The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, February 17, 1894, Image 4

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The dispatches from Washington
how that the adoption by the house
of the McCreary resolution on Hawaii
is regarded at the capital as a great
yictory for the administration. This
view of it is evidently due to the fact
that it was only by the hardest work
that even the cuckoo house, wiili al
its subserviency to the power of pat
ronage, could be got to pass anything
- short of flat repudiation Of that pol
icy. : :-. :.
It is safe to say that when the pres
ident started out to restore Mrs. Do or
inis to the throne she ence occupied be
bad no thought a Democratic congress
would stop short of approving her
restoration, says an exchange, and if
. need he lending a helping hand. That
alone would be upholding him and ap-
. proving nis policy, sat it long ago
became 'evident that congress conld
not afford to do anything of the kind,
and that the problem in hand wus to
let Cleveland, Grtsbaat and Willis,
the triune diplomatic blotch, down as
easily as possible. . All three needed
help to let go the wolf's tail without
being devoured by the irate beast
The house did not like to do even that
much and stood back until the pressure
of effice brokerage was too strong to
bo resisted. ,
- " The resolutions as passed scold away
vigorously at ex-Minister Stevens and
'ex-President Harrison, especially the
larmar HAminff tn IaIta Mnoninl rlnliorir.
, a r - a
in berating them for what they did
about a year ago. It is evident that
the resolutions reflect the angry mood
of the president and his secretary of
state. They have at last found out
that what was done last winter cannot
ba undone; that the seed of republi
canism sown in Hawaii became almost
instantly a deep-rooted tree which the
president and his choppers could not
' cat down or even trim off. There it
. stands with all its green leaves thick
upon it, showing no marks of the ax.
All the silly cuckoos can do is to sit on
the boughs and hoot. -
The senate committee may not be
as subservient. The. chairman of it is
Senator Morgan, of Alabama, whose
principal claim to remembrance is
likoly to be that he gave by his use of
; it a new meaning to the word cuckoo.
Mr. Morgan's committee may not snap
' and snarl so viciously at the heels of
the last administration, but it does r.ot
natter whether it does or not.: One
tbiag is . reasonably , certain, and that
is that neither branch of congress will
sustain the president by any practical
steps toward the overthrow of the re
publican government of those islands.
It would be a very easy . matter, so far
as concerns Hawaiian opposition, to
restore the queen and keep her re
stored, bat the public sentiment of our
wn people is an insurmountable ob
stacle. There is where the difficulty
semes in, and the most obaequiotfs
ceartier at the court of lirover the
First would 'not dare recommend any
practical defiance of that publio senti-
' Bient. That is the reason the house,
while making a great shew of support
ing Cleveland, took . good care not to
. more one inch in the direction of att-
sally enforcing his policy of restoring
royalty and removing Mr. Cleveland's
'. great and good friend Dole.
From Saturday! Daily.
- "Spring time is coming. Gentle Annie."
. Mr. L. O. Stranahan, ot Hood River, ia
.- in the city.
Mr. J. H. Frazer and wife, of Grass Val-
lejr, IUVVO 111 wwu CBMMUJT.
Rev. W. P. Walker, who has been sick at
. Wasco for many weeks, is said to be slowly
. Prof. C. L. Gilbert, of the Hood River
, public schools, arrived in the city on the 2
o'clock tram tnis afternoon.
vvuu nowera in prolusion are
on the hillsides. These are the barbingeia
of spring, and are very welcome.
The examination, of F. W. L. Saibbe for
stabbing Watson was continued on'.il Toe
nay oy XLecoruer jjuiur mis morning.
George G. Hackett, the Ashman, is load-
ins a carload of salmon for Boston at Ever-
' ett,and ia reported as having secured nearly
a carload ot steelnead salmon.
Mr. Charles Wagner purchased the inter
est of Mr. r. Drews this morning in the
barber - shop on Second street, between
' Union aud Conrt, and will continue tbe
busmeas bimself hereafter.
We received a pleasant ca'l this morning
from Mr. T. D. Williams, of Biggs. He
' says the ground is in excellent condition for
plowing in that county, aod he expects a
very large acreage will be sown to grain the
ooming spring.
Mr. E. Jacobsen, this morning, in boxing
' op a piano was struck oy a nail in the eye.
mulcting a wrcre wvuuu, ib uieu piu
fuaely from the effects of the injury; but no
senoua consequence are apprehended tu tbe
eyesight. It it had strucK tne pupil in
different place the eye would have been
permanently injured.
John Jones, of Umatilla' coun'y, and
' George Link,' of Union county, who were
committed to serve a sentence of two years
in the Btate penitentiary for the crime of
larceny, were pardoned Wednesday by the
governor for the purpose of restoring them
to citizenship. It was recommended by the
distuct attorney. .
W. A. Dea', of the Union Pacific; John
Adkins, chief of police; and John F. Dow,
editor of a leading paper, all from Center,
Colo., were in the city this morning, en
' route to Portland. They came to the city
on a special of two coaches attached to a
'. freight train, and only spent a short time
down town. Their genial humor was re
marked by all witn whom tney became ac
A Washingtenl dispatch says that At
torney Gene al Olney states tnat the cases
against James Lotan, ex-collector of cus-
" toms at ' Portland, Oregon, Whitney L.
Boise, chairman of the state Republican
central committee for Oregon, bied Back,
tbe wealthy Chinee merchant, aa i all
others indie ed for alleged complicity in the
smuggling of opium and Chinese, will be
prosecuted to the bitter end.
Eugene Register: : Although the state of
Oreaon has not made muon noise about its
mineral wealth, the report of the director of
the mine shows its rank as a gold producer
te be seventh, bsving an acrredited produc
tion of the goyernment mints and assay of
fices. Oreson to-day oaquestionably offers
one of the best fields on the North Ameri
can continent for the gold miner, and many
have been extremely fortunate within the
past year.
A reward of $150 is offered by the sheriff
of Linn county for tbe arrest and detention
of George V. Russell, ex-county scnooi sup
flrintendent of that county. He lett Al-
I, any, Oregon, January 25, 1894, for Oak-
Viand, California, and from thence east, via
maha, Neb., to Illinois, and is wanted for
" ll(.frtntinn 1 1 fi trYit nrwlufc '
, egtrr. Inscription iieigi't auuut six
0 , .AmnLrinii- laelr AVM- ftart
-.. Hrk fomniexion: uarir. eves:
f'ustac'ie; age about 35 years; spare built
si ght scar across bridge of n se; a little
la rue in left foot and limps a little in warn
ing. Occupation school teacher; temperate
The total wo 1 product of th- Unite !
States is placea at 364,152,666 pounds dur
ing 193 as against 333,018,405 pounds for
1892. an increase of over 31.UUU.UUU pounds.
The American product of wool is estimated
to have increased, three fol dunn the past
thirty years, with Australia ten fold, .-outh
America nine fold a d brit sh possessions
in South Africa. fiv fol 1 during the sa e
Hool River Glacier: One cause of the
financial stringency in this state is given
in the Oregonian of a recent date. 1 he l
Moss family wre at the Chicago' fair and
made the air of uckerdom i edolent with
the strainful strains and congested words of
that famous i-ong. composed and decom
posed by Henry Da Vo s, um- y, fwe t
Oregon. Oregon securities too a tumble
when he reached the high notes.
Miners, in the vicinity of Boise are eagerly
searching f r a hidden fortune of $40,000,
claiming to have been buried by J. rt .
