The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, January 20, 1894, Image 4

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The Times-Mountaineer
The Young men's Democratic Asso
ciation of Philadelphia resolved to
honor tne memory of Andrew Jackson
by a banquet on the night of tLe an
niversary ef bis victory at New Or
leans. The young men invited several
old stagers and some new careerers to
talk to them, says an exchange. James
H. Eckels, comptroller of the cur
rency, was of the new careerers. The
bow careerers of the Democratic party
have not much " use for Jackson.
Jackson was a protectionist; . they are
free traders. Jackson was Demo
crat in the widest sense of the weird;
Cleveland, who is the adored of the
new a monarch aping pres
ident Wherefore, Mr. - James H.
EckeU dodged the cause of the ban
quet by these sentences: ,
'- "To night in many cities Democrats
are sounding the praises of Andrew
Jackson, and let us, too, add our full
meed of praise; but in doing so let us
remember his achievements are of the
past, and are net moving upon the
public mind as are the actions of the
present. The test now applied by the
people is the fulfillment of party
premises and the wisdom of party
. Had the great Andrew's ghost been
present it surely would have inter
jected this sentence from one of Old
Hickory's speeches:
"We should become a little more
Americanized, and instead of feeding
the paupers and laborers of Europe we
should feed our own."
While the streets ef Philadelphia
are thronged with idle American
workmen, and ' while Democrats in
congress are debating a bill designed
te provide more work for "the paupers
and laborers of Europe," and to lessen
the wages of American labor, and to
diminish the demand for it Old Hiek
ory's request that "we should become
a little mere Americanized" well may
be renewed.
New Careerer Eckels, however, told
his youthful Democratic hearers that
the great deeds and memory of J ack
sen "are net moving upon the public
' mind." It is sadly true that they are
not moving en the minds of the new
careerers, the young Anglican Demo
crats who preach free trade, or of the
menarchy-aping Democrats who ap
prove Cleveland's foreign policy. But
upon the minds of the great body of
' the American people, whether they be
classed as Democrats or Republicans,
we believe that Jackson's earnest de
sire that "we should become a little
more Americanized, and, instead of
feeding the paupers and laborers of
Europe, we should feed our own,", is
very deeply impressed. We are sure
that were a presidential and -congressional
election imminent we should
have "a little more Americanized" leg
islation in short order. The Philadel
phia affair was a mockery of Jack
sonism. .
From Saturday's Daily.
Mr. Troy Shelly, of Hood River, is at
tending to kcr husband's business as school
superintendent at the court house this
. The revival meetings at the Methodist
church in this city have been quite largely
attended during the week, ana a good in
terest in religious matters has been mani-
The city jail was' unoccupied lut night;
but to-day Marshal Maloney took to his
lodging house a person who had inbibed
more liquor than he eould carry with him
' and remain sober.
Messrs. John W. Bentley and H. R. Sib
ley, two deputy U. S. mar shal were in the
city yesterday. Mr. Sibley was registered
at the Umatilla House from Portland, and
Mr. Bentley from f tndleton.
There is an effort being made in the city
to raise a fund for the Oregon exhibit at .
the midwinter fair. This is very commend
able, as eur state should be represented by
. ner tnuts and cereal products in this great ,
The week of prayer observed by the Con
gtm rational ohnrch has awakened coosider
ab e intercut. Every evening there has
ben a discourse by the pastor, Ray. W. C.
' Curtis, which baa been, both edifying and
. interesting.
The da ly and weekly edition of the
Timks-Mountaikbkb published last night a
full report of the proceedings of the county
court lately in session in this city. This is
the only paper in the county that furnishes
its readers a complete copy of the docket of
this court. -
The Grande Roade Lumber Company at
Ferry is now shipping boxes to Southern
California, to be used in packing this year's
orange crop, says the Gazette. Orders have
already been received for several car loads
of boxs, and the company is preparing for
an extensive business in this line.
We learn from the Pendleton Tribune
that a man by the name of H. E. Parker,
who has passed a forged check on a saloon
in that city is making tracks for The
Dalles. These smooth talking forgers are
not desirable in any community, and as
forewarned ia forearmed onr citizens sheuld
be on the qui vive for Parker.
To read of snow blockades ' in other por
tions of Eastern Oregon, while the most de
lightful spring weather prevails in th s vic
inity appears almost incredible; but such
is neveitheleas a fact. Our citizens con
sider themselves in a certain measure un
fortunate in not having the enjoyment of
coasting and sleighing while it is so general
east of the mountains.
Gov. D. P. Thompson, of Portland, will
deliver a lecture next Tuesday evening at
Wingate's hall, under the auspices of the
guild of St. Psul's Episcopal church. His
subject will be "Life in the Oi toman Em
pire." As the governor was our minister at
Constantinople for a time, hi address will be
largely made np of personal experiences.
This cannot fail of attracting a good audi
ence at the low price of 25 cents admission .
La Grande Gazette: The heaviest fall ef
snow in twenty-tour hours ever witnessed
in this section occmred throughout the
valley last Friday night and Saturday.
Snow began falling about 11 o'clock Friday
night, and centinaed without intermission
all day Saturday. Sunday morning the
snow measured 22 inches in depth at this
place, and 30 inches in the vicinity of Sum
merville. An additional fall of from 6 to 8
inches occurred during Monday and Tues
day. A wonderful anniversary, the 100th, oi
the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Jean Szath-
tntrv im TurmrtmA frmn Hiinffarv - This an.
pears to be a circumstance which is entirely
. impossible, but the marriage of this aged
pair is duly and officially recorded as hav
- ing taken place in May, 1793, at which
time, according to the record, they were of
marriageable age. As in Hungary at that
time a bridegroom must have reached the
age of 20 and a bride that of 15, the pair
must now be at least 120 and 115 years old.
Salem Statesman: A friend and ex-correspondent
of the Statesmen passed south on
the overland last night and, in he bustle
and confusion of the train's arrival here,
left a hurried intimation with a Statesman
representative that a new move was under
' way in Portland to down the location and
erection of the branch insane asylum and
the soldiers' home at points away from
home, and avowed authoritively that H.
W. Corbett, ' president of the taxpayers'
committee of Portland, is at the bead of the
movement, and that he is in active corrrs-
ondence witn i-alem parties wno are
nnwn to favor the idea. The SlcUesrran't
informant amid the roar and clatter of his
departing train, shouted that be "coma
not tell what process would be invoked,
whither by injunction or by dilatory tac
tic in state departmeuts.
