TMimes-Uonntaineer 8ATURDAY . . MARCH 10. 1894 2T0 PARTIALITY. Ex Senator Davis of West Virginia, complacently announces that "coal is all right" From that and other point . er it would seem that there is Special effort being made to saye this particu lar interest from Weiug victimized by the Democrarr as proposed by the Wilson bilL w " ' If this be so then it will be the duty of the Republicans in congress to exert their influence to prevent par tiality. . There .are other interests .' quite as important as coaL .In fact " that interest would suffer less positive loss by free' trade than almost any ther. v ;.. i ; y ;i ;'' - - Take wool far example. Ever since the shadow of Democracy .has rested anon our pastures and ranees the slaughter of sheep has been going on at a rapid rate, truthfully remarks an exchange. The meat markets of the country have been slutted with mut ton. The butcher knife has taken the place of the sheep shears, and once let the bill pass and millions more win be killed off at an enormous sacrifice of value. There could be no help for ' it Ordinary sheep would eat moie in a year than their fleeces would be worth.- But coal would keep without any cost for the keeping. It requires - no pastures in summer, no fodder in winter., . It could not be lost ., When in the due course of political events the duties were restored the eoal would all be there, unimpaired and intaot Sugar is another industry which will have special friends in the Demo cratic party. At least two Democratic senators, these from Louisiana, will insist upon some protection for that chief staple of their state or oppose the entire bilL We hope they will succeed, as we hope the' protectors of , coal will succeed, not by securing special favors but by exerting an in fluence which shall be felt all alcng the line. . , Perhaps the Republicans will be- powerless to effect results, but surely they should be on the alert to do all in their power to . uphold ' and apply broadly, and justly the . great - principle of protection. A PAINFUL 'i COMEDY. The senate tariff committee is keep ing the country too long in the atti tude of the little cirl who waits her playmate's fulfillment of an ."open - your mouth and shut your eyes and see what I will give yon" policy, says the Chicago Inter-Ocean. The country has been kept in the dark too long m to what is cooking ih the kitchen of the tariff committee, and too long has kept its empty mouth open in vain ex pectation of whatsoever it might please the committee to dropj it, pleasant, poisonous, nutritive or indigestible. Patience is becoming wearisome. Three men', we are told, and three only, know what the plans of the sen ate are for the. revision of the tariff, And who are theyt ,Three country lawyers, two living in obscure towns of the south, one with a population of 900, and the othsr with 1500 inhabit ants. The other, though claiming Kansas City for his home, never, has been engaged in jrommeroial 'pursuits, never associated with : business men, but always representative of the "be fore the war" survivals of Missouri. ' Jones, Mills and Test, we are told, are the three senators who have modified the Wilson bill into such shape as it will have when reported to the senate. It cannot be hoped ' thit three such ssen shall -modify it favorably lo the manufacturing interests of the coun try. ' It is t be feared that the senate modification of the Wilson bill .will be worse than the original measure: Men do 'net as a rule; have, their oats made by shoemakers, or their houses built by lawyers, nor do they seek legal advice from masons. It is only in tariff matters that the practice prevails of having men who are school teachers, deviser.; means, of legislating for the interests of laborers, men, who are denizens of backward rural dis tricts "regulate" manufactures, and men who never saw a bill of exchange presents measures that aflect coranipr HaI interests. . ' Were it not that hunger comes of waiting, the position of this greatest of commercial and agricultural natiqns waiting in patience till a handful of country pedagogues, lawyers an planters frame a tariff law would the supreme of political comedy. be ITEMS IN BRIEF. From Saturday's Daily. Mr. C. J. Vanduyn. the merchant of Tygh valley, is in the city. A light frost was on the ground this - morning. Winter still lingers in the lap of spring. ' i ; ! : The last few days of chinook wind have dried the roads in the county, and they are passable again. The tax roll is now in the hands of the sheriff for collection, sad taxes will become delinquent April 1st . Mr. Cbas. Brans, of Rockland, Wash who has been sick lor several weeks, is re ported as slowly improving. There will be services at the Christian church as usual to-morrow. Preaching at 11 o dock A. m. and at 7:30 r. at. Mr. Ed. Mays, arrived from Antelope yesterday, ana win leave to-morrow morn ing for the midwinter fair in San Francisco. The spring poem which should have been published to-day, waa withheld on account ot the attempt to inaugurate a m.n ature snowstorm. , Mrs. J. WhUler, wife of Rev. J. Whisler, .pastor of the Methodist church in this city, arrived in The Dalles this morning from JJenver, CoL ... , ... , . . - , , The following (deed was filed with the county clerk, to-day: Dan. R. Hnrlburt and Kate Hurlburt to Alex Frazer; sw qr of sw qr, see 3Z, tp l a, r id e; si. - The auction sale of . watches' and jewelry in Garretson a store to-dy did nor betoken any change in the money market. We are snd informed that articles of all kinds went at a fared great sacrifice. Walla Walla Salvation Army circles are considerably perturbed bv the marriage of Lieutenant Miller Jaoksoa to E jP- Woim wood, laundry rata there.' Millie has struck bar colors and will assise' ia running the laundry. Two tramps were arrested and placed in the city jail last night, and the unfortunate j individuals' were given IreeJodfiDea.. The hoboes were fined by the recorder this morning, and the lodger were permitted to depart ia peace. Word has been received from Mr. Lydell Baker that on Tuesday, March 20th, be will deliver bis lecture o "Julius iszarana me Dawn of Imperiali m in Rome. The c nrt house will be secured for the address, aud there will be no price of admission. i. The chinock came at last, and the ow has taken its place among the things that were, says the Condon Globe. There is very little doubt that spring ba come to stay. The winter has been favorable throughout Oregon for cattle and sheep, besides the mild weather, the grass has been excellent, and little or no loss of sto k is the result. Eugene Guard: Mrs E M Wilson, of The Dalles, will deliver her lecture on the Early History of Education in Creeon in Villard Hall. Friday evening. March 2d. Mrs. Wilson is one ot the pio neers of Oregon and thoroughly posted ou the subicct.