The Times-Mountaineer SATURDAY MARCH 17. 1884 THBSBFOUBTHS VERDICTS. Representative Bryan, of Nebraska, has introduced a bill to amend the re vised statutes of the United States so as to permit in rivil cases in the fed eral conrts a verdict of three-fourths of the jurors to stand as the verdict of the jury; and to have the same force and effect as unanimous verdict.' ': i - This method" of procedure is very familiar to the people of California, says the Kaa Francisco Chronicle,' it having 'been' in force -ever sinoe' the adoption of the . aew constitution, which instrument made express pro . vision for it It haa beea found in practice to work extremely well, and we feel certain that nobody in Cali- , fornia would consent to go back to the Id system, which required a unani mous verdict. tMr. Bryan has stated the strongest - and best argument in favor "of three fourths verdict, and that is that disa greements are usually caused by one or two members of a jury, thereby necessitating a new trial and causing litiaants no end of trouble and ex pense. It cannot be quite bo bad in the federal courts as in . the' state courts," for the federal judges instruct juries as to matters of fact, and 'often indicate to them what their yerdiot should be, but in spite of that one or two obstinate jurors may hang a jury. ' It would not be a bad idea if the same system could be applied to crim inal cases, possibly not to capital cases, but to all felonies below -the rank of murder, and 'to all misdemeanors. There have been cases time and again where a single juror has hung the jury and made a new trial necessary, and where it has been believed that the obstinate jurot has been paid for his obstinacy. 1 If nine jurors out of twelve could render a verdict, jury bribing would become so expensive as . to fall into disrepute. ' " Whether eongma will accept Mr. , Bryan's proposal r not remains to be seen. , No doubt it will .strike, many ' as a dangerous innovation -something : like abolishing trial by jury altogether; hut if members will think ii over and have it explained to theta,ia the light of experience, it will probably strike them more favorably than at first Bight, . ' : ' Mt,MM-scaii.Miii)iB4 of pnblio lands and the Whole of the appor tionment uio M usea oy roe aonnun id the building, maintaining and improving of pnblio reada and bridiies, and is distributed among the coantiea pro rata aoraiding to tba area. Last year it wu ' about 165,000. bat this vear it will not be ao large proba bly not to exoeed $40,000. A very pleasant time wu spent laat even, log at the. residence of Mr. and Mrs. Kirch off. There were present a number of per sons possessed Of musical talent, and fa vored those present with several well ren dered musical selections. Luncb was served at a proper hour, and this formed a befitting close to an evening's entertainment. The Democratic county central committee held its convention this afternoon. Au ap portionment ot delegates waa made of 1 for every 20 votes oast for A. 8. Bennett- for supreme judge in 1892, and 1 at Urge. The -primaries will be held March 31st except in Wamio precmet,- whihh will be beltf March 29ih, ao i tbe coonty convention on tbe 10th of April Great harmony and en thusiasm prevailed, of oonrso. New Tork Ami Reports, of'- the organi sation of the poor man's party in Okaw, lnd., and other head centers of life continue to be sent in The leading principle of the poor man's party is that no man who ia worth more than $1500 shall be voted for by any member of that party. . We don't believe there is any such party as the p or man's party or any such place as Ok w. The story is a palpable satire upon the Democrats and tbe income tax. The ambitions editor of the Wasco News is easily satisfied with political honor This ia what he says: -"Since our last issue we have been prevailed upon by onr moat intimate friends to - renounce our intention oi running for cor -ner. It is their opinion that onr ma sive intellect should not be wasted on such, an insignificant position, andso have importuned us to aspire to some thing higher at the hand of fame, where our great ability w U have full awing; ao we he ebv announce oar4f as aspirant for the oof constable." Robert Collyer tells the story "f a little girl with a vivid immagination which con st -fitly led her into amazing extravagances regarding thing, which' she cl imed to have seen. One day, after an extraordinary ex hibition ot her . inventive powers, her mother exclaimed ui despair: "oh, my dear! my dear! royde rl Don't you know that Ananias and Sapphire fell down dead nn innt of the lies the told? Don't YOU remember that terrible story?" "Ob, yes,' responded the child, unabashed. "I aaw them carried in after tbey fell down dead!'' 'TT -.... . I r. ... ... " !"9BHBHHB-!a Kepnca touBty wnvention; iai wotio. ? Sheriff's Sale. I IA Y All XJJ JLUU From Monday's Del. , " Mr. A. , A. Jayne, a leading lawyer of Arlington, wu in the city yesteraay. Tha meat bounds train was abandoned veaterdav. It arrived on time this morn ing. .' - ! The '94 daneinc class will hold their meeting tomorrow (Tuesday) evening, stead of Thursday evening. G. C. Worthington, of Barns, mail C" tractor on the Boras Diamond route, gave his wife a whipping recently, and the jost- lse of the peace of that place gave niui days in the county jail te meditate over his misdeeds, says tbe Ochpoo Jtemew.. ..... Augost Johnson, a demented Scandina vian, terrorized the 'people ot one Spokane's suburb Tuesday slternoon by rushing up and down the prairie firing a re volver snd . veiling. "Lao oat lor me am the Messiah." A neighbor reported the case to the Mime, aud the lonatio waa ar rested. ' The town - of Kalaoia. on the Colombia, baa a society of ."regulators, " Ihey gaye one of the citizens. William Miller, a iree paaa over tbe river last Sunday for failing to provide tor nis tamiiy sua insisting on eatms the urovisions given to nis wire and children by the charitable people of that . The long trade depression, in Eng - land is doing much to sap the eonn . dence of the free traders in their the ory, and there is now a disposition to discuss the subject in a rational man ner. For instance, we find a' promi- -ent English trade journal 'endeavor ' ing to explain the diminution of British exports by a statement like . this: "With heavy protective duties ruling nearly all over the continent V tha tendency is to bring out enterprises locally,, thereby giving but little scope ' for English contractors to come in.and .' in addition to this, wherever the re quired, materials, even at an increased cost, fere " manufactured is : their re : spective countries, ,,it is very often ' mentioned as one of the terras of the . undertaking, that as far a possible they shall be obtained from ( home ' sources, thereby making investors feel that their money is partly transferred v to another industrial undertaking Sn which they are probably already fiaau . cially" interested. The writer: does not make it clear 'whether he" sympa thizes with: the vijrs he quotes, but it . - is quite safe to, assert that he would agree that it is' very sensible aod busi . ness-hke for people to encourage home industries even at an increased cost if the result of such encouragement ia