The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, April 07, 1894, Image 4

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Ik Times-Mountaineer
The treaty recently negotiated be
tween Germany and Russia was mod
eled closely in its essence after the
McKinley bill, says the Cnicago Inter-
Ocean, combining as it does protection
and reciprocity, or, to express it still
more accurately, protection by recip
rocity. That treaty and oar act of
congress are equally based on the' pro
tective idea. German was promoting
its manufacturing.; interest Russia its
agricultural interest. England is- to4
- day the only free trade eoantry in the
ciyilixed world' which has freedom, the
other countries which do not protect
homeinterests being, like Portugal,
Turkey and Japan, prevented from so
. doing by treaty agreements with Great
Britain. "Even the British colonies
have adopted protection.
Bat it seai8 from Berlin advices
that Emperor William is not content
to stop with the measure of protection
secured by this Russian treaty. Under
it cheap rye can fee procured from
Russia and especial advantages secured
for German products and fabrics, bat
he is apprehensive, as he well may be,
of American manufactures. lie sees
that the free-trade erase of 1892 was
only a momentary aberration of .the
national- mind, and that the people are
sure to recover from it before other
countries can get much benefit there
from. "He recognizes," says a cable
gram from Berlin'that the unbounded
resources of America constitute a
staading menace to European trade
and industry, and, although he has the
greatest sympathy for America and
Americans, the emperor is also awake
to the danger of the repetition of such
' a blow as that inflicted by the Mc
Kinley policy." The German emperor
is herein not at all peculiar. The
statesmen, manufacturers and general
public of intelligence throughout
, Europe, from Queenstown to Novgo
rod, recognize the same , fact.. About
the only people who are blind to the
enormous advantages to Americans of
"the McKinley policy'' are the Deooc
. crats of the United States, and a good
many of them are getting their eyes
In this same connection it is added
of the emperor's views on what the
dispatch calls the McKinley policy:
"His idea is that Europe must be
; prepared to take a common .stand
against any commercial measure which
directs itself not against any individ-
, ual nation in Europe, but against all
Europe. The well known ambition of
the emperor to bring about friendly
common relations between the Euro
pean nations showed itself years ago
by the calling of the international con
gress in the interest of the better pro-
. tection of workmen."
The emperor is quite right in sup
posing that the American policy of
protection is not directed against any
individual nation in Europe, and it is
alse certainly inaccurate to say it is
. directed against all Europe. It simply
aims to develop our own resources
and maintain bur "own ' prosperity,
without concerning ourselves with its
effect upon any other eoantry. States
manship is based on patriotism, and
not upon any Quixotic attempt to leg
islste for the world; at' large. ' "The
United States' has never sought to
cripple or destroy any other nation,
only to promote its own; legitimate in
terests. This policy cannot be thwarted
or seriously hampered by. anything all
Europe could do. The only obstacle
in the way of its normal'development.
is the free-trade democracy of our'owa
country, and ' the present indications
are that this obstacle will be removed
as soon as the national machinery of
elections will permit.
From Saturday's Daily.
Democratic primaries today.
Ex-Uov. Moody is in the city.
Mr. Gbas. Dehrar of Bipara, is in the
Mr. Frank Fulton, of Sherman cinnty, is
in the city. . ; , .
Mr. - A. M. McLeod, of Kingsley, is in
town to-day.
Carriages were in good demand .to-day,
and it was unnecessary for citizens to walk
to the polls.; .. : ' " ..
It waaa mistake that all the Democrats
voted lasrWednesday. There were enough
lett to make a'reapectable showing ac the
polling places today.- r
The Farmer road will be surveyed on
April 6th, and the viewers, consisting of
Geo. W. Miller, F. H. Wakefield and Geo.
Such, will meet at beginning of road.
We. received a call this morning from Mr.
Harry B. Hunt, who wss formerly an em
ploye in the O. R. & N. company's shoos in
- this city, bat has resided in Seattle for some
time past.
On April 7th the viewers of .the road op
Mill creek, consisting of Geo. W.' Miller,
F. B. Wakefield and S.1 B. . A dams, will
meet at the beginning of that road, and the
survey will commence.
The Columbia is still increasing its vol
ume sf water, and wood on the beach was
afloat today and the Regulator wharf house
nearly oovered. This is thr highest wa'.er
eyer reeoiiectea at mis season ot
Adnen Comeley, of Albany, is the pos1N
sessor of a very old and valuable violin
- 1 J I I 1 ,
It bears the date of 1517, and the name of,
Gasford Doffa, besides an old Latin in-crip-!
film inlairl in wnnrl. ' Tfe in
carved, and thrre is a very fine old view of
the city of Bome inlaid in different colore 1
woods. The instrument has a beautiful
mellow tone, a is valued at $1000. Mr.
Comeley is arranging to send it to the mid
winter lair lor exniDinon
Pendleton Tribune: Arthur-Hascall.
well-known vonng man at Pilot Rock, met
with a serious accident near that place few
days ago. While driving a herd of horses
across a ereek his none -stumbled and fell
upon him. injuring his leg so badly that he
was nnable to extricate himself from his po
sition. He was discovered by neighbors,
who assisted him 'to 'his home. While his
injuries are of a serious nature he is slowly
recovering trom tne enects or tne acciaent
Hood River Glacier: The discovery of a
- new comet is announced. It is passing
strange that' these ode-horse astronomers
can find a comet meandering through the
illimitable realms of space, while President
' Cleveland seems to be nntble to get a focus
on ns, as we whirl around the periphery of
' the political horizon", jwith our luminous
trail spread like a fan, waiting to have our
ascension calculated. The declination can
. safely be left t ns also The Dalles land
office. . ' x
At Port Townsetad John Dye, bns'of the
pioneer - fishermen of Puget Sound, while
trying to quell the pugilistic inclinations of
Harry. Bendick, another fisherman, struck
him on the head with a heavy tiller The
injured man died the next morning of hem
orrhage of the brain, and proba' Iy Dye
will be held on a charge of manslaugnter.
The prisoner la the owner ot toe little sloop
Annie, which was gained by toil and econ
omy. The men have, always been the best
of mends, and both were considered hoaest,
hardworking fellows.
There were six tramps jailed last night by
the police farce. This was quite a harvest
for th'e dull times.aad It may have beeo for
tnoate fur the homeless wanderers that they
were "taken in . ont of the cold." They
were interviewed by the recorder this rnoru-
tonand a Dae imposed on them. ,
Tne following deed was tiled with the
county clerk today: Ben E. Snipes and
wife to James M. Smith; ondivided one
half interest in lots H. J, G, I. K, L. in
block 53. and lots L, K, U, E, D. C. B mil
A in block 52 aod lots A. B. C. D. E, I. J,
K and L in olock 51 and lots D. C. B aud A
id blcck 50 and lots L K. J. I. H. G, P. E,
D, C, B, A,in block 48. also lots A. B. C,
D, E. F, G, H, I, . K and ,L iu block, 47,
all iu Fw Dalles military reservation; $265
'-' From Monday's Da ly
M Relsay returned
Mr. A.
from a visit to the Locks.
Mr. J. H. Crudlebough, of the Glacier,
came from Huod River on the afternoon
train. .
Mr. M Pi uett.. is wearing the marshal's
star for a few days, aud very wjrihily fills
the position.
