The Times-Mountaineer SATURDAY FEBRUARY 24, 1894 THE FIFTEENTH AMENDMENT. In repealing all tas federal eleotion laws congress baa practically annulled th fifteenth amendment to the con , stitution, which provides that the right of citisens to vote shall not be denied or abridged y any state on account of rac, color, or previous condition of servitude, aajs an exchange. That , amendment also confers upon congress . the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. The Demo- cratic party.iu national cou ven tion, - declared inch legislation "fraught with the gravest dangers, scarcely leas mo mentous tnan would result Irom a , revolution practically establishing monarchy on the ruins of the republic," and. ia congress that party has re pealed all federal laws to protect vol . ers, and in effect denied the right of congress to legislate for the enforce ment j of this article ef the fedeial constitution. If the fifteenth amendment be nul lified the government must fall back en the fourteenth amendment, which provides that "when the right to vote at any election for the choice of eleo ' tors for president and vice president ef the United States, representatives in coDgress, the executive and judicial fficers of a state, or the members of the legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of sucb state, being 21 years of age, and citi zens of the United Stales, er ia any . way abridged, except for participation in rebellion er other orime, the basis f representation therein shall be re duced in the proportion which the numbers of such' male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male cit izens 21 years of age in such state." There are fourteen states where a large proportion of male citizens are denied the right to vote, and the party responsible for this does not deny the truth of this statement. These four- be erected on the new site for the school. The plana are to be submitted to the board of trustee of the institution on March let, and conclusions as to which plan to adopt will be nude as quickly ss possible in order to hurry the work aloi g towards the letting of the contract lor the work of construc tion. . The cue of Heald vs. Chandler, a suit in ejectment, which bad been on trial for three days, went to the jury last night about 9 o'clock, and after being out about an hour returned a verdict for the plaintiff, award ing him tb possession ox the property to ditpnte and $41.08 damages. A bimetallio League has oeen organized in .Portland, with Van B. DeLaahuiutt as president and Glen O. Holman. secretary. r Glen O. Holman, whu is the or.suiizer for the National Bimetallic league in Ore gon requests that the silver men in the var ious counties in the state who desire to or ganize leagues in their respective sections place themselves in communication with nun. Mr. S. Klien, dealer in second-hand eoods. assigned to Mr. H. Knight, his cred itor, and to-day an auction sale was bad of the articles in tue store. A a ge n amber of Xudian curios, wh ch Mr. Klein has been collecting for many years, were sold very cheap. Among these were some interesting and tare specimens of aboriginal art, and which would be valuable addition to any museum. Frank C. Brady, who left Portland early in July, 1892. with $15,000, mainly funds of the Sunnyside Land A Improvement Company, was arrested y sterday at Leav enworth, Kan. He was apprehended through the instrumentality of iienry W. Minster and Thomas U. Conklin, the re spective superintendents of the for land and Kansas City branch s of the Pinkerton National Detective .Agency. , Our eotempotary mentions the fact ia ye terdav' issue that there were in the stockyards of R. E Saltmsrshe k Co. In this city, eleven fat hogs from the Eastou tarm ner Dutur, that averaged 315 pounds each. Mr. Wesley Rice. manaKcr of the Columbia Packing Co., called on us this tftemooa and stated tbat the oompaoy re ceived, one day last week irom Mr. Moran A Klickitat eouoty, eighteen hos tbat veras;ed 363 pounds. These are the heav est, considering the number, tbat we baye teard ef this year Can any one beat this weight? Says the Hood River Glacier: "Charley Mercer, commouly known as 'French Cnar .ev,' was found dead in his room in The Dalles at 1:30 Toesday morning. Cnarley bad resided in The Dalles sinie 1800 and was known by everybody. He was s good hearted, kindly old man, a relic of bygone days, bnt tbe rugged and honest wortb of the old man nude bim many friends who sincerely regret his los. Peace to your spirit, old friend, and may it find abiding place where your old trailing need not be punned." When Hon. Eliaha Applegate was re lieved from bis o erous duties aa agent at tbe Klamath Indian reservation there was -discrepant y betwe-n his accoun s nd the accounts kept by the department of so ie (2297.79. say the Unuoniun. As Mr. gay the Ureyonmn ten states are Maryland, Virginia,! he has not paid the department thi- or any North Carolina. South Carolina. I other sum in .ettlement. Yesterday a au t Georgia, Florida, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Louis iana, Texas and Arkansas. Thesc states have more than 7,000,000 of negro population, and this population gives to the south thirty-nine repre sentatives in congress. In South Car ol na, Mis8Uippi and Louisiana there are more colored people than white . id more colored voters than white Vetera -In (Georgia nearly one-hall . the population ia colored; in Virginia, one-third; in North Carolina, one fourth; in Florida, one-third; in Ala bama, nearly one half; in Texas, one fifth; in Arkansas, ens fourth; in Kentucky, one-eighth. The negro population gives to Mary land one representative in congress, to Virginia, North Carolina three, to South Carolina four, to Georgia five, to Florida one, to Missouri one, to Kentucky- two, to Tennessee two, to Alabama four, to. Mississippi four, to Louisiana three, to Texas three and to Arkansas three. There is but one negro representa tive in congress, and but six Republi can ' members from these fourteen states to represent what is conceded by the south to be the - Republican vote. Two of these Republican representa tives are front Missouri, two from Tennessee and one from each of the Carolines. The other southern states have no representatives of the colored population. ,' ) - . . These fourteen states have thirty- three members -in cengrvss who are there because citizens of the United States are denied their right to vote. They are given to the states to repre sent the negro population, and the ne groes are denied the right to elect men who would represent their interests. If this Democratic congress is sin cere in its belief that the federal gov ernment has no power to enforce the fifteenth amendment to tbe constitu tion it i should at once fall back upon the fourteenth amendment and pass ft law; that will take from the south inirty-tnree representatives in con gress. They must do that or less nullify that amendment. was be. on by t e government in ine United States circuit court agaist bim and bis eight bondsmen to recover the alleged balance. Asm lar suit as b gun against Mr Luckey, form rly agent at the arm Springs agency, to recover $346.82. The following are tbe statistics of fruit culture in the nei hboiing state of Wash ington: At the end of the planting season of 1894 that state will have 45,000 acr s of fruit, which will produce i-ot 'far f om 20, UOO tons next