to promote undertakings in which they are already financially interested. ITEMS IN BRIEF. From Saturday's Daily. ' '' '.The county court adjourned this after : soon. Rey." P, T H. McGnffeyr pastor of the Christian ohnrch in thra eity, is Holding a series of meetings at Wasco. About a foot of anow fell at Condon' last ' Monday; but a Chinook wind brevr-the next day, and the congealed element disappeared. Mr.jO. C. Roberta is in the oity to-day. He lives about twelve miles .from Hood River, and says be came to the station on snowsboe yesterday. ; Donald McKay, the noted Warm Spring tcont, has beep . quite sick at his home on ,: the Umatilla reservation. At last accounts he was improving. , , , , ; v c;. .... , ; , , A new light craft ateamer called the Eugene has been built at Portland foe' tbe trade of the upper Willamette. She will make tbe trial trip on March 12tb, . Prof. J. D. Robb, for many years the . principal of The Dalles public schools, ia prominently spoken of as a candidate for . state superintendent of pub'io schools. Mr. Lesiie Butler, who left this city last , fall for Kansas, where he has remained ever since, returned last night witb tbe. inten tion, we believe, of 'relocating in this eity. . Another crank has appeared. He is to be hsultd from Juneau. Alaska, to New Tork City by dogs in. 200 days on a wager, not entering the United 8tates until he reaches Dakota. .. . . - - There ia a very perceptible movement in the political caldron in this vicinity, and there is not the least doubt that th-j county convention will have sufficient candidates from whom to make a choice. .. Mr. H. J. Maier baa plana drafted for1 a cottage residence in the west end of 'the city. The contract will be let in a few days, and when finiahed it .one of the handsomest dwellings of the city. Miss Lucy Staats is very sick at Dufur with typhoid ' pneumonia. She resides some distance from tbe town; but was taken during the week to the residence of Mrs. Balch, where she will receive medical attention. . "' ' . ' - The Condon Globe aays that "Urole Je rome" Parsons ffsve the editor of the Fwa 1 Journal a "drabbiog" one day this week witb a eane, for offensive remarks matte by Mr. Stewart while on. the Witness stand and in tbe co lames of bis paper. Dr. L. Vanderpo6l, the president of the 8. B. cempanv, and tbe originator and pat entee of that class of proprietary medic aes, is'very a ck at his home in Dufar. He is affflcted with a carbuno e, which is causing him a great deal of distress. - ,. , ( About twenty couple left en this after nton's train for Hood River, to be present at a banquet to be beld at tbst place under , . . rTt . CI . I J ,L' toe auspices 01 me juwiera oar joogo mis venins. There will also be work in the third degree of the B.'ae lodge.. Those who ii . . :kO. II ' Jerry , Phillips; of Lexington, -Morrow county, wss in Penileton Idooday, on his way home from the Malheur country, where be bad bees anoved in au winter, ne re- oerta'six teet of snow, and that provision are not very plentiful. , fle same out on the ernst of tbe saow. which bote up horse and rider. Jndge Fullerton has again postponed the sale of tbe Oregon Paci ho, and haa set June 1st as the date when the property will be knocked down to tbe highest bidder.! This date was set oa tbe pcomise ot the would be purchasers that they would bsve 13,000, 000 at band at that tine to pay for the road. - ,: Tbe apportionment fixed by tbe Demo- era tic Central Committee gives tbe follow- ing representation; Falls 6. Hood Biver 10, Baldwin 2, Moaier West DM a 7. Trevitt 8, Bigelow 11, Eist Dalles 8. Columbia 3, Deschutes 3, JSigbt Mile 3, lUnsene 3, Ua- fur 4, Bakeoven 2,,Tygh 3, 0k Grove 3, Wamio 4, Kingsley 4, Antelope 3. An' exchange aaysr "Wht is a home without a newspaper? ; It is a place where old hats are staffed into broaen windows; where the . wife looks, like a bag of wool with a string around the center; where the husband has a tobacco juice panorama painted on bis -shirt bosom, and tbe neg lected children -wipe', their nag Lac ted noses on their jacket sleeves." - An exchange save: It is reported that gang of opium and Ctudese smugglera open atang on fuget sound, when tbey are bard pressed by tbe eustomroffieers dump their uvjos; oarKD . w evuiies w souua, put ting i bains and ball on their legs to ituure their quick disappearance whan heaved overboard.' . It's-rough on tba Cninamen,' but the saving of the smugglers. , : A sweet-.girl graduate, says an. txchaoge, thus described" the -manoer in which a goat butted the boy out of a front yard.: "He burled tbe previous end of his anatomy against the boy's afterward with an earnest neas and- velocity which backed by the aenderosity of tbe goat's avoirdupois jm ported a ' atomentain that was not relaxed until be landed on terra firms beyobd the pale of the goat's jurisdiction. A Populist paper gives tbe following' very good advice, an 1 is particularly applicable tu the paper's own party, 'made up of office seekers: u "Men who are honest in their politics and have tb beat interest of tbe country at bsart. must pay no attention, to the talk of politicises who are candidates for office.- - Theee -moegreL politician.. . ho. are' anything in politics to benefit them selves, start all kinds of reports to prejudice people against honest meu whom tbey fear are in the way of their success." i Mr. John steis, who has been ill fnr long time.rtied this mnruing from the ffects of a hemorrhage. r He has not been con fiued to bu bed all-ibi time, and at ai most' of the . Soon after breakfast,' wmle oittii'g in a eb'air, he wa attache I bv tbe hemorrhage, and soon alter deith re sulted. Mr. Mem was aueii about 65 jvear. i We are under obligations to Hon. D. Wi Vorhees for a copy of the tariff bill. 1994, as it passed the house of represent aves Feb. 1, 1894. With the index it makes a pamphlet of 94 pages, and we have not had time to peruse tbe contents. It has been amended in several particulars in the senate, and if it passes that body it will be a different measure from tbe Wil son bill. A Washington dispatch says: B. F. Dwell wins nis case with the Applegate heir. : Dowell and Applegate were bonds men of Secretary ot State Msy. -Dowll bad to pay the bond, amounting to $13,000, Applegate putting bis property into such a Shane that it could not be reached. The decision to-day was for a forty-acre traot, hat involves 1000 acres in D mela county, This will bring up an old case tbst exalted general attention during severs! yours. Canyon City Newr. Latest repDrts from down tbe river are to the effect that Sheriff (Jamba believes that Hamblehtbe murderer. ia - in hidinir amonff the rimrocks in the Shoofly country. In fact Mr. Combs brought" the newa to town himielf yester- r)v. and said that fcUmb'et btd been with out food for three days They had driven horses into his section ot the country hop- ids that he would come out of his hiding place and take one so that tbey conl-1 track him home, but be stubbornly lefused to steal a horse. Pasco Nne: Frankly nutting it, the Vm is in a "hard row of stum ps" finan cially. Mo e so than any time in its his tory. It ia our every desire to keep this paper out of a "2x6 , but if relief does not come soon a collapse must take place. Our