f: aUSTAISI!B. Vlnme XXXIT) (VJWCnT n)ATED 1 882. TIJIKS-MOUSrTAIXEfcK, - -"J i . " - ,i..lr....,.- . .. . .. tv I FROM TERMINAL'OK INTERIOR POINTS FEINTED EVERY SATURDAY ' . BT John Michell, Editor and Proprietor TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ngeoopy, one year.... .ego copy six. months. ...2.H ... 1.0C ' a-Termi strictly in advance. . ).. Pnemmrjt al Th Dalit. Or eeond Clan Hatter for trawmiuim tArvuiA toe maii. LIST OF STATE AND COUNTY OFFICIALS. a-,-, 8. Pennover ZZZZZrfiZik" G.W. McBride Treasurer Pnulip Ueuc-hao ...wrinuidantol Public Instruction.. K. 11. McElroy r (J.N Dolpb Senators 1 1. H. IlitcbtOl ... B. Hermann .."A'. K- fcllis ... Frank Baker .Congressman, first district second district.... State Trinter - COUNTY. Csoatf Judge SnerUt Clerk.... Treasurer Commissioner. Assessor Surveyor Superintendent of Public Schools. Coroner .. George B'akey T. A. V,rd j. B.Crosten .... Wm. Michell ....Jus. Darnieile ....J. W. Ku.mu E. F. Sharp Troy neue . .N.iL tastwooo ProfsMioxtal C rds. J SUTHERLAND,'!!. D., CM. Physician' and Surgeon, Rooms 3 and 4, Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oils. 0. C. HOLUSTEB, Physician and Surgeon,. Booms over Dalles National Bauk. Office hours lb A.M. to M., and from i iosP.M Residence West end of luird street. t. B. COS DOW. J. W. fSjONDON CONDON, Attorneys at Law. Office On Court street, opposite the House. The Dalles, Or Id Court A- 8. BENNETT, At . . at Law, eSoet ttehanno'a building, upstairs. The Dalles - Oregon. a-B-ssrca. saaxK rar .UFCR MEKEFEE, Attorneys at Law. ' Rooms 42 and 4S Cba aaan Block The Dalles, or. J. 0. KOONTZ, Ileal instate. Insurance an-d Loan Asent. Agents for the Scottish Union and National I -nrance company of Edinburgh, Scotland, Capit 80,000,060. Valuable Farms near the City to sell on easy erms. Office over Post Office. The Dalles. Or. If YOU WANT GOVERNMENT, STATE Dalles Military Road Land, -CALL ON- THOS. A. HUDSON, (Sucsessor to Thornburj & Hudson), 83 Washington St, THE DALLES, OR. LP10TJ WANT firsfZJSSSZ Lands, or the laws relating thereto, yon can e nnilt ' him free of charge. He ha made a i-pecialty ot th" '. business, ar d has practiced before the United btatea . Land Office for over ten ears. . He is agent for the EASTERN ORE RON LAND COMPANY, end can tell you Urazing or I nrm proted Aiericultural Lands in anv quantity desired Will send pamphlet describing these lands upon ap plication. He is sgent for the sale of lots in Thompson's : A dd ition C3 3Z ATiEl This -aoVlition is laid off into one-acrelnta. and is ttestioed to be the principal res dence part of the dtr. Only twenty minuted waiR from the Court House and ten mutates lrom the Railroad Depot. To Settlers Located on Government Lands: If on want to -borrow Money on long time, he can accommodate von. WRITES FiRE, LIFE AND ACCKENT IN8URANCI3. ., , f yoa einnot call, write, and your letters will be promptly answered. - . THOMAS. SS Washington Street. A. HUDSON, THE DALLES. OREGON taEOLD ESIHLUUD, COLUMBIA BREWERY Second St.. East End, AUGUST BUOHXiKR, PROP. Has been refitted throughout with the ; LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY And is now manufacturing the Best Keg and Jottled Beer and Porter . In Eastern Oregon. ' Mr. Buchler always aims to adopt che latest brew ing apparatus and will furnish bis ens Comers bet equal toacv n market: wtf Andrew Velarde, HOUSE MOVER. The Dalles. ArMrw: Lock Box 1K1. . FT PEOPLE. Park OBgsrrr Pills will reduce your weight rEBHAkKSTLV from 12 to 15 p on s a mouth. No starving sickness or injury; no public ity. Tbey build up the health and b- autiiy the complexion, leaving no wrinkle rr flabbmesa. Stout abdomens and dimcuit breathing .urely relieved. AO fr.XPKKIMKXT but a scientifla aud posi tive relief, adopted only after years of experience. Ail orders supplied direct from our office. Price $i 00 per packagd or three packages for 16.00 by mail postpaid. Testimonials and rurlicular. (sealed) Sets. AilCarrraiiandesiew Strictly Coafiden- PAEK RMEDT CO., Boston, Mass FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF riAil DA-JLi-KM. (Successor to) SCHENCK & BEALL. BANKERS, TRANSACTS A REGULAR BANKING BUSINESS BUY AND SELL EXCHANGE. COLLECTIONS PROMPT LY CAREFULLY MADE ACCOUNTED AND DRAW ON NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. Directors! U P Taoitpsoa, Ed M V illmms. 1 8 8CHBHCK. G SO ROB A LtBBB, H M BULL. . fe. READ uSamantha at the World's Fair," And be up with the times. ) THE LATEST OUT. and the greatest work of the Nineteenth Century, BY J0SIAH ALLEN'S WIFE DAN BAKER, Prop r. Keeps on hand the oest Wines," Lipors and FREE LUNCH EVIRY EVENING Near the Old Mini, Second Street, THE DALLES. : : OREGON C. E STEPENS . DEALER IN BATS, ".APS, BOOTS, SHOES, i 134 Seoond Street, next door east of The Dalle National Bank. Hariri uat opened in business, and hat ng a full assortment of the litest goods in my line, I desire a -hare of the Dobic patronage. aprs 0. F. 8TEPHENS WHIPS 25o. 50c 75c. $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 BONE IS FEATHERBONE is made from QUIIT-. nature's own toughest material, best whips made for the price. Cheap, Durable, ALL. (Tl'tKS. all Orion, ask your dealer for a - rpiH'" VOB 8AJ 1 SX" HENRY KUCK, Th Dales. Or COAL! COAL! -THE BEST- Wellington, Rock Springs, and Eoslyn Coal . $13, sacked and delivered to any part Of tbentj. At Moody's Warehouse HENMLKUCK, w.Hanufactiirer of and dealer in Harness and Saddlery, Second 8t,, near MoodVs Warehouse, I THE DALLRS, Work" OREGON earantvil to Hat- R. E. Saltmarshe AT THK last U STOCK W, ILX PAY THE, HighestCashPrice for Hay and Grain. DEALER INLIVE STOCK. PAUL KREPT & (JO, DEALERS IN Painty Oils, Glass, Amifthe Most Complete and