;- THE DALLES. OREGON, SATURDAY. MARCH, J7, 1894. UVUSTAIXGICIl. VtlimeXXXIT NUMBER 32 CONSOLIDATED 1882. riHES-XorSTAISKKB, XII PRINTED EVERY SATURDAY BY . - John Michel, Editor and Proprietor 8. 8CHENCK, President. J. 11, PATTERSON Cash er. FROM TERMINAL K IN1EBI0B POINTS THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. I pJOIthGI"H PSC. . TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ngeoopy, one year.... '.. sge copy tlx months. f.-- - ' . aa-Tenns strlctlv in advance. OF" I'l2 DALLJJH, (Successor to) SCHENCK & BEALL. BANKERS. ..s.ot .. l.OC RAILROAD bth, Hu to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH V TBAN8ACTS A BEBULAB BANKING BUSINESS BUT ANB SELL EXCHANGE. TELEGRAPHIC. Vote Slezt Thursday. - Washington. Mirch 9 The senate baa agreed to vote on tbe Bland seignior age bill at 2 P. M. Thursday next. Bnttrtd at Uu PottoMce at Tht Dalla, Or tamd Ciat Matter for tranmwtion through the mail. LIST OF STATE AND COUNTY OFFICIALS. Governor 8. Pennoyer Secretary of 3tate G.W.McBride Treasurer. Pbulipaletachap Buperinteodent of Public Instruction . . E. B. McElroy COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY CAREFULLY - MADE ACCOUNTED FJ AND Senators Congressman, first district ...... secoud district... gute Printer.... 'COUNTS' County Judge Snerlfl '.. Clerk........... Treasurer ................... Commissioner. Assessor.... Surveyor . Superintendent of Public Schools Coroner.......... I J.H. Mitchell B. Hermann ..W. R Ellis . Prank Baker . George B'ake y T. A. Win) ...J. B.Crossen ... Wm. Micheli ...Jas. Daraielle ..J. W. Kwnu ... E. F. Sharp ... Troyeneuey ...N. at. Eastwood DBAW ON NEW TORE. BAN FRANCISCO AND rUb.TL.YnD. Director i l P Thompson, Ed M Williams, t 8 Sobshcs, Gboroi a Loss. H M Bull READ "Samantlia at tlie World's Fair," It is the Dining Car Route. It runt Through Tea tiDniea Trains itery my in uie yer to ST. PAUL ma CHICAGO (NO CHANGE OF CARS. Comvu ed of Dining Cars unsurpassed. oilman lirawing-rnom weepers or unest Equipment. TOURIST'S SLEEPING CARS. Best 'that can br corstructed, and In which aceom vt holders of First or beoond cUn Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. And be op with the times. A Continuous Line, Connecting with All Lines, Affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service. ProlawaiojaaU C srds. THE LATEST OUT. and the greatest work of the Nineteenth Century, BY JOSIAH ALLEN'S WIFE J. SUTHEB LAND.'M. D., C. M. Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured in ad yance tnrougn any agent toe roaa. To and from all rjoints in Amei ica. Ens-land and Europe can be purchased,at any ticket omce oi toe eompsny. THROUGH TICKETS Physician and Surgeon, : Booms S and , Chapman Block. The Dalles, Ore. Q 0. H0LL1STEB, . ..y Physician and Surgeon. ' Rooms over Dalles National Bank. - Office hours 1C A.M. to i M.,aiid from X to P.M. Besidesce West end of llurd street. WOO 1 nTfiTT i wn r ' J. B. OOHDOK. ' J. w. council. )ONDON CONDON, . . ; , . . Attoi'neys at Law." Office On Court street, opposite the Id Court House, The Dalles, Or - A. 8. BENNETT. At r at Law, Office In Schanno't building, up-etsirs. , Tha Dalles Oregon. . s- , SBTca. ' .... vUFUR ft MENEFEE, raisa sums? a D Attorneys at Law. Booms 42 and 4.1 Cha man Block Tbe Dalles, Or. .. HAUOJN, DAK BAKER, Prop r. Keeps on band tbe oeat Wines, Lienors and Cigars. FREE LUNCH EVERY EVEHINC. Near tbe Old Mmt, Second Street. THE DALLES. : : OREGON C. F. .STEPENS J DEALER. IN Dr; Hoods. Dents1 hiH Full information co rninar rates, time of trains. routes and other details, furnished onjapplicatioD to W. C. ALLOWAT, Asent D. P. A A. Co., Regulator office. The Dalles, Or. A. D. CHARLTON, Ass't General Passenger Agt., No. 121 First St.. Cor. Wash.. PORTLAND. OREGON . i J O. KOONTZ, ; j H eal Estate. Insurance and ' ' . ' Loan Agent ' Agents for the Scottish Union and National I -nrance company of Edinburgh, Scotland, Capit 50,000,000. . Valuable Farms near tbe City to .sell on easy - erms. Office over Post Office, The Dalles. Or. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS,' SHOES. : 134 Second Street, next door east of The Dalle National Bank. J Having tut opened in Dullness, ana nsi ng a rail 8sortmftot of tho latest goods in my line, I desire a sbt4 O. F. STEPHENS n Mh UA KANSAS CITZ, ST. PAUL, Chicago, St. Louis. ALL POISTS EAST, NO TH and S Tfl. TRAIN : SOHEDTJLB: Washington, March 9. la the senate Peffer introduce i a resolution to invest! gate ram'ira regirdiocr sugar speculation by m mners of cmgrees. It weni oyer ti.l tomorrow. Tbe Bland seigniorage bill came up this afternoon, the pending question be ing Allison's motion to reconsider the last stage f tbe proceedings in order tbat amendments could be offered to tbe bill, Harris, who bad been oppoaiug the motion, said be was willing to allow tbe debate to enn'inue up to any day till Wediietdajr next, bat at present be was unwilling tbat the bi 1 stioa'd again go back to tbe amendment atsge. A dis cussion followed as to tbe necessity for meodments. Finally all propositions for reaching an agreement to vote on tbe bill failed, and Vuas twok tbe or, bu eavp war tor a motion that when the senate arlj aimed It be till Monday. Tbe morion was defeated, 16 to 38. Tbe op ponents of tbe S'-igoiorafire bill voted in tbe affirmative, its friends in tbe