merchants are eood encash to supply us witb dough .the real genuine dough bat it tikes a few dollars in caxb "on toe Hi to keen a osoer alive. It is the material that costs the money, and if a delinquent a week waa to pay np, the Mew wquhi )t enabled to creep steadily through the fioaa cial crisis. It w difficult for people In Pendleton, savs the Ecu Oreaontan, where. spring nss Mima into comDlele Dossession of tbe weather, to believe that on tli e summit of the Blue mountains and over in the Or ind Hondo valley tbe snow was deep enough to delay the trains for twenty-tour hours, out such w me case. west bound, ou the Union Pacific, did not arrive in Pendleton Saturday, It catno in Sunday night as one ef tue .sections in which tbo train was run. Freight train No. 23, with fourteen cars and two en gines, was stalled in tbe big drills near Telocaset. The east-bound passenger whinh went from Pendleton suotU' mornios was also delayed near Meacham until late in th d7 reason of about a iooc oi. snow f"f ttwav burinir Sunday a hhinook struck th4t section ana rflader it difficult to 'make mueb progress 00 heavy grades. Train men tbnngbt that tha trains would runireg- ularly arier tnis morning, - ' Common Council. An adjourned meeting of the common oooncil was beld at the recorder's office last March the 12th. at 8 o'clock r. M. A Present, W H Butts, C E Liner, G C Eshelman. L B Crowe, T S Joles and T A Hudson, oenooilmec. " : ' Tbe following proceedings were faadi The mayor being absent, G C Eshelman was appointed chairman, and to aot as snob until the mayor returns. Oa motion it wss ordered that the veto of the mayor to the special ordinance in rela tion to the eewer on Lincoln stre t be taken up. ' The motion waa carried by an unani mous vote. ' The ordinance was then placed on its final pasaaga for the contract price only. 690, which aas csrriad by a foil vote of th coansrl. i , .... V. The report of the eommittea oa streets and pnblio property io relation to repairing tbe eity - jail was read, and on motion the matter of repairs was referred to C J Crn- dall, ' and he was instructed to draw up plans for the same and give an estimate of its probable cost. On notion it was ordered that the oom mitte on streets, sad pnblio property be in structed to eater into a contract for twenty lights or more for a period of two years at the rate of. $11 per aro light, and tbe lights for offices and fire department be included in this price. In case said company refuse this proposition it was ordered to notify them that the lights should be shut off. On motion it wss ordered tbst the re corder make an assessment of the propor tionate cost of tbe ssme at the eontraot price, and place the aid assessment in the hands of the oity marshal to be oollected witnin five days as provided by the city charter. :'! . . -, It a as ordered on motion that the reso lution in relation to reduction of salaries be laid on the table,.nn.til after the qnestion of the lights js settled. Tbe ohairmao of .the finance committee reported verbally that in the matter ot the bill of Sinnott ft Fish for board of prisoners for month of February, that the firm bad promised to furnish an itemised bill, which bad not been done, and the committee asked; for further time in which to make a final report. '; '. ; It was -ordered that tbe recorder be in strueted to notify the property owners to turn over their assessment to the city treasurer within five dsys from the passage oi said ordinance. ,: On motion it was ordered that the pairing of the street at the Union Panifio epot be referred to the . judiciary commit tee, sod. that they investigate the same. It was ordered on motion " that tbe fire war leu : be iatrnoted to notify the ooou pints of a building in tbe vicinity of the New Uulnmbia hotel to move or make sifer certain .stove pips in thai hgildin. ami that tie- recorder, he- mitraotwf to reiaeit i.L J 1 - ff I." J.-.-- .. sue are wimra .vi pen win his uuby. Tbe matter of the rvaainng oi the cistern ii the Ext Hod was refer r;d to the c unmit- ou streets and public pr -party. There appearing oo further bnsioma the eaoil alp lurnod subject so the ollof the Sj'roianr Assessmtliit Comparison. Editor Dally Tutss-lloinrraiirssa: Believing that a comparison showing the difference in the assessment for 1892 and the year 1S33 under tbe new law would prove to be interesting to your many readers and taxpayers, I herewith append a statement of each year's as sessment. The assessment on agricultural lands 'tor 1893 shows a decrease io values of fifty cents en tbe acre compared with the '92 assessment, but, in round numbers, a gain of $20,144 on tbe whole amount of agricultural lands, there being a gain ot 18,922 acres over tbe preceding year's as sessment. Town lots show a decrease in value of $43,0M) for the '93 assessment. . Military road lands show a decrease in Value of $50,765 on account of being de clared government lands and not subject (o taxation Improvements show a decrease of $50, 213. Merchandise and implements show a decrease of $37,142. ' Money notes and accounts show a de crease of $544,444. Mortgage notes were included in this item, which were net in the '93 assessment Household furniture shows an increase of $14,048 for the '93 assessment. ' Horses show a decrease in '.valne of $66,595; av.rage for '92, $23.13 per head; for '93, $17.44. - . Cattle st)qw a decrease in value of $23 924 1 average for '92,. $12.13 per head; for 93, $10.27. Hheep show a gain in number ef 25, 055. for '03, but a less in value of f 14,248. Average for '92, $2 04 per head ; for '93, $164. ' Swine show an increase in number, but a decrease in value of. $394 ; average for '92. $3.46 per head; for '93, f 2.69.' ' Thqs t will be seen by a -comparison of the two assessments that while- the values of all property show a lower val uation for the '93 year, the taxable prop erty for the same year shews a gain of about $100,600. It should also be borne in mind that the property represented by mortgage notes on the '92 assessment was not tnqct) collected oa, while, under the present aase88tneat,ltoau all on qqllected,. The new law ef not allowing any deduc tion for indebtedness1 and not assessing mortgage note does not make tbe differ, ence in tbe amount of taxable property as a great many aeem to think it should, as what is gained , In the new law by not allowing a deduction for indebtedness is lost in not assessing credits on mortgage notes. In order to re luce it to a more gltnple prPhlem we-will take for example, Mr. ao l Bs. assessment under the old, law. Each own a pteoe of property ' val. uedat$2O0O. A.' gives in bis prope-ty at $2000, butowts IS. $1000, and gets a reduo tioo for it which leaves his taxable prop erty at $1000. B. gives in his property at $2000 and note against A. at $1000, which make the total of both assessments $4000. Underthenew lawot no deduction , they are both a-.aessed at $2000, e ach, and as a natural consequence in "most cases, Mr. A. blames the county assessor. - ' ,.- , - j. J.W. Koohtz."". , J would Hke to 44 p- & to the above gtatemftnt that the poudty assessor has no say in the levying of either atgte, county school or eity taxes, and is therefore not responsible for the present high taxes. ; i. it. 