Mr. Chas. Schutz, of GoMendalr, Wash.,
is in the city visiting his brother. Justice
Schutz, of West Dalles precinct.
- The delegates from Baheoveu are H C
Rooper and C W Haight, instead of L Bur
gess as published in Saturday's issue.
The Regulator will hereafter make dally
trips to and from the Cascades, connection
at the latter place nitb the pallet City.
Tnere is one case of diphtheria reported m
the city. If it is properly quarantined
there is no danger of the disease spreading.
Mr. M. Anderson, of Dufur, is in the
city. He is a delegate to the county con
vection, and will remain in the city uutil
after the meeting. ", - . :; .
The following are the delegates to the Re-,
publican county 'convention from Antelope:
R A Kelsay. Wax Ke!sa, T fl McGreer
and Murpby.
Mrs. Smith French and Mix Lovely,
who has been visiting her sunt Mrs. F. H.
Sherman, in this city for om time past
were pawenger on-the boat this morning
for Portland.
Dr. Snedaker and wife will leave to
morrow morning on a visit to the midwinter
fair in San Francisco. They will return in
two weeks, when the doctor will be pleased
to wait OB bis friends snii patron, profes
sionally. Miss Rose Michel! and Mrs. Mary French
left on the afternoon tr.iin lor Portland,
where they will take the steamship Colum
bia tomorrow night for San Francisco and
spend some t line in the bay city visitii.g the
midwinter fair.
Mr. Fred W. Wilson assumed the position
of purser on the Regulator this morning.
Mr. Wilson is a young man of excellent
business qualifications, and no doubt will
give general satisfaction in the performance
cf his duties. "
The pumps- and machinery were hauled
out of the oaoal at the Locks Saturday, the
water being so high that work could not be
prosecuted. Stone-cutters will be kept
bnsy, and as Sfcoo as the water reced a a
large force will be employed in the bed ot
the canal,
. Prineville. Review.- Cimmuuioation .be
tween North and S. uth Priueville was sus
pended for a' time 'Thursday by the bridge
across Ochooo on Mam street giving down,
but a foot bridge was provised and 'pur.
neighbors on the north side got over to the
business portion of town.
Mitchell, has tfie only Enf JP." lodge in
the county;-' says the Ochooo Review. One
will probably be organized in Prinevil e
during the summer. There are a number of
Knights there and they are desirous of hav
ing a lodge. '
Nathan Pierce and his son, Henry, visiter
their lands on the -Umatilla reservation
Tuesday to .make preparations for the
spring plowing and sowing. Mr. Pierce
says he does not farm 7000 or 8000 acres, as
has been commonly reported, but about
1000 acres. - -
In a . recent speech Bob Iogersoll con
densed a whole library into this: "It is
said that full stomach ioteferes with brain
work. The people have not had too much
to eat during, the last year. They have had
a splendid opportunity to think, and the re
sult will be an: unprecedented Republican
victory this fall."
Last night some one entered the yard
surrounding the residence of Mr. W. Weg
german and dug out a chsrry tree that was
planted last fall. This morning, when Mrs.
W eggermsn went out in the garden she saw
the tree had been dug up, but it was gone.
This is a new speoies of larceny, and should
be severely punished.
Union Journal' A young son of August
remans, of Wallnla, was the victim of
what will probably prove a fatal accident
last Thursday. During the recent flood Mr.
Ferriaos' house was carried away aod be
was rebuilding on higher ground. While
hauliog a load of material his son fell under
the loaded wagon, a wheel pasaiu ver his
abdomen, iuflrcti.ig dangerous internal inju
ries. Peritonitis has set in and the chauces
of recovery are slight. ; Dr. Bingham is at
tending the patient. ; .
A Portland paper savs: ' Pearl and Clive
Hamilton, aged 9 and 7 years respectively.
wer bandocett by their lather at Portland
Thursday. Some time ago their mother
died in Eastern ' Oregon, and as the father
did not wish to oare tor them, he concluded
to tnrn them over to their uncle, John Mc
Iotyre, .who resides near. this, city, aud was
on his way to Salem on that day when he
suddenly slipped away and left the child
ren akne. Tbey were cared for by an of
ficer and the Boys and Girls' Aid society
Localizer: The snowfall in the Cascade
mountains this winter has been enormous
along the Great Northern -road. although
there are no records to. show how it com
pares with previous years.' Up to a week
ago it had been sixty-three feet seveu incites
on the summit, and after sett I up it lay
twenty six feet three inchs deep on the
level, being above thu tops of the telegraph
poles.' Unless it should pss away gradu
ally through being melted by the sun, there
is danger of serious floods and slides wtieci
warm rains come. - - -
The preliminary" examination of Matt
New at vVatnio last Thursday and Friday
tor the crime of rape was ht'd by Justice
Swift of that preoiuvt Mr. H H. -KidrMl,
of this city, represented the state, and Hon.
E. 6 Dufur the defense. The examination
occupied nearly two days Ou .Thurs
day at 9 A. M .tbe el imination of witnesses
began and the testimony was net all taken
before Friday evening about 6 ..o'clock
Justice Swift dismissed the case, as th
facta disclosed did not substantiate the al
legations in the complaint.
A pctioe ttdrouMtu- t. county postofficei
is for persons who hare, locked buxsa tj In
their keys in oilier person's boxes to see if
it wilRfit or it the box i locked. Very le
know that they lay themselves liable t.i
prosecution aud hue. This act is a violation
of "Uncle SaiuV postal law, aud is punish,
able , a&csuch.j A cats -ooo ii-red recently
where - vatnahie sail I was taken-from a box
in a post ihice by parties unknown. A
young man was arrested for the theft, tan
although the crime could not be proven, it
was shown that he was in the habit of open
ing boxes without pet mission, and he was'
hoed and given one year in the peni
jxentiary. o
A. B. Owen, of Rosebunr. made a enriona
discovery the ether day id ao oak tree
.- . - . - T.
which proved to be a small leather pouch,
which had evidently besn olajed there a
long time ago and was almost oo'ncealed bv
Qoew growth about it. Within this pouch
were several stock certificates in the
"Thirty-one Ugion GMd, Sliver and Gold
Mining Co.,". mp - incorporaaQo . owning
property in fi Golden . Bar districtjn
Placer county, Calilornia. is stock Q
gregated 146 sharesof (100 each, the capital
stock of the company -being $820,000, and
were issued to J. A. Manter en the date of
JNoy. 5, 1863 evr thirty years ago. Each
certificate has attached to it a 25 cent rev
enue stamp. - The question is who placed
the papers in the tree, and when, aod for
what purpose?
From Tuesday's Daily. ? '
J. D. Whitten Is in. from Kmgsley.
A. W. Haight, of Bakeoven, is in the
Mr. F. C Sexton, of Kingsley, is in the
ojty. ;
' The clans are gathering for the contest
omorrow. , .', . .
Dufur is represented in the city today
by C. P. Balcb and. li. tiiguian.
J. C. Murphy and T. H. McGreer. of
Antelope, are In the eity today. ,
Al. Bettingen, jr., is having a new side
walk put down in front of bis resident e on
Liberty street. J ; ? J" ; v::
An Indian was drowned last week near
Umatilla while tryinz to swim bis bote
across the Columbia.
A carlo id of cattle and one of shep left
the stockyards of K. E. Sa'.tmarahe & Co.
yetjrday tor Poitiaud.