Lteet Pat1en4Uid OesMrna. ia 4 W A. L JL. P A P E H . Practical Painters and Paper Hungers. None but tbe best lirands of the Sherwin-Williams Paint used la all our work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. All orders will be promptly attended to. tibop adjoining Columbia PackixurCo., ; fHfRr STRBRT - DAM.FS THE GRANT HOTEL GRANT, OREGON. KENNEDY, PROP'R J. B. Tbe table Is provided with tbe best io tbe market. Transient travelers will be accommo dated with tbe best meals furnished bj sdt hotel ia town. oct23 EXCH FOR Northern Pac. KAILKOAD Is the line to take TO ALL POKTS EAST AND SOUTH It is the Dining Car Route. It runs Through Yes tibnled Trains liery Day in the year to ST. PAUL ana CHICAGO (SO CHAN Gil OF CARsJ. Comuu ed of Dininfr Cars unniiTaeMd. ' oJ'man -- Drawing-iron feleepers ol Latest Equipment. TOURIST'S SLEEPING CARS. Beat ;that can he ooretnictd. ami In which accom. moaation1 are uoin rnxwiu ruiuiiucu or holders of First or Second class Tickets, vi ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Line, Connecting with All Lines, Affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service. Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured In ad. w yance tnrougn any agent ot toe roeu. TTmnnriTI TTcrrTO To and from ail 1I1D.UUUX1 1H aiilO poinU in Amei ica. England and Europe can be purchased.at any ticket omce oi tne company. . Full information CO ruing rates, time of traii'-a. routes aud other details furnished oujui plication to W. C. ALLOW AY, Agent D P. ft A. A Co., Begulator office, The Dalles, Or. A. D CHARLTON, Ass't General Passenger Art.. No. 121 l-irst St.. Cor. Wa-b.. PORTLiU D. O tEGO M KANSAS CITY, ST. PAUL, Chicago, St. Louis, ALL P0I8TS EAST, HO TH and S TH. TRAIN : SCHEDULE: LKAYE THE DALLES. East B"und .... Went Bound . . . ..11:15 P. M .. 3:46 A. 11 ARRIVE AT THE DALLES. From the Ewt. . . From the West .. . 8:40 A M. .11:10 P M. PULLMANaSLlEPERS, COLONIST . .. . RECLINING CHAIR CARS and DIN ERS ' Steamers from Portland toSan Francisco EVERY FIVE DAYS. JACKETS TO AND FROM EUROPE. H. H. CLARK, 1 OUT R W. MiNK, RECEIVERS. E. ELLbRYJANDERSON, j Fro rates -and genraj information caK on E.'E. LYTLEj Depot Ticket Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. V. H. HURLBDRT, Asst. Gen. Psss. Agt, 254 Washimrton KU. Portland. Or JOHN PASHEK, Me reliant 'X'aojr. SUITS TO ORDER! FIT GUARANTEED 'CLEANING AND REPAIRING. Next door to the Wawo County Sun, Court between First and Second. The Dalles, Or. IlyS Sample: Rooms, 458 . iHONT tsT (Nearly eppoaite Umatilla House.) . CHARLIE FRANK, PROP. The Best Wines, . . Liquors and Cigars. OLUMBIA BREWf.nlr fER ON DRAUGHT THE DALLES Cigar Fact ry, fih t jelehstm:. . LACTORY NO. 105. nirtflno O I i K il 0 ured, and ordeas from all parte of the.eonatry tilled on the shortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR has become firmly established, and the de mand for the home manutactuaed article increasing every day. t24dv-tf A. ULR1CH & SON. . WE BIEGFELD, rFessaolaop of Instrumental Music. -Lessons given on the Piano or Violin. Persona desirinir instructions can leave their names at E. Jacobsen's or I. C. Nickrlsen's Music Store, Second 4 eat. Tte allex, th-aron. atrl8 L. P. OSTLUND ilt I wBl furnish drafts and estimates on til buildia dwellings and stars. Mr. Ostlund Is" a practical mechanic, and the plant drafted bv lim will prove artistic, cheap and dura-lie sm TMfifst V. L..I CJ Vs 1 I BUI U U Contractor and Bite 1? HE DALLES, TELEGRAPHIC. Uladslon aixnatlon. London, March 2 By command of the queen, Gladstone and wife go to the Windsor castle this afternoon. tr remain hpr uneata over nifht. At nOBQ tomor row tbe privy council meets there an Gladstone will resign tbe premiership, Lord Roebury will not be present Gl stone is in ezcellsnt health and spirits The radicals, headed by Labouchere, have decided nto serve under any peer ss oremief. and say if K isebury is ap poinied the new ministry will not last week. IBOUCHERE WRITES A LETTER. Laboucbere has written a letter te liberal whig, protesting against the ap poiotment of a peer lr premier, saying it H as distasteful to liberals as radicals and Dredictins tbe final dissolution of tbe lords. T. P. O Coanor. M. P., m ao interview today said he regretted that Gladstone was soon io retire, bat inasmuch as it was inevitable, it was better tbe step shea Id be t-ken at once and a leader de cided eo. He did doc think it would avail Hovthinir if the liberal leaders and the Irish were to beseech Gladstone to continue ihe leadersiip. SOME NEWSPAPER COMMENT. Tbe Pall Mail Gazette says: "Gladstoie's laat fmlure is pitiable He has thrown the last bomb at the hois: of lords, which frustrated him. tie now retreats lire!, embittered in Li old ee. It wag the irony of fate that Rose bery listened to a speech delegating him tbe task ot destroying tbe house of which be biiDse f is a member." The Westminster Gazette Buys: 'Shu!d tbe Dar v uenerallv decide that K se berr? is the best leader before the coun tiy, the rank and file ought to loyally dht ro to that decision, it cans on uar cuurt to silt-oce the voice of taction. Tin St. James's Gazette siys: "This is not the Brtt lime that Gladstone has withdrawn tram the conflict, leaving his followers to extrica'e thfinselves from the dutigter be has caused." War of Striking Miner. Charleston, W V., March 2 Mar tial law has been decltrod at Eagle. At noon Governor McCorkle received a disn patch trom Mj ir Buks. in command of three comoan es still mere. Ho asked that other troops be sent to Powollton, hve mi'es from Eigie, to protect the working miners from a threatened attack by the strikers The governor replied hat be would not Bond troopi ua!es cer- tiiin that tbe