'A LONG PROCESSION of diseases start from a torrid liver and tm- Dure blood. Dr. Fierce's Golden Medical Dis covery cures every one of them. It prevents them, too. Take it, as yon ought, when yea feel tbe first symptoms ( languor, loss of ap petite, dullness, depression ) ana you ii save yourself from something serious. In 111111010? iid needed flesh and sfranrtk. and to purify and enrich the blood, notajng can equal ine uiscovery. is us-vigorasssB the liver and kidneys, promotes all tfe bodily functions, and brings back health aad vigor. For Dyspepsia, " Liver Complaint," Bilious ness, ana ail Scrofulous, Skin, and Scalp Dis eases, it is the only remedy that's guaranteed to benefit or cure, in every case, or the money ia refunded. About Catarrh. Ko matter what you've tried and found wanting, you can be cured with Dr. Base's Catarrh Remedy. Tbe pro prietors of this medicine agree to cure you, or they'll pay you $5U0 in cash. In Memoriam. The following was handed ns to'day by a of the family, with a request to publish; BT L. P. . Ii memorian of little Leo Sandrock who died March 4, 1894: ' : Tbe Lord haa called away our darling And 1 ft us here i-i orrow; Has called him to his borne above, To sing around hia throne. . How dear, our Leo waa t ns; He wag our morning light, -But Ihon haat taken him .to Thee, To I'hy blest home of lUht. We watched our darling till the last - Sweet breath of life wa gone, And o'er the river of death he crossed To dwell with, the a.ngels above. Oh, may we meet our darling Leo '. ' V hen our earthly task is done, For up n heaven with G d we know : i here's never sorrow known The consecrated cross weT, liS&r till death -sts uafrea. An then go home our orowu to wear. . : And sing with thee around od's throne. 194. Harper's. Bazar, HARPER'S BAZAR is a Journal for the home. It rives the fullest and latest information about Fash Ions, and its numerous illustr tions, Psris designs and pattern-sheet supplements ar indirtienaable alike to the home dresa-maker and the professional modiste. Ko experts 1- spared te make its artistic attractiveness of tft highest order. Its bright stories, amusing; comedies and thoughtful essay satisfy all tastes, and its last page is famous as a -budget of wit and humor. - In ita weekly issues vcrything is included which is of interest to women. The Serials fnr 1891 will be written bv .William Black and Walter Besant. Short stories will be written by Mary E Wilkins, Maria Louise' fool, Kuth McEncry Stuart, Marion Bar'and, and others Out-Door Sports and In-Door Ounce, Social Eptertainment, Kmbroidery, and. qt,har jnSerutllii npics will receive oonsiani atUnMon- A new aeries Is nrumisedjof iCofee aqd Hepartes,'' HARPER S PERIODIC AT .3. .' . Paa Taaai Harper'f MagazUM S4 0 Harper's Weekly '. 4 00 Harper's Bazar 4 Harper's Toana; People 200 Pottage fret to all tuoicrtoerajiti thuUmted State, Canada and Mexico. The Volumes of the Bazar begin with the first Number for January of each year. Whe no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Num ber current at the time ot receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper"! Bazar or (bra rears back, in peat cletb binding, wjlf "be sent by mail, piston paid, or bj express, free of expense (pro rW Berths fieuiht does not exceed one dollar per vol ume), for $7 per volume. A tepnbli..ii Convention for the County of Wasco, State of Or gon, is called to meet in Dalles City, in said county, on Wednesday. April 4. 1894. at 10 o'cIock a m , for the purpose of nominating candidates for the following wuulv oiuuers: une uounty commis sioner, County Clerk, County Sheriff, County Treasurer, County Assessor, County School Superintendent, County Coroner and County Surveyor, and also 1,...: ... i ih x rau ameers ior me several Dre- wulo wu iigui, delegates to the state Convention, and to transact such other business as may properly come before euuji vonveution. . ine Uonventinn will consist of 67 Delegates, chosen bv the several precincts,' and the several pre- wuu, u mo iuuuiy will De entit frl tn representation in said Convention as iouows: uigeiow a East Dalles , 1.1116 Mosier ""2 East Hood River . " ""3 v rmiawin . Joiumbia. . ..2 Nansene. . o Kineslev 9 Wamic . . q 1 1 . - - osKe uven Trevitt . , . a we8tlalles : a Falls J a vvesu nooa civer 4 Jtuight Mile .., 2 Deschutes ... 2 Dufur 4 Tygh 2 Jak lirove. ' 2 Antelope 4 the same being one Delegate-at-large from each precinct, and one Delegate for every 25 votes, and one for every fraction over one-half of 25 votes cast for the Republican legislative ticket at the election in June, 1892. Primaries to elect the deleeates in each of the several precincts will be held on March :8, 1894 In East Dalles precinct tbe polls will be located at the Wasco Warehouse, and Frank Lauehlin. Frank Creighton and D. H. Roberts will act as judges at said election ; in Bige low precinct the polls will be located at the office of Wm. Michell, and Charles Cooper, C. J Crandall and Tom Joles will act as judges at said election ; in Trevitt precinct the polls will be located at the County Court Boom in said pre cinct, and J. S. Fish, C. E. Bayard and C. L,. Phillips will act as judges at said election; in West Dalles precinct the polls mil be located at. the City Mills, and J. W. Marquis, T; A. Hudson and A. A. Urquhart will act as iudires at said election ; the polls - in each of said four precincts will be kent oten from 12 o'clock m. to 7 o'clock p. m. for the re ception of votes.- The polls in each of the other precincts in the County will be located at the usual vlaces at the hour of 1 o'clock p, m and will be con ducted in the usual manner for holding primary elections. U. e. HUNTINGTON, Chairman Rep. County Committee. J. S. Fish. 8ec"y Rep. County Committee. Executor's Notice. n the matter of the estate of William H. McAtee, A aecearea. ! Notice is hereby given that this undersigned has been by the Count; Cuurt of Wasco Coui.ty, S(t Of th-egon, appointed executor de bonis nPI instead ot B. C. McAtee, removed, at the estate of William H McAtee, deceased. All nenons bvng ' claims against, or business wthi, said estate are notified and required, to present same .with the proper vouchers to tbe undersigned executor, at his resi dence in The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon. Dated Tbe Dalles, Oregon, this 12th day of Jan nary, 1894.. OEOKGE A. LI ERE, Executor of the Estate of Wm. Q. MoA tee, decs'd s. Republicans Organizing:', ' Republicans arc"' beginning the work of the campaign in good 'earnest at Aatelope, and the Herald bas the following notice of tbe preliminary meeting for tbe organisa tion 1 of a club: "Quito a - number of , the leading citizens of this commnnitr met ia girehbeiaer hall last Wednesday after? noon at 2 o'clock for the purpose of making preliminary arrangements (o organise a pro tective olub at Aotalopg oejt Saturday, March 10th, ac 2 o'clock P. M. C. 7: Lane was elected chairman of tbe meeting and W. Bolton -secretary. Suggestioas were mads by several enthusiastic protectionists. present, and oa . motion it wa decided to appoint a committee of three to draft a con stitution and a sat of . by laws for the club-, and to submit tbe same, snbjeot to approval at tha organiMtioa- nex; Sstardiy. -The. ohairmao