The Times-Mountaineer SATURDAY MARCH 31, 1894 ONE if AN FQWBR, The Democratic theory is that Re publican policy tends toward too great concantratien of power in the hands of the executive. Bat, as an exchange pithily remarks when the Democrats get into power they' seem to throw ... their theory oat "of 'the 'window. Never under Republican administra tion, never in any English-speaking country enjoying a popular form of government, have such displays been made of ' what the - Democratic party whan out of office loves to denounce as "one man power" aa since the last lections. '.. V ' ' For the" first time we have seen a president of the republic of the United States sending a messenger styled as "My Personal Commissioner" to a deposed monarch and without the .advice, and even without the knowl edge of congress, striving to precipi tate a revolution in favor of royality in a country friendly to the United . State), and seeking yet closer relation ship with it. We have seen this pres ident seeking to force upon an un willing senate the confirmation of of ficials devoted to bis personal inter ests, and we have seen Democratic senators forced into successful opposi- " tion to his autocratic methods. We have seen in Colorado a Gov ernor, Populist in name, but elected by Democrats, provoke the people to the verge of civil war by his exercise of "one-man power." We have seen the Democratic mayor of Chicago meddling so offs-n- sively with the local affairs of the wards and townships as to excite the , spirited leaders of his on party into successful revolt against his attempted nomination of a ticket for the West Town. . We have seen a Democratic gov- ' ernor of Illinois discharging Demo cratic trustees of the charitable insti tutions of the state because of their ' refusal to appoint his creatures one of, them a drunken incompetent to administer to the wants of the sick and insane, and we now see him striv ing to oust Democratic commissioners of Lincoln Park because of their un willingness to dismiss well-tried and well-proven employes and to put bis cam p-f olio wera into their places. Never was such an era of autocratic in Preference witb the affairs of the people as under " the Democratic re-' rivals in Washington, Colorado, Illi nois and Chicago. . '-' -: .- r': ' The Republican party now smiles at the false charges of tendency toward i centralization of power, though sadly, for it suffers as a part of the people whose rights are invaded by Demo cratic officials. The Republican party never has permitted bosses of national, state, or civic renown to act as dicta tors. It has been a party in which the plain people have been prompt and powerful in rebuke and suppression of self-seeking and domineering aspi rants. It is for thn Democratic party to demonstrate its ability to make suc cessful resistance to those who should be its servants, "but 'who ' act as its masters. The result-as yet is in doubt - - ITEMS IN BRIEF. be held in tbe First M. E. church, in Sa lem, opening Wednesday, May 2, 1894, at 2 p.m. and cloeing Friday, May 4, at noan. This is a mass con en tion. Every person interested in Sunday school work is cord ially invited. Every school in the state is nrged to send as many delegates as possible. The presence of Mr. Will am Reynolds, in ternational field superintendent, will add much to toe value of the meetings. It is said that the American and Britiah authorities have agreed upon resurveyiD oi tbe International boundary line wtat of the Rocky mountains. A commission will issue to corps of engineers who will repair to dif ferent points on tbe line and when the uo is at its highest meridian in June, they will take observations, and definitely fix the point of difference. It is conceded by the queen's subjects. that the new survey will oanse the line to fall three miles further north sod throw a large amount of land to Uncle Sam. Kentucky editors cannot, be too careful about what they print. The citizens of the bine grass commonwealth are touchy, and statements published with the most amiable intentions are likely to cause trouble. Here is tbe editor of the Mount Sterling Timet, for example, who printed what he thought was a graceful obituary notice, winding up with the perfunctory statement that "the deceased had gone to a happier home." 'tie is now the defendant in a libel suit brought by the widow of tbe corpse, and when be goes home after seeing the paper to press he takes tbe middle ot the street and carrie i his shotgun at full cock. The notice was grat s, too. From Monday's Oa If. Hon. W. H. BUgs and wife, of Wascso, ware in the city yesterday. Mrs.' Morse, of Portland, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. DeHuff, id this city. Judge Bradshaw and District Attorney Wilson left Isst night for Heppoer, where circuit court tor Morrow county eonvmed to-day. The East Ortqonian locates Antelope in Gilliam county ; bat the strong Republican vote in that precioot will swell the majority in Waaiw, nevertheless. Mr. M. J. Anderson, of Dufnr, wat in tbe city yesterday. . He came to Tbe Dt les to make some arrangements iu regard to tbe funeral of tbe late L. Van Jerpool. The record' r's office was very quiet this morning, notwithtandio the - tact that spring-weather U being enjoyed by our citi zens, and the proverbial season for fights baa begun. -a -.. - .. ;- - Mr. H. H. Riddell will leave for Wsmie to-morrow morning, where he will act as prosecuting attorney in a esse of al leed rape, to be examined before tbe justice of the peace of that precinct. ' Mr. C. W. Dietael, who' returned one day last week from a yiait to the midwinter fair in San Francisco, says the exhibition is a grand affair, of which the state of Cali fornia may well be proud. Sixteen members of Waaco Lodge A. B. and A. M. went to Dufur to' dav to attend the funeral ot the late Dr. L. Vanderp ol. They started from the hall at 7 o'clock this morning, and arrived at their destination at 10. ' Tbe following deed was filed witb tbe county clerk to-day: Simon Frezier et nx to T A Ternpletoo; 300x30 feet in town of Belmont; $25. 'Stite of Oregon to Peter Jocbemisen; ae or of ne qr, sec ', tp-Z n, r 10 e; $80. The amount of the lenten offering of the children of St. Paul' Episcopal church for missionary objects amounted to about $33, and those from tbe church for other objects to 35. This is yery liberal considering the depression in' all departments of business. - This delightful spring weather, snd the approach of tbe primaries appear to ba pro ductive of an increasing eiop of candidates for nomination on the Republican ticket. Tbe primaries will be held next Wednes day, and we expect some lively work before and on that day. Oar nsnsl item relating to the murderer, Jack Ham blet, says the Grant county Newt, is thst be has been seen at different times and he is being chased over the ri in rocks by the officers in pursuit. Sheep camps over tbe country have provided bim with pro visions all alon. ,,. Exchange: A conversation between two well posted politicians on the silver question wss overheard on onr streets tbe other day. "I'm in tor 16 to 1," said one. "Well, I am, too, but say, what does that men?" "Why, it means thst we will have $16 to every ooe we have now." .... The coming June eleoti on will be an in. lereating one for Sherman county, as