The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, March 10, 1894, Image 2

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    The Times-Mountaineer
SATUEDAY.. ....... MARCH 10. 1894
Atlantic should take the greatest in
terest in this struggle in the mother
country, from which they have re
ceived the incipient elements of their
constitution, and w
were first planted on these shores bv
the pilgrim fathers many centuries
It was David B. Hill.of New York. I The world destined to be re-
who, during the campaign in 1892, 1 pablicaot and the first grand roove-
immortahzed the saying, "1 am a JJtm- I ment8 n tj,j8 iiae should be made by
ocrat," which he used in one ot nis lhat race which hag taken the lead in
speeches, and since that time it has j modern t;m08 jn universal freedom
been frequently quoted aa . significant
of the man and his political prefer
ences. Every word that has emanated
from him since has been clothed with
an air of easctity to. Democrats, and
dividual citizen. As the members of
tbe senate do not come directly from
I tlio nannla h 11 1 am &fP.tlli hv rPnrA
It is reported that CoL Frank Par- I of the body poHt'lc hey
ker, of the Walla Walla Statesman, are 8Dposeo t0 be the more careful
hose institutions I has accepted a deputyship under Black I jtnardians of the rights of all, the few
man. If this is true it will remove ag well as tbe many. Although not
one office-seeker from the list in Wash- the popular branch of the national
ington, end bridge one chasm to Dem- congress, it is advisable that the senate
ocratic success in that state. I should remain as it now is, the satety
AnnrK.r H;aD,pfl mene haDoened valve of high-pressure legislation, and
The Democratic press are attempting
by evtry means to prove that protec
the genuineness of his political faith I tioa does not protect,' and are using
in the house yesterday, in which two
members were only parted from
M w. ... I" 1 . 1 . t.
a Uorbett Mitcnen ngni, uy
personal interference of friends.
Such exhibitions lessen the respect of
the. people for the national legislature,
and, as a matter of course, demon
strates the fact that incompetent men
are sometimes sent to congress, in
discussions in such a deliberative body
the conservative interpreter of the
The terribie tragedy enacted Thurs
day in Eugene is another warning to
the girl of the period" not to" piece
her affections on any person without
her judgment is convinced that he
would be a proper and safe companion
for life. It is deplorable that the rash
act of a young man mentally unbal
anced should cause the death of two
TELEGRAPHIC. ! f U" ;' implement h.
A.iijjjjuA.iu.xu.u. en piace. The report 1 1 bis illoei
cannot be questioned. It was Democ- I every possible subterfuge to delude the I lnB c(mte8tg should be between men of
racy for him to oppose the appoint- I people into the belief that the Wilson I intellect, and tbe victory should no t fee I estimable people; but it would have
ment of Hornblower and Feckham to bill now before the senate is very fa- secured by a slugging maicn. been mucn worse u miss uoiemao nao
the supreme Wench, and if any ques- vorable to the industrial interests of Oregon was never better represen- been married to Moss, and the deed
r . it t had made orphan children, who were
. tion ia raised regarding his actions in the country. Of course, this measure ted than she is now in both branc&eH force(j w 8Ug-ep the shame of a father's
the future the skeptical will be re- is not what might have been expected of congress. Both Dolph and Mitchell iDgane deed all their lives. During
ferred to his immortal saying dnring
the last presidential canvass. He was
and is a Democrat, and as the party
has known no change in method dur
ing the past half-centuryrit is to be
presumed that Mr. Hill will
remain unchanged.
Less than two years ago the Chicago
confession of faith was held sacred by
all Democrats, and this declared in
simple and unequivocal terms that
protection was the great evil under
which the nation was suffering, and
that this economis policy was plainly
Shelve the Tariff.
WASHINGTON, Maicti 6. It develops
there is a concerted action of Repub icbd
senators in the effort te take up tbe Blaud
seigniorage bill at this time, with tbe
purpose of displacing tbe tariff bill.
It is tbe result of a conference be d by
tue acmsory committee ol the Kepuuiicau
senatorial caucus. While Republican
senators, both favorable to and adverse
to silver, express tbemsi-lyes in favor of
tbe movement, there is no great zeal
manifested on either band; neither the
free-coinage Republicans nor the anti-
silver Republicans would oDDose tbe bill.
and If they support now, or appear to do
so, tneir only motive is to stand off the
tariff hill. The tilver meo do not con
sider the pissageof the bill wi.u'd ha
nv influence whatever in bebaif of the
silver interests.
The Democratic members of lhe tenau-
nan oe committee resumed work on the
tariff bill tocliy, aod it is atatid (be bill
not be reported today. The nugar
spread witb remarkanle rapiditv and in
I quiries as to bis cooditiou are coaiiug in
irom manv quarters.
Uadstoue is somewbii better Ibis at
Ia the Dark Continent.
London, March 7 Ia dispatches from
Batburet Gambia, this morning Rear-
Adm ral Bedford, of the flagship Raleigh.
reports mat ine British troops were at
tacked by the lollowers of Chief Fodis-
ilah while advancing npon the village
of Baro)ur yesterday, and seven British
wounded. Under a deadiy fire tbe na
tives were driven back. The Britist.
took possession ot Bimjur, which they
Dative loss wag very
: 1 1
from the provisions of the Chicago I are able statesmen, and hold command- I the past year similar tragic endings to schedule
BathcRST, March 7 Men-of-war are
hoiDbariiiDgf Goni r, the stronehu d ol
Chief Fotlsilah. Firing was heard in
the direction ol Fort Breckmar. and frum
the clouds of smoke rising ia the neigh
borhood it is believed the stockaded v -
lage was captured. It is expected the
irsbip will land strong force tomor
proved himself a leader among Re
publicans, and to replace him by
another would not only be a loss to
the party, but to the state and nation.