then appointed E M Soutt, R. 1. Kelsay aud A M. Kel-ar as auobj oim- mittee, after which a motion to adjmrn -wasoarrftd1' ,." Death of Hiss steel. ' Miss Jennie Steele, who bas bea afflicted witb oonsumption. for . several years, died last Saturday evening at the residence of bar parent near this oity.' Tois Y th sea,- 1 ond member of - tbe family who has fallen a Victim to this terrible disease, and tb i par-' sots sad rejatiyas will reseive.ths heartfelt sympathy ot tba community in their sal bereavesnnt. Miss' Steel was ' aff'd' 33 years, and a young lady of most ss timable traits of character. In. her daily walk she exemplified tbe teachings of a higher life, and those who mourn her demise feel fully assured tbat she was well prepared for a brighter anal better existence Thsfaneial topk place to-day from tbe Methodist cfaurob and vas quite largely- attended by friends ol ths family, , Vioto ease for eacp volume, suitable for binding, I will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of tl each. I Remittance should be aade by posoSoa money orW n ;raft, tfi avoid, chanpa of loss. tfeiotpaner art not to com thi advertitement wMumi tm exprett order of harper Brother. Aldrass: HAR?E9 BRt,T-HES New Tork. IBM.' Harper's WeeMj. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIG:. 1 . i ' NOTICE is heieby given that th anderalaed has been duly appointed hy the ooiuuv court of Wasco county, Oregon, administrator of the estate of Ella Johnson, deceased. All persons havimr claims against tbe said deceased, are hereby notified to present the same properly verified to the under signed in Dallas City, Orega, written six month from date thereof. UP. OSTLUND, .... Admnistrator. Dated March 9,1864. .. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXEOUTIOiT and order of Issued out o tbe clrouit rn btate of Orego. for Waac, un" d"c anfl J dgmeot made, rendered and ninaH hv JKui,,-S? " T 1 embsr, 1893. in favoTof Mh woerein t. a, johi tas piaintui, la a i George. W. Johnstoi Johnston and nH...i. co-ianners, doing bjsmess aTbS.' Johnson Broa. w. plaiT uoa,anu A r Brown and M Broan wen defend. a2ad2J5JS7'BF!?J?d lands mSuned I '.t bl t1? writ and hereinsf ter described. t bidder fir oai VbZd. ST Saturday, the 10 h day ef February, 1894. nTuaiTSr xvsrR?. .y. .. th. City In Wa CTy; Oregon 1 Se .iSj. ?hT1"'" T""10! ectlon 2s, in township Un ,-5' "?.13 ". the Willnette Merid ian, in Wasco County, Oieg..n, Uiner with the unTKn"'6'" "d PPn-ces the'rhJ! much 'tsspjSuS? :.!??s: . STi. 2?"S Wilh "nattoTrLts'of bar 189S aim Z . . .e 1,1 "ewm ?S Lirf ,fM "orney's fee and 1.7 eosu in said su.t. tosether with Tj accruing cosu of sale. t. A. uaRi) r. , . ., bheruT bf Wawo County, Oregon. -Dated " tle City, Oreg.iW Jan. u, 187jal2 Afiministrator's Sale. WP&REAS, the Hon. County Court of the State Of Oreron. f. ir t n,,..- . n- . . Sfn? hnmf duly made an order di I.0""? "e, the .ml, appointed, qualiBed and acting administrator of tbe estate of Ernest 8. Uge. d ceased, to sell the lauds and premises belonging to sa.d estote, and hereafter paJiicuiarTy drfbed. at 0clion' ,oe biddw. tor aSln i t?Z. tnere,ore' . ?y virtue of such authority, and 10th Sm,atJ?Fl omer-1 UI- 00 8turday. the lutn dav of Fehr&rv lacu - k i . . . o;c.ock j the forenoon of auiTdaf. u e"fr,t dolr M the Couuty Court House in lilies City, Wasco County Oregon, sell, at puhlie .u aion. to the high--t bidder, for in hand, the lands and premise belonging to said estate, and particularly described s fo lows, to-wit: nIll,-!OU5hu V" and the southeast quarter of the .orthwest quarter (, of nwi) of section Wtaeu, (16) in township one (1) south, of rnge fourteen (14) east, of the W illamette Meridian 111 Uasco OUntV ' Oraron v,l.i.,i.. I .. i ' "d MLie WI" marie sublect to ap- I proval and conarmation of the said Countv rvinrt ? a.h d 3 ,UallM Uly Wueo Oounty. Oregon, this Adm r of the Csute of Ernext 8. Haitge, deceased. aw That We carry a full line of Stoves and Ranges, Building Hardware, Tinware, Granite ware. Fishing Tackle, Guns, Ammunition, Pumps, Iron.Pipe, etc. We are sole agents for the Garland Stoves and Ranges he World banitary Plumbing, Tin- ing an J iRoofing a Specialty. Groceries, Provisions! Cprdwood. tte ted MAIER & BENTON. The Dalles SUMMONS I N THE CIRCUIT COURT of tbe State of Oregon X for Wasco County eorge W. Rowland, plaintiff, vs Hmrh Oonriav and Bessie ' outlay, defendants. To Hiwh Gourlav and named defendants. In the name ot the Stale of Oregon, yi ad etch of jou, are hereby req ued to appear ana answer the complaint of piaintid, aied against you in the , ' - u,s v r oemre sne nrst uuy regular term of tbe Circuit Court ef tha Stui Oregon lor Wasco County, next following the final puoucauoii oi tnis summons, to-wit; oo or before ul. ,jjin o.y or r brury, 1884, and If you , ?,!? and n,wer- 'or want there f the pi .inUff will apply to tbe Court for the relief prayed for in his complaint, to-wit: For a decree of Jorrcloeure of gage deed made a 1 executed. by you to E. R nZ V't.3ddy of November. 1893, upon allot : ,ws Aooiuon to uaiiss OIT. in Wasco County. Ommn. anrf u.-.!; ... J. oordrd map of said Addition to said City, and that ' r1" uuuer sucn loreoiosure ascrse " "ID uHiuer urovnn-a nv law atui uwwI m m K- pracuce OI uus Court: th.r f.nM tk. . i i f" aals, the plaintiff have and receive the sum of S350, and interest oa said sum since November S. 1881, at the lat ot 10 per. cent per annum; also the further sum of 60 a a reasonable attorney e - ,..iu uiwvuii to lorcicse said mortgaga aad collect the note thereby secured and beiein sued upon, together with plaiutuTs costs and dis bursements mada a.rt immlMl in .V... i i.. j , . .u .UU .UVtUU- Ing accruing cost and expenses 'A aala, and that plaintiff have judgment over arid against the de- Qugu uouriay, ior anv detk-ieocy remain ng after all of tha nroMxdanf a.rk .-i- 1- api-Lcable thereto, ahall have htn .nrjia i. V.J. meutol plaintiff demand as above set forth: tbat upon such foreclosure sale all of the right, title, in tereet and claim of you and each of you, aad all person claiming or to claim by, through or under t--m, w, uumu oi you. in ana to said morttraeed r--" j ua torever oarred reiuea irom sue equity of redemption, i for such other and further relief as to th Court i aeem equitable and lust. ini summons is served upon you by publication thereof In Tbe Dalles 1iau.Unn.T.JT . paper of general circulation, published weekly at S"aie"o,Cit,t Vf? tountr. Oregon, by order of "V j- "w, -uoge oi sail utreuit Court, which order bears date the 27th day of Uecemher, 1 MOM niTEITU - . . . n . . .. " vvruaaaLfltrUk Sf30-"w Attorneys for Plainiff, ILLUSTRATED. HARPER'S WEEKLY u hevond all nnmtlnn th. leading' journal in America, in It splendid illustra tions, in it cqrp" of oisttqguished contributors, aad (n its yast army of readers. In special lines it FOE RENT. Administrator's Sale. PART OF THE with several ac Also the brick; store building MICHELBACH RESIDENCE. witb several acrea-al land; also part ot orchard corner union -.and draws an tha hiirheat order of talent! tha mm hoot i Second streets, under the Union Lodtrinir House. fitted by posiUou and traiping ta fretyt the leading I for terms apply to GEOROE WILLIAMS, tuples oi toe qaj, jb action in most popular ston wniers contnouto to lis poiuiuns eupero draw ings by ths toiemost artists illustrate its special articles, its stories, and every notan.e event of pub lic interest: it contains portraits of the disUnsruished men snd women who are making the history of the ' time, wnue special attention is given to sne Army aad Navy, Amateur Sport, and Music and the Drama, by distinguished experts. In a word. Har per's Weekly combines the news feature of the daily paper and tbe rustic and literary qualities of ths magazine with the lid critical character of the review. ' . HABPER'S PERIODICALS. Harper's Hagaalne..... :.M 00 uarpers weekly..,.., 4 00 Earner's Basar ..... 