sheriff posse could not maintain order Tbn governor bad three companies of inMtia ready to march on short notice, and declares be is deter mined to use every effort to maintain or der. It i suspected the threatened at ¬ tack on Powelllon was a rose to draw off the troops so as to attack Wvant's men at Eigle. Tbe strikers out number the troops, and are armed with Winches ters, while tbe troops have only old army guns. A Brave Eoetaeer. St. Joseph, Mo , March 2 Engineer aines McKinney, ot tbe linen mano, saved bis company a heavy loss-tonight- J Passenger trnin No. IS, east-bound. Con actor J. A. Winser, left tbe Union de pot at 7: 25 P. M . A tbe train glided into a cat three miles east of here a rerl hijht flished across tlie track. McKin ney saw several men with guns, and it flashed through h.s mind that tbey were robbers. He palled the throttle wide and jumped down into tbe bottom of the cab. od not a minute too soon. for tbe robbers fired a vo ley into tbe engine and cab, but no one was bort. Tbe train dashed through a shower of bullets, the bandits firing into the coaches as tbey Dassed. When the tra n reached Stock tindge it was found over 100 bul lets bad bit it. A Catholic Churrii K bbed. . Pendleton, Or., March 1 Tbe Catb dlic charcn in this city was robbed this morning of articles valued at $100. Tbe burglar stole the chalice, vestment and silver caediesticks used at the. altar There is no clue, except that the man wore a remarkably large toot. An im print was left in tbe mad where he bad umped the fence after having finished be sacrilegious deed. Word has just wen received here that tbe postofnee at Pilot Bock was entered by unknown parties last night, the money drawer broken into and a small amount of money nken. A general s'ore,' kept by Mr. Skelton, ot tbe same place, was also en tered und a large amount of confectionery tobacco and cigarettes carried off. Princess SJolouna at Monterey. Monterey, Cal., March 2 Princess Colonn witi her children and suite, ac companied by J. W. Mackay, jr., have arrived here from the E ist in tne privtte car Traveler, The princess in an iater- iew says she will make tbe Dd Monte ber home for sonic considerable period. occasionally visiting San Francico "I left ITrance, said she, "because I was sad lunly made aware of a definite and tstincl plan ot Prince Colonna to take my ldeei son from me, and at once left tor California, where I knew I should be perfectly protected by just laws." Suinaesl Him Alive. Barboursville, Ky , March 2 It is reported lrom HirUn county that Lea Tye, the negro wbo murdered Miss Bry- it near Williamsburg a year ago, re cently returned, kidnapped a farmer's au titer aul kept ber secreted in the woods till discovered bv banters. Tbey waited ior his return and proceeded' to skin him alive. Before be a dead the girl built a fire on bis bead and he was roasted alive. It is said be confessed to he murder of Miss Bryant and the kid napping of three other fciris in Keutucky and lenoe88ee Keeplog them secre'ed till they died of ill-treatment aod ex posure. A Conspiracy to Drfraad Quebec, March 2 A big consgiracy to delraud the United States revenuo has been discovered bere and in New York. Goods shipped from England in bojd tn New York for transshipment ia dupli cate boxes and bearing all tbe foreign marks, filled with cheap domestic goods substituted, were forwarded 10 fictitious Canadian firms, and the imported goods kept in New York and sold. About -40 cases are in this ware house bere un claimed. The Itrficlt la IodiA. Calcutta, March 2 Finance Minis ter Westland announced at yesterday's vice regal council tbat tbe debcit amoun ted to 35 OOJ.OOO rupees. Tbe news da. tie proposed would leave 20,000,000 rn 31 pe a unprovided tor. Tbe minister said tbat there was soma douot as to t-e mc OREGON, SATURDAY. MARCH, 10, 1894. tul proceeds from duties, especially ou silver. Tbe bill proposed by Westiaod was referred to a select committee which will sit daily and make a report on tbe 10th of tbe month. A Million and a Half. Buffalo. N. Y March 8. 4: 30 a. if . A general alarm has been rung in from fire deoirtmeot headquarters. Tbe fire started in the Atlas oil refinery, owned by the Standard Oil Company. Tbe plant is valued at $1,500,000 and will be totally destroyed, five nun urea men are employed at tbe works, which are tbe largest of tbe kind in tbe city. Went Down an Embtnltment Wslkbsbarue, March 2 A car on the narrow-guage railway, running between the little village of Merrianique and tbe coal mines of tbe West Eod Coal Com pany, collided with miners going to tbeir work, and went down an embankment today. Four were fatally injured and several dangerously hart. Americans After Canadian Tim be -. Halifax, N. S., Mrch 2 American ajd Canadian capitalists have secured options on a large area of timber lands in this province, including some in Hal ifax county, and intend to build mills and carry on a lumber business on a large scale. Strikers Preparing an Attack. Powellton. W. V., March 2 Tbe strikers are preparing to attack tbe mine here. They bave assembled in such numbers and in such a threatening man ner that Sheriff Biaks 'elegrspned tbe g 'Vernor is needed at once. The Situation In West Virginia. Charleston, W . V., March 3 A 5 o'clock today Gov. McCorkle received a telegram from Col. Hodges, of the Second regiment, in command at Eigle, that the sheriff was. there with warrants for the arrest of tbe men engaged in the attack on the Wyaot, Tuesiay, and asked au thority to us tbe military in serving them it a posse of citizens could not be obt iiued. The goverour wired that the sheriff was to try to summon a posse, but if be tailed, Hodges must exteud the aid ot toe military. Tbe goveroor