Tne tariff bill will not glide through
the senate as smoothly as it did
through the bouse. Democrats are
already beginning to inject icto it cer
tain doses of protection, and when it
reaches a vote it will not be the Wil
son bill. The depression now being
Buffered in the country is causing
. .1 t . r
mai.y to tall away irom too articles oi
platform on free trade, considering I ing positions in the councils or the na-
il,.r. ihu nirt. nnv in nnwer full v en- I lion. In the lower bouse, Herman
dorserl tham during the last campaign; and Ellis are indefatiguable workers
Kr it. u . ... in Vr. diction, and and keeP car?ful wat over Oregon s
- -r i ;tI....i. . Th. npt ecris ature win
always as such must be supported by Democ- , rr g senator, and Mr. Dolph
raev. The following from an exchange I -hnnlii uncneed himself, as be has
is an effort in this line, and also for
the patriotic purpose of silencing
"manufacturers and trusts, who are
whining about the Wilsoa bill:"
"A Rennblican commissioner of
labor in Connecticut has just issued a
report that asserts that the wage cost
unconstitutional, Mr. Hill and other I j tne manufacture of cutlery in that
oracles of the party proclaimed from I atftte is 51.57 per i-ent. in the mauu-
everv forum in the land, during the I factnrer'a selline once, and tbat the
' I - m .
educational campaign of 1892, that I balance is material cost and wanufac
fhA "robber tariff" must be blotted I nfir Rl ia the
from the statute Vks, ani McKin- Wftg. C08l of cntlerJ and the Wil- .SlflSS i-wSTS
levism muai. oiua. iuiu - ulouu.- iu protects cuitery v per us"' jf hard times continue until lSUb all
grave, never to be called into existence I leaves but 11 per cent, of the wage DOhical ortnizttiona will be in favor
again i The song of the political sirens I C8t unprotected. That is, the Amer- of high protective duties.
was listened to with marked attention, I icQ Cat)ery operative ia psid 51 cental Mr Gladstone visited the queen
and at the ballot box on November'oth I for performing tbe same work that the I yesterday, and tendered to her his port-
of that year, the American people I foreign operative gets but 11 ceuts for. f0ii0 of oflSca Lord Roseberry has
voted in accordance with the desire of Xnat is before the foreigner can inter- been summoned to Windsor, and will
Democratic orators. One year only fere w;th the American he must make undoubtedly receive the premiership
had elapsed since the Democratic mil- j wnat tbe American gets 51 cents for, from the hands of her majesty. It is
Inninm vni inanirn rated, and in tbat I f . . . :-,i .i', and now a debateable Question, whether
inat.ii nf the United i .A.nsa .h Atlantic, a Lord Roseberry, a peer of the realm,
wwgwww w w I IUDUIBUVO via w nui ww lit t T ' I 1 1 1 . - . I
States, the dispatches state Senator thiug imp088ible even to the pauper tt;1 If
Hill who was, is and always will be iabor 0f Europe." he Bhoald fail, the contest will be sim-
a democrat presented a resolution T, cotemrjorarv had taken time ply postponed; for the lords, as a legis
setting forth that, "as there was an an- L C0n8ider hl8 proposition he would lative body, must bow to the will of
.nounced deficit ol 78,uuo,uuu tor tne . f.u. of h-s nosition. lu" "F. p-""-
I UwfB OOU uw r
current fiscal year, and as the Wilson . ,Q protection on cutlery
love affairs have happened iu different
portions of tbe country. Tbey teach
the object lesson to all young ladies
that it is better to remain single than
to be mated with an imbecile or a. lu
natic, and tbat it requires rare intelli
gence and sound judgment to deter
mine who are sane and safe compan
ions for life.
It seems that the American people
can only be taught lessons in nione
tary matters or economic policies by
practical experiments. The country
prospered as never before under thirty
years of protection, and then a change
was demanded. It came, and all are
desirous that the former policy should
be restored. Ever eince the dark days
of tbe rebellion tbe Republican party
has maiataiiied the integrity of the
nation and established its credit
abroad by the inauguration '.of a .safe
and sound currency, and in ' the midst
of prosperity the people have become
actuated by a wild wish for more silver,
a currency that has greatly depreciated
in the last year. This, like the desire
for free trade, will only be satisfied
wheu wage earners learn by hunger
and starvation, that a forty-five cent
dollar will make them work more
hours in tbe day and buy proportion
ately less m the market than an hon
est, one hundred cnt dollar.
was taken up, aud it is sud tne
Indications are the sugar men wi l set
some satisfactory loncc-Moii that win
cause them to i-Up port the bill. T'i
rumor is nl&n learned 'hit stigir wil! In
given a hade advance on the raw ar icle
The adiniuttrtivi- fe'i'urrs of the lu I
aia also again under cons:derati id . T 'e
commit 'ee -xn-rj to .xv the bill before
me lull comnir'ee oxrrow.
In lhe Menate.
Wdsl.iogton Mirch 6 In the senate,
Hill 'prejeLted a rtsj unoo setting forth
tnat, as there was an announced dehcit
oi $jb,uuu.uuu tor tue current hscal year.
fnd as tbe Wilson bili propose to disc -rd
that much reteuue frm the taiiff and to
meet tbe double deti ;.ioy by interna'
utrect taxation, the bnance committee
be directed to frame amendments to the
bill omitting the proposed new internal
taxes and t make instead a provision
for a futtlrient rev De by tanfnog other
foreign imports and otherwise revisiog
the tariff without creating a deficiency
Harris of Tennessee moved a second
reading of tbe Bland seigniorage bill
i.n uomg so oe saia no one was a more
earnest advocate uf silver than he; but
there was one question whieb should take
precedence, and without a breach of con
fidence he could sta'e lhe bnancial com
mifee was on the verge of reporting tbe
tarlfl bill to the senate, jje therefore
objtcted to lut ther proceedings on trie
teigofbrage bill, and under tbat objec-
lloa it would hae lo go on tbe calendar.
