i .-a it 'iff v ill . il i I ft. & .HUtT-41K3t. VulQmc XXXI ',T00xS0LIDATED 12. THE DALLES. OlaEUCXN, SATUKDAY. FEBRUARY 24 J8D4. 2 NUMBER 29 J" PRINTED EVERY SATUftDAY i:m Micheii, Ed.tor and Pobietor J. s. suiiKACii., Fresuleul. J. SI. PATiEItSON Casu er. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. FIRST fiATIOiiAL BANK. MCHEXCK & BEALL. BANKER.-,, nra up, ogi .'py one year.... sii months. ajr-larms Htrictlv in auvance. ,. l.w FROM TERMINAL OK INTERIOR POINTS Till northern ltAII.ffOAI) Is the liue to tike to kii mm. east. ki south i ilO. TELEGRAPHIC. i'3ANSACTS A REGULAR BAN'KINO Bi;sIEsa BUY ANU &ELL UcliAUt. Entered at the Pottonet at The DaUee. Or econd Ciae Matter fur iraiumuuuiu uuuujk the mailt. c I'LLECTIONS CAR2J-ULLV ACClUMKO MADE FO AND LIST OF STATE AND COUNTY OFFICIALS. Governor.... S. Peunoyer Secrucarv of atate. . .' W. Mciiriut: Treasurer Phillip lcLit-uau Superintendent of fuhlit Instruction., t-. ti. aicuruy tJ.S. Dolpli Congressman, fir''dietrict ....... i secoud district. . . . fgtate Frincer ., I'Ol'STl. i J.ll.Miuiivll ... B. Hermann -..:.A'. H t-.ib: ...Frank Baku DRAW ON NEW YOKK.-SA& IFANCIblX) AM) Director: L P Thouphon, . ) u I V-IU.IAM. ' J S SCUKXCK. I.BOKUR A LlEBB, fui- BEAD 'Samantha at the U T ii.in-; rnr TRr-iit.-. It ruitfr Thrr-ui-h Ye (ibitt.i Tr-tiit Jer L& ii- tl ye.r to ST. PAUL tna CHICAGO. ( O CL1AMJK OF CAKd. ; Compo ed "t llrine C?i. urRtirrrrRrii. ul nuif Urav " tij; r- om Mi-eers i t iati-st Equipment. Held Up by St iiiberi-.. L a Vsqelbi. 0 il ., Ft;i. 16-3uth crn Psu 6 : N i 2) .vas rabocd at. R isiwc n ii'.i ia this iworQ!ri'j.at abjut 1 o'clock. Tt'is is the same p icu thit the sinae triu was oslid atiuut six weeks go Tn train was ie;ureri in le ivititr no i did out grt aw; uuill ahom 11 3) Irtjt oigtn. Ii was hfcAvily loaflei with pnaseners. hint Weli-. Fdrao & C i.'s suipuicQ'S were ii!iuati)j Heavy. Trie traia leiChrd Cm ti&t.k, niiout f.x nniis north ot 'ms cut, sia a rrpurua dck an right At R ircoc-, lour mi es norili ol B uliok, tlit-ie is n a Hiicn, but a si.iiiiw As (lie iraia cpoioicht-d ihe switch. Engineer open court that if there was a law by which he could reach newspapers that publish false reports concerning the doings of the court or jury, he would t;ive such papers full benefit of it. He has instructed the jury to investigate the anairs of the detuuet Merchants JNa tional bank. A lnd Hani. Seattle, Feb. 16 Ti e'po:L-e cap tared rise highwaymen tonight, wbo have been operating in this city for the oast two weks. Proper' f that was sioieu from three men. was found da the pris inirs. I leo' .nVa'iou is ciimle e The nu n tuvc t. eir nam-s an Ed Pige, Thninas VVriums, aluc Munni. fun and Jo. in llu:p:ij and Ttiomds Dvis. TELEGEAPHIC. TOURfiT'S SLEE.PJNG CARS, I Bcit'tJiat ni)i hi ip8tncte). and in -whifh acoom . munalirii' 9v i filfi rrre:iriti hon ifntc t,r hvldi r&fi F-.rtfX vi hetond- ELEGANT BAY COACHES. , County J udfe.... .. . Bana,.. ClerK........ Treaiurer , '. 1... CoiniaidMouei. AaiMMHor Surveyor 6uperiutendeat of Public bchooln. Corouer -.... .., Genr.-o E akt: y T. A. Urti., .... W ID. 5il.iO!l ,...J. lyaruie.lt; ...J. . . Kftit& Truy bvue World's If air'" Continuous Line, Connecting wlii 5 I ill r 1 n n w- A 1Y,trAinrr lit runt nA THE Professional Crda. And ?e up w th tht- timed. ', 1 ) rj and t'io jj'-o rtwt work of the J netwnth entury, JOSIAH ALLEN'S W Uiiiiiternipteif Service. ( 1 Pullman Sleeper reservations 'Jan be fiecured in ad- ranee ti -rouKh aiiy ftgent of the road. o aod from all iNiints in Aniei xn. Bi t'lanu And f urnue can Lo purcLascd at auv ticket of he o! the cumrjiny. THROUGH Tli'KETS J. SCTHERLAXD, M. D., C. M. Physician and iSUreun, Rooms S and 4, Chapman Blo.fe. The li-Mei, Oi c. i i ' 0. H0LL1STER, III 1 . ' i ruysiemu iiu ourguiiu, .1, - Rooma over Dalles National Bank. OfPco bvurs 10 A.M. to l! M..and from t Uj4 P.M. . ResKiiis:e West end of luisd street. 1. B. COSKON. ' " ' rioK 1HJ CONDOJI, 1. w. COKDCS. Attorneys at La wj Office On Court street, opiMislte the House, The Dallec, Or - Id C ourt AL,fOJN, DAN ' BAKER, Prop r. 1 ': Keeps On hand the oest f iaes, Liprs and Ciprs. FKEE UHCH FV RYEVEMC. Full informatirn co rninir ratfs. time of trains. ruutis anil i-ther (itnil!. iurnished ori rlitatton to W. O. ALLOW AV, Aireul I P. ft A. IS C"., Regulator ull.ee. The I isllen. Or. j A. D. CHARLTON, , Aes't Gi-neral Pnspensrer Atrt., . Ko, Ml tirst St., Cor. Wa h., PORTLAJ.O. O iEGOS 'j S. BESSETT, ' Attorney at Law,. Office in Schanno's bnilding,'.pj4iairs. i The Dalles - : - y OreKon, s. Birrca. , TJFUK fc ilUFEE, ; . IttiSK HRMCr. H Attorneys at Law. Booms 42 sod i Ctia man H.ock Tlie Da'lw, J. G. KOONTZ, ... lleu.1 JBstate, ' . . Insumnoe iind Loan Agent. Agents for the Scottish Union and atinnal I nnuice cumiwny ot tdin jurgh, Scotland, iaiiit 30,000,000.' - . - . Valuable Farms near the City to sell on easy erms. .' ' . omce over Port Office. The Dalles. Or.. . PHTENT FLUID LITTLE'S SHEEP-DIP oUS.. - AND CATTLE-WASH LsAFEsT IIP AT ALL TIHL8. A tEKTAIN DKATH TO I ICKS, E.ICE, He. Bt &T CURE TOR -CAB. ", br" Itlropruves the Woo', and increases the . quantity. ; gallon mixed with coll inter makes one' hundred iral'o. s of Mtronir wash. James Laldluw Jte Co, Ajent ;' PoklUiBD, ('RfOOS. '' for sale by Pe so A Mays. Tue Halle". Ore?"". iTeir the Old Mint, Second Street, ' THE DALLES. . OREGON. C. V. STEPKNS ' ' - - J i DEALER JH bats, ;aps, boots, shoes." " 134 Second Street, next door est of Tiie Dalle . . ....v l. . " , ..I. .... .1 - Havipff mt opened in business, and hat n a full aBfor'nint ni mc i itu-c ot,a$ in my line, l ucture liure of Lte lmbtc patronaaro. avr4 ; C F. STEPUEriS roiitt If YOU WANT . GOVERNMENT, STATE ' . ; OR Dalles Military Road Land, -CALtON ' .;. TIIOS. A. HUDSON, n' " ; (Sucaessor