4 00 Harper's oi(Dg People ................... 2 00 Puftayi fr la all Snhriber$ inVh United Statu ; uanaaa ewa aesaeo, . The Volumes of the Weekly begin witb the first i onmner ior janeary 01 eacn year. Wnen no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the num ber current at the time.of receipt of order. Bound Volumes or Harper Weeklu for -three fears back, in neat doth binding, will be sent by I man, postage paid, or ny exprew, rree ef expense (provided freight oes not exceed one dollar per vol-. ant), for 7 per volume. Cloth esse for each volume, suitable for binding will he sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of 1 each Remittances should b made by postefBce money rder or draft, to avoid ckance of lor. , Ntvqmptn ar ' to torn fAit advrrtisemu without tM ecepree order of Uarper de BroUun- . Address :' HABPXB ft BROT ' Hit l. In Administrator of the! eetatelof JohnlMichelbae deoeaeed eh 28m WANTED. CLOTHING SALES AGENT WANTED for The Dalles and vicinity. 'Liberal Commissions paid, and we furnish th best' and most complete outfit tvor provided by any house. Write at once for a. bend Telerenee WAN AMAKER A BROWN, ulytt - - - Philadelphia P. . 1 Te- avii'a n sVaijiati ARf iTRICITY K5t CLAM '.a NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the uader - signed, administrator ot th estate of Harri son Comm. deeeased, bv virtue ol an order of the - vuu.jr uuj 1 u uie oiase 01 -uregoB for Wasoo ouuiy, in prooaia, maue on toe sta day ot Septem ber, A. D. 1883, and a supplementary order mad hy wm, , w. umwv unnuw zx, lew, win on Satur day, ue UTtn day of Jaooarv, 18S4, at the hour ot t ' - v., at wm uourt iiiiose door In Dalles City, in Wasco Countv, State of Oregon, sell at pub lic auction to .the highest bidder for cash in hand, subtret to the confirmation of said Court, all of the vuvwiu utaunueu real estate ana water rights, be longing to tbe estate of the said deeeased. to-wit. - Auowmuau ui 1,00 - aortneast quarter, and the northwest quarter of the southeast nmn n tion twenty-five, in townahiD two north of range too, n nt 1 li Tin 11 1 .ii , 1 . (uBiuMw iuwmian,ci,ntviinmg u an ras u. vwiiusy, nn oi reoon; sad aio the earn half of the east halt ol section o. twenty-five in township Ko two north of mate tea eait ei we npiamette merldiaa,' eontaining lea su aituatea in naeeo uouoty, btate of Urs gen, together with tbe tenement, hereditaments iiu aupurtenances ana water rights thereto belong, ing, ahd belonging to said estata All the above described' property, loeludinr the warn rignts, 10 oe toju in one parcel. Dated, December M. 18SS. - v - -. . . . . . J.W.CONDON..' Administrator of tha astata nf n... n deceased.. ------ ---- , Fastest an Ftaest la the WaviaV trer accomodations unexcelled. IEV 08. l5H000ERf AND 6U5B0W. BV..- NEW T9BE, 6IBBALTEB and HAFIJBS, ' Atregnbsr Intervale. . 8AL00II. 8EC0N0-CLASS AH0 STHRA8E rates oa lowest tons so and from tbe principle : BtEBa ALL 06OTBOT4i rWTB- ttakaa avauahla to vstora bv either tha Die turesaae Cards A Vara at lselaad arBanlaa A SlbraTtar Snfti i4 Staisy etwi to v wt iwHi Anply to any of oar loeal Agent or to' BEMBBSSON BKOTHEB8. Chicago, III AOiAT- WA'TEI -.Apply to "Hjos. A.-iudson, gene ral agent,TbeDal les: Or. jan 21-92 aurl haa been a resident nf The O-tlles f r loon oumber of year. He resided tvitn bis wife in the aouiharo pirt of tba oity, ul has not been able to follow auy oo -uptiou tor soma years;"' - ; Ui.ieUHiiurg Jitguler; i o vouukt io-ti fiom. the , Swaiilc imuiiig distnot retiently viaitea opoaaue rakiug with them aome large DUggets of ilil valued at severs buniired dollars. 1 h- y d clm d to Mate where tbey . found the gold further than that . it came from the Cascade ner the Swank district, i It ha-i- heea hiuted from several eooservative sources tbst the pres ent season .will witness aome starting do- veloptnenta in that famous imnitig region Tha . mines of Kittitas may yet lead the state io tbe production of gJld, as iby now ao. in iron ana coal. From Tuesday Daily. H. Rigna, of Wasco, is iu the left here will return on to night's 11 o'clock train. . ' . -. ; -' Ia pursuance to an act passed by tha last ' loftislatore the secretary of state on Monday last divided all tbe proceeds ot tbe 5 per entnm fond now in the state treasury and tba direct tax food among tbe several coun ties of tba state according to their area. Tnis per centum fund arises from the fate , Hon. W eity. . Tbe train due here from Portlaod at 1 o'clock did aht arrive until balf-psst2 this afternoon. ' Judge Br'adshaw. District Attorney Wil sou, A. 8. Bennett aod B. S. Huntington, are ic attendance on the circuit cuurt now in aeasion m Mora; Very delightful weather is enjoyed id this city, liut the surnmit of tbe surrounding bills in . the yicioity, except to the south and east are covered witb the mantle of mtw. , Washington Independent: Gladstone, the greatest statesman of Europe aod of the world except our Congressman - Wilson who sent ns some seeds this week,' has re tired from the premiership of England oa account of failing sight of tbe eve. There were; two hoboes arrested - lsst by the police of this city and lodged in jail. Tbey were tried this morning by toe recorder, and eac noeri o and eosta. In default of payment they were rain ended to the custody of the eity marshaL A spirited horse, while being rode down Union street yesterday, began boi-king, and finally - fell en bis hind legs, cuttin? a severe gashitn one ot them. ' Tbe wound re ceived . waa sewed np, aod it is expected tbe aoimaf will recover from the injury. Snow is piling np io the mountains, say the Uaoven Utv Mew. A pine tree tow en skyward about 150 feet near Neil Hall' ranch op tbe creek, and Mr. nail watohed th snow gradually grow deeper and deeper, until only a small portion of tbe tree stood above the surface. The tree, however, stands alonside of a cliff where the anow drifts considerably. A Sad Btiss4Qii. The remains of little Qiadys McParland, fed about 7"" years, the daughter of Mr, aud Mrs. E B . UoFarland, arrived oa the delayed train from Portlaod this afternoon. Mr. aad Mrs. McFarland, and the two re maining children accompanied the corpse, and sooa after its arrival it was conveyed to 8unset cemetery, where it waa deposited beside other members ot 'he family who bad preceded Gladys to the stlsnt shore. A large number of friends in this eity met the hearse and. followed it to the city of the ilead. where the loved one wss laid ta rest In their aad bereavement, tbe parents and family have the beartlelt sympathy ot this oimmonity. KeaU Estate Transfers. - Marcn 12 State of Oregon t Heary S Lewes; nw qr of aw qrof sec 36, tp 2 a, r J lO.e; 150. ' - March 12 Jeel Diver and Miani Pi vers to Orson H Rhodes; sbf of nw qr and a bf of sir qr ot sea 1 n, r 10 e; I March 13 State Oragns U) John M, Davis; nw of ne H ec- H P out range M east; $50." March 13 United Srates to John M. Davis; he of se sec 2 lp 4, south range 14 east; past) pijase. . JHarcB 13 John M. Davis to Eliza Da- Vis; nw- at sw U sec 25 tp 4 south range 14 east; faOO. For those DEATHLY BILIOUS SPELLS depend on Sulphur Bit ters; It never fails to cure. DO YOU SUFFER with that tired and all-gone feeling? If so use F ' Don't be without a bottle.