We received a pleasant call ibis after
noon from Mr. J. is Gait and Mr. U. Li.
l'aquet, of Wapinitia
B. E. Suipeb, a former resident of The
Dalles, but who is now residing at Elleua
burg, rfasu., is in the city.
rKatercress is the latest complexion spec
ific. It is laid to work wonders with the
skin and hair because there is o much ul
puor in it. t
'' The roads to the interior sre now in
proper condition fur freighting, end several
wagons will start for points in Graot aud
Crook counties in a few davs.
The Northwest Pacific Farmer savs that
the people of the midwinter i.r are goiti
crazv over the Oregou apple, nd Uii
sn a'lest . specimens are sold at 5 cents
apiece. .. ? t
-Tne following Hood Riventes have been
observed iu the city tdav:; Prof." C L.
Gilbert, fl. C ! toe. C. E Mrkhm. M. P
Isenberg. . A.: S. BlowererO. L. Straoahin,
E S Olinger and J. A. Soesbe.V .
The citizens of Wanimtia organized a
IcKinley club last We3nesdy with
fortv members. Mr. A L. Paquet was
elccied oresideut and Mr. J. 11. Gait sec
retary. Public meeting are held every
Saturday evening.
The company at Wasco of the O N. G.
are reported in excellent condition, and at
the inspection recently held there out ot 54
members there were 52 present As regards
the emcieooy of the men the fcoird spnke in
the highest terms, aurt a mara Ot
given them.
There will be an annular eclipse of the
aim on Anril 5th. which the United States
will not be able to see, a partial eclipse
of ihe moon en September 14th and 1Mb,
which we will have a chaoce to observe,
and a total ecliose ot the sun on Septem
ber 9ih. which will be out of the field ot
view of the United Slates.
In a very short time the regular salmon
fishinc season will open, and then a vast
amount of activity will be manit3te I all
alone the Columbia. Hundred! of fiaher
men are now very busily engaged mending
net and making otner preparations for the
seasoL. Old and experienced hanermen
nredict a good seasiin this year, and are
making preparations accordingly.
Rev. Eli D Satcliffe. being about to re
move from the city, offers ar private rale
aod atreasoasble prices, two bedroom sets,
two cribs and mattrexses, biby carriage,
revolving bookcase, secretary, center tables,
ehnirs. stoves and other household goods,
The same may be seen at the rectory be
tween the hours of Iz and . tie also re
quests any one having a bill agaiust him to
present it at once. .
Astorjan: Flammarion, the eminent
French as:rcnomer,tbinks t ie earth will dre
a natural dath. aod it wit' be a comfort to
some Astonans who like this world as well
a any they hjve ever liyed in to know that
this distinguished savant dots not agree
with Li. ut. -Tutten that the end of all
tmngs is comiug soon. In fact, we will
eec tired of waiting, and die before the
event hannens. which may be twenty mill
ion years yet. Beside if Ftammarion if
correct in his prognostications, this city
mav bave railroid connection with the bil
ance. of. the world before its people are
snatched into oblivion.-
JGl-vt-8 Oregon Advice.
N. B.'Merritt, of Duluth, Minnesota,
director of the Duluth, Mesabi & North
ern, a piece of railroad having '47 miles
of track leadinz trom Duluth to the iron
mines north of there, said to an East Ore
yohian reporter:
"It has always been a matter of sur
prise to me that Oregon bas not long ago
forced to a successful conclusion work on
ae open river to the ses' Water trans
portation is the solutior of the high
freights problem. In the face of compe
tition with all water, or part land and
Dart water routes, high rail tanfls flee
"Look, lor instance, at Lake Superior
cates. Dnlutb and Bunalo are 121U miles
apart. Ihe distance between is covered
by steamers.
"The charge on iron yore for carrying
by rail from the twines fifty miles to the
lakesbore is 80 cents per ton. Last sum
mer the same ore was carried from Dn
luth to Buffalo for 60 cents, including
loading and unloading.
"Coal one year ago was carried from.
Buffalo to Duluth for 10 cents a ton. The
highest rate reached is 40 cents, the aver
age being about 25 cents. The freight on
a ton of coal trom Duluth to' St Paul by
rail 152 tulles, is, on an average, $1.15.
"Wheat is carried between Jnlutb and
Buffalo at the average rale of two and
a-half cents. The highest rate reached is
three and a-half cents, and this summer
it was transported the 1210 miles 'between
Duluth and Buffalo, for one and a-half
cents per bushel, the carrier loading and
unloading the cargo.
"In short by the use of the water route.
millions of tons of ore, thousands of car
goes of lumber are shipped nut of JMertu-
ern Minnesota which otherwise would re
main undisturbed for long years to come
Every bushel of wheat is more valuable,:
and all goods shipped from the east are
greatly cheapened in price.
"You Oregon people must keep at it
until you are able ty use the broad waters
of the Columbia to cheapen the price of
everything you buy west of here, and en
hance to the producer the price received
for every pound or bushel he sells."
' w.1 ' .. -'
, . . . Real estate TrJr"Hers.
April 3 W J B ikenT7!fe to L Neff,
bock 8 in the second awitioi wejt to the
town .of Hood River; consideration $1,630,
April 3 J C Pratt an. I wife to A E Like;
commencing 40 rods west and 52 rods south
of the ne corner of the nw qr o see 14, tp 4
s, r 12 If M; tneoce e 10 rods, thence e
70 rod ; thenoe 10 rods; thence w 20 rods
to place of beginning; consideration $80
. April .3 Laogville . to Ltngville; lota 4
and 5, block 2, in W aucom; also beginning
at the sw - oorner oi lot 5, blk 3, in' the
town of Hood River;' running thence 33 feet
north; thence '100 feet east; thenoe 33 feet
south; thence 100 feet west to place of be
ginning, being the south 33 feet of lots 6
aud 6, olock 3 of said town of Hood River;
tlsu all of block 3 in town of Parkhurt;also
n hf sw qr and n bf, sej 21, tp 1 o,r 10 e IF.
M., and also the relinquishment of a 1 prop.
erty that may hereafter be acquired. Re-
April 3 United States to Micheal Ken
nedy; n nt ot se-qr, n ht of sw qr, sec 15, tp
4s. r 12 e, Fr M., 160 acres; pre-ej4iion
April 3 Uaited Spates to Michi
nedy; a ht of se qr and s hf of sw qr, seK15,
tp 4 s, r 12 e W M., 160 acrutJiomestead
patent. ' ' VJ
April 3 United Statrs to Richard Bran
don; e hf of ne qr, sec 21, aod w bf of ne qr.
seo 22, tp 4 s, r 12 e W. M.; 160 acres.
Girl Accldei
A Caldwell special
Idaho State.
men, dated the 26'.baya:
News was reoiVthia afternn tht
M:as. Price, the 15-yeir-old and onl
daughter of Mr. Price, a rancher iivin a
about one mite from E nraett, was accident
ally shotby her 12 yesr-old hrother 8tur
flay oon. Both had been huntiog
vagswr iwasl shearing dead sheep. On re
turning to the hou-e tbe brother removed
the cap trom the tube of hia shotgun and
was lowering tbe .hammer, when his thnmb
slipped, discharging tbe gun and killing her
instantly. Her arms and forehral were
filled with shot aod slug. A boy standing
near was slightly wounded. ,
1.1 i i . . . . .
j.uu Duy wno aiscnargea the gun was
crazed with grief and begged for the gun to
shoot himself.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When &he was a cihHA she tvied for Castoria.
