The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, January 27, 1894, Image 1

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    i 1 J
t -i i.OU.mlIEEB, 9LII
John Michell, Editor and Proprietor
ng-e copy, one yr . . . .
ige copy six months.
.... l.w.
A3-Terms strictly in advance.
Rnirrcd at tht PatcMcc at The DalUt, Or tamd
. Clots Matter for tranmittim through tht mail.
Secretarv of State O. W.MctfriUt
Praunnar Phulip Metucllal
Superintendent of Public Instruction... t, 11. Ktlro
I J. N. Dolpli
Senators 1 J. H. Miicou
Congressman, first district
B. Hermano
secooa uistrict...... .. .
."A". K. fcilu
gute rrinter..
Frank Baku
Coaoty Judge.
Snerut ,
... Geoiye B ake j
T. A. ru
1. B.Croe-ei.
..... Wn. Michei.
....Jas. Darmeik
....J. W. Koonu"
Surveyor..... .
Superintendent ol Public Schools,
..... E. F. Shari
......Troy f-belie
,..N. M. tastwouu
Professional Cards.
Physician and Surgeon,
Booms S and 4, Chapman. Block. The Dalles, Ore.
Physician and Surgeon, ,
Booms over Dalles National Bank .
Office hours 10 A.M. to 1 M.,and from o P.M
Residence West end ol 1 bird street.
1. w. cosoo.
, Attorneys at Law.
Office On Court street, opposite ' the Id Court
House, The Dalles, Or .
,-v- . S. BENNETT, . ' .; ; ' .
Attorney at Law,
Office In Schanno's building-, upstairs.
The Dalles ... Oregon.
Attorneys at Law.
Booms 42 and 43 Cha man Block The Dalles, Or.
jo. koontz, ; '
Beal state, -
Insilranoe and.
Loan Asx-exit. ..
Agents tor the Scottish .Union and National I -nrance
company ol Edin lurgh, Scotland, Capit
Valuable Farms near the City to sell on eaf
Office over Post Office. The Dalles. Or.
.. . ; Br bT CURB FOR SCAB. ;
"" It improves trie-Wool, and increases the
One gallon mixed with cold water makes one
. hundred galtoi s of strong; wash.
James Ialdlaw fe Co, Agent,
Pobtlaks, Okegon.
for sale hy Petes as Mays, foe Dalles,' Oregon.
(Sucsessor to Thcrnbury a Hudson), . -
' 83 lasMngton Stf. THE DALLES, OB
Laods, or tha taws rela-tin.; thereto, .you cmo c nsiilt
him free of chkrge.- He ba made a specialty of th
butinees, and hu practiced before the United State
Land Office for over ten yeara.
He le Agent for the EASTERN OREGON LAND
COMPANY, and can sell yon Grazing or Unim
proved At ri cultural Lands in aziT quaniity iieaired.
Will send pamphlet describing' these lands upon ap
plication. He is agent for the sale of lota in
Thompson's : Addition
imna D ATiEBJ
This addition is laid off into one-acre lots, arid is
i destined to be the principal residence part of the
eitv. Only twenty minutes' walk from the Court
House and ten minutes from the Railroad Depot.
lo Settlers Located on GoYtrnment Lands:
If you want to borrow Money on long time, he can
aejommoaate yon.
If yon ennjt call, write, and your letters will be
promptly answered.
83 Washintton Street.
I.will furnish drafts and estimates on til buildin a
dwellings and stores. .
Mr. Ostlund W a practical mechanic, 'and the'plsns
drafted h tint will prove snistie, cheap and dure.
A few Thoroughbred Poland CbinatHoq.
For terms apply to T. J. SEDFKRT.
sep2-lm The Dalles.
Local A TraraJina
To represent our well known house. Ton nee i no
capital to represent a firm that warrants nnrseiy
stock flrstlass a id true to name. Work all the
year. lOO'a month to the right man. Apply, stat
Bg age. L L. MAY CO,
aerymen, Florists and Seedsmenr
' 8t raul, Mina. - -
Contractor and Builder
J. M
(Successor to)
' Directors:
D P Thohpsoh, Ed M Williams,
J 8 Scassca, - O bo rob A Ltaas,
II M Bbalu
fhe Dalles
Mier, ....
.1. P. Mood;
I. a. Moody
jcneral Banting Business transacted.
Sight Eichani?e sold or
i KW
Gf Colfectioae made on faroraMe term at all ac
39-MtMe pMntr. .
A. KELLRR Prop';
I am prepared to famish families, Qotels and re"
caaraoie viui toe choicest
Bread, Cakes and Pies.
Fresh Cysters Serred in Erery Style.
ei-road St rret. Next door to The Dalles Na
tional Bank,
rrhm TJbJ am.
m m m ObHSTOH.
Best Kentueky Whiskey,
Very Best Key West Cigars, and Be"
' ofWines.1 .
Kr.glish Porter, Ale and Mil ran k
Beer always on band.
v No. OB, V
Cor. Beoond and Court Streets.
. Old Mattingly Whisky, used for medics!
purposes. Cigars, Wine and Beer of the
best imported brands always for sale.
Familiar Facss ii i -Im te.
Late 8pecial Agent
Gen'i Laud Office.
Insura&cs. ani, Collection Agency. I
Parties having property they wish to sell or tra
nouses to rent, or abstract of title furnished,
find it to their advantage to call upon us.