- Yoa will not regret it TRY IT. Thc I of a fair face is a beauti? Secret I ft" stin. bulphur Bitters T, ., autkes both. If von danot wi-.h to I I suffer from RHEUMATISM, nsn a bottle pf Sulphur Bitterer ft never P fails to cure, ' Only the Scars Remain. "Among the many tastlmopials which X , see tn regard to certain medicines perform ing cures, cleansing tha blood, etc.," writes Hsitbt Hcdsoh, of th James 8mlth ' - Woolen Hacbiuery Co., ( Philadelphia, Fa., "none impress me more than my ' m ease. Twenty years ' ago, at the age of 18 years, ' ! V ia Baa swellings eome on. . my legs, which broke and became running sores. Our familypbyslclan could do me no eood. and It was feared that the. bones ' would be affected. A t last," my good eld -mother oifed me to try Ayer's Sarsaparllla. I took three , bottles, the sores healed, and I have . not been troubled since. Only the scars remain, and the tnemery of the past, ta remind as wf ths- good Ayer Barssparllla has dene me. I now "Weigh two hundred and -twenty pounds, and am In the best of health. I have been on tbe road for tbe past twelve years, have noticed Ayar' Sarsaparllla advertised In all parts of the United States, and always take pleas-' ur in Ulticg what good it did for me." , For the cure ef all diseases originating in tapore blood, the best remedy Is - - AYER'S Sarsaparllla Prepared by Dr. J.O. Ayar&Oo, TowsaLllaaw. Cures of hers, will cure you x. O. O. T. Motice. Tbe Dalies Lodre No. 2, I. O. g!.T.; wishes to remind the puhlio tbat it is siiil alive and in a floun-hing condition, there being at present about thirty five members in good standing, and new ones are being aided to the roll at every meeting. The 1 dge meet at th- K of P h it!, oorner of aecond and Court streets every Saturday evening at 7:31). All members of sister lodges are invited to meet with, ns and apeud a pleasant eveoiog with us. . A spec ial meeting will be beld at the hill ou Sat urdav, March 17ib, and aU'meuibers are re quested to be present as there is basinet ot importance to. attend to. Dinsmorb Parish. Secretary. - "'. ' ' NoUce. ' . To Sabeeribert to the Midwinter Fair Fund: We an. notified by EL C. Masten, aecre- ry of ths midwinter fair association, that 00 presentation at his office in Portia id of recript for subscriptions, tbe pro rata r ferred will be promptly made. ' Receipts msy be sent .to him direct or through any local bank. . Emile SchAnno, ' M. A Moodt, Sub. Com. for The Djlles, Or. Am vnnCnMSTIDlTVM Ta ' - 1" " ' t ax su. aw J finlnlinii T?Ittu im ,,,. -. " V "wyww wwi.b .a jm, wuAsyuuneea Poor, weak, and weary mothers RAISE PUNY, PINDLINQ children. Sulphur Bitters will make them strong, hearty, and healthy. Cleanse the vitiated blood when you see its impurities bursting uiruugu tote BJhXU 111 I - on Snlnhnr aj Bitters and health follow. 3xiL.Lera ail will follow penq n oans star iniprue PIMPLES. BLOTOHE8 AND SORES. I VE TELL YOU BotWag sew when w state ta It pays t ene in a narataaeat. atest ltealthv aad nleaaant ns, test rasara- a araalt for very day's work. sua is Use bawhacas wa wafer tax werktaft class. We teaab time how te atak assaey rapidly, and Saraate every sne was fouaws anr Mstractioni tafsliy the raakrag of wSwO.Oe a month. - aTcry ooa wwa taaa son new ana worns win snrelv ana sseediiv increase their earninss: there eaa be ns qaession aaeut it; others bow at work I are ao&ag u.and' you, reader, eso do the same. This is to best paying business that you have ever had tbe ehanea to seeaie. You will make a rrave raistake if yoa fail to give It a trial at oaee. If you grasp the situation, aad act quickly, yon will directly fled yourself ia a most prosperous business, at which you can surely make and save large sums pf mooex. The results of only a few tiuura wqr wfi(. qiteo. equHf Wf wef f s wajes. Whether you are old ar vauiitr. man or woman, it makes ua dilferenos, -b do a we tell yuu, nqd suc cess will meet you at tin very start. Neither experience or capital necessary. Titos who work for us are rewarded. Why aot write tu-day for full particulars, free ? B. C. AIXKN A CO., box sip. su, Augusta, sue. SUMMONS.' In the Circuit ourt of tbe Stote (if Oregq tot saw vuuuij jt vv mm. f L E?PufQr' PWntiff, ivs W T BoKers, defendant To W TRorers, the above named defendant: in the name of ths State of Mrgon, you are here by required to. aapsar ao d answer trie complaint filed against you in the above et, titled action on or oet re sue nras osy 01 ins next rrgalar term of tbe above- entitled court, t-wil: 00 or before Monday, the 28th dav of May. lew. and. if von fail .ntn ,n want toereor trie piainun will take Judirment for the sum of tl .60, aod interest thereon at the rate el ot ten per cent, per annum since July 1st, 1802; for 130 as a reasonable attorney's fee for uwituuug- earn acuon to collect tbe note theruin sued upon: for tbe further sum of saa lift anrf 1.1 interest thereon since tlie 17th day ol Hay, 182: for the further mm of S17.M, and leg-sl Interest thereon sinoe June, 2a, 18vl, together with plamtiffs eosu u. ..huh, 4 HI, WimUUHII is hereby served upon you by publication thereof ty an order duly mad by the '.above named Coont at tt rearalar February Term thereof oa the 2th dav of Februrv, 188a. VRANK MKNEFEE, : n Attorney for PUintiB.' ! Administrator's Notice. rpO ALL WHOM IT MAT CONCSRN: Notice is hereby (riven that the undersirned has been duly appeinted administrator of the partner ship estate of Geo. F. Beer and B. E. WUlUms, doing- business under tbe ffrrn name of The Dalles Mrroantiie Company, of woieh firm said Qeorire F. 'leers is deceased, hv order uf tba Hon. Unarm o. Blakeley, TJountv J tides ol Waseo aounty Oretron, made OU the- 17th dav of November, l.ttt. and that be ha duly qualified as such administrator. All nelson bavinir cl dma asrainat aain eatata mr quired to present them with the proper voucher w uijr iwuciwa in vaiiea taty wiuun Biz mouths from the date ol this notice. . ' Dated this 2d day ot November, 189S. R. E. WILLIAMS, Administrator 'of--th partnership eatat of The Dalles Mercantile Company, consisting- of Geo. F. Bear, deceased, and it. . Williams. You Want Your W fcRp JjirueM si.ri AwrtPd Line in . u oitt, fit Dry Goods and Notions, Gents' Fur- n.shinvt Goods and Clotbinj;, Men's, Ladies' and Children's Fine Shoes. ' . We Want Ym - - " Of course we will pot Prices to suit. Always do . tbat, Nobody undersells ns. . Come around and investigate. ' . - A. M. WILLIAMS & CO (EsLSff MAfiHOOD RESTORED " - w tfnn aaf am famruta aHrih 1 1 i ... "COPIDEMB" Ttabi ffreAt Vs0sat-.Kisi Jionel a famous French pliyn. win o.cklyc J??? L0',5'r".0,.."ie senerauve ontana. sucb a Lami M. 