When she became Kiss, she clung to Gactotia.
VJhm she had C3Uktren,fthe gaTethem Oastocift.
' and
Some Railroad Talk.
A resident of the valley, who has been
east on a business t-ip, returned a tew
days ago, a9 the Union R'.pubiicaa.
While en route he chanced to converse
with a railroad engineer on the C. K. & Q.
When he informed the engineer he was.
irom Grande lUode valley, the engineer
said though he had neve; bcua iu Grande
Ronde and knew nothing about it yet lie
would soon become familiar with this
section, as be was ruuuiug a railroad sur
vey and his instructions were to the effect
that Grande Ronde valley was on his
route, but when questioned farther the
engineer would have nothing more to say,
slating he could not mane public the in
tentions of his company. It is supposed,
however, that it is the C. B. S5 Q. railroad
and that the plan is to build lroin the
Yellowsiene Park, where they nww arc,
to Boise, thence to Eagle yalley and via
Catherine creek pass to Unipu and thence
on the H nnt survey to tide water. There
are many things to ir.dicale such a move
ment on the nart of the company in the
near future.
How's This!
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
fcr any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F J. Cheney & Co , Props.. Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, bave known K.J.
Cheney far the last 15 years, and believe
him Derfoctlv honorable in all business
transactions aod financially able to carry
out any obligation made by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggist, Tol
edo, O.
Waldine. Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the bloed and mu-
cuous surfaces of the system. Price; 75c.
per bottle Sold by all Druggists. Tes
timonials free. 1
Flrerat oakesdale.
special dispatch to the vV. W. States
man dated Oakesdale, April '2, contains tbe
A short time after midnight lait night
tbe large, wsrehouae building occupied bv
Alexander Sc. Hexter for the storage of hard
ware was discovered to be on fire, and all
efforts to save the building and contents
were, without avail. The warehouse was
valued at $2000, and the stock at about
$1000, both being a total loss.. There is no
doubt bnt that the tire was of incendiary
origintJ'his makes three incendiary fires
within two weeks, the ether two being the
Opera house building and two dwellings on
Friday sight and Gilbert- Hunt i.Co.'s ma
chine shops about a week ago.
Certain parties hviag in Oakesdale are
supicioned as being ' the incendiaries and
tbe citizens have met together and organ
ized a , vigilance committee for tbe protec-
tection of property and the punishment of
criminals. . It is repnrtel here that there is
likelihood of a hauging-bee within the next
I 24 hours.
- ' Death of an old Plonker.
Rev.- IT. P. rFalker.died at IFasoo this
morning,after a leng and lingering sickness.
He was well known to many citizens of Tbe
Dalles,, .having lived here for a long time.
and was aged over 70 years. The. Methodist
ebnrch was tbe denomination to which he
was affiliated, and of which he was an or
dained ..minister., Mr. Walker was a con
scientious, upright citizen, and was un
yielding in pursuing any coarse - that he
deemed right. He leaves an aged widow,
and a family of grown children tons and
daughter!. ' Settling on Fifteen Mile about
1862 he was one of tbe oldest pioneers of
rFasoo eounty, and his death will remove
one who was highly respected by all with
whom he was acquainted.
and your cough may end in something seri
ous. It's pretty sure to, if your blood is poor.
That is lust the time and condition that i-
vitaa Consumption. The seeds are sowa and
it has fastened its hold, upon you, before yon
know that it is near.
It womt do to trifle and delay, when tba
remedy is at hand. JCvery disorder that caa
be reached through the blood yields to ur.
Pierce's Goldem Medical Disoovery. For
Severe Coughs, Bronchial, Throat aad Lang
Diseases, Ahmn, Scrofula in every form,
and evea the Scrofulous affection of the
hmm that's eolled Consumption, im ail its
ear Her stages, it is a positive and complete
It is tbe onlv blood-cleanser, strength re
storer, and flesh-builder s effective that it
can be guavantetd. If it doesnt benefit or
cure, in every case, you have your money
oacK. All neoicine dealers have it.
me stoniiDj fifeeioDSB.
Having enlarged oar Fleral Garden and increased
our already Lure collection of
Potted Plants, Roses, &e.
We wish to announce, in addition, to the
public, that we h tve made a specialty ot
Pansy Plants and Forget-Me-Nots,
Will be Sold at Reasonable Prices.
We also have a tins selection of Dihlia Bulbs.
which for baaaty are unexcelled. We are Drenared
le furnish on short notice Cut Flowers for weddiusr
parties, socuus ana luneraia.
If you want cheap fencing use the new wire. called
This will stretch 25 per cent, further to the same
namner ox pounaj tttan any otner wire In the mar
ket, and also makes the best fence. 8toD and ex
amine it and you wijl be convinced that this is the
wire you want.
Jos. T Peters & Co-,
Attention,' Frei
IDS WANTED for bauliuir 100.000 pounds of
wool (more or lerfs) and 2.1.U00 to 40.000 Doand&
of back frrignt; said wool to bs hauled from Ultle
rroot creric, atmut Ufteen1 mi lea sontbean of Ante-
lope to The Dal es, the back freurht to be hauled
rrom ine uaiieft to uuddj station, about eiifhteei
miles southeast of Anttlopo. All w.ol and freight
U. be well protected with wairoo-shee's and deliv
ered in good order and condition Bid will be .
opened May 1st and the award made known at
lo dy's warehouse. Terms: One-half will be D&id
on the delivery of each load, if desired; balance oo
compieuoo ra concracc
Address u Dius to UEMtir HAHN-, BeCV. ,
Care Wadbams St. Co..
mch31-iw Portland. Ororon.
The brick store bniidlnr. corner Union and
Second streets, auder tha Union Lo'itfnir Houe.
Fur terms apply to UEORGB WILLIAMS.
Administrator 01 tne estate of. John ilichelbacn.
deceased ch28m
Administrators Notice of; Final Accoant
il derained, adininutrstor of the esUt of
William A. Allen, decreed, bu filed in the offiei of
the Countv Clerk or wasoo County. Orearon. hie
final account with sid ettttt, and that Monday, the
7th day of Hay, i89i, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon
of said day. at the County Court room in tbe
County Court house. Dalles City, Oretron, has been, I
Uud. u ao rye k iiKeiey, tjounty rfuage, nxea
aDDointod as the time and place for examining- i
said account and hearing objection a, if any. thereto.
Dated at Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, this
10th day of March. 16V. UM. A. LifcBK,
Admr. ot uie j&state oi wnu a. Auea aeceasea.
Speaks through the Boothbay (lie.) SigiOer,
of the beneficial results he has received from
a regular use of AVer's Pills. Be says: " I
was feeling sick and tired and my stomach
seemed all out of order. I tried a number
ot remedies, but none seemed to gtve me
relief until I was Induced to try the eld rella
Me Ayer'a Pills. I have taken omly one
box, but I feel like a new man. I think they
aro the most pleasant and easy ts take of
anything I ever used, beini so aaely sugar
coated that even a child will take them. I
'trie upon all who are In need of a laxative
t try Aver's Pills. They will do good."
l'w all diseases of the StonuMh, Uver,
n'v? Emrels, take
Prepared by Dr. J. O. Ayer k Ob., Lswsll, llssa.
gvery Dose Effective
Harper's Bazar.