The following are samples of the star
route contracts iust let in Crook cornty:
rineville to Warm Spr ng to W. E. Trav-
ice, of Chicago, fooo. rnnevme to curns
W. Weighler, of San Frannisco, $2560.
Prineville to The DalU-8 W. K Travice,
of Chicago, $5500. Prineville to Crook E.
Parker, of London, Ky., $292.99 Prine
ville to Sisters Wm. VVigle, of Prineville,
$840. As the price is less, in nearly every
cas, than the route can be operated there
is liable to be some flickering.
' From Monitor's Dailv.
Miss Mane Helm and sister Adnah, of
Nansene, are in the city to-day.
Mr. H. A. Hoeue, of Portland, a former
resident of The Dalles, is in the ofty.
Ex.Gov. Moody was a passenger on the 2
o'clock afternoon train to Portland to-day.
Mr. Dan Maloney, the city marshal, is on
dnty again after - an illness ot several
-The obstruction at Re d's farm, below
Bonneville, has been overcome, and trains
arrive and depart on schedule time.
We received to-day, through the court sy
of Hon. John H. Mitchell, a package of
seeds from the department of agriculture.
A bright, clear, sunshiny day that invig
orates and stimulates all to active work .is
the calendar of to-day. This is as it should
be, and our people are happy.
Mr. T. J. Foley, for ma'ny years in the
employ of the O. R. & N. Co. and Union
Paoitie at the shops, came op last night
from Portland, and is in the city to-day.
A furious gale of wind blew Friday night
in Portland, tearing down signs and doing
other damage to - property. The wind at
tained the greatest velocity experienced
since January 5th, 1880.
. Percy F. Smith, chief clerk of the land
offiee, gives the total acreage of the Lummi
reservation as 12 4S6 acres, of which 9650
are surveyed and 2800 unsnrveyed. The
record of this land patented by the govern
ment is kept at Washington.
Dock hnating furnishes constant sport
for our nimrods, as these birds are very nu
merous on the sloughs and la kes in the vi
cinity of the river. Frequently hunters re
turn , after a few hours' well loaded1
with game, sod there is no reason why
these should not be on the tab e of onr cit
izens daily.
About 8 o clock Saturday eveuiog, some
oerson cnt the electric wire connected with
a licht in the rear of the Germsnia saloon
It is supposed, by this means, tbey thought
they could shut ott the lights m toe duiiq
logs; but this was unsuccessful, and if the
objeot was robbery tbe -parson or persons
were balked in the accomplishment of their
The New Year's cantata, wLich was re
peated by request last Saturday night, was
attended by a large audience, and the ren
ditions were very excellent. Wmgate's
hall was well thronged by the lover of
music in this city, and there were frequent
rounds of applause. While every number
was well taken. Miss Moore s solos were
worthy of especial mention.
Mr. Chamuerlain, deputy collector of in
terns! revenue, returned from Ueppner to
day. He says at Arlington all the China
men made the necessary application to reg
ister: bat at Heppner the Celestials were
not prepared, and he will be forced to give
tbem another opportunity. They are all
eager to comply ith the law, and he ap
prehends no difficulty in his district.
The Southern Pacific are putting electric
searob lights on their engines, and the two
Hogg engines running o Ashland are to be
be equipped soon. -1 bese search lights are
very powerful and long distance peepers
into darkness, being able to throw a l ght
for miles. .The dynamo and machinery
roosts on top of the engine boiler, snd is
also run by steam, the engineer in the
cab being the director general.
Rev. W. C. Curtis preached a very able
discourse yesterday at the Congregational
churoh in this city pn the theme of "Rising
and Falling, in which he uttered com
menaable sentiments in referenoe to the
case of Mr. Lionel Stagge. We should have
been pleased to have given our readers this
portion of the sermon, as we believe the
perusal would have the effect to make many
men more charitable and liberal toward
their fellows; but our oolumns are ao
crowded to day that it will be impossible to
accede to the desire.
The officers of the G. A. R. snd W. R. C.
were installed last Saturday evening in
Fraternity hall in this city. Mrs. A. N.
Varney acted as installing officer for the
latter and Mrs. W. S. Myers for the former.
The G. A. R. officials are: Commander,
C H Brown; Senior V C, H H Learned;
Junior V C, LH lWhols; surgeon, James
Liemison; chaplain, f T ipiog; J M,
E N Chandler; adjutant, J M Patterson; O
L), H L Alkin; IjM o, J W Lewis; U U,
W a Myers. W. K. C: President, Mrs.
W. S. Myers; sen. vice-president, Mrs,
Blanche Patterson; ion. vice-president.
Mrs. Elizabeth Joles; secretary, Mrs. M
Niehola; treasurer, Mrs. Bel e Burger; chap
lain, Mrs. Mary prune; conductor, Mrs,
Annie Uiqubart; guard, Mrs. Mary Kelsay;
assistant conductor, Miss Mary Fraz er; as
sistant guard, Mrs. Mary Learned. " The
ceremonies were public, and after they were
finished, , the members and guest partook
of a bountiful refection at Mr. Andrew
Keller's cenfectionerv.
' From Tuesdays Daily
Mr. Pratt Ransom, of Portland, is iu the
Mr. T. H. Johnson, a leading merchant
Oi uuiur, is in town to-aay. .
Justice H. H. Walker, of Wasco, Sher
man county, is in town today.
Mr. H. D. Clapp, of Denver, ia registered
at me umaiuia uouse teaay.
Hon. U. P. Thompson arrived in the
city on the 1 o'clock train this afternoon.
Mr. J. B. Crossen, county clerk, returned
from a few days' visit in Portland on the
afternoon train.
The mixed passenger started for Portland
this afternoon at half-past 2 o'clock. Ic
wasdelayel on account ot the latent of
the freight from Heppner.
It made a vain attempt to snow this
morning. A few flakes fell ; but these came
so sparingly that it was given up as a bad
job after a hall-hour's attempt.
The next term of circuit court for this
oouoty will convene in this oity on the 12;h
of February. It is a very full docket, and
contains more cases than any Febru
term for a number of years.