advised him to proceed with the utmost caution, but directed bim to proceed with vigor, if necessary, to aid tb sheriff. Advices re ceived at 10:30 tonight say several of tbe rioters bave been arrested without blood shed. Tbe d spatcbes did not state whether the m.litarj was used lu making tbe arrests. AT THE SCENE OF THE BRIDGE -BURNING. The burning of tbe Chesapeake & Ohio bridge at Cohen creek, early this morning cuts off all coal shipments from tbe Coben branch, aud will compel tbe mine on tbe branch to close down. The sheriff hurried to the scene, but the rioters bad retire! before his arrival. The sheriff, wiih, 400 military men and half as many deputies, is now at the scene. It is not thought tbe rioters will dare to make an open attack. Bosebery Premier. London, Mfcn 3 It wis officially announce! tnia evening that tbe. queen. had accepted tti-i resigat'.ioa of Mr.Gisd. stoae. and that ber majtisty bad Bum monad Lird R isebury and offered him the post of prime minister.' It was also announced tbat Lord Rosebary hid ac cepted tbe position. It was freely asser ted tonight that Risebur; aud the Liber ai party will bave to face a grave crisis tier tbe retirement of Mr. Gladstone. Ia addition to tbe strong objection enter tained by a large section ot tbe new radi cal party 0 tbe selection of a peer as sue cesaor to Mr. Gladstone there is a sore-. oess among tbe more moderate liberals at tbe c.avilier manner iu wbicb Gladstone bas treated bis collegues in tbe matter of is resignation. It is believed that com munications bave passed between mem bers of tbe government and tbe leaders of tbe Irish nationalists. Tbe latter are said to bave received assurances tbat tbe passage of a measure of borne rule will still be tbe chief aim of tbe government. ' FEW CHANGES IN THE CABINET. Lord Rosebery's premiership will in volve few changes in tbe old cabinet. It is tolerably certain tbat tbe Earl of Kim- bcrly or Earl Spencer will go to tbe tor- gn office, and tbat John Money will become secretary ot state for India. The attonalists bave intimated tbat Herbert Gladstone, or A. H. Dyke Aclaod, vice- president of tbe committee of council of location, mast be the new chief secre tary for Ireland. Fresh Tioieaee Hoptrteel' Charleston, W. Y., March 4 Affa irs at Eagle and Montgomery are becoming more complicated, taougb there bas beeo fresh violence. Tola morning Gov ernor McCorkle received a telegrrm fiom Colonel Hodges, commanding tbe mil itary at Eagle, stitiog tbat the town, au taorincs of Montgomeiy were interfering with the shtrid ia the dischaage of bis utie. Tne governor wired H J Jges to id tbe sheriff in every way necessary to tbe full execution of tbe law. He also sent bia chief of staff, Colonel S. Ctrr, to Montgomeay withynstructlona to . urge Hodges to show no hesitancy in exUn J -lug to tbe civil cfficeis whatever aid ebooid be necessary in tbe execution of tbe warrants. Tbe soeriff made 14 ar--reus last night and today, and is now on bis way to Fayetteville with the prison ers. The authorities tear an attempt will be made to rescue tbe prisonets on tbeir way to the county seat. Mean while tbe arrests will still be made at Mongomery. Toe sheriff says be is de termined to enforce all warrants. wtant, the proprietor, arresred. Captain Wyant. proprietor of tbe Eagle miues, was arrested tbere today ou a warraut, issued by Squire Ad k ids, ot Montgomery. This information was Wired tbe governor this afternoon ' lue dispatch did not aiate tbe offence charged. It ia feared by the state obVisis that an attempt will be made by tne strikers to lynch Wyant, for the feeling against him is lutense. Narrow Escape. Pendleton, March, 3. Dr. Pilking- too, physician at tbe Umatilia agency, J. M Be ger, teamster, and J. T. G.ena aud two children bad a narrow escape from rowning io the Umatilla river yesterday afternoon five miles trom Pandleton Tbe party was in a wagon, with a four-horse (earn, and attempted to cross at a ford. Tbe horses became frig'itened, plunging into tbe water away out of. tbe proper course. Tbe wagon overturned and all tumbled into tbe riyer. Dr Pilkington and Mr. Glenn each, seized one of tbe children and succeeded in getting ashore, after having been washed down stream nearly 100 yards. Tbe water was five feet deep in places, vrv cold and swift. Tbe teamster also succeeded in saving both horses and wagon. TELEGRAPHIC. Kosciusko Tragedy. Memphis, Tenu. March 4. The funeral of Hon. A. Jackson, the Democratic poli tician, who was killed In a street duel by Rev. W. P. Ratoliff, occurred at Kos ciusko, Miss., today. Two thousand people from the neighboring towns and surrounding country attended tbe ser vices. Ihe deceased was buried with Masonic honors. The K. of P. and K of H . of wbtcb orders Jackson was a prom. inent member, also took part in the fu neral services. Ratclifle is in the Kosci. usko jail. Tne murderer stood at his grated cell in tbe prison aud coolly watched the funeral procession on i f way to tbe cemetary . As tbe excitement la Attala county is running very higii over the tragedy, it ia believtd KatlittV- atrorneys will ask for a chaoge of vend-;. Wm Sanders, who was woun l tv stray bullet during the fight, us-ill alive. Another Harder at Koslyn. Tacoma, March. 