H ARI'KK'S BAZAR is a journal for the home. It
..hi. ihe fnitrat and latest information about Fash
ions, and iU nnmerous illustr-tions, Paris designs
p.nd pattern. ?Hf et supplements are indispensable
niike to thr home drew-maker and the professional
modint. No e - pens i- sparwl t make its artistic
.HractivencsR or th nignw order, its onifni
slories, amusing comedies an.l thooirhtful i ssxys
satisty all tastes, and its last page is lamons as a
t.udget of wit and humor. In ita weekly issnra
vervrhing is included which is interest to women.
The Serials for 1891 will be written bv William Iikck
and Walter Besant. Short stories will be written by
Mary E Wilkins, Msria Louise Pool, Ruth McEnerv
Stuart, Marion Har'and, and. others Out Door
Sports and ln-Door Games, Socwl Entertainment,
Embroidery, and other interesting topics will receive
constant attention. A new series la promised of
'Coffee and Hepartee."
. PsaYaaa:
Harper's Magazine -. M 00
Hamer's Weekly 00
f InrtM-r'i Razar 4
Harper's Young People 200
Pottage free to all nibtcribcrfjn theiUnited Statu,
uanaaa ana Mexico.
""he Volumes of the Bazar begin with the first
Number for Jannary of facb year. When no time is
mentioned, subscriptions will begin with tbe Num
ber current at the time of receipt of order.
Bound Volumes ef Harper's Bazar or three years
hack, in neat cloth bindine. will be sent by mail.
postoge paid, or by express, free of expense (pro
vided the freight does not exceed one dollar per vol
ume), for 87 per volume.
-v Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding.
will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of al eacb.
Remittances should be made by postoffice money
order or draft, to avoid cnance or loss.
. Ifewapapen are not to copy this advertisement
without the express order of Harper A Brothers.
Address: HARPER A BROTHERS Sew York.
Harper's Weekly.
HARPER'S WEEKLY is beyond all question the
leading Journal in America, in its splendid uiustra
- tions. in its corn of distinguished contributors, and
in its vast army of readers. In special lines it
draws on the highest order of talent, the men best
fitted by position and training to treat the leading
topics of the day. In fiction the most popular story
writers contribute to its columns Superb draw-
bigs by the foiemost artista illustrate it special
articles, its stories, and every notab.e event of pub
lic interest; it contains portraits of the distinguished
men nd w, men who are making the history of tbe
time, while special attention is given to the Army
aud Naw, Amateur Sport, and Music and the
Drama, by distinguished experts. In a word, Har-
Sr's Weekly combines the news features of the
aily paper and the utisttc and literary qualities of
the magazine with the s 'lid critical character of the
i. M
Harper's Magazine H 00
Harper's Weekly 4 00
Jaroere Bazar 4 00
Harper's Young People 8 00
Postage free to all Subscribers m.Uie United States
nanaaa ana ntenai.
The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first
number for January of each year. When no time is
mentioned, subscriptions will begin with tbe num
ber current at tne time at receipt oi oruer.
Bound Volumes ot Bo-Tver's Weekly lor three
ears back. In neat dotn bwd'ng, will ne sent Dy
mail, postage paid, or by exprees, free of expense
(provided ireignt oes not exceed one aoiiar per vol
ume), for 97 per volume.
Cloth cases for each'vo ume, suitable for binding
will be sent by mail, post-iaid, on receipt of $1 each
Remittances should b made by postoffice money
rder or draft, to avoid cnanco oi loss.
newspapers are not to eop.ii this advertisement
without the express order of Harder A Brothers.
ddress: HARPER & BKUT 1 ) .- r v 5
Practical :.
Clocks, Waichgs9 J.welry, Etc
Always koens on le the latest and best styles of
r-.m-f-pieces, uLamona tung, dow-cdoi kuuts, su
erwara, etc.. etc.
162 Second Street,' next door to A..M.
Williams Co.,
I will furnish drafts and estimates on til buildin
dwellings and stores. . .
Mr. Ostlund Is1 a practical mechanic, 'and the plans
GnrxU hnnreri with the greatest -h to a
orx th ,:ir on short uotic-e.
-VYi -ftJ-&
7? ITiM-il hi Opportunity!
l oura. ff. ciidfr. iu wnorirriaecieei thalr ot-
nri.Dnitics, nr. J tron. Uj eana livo In porany wn4 die io
-j-)cnrityi 11 ;t-Towing depur la tbo Wt of tnitny, ms tlx try
. -f UhmjiIb nnt. Ueninnd coins. lniDrove vuur oorsorta.
iv. niiftsbcnreprofr-oritr, prominnce.pcar!. Itw&SMi9
nt a rrliflasnhtjr. tltut "the Otxides of Forrnne offerf t
-Slden ot)Mi tnnity to nnh person at nrwne poriod of Hf
.-! urmce tue eutuirc, toa sue poTzrs on t nrr nenw, liui so ao
4.1 sand ka donnrtsV wrrr to retrxm.' Hw tx, Tna flnJ
thcoE.icxrDH-tntsitrt InTcJTate evfTT chance that
aiptr wurtJij'. ana oi kit promiMi; tnns i wtai an asV
et oal raoa do. liero it ma opportunity, warn net or
ri th in tbe rerh ot laborln r people. I mprnvert. it - 1 '
ittlAMt. imnd Martin life. Tiie Oi.r oith?-
r.n H hers. Mfluev to be made rupl'llr w .1 ". .yl
y any laanstnoas person eicuov eex. aiii;' . ,ncui
CO tnvwoncana uve at immo, win.--rr " i r.-.v. j.viju d.
noueraareon-ily earnfrtg from to Cla pr!r. Yon
can da as well if Ton will worK, nut too Jiara, butiiidiutri.
coaly; and too eaa increwe ytmr Income a ron coob. Yoa
can ciTeenare tifueoorT. or all ynr t(M to tho work. Eaar
to loarn. Capital do. rauli-ed. We sUrt jou.- All la eom
i miiTely new ftn renllr wonderful. We instruct and
Iwr yon bow,fVe. Kaflare nn fen own tmonr our work
era.' ho mom In rxplahi bere. VS rite arnl )rn all tVc,
OTMenm mull, lpwise w amuj. a.irw at oico. B-i.
aW Us aVs obv jroruaBU. JtaiaUO.
tn.aly vigor. Varicocele, ate. . Dr. Dualont'a nerve
pilla will effect a speedy core by its use, thousands
of eases of th. vary worst kind arid of l"nr standinr
bave been restored to perfect health. Fifteen
thousand -testimoniala from ail over the world
Price par package $1.00, six for $5.00. trial package
sent securer jMaioa lor iu cants powHra,
Aaaresa. ui n. uvmomt.
8i E, Washington (rit., Chica80,Dis.J.
Contractor and Builder
(reneraJ Expressman !
25o. 50a
$1.00 $1.25
FEATHMPOHr. is mad rrom QTJIIXrV
nature's own touarst matrrlal, bast wiilps mads for
the price. Chun. Durable. Al l. VTVLatS. all
prices, ask your dealer for a . SDjii - '""IIP .