- She soent threo yesrs in the east attending leetares, aud is a most pUas- ant speaker. Mrs.' PhTllica is boildinff a new green boose, much larger than her old one, aud it ia constructed of brick and glass. - She has alas added largely to her stock of plants, having bought all of Mr. Varoey's, consist ing of several hundred; ana also nia pois, anmberina two thonaand and five hnndred. She is now well Dreoared to supply the trade in nut flowers and planes. Ores-on is to have, neither exhibit nor building at the midwinter lair. The Ore- annua aava that the fair is nothing more tbao a first data state fair, and this coupled with the failure of the interior counties to respond with subscriptions, has eansed ihe executive committee to declare farther en deavor off. vine committee believe that those who tail to shave and bathe with Spencer and Case are unwise. V The government distillery at Wee-ton was attached last Wednesday by Frank P. Cook, deputy internal revenue collector, says the Pendleton Tribune. The United States has a claim of $280 on the Key distillery for revenue stamps. The entire apparatus was raized and the warehouse, which contained about 6300 gallons of whisky. Ibe distil lery has not been running for some time. The new tax law makes s great deal of woik for. Je sheriff and treasurer. The sheriff is obliged to turn over to the treas urer all moneys received weekly. The treasurer is compelled to issue triplicate re ceipta, one going to the sheriff, one to the clerk, one to the district or city, for their respective part of the hi. The treasurer will have his bsnds full during the tax col lecting period. The law gees into effect the first Monday in July. . . ... . Condon Globe: About 6 o'clock last night (Thursday) our citizens could plainly see a terrifio fire raging at Mayville, the hellish flame anrjarentlv shooting 40 or 60 fear into the air. "There is n doubt that the town has been the victim ot a disastrous conflagration, many here believing it to have been the enormous mercantile estab lishment of Geo. Kippey. We have not re ceived any particulars at the hour of going to press. ) The public whipping of a vicious tramp near Bakersfield. Cal., will probably teach this worthless tribe some discretion when in Kings county. A writer in the Century, who ioined a band of tramps ! Mew York state for tie purpose of studying their life, declares that the confirmed tramp baa a great contempt for the amateur vagrant who will work. . This variety is known as a gaycat The professional tramp believes that the industrious people owe him a liv ing, and Americans are so generousxtbat the tramp generally succeeds in living well without work - Pendleton Tribune: Yesterday morning when E. F. detlemier came down to open his grocery store on Court, street he found that the lock - on the door had bean broken snd the latch was almost off. Store break, era bad- evidently been at work during the night and been scared away before they ac complished their purpose. Parti a at the Gold- n Rule hotel, next door, beard noiae at the rear of the store late in the evening, but on investigating no one was round. This ia the second time -this store has been tackled bv thieves, they having been more successful before. . ' Jtoto Monday's Da lj. ;' County court is in session to-day. Mrs. C. L Wionek, of. Moscow, Idaho, is visiting her "sister, Mrs. Geo. Herbert, ia this city. . , .-,!:'. Mr. Ed. Phirman, of the Columbia Pack- na Co.. returned last night from a short visit at the Cascade Coks. A large fruit crop this year is predicted by Grant county orchardiats. This, with a good outside market and good weather for hauling so the railroad, will be tbe occasion of considerable rejoicing among apple spec ulators. - The dreams of spring were rudely dis turbed this morning by the appearance of an inoh of snow on. the ground, and the flakes kept falling until nearly noon. Of course it did not romsin on ths ground in any compact form, but was converted into slush almost as soon as it fell. The Columbia Packing Co. purchased ' a band of five steers Isst week that after be ing in pasture three m jaths and fed on chopped barley and straw two months gained 234 pounds each.' These cattle were fed by-.Mr Marion Allen, of Fifteen Mile creek. ...-.''! There were two carlosds of cattle and four of sheep shipped from the stockyards of R. E. Ssltmarshe ft Co. yesterday to the Sound, and! to of cattle to Portland. Tbe Columbia Packing Co. yesterday, from: tbe ssme stockyards, shipped; 26 head of cattle to Cascade Locks. - , j ;: yr; -. ' i . George Brock, 80 years of age, a pioneer of IBM, died at forest urove JTebroary V3d. He was a native of Belmont county, Ohio, He lived near Oregon City man v year His wife, Eunice Davis, waa a daughter ot Jo seph and Lucy Davis, pioneers of Wapato laae, wssnington county. . John F. Walgamot, Perry Griffith and Frank T. MeCullough, of Spokane, Wash.,- bave incorporated tbe Canyon Ureek flaoer Mining Company in Grant county Capi tal UoU.UUU ZS0.UUU shares at XI each These are the men who secure! title to the plaeer ground . between Canyon City and John Ilay. Troubla has arisen over the Burns post office. Mrs. Ionia Whiting was app.-mi'ed last summer, sne bad written to both Mrs Cleveland and-vMrs. Liraou t, and said the was a. pjorjwuluw.j-iua; secure.! her ap pointment, and now. ibxrges nave been tiled agaiust her which alleges sue is not poor and is a Kei ob!icn. - i .There were. - yesterday four cnrloids of cattle at the tsck ards of B. E Saltmsrshe & Co. from fayettfl, Idaho. Tb-mi are not in as good condition as those in this vioii. ity, sad it ia very evident Idaho cattlemen1 ars shipping their best , beef ea-t. Their destination -jWill be the Purtlan I market They came on the morning freight and left at night. Haleey Newt: It is reported bete this week . of two cases of destitution near Brownsville. Two young ladies walked from near Urawfordavillo Monday, and re ported that they had lived en nothing bot baked potatoes for over a week, aod that they bad not the wherewith to buy any thing. Ihe citizen donated some pr-vi-ions and they went back. The ither was a man who lives near Brownsville, aod he tried to trade a cord of wood for a sack of flour, but ooold not get it. ' Tbe following afe the counties of Oregon and the number of - preaincta in each: Ba ker, 21; Beaton and Lincolo,23; Clackamas, 35, Clatsop, 20; Celumbis, 12; Coos, 24; uroon, zi; uvrry, y; iog;ai, Z5;Uilliam, 13; Grant; .22: Harney 18; Jack on, 29; Joeopmoe, iz; ftjamatn, iz; Isike, 11; L,mi-, 39; Linn, 28; Malheur. 17; Marion, 36; Morrow, 15; Multnomah, 75; Sherman, 8; TUiamooav 17. Umatilla, 30; Union. 24 Wallowa, 12; Wasco, .38, Washington, IS; xamruii, is. Kemem: , Sheriff Bootn and John Combs pot in sever! days on the dasert last week looking for Hambkt, the murderer, but re turned Saturdsy evening without having found track or trace of the fugitive. Ttaev pens oae signs at nation springs, and the naxs nignc iney camped ia .three feet of snow . .: deeert. having lost their wav iii trying to go from the springs to Farewell Bead. Tbsy returned ooo6dent that H su blet bad not attempted to cross the desert Miss May Fuller, of Tacoma. has recent ly auoooeuoa xu cjimoing .nouns t&aoi r Wash., a feat which' no woman had before attempted, aod in which few men had ever succeeded, ihe mountain is 14,444 feet high, and the upper part is well covered with glaciers. - Tbe 7000 feet were done on horsaback. but the Mat of the distune had to be accomplished on foot, aod Miss Fuller. 0 wWVWUiisuuu VII IVUS. Ua 4XJ ISM JC UlLCr. I Jtusl. u.J a . " ' I ths four men who accotnoanied her an f I. read ,n a newspaper the following:'! taeiour men wno accompanied ner sat- I lady regidont of Hew York whiU ,? I 1 severely from the exposure. '. I j',n' , "5 wni'eJ The Hood River Republican Protective olub waa organized at Hood -River few days ago. with a large membersbin. Fol lowing are the officer elect: President. C. L. Oiltort; vice president. H 0. Coe: . re cording secretary, J. A Sops be; correspond lag secretary, Frank Rogers; treasurer, J, W. Baker: ex-cotive committee. M..