there will be four tickets in the fisld Republi can, Democratic, Populist and Prohibition ist. Having a good big list to choow trocn. they ought to be able to . select several Henry C ay o dicers down there. . We sre sorry to learn that Bav. E D. Sutcliffe has resigned tbe pastorate of Sc. Paul's Episcopal ohurch la this city, - to take effect on the 1st of April. This will be s subject of regret-to onroitiasna, as Mr. Sotoliffe has won tbe esteem of all by his Christian deportment, and his earnest, un tiring efforts tor the welfare ot this com mn'nity. -- Ti-. From Tuesday Daily. Mr. Henry Hudson, ot Nansene, is in the city. Mr. T. H. Johnstou, the Dufur mercbsnt. is in town Mr. O. W. Robertson, of Nausene. is in town to-day. Curbstone .conventions are very popu lar these days. Mr. Fen Batty returned last evening from a two weeks tojourn on bis faun near VVap toitia. The Republican primaries will be held to-morrow, and. a spirited contest may be expected. Harper't and Scribner't for April at M T. Nolan's postoffice bookstore. These are excellent numbers. Tbe light showers of rain enjoyed yes terday refreshed - vegetation, and to-day nas oeen nearly perfect. K carload of sheep and a carload of cattle ett the stockyards ot R. E. Siltnnrshe & Co. to-day for the sonud. Farmers are" busy plowing, and we have assurances tbat more land will be planted in grain this year than ever before. . . The baseball season la beginning, and tbe nines are being formed that will enter tbe contest for glory on the diamood field Tbe delightful weather during tbe past few days has made the roads in good con dition, and farmers have no complaints aoout tne Highways. The property-owners having improved second street, the city is now covering the squares at the intersection of thor oughfares witb crushed rock. Mr. James H. Lappeas, chief of police of Portland from 1870 to 1S7. died in that city yesterday morning after a long ana paioiui illness, aged bo years. Next Sunday the trout-fishing Reason will begin, and on and alter that date all fish caught in streams in this vicinity may be properly classified and not de nominated salmon trout. This is tbe proper seasoa of the year to clean alleys, and all debris should be re moved. As a requisite to health this is necessary, and an ounce of prevention is always better than a pound of cure. Tbe funeral of the late Dr. L Vander pool at Dufur, yesterday was attended by large number of friends and neighbors, Rev. A. J. Briyhim preached a sermon at tbe house, and the Maaooiu fraternity re hearsed the ritualist e services at the grave. The Republic of Njrth Yakima has been sold to the aaneh company, which will oon tinoe both publications. Tbe Ranch has made an excellent start aod is deserving of patronage. The new proprietor" of the RrpuUie are. C V Wilcox, E H Libby, W H Wucox aod George Tuesley. A dispatch was received to-day announc ing the appoiotmnut of Mr. Geo Herbert, United States store weeper for the d stillery at Grant, oh rinan county, t his is a good selection, and Hon. Henry B'ai kman will receive congratulations on hia choice. Mr. Herbtrt is a life-long Democrat, and com peteot in every regard to till the position. A man in a neighboring town says that when he meets a hog how in the road be feels like taking off his bat to it. Be cause, he says, the American bog is tbe salvation of this country. When every thing else fails, when wheat is low, and horses won't sell, when the farmer is at bis wit's end to know where to get the money to pay his taxes and interest, the hog comes to his rescue and helps him ouC ung live the American hog. Gen. Compson has issued an order that Captain M. G Botterfield, brigade inspec tor general, inSiieot the following compan ies of the Third regiment on the dates mentioned: Maroh 28 :h, Co t.3 I River. 8.P M ; March 29. Co. G, The Dalles, 8 F.x: March 30sh. Co. A. at Wasco, 4 F. M : March 31st, Co. B at Wes ton, 4 P. M., and April 2d, Co. F at Baker City, 8 P. M. Captain- Botterfield will be accompanied by Major Jackson, U. S. A. . ' An ides of tbe remarkable increase in tbe growth of wheat in the Argentine Repnblio is shown by th following figures, tbat will mterest American producers. In 1850, 120.000 were under cultivation, which pro duced 30,000 tons of wheat; in 1860, 160, 000 acres produced 40.000 tona; in 1870, 240,000 acies produced 60,000 toos; in 1880, 490.000 acres produced 120,000 tona; in 1890, 2,800,000 acres produced 900,000 tons, and iu 1893. 6,100.000 acres produced 1,920,000 toos. The average yield per acre last year was fourteen buabels. Localizer: Emit Peterson has plenty of aluminum on bis place which joins W. A. Bull's land. It is accessible to the railroad and is Bear the water power to run the aluminum works. That shows tbat there is a large body nf the clay in that locality, and n plant erected there would have business for a hundred years to come. We shall look for a large busi ness to grow out of this valuable deposit. W. A. Hull informed us that he has se cured 3000 acres of this aluminum de posit for the company. We hope that steps will be taken immediately to de velop this wonderful deposit. - - ! ' . From Saturday's DaQy. Mr. F. C Sherrieb, of Hood River, is in the city. .1 .. . Mrs. Win. Shelly, of Celilo, is visiting friends in the eity. An unfortunate victim of uopropitious circumstances found bis way into the city jail last night He was brought before tbe recorder this morning, and , was mulcted in a fine. - .j ... We have only pity for a scribbler who at tempts totnake an arch a "simile" of tbe " - pMrnlntinn s.iwl . tlMef " ft VKwirH. in ,n . it the "hard v Americans" of that neriod in order to make them "fit." The man that offered 75 cents per day wages for laboring masss tbe nomination - on the Populist ticket for the governor of n. tA'.lL K-.ll. -.Laboring men of Oregon I Are yon going to .' -vote for such Twpan to better your cendi- - . - - Since Mr. Lydell Baker was not gener - ally known in The Dalles, we will say be is a nephew of CoL E. B. Baker, "the hero of Ball's Bluff," Aatanfl been kiLed m that mem - italics are ours. Further comments annec- -essary. ; - - a j Mrs. E. Jacobsen and daughter returned last night from Tacoma, Wash., where Mrs Jacobsea has. been', visiting her parents. cue was awwiupwiwu. irour r ui Lii&lju dj Mrs. Kickell, who will, be her guest in ' this city. ' ' ' V ; Hillaboro Intitpendenti Wool is a fer tiliser. This fact now that the staple is so . cheap is being experimentally tested on the farm of William Hay, near here. A sh ep that has the run of the strawstacks there got a few baodfulls of wheat lodged in his coat. This has sprouted out and is now grown to a green tuft from his back. It is estimated that the amount of reven ue which the tariff bill reported by the sen ate will raise will amount to almost $331, 000,000. This is a reduction of $13,000,000 . from the estimates in tbe first bill reported to toe committee. . as tne Dili stands, it k. Miwt If will mmuIma. $30,000,000 more revenue- than needed. ,-, Our attention has been ca'led to the fact that some of tbe large plate-gass windows in tbe store buildings on second street have been marked by some instrument, and the least blow may cause them to be broken. As this glass is very costly, such mischief is very malicious aod reprehens ible. Whoever tbe guilty parties are should be punished. The Kansas Commoner, a Populiat news-' paper of the sunflower state, appears to be in harmony witb the sentiment of some of the Oregon brethren. In a aeeent. isane it boldly declared: "If Secretary Carlisle decides to make another issue of $50.000,. 