The grand ball of the East End Hose
Uo. will be bel-l at Wingate's hall ilon
aay evening, r eo. oin. - ,nensive prep
arations are being made to make this
tne event ot tbe season.
ineroafsio toe interior are in a very
sorry plight, snd there are very iev
movements of livestock to market. Not-
withstanding these disadvantages hardly
a lay passes that hogs are not driven to
Mr. daltmarshe's stockyards.
The Union Pacific is reducing its force
oi employes at renaieion. Beginning
last (Sunday night there was no switch
engine at tbe yards in that city. Four
men. are rendered Idle by this arrange
uicui, wituuui Bums inner employment is
given toem. mere are other reduction
ot forces expected.
Messrs. A. Clinch ft Sons, of this city,
are manufacturing brst-clasa cigars, and
are supplying a Ja ge portion of the loo 1
demand. Their business last yar was very
encouraging, aud they expect, with confi
dence being restored to trade, te largely in
crease ie ton year, in connection with
their factory they sell cigars and to
bacco at retail.
Miss Anna Henderson, of Whito Sal
mon, Wash., snd her cousin. Miss Joce-
lyn, or Modesto, cslit., have been visiting
friends in the city for the past two week?,
and returned Monday morning on the
Regulator to Miss Henderson's home. Ia
a lew nays they will visit tbe midwinter
lair in Ban Francisco, and Miss Hender
son win spend considerable time visiting
friends in that stale. " ffl
Eagle: Chas. Mulligan, one of the iail
earners on tne lng Crees. and Canyon
City mail route, got lost in a blinding
snow storm Wednesday night ot last
week on the summit of the Beech creek
hill almost in sight of John Day. He
wanaered around until quite late, and
finding a sheep camp nut un for the
night. .Next morning he found that he
had wandered over three miles from the
main thoroughfare.
The disposal of the heavy tissue of Co
lumbian stamps has been settled by a recent
order transmitted to the cootraotor. It
calls for 165,653,845 stamps and valued at
$3,000,000. These will be issued to eight
large postoffices and aboat 485 minor offic
- I AO " -
throughout the country. Postmaster Ge.
era! Wanamaker, in "ordering the series
be printed, contracted for 3,000,000 of t h
stamp. Postmaster General Risaell, upon
entering the office found that the amount
wasgreitly in excess of tbe demand, and
succeeded in reducing the order to 2,000,
000 The Pouieroy poototEce has just re
ceived $340 worth of these 'blanket sheets.
Gov. D. P. Thompson, formerly minis
er to the Ottoman empire, will deliver an
address io the court house this evening
on Turkey, under the auspices ot the
members of tbe guild of St. Paul's Epis
copal church ia this city. Mr. Thompson
is a close observer of men and manners,
and the address will undoubtedly be very
interesting. The low price of admission,
25 cents, shonld induce a full attendance.
Salem Democrat: Walter Bur'on.a 10
j ear-old son of Mr. aud Mrs Burton of
Capital Home addition, was playing by the
side of the canal about two biuC4a south of
Simpson's store Saturday afternoon when
the bank on winch he was ataudiug gave
away and be' tell into the canal. Tbe water
was deep and the c irreuc swift and the lad
was caned down the eanal some distance.
A man, who was parsing, happened to see
tbe floating bodv aud succeeded in rescuing
the boy before much barm bad been done
Second street Is the most important
thoroughfare in tbe city, as the principal
traffic from tbe country follows that route
and all the wheat and wool warehouses
are situated in it. At times during this
raiiy winter it has been very muddy and
miry; but the improvement being made by
covering it with crushed rock will make
it one of the best roads in The Dalles.
This season has been very propitious
tor this work.
The eootracts for the different stage
routes connecting with Antelope have been
let for the next four years as follows, says
the Herald. From Antelope to Mitchell,
W E. Fravis, of Chicago, at $1,624 a year;
from Antelope to Bakeoven, R. S." Smith, at
$668 a year; from Antelope to Fossil, J. K
Fitzgerald, at $866 a year. A great reduc
tion in salaries bsB been made on all the
ttage lines throughout the state, and there
will be lots ot sore contractors before their
terms expire.
The welcome thaw that we were hoping
for has oome, snd at present there is but
very little of the eontrea'ed element remai n
ing on tbe ground, says the Aotalope
Herald. A week ago it had every appear
ance of beginning a siege of severe winter
weather, but no doubt providence consid
ered that the sheepmen have already had
enough difficulties to contend with this
year, and that he would reverse his former
intentions. It is hardly probable that we
will have very much deep snow this winter.
Dr. Sanders has enlarged his dental
apartments over French & Co.'s bank by
the addition of a reception room, and his
laboratory is fitted up with furnaces, gaso
line and water motor. The doctor is now
rrepared to turn out work in quick order,
and in tbebest workmanlike manner. He
manufactures alnmiaum plates, and in this
lice bis appointments cannot be excelled if
equalled in Eastern Oregod. The object is
to afford tbe greatest comfort to patients,
and to utilize all the latest improved appara
tus in denistrv.
There was an extraordinary session of the
recorder's court last night and this morning.
Recorder Dufur was awakened from his
slumbers about midnight by parties who de
ft red a warrant of arrest issued. . He came
down to the office, made out tbe papers and
began business. Tbe court continued in
Session until 3 o'clock this morning. It ap
pears that Night Watchman Harper at-
ticked two men on the street, and one ot
them swore out a complaint. .The defend
ant pleaded guilty to the charge of assault
and battery, and was fined $20 snd costs.
This was paid and the defendant went
out of court a free man.
We learn from the East Oreqonian that
Tom Bradley, who is well known in this
city, having resided here for years, is
much more seriously off than his friends
at first thought. Two or three days ago
be was ascending tbe stairs, when he
slipped and slightly scratched his knee.
It was not thought of, until a day later it
began to suppurate and became quite a
source ot annoyance. It then rapidly
took on a serious aspect, and on Saturday
the physician was compelled to apply the
lance in four places, desisting in tbe op
eration only at the earnest entreaty of Mr.
Bradley, To add to the misfortune, Mrs.
Bradley, b aving overtaxed her strength in
caring for her husband, was taken ill Sat
urday nigbt. Mr. Bradley is being at
tended constantly, and through the
nights, long to him on account of inabil
ity to sleep, his friends are assisting in
performing the duties of nurse.