1 We shall- make a pedalty of the prosecution of
claims and eontesti before the United Statee Land
Office. julySS
58 Washington St., THE DALLES, OS.
1. D. HOC KM AN.
Gunning & Hocfcman
I n the new shop on Fecond street, first blacksmith
shop east of French & Co. 'a brick block.
Horse-Shoeing a Specialty.
All kinds of work In iron, whether of agricultural
implements or vehicles, done In tne most mecaan.
st mecaai
cat stvle and satisfaction guaranteed.
Wool - Exchanffe - Saloon.
Wines, Liquors Cigars.
. Second Street East End.
Pantor. Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M.
and 8 P.M. Sabbath school immediately after the
morn'ng service. Prayer meeting every Thursday
evening at 8 P. M.
I E. CHURCH Rev. Jo. Whislir. Pastor.
Jj . Services every Sunday morning and evenins.
lunday School at 12:20 o'clock P. M. A cordial Uivi
ation extended bv both pastor and people to all.
Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and
P. M. Sunday School after morning service.
OT. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father Brokbgkbst
O Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday at 7 A. at.
Mass at 1030 A.M. VespersatJ P.M.
.TtT. PAUL'S CHURCH. Union Street, oppoeiti
Fifth. Rev. E!i D. SutcliBe. Rector. Services
even- Sundar at 11 A. M and 7:30 P M.. Sunday
school at 9:30 A. M. Evening Prayer on Friday at
7:30 P. M.
"IHklsriAN CHURCH Rsv. 1. W. Jbkbiss, pas-
J tor. rrcacning every aunaav arcernoon v i
'clock n the Congrcijational church All are cor
dially invited.
15. A. F & A. M. Meets
V V first and third
Monday of each month at
X Meets In Masonic Hall the third Wednesda)
each month at 8 P M.
COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 6, I. O. O. F. Meets
j every Friday evening at 7a0 o'clock, in K. of P.
Hall, corner of ecoud and Court streets. Sojourn.
nr brothers are welcome. a. clouoh, bee y.
.1RIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. .T K. of P. Meets
; every Monday evening at 5:00 o clock, in scnan-
no's building, corner of uour. suo becona streets.
Sojourning brothers are cordially invited.
u. VausB, A. K. ana . r . earxyr cc, u v.
V V will meet every Friday afternoon at 8 o'clock
a tne reading room, au are intntea.
IV I Hood Cun.D. No. 59. meets every Tuesday
evening of each week at 7:30 o clock, in A. Keller's
all. aii orotners ana sojourning orouiera aim
nvited to be oresent.
ri'EMPLf LODGE. NO. 8, A. O. U. W.-Meets
JL in KKeller's Hall every Thursday evening at 7:30
'I'ciook. rAllj atitr i, m. n.
W. 8. Htbbb, Financier.
f AS. NE8M1TH POST. NO. 42. G. A. R Meets
I every Saturday at 7.80 P. M. in K. of P. Hall.
OF L. E. Meets every
K. of P. Hall.
Friday afternoon In
n ESA50 YEREIN HARMONIB.-Meets every
JT Sunday evening in Kellers Hall
r OF. L. F. DIVISION. NO. 167 Meeta n A.
O. of P. Hall the first and third Wednesday of
enui month at 7:80 P. M
Cor. Court and Front St a..
The Best of Imported and Domestic
vmipi in ms.
Alwava on Sale.
Kentncky Straight Wblaby on Hand
A. BETTINGEN, Jr., Prop.
ID. DOJiyfflLL
166 Second Streak.
Practical . valcnmaker.
Cte, Watcles, J.silrj, Etc.
Always keens on Bile the latest and best styles of
Time-pieces, uiamond Rings, Bow-knot Rings, Sil
verware, etc., etc.
162 Second Street, next door to A. M.
Williams A Uo.,
NorthwestCof. Second and Washington Sts.
Successors to George Ruch.
Cheapest Place
All Kinds of Groceries,
We respectful ly solicit a share of the public pat
ronage, and shall endeavor to give entire satisfac
tion to our customers both old aad new.
The Baldwin
Keeps on band the oest
Near the Old Mint, Second Street,
The Hawaiian Investigation.
Washington. Jan. 19 Tbe senate
committee on foreign relationa resumed
its inTesti?atioQ of Hawaiian affurs. The
principal witness was Professor Oleson
of Worcester, Mies., who lor 15 year waa
nrincinal of (be manual training school
on tbe island of 0bn. It Is understood
that durinc the examination tbe witness
declared the rjnten's personal character
was bad. Mncft of thi witness' testimn
consisted ol a history of the trouble whirb
led to the debosiiion of tDe qaeea. 1 in
witness dtclared the United States forces
were landed fur the protection ol prop.
ert ol Americans, and said be dnl not
think tbe act bad the slightest influence
one way or tbe othrr on the revo ntion
When asked if he thought tbe queen
wonld have been deoored if tbe troops
h d not landed, O eson said be so be
iieved. although It might not bTe been
done so easily Under such conditions
Marshal Wi'son, who wa In charge
"the do! ire. would hav retainrd posses
aion of the police atatson, which be had
fonibed. and wbieb would hare been b,
se'o-rd. and the conflict won d have been
wnb evi-rr advantage on the side of the
citizen until be (Wilson) would have
been obliged lo surrender. He did not
think tbe native population cou'd min-
tain a government by- themselves as DUt
few among them were' equipped for uch
duties. If left to themselves, witness
believed tbe peop e would eitber go back
to bnrlwiaro or have an ahsolute govern
ment. Mnnv ol tbe best Hawniians were,
he addtd, favorable to annexation to tbe
United States.