- P- Isenborg, A. 8. Blowers, Frank. Sogers, Ths little son of Mr. snd Mrs. A. Sand rock William Lee, aged 2 years and 3 weeks died yesterday morning in this eity, of membraneons croup. He was a bright, affectionate child, and bis death will bo sadly regretted by the parents and family. The funeral took place this miming from the Catholic church, and the remains of the loved one were laid to rest in the cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Sand roc have the heartfelt syirpatbof the community in their sad af fliction. Frank Jones and J. A. Soesbe. The club enters the campaign under the most favor able auspices, and Hood River can be relied on tor a rousing Republican majority in June. . .. A sad story comes from Burns, of the ac cidental poisoning of F. G. Taylor, who was more familiarly known as "skookum," tays the Grant county Newt. Mr. Taylor was on a prospecting tour in tbe ?tein mountain country, and carried a bottle of strychnine in his pocket to poisou wild auimils. In ths same picket he carried a qu-tutity of cinnamon bark, and the cork came out of the bottle. He chewed aome of the bark. D. L Shirk and Mr. Wykliff found Mr Taylor on the road deathly sick He was taken to the ranch of Mr. Peter French, where be soon expired. A gentleman writing from Haystack, speaking of building a bridge across Des chutes at the Agency ferry, favors the im proving of the road leading to the river be fore attempting to build the hndge.xays tbe Ouhoco Review. He says if tbe road is put io good condition the travel will naturally drift over that route even it a light toll . is charged. He is also of the opinion that the bridge cannot be built for $500 However those who have investigated the matter say it eao. It ii understood that the Indians have proposed to furnish the lumber on the ground free, and ail the county ia requested to do is to furnish tbe irons, nails and car penter work. Frank Stanten brought us word front the Siletz last Monday, says the Toledo Leader, of the drowning of W. B. Meggioson while trying to ford the Silets river last Sunday. Meggioson bad been to Toledo and waa re turning home. On reaching the ferry he found that the ferry cable had broken loose aud the boat was gone, abd attempted to ford tbe river on bis horse. The river waa quite high, but he reached the opposite side in safety, but as his horse went to climb the bank, which is quite steep, be slipiel on the horse's back and gave the bridle rein a andden jerk, throwing his horse backward onto him, and landing botb in the water with the man on the under side The un fortunate man never came to the surface again. He had on a heavy rubber coat and rubber boata, which would have prevented his swimming, and the river it quite swift at the poiotT Tbe body was found on Taesday about three miles below where be was drowned. From Tuesday's Daily. The recorder's court was very quiet this morning, ou account of there being no arreals made last nigbt. Tbe slush snow on streets snd side walks last nigbt was ice this morning, and pedestrianism was not at all delight fill. On tbe register of the'Umatilla House are names from nearly every portion of the glebe, aud lately we bave noticed some from South Africa. Archbishop Gross was a passenger en route lo Portland on the delayed west bound train to-day. - He bad been spend ing a few days at Pendleton. Tbe regular meeting of the city coun cil last Saturday night havin adjourned without passing on bills leaves officials without their monthly salaries. - The west-bound train was delayed several hours to-day, snd did not arrive until after noon. It ia supposed' the delay was caused by heavy snows in tbe mountains. Tbe wintry covering of soow on the surrounding bills is a strange appearance for March in this latitude; but a day's sunshine will soon mske this disappear. Next Friday evening The D-tllea string band will give a dancing party at Wingate'a halL Several invitations have been issued. and a mo-t enjoyable time may be expected. The Rev. C. A. Maody, editor of tbe Pa cific Baptist, of Portland, will preach at tbe court bouse this evening at l :3U. ah vi cordially invited. : Gospel Hymns No. 6 will be used. Mr. O. B. Fnnk and wife arrived in the city on tbe delayed train from the east. He win make me Danes nis iuture home, and, as soon as bis goods arriye will engage in tbe mercantile business. A. convention of Baptist 'churches of eastern and western Oregon was held in the court bouse this morning: 'but by reason of the train irom the east having been delayed, it adjourned until to-mor row. Prineville New. Most of the sheepmen of Crook county are of the opinion that their business will be practically ruined, if the Wilson bill finally becomes a lw. The eattle aod horse men, however, do not ap-. pear to waste much time in worrying over tbe matter. - - ' We are informed by Mr, T. N. Joles that he did not make , the motion to adjourn at ths regular meeting of the council Saturday evening, a rep rt of which was published in this paper yesterday; that it was made by Councilman U. C. Ethelmah. Not being present at the convention the proceedings printed : were gathered from a very re liable ssaroe. J. A. Yeakum, of Marshfield. has made accurate figures on his yield of milk from 31 cows of this season, aud the Mail aaya the report shows that be realized $34 34 from each cow, besides nsing $100 wortn of bettor in tbe family, and $56 worth of calves, aod be has 11 fine heifar calves out of this! year in his herd. - This shows the value of blooded stock. The demurrers ". to " the injunction suit against the location of the branch asylum ia Uaatern Oregon waa argued before Judge Burnett Saturday, and if these aro sus tained or overruled, ths case will be ap. pealed to the supreme court. It will go be fore that body in such a shape a to bring forth an opinion that will pormanently settle tbe constitutionality ot erecting state buildings away from the capita!. . r. a.r. ueDieD, ot tnis city, nas in bis possession for the purpose of framing a copy of the Ulster county Gaaette, of Jnviuarv 4, lfcOO, containing an accouulof .lie - death of President . - Washington. There are som: quaint advertisements in the columns that would out bo app ated in these days. The pa;er is the property of tbe Sisters al St. Mary's academy. Edeprborgb Localizer: Numerous efforts nave been mjue to discover coal io tbe country on both sides ot tbe V eaatchee river; but up to this time noT' deposit worth workurg baa been found, althnngh several ia a : ltrtna bave beo circu ated to t is ei- tact that a deposit has been found that would pay to work; at least there is no coal being mined that is being utilized. A liberal offer Has been made for tha discov ery of coal by the Great Northern. Advices received from Port Stanley Falkland Islands, state that considerable wreckage, apparently not more thau three weeks in tbe water, had been washed ashore there, including a piece marked .Loch Urr," and a life-buoy marked Boa.bsy, of Fleetwood." The Loch Urr was posted at Lloyds as m.ssiag two months ago, having sailed from tbe Tvne tor Valparaiso in May last. The iron bark Bombay, 952 tons, tailed from Lobjs di Afuera for London on November 11th with a cargo of gnano. - Mitchell correspondence Antelone Her old: Yesterday Deputy Soeriff Tou hunter and Walter Cowne came- in from the rim rock, where they have been starching for 'Jack the ripper." Tney : cims out for fresh horses and will return immediately to renew the hunt. They found Hamlet's camp snd took possession of everything, includ ing burse, saddle, bridle, blankets and eveu his pipe were all right, but they could see nothing of the man. 0:h?r parties are left to watch tbe ground, and it is thought be is still hiding amongst the rooks. Ths French classes, under instruction of Mr. Reynaud, are making excellent progress in mastering the difficult pro nunciation of that language. The mem bers are now able to enunciate- nreitv clearly Bon jour, monsieur.