Money is as scarr.e as hens' teeth. Like
true philosophers let ns take tbe "hard
times" as we find them and make tbe best
of them. Extract tbe good from every
thing and cast aside the husks. Some
one has said: "The world is mine oyster
and I will open it." When we cease
finding fault with the "times" and learn
to Improve the opportunities given us for
the pursuit of happiness, then the morn
ing star, the haroinger of better things,
will shine upon our distressed and be
nighted country. Plenty of pluck will
carry tbe country through. '
"In tbe world's broad field of battle;
In the bi route of life, -Be
not like dumb, diiven cattle!
Be a hero In the strifef ...
Oregonian; Considerable business . was
transacted in the state criminal court yes
terday. Tbe indictment against Rev. O.
D. Taylor, of The Dalles, for embezzlement,
was dismissed because the defendant was
not tried during the term in which the in
dictment was returned. Simuel Coulter
was allowed one week in which to plead to
a charge of forgery. The indictment against
John Dithburo and A'ex. K egan was re
submitted to the grand jury owngtoan
error. Ditvbbum's tnal on another indict
ment was, reset for January 29. Oscar
Sandman's trial was set down for the 24th
Ab Guy, accused of robbery, was allowed
notil to-dav to Dlead. The indictment for
larceny against J. McCarty was dismissed.
as there was not sufficient evi dence to war
rant a proses n:ion.
The road-bed between this city and Port
land is per aps the -most difficult to keep
in order of any on the line of tbe Drfion Pa
cific. If snow falls heavily there is a
blockade in some of the mountain gorges.
and during tbe rainy weather of. spring
there are frequently land slides in places
where the track bugs the hillsides closely.
The most phenomenal of these was one that
occurred about a year ago, at what is
known as Reed's farm, a few miles west of
Bonneville. At that time large bowdlers.
trees and great quantities of earth came
do'n from the mounts! i side, ca rying
with them everything that attempted to
diock tneir course, and a nouse now lies
about 200 yards belnw the track, where it
was taken by the avalanche of dut and deb
ris. Ihe company bndged over tbe ob
struction as soon as the flow ceased, and it
has remained solid until to-day, when it
again broke loose, and report says abu-ut
half a mile of - tbe Union Pacific track has
been washed away. No. 1. which passed
through the city west-bound about 4 o'clock
this morning, is stopped by this slide, and
freight trains and the tn xed passenger are
also blockaded It is conjectured that it
will take several days before it can be re
paired, and during the interval it is ex-
l ected that the company will make trans
fers by boats.
Sough Characters.
Mr. C. A. Stewart, of the Cascade Lacks,
s 10. the city. He says that place has pi
come tbe randezrous of a number of hard
characters, who have been driven out of
Portland aud The Dalles. They annoy the
oommuoity by petty thefts, aud some have
made attaoks on residents at night; but for
tunately, so tar, very little money baa been
secured by these moans. The magistrate,
Jnstice Caudiana, deals with these "roughs"
iu a prompt manner, aod this affords great
protection to the better c'ass of citizens,
They have a fear of him, aod undoubtedly
he prevents the commission of crimes by
dealing to those brought before him a ful
measure of punishment. ' Property and life
may be considered measurably safe at the
Looks while the present magistrate wears
tbe ermine. Leniency with this class of
vagabonds is license, and the best interests
of society demand that they should be
watched carefully and punished when
caught in the commission of crime.
Letters Advertised.
ne following is too list ot letters re
maining in The Dalles poatoSice uncalled
for Saturday, Jan. 13, 1894. Persons call.
ion for these letters will please give tbe
dais on which they were advertised: -Brooks,
Mrs Flora Crosby, John T
Foster. W A Graham. Wm S
Jebnsuo, Mrs Ellen S Martin. Thomas
Miller, W H Nelson, Nils
Persey. H ' Stevenson. J D
Terry, Dr D G (2) Towosen.d.Mrs JH(2)
wall, A J WUliamson,TimS (31
Williamson, Edmund :
"-' . M. T. Nolah. P. M.
Land Office.
The following shows the amount of busi
ness st The Dalles land office tor the cl-r-dar
ending Dectmbtr 31. 1893, taken frim
the records of the ottice in this city:
33 20
6 8S0
Homestead entries 576
Final homestead entries... .208
Final timber culture entries. .129
Pre-emption cash entries 28
Timber and stone cash entries 6
Cash entries (Act Sept 29, '90) 346
Hds commuted, cash entries.
Desert land cash entries.
S late selections
ales. .
$92,588 92
WATERMAN in this city, Jan. 12th, to the wife of
alt. Mark Waterman, a daughter.
Legal Notices.
Sheriff's Sale,
sale, issued out ol the Circuit Court of tbe
blate of Oregon for Wasco county, upon a decree
aod J idirment made, rendered and entered by said
Com t on the 1st day of December, 1893, in favor of
the plaintiff, in a suit wherein T. H. Johnston and
George W. Johnston, co-partners, doing business
under the firm name of Johnston Brae, were plain
tiffs, and A F Brown and M Brown were defend
ants, and to me directed and delivered, command
ing me to levy upon and sell the lands mentioned
and deacrioed in said writ and hereinafter described,
I did on the 8th day of Januarp, 18D4, duly levy
upon, and will sell at public auction, to the high
est bidder for cash in baud, on
Saturday, the 10Lh day of February, 1894,
at ten o'clock In the forenoon of aaid day, at the
front door of the Cou itv Court House in Dalles
City in Wasco County, Oregon, a 1 of the lands and
pi euiifces described in said writ and herein described
s follows, to-wit:
Tbe southeast quarter of section 24, in township
4 south, of range IS east, of the Willamette Merid
ian, in Wasco County, Oieg,m, together with the
tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances there
upto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, or so
much thereof as shall be sufficient tosatUfy the
am of 9563 80, with interest thereon at the rate of
ten per cent per annum since the 1st day of Lmce ru
ber, 1893; 00.00 aitorney's fee and $19.72 codts
in aid su.t. together with costs of said wr t and
accruing costs of sale. T. A. WARD,
Sheriff bf Wasco County, Oregon.
Dated at Dailes Citr, Oregon, Jau. 11, 1894. ja!2
Administrator's Sale.