Lieutenaut KufTmao was also recal'ed
but it is understood nothing of special
interest was deduced. Tomorrow Min
ister Stevens will be before tbe commit
Barbariry of Sofas.
London. Jan. 19 Tbe foreign office
received today a dhtati-h from Lieuten
ant Colonel A. B E'lis, British officer in
command of the troops in Sierra. Leone,
west coast of Africa. Colonel El. is re
ports that Inspector Taylor, of tbe fron
tier police, whi! pursuing Sofas, who
had been ravaging a friendly country,
arrived at Kerrat emma December 31 and
found the plsce to be a perfect chsrnel
boose. Sctires of slaughtered captives.
Including women and children, were
strewn about the neighboring street,
and wounded people were seen on all
sides, acd tbe stench from pntrelying
bodies was bornnlo in tbe extreme, ln-
pecror Taylor started ia pursuit of tbe
.Sofna who did the bioody work, and came
c ose upon them J-inuart 2 at B.tgwemn,
The frontier police found the plc-
strongly protected by stockade and
other 'defenses. The police, however.
carried tba place by storm in a quarter of
n hour, killing 208 Solas and wounding
77 others. In addition tne frontier po
lice captured ail the sons and atnmuai
tion of the Sofas and rescued 400 slaves,
the majority of whom were women and
children. Tbe Irootler police only lost
wo men during the engagement. Four
flays previous y the sofas, nnder Chief
Fori, attacked tbe poliee garrison at loo.
ki tfibul and were repulsed with a loss
50 killed and a large number woanded.
Peixoto FJaylnc a Waiting; dame.
Washington. Jan. 19 Mendonea, the
Brazilian minister, say his (;OTernnient
is only playing a waitiog game. Tnere
are, be says, two courses open, viz: To
surround tbe insurgents and make an
aggressive movement 'against tbem, or
cut off their sources of supplies and re-
intorcemeotg and thereby starve tbem
into surrender. The first plan would in
volve a partial destruction of ships and
other government property in possession
of the rebels; the second would gi ye an
pnortunity for a continued bombard
ment of the city. Official advices received
by tbe minister coa'ain iulornntion. that
both of tbe columns reported to be march
ing north to reinforce Meilo have been
repulsed by the government forces as an
nounced by press dispatches, and are re
treating bck to the sontb post baste
He regards these results as fatal blows to
Mello'e bope ol securing fresh men con
sequent to bis campaign.
Vary oat Steel Barn
Washington, Jan. 19 In tbe house,
tbe report of the committee on elections
ia tbe contested election case of O'Neill
was ordered printed.
Consideration of tbe tariff bill was
then resumed, the pending amendment
being that of Jabnsoo of Ohio, placing
steel rails on tbe free list. v.
Wilson asked unanimous consent that
three boors be set aside next Monday fo
consideration of an amendment to the
sugar schedule; agreed to.
Dalzell then proceeded witb bis speech
begun yesterday. He began by rcap
ulating tbe charges he had made against
Johnson. . He bad abown, be said, that
Johnson manufactured certain kinds of
street-rail way rails behind a protection
of 190 patents, and wanted railway rails
to go on the free list; that be coerced his
employes in the face of winter and star
vation into accepting wages of one third
cash and two thirds scrip; that be had
made an untrue statement and bad al
tered tbe stenographer's notes; and tbe
last scrip bad been hawked about tbe
streets of Johnstown and bad been bought
in at a discount by a relative of Johnson
before it was redeemed at par.
Johnson replied to Dalzell in a semi-
humorous veio. He (Johnson) did not
claim to be a pbilaothrooist.
feTheJ Johnson amendment to put steel
rails on tbe free list was lost 70 to
He la rStltl Welcome.
Chicago, Jan. 19 Minister Lorin A
Thurston, from Honolulu, passed through
this city en route to Washington this
morning. He says be bears important
dispatches from his gov ni aent to tbe
United States govern meut.
Chicago. Jan 19 Tbursten said:
When I left Honolulu a week ago last
Saturday Minuter Willis was still per
sona grata, and I can add there never
was nor will there be a contemplated
movement on the part of President Dole
and tne government to furnish Willis
with h:s passports. Tbe United States
is not liable to be sued for damages by
tbe almost friendless and impecunious
deposed queen She never will be re
stored, and I doubt whether she will bave
adherents enough in a short time, at tbe
present rate of desertien, to make even a
shabby showing of royalty."
TVrrlble Fight With Convieta.
Birmingham. Ala., Jan. 19 A posse
organized by Sheriff Dexter, of Blocton
bad a terrible battle at Goethe, 10 miles
from Pratt City, this morning witb four
of a gang of convicts who escaped from
tbe Tennessee Coal and Iron Company's
stockades at Pratt City last night. Sheriff
Dexter was Rilled and Jim Davis, one of
tbe convicts, fatally woanded. Two
other convicts were captured. Tba posse
are in pursuit ef the rest. Tba convicts
bad procured a let of dynamite, with
which they blew down the iron gates to
tba mines and kept tbe guards at bay.
One cartridge atruck near Guard Patton,
and exploding, inflicted fatal wounds.
Tbe convicts also used two shotguns and
a pistol, mysteriously secured, to advan
tage. A Scheme For the Fight.