4. At Roslvo toiiv Esau Ba timore shot aud killed Mrs. Li lie Turner, liotb colored. Tne tr-geiy was the result of a marriage arnngeme.i' wbicb Baltimore says Mrs Tamer ft r i to fulfil. The murdered woin in whs the keeper of a bouse otill tame at EPens- burg. He fired four shots, one of wr.ic i pierced Mrs. Turner's heart. TDieits of lynching were freely made, and the l ail is being strongly guarded; bat fears are I expressed tbat the jail will oot prove strong enough to withstand tbe mob. Bratal Kobberii. Hillsbiro, Ia; March 4. Mrs Heu- nelberger, an aged Germ in worn to, wt awakened about 3 o'clock Friday raoro lug by two men, who came to tii-j back door. She opened toe door and while one of the men pointed a revolver at her both of them walked into the bouss. Mr Hennedbergrr arose and seized a butcher knife and attacked the men. but be was struck on the bead and will di. The robbers failed to find any money, and took only a few old notes and receipts. Tbe old lady was also fatally injured by a vicious blow from one ot tbe men. sjpokane Fire. Spokane, March 3. At two o'clock this morning fire was discovered in the engine room of Temple Cou t. Jt smoul 'iered for half an hour and then broke out," filling tbe stairway with a -dense smoke aud driving a number of occu pants down the fire-escape. Loss about $30,000. $10,000 on the building and tbe rest on Wo verton as Byrd s hardware. stock. McNabb's drug store and Solo mon s wholesale iiqaor house. A Thrilling Slide. Boise, Mar.:h, 3. News is received here from Atlanta, a mining town in ibe Sawtooth mountains, of the remsrkab e experience of Charles Goetz with an ava lancbe. He was caught in tbe slide wbile banting and was earned half a mile down tbe mountain into a rocky cacyon, but he came out a Hve, though badly bort. He was found 12 hours afier by a party oi rescuers Anarchists Arrestett la Paris. Paris, March,' 4 Thirteen anaruhiats were arrested today.. The police made a search of toe lodgiags occupied by the prisoners and seized a quantity ef exolo.. aives. The recent searches by tbe police discloses that a number of well to-do persons have given money to the .anarch ists with a view to insure themselves against outrage. Among those wbo have paid aie many pnests. Astoria's) Prospect. Kalama, March, 4'. Tbe right-of-way party, wbicb left Astoria March 1. for tbe purpose of securing tbe right of way for a railroad from As'oria to Goble, reached bere about 7 o'clock tonight. Tbey report maeting with almost univer sal success, and feel confident tbey will be able to deliver tbe entire rigbtwef-wy within a few days The town ot Rainier gladly acceded everything asked. Knglish Parliament. London, March 5. Tbe queen's speech proroguing parliament was purely formal, only fifteen lines ia length. Lord Rose- bery spent tbe morning conferring with tbe caDinet. A report, apparently based on this conference, is tbat John Morley will continue as chief secretary for Ire land. It is said to be definitely settled tbat Earl Kimberly, secretary of state for India, will succeed Rosebery as sec retary of state for foreign affairs. Tbe House of Lords met this after noon, Hoyal assent was given to the local, government bill. The queen s speech was read and tbe bouse ad journed. Gladstone was busy all morning with bis secretaries, and received many callers. including tbe queen pnvate secretary, and Justin McCarthy, leader of the Irish nationalists. Harcourc, tbe chancellor of tbe ex chequer, assumed tbe liberal leadership ot tbe noose ot uommooa amid enthus iastic cheers from tbe liberal benches. When the members ot Commons were summoned to tbe Lords to bear tbe queen's speech, Laboucbere and some other radicals remained behind. After reading the speech, Commons also ad journed. Lord Kotebery v si ted tbe queen this afternoon and kissed ber band in recog . nition of bis appointment as premier. Tbe James s Gazette says it is re ported Rosebery will probably effect a reunion with tbe liberakunionist leaders. A ueneral Outbreak. Charleston, W. Ya , March 5. Tbere is no diminution in the excitement In the mining regions. A telegram was received from Eagle to fay tayiag tbat tbe road lrom Eigle to Fayeiteville was lined witb armed men. They are said te number not less than 600, witb the avowed purpose ol killing Wysat as be is being taken byjjthe sterilf to jil at Fay etteville. Wyant bas telegraphed tbe gov. ernor tor-military guard, and it will be furnished him. A man was arrested today on Morris creek with two Winchesters and dyna mite bombs in bis possession. Ha con fessed that a plot was being batched to blow op all tbe works along the river. Carver Bros, found a card on tbeir store today warning them that their property would be blown ap. . .. Twenty loaded Chesapeake & Ohio cars were, burned by strikers at Paint creek this morning. A general outbreak is momentarily .expected, as tbe strikers are beoommg emboldened. - Cot. Wyant, under guard ef a fail company of militia, was taken from Montgomery this morn-, ing. " ..... Beiaare of Arms. Cincinnati, March 5. Tbe action ot tbe Chief of Pe.ice in seizing 400 stands of arms, belonging to the cadets in tbe Woodward and Hagbes high schools, may result in senous develoDtneots. Many Insist tbat be also seized 1000 stands of arms held by Catholic and other socie ties in this city. The chiefs excuse for taking tbe cadet's arms is tbat tbey were not sumieatly protected and that any mob might bave seized them. Those urging the seizure of the church societies' arms say tbe same reason exsits for tak ing possession of them. HeaatA Proceedings. Washington, March 5. la tbe senate the Bland seigoiorage bill was received from tbe house and referred to tbe com.. mittee on finance. Allen oF Nebraska presented au amend. meat to the rales, providing it shall be tbe doty of committees to report on bills and resolutions referred to theji within 30 days; failing to do a, a senator pre seating it may call fcr a report under certain restrictions; referred to commit tee on rales. Cockreil ridiculed the petitions be bsd received from druggists ot M.ssoun, pro testi' g uaiost an inciease of dutv under the Wis ii hill, saying tltey originated in the 8'ate Pnarruaceutical