WHKREAS, the Hod. County Court of the State
of Oregon, for the Countv of Wasco, on the
6th day ot November, 1893, duly made an order di
recting me, tbe uulj appointed, qualified and acting
administrator of tbe estate of Ernest 8 Ilaare, de
ceased, to sell the lands and premises belonging to
said estate, and hereafter particularly described, at
public auction, to tne nigncsc o uuer, jur casn in
bew therefore, by virtue of such authority, and
in pursuance of said order, I will, on Saturday, the
10th dar of February. 1894. at the hour of ten
o'clock in tbe forenoon of aaid day, at the front door
ot the County Court House in Dalles City, Wasco
County, Oregon, sell, at public auction, to tne nign-
eet bidder, for cash in hand, the lands and premises
belonging to said estate, and particularly described
as fo-lows. to-w,t:
The southwest Quarter (s'ii and the southeast
quarter of the northwest quarter (se of nw) of
section fifteen, (16) in- township one (1) south, of
range fourteen (14; east, oi tne Willamette aienaian
in Wasco ountv. Oregon, containing two hundred
acres of land. - aid sale will be mute sublect to ap
proval and confirmation of the said County Court.
Dated at Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, this
eth day of January, 1894.
Adm'r of the Estate of Ernest S. Haage, deceased.
Administrator's Sale.
signed, administrator of tbe estate of Harri
son Co ruin, deceased, by virtue of an order of the
lounty Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco
County, In probate, made on tne otn day oi Septem
ber, A. D. 1893, and a oupplementarv order made by
said court, of date December 22. 1893. will on c-atur-
day, the 27th day of January, 1894, at the hour of 2
P. M. of said da, at the Court House door in Dalles
City, in Wasco Countv, State of Oregon, sell at pub
lic auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand,
sui f ret to the confirmation of said Court, all of tbe
following described real estate and water rights, be
longing to tbe estate of the said deceased, to-wit.
The west half of tbe northeast quart-r, and the
nortnwest quarter or tne soutneast quarter of sec
tion twenty-five, in township two north .of range ten
east of the Willamette meridian jcontiining 1?0 acres
ana situatod in Wasco county, btate of regon; aud
also the east half -of the east half of section No. -twenty-five
In township No. two north of range ten
east of tbe Willamette meridian, containing 160
acres, and situated in Wasco County. State of Ore-
Ken, together with tbe tenements, hereditaments
and appurtenances and water rights thereto belon
ing. ahd belonging to said estate.
All tbe above described property, including the
water rights, to be sold in one parcel.
Dated. December 22. 1893.
Administrator of the estate of Harrison Coram,
deceased. - ,
T N THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Oregon,
j. ior wasco county
George W. Rowland, plaintiff, vs Hugh Gourlay
ana Bessie t'ouriay, aeienaants.
To Hugh Gourlay and Bessie Gourlay the above
named defendanta.
In the name of the State of Oregon, yi and each
of jou, are hereby required to appear ana answer
the cumulaint of olaintiff. filed asrainat too in tbe
' above entitled suit, on or before the first day of
tbe regular term of the Circuit Court ef the State of
Oregon for Wasco County, next following tbe final
publication at tnis summons, to-wit; on or before
nunaay tne inn day of r brury, 1894, and If you
fail ao to appear and answer, fcr want thercf the
iliintiff will apply to tbe Court for the relief prayed
or iu his complaint, to-wit: . .
For a decree of foreclosure of that certain mort
gage deed made a d executed bv vou to E. B.
Duiur, on the 3d day of November, 1893, upon all of
lot v 01 ltuiuts urana view Aiiuiu, -n to Dalles City,
in Wasco Countv. Oregon and acconlinir to the re.
kcord. d map of said Addition to said City, snd that
sum premises no sola unaer sues foreclosure decree
in the manner provid d by law and according to tbe
practice of this Court; that from the proceeds of
such sale , the plaintiff have and receive the sum of
8350, and interest on said sum si c-e November 2.
1891, at the rate of 10 per cent per annum; also the
further sum- of S50 aa a reasonable attorney's fee
iur lusntuuug wis siut to lorcieae said mortgage,
and col'ect the notes iherebv secured and heiein
sued upon, together w-th plaintiffs costs and die-
oursements made aun expended m tins suit, includ
ing accruing costs and expen-es f sale, and that
piainurc nave judi-ment over ai d against tbe de-
enaent. Uugb tiourlav. for any defi,:iencv remain.
iug after all of the proceeds of Bach sale nronerlv
ap -1-cabte thereto, shall have been anDlied in nav-
meut of plaintiff a demands as above set forth; that
upon such foreclosure fale all of the right, title, in
terest and claim of you and each of you. and all
persona claiming or to claim by, through or under
rou, or ciLncr m you, in anu to sal a mortgagea
premise, and every part thereof, be forever barred
and forclosed from the equity of redemption, and
for such other and further relief as to the Court may
seem equitable and lust. -
ThiB summons is served upon you bv publication
thereof in The Dalles Tim as-Mountaineer, a news
vaper of general circulation, published v kty at
Dalles City, Wasco t ounty, Oregon, by order of
oou. w . Lh jjraosnaw, iidge 01 sail
which order bears date the 27th dav
ap30-7w - Attorneys
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby iriven that the undersigned has
oeen duly appointed administrator of the partner
ship estate of Geo. F. Beers aod R. E. Williams.
doig,buriness under the firm name of The Dallea
Mercantile Company, ot which dim said Geortre F.
Heers is deceased, by order u( the ' Hon. Georue C.
Biakeiey, Countv Judge of Wasco county Omcoa,
made ou tbe 17th dav of November. Ii93. and that
ue nas amy quaunea as sucn administrator. AU
peisuns bavin? clxlms against said estate are re
quired to present tbem with tbe proper vouchers
to me at my resiaence in uanes citv wltnin six
mouths fnm tbe date of this notice.
Dated this 22d day of November, 1893.
Administrator of the nartnerahiD estate of The
Dallea Mercantile Comoanv. consisting: of Geo. F.
Bears, deceased, and R. . Williams.
Administrator's Notice.
il dersigned was duly app ,inted administrator o
tne estate oi meia carison, deceased, of caacad
Locks, by the County Court of the State of Oregon
County of Warco. on September 2i 1893. And.
therefore, all persons havlnir claims against said
estate are requirea to present tne same, witn prope
vouchers r.ttacued. within aix months from the dat
of this notice, at my ottice at Cascade .Locks, Wasco
iwuiity, liregtm.
cascade Locks, Sept, 80, 1893.