to Th mbury & Hudson), ' 83 WasMiigtoa St., THE DALLES, OR. R. E. Saltmarshe i -' ' . AT THJS East M .STOI lis, ILL f ay xas HighestCash Price for ; A Hay and Grain. DEALER IN. LIVE STOCK. IF70TJ WANT MSSSJ Lauds or the !awn rtlatin ihereto,. you ran c nult' bim tree ol charve. tin na- made a ecmlty 01 tn h business, at d ban practi-ed before the United bUted LndX)tiice for over ten ears. - , Fe iatreDtfor the EASTERN" ORKftON LAND COMPANY, tnri can ceil you Grazinsr or 1 itim proted Avri' Uiturat Lands in'anv quan ity esirel Will snd (.mph let describing these lands nuou ap plication. He is agent for the sale of lots in Tiiompsoh's : Addition . . TECI3 T)ATiESsl This addition Is laid off into one-acre Ws. and i destined to be thf priiictpal res denue psr of ihe ritv. Only twenty m nute waK from ihd Court House ai d ten minutes irum the Raiiroad Depot .To Settlers Located on Government Lards: If jou want to borrow Honey on long1 time, he can aojommotlaie you. WRITES FiHE, I1FEAB ACiIEST f you cionot call, write, and your letters will be promptly answered. . THOMAS. A. HUDSON,. S3 Washington Street. THE DALLES. OREGON Anchw Yelarde; HQUSE MOVER. The Dalles. Address: Lock Box 181. JAS. FERGUSON, General Expressman ! ' Goods hauled with, the greatest oan tn all Darts of tbe city on short notion. ' CoQtity Treasurer's Notice. All comty warrants registered prior to Jan. 16, 1890, will be paid cn preseota ' tioa at my office. Interest ceases after this late. William Michell, " County Treasurer. Tbe Dalles. Oct. 21, 18S3. PAUL KREFT & CO., 1 " ' : -DEALERS Iif Palnt$, 0113, GIa$3, Andjthe Most Complete and Latest ' Patterns and UesiKns in J w a: jl, l i apejk. Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. None hut tlie best 1 rands 'of the Sherwin-Williams Paint ned in all our work, and none but the n.ost akilled wtirkmen employed. All orders will, be promptly attended t. bbop adjoiuing Columbia TackineJCo., .r . . THIRO "STREKT OA-LFS HENRY L. KICK, . -Manufacturer of and dealer' lo- Harness and Saddlery, , Second St., near Moodv's Warehouse, THE DALLES, 4 Wwk lt-Kcrton OREGON UnarantnRil to Aiive Wtit- FOR ' WS2ES 25c. 50c. .75c. $1.00 $1,25 $1.50 C MA Uh - a -W If lEf M BIM KANSAS CITY, ST. PAUL, Chicago, St Louis. 1 In mug sAffi too late trial the sailcn was a,U acrri, and vainly tried to siop tbe iraia. The easiae n 1 "o fruit car of nruritres w-nt into tlie di ed, tbe eu"lo turoiue oTer ami burying rie erjiine'.-r at'd tirt-niau . The to tiuit cars were a total wreck As soon che wreck r. cornel three mapke'l rorn spranj; out nt the .bushes and coinru ncciJ a tusilade, aod cTt-rji ue kcew thar ttie mission ot tbe despertfoes was rtjbery. A few 8fcini:: later a' couuie ut rlynaroile bourns wire plnci-d uauer the express car l e mr.-Si UKer reiu.iea lo opeu the cr and ilic whole side was blown .ff Brakeinia Fo.ver rose to tiie emergennj as S'lDD.at he neard ssots. aa i ra ids a run ir a ne:gftft inng raoch houe wnern lie sa ight. Here. ,be got a team and d nive Hick id BirDink aol cave l'ie alnrm. He cannot tell' hnw iiiuco tai: robot r pa, but it is probab.e (hey cleaned out tlie ex iiess car, a tney had their nwo way wm-tt tie If ft. H-said that Engineer Thomai was ad y hurt, as we. i as tNe firt-uiun, aiid fJr Aid worth, the cntiiijaoy' tureou ner, lefi on a lihi eegiDe lor the tceoe. Fo-tfr could oot tell whether any ut the pas sengers were burt, but thought they were Only bnrtly shakeo Up. Two porseS of ilrpaty shtnfl') hTe .left for the scene, and a wreckiDg train is now n)ak 10 up it ciec tbe track Fw?t?r has ao idea that. vai.s and Morell may haTe paiiicipa rd in the aff-ay, but as t ere were three men this is hard y d smi'il pasnlblR A fu-i!ade of pii-tol sl.o s wss coiitiBuous-v kept up, u(l it is ail u::- likf ly i hat So nit; of trie trin crew or p.s sengers may hiye been hurt before ihe, ouud out what tr.e matter . It la almo-t ctrtaiu th tt the express m-sseu-ger was' hurt as the two explosions nf Uyuamiie tiumbs wereaaid.to.be terrific. . Luii-r adTii-es from tne scene of the bo d-uti state that' Eigmerr Thonius is badly lr jared, and thai Firemaa Anhur Masters and an uoknowa tiamo were shot an.d killed by tbe bandits. who were three id number. THE EXPRESS MES'SNGER's STORY. Oon't Want Hint. W'ashingtox, F b. 10 P ckmia's noroinaiiiia wj irj -ced, 31 to 41. ALL POINTS EAST, KO TH anlS TH. i TKAIN : SCHEDTJLB: LEAVE THE DALLES. ' East B-'Und. .. i est Round . . .11 15 P. If . 3:45 A. 31 Harry E 'gar, txi.irea messenger in rharub ot Wells-Farsjo's car, ana tbe only person in it, jfr bis Tersioy ol the atf.tir as to. lows.- -Ihe first tbtut; I knw wnS a terrible shock and I I once knew there was a wreck, but off course did pot know what was the natter. Tbe expio sioo of a Dyoamite . bomb was the nrX' thine I herd at the right hnud door. I as standing near the center ot the car when the 'bomb exploded. It shattered the door into splni'ert aad the whole car i fji ed with smoke The robbers be an siior-ting at once, warniob me io the iDeau'ime to open tbe door qaick y or we will bow you to bell., .They shoyed a ritie into the door. obeyed them ubder peoulty ot dratb. Tne rubbers cme ia and got alt they could. I opened the WeliS'Fugo box and they-took what - Steamers frcm PcrilanQ to Ean Francisco 1il there 1 ?nl , saw CLEW TO THE ROBBERS. San Fernakdo.' Ca , Fsb 16 8 The' 1 The Car In .Tlidair. Knoxtille, Tenn , Feb 18 One killed and s.veril si ghty inj trd is the result o a m ist thri iiug m-ciJeat in t lis cit ibis a'termnn. The drawing Cibleolan aerial car snapped ia two. ieTi'rig the car aad passengers 2J9 fet la mid air, waiia llii br .kea end nf tr-.e cable sm-isned through the friil box ailed wl'h nua iniij, :o io iu dea-liy worK. At 1 niwaa-t point tne car is nearly 3 JO firt abore the