season. Whitman county takes the lead with about 400 carloads, v alia V alia will p oduce 250, 1 akima 200, Clarke 170, Lewis 100, Kitt tas 90, and others will vary from 10 o 60 each. In dried fruits t larke county leads with about 65 airloads. In peaches v hitman and Clarke will lead. It ia estimated tbat 1,500,000 tries will be planted this coming Season. - The circuit court baa been busy to-day witb the case of Stat of Oregon vs td. Henderson, under indictment for the crime of assaulting a i officer witn a dangerous weapon, it occupied the time until tbe noon bonr empanelling a jury, thirty jurors having been swo n before the requisite twelve courd be chosen. The panel was exhausted and only tiv s- lected, and the otheis were railed from the courtroom. As empanelled the jury eoi aiata of the fol lowing pe sons: tt ti Driver, D A Sturgis, J R lloye, W R Menefee, C L r-chn idt, J Wagon blast, Peter Kopke, W Sylvester, J W Moore, J J? Root, J K McCcrmick, M Win gate. The Northwest Fruitgrowers' Association organised at Spokate yesterday bv the elec tion of the toilowing officers: President, Dr. Blalock, of Walla Walla; eeeretary, 8. A. C'arse. of Salem; treasurer, W. to Off ner. of Walla Walla. Vice Presidents: Washington, C. P Wilcox,, ot Yakima; Idaho, Bebtrt Schleist-her. ef Lew stop; British Columbia, John Kukland; Uregoe, J. R. Card a ell, of Pertland. Tbe next meeting will be held in Portland, and resolutions were , adopted reoomrnend ing . the ' frnit . laws of California. Assurances were" received from transconti nental lines that the northwest would re ceive the same rates on fruit shipments as enjoyed by California. Dr. Jams Br' wn, of Portland, secretary of tbe Oregon state medical boar", is in this city, says the Salem Statesman, lo the pur pose of testifying in the case of tbe state vs Wm. Lee,indicted for the unlawful practice of medicine. . Dr. Browu baa placed the copy of the s-coni e ition of the me ical register of Oreg n in the bands of H ate Printer F. C. Baker and it is expected that the pamphlet will be completed during next month. The ' ed tion will git e the names, residence, date of liceus , alma m-ter, etc., of the physicians within the, state, the rules and regulations, lists of the most important colleges repre en ted by dip lomas in the state, the medical law and the decision ef tbe supreme court in the Baxmore case. From Mondar'a Dailv. Ths last snow ef winter. Mr. T. W. Lewis, a merchant of Cascade Looks, is in the city. Ex-Oov. Moedy left yesterday morning tor ois none in uregon City. Mr. A. Tilzer, tbe druggist at Blakeley k Houghton a, returned last aiglit irum shot t visit to Salem. Tbe switch-engine left the traok this morning near tbe Umatilla House, and it was some time befoie it was icplaccd. The fallowing deed was filed witb the , county clerk no-day: Win & Ruuiumiu to F C Rubiaaon; a bf of se qr aud n hi, aw qr, sec 20, tp 1 n, r 10 e; $1000. N. M. Perkins, manager ef the Bingham Sanitarium, located at tile uul spring la Umatilla oouoty, was a passenger on Satur day evening's train eastward. ' Mr. S. Carr and wife, of Wiacocsin, who have been visiting Mrs. C's aunt, Mr. Mar, Lacey, lu this cuy, for se,eral weeks past lett this morning for Hood River. . D.- W. Simmons, sheriff ' of Yakima county, Waati , wno baa Been in tha aiy a tow bays on official busiuea-, lett for ma heme yesterday saoroms by way ot Port land. - Tbe case ot S ate of Oregon vs. EX Hea dersun went to the jury Saturday ereanig about 0 o'clock, submitted witautlt arg-u meal, an J in a short tisie a verdict ot quitisi was returned. Horses which fbrinarly so d for $50 aim $CO lu tne Harney vailay are now ao.u tu, 420 Recently a band was so d lor $10 head to a man without money, le be paid fui in two years. Tnat sounds ritner tougn. There were three bc-boa and one inebuau arreited Saturday niht. Oue was allowed to depart in peace, on condition thai In would leave tne eity, and the otuera we e fined $5, which win be buarueu out at ill city jail. Tbe Oregon City woolen mills, the larg-si west of the R -cay mountains, costing up wards bf $250,000, is still as a mouse Dm a spiomug jeuuy or a loom is moving. 1 baa stopped anil like a oonner at a gauerai a tent, ia waiting for orders. A local paper in Bri'.i h Colombia, traces 17 eaaea in which Siwash Kiria have beeuj old to white nv-n at prices raugiog tiom $5 to 9,00 each, lbe guveromeufr la now nil tbe warpath against tne muoreaucs whu have been guilty of the ontiaxe. We bave received from tha National Pre mium Supply Honse ef Chicago, III., a "Portiolio ot Midway Type." Tnase ooo aiat of several handsome photoeravur a of I'laisance of the Caioago Exposition. Pf"" Several papers have bsea boasting of o q I u c books. Rev. W. A. Trow, of Albany, a the Democrat, is the owner of "Modus Coo uiooaudi," priuted in Spain in 1576, Uu iog the Elizabethan peiio I. It will take cou- s derable age to equal this. Albany Herald: Some of tbe settlers cp the Siutiam, having heard of Salem's bid of $45,000 tor the Curoett-Jackson pnxa tighc. oiler to go SoOOU better, and say tbey will give SoO.UUO for the albggers to come n and ngbt on the banks of ttio ro inng San tiaui, provided thsv will talt-f orders on tna Orekou Pacidu for $25,000 with the re maining $25,000 in cord wood. A motion for a new trial in the case of James Schmit vs J G. sad I N Day a overruled by Judge Bradshaw this mon ing This was tne ctre in which a verdi0 tor damages wss given by r t j i r tr injunes received by the plaintiff while lb tbe defendant s employ at the Locks. A delegation of en ineers came over from La Grande on yesterday's train. Tha party ..ousisieu ot J Matott, Uarry St. Cyr, Grant Key anil G M Davis. It is uader stood that their mission pertained le mat ters concerning the ordera of L-oomo ive ae;ineers. 2'bey returacd to La Grande test evening. The ease of the State ef Oregon vs, Hull, for killing Beu Cumminns near Cas cade Locks on January 1st of this year. on trial in tbe circuit coart lo-day. Tl fjllowing is tne jary empanrl-ed: G-o Liebe, W N Wiley, G.o Noble, U U Mil er, Cnaa L Schmidt, Gee Patterson, Clark MoC:owu, D F O.bnrn, Gao Nolin, Peter Kopke, V A atnrgis aod 4 J Driver. Last night a decide ! change took place l the weath. r, aod there was about a foot of anow on the ground this morning. Yester day was balmy and spring like, and the Hidden transition to tbe severest storm of the season was s mathing unexpected and yory surprising. This may ba coosiderei the last suow ot tbe season and tbe next a-tempt made at spring may be expauted to be success! ul. . Iu tbe stabbing affray, in which F. W, Skibbe stabbed ths young maa named Wat son, mentiin of which waa. marie , in thee columns at tbe time, Racoroer Dutur, after neanng the statement of Marann to-day held Sasbbe in the sum of $1000, and th ease wilt be investigated during lbe present session of lbs court. Bail was furnished, aud tbe cnarge will be examined by tbe grand jury to-morrow if it can be reached at tbat time. The Union .Pacific will change ths time of tbe xleppner branch trains, beginning to-day. Hereafter all transfers el passen ger and baggage for this branob wil be made at Willows junction, instead of . at Arlington. A commodious ' depot bas been recently completed at Willows junction, and, nnder tbe new arrangement, connec tion will ba made with both east and west bound psssengar trains. The train will hereafter arrive at Heppner at 5 A. at. daily, except Monday, and leave Heppner at : P. at. daily, except Suudy. Pendleton . TYsctine: As train No. 1 was running along last rvsnjng abont two miles east ol. Pendleton, some person or persons unknown amused .themselves by throwing locks against tne sides ot tbe oars. U m bewlder was thrown through tbe during car window, maxii g a n la tne size ot man a bat. Conductor Ballaotiae bad charge of tbe train, aod Conductor Ruther- toru was attending U the dimog car. Had tbe stone gioe through th wiuxlow of the reclining c-bair car soma person wonld probably have bsen hart. ITEMS IN BRIEF . From Saturday's Dally. . 