'rvonn IbUlty, VftrlfVVHl AVliif lrvVaantfl otlLr.Br. aw1 to BprTOatorrho vnd becnuse ntn?y pr nt ere tmoWM wttlr W tO 4Urm WllhsUlt san nru.ratl a,.. . .... BtrORC AfTCR S1' " horrors of Imaounct, bMBMEcl.a ... . Sidneys and thenrlnary onramolaJilmDuritlta. ' v wv. 1, m. ,1 auiina Ann PMknrM am. 1 1 vuh- 1 .r'.MOD.J!"7?rrs re not cured by Itoriors Is because nmetv ner ,i W0abox.alxforS5.00. by man. Bend for reaa cliSla, aid tiumor' Prtuanjti t cura. Address A VOL JSKDICIBI K CO, P. O. Box S07S, San Traiielico, Cat. Jbr&Xebf For Sale by K. W. Helm & Co., The Dlles, Oregori. HOLIDAY : GOODS : AND v : PRESENTS ! I. O. 1NICKELSEi. Large Assortment to choose from. 1 Closing out ' r uii vubt au ine , . . Toys, Fancy Goods and Jewelry AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. 1 Fine Gold Watches, from .... Good Guaranteed Watohes, from ." .'.V. . . ; Books of Beat Authors, and in all lines of Goods. 15 00 to t27 00 .......... 4 60 to $16.00 Great Baroains. ' -' E. W. HELM & CO . . .. Stiooessor to Floyd a Shown.) , ', . 105 SEOONDfSTREET, between COURT and WASHINGTON.1 Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, flE TOILET SOAPS, CCKBS..BRUSHES, PERFUKERY, ETC. Pnre, Lienors for medicinal purposes. Physicians' PrescriDtloBS a fMolaitw COLUMBIA PICKING COMPANY Oorner Third and Wuhtafftori streets. ! Cored flams, Bacob, Dried Beef and hm And the best ppfsUak8, JUutton Chops and '." .' ' Vfal Outlets in the tnarkflU , - Orders Belivered to Anv Part of tlie Citv. ' Fresh. Vegetables on sale at the Lowest Price. The Oro Pino Wine Booms AD. KELLER. MANAGER. Best Grade rafifornla Wices acd Brandies in tbe Cifr. Boston, 41an stamps to H. p. Oidwu A n, 'or best meillhal work pulillabed I -':St?'- All owners of dors and cows must have the former licensed and the latter kept within inclosnres or herded, or they will be impounded. Tbe ordinance In refer ence to those animals 'will be strictly en forced. Dajj. Malosevt. - City Marshal. The Dalies, March 1.1 ,189 . 5 DOLLARS PER DAY 20 Easily Made. We want many men, women, boys, and girls to work for us a few hours dully", right iu snd around theirown homes. The business Is easy, pleasant, strictly honorable, and pays better than apyother uilerea agents. Yon have a clear field snd no competition. Experience and special ability nn. necessary. No capital required. Ve equip yoa witb everything that you need, treat yoa well, and help yoa to earn ten times ordinary wages. Women do as well as men, and boys and girls make good 'pay. Any one, anywhere, can do the work.,. All sucoeed who follow our plain and Sim ple directions. Earnest work will sorely bring yoa a great deal or money. Everything is new and In great demand. Write for oar pamphlet circular, and reeeiye tall information. No barm done it yoa conclude not to go on with tbe business. George Stinson &Co.t BOX -99t PORTLAND MAINE. Pr Missed Mi OpBwHuiileyl IMWV? Mias la. YowrSfcllesMler. tw tnaJerTty BSylagS fliah1 se pertmrass, and fraa, lbs aaass Itvs m poTsrty awa As la NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. . Lass OmcB at Tas Dau.cs, Oasooa, Dec tt, 1S93. Notice Is hereby riven that tbe followintr-namnl settler his filed notice of his- intention to- make final proof in sunoort of his claim, and tLar said prtjof will be made before the' Register and Receiver of tlie U. 8. land office at Tbe UaUes. Or:, on Teh. IS, 18M, via: , 40HN 8, HQTT, . Hd No. S50S. for ths WW SEW aad EU bWU. Sec 1S.TD1N, Ri E. - , . . , - . . He names ths rollowliur witnesses te won hta wnHRUoua-rsaiusage opou aoa etuuvasion Cm land, via: ' a Parodi. L Lawler. Jesse 8neticer. aad -William spencer, au cm ane iiaiiee, ureiron. aecju juun tv. r,cwiti, Keirister. -A COXPLETE LIKE OF- IMPORTED and DOMESTIC LIQUORS and CIGARS gecond Street; between Union and Court, the dalles, Oregon THE GERMANIA tybrtnowtw f Tl all mawipaav dtwrrwalr (a AS Int ftf mmw. aaai IfcriT 1 hwkbvOwllt ftv CTtwttrjBity. lHVtefwssWaVi tnmjt Ktwh at. vp strasl dtrffcav. Inipiwy-mr apyutm uoawntsar. tbsu "ibe tHmaom f rorwtnic dm , mrwn sejuitr to wmeh dotswhi atitArriti Mriad mt lifka ma bnkc flu ebsore, ol Apowntl)rTrrtehw; Vtod o Mid lr depatrt. fusrw to mrn.M Erw mhM jm tnd tli OGLim opporUmltrf lwrmtr-ntm ertrrj ehmaem tbi mr4 vwtAr. attrvl of tavir mwm.t thit is wlteU stniv ; qmM itMo do. n era la ma ofportnuity, wneh mm h not of , wiidm naramaooi Mtxrtnir ponpi. iruprv.l, Kwrl" mi Immrnt, m ermtxl atmrt in liVo. Tit flOLDrf oirwr raaojr H basro. If oaey tt bo itrsiale rapid) 7 tid h tx. All ace bj any lxxlaairioai person of eft-lie? mex. mgcM. . mmu do th ork and Hto at irorsa. whip rover xm txrm. Eras ba rraur ara anvil j earning from fr ta 6 IO P1 am?. Toa went 14 job wtst wwa, ni vxi utxn, aai m jo Bmm lacraaa your 1DC'rnaaa 70a g smmra tlmaooi j, or all ynnr tfraa to tit w Capilaa BrOa rerjoirad. Waataitrobi. A W now and raalrr vonderfoi. Wa fnsl 04w7 yon now. frcw rfJraronnivrMtwn ainanv oar mo room to oxpiani aoro. n ntm and loarn all free. tfaaeiMtrt. oosly j Q(j yon oan. iacroaao yoor iDcmoi yon foo. Ycwa cau4 u it tuuoooaj, oriii ynnr trraato 11 to wore. .ny to Uam. CispiUiMiiUrod. Wo atari too, AM ia oom- vro tnstToet aod by return mail. Dnwtao to delay. Addrvaa at enee. II., jea aosb a.Wwei Jaowav vorw. mtwfw wnni Ml fllsartai JAS. FERGUSON, UVllUllil UAJllWUiUUlJ Goods hauled with the'frreatest oaretd all I oarts ot tne otty oa abort notioe. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.. Laaa Omcl at Ths Dallbs, Oaasoa; Jan SO. lftM. Notice la hereby glren that the followioc named Settler has filed notice of his intention to aiake Snal proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof win be made before the Register and Receiver at Ins Dalles, Oreiroin, on March 41. laat, yia: URIAH J. HURST. Bomestead No. ai&l, for tba 6Wi, 8ec 2, Tp 1 N, He Batnas the following witnesses to prove bis cuduuuous reaiuenos apon ana cuiuvation ot aald auu, vis: atatdeo Hendrixaen, J. P. Dayidsnn, Jcsepb wuiaun, rfamflo u. onnsoq, ail OK roe Hallos, Ore son. JOHN W. LEWIS', feM " - Register. Administra tor's Notice. VTOnCE 13 HEREBY OTVEM THAT THE UN JLl denigned waa duly appelated administrator o tbe estate of Nela Carlson, deoeased. of Caaced Locks; by the Quunty Oourt at the State of Oreiroa County of Waroo, oa Beptetnber t, 188S. And, therefora,' all persons havinit claims against said stats are required to present the as nss, witb props vouchers attached, within six months from the dat of this notice, at my office at Canada Locks, Wasco Comity, Oretron. Cascade Locks, Sept, SO. 1801. , a J. CANDIANA. A dmlolstrator of the estate ef beia Cenoa, ds STDBLING & WILLIAMS, PROPS. , V T,'' ' TTT '' . .. . W . rrne wines, Liquors and Cigars. ;.. All brands of Imparted Liquors, Ale and Porter, ; v. Geaaiae Key West Guars. A full line ofj CaUIFORIHA : WINES : AND : BBANDEES JL"Tf.",'f Whuey. strictly pure, for medlcfua! pur- .' .... . "esea. alaJt Liquor. Columbia Brewerrbser oo draught. 04 Second Street, TIIK DALLES, OXt San Francisco Beer Hall F. IJEMBkIC, Proprietor. ' WINES, LIQUORS and CGARS. ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. COLUMBIA BREWERY BEER ON DRAUGHT SECOND STREET, BETWEEN UNION ANE.COUKTi OIN i