V heel r. an outlaw of the early d ys, and
who. recently died in the California state
prison. Before death overtook him he made
the fact fcn wn and said th buried gold
aa about fire miles above Boise, near a
certain marked tree, only a short dist nee
from the Boisn river. It is thought t at
the tree has been located, but no tiling has
beeu seen of the gol i.
Carl Wo ds met with a painful but for
tunatelv not seri us accident at the planer
Sa urdav afternoon, says the Hood Kiver
Glacier. He si pped and fell, his a- m trik
ing he face of a cog gearing, which pro
ceeded to take him in. He put his free
hand against the machine and managed to
nave his arm fr m beim drawn between the
cogs They, however, took a piece of skin
about three by four inches, from his arm
just below the e.bow. Dr. Brosius dressed
the wound, and in a few days VV oods wil
be able to return to his work. It w s a
very close call.
From Monday's Dailr.
Dr. Morgher, of Hood River, is in the
Circuit court for Taao county o evened
n this eity to-day.
Mr. J. M. Hendricks, of Hood River,
gave us a oll to day.
Edit r J. H. Cradlebaugn, of the Hand
River Glacier, was in the aity yesterday
The militia companies ia this city w 11
give a grand ball on Feb. 22J, Washiub-
ton's birthday.
D. Li. Bolton and C M. Wollard. were
excused from acting as jurors dnriug this
term of ceurt.
A chinook wind
short time to-day,
springlike and calm.
blew violently for a
and the air became
Mr. L. F. Ostium! was appointed bailiff
of the grand jury nd J. VV. Harper and J.
H. Jackson, general bailiff.
We received a pleasant call to-day from
Mr. J. M. Ledford, of Wamic. He says
there was no anew in that vicinity when he
The wrecked coaches, whiuh met with
the accident near Quinn'a one day last week,
passed down the road yesterday to the
Union Pacitio shops at Albioa.
There was one "d d" incarcerated m
the city jail last night, and two hoboes
given free lodgniif. The former was fined
(5 and coats r-y tliu recorder this morning.
Fourteen carloads of cattle passed down
the read yesterday from the atockyanla of
R. E. Salimarshe & Co. in this city. The
were en route to Troutdale and Port a-iti
The following were drawn as grand jurors,
and after being sworn, retired nnier in
structions, from tbe court: J C Eb-rt.
foreman, J M Ledford, A C S.ndford. V J
Kelly, 1 O Wiogfield. T W G.avey and O L
Paqnet. ;
It ia reported that the special which now
arrives in this city at 1 o'clock from Port
land will be continued eastward to Hepp
ner. When this is put in operation it
will furnish increased accomodations to the
traveling public
Hon. M. A. Moody and Mr. E. Schanno,
who made collections in this city for the
Oregon exhibit at the midwinter fair in
San Francisco, have beeu informed by the
committee in Portland that Oregon will
have no exhibition, and, consequently, tbe
money will be refunded.
Yesterday morning about three inches of
snow lay upon the ground, and the'air had
a wintry chilliness During the day tha
sunshine moderated the coldness of the at
mosphere. It is very evident the last pang
of dying winter, and in a few days new
born spring may smile with childish delight.
The Whatcom Populists think they need
an opera bouse very badly, and being short
of funds tbey are offered their own prescrip
tion by a local pa par in this wise: It is tha
easiest thiog in the world." ' Issnn scrip
pay it for material and labor and then make
it receivable for entrance fees to concert,
opera?, etc."
The chairman and secretary of the Re
publican state central committee has issued
call for the state convention to meet in
Portland on Wednesday, April 11 h, for thj
purpose of nominating state and district uffi
cers, and also for the eoovention of the sec
ond congrexai.inal d strict to meet in that
city on the same date.
The following are the attorneys in afei
dance en court: A S. Beunett, E. B.
Dufur, H. S Wili-on, B S Huutu,gtnii,
W. H. Wilson. J I Story, J. B C .nrJ.m.
J! W. Cond n, Frank Meoel.e. VV. P
Myers, H. H. Rirideli, E Schutz, and J H.
Cradlebaugh, ot Hood River.
The meeting continue at the Christian
church and idc rent ia increasing. There was
a perfect oveiflW last nignt to hear "Why
the Different Churche, B p ise." Ordi
nance of baptism administered aFtcr the
sermon. Subject this everting; "How a
Mighty Man of Valor Plas tbe Fuol."
Come and Iojb at your photograph,
Coryallis Gazeete: Ed. U. Pentlaod, edi
tor ot the nest Sim, wav in town Monday
on ma way to tne midwinter lair, vvnue
here be arranged with Col Robert Johnson
te edit his paper tor a few weeks. All wil
concede that Bob is a first-claw newspaper
anan, bat wnea be oomes to writing Repub-
1 1 Man A 1 1 f nri . Ii. or-. .F..i A U t . U : ..
drinks mixed.
Last Saturday D. W. All inch ;in, of Ma-
toles, met with quite a tenons rui away ac
cident, says tne ucnoco Jievtew. ' His taam
ran off, throwing mm out i.f the wagon
Mr. Allinghars was badly brained, though
not Odogerensiy injured However be is
cell advanced in years and will, it is feared
recover slowly.
A Walla Walla woo! grower sent 29 J tons
oi wool to tne Boston marker, and wuen he
received his returns the was. netted him 3
cents a pouod. Bat the reform party says
get yenr woel tram Australia or any other
country where yon cau urt it (he obeaneat.
Last year wool was 12 to 14 cents, now it
At; the Australian clip rales the u. arket.
In Crook county-we haven't mash te brag
jo iust new but our eiisuts wn eh ean t
be beat, says the Sevitm It is just the thing.
the burtls.ara tinging in the bush, flWers
are blooming oa the hil sidea, the festive
wheelman is i seen exercising his hicycla en
tne solid roads, aad the' !) bill hand haa
appeared wi h his ball and bat annoa cing
priBg nas csme.
Northwest Magazine: A N irweaian who
intends to dispone of his farm aud embars:
tu business in Watertown, S. D.. aavs in
regard to it: "Ay lieu taken al- sumer
bout deea farm j livestocks beesnesa. en
Ay tank Ay ken makin damsite mona by
von blind peeg on Vatertewe en tree mnnt
as Ay ken maken-von years by deea bar
farm; se Ay tack Av skell eet me van of
dees onaa peg en do beesness to beat hal
S. A; Lester was in town Wednesday.
ays the Prineville Review, aad informed ua
tnat be waa delayed in starting south by
some one turning the h- rses, he intend fd
shipping, out of the corral aiid letting th-m
scatter on the rang. ' He gathered moat ef
them together, and expects to start thtm
tc-day to The Dalles, from whence he will
fhip direct to Mississippi.
Washington exahance: Tbe citizena ol
Wenatehte, Chelan and he Okanogan
country are making united efforta to gt a
wagon road opened from the north down
the Colombia riyer to Wenatchee. Money
and lab'T are being subscribed te open the
road, and petitions asking tor a continuous
mail rout from Ruby City and Concooullv
re rcceiyiiiK nuuurcee oi signatures it is
the only practical outlet for the Otai 02 n
county, as tne Columbia valley is free fro 11
snow blockades 1.1 winter.
Eugene Guard: Last night Policeman
Mathews had seventeen tramps in jail. It
appears that the toonsts are now about
evenly divided traveling northward ann
southward, and two of his guests from op-
J - I M- '
posite airciooa uw au aueucioir metlnflr
They were brothers and bad not seen eaoo
other for sixteen years, and e.-med over
joyed over the ecoasion. . Their names were
Edward and Charles' Byson. one bailing
from Southern California and tbe other from
British Columbia. They both left this
morning northward biund.