1 Mr. Patrick Bolton, of Kingsley, is in . town to-day. The club dance last evening at Chrysan themum hall was a very enjoyable affair. The McKinley club will have a meeting this evening. AU members are earnestly reqeuated to be present. The Oregon press association excursion to the midwinter fair will probably visit San Francisco on March 26 Oregon day. The recorder's office was very quiet this morning. There were no arrests last night, and, consequently, there were no fines im posed or colleoted. - The school clerk reports having enumer ated 1020 children in this district. This is the largest number ever registered, and tbe ciers mints He will secure - about thirty more before be finishes his work. Grant's Pass Courier: A rotary snow plow has been bnsy in the Siskiy- ns for some time. It thi o ws the snow hard enough to break windows close to- the track and , even covers up tbe smaller buildings. ' An editor wrote a head line, "A horrible Blunder," to go over a railroad accident; . bnt though it was the pri ter's fault tbat it got . over the aecount of a wedd ng, the editor was the ma i thrashed all the same. ' Snow fell last night sufficient to cover sidewalks; but it had all disappeared by noon. Whi e it lasted some of tne eras 1 boys maoag-d te coast down the walks; but this amusement was of very short duration. Salem is infested with a miscreant who seises school girls on the streets, aod sub jects them to being hugged. A good live - grisxly bear should be secured and turned loose on the yonog man until his huggUg propensities are satisfied. - Mr. Rice purchased from J. J. Wooley one day last week two steers and a heifer, all two-year-olds, that weigh d 3810 pounds. 1 hese slaughtered and reduced to beef, w 11 be banging in the Columbia Packing Co.'s shops on Monday next. Condon Globe: Bmmett and Frank Arm strong, whom we mentioned last week as being arretted on a charge of killing a cow belonging to Brawn Bros., waived examina tion Friday evening and Justice Clark bound them over to the grand jury in the sum of $1000 each, which was promptly i urn linea. ' U.I.H, .ejji-M-MH, Kniwrtnlttnifanl Hani ' Irving, of the Oregon school tor desf mates, says that nearly every architect in the state is preparing plans for the new buildings to A new feature in the O, X. G. of Oregon is a hospital corps for each regimen', npw being organized. That of tha first regiment will ba at Portland. Albany is fortunate in having one for the Second regiment, ray the jJtmocrat. . Dr. M. H. E.lis i tne first surgeon and J. A. Cnmminga assutant sur geon. ' These gentlemen are now preparing for tbe formal organization of tbe corps on next Monday evening at the armory. " In will consist if twenty members, all new ret emits except the surgeon snd assistant The officers will probably be selectid by F. company, li.e bospital corps is an inter- eating feature in the N. G. and in actual service ia important in a rrgimtat. The Spokane Review, in commenting npon tbe address of H. S. rllandford before the Fruit Grower's convention says: "id. S. Blandford, of Walla rt alia, s. oke on 'The Pacific Northwest.' and surprised some of his hearers by giving comparisons of its size. There was but one way to pruD- erly market the st- at wheat cror. ne said and that was by organizing this great north west territory into one organize ion and sell our f ruii a as one company. Then Walla Walla fruits would not be sol as against Yakima or Snake river, or tbe Co lumbia river. Frui s are not selling cheap to the consumer, but tbey go cheap from tbe producers. .This wa due to inbarmony of produce is. and could only be overcome by union of organization." ' A Washington dispatch says: 'Na-eleon Davis wants to be receiver of tbr Orrgon national bank, aod ha presented m appli cation and papers. He baa also put in considerable evfdenoe to show why Sraave -hould be removed aod some one else ap pointed. Ine comptroller has ' not had time to take np tne case yet, bat wilt give the application ot Davis consideration. He has not fully determined what to do witb Stagge, and was ready to allow tbe nattier to run along withoiit.taking immediate ac tion, unless it was stirred np again, aod there was an insistence upon the removal of Stagge tor the benefit of the bank." The spirit of young America cropped out amongst the small boy of this lity ecent y wi.en several 6f these adopted yachting, as tbe late fad is so popular els where 1 wo oi tneae youthful members of t be Dalle progress ve . rising generation, sons of Aiesara. fountain and Joslyn, tuilt a raft on the margin of a pond in Lauehlin's ad. dition yesterday, and in lau cbing it both fell into ibe poud nearly up to their ne ks. Fortunately they succ eded in gett ng ashore, and lost no time in reaching tbe home of Mr. Fountain wnere the, were knn ... ... J t. . , 1 """6 " "r r tfosiyu, an m ploye of the Union Pacific, as soon as he heard of tbe matter, traced his boy to Mr. Fo n ain's, where t e was found aa ha py ae a lark and taken heme. 1 be bots saemtrl none the worsa lor the r experience, being too young to realize the dangers hey had passed through. i . Thunday night, while en route to Port land, George Brown, a colored man", com mitted by the U. S commissioner at Pen dleton for selling iquor to Indians, jam pert from the car window near Coyote station and escaped. He was in charge of Deputy U. S. Marshal Bentley, who bad four Other prisoners in charge and who were securely ironed. Browu, being guilty of a ight of fense, was not considared sufficiently des perate to make any determined attempt tr, regain bis liberty, and he was permitted go into the closet. He was seen in this' place by the brakeman when the train passed Coyote; bnt a few minutes after wards the door was opened and it is sap posed be escaped thro-JEh tbe window. Thi- deputy marshals at other points have been notified ti keep a lookout for Brown, ami Mr. Frank 8eeley,4n this sity, ir-watchiog every train for him. Tbe city jail is in a terrible condition, anp is not a proper place to confine the worse criminal, much less those guiltv of Tight offenses. Ia some of the rooms ths boards on the ceilings are loose, and any one eoald easily escape. In one cell the prisoner are forced to sleep on the bare nrunnd. For sleeping purposes covers aod biankets are thrown npon tbe -or.and tbe victim Oiuat pass the boors in fit best manner p sible under the circumstance. Bunk anouio oe provided the prisoners the s-iote aa in the tooaty Jul. and other repaira snoaia oe made As it I-, he tail is a dis grace to tha city, and romethiug should be done witb it immediately. Ia the United States district court Fri day morning Ja1ge Bellinger sustained the demurrer to tne indictment against Jhn E Ruberie, publisher of the Harney Ttmr charging him with depo-iting in the United States mails a certain ora-jene. lewd and la civious paper, being a copy ot the Harney Times ot the issue of J ne 17. 