Association of prohibition Iowa. Stewurt oi Nevada olictel t a refer ee of tbe Bland seTgniorng Mil So the flnan.v committee and asked 'bat it lie on the table so It might he cal ed ap at any time. Alter considerable discussion this was agreed to, with the uoderstaud lug it be laid before the senate tomorrow. Stewart introduced an amendment to the B and selgBioragK bill, providing for tbe free coinage of silver. Fight Chnrch. Lebanon, On March 5. Beginning to- dav a score or more of suits will be filed in tbe courts here, grlag oat of a most di racelul affair at the Missionary Bap tist cburcji, about tour miles sontb of this city. Toere ia a division over the paster. Last night tbe congregation met to di cuss bis retention. Tbe church was filled and sojse one cal ed the pastor a liar. A friend of tbe preacher knocked tbe belig- eraot down and that started a general fight. The lights were extingaisbed, and in the battle tbat followed, the pulpit furuitare was wrecked, the pews rained, the carpets spoiled aad more than 50 per sens were injured. Many women fainted and tbe scene was a sad one Fire, at Maywllle. From the ondon Globe we learn that Rippey's store at Mayville waa destroyed by fire last Thursday. The fire originated about 5 o'clock trom a defective fluo, and before it was discovered it bad spread al most through the entire garret. Paul Gronier says there were only four other men in town besides himself, and al though they used almost superhuman ef fort to extinguish tbe names they soon iound that it was beyond their con trol. Tbey thin set to work like trojaos to save what goods they coald before tbe fire burned through from the top, and suc ceeded in sayitig ao jut all the dry goods, wagons, buggies, farming . implements, safe and all the pdstoffice material and mail, except a little paper mail. By this time the people from all over tbe neigh borhood, for miles around, bad gathered in, but too late to be of any service. Paul says if tbey bad been reinforced by half a dozeu or so a few minutes sooner, he believes they could bave extinguished tbe fire. The building was 30x60 feet, 2-story, and was owned by the Odd Fellows, bav ing been built aboat nine years ag . All of tbe lodge fixtures, books, regalia, etc. were lost, they being in tbe : ball over tbe store. We understand there was $1000 insurance on the hall and $1000 on tbe goods owned by Rtppey. Although par tially insured, the loss will still be con siderable for both the lodge and Mr. Itip - pey- - Cal. Ingersol's Benevolence. Malor Handy in Inter Ocean. Colonel Ineersoll bas tbe kindest of hearts toward all mankind. Only a fe days ago a newspaper man told me a characteristic story about bim. This newspaper man found himself in New York oat at e'bow, unable to get work. and unwilling, of coarse to ask alms. In bis straits it occurred to him to go and see Colonel Ingeraoll, although he- was quite sore tbat tbe Colonel would not re member tbe single occasion when tbey bad met. Well, wbat can I do for yon, yenng manf said tbe Colonel, coming right to the point. "1 am a newspaper reporter and want you to give me an interview." . "On wbat subject! ' "Any subject yon please, sir." For what paptr?" "For any paperthat will buy it ef me." "Well, that's cool! Don't you know my time is valuable?" "Yes; but I am in a tight place. I am out of work; I don't know wbicb way to turn. There is no market for wbat I write. Tbere is always a market for what yoa say. Talk to me twenty aainutes and it will he worth twenty-five or fifty Hollars in my pocket But I would rather give or lend you I couldnt take it as a gilt, and I bsve no right to ask it as a loan. I want to earn it, aad I think Iam justified in ask- ing charity to tbe extent eta few Ojin-1 utes of your time." 'All rigbt.,,.waa the cheery rejoinder, "fire away with your questions." Thw.nrrr '-fir-d a..." n I ha first tooics that came into his mind, and soon had material wbicb be made into cony I ableable to a syndicate for a hundred dollars. Nor was Ingersoll's good nature exhausted with a siogle.interview. Said my friend: "I ate, drank and alept en Ingersoll tor a month, or nntil I got reg aiar work; aod whenever be gave me an interview be went over my note and touched them' up until tbe matter was in his best style. That's tbe sort ot man Bob Ingersoll is." Smiles. Doctor Has your daughter been deli cate always? Mather- Oh, yes; if she ami anything about toe boose it exbaa-ts ber so tbat she is not abie to dance longer than mid night some times. ' She knelt in church devoutly . Aod part of th prayer she Slid Was asking a lovely bonnet Instead of ber daily bread. He soon will cease to write of snow Or of tbe trezen lakes But fishing siories soon compose And dreadful tales of snakes. Tbat flowers are born to blush nnseen Young men will not repent For blossoms enough are kept in view To swallow every cent. Johnny (seeing his twin cousias for tbe first time) Isn't it funny, mamma 1 Mamma Wbat' dear I "Why this baby is a philopena." "I do believe I!m a perfect fright in this bonnet." Husband "There is no need of telling people aboat it, is one comfort." "Did I understand yoa that this ia a chanty concertr -les, a suppose mat mere was never any mug poorer pus on a atago. Tbe Locks). Work on the canal and locks at tbe Ca- cades, we are informed by a person who lately visited that place, is being pushed vigorously, and there is every lodioatioa of ao early completion. At present there are about 400 men employe 1, and these are be iog worked in shifts of eight hoars escn. The Day Brothers, the oontraotori, ara but ily engaged ia patting in an electric plant, which will facilitate work at all . boars of the night. This will soon be fioished, and the