FOB sa.1 "P BV
. an . 'mm
Th Dales, Or
Tbe, raaeea sf Ttmee t ta Warts,
very BarsToay,
NEW TOBK. aiaklLTCa mm HAPL18,
Atissalar Intervals.
SALNR. trtfll 1-11X11 AM ITIIRAII
ratas on lewsfl terma as and from bs srlpetf le
iu Ninnrwiaii
Excaraloa tlcketa avaUable to ratnrn by either the ale
tnreasne Clyde A North of Inland or Naples A eibraftal
DralU asl Vassy Orisn for ley An out tt levari fcu.
Apply to any oi oar local agiau or w
gEifDEBON BROTHEK8, Chicago, Bf
nothing new when we state that it pays to encafre
In a permanent, most healthy and pleasant bu.ti-
ns, that retarns a profit for every day's work.
if class,
dir. and
We teaeh them how to make money rapii
guarantee every one who follows our instructions
faithfully the making of 34M.OO a month.
Every one who takes bold now and works will
surely and speedily increase their earnings; there
can be no question about it; others now at work
are doing it, and you, reader, can do tbe same.
This is the best paving business that vou have
ever had the chance 'to seenre. Ton will make a
frave mistake if yoa fail to give tt a trml at once,
r vou graep the sitnation, and act quickly, von
will direetly find yourself in a most prosperous
bnsiness, st which yea can surely make and save
large sums of money. The results of only a few
hours' work will often eqnal a week's wage.
Whether yon are old or young, man or woman, it
makes no difference, do aa we tell you, and suc
cess will meet you at the very start. Neither
experience or capital necessary. Those who work
for us are rewarded. Why not write to day for
full particulars, free ? K. C. ALLEN A CO.,
Blood Purifier
This Great German Medicine is the
CHEAPEST and best. 128 doses
of Sulphur Bitters for $1.00, less
4 than one cent a dose. .
11 wm cure tne worst Don,t ever
juuu vi uiseasc, tate BLUE
coonViT, a" x' a deadly.
Put your trust
all cases of each
in Sulphur Bit
stubborn, deep
ters, the purest
seated diseases,
and best medi
sulphur Hitters ,
cine ever made.
Is tne best med-
icine to rise. nirrn ,ty. .
4 Don'twaitun- vellow. 8tickT Bub.
tu tomorrow, B stance ? Is your
try a bottle M Breath foni of.
TO'DAY. M Vr.ur Stnm.
achis out of Order.
3 Use Sulphur Bitters Immediately.
If yoa are sick, no matter what
ails you, use buipnur Bitters.
Don't wait until you are unable
to walk, or are flat on your back,
but get some -AT ONCE, it will
cure you. " Sulphur Bitters is
Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ordway & Co.,
Bob ton, Mass., for best medical work pnblished
We want maay i:i'U vonten. Ioy. and glrl lo
work for us a few lionrs d;ti . tiy 'isi iisnnd n round
tlieirown homes. T;io bui...i: is ;iy, pleasant,
strictly honorable!, and pvs better t!i.Mi any other
oTered agems. You hrvc n clear V hi aud no
competition. ' Exerirnw and sp-fia! ability uu
necessary. "No rapiir.l rv.ire.:. Ve equip you
with everything tlmt to : ,..e-i trtft you well,
and help you to earn v t'v.i"- crdinary wages.
Women do as well as ii:. .:. an." btjs and girls
make good pay. Any or-, tinywiifn. can o the
work. All G.ieceed whofollnwi.-.: plutnand sim
ple directionf. Earnest work v:' src!y bring
you a gre:it d-nl of money. E. rythiug Is new
and In great d. mand. Write for our pamphlet
circular, and receive full information. No barm
done if you conclude not to go on with the
George Stinson & Co.,
Box 488,
Sheriffs Sale.
the Circuit Oourt of the State of Oregon for
Wasco County, in an action entitled J W Blakeney
vs Andrew Ganger and Uarv Gancrer. and to me
directed and delivered, I did, on the 1st day of
March, 1804, levy upon, and will sell at public auc
tion, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, ou
Monday, the 234 day of April, 1894.
at two o'clock b m of said day, at ths Court Honrs
aoor la Dalles City, la Wasos county, Oregon, the
following described property., to-wit:
All ot that land lying in ths west half of ths
northwest quarter of section seventeen, (17) town
ship two (Z) north, ef range thirteen (IS) east, and
lying between the south bank of the Columbia river
and th Union Faciflc Railway Company? track, and
right of way running between The Dalles, in Wasco
county. Oregon, snd Portland. Oregen, being ths
land purchased by Andrew Ganger from George B.
Halvor, all of said land being in. Wasco county,
Oregon, and being about twenty acres, more or less.
or so much thereof as shall he sufficient to satisfy
the sum of three hundre I and fifty-six and fifty-live
one-hundredths dollars. ($366.55.1 with interest there
on at the rate of eight per cent, per annum from
August 9th, A. D. 1890. Taken and levied upon a
the property of Andrew and Mary Ginger to satiafv
said sum of 356.45, and interest thereon, in fat or
oi J n blakeney, together Kith costs and accruing
costs. . T. A WAKl. .
Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
Dited at Dalles City, Oregon, March 23, 1894.
Executor's Notice.
Tn the matter of the estate of William H. McAtee,
j aecearea.
notice is hereby siven that the undersigned has
been by the County Cturt of Wasro Countv, State
of Creirou, appointed executurde bonis rum instead
of B. C. McAtee, removed, oi th. estate of William
H. McAtee, deceased. Ail persons bavng claims
against, or Dusmess witn, saia estate are notified
ana requirea to present same with tbe proper
vuui-uero vj ine unaerntw'nea execubir, at nis real
dence in The trail w, Wasco County, Oregon.
Dated The Dalles, Oregon, this K'Ui day ot Jan
uary, rev. iycuikijis a. LltLUa,
Executor of the Estate of Win. H. ilcAtoe, decs'd
AUministrator's No tic 3.
Nonce is hereby orvey that the us
denigned was duly app tinted administrator o
the estata of Nels Carlson, dceawa. of Cases d
Locks. Bv tbe County Court of the State of Omm
tlounty of Warao, oo September 22, 1893. And,
tberefure, all persona havlna ulaime against said
asuite are required to present tbe same, with props
vouchers attaebed, within six montiis from the dat
of this notice, at my ollloe at Cascade Locks, Waeco
Comity. reir..n.
uscade Locks, sept, 30, 1903.
Administrator of the estate r htls Carets, de
aaed. .
NOTICE is hereby Riven that the undersigned hu
been appointed by tbe County Oourt.
ox - tne miw oi - ureyon, ior n itno Coun
ty, in drobftte, guardian of the person and eo-
tftte of Nancy Stanley avn aged and infirm person.
ail peraooe nayinc claims airainn etud estate are
hereby notified and required to d recent them to ma
at the law office of Condon fc Condon, in Dalles City.
V UANti aUaUE.
Guardian of the person aod estate of Nancy Stan
ley, an aged and infirm parson.
uaiies city, uren-on, uarcb ut law.
Coanty Treasurer's Notice
All oonnty warranto registered prior to.
Jan. 16, 1890. will be paid on preceota
tion at my office. Interest ceases after this
date. William Michell,
County Treasurer.