1893. The matter alleged to ba obiceae conflated of a slsnza of dojgeiel, written as a fling at the editor of another pap r. Tbe court said that the article might he within the stat ute punishing persons ter lib-l. but it i net within the statute nnder whioh the in dictment was returnad for mailing oboea imtter, as tbe matter was not ob-cen Uoierta wss arretted several months ae and bad a preliminary examination before a United bttiea commiMiooer, - which con tinued for three or . four day. an4 rssa'trd ia his ben1 - bed to answer to tne Unitrd Stxtes grand jury - Tnere ia much ban f.ei ng between the partiet to the charge in tnat section. school clerk for oae year.aod some notion will be taken relative le lucreaaiog tue turn her of grades and tbe uurubase or lease ot additional room or rooms lor school purposes. Tnia afternoon tbe grand jury in the ca-e of Stats of Oregon v. F.' W. L. ibbr. returned "nut a true bill." One bobo found lodgings io the cily jail last night. - He was brought Define lbe city recorder this nioruiug, aud mulcted in tbe usual line. .- Yesterday was tba tbirtielb anoiyeraai i of tbe iaatituuou of the order ot Knights of Pythias, and it is only ssuuun in numbers to any oidjr ia tb U.atc Stat. A local from Spokane pasaed down th road this muraiug on scurtul time, bat the regular paaaaucer train il iltUv, uiue hour, by leaaou of ine atortu wu.c. raged yesterday. Tha Klamath Falls Express saa th. m are ouiy two survivor ot ne vuoe nnmeioes and warlike tribe ot Roue nvsi I who are drawing ratiena from trie due. dtalaa p.t tbe Grant! Kade agency. Mr. Was. Mionell, tbe couuty trsa-uri, baa readied eutioe troin tbe r-t.t iroiu i et the tax due from Wao, wmc ameunta to $14,443.30. Laai vear in, state lax amouatcd u uear.j $25,000 Tne tarm yrstjrday prevaileu quite g-i.-erady tnrouh tne nurthweac. fae,,tc rami wars urn Unit-, but treignu tr ev erai houiS lata. N-i. 24 that icave- trio d pot a 3 o'clock lu me Mtirnon, rfl bit irrne uutli 4, ai.d naa over two h.mia i leaning The hottest mines la the wor d art- i Coiuatouk. On me lower it-vtls the net i so rst t.-at tha men cannot work over 10 or 15 minute at a lime. Every a mm mean of nnrigatm; tne heat h.vo be . tried iu vain. Ice mo it. ueture it reaunc -be bottom ef th anuria Mr. P. T. Sharp, who has hern 3 .;ti-.. wun carbuuo-ea an wiuter, i a? .in asm to be aiouad. A tnuugn ueariog tne acv.iotj tui.e in tne Jourury of -file, tbeoi.i geatleuian bids tair to live many veara yt The Ptinville News ssya: "Ine en counter which Shcntf Bjotn bad witn the qu.w en the deaert a short time g v epeaied at the masquerade on r dut)-di evening, to the grt aa.nnaiuent of tl.e crowa. An one eiiiuyed the Inn betiei. bowever, than did Mr. Booth." The trial in the circa. t court to-dav wa the State ot Oregon vs. J Hull, tor killing B n Cusnuiitt near Cascade locks, Jau l.t ot tms yrar. AU the teatimouy wa neard, aiguincats oi attorneys nua in, ai'd tne case Kiven to the jury soon after 3 'clock in is aiterooon. . Up to the hour oi going tu pteas no verdict bad been r- a-jbed. Tbe stage from Wapimtia di I not reach the city until 7 OiLx-k yeatcruay, when it usually strives at 4. Th.ouam.ut the county the storm ye-triluy wa general, an.l tbe amount of snow at VV apmitia w a. about tbe same a it was here, while on the T)gb ridge it wss sbout fifteen inches. Iu places the read Was aim, st impassii Is, and tue mud and anow were fa ly up to the nuoi oi tne wneeis ot tne Due board. Last Saturday, when the grand jury were yuiliug the county bo--pital, tne wagon in which they weie riding became fait lu the mud, and ia. attempting to extricate the Venice a si- g tree ayni tluabie tree were biekeu. Tne wneeis Were pried out by raiiro.d ties, and one oi theeo sank out of tigbi iu tbe mud. Finally, by a graud el fort, the hore pulled the waob out ot toe mire. Tne driver warae.1 tie juror thtt they wonlJ b opaet btfore the. arrived at tne.r deriuairoe, and tbe prophecy was fulfilled td hi complete sati-facnon. Mr. Dwlsht Muzzv, who ia well known to eld r ideBts ot Th Dalles, having been tne pioneer word sawyer of this eitv, died a tew days since in the h p.tti at Qiincy, I.linois. He owned st one time a 3j0-acre farm near tbat city; hot at hi death was found in possession vf an insurance policy tbat entitled bird t only $80. Muzzy wa Oue et tha landmarks ot the earlier butory ot this town, and had many pecoliar char acteri lira. At tha. ot bis death he was over 70 years of age, and it was not known wneibar hj bad any relatives liv ing. C. J Murphy, who is so old residenter in tbeae psrts, told ns this week that he has never witnessed as mild a winter as this in Oregon, says tbe Auteiope Herald Tbie is now the middle ef February and the ground (in the Antelope country) is aotroz-n aud eutirely free from anow. The deepest snow we have bat was about four inshes, whicn remained only a tew days, ghaepmeo have not fed any as yet, and their hYcks have nevei - been in a better condition at this tune of year. If the carved fiee trade queatiea bad not been sprang last spring and tba sheepmen nonid nave sold their wool at 15 cent per pound, tho people in this section. , would now be enjoying tne giea est piuseriry. . n Application f r Licmse. C. CAD LoCU. 1 ALU, HKUl.tCT, ot re.o-i oncii H HIK'BY GIVK IU I 1 E . 1 iHrrir il i m . rti t ti . i ' uu Hie Till ol M rc:i, is 4, aipj t l eij-unij ouiti-f ih. it ovi-i. iu. c ui.t lor w. -n,. i in a, nun t d i.,ou ,itiu i THS BEST AND Purest Medicine nrpn . . . n ga bVE.n IDAkb 1 Don't be without a bottle. You will not regret it. Try it to-day. ' 'What makes you tremble so ? Torn Nebvks aro all unstrunsr, and NEED a gentle, soot lung TONIC to assist nature to rr-na'r the damare 5 whioh ynur excesses have caused. Sulphur Litters IS NOT A CHEAP RUM OR WHISKY DRINK to be taken by the glass like other preparations which stimulate only to DESTROY. IX you nave FAILED fp to receive any benefit irom oiner medicines or doctors, do not despair. Use buipnur Hitters Immediately. In all cases of stubborn, deep seated diseases. Sulphur Sitters is the best I medicine to n:e. Don't wait until to-morrow, try a bottle to-day. , Ctnne ut leas qu .nci.i. . ttt.tli one allr. rM. rre:inct, IVatoo Cunly, January, 27, las. Stale of ureg-ot , Casods I ocas Falls Pbucikct, Hon role Cou tr Court ut W.uh.-i c'oun , To ib ' 'he under. eneH laxnaver-. ami -r .' v ter- , -Is Ptoii I, county ..,1 Ma nf.ire, i ., reaue-l u l t- ti i jiur nou Table e , rt ut T..t h -r. se to riw.U lie e. , f . -e- p r tiiou. vu.ou iiU in it I qu ra At ti: to-nol . sc.r L.i. k - li ....! (.r,c:. Ci, iu rm- qua- u.iw tb n on. i .u l-.i Mia penou ot oi. yc-r: UW U IP WW. IPIsyi flcid 8 2-oent stamps to A. POrr1way Co, Bo9Uin,Maaa.,for best medical workpuLlianed la 4 Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED , . TAKPFJX'S BAZAR Is a Journal (or the borne. I' iveft th fullest and latent information about Fagh--n, ana ita rtnmarou illuntr tiont. Paris desiirn m eattern-iih, et eoplririfrt re indlaT-ennal-le t-lk to the home rtress-mHl - xnA th pr,ifentim?a' mndifft. Noeipene 1 arwrtu to make ita artistic ttractivencs of tk - highest order. Its bris;h' -terie, amusinfr eatneilies and thpocbttul essay stiify all tastes, snd its last page is famous aa a hudgat et wit and humor. In it weekly Issue vervhinf is included whith is of interest to women. The Serials for 1.