bed of the canal will then be illuminated by arc and incandescent lights. As a ion as this system is in operation 200 more man 1 be put at exiavatiug- Notwithstand ing the work in ths sanal, there is a large force of stone-euttsrs employer, and tin stones are prepare ! an! nanh-r : I f w ths:r position ia the loAs. W.ti work wi-l ba necessarily slow, as evry pn-ciaa .11 b) examined by a government in ipso: n. an t if not suitable Viil bj eta le.nai I. Fiyor able weather miy.bi exuouted frn now until the June frsh if, when work wiil of necessity he suspended Toe coostruutio i of the canal and locks at t lis paint is ot the gran jest scale of any in the country, and hen completer! these will be seocntdy to the one at Sauit S.e. Marie in Miohiao Condition of Cattle. Cattle of all kinds have passed the winter io excellent condition in all portions ot Oregon, and if the spring ia favorable these will find ready sale in local and eastern markets; but if March is cold and rainy cattle will loo-e flesh and be in no shape for beef. Should the weather daring this month and next be d sagreeable it would work a great hardship ou sheep during the lambing season, and very many of the young will die. Tbe conditions bave been faVorable thus tar to the livestock industry; but it will largely depend on tbe elements whether it will continue so. . During the past few years not as much attention bas been paid to tbe cattle business as formerly. ana urge tracts oi tana wmcn lurnianea good pasturage have been plowed and planted in grain: but in Crook. Grant and Malheur counties there is ati'l considerable revenue derive! from tne sale of live stock. In case of an inclement season tbe greatest loss will fall on sbeepmer for the reason stated, and they are not in any condition to stand reverses with the poor sales of wool tbey had last year. Ioo1e Oat ForHlm. An excerpt from tbe Colfax Commoner waa received this morning, in which Lr. H. P. Wilkins ia tbe recipient of a column notice, for leaving between two daya and 'jumping" a big hotel bill. Accompanying this is the following letter: , Couax, Wash., Feb. 28, 1894. ' Editor Daily TiHBS-kotnrranraaa: The Dr. Wilkin, wbo figured ao conspic- ioualy in the inclosed copy of tbe Daily Commoner, is - such a thorough scoundrel without the least vestige of honor ' or ver city, that I thought inasmuch as be went to Walla W alia or in tbat direction our neighbors should know what sort of in dividual they have to deal with. Y ours truly, . Geo. H. Linnox, -Clerk Collins House. Mysterious Harder A di patch from Oregon City saya word is received from the vicinity of Damascus to the effect that a man named Acorns bas beeo fonnd dead under what appears to bave been suspicious circumstances As near as can be learned, be had employed a man to g nb under contract, and, a few nights since, this man was ordered to leave the community by masked . men. He re- sisted, and fired at the men who tried tc drive him away, ilothiog farther l heard of tbe matter till Wednesday morn ing, when Mr. Acorns was found dead at bis house. The coroner held an inquest and found that A corns had been killed by being beaten on the bead with a hammer, No clue exists aa to tbe murderer. State Hortlcoliaral Society. The state horticultural society will bold a seasioo ia this city next month, and matters of great interest will bo discussed at th meeting. Io this portion of Oregon tb fruit industry is becoming an important factor of development, and merits tha clos est attention. : At the coming convention there will be paper read on .subjeots of in terest to orchardiata, and those engaged in fruit growing may derive a fund of practi cal knowledge from hearing the experience of other. We hope aod expect this meet ing to be one of the most interesting aver held in the northwest, and while it may oot attract as many visitors as that rcosotly held at Spokane, vat it will be of great im portance to horticulturist in all portions of the state. A Narrow Escape. ' Herpner Gazette: Jeff Hayes had a nar row escape out on Rock creek last Tu-aday, whila riftnrninir f mm h ia afiMn lamn. Th wmln t. , , w . """" ' " slipped in some manner, going over, no hung on to the rope, however dragging bis saddle horse and himself down the decliv. ity jn this Jrff narrowly escaped getting .,i i,. . vm.j ,j u jin. . ' ' . .. wlr t u" wu" 8' his eadd e horse back to oua tooting agam, but tbe pac horse rolled to me oottom. jen leit tne anunaiata neighboring ranch, and he hardly thinks that it will survive. The mountains are in a very bad condition now, and sojourners should oe very careful in pursuing tbeir way along the tortuous trails. Tbat Injunction. The Dallas Transcript saya; "Mr. J. P. Frizzell, one of the Salem committee of 100, should have covered bia track when he came over into Polk county and bunted up a man to enjoin proceedings in the building of the branch insane asylum in Ea-tern Oregon, Not wiahing to father such a pro ceeding, having tailed in it once, Salem seeks to bave tho odium of this thing up in Polk cou ty. But it won't wash. Al though it waa done by a Polk county man, 99 of every 100 of our citiz ns 'deprecate the move and fling the insult thus perpe trated Hack into the teeth of tbe originator. Mr. Taylor abould ahake the dust of this proceeding from bis feet at once." Common Council. A regular meeting of the common council was held Saturdsy night at th council chamber at 7:30 o'clock, r. M. Present Hon. Paul Kraft, mayor; T. N. Joles, T. A. Hudwo, W. H. Butts, O. C. Ethelman and L E Crowe, oouncilmen. The following proceedings were bad: . The minute of the regular meeting of Feb. 31 and adjourned meeting of the 7th were read and approved. The minutes of the meeting of