TeuoesMce riTer. A cr, nhicu would hild peruses twenty pe (,lo, hung suspeadd from the; buary catiies, are teet rwa t and inches ia diaiaetef. The cngioe-houss was iocuted on thu eor h bank and the car w,s hiuied to tne dizzy he got b? an endless cable, l-vf si au ibc:i - thick, which wouud around two drums. Tnis at'erunoa the car carried aany pa-sengers and made us last trip about 4 o'clock. even pro pie went in If, besides U. b. h n a, who stood al the brake. Wueo withiu t00 feet ct tne bluff ihe d'mtiaj cable soaped in twe between thu cur aad the ecgin room, and the car started back as H shot fiOm a hus;e cannon.. Near the center ot the river, aad fu ly 3U0 feat from it, its proems was suddeulr checked aa the broken end ot the ctiie wonad useit, like a hug- st-rBt.it, around tr.e i ar. Ii went crsnisar iuiisun ;tne wonaeo c-ir ooly to wind its.; f around and crush tririauiih ns top atja a as it it were maoe of pmier There tne car and paiseh'ns hun" tor oe?rly two Imuis while eTrrV minu;e rhe crowd increased uosil a thou fund people lined the banks of the liver. The occupants of- the car were finally ic down by otenns ot r.ipts The belief 8ain-d groun 1 that no noe had been hurt, nut, those familiar kue.v o aerwise, for" in the car a man lav d .i g. .his life blond oi z tier from . two uiv, woaudt in the head. He had gone with Airs-. War dell, bis Bnancee, on 'he novel trio which ended so lis strou.ly. Oue by one tae pas-enger. were let down ULtil the car Was cleared Wlteu Ledgerwood reached the boat a surgeon pronounced his. in juries fatal, aud in ies than ten raiotites he was dead. Hta sknll bad oeen trac mred in two places. . . The Kiel !tsnntT. Berlin, Feb. 17 The emperor is sending a large wreatb, w:iicb will Oe oisp;a,e1 at thu fai :ra( of t'l i victim. ol ihe Brndenburg disn'.r. T.is Bran dtnburg has 03 ia tosd ints thj htrb ir, and this moririn j ttn chief easiaser, wh has beea misting sins tlio exjs.osiwa, was found d3ad..aqd thrae more ot th-s injured artiliiors hiva died, b intog tho totl deid to 43. Tiie R ichtinzeiger publishes an ollhiai acciUot ot the ex plosion. It nys the accident happened through the b.vak'ng away of l!;e fa. ten'ng apparato.1 U .a t, rgoj tbe s eam in the st.rl.oi u eagine. f jd thtn, tbe -team Moid a 1 the oo 'e sums found a free mifiesi into the eagiae-room, which was lii;ed wi:b people. Tito iiin ic! ded th'ee id the mora and icne';atet tb oncrh the dnor ltdinj t -ha po:t eu- j giite-HKios, and tbeace thiouh ine sta. -wav.i into ihe upper rooms, coo inuiDj i-s worn ot aeb'ruc.ion. A most every pei-soo at wo; k in taesc ronias must have met with ics'.aot riei h. Tor tbe siesta w;ts pounne iroia the bclr s at a tern pe:itnre ot 180 oez Reaumer, or 437 tieV Fueahrit Ni-b:og is yet known as le the causs of lite bieafctijre. Tha adm : aity di-p.rtraeat feas Bisaalc.bed its cuief ons-iuc or to Kiel witn i-.isb uct oss to ascertain the essc of the disi-st-r . Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Ire me rowaer. S9om Sat Nsstain Hari-il. Washinotox, Feb. 17 Tiie rubcom lttee on far. iu r iat":ons of ttie senate, wbicn has been iav s it: -t eg Hawaiian m i ters, met VAa mo'diosf. Tbe object of the rne-tia" was ti rons'nV- the lenert Mo.-gio iaad prepared, tut ihe committee aj mrned until WedaesdaT next wi'.ii out accomjtii sb'ng anything. The tos- timouy taken by the comnnice will not be made puaiic urnil the report is'adoo- ted. Ttia report eubrniitrd by M.vm ws very to amiunuj atd reviewed t' e testimony id a ibcouch and exhaustive manner. The great bulk at tesiinenv is .sia to ce aaiust , tne cocciu-iaoa reuchud by B ount. nigtit who is going to . Nicaragua today tt? receiTed wotd Irom UreTown cn tirmiog th- rumor about the vessel. He said a cable telling ot the loss was sent to a man m London interested ia the Nicaia sua Navigation Comnnnt. in the serT'ce of which was the ill-fated vessel The aiiwira ws a tug or ao 'ons. The c-tl- ta'n, Joe Thompson, was making hi way l'tiOOmrn from G etowa to B'u fields, where they were t work :for the naTga'ion , comp uy Sevural we-ki elaDsed and rumors were circulated ihtt the vessel bad gone down in the Cari!. bean sea in a squall. 17 A dnuu'e- trag- A Diable Tragedy Boise, Idaho, Ft edy occu ca at H ige oa, oa lha Si'it rirei, ten mi'vs .1 fim B is, . last altjh!. James C.oss whs o'ldci- a. est cba'ned with robbei v, and tiie ffi.'er' in au e of the n ;$-iijr Bloineo at ie rat" h ior the nilit. R.).t t VVi.'.rtii jri Snauel Ba ker. two wi'ucisct io (linear ai iit the pr:ioner we'.e bo.u lae.-e, C oss te- cu -ed the (ifti eia leTiver and .e'nt bo.h of iliem dead. He lueii lodo awjr an a horse. A posse is in pti.tuit and Ivucn- ing is lb calmed ; ARRIVE Ar THE DALLES. , From the Ewt "... 3:40 A M f'rum the Wist 11 10 V II CULUMST E1CLIMKG CKAIE CABS nnd DINERS . ' EVERY FIVE DAY.S. ICKETS TO AND FROM EUROPE. 8. H. H. CLARK, OLIV R W. Jl K. E. ELLLRV.ANUtliSOX, RECEIVERS. For rates and cenrral information call on E.'E. LYTLE, Depot Ticket Agent; The Dalles, Oregon.' W.'H. HL'RLBt'RT, Asst. Gnn. Pass. Agt, i!A Wanhiniiton bt., forllaod. Or JOHN PASHEK, Merchant 'Vi io r. SUITS TO ORDER ! FIT GUARANTEED , :CLEAN"nG AND REPAIRING Next door to the Wanoo Cmntv Sun. Court between First and Second, The Dalies, Or. ly2 Sample : Rooms, 58 FROT ST i . . (Nearly opposite Umatilla House.) ' CHAELlJj FEAKE. PE0P. The Best JVines, . . . Liquors and Cigars. OLUMKIA BREWEkV EER OV DRAUGHT FEATHERHOSE Is marte from QTJII.I.S nature's own toUKbest material, best whips made fur the price. Cheap, Durable, ALL. STVLES, all ericin. asa jonr .oeaier hit a - p r I m ipaSAi s v iM HENRY KUCK. - ""OEE. Th Dales. Or COAJi ! COAL! -THE BEST- Welliiigton, Eock Springs, and Eoslyn Coal. - : .f 12, sacked and delivered to any part ot the c'j. At Moody's