-91 will be written bv William Blick and Walter Besant. bhnrt stiihes will be writ'en by Mary E Wilkins, Mia Loaiae Pool, Ruth McEnery Stuart, Marion Harnd. and others Out Door spnris and In-Door Games, Social Entertai-Tnent, Kmhrmdery, and other interestinir topics will -eciive cnnfltaiit attention. A new ten Is pru mined of "Coffee and Reite." HARPERS PERIODICALS. PibTsac Harper1 Maeaaina S4 00 Harper's Weekly 4 00 Harper's Bazar 4 0 Harper's Young People 200 Postage frm t all ntoriftra''n OujUniUd iStatet, Canada and Mexico. ' ".ha Volumes et the Bazar begin with the first Number for Jauuary of tach year. Whe no time i mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Num ber current at th Urn of receipt ef order. Bound Volumes of Harper' t Bazar or three rears tack, in that cloth binuine-. will be sent by mail, p etcge paid, or b exp ess, free of expense (pro vided the fnurht does not ezoeed one dollar per vol ume), for $7 fr volume. Cloth aapes fr each volume, suitable for binding will b sent kv mail, post-paid, on receipt of tl each. fWmtttaaces should ne made by p- stofflo money order or draft, t avoid chane ot lea. Xempapen era not to copy this advertisement uitheut tne eeepreee order of harper Brotkm. - Address: HARPER A BRcTHUM New York. SAMKS. C J i.'aniia.i J hb iilnra.-i-rno aa kUu.ier 4 Ki.i.htly Peter uran Jo 1 W aitiiit hMil il T it. Johnaon 'rd T rierwhuiAa U L Purkius J K ilroiu P Mtfclancy J U McLiimo gh L-iti Hurin virite I jrrtil John Gilli-n Z -1 Qnnn -sun M:Cary W Lake tndj Kfllehwr v G Hall feAl EAntiner lokn Trana Wm Mi-Kenzie iiarrj Umv so Prterkin P Morin Patrick Walnh Kenneth McK nzie lames L nmi h Louis Gebhurd e' Oollis Johu W Haley J C Jones George J B (lord T F MAniou W Lynch . KAVKS. I- A U-Wkrt E elin S P Ann H Lill, ga d W L Jan fs Slew, ri R Black Aloz Matt G f M .rg,n J W Mt--ic tl bOitti P Na.iicK Qt.Te Mc ar lys Herbert fel il.-y W i:onaly Chris Ynu.g Frank B .il TtiolU4 oye K 11 Hi nie Fred T U n hm n Patrick NcUn Nt-is f.e)Bu aux VViL-oa J h Hile G s II -hit Jl fciFk Peter I rana Geo Gr.y Daniel Fi z .-erald O W Bui.pen P-tt Sullivan P Sherii-er Mel Leavics JfH ndri- k D atonavhan Audrca keileher WN.Ltrk.n f r Lipr License, Falls Pbscinct, ) Wasco County, V btate of ureir jn J N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT I, JnH.N Sullivan, of caid precinct and county, will, on the 7th day of Marcn, lti4, apply to the County Court of the above-named omn y for a li cense to sell spirituous, malt anil vinou, liquors in less qua. titles than one gallon. Fal.s P.ecinct, Masco County, State of Oregon January 27, lew, ' Falls Prscinct. Wasco County, ' Slate of Oregon. To the Honorable County Court of the County of k Wasco, -tate of Oregon: We, the undersigned residents and legal voters of Falls precunei, county and state aforesaid, do hereby respectfully petition and pray that said court shall grant a license to J- hn 8ul ivm to sell spir ilunun, mult and vinous liquors in said Falls pre cinct, in less quantities than one gallon, fr thi period of one year: ISfM. S4MSS. C A Stewart John Trans H a Leavens A J Jonl in P 'icLaney P Vot.ick F F I evens P M Kelhker Pat O Neil John Jas Foy Geo a Buffjrd K Sinnott A G Hall A J Knightly Geo Peterkin J E Sorbin Denis Bncklev John Thiesou A Kelleber E Po-e Thoma Badder A J Collis Timo hy Brennan Thomaa H Williams Ptn.;k Fltbertv Cha Gray J F UcGrath H Fitzsimmons nims. Patrick Nuian D L Gates Mike onnell P H SuM van Augui-t Peterson J H Mo onouub. C F Candiani Jer y Sullivan Peter Valentine Pat Nee Theodore Glojlr Fd Bergeron . Dan Sul ivan James Ktew irt Mel Leavens Alex Watt D Monaghan H D Parkins B Black F Neixon W L Ko tner W Cochran M F.tzgerald Pat Sullivan Pttrica Walsh O E Miller W Lake John Duffy Iezal Votioe. Sheriff's Sale. I ) V. TL t F A U a.u , i LUll , 1804 t.CLTIo.s fiid ide if fU-t . u; O tltu llr U.I t u ni ttit -"" 1,1 'en i'f.-i ..-.. c. unt) uii. h decri j tiKuieut uiaoe, lenuerul anu entcrtd bt said cou t on thn l,t uy oi Decauiber, ls3. in favor of 'he piamiff, in a suit whe uu T ii. Joun.ton and Otairae . Johnston, co-partners. U.i.i g business ui.uer the flrin if Jonu ton Br oh, wuru piain tiff , aud A t Br.,wu aud n t Uruanwend fend, au . to uio dir ctl and dui vnvd, .-omuiaud-ujt me lo letj uoi. nil Mll ibe bu.u- n,i:i.,il nude ,ri e.1 i a iu wutand h r-i.. .fier Ueviibed, - "il ou the 8h !.. j Januaip ISi-4. Uul ,v. i " -ei a pu- ic uuu.i.m, tu tue -t moucr lor CAH., iu UAU, uu n.r.irtt, ilit- 10 n .ii, oi hViiniMr t t- n o'cl ck in thn forum n of a .id Jay, thv .r-.iil-o.rol h.- O u . t.uri. Hue i Ci;j i.i n. o ii, iMeu.iii, a I ti the , a..d a. o e.m e dcacnb.u iu aud r.t an . lierc-ui diacr.o u - toli.w-s, to attr Tlie aouihtaal quarter i.f nection 24, in toa-nah p 4 ouih, nuei.i ta t, of tne Wiumaie Men ,. iau, m Mawo ..uui, mig , t gt- n w.h tin -i.en.e ts, d.liuieli.a and ap u teuaut-ei theie ii to beitiiikii,g. or in unaiae at perta umg, o. :lltlcll tln-ltil hal be ilicl. lit Ui Hill if l: aum of o go. wiili interest tliereou at u,e r..t 1 eu per mi ptr annual ce tlio lal dy ol l e i ru bor, I3; tulUI . lor. i. V a Ire anu 1M 72 at.., in aiu au t. U'te-her nh tuiii o sum wrta. u ;ru nj -osl ol aale i . A W'aR .-l.tsrff hi Wso Co..lit, or. go . Dated at D.. li Cl,i, uietc -u Jau. I'.'lcUl Jal- Administrator's Sale. WH .KEAS the Hoi. ounty Court r.f the Stale ol Oreg.,-., f r II Ci.untv ol Ol. t. dtn ot Auvi-iiiuei, i8J du.y mue au order m lectin me, ti e ulj i.pp.ii.,ij, quaiiticd ami Ailiu.uistrator of he vautt.. ol .tucat S tl ave, d ceaaed, to aeli Uie -au.i and p.euiiaea beiouiru.'g t. il.i M.l.,na ilerealter par.K-u arly oeacnoeu, al public am iio.,, to tue hicbcai bidder, tor casu ii. uand, .. w therefore, l.y virtue of auch auihor tv, anu hi pur-uaiice ol .aid orucr, 1 . ill, on S.turday. tne .ot.i day of Fehiua v, 1894, at the h.iur of ten 0 cock in the fv-reno -ii ol ei.l uay, -I tha Iront dooi 01 tne t,ou.,ty Guu.t Huae in U.I lea (Jitt, aa i. Couuty, u.egi.a, sell, at pu ii.: u tion. o the hinh- t bidder, for c sh in hand, the lands and p ennet beloUKing io .aud eaute, anu par ticularl dcacribeu a fo low, tO-W. t: The soutnaest quarter (s J) and the southeast q jartcr of the orthact qua ter ( e of uw.) ot aectiun ttiteen. (loi in town.-h p ime (1) anutu, ol r.ugc fi-uitfoll (14 eaat. uf the llllametle Meridian in Wasco ounty . oreiro... outaiumg two nun .red acre ,.f la d. aid -aic bo matU subject to ap proval anu confirujati..u of the aa.u County Cuurt. Dated at Uallea city, Waaco .krui.ty. Oregon, tnia S.h uay of January, 18U4. '1. H. JOH.VSTON, Adm'r of tbe l state of Ernest S. Uaage, deceased. Administrator's Sale. NtlTICK IS HKKKBY GIVEN that the under sig ed, administrator of tbe estate of Hurn ron Corum dec. a ed, bv v-rtue of au orueroi the ouuiy Court of tiie state of Or -on lor tta-co County, in probate, made on the & h uay of Septem ber, A. D. 1893, and a -uppliimentarv older inaue b said court, of date Dec muer ii, '.893. wll on -atur-day, the 27th d .y oi J.tnuarv, 1894, at the flour of 2 P. A. of said da, at tne Cou t House door in D.llra City, in Wasco Couutv, stale of Or. gon. eel at pub lit auotiou to tbe higneat bidder for cash in baud, mi- 1 et to tbe coutirinalion of said Court, all of the following descr bed real es ate and water right, be longing 'o tbe estate of the said deceased, to-wit. Tne west half of the norti.evet quart r, and the norihwrst quarter of the southeast quarter of sec tion tweut-five, in townahm tw-o n.