-or Comment vous pertez vous aujourd but? The manner in which these salutations are spoken may sound Frenchy in tbe United ft ia tear but on tbe boulevards In Paris might be mtr inaen ior some eoutn sea island oatois Mr. Heynaud thoroughly nnderalanda th language, and takes great pains in drill ing his pupilsln the correct Parisian ac cent. ........ Independent: A Salem young ladv -w6n,i rwhcu ww suuaeniy grasped and hugged by a nasty python The lady swooned, and it WftJt HPTPro 1 days before she recovered from ber shock The impudent monster was severelv i-hm. Used by ths indignant snectatora. and w. dare ssy it has taught him a lesson which ho will not soon forget" .The Salem young lady read the above article with deep interest and, this is the manner in which she commented upon it: "roor, foolish girl, when she has been hugged by a Pbtbian as many times as I bave, indeed she will never faint, bur on the contrary she will enjoy it. I think it is just grand. There, you see the difference between JNev xor&ana naiem gins. SJsm Statesman: Io pursuance to ao act passed by the last session of the legis'a tnre, the secretary of state will on Monday next divide all the proceeds of the 5 per centum fund uow in the state treasury ami the direct tax fund among the sevpra conutiea ef tbe state according to their area. This per centum fond arises from the sale ul public lands and the whole of the appor tionment is to beusfdby tbe eouoties in the building, maintaining and improving o: public roads and bridges and is distributed among the counties pro rata according to the ire. Last year it was about $65 000. but this year it will not be so large prob ably not to exceed $40,000. - Judge Urosscup.presiding in theUuIted States district court at Chicago, has just decided that tbe act of congress, amend atory of the interstate commerce law, which undertakes to relieve railroad freight agents and others from liability for testifying to violations of the latter act is in conflict with the fifth amend ment to tbe constitution, which declares, "That no person shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a wUness against himself," and therefore void. This deci sion makes it practically impossible to procure testimony to convict persons of violating the interstate commerce law, snd will render it pretty nearly valueless if it is affirmed by ths supreme court ot the United states. Circuit Court. Tbe term is nearing a close, and no more jory trials can be expected at this session. Tbe motion for a new trial in the case of the State of Oregon vs James Wettle was denied, and be was sentenced this morning to one year in tb penitentiary. The (following cases were continued yes terday: J E Atwater va Ed Gibson, J E Atwater vs I H Taffe, A O McCain vs L H Roberts. In tbe case of Pease & Mays vs Allen Grant, yeateiday a motion for a new trial was overruled, and forty days given to 61e bill of exceptions. Judgment on verdict was given. The same proceedings were bad in the case of G J Farley vs Allen Grant The case of the Dittenhoffer Mercantile Co. vs C E Candiana was dismissed. Judgment was rendered for $250 and costs in the case of W H Wilson vs Jss Hurst et al. Judgment for want ef answer was ren dered in the esse of Joseph A Johnson vs O D Taylor, the demurrer to amended anawer having been sustained. . , State Insurance Co. ys Avery Freden berg was dismissed. Io the case of Martha Perkins vs A Wil son judgment on verdict was rendered. Tbe case ef E. F Mill and Fixture Co vs Firat Baptist church was continued for service. . .. - . A Relic of Early Timea The route of the early voyagers who came to this portion of the northwest in ths employ of the Hudson Bay Co., was down tbe Columbia past the place where The Dalles is now located. Wisbram, the vil lage mentioned in Irvine's "Astoria" aad "Capt. Bonneville" was situated a fe w mi lea esst of this city, aud is now pointed out by some of tbe oldest Indians,, who bave baditonary lore io their possession of the early history of this region. The Cana dians made a portage around the rapids at this point, and did considerable tra ling with the Indians at Wisbram. Ia 1820 the Hudson Bay Co. established a past at this city, and appointed vVm. Birnio superin tendent. Every season witnessed a fleet of batteaux coming up and going down the river, for the Columbia ha always bsea the artery for commerce with the interior. With this claim of antiquity it is strange that relics of these journeys through this region should not bo more frequently found than they ' have beau. We rsrely hear of anything being disoovsred that, might be traced to these early foot' prints of civiliz i tion; but, perhaps, it more attention were' given tbe matter, the labor might be amply rewarded. A few days ago, Mr. Leo Sohanno found a 5-franc piece, of date 1828, in a good stats of preservation, which we believe to have been in ths possession of the early Toyageura. It had not seen muoh nse,and was doubtless soon lost after it came from the mint. . Eeal Estate Transfers. ' March 1 Jo eph T Peters and wife to Jas A Ctasalyj a hf of lots A and B. block 45, Ft Dill s military reserve; $456 05 ' : March 1 Florence E Suitings aod JED Stalling to Geo H Barberi block 5, town of P.eaaant View; also a hf of sw qr of nw qr, sec 1, tp 2 n, r 10 e; $300. March 2 Helen J Smith and Lyman Snith to Thomas L Elliot; paroel of land in so 35, tp 3 n, r 10 e; $100. ; March 6 Robert Kelly to Christina Phillips; lots 11 and 12 in the town of Kingsley; $150. ; Dies at Altraqnerqae, . M. . ' '- v.-. . (Communicated.! ' ' ' jur. James ueuatiy, who lormeny re sided in Denver, Col., died on the 2d ef February of consumption, at Albuquer que, N. M., where he bid been the past few months seeking the improvement of I bis health. During bis long illness he sought and found the Savior, and passed away fully trusting him. , His widow. Mrs. Josie Gellatly nee McCullv will turn here and remain with her sister, Mrs. G. C. Bills. ' JL DISTURBANCE isn't what yon want, if your stom ach aud bowels are irregular.' rnat s about all yon get, though. wiUi the ordinary pilL- It may ro llers yon for tbe moment, but you're usually in a worse state af terward, taan before. .. This is fast where Dr. Pierce's lfleasant ; .reliefs do : most good. They act in an easy and natural way, very different from tbe huge, old-fashioned pills. ' They're not only pleasanter, but there s no re action uterward, and their help last. One little sugar-coated pellet for a gentle laxative or correctiye three for a cathartic. : Constipa tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, uizzmess, oick ana lunous Head aches, are promptly relieved and vorea. . - They're the smallest, the easiest (sute-ana tne eneavest Dill Ton -can buy, for they're guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is You pay only for the good you abetters Advertised The following is tho list of letters re maining in Tbe Dalles postoffioo uncalled j for Saturday, March 3, 1894.' Persons call ing for these letters will please give the date on which they were advertised: All-n, Mis Lucy Bieber, Mr : Dick y, Wa.ter Hanson, Alof Hill. L-ivms . K-rrison, Mrs H Morgju, Mrs Maggie Morrison, Rev L W Peuiton, Johnny Peterson, Jorgine Pohlsy, Ed Ryan. Robert Strnok, John W Tavlos. K W Poavesen, Fowel Roaoliff, Helen 8tewar, Mrs 8 -W 8'aot, Prank - , Wolf, A . WillUms.EJmand (2) T. Nolak. P. M. Affiignee's ..Kotice.