Ware&onse THE GRANT HOTEL J. B. GRANT, OREGON. KENNEDY, PROP'R The table Is 'provided with the best in the market. . Transient travelers will be accommodated-with tbe best meals furnished" t y any hotel in town. ocl22 THlt D ALLES igar Fact ry, ctiiann on tieir way to school this m iming near Pa coma, about Inor miles from here, and on a ro.id ie-dinp to Little Tejunga canyon, found a raa-k, evidently belnnging to the Ro-i-oe robv hers. Ttiis" is the fir-t e'ew indicating the direction tbey evidently took mat baa been received. A Terrible Aeideat. Kiel, Fe. 18. A terrible accident occurred on board the German ironclad Brandenburg tbis oinrning near S oiler gruud, three miles from tbe Duelk lighthouse, at .fie entrance of Kifl h.av Today was selected for a forced-draft trial. To get the ironclad in first-clas, Ciindition for a test, 40 artificers were sent aboard fnun the imperial dockyard. Ware 11 otlhe ambevrs were in the en gine room, a tremendous explosion took place. .. The main ite-tnipipe of the star. board rng-tne had burst. Far above the roise of the escming steam were beard' the beartrennipg criei ol the injured aod dying. .A panic temporarily spread among the crew.,; but aftet a momTj'.'s hesitanion, every effoit was put torth to rercue tbe unfortunate men in tbe en !re- rpm. It was found that of the 11 ajti facers all but one had been kil'ed. Tbe man who eeciped owed his pres e.rvation to the fact that at the ma" meet' tf' the explosion he was standing on a ladder r ear the top ol the room His companions were all bo the fliMir it lhe room Twentt-nine others "were killed and nine injured. Of the dead thirty -seven died instantly. Among tie dead' are three ,cbief -.engijeer, who Were on the Tesel to report o rhe work of the boiler.", and sen ral ether officer". Most of the bodies were badly scalded, in some instances! tbe faces, being an swollen oat of shape as to be unrec Hri. Lrasn i Massi, T.peka, Feb. 17 Jrl.ty E. Leise claims 10 tie in ion, and she made the a artling statenent today that she pro posed ta organize ludgi-s of .Masonry for -wornes throogriou'. the coontry; M.s. Leasa wears upon h-r bosomj suspended bs a . gold chain, a Koj;htJ'emplM''s charm, with the u-u'l keystooe of the cbarter on tbi reverse side,' and she de cl ires that she is as mu"h entitled to Wear it as any man who belongs 10 the Templars' ord r. She says her com ininnrrv is . Hugh de Pvne. ot Fort Scott, Km, and off-rs to p ave to Masons that she knows alt tha sigag and parses of the otder. b ue lodge and ihaoter, and that tie obtained theai legitimately, Sie sits'' if Ma.unry is good lor men it is much betier for wmuea, for Ibey are more needful of pro'ection than men. She sars that once by giving a sis;n of the .order' she was saved fr im ptt.onal violence, and fidin that moment she re solved to give to women tbe same ad wtn'ages cf Mssonrv tbat she ecjovs. She claims ta be thoroughly op in Ma sonic worK, nnd says it is bL nerensary to ohtiiin the consent or aid of men in initiating women, and lhat it the men re fuse t recogaize her disc plesjjs's ' Mt- so us. they can and . wi'l act indepra deu.lv of them and conduct- iodgrs aod JCrsnd lodges of .their own. Mrs. " L-ase -dnjits that it is contrary to the Masontc rule for wamen t become Misons. but .she dpclio.efv.to state, bow she obtained the secrets o'f the .or,der. .. ' Evaaa Again ta Jail. '. Visalia, Cu Ft. 19 C iis Evans and More!' are surroandt-ri io Evan' bouse. Their captore is nssr; only a question of a few hours. They have been there since day ight; s'nee which time the house has been completely 'surroun ded, and escape ia impassible. At 9.15 a M.a mesienger was sent into tbe bouse with a note 1 om Soer.ff Kty and another An Injunctlen Malt Csanmred alem, Feb. 19 A suit it- equity for n injunction was commenced in the Martoa couofy circuit court toUa7 by the state nt Uregon. nuoo th relation of A. C. Tayior, plnintiff, vs. Sflvesier Pen- Dover. Pni! Meischan and Gtorga W. Mi Br rlf, in tbsir capacity as a b.irJ ot .-ii'ni'oners of pub ic build ngs of tbe ta'.e of Oregna. sletendants; tbe purpose being ta restrain them from purchasing lands decided upon for tbe E. stern Or gon insane. asy.um in Union county, and trora giving out moneys of the plaintiff for tuat purpose, and also commanding them from constructing toe building or nu nunuiog unuer sa a. preu-oaed act of the leg;slature, (iui-iug the pendencv of this suit, and that on final hearing of ne suit mat the order herein prayed lor be mde perpetual, and for such o her rule or relief as may be eauitable. and filially forcos'sand disbursements. Judge Burnett has ordered ttiat tbe defend tots appear In court Saturday. Marcb 3, at 10 A. M . to show cause why a temporary in jun.ctisn sb u!d not be issued according to tbe ptaver of the complaiat. Aa or der restraining the board from purchasing the land mentioned, or any lands in Union county, or elsewhere --in . Eastern Oregon as a site for such asylum, and also from paying out or expending any rauneys of the state for such a' pentose, was' also made. Governar Pennoyer, being approached with a request lor a statement 'as tq the summary proceedings against the pro posed Durcha-e, declined to offer n. tb'ng for publication, merely remarking that ' the Irait said the soonest mended," but as the reporter wai about to with draw, the governor j icularly said: If the court will strictly regard he correct m'-ani'ng'ot'the wdrd'j 10 .tts'con strucuoa of the eonstnntf'in, the branch asylum will be bui:t at Union." TKiei Tblrd time Lncuy. ' Washington, Feb. 19 Senator White, of Louisiana, has been nominated by. Ibn pra-ideat. as associate .justice at tbo uuiwu .otatea supreme coart. Tbe nomieat on wai a complete stir prise tn every one. Hid an the Rennb lican members who