The British at BiurfleldM.
Washingtjn, March 7 The state de
partment has received t'i-.- drst offici-ii
informt'.ioa of thd British nival open
tions at Bluetiel Is iu a dispatch from
Minister Biker, at Managua, Nicaragua
He siys Coos'il B eid i, at Sin Jtun del
Nor e, Hleyrnpto. him soldier have been
winded Imm the B itish w-irship CUona
tarn m B tteflelds.and strongly urges that
United b:ai-s war Vessel betnl at
once. I here is no explanation in Ba
ker's (lisp t:h-or rrasuu lor British ac
tion. It it knowt n. however, '.hat when
the Nioaraguan forces oceuuied Blue-
field the reiirnios Mosquito chief ao-
pea ed to the Bn lnh couml for protec
tion Interest centers itt the oues'.ion af
whether tbe Bri'ish forces landed to pro
tect the Mosquito or to guard British
citizens only.
' bill proposes to discard that muoh rev
enue from the tariff and to meet the
double deficiency by internal direct
taxation, the finance committee be di
rected to frame amendments to. the
bill omitting the proposed new inter
nal taxes, and to .make instead a pro
vision for a sufficient revenue by tar-
is on the manufactured article, and
mnut ba divided between wages, cost
of material, expenses of getting to
market, eta In other words, a knife
that can be placed on the market for
$.00 51 per cent, of hich repre
sents the cost of labor in its manufac
ture' is protected 40 per cent., and
entiment de
mands that the constitution hbould be
changed in this regard.
In county Republican politics there
is a necessity for the purest methods
to be used, and the machine and boss-
ism should not be called in requisition.
The prominent citizens ot each pre-1 Gainesville. Two large piles of ties
cinct should be consulted regarding wera placed upon the track, 100 feet dis.
the nomination of delegates to the lance lrom eacn otDer 1 ne passenger
convontioa, and the voice of the peo
ple should control the action of the
Daring Plan of Highwaymen.
Gainesville, Tex., March 0. A nrngt
daring but unsuccessful attempt to
wreck aud rob a patsenger aod express
train on the Gulf. Colorado & Santa Fe
road was made at 11 o'clock this morn
ing. Tbe scene of tbe attempt was a
looely stretch of track along a high em
bankment, three miles north of Paul'
Valley, . I. T., and 80 miles north of
tance from each other The
train was due there at 2:45, and bad it
struck tbe bstructiao nothing could
save prevented a terrible wreck and a
iffing other foreign imports and other- reci,Ba -bout one half of this.
wise revising the tariff, without creat- f deaier wi,0 procure primary. The latter is the only purely veht l0M of ,ife For,n,,a,ei. south
inir a defioiencv." ?In an old and very , c et.u on l.. ; nn democratic element in the government, bound special train bad been ordered io
tng a denoiency. labor one-fifth, or 20 per cent less s on I d kept free rom al, Bllke . i;diDg beyond tne TalIey be
venerable book is recorana me saying i eauft1,tv with the American factor in j.u. ThH nnnntv will fore tbe arrival of tbe nasseoirer. It
that "a leopard cannot change his spots the first cost of the article .and wages give 500 majority for the Republican cme thundering along the rails and
r an I!.thiopiaa nis color; - out no.n- fa Europe ig hardly onethird as much ticket in June, if all factional bgbts ;rm teZ
ing is menuonea in me sacrea pago M in the Tjnitec States. Aside from oeB8C nu l,,B """ " r" l and tbe tender, followed by tour freight
regarding the unchanageableness of ad vantaee in this regard, the for- 8aPPrt the nominees of the convention. c,r8f went cra8biDg 0ver tbe 40-foot em-
It man atom innnnnlBtnnr in Kenntnr I "" . "
11111 appeariB ueture iob buu wmiuiv
91 order at th I'ollM.
Trot, N Y., March 6. During the
municipal election here, about 12:30 this
afternoon a row broke out in tbe first
district ot the lgtb ward. Tbe MaHoy men
it was stated by the Republican!, were
running in repeaters. Among tbe Re
publican watchers were Robert Rots and
nis nrniDer William They grabeed a
couple ol rneu being sroved forward to
vete. Daring the fracas three or four
shots ere fired. vVben tbe reserve po
lice finally restored order. Robert Ross was
found lying on the ground witb a pistol
wound is tbe bead, aod William near bv
fatally hurt. Several others were in bad
sbape, many being ponnded until their
faces were unrecognizable. On the op
posite side of tbe s reet was Batt soaw, a
Dtmocrat, lying dead in tbe gutter. Tbe
Malloy men claimed the shots were fired
by the police, who admit using clubs and
revolvers, uqt tbe bystanders say the pis
tols were drawn before tbe police took a
band. I here have been no arrests so far.