- - LU THKjMATTEB ot ths assignment et Frank Vugs, insolTent debtor. To all whom it .may concern: Notlos is herebs . -- - - -"- m- Oregon, has ade a general assignment torn, for h seont of his creditor, under the general a- sigwneut laws of th. gut. of Oregon, and tbe cred hit an inas franc vox, ot ittt iMiies. Wasco ce. itors of said Frank Voa-t, are hercbr notified snd re quired to present their claims, under oath, ta aic at Ths- Dalles atlonal Bank, The Dalles, Ortvon. witnia sares numwa inns sue aaxe nereoi. -Dated this.iaUi da) of Deo., 1861. at. A.'MOqDY I" AD IKS make from SS to $20 per day selliug- i J AVaUiA ior lemaia tronues' ueoa rcr teruu. I ... - ass. U. atUUoJC, 416B Laoirley Are. CUoaffO, . to, Ul I 1 Children Cry for PIZOHZS'a Castoria "Castorlalsso well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Arcbkb, M. D., Ul South Oxford Be, Brooklyn, N. Y "I nso Castoria In my practice, and find tv ayeciaUy adapted to affections of children." Robertson. M. D., 1067 Sd Ave., Sew York. "From personal knowledge I can say that Castoria ia a most exoallent medicine for chil dren." Db. Q. C. Oeoooo, Lowell, Jlass. Caatoria promotes Digestion, and Overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feveriihness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria, contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. 1HU4. harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED HARPER'S BAZAR is a joaraal for the home. It wires the fullest and latest information about Fash ions, and its nnmerous lllustr tiens, Paris designs and pattern-sheet supplements are indispensable a'iks to the heme dress-maker and the professional modiste. No expene i- spared ta malce iu artistic attractiveness of th highest order. Its bright ntones, amusing co nedies and thouehtful essays rstixfy all, and its last pagj is famous as a huifget of wit and humor. In Its weekly issues ver yr.hing is included which is of interest to women. The Serials for 1894 will be written bv William Black and Walter Besant. Short stories will be written by Mary B Wilkins, Maria Louise Pool, Ruth McEnery Staart, Marion - Uaiand. and others Out-Door Sports and In-Door Games, Social Entertainment, Ejahroidery, and other interestini? topics will receive constant attention. A new aeries Is prumised of "Coffee and Repartee." HARPER 8 PERIODICALS. Psa Yr.t : Ilarser't Mainuine Si 00 Harper's Weekly 00 Harpvra Bazar 4 Harper's Young People 800 PoMtayt free to all uierieraia the .United states, Canada and Mexiee. Tbe Volumes of the Bazar begin with the fl-st Number for January of each year. Who i no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Num ber current at the timt of receipt of order. Bound Tolomes at Barter's Bazar or three years back, in neat doth binding, will be sent by mail, Dtetrae naid. or bv exe'ess. free of expense (pro vided the freurht does not exceed one dollar per vol ume), lor a per volume. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for btndlos-. will be asnt by mail, post-paid, on receipt of 1 each. Remittances should be made by poetemoa money order or draft, to avoid cnanoe of loss. Seteepapert art net to eopv this advertisement without the express order ot Harper t Brothers. Address: HARPER A BROTHERS New York. 1894. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. HARPER'S WEEKLY is beyond all question the leaMing journal in America, in its plenum must ra tion p. in its com- of atstinmiisned contributors, and in its vast army of readers. In special lines M djrs on ths highest order of talent, the men best fitted by positiou - and training to treat the leading tomes of tne aay. in ncxion toe most popular story writors contribute to its columns - Superb draw ings by tbe fo emost artists illustrate its special articles, its stiries, ana every notao.e ev-nt of puo lie interest: ft contains portraits of the diatineuished men nd w--men who are making tho history of ihe time, while special attention ia (riven tc tbe Army and Navy. Amateur Sport, aad Music and the Drama, by distinguished experts. In a ward, Har per? Weekly combines the news features of the daily paper and the rustic and literary qualities of tbe maintains with ths s lid critical character of the review. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PsaYaaa: Harper's Magazine Harper's Weekly........ Harper's Bazar Harrr's Young People . .Si 00 4 00 . 4 eo . X 00 Postage free to all Subsorioers in the United States - vanaaa ana mesneo. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with ths first oumher for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the num ber current at the time ef receipt of oroer. ; Bound Volumes oi Harper's Weekly for three fears back, in neat cloth bindnr, will be sent by mail, po-tage paid, or hy express, free of expense (peovided freight oes not exceed one dollar per vol ume j, ior 7 per volume. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for bindinr will he sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of SI each. Remittances should b made by posteffice money roar or orate, to avoid cnance oi loss. . Bevoepavers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper dr Brothers. MJr-ns : HARPER BRUT 1111 lo loi JAS. FERGUSON, Goods hauled with the' greatest careto all carta of the city on short notice. ' CooDly. Treasurers Mice All county warrants registered prior to Jan. 16, 1890, will be paid cn presents ttoo at my office. Interest oeaeea after this date. -William Michkll, Couuty Treasurer. The Dalles, Oct. 21, 18P3. WANTED SiaESHH IV Jill I LU Local a Traveling To represent our wall known bouse. -Yon need no capital to rtpreont a Arm that warrai-ta nuraeiy stock first-class a d true to name. Work all the year. S100 a moath to the right man. Apply, status- as j. - L. L. HAY Co., ssrrmen, Florists and Seedsmen, St Pint, Minn. Will cure The worst cases Of Skin Disease From a Common Pimple On the Face a j To that awful Disease Scrofula. Try a bottle To-day. Send S 2-eent stamps to A. f . untwsr Co, ppftnn, Mstt , xor Dew monicaa wistk pniHisnoa CITY BAKERY 1 Second and Union Streets. A. L. NEWMAN. FroDiietor FREE TRIKh. WE AK MENS"rr manly vigor. Varieooele, etc Dr. Duatont'a nerrs plus will affect a speedy cure by its use, thousands ol eases of tbe yery worst kind and of l"nir standing have been restored to perfect health. Fifteen thousand testimonials from all over the world. Price per package (1.09, six for $SM), trial packafs sent securely sealed for 10 rents postage. Address, Da. K. DtKoht. , 81 Washingtoa St., Chicago, Ilia., V.B. General Expressman FAMILY GROCERIES Application for Liquor License. Cascade Loess. Falls Przcixct, ) Wasco County, V btate of Oregon. ) NOTICE IS HERFBY GIVEN THAT I, Ed ward Bergeron, of said precinct and county, wi I, on the 7th day of M rch, 1S4, apply to the County court of .the a'-ove-nanied county for a license to sell spi. ituous, malt ai d vinous liquors in less quantititis than one aallon. FaJbj Frecinct, Waacs Couuty, State of Oregon, January, 27, 1894. Cascade Locks, Falls Pascnior, Wasco Couuty, beak of Oregon. To the Honorable County Court of Wasco County, Oregon: We, tbe undersigned taxpayers and ega! voters of Falls Precinct, couuty and sute aforesaid, respect fully petition your honorable no rt to grant a li cense to Edward Bergeron to sell spirituous, vinous and malt I quors at the town of Cascade Locks in said precinct, in leas quantities than one gadun for tbe period of one year: SAHKS. C J Candianl John bullivan The uaa Sadder A Knightly Peter Drigsan Jo.l W Dartuit IboaH Alliums Martin Jshuson Fred T Henchman H D Parkins J tiirbiu P MeKatney J H Mellonough Isai Morin George Tyrrell John Gillen Zol Garaaan Sam ahiCary W Lake Andy Kelleher A G Hall Ed Krrainer John Trana Wm McKanzie Harry Giuy Geo Peterkin P Monn fatrick Walsh Kenneth UcKenzie Jamas L sitniih Louis Ge shard A F Collis John W Haley J C Jones George J Btifford T FMsnion W Ljnch HAHSS. C A Stewart E Nelson E P Ash H Lillrga.