-rth of range ten east of tne Willamette meridian,cout-tiniug 1 u acres and situatod in warco County, rt .te of rig .n; aud a. so the eas naif of the eaat half of section Ko. twenty-five in town&tiip No two north i f range ten eaat uf die M iilameite meridian, contaimug 160 acres, and situated in Wa-co County, state oi Ore gon, totietn r wuh the tenements, .bere.iiu.ment and appurtenaucts and water rights thereto belong iug, and he.onging to sai.i est ,te All tue abve described property, includimr the water iivnts, to be told in one parcel. Dated, December 2t. 1893. J. W. CONDON. Administrator of the nlata of Harrison Corum, deceased. Harper's Weekly. Application fur Liquor License. ILLUSTRATED. HRPER'S WEEKLY is beyond all question the leauing journal in Amenta, in its splendid Illustra tion!., in its corp. of uistinguisned c.jntributo s. and In its vast army of readers. In sp- cial lines it draws on the highest order of talent, the men b -st uttee oy positio,. anu training to treat the leading topics of ihe day. In fiction the most popular storv writsis cniitribute to its columns Superb draw lugs by the fo em oat artists illustrate it special articles, rta stories, ana every notan.e ev. nt ol pub lic interest; it contains portraits of the distinguished men nd w men who are mfYing the history of the rim, while special attention is given to the Army and Navy, Amateur 8port, vend Music and tbe Drama, by distinguished- experte. In a word. Har per's Weekly combines the news features of the dsily DApar and the rtistic and literary qualities oi the magazine with ths s lid critical character of the review. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PaaYsAa: Harper's Magazine...: .....'..ft 00 Harper's Weekly 4 00 Harper's Bazar 4 on Harrer's Young People t 00 Poetaft free to all SuhecrHert in the United States Canada and Mexico. ' Cascasb Locks, Falls Pimurcr. Wasco County. State of Oregon OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE, KEN- auneime anu xnom tsadder, of said T ""' t me i in oay oi March, 1894, apply to the County C .urt ol the above named uouiity, i r w i cenae to rail rpirituous, malt and viuoua liquors in tea quantities th,u o .e gallon. rans rrecinct, Wasco County, SMte uf Oregon, .Tat ana s . 9 1 C ft J Cascads Locks, Falls Prbcikct, SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Oregon X tor w aaco iunty George W. Bowlana, plaintiff, vs Hugh Gourlav auu ana, ouruty, neiei.aat.ta. To Hu.-b Gourlay and Besaie Gourlav the above named defend tnts. - In the name of the .-tate of Orra-on. vi and each of ou, aie hereby nq ire-1 to appe .r -no answer tbe complaint ot plaintiff, filed against ) iu in tl.e above entitled suit, on . r bef .ro the firs, d iy of tbe regular term of the Circuit Court ol thi stae of Oregon lor Wasco County, neat following tbe final publication ot tnts summons, to-wit; on or before M ioday the 12th day of F brurv. 1894. and if vnn fail so to appear and answer, fur want there f the Wasco County, state of Oregon. I P' intitf apply to the Court for the re ief prayed To the Honorable, the Countv Court of Wu .,i. f0'm "u! """P aiut, to-wit: Oregon We, the undersigned, legal voters of Falls Pre- etnet, ot Wasco county. Or., re.-pe-tfully petition ...... .ui. wm. w Kraut a ueense t-t kven- netb MiKenzia and T. W. Badder to' sell rpiritnous, matt and vinous liquors In said Falls nieoinet in 'ess quantities than one gallon - for the period ot one yoat Whea Baby was sick, we gve her Castor!, When sh waa a Cfalld, she cSad f or Oaatoria. When she became Was, she etaua; to Cat tori. i ate bad CbIdreo,ite gavetbeaa OssSecia. ' Bsfrigerator Oars. Daring the .wiuter months refrigerator oars containing way freight for points on ths Paoifio division will be started from Poitlaod Wednesday and Saturday of each week. This measure is adopted to avoid loss nr damage to perishable freight on ae oouot of cold weather. Shippers will pi eas? take notice and arrange their shipments ao- irdingly, thus avoiding uooeoeesary loss y cold weather. EE. Lytlk Agent. The Volumes of tbe Weekly begin with the firat number for Jannary of each year. When no time Is mentioned, subset iptions will begin with the num ber current st the 'time of receipt . f oroer. Bound Volumes Of Earpet't Weekly tor three resrs back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, nonage paid, or ly expre-s, free of expense (provided freight oes not exceed one dollar per vol ume), for 7 per volume. Cloth ooseS for each volume, sultabls for binding will be sens by mail, post-paid, on receipt of tl each. Remittances' should b made by postofike money rder or draft, to avoid cnanoe of loss. SeKMBavert art not to com this advertuemeut wuAout tne express order of Harper at Brothers. Address: HARPER BRoT UK- lit Vci Ereck Nelson William Day August Teenelina John Trana George S Henry a n.nigntiy M Sir-b Pat Sullivan Med Nelson . td D Monaghan P Paulsen John G Brown Timothy sexton lohn Thieson John McO.y C H Trark John HcLned Dan Sul ivan ndrew Kelhhsr William McKenzie A K Collis H P Krnver -Wm Frizzell A Watt Dug Nelson John Sullivan J H McDououvh t R Black ' mauks. OWFlnke M Malleney Peter Trana . N F Murphy A Fleiachuer HLIIegard T Lillegard Heoery Fitzsimmons : James Mewart P ter Driggaa FRaeey Augu-t it iison . Geo Oldham ' Ed Eyrainer R A McVittv T McRay Pat Lllarety H Glazier Theo Glazier W L Kilrner . PSheringer J A Aldrich - J E Hill T W Lewis W A Caloon D i.Cates Thn King A B Glacier Boys and Girls Aid Society. Boys may be bad (and sometimes girlt-) (l)or ordinary service at wages; 2) nron a lenture, to work, attend school, snd b brought np somewhat as your own; and (3) children may be bad foe legal adoption. Address, J. H. Misenei-, superinteodeut Oregon Boys and Girls Aid society. Port. and, Oregon. Lessons in French. Those desiring to take lessons in the I French language can bave an opportunity of forming aclast in that study, by sd dressing J.Keynaod, through the pos'-l office, this city. S50 Reward. ' I will pay the shove reward for the arrest J aod convict inn of tne persons who entered my place of bu iaes and rtibhed . it alinnt two weeks aao. Bsn Wilscw. IKVaPT Bfla nail p. ZBaajarfbyntaatfnlrop. w at poven aa a le la ab.tiitijl HHrawiBgaaapaeriaskakKaf oasy. assaay mi aata on naa. t.fTlt,awiiiiikty.lJisspas at. Ba w ajd daaaav Imarwayovrepporta- -ttr. bmiimjm aaaa. is vaa ?ai th Sladaaaa ot Fartan offers aaeh naraao at ana nttoi ot Mil . sad ahepaaaa oa t bar riaaea ; fail to do Inz! aiir.i by a pbateaapbar, Saat SroSoew awavwraitv Ss aamraaartu ifcaara. and heiamoatlrarrl aad sh aeparta. aaar te ram." Baw abaH jo Sad tb aouiaw pprliaBilTt laamUsat rary ehaoaa that appears awrtky. aad ot fair pMasi-, that H what aQ ass. earslalBMaos. Barahjanopvtaally. nrbasbnotot' . wkMa Iba Mash at arbortai saonla. Impraio, H w pi attaaaa, aamied atartm ItU. Ta eouair mor- . naDyktkanL aCoaea t b aa) rataaly aud L byanklaatiaaapeiMwufMwaw. ABaoa. .an aa Iba ararfc and hint at Sarwe. wkenaarraa are. Ere b. ar awij eanon; tmmvktaIWaareir. Yo eaa aa wn ST roa will work, aot tew bard, bat huhntol Republicans, Attention! There will be a meeting of the R u.ib Icin Conn'v vntrai committee at tno county o mrt room in tl.e Court House in Dalles City, Oregon, on Tnurad iy, February 22 1894. at the our of tn ..'clock a af . lor the purpose of Using the time fnr the holding of the next Re ublican ' ouniv Convention appirtiou ing the reuresentat on therein- and transacting aura otner nusuiess a may properly come beforn win rammiHeft .. -j t JUD 8. FISH, ., ... B. S. HtJNTIXGTOV, oa'"T' z-resiuent. The Dalles, Ore., Feb. 9. 