hav- beea qust.intied v The Bheep Indnstrv, !?ALEM, Dr., Feb. 17, 1834. Editor TlVIi-MOUKTAIMEB ' Permit me to call your attention 10 a letter in the' Statesman of this date, writ ten from Washington City by Hon. T. McConnqll, a delegate by tbe wool grow ing interest of I'aliforoi 1 to appear before the U. S. senate committee on finance in oppositiou to' the pending Wilson bill be coming law. ' Mr. McLonnell writes re monstrants have been denied a bearing before the committee, so, under the aus pices of the National Wool Grower asso ciation, will act by memorial, wuich will be published in a lew days, and suggests that citizens of Oregon wite to their del egation in coagress for copies of tbese documents. I would add to tbat tbe suggestion, that wool growers apply also for copies of ibe "Report of the Bureau ot Aunnal Indus try on the Sheep and Wool of the United Stales for 1892," 60,000 copies of which are printed lor distribution by members ot congress. I know Senator Dolphjs esirous tp.plape the copies' at bis dispo sal amongst wool' growers, aud I presume Messers Mitchell, Hermann and Ellis are no less so. A line on a postal card .with address of writer is all tbat is necessary. There is. in my judgment, Mr. Editor, no probability of stopping' the Wilson bill, and the cala iity that comes with it to American industries have, I greatly fi;ar, got to bo tasied to tbe very dregs by U0MM01J O0UN0IL. A special meeting of the common council was held in the couacil chambers an Feb. 17th, at 2 o'clock p. m. rreiei.t-W H Bntts, O C Eslielman, T N Jules, C F Lrtier, L E Crowe aud T A Hudson. The mayor being ab;ent on motion Mr T A Hudson Vas elected chairman. Tbe meeting was called for inquiring into the matters pertaining to the police depart ment, aud such other matters as might be brought before (he body. Oa m ition tn tbo. matter of a fine im posed, whioh had oot been collaoted, it was ordered ch.red aga'nst ths city marshal. Councilman Jolca then stated that during the absence of th recorder last suiamof th ' mayor in aoting as police judge ha t turned the fine ot a oertain prisoner over to the city marshal, and thereupon aad on motion it was ordered that said matter bs referred to th tinanc asmmittae. . On motion th recorder was instructed t call the speoial attention f the polio oE csrs toward ordinance No. 2GS, being the on giverning and rsjulatmg th aolioe de pirtmmt ot Daller City. It was ordered aa motto tbat th polios committee ha fall power to, act ia the matter of eraminiiif th papers, books, to., 10 th office of the oity marshal, aod, if, npon iaspectieo, bo snitable record ar io ' aid office that said committee proosed to ' purchase any and a'l necessary stationery for that official; that laid committee report at tb next couoail meeting. ' On motion it was ordered tWst the coon oil as a comoiit.ee of the whole proceed to laveitigate tbe matter of 3icr' salaries with a view ta taJouiag tb tarn if practi cable, in order to curtail expenses; that they report their aotion at the next oouncil meet in. ' ' '' ,''.'' Oa motion T A Hudson was appointed ch lirman of the aboy meeting. The council adjourned on motion. Tha Forum. The Match nam nor -if th Fcrant (wuinh, from a Catlia ic priest, advising them to T r?rS '"tie about Wnite's coaflraia FACTORY NO. ioc. fliiRQ th Best Brands mannfact Ul inflO nred. and ordeas from all pait of the country filled on tbe shortest notice. : The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAB has become firmly .established, and the de nan d for the tinme manufactuaed article ' increasing every day, , :ec24dv-tf A. ULR1CH & SON, WM, B1RGFELD, Teacher ' of Instrumental Music. Lessons p'ven on thi Man.i rr Violin.- Persons desirinir iuitrutti ns can Kave ih ir lumen at E. Jacobsen's or I. C. Nick.lsen'a llunic Store, Second at oot, Jte aileH, Oreifon. aTlS K P. 'OSTLUND il I will fur Dish drafts and estimates on sll bnildii dwetlinjrs and stores. ' Hr. Ostlund is' a practical mecharic, and thejplsns drafted hv lim will prove artistic, cheap and dura. A l8nS'moH Lnnallc.. -.. . Whatcom, Was!., Feb, 16 The coua ' ty authoriti s have been notified tbat a man named Joseph Dobmao. of Wick' ersham, has gone cr zy atd flrd from bis home scantily c ad, armed with a r ne, ano iiks onrricaceo hi nisei t on a little island in the Nooksack river near Acme S'aiion,on the' Seattle. Like Share & Eastern railroad. Settlers dare not go near bim and have appea'ed to 1 fficers to capt ure bim It is reported that he took to tn woods four days ago. c'otbed only in irouers and "shoes As far as known he has had be lood since then, ud may be dead frm hunger and ex posure. A deputy sheriff tried 'o reach there this afternoon via Lje Whatcom, hut fai'ed to catch tbe sienmcr, and will have to wait till morning. B ik-ke per Ansaatted by Faetyad Eugeke, Feb. 17 L-iuis H. Jfihos 10 was tbo victim of a dastar ily assiuit early this morpiag, the motive of thu assailant ..being Tobherv. .Jonasoa is biMik keeper la ta? First National bank. and bas a room adj imiog tbe hi-a k of fice. Where be sleeps. H is called every morning by'Winiam 'Cu'enun, , colored. He was called t ds nioroing 41s nsusl, at which time be arose and diess d, opened tbe doors to air the rooms, and took Dp the ashes preparatory tobaiidisga fire. As he. was starting out to em hit the a-hes, a footu ad, who bad '.slipped in. struck bim. two severe blow with a s'lck of oak stbVrwood, one over the eye and the other on the neck, leav ag h:aa in an unconscious cacdilioa on the floor, after taking bis gold watch. H lay ia tbis condition until nearly 8 o'cIock, wben another biak clerk arrived aod found bim ' Maical aid was summoned. ut it was. several hours before he revived, and even than could not tajk. but wrote wdb ar pencil what be ronld