The grand jury returned not a true bil
this afternoon in the case ef State of Or -nun
vs Mike Lyons, hound ovei from the Cas
aides Looks for larceny ef shoes.
Bd. H n erson, indicted at the last term
of the circuit court in this countv fur as
sault with a dangerous wca u. wn ai
raigned aud giveu until t'm.-rrow 111
ing to plead.
Mr. Trumun Butler will leave Po n nt
on tbe outgoiug steamer lor i,auiirnn,
where he will atop a month at the P -
Rob es spring. He will visit the mid
winter fair at Sn Franeiicn before he e
turns. Hirrisburg Courier: A fellow by th
nam" of 1 'lar l is preachiug a new th-o og
in Junction City This inod--rn divine-. -we
are informed, c a-rnt th- this ter""t-
sphere is tha horns of the tal.e . anei r,
i - other words that we are actually living
in hell. He does not deny the truthfulness
ai the Bible but sininlv avers that it has
jHiot been correcilv inteipreud. What fools
we mortals are, anyway.
At the annual meeting of school district
No. 3 at Hood River a tax of 5 mills was
voted, sufficient to hold a nine months term
of school. By a unaniin mi vote the direu'
ora were instructed to employ the nm
teachers as last year, and thase are Prot. C
L. Gilbert, principal, and Miss Irene Cilli
son, assistant. The Hood River actionl has
been one 'of the best conducted in the
county, and the fa tilt, of teachers h
given universal satisfaction.
Laat week Sheriff B oth, of Croo't coua
ty, assisted by Dick Vanderveit, attempted
to arrest a number of Indiana on Uppei
Deschutes for violating the game laws, bu
the Indians were too many tor them, ih-r
being a dozen nr more all well armed, na 1
the sheriff found from their d-monstration-i
that he had not aufhr-ient force to a co 11
plish the arrest, so he gave it up. Bu' hr
is not disposed to give the mattor up, tint
will likely bring the guilty parties to jaatics
. La Grande Chronicle: Js R. Bartmess,
a lormer Grau-ie Rjuder, v,a down from
Idaho last week on a visit. Mr Bar in -k-is
interest el with a con pie of other men in
ron,e gold quartz property that was discov
ered late i the tali near the Seven Devils
li&tncr. He had with him re:imeus of
free 0 e that assayed over $2,000 to th ton.
and a $12 nugget that wa.-, taken from ad
juinii g placer claims. There seems to be
s-an elv any doubt about the find being a "
exceedingly rich one, and i: will be opened
up as soon as tbe weather will permit.
Alban Democrat: As oo i as it was
learned that G. F. R isaell, the actiool auu
erintendent had fled, Snariff J.clt-01 hriia
workiug up the cane and since then has ex
pended over $40 in teiegiaphiug, all to east
ern points,' atnoug other phiues to Busnneu,
II!., where Russell once res d-rd for a while.
Last night ahont 10 o'clock the sheriff re
ceived the following dispitch from Buh-
nell: "I have vour man in charge. What
shall I do With him. Answer quick '
Signed hy J. H. Weaver, city mrahl. R.
ouisition papers will be gotten out at once,
and the Illinois omcials will be telegraphvd
to bold R iaseil under them. Ic is feared
that he will attempt to get clear ouder a
writ ot habeas corpus, but nothing wi 1 be
left undone to get him back to Albany.
The most serious chrje agaia-it ni n is for
gery, and this mtana several year- in the
There is an item afloat to the efftct that
in a neighboring towu is a lo.lgi of the
Farmers' Al itnee which meets Monday
nigh'S Th-re is only one lodge room 111
the town, and Tuesday nighta itis occu
pied by Ku gbts of Pythias. Tbe president
of t ne ul tbe nub alliances came to town
Tueed y. and seen g a light in the lodge
room, concluded he would go over thre
He gave the proper knock at tbe oute'door.
Tbe wicket wa rai ed aud an ear placed to
hear the paw word. "I plow, I hoe, I
spade" Whispered tbe alliance man. Th
ear was replaced with an eye, and in tarn it
gave place to a mouth, which whispered in
replv, "Tbe h ;l you do," and the wicket
dropped with a bang The iudiguant
farmer shortly afier met a "brother," to
whom be told his tale of woe. "Why, dod
burn it," was the sharp comment of the
brother. "Them's Knights of Pythias and
you've give Vm our pass word.
,r ' Dogged
if X ain't" was the response, "but (bright
ening np) dura era I've got theirs.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Judge Stott, ot Portland, is in attendance
on court to-day.
The Astoria office has now on hand
$ 4000 worth of the Columbian starnpt.
Hon. Geo. W. Johnston and Mr. M. J
Anderson, of Dat'ur, are in town to-day.
Mr. J. G Day, one f the contractors at
the Locks, is registered at the Umatilla
One unfortunate individual found his way
into the city jail last nigbt, and- waa fined
$10 and oosta by tbe city recorder this
Mr. J. D. Slater, or La Grande, a son of
ex-Senator James H. Slater of the same
city, is iu attendance on the circuit court
now in session. v
Mr. H. S. Loomis,representing tbe Ore
gonian Publishing Company, gave us a
call :his atterneon.
Circuit court has caused a great number
of per p ir m the country to come to the
city this week, and our streets have a
lively appearance. . .
The two highest inhabited spots on
earth are . Arevii-hiary and Mucapata,
mining camps in the Andes. The former
has an elevation of 17,950 feet.
Sinnott ' Fish ' rjoivel from Nirth
Pearler to dav three carl ia la of i- e,
amounting to fi'tv-fiv or sixty tons. This
is a good, c ear, hird-frt zn article.
W. H. O'Strander, on Wednesday of thia
week, killed a large rattle snake on one ot
the Clarno ranches over on tho John Diy,
wni- h carried eleven rattl. s. His snake
ship was peacefully camped under a stone
about two feet fun re, and waa as lively as
be would have b en in July and August,
snya the Antelope Herald. This ia some
what of a inouatrosity at this time of the
Antelope Herald' An o d farmer living
near Condon intent ou maki ng his will,' was
asked' by a lawyer the name of his wi'e
wheu be gravely replied: "Well, indiMtl,
1 really don t recnllect what it is. w
been married for npwarda of 40 years, un l
I ve always called her my o'd woman "
The lawyer left a blank 10 hi filled up
wneo nis old woman a name wa ascer
The winter has been mild in Grant
county, and ibis is the report from one
portion of it in the Long Creek Eaqlc; "C.
L Williams was up from the cattle camp
er y oa. rtuyio ist riuy. j nus tar this
winter he has not fed any hay to the 1000
head of cattle nnder his supervision, aad
range being excellent lu that country, he
hopes to get through Ihe wiuter without
feeding only a few head."
tturas Herald: flews came into town
auoui two weeas since mat a -sneer) ctiun
of Richards and Johnsons was robbed.
Uue Willis Jordan was suspected, a war
rant issued tor his arrest, aud Georire
nioore sent in pursuit 01 tne tluet. Ueorire
went irom nere 10 iJiamona valley, from
there to Anderson, from thre to Drewsv
on 10 rraine Cily, capturing his man at
the latter place. The prisoner ia uow
nere under guard.
The dispatches to-day state that "James
F. Moore is in Ihe lead for regixter at The
Halves; but some charires preferred h ive
delayed the nomination." Air. Yloore is
an attorney at Prineville, and wis a can
didate lor prosecuting attorney in this
district at tbe last election The charges
are those ot which mention was made in
these columns laat fall; butol Ihe merits
or dements of them we have do know!
edge. No doubt these hive delayed the
appointment ot a Democratic register in
mis city.