Mtrlk'nK Miner
Chableston, W. Va., March 7. No
violence baa been attempted today by the
strikers at Eagle, bnt the presence of tbe
Piokertons and tbe fact that Col. Wy-int
is not confined at Fayettevi le, as sup
posed, add to the excitement of the strik
ers, rears are expressed for tbe safety
of Wyant and the militia. The former's
home is on the railroad nod is tbe bead
quarters lor tne officers. JSich pasMog
freight is loaded with strikers, and
bomb could he easily thrown into tbe
iodew. The fears of the officers have
been communicated to the governor, and
steps are being tnken to keep strikers off
the trains. This is almost impossible, and
it carried out is almost certain to result
in tbe destrnction of Chesapeake & Obio
The more Important
Thou snail Noc Cnvet.
olaine. wasn., March 7 Tne hewr
telegraphed from Victoria tbat tbe legis
isturo Dsa ouuer consideration a motion
for the opening ot negotiations for the
transfer by the United States to Canada
of Point Roberts, in consideration ol
British tern'ory of equal value adjoia-ng
tbe Alaska bouudary, is not . believed
here, for the reason that tbe United State
cannot cede territory witbin a state
l ne territory coveted by (Janada is t
standing menace io her fishing industry
ontbisceast. Tbe sairuuu catch wil
largely depend hereafter on the number
of fish that escape from tbe Amerioa
traps, and it is not well known tbat the
fish caught at Point Roberts are on their
way to tbe spawning grounds on tbe
Fraser aud otber rivers io British Colum
American democracy, it aia not ex- jigner ha8 cheaper raw- materials and
ist at that time, and if it had it would . freight rates." To mak the
not have been classed in the same list waM-arner8 0f the United States and
with the quadruped and biped men- Eaf?Ian(1 on an equality the cost of
tioned. There is an animal known to Jabor in 'he atter contry ja the pro
naturalists as the chameleon,, which daotjon 0f this knife will only nave to
possesses opposite qualities to the iQ cent8 and it is mucb 1(Wf,-v and
leopard and Ethiopian, and constantly tho 8aving of the expen8e8 in the cost face o( the disasters suffered
jumped in time to save tbeir lives, and
tee on tariff and pleading for protec- escaped with a few bruises. It is sop-
tion of the manufacturing interests of D.'etd h men, Pot the 'l8 n
. ' the track aid bo wnb tbe purpose of rob
New England; but he is feeling the btng the express car, and when i hey saw
public pulse, and casting an anchor to ,neir plana bad miscarried, left tbe vicin
windward for 1896. There are few .,uo, ""-er WB
TVmnnrata now who will, in the ,""JC" ?"Z "um r"" . ",eJ'
changes its color. - It -is a chameleon
nevertheless, and will always remain
one, distinguished from other genera
and species by this peculiarity. The
same is true of . Democracy, and of
Hon. David B. Hill, its apostle." It is
susceptible to the least influence to re
tain and emit the slighest variation in
the rays of light; but it always" was, is
and forever will be Democracy, and
the David B. Hills clamoring for
free trade in 1892 and Jn 1894 de
manding "tariffing imports" sufficient
to make np an annnal deficit of $78,
000,00 will always be its prophets.
ef raw material will easily make up
the remaining 20 per cent. Our Dem
ocratic co temporary deducts the 4U
per cent, from wages in order to make
his argument; but this is extremely
fallacious, as will be perceived in ex
amining the cost of any manufactured
ana tne united states marshal and a
nOKflA trwilr A anprinl tmn In Ihj. uuu.
business abd labor in tbe last few I 0t tue wreck and will pursue the ban
months, stand squarely on the free- I diis, who are believed to belong to tbe
trade plank of tbe Chicago platform
of 1692. Protection has more friends
ameng American citixens to day than
it ever had in the history of tbe coun
try, and if the financial distress con
tinue for two years more there will
net be enougn free traders left in the
nation for seed.
Daltoo gang. Marks of horses' foot'
prints were found pear tbe road where
tbe attempt was made, and it ia known
tbat at least eight men were engaged in
the enterprise.
Veatbbed Confession.
West Union, Ia Mareb 6. Tbe de
tails of a horrible murder have just come
to light through tbe deathbed confession
of Michael Joyce, of Albsmaka county.
Four years ago be ordered his nephew. J.
Joyce, to clean out a cistern. . The boy
obeyed, but as soon as be reached tbe
bottom bia uocie pul ed up tbe ladder.
He then procured a shotgun and fired
both loads into the defenseless boy
Michael circulated the rumor that the
boy had ' gone South aud was caught
stealing horses and banged. The mur
derer was a terrible brute, and confessed
having frequently dragged bis aged,
sickly auut trom ber bed just to bear ber
seream and groan .
There is a class of Democrats who
are indiisolubly attached to the "pow
ers that be", and will rally to their
support in every emergency. The
policy pursued by Mi. Cleveland
regarding Hawaiian matters has not
been either American ur according to
the time honored traditions of the
Democratic party, and yet there are
HweeplotT Republican Victory.
New Toek, March, 6. Election re
turns from various counties in the state
show Republican gains. It Geneva every
Rennblican canrlidatA fop Monnr vm
emerge from that body iu a much dif- elected DJ , mBjort of probabI, 3000
ferent sbape than when it passed the In L,uie Falls not a single Democrat
The tariff bill is still in the hands
of the senate committee, and it will
house. Every day appears to add to it
some protective feature, and even tbe
The eyes of the republican world
.will be turned with anxiety toward
the new prime minister and the cabi- sheets so subservient to his will, be-
net now being formed in England, cause he is president, that they will
While MrGladstone was at the head attempt to support his utter disre-
of the Liberal party advancement wa gard of national patriotism and of the
constantly, made, and -the friends of national constitution. We glean the
free government everywhere looked following from one of these:
forward to a time when the British "Gen. Sickles, of New Tork, poses
empire, the birthplace of Anglo-Saxon as a patriot and fiods that it pays him
institutions and individual freedom, to do so. He scores the admiaistra-
should no longer be cursed by hered-I tion in its Hawaiian policy, because
itary monarchy and titled nobility, the dear old flag wasn't kept floating
Every movement was watched in hope over that leprous kingdom, and all the
and faith, knowing that it was a step time he draws two salaries, one as a
towards ;the absolute rule of I member of congress and tbe other
the people. But the grand old man is as an army officer, getting a large
no longer guiding political affairs, and aiaed pension thrown in for good meas-
he has resigned the most important ore. No wonder he loves a Jlag that
position in Europe iato the hands of has done so much for hiuf But in
one who was born a noble and whose spite cf bis noble patriotism there are
family history will incline him to sym- I people mean enough to think that next
was elected. Every town in Wayne
county shows Republican. In Glovers-.