Administrator of the estate of tell Climb, de
Executor's Notice.
n the matter of the estate of William H. HcAtee,
NntiM ! hwlwhw nivan thaf tYitm, nnrlaiwlivnail Via a
een oy tne uounty Court of Wasco. Countv, BUte
oi ureeoo. apDointea executor tu Mnu non instead
ot B. C. HcAtee, removed, ot the estate of William
H. MoAtee, deceased. All persons bavins1 claims '
against, or business with, said estate are notified
ana requirea to present same witn tne proper
voucners to toe underainied executor, at nis resi
dence m The Jbftlles. Wasco Countv. Orezon.
Dated Tbe Dailes. ure iron, this 12th dav ot Jan
narv. 1804. HEOROE A. LIE BE.
Executor of the Estate ot Wm. H. McAtee, decsM
Assignee's Notice.
TOTICE is hereby (tren that C. L. Phillips, as-
1 siiraee of Wm. rarre a; Ck, lusoivdnt debtors.
has filed his final account aa such assignee in tbe
circuit court of the State of Oregon for Wasco
countv. an i that said final account win ds heard in
said Court on Monday, the ISth day of February,
1894, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. U., or aa soon there
after aa the same can De readied ay tne uourt, aaid
daybeins- tbe first day of the regular reoniary.
1894, term of said eouxt. C. U PHILLIPS, '
n fVllJflipg.
Dalles City, Oregon, Jan. 12, X894,
Blood Purifier
CHEAPEST and best. 128 doses F
of Sulphur Bitters for $1.00, less
than one cent a dose.
T m i.
" "", ."-"? l"? Don't ever
Kina 01 stin aisease, tae blue
iiviu atuuiuiuiiiiiui- m pllS Or
?i0ILih1eJace t0 mercurylthey
eH.T. . r ' fare deadly.
SCROFULA. In put trut
all cases of such M in Suphur Bif
stubborn, deep ter3 tne purest
seated diseases, and 'best medi
Sulphur Bitters M cine ever made.
icine to use. M COATED with a
Don t waitun- B yeUow, sticky sub
til tomorrow, A e ? Is y 0 u r
try a Dottle a Rrpath foul and of-
TO-DAY. M Vnnr Stom
ach is OUT OF-ORDER.
Use Sulphur Bitters immediately.
If you are sick, no matter what
ails you, use Sulphur Bitters.
Don't wait until you are unable
to walk, or are flat on your back,
but get some AT ONCE, it will
Ann vrrtti ei1wili'i Ttittora ia
Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. F. Ordway & Co.,
Boston, Mass., for best medical work published -
Chicago, St. Louis,
East Bound
West Bound
..11:15 P. M
. . 3:45 A. M
- From the East
From the West
. 3:40 A M.
.11:10 P. M.
Steamers from Portland to San Francisco
For rates and general information call on E.(E.
LYTLE, Depot Ticket Agent, The Dalles, Oregon.
W. H. HUBLBUKT, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt,
254 Washington St.. Portland, Or
Northern Pac.
Is the line to take
It is the Dining Car Route. It runs Through Yea
tt timed Trains fcerv nay in tne Tear to
Compu ed of Dining' Cars unrorpsstaecl. . oilman
drawing-room sleepers oi Latest
Best "that can b constructed, aDJ In which acoom
modation are both Free and r urnianed
tt holders of First or Second
class Tickets, and ;
Continuous Line, Connecting with
A.11 Lilies, Affording Direct and
Uninterrupted Service.
Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured in ad
vance M.rounanjr agent or we roaa.
To and from all
points in Ameuca.
Ei -gland and Europe can be any ticket
onice 01 tne company.
Full information co mine rates, time of trains.
routes snd other details',, furnished oi i plication to
W. C. ALLOW AY, Agent
D. P. A. H Co.,
Regulator office. The Dalles, Or.
Asst General Passenger Agt.,
No, 121 First 8t-, Cor. Wah., '
.. ' ft , ?
TtHirts KcwIoe. Te murilr siw-rfact tiurir
portnetoi, and fro tfcai
nsan-aas-irr 1 lilUFWOWiOW 4M
Hv iu BOTWtT fBal wHa
t tlx lot of mnrty, mm tkef
Ktok bwM OB Wrt, fvMWMr losft, mpartaauty. Is
niay, awtluwiri mrimtf, pontMN. fame. HwamMmi
pwu.auH. j iih i m- m . wua m
Snrtim mi Vcrnn tfovs
r, to mm
out her nc:.9; fail to aa
ipM wnnjtyf lmwmmttanmm nrj cImums thai
apftsMr vertkr. an m HUT ptwmtiw; to whM alt mao-
ttifmitpito. 11 trmim mm m i faiy, mmeh wa U wot of
irithta tw rww-a mt laborfcrjr la. Intprwve!. It
at !, a sraad Mori m UBa, thm aouiK .f ; :-.-
maay tm hcrm. Noney is bs mmAm rviilj r. a L
byavvra,gtp"' "titc at
do tit a aa ttva a bat, wbarmvekrywn lira. Era W
gianvafs ar -w-ily aarmithf tram pr day. Yum
emm ! am wU U to wHl wsrfe. sot tern brd, bat baartiaV
O.UD wfMMw Mm tMi7. or al yonr titoe thm wwrfc. Baas'
to Warn. Cmmmlm laajsiaA Wa start joa. All .
siJTasfV Ms aasl mflr TH
W hMtsrmow mmA
mhmrtf to ire
mrm. to raxssja to upka i
rem rrtiwwiwj8Mwf owwtrfr
axDMda hmrm. Wnte aal lcara aH frta.
m? nmm vaO. Uaxrtaa stelar. As Jrau at on. VL.
B)aUL uaxnaa as ay.
A Co. Jsx Mltti Pvrttanrf. Muiae
Land Ofpics at Thu Dallss. Orbooiv,
Dec. 27. 1893.
Notice is hereby iriven that the foUowintr-named
settler his filed notice ot bis intention to
make final proof in support of nis claim, and
tLat said proof will be made before the Refrister and
Receiver of the U. 8. land office at The Dailes, Or.,
on f eo. id, isih, viz:
Hd No. 3596. for the WU BEW and E 6WU, Sec
11, Tp IN, RUE..
He names the following; witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon ana cultivation of said
land, viz:
B. Parodi, L Lawler, Jesse Speiicer, and William
Bpencer, all ox Tne uaues. ureon.
oecov tmn n. lictt io, t&eKisxer.