Jacksonville:, Fla., Jan. 19 The
Athletic Clue will charter tbe entire roll
icg jtock ol tba Jacksonville, May pert
& Pablo railroad, a jerkwater road, tun
riing from this city to Corbett's training
quarters, tear up 50 feet of the rails after
a start has been made, carrying the rails
witn them o prevent troops following,
and bring of tbe fight somewhere be
tween beie and the coast line under a big
tent. Tbe only change from tms plan it
the preseot arrangements miscarry will
bs tbe 'selection of another road, tbe
Jacksonville and Atlantic, which runs to
Palbo Beach, five miles south of May
port. Tbe chances, however, are strongly
in tavor of tbe Myport.
it 11 1 Uoverntne Sfailearriersr
Washington, Jan. 19 Magoire of
California- has introduced a bill to reg
olatetbe mode of governing roailcarriirs
Tbe bill provides that no earner shall be
removed until alter written charges bave
been preferred against hira aad after the
charges have been, examined into by a
board of review designated by the post
A medal of honor has been awarded
to General Eugene A. Carr for distin
guished services at the battle of Pea
Ridge .
All Want the Bends.
New York. Jn. 19 It is understood
a syndicate of New York bankers are
preparing an offer for the entire proposed
issue of t5U.UU0.0U0 of bonds at Car
lisle's fignres. Boston, Chicago and Phil
adelphia bangers want a show at them.
however, and to prevent tbem from over
bidding it is linely they will be admitted
to the syndicate.
Insane A brat the Wla4.
Grakt's Pas, Or., Jtn. 20 -John O.
Ralston, of Wilderville, eight miles south
of bere, who imagines the northwest
wind brings Mm disetse and that be is
being killed by electric treatment, was
adjudged insane today and s-arted to-
isht tor tbe stlum in charge of Sheriff
Fairhaven Fire.
Fairhaven, rVaib., Jan. 21 The
Waldren block, a fine four-story brick
rurture,' corner of Twelfth street and
McKenzie avenue, was gutted by fire
this evening. Tbe two upper stories were
i an unfinished condition, tbe fourth
ory having recently been added and
Iterations made in the third. The fire
originated in tbe rear of the tbird, sup.
posed ly from ore started tbere tedav te
dry oot some newly puttied sash. Tbe
Bank of Fairhaven occupied the corner
room of the first finer, and C.Clana's de
partment store occupied two storerooms.
Mr. Waldron a private rooms and I. N.
Maxwell's 'aw offices occupied about half
the second story, while tbe third acd
fourth were tcnaotlees. Tbe building
cost $34,000 and was insured for $24,000
Cisna s stock of merchandiser' about balf
of which was removed, was insured for
$6000. Tbe fire is now nnder control
and is not likely'to spread to adjoining
bnild'ngs. Tbe two upper stories are
completely gutted sod the roof has faU
len in. The principal damage to tbe nrst
floor is by water.
A Seattle telegram says postmaster
Severson, el Rolio bay, Ktlssp county, is
missing. Monday he and a companion
named Johnson came over to tbe city
from R ilio in a sailrioat- heavily ballas
ted. Monday evening thev started on
their return just before a furious gale came
p Neither of the men nor tbe beat has
been seen since, and it is thought that
tbe boat filled and, being heavily ballas
ted, immediately sank, and that both men
were drowned.
Severson leaves a wife and five chil
dren, two of his daughters being em
ployed in the White Star laundry in this
city. Johnson was an old man, believed
to be unmarried,
He Cloture This Session.
Washingtom, Jan. 20 After manv
postponements and delays the senate
committee on rales today succeeded in
holding a meeting, and its actian will
am pen tbe ardor of some senators who
ve been laboring to bave tba roles
hanged so as to ornvide far cloture
During the extraordinary session of coa-
coogrets, wben the sliver ngnt was on,
many amendments to tbe rules, looking
tbe direction ot cloture were offered,
aad finally B ackburn, chairman of the
committee, offered a resolution, wbicb
was. adopted, tbat ''the committee en
roles be Instructed to inquire inta aad
report to tbe senate what revision of or
ameodtnep! to tbe rule, if any, should
be adopteoTo seenre a more efficient and
satisfactory disposition of the business of
tbe senate. ' Under this reaolntion ail
the amendments previously offered wrre
seat to tbe committee, and, today for tbe
rat time, ibey were fully discussed. It
wa decided by a unanimous vote that
the resolution of Blackburn should be
reported back to the senate with tie rec
ommendation that nothing should be
done aotil tbe naxt recess . of congress,
during which time the committee is di
rected to proceed with its consideration
of tbe propesed amendments. If this
recommendation prevai s, as it is be
lieved it wilt, all questions of changing
the rules will be. postponed fldring the
present session.
It Is Hat True.
Toledo, Jan. 20 Ex-Secretary of tbe
Treasury Foster says the story that a
year ftgo be bad plates made for a bond
issue, which President Harrison stopped.
is not true. He says be favored a bona
issue incase tbe. reserve went below
$100,000,000, but it did not do so during
Harrison's terns He declares aarnsen
never discussed tbe point, bnt be was of
tbe impression be would have favored it
bad tbe reserve fallen below tbe fixed
limit. In reply to a question as te whetb
er tbe secretary baa tbe rigbt to issue
bonds under tbe act of 1875. be said:
'It is my view 'be law did not con
template tbe selling bond to meet cur
rent governmental expentes, which is
really what Secretary Carlisle proposes,
bnt be undoubtedly bas autnonty te sen
bonds to replenish tbe reserve, tie can
do tba then pay it out for current ex
penses, and then sell more bonds to oring
p the reserve again, and so on, not tms
evades tbe spirit of the law, in my opin
ien." Didn't Know It Was lieaded.