remember of the attack. H-is suff .Ting' severely Irera coocuxsion of the br.in and spinal coi nmn. -Tbethug bas not yet been caught, but it is thought the officer will prob ably run biai down ' Two'other a trmptt at robbery were reuorlrd last mght, , In thi 8 nate. , , iVashisuton, Feb. 16 After some routine business the senate went into executive session on tbe Peckbtm nom ination. . " - The firt- half hour of executive session was devoted to conoid nttoa of onap posed nominations Then Vila resumed his speech begun Wedntsday in favor of confirm ion. M tchel! of Oiegon followed Vi'as to favor of confirmation Mitchell spoke briiliy. H was followed by White of Caliiornia, who in turn gave way to G orge. G-orge spkc fur confirmation. White against. .... . After tli Kewspnpers. Tacoma, Wash., Feb 16 The United States grand jury, now in session, has taken the Tacoma. Ledger and Seattle Teltgrtiph to task for publishing state ments presuming the probable action of the jury in regard to certain matters it is investigating. Judge Hanford, of the United States circuit? court, declared -in ' A Rrviv.list nsrderes. Ottawa, O., Feb. 17 A most born hie murdor wa nneanbed aear here: to day. Rev Jos'ius C. Bggs bas bea conducting revival rnestiugt for some time pat at W s'ermana, a sraa'l towa ten miles west ofjhere, and has stirred ai. quite a feeiing among the better cia-s of inhabitants. There is no church in th curamunity and the meetings have re--ulted ia a movement. to that- and being inaugurated, and this has been the cause ot feeling ag-dnst B ggi, and ieu ted ia his murder. Last Mmday oigbt, Bit". dmiDg the big storm, started tor his hoarding .house, several Miles awy. He was sat aid and killed, his throat was cut , from ear to er, and everything at v-ilue on Lis person was taken. I de' Reply tit Willi. Washington, Feb. 17 Tbe rtate de partment has at Us received an ofDcial copj of Pres dent Do e'i rep y to, Willis. It came ibis mornirg ' by tbe regular mail from San Francisco, aad with it" came the 'eply of Willis. 'Copies are being made and tbey will go to coogre.-s as soon as finished, probably .Monday. A packet was also n-cejvert bv 'be San Fran cisco mail Irani Admiral Irwin. It con, taioed no interesting letters.- being prin cioallj copies ot rout.na orders. nrrenaer .to save. lueasiireir - Cloture was certain. The outlaws have detained the messenger as a hostage. The bt)ue is small, only twa rooms, and easily coal' maaded by tbe ofliuer. About nuon there will be a genera mave oa it if ut surrender lakes place before then. Un doubtedly there wi 1 be soma lives lost if tne house is stormed. After waitip; an hour for the retain of Reason, tbe messenger who was sent in with notes to Ev ms and M-r-ill asking lor their surrender., it became ev.dcnt that be wea. held as a hostage, aad the posse closed up, waiting for furtbrr de velopments. At 19 o'ciactc Evans sent ont a child with-a note for Suciitf Kay; aaking bim to come into the hnuse Jcr coDsuitatiOD.. .It was then ascertained definitely from the child tbat one women and some children were ia . the house with the . bandits, besides the hostage they held. Af'er aa exchange nf several notes between Evans and . Sheriff Ear, they finally agreed to come oot it f he of ficers wou d oe instructed ant to soot and. tbe large crowd ot veopla who-, bail gathered to Witness th affair were seat back. . .. " ' At. .10 :40 the door "of Eyans' ' cabin opened and Morrcll .' appeared aad held up his bands, folidWed :m mediately afer by Eyaaa without arms-. They w. re im -nLediately ir.vered' by' 20 r fl s and Sher iff Kay and'"Marsha! Gi' advam-ed and stuMk bands with Evins' A' delivery wag.io was "iresed inio'aervicc, ard tney were driven rapidly, to jail ... - ' Beasoa.tbe man who was captured, and held as a hostage, is -an old fiiendif E?ans. He says that when be rapped at and git the eua under his arm, at th the door at the cabin Eraas appeared J same time firing and shooting WybKS in wun a-gun ia nts Dana, aad after he aa. toe ueaj and killing him certaine'J wno wautea admltiACce. jsraed blia iatd 'tbe cab. a and -imsieftiatefy flammed and locked the door He tken bad Beasiin tell Dim the exact situation on tbe pu'side and asked i.lsadvic . B.-aa son to d oiaa the whole cuanirv . was aroused, tb tt hundred ef men armed wita rifles, ehotgiias and revolvers wcra concealed behind osery fence,' outbuild : VS nd po'nt of vant ge, aad it wa im-"' possibl lor theaa to escape. ' Tbey , were only waitiijg for tb women and children ta be removed to mane a de'erm ned at ttck on the houst. Finally Evans con cluded it would be impoitibl,. to escape, aod, making a virtue of necessity, sur rendered . . EVANS" PARTNER WAS NOT MRELL. Tbe man captured with Evans this moroitg is not Morell. H says be is a man -wo worked in tbe dioino- room with bim. Jdba M.rch, who met Evan. several weeks ago a.t . Churcnill, id .re porting the tact here Said that people would be surprised, wben ' tbey. learned whnErans' partner is. . Several: ci'izeus now claim that .(be man now Under ar rest with Evans is named Enow. The youog maa was' raised eight qiilfS east' .if thiscitv.in wnat.was.callrd tbfc Swama. Marshal Gard ma . Eans , aod Morell were not jn' the .Roscoe rwbbery. He has known their whereabjuts.'ne ' claims, for week.' -- " -: . ' ! tlon ornatrir vTOlte. or Lriuistani,. .was, coa- unueu as assaciate ju ige ol tne supreme court or the united st'e. Ji,.lward Douglas Wbite. was born au the parish of Lafourche, Louisiana. No.. vcraber. 