- Stoi'iollfrs' Meeting.
rTIHE annual meeting o the stcckholders of the
i vit-gt naiionai cui oi ine uuiei win oe neid
at the office of aaid bank on Tuesday, January 9,
ISiH. at IU o'cioca a. M. , ior tarn eiecuoa oi directors
for the ensuing year.
ai. rai iasus, vaanier.
The Dalles, Dee. 2, 1883.
County Treasurers Notice '
AH county warrants registered pnor to-
Jan. 16, 1890. will be paid on presenta
tiou at my office. Interest ceases after this
date. . Willi ax Michkll,
County Treasurer.
Tbe Dalles, Oct. 21, 183.
Slinfl ILI'- 1 MALI A
fv.' kj ki tui v : i;n u wm u
- uiiiniin,
MI WtsMt-d bis Oimu- fall, !
Pa tor. aStirvicet) every Sabbath at 11 A. M.
aud 8 P. M. Sabbath sclutol iin mediately after the
corn n M-aiw. i'rayer racttinjf every Thurad'jy
evuiic j.t S P. M
- . i.. CUtl.Cil Kc. Jko. Whlsleh. Pastor.
l m "'rvicfj wtry Sunday inomui& anti ev-jninji .
i . xl iy .tcii'joi At u'uloU P. .M.. A uurdUal nvi-
ietioc tended by bjth pdtor und people to all.
J Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. U. and
P. AI. Sunday School after morning service.
rtT. PETER'S CUUKCH Rev. Father BaONSesssT
O Padior. Low Mass every Sunday at 7 A. M. High
Mass at 10:30 A.M. Vespersat 7 P. M.
JT. PAUL'S CHURCH. Union Street, opposite
O Fifth. Rev. L!i 11. sutchUe, Rector. Services
evury Sunday at 11 A. M and 7:30 P M., Sunday
school at 9:30 A. M. Evening Prayer on Friday at
7:30 P. M.
HKISTIAN CHURCH Rsv. J. w. Jenkins, pas-
J tor. Preaching- every Sun'lav afternoon at S
-'clock in the Congregational cnurcn
dially invited.
All ure cor
IS. A. F & A. M. Meets
Y V first and third
Monday of each month at 8
1 Meets iu Masonic Uall the third Wednesday
each mouth at 8 P M.
,-tOLUMBIa LODGE, NO, 5, I. O. O. F.-Meets
j every Friday evening ut 7:30 o'clock, in K. of P.
Hall, corner uf and Cot) it streets. Sojourn
ing brothers are welcome. U. CLOD6U, Sec y.
VMUKNDSHIP LODGK, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets
J1 evorv Monday evening at8:00 o'clock, in Scban.
lio'i buiidinif, corner of Court and Second streets.
Soinurmnir brothers are cordially invited.
b. Vaiss, K. K. and S. F. MfcXx EFEE, C C.
W will meet every Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock
it the reaainif room. . All are invited.
Hood Camp, No. 69, meets every Tuesday
evening of each week at 7:30 o'clock, in A. Keller's
Hall. All brothers aud sojourning- brothers are
Invited to bo oreeut. -
rpEMPL LODGE. NO. 8, A. O. U. W. Meets
I in KKeller's Hall every Thursdav evening at 7:30
o'clock. PAIL KBEFT, M. W.
W. S. Myers, Financier.
J AS. J.ESMWH POST. NO. 82, O. A. R Meets
every Saturday at 7.80 P. M. in K. of P. Hall.
OF L. E. Meets every Friday afternoon in
K. of P. Hall.
Sunday evening in Keller's HalL
np T.. P. DIVISION. NO. 167. Meets n K.
t). of P. Hall the first and third Wednealay of
each month at 7:80 P. M
Prcfesaional CarUs. -
IE. O. C. HOLUbTtK, Physician and surgeon.
Rooms over Dalles National Bank. OtSce
uonrs 10 A H to 12, and 8 P M to 4 P M. Resi
dence west end of third Street.
b. te.Shlt.VV, A'riOKKbV AT LAW. Olhce
- a ui Mhanno's buildirg, up stairs. The Dalles,
J. K. uiNUOli. J. W. CONBOK.
(j Office on Court street, opposite the old court
oouse. Tbo Dalles. Or. aur lb-uu
a. s. Duma. frank hisotb.
U Roems 42 and 43, Chapman Block. auK25
XX Dalles. Oregon. Office No. 124 Court street.
Will practice in all courts of too State.
Wines, Liquors Cigars.
Second Street East End.
Best Kentueky Whiskey,
Very Best Key West Cigars, and Bes'
of W ines.
Er.erliRh Porter. Ale and Milwauke
Beer always on. band.
nothing maw when we state tti::t it pavs te enrage
in m permanent, most iK'rmiiy aua pleasant tasi
nees, that retntrns m profit for every day's work.
8 u oh to the easiness we oiiVr the workuur class.
We taw ah them hew Va make money rupidly, and
snaraatee every one who follows oi:r instructions
faithfully the making t SSOO.OO r. i.:f;nth.
. Every en wh Utkas hold bow aid works will
surely and speedily increase their earnings; there
oan oe ne quaaitoa aeoui k ; otners saw at worn,
are doing It, and you, reader, ca do the same.
This ia -Aim TMmt navinsr KaLMinMfl that von have
ever had the chance te 8eare. Ton wilt make a
crave mistake if yoa fail te give it a trial at once.
ir yoa grasp tne situation, ana act quiociy, you
will directly find yeorself tn a most prosperous
hastness, at which yea can surely make aud save
large sums of money. The results of only a few
heuvs work will often equal a week's wages.
Whether you are old er youug, man or womau, it
makes no difierenee, do as we tell yeu, and suc
cess will msec yea at tbe very start. 2f either
experience or capital necessary. Those who work
for us are rewarded. Why net write te-day for
full particulars, free ? E. C. ALLEN A CO.,
Box Ho. 40, A u casta, Me.
A iKfst, FaateaS aad WmH la .she WastsV
TsVarsass w stetaruiits(.V
Atratuar wasrvajs.
aa an lwas esrna bo and from tl vrteelple
xessalasisiaaaas available to refesra dtltar Um pie
turaqua CbM a !7orUi ml Iraiacd or Kap) t (tlbmKal
fraita ssa KsBsy Otasfl te lay Aaraat at Lowstt Batss.