-d W L Keltnsr Janes Stewart R Black Alex Watt G P Morgan J W Uclsaae D L Gates V Jsetlick Georce Herbert E Wiley W F Conaly Chris Yonug Frank Bail Thomas oyle HUB! nie Fred T Benthmm Patrick Nolan Kels Nelson Aug Wilson J t Hile G S Hemv M Sisk Peter Trana Geo Gray Daniel Filzrerald G W Buppen Pit Sullivan . P Sheringer Mel Leavms J F 11. ndrick E D Monauhan Andre Kelleher W H Larkin Application for Liquor License. Falls Pezcinct, Wasco County. state oi orek-jn . OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I. JOHN Sullivan, of said precinct and count v. wiu, on tbe 7th day of Marob, 1894, applr to the County Court of the above-named couniy for a li cense to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors in less qua- titles than one gallon, Falla Precinct, Wasco County, Stats of Oregon. January 27, li4. ' Falls Prbcihct. Wasco Codntt, State of Oregon. To tbe Honorable County Court of the County of Wasco, state of Oregon: m, tne onuersigned residents and legal voters of Falls precinct, county and state aforesaid, do hereby respectfully petition snd pray that said court snail irrant a license to lonn Sullivan to sell spir ituous, malt and vinous liquors in said Falls pre' cinct, in less quantities than one gallon, f?r the penoo oi one rear: KAMXS. C A Stewart John Trana H A Leaveas A J JonUn P JdcLaaey P Y.t.ick F F I evens P M Kelhksr PatO Neil John Jas Foy Geo j Buffjrd K Slnnott AG Hall A J Knightly Geo Peterkin J E Sorbin Denis Buckley John Thieson A Kelleher E Posse Thomaa Badder A J Collis Timothy Brennan Thomas II Williams Patrick FUberty Chas Gray J FMcGrath H Fitzaimmons 1VAHKS. Patrick Nolan D L Catea Mike onnefl P H Sullivan August Peterson J H Mc enough C F Candiani Jerry Sullivan Peter Valentine Pat Nee Theodore Glojlr Fd Bergeron Dan Suldvan James Stew-urt Mel Leavens Alex Watt E D Monaghan H D Parkins R Black F Nelson W L Ke tner W Cochran M Fitzgerald Pat Sullivan Patrick Walsh C E Miller W Lake John Huffy Application for Liquor License. Cascads Locks, Falls Pi scihct, Wasco County, btte of Oregon XT OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE. KEN Xv netb McKenzie and Thorn Badder, of said precinct and county, will, on the 7th day of March, 18B4, apply to the County C tun of the above named county, f -r a license to sell rpirituous, malt aod vinous liquors in teas quantities than one gallon. Falls Precinct, Wasco County, Stite uf Oregon, Jauuar) 7, 1894. ' Cascade Locks, Falls Pbscinct, Wasco County, State of Oregon. To the Honorable, the County Court uf Wasco oounty, Oregon: We, the undersigned, legal voters' of Falls Pre duet, ot Wasco county, Or., reape- tfully petition your honorable court to a-rent a lieense t-i Ken neth McKenzie and T. W. Badder to sell rpirituous, malt and vinous liquors in said Falls ptscinct io less quantities than one gallon for the period of one yeai a ah as. HAHSS. OW Fluke M Malleney- Peter Trana NF Murphy A Fieischauer H Lllegard T Lilleeard Hen cry Fitzsimmons James Stewart P ter Driggan F Kaveey August Wilson Geo Oldham Ed Eyrainer R A UcVitty T McRay Pat Lilarety H Glazier Theo Glazier W L Kilmer P Sheringer J A Aldrich J E Uill T W Lewis W A Caloon D Catss Thos King A B Glacier Ereck Nelson William Day Augast Teenslius John Trana George 8 Henry . A Knightly M SUh Pat Sullivan Ned Nelson Ed D Monaghan P Paulsen Joha G Brown Timothy Hex ton John Thieson John McCoy CHTrark John McLoed Dan 8ullivan Andrew Kelhhee William McKenzie A F Collis H F Kroger Wm Frizzell A Wstt Dug Nelson John Snllivan J H UcDoaouvh B Black V NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FoR LEAVE TO RE SIGN. XToties is hereby riven that the uuforsurned Ex- Xl ecu tor of the estatn of Jobs Stanley, oeoeated uas uiou in tne iximiii mun oi tne state ol en-emra f r Wasco Conntv. in Probate, on January SAth. 1804. a full and complete account as such Executor to ana including j .unary zotb, 1894, and be intends to, anu win, on jionaay, the oth day of March, 1894. apply to tbe Honorable Geora-e C Blakalev. Jndire of said Court, for ao order allowing, approving and ehuiDK- nis accounts, allowing mm to resign as sucn Executor and exhonoratina- him from further liabil ity as tneb Executor. JOHN M HARDEN, Executor of the Estate of John Stanley, deceased. uuary zv, leva. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UN deraiiroed was dulv aon -in ted administrator o toe eatatti ot nets Carlson, deceasea. of Caeced Locks by tbe C intv Court af tha state of Orawtn OOOIltV af WUWl am, 94 IBM A A therefore, all persons having claims against amid www are rcuuueu to present tne same, with props vouchers att.c-ied. within aix months from the dat of this notice, at my office at Ca-eade Locks, Waeco uascaoe Locka, sept, so, 1883. fl. J. niHTITiVl Administrator of the estate i Kui ( . rU i - ' SUMMONS. In tha Circuit tionrt uf the State of Oregon tot w wuu i j ua naKU. I B B Dufur, plaintiff, vs W T Rogers, defendant To W T Rogers, the above named defendant: In the name of ths State of Oregon, you are here by required to appear an d acawer tha enmnlaint filed against yon in the above entitled action on or oeiore toe n. as aay oi tne next regular term of tbe above entitled court, to-wit: on or before Monday the 28th dav of May, 1894, and, if you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will tak judgment for the sum of SI. 60, and Inter t thereof at the rate el of ten per cent, per annum .inos July 1st, 1802; for 830 as a reasonable attorney's fee f. instituting said action to collect the note ther in sueu upon; ior tne lurtner sum or S38 95, and legs interest thereon since the 17th day of May, 1892;? r the further sum of 117.60. and leg.) interest thereon sines June 2s. 18U1, together with ubuiitifTs cosu and disbursements of actiou. This summons i. hereby served upon you by publication thereol . y an order duly made by the above named Court al its regular February Term there 4 on the 24th day of February, 1894. FRANK MENEFEF, oar3-'t Attorney for Flaintiff in. F)B sale or trade for a good County, a toed in.piortd farm in Wasro 'O seta nlan. Ii uao era Caluornia. For particulars apply tush mes. 5 TO 20 Eas.iy fade. We want many men, women, borg, and girl lo work for us a few hours daily, rifht iu aud aroun. theirown homes. The buintMrs is ensy, pleasam strictly honorable, and pays beitertlmn any oth offered agents. You have a clear field and n. competition. Experience and special ability nn I necessary, No capital required. We equip yoi with everything that you need, treat you well and help you to earn ten times ordinary wages Women do as well as men, and boys and girli make good pay. Any one, anywhere, can do the work. AH succeed who follow our plain and sim ple directions. Earnest work win surely bring yoa a great deal of money. Everything is new and in great demand. Write for our pamphlet circular, and receive full information. No harm done if yoa conclude not to ro on with the Ton. basin ess.