negative. prominently identified with the old '-triangle'' bas been marked for death by men who believe be was tbe arch con spirator in tbe Cronin murder, it it said tbat tbe acquittal of Coughlin bas only served to increase tbe intense hatred oetween tne tactions woicn naye exiateu since tbe murder, aud tbat the removal of tbe ex triangier was originally set for three weeks ago but was postponed on account of tbe effect it might have on the Cougblin jury. The friends of tbe murdered doctor consider tne verdict was a miscarriage ot justice. TELEGRAPHIC. The Cola-air Party Moscow, Idaho, March, 9. The party organized at Post Falls for tbe rescue of tbe cook of che Carlin party, tbe unfor tunate George Colgate, is xa its return journey down the Clearwater river, and is expected to. reach Jlendrick within a day or two, having been oat over 60 da vs. The party included Wm Martin, M. R. Sbelton, Jack Rexford and Cnarles Col gate, the 16-year old son ot the lost cook A miner who' came ahead ot the party, and at wbase cabin tbev remaiued for several days, tells a story ol hardship and suffering oy them tbat is truly pitiful. They anssed tbe famous B ack canyon on tne C earwater. and went about 25 miles bevond, the snow ranging trom 5 to 13 leet deep the entire distance They lost their camp equipage, b aokets and pro visions, and tor three weeks their only fnad was unsalted deer and elk meat. Tbe loss of their can ridges and guns final ly depleted tbeir supply entirely, and when tbey came npon the miner's bat hey had been without food of any kind for two days. Martin bad . bis collar bone broken by a falling tree and tbe flesh burned irom bis arm. Rexford's imbs were eadlv frozen to tbe kaee, and young Colgate was crushed under a free There were eeveral narrow escapes from death by snow-slides. The party passed beyond tbe point wbere Colgate was lett. bnt no trace of him was found.. Orueeed stud Bobbed. Ccedb D'Alene. Idaho, March, 9. Harry E. Breaaer, F urth United States Infantry, a soldier of 20 years service, was round last nig it near a paint shop bv tbe city marshal in an unconscious condition. He died without regaining consciousness. A. post-mortem examioaa nation revealed tbe fact tbat be died of opium poisoning. His nose was broken, showing that, be bad been assaulted as well as drugged . Rubbery was tbe ob ject, apparently. She took Poison. Pomkrot, O., March 10 Mrs. Thomas M. Heimer, who took a large dose of the extract of colcyntb to prove she did not poison ber daughter, died last night. Tbe I mother ws accused of having adminisn tered tbe fatal dose. She denied tbe charge, and to demonstrate her inno cence she took two spoonfuls of colcyntb with tbe above result. It is believed now tbe poison was placed in the med icine by an unknown person. Thomas Heimer, her husband, says be thinks tbe pnysician did it. Mrs. Heimer thought tne same, and took some of ber daught er's prepara'iou, supposed to be a barm. less purgative, ta prove tbe blame rested on some other pers n. It was a dramatic scene. In tbe best of health, she called be rest of the family and several neigh bors into toe sitting-room after tbe fun eral of ber daughter, to witu-sa ber swal low two tablespoontulsof tbe stuff. "Town gossips accuse me," said sbe, "ol Killing my daughter with tbia. She took one -poonfui. I'll take two. Yu are all witnesses to tbia dosd.: See it it kills me." Forty-eight boars later- she was in the agonies ot death and survived but a few days, dying in tbe greatest agony. Tbe Great Murder. San Francisco, March 10 An even ing paper prints a sensational story, giv ing details of a confession alleged to havo J been made by M. B. Curtis, tbe actor, wen-Known as sam 1 ' fosen, wbo was acquitted here a few months ago of tbe j charge of tbe muider of Policeman Grant. it la charged tbat II. I. Kowalski. the lawyer who defended Curtis, bas given 10 -oe cmei oi police tbe suostance ol a confession made to bim by Curtis oa the mgnt ot the killing of Grunt. Curtis is said to have admitted he shot the police man atter tbe latter had placed bim un der arrest for being drunk and disorderly. inis was the theorv set up by tbe pres. ecu t ion, though Curtis succeeded, after tbe second trial, in securing a verdict of acqui tal. Wbea tbe charges of bribery were made, Curtis left burned iv for the East. Kowalski denies the onfessioa ever was made. Water Struck ia Barney. J5UBNS, March 10 Water bas l airuca at a septa ot nearly wuu leet, e now being about 60 gallons a m.nit e, tne tools being still in tho weli, -when. wnen drawn out. will greatly increase tbe strength and volume of water. Much excitement and general reioicmg pre vails today, as it means much for the eastern Oregon country and tbe progress of farming, and the accession of capital in ootb town and country. URING inferior, Ss4r 1 ' -P I Ipfl if . vrsie omy in the feet work. times consumer afford to experiment heap brands of bak ing powder. It is NOW that the great strength and purity of the ROYAL stand out as a friend in need to those who desire to practise Ecoh Kitchcn: Each spoonful does its per ils increasing sale bears witness that it goes further. Drowsed st Ceoa Bay. MaBshfisld, March 10 While tbe schooner Ralph J. Long, from San Fran cisco, was crossing in over tbe bar at Bandon this morning at about 11 o'clock Andrew Nelson, a sailor, was washed overboard. Everything possible was done to rescue htm, but of no avail, as he disappeared before the boats qpald reach bim. m 1 1 it is a necessity to the prudent N. B. Grocers say that every dollar in vested in Royal Baking Powder ia worth a dollar the world over; that it does not consume their capital in dead stock, because it is the great favorite,' and sells through all times and seasons. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 105 WaLl ST., NEW-YORK. lied From Alls Injuries. Spokane,. Mai ch 10 J. A. Hinckley, of Sprague, died at the hospital tbis evening. The body was taken to Sprague under an escort of Koigbts of Pythias en the midnight train. While working on a bridge four miles from Garfield, be felt oa feet to tbe rocks beiow aod was tngbt- iully mangled. surrender. to tbe presideat of Brazil, pro vided be and bis followers were gaaran - leca protection against punishment." ' ne second message: "Da Gams baa gone ahoard the Porta- gusis man of war for asylum ." Considerable surprise was expressed here that tbe offer of surrender aboald have been made through the Portuguese If YOU WANT GOVERNMENT, STATE Dalles Slilitoy Roaid Land, -CALL ON- THOS. A. HUDSON. . . ' (Sacacaoor to Thornbury & Hudson), 83 Washington St; THE DALLES, OR. IFIOTJ WANT nDg.,uSoDv; Lands, or the laws relating thereto, you can e nsult him free of charge. He ha made a vpecialty of this business, ard has practiced before the United States Land Office for over ten years. He laairentfor tbe EASTERN OREGON LAND COMPANY, ami can sell you Grazing or Unim proved Agricultural Lands in anv quantity I'eeireu. Will send pamphlet describing these lands npon ap plication. He is agent for the sale of lots in Thompson's : Addition TECJEt DAJLjXJS. ' This addition Is laid off into one-acre lots, and is destined to be the principal residence part of the city. Only twenty minutes walk from the Court House and ten minutes irom the Railroad Depot.'- lo Settlers Located on Go .ernment Lands : If jou want to orrow Money on lopg time, he can acjomnioclsue too. WRITES FiRE, LIFE AND lCCi:ENT INHUKANCB. ') ' t you cannot call, write, and your letters will be promptly answered. ' .. t . i East Bound. West Bound L P. OSTLUND LEAVE THE DALLES. 11:15 P. M 8:46" A. M ARRIVE AT THE DALLES. From the East 8:40 A M. from the West il:lo P M. Contractor aad Builder PTJ1.I.MAN SLIEPERS, COLONIST' . . i RXCLIMNGICHAIR CARS land DINERS - I will furnish drafts and estimates on til buildln a ; dwellings and stores. Mr. Ostlund is' a practical mechanic, and the plat f drafted bv iim will, prove anistio, cheap and dui We ... Steamers from Portland toJSan Francisco EVERYSFIVE DATS. ICKETS TO AND FROM EUROPE. R.E. Saltmarshe $. H. H. CLARK, OLIV R W. MINK. E. ELLfcRY ANDERSON, J RECEIVERS. -AT THE East Ewl STOCK YDS, For rates and rencral information call on E.K. LVTLE, Depot Ticket Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. W. HlHUBLBl-RT, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., f4 Wwhineton bt Portland, Or,. HX lAY THE THOMAS. ' S3 Washington Street. A. HUDSON. THE DALLES.. OREGON TUB OLD JESABLIOHU COLUMBIA BREWERY Second St.. Eaat End, AUGUST BUQHT.WR. PROP Has been refitted throughout with the LATEST IMPROVED MACMERY And is now manufacturing the Best Keg and Jottled Beer and Porter In Eastern Oregon. Mr. Bochler always aims to adopt the latest brew lag apparatus and will furnish his customers bet , equal to any n market: wtf CITY BAKERY -AND- FAAIILY GROCERIES iff. Second and Union Streets. A. L. NEWMAN. Frovrietor FAT PEOPLE. ' Pike Osssnr Pills will reduce your weight PEHA.1iK!ITLV from IS to IS p u s a mouth. No starving sickness or infury; no public ity. They build up the health and b. autily the complexion, leaving no wrinkles nr flabbiness. Stout abdomens and difficult breathing surely relieved. . SO fcXrtBlHEST but a saentifla aud posi tive relief, adopted only after years of experience. , Ail orders supplied direct from our office. Price ' (2.00 per package or three packages for S5.00 by ' mail postpaid. - Testimonials and particulars (sealed Sets. A.11 CoiTeaponeleneo tatrietly Confiden tial. . PARK RMEDY CO.,' Boston, Mass HighestCash Price for Hay and Grain. DEALER INLIVE :STCCK, PAUL KREFT & CO., DEALERS IN Paints, Oils, Gla, JOHN PASHEK, Me r c li a'nlt Taip;o Andthe Most Compiete and Latest) .Patterns and Designs in WALL P A P E H SUITS TO ORDER! FIT GUARANTEED , 'CLEANING AND REPAIRING. Next door to the Wasco County Sun. Court ; between First and Second. The Dalles, Or. JlyS Sample .Rooms, 458 UTIONT HT , (Nearly opposite Umatilla House.) CHARLIE FRANK, PROP. Practical Painters and Paper Rangers. None but tbe best lirands of the Sherwin-Williams Paint used la all our work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. All orders will be prompt!? attended tn. Shop adjoining Columbia PackinsfCo.,- THIRO STREKT - DA jLP The Best Wines, . Liquors and Cigars. OLUtfilA BRBEtX EBB ON DRAUGHT GOAL! GOAL! THE DALLES -THE BEST- Weliington, Eock Springs, and Roslyn Coal ' ;: delivered to an; part oi $12, sacked and tbecvj- At Moody's Warehouse: FOR WHIPS ' VcHtv 25e. 60o. mm BONE IS FIAIHERBONK la made from QTriXI.8. nature's own toughest material, best whips made for the price. Cheap, Durable, ALL STYLES, all SalSV FEAT m HENRY KUCK, - Th Dales. Or HENRY