-appty wm i oar local aseota er so
Jkaafjiissaun atKuxuasitii, utuoatgo, jjt.
AGS -Ti WNTFD-ADDlr tj Thoi. 'A Hudson.
s;eneraireni,ineiaief; ar. jmazi-in
2 So. 50o.
$1.00 $1.23
' PaTATBTKKlMHrB Is made from OTTTT T.
wai mwm mufjww mweriai. Dss wmps mads MS
aw pnasi uia uaraaie, AI L STVLES, all
Drlsea, ask roar dealer far a . VVlmr 'iflsy
HIM KUCK, -Th Dales, Or
Local II Traveling I
To represent our well known house. You need no
capital to represent a firm that warrants nurseiy
stock first-class and true to name. Work all the
year. 1 100 a month to the right man. Apply, stat
ic L. alAY ft CO,
serymen. Florists and Seedsmen,
wt Paul, Minn.
T AIIIEM who will do writing for me at their
J nomes win maae soon wacres. itepiy w tn aeu-
aaaressea, sxampea envelope.
sontn Bend, a a.
, To Sell or Mange
For Dalles propertv. 0 acres frui lan a. 0 m lie
from Portland, Kmile from Clackuas. Improve
in ants, are t houses, bam. rood well. 700 fruit trees
& acres in scrswoemes.j
s or terma address
L. W. Bt, Clackamas, Oregon.
I IF Aaf
sJV ' '.6
A. KELLER Prop';
I am prepared to furnish families, hotels and res
tau rants with the choicest
Bread, Cakes and Pies.
Fresh i sters Served in Eyery Style.
Mepoud Sirfet. Next door to The Dalles Na
tional Bank,
The Dal
- Ofrecon.
The Dalles National Bank,
Cashier, ...
..Z. F.
.M. A. oody
General Banking Business Transacted.
Sight Exchanges sold on
iW Collections made on favorable terms ai all ao
cessihle pointa.
Familiar Facss ia : b Place.
Late Spe Ul Aent
Uen'l Laud Office.
Ines a&i Mm Agency.
Parties haying- piopertr thev wish to sell or tra
nouses to rent, or abstract of title furnished,
find it to their advantage to call upon us.
' We shall make a specialty of the prosecution of
claims and contests before tne united Htatea Land
Office. July25
58 Walton St, THE DALLES, OH
I!will furnish drafts and estimates on til buildin s
dwellings and stores.
Mr. Ostlund is? a practical mechanicand the'nlans
drafted bv iim will prove artistic, cheap and dura.
Mats, Butter and Eggs,
"ITT ILL ALWAYS HATE t N t AI E at the sbcy
ft towns the choicest Beef, aluitcn snd Poik
Also pay the highest market price for Butter and
acted onSun
- days. -
186 Secoo'l Street. .
Pfaclical :. I'alcWKer.
Clocks,' Watches. Jewelry, Etc.
Alwavs keens on sale the latest and best styles at
Time-pieces, Diamond tunjrs, Sow.knot Blnss, oil
rerwara, etc., etc.
162 Second Street, nrzt door to A.
Williams Vo.,
Cor. Court and Front Sta.,
The Best of Imported and Domestio
Always on Sale.
Kentucky Straight Whitby on Hand
All perrons Jesirlrg dressmaking done will pleas
call at the raidtnee Utely TacaUd by sir. Letli
Butler Latest ttjles fum Ihe esst. Satlsfactio
. uaranteed. MBS. UcaVtt KI.
Contractor and Builder
The Oaldivii,
The People
Demand Good Goods.
We always htlieve that the People want
GOOD Quality of any kind of goods either
Dry CtJoo
ITny or Oriiin,
Anil we iutend to always keep onr stoek in
xcluiioD of soy of the trashy stuff. We do
not cre to quote r ces in n r aovertisement,.
Imt e itiviti- evrvl'!y to call and eximisis"
the QUALITY of tor good", ourl then juHe
whether nr not Our Pric- aro Kuht. We
nUnys put prices as LOW as it is (.osiible to
Onr stock is always roniplete, and we idvtte
vnu to call and inspect both our stock aivi
our prices, knowing they will please you.
Successor io LESLXE BUTLER, '
Will Constantly Keep on Hand a Complete Line of
Groceries, Gf OGRery, and glasstvaie.
Having ; rrchased Mr. Butler's entire stock, I shall endeavor to
ro-unt. n the reputation of the bouse, which has beeu
Call and sea me next door to Post Office.
131 Second St.
Do Ton Know That
We carry a full line of Stoves arid Ranges,
Building Hardware, Tinware, Granite ware.
Fishing Tackle, Guns. Ammunition, Pumpe,
Iron Pipe, etc. . We are sole agents for thev
Garland Stoves and Ramres
The World's Best Sanitary Plumbing, Tin
ning and Metal Roofing a Specialty. . v
Groceries, Provisions I Gordwood.
All orders promptly attended to.
MAIER & BENTON, "The Dalles
The New Umatilla House
sinnott &
ummm mm
Free Omnibus' to and from the.
Ticket and Baggage Offiee of the UNION
Western Uuion Telegraph
A. O. KELLER, Proprietor.
Port 81,
Sherry 81
Muscat 83,
Angelica 83,
Mountain 83
an Gregorio Vineyrtrcl Co. A 4feii-j .
All Wines and Brandies Guaranteed Strictly Pure
The Best Wines. Liauors and Cigars Alwavs on Sale.
Try the best remedy for Dyspepsia, "Dandelion Tonic
V nn W q Ti f
lUU ff ttJLl U
We kpep tbe Largest and Best Assorted Linn in
tbe city, of Dry Goods and Notions, Gents' Fur
nishing Goods and Clothing, Men's, Ladies' and
Children's Fine Shoes.
WG W&Ilt Your Patronage -
Of coarse we will pat Prices to suit. Always do
tbat. Nobody undersells as. Come around and
investigate. ...
FISH, Proprietors
mm.,: in.Tww-l I' tfTf ' I"
Safe for the Safety ot all Valuable
PACIFIC XaUvrny Company, and Office (f
Vompany, are in the Hotel.
Burgundy 83,
Zinfapdel 84,
Riesling 83,
Hock 83;
Table Claret
Your Drv Goods