Whatcom, Wash., Jan. 20 Eddie
Stnbba, sged 3, was accidentally abet
nd killed yesterday by bis 13-year old
brother at tbe home of the family near
Yanwyck station. Tbe children were
playing, the elder Doy naving a snotgun.
which be am not Know wis loaaea. am
pointed it at bis little brother and pnlled
tbe trigger, and the little fellow dropped
dead. Tbe lower part of the face was
riddled by tbe charge of bird shot.
A M order Trial.
Sidney, Wash., Jan 20 The sensa
tiona! murder trial of Servius Rulten,
who killed William Fletcher, mate of
the steamer Chchali, at Chico, September
2, is now drawing to a close end will
probably be finished Monday Or Tuesday
morning Tbe trial hat, been io progress
nve days. In all 19 witnesses have ttiu
tar been examined, eight for the state and
11 for tbe delense. The quarrel started
by Rulten shooting Fletcher's dog.
Fletcher started out aftei the slayer ot
the dog to fight him and demand pay -ment
tor the loss of the animal. It was
while quarrelling with Rulten that he
was shbt and killed. Rulten admit the
shooting, bnt says it Wns accidental. He
says that wneo Fletcher came toward
tiim with a rock in his hand be lilted up
tbe gnn from tbe ground and nulled
back . the bummer for tbe purpose of
frigbttning him: Tbe gun had been
freshly oiled and the hammer slipped
from his grasp, crashing into tbe shell
and eendiog-Billy" Fletcher to bis death.
Tbe courtroom has been crowded daily
by nearly toe whole population of Sid
ney. The general impression prevails
that Ra!teo will not hang, but that he
will go to the penitentiary.
Bekels Will stand hy Stasxe.
Washington, Jan. 20 Controller
Eckels bas not yet decided what he will
do in tbe case of Receiver Stagge, of the
Oregon National bank, bnt tbe probabiln
ltirs are that be will be retained in his
present position. Hondrcds.. of letters
frosa person in Oregon and Spokane and
other portions of Weihington bave been
received by the controller, urging tbat
btagge be retained. People in tbe west,
who know senators and representatives,
have written them bere and these letters
nave been handed to the controller. The
first letter which Eckels received from
Sttgge was not what be expected, . but
there is another expected bv Monday,
wbicb gives a history of the career of
Staggo. If Stagge is retained it is the
purpose of the controller to give ont a
bitory of the whole affair, in order tbat
he may be justified before tbe country.
tie ba already talked tbe matter over
with the president and will do so again
so soon as be bas Stagge history to
show him. Business men and lawyers
have been conspicuous in nrgog that
Stagge be retained. The report of Ex
aminer Eldridge will largely guide Eckels
in bis action.
Fleet la the Behrlac Sea.
Yallejo. Cat., Jan. 20 Naval advices
received at tbe Mare island navy-yard
today state tbat the United States ship
Marion, now on the Asiatic station, bas
been ordered to proceed to 8an Francisco
immediately and prepare for a season's
cruise in tbe Behrtcg sea. The same ad
vice also slate that the United States
ctoisers Charlerton, Detroit and Yorktoun
bave been assigned to the Pacific squad
ron. These vessels, with the shirs.
Adam. Alert. Modiian, Marion, Bear
Rush, Gfrant, Albatrott and Columbia wilt
form the Behring sea patrol fleet, com
maoded by eitber Captain Baker or Cap
tain Coffin, with the cruiser Philadelphia
or Charleston a tbe flagship, provided
the Olympia is not put in commissson be
fore tbat da:e, in which event she would,
oecome tne nagsnip ana ner captain ae
tailed as senior fleet officer.
, 'The Behrtor Sea.
- Washington, Jan. 20 Secretary of
State Gresham is devoting most of hi
time iot now to . Behring res matter.
He is in daily consultation witb Sir Jul .
ian Pauncefete, the British minister. It
is understood great ptegres is being
made, in negotiations with Great Britiso,
and that a new treaty, embodying reg
ulationt somewhat modibed'lrom those
recommended by the arb tration tribu
nal, wilt soon be sent to the senile. It
is stated tbat the state department has
received promises of co-operation from
Russia, and Japan in preventing the
wholesale slaughter ot seals. If the pi ts
ent project carries, Russia, Japan, Great
Britain and the United States will smd
ont patrolling fleets to prevent tbe cap
ture of seals in tbe North I'&cific and
Bebring sea during the coming breeding
free Sngar and tne Hawaiian Oaes
. Washington, Jan. 23 In tbe house,
tbe fight' to amend tbe eugar schedule of
the Wilson bill was made today. It
opened at once under the agreement of
Friday, setting apart three hears for the
purpose. Some time was spent in ar
ranging the detii s of tbe discussion by
tbe various interests. The sugar men
finally asked tbat n hoar each be giren
to the advocates of tbe bounty prevision
or tbe Wilton bill, to the advocates of
tbe retention of tbe McKinley law boun
ty, aad to tht advocates ot a duty en
sugar. It wat oojscted to this that it
gaye ne opportunity to tbe advocates ef
free sngar to be heard. It was finally
agretd tbat tbe Lonisiaaa members, a
the ones most interested, shonld bave an
benr and tbe remaiader of the bouse
should take its chance of recognition
thereafter. Herat, Democrat, ef Arkn
sas, offered an assent: meet to abolish tbe
aagar bounty, leaving it en tbe free list.