1 1 , A Ac 1 1 1 .r
lemocratic party seems urea or tne Tfc,Dnhiit.,n. Rh1
object lessonn of free trade under Washington, Eaaex. Chnton and Green
which the country is suffering, lhe I counties all show the Republicans have
Renublicans in the senate are cower- I either held tbeir own or made larire sain.
Ipssto help the people, because of the ansioguurg elected the entire Kepnbli
nm,wfin mninrir.v. Tn 1892 rh cb "ei oy over lzuu majority . -
Striker nVitetlna; Down.
Cbableston, March 6. Tbe governor
says tonight there 19 no apprebeoson
further trouble among the Kanawha mi
ners. Tbe officers are continually mat
ing arrest and have tbe trouh'es well i
band. Four more arrest have been
made, making a total of 27 strikers an
prehendid Tbe preliminary examination
t Wyant od the strikers is now in pro
gress at Fayetviile. A Git tin gun which
was takeo to Eagle today has bei n placed
in position there, and it is thought it
will have a good effect in quieting tbe
strikers. .
patbize with landed proprietors and
peers of the realm. Mr. Gladstone
has waged a battle for human rights,
and, in many instances, has been vic
tories. The England of to day is a
to David B. Hill, Gen. Sickles is the
most disgraceful .thing in the Demo
cratic party.
A Democratic house passed judg
ment upon Gen. Sickles' qualifications.
. . . I I v. K-. 1 , I . . i
saucn ireer country wnu wucn w ui ana gave mm a seat, in congress. JJur
entered parliament, and it would have jg the war he was a brave soldier, and
been much better if he could have re- sealed his patriotism by acts that en-
tained the lead in political affairs a title him to tbe laating gratitude of the
few years longer. Lord Roseberry, nation. Of course he has the highest
for one surrounded by bis conditions ra8Pect for his country's flag, and was
in life, bar exhibited in public affairs doubtless displeased that it should be
a broad and liberal-minded statesman- lowered at the command of the presi-
ship, and has appeared to be inclined daQt 0f the United States. These ao
to the greater freedom of the subject, tions may make him less a Democrat,
The gauntlet has been thrown down to but they can never be construed as
the lords, and tbe great, question in curtailing his privileges as an Ameri-
the minds of the peoplejs, has Rose- can. citizen. Gen. Sickles selected the
berry the courage to press the conflict wrong company with whom to est his
to a successful termination. Public political fortunes when he allied him-
sentiment is almost ripe for this revo- self to the Democratic party, H.s
lotion in British politics, and it only I antecedants would make him more at
requires a leader for the people to I home in Republican ranks.
march forward to a complete victory.
If he does this he is entitled to I Less than one-fifth of the Repub-
jreater credit than if he came from the icana jn the lower house of congress
ranks of the lower ciasses of society, Toted jor the Bland bill, while nearly
for bo will have to overcome al- three-fourths of the Democrats sup
tnost insurmountable obstacles io his ported the measure. The Republican
pride of birth and the prejudice of party is still true to its record on the
family traditions. If is quite reason- monetary question, and will support f,pau,nti; b8 nnoeftrahle if it had
able and natural that tho descendants I n0 njeaaure not tending to insure the j ( for the consti utiooal guaranties
ol Anglo-Saxons on this side of the people an honest, stable currency. of protection thrown aronnd tbe in-
sovereign voters decreed a change, and
tbey must suffer the oonsequencea
They may not have understood what
would result from turning over the
a Jminiatration and both houses of
congress to Democracy; but now they
have learned the effects of this change
from direful experience, and will cast
the ballot intelligently next time.
April 1st is the usual time for de
claring taxes for state, county, school
and city purposes delinquent; but this
year the time should be extended, as
it will be almost impossible for 'many
of our citizens to meet the demand at
that time, and the extra 5 per cent
charged sfter that date would he very
burdensome. Some farmers have not
sold their wheat yet, and those who
did realized very little from the sale.
Tbe county court is now in sessioL,
and we are satisfied if the date of de
linquency in the payment of taxes
would be put off until tbe 1st of June,
or would be tbe means of per
mitting many to pay tbeir taxes who,
if forced to aieet the demand the first
of next month, would be placed
under a heavy burden. In some
instances property would hare to
be sacrificed, or money borrowed at a
ruinous rate of interest. All depart
ments of business in this city are more
or less dependent on farm ere, and the
county court by favoring them will
act in the interest of all portions of
the community.
The senate, in its capacity as the
conservative element in national legis
lation, is a necessary balance wheel to
the machinery of free government.
There are many times when the rigbta
of the minority would lie rudely
trampled under feet if it had not been
that the senate acts as a safeguard
against the turbulent will of the ar -jority.
There must be restraint in
public affairs as well as in individua
actions. Absolute freedom in eitbf r
is simply license, aud this was not
contemplated by the framers of the
constitution of this country. Liberty
and anarchy are closely allied to each
other.and it is in harmony with popular
institutions that there should be a limit
to the exercise of individual freedom.