- George Stinson&Co., BOX 488, PORTLAND, MAINE. Leeal Notloeo. Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION and order of sal.-, Musdou' o the cir uit Court obtne btate of lirefi-oD for Waacn a-nniv riran . -. and j dgment made, rendered and entered by said Couit on the 1st day of December, 189S, in favor of tbe plaintiff, ia a suit wberein T. H. Johnston and George W. Johnston, co-partners, doing bjsineas under the firm name of Johnston Bros, were plain tiff ,, and A F Brown aad H E Broan were defend ants, and to me directed and delivered, eommand ingme to levy upon and sell the lands mentioned and deacrioed in said writ and hereinafter described, I did on tbe 8th day ot Januarp, 1894, dulv levy upon, and will sell a publie auction, to the high est bidder for cash In baud, on Saturday, the 10 h day of February, 1894 at ten o'cluck in the foreno-n of said dsy, at the front door of the Con ity Court Home in Dalles City in Wasco Onu' ty, Oregon, a 1 of the lands and P' dulses described in said writ anu herein described as follows, to-wit: The southeast quarter of section ti, in township 4 south, oi range IS east, of the Willamette Merid ian, in Wasco County, Oieg n, together wuh the tenements, her ditaments and appurtenances there unto oeionging, or in anywise appertaining, or so much thereol as shall be sutneieut to auti fir th sum of 6tS3 80, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per ent per annum the 1st day of Iteuem ber, 1883; SoO.OO a torney's fee aud 19.72 costs iu Htid su t, together with cosu ot said writ and accruing coals of sale. f. A. WaRII, bhenlx bf W asco County, Oregon. Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, Jan. 11, 1894. al2 Administrator's Sale. WH --EEAS, tbe Hon. County Court of the State of Oregon, for the Couutr of Wasco, on the 6th day ot November, 1893. duly made an order ill reeling me, tlie ul appoiuteu, qualified and acting administrator of the estate of fcrnesi 8. U ase, de ceased, to sell the lauds and premises belonging to suiu estate, and hereafter particularly described, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash in band. Now therefore, by virtue of such authority, and in pursuance of said oruer, I ill, on Saturday, tbe 10th day of Februa y, 1891, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said aay, at the front door of the County Court House in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oiegon, sell, at puiic u tion. o the high-vi-t bidder, fur csh in baud, the lands and p emiaes belonging to said estate, and particularly described as fo lows, to-w t: Tbe southwest quarter (si) and the southeast quarter of the orthwest q nailer (Met of ow$)of section fifteen, (15) in township one (1) south, of range fourteen (14; east, of the Willamette Meridian in Wasco ouuty, Oregon, containing two hundred acres of lai d, aid sale will be made subiect to ap proval and confirmation of the said County Court. Dated at Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, this 8th day of January, 1894. - T. H. JOHNSTON, Adm'r of the Estate of Ernest H. Haage, deceased. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT of tbe State of Oregon, for Wasco iwuntr George W. Rowlsnd, plaintiff, vs Hugh Gourlay and Bessie 1 ourlay. defendants. To Hu-jh Gourlay and Bessie Gourlay the above aeietiuanta. In tbe name of the Stale of Oregon, y jtid each oi you, aie nereny nq ireil to appear inn answer the complaint of plaintiff, filed against you in the above entitled suit, on -r before the first d iy of the regular term of ths Circuit Court of the State of Oreeon for Wasco County, next following the final publication ot tnis summons, to-wit; on or before Mouday the 12th day of F brury, 1894, and if you fail so to appear and answer, for want there f the Jl intiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed or tn his compiaint, to-wit: For a decree of foreclosure of that certain mort gage deed made a d executed bv tou to K. B Duiur, on the 8d day of November, 1893, upon all of k v ui uuiuri urana view Auaiii-n to uaiies city, in W'aSCO CoUntV Or.3ron. and amnr.iir.o- tA tha n. cord, d map of aaid Addition to said City, and that said premises be sold under such foreclosure decree in the manner provid.d by law and according to the practice of this Court; that from the i rooceds of such sale, the plaintiff have and receive the sum of Kaao, aud interest on said sum si .ce November 2. 1891, at the late of 10 per cent per annum; also the further sum of (60 as a reasonable attorney's fee or iiiBiwiuiig una siut to iorcicse sua mortgage, and col'ect the notes thereby secured and heiein sued upou, tonsther plaintiff's costs and dis bursements nude anu expended in this suit, includ ing accruing costs and expeu-es f sale, and that plaintiff have judgment over ar.d against the ds- icndent, Hugh Gourlay. for ant deficiency remain- ug aiter an oi tne proceeds oi seen sale properly ap.-lcable thereto, shall have been aoolied in nav. meut of plaintiff's demands as above set forth; that upon such foreclosure rale all of the right, title, in terest and ciaim of you and each of you, and all persons claiming or to claim by, through or under you, or either of you, in anu to said mortgaged premises, and every part thereof, be forever barred and forulisKd from the equity of redempti.'n, and for such other and further relief as to tbe Court may seem equitable and lust. This summons is srrved uoon von bv oublieation thereof in Tbe Dalles Timss MouxTAlxua, a news paper of general circulation, published weekly at Dalles City, Wasco i ounty, Oregon, by order of Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, Judge of sai l Circuit Couri., which order bears date the 27th day of December, ioro. vuruit s Htiict tli. - ap30-7w Attorneys for Plainiff. Administrator's Sale. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIYEN that tbe under signed, administrator of tbe estate of Harri son Oorum. deceased, by virtue of an order of the ounty Court of the State of Oreiron for A asco county, In probate, made on the otb day of Septem ber, A. D. 1893. and a aupulementarv order made bv said court, of date December 22, 1893, will on Satur day, tbe 27th day of January, 1894, at the hour of t r. at. ot said aay, at tne ixrart House door in Dalles City, in Wasco Countv, State of On gon, sen t pub lic auction to tbe highest bidder for cash in baud. sm lect to tbe eouurmation of said Court, all of the following described real es ate and water rights, be longing io tne estate oi tne said deceased, to wit. The west half of the northeast auarfc r. and tha poruwest quarter or tne soutneaat quarter ot sec tion twenty-five, in township two north of rans-e ten east of the Willamette meridian,contoining 1 0 acres anu siiuatoo in " asco iouniy, btate ol regon; and also the east half of tbe east half of section o. twenty-five in township No two north of range ten east wf the Willamette meridian, containina- 160 acres, and situated in Wasco Countv. State of Ore- gen, together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances and water rights thereto belong ing, ana Deionging to said estate - All the above described nroDertv. including tha water ngnta, to be sold In one parcel. Mara, arecemoer XX. low. j. w. nnwnov ' Administrator of tha estate of Harrison Corum. ueccasea. Administrator's Notice. mo ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCSRN: Notice is hereby given that ths undersigned has oceo uuiy appointea aaminieirator oi the partner ship estate of Geo. F. Beers aud R. E. Williams, doing business under the firm name of The Dalles Mercantile Company, of w ich Dim said Georga F. eers is deceased, by order uf the Hon. Geonn C. Biaksley, Count-, Juda-e of Wasco coui.ty oreiron, made ou the 17th day of November, le(K), and that be has duly qualified as such adm.uistrator. All eie.