He thought it was no tint to be pajing
bounties when tbe treasury was bank
rupt, and borrowing money at five per
Cannon, Republican of Illieois, sup
ported Maikerjeba't amendment. Tbe
tree-sugar clause of tbe McKinley law
had saved tbe people ef tbe country, rich
and poor alike, annually front $10 ' to
$1 25 per capita.
Alter the reading of tbe Hawaiian cor
respondence. Bo a telle demanded recog
nition.. Ho charged tbat it was apparent
from tbe three successive messages teat
to the house tbat tbe government was
engaged In fomenting ao insurrection in
a country witb whicn tbe United State
was at peace He desired to call np bis
privileged resolution. Hot words be
tween Boateile and tbe speaker followed.
Hatch asked that Bout el it's words be ta
ken down, aad Boutello was ordered to
take bit teat. He refused to de so, atd
tbe sergeant at-arms was called upon to
support tbe speaker's authority. Great
excitement followed. The rule was read
and then tbe speaker reo gnizad a motion
to resume consideration ef tbe tariff bill.
On a division, Bontello made tbe point of
a:quorum. Tbe Republican! refased to
vote. Tellers were appointed, aad it
looked as though nu quernm conld be
foand. aad that the tariff debate would
beaospended. Finally, buwever, a bare
quernm was got together and tho sugar
debate continued. '
Tbe first vote was taken on tbe Meikel
jobn amendment to substitute tbe 2-ctnt
bounty of tbe McKinley bill, for tbe
bounty provisions of the Wilson bill; lost
83 to 153.' Tbe next vote was Price's
proposition to substitnte the dnty con
tained in the Mills hill ot 1:3 cents on a
pound below tho 13 Dutch standard ; 3 30
above tho 16 Dutch standard; 3 30 above
30 Dutch standard; lost, IB te 140.
Tbe third vote waa en Harter't prop
esition to abolish tbe bounty and snbsi
tatea leat dnty; lost withont diversion.
McRas'a amendment, abolishing tba
bounty entirely, carried, 135 to 69.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Kansas Crrr, Jan. 22. Advices from
Mocett, Mj., are to the effect that a ogro
rapist was burnel at tbe stake near Ye
rona last evening. Thu is doubtless the
on 'come ef the crime reported in these
dispatches last night from Aurora, Mo.
which is near Verona. Two burly negroes
drsgged a 12-year-old daughter of a man
named Jarqmn to tbe woods, tied her to
a tree, ravished her repeatedly, and left
urr where she was lound later, fearfully
bnrt, bnt able to give a description of
her assailants. Armed posses at once
started in pursuit with tbe avowed inten
tion ef lyncbiog the ravirbers' . It is sup
posed the burning at the stake is the re
Carthage, Mo M Jan.. 22 Two neg
roes, believed to be the perpetrator cf
the outrage near Vernne. were captured
at Purdy tbis morning. Officers are on
their guard against lynching.
Springfield, Mo.. Jan. 22 The negro
rapist is believed to be in the vicinity of
Billings. The latest advices are be is not
yet captuted. He was shot at and it is
thought wonnded.
Bennd Over In the som of S39.000.
Walla Walla, Wah., Jan. 22. The
preliminary bearing of J. K. Edmioston,
president of the Wa'la Walla Savings
bank, charged with tbe embezzlement of
$30,000 ef tbe bank's land, came np be
fore Jos' ice Burgess, and the defendant
waa bonnd over in the sura of $50,000.
Barges is tbe justice who, when Edam
iston asked for a postponement of bis ex
aminatieo, said, "I fix your bond at $56
000 $20,000 for your crime and $30,000
for tbe money yon bave to en" before be
bad heard a wrd of evidence. Today
.Kdministnn's attorneys moved- for a
ch.ngeof venue on tbe ground tbat he
wag prejudiced, bnt was denied by Bur
gess. The defend offered no evidence
A petition to the county commissioner is
being circulated, asking tbem to employ
additional legal talent to assist tba prose
cution. Edministon waa committed to
tbe county jail, aad will make no effort
te give bail.
Still Hopeful.
Astoria, Jan. 22 E. L. Dwyer. ac
companied by M. Robinson, president et
the Astor publishing company, of New
York, and St. John Robinson, bave been
bere for a couple of days past. Mr. Rob
inson and son accompanied Dwyer to Eu
rope on his recent trip in connection with
tbe Astoria railroad proposition, and
came out to look over tbe field in tbe in
terest, it is understood, of European cap
italists. They lett for Portland tbia even
ing. Before their departure Mr. Dwyer
expressed bis confidence in the building
of tbe Astoria railroad before the -xpirtn
tion of 13 months-
snow in the nkhalem country.
News reached this city to-day that
two feet of snow fell at the summit dur
ing tbe last storm, while at other point
io tbe Nebalem conatry the fall, was aln
heavy. Travel is mucb impeded in con
sequence. '
Wieilms ot the Storm.
Victoria, B . C, Jan . 23 recent
storms played havoc witb the Indian rt
tleaents at North Yancouyer is'and
Tbe steamer Mystery this moroing from
Clayoqnet reports Indian cabin swept
away and many Indians homeless. The
storm was one of-tbe severest experienced
in many years. A canoe with fire In
dians is said to bave been capsized near
Clayeqoet. Indians are autboiity for the
story tbat a dltab'ed bark drifted into
Clayoqnet the other day.
Murdered His Two Slaters.