L.KUCK, -Muafacturer of and dealer in Harness and Saddlery; Beoond St., near Moodv", Warehouse, THE DALLES, A Work lataetloa OREGON Ususranteed to Olve Bat- Cigar Fact mi f- H BEET. FACTORY NO. 105 PiniPQ of the Best Brands mano fact-Ul-JnilO nreti. and ordeas from all parta of the country filled on the shortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR has become firmly established,' and the de mand for the home mannfactuaed'article increasing eyWy day. dec24dy-tf A. ULRICH ft SON. WM. BIRGFELU, Teaolierof " " .' Iiistrnmental Music. Lessons given on the Piano or Violin. Persons desiring instructions can leave their names at E. Jacobsen's or I. C. Nickelssn's Music Store, Second st eet. Tie Dalles, Oraron. aor!8 Andrew Velarde, HOUSE MOVER. The Dalles. Address; Lock Box 181. of Oregon's) Indian RemeryaMon. Washington, March 9. The question ratifyi i g tne cootract made by the -Modoc aod KUmatn Indian tribes and tbe Yabous aod band of Soake Iadians, of Oregon, aod tbeir aijeDta is pending; action by tbe Interior department. Tbe contract stipulates for services to be ren dered by the latter in prosecuting tbe claims of tbe Indians sgainst tbe Uuited States, arising from an alleged error in the surrey of tbe out boundaries of tha Eiamnb reservation in Oregon. It is provided tbat one agent be given a com mission of 12 p-r cent of lands which are valued at $200,000 to 1400,000 Com -missiooer of ' Indian Affairs Browning recently recommended a reduction of trie commission to 5 per cent. Tbe out boundaries were established by a survey made in 1871, and, as a result of tbe contention which once threatened to end in a serious conflict between the Indians and settlers, tbe land commissioner recommended a resurvey. Tbe case will be decided in a few days. . v . Blo'a Naval Battle. Rio de Janeiro, March 10 There now seems to be definite prospect of naval battle and a prompt ending to tbe rebellion, so far as Rio Janeiro is con cere ed . Tbe dynamite cruiser NirXheroy tbe toroedo boat Aurora, tbe '. torpedo boat Destroyer, and tbe three torpodo boats brought over from Germany have arrived here. Wnen the sua rosd tbis morning tbe Pet so to fleet was seen at anchor in a small bty at tbe entrance, to the harbor, and well protected , by the guns of Fort Santa Cruz. Tne Nictheroy, from tbe position which sbe sow occu pits, is expected to be able to 'throw dy oamue shells at Fitrt Y liesairuoo. and wben Villegaignon bas been silenced it is expected the IX tether oy aod ber consort will steam up to a sheltered., posftion- be -tnnoT tbe 'isiand 'upon wbibb tbe Ville gaignon fortifications stand, and will irooi tnere shell the rebel' fleet,; wbi'e being protected ' from - the ' fire of tbe heavy guns of tbe insurgent ships Tbe Parnahyba formerly the guardsbip at PcrnaBitiuco and the cruiser America are outside thebay. to watch, it is presumed. against surprise upon toe part oi Aquidaban or other rebel ships. tbe Vlavpoaal of KraerTailon tdtnda. , Washington, March; 9. McRae has introduced in the boose a bill providing tbat all lands included witbin the limits of any Indian reservation, the disposal of whicn has been, or may be, authorized by treaty with any Iuduo tribe, or in any law of ibe United S ates, and sot already opened shall be opened to settlement under tbe provisions of the bill. Tbe secretary of tbe . interior is authorized to caose public sur vey ot all lands ia the reservation re ferred to, where not already done. The President is autbo ized to attach any re's ervation or any putt thereof to an ex--isiing coBtignous land district, or may organize separate land -districts. Pro Vision la made tor tbe disposition of all lands ia the reservation nut needed for allotment to tbe Indians. A Critical Position. Calcutta, March 9. Dispatches from tbe scene of operations of tbe British against tbe Abor tribesmen announce serious losses tJ the .British. Captain Maxwell, with a force supposed to con sist nt 60 men, sent after tbe tribesmen, bad been so bard, pressed be was forced to retreat, alter a loss of a number of men. Alter des'roying his fortified camps, a detached party of 80 men and four officers in Assam, escorting a pro vision train, were snrrouoded hy thou sands of tribesmen, aod after two days1 resistance all. were killed. Tbe entire Abor expedition is in a most critical sit nation. : Reinforcements are being hur. ried forward in the bope of rescuing Maxwell s cotu'nn. ejulride at Salem. Salem, March U. About' 8 o'clock this morning Elijah Bressler, a working- man about 26 years of age, committed suicide by shooting himself in tbe left side of the head witb a shotgun, tearing an enormous bole . in his bead. Death was iostantaoeons. Bress'er bad been acting queerly for several days.' Lst uigbt he was a raving maniac, and begged bis wife to give bimtnegnn, which bad been bidden from bim, that be might kill himself. Tbis. morning be had become quieter, and asked for tbe gun, saying be wanted ta go bunting J3ia wife gave it to bim, and in a few minutes, without warning, he said. Here goes." and discharged the con tents into his bead. Vtatt'sv Liectalatnre, ' , Salt Lake, March 11 Utah's legisla tive assembly desecrated. Sunday by rer mainmg in regular session throughout the entire day . Tbe regular legislative session expired oy statutory legislation last Thursday, but