000 of gold bonds, not 100.000 bnt 1,000, 000 men, sbonld go to Washington, not . with a paper petition, bnt with Winches tare." : '; ; Prosser Falls has a unique advertisement in tbe shape of a big sign board 30 feet 1 ng Dy lu lees mgo, auaminig w. i wu n sen from the railroad, and upon it tbe fol lowing in big black letters appears: "Thus saith the Lord. . .Make this valley f nil of ditches. Ye shall not ' see rain, neither shall ye see mud; yet the valley shall be filled with water, that ye, your animals and your beast may drink." LU Kings, iii. 16. The Wasoo New says: From J. M Huntington, a prominent attorney of The Dalles, we learn tbat Hen. F. P. Mays, formerly of that place, nas deoided to ac cept the nomination for attorney-general. Mr. Mays held a government office during Harrison's administration, and waa ahont the only one . who waa not implicated in tbe recent smuggling oases. He is well and favorably known in 8hermaa county, and would doubtless poll a buys vote, regardless of party. ' .. Tbe ninth annual conveotiou of the Ore gon State Sunday School Association will A former resident of Eastern Oregon re cently deceased, says an exchange published in a disappointed town, presented hims- lf to St, Petet for admission, but when he gave bis former place qL residence ih guar dian of the gates informed him that he might be admitted into the outer oirele, bnt Salem people bed enjoined the awarding of any crowns to -people, from - east of the mountains, i .i- -. -. j . ' "An immense avalanche thundered down Can von mountain last week, starting in the Vicinity of the old extinct orater and land ing in Sheep gnlcb two thousand feet he low, says the Canyon City JVeuif. " 8nnw, rocks aod broken timber piled up to a con siderable depth, together with a few of Neil Haifa horses which were browsing on the mountain aide and got hit by the force of circumstances. ' The last legislature of Pennsylvania did a wise thing. It : decided that county news papers have beoome valuable aa mediums of information, social, legal and pclitioil. and has enacted a law directing etnirtv eommiasioners to subscribe tor these weekly papers, have them bound in separate vol umes and keep them in theimhlcea at book of reference for tbe nse of the public. Eich commissioner is to select one of the three weeklies.:. -) j . . : The high water last wek oautel ronnid- eraoie oamageito larms on (Jrookeil river from here to the head t tbe river, svs the Review. Gravel bars have been forme I on much valoable farm land and in some p'aces deep euta have been washed through meadi owa and fields. ! In the eaatern part of the county hut week high -water-interfered witb mail camera between here and Burns. The earners had to proviso a boat to cross both tbe South Fork and Camu creek, and in many places had to leave the road along tbe river and go across hills. ' Oae of the human wonders of the Snth seas is a Victoria, New South Wales, vouth by the name of ''McLean."" He" 'ia now 17 years and a few months old and weigha in the neighborhood of 300 pounds. He is not a "human mountain of fat," a "monster of obeaitv." or anything of thn sort, but is a we'l proportioned young man of surpassing stature : snd great: height. On his 17th birthday be measured 8 feet3i inches, and if he keeps up his regular yearly increase of stature will far surpass in height all mo iern giants. In a circular issued by the. California board of health the following in regard to cigarette smoking is addressed to principals and teachers in the publio schools: "To be an habitual smoker of manufactured cunr- ettes is to be sn opium smoker, and a habit ual opium amoker cannot be tbe equal of an abstainer, when everything else was equal. Under no circumstances should a pnpil be allowed to smoke tbem either at school, on the wsy to or from school, or at home, if the teacher, by admonition, advice, precept, example, or by influence can prevent it." - The Seattle .Telegraph urges that the present method of placing witoesses who give testimony' at a preliminary hearing under bonds to sppear at a trial, be done away witb, and io-tead recommends, thst the, testimony given at tbe preliminary be preserved in writing, care htiog taken to have it accarate. when, tbe witnesst. will sign it and be allowed to go. If this areaaod were io vogn we should -s-otawtxs witeees held" in jail io default of an appearance bond, while the priaoner, who happens to be more fortunate, enjoya bis liberty. We hsye bed several' little storms this winter resulting in a total fall of several inches. How tame - compared with the following from the Idaho World: ' Tbe rec ord ef tbe fall of snow kept by Mr. Hutch ison for the laat thirty years foots op an enormous aeptn oi 4dl teet and II -inches up to the' 1st of March enough to make the most experienced mountaineer wonder with amazement at tbe great quantity be has wallowed through io the last thirty years. This winter's fal, I understand, is 196 inobes of tbe beautiful, aui more com ing, and that is not what we want jost In BfeinoriaiijL. Died, at his residence' ra' Dufur, Wasco county, Ore., on Saturday, March 23, 1894, Dr Larkin VanderpooL . Dr. Vanderpool was born in Hay county, Missouri, June 28, 1831, where be coutinned to reside until be was of age. In 1852, be waa married to Miss Mary Turnage, who ia left to - mourn his loss. -. Three children blessed their union William L.. Willard L and Mrs. R J. Wilaon. All Were pres ent during his last sickness, and with will iig hands and loving -hearts did all that could be done to alleviate his suffering this connection we would not forget . the kind and careful watchfulness ofhis step mother, Mrs. Dulcena Hodges, who from day to day was ever ready to lend a helping hanl. . Of the doctor family there are living three brothers C. M. Vanderpool, D. H Vand.rpool, of Benton county. Ore., and W. Al. Vanderpool, ot Pruievilk; also four suitra Mrs. Nancy Campbell, of Ksnsas City, Mrs. Narcissus Thomas, of Clackamas ojunty. Ore., Mrs. Pbilena Fowler, -of Ban ton county. Ore., and Mrs. Manna E. Gul liver, of Dufur, Oregon. ' Lvkin Vaoprpool was a doctor not muoh on account of -book 3. aa- the foroe circumstances and natural fitness. . He read books and remembered them, he read jour nals snd profited by them,, but back of all was a' great loving heart, ever warm for. humanity and ready to reach out a helping and; this led bins to study and to invent, Perhaps no living physician has had such uniform success in treating tbat dread dis ease, cancer, as hia Dr. Vanderpool. This treatment in the main was original with him, and we fear has perished with him. The doctor was esteemed not only on count of his ability as a physician, bat for very, very many of these q islities which bind heart to heart and liok na together in a brotherhood that makes life worth living; all men, who knew him, worthy of a friend had a friend in him.