The despotism of a majority would
toga county . went republican by in
creased majorities. At Troy as heavy a
vote was polled as was cast in tbe presi
dential year. Witb a few districts miss
ing, the vote for Mavor shows that Mal
lory, tbe regular Democrat, defeated
Woelan, independent, by 1400 votes. La
Oneida connty tbe Republicans gained
one seat in tbe board of supervisors. Tbe
Democrats in Rochester gained three
seats io tbe com meo council. In Oswego
tne returns are so badly mixed ao nmcial
ceuBt will be necessary to decide as to
the winning candidate. Tbe new Dutch
ess county board ef supervisors will have
a Republican majority of 13. At Allien
tbe Democrats elected all tbeir candi
dates witb tbe exception of police justice.
Cod In the Constitution.
Washington. March 6 Aa lience was
given by tbe bt.use committee on jud
ictary today to a large delegation of
clergymen of the Reformed Presbyterian
church, who advocated the resolution in
troduced by Representative Morse, of
Massachusetts, for ao amendment to the
constitution recognizing God and Jesua
Christ. Many ladies and ministers frum
other churches were pre-en t
clear o long
55 iCyil
0 AVER'S j
M. Hammerly, a well-known business man
of Eillsboro, Va., sends this testimony to
the merits of Ayer Sarsaparllla: "Several
year ago, I hurt my leg, the injury leaving
asorewbicbledtoerysipelaa. lly sufferings
were extreme, my leg, from the knee to the
ankle, being a solid sore, whlcli began to ex
tend to other parts of the body. After trying
various remedies, I began taking Ayer
Sarsaparllla, and, before I hail finished the
first bottle, I experienced great relief; the
second bottle effected a complete cure.''
Ayer's Sarsaparllla
Prepared by Dr. J.CAyer&Co Lowell, Mm.
Cures otherSfWill cure you
Keeeiver F-r a Boat.
Vancouver, Wash.. .March. 6. F. C.
Stewtrd, ot Vancouver, was today ap-i
pointed receiver of the steamer Bismark,
which has been lying idle at tbe dock
here tor nearly a year, uuder attach
ments. Tbe boat has recently been
leased to tbe Portland Fertilizing Com
pany, which has given ber a thorough
overbao lag aod tons ber to Portland to.
day. Keceiver Steward will remain on
board in charge of tbe boat during tbe
lime she is in the employ of tbe com-
oauy. ' '
. T Watrh Poachers.
San Fbancisco, March 7. The dis
patch from Washington statics' tbat tbe
government had no vessels at i's com
mand to send to Behring sea to enforce
the provisions of the recent treaty of
Paris 's apparently without foundation
Tbe Mohican is now ready at Mire
island awaiting orders to proceed north.
The Alert haa a large force repairing
her and wilt be ready in a lew days
The Yorkiown is also expected to be
ready in about tbree weeks The Bea
ning'on is due on'be25'b int-t from
Gibraltar, and after ruing overhauled at
he navy-yard will join the fleet in
Behring sea. The Boston also, in case ot
emergency, could be re-idy for commis
sion io a short time. The fleet cow at
Rio, which comprises thev.jiick of the
White Squadron, viz., the New York.
Charleston, Sin Francisco, Detroit aod
Newark, will io all probability be or
dered north as lion as the trouble in
Brazil is concluded, which recent events
indicate will come to pasa ere long, aod
tbese vessels could arrrve in Behring sea
long befoie tbe bn'k ot the tealer reach
the grounds, wbioi is usually about tbe
1st ot August.
Gladstone tjerfoualy III.
LoNnott. March 7 Gladstone is seri
ously ill as the result of a chill. Iisi
night be dined with bis la'e s cretary a' '
the Brooks Cut). He walked lion.e
through St. Jame- Park, though thenis;ht
was raw, and became thoroughly chilled.
On his arrival be was put to bed and a
physician summoned, io spite of bis re
monstrance tht it was only a slight mat
ter. This morning ins condition was
sucb another physicist, mn summoned.
Tbis aflernton one of his physicians
made public a statement to the effect
that bis illness was undoubtedly serious,
though in tbe absence of a high fever
there is no great danger at present He
is suffering from hoarseness, and is kept
in bed in spite of his remonstrances de
claring be will be all right ia a day or
two. His doctors do not agree with this
view, and declare he must not leave his
Watching n Suspected Teasel.
San Fbancisco, March 7 Tbe steamer
Empire sailed for Nacalmo yesterday af
ternoon. I his is only ber second trip
with a new crew aubstttoted for the
crowd tbat the Chandlers discharged fur
smuggling, but it seems that tbe custom
house people think tbe change bid little
or no effect io a reformatory way. At
any rate, a double watch has been kept
on ber while she bas been discharging.
and when she started for sea tbe revenue
cutter Corwin steamed uo alongside aa
soon as the mooring lines were cast off
and kept her close company np the caast
nearly to Point Reyes. Several small
craft were seen in tbe straits' and out
side, but none ot them approached tbe
The Ta iff Chans
Vashwgton. Mrcii 8. The
bill bas beea submitted to the
nuance committee .
items are as follows'
Sugar, not above 80 degrees pe'aritcopic
test, 1 cent a pound; for every or fraction, not aoove 80,
1-100 ent additional; above 90 aod not
at.ove96. 2 100 per degree; above 96 de-
grees, lj cents per pound.
Molasses testing not above 58 deg. by
poiaricope, 2 cents a gallon; above 56
deg , 4 centa.
Wbwkj. $1 10 per gallon, and tbe
bonded period ex'euded fr .m thre t
eight veais.
Iron rr, 40 cm'? a too.
Lrad nrr, ceul per nouud. including
lead mix. d w lb ei vnr orp.