1845 He was educated at Mount St' Mark's J. suit col eg1-, near Efaui t's- bnrg. Md. Hi served in the Coufedera-e army and waa licensed lo practice, law bv the supreme, ciiiitt in T8C8.'' He Was e ccted' state senator in ' W7i. .was apv pointed associate justice of . the supreme Court ot Lions ana in lq78 and wa ebc ted to the United 8t'aW senat io 1890 touceeed- James B Eustis. .:His a n- atoriAl term will exoire March 3, 1897 '. A Bad Slaw K.i;le.' ' Ashland. Feb. 19. A'fatal sboafiag tracss occurred on Jump off Jo creek, at t'le farther end 6f tbi connty, Friday night, io-wtiiclv Henry Wynnes was shot through tbe bead and killed. At Pa mer and and bis half-brther, "jatik Bialri occupied tbe : same cabtu with Henry Wynnes, and all have beon engaged in mining together on tbe creek. Friday night Wynnes sat up by tlie fire after .fie others had gone to ' bed. After giv ingt hem time to go to sleep, hfc oick'ecf up bis rifle add stele up to .their bed Pa mer was awakened .and saw Wyaues ommg, and spoke to him, jint as the latter fired, the bill'-' entvriag Ue ng above the bead of, tbe bed.. Palmer grabbed a revolver, and, as be sprang out of btd. fired at Wynnes. Tbe latter reti-ne'd ' tbe-'fir-v "but-, did- . harm Painer then misJe a rusk for WynneS' a bitter experience ot which tbe foretaste bJ thB w,y Wl11 0C8"B v"ulum XVII) will is with us even now. But our day will cme again, and we ought not to sleep,' at our posts of watcliiuilucs-, but be ready' for oppprlunitieSy t .' A recent communication to the Orrgd nt'an'by ex-Senator J. H. Slater indicates aline of misrepresentation by free-trade Democrats in support of their cause, and f tbink it should be met now witb tbe truth of histoiy. What I allude to is tbe monstrous assumptions made by Mr. Slater that there were 42,000,000 sheep jn the United States when tbe tariff, law of 1801 passed, and that there were 12,000,000 sheep slaughtered for their pelts and tal low by American farmers within three- years thereafter. The fact is there was depression and appreheusion occasioned by the extraordinary amount of wool and woolens left on tbe market : by tiie. close of the civil war, aud tbe Morrill tariff of ltjGl being deemed inadequate protection, tbe law of 18(il was pa.-scd tn time, us the commissioner of agriculture reported , to prevent such annihilation as Mr. Slater contain thesbarpet t and, it is believed, the most helpful discussion of ths income tax tbat hi anywhere appeared. . Th Hon. Urkil - . JJ.h, member ot ooograsa fiom Missouri, v who hii mad himself ' a great -u.hority oa this "subjoot, will write in favor of it; and Mr. David A. Well against it. The saw number of tli Forum will contain the .first of a serial of artielea oa different niittni of soeslism or oommuniam tbat rc fayorid by different groups of agi tators ia tht Uoitid Statei. Mr. EJward B.'llamy will :plaia detioUely tbo pr Uratnme of the aalionalisii, and Professir VTilliatn G. Summer, at Yala university,' wid critiu- this progrsnims shewing in impracticability. Anathtr striking artiol that will appear in this number, will be a '.arching luquiry into th oaasc of railroad failures lo 1893, 6y Mr. 3i-na Sterna. far Over fifix Ifea', 3.' An Old an, Wbll-Tiukd Kemxdi Mrs. WinsloWs Soothing Syrup bas been used for over fifty, year by million of ' imnf-.hfra tne t.hie nhil.lean r U 1 1 ...!..., fldUirlB Hill lata ntun. T ,U .1 I " " "" """"H ""YuV'i VaT c7 w,th P80' ,ooceM 11 the the child, lor bis assumed butchery Mc ateri. has f J - ,, . . , softeris the sums,' allays all pain, on re to assert an increase of 20,000.000 bfjad bt wind coho, and is the best remedy for . sheep from a stock Of 22,OoO,000 in I860,: itiarrbcea. I pleasant to tb taste. Uoli i within seven years four of which Were: I 5 au druggisu in every part of too world. , .-reu.y mi oeuia a ootiio. its value is incalculable. Be sure aad . aak tor Mr. . Winslpw' Soothing. Syrup, and tak a btuer kilfi ' . J -laaepn. Ktppler Dead. ..: ..New.Tobk, Feb. 19 J iseph Kepo-v ler. the Cartoonist and editor of"" yu'eafc." died suddenly at nis hm at Etst Sey ' enty nin'tli s'reet from ' spinal trouole. -Tbis was brought on by oyer exertion at the world's fair, where a Puck burding was erected He wa borniin Vienna oa -February 1.-1838 . . . Twice a Murderer. Raleiob;. N. a. Feb. 19 New comes of a doabl murder at a wedding in Alleghany county. Daniel Slaughter hid a dispu e.wi b some persons present Suddoniy Siaug'h'tef spraag at John. Bare and ttabbed bim to the heart Bare fell dead and 8 augnter dashed lor the door On his ant be scabbed J.ihn Long, kill ing bim instantly. Slaughter Was cap tured two miles away aud safety ladged iu j .11 at Sparta, . . . Lnst Vt'iih all oa Baal-d. New Orleass, .Feb.' 19 A rumor published ' a te das ag i to the efl-ct that the tu iliUard was wrecked oft" .the Nicaragua coast ia confirmed. Sixty-two lives were lost. ' Not a maa on board the vessel survived to tell the story. A re porter met an English gentleman last . ,,. .. .Murder at Caleb, , . Mr..,T. A. .Ward. the sher.flf of thi county, received th. following friro W. W. Cowneconstable-at Caleb, Grant county: ' Caleb, F.b. -15, 1894. ' T A . Ward, The Dalles: , .....