- - ' ' - By hia death bis wife haa lost a kind and affectionate bnaband,hia children an indul gent father, the community, a careful physi cian, a worthy citizen; and humanity a friend. - Funeral services were conduoted at the home of the deceased, Rev. A. sV. Bngham of the Christian church officiating, after wbioa the remains were taken in charge by Wasoo Lodge No. 15, A. F. and A. M., and buried according to the solemn rites of the order. The grsve wss tceu richly dec orated - with - flowers, mute but besutiful emblems of tbe love and affection of friends and neighbors. . . Aaboh Kbazibb. Crever'n Soliloquy Inter Ocean. To sign, or not to sign, thst is tbo ques tion Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to sufier The stings sad i chiog of ten days' io action. Or to take my pen in hand to face the trou b'es, And by a veto end tbem? By jiusst I wiil ; But bold. Here comes the whale; I'll. . throw a tub. For from that veto pen what barm may come Ere we have malted up this vacuum. Must give me pause; there's ibe delect That makes ctltmity get up aud howl; For who would betr tbe whips and s-orn's n time, Tbe fllverites'- wrong, tbe gold bugs' contumely. Tbe pangs of Hokesmitbs' loye, the law's delay, Tbe insolence of office, and tbe spurns Of braying Populists with flowing beards When be himself might bis quietus make Witb a bre goosequillf Who would lar delsbear. . -To grunt and sweat under official life. But that tbe dread of something-., say next fall Of oblivion's waves, from whese depths No Consressmsa returns, puzzles tbe will. And mikes us rather bear tbe ills we have Than run tbe risk of tretlini; badly left, Thus politics makes cowards ot us all ; And thus tbe native hue or resolution Is sicklied o'er witb tbe pale cast of thought. And backbones erst' of double strength and firmness Are snapped like pipe stems or a piece of cbalk. And lose tbe name -ef action soft you newt I'll pigeonhole this bill -I'll drop tbe pen, And with my gun in band I'll bunt ducks. A. S. u Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to aay ppeecriptioa known to me." ' H. A. Archer, Ji.Dk. W Booth Oxt atd Bt, Brooklyn, rY. "I use Csstorla in my practice, and find n- awecaawauapieaioaiiecaonsoi cnuuren.- . . u wi i ' . - 1057 Sd Are., Kew York. "From Dersonal knowleds-e I can aav that Castoriaisa most excellent medicine for chil aren." .. Us. ii. C Osaoon, jjoweli, juss. i ii Cajrtorlm -nrraiotei IMa-esrUon. and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach. DiarrhoBa. and Feveriahne Thus the child is rendered healthy audits' sieep nuatTirsvL. vutorlsv contains no Morphine or other narootio property. 18V4. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED HARPER'S BAZAR Is a Jonmal for tbe home. It invas us luuest ana latest Information about mn- tona, and its numerous UloMruona, Paris desiams and pattern-sheet supplements are indispensable alike to tbe borne dress-maker and the profeaeiona modiste. Ho ex pen ia apared ta make its artifltic attnetivaness of U highest order. Its bright stories, amusing comedies and thotwhtnil essays satiaty all tastes, and its last saga is famous as a budget of wit and humor. In its weekly issues erTtnuiR- ia incraaea wmcn ti en interest to women. The Berials for 1884 will be written bv William Black and Walter Besant. Short stories will be written by Ua-y B. Wilkins, Maria Louiae Pool, Ruth HcEnary Stuart, Marion Barand, and others Out-Door Sports sad la-Door Games, Social Entertainment, Embroidery, and other interesting topics will receive constant attention. A new series is p-vmiaedof HARPERS PERIODICALS. . Psa Tui: -. AYFK SARSAPARitXA WILL CURE YOU -f A Bright Lad, Ten years of age, but who declines to give 1; N name to the public, makes this authorize-., confidential statement to us : "When I was one yeas old, my mn'mm-i . of consumption. The doctor said l!:n I l;K), would soon die, and all our iieii:l.l. r l,Hght that even If I did not die. I won . never be able to walk, because I ww ve.ik and puny. A gathering formed on i roKe under mv arm. I hurt mv tnr ... ., ' I . "j-itliered and threw out pieces o? bun: . - nun myseii so as to break tl; the fllcin ;i is sure to become a running sore. 1 Imii ' lune iois oi medicine, cut notlimg has ne nie so much good as Ayer'a Sarsapa- ft .? niade me wel1 and strong' J . D. M., Norcatur, Kaus. AYER'S Sarsaparilla l'repared by Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co., Lowell, Mass. Cures others, will cure you for i Sad Accident. . One of the saddest accidents occurred last Friday at the farm nf Q. E. Potter in the vicinity of Kendrick, says the Lewiston Teller. While Mr. Potter's hired men were chopping feed with a chop mill,; the little 4-year-old boy of Mr. Pot- terslipped into the barn, and, it is sup posed, attempted to step over tbe tumb ling shaft, when his clothes caught on the knuckle and drew him under. Those who were present think tbat he made at least seventy-five revolutions around the rod before the horse power could be stopped. He was beaten to death, only liring about one-half hour. The poor distracted and broken hearted mother has tbe sympathy of tbe entire people. Mr. Potter is now in New Mexico. This sad affair has cast a gloom over the entire community. Death of Dr. "Vanderpool. Dr. L. Vanderpool died at Dufur last Saturday evening at 6 o'clock, after a pro tracted illness, having been afflicted for some weeks with carbuncles, lie was bs years old, and had been a resident of the state sinoe 1853. As a neighbor' aod oitizen Dr. Vauderpool was hiehly respected in that community, and bis death will be un iversally deplored..' He was buried from the family residence at Dufur to-day, with Masonic honors, ot which order he had been. an aotive member for many years. Tne stuDiino Breennouse. Having enl irffed oar Floral Guvlen and increased our already Urge collecion nf Potted Plants, Roses, &c. We wish to announce, . I Jitio.i, to the public, that we h .ve a apenalty of Pajisy Plants and Forget-Me-Nota, Will be Sold at Reasonable Price. ' We auv, have a floe selection of Dihlla Bulbs, which tor beauty are unexcelled. We are prepared te furniah on short notice Cut Flowers for wedding parties, socials and funerals. MRS. A. C. STUBLING & SON. County Convention. o The Baldwin! Cor. Court and Front Sis., THE DALLES. OREGON, The Best of Imported and Domestic Mil! IK ' Always on Sale. Kentucky Straight Whiaky on HaaA A. BETTINGEN, Jr., Prop Children Cry for PITOEU'l Castoria I Poor Weak and Weary Mothers Raise 3 Puny, Pindling Children- . ( -- - Sulphur Bitters Will make them, g Strong, hearty healthy. A RepublL.a-i Convention for the County of Wasco, State of Or gon, ia called to meet in Dalles City, in said County, on Wednesday, April 4, 1894, at 10 o'cIock a. m , for the purpose of nominating candidates for the following county officers: One County Commis sioner, County Clerk, County Sheriff, County Treasurer, County Assessor, County School Superintendent, County Coroner and County Surveyor, and also Precinct Officers for the several pre cincts and Eight Delegates to the State Convention, and to transact such other business as may properly come before such Convention. The Convention will consist of 67 Delegates, chosen by the several precincts, and the several pre cincts of the County will be entitled to representation in aid Convention as follows : Bigelow 6 East Dalles 6 Hosier Z 2 East Hood River . 3 Baldwin ,.2 Columbia. 2 Nansene. 