Tbe Dalles, Oct. 21, ISSZ.
&3' Eas
Iegal Notloaa.
Administrator's Sale.
WH - REAS, the Hoo. County Court of the 8Ute
of Oregon, for U.e County of Waaoo. on tbe
6th day ot November, 1893. duly made an order di
recting me, the ul appointed, qualified and acting
administrator of tbe estate of Ernest 8. II. aire, de
ceased, to sell the lands and premises belonging to
aid estate, and hereafter particularly described, at
public auction, to tbe highest bidder, for cash in
fcow. therefore, by virtue of such authority, and
in pursuance of said order, I will, on Saturday, tbe
10th day of February, 1894, at the hour of ten
o clock in the forenoon of said day. at the front door
of the County Court House in Dalles City, Wasco
Country, Oiegon, sell, at public aut-tion, ro the high-ei-t
bidder, for casb in hand, the lands and premises
belonging to said estate, and particularly described
b foiluws, to-w.t:
'Ihe southwest quarter (s and the soutbeat-t
quarter of the orthweat quarter of nwJ)of
section ttfteen, (15, in township one (1) south, of
range fourttvn (14; east, of the Willamette Meridian
in Wasco ounty, Oregon, containing two hundred
acres of lar d. aid sale wUl be made ubicut to ap
proval and confirmation of the said County Court.
Dated at Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, this
0th day of January, 1894.
Adm'r of the E state of Ernest SI. Haage, deceased.
JN THE CIRCUIT COUiii of tne State of Oregon,
for Wasco County
Georgr- W. RowIsmg, plaintiff, vs Hugh Gourlay
and Befo-ie ourlay, aefeioUnui.
To Htwh Gourlay ami Bessie Gourlav theaSove
named aei-;nu.ints.
In the n mie ut the r-tate of Oreron, yi i.d each
of jou, hereby ri q ire-1 t- appear .no answer
the couiilant of plaintiff, died atriinpt yoa in the
above entitled suit, on .-r tile first diy of
tne regular term of the Circuit Court of tho Stale of
Oregon for Wasco County, next following the final
publication ot mis summons, to-wit; on or before
Monday the 12th day of F brnry, 1894, and If vou
fail so to appear and answer, for wall ttir!.f th
plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re'ief prayed
for in his compiaint, to-wit:
for a decree of foreclosure of that certain mort
gage deed u,ade a d executed by you to K. B.
Dufur, on tbe l day of Novrii.ber. 1893. main all of
lot D of t'ufur's Grand View Addition to Dalles City,
in Wasco County. Oregon, and according to the re.
I ,n ""cowjuntj
TO.ed m!P
I said premises of-
saiu Addition to said City, and that
sold under such foreclosure ripa-re
in the manner urovid d by law sad according to the
practice of this Court.; that from the proceeds of
such sale, the plaintiff have and receive the sum of
350, and interest on said sum A u e November 2.
1891, at the late of 10 per cent per annum; alto the
further sum of 60 as a reasonable attorney's fee
lor instituting this suit to forclme said mortgage,
and collect the notes ihereby secured and heiein
sue 1 upon, together w"th plaintiff's costs and dis
bursements made and expended in this suit, includ
ing accruing costs aod expenes of sale, and that
piaintiff have judgment over and against the de
emlent, Hugh Gourlay, for anv deficiency remain
iaif after all of the proceeds of sach sale properly
applicable thereto, shall have been applied in pay
ment of plaintiff's demands as above set forth; that
upon such foreiHorfure sale all of the right, title, in
terest and ciaim of you and each of you. and all
persons claiming .or to claim by, through or under
you, or either of you, in ano to said mortgaged
premises, and every part thereof, be forever barred
and forclosed from the eqnity of redemption, and
for such other and further relief as to the Court mav
seem equitable and just.
This summons is served upon you by publication
thereof in The Dalles Timkb-Mouktainssr, a news
l-ap-jr of general circulation, published weekly at
Dalles City, Wasco I ounty. Oregon, by order of
Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, Judge of sail Circuit Court,
which order bears date the 27th day of December,
sp30-7w Attorneys for Plainiff.
Sheriff's Sale.
sale, issued put of the Circuit Court of tna
State of Oregon for Wasco county, upon a decree
and judgment mads, rendered and entered by said
Couit on the 28th day of February, 1894, in favor of
the plaintiff, m a suit wherein Simon Mason was
plaintiff an 1 F. A. Douglass, Walter Douglass and
Jlartna vougias, and Bluford Douglass. Stephen
A. Douglas?, Joseph Dnuarlass. Assa 8. Dauirlaaa.
Grant Douglass, May Douglass, Annie Douglass,
Clyde Douglass and Samuel Douglass, bv t. N.
Chandler, tbeir guardian ad litem, were defend
ants, and to me directed and delivered, command
ing me to levy neon and sell the lands mentioned
and described in said writ and hereinafter described.
i uiu uu uie ioa uay or. marcn, leva, auly levy
upon, and will sell at public auction, to ths high
est bidder for cash in hand, on
Monday, the 16th day of April, 1894.
at two o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the
front door of the County Court House in Dalles
City in Wasco County, Oregon, all of the lands and
premises described in said writ and herein described
as follows, to-wit:
commencing at tne southeast corner of that cer
tain tract heretofore, and on the 20th day of May,
1882, conveyed by deed from J. C. Pratt and wife to
Mrs. M. A. Chamberiln, which is duly recorded in
the records of deads for Wasco County, Oregon, at
Page 178 of Vol. "H", thereof which deed is hereby
referred to for particular- description; thence runn
ing east 24 rods; thence north 15 rods: thenoe west
24 rods, and thence south 15 rods to the place of be
ginning; said tract abovs described, lying aod being
in section 14, township four aouth, of range 12 east
of ths Willamette Meridian a Wasco County, Ore
gon, together with the fjaements, hereditaments
i aod appurtenances the" junto belonging, or in any
wise appertaining or so much thereof aa shall be suf
ficient to satiBf) the sum of S&62.50, with interest
thereon at the rate of ceo per cent per annum,
since the 28th day of February, 1894; too attorney's
fee and 47.70 costs in said suit, together with the
costs of said writ and accruing costs of sale.
Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, March IS, 1894.
In the Circuit oourt of the State ot Oregon for
E B Dufur, plaintiff, vs W T Roeera. defendant.
To. W TEogers, the above named defendant ;
In the name of ths State of Ureron. von an h.ra.
by required to appear aad answer the complaint
Sled against you in the above entitled action on or
oei re toe nrnasyot tne next remilar term of th
above entitled oourt, to-wit; on or before Monday,
the 28th day of May, lt-94, and, if you fail so to
aoiiwer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take
Judgment for the sum of 150.00,aod interest thereon
at tbe rate of of ton per cent, per annum since July
1st, 18.42; for 80 as a reasonable attornry fee for
instituting said action to collect tbe note therein
sued upon: for the further sum oi S38.bfi. and 1ao-&i
interest thereon since the 17th day of May, 1892; for
tne runner sum oi ew .ou, ana ieg.1 interest thereon
since June 28. 18D1, together with plaintiff's costs
and disbursements of action. This summons is
hereby served upon you bv publication thereof bv
an order duly made by the above named Orart at
its regular February Term thereof on the 24th day
of February, 1884. FRANK MENEFEE,
roar31-vt , Attorney for Plaintiff.