-.' . Deab Sia I closed find description of John Him let, .wanted here for the murder f Ben. G im e Nst night. Arrest if yu find bim and sei'd wotd: Age, 37 or 38 r beiaht about - 6 fe : weight", aboit 170 or' 180; very, dark hair. smooth shaved; Jtery lare front teeth; cat or brnis , on left side of face; finder on riiiht hand chewsd or cat. Had on wben left, light gray suit of clothes, brown over coat with fur ctTar arid cuffi; bad either a brown eadd e horse, or small sorrel . mare; also a 45 c.liber Colt's revolver witb pearl handle. . Hia face is very square. . Yonrs, to:,- , . W. W Cowne, Constab! From thi -I it is very evident that a mur der was -committed at or near- Ct'eb cn Feb. 14 b; bat no particular could be as- c-rt dneil covered by the destructive civil war. The, facts are(nd they are proved in thespecial reports. on wool atid woolens prepared by th. U... 8.. treasury, in 1S3T). the, uicrease was more steady antl greater id : prapor-i-I'ion between' 18o'0'and . ' than" between 1S70 and 1880.' The aggregate increase1 of sheep for llietwa decadea wa 6."006,670 Irom I860 o 1870 and 6,714,119 between 1870 and 1880; 12,720,747 in the twenty years under protection, against 3,159,901 lucrease during twenty yeari'of low tariff from 1840 to I860.' But- this contrast of effects of tariffs on this industry is mors strong by comparing tbe almost station ar condition of the ind'istry daring tbe tud years of the Walker tariff from 1830 to I860 from 21,721,220 to 22.471 215, the increase was but 748,0j"i. Compare this wiib increase from 3-162.074 in 18c0 to 5(),626,t26, from the latter date to lS3i in- ojusivc; "lhat is I5,434.55J increase, In' the flveyeojs. This' is -the rat of increase UialJIr. Slater, by his vote,' (itgainst tbe inU-rest of his constituents) helped to stop, and did in fact so reverse that with in fire years froin that fatal tariff tiuker igg' the decrease aggregated' - 8,000,000 head. ''' ;. . ' " Some of your readers doubtless remenj er Mr. Cleveland's first message in favor ot free wool and its effects in prices in 1888. Some of them may remember tbat tlie chances of ' bis being elected 'then caused some to quit breeding their flocks and sell their ewes for mutton. That was ' a mi-take which I hppe will not btf re irepea.ted. nowwheq it is possible to be avoided. ,It is a very dark outlook just now.but can 'the sheepman do better with ! either horst-s or cattle or grain raising? Not much.. ' ' Pioneer. Burns must he iu need of a little reform, judging from tht' following wail sent up by the HeraXdi- "It Bura absolutely without law? And is it possible, if we havaany law restraining fighting,., nbicenity, ' th lowest, villainous vulgarism aud slarg ex pressions possible for the human tbogue tr emit, that the to wo aiithnritie are power less to enforce the law? How long is this stkte of affairs going to exist, or rather be conutcnencen?" ii another plao it (ays the town is too poor to sffird a marshal to sup press fight ng aad lawleiians. Tb town needs a guardian appointed. ' ' ' Altany Democrat: They have been hav ing lively times at Yaquina Bay. Ia a nws paoer filht Cot. -Van Cleve hit Stewart, of the Leader, a heavy rap Stewart got -mid, hired an attorney, A. L .McFadden, and called on Van Cleye for a retraction. . The result was that both men were fired bodily from the pistoffice. Van Cleve is said to have been presented with a purse by the citizens of .the city for the act. Stewart, a very windy fellow. threatened to arrest Col, Van Cleva.bat has. not yet dona so. 4ass-- BOTTOM rANTs ADDRESS: SAN FRANCISCO, CAU .. . Hae Wkat , . .-I- t .' . ... The well-known maaager of excursion t Wathing on, Caliiornia.' and th Waita Mountain's.' I. A.' Whltcoiab,' "says: I oav never ,oad anything to do sse so 'much jfoofa yaar Salphur Bitter. It Is the best spring . mcsticia tbar I aver .used . I woald advise all wbs au&itr from biliouiat and dyspepsia ta use Saipbar Bitter, fori know tby cured me. 1 Be Voor O wa toetar.' .It won't cost you eaa half a (touch. Ds aoi delay. Seed three 3-caBl stamps for pottage aod w will sead you Dr. Kaufntipo'a great work, fia colored alatea Irom life, on d'seai, it can.es and borne cure. Adarass A. P. Ord way. c Co.,. Button, Mass. Antelope Ha aid: Just aa wo war gcA lhg t press a dispatch reaobed o from Mitchell stating tbat at a daoc givn at" Uouk Creek on th night of the 14th inst.. a fellow by th cam of Jack Hamlet. (nick named J.ck the ripper) bt through ths head aad instsatly killed a man named -Bii.jtmio Gamley, Tb two bad a quarrel early in the evening, in which Hamlet waa knocked out. Tb murderer, who ia abav ' average iz aod about 35 year of age, ('h paly discriptiOB w ooulJ get) l thouxht to- bsve beaded in thia direotion, . and the diipatch requests tb deputy sheriff here (o keep a (harp lookout for bim. Say tb Satchels' Gazette, of Sab Fran cisco: It seems to be very gcoeral opinioa among tboae in the beat positioo to kaow tbe facta, that the onmber of cattle, sheep andbog is not iacreaamg at a rata equal to the increase of population in th United Stares. Som go as far as to allege that there'ia an actual sbartage oom pared with ' former jean, of. both cattle and bogs, which must shortly mak itself felt in tb great m.rkete of the United States. Pnnevilla Jfeut: Jostio Elliott, who is also icbool elerk, finished taking th eeoaus of children of ichoul age ia thi district oa Tuesday. Th enumeration foots up 205. aa' against 202 last year. It appear! that mors of laat year' enumeration hav reached tb age of 20 year than those that hav become four year old. . We eonsider the census well aod faithfully takao, knowing.- a we do, tbat only those ef actual ihool age have been enumerated. Tl regular subscription price of the Times Mountaineer is 2, and the regular aubscriptioo price of the weekly Oregonian is (1.50. Aayoneaubscribing for the weekly Times-Modntaineer -'and paying on year in advance, cm get both the Times- Mountaineer and tb weekly Oreqonian for $2.50. All old aubscribjra paying their subscription for one year in advance will be entitled to tbe ame offer. At Sheridan' real ar soma fine apple R'seburg Review. estate office there which w.-re picked from the tree thi week ia Green Matthew' orchard oa Deer creek. To kaow that apple could bang oat all winter ia Orefou, aad be io the beat of con dition far use at thi time wonld open the eyea of eaatemera. "Bact ria do not oc ur in the bloodor ia tbe tissue of a healthy living body, either of man or the low r animal." So say th celebrated 1,'r. Ko h Other doctor aatr that the be medicins to render the blood perfect y pure and beat by it Ayer's aarsap. arilht.