3 Kingsley 3 Wamit Bake Oven Trevitt g West Dalles 5 Falls 4 West Hood River 4 Eight Mile 2 Deschutes 2 Dufur 4 Tygn 2 Oak Grove. 2 Antelope 4 tbe same being one Delegate-at-large from each precinct, and one Delegate for every 25 votes, and one for every fraction over one-half of 25 votes cast for the Republican legislative ticket at the election in June, 1892. Primaries to elect the delegates in each of the several precincts will be held on March 28, 1894. In East Dalles precinct the polls will be located at the Wasco Warehouse, and Frank Laughlin, Frank Creighton and D. H. Roberts will act as judges at said election; in Bige low precinct the polls will be located at the office of Wm. Michell, and Charles Cooper, C. J. Crandall andTomJoles will act as ludges at said election : in Trevitt precinct the polls will be located at the County Court Room in said pre cinct, and J. S. Fish, C. E. Bayard and C. L. Phillips will act as judges at said election; in West Dalles precinct the polls will be located at the City Mills, and J. W. Marquis. T. A. Hudson and A. A. Urquhart will act as judges at saia election ; tne pons in each of said four precincts will be kept open from 12 o'clock m. to 7 o'clock p. m. for the re ception of votes. The polls in each of the other precincts in the County will De located at tne usual maces at the hour of 1 o'clock p. u , and will be con ducted in the usual manner for holding primary elections. B. S. HUNTINGTON, Chairman Rep. County Committee. J. B. I8H, Sec'y Rep. County Committee. Sheriff's Sale. DT VIRTUE OF AS EXECUTION and order of 1 9 sale, issued out of the Circuit Oonrt of tna State of OresroH for Waaco ecnnLv. nnon & Hm-i-m ana juafrment made, rendered and entered by said Couit on the 28th day of February, 1894, in favor of uie pi&imui, in a auia wnerein aunon siaaon was plainiifl ml f. A. Dsugiaas, Walter Douglaa and aartna vouKiaa, and Blolord DouKlaas. Stephen A. Douglas, Joseph Douglass, Aaaa 8. Douglaaa, t DouirUss. Mar Doiulaas. Annie Doiulaas. uiyae Liougiaga ana tsamaei uouvlasa, Dt k. N. vnmiMUer, tiieir guardian ad litem, were defend ant, and to me directed and delivered, ojnunand- imr ma to levy neon and sell the lands men tinned ana aesennea in sua writ sod hereinafter described, I did on the 16;h day of March, 18M, duly levy upon, ana win aeu ai puonc auction, to tna bigu- en owner lor caan in nana, on Monday, the 16th day of April, 1894 at two o clock in the afteroo-m of aaid day, at the front door of the Cou ity Court Houae in Dalles City in Waaco County, Oregon, ai of the lands and premises described in said writ and herein described as iouows, to-wit: . Co-nmencing at the southeast corner of that cer- tain tract heretofore, and on the 20th day of May, laoz, couveyea oy ueea irom , m. ran and wile to Mrs. H. A. Cbamberlin. which la duly recorded in the records of deeds for Waaco County, Oreiron. at rase i 01 vol. "ti . tnereor wnicn deed la hereby referred to for particular description; thence runn ing east 24 rods; theuce north 15 rods; tbence west 24 rods, and tbence south 15 rods to the place ot bs ginning; said tract above described, lying and being ui hwuuii 1, wwubiuu wur buuui, wt range 1 2 oast of the Willamette Meridian i Wasco County. Ore gon, together .with the joements, hereditaments aud appurtenances the junto belonging, or iu any wise apenamiAg or so mucn tnereor aa enau be aui flcient to aatisr the mm of 9562.50, with interest thereon at the rate of sen per oent ner annum. aince the 28th day of February, 1894; 60 attorney' fee and S47.70 costs in said suit, together with the costs of said writ and accruing ousts of sale. T. A. WAUL), Sheriff of Waaco County, Oregon Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, March 6, 1894. ICal HoHossi Administrator's Sale. WHEREAS, the Hon. County Court of the SUM of Oregon, tor the County of Wasoo. on ths 6th day ot November, 189S, duly made an order di recting me, the uul appointed, qualified and acting administrator of tbe eatate ot Eroeat 8. lUars, de ceased, to sell the lands and premise belonging to said estate, and hereafter particularly described, at Eublic auction, to ths highest bidder, for cash in and, . Mow therefore, by virtue of such authority, and In pursuance of said order, I will, on Saturday, the 10th day of February, 1894, at the hour of ten o clock in ths forenoon of said day, at the front door of the County Court Mouse in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, sell, at public au. tion. 10 the high est bidder, for cash in hand, tbe lands aad p emiaes belonging to aaid estate, and particularly described a fo.lowa, to-w.t: The southwest quarter (e-J) and the southeast quarter of tbs northwest quarter of nwi)ot section fifteen, (15) in township one (1) south, ot range fourteen 04) eaat, ot the Willametu, Meridian in Waaco ounly, Oregon, containing two hundred acres of land, -aid sale will be made sublect to ap proval and oonfirmation of the said County Court. Dated at Dalles City, Wasco County. Oregon, this 9th day of January, 1894. T. H. JOHNSTON, Adm'r of the Estate of Ernest 8. Haage, deesased. MEECHAIT TAILOEilNG. MR. PAT. FAGAN, At establishment oa the corner ef Third and Federal streeU ia a w prepared to make Spring and Summer Suits! CALL and EXAMINE SAMPLES. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT of tbe State of Oregon, for Waaco County m George W. Rowland, plaintiff, vs Hugh Qourlay and Bessie - ourlay, defendants. To Htwh Oourlay and Bessie Gourlav tbe above named defsndanta. - In the tume of the state of Oregon, yi and each of you, are hereby rrq ireti to appear mo answer the complaint of plaintiff , filed sainat you in the above entitled auit, on r before the first day of the regular term of the Circuit Court ef tin State of Oregon for Waaco County, next following the final publication ot tnis summons, to-wit; on or before Mouday the 12th day of F brury, 1894, and if vnu fail ao to appear and anawer. for want thereof 'the piuintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in biscumplanit, to-wit: For a decrve of foreclosure ot that certain mort gage deed made a d executed by you to K. B Duiur, on the 3d day of November, 1893, upon all of lot 1) of Dufur'a Grand View Addition to Dalles City, ia Wanes County. Oregon, and according to ths re. cord, d nap of said Addition to said City, and that said premises be sold under such foreclosure decree in the manntr provided by law and according to the practice of this Court; tbat from the proceeds of such sale, the plaintiff have and receive tbeaum ot S&60, and interval on said sum sines November 2, 1891, at the late of 10 per cent per annum; also ths further sum of S50 as a reasonable attorney's tee for instituting this suit to forcloas said mortgage, and eol'set the notes. thereby secured and heiein sued upon, together plaintiff's costs and dis bursements made and expended in this suit. Includ ing accruing coats and expenses i f sale, and tbat plaintiff have Judgment over ar.d against the de- endent, Hugh Gouriay, for am- deficiency remain 'ug after all nf the proceeds of each sale nroterlr applicable thereto shall have been applied in pay J U.1.UO v. inwiiwi UBIII.UU, . . auU(, , IVIIkll. HUM upon auch foreKxure vale all of the right, title, in terest and cairn, of you and each of you. and all persona claiming or to claim by, through or under vou, or eiiner or you, in ami to said mortgaged premises, and every part thereof, be forever barred and forclosed from the eqnity of redemption, and for such other snd further relief as to the Court may seem equitable and just. This summons ia eerved upon you by publication thereof in The Dalles TlHia Mouktaincir. a news tpar of general circulation, published weekly at Dalles City, Wasco ounty, Oregon, by order of Hon. W. 1 Bradshaw, Judge of nit Circuit Court, wnicn order Dears date tne z7tb day or liecember. 