Administrator's Sale.
NOT10K IS HEREBY GIVEN that ths under
signed, administrator of tbe estate of Harri
son Comm. deceased, by virtue of an order of the
ounty Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco
County, in probata, made on the 6th day' of Septem
ber, A. D. 1893, and a supplementary order made by
said court, of date December 22, 1893, will oo Satur
day, the 27th day of January, 1894, at the hour of 2
P. M. of said da , at the Court House door in Dalles
City, in Wasco County, State of Oregon, sell at pub
lic auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand,
eutiivct to the confirmation of said Court, all ot ths
following described real estate and water riirhta. be
longing to the estate of the said deceased, to-wjt.
ine west nan oi tne nonnesst quarter, and tbe
northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of sec
tion twenty-five, in township two north of range ten
eaat of tba Willamette meridian, containing lvj) acres
and situated in Wasco County, State of Oregon; and
aiao tne east nan oi tne east nail ox section fto,
twenty-five In township Mo two north of range ten
east ef the Willamette meridian, containing 160
acres, and situated in Waaoo County, 8tste of Ore
gen, together with the tenements, hereditaments
and appurtenances and water rights thereto belong
ing, abd belonging to said estate
All the above described property. Including ths
water rights, to be sold in one parcel.
Dated, December 22. 1893.
Administrator of the estate of Harrison Coram,
Notice is hereby given that ths undersigned Ex
ecutor of the estate of John Stanlev. deceased
has died in aba County Court of tne State oi Oraron
I r wasco uonnty, In nubate, on January 26th,
1894, a full and complete accoant as sch Extciitor
to and Including January 25th, 1894, and hs intends
to, and will, on Monday, ths 5th day of aUrch, 1894,
apply to ths Honorable Geonre C Blakeley. Judge of .
said Court, for an order allowing, approving and
settling nit accounts, allowing nlm to resign aa such
jutecuior ana exnonoraling mm from further liabil
ity as tocn bxecutor. -
Executnr of ths Estate of John Stanley, deceased.
January xi, USD.
VTOTICE is hereby siren that the nnderslrned has
j.1 neen auiy appointed Dy tne ueunty Unurt of the
Stat, of Oreron, for Waaoo Countv. in probata, ad
ministrator with the will annexed of the estate of
Claruaa McBwen, deceased, AU parsons bavine;
claims against said estate are hereby notified and
requiied ta present them to ma with proper vouchers
a tne law office of Condon a Condon in Dallas City,
Oreiron within six months from the date of this
notice. w. N. WILEY.
Administrator with tba will annexed of the estate
ar Clarissa McEwen, deceased.
Dalles City, Oregon, March 17, 18M.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned hss
uicu uujv aijpoinMia aaministrator oi tne partner
ship estate of Geo. P. Beers and R. E. williama.
doing business under the firm name of The Dalles
Mercantile company, of which firm said Oeom F.
Beers is deceased, by order of the Hon. tieorve C.
BtaluJey, County Jode ot Waaoo county. Oregon,
made ou the 17th day of November, le83, and that
ne naa auiy qualified aa such administrator. All
peiauna having claims sgainst said estate ara re
quired to present-tbem with tbe proper vouchers
to me at mv mdilmM In IW Mm I 'it v arithi,, .:v
wuuum irom uie uate of inis notice.
Dated this 22d day of November, 1883.
Administrator of the partnership estata of The
faiiee aiercanuie tympany, consisunK of Qm. F.
Bears, deceased, and K. K. Williama.
Assignee's Notice.
"XTOTICE isherebT viven that C. T. Phlllln. .m-
1M siirnea of Wm. Farm 4 Co. insolrit debiora.
has filed his final account aa such aaviiraea in th
circuit court of the State of Oreiron for Waaco
county, ana that said final account will be heard in
aaiuixrun on Mondat, the 12th day of February.
IftQl m th, ltAi, .4 9 'IMI. U U -- ,i
after as the same can be reached by the Court, said j
oay nemgr sne nrst day of tne regular February,
Aowa, term saia ooun. u. u. ruii.L.irs
Assignee. I
Dalles City, Crsgoa; Jssv 1, 1804,
Mr-u's Hair Neatly Out.
A Sfaowr Room in Each Bath Room. .' . ' ' ' . ,
A B.joi t!.r.l Stand Connected with our shop, and especial attention paid to all '
110 Front Streftt, Opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel.
Generl Commission
391, 393 and 395 SECOND STREET, V
(Adjoining Railroad Depot.)
Consignments : Solicited
Pic apt Attention to thoe who favor me with their patronare
The Highest Price, paid in Cash for Wheat,. Barley; Ktr,
.'. MR. PAT. FAGAN, ;
At estaWishment ea tha corner
prepared to make
Spring and Summer Suits!
YOU Wfl,nt
We keep the Largest and Best Assorted Line in
the city, of Dry Goods and Notions, Gents' Fur
nishing Goods and Clothing, Men'n, Ladies' and
Children's Fine Shoes.
We Want
Of course ire will pnt Prices to suit. Alsrays do
that Nobody undersells us. Coma around and
U BEFORE ho AFTER Mr'l!npoUDC' 'V,:,,,,r'!,,:cl"Uver,Ui;
nrprnnrfMK. aianeysand thsnrlnary oriransoX sJllmpnrmss, .
Th reason sufrerrs are not cored by Doctor la becaniw nfnsty per emt ara trrmhlarl wlih
""''- CU PI DENE Is ths only known rfmstl to euro wlilioul anotS ration! EKjMnJnnU
a a. A written narant given and money returned if six boxes does not tnZLJ?"-
SU a box. alx for 13.00. by malL Send for midmilu and ..,im7.i. " permanent eura
AaanmnAroMjmitMstCinmwT.O.BoxmBnttmtKliCsi. fix-Bale by
For Sale by E. W. Helm
San Francisco
' ' F. JtK3rii.K, Proprietor.
Fine Wines, Liquors and Gigaris.
All brands ot Imperted Liqaofs, Ale isnri Porter,
. 1 - sod Gennins Key West Cigars. A fall line of .
welTS-vsarld Whiskey,
0t Second Street, TIIK
staituqoor. ixtramDia brewery beer on dranht.
This well-known Brewerj is aow tnrnino; ont tba beal Berr and Port
east of the Oasoadtw. Tho latent appliances for the maafaoturc of good besUUi
fol Beer hare been introdaoed, and only the first-clasa article will he placed
on tbf marketj
The Oro Fino
Best Grade California Wines
gecond Street, between Union and Court,
Bitb Rooms Heated Steato. - -
and Forwarding ii
f Tkird and Federal, streets
is a
Yoar Dry Goods
yoar Patronase
tlon ot a famoasfneh nh T.ilKn Miu
ThtafTMtVMMahl .
7,".ch Physician. iu nilokly ctiro tou of aJI nerl
Tons or diyases of tlis tnrauv nrxans, .iK-ri as
Insomnia, l'aina In ihe Back, Bemlnal mai.,ns. Ne
Pimp .Tcnnuiari. to Marry, &uauUn Dralna,
as ImI Manhood,
-r,-T . . .
& Co., The Dulles, Oregon.
Been Hall
. 0. .
strictly purs, for msdldual pur-
Wine Eooms
and Brandies in the Ciiy.