Feb. l"tb were declared out of order by tha mayor. Thereupon Councilman Joles mad a motion , T . n-j. mjj tha .ana that . minntM of -w mMtinff ba road. Mavor I NUMBER 31 Kraft then announced tbat said motion would sot be entertained by the chair, as it out of order. A motion was then made to adjoarn, and seconded by T. N. Joles. The question being pat was passed and the meeting adjourned. The seraioa of tbe ooaooil was a very stormy one, aod created considerable dis cussion regarding the legality of the meet ing of Feb. 17th, which was not called by tbe mayor. Annual School Meetlnsr. The annual school meeting of this district was held in the brick boose at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The meeting was ealled to order by Mr. H. S. Wilson, wbo stated tbe object. The clerk of tbe district, Mr. E. Jaoob sen, then read bia annual report, after which the next business was stated to be the eleetion of a direjtor to serve for three years. M. S. B. Adams plaoed in nomination O. Einnersly and Mr. Eunyan J. W. Elton. The ballot being spread resulted ia Mr. Kinuersly receiving 82 votes and Mr. Hltoa 47. There were 131 votes oast, two of which were not for the regular nominees. Tbe chair eta'ed the next business io or der was the election of a school clerk for the term of one ytar. Mr. C, L Phillips nominated E Jacobean, Mr. W. N. Wiley, L L Burgett, and Mr. E P. FiuGerald, I. C. Nickelsen, who ds- olined. At this point in tbe proceedings Mr. L, L. McCartney moved that the salary of tbe sohool clerk be reduced from $300 to $250, hich was declared out of order at that time. The ballet oo school elerk resulted in Mr Jacobsen receiving 74 votes and Mr. Bur- """ 69. Tbere were 147 votes oast, and three were scattering. The next matter to bdeeided,as stated by tbe chairmsn, was whether the academy should be leased for additional sohool room or another sohool bouse erected. Mr. Wil. 1)0 said that the use of the lower story of tho aoademy could be bad for $40 a month for 9 months, or one rcotn for $20 a month. Witboat raising the grades ona additional room would to all that was necessary i but with additional grade two mora rooms. . A petition was presented from residents in tbe eastern end of the district for tbs erectioo of a school bouse in tbat part of tbe ci: y, and on motion the directors were mpow-red to purchase sufficient ground tor tbe erection of such school house, with in 400 yards of brick dwelling of Mrs. Fish's, capable , of seating 150 pupils, and the aame to bo completed by Sept 1, 1894. This motiou created considerable disous- aioo as to tbe manner in which the money should be raised, and Mr. Wilson read the law ia relation to bonding school distriots. Tba olerk, by request, stated that he had made a census of the Dumber of children ot school age, east of tho fair grounds, and be found tberVj were 175. Mr. L. L. MoCartaay stated that a Bom ber of small ohildrea io tho vioinitv of bis rosidsoos war onabl to attend th publio school by reason of tba rlistanoa, aod tho new buildiog would be a great aooommoda tion te them. After Boms farther disousmon it was m ved tbat thro mora grades b added to tha publio school, tnoluding tbe eleventh grade. This motion carried. It will oeoes sitate th employment of another teacher. The meeting than adjonrnad. Financial Report. The following is tba report of sohool die triot No. 12, Wasco onuoty, Ore., by Clerk U Jacobsen regarding it finances: 9n h " bfriDing sohool year. .$ 656 05 Atnt delinquent taxes col I eo ted. Ksoeivcd from county school tuna, looo 00 xteeeivsd from state school fund.. 8335 80 Money rsoeived by tuition ' 258 95 Received from all other sources. 7 05 Total received during th year. .$7018 72 disbubsimskts. Paid for tesobers salaries ,$4710 00 Janitor' salary 90O 00 Distnet elerk service Ioterest on Mrs. Gray's not 283 50 210 00 63 25 62 25 63 30 251 77 224 60 143 86 91 35 24 94 Wter Insurance School furniture Repair on school houses and prem ises . . Fuel.... , Apparatus, maps, tablets, etc For all other incidentals Balance on hand Total $7018 72 uabilitixs. Mrs. Gray's not $3000 00 Ioterest on same. 175 00 Outstanding warrants Salaries and ether incidental doe. 730 00 852 75 Total liabilities .$4757 75 RSSotntCKS. Cash on baud .$ 24 94 Special sohool tax da from 1893 assessment , 6653 73 Total .$5678 67 John Leads, a colored bootblack of Ulyra- pia, ha goo to Canada to prov his iden tity and claim a fortune of $500,000. It seems that a kind old lady wboadopted him as a servant year ago, died recently. In Canada witbobt leaving natural heirs aod willed her tortus to th colored boy, who was kind to ber in tear gone by, bat h had lost hUaddreaa. An Olympt gentl- man saw the advertisement to ascertain Lead' address. Tb latter is nearly erased with jov at th news. H put op hi boot black kit and took th first train. Mm SARSAPAR1UJI mam MIL CURE YD A Bright Lad. Ten years of age, but who declines to give his name to th public, makes this authorized. confidential statement to ns: When I was one year old. mv mamma iirf of consumption. Tbe doctor said that I. .nnlj aMH A anil . 11 a... I 1 . . ' , . uiuu wvu u U, a,ui a. 11 u u UdKlllHjrS thought that even if I did not die, I would never be able to walk, because I was so weak and puny. A gathering formed ami broke under my arm. I hurt ray finger and It gathered aud threw out pieces of bone. If 1 hurt myself so as to break the sklu. It was sure to become a runnlnv iam i i.. to take lots of medicine, but notlpng has done me so much good as Aver-'s gar Ba rilla. It ha made mo well aud strona ' T. D. M., WoTCatur, Kaus. AYER'S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. O. Ayar c Co, Lowau, Has. Clares others, will care yon 0 : 1 r