1893. DUFUtt UEMKFEK. sp30-7w . Attorneys for Plainiff, Ton Want YottrDryGoods We keep the Largest and Best Assorted Line in the city, of Dry Goods and Notions, Gents' Fur ntsbing Goods and Clothing, Men's, Ladies' and Children's Fine Shoes. :W6 W&Ilt Your Patronage Of course we will put Prices to auit. Always do that. Nobody undersells us. Gome around and investigate. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO W3 3j MANHOOD RESTORED Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION, issued out of tho Circuit Court of the8tate of Oregon for waaco uuuntr, in an action entitled J W Blakeney vs Andrew Ganger and Mary Ganger, and to me directed and delivered, I did. oa the 1st day of jnarcn, xovt. levy upon, ana wut leu at Dunne auc tion, to tne mgnest Didder, lor cash la band, on Monday, the 234 day of April, 1894, at two o'clock p m of said day, at -the t'ourt House aoor in Dalles City, in Waaco county, Oregon, ths following described property., to-wit: All of that land Ivimr in the west half of ths none wen quarter of section seventeen, (17) town ship two (2) north, of range thirteen (131 eaat. and lying between the south bank of the Columbia river and tbe Union Pacific Railway Company' track, and right of way running between The Dalles, in Wasoo county, urogua, ana ronuuia. wregon, nemg tne land purchased by Andrew Ganger from George B Haivor, all of said land being in Wasco county, romn, ana oeuur auout twenty acres, more or lead er so muoh thereof as shall he sufficient to satisfy the sum of three nurture and flfty-aix and atty-Uvs one-hundred ths dollar,, ($366.55.) with interest there on at the rate of eight per cent, per annum from August 9th. A D. 1S90. Taken and levied unon a, the property of Andrew and Mary Ganger to satisfy said aum of 356.65, and interest thereon, in favor of i W Blakeney, together with costs and accruing osis. 1. A WAtUI, - Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, March 23, 1894. Administrator's Sale. UMM0NS. 1 And h ip 'Mr fSB ifP'A-'J-flw-l'! Send 8 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ordwav s Co- Boston, ALaae., xor nest meuusu wora poousnea Harper's Magazine Harper's Weekly Harner'a Bazar ...... Harper's Young People .at oo . oo . . soo. Pottage firm to all rubscriberfin tktUnittd StaUt, ...WM. wiiii avaicv. Tbe Volumes ot the Bazar begin with ths first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with tbe Hum- oer current aa u urns of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Barptr't Bazar or three Tears back, in neat cloth binding, will ba sent by mail, p-stoge paid, or by express, free of expense (pro vided the freight does not exceed one dollar per vol ume), for f7 per yolume. Cloth eases for each volume, suitable for binding, wm oe aens oy mail, posvpaia, on receipt of fl eactt. Remtttances ahould bs made by postoffice money ww w una, to avoio. cnance ot loss. Nempapert an not to earn thit advertUemotU muwui uts txprea order ot Harper r Brothm. Address: HAEPEB BROTHERS Mow York. IE Missed his OpasitsaByl JtOTtTT aCSsa fir. -"a-aBrsIteaaler. Ti majority nclct thalr op- portsnltMS, and Iron, uaa cause uve in porerty ana ais m obscurity I Harrowing despair Is tbs lot of many, as thay rook back oa loat, lorsver ms. ssnortuniiy. stte as riae. inxf Keaah onL Bans and doing. Improve yoor opporto- ce. iiwMiiin bus enats itodofUfsi osiuultoon so and ahs departs, wvar to return." How snail yoa find tbsooLDKH-opDortnnltyt Invostigats svsry ehancs that appears wortliy. sad or saw prorata; mat is wtiat an sne- rn.afni mjmOA. imra ia an onnoramirv. mrn aa lanotac- witblathsraacliot laborlairpenpls. Improved, Hw; at laaaL a arand start ia ills. The OOLDU epnorl. nsny Is sere. Alonry to bs mads rapidly snd K -uly bysnylndnatrloaaoertioBoieitoor sex. aii aces, .aesa do the work and livs at horns, wherever two are. Even bs rmnars srs astir asrnfng from SV to ISIO par day. Yoa can rfn aa wall if too. will work, not toe bard, but Indnatii. onsl7;aoayoncaaiBcreass7oariocnineaayoncooa. I an can pivs spare tlmeonly, or all yonrUnetotbework. Easy Co learn, capital no. raiuirea. n,nirii-i inemi- -auvoly nvw iii really wonueriul. s Instraet and you now. irwc rauurv ma'vj wnrrix onr wora Ko room ca exnlahi hare. Write and ivurn all Cree, In the Circuit ourt of tbe State of Orestm for toe iouuty mm ifasco. E B Dufur. plaintiff, vs W T Rogers, defendant I To W TRogera, the above named defendant t In tbe name of tna State of Oregon, vou are here by required to appear an d anawer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled action on or bet re tee mat day of tne next regular term of the above entitled court, to-wit: on or before Monday, tue zoui gar ui may, lews, ana, u you Ian go to I answer, tor want tnereor tne plaintiff will take I judgment for the sum of 150.0o,aod interest thereon st the rate ef of ten per cent, per annum aince July 1st, 1804; for 630 as a ranWiiuble attorney's fee for instituting said action to collect tne note therein aued noon: for the further sum of SHR us. and taml interest thereon aince the 17th day of May, 1892; for the further aum of $17.60, and leg.l interest tbereon since June S8. 1891, together with puuutifTa costs and diabursemeuts ei' notion. Tbis summons is hereby served upon you by publication thereof by sn order only made by the above named Court al tta regular February Term thereof on the 24th dav i? i . . n . - . . - VI r eurunry, aovv. - r RAH n. aanoFLa, marai-7t Attorney for Plaintiff. .'. Executor's Notice. In the matter of tbe eatate of William H. McAtee, deceased. Notice is nerebv given that the anderaisned haa been by the County (X tutor Wasco County, gtata oi 'regon, appointed executor as oonu on instead of B. C. He A tee, removed, ot the estate of William H McAtee. deceased. All Demons baying claims against, or ousinesa witn, said estate are notified ana requtrea to present same witb tbe proper vuueners to toe unoersignea executor, as ms rest- aenee in me Miles. Wasco County. Oregon. Dated Tbs Dalies, Oregon, this 12th dsy of Jan uary, IBS. UEOHUK A. MKKK. Executor of ths Estate of Wm. H. McAtee, dees'd Administrator's N a tic 3. -fvJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UN 11 dersigned was duly a do anted administrator a toe estate nets tjarisoo, aeeeassa. of Cascad Locka. by the C mnty Court ef the Bteta of Oregon Hmnhi n, Waajw, Wan. K eo 1QA, . I therefore, all persons haying claims against sai i estate are required to present tne same, with props vouchers attached, within six months from the dat of this notice, at my office at Cascade Locks, Waaco 1 vouitty, iiregoo. Uuwaow LOCKS, bent, 60, 1893. Administrator orthe estata ci feels Canti., de NOTICE 18 HEBEBY GIVEN that the under, signed, administrator of ths estata of Harri- son