Klgin Recorder: On tha return ot th-
Wallowa county stockmen from their last
sinpincu! ui ueei came in urn -na, we Stated
uu what we supposed was gxdsutho itv
. f 1 e ..1. 11 1 . ,
hut Ihe ihimiiMit vmi nut aiiri.tiii-turv n,
aiuce then we have b -en trfornied by one of
the ptiuuipal owbera of iha sto k thit h
prices received were entirely satisfactory.
aod a great deal bett-.r tnau onuid have
beeo ob a urd from thu Portland and
sound Lnye's. Th a is gla-lly
made as wo are a ways pleased to learu" of
our WaMowa county funis getting sr iod
priuos for their produce.
Last Oregonum: The snow stor n whicii
raed here all day S-ttnrday aud Su i lay
was quite extensive in the cope of couutrv
c-ivered. The storm extended as far east an
Huntington, although it wis not s-v. re
east ot Biker City Between he e aud
Biker City, a large quantity of -aiiow fell
ai.d the crew which came in Sundiv ev--- -
lag reported the storm still raging ' Ni
leiav was caused, " tne tram arriving on
schedule time. - No wind waa blowing, or
some trouble would have been experieu -ed
in getting through the mountains The
storm was heavy out in tha vicinity of
Pilot Rock, and extended quite a distance
west and north. -
The case on trial this afternoon is James
Schmid vs J G aod I N Day, contractors at
the Locks. In this action tbe plaintiff
claims damages for injuries received by his
meot works tu he a-nou it $1999
iurv cm sis' ie tiill.-wiii.
Waumihlast, JED -vl ,
il V H ..1, 1
o P t o ,. V
John He r ,
ia - iaiK H
'ins c ty. 1- ..
'n lg Stixt, i t
- b aine 1 a-'S, -imp-irt-4Ut
11 -Bv
! h
ib- t d -i e
md 11 b' . n
trm -1 in p -
Ca l-ghan. M H Miller. G
N Wiiev, CUrk McC-w II.
G -o A Lieite, J n D tn
Duver Ju Ige. B i.inetl ol
tornev. f'T fie p aritltf, 111
P -rt'Sttd. f r the. d-tert..alll.
.Ion -i D Ricki ifeler h a
lu'e ucritrul fit the ut, .
niiDe of th- U 'it 1 8 ,tei
wa- c'ot -I Oil Fr 'a , h
Like Sap- nor do in -in
Cuba. Tola p.-ic- B h in 1
tion toward thrt ir-iu pr du 'ij. b isi . -tn-it
he has I -n nel 1 t is- o: "i .
1 er is nut a mug m ii- 11 1 1 L a- s .
erior i.-g-iiii ul ill Cum tu uu I .
control to dav. To do this has 0'ily co-i
him between $9 000 000 ud $10 000,000
He wus able to acc- 111 u tali thia b-u.-ntf , 1
the recent financial ciijis
Astoria is iooa to have a series of meet
ings conducted by the wonderlul Norwej
i in preacher, and a scsait n of the Demo
cr itic oonvefit on, and the Tacoma Gazette
saya: "With Tai o na'a wo d 1 tu 1 N-i
wegian preacher soon to ap ear and tha
state Democratic; convention tu ennveue lu
Astoria at an early dtte, our sister ity 1
fairly in the swim Viiih reiign.n on on,
hand ami politics on the other, hei luture
asuurretl, railro-rls or no railroads." T
which the Astorian repiis: "Very true
Hut while the revival is n w n full biaat
there is a strong pmbalii itv of the supp y
ot "inuera being nh u-'- i "
The Walla Walla Statesman says: It is
to be hoped that Seattle lias not go::e int -the
business of ewindUng the farmers by
pruiending llieir shipments of wheat are
damaged us Purtlnud and Tacoma docs,
but a W aterville dispatch says: Seutlit
lius proved to be the poorest market 011
tbe luce oi' the globe. All the wheal seni
from here has been graded as rejected,
wet, elc. 'I here has beeu no rain u- re to
wet ao thing aud it ia supposed that on
tbe Soiiud the wheat gels wet in a few
days from the moisture in the atmos
phere. P ople here who shipped their
grain three mouths, ago have no returns
Pendleton Tribune: Messrs Lit Liv---n
ore, A M. I-aai-, Moies Minthoru and F.
H.- Bringhaui. sooie ot the most deeply in
c-rested eti vkho dcrs i 1 the Bine M lUiiUm
Irrigation aud Imprueement conn an v.
v. sited their property ou llcKtv creek 19
miles from Pdudlet-iu, yea-;--nly. Tbi.
nractiCiilv CJmplete 1 tne iiUi-c'iase of al-ou
500 icres of laud fro n the 1 1 li ns tor their
reservoir site and rihc-ot way for their ir
ngxim ditch. The is l -cit-d n
the reaervatiun, aud when complet d ic
ccr liug to the pres-nt p-ana ot tne c un
pauv, will have a capa -ity of 1.500 000 gn
loos of water. The irrigat.uu ditch wi'i
run acrcss the reservation for a diotmce of
three miles.
Governor McGraw has removed 'John
Mc Heavy, one of the capital commission
ers, and this action is thus criticised bv
the Klleosburgh Retieter: "The governor
has removed John McReavy from tbe
capital commission hoard ou tbe grouud
of 'misconduct in office.' It is alleged
very strongly that his removal was more
nronerlv becau e he would not lead bun
self to the scheme of the Seattle ring. No
specific act of uiiMCOD-.Iu.ct is assigned by
the governor. Mr. McHeayy's statement
of the case is an exposure of tbe minor
workings of the commission, from which
it would seem that his ooly 'misconduct'
waa in his selection ot the tievwood plau
of Tacoma In tbe eyes of a Seattle man
thw is a sufficient cause for dw.aDilation.'
Refrigerator Oars,
During tbe wiuter mouths refrigerator
cars containing way freight for poiuts 00
the Pacific division, will be staVted 'from
Pnttland Wednesday and Saturday of each
week. This measure is adopted to avoid
loss or damage to perishable freight on ac
count of cold weather. 'Shippers will please
take notice and arrange their shipments ac
cordingly, thus avoidiug unnecessary loss
y cold weather.
, E. E. Lttle, Agent.
Far Over Fifty Years.
An Old ami. W ell-Tried Rembdt
Mrs. Winslowa Soothing Syrup baa been
used for over fifty year by millions of
mothers tor their children while teething
with perfect success. It soothes tie child,
softens the gums, allays all pain, cures
wind cohc.aml is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold
by all druggists in every part of the world.
Twenty: five cents a bottle. Its value is
incalculable. Be sure and ask tor Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing ' Syrnp, and take no
other kind
ttoe U hat
Tbe well-kDown manager of excursion to
Wsshinsr 00, Caliloroia. aod the . Wnita
Mountains, I. A. Whitcomb, says:
have sever bad anythiDg to do me
much goo'd as year Sulphur Bitters.
is the best tpnne medicine tost 1 ever
used. I would advise all who suffer fiom
biIiounss aod dyspepsia to use Suiphar
Bitters, for I know thrv cured me.
Boys and Girls Aid Society. '
Boys may be had (and sometime, girls)
(l)or ordinary service at wages; 2) upon
ndenture, to work, attend school, and be
brought up somewhat as your own; and
(3) children may be had lor legal adoption
Address, J. H. Misener, Superintendent
Oregon Boys and Girls' Aid society, Port
a 1 1, Oregon -
Dry Sflois, :W 'Fiimi-liiigs
- 134 Second Street, next door east of The Dalle
national Bank, i
Having ust opened hi business, and bat ng a full
ssorjueat ol the latest goods in my line, 1 desire.