Rochforo, 111., Jan. 22. Jobn Hart
was placed on trial tbis afternoon for the
murder ef bis two sisters, Mary aad Nel
lie, near here last September, tbe former
being instantly killed, tbe Istter being
forced to swallow a fatal dose of Paris
green. Before death she made a state
ment fixing tbe crime on ber brother.
The defente will be emotional insanity.
It it expected tbat it will take several
days to secure a jury.
A Slip Canoes Death.
Faibhaten, Wash:, Jan., 22. Mrs.
James Gibson, while watching the burn
ing of the Waldron block last evening,
slipped upon a bit ef ice and fell back.
her bead striking tbe ttene sidewalk: aad
rendering ber insensible. She died at 4
o'clock tbia morning, without regaining
consciousness She waa 60 years ol age,
and leaves a hatband and five ebildrec.
three married.
West Trial.
Ban Francisco, Jan. 23. Toe trial of
Dr. Eugene F. West, charged with the
murder last September of Addie Gilmour,
a young milliner of Colusa, wbese muti
lated remains wore found in tbe bar.
commenced io Judge Wallace's coart to
day. Five juror were obtained, and tbe
case went over until tomorrow. .
Befrigerator Oars.
Dnriag the winter months refrigerator
cara containing way freight for points on
the Pacific division will bs started from
Portland Wednesday aad S itorday of each
week. This measure ia adopted to avoid
loss or damage to perishable freight on ac
count of cold weather. Shippers will please
take notice and arrange their shipments ao
eordiogly, that avoiding unnecessary lose
by cold weather.
rJj. IS. LTTLE, Agent.
Lessons in French.
Those desiring to take lessons in tbe
French language can have an opportunity
of forming a class in that study, by :
dressing J. Reynaud, through the post
office, this city.
Be port of Water Commissioners.
Editor TiuBS-MouirrAiKBBa:
Believing that a statement of the receipt
and expenditures of tha board of water
commissioners of Dalles City would be ap
preciated hy the reading public, I take
plssure ia submitting a report of the
doings of tbe board covering the period
from January 1, 1893, to December 31st of
the nmi year. This report does not in
elude tbe water rents for December aa they
are now in process of collection, nor does it
inolnde the expenses for the same month aa
they were not paid nntil the 6rst ol this
month. By reference to this report it will
he seen that there has beao expended for
extension and improvement of the system,
$4S9 30, which waa necessary to rupaly
families residing on streets not then reached
by any of the mains. I will stste for the
benefit of those not informed, that the
bonded indebtness of the city for the sytetu
is $125,000; twenty-five thousand dollars of
hich inaturea ia 1895. The interest on
$100,000 matures in Mtrch, and the semi
annual interest on the issue of $25,000
mature in July and January.
Received from water rent from
Jan, to Nov. inelnsive $10,336 75
Sale of lot 685 15
Interest on notes due water fund 723 79
Maturing notes.. 708 75
Cash en hand January 1, 1893. . . 5,212 49
Total $17,666 93
For extension ef tbe system
Cash paid for 2 inch pipe. $38 61
L or laying same VI 14
Lumber for waste water. . 40 15
Labor laying same 9 60 $489 30
Interest paid oo $100,000
matanng March KiO'JO W
Interest paid on $25,000
insuring July 750 00 $6750 00
For 11 mos. piy of super
intendent and atat. .$1430 00
Supplies 24 52
Labor, blackmamith, etc. , 12 70 $1467 22
mnkino fund.
For loans $360 00 $3650 00
$12,356 62
For amount paid Frank Menefes
overpaid on aale lots..
2 60
$12 359 00
Bal. cash on hand Deo-. 31. 1893 . 5207 91
Notea dae comro'n and drawing
interest 14302 65
Cash and notes and warrants
. $20,010 66
The Dalles, Ore., Jan. 22, 1894.'
Hugh Chrisman,
Secretary board ef water eommiaiionere.
Weolen lianmfaotnring.
The Dalles, Jan. 23, 1894.
Editor Tiass-MouaTAnrasa:
Many aad many ot onr wool growers
are not prepared to believo its history in
England, where it now demands free
trade with other countries.. Great Britain
from 1331 to. 1834, 503 years, steadily pro
tected wool manufacturing, beginning
with fines, mamings, imprisonment and
death as the penalties for exporting native
wool or importing foreign cloth. In 1746,
they were softened down to transports
tion for seven years. See Blackstone's
Commentaries, title Owling. The lates
of these hard penalattes were not re
pealed until 1825, and yet through all this
protection, to-day, with not a clean ten
yeara of boasted free trade, although
nnrsed to prepare for it over four centu
ries by death, maminga, .imprisonment,
etc.,EnglaDd is glorying in its journals to
day, tbat they are ready by the fruits of
free trade to make as bay of tbem and
stop it as an American industry.
Eomanoe In Beal Life. '
J. H. Reid and Miss Maggie Roberta
were married on Saturday ia Pendleton
by Judge Rosenberg. Mr. Reed is em
ployed by the W. 4 C. R. road at Wallola
aa a awitohman. Miat Roberts U wnl
known in Pendltton and is esteemed most
highly here. She was a student at tht
Pendleton academy, graduated laat spring
and made a record for scholarship second to
no on who baa been in attendance at. that
institution. In an essay at the commence
ment exercises of the academy. Miss Rob
ertt gave evidence of rare intellaotaal
force aad eharmed the audience by a pro
duction worthy one of matuier years. She
is a skillful performer on the pianofortej
and will probably complete ber musical
studies in Bsston at the New Eigland con
versatory. Bail Oregonian. Tbe yoong
lady is well and favorably known in this
city, and ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G.