Conim. deceased, by virtue of, en order of the t ounty court of tne btata of Oregon for wasoc County, ia probata, made on the 6th day of Bentem. ber. A. D. 1893, and a supplementary order made br said court, of data December 22, 1893, will on Satur day, tbe 27th day of January, 1894, at the hour of 2 r. at. oi aaia aa, at toe ix)urt House aoor in Dalles City, in Wasco Countv, State of Oregon, sell at nub ile aucxton to me nigness oiaaer tor cub in baud, tubirct to the connrmation of said Court, all of the following described real estate and water rights, be longing to tbe estate of tne said deeeaaed. to-wit. The west half of tbe northeast auarter. and ths nonnwest quarter ot tne soutneast quarter of sec tion twenty-five, in township two north of range ten east of the Willamette msridum.cootalnina liu acres ana aituatoa in waaco uounty, Male of regon; I a. BO tne east nail of tne east Half of section . .No. twenty-five in township Mo two north of rang ten eaat ef the W iliamette meridian, containing 160 acres, and situated in Wasco County. State of Ore- gen, together with tbe tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances and water rights thereto belong ing, and belonging to aaid estate All the above described prouerty. Including the water rights, to be told in one parcel. xauea, December zz. low. J. V. CONDON Administrator of ths estate of Harrison Corum. oeceasea. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOB LEAVE TO RE SIGN. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Ex ecutor of the eatat-i of John 8 tan ley, deceased has filed in tbe County Court of the State oi Oregon f r Wasco Connty, in Probate, on January 86th, 1894, a full and complete account aa such Executor to and including January 25th, 1894, and he intonds to. and will, on Monday, tbe 6th dav of March. 1894. apply to the Honorable George 0 Blakeley, Judge of said Court, for an order allowing, approving and settling his accounts, allowing him to resign as such Executor and eahonorating him from further liabil ity as auch Executor. IIUS M MAKIJEN, Executor of the Eatate of John Stuley, deceased. January 27, 1894. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIC:. , NOTICE Is hereby given thst the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the Stat of Oregon, for Wasoo Countv ,m probate, ad ministrator witb the will annexed of the estate of Clarissa McEwen, deceased. Ail persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified aud requited to nrrsent them to me with Droner vouchers at the lav office of Condon at Condon in Dallas City, uregen wiuun six moutoe from tne date oi tnis notice. . W. N. WILEY. Administrator with the will annexed of the estata af Clarissa McEwen, deceased. Danes City, Oregon, March 17. 1894. Administrator's Notice. T IO ALL WHOH IT HAT CONCKRU: hi - nra inn i) .Tr.wlsVaa U .1 A. if- - ntnnc. f I U.Uiet Sl Co.. llwx 60 P-ktrU-jaa. .UjUua. GUARDIAN'S NOTICE. iLI- WE TELL YOU HARPER'S WEEKLY IS bevond all nneeHim the handing Journal in America, in its splendid illustra tions, in its corps of oistinguisned contributors, and in its vast army of readers,- In special lines it draws on the highest order of talent, the men haat uicea oy position ana training to treat tne leading topics of the day. Ia fiction tna most popular story writeza coDinoute io Its columns hmierli draw. ings by the foiemost artists illustrate its anecial -artidee, its stories, and every notab.e event of pub lic interest: it contains portraits of the diuniruiahad men end who are making; the history ef the time, while special attention is given to the Armr w navy, jmuueur sport, ana music ana tne .warns, by disunguisbed experts. In a word, Har- Ders. weekly combines the news features of the daily paper and the artistic and literary qualities of tne magazine with the sjhd critical """niter of tbe a-eview. . rT A PIPER'S PERIODIOALS. nothing new when we state that it pays to en in a Dermanent, moat healthy and pleasant I ness, tnai returns a pront ror every asy's wore. King ig el We teach them how to make money rapidly, and guarantee every one who tonows our Instructions faithfully tne making or ajwu-uv a montli. Every one who takes hold now and works will surely and speedily increase their earnings; there can oe no question aoout it ; otuers now at wora are doing it, and you, reader, can do the same. Thf la Iha IimI navlna- hnainpaa that vnn have ever had the ehanoe to secure. Yon will make a grave' mistake if you fail to give it a trio at once. If you grasp tne situation, ana act quicxiy, you will directly find yonrself In a most prosperous business, at which you can surely make and save large sums of money. Tbe results of only a few Hours wora win otten equal a wres s wages. Whether von are old or young, man or woman, it makes no difference, do as we tell you, and suc cess wiil meet yoa at tbe very start. Neither experience or capital necessary. Those who work for us are rewarded. Why not write to-day for full particulars, tree .' is. V. AL.L.KJI at rju., dui .no., aaiiuia, aae. Psa Yaaa- HOIV'S XhlBl We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward icr any case of Catarrh tbat . cannot be cored by Hall's Catarrh Cure. ' P J, Cheney & Co , Props., Toledo, O - We tbe oodersigoed, bare known P. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe bim perfectly houorable ia all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their fl.m. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggist, Tol edo, U. ' Waldiot, Kinoan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly up in the blotal and mu cuoqs surfaces of the system. ' Price, 75c. per bottle - Sold by all Urapxists. - Tea timeuials free. . . . , narperS Msgaaine, Sarper'a Weekly Jfarper's Bazar IHarfer's Young People . .4 00 4 00 . 4 00 . 2 00 "VTOTICE la hereby given that the undersigned has X a ooen appoiutea - dv tne countv uurt. of the State of Oregon, for Wasoo Coun ty, Hi arobate. guardian of th n raun and ea tate of Nancy Stanley, an aged and infirm seraon. jiu persons nay ng claims against said estate sre nereby notified and reauired 1 1 nreaent them to me at the law office of Conduo m Condo-i, in Dalles City, vnKw, witn prDper voucners tnereior. UAN-1 LAOS. Guardian of tht person and estate of Nancy Stan ley, an aged and infirm ptrson. Dalles City. Oregon, Itarcb 17, 1894. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has bran duly appointed administrator of the partner ship estate of Geo. f. Beers and R. E. Williams, doing business under the firm name of The Dalles Mercantile Company, of which firm aaid George K. Heers is deceased, by order of the Hon. George C. Blakeley, County Judge of Wasco county, Oregon, made ou the 17th day of November. ItsWt. and that he haa duly qualified aa such administrator. All pel sons having clilms against said estate are re quired to preaent them with the proper vouchers to me at my residence in uaues vity witmn six mouuis irom tne ante oi tnis notice. Dated this 22d day of November, 1893. K. E. WILLIAMS. Administrator of the nartnershlD estate of The Dalies Mercantile Company, conaistinc of Geo. e. oeere, qocBssan, ua n.. s. wuuama. " Thia rrent VavetaKle - - - - - " - mmm- e W I Bnr V IMIIHr,UiprttHnn r tion of a famous Frensh physician, will quickly cure yon of all ner voua or diseases of tbe geuerauve unrans, such as Lost Manhood, -InsomniaJ'alnalu the Buck, Seminal mlsaiina, Nerrona Debility. Pimp les, trnfllnsss to Marry, Exhausting Drains, Varicocele and Constipation. 