-nareoi tna hudic natronaire.
apra . O. F. STEPHENS
Cor. Court ana Front Sts.,
The Best of Imported and Domestic'
AUa s on Sal.
Keatnoky Straight Whisky 03 Hand
y T 7 T A T7 T T
I V. k H ft V
A. X A. A-'i lllljlV -A-
Second and Union Streets.
A. L. ?sTEWSIAN. ircurietor
All persons Oeairipsr dre-sm-Lkine- dwe will please
call at the residence late 7 vacat-.d by Mr. Le.lie
Butler Latest atylea from the eat. SatiatacLon
guaranteed . . ; MKa. McUL'FKtY-
A Birgi'n..
OR tale or train for a go-xl farm in Wasco
Countr, a food Improved acre place in
southern California. Fjr particulari applv tOilhis
minor fon while employed on th g
The Baldwin
The Vitiated
When you see
Its impurities
Bursting through
The Skin
In Pimples,
i And Sores.
Rely on Sulphur Bit-
3ters and Health will
a i o, trt a. P. Ordwnv & t o.,
Boston, Mass., tor medical work published
KthweC-.r. Second and Washington Sfc.
Successors to George Buch.
The Cheapest Place
All Kinds of Groceries,
We respectfully Bolicit a share of the public pat
-onagfl, and Hhall endeavor to (five entire gatisfac
tion to our customern both old and new.
I will furnish drafts and estimates on til buildin
dwellings and stores.
Mr. Ostlund Is1 a practical mechanicand theiplans
drafted hv -urn will prove artistic, cheap and aura-
mm m, m ib,
Soecial Prices to Cash Buyers.
First door east ot Crandall & Bargett's Fur
niture IStore.
1 Second St.. East End.
Has been refitted tbronirhout with the
And ia now manufacturing the
Best Keg and-Jottled Beer
- : - and Porter
In Eastern Oregon. .
' Mr. Buchler always aims to adopt (he latest brew
ing apparatus and will furnish his customers bee
equal to any n mantel: wn
turn BtAtoritr nat-lovi their orv
MkrvmBskwa. aod frab. Ifaas eanae lv in powrty wmd tLo im
thievftet Htmoiripg impmir ia tha lot of waanw, m thay
IrxTk back aa fjaw wBt, avfiartitaicy. X-4t is paaa
hm-zl Bimth mat. Baay and doiQC. 1 isHireva ytmr opBtwuv
11 ur, wm anew pvoapwrttr, pcoatKMioca. aa 1 1 was
i,w & nh linn .ilmr Hat "Bis lioAiam offara i
iMu mwortmnty to cil parnn at atM parted af tUa
iiiii in in shfl linnro, wni hffprriTi rrnt iiit rift'irrr fnil fr fig
Maod ab daparta. mtwer to roMwo." Uoir .LvuU jon find
tha goumm oyparUrttwtrf IavestiRMa vrery clvioca tbat
ppm wrtr. aad of fake yromita; tbat tai what aft aoo-
CsvfiksiaDaa. tsrenanoMOT-MBny, nwo.i as aiwior
witiwB tha wamoh ot lairing peayta. Iwpcwvcd, K:
mt laaal at aarfAaWt KaT fa. MtsV Th aOUfKM CAnn-
rtaoy h) hora. Manny tw he maoa najartlr aiid . -if
by suty fcxt ttrtymJ pgwtmqt wwrtCK. an cos. . -a can
do the ww and Uva at home, wkorover ym are. Kren ba
gKrntm are w.Oj earahifc irom && o felO per day. Yea
can do at wail it you vfll work, not too Imrd, but indoMri.
oaaJy ; aod yoa eaa laaraoae yow taoome a yon poop. Yea
nm orr apa fetaM oniy, or ail ynr Hm te tUo work. Easy
io k)Mra. uapiMi. . reoBrwi, ntaunrou. jiMisooro--miiveV
new and roHiiy wondarfui. Wa foatrBct aad
iu j yea liov. Tree. FanaroBmlaiAWB mnHf oar work
Ko room p vpioiahsra. lite and lowrm aH ft-t?.
vTornrn mnH. JBwwo to aetay. Afl.iroM atoneo. n.
Uuilect Sl Co.. Uox. PortiunU. Uoloo.
notrunft; new wnen we sut tnat it pays to engage
in a permanent, mast beaitliy aad. pleasant ousi.
nesst that raturas a profit fur crery day's work.
Such te ttic bannesa w offer the workinc class:
Wa teavh tham bow to nake money rapidJy, and
e-iiaraHtea ovary ooe waa fuJJows our inntructioua
im. ntuiiy tno mamg ai 3ov.ou s montb.
Kvery ooo who take hold now and works will
surely aad spaeduy increase their earnings; there
can be no qaestien about it; ethers work
are doing It, and yon, reader, can do the same.
TliU is tho best paying business that you have
ever had the chance to Becure. Tou will make a
frave mistake if you fail to give it a trial at once,
f you frrap the situation, and act quicklv, von
will directly find yourself in a most prosperous
buiuess, at which you can surelv make ami save
I F T1.A H.s..'lfa 1.. t
liaise sumo ui iiwiKj, uc t isuio i vuif a 11 v
houtv work will often equal a week's wages.
Whether you are old or voang, man or woman, it.
makes no difference. do as we tell vou. uad suc
cess will meet vhi nt the very start. Neither
experience or capital necessary. Those who work
for as are rewarded. Why not write to-day for
iuu particulars, iree r is. AUiaCin x w.,
. imx vt AUgaaut. Ale.
H "AMtTRieny
The laneat, Fastest aad Ftaest tm tha Warld.
nuiiianjai aecemoOatiOBs nnexeelleo.
RwT SJtlltl iTrlsT
jl reauinr imerrais.
yateaoa toweat terms to and froea tho ortocleto
BxeoraMB Hdteta awniihte to Fstur! far etthtr tka si
tuiwiw Oi e k Iferfii of Irelaad or Kaplai ft eihraftai
Drt4s tsA X0M7 KM nr MBf Amsot U Lcottt SiUa,
A9P7 vo svev Agones or u
AGENTS WN TED Apply to Thos. A. Bndann.
genera tciii xiicLAticaj, vi - j aosc-VZ
To represent cur well known horns. Tea need no
capital to represent a firm that warrants nurseiy
stocK nrst-ciass ana cms to name, work- all tne
year. flOO.a month to the right man.' Apply, stat
us; aze. L L. MAY Co, .
serymen. Florists and Seedsmen,
8t Paul, Minn.
and Builder
II UImmI Kte OfAMrtemMrrf
lib P-nsW-
TTlTrT Ark T r
II Kit " WS AtSryVTV
Pars bkmitt - ills ill re. n . ur vei t
t-.tttl if VII,V t ow 12 u 15 p un a a
mm. 111 .... tt . v ii' aick .i.-s o i In ) ; n-i i uuhc
I". Iliei bi..l up h h-aui m d .- h
c u.p ixi 11, lev iii; un wr.nkie r fli -bino-a S o t
aii-i .ii..ii und rinhcii.i 1. re cli n ur iv rt-nevi
t -t,.iat b c asciiiliU. . d ,-o.
live relief, adtiptea oiily alier ye-i oi t-xpene- ce.
A 1 orders -upp kid UiiMt lroui our otfice. Price,
it 00 pt-r patkjir or ihree p ck iirea tor 5 00 by
mail po tpaid. Tcatiinouiala and ptrlicular- (sealed)
C.-rr-spouUenr - Sitrlrily t'onflde-'
PARK ERMEPY (JO .Bisna t Mi s
llep!iljlic-:n Attentinn!