the members stopped the clock la each boose at 11 :20 and pos-i ted a placard over tbe face of the time piece, on which were t'ue words, "Thurs day, March 8." A recess has been taken each night, instead of an adjournment, and tbe present legislative day has now lasted nearly 96 hours.. A'most the en tire 60- days of tbe session have been wasted in partisan wrangling, leaving tbe really important legisla ion to be crowded through after the legal expiration of tbe session. Stare ssor to titasse Cnoaea. ' Washington, March 10 A Buffalo, N. Y., man will succeed Magge as receiver of tbe Oregon National bank. When Eckels determined to gb outside of Ore gon to find a man for tbe place, be asked Cleveland if he bad anyone he would like appointed. Of course bo bad a Buf falo friend, an anti-snapper and pro nounced enemy of Hill, and one who bad made vicious , speeches against bim. Cleveland said he would have appointed bim to something long ago. but be knew Hill would bave prevented his confirma tion . The receivership was just what would suit and Eckels will gladiy name him. He will also be releree in Oregon appointments where tbe Democrats can not agrte. ' Work of the Kir mental. Chicago, March 10 Chicago was swept by a lively gale tonight which did considerable damage to unfinished build inga in various pnrts of tbe city, chiefly on the West 8 de, where many buildings are n tne course of erection. John Gi.n ochio, an Italian lawyer, was killed by being struck by a piece of cornice, wblcn was blown from a building on North Clark street Tne scaffolding around a building on Brown and Fourteenth strreJS waa blown down, and a projecting sbed fell on two men, N J Goldberg and 8am oel Doesbel. They were pinioned nnder tbe mass of timber and boards for half an hour before bemg extricated. Both were severely cat and bruised. Brit'ah Canirsssess. London, March 9 Christopher Fur- nasf,.sbipbuilder and member of parlia ment, has received a cable from Rio from the master of a British vessel there, de claring the American navy is assisting in landing yellow fever patients aad sup plying water; that the .British naval com manders refuse such assistance; tbat tbe mortality is terrib'e; that only one boa pital is available, aad It is ten miles from tbe aucborsge. Furnass telegraphed tbe foreign office, who instructed tbe British commander U render tbe assistance asked. Furnass threatened to bring tbe general course ef tbe British nayy at Rio before parliament. ' Deeda of tne Wicked. Chicago, ' March 9. An afternoon paper says, on tbe authority or an .risb agitator," that one of those most Mand Storm ISweepe Nebraska. McCook, Neb., March 10 One of the severest sand storms ever, experienced in Nebraska swept over tfhe central and western part ur the state today. From 6 A.M. until 2:80 this afternoon tbe wind blew a gale and dust was so tbick one could not see a block away . Con siderable damage was done to outbuild' logs and ' fences. At Hugo, Neb., tbe United States land office and Foster's opera-house were blown from their foundations and many amal! buildings were overturned. Where Anarchy la Kite. London. March 11 A close watch is being kept upoa all fereignors aad Eng lisbmen wbo are suspected of anarchistic tendencies. Early this morning tbe po lice made a raid upon a foreigners' club in Grafton street, Soho. Thirty-eight "men were arrested and taken to the po lice station, where tbey were examined witb tbe result tbat all except five were discharged from custody. It is reported tbe police searched the premises and seized a quantity of anarchistic literature. of tbe foieien office tbe arrival of the leaders A Olcaatie Conspiracy. "Yokohama, March 10 Advices re ceived Irom Cores tell of tbe discovery of a conspiracy to kill Prince Li Tohok, beir to the Corean throne, together with all the king's ministers and many other dignitaries. The dispatch says ever 1000 were arretted In connection with the plot. ' The (green's Speeea. - London, Ma cd 12 Parliament reas sembled ' this morning The queen's speech says negotiations with tbe United S'ates for carrying out tbe award of the Bebring sea arbitration are in progress. She exoects a calm aud dignified exam ination into the recent collisions between the French and. British, . force , io West Africa; Informs commons tbat estimates will soon be submitted saaking adequate provisions for the defenses of the empire;' points oat tbat agrarian crimes to Ireland have been reduced to tbe lowest point in 15 years; promises a measnre for the set tlement of tbe evicted tenants question also for an - amendment to registration and abolition of plural voting; deals with tbe ecclesiastical establishment of Wales and Scotland : promises local gov ernment for Scotland on tbe same basis recently accorded England . and Wales, and directs control of tbe liquor traffic; also for conciliation in labor disputes; an amendment to the factory and mines act. , PREMIER KOSEBEBY'S . ADDRESS. A large crowd gathered in the vicinity at noon to witness who were to attend tbe great liberal meeting. Prom inent liberals, including Premier Rose bery and Sir Yernon Harcoart, were lustily cheered. Roeebery ' presided. Addressing ' tbe meetiag be alluded in bis eulogy to tbe retirement ot Glad stone, and declared that the liberal party bad not changed its policy in the least -since