1484. ' i - AdmiDistratcr's Kctfce. VTOnCK 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Lf deraigned was dulVann -inted adminiattator o the eatata of Nels Carlson, decease. nf' Locks hy the C unty Court of the state of Oregon" llniiotw if a'un, ' aa ............ K oo ,ona , i j - . vu torn auu, therefore, all persons having claims agaimt said eavaw are requirea to present tne same, with prope vouchers att .ehed. within six montha from the dat olohia notice, at my office at Ca-ade Locks, Waaco t,ounty, itregon. . . Cascade Locks, Sept, SO. 1893. C. J. CANDIANA, Adm nlstrator of the ettitt i.l,iliiu del aseo. , For a decree of foreclosure of that oartain mnrt. gaga deed tirade a d executed br vou to fc. B Dumr, on 'the Sd day of .November, 1893, upon all of io v oi uuiura uranu view aiiuiti. n to Da les city, in Waaco County Oregon, and accorui a- to the re. oord.d map of said Addi'ion to said City, and that said premises be sold under such foreclosure decree in the manner provid. d by law and according to tbe practice of this Court; tbat from the i rocteds of such sale, the plaintiff bave and receive the sum of SMw, aud interest on said sum ,1 e November 1801, at the late of 10 per cent per annum; alao the further um of 60 as a reasonable attorney's fee lor ins ituting this suit to forclcae stid mortgage and coi-ect the notes .hereby aeeure-i and he-ein sued upon, together plaintiff's costs and dis- nuriemenoi maue ana expended lu this suit, include Ing accruing coats and expen es f ale. and that plaintiff have judgment over ar.d against the de- lenoent, tiugn Uourlay, for ant den lencv remain ng after all of tbe proceeds of such sale properly api.1 cable thereto, shall bav been anolied in nav- meut of plaintiff's demands as above set forth; that upon such foreclosure tale all if ihe right, title, in terest and c aim of you and each of you, and ail person." claiming or to c'aim by, through or ui-der t'ju, or cimer or you, in aim to said mortg-geu premise, and every part thereof, be forever birred and forol.eed from the equity of redimpti n. and for such .other and further relief as to tbe Court suav seem equitable and luat. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof in The . Dalle Tmxs MouaTauiKKK, a news tap.-rof general circulation, pub.iahed weekly at Dalles City, Wasco ouuty. Oregon, by order of nun. vr. tj. craosnaw, iiageoi s a t circuit uour , which order bears date the 27th day ot neceinber, xiwo. uurus et aick El-1 is. sp30-7w Attorneys for Pla.mff, Administrator's Notice. rpO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCJRN: notice is hereby given fiat the undersigned has ocsn uuiy acp tinted administrator of th partner -.bip eaute of G- o. F. Beera and R. E n iiliauia. doi g busiuea under the firm name of Thi Dalus Mercantile Uomuany, of w lch firm said George F. eers is u, oeaeu. nv oroer or tne rion. ue.irir i: B akeley, Cuui.t, Judae of Wasco cou ty wreou, made ou the 17th Pay of N- vera bar. IpSa. and that lie nas uuiv quaun.d ua such adm uistraior. Ail :l.-n8 tavinir cl 1ms airaiust said-eatato are re. quired lo present th. m with the r vouchers oj me ai my re-iuencn in uaiies uity witniu six inonths fr . m the date of this notipe. aateo tnia zau uay OI novemoer, lbUS. it. E. w 1I.LIAMS, Administritor of the nartnerahio eata a of Tha Dalles Merca-.tile Company, conaistiug of Geo. r'. Beats, det eased, and K. c. Wiillaina. Executor's Notice. br rnm mad. Jnwia to delas-. Aildnas at oaee. If . VaUet fe Cewa ISex SMI. FortAaad. atAtine, NOTICE notice. All persons who subscribed to the build ing fund of tba M. E. church ou dedicatiob any win piea-e pay the same to IJinsmore Parish. ' R. B. Hood, Treasurer. Wood! Wood! ' Fivs t.unr'red cords seasoeed fir wood,. cat especially for family u-te, will be sold at a minimum rate, alao oak and mixed hard wood. i Jos T. Peters k CoJ Wanted Two furnished rooms in a private fam ily for housekeeping lor a yonog couple.. Apply at Keller's bakery. For Sent. A honse situated in a n leasant locality ror terms, apply at tnis om VE TELL YOU nothine new when wa .tat that iin..iAM..M ia a permanent, most healthy aad pleasant buai -new, that moras a probt for every day's work Saeh I th baaiaes we offer the wortlng claaa. n t teach them how to make money rapidly, aad guarantee every oae wh follows our instruction faithfully the making of S3O0.00 a month. Every one who takes hold so and works will surely aad spscdily increase their earnings; then can be no qaeatfoa about it ; others now at work ar ootnr it, ana you, reader, can do the tame 1 his is th best navine business that ion h. ever had the chance to secure. You will make a grave mistake If you fail to give it a trial at once. If yon grasp the situation, aad act quickly, you will directly Snd yourself in a most prosperou. besiness, at which yoa can snrely make aad sarr large sums of money. The results of only a few "-'. woi a w ... mi r e ii rqout a weea s wsgea Whether yen are old or young, man or woman, it makes no difference, do as we tell yon, aad sua eess will meat you at the very start. Neither experience or capital necessary. Tltoae who work for as are rewarded. Why not write t ear for fall particulars, free ? E. C. ALLKN a OO,, Box Ma. tO, Augasut, Me OF INTENTION TO APPLV FOR LEAVE TO RE SIGN. .. VTotiee is hereby aivea that the undersigned K. 1.1 -editor of the estate of John Stanley, uecea- ri naa nieo in tne uounty vourt ot tne state ol Trec-on f r Wasco Conntv. in Probst', on Jcnuarv 26 th. Ie94. a full snd comntete srnxiunt as s. eh Kx.eiitnr to snd ineiuiiing j utu-ry zs b, 1894, and he intend t ', and will, on Monday, tbe nib day of Marcn, ISM pplv to the Honorable George O Blukelev. Jurio-a .a Stid Court, for an order allowinir. aDnmvliur anr. v. M...K iiaawuiia, anowiug -nun to reaign aa sn.-n executor an-i exnonorating nim irom further liabil ty as ucn executor. JOHN M HRhFN Executor of the Estate of John Btinley, deceased. January z, xova. t FREE TRIAL. W17. ATT M 'm youth. vv 11 It ha a-JA.1 na error. Incs ol manly Tig r. Varicocele, etc Or CuMont's nerv pill wih" effect a sp edy cure by it use, thousands o cases of tha ye.y worst kind and of l-ng standing n oeeu le-toreu . p-inect neaitn. t lltesn 'nousaod testimonias from all rver tbe world. Prir per package SI 00, six for So .00. trial padaxe ciia iecui.1 lor iu centa pos'age. Address. Da B U' Most 81 K. Washington St., Chicago Ills., U. 8. A Jn the matter of tbe es'ai of Wiiliam H. HcAtee, - - deceared. . Notice is hereby nven tbat the undersiimed has been hy the County Curtoi Ws- o Con. tv. st.te of reguu, appointed execut..rd tonis now instead u( B. C McAtee, removed, o the eaute ol William tf McAtee. deceased. Ail. nemo .a bavns claim,. sarainst. or business with, said estate are notified and required to preaent ssme wiih the proper vouchers to the underi j ned exticutor. at bia real. . denoe iu The liallea, W aaco County, Uregrn. Ihued The Uaiies. -ngon. th l?th dav of Jan. u.ry, ib4. UEOKGE A. LIt.BE. xecutorof tbe r state of