ITnere will be a meeting of the'Repub lean County
entral Committee at tho county c urt room id the
Court Moune in Dalle Citj. Orejin, on Thur-Klay,
February ?l, IS94, X the our of ten o'clock A M ,
j lor the purpose of tixiny the time f r the holding of
I the next He ublicin oumv Convention, appiwtion
! in? the rej-resntat on thereio, and truDsactint;
, suth other Du-nneas ad may properly come before
j t'te committee.
The Dulles, Ore.
B. S.
F,b. 0, 11-81.
manly yig r, Vricn i t, etc Ur L'uMont's nerve
pill 'il' ,-ffect a ap edy cure by its ute, thouaands
o ..uses ol the ye-y worit kind and ot l--njt standing
have bein -e tured t, p rfeci health. Fifteen
hnusa-id teitimonias fruui nil ever tbe world.
Price ner P4Casnt tl 00. ix I ,r 85.00, trial paeae
sent aeemely sealed .or 10 cent-i pun aire.
Addr.Bi. Dr H U Mmkt
81 K. Washington St., Chicago. Ilia., (J. 8. A.
Application fir Liquor License.
Cascade Locks, Falls Precinct,
V aco County, V
State of t'reuon. j
ward Benri-ron, if a id precimtand coun'y,
wi I, on the 7th day of AUrch, 18:14, apply to
the County I'ourt of the a ove-nameu county for a
licenae to ell spi ituius, molt ai-d vinous liquors
in less quantities than one nation.
Fall. Precinct. Wasco County, State of Oreson.
January, 27. 1684. .
Cascids Locks, Falls Pucisct, .
Waeco County, Stat: of Oregon
To the Hnnonble Couuty Court of Wasco Count.
We, the underiirned taxpayers and ejra! voters of
Fal -a Precinct, county and attte aforeai.i.1, respect
fully petic ion your hon-.rable co rt to irrant a li
cense to Edward Bergeron to sell spirituous, vinous
and malt I quurs at the town of Caacule Locks in
aaid precinct, in less quantities than one ga.lun tor
tbe period of one year:
C J Canniaoi
J bn ullivao
Too .aa Badoer
A KnWhtly
Peter Mrn.'n
Joll W l arthit
lhoa U Williams
Martin Johnson
Fred T Henchman
H D Parkins
J E birbiu
P MeElaney
J H MeDonough
Isai Morin
George Tyrrell
John Oillen
Ziel Garnaan
bam MeCary
W Uke
Andy Kelleber
A G Hall
d Kvrainer
John Trail a
Wn McKenzie
Harry Gray
Geo Paterkin
P Morin
Patrick Walsh
Kcnueth McKenzie
James L Smith
Louis Gebhard
A F ColliS
Johu W Haley
J C Jones 1
George J Bafford
T F Manion
W Lynch
C A Stewart -E
Nelson .
E P Ash
H Lillegard
W L Keltner
Jan es Stewart
R Black
Alex Watt
G P Morgan
1 W Mclsaac
D LCates
P Nettick
Georee McCarily
Herbert E Wiley
W F Conaly
Chris Youug
Frank Bail
Thorcaa I'oyle
HUH nie
Fred T Benchmtn
. Patrick Nolan -Kela
Aug Wilson
J E Hile
G 3 Heniv
M Sisk
Peter Trana
Geo Gray
Daniel Firsrerald
G W Buppen
Pat Sullivan
P Sheringer
Mel Leavins
J F H- ndriuk
E D Monavhan
Andrew Kelleber
W N Larkin
Application' fur Liquor License.
' 1 Falls Pescixot, )
Wasco County, y
btate o( Oregon)
bullivan. of aaid nrecmct and Mwnt
will, on the 7th day of March, 1894, apply to the
County Court of the above-named coun'y for a li
cense to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors in
less qua. titles than one gallon,
Fal.s Precinct, Wasco County, State of Oregon.
January 27, lb4.
Falls Precinct. Wasco Cotott,
State of Oregon.
To tbe Honorable County Court of the County of
Wasco, State of Oregon:
We, the undersigned residents and legal voters
of Falls precinct, countv and state aforesaid, do
hereby respectfully petition and pray that said court
shall grant a license to John Sullivan to sell spir
ituous, malt and vinous liquors in said Fails pre
cinct, in less quantities than one gallon, f tt the
period of one year:
Patrick Nolan
D L Gates
Mike ' on nell
PH Sullivan
August Peterson
J H Mc- -onougli
C F Candiani
Jerry Sullivan
Peter Valentine
Pat Nee
Theodore Olojlr
Ed Bergeron
Dan Sullivan
James Stewart
. Mel Leavens
Alex Watt
E D Monaghau
H D Parkins
R Black
F Nelson
W L Ke tner
W Cochran
M Fitzgerald
Hat Sullivan
Patrick Walsh
C E Miller
W Lake
John Duffy .
C A Stewart
Johu Trana
H a Leavens
A J Jordan
P McLaney
F F Levens
P M Kelhker .
Pat O Neil
John Jas Foy
Geo J Buftjrd '
K Sinnott .
A G Hall
A J Knightly
J E Sorbin
Denis Buckler -John
A Kelleber
E Posse
Thomas Badder
A J Coll is
Timorby Brennan
Thomas H Williams
Patrick Fltherty
Chas Gray
J F McGrath
H Fitssimmons
Applicatk fur Liquor' License.
. Cascadi Locks, Falls P ecixct,
'uo County,
8ute of Oregon I
nctta sad Thorn Badder, of said
l-recuici ana couniv. will, on tne 7tH dav of Mamh
1894, applr to the Coo.llv C .Urt of tha ahav. n.n,i
o muiy, i. r a i cense to sell rpintuous, malt anJ
vinouM liquors in less qnanticies tnan one gallon.
. Falls rTtcinct, Wasco County, Stite of Oregon,
Uascadk Locks. Falls Pkicikct.
Wasco County, Bute of Oregon.
To the Honorable, the County Conrt of Wasco county
We. the undersicned. letral voter of Fall. Pm.
cinet, of Wasco countv, nr., reape tfully petition
..-ur uuiiomuie cuurb iu irraa a uaenae t- Ken
neth Mi Kenzie and T. W. Badder to sell
malt aod viuous liquors in said Falls piecinct In
ess quantities than one pallon fot the period of one
C W Fluke
M Malleney
Petur Trana
N F Murpby
A Flelsch iuer
H L-llegard
T Lilleirard
Henery Fitssimmons
James tewat
P ter Driirgan
F Ra -eev
Auguat Wilson
Geo Oldham .
Ed Eyrainer
B A McVitty
Pat Lilarety
H Glazier
. Tbeo Glazier
W L Kilmer
P Sberinger
JAAldricb. -J
E Hill
T W Lewis
W A Caloon
D Cates
Th King
A B Glacier
Ereck Nelson
William Day '
Auinut Te:nelius
John Trana
Geonre 8 Henry
A Knightly
M Sish
Pat Sullivan
Ned Nelson
fid D Monaghan
P Paulsen
John O Brown
Timothy Sexton
John Tliieson
John McCoy
John McLoed
Dan Snliivan
Andrew Keihher
William McKenzie
A K Collis
H F Kroner
Wm Frizzell "
A Wait
Due Nelson
John Sullivan
J H atcDokourii
K Blark
Laud Optics at Tub Dalles; Oriook,
Jan 30, 1894.