Gladstone's resignation. All the present cabinet were pledged to tbe same policy as tbe former one. It bad no tn tention to recede from any one f tbe measures supported by tbe former gov ernment. He declared tbat tee honor of England and tbe peace of Europe were safe with tbe present government. ' In regard to tbe Irish question Rosehcry said tbe government waa bouad to It by ties of honor and affection . The policy of borne rule would not be less definitely pursued. -Doubt en this point should be set at rest by tbe pledge of tbe retention of Jonn Morley as chief secretary for Ire . land. He had been offered a higher ot flee, but decided it was his duty not to sever his career from tbe Irish cause. . THE HOUSE OF LORDS. , ' The present government bad entirely identified itself witb Gladstone's declar ation in bia last parliamentary speech touching the bonse of lords; tbe convic tion bus loog been forcing itself on the speaker tbat under tbe existing Demo cratic suffrage tbe bouse of lords was an anomaly, especially since tbe lords bad been turned' from a body of hereditary lawgivers into one great tory organiza tion at the beck and call of a single party leader. When the tones were ia offi.-e tbe power ot tbe veto was not exerci.ed, but when the liberals were in tbe power ef veto was exercised at tbe dictation ef tbe tory leaders. The liberals were not blind to tbis danger to tbe constitution, and will not lose sight of any measnre constitutionally presented to the country in tbis perilous anomaly to .which it is exposed. ' Rosebery declared be wonld not go to the extent of some by making tbe peers panabs, or debar tbem from an opportunity of serving the state, but be agreed there, was great inconvenience when tbe premier was not in the house of commons, but while be remained pre mier they might be assured no liberal in the ranks would endeavor more stead fastly to do his doty to the' party. Sir William Vernon Harcourt, chan cellor of tbe exchequer, followed to tbe same general effect in regard to borne rule, declaring Gladstone's! last speech In regsrd to the bouse ot lords was an ia beritance 'or tbe party, and tbat it wou!d prove tbe greatest subject of tbe future. commander, wno nas not shown an particular disposition to take a band in tbe conflict. It ia not thought, however tbat tbe action of tbe Portuguese in re ceiving Da Gaaa is necessarily an act of sympathy with the insurgents. Th Portuguese are raid to recoenize a onn ciple of international law. now absolute, by which tbe right of asylum is granted tsiapararuy oy a neutral power to a ae leatea oeingerent The Heroic Ended. Washington, March 12 Advices re ceived at tbe state department late this afternoon from Minister Thompson, at Rio Janeiro, indicate tbat the Brazilian rebellion is about! ended. The dis patches contain tbe information tbat Ad miral da Game went aboard the Portu guese vessel Mindelo, and was sent to President Pelxoto, by a Portuguese of ficer, and offer of surrender on condition - of fall protection for himself and follow era Tbe dispatches were in cipher, and. translated, read as follows: ' - "Di Game today, through tbe seni Portuguese naval commander, offered Bombs In Sew York City. New York, March i2 Earlv this morning a policeman on a beat in Har leoi, in tbe neighborhood of tbe finest apartment houses there, saw two men talking in load tones, one carrying handle. He pounced on ' them, captur ing tbe one with tbe bundle, tbe other getting away. At the station it war dis covered tbat tbe handle contained three loHinch "pieces of iron pipe, capped and primed, and supposed to be charged witb high explosives, and nine paper cartrid gts, each containing enough dynamite to blow down an ordinary bonse. Toe prisoner gave tbe name of John Ho'ly He says very little Tbe bombs have not yet been submitted ta expert exam' ination. A Ballet Went Wrong;. - Ukjah, Cal., March 12 J.' H. Miller, oae of a party of three hunters from San Francisco, was killed nine miles north of here this morning. It appears tbat Mil ler, George Ferguson and Ferguson's brother shot at a deer almost simultan eously from different directions. Both Miller and tbe deer dropped dead. George rergnson is oeiieveo to bave fired tbe fatal bullet. The coroner has began an investigation. Sermaay Wants Bore Hilver. Berlin, March 13 Chancellor Cap ri yt today submitted to tbe bnndesratb a proposal for tbe coinage of 111,000,000 marks in S-mark pieces; 7,000000 marks in 2 msrk pieces; and 4,000,000 marks, in l.aaark pieces. The proposition is made as a result ef the increased demand for sack coins, and from tbe fact tbat silver coinage bas fallen 22.000,000 marks below tbe authorized limit. A Pioneer of 1849. Astoria, March 12 Word was re ceived from Skipanon today tbat W. W. Raymond, a pioneer of 1840, died at his Lome near tbat place on Saturday after. noon. The'immediate cause ef death was paralysis. Mr. Raymond, who leaves six ot bis sons and daughters, belonged to the "Mission family." He was 79 years old. A Strict Party: Vote. Washington, March , 12 Tbe senate finance committee today considered the tariff bill. By a strict party vote it de feated the resolution giving working men, farmers and manufacturers five days for a hearing. Ten articles of th bill parsed without change. Democratic Committees Bfeetitis;. Pennant, to