Coal, b. luminous an" shale. 40 centa
per ton; coal, slack ot tulm, 15 cents a
ion; c-oke. 15 ir cert ad valorem.
Iron ore 40 cents a ton. free nnd. r th-
Wiisun bill; pigirou. soietr-leinen. -r.-
2 per -cent.. WiUon bill 20 per cent;
irou slabs, blooms aod other forms more
advanced than pig and legs finished ihn
liars, 25 per ctnt. Wilson bill 22M: bar
r,.uml iron, 28 percent. Wiisun hit!
25; beams, girders, juists, etc. 35 Dtr
rent, Wilcon bin 30; plate teel, except
saw plaes. not thiuner than N.i. Io onr-
gauge. 30 per ctnt. Wilson bill 20: iron
r steel forcings 30, Wilsoo bill 25: iron
.r strel ranwy bars. 22, Wilson bill 20
tie women sch.dule shows but few
changes, these are about a 5 per cent
Collais and cuffs are increased from 35
lo 45 per cvut
her.- is no iu the cotton, lum .
5.-r or iend product scheduler
tie date for u ing into ffict of the
bil is changed In.rn June 1 to Jnne 10.
and the duty levied on articles imported
or withdrawn for consumption.
xu i ue internal revenue section is a new
provision, directing tbe uresident to im
mediately notify tbe Hawaiian govern
meut that the United States will letmi
nate in 12 m -uths the treaty with Hawaii
mvde in l!?75. -
There is no change in the imnorted to-
baco schedule.
The proviso for a reduction, provided
for at to iron or si eel sheets tbiuoer than
Nu. 25 wire gunge, shall take effect Oc
tober 1, is stricken out, also a like provi
Boiler or other tubes, pipes, flues, 20
per cent; Wilson bill 25. Tbe same
figures on cast iron pipe Shears aod rcia
sors, 45 per cent. Wood screas. 80; Wil
son bill 35.
Pens, except gold, 30; Wilson bill 85
Miscellaneous metal articles, not other
wise provided for, 80; Wi son bill 25.
Tbe internal revenue section makes
many verbal but few essential changes io
tbe income tax. It o.akts a tax ot 3 cents
on a pack of cards, similar to the Wils n
hill. - It taxes all tobacco, cigars and cig
arettes weighing' over three pounds per
1000 at 5 ceuts per 1000; paper cigarettes
less than tbiee pounds, 1 cent; tbose
wrapped in tobacco, 30 cents.
Sheep, camel, goat, a'paca and other
wools and hair in form roving or tops, a
uniform rate of 25 per cent, woolen or
worsted yarns, 80 per cent; woolen or
woosted clothes, knit fabrics, not provi
ded for, 35 per cent ; Wilson bill, 30 per
Blankets, ba's, underwear, worth more
tb n 80 cents a pound, 30 per cent.
Women's aod children's dress goods,
linings, etc., 85 p r cent.
Ready-made clothing, plusbep, etc , 40,
vyiison oiii 43 percent.
Burlaps 15 per cent, grain bags of bur
laps 82U. Wiison bill 20; nets. webs.
seines 85, Wi son bill 30.
The income tax retains a rate of 2 per
cent on iocomes of over 14000. as iu the
Wilson bill, but broadens the classes ot
income by adding tbe woids "frm any
souice whatever," tbe tax to apply "to
every citizen of the United States and
every person renidiog therein
The Wholesale Seed Store-
The same will be sold at Wholesale Prices by-
390 and 394 Second Street
Children's Hair Neatly""Out Bath Rooms Heated by .Steam.
A Shower Room in Each Bath Room. .
as to MB plate., terne plates and tag.. A Bootblack Stand Connected with our shop, and especial attention paid to all
110 Front Street, Opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel,
, O. KELLER, Proprietor.
Port 81,
Sherry 81
Muscat 83,
Angelica 83,
Mountain 83
axa Gregorio "Vineyard Co
Burgundy 83,
Zinfardel 84, '.,
Riesling 83
Hock 83,
Table Claret
All Wines and Brandies Guaranteed Strictly Pure
The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Always on Sale.
Try the best remedy , for Dyspepsia, "Dandelion Ton ic
HrUsh an J Portuguese Kighc
Port Natal, South A 112a, Tarch 7
Portuguese having otn rqcted tbe pro
gres ot ti. iJrltiHti parties cns rucline
a telegraph line, between "is Brills
sphere aod Tete, oa the Z unheal, th?
commander ota British guoboit landed
a part; ol bluejackets to protect the
workmeu Tbe Portuguese fired on them
aod tbe fire was returned The latest
news from thn fceoe is to the effect that
Governor Quiltimeoe, tbe Portuguese of
ficial in charge of the district, has been
summoned. .aud is on tbe wav witb two
gunboats and a force of troops.
Tbe British commander bas also asked
for reinforcements, which are said to bare
been hurried forward at once.
lown With the liorda.
London, March 8. Tbe Eirl of Dud
ley, whose contmcting-out amendmeot
to tbe employers' liability bi 1 accem
plisbed tbe wreck of tbe measure, tried
tbis eteniDif .to address a mee'ing at Bjr
mocdsey, in the county of Surrey. The
ball was packed with workingmeo, who
received hia lordship witb hisses, groan
aod cries of '-Down witb ibe bouse of
lords." Lord Dudley was able to deliver
only about a third of his soeecb, and little
of what he said was audible, for be was
constantly interrupted. Eventually a
party of wotkiogmen mde a daub for tbe
platform, upsetting tea's aod rolling
tbeir occupants on tbe floor They were
driven back from the step, of tbe plat
form by Lord Dudley's friends alter a
brisk fight, in wtiic'i severa. pentou were
knocked down, bats were smashed and
coats were torn. Two men were knocked
senseless with chairs. A Cgbt oa the fioor
followed. Benches and chairs were
broken into weapons aod were used with
sucb effect lhat when tne police interfered
a dozen or more men were found witb
tbeir faces bleeding and t heir-clothes tern
from their batfaa. Tbe Earl of Dudley
bad left witb bis immediate friends, and
tbe police cleared tbe hall.