Nrtice is hereby gi en that Ihe following named
aetticr has filed notice of his intention to make final
Drool in support of his claim, aud that said proof
will be made before the Knrister and Receiver at
The Dalles, Oregon, on March 21. 1SW, vis:.
Homestead No. 4451, for the SW. Sec J2, Tp 1 N,
a is e.
He names the followrnsr witneaae. to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of naid
lan 1, vis:
Marden Hendrixson. J. P. Davidson, Jcseph
Johnson, James C Johnson, all of The Dalles, Ore
febs Register.
'VToMoe is hereby (riven that tbe undersigned Ex-
1 y ecutor of ih cst&t" of Jobn btanier. ueoeaxfi
has filed in the County court ul the state 01 fmron
f r Wasco Conntv. in Probate, on January 26th,
1894, a full and complete account aa a cn rxecntor
to and inciutiiDir J t unary 25th, 1894, and be intendw
to. and will, on Monday, site am aay ot ai.ircn, jbm
apply to the Honorable Geonre C- Blakeley. Judre of
aua uoun, lor an oraer anowinif, pproviatc Ma
settlinjr his accounts, allowing him to resifrn as such
Executor and exhonoratinff mm irom lurtner uauu
ity as tuch Executor.
Executor of the Estate of John Stuiley. deceaaed.
January 7. 1894.
County Treasurer's Notice '
All comty warrants registered prior to
Jan. 16. 1890. will be paid on prrseota
tion at my office. Interest ceases after this
date. William Mich ell.
County Treasurer.
The Dalles, Oct. 21, 18P3.
j Dalles and vicinity. Liberal Commissions paid.
and we furnish the best snd most complete outfit
ver provided by any bouse. Write at once for
terms. Send references.
aly22 Philadelphia Pa.
Leffal Notices,
Sheriff's Sale.
TC Fan IXtClTI -A und r 1
l-u-t 1 .to o uie 1 ir ml toin 01 Uie -i ieu 11 f.-r Auae-- c. Unty up.H, a dec.-e
aud j dxuieut made, renderett and entered b) said
Cou t ou die 1st day 01 Uecsuibxr, 1893, in favor of
the plaintiff, in a suit wbe ein T. . Johnston and
(teorire W. Jubnston, co-purtners. doiug basineas
under the Arm n.ime of Jonn-ton Broa, were plain
tiff , aud A F Uruwn and Broun were defend
ants, an to me dir. cted and del Vered, commaud
inKme to lev) upon nd aell ibe land. Ui-uliuiitd
ud de ri en 1.. a iu writ and h ren,.fter deseriued,
1 uid on the 8.h d ot Jauuarp. 18U4, dul lew
upou, aud wn a a pu.i ic auction, to tne iiigh
eat bidder lor caati iu uai.d, on, nir 10 n .1., ul , lb94
at Wn o'cl. ck in tne foreuo n uf sid day, .t tba
tront dour of the Cou iiv Court Huu-e in IMUea
City in Wasco Cu'-ty, ureiion, a I of the lands and
pieuiiMii described in said writ and herein described
-a follows, tc-wit:
The southeast quarter of section !4, In township
4 .outh, ol ranice 13 east, of the Willamette Merid.
lan, in Wasco Couuty, Oieg .n, togeiher with the
ten Amenta, ner. ditameuts and appurtenances there
unto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, or ao
much tlirreui aa .hall be eurhci. i.t b,auti-ly the
sum of 5o3 80, with interest thereon at tne rate of
leu per - ent per annum ai. ee tha lat day ol lie.em
ber, 1SK3; SO0 00 torney's f.e and l.7iS coat
in uud au t, uieiher ilh c ut ol aaid wr t aud coaU ol aale. 1'. A WaK.,
bher.ff bf Waaco County, uregoti.
Dated at Oailes city, Orison, Jan. 11, la4. Jal2
Administrator's Sale.
WH RE AS, Mir Hon. County Court of the State
ol Oregon, f .r the County of Wanoo. on t:-e
otu day ot November, 1893. dUMjmde an order ui
reetillK me, tne ulj app-iiuteu, qOaiitled and acting
adniiuiatralor of be eatate ol Ernests U -use, d
ceased, to sell the lauds and premises belonging t
aaid estate, and herealter particularly deecribeu, at
public aut-tiou, to tbe higheat . bidder, lor caau iu
therefore, by virtue of such authority, and
in pursuance of aaid uruer, 1 .ill, oa Saturday, the
lOtu day of Fehrua v, 1894, at the hour of teu
o'cl.x-k iu the foreno.,11 01 aaid uay, at the front doot
01 tne loui.ty Comt riuuae iu Dalles City, vtiuno
County, Oiegnn, sell, at pu .lic au tion. .0 the htgh-
e-t oiuuer, tor can in haud, the lands aud p emises
belooKing to said eatate, and particularly dcacribea
e fu lowa, to-w t:
The soutnaest quarter (sU and tho southeast
S)jarter of Uie orthwest qua.ter (-ej of i.wJ)ol
aection urteeii. (15) in towush.n one fl) aoutu. 01
r.i.Ke fourteen (14 east, of the Willamette Meridian
in Waaco ountv. Orctrou. cuataiuiiur two hunured
acres of ia d. aid -ale will be made subject to ap
proval and confirmation of the said County Court.
Dated at Dalles Citv. Waaco l.'oui.ti'. ureuon. thla
8th uay of January, 1694. ,
Adm'r of the l state of Ernest S. ilaage, deceased.
Administrator's Sale.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the un.ler
sig ed, administrator uf the eatate of Harri
son Comm. decea-ed, by virtue of an order 01 the
t ouuiy Court of the State of Oregon for a-co
Couuty, in probate, made on the 5.h day of Septem
ber, A. D. 1893, and a sjpplementarv order made by
said court, of date Uec muer 22, 1893, will oil --atur-day,
the 27th day of January, 1894, at the hour of 2
B. M. of said da, at the Court Huuae door in 0-Olf-t
City, in Wasco Countv, State of ort gon, sel- at pub
lic auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand,
suit-ct V) the continuation of aaid Court, all of the
following described real es-ate and water rurhta, be
longing to the estate of the said deceased, to -wit. -
Tne west half of tbe northeast quart, r, and tha
northwest quarter of tbe southeast quarter of sec
tion twenty -five, in township two north of range ten
east of tne Willamette meridian,conttining 1 0 acres
and situatod in Wasco County, otate of regnn; aud
aiso tbe eas. Half of the east half of section So.
tweuty-five in township No two north of range ten
east of the VUlUmette meridian, containing 160
acres, and situated in Waaco Countv, State ot Ore
gen, together with tbe tenements, hereditaments
and appurtenances and water rights thereto belong
ing, alid be.onging to said esttte
All abuve described property, including the
water rights, to be sold in one parceL
Dated, December 22. 1893.
Administrator of the estate of Harrison Co rum,
IN THE CIRCIT1T COURT of tbe BUte of Oregon,
for Wasco County
George W. Rowland. U in tiff, ys Hugh Gourlay
and Bessie ourlay, defeuiUnta.
To Huw'b Gourlay and Bessie Gourlay the above
nvued defendants. .
In the name of the stale of Oregon, yi and each
of ou. are hereby rcq ire, to apper na answer
the complaint of plaintiff, filed against you in the
above entitled suit, on or before the first day of
the regular term of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oreeon for Wasco County, next following the final
publication ot tnis summons, to-wit; on or before
Monday the 12th day uf F 6rury. 1894, and If you
fail so to appear and .answer, for wiuit there f the
plaintiff will apply to tbe Court for the relief prayed
for in bis complaint, to-wit:
For a decree of foreclosure of that certain mort
gage deed made a d executed by you to E. B.