a call from the chairman, the Democrat County Central Committee met at the court house in Dalles City oa March tha 10th, 1894. There was present C Stewart of Falls pre cinct; : F M Jackson of Hood River, Jeff Mosier of Mosier, Schnta of West Dallas J H Phirmsa of Treyitt, S B Adams of Bigelow, Ben Wilson of East Dalles, W Ward of Desehntea, Aran Frasier, Do fur, by J S Condon proxie, L .M Woodside of Oak Grove, Ed M Wingate of Antelope, H F ' Woodcock of Wamick, E Senate, chairman, and J H Jackson, secretary of committee. . The meeting waa called to order by Chairman Schnta and after a few appropri ate remarks, the following business was transacted: It was recommended by the chair tbat the apportionment tor representation at the conntv convention be one delegate at large from each precinot, and one fer every forty votes east at the state aod county eleotion of the year 1892 for A S Bennett for so preme judge, and one for each fraction ef forty above twenty. F M ' Jackson, of Hood Eiver, moved that the representation be increased to one at large aod one for each thirty votes oast for A S Bennet, and one for each fraction of thirty above fifteen. J B Co' don moved to amend the 'motion of Mr. Jaokson and make tbe representation one delegate at large and one for each twenty votes east for Bennat, and one for eaoh fraction of twenty above ten. Mr. Jackson accepted the amendment and tha motion so amended was put to the bonse and was earned by a vote of eight to three. It was then snoyed and seconded tbat the primaries , be held ia the different prs- omots on.March tbe 31st, 1894, between the hoars of twelve and seyen o'olock P. st. ex cept in Wamio precinct, aod it was agreed tbat Wamio bold its primary on the 29lh day of March 1894, aod that all praeinot eleetions be held as nearly as possible ia conformity to the laws of tbe state govern ing general elections. Upoa tbe reoomsndationa of the chair the time fixed for holding the county conven tion waa April ' 10, 1894, and tbat tbe con vention be held in the court boose ia Dalles City at 10 o'clock of said day. It waa moved by F. M. Jackson and sec onded by J. H. Pbirman that the secretary of the committee be required to famish a copy of the minutes of this meeting to tbe Hood River O lacier for publication. Tbe motion was oarned by a unanimous vote. It was ssoved and seconded tbat the aeo- retary be required to offer a copy of the minutes to eaoh ot tne county papers pub lished in tbis eity for publication. Tbe motion was carried, and there being 'ne farther business the meeting was adjoaraed without date. riarht will Bex I a Tomorrow. Rio Janeiro, March 12 Represents tives ot foreign powers were officially notified yesterdsy tbat opsrations against tbe insurgents in tbe bay of Rio would be resumed after 48 boars. Tbe gov ernment fleet is off the entrance to Rio Tho JEntambeel Miners ronnd. Wilkesbarre, P March 12 Tbe bodies of the men entombed in the Gsya lord mine February IS bave been reached. They were so badly decomposed that identification was only possible from their clofbir,g. Killed la a Wreck. Montpelieb, Yt Maicb 12 Tbe Vermont Central train was wrecked tbis morning by boulders rolling on tbe track. One was killed and several seriously .in ured. Almost a Fire, Antelope Herald: About noon on Thurs day last Charley Wallace, G. W. Patterson aod Mrs, Allan Grant noticed fire iasaing from the ohimney oa top of E. M. Wingate ft Go's store and tbat the ahingles around the flue were beginning to burn. Ia less time than it takes to tell it, Cnarles rushed into the store, threw some salt in the stove and with a bncket of water lost no time in getting onto the roof. The bucket of water quickly extinguished the fire, and it waa discovered that the soot in tbe chimney had ignited, and if it had not been noticed tor a few . minutes longer, the results would doubtless have been very serious. The spring term of the eircuit court for Sherman oouoty begao last Monday ia Mora. bly, though not being able to recognise one person from another, except through their voioe. Re was bora in New Hampshire during Washington's first administration and while Wayne was fighting Iadians in what is now Pennsylvania and Ohio. The old gentleman may live many years yet, ea-' joying the extremely healthy quiet of the beautiful Applegate yallay." Upper Colombia Placer. Some wonderfully rioh plaoer diggings are being worked in tbe appar Big Bead of tbe Colombia. O. B. Williams aad J. W. Mm Creary arrived st Revelstoke oa snowsliose, from Frenoh creek, last Saturday, making the sixty-odd xmilee in three dsys. They hsye taken eat eonsUersbly over 16000 from the Consolation mine, the result of four men's work sinee December 1st. The pay streak ia 25 feet wide, and witb three ahifts csn easily work between thirty and forty asen. . By aotoal test tbe gravel aver ages, dear through the pay streak, $15 a day to the man, and there ia some 3500 feet of tbe mine yet aotouohed.' Aboat a quar ter of a. mile below tbe Consolation, the Vandal people have strnok a bonanza. Tbsy have a tunnel into the bench, and have attack the rimrook of an old ohantiel. How much tbey have taken out so far is unknown to Messrs. Williams and Mu Creary. Williams want into the tunnel the day tbey left, and the owners, as an illus tration of the mine's wealth, oleaoed up about $100 