood, in order to save e ats, to b ar tha evidence in the case, and if it was soon a, to make tha city liable for the prioj of tha steers to pay tha same ithout additional costs, and if they did not consider the aota of tha marshal aa transcending hi authority to (efase pay- meat , There were examined James A. Davis, John Crate, L Klindt, J. E. Barnett. Bert Bagley, J. E Bagley, W. R. Brown, W. 8. yera and Dsn Maloney. The - evidenoa showed that tbe band of eattla in being driven through tha street of tha city be- I came frightened and broke away from the herder. They were all dnven to tha stock yards except the two for which damages are claimed. Tba marshal drove one of these to the pound, and he died soon after reaching that nolosure. He was s vicious animal and bad to be roped before ha could ba got m subjection. This oiused consid erable trouble to tha marshal and those who I aseistad him. It was not in evidenoa, so we are informed, that any -undo oruel I method Were nsed in getting him to tha pound; but being very flashy, it i supposed I the ran that ha made caused bi death. Tha I other one was very wild, and the marshal followed bim to Three Mila Creek and back to Mr. Taylor' farm ta Dry Hollow' before ha oonhl be corralled. , He was afterward sold from the pound to pay cost of keeping, etc It i ols lined co tbe part of Mr. Har man that this steer waa corralled by one of his harder, and thi raise a question of veraoity between tbe pirtiea. The council, after hearing tha evidence. took tha mstter under advisement, and " "vioe from an attorney, will, at a special meeting, render their deoiaion whether or not to pay tbe damages claimed. The Bia- Ditch. The Nicaragua canal is earning to the tore in tine ehape. The Boston Traveler recent ly cent out letter to the governors of var ious state and the more prominent mem ber of congress, asking opinions of the value of the canal to this oonntry, and whether or not tba government should con struct aad control the waterway. Answer hsye been received from 31 governors and 40 members of congress. Tbe governor of southern states without exoeption either fayor the government building aad owning the canal outright er extending aid to what ever oorporatioo build it. Governor Mc Graw of Washington, believe tbat tbe United Stat government should eonstruot, pwo and operate the canal. Congreaamaa Bynomof' Indiana, Washington of Ten nessee, Hilgore, Bell and Abbott ot Texas, declare heartily in favor of its eonstrnction, but say that they would not vote for any measure tbat won Id pledge the united State to .guarantee tbe bond of any pri vate -corporation. Senators . 8tockbridg and McMillan of Miobigan, Parkins of Cali- on. Ulpb and Mitchell ot Oregon, Mor- I a as a TW . a . - . Of Ai.oama, rrye oi main ana vo- gressman Henderaon ot Iowa, Burrows of Miobigan, Starrer of Ohio, Van Voorheea of New York, Doolittle of Waablngtoo and a namber of other of both political parties y they are in favor and will vote for uoh a biU a tbat propoaad by Senator Morgan. rwt, . .t, a ..l.n - Sheriff Ward and Deputy fbirman re- turned Saturday night from taking Hana Neilsen, tbe insane man, to tba asylum. They apprehended trouble, but he went perfectly peaceable. Mr, Phirman got into bia confidence, and pretended tbat they were going to Denmark to buy a farm, Thia pleased Neilsen very much, and Phirman impressed apoo bim tbe necessity of keep- . ng quiet, and not allowing any person to know their object. This appeared to in crease bia oonfidencr-in tha depnty-ibsnff, and he did not make the least effort to es cape. When oeing driven irom toe oepot in Salem to tbe saylum he inquired where they were going, and Phirman told him to tbe hotel, jat this he seemed satisfied, and when be waa turned ' -aver to hi keeper. Phirman told bim that tbe man would abow him to tbe dining room, and ha made no re sistance, s 'World' Fair Awards, The secretary of tha Oregon world's fair oommiaiion na just received irom tne chairman ot tbe execative committee on awards oartifiad list of the awards granted to exhibitor from Oregon at tba world' fair in the department of agriculture, for estry, horticulture, fish and binaries, rivers and mining, manufacture, liberal arte, fine art and ethnology. From these list it ia learned that Oregon captured about aix dozen medals in competition with the world .. in tba several department at tba great Colombian exposition. Errors occurring ia the spelling of some ot the name and post- offices have been noted and the correc tion have bees sent to tha chairman of the committee at Washington, D. C, so that no errors may be made on the medals, diplo ma and official publication. At tne Insane Asylum. The soperibtendant of tbe Oregon tate inaana asylum has submitted hia report for the month juat oloaed. From it tha follow ing statiatio have been obtained: Tbe number of patient on February 28ttr was 936290 females and 646 male; the num ber received dunog March wa.2i; the nam ber discharged as recovered waa 15, three females and 12 males; number discharged much improved, 3 males; namber discharged improved, 2; discharged not improved, 2; died, 2; tbe total nutriW in tbe institu tion oa Marob 31 waa 936292 females and 644 male. The cumber of person, officer, employe and patient fed and lodged in the aaylum daring March was 1049, there being 110 employe. Tbe places mines of Northern Grant have started np business and many hy draulics are spouting with every assur ance of a long and continued ' water sap ply. Tha miners say that if gold straight la to be the role, it is well enough to dig and get action, on the staff.