1 1 stops all losses by day or night Prevents anlck- ' . Drss of discharge, which If not cheeked leads to SDermntorrhoaa and BEFORE SND AFTER ll thehorrorsof Impoteocy. rVPinEMateleausesthoUver, Iha kidneys and the nrlnary organa of ail impurities. TlTFIDaTillB strengthens and restores small wenk organs. Tbe reason sufferer are not cured by Doctors Is becanae ninety per rent are troubled wfth aamil tin. CDPIDENEla tbe onl y known remedy to cure wltliout an n u uva iMiimnL A writteo Bruaranteeaivenand monev retnrned If aix bnsaa ihwt nnt elran, & . Address MTOIi MatDICDIK CO, P. O. Boxa77;e1uFraiK-laco,Ca. TorBaUbt ala For Sale by E. W. Helm & Co., The Dal lea, Oregon. HOLIDAY GOODS AND PRESENTS ! .1. C. 1NICKELSEN. Large Assortment to choose from, at cost all the Closing out loys, laney.uoods and Jewelry AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Fine Gol.I Watches, from .... Good GoaranteetTWatchet, from Books of Best Authors, snd in all lines of Goods. 15.00 to 127.00 4.60 to $15.00 Great Bargains. E. W. HELM & CO 8uocesaar to Floyd Shown.) 105 SECONDfSTREET, Letween COURT aod WASHINGTON. Druirs. Medicines and Chemicals. r ' - -j . FIKE TOILET SOAPS, CC1VBS, BRUSHES, PEF.FIWERY, UC - Pure Lionom fr.r,mcdlcinl pnrposcs. Physlclsns' Frcscrinlinns COLUMBIA PACKING COMPANY Corner Third and WashlnRton Streets. Cured Hams, Bacon, Dried Beef and Toop, - And the best Beefsteaks, Mutton Obopi and ' Veal Outlets in tbe market aTVwi.w'e TZ..A Xv A T3.a. V a'X yiUtUO eVCUVClXU vU jSUV sViU b V UIV aVllVs Fresb Vegetable s on aale at the Lowest Price. : IMCOSrOATEIrl II THE DALLES I LUMBERING COMPANY Wholesale and Be tail Dealers and Manufacturers of Bi-.ildinsr Mate-rial and Dimension Timhpr DRY FIR, :'IJ1N OAK and SLAB WOOD PROMPT DELIVERY TO ANY PART OP THE CITY. The ftro Pino Wine Eooms AD. KELLER. MANAGER, 5 20 fottagt free to all Subtcribm ntA I7med Stolen imnaaa ana mexien. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with tbe first mustier tor January of each year. When no time ia auefMaoneu, raDecnptioos win begin with tbe oum- aasr oarmii as we ume ot receipt of order. Booed Volumes ot Barptft Wttkly for three swan oaca, in oen aotu oiDaiiuT, wiu be sent by swstage paid, or by exDreau free of exoenaa qmeitted frehibt oca not exoeud ooe dollar per vol- eiBM4, ssr 9i per vol erne. Cloth eases for each volume, suitable for bindlnr will ha sent by mail, post-paid, oa receipt of tl each, fteaatttancos' should b ' made by poatofllce money oor or ami, au svouj Euro ut tues.. Sewtpmpen art (not to eovp tkit adxxrtitemmu asataoat tas expnu oratr of Harper av Brouura. . A Stress : HAKPEtt BBoT 1 H h lt mm All iTuirtfiiciiy TirtsrCLaaa ...m fun... DOLLARS PER DAY Easily sVsade. We want many men, women, bot , aud girls to work for us a few hours dully, ri-ln in and around thelrown homes. The business is easv, pleasant, strictly honorable, and pars belter than any other ottered agents.- You have a clear field and no competition. Experience and special ability un necessary. No capital required. We equip you with everything that you need, treat you well, ana nelp you to earn ton times ordinary wages. Women do as well ss men, and boys and girls make good pay. Any one, anywhere, can do the work. AH succeed who follow our plain and aim pie directions. Earnest work will rarely bring you a great deal of money. Everything is new and In great demand. Write for our pamphlet circular, and receive full information. No harm done if you conclude not to go on with the business. , . George Stinson&Co., Box 488, PORTLAND. MAINE. is. WES snake from $6 to 920 per day selling ATKSA for female troubles Send ft r terms suta. i. siuuiuc . . tS9 Lacrfey Are. Chicago, 111 i las-rust. rsateaS aS Freest In the Wawtab raiiiiainin nnmrlnrun IE YOMalOflOOwOERRV ' AVO filASSOW. Kvarr Saturday. OTSW TOBK, OIBBALTEB and HAFIXS, . A raKUisr uiwiT-iiB. tlionv. SFCQVO-CLASI AND STEERAIE raaaaon lowest tnrma te and from ths principle iacaca. ntsLisa. izuzi u ill eexnsmtinDm Kxeuraton oeaeca avaiiaoie io resorn oj eiuser w pie Cnraaque Clyde sr. aorta ot ueouM or napiea at uiorainay SraOl aa4 Hcmf Man far As Aaosat st Uwsst fates. Apply to aay of our local Agents or to OEKDJa&iOH BSOTHJalBa, Chicago, JIT WANTED ELS To represent our well knowa house. You need na capital to represent a Arm tbat warrants nursety stock first-class a .d trua to name. Work all the year. S100 a month to ths right man. Apply, stat-nraa-a. L. X. MAY it CO, aesymen, riorana ana aeeusmen, 8t faoJ, Minn. notice Foe publication. Lass Oiticb at Tax Daubs, Oassow, Dec S7. 1893. Notice is hereby riven that the followinvnamed settler his filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and tLat aaid proof will be made before the Register and Becelver of the U. 8. land offles at Ths Dalles. Or.. on fflo. id, xevs, via; JOHN 8. HOYT. Hd No. 8SS8. for tbs W 8E aad EM bWJi, Sec 13E, IP 1 A, tk 11 a,. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous restoenos upon ana cultivation or i land, via: B. Parodi, L Lawler. Jesse spencer, and William spencer, all of ins inuiea, V regon. aecao jtinn w. utwio, iteirisier, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. La Omci at Tub Dallbs, Obioos, Jan SO. 1804. Notice is hereby si yen that the following named settler has filed notice nf his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Beceirer at Tbs Dallea, Oregon, on March tl. 1894, vis: URIAH J. HURST, Homestead So. 4451, for the BWL Sec 22, Tp 1 N, R16K. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous rsaldeaes apon sad eultlvatloa of said lan-.l, vis: Harden Headrlzsoa, J. t. Dayidsnn, Jcaeph Johnson, James 0. Johnson, all ot lhs Dalles, Ore gon. JOHN W. LEWIS, feU Assignee's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that a L. Phillips, as signee of Wm. Fan k Co, Insolvent debtors, baa filed his final account as such assignee in tSe circuit court of the State of Ores on for Wasco connty, an i thst said final account will be heard in said Court on Monday, the lrth day of February, IBM, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M., or aa soon there after as ths same can be reached by tbe Court, aaid day being the first day of ths regular February, lava, term at sau court. u. u. ruii.i.irs. .. . Assignee. Unites ury, uregon, 4 an. iz, van, I Best Grade Califorcia Wines and Bracdies in He Cify, -A COMPLETE LINK OF- IMPORTED and DOMESTIC LIQUORS and CIGARS gecond Street, between Union and Court, THE DALLES, I REGON THE GERMANIA STUBLING & WILLIAMS, PROPS. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. All brands ot Imported Liquors, Ala and Porter, aod Genuine Key West Cigars. A fall Una of . CALIFORNIA :.: WINES : AND : BRANDIES ' welre-year-old Whiskey, strictly pure, for medldual pur noses. Malt Liquor. Columbia firewervfboer on draogbt. 94 Second Street, - TIIK DALLES, OO. THE CELEBRATED Columbia : Beeweei AUGUST BUCHLER, PROP'R. This well-known Brewery ia now tarnins ont tbo best Beer and Porter' eaat of the Cascades. The latest'appliances for the manfaotnre of stood health fnl Beer have been introduced, and only the firaUclaaa artiole will be plaoedo ' on 'the marketj