off the bedrock while Williams was standing in the drift. ' . nake River Trade. . . Lewistoo Teller. Everybody is glad to note that river transportation bas opened again. The Spo kane, Captain Martiaeao in charge, arrived Sunday . with 20 tons burdeo of delayed freights. . Merobahta will now order exten sively for the spring trade. The Almota waa taken from her moorings, aod Captain Stomp, who had come up os the Spokane, took her in charge and went below with har to pat ber oa tbe ways for repair. The - Spokane will make tbe regular trip till tbe Almota has received the necessary repairs, . wben the Spokane will give over the ran to tbe Almota. A steamer running witb6q Captain Baughenan and his oldtime crew in charge ia ao aoasnal sight for the Saake river country. The eitixsni express sincere regret that the former . ere w aad offioers were not retained by tha reosi vers of tbe company. A Charmed Ufe. A Moscow dispatch tells of a prisoner named Joseph Roberts, confined in jail there, awaiting trial for murder in 'the Ccsur d'AWes, who seems to have a charmed life, March 1 be endeavored to hang himself with a rope made of bits of aa old sack which be found in his celL He was rescusd in time, and then tried to butt his brains out on the wall of his cell. Enr- pelas set ia as a result of his effort. Wednesday last, whi e the attention of his nurse was drawn away from him, be seized the bottle of tincture of iodine, with which be was being treated and drank the con tents, an ounce, enough to kill a score of men. Thanks, however, antidotes and sterna pump, Joseph is now resting quietly, and devising other means of self-destruction. 8 nake River Gold Field. Vale (Jazette: Qaite a good deal of inter est is being rraaifested in the gold fields en Snake river, aad many of tbe citizens of Vale and vicinity are now going over there witb tents and lumber, preparatory to put ting in tbe summer taking out the ahioing needful. The mines are a little over twenty miles from Vale, yet it is the nearest supply point for the energetic miners. At present about thirty-five men are working claims there whioh pay from $2 to $12 to tha man The mines are old gravel beds aod tha gold floor gold that goes from $1 7 to $19. Tbe families who haye gone from Vale np to date are James Shreyea, Ben Riobsrdson, C. Eaton, James Richardson aod . others. Why aot prospect the Owyhee aad Malbenr gravel beds? A Hundred and Two. Grant's Pass Courier. Hosea Brown is the oldeat man in Joseph. ne county. If be lives till tbe 18th of May he will be 102. His Krandson, Orr Brown, brought him from Drain Saturday and took bim oat to bia place near Wilder- ville. The old man had been living with his granddaughter ia the Willamette val ley, bat the lady died foor months ago aad he was throws among strangers. ' He is quite feeble aod bas to be earned from plaoe to place in aa eld fashioned rawhide, bottomed ohair, two poles being attaohed for the convenience of four men. He 'is pretty deaf, bat answers questions intslligi- Eviction In Oregron. A cruel case of eviction happened near Corvallis a few days ago. An ed couple. who had lived oa the land for eight years, at first settling on it as a homestead, and then agreeing to purchase it from tbe 0. Co. They failed to me the p aymenta, and a suit in ejectment awarded the prop- ' erty to the railroad company. Tbe officer, by a process of ooart, wsi forced to turn the people oat in a pitiless ra a storm, and king a few articles with them, the old lady and gentleman harnessed their horses to a wagon and drove away from their cheerful home out into the cheerless world. This is one case where sympathy for aa evicted tenant would be equally meritorious as it it in Ireland, and there is no adequate remedy except in unwritten law which causce desperate men sometimes to do des perate acta. taxctirlea Are HlfrtV WedJing-cake is quite an expensive lux ury, aod especially so wbea it is sent by ex press arroas the continent. One of oar aitl sens received intelligence a few daya ago ef tbe marriage of a relative in the east, and be wrote requesting a pieoe of wedding cake. Saturday last he oalled at the ex press office, and found a peokage to his ad-' drees, on whioh there was $5 charges. He paid the amount, opened tbe box, and toaod a shoe of wedding eake. The ex pressage would not bave been any higher if he bad received a two hundred dollar gold watch -or a set of diamond jewelry. The express oompaor is not expected to dis criminate between wedding eake and other bigb-pnoed luxuries. Hass Meeting; of Use Populist. Thi Daixbs, Or., March 10. 1894. There will be a mass meetiag ef tbe Pop alista ef Wasco ooaoty at the ooart house oa Saturday, March 17th. All lovers of justioe and reform a.e oordially invited ta be present. A Peoples' Party slob will be organised, and many measures pertaiaiag , te tbe welfare of the people will be dis cassed. By order of Committee, Smile. Customer You say it fits perfectly t Dressmaker Yes, without one tauit. Customer Well, you'll have ta da something with it then; make same change. I want It to look like an Im ported gown. He said his aid-style overcoat Whea spring's winds first did blew, And now sweet violets are set oat Upoa his Rrave to grow. "Dees your baby say everything r Fond Mother Oh yes,; be talks all the time except whea ha is asked to.