At his establishment oh the corner of Tbird and Federal streets isa w
prepared to make
Spring and Summer Suits!
The Tariff BI!'.
Washington, Alarcb 7 Tbe anxiety
of tbe sugar advocates and the uncer
tainty as to what disoositioo tbe senate
would make of tbe Bland seigniorage
Din combined todav to cause the demo.
cratic members of tbe senate finance
committee to again postpone reporting
tue tarin diii to tne tun committee. Tbey
intimate that tbey may be able to report
tomorrow before noon.
Tin Box of Exploitive
London, fttarch. 7. A small tin box.
witb a partly burned fuse, was found on
window sill of tbe Bow-atreet police
station. After many precautions it was
opened aod found to coaUin a cartridge
nlied witb aa explosive of s.itui sort. The
police take the matter very gnvuly, Out
iu ere ia a atroa suspicion tbat some
practical joker has been ainasioir himself
at tbeir expense.
For Oregon Rivera.
Washington, March 8. The Oregon
delegi Ion bad a conference today con
cerning ner an 1 baroor improvement
in general, aod the improvein ent at Tbe
Dalles in particular. JuJgo Denny, a
member of tbe committee to consider the
moat feasible plan for overcomiog tem
porarily tbe obstructions of tne Columbia'
was present. He de.ud to consult with
tbe delegation as to what congress might
be exneeietl 'O; do. Tbe president baa
no'ified tbe Democratic liadersin. the
bouse tbat tbe amount of appropriations
for river aud baroora must not exceed
$10,000,001) Herman stated tbat the
committee was uowilliog to enter upon
any new improvem-ats.
Pine Wines and Liquors,
The Celebrated Pabst Beer
tf l Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON
The One Price Cash House,
Well and Happy J P. McINEEJY,
'hanks to Hood's Sarsaparllla-Dull J
Thanks to Hood's Sarsaparllla Dull
Headaches That Tired Feeling.
'OEA.1L.12H IN-
Uoverument Will NoiUeeede.
Washingtok, Miruh 7 It is posi
tively stated the g iveruiueot will make
no chang 1 10 r t'i'uie on the question
of tbe protection of fur life in Behriag
res. 1 no regulation 10 tne McUrearv
run, recently lotrod'lced in tbe bouse.
re con&ide-ed withto the ilejiiiou of tbe
fans tribuml, ami the government is
not likely to recede from tuem.
Naiinaiaa Men Driven Oat.
-Williamsburg, Ky., March 7. At
.the Bird's eye mine Monday, union men
rove out the- non . union men and com
pelled them to withdraw. A sheriff's
posse, is now in possession .
Taeeott Heard "rojn Again.
vuic4ao, niarcn o an arernooa pa
per isauthouty for lhe statement tbat
Tascott, tbe alleged murderer of A. Soell,
tbe millionaire real estate owner, is still
alive and wanU t re ura 1 1 0 iica , if
be can .get immunity from tbe authorities
Ex-Detectiva Dyei, formerly connected
with tbe Lelaod hotel, ia mentioned as
the go-between: According to Dyer,
Tascott visited Chicago, during tbe
world's fair, and is now running a Ren
era I store in a Michigan lumber camp.
Dyer says be knows Tascott would return
to Chicago if he could be assured tbat he
wou'd net be punished.
Vood. Wood.
Five hundred oorda seasoned fir wood,
cut especially for family use, will bo sold t
a minimum rate, also oak and mixed bard
wood. Jos. T.FmBS ft Co.
Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods
Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c
Agent for the Buttenuk Patterns: also for tba Hall Bazaar Drew Forms.
Mr. W. B. ToUq
- Ban Francisco, Cat
"One of the greatest mistakes neople make la
to lock the (foor alter the horse Is stolen, or in
other words, to wait until tbey are sick in bed
before they do anything for tha poor body,
Neither my wife nor myself were real sick; I
attended to my business, aod my wife to ber
household duties daily. But we had dull, heavy
headaches, and a little overexertion would tiro
us greatly, and my appetite was very poor. So
we took three bottles of Hood's Sarsaparllla,
and the result was perfectly satisfactory. I bo
ilers Hood's Sarsaparllla
Saved Us a Severe Sickness
And a big doctor's bill. If people would only
remember that 'an ounce of prevention Is worth
juuna ox cure, uiero wouia do less uneruie
in the world. Hr advice to all who do not feel
When You Have School Boots to
Who always svlla as low as the Iqwestl in the city, On account of a circular
quite generally distributed through this section by the agent of the American
Book Company, the price list ot school 000 kit puolianed in aeptemier, lovl, la
hereby withdrawn.; all tbe priors in that list being lower than lLoae this
aent claim nrn the proper retailf prices. For new pries inquire at his store.
14 Second street, Tilt: DALLl'X OHEUON
well is to take Hood's Sarsaparllla according to I ('(. ( L
r1irfWHnn mmt aii will h. Mil anrf hnnnv ' I v "
directions, and you will be well and happy.
n. n. Aqua, 140 ma 01 nan rrancisco, uu.
Hood's Pills cure all liver ills, constipation,
pPleuinett, jaundice, sick headache, Indigestion.
131 Second St.