Duiur, on tbe 3d day of November, 1893, upon all of
lot O of LMifur's Grand View Addition to Dailes City,
in Wasco County. Oregon, and accoriiig to the re
oordtd map of said Addition to said City, and that
said premises be told under such foreclosure decree
in tbe manner provid d by law aad according to the
practice of this Court; that from the i roceeds of
Buch sale, tbe plaintiff have and receive the sum of
iftbO, and interest on aaid sum t-i -ee November 2.
1891, at the xate of 10 per cent per annum; also the
further rum of 50 as a reasonable attorney's fee
i or ins ituting this suit to forcleae said mortgage,
and col'ect the notes thereby secured and hu ein
sued upon, together w;th plaintiff's costs and dis
bursements made ami expended in this suit, includ
intr accruing costs and expenses f sale, and tbat
plaintiff have judgment over atvd against the de
pendent, Hugh Gourlay, for anv deficiency remain
ug after ail of tbe proceeds of such sale properly
applicable thereto, snail have been applied in pay
ment of plaintiff's demands as above set forth; that
upon such foreclosure rale alt of the right, title, in
terest and claim of you and each of you. and all
persons claiming or to claim by, through or under
you, or either of you, in aou to said mortggea
premises, and every part thereof, be forever b-vrrtxi
and foruUwed from the equity of redemption, and
for such other and further relief as to the Court may
seem equitable and just.
This summons is served upon you by publication
thereof in Tbe Dalles Times Mountaimlih, a news
paper of treneral circulation, pubihthed weekly at
Dalles City, Wasco tounty, Oregon, by order of
bon. W. L. uradanaw, judge of au l Circuit cour
which order bears date the 27th day of lecember,
sp30-7w ' AtUTiievs for Pia niff
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has
been duly appointed administrator vt tne partner
ship estate of Go. F. Beers and K. E VViiliauis.
dui g business under the ffrm name of The Dalles
Mercantile Company, of w.iich firm said George F.
veers is deceased, by order A the Hon. George C.
Biakbley, Countv Jude of Wasco county ortvon.
made ou tbe 17th day of November, 1-93, and that
be bas duly quail fled as such administrator. All
peisins having cUlms against said estate are re
quired to present thtm with -tbe proper vouchers
to me at my reaidenct in Dalles City within six
mouths frm the date of this notice.
- Dated this id day of November, 1893.
Administrator of the partnership estate of The
Dalles Mer cau tile Company, consisting of Geo. F.
Beats, deceaaed, and K. . Williams,
Administrator's Not ice.
dersifrned was duly app in ted lulministrator o
tbe estate of Nele Carlson, deceased, of Cascad
Locks, hy the C unty Court of the State of Oregon
County of Harco, on September 22, 1893. And,
therefore, all persons bavins: claims against said
estate are required to present tbe same, with prope
vouchers atiucned. wiihiu six months from the dat
of this notice, at my office at Cascade Locks, Waeco
uouiity, uregn.
cascade locks, fctept, su,
Administrator of th e tun ti els Cfemn, de
Executor's Notice.
' n the matter of the estate of William H. McAtee,
Notice is hereby aiven tbat the undersigned has
been by the County Court of Waro (Jouitv( HUte
of 'regou, appointed ex cutur de bonis turn instead
of B. C. McAtee, removed, o the estate of William
H. McAtee. deceased. Ail Dersoits bavinir claims
against, or business with, said estate are notified
and required to present same with the proper
voucners to me undersigned executor, at nig rest'
dence in The Dm lies, Wasco County. Oregon.
uatea 'ine oaiies, irciron, this ivta dav oi Jan
uary. 1894. GEORGE A. LIfc.BE.
txecutorof the estate of Wm. a. McAtee, decs d
Assignee's Notice.
"VT OTICE UTherebv iriv-n that C. L. Phillln..
X siirneef Wm. Farre ft Co. insolvent detiiors.
tiai filed his final account as such assignee in the
circuit court of the State of Oraron for Wasco
county, an that sa d final account will be herd in
aaid Court im Moctia,the lth day rf F: ruarVi
894, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M., or aa soon there-
after as the same can no reai-hed by the Court, said
day being th first day uf tbe regular February,
its, term oi aaia cour. u. u. raiuum.
a lies City, Orezon, Jan. 12, ISM.
Land Omct at Tjk Dallks, Orkoor,
Uec 27. 1893.
Notice is hereby iriven that the following-named
siittler bs hied notice of his intention to
make final proof iu support of his claim, and
tLa-. said proof will be mauo before tne Kegiatcr aud
Receiver oi tne u. land omceat ins ualles, ur.,
on t en. la, vsut, vu:
Hd No. 3596. for the W 8E and EV4 &WK, See
12, Tp 1 N, K U E.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon ana cultivation oi saw
land, vis:
B. Parodi. L Lawler. Jesse Spencer, and William
Spencer, all of Tne Dalles. Oregon.
uecoU . , una tv. uiniD, oegiaHir.
with several acres of land; also part of orchard
Also the brick store building, corner Union and
Second streets, under the Union Lodging House.
For terms apply to UfcUKUK WILLIAMS,
Administrator of the estate .of John Michelbac
Do Vim Know
We dirty a full line of Stoves and Ranges,
Building Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware.
Fishing Tackle, Guns, Ammunition, Pumpp,
Iron Pipe etc. W .ire nole agents for the
Garland Stoves and lianges
The World's Best hanitary Plumbing,' Tin
ning and Metal Roofing a Specialty.
Groceries, Provisions I Cordwood.
depromptly atte n ed
fe:.': jiJsfS i5! i '$
Free Omnibus to an. from tne Hotel"
fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuable
Ticket and Baggage Office of the UNION PACIFIC Railway Company, and Office
Western Ut.ion Telegraph Company, are in th Hotel.
Ton Want Your-
We kpep t hp Largest and Best Assorted Line in "
the city, of Dry Good" and Notion", Gents' Fur
- niehing Goods and Clothing, Men's, Ladies' and
Children's Fine Shoes.'
WO Want Your Patronage
Of course we win put Prices to suit. Always do
that. Nobody undersells us. Come around and
investigate. . . ,
Successor to LEiLXE BUTLER,
Will ConsUotlylK ep orjj inad a Coinplete Litis of
Groceries, CrocKerij
HaTiDk.iarch8pd Mr. BatlerVlentire stock, I "hill en-is'ivor to
maiotaio tha rrputatiouof thehouse, whictl bat beeu
Call and see m nest rTosr to Pwt OfB-s.
Stoiicman &
ncoiroATEu is
r Wholel and Retail Dealers aod Manufacturers of
Ui'ilding- lla.terial and DimpnHion Timber
Flit, JPJJ
OVlv and tSL,A13
Th e ftro Fiiio
AD. nrnTr.f .vm.,
Best GradetCalfaia Wfces
getond Street, between Union and Court,
Suocsssor to Floyd k Btiewo.
Drugs, Medicines
rure T.innora for rnrrliriDal riUTOM.
Columbia :
Thia well-known Brewery is now turnine ont the best Beer and Pnrt
east of the Cascades. The latestppiances tqr the maafactnre ef gee health
fol Beer hare been introduced, and only the first-class artiole will he pkoed
ea the narkot
Umatilla House
, 0 glasss
Boots and Shoes
Wine Eoonis
acd Brardies id ihe Ciiy.
and Chemicals,
rbvsirisn' rrmrrintiAt.. . u i. .