Wm. - H. McAtee, Jecs'd A ssignee's Notice. J OTlCK U herhy -itiv n that C. L. Fhilllna, as- tiled his onai account as such asuhruee in t- circuit court of the State of i-reuon for Wco county, an thji sa d flnal acc uut will be he rd in au hi i... urt -in alonoa,.the ltli day f Fe1 ru.rv 884, t the hour of 2 o'clock P. M . or asoon there after as the same can ba rear-he.1 bv tb Curt a .id oay oeing tn nrst oay tj tne Kehma'y .ova, aoria oi aaiu couri.. u. L.. rtllL.l.lf 1 " - Assignee uea ity, uregon, Jan. 12. isai. From Tuesday's Dally. Dr. Caadiana, ot Cascade Lock, is in the city. The thermometer marked 18 degrees aoova s ro tnia morning. Mr. P, E Mich.ll, of Columbus, Wash , was a passenger on tne delayed train. Tbe storm is over, and it is to be hoped it was tue aeatn groan 01 winter. some sleds were In from the country lo-aay ; out we oniy saw one culler on tbe streets. The Dancing School ot '94 will bs closed no Ihursday evening on account of the mil itary ball. ine annual school meeting far this district, No. 12, will be held at the brick scnool house Monday, March 5th, at 2 o'cack p. tt. All taxpayers should be present, as at this meeting; will be elected one director to serve for three years, To Bent Furnished rooms in desirable locality. Apply to Mrs. W. Rineharl. A. A. BROWN Keeps A FULL ASSORTMENT srtrMIP1 Th WANTED SALESMEN Local k Travelinf MSTwlC!r Finn Class anwrfjiwrn i lliinl, Fastest aal Ft ks the WwU. Faaaaaajar aecaawaatloiia iBowllad. KW Tlfifta ISaDOMDESRf AH BUSGOW. WgwaTT soMtritmw. JfEW TOBX GIBRALTEB mad VXFZES. At resTnlar IntervaM. SALSOff, 8E00ND-CUSS AUD STEER A 6 1. rwEea oa ivwom vu ui ao mmm rrom rna nnaein a Koran, KHSLisa, bus iu msmtsstu. room ro represent cur well known house. Vou neai na capital to r. preaent a firm that warra. t nursei 4oca amylase a d true to name. Work all the year. 1100 a month to the rurht man. Apply, i ur ace. L L. MAY a C-, ssrymui. Floruits and Seedsmen, .-t P-ul, Minn. STAPLE ill: Mil mwi, AND PBOVISIONS, ' Soecial Prices to Cash Buyers. 170 SBOOND STREET, First door east ot Crandall k Borgett'a Fur niture .store. . mb avatlabl to return br alahor th., mIm. as. Ours A- Harm ot trelaad or NanlM Ar rMhn.rlV Bnas sal Kantr Brdtts te Asy Asonl at lewtst St tat. Asir w aaf at nr went asjvaeo or to BBXDBaSOS BSOTHEBis, Chicago, IB 'ClUt V It - A) ply to- Ihos. A Budwn, Ittneia sgent,3heDalles; Or. . JarjS9 Dress-Making. AU person Jesf riaa; dressmaking: done win aImm eall at the remdenos lately vacated by Mr Leslie Butler iavtest styles irom us east.. Bati traction goarantesn auui. mouufFET' FAT PEOPLE, Park Obbsitt Filia will reduce your weight rcnjKA3aaAui irum xz 10 10 p un a a mouth. So stnrvlnir sickness or Inlurv: no Dublic. ity. Tbey build up ihe health and b autily the complexion, leavinz no wrinkles nr flabbiness. Stout aoaomens sno nimcuit nreathina; aurely relieved. la KXrhttlUejaTbut a scientine aud posi tive relief, adopted only after years of experience. 'f uruen auppiteu uireca irom our omce. mce ti 00 per packatre or three packages for SS.00 by uiau poai.pui. Aeaumouiais anu particuiara (.sealed ACI. All CorreasondeDeai Strictly Confldew-tlal. PARK RUEDY CO., Boston, Mass 1 in. T710R sale or trade J County, for a eocd farm in Waaco a aood im Droved SO acre mace in uutbera Caiilornla. Fur Daniculara aonlv to this omea. NOTICE F0& PUBUCATION. Land Ofpics at Tun Dalles, Oreoon. Dee. 27. 1K0.1 Notice Is hereby viven that the followiiur.riatii! wvLivt urn nieo notice OI nis intention t. make nnal proof in support of his claim, and tl.a said proof will be made before the Ketrixtor and Keoeiver of the U. S. land office at The Dalles, Ur., u f vu au, aorra, via; JOHN 8. HOVT, Hd No. 3586. for tne WU SEW and EV. bWVi. See 12, Tp 1 N, K 11 K. He name tb foUowino witnesses to prove b's uaiiinuuua reaiuence upon any uuiuvauou ol Sam land, vis: B. Parodi, L Lawler, Jesse Sp i,cer, and William apencer. au ol rue uai en. urwon. dec30 JOHN IV. LEWIS, Resister NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lamb Orrica at The Dalles, Orioos, Jan 30, laU4. Notice is hereby 1 en that Ihe following nameu Settler has filed notice of hia intention to make final proof iu support of- his claim, and that said prool will be made before the Kt-g-ieter and Reciter at The Dalles, Oregon, on March 21. ldhs, viz: UK1AH J.ULKST, Homestead No. 4451, for the 6WJ, Sec 42. Tp 1 N, K15E. He names tbe following witnese to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of aaiu lan 1, vis: Marden Hendrixson. J. F. Davidson. Jcseob Johnson, James C. Johnson, all of fhe Dalles, Ore s;on. JOHN W. LEWIS, feb3 Remitter. Do Ton Know That We ciirry a full line of Stoves an l Ranges, Duildin Hiirdw.'ire, Tinwire, Granite ware. Fiisliing Tackle, G nns, Ammunition, Pumps. V II ' ... A I Iron 1'ijie etc. Wh .ira M!f ;iiri-nts for tl ie Garland. Stoves and Ran es The World s Best. Na- Roofin itarv Pliifiibiriir, s, a Specialty. Tin- nil g i.nd .Met il Groceries, Provisions! Cordwood. tte ted ilAIER & BENTON. The Dalles Hie lew Umatilla House T E SINNOTT & IXES. OREGON FXSM ProTTietors I if T Tl : -"Si.-c -tf i,. Vi i -,r-ii: s-r K--.r-'-aarTa-c:-'.i iffl a .i : k, i sv -w: tar :fw rW- 1 zxz-iczivj.-l . hr -c. r.t r-i l'BSJa.l!DnWKjlW J tKl la-- K.fVmr .T-.-"".- . a. ' .f ' - M I W I 3ni 'Viii it r .r fHE LARGEST AND FINEST KO i iL it! OREGON Free Omnibus to and trom the Hotel ( V fire-Proof Safe tor the Ssieiv cl a!l Vctu&tle Ticket and Baggage Office of the UNION PACJF1C Railway Company, apj Office o Western Uuion Telegraph Company, are in th' Hotel. YOU Wailt Your Dry Goods . . ." ' A We kpep the LurePBf and Best Assortfd L-rn in thn city, of Dry Good onrj NoiiVdh, Gfnts Fur ' ninhing Gunds and C loihiiirr.'IMt n's, Idieb' and Childr-i'a Fine Shoe. We Want Your Of course we will put Prices to nuit. AUnyg do tbat. Nobody undersells ui. Come around and investigate.' A. M. WILLIAMS & CO H. H. CAMPBELL, Suooesanrto BUTLER, Will (Joostaoilj IK -ep 0:i jrlaud a Compltte L;na of GiocBiiss, Cfoclfiii, aijlglassMe. Havinv'jurchat-d Mr. Batter's entire stnok, I h ill en l-vor to 1 inaiutaio tan reputation of the bouse, .mon his be.-u i . I ' . , Call aod see me nrsc door to P t Office. . . aavw 1 Stoheman & Fieffe, Agents, Boots and Shoes ITCIIRPIIATKU lKNA. THE DALLES lUMBEfiINC COfVlPANY ... . i -Wholesale and Retail Dealers aod Manufacturers of Drilding- IWixtei-inl unci Dimension Timber Flic, iiini:, OAK and SIjA II' PROMPT DELIVERY TO AKY PART . OP THE CITY. rvEv V V JJ1J Finest Baths in Town. Frazer & Wyndha m FHE GERMANIA, STUBLING & WILLIAMS, PKOPS. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. All brands ot Imported Liquor, Ale and Porter, and Genuine Key West Cigars. A full lie qf ALIFORNIA : WINES : rAKD : ERKEIIS welvc-Tr old WMakey, utrictlv pure, for n c itriirml tt MMi. abaJt Liquor. Colurubiit Buwei bttroi- drsupXU 94 Second Mreel, TI1K. DALLFSOli WANTED. CLOTHING SALES AGENT WANTED for The Dalles and viclnitv. iiibera! Commiaaious mid. aod we furnish tha best sod most coinDleta outfit aver provided bv- any bouse. Write at onoe for terms. Bend references WANAHAKER & BROWN, ulyZZ Philadelphia Pa. E. W. H ELM & CO r Successor to Floj d ft Shown. V 105 SECOND JSTREET, between COURT and WASIUKGT0N. DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, WE TCILET SOAPS, CCKBS.'jERUSKES, PEEFUft'ERY, ETC. Pure Liquor for medicinal purpose. Pbjsiiang Proscriptiooi a Speclaity