-ns having cl .1ms against said estate are re quired to present them with the proper vouchers to me at my residence in Dalles City within six mouths from the date of this notice. Dated this 22d day of November, 1893. U. . WILLIAMS, ' Administrator of tha partnership estate of The Dalles Mercantile Company, consisting of Geo. F. Beers, deceased, aod B, H. Wiluatna. Executor's Notice. In the matter of the estate of William H. McAtee, deceared. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned haa been by the County Court ot Wasco Com tv. State of 'regon, appointed ezHmtor de bonis mm instead of B. C. McAtee, removed, o tha estate ol William H McAtee, deceased. A.l persons bavng claims against, or business with, said estate are notified and required to present same with the proper vouchers to tbe nndereia-ned executor, at his resi dence in The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon. Dated Tbe Dalles, mgon, th s l?tb day of Jan uary, 1894. OEOHGE A. Lit BE, i xecutorof the Istataof Wm. H. McAtee, decs'd Assignee's Notice. VT OTICE ia hereby given that C. L. Phillips, ae- A.V signee ox wm. r arrest tjo, insolvent debtor), has filed his final account aa such assurnee in te circuit court of the State of Orevou for Wasco county, an 1 that said final see unt will be he kid in saidoourt on Monday, the l.tti day of Fe!ru.rr. 894, at the hour uf 2 o'clock P. M , or aa soon the-e-f ter as the same can be reached by the Court, sdd day being th first day of the regu'ar Fehtna-y, ow, term oi saiu court. - v. it. rrxlL.L.ll'a t Assignee u it i rtr n, i .i : is'j. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' Lamb Orrica at Ths Dawks. Orsooh Dec. 7. 1883. Notice is herelir riven that the following-named -wilier nas mea nouee oz nis intenaon u make final proof in support of his claim, and CLa said proof will be made before the Register and Keeeiver of the V. 8. land office at The Dalles, Or., -nreo. as, leva, via: JOHX 8. HOTT. Hd No. S590. for tbe Wj 8E and EM bWX, Sec 12, Tp 1 N, R 11 E. He names the' followinr witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon ana cultivation ot sam and, via: fi. Parodi, L Lawler. Jesse Spencer, and William "pencer, an oi l iie urekroa. decSO JOHN IV. LEWIS, Kefrister NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. . LaMD Omci At Tub Dallss, Oateos, Jan 30. 1XM. Notlee is hereby siren that the following named settler nas filed ni oroof in support i ill be made before ' rhe Dalles, Oreiron, URI Homestead No. 4151, for ths Sec 22, Tp 1 N, A ID A. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon . and cultivation of aaid uau i, viz: Harden Hendrixson, J. P. Davidson, Jcseph jonnson. jamea u. Jonnson, all or rns Dalles, ore JOHN W.LEWIS, fee RegiMer. WANTED. itLOTHIKO SALES AGENT WANTED for The V J Dalles and vieuiitv. Liberal Commu-sioas said. and we furnish tha best aod most complete outfit aver provided by any no use. writs at once lor nana raerences. WANAXAKEB SI BROWN. in Dtice or his intention to make final 111 a,a. aav , of his claim, and that said Drool I W 1 1 1 1 ,"f. re the Register and ai j ill on March 21. 18a, vis: ii 111 I I V AH J. HURST. I kJ IX 1. L T mya IhllacelyhJsPa; I Do Tou Know That We carry a full line of Stoves and Ranges, Building Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware. Fishing Tackle, Guns, Ammunition, Pumps, Iron Pipe, etc We are sole agents for the Garland Stoves and Eanges he World Sanitary Plumbing, Tin- ing til Roofing a Specialty. Groceries, Provisions! Cord wood. tte ted MAIER & BENTON. The Dalles Ton Want Wp kt'cp i lit' LtrtrrBt and Best Assorted Lin in th- oiiy, of Dry Goods and No:ioDg, Gents' Fur-tit'i-hiiio; G'i'ids and Clothing, Men's, La die-.' and CliiMrpn's Fine Shoes WG Want Your Patronage Of course we will put Prices to suit. Always do that. Nobody undersells us. Gome around and inestij i8. mo 5? MANHOOD RESTORED- A tlnn a-lf M fat. nil-all at Pntllh nilVsiolan aalll ...Ubl.. m3 BEFORE smo AFTER 'l the horrors ol Impotency. BFinKMKclcauaeaUieUver, tua " kidneys and the nrinary orirans of all Impurities. The reason snflerer are not cured by lioctors Is becanse ninety per cent sre tmnbled wtth atatltla. CDPIDENK Is tbe only known remed to cure wilhout aV opratlonT Swimon" Proatatlt sis. A written i srnnrantee riven and mnnpr ntnra ShOO a box, six fur $5,00, by mall. BendJor mi AdtfreasAVOIniICWKCO.,P.aBax207 IWSoleb For Sale by H W. Helm & Co., The Dallen, Or-gon. HOLIDAY : GOODS : AND : PRESENTS! I. O. INICKELSEN. Large Assortment to choose from. Closing out at cost all the Toys, Fancy Goods and Jewelry AT GREATLY Fine Gold Watches, from .... , Good Guaranteed Watches, from Books of Best Authors, snd io all E. W. HELM & CO Successor to Floyd fc Shown.), 105 SECON 1)1 STREET, letwn COURT nd WASHINGTON. DEALERS IN- Drugs, Medicine and Chemicals, mi TOILET SOAPS, CCIT BS.JEOSHES, PEF.FUKIRY, ETC. Pure Liouors for medicinal purposes. COLUMBIA PACKING COMPANY Corner Third and Waehlnffton Streets. Cured Hams, Bacon, Dried Beef and Tongues, And tbe best Beefsteaks, Mutton Cbopi mud i tVeal Outlets ia the market: Orders Delivered to Anv Fart of the Citv. Fresh Vegetables on aale at the Lowest Pricfs. The ftro Fino AD. KELLER. ifa'a Wines -A COMPLETE IMPORTED and DOMESTIC LIQUORS, and CIGARS gecond Strwt, hetween Union and Court, THE GERMANIA, STUBLING & WILLIAMS, PROPS JFine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. All brands ot Imported Liquors, Ale snd Porter, and Genuine Key West Cigars. A full line of CALIFORNIA : WINES weife-year-old Whiskey, strictly pure, for nsoiduai por txAies. Halt Liquor. Columbia tJrtwery beor on draughc 94 Second Street, TIJE. DALLESafOR Francisco i Beer i Hall F. JLESIIiK, Proprietor. WINESi LIQUORS ALL KINDS OF BOTTLFD BEER. GUJJBIA BREWERY - SECOND STREET, BETWEEN Till: DAT.T.KH. Your Di'y Goods A. M. WILLIAMS & GO XUPIDEME" This rremt VaiMtahla F Vll. I h.T. . .. tlonot a famous French physician, will quickly cure you of all ner yous or uisj-ases of tue generative organs, sucn as LostManhood. Insomnia, I'alnsln tbe Bitclc, Seminal Imisslons, Nerrons lbllUy Pimples, Unfitness to Marry, Kxhaualliig Drslna. Varlcorele m,i Constlontlon. 1 1 stops all losses by day or right" IvSVSnT'q'nk . Drssof discharge, which if notchecVed ndn to 8in.tnuinr.hA - l I circular and teatimonlals. it six ooxea noes not ehTect a uermanentenra. REDUCED PRICES. , lines of Goods. I3 00ti $27 00 4 50 to $15.00 Great Bargains. Fbyeiclsns' Presrnrtlons m 8pecia.t7 Wine Eooms MANAGER. d Brardies io ihe City. LINK OP- THE DALLES, C REG ON : 'AND : BBANDEES. and CGARS. BEER ON DRAUGHT . UNION ANDJCOUBTJ rtiv - -a