Roberta, reside at Hood Rtver.
The Branch Aslum.
This ia tho manner in which ths Baker
City Democvat views tbe selection of tbe
site for the insane asylum:
The anxiety and suspense attending the
action of the board of asylum commission
ers in the selection of the location of the
branch iosme asylum ia over.
Tbe little city of Union captures the
prize. All other towns are out in the cold.
If there is any satisfaction of getting beat
t cornea by way of the Pendleton route.
After all tbat town'a bray and bluster she
falls in the soup along with the rest.
Little unpretentious Union got there
with both feet and Baker City congratu
lates ber on ber good lack. May her fond
est expectations be realized. '
Dandruff is due to an enfeebled state of
the akin. Haifa bair rtnewer quickens the
nutritive function of the akin, healing and
preventing the formation of dandruff.
It Always Suooeeds.
Of tbe almost miraculous eflects of ad
vertising a forcible illustration was fur
nished tbis afternoon. Mrs. E. M. Wil
son lost a very valuable watcb,to the chain
of which was attached a coin of tbe old
beaver denomination, dated 1849, when
Oregon was a territory. Mr. Hans Han
sen came into the Times-Mocntaikekr
office, to insert an advertisement, bar
ing iound the watch and being desirous
of returning it' to is owner. While be
was talking to an attache of tbe office,
Mr. Fred Wilson opened the door for tbe
purpose of advertising tbe lost watch, and
offering a suitable reward for its return
He was overjoyed wben he saw the watch
la Mr. Hansen's band, and left with bis
mother's property in his possession in tbe
best humor Imaginable. Whether or not
the common attraction of the finder and
loser to tbe Times-Mountaineer office at
the same time belongs to the realm of
mental science, tbe rules govenng wbioh
are hale known, we shall leaye psychol
ogists to determine; but the moral taught
is plain : Advertise in the Times-Mountaineer,
which reaches the multitude and
always contains tbe latest news.
Hard Times,
The following from the Ellensbnrg Local'
ner giyes an aeoonnt of the depression be
ing suffered in the mining districts et East
ern Washington! "Mrs. Wheeler, of
Loomiston, gives a very aorry aoconnt of
basinet about Ruby, Coneonnlly and
Loomiatoo; the whole country i deserted
and the people are trading off their house
for vegetables and provision. Tba house
are being; moved to the neighboring ranches
to make stables oat of then. People are
bard np for something to live on. One
miner got out of money told hit tool for
$10 and gambled off the money. ' Ha ba a
wifa to support Wa pity tha poor woman.
Provisions are high and scarce, and there it
no money to purohase anything with.
Soma who are holding claimt art (Tad tbat
they are not oompelled to do their assess
ment wtrk this year. The county officers
are the only men who are making any
money and they are on aaiariee. All thu
want and suffering ia Been in tha midst of
rioh gold and silver mining claima."
Beal Estate Transfers.
Jan 22 W P Watson at al to J A
Soeibti lota 13 and 14, black 1, town of
Wanooma; $375.
Jan 22 T J Watson and wife to Jobn W
Watson; lots 1. 2, 3 and 4, block 1, Idlo-
wiidt addition to town of Hood River; $150-
The Swine and the Flower.
I shrank to meet mud-encrusted twine,
And then he seemed to grant, in aooontt
'Ho hi Be not proud, lor in this fat of mine.
Behold the souroe of riohneat tor your
I led, and taw a field that teemed, at first,
One giaet maas ot rosea pur and white,
With dewv buds 'mid dark green foliaga
And. at 1 Ungered o'er thit lovely tight.
Tbe summer breeze, that cooled tbat south-
Whispered, "Behold the source ot Cotto
lene!" if. S. Wilmtr.
Harper's Bazar.
Dltmi WAV. AW t. I.Hn.l fnv fca lin. f
gives lbs fullest and latest lnlenaatien abeat Fash
ions, aad its nereren illostr.tiens, Paris designs!
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Attractiveness et th highest order. Its krifkl
stories, amusinf oeinedies and theughtlul essays
satisfy all tastes, and its last page isfssaeosesa
budget er WIS ana nnmer. in lis weaiy isnrs
vervthlre is Included which Is at interest te women.
The 6erials for 1801 will be written bv William Blsek
and Walter Beeant. Short stories will be written by
Mary E. Wilklns, Maria Louise Pool, Ruth McEnery
Stuart, Marion Har'anu. and others Out-Door
Sports and In-Door Games, Social Entertainment,
Embroidery, and other interesting topics will receive
constant attention. A new series Is promised ot
Coffee and Repartee."
TT.rartr'A Maeasine
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Harper's Weekly .,
M.. r-. (....
Harper's Teunf Peosle
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Th Volumes ot the Mmtmr begin with th flrst
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ber current at ths time et receipt si eroer.
Beund Volumes ef Bmrmtr't Bmtmr mt three yeara
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Address: HARPER BROTHERS, New York.
Harper's Weekly.
WARPER'S WEEELT is beyond all question th.
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Cigar Factory,
PIP 1 HQ of th Brands mannfaet.
Ill U Aild nrad, and ordeat from all paita
of thejcountry filled oa tba shortest notice.
Th reputation of THB DALLES CIGAR
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dec24dy-tf A ULR1CH ft SON.