TheTimes-Mountaineer SATURDAY ....AUGUST 12. 1893 SOME DEMOCRATIC OPINIONS. It is not stalwart Republicans alone, not "protective tariff cranks alone," who believe that something more than the repeal of the Sherman law is - needed for a restoration of the country to prosperity, says the Chicago In ter Ocean. That, together with . the issue of gold bonds and the exten sion of the issue of . the National benk currency, as recommended by the Chicago board of trade, 13 likely to mend matters, and to mend them greatly. Bat before we see and feel suoh times as we enjoyed prior to the - event of Nov. 7, 1892, we must have certainty as to whether what was the cardinal doctrine of the Democratic platform upon which that event tran spired is to be put into practice or is to be repudiated by a Democratic president and a Democratic congress. Such Democrats as Mr. Whitn y, who has held a cabinet office, and who believes as Mr. Cleveland does, or as he once said that he did, that protec . tive tariffs are the "unjust, inequit able, and? unconstitutional sources of revenue," and other Democrats whose sayings are reported in recent Wash ington dispatches, admit that nntil there is certainty as to the tariff action of congress and the administration - there can be no thorough revival of business. Panic may be aveited by currency legislation, but prosperity cannot be restored by it alone. Strange enough these Democrats believe that the certainty needed for the restoration of prosperity is cer tainty of withdrawal of protection to . American industries. It is a strange belief. For, if thousands of men now are out of work because the owners of mills and mines and factories refuse to sink money la producing material at a cost occasioned liy binh wages, whiln they are uncertain as to whether they may not be forced to sell such products in competition with free imports of the cheaper labor of Edrope, will they sink ninnr-y in such production when they are certain that tbey will be forced to sell under such conditions? . Is it not plain that the employers will be forced to do one of two thing if the product of their mill?, mines, and factories are to be forced into un protected competition with tbo3e of Europe, either to reduce wages to European levels or to suspend opera tionsf Is it not plain teat it wages are reduced the purchasing power of the wage-earners will be reduced, and if the mills are closed will nottbe pur chasing power of the wage-earners be, at least for awhile, destroyed? And if this purchasing power be destroyed, or lessened, will not the sales in the stores be lessened? Is there not fin ancial trouble in the free-trade pot? An eastern, exchange says: "Secre tary Hoke Smith tries to make light of the indignation of the old soldiers who burned him in effigy at Ports month, Ohio, last Saturday night. He says that he does not know Reed, whose pension was taken away, nor anything about his case. The secre tary of the interior must have a poor opinion of the people if he thinks that he can dodge the responsibility for his policy in this way. He has made the rulings for the pension department, and will be held responsible for all the iojustice under these rulings, whoever executes his orders, just as he insisted on holding General Weaver responsi ble for all the petty annoyances to the confederates that occurred while in was in command of the Unioo troops at Pulaski, Tenn. As an editor Mr. Smith devoted much of his time last fall in securing affidavits to show that Weaver was a tyrant and abused the southern people while he was at Pu laski, and he held him responsible for every act of his subordinate officers, and for even those of private soldiers. Secretary Smith is held responsible only for the acts committed by his subordinates in carrying ont his policy and rulings. He should not try dodge." - to Loye's Delusiye Dream. It was not loye at first sight that at tracted honest old John Siebert to the ' Wasco Independent academy grounds last Satnrday evening, for, to bis knowledge, he bad never seen the face of bis inamorata but frequently through the postoffice he would receive a billet deaux on perfumed paper, breathing words of undying affection and these were the food on which his trust- ri 1 tA J -' .u ..:,.:l.. r l .. i i -1 . j night. With palpitating heart and flushed face his visits to the news depot were of daily occurrence, and as the clerk handed bim out the missive, he would anxiously hide it in some secure pocket and then hie himself away to some shady, seclnded spot. where, aa the breeze fanned bis fevered . cheek, and the sun looked down and smiled, be would read each line over and over again and live in a blissful dream of tb. love and beauty in store for him. Each delicately shaded letter, every upward and downward curve were to bim mysterious beys which unlocked tbe doors ot heaven to . his auxious soul, tie regretted that she did not write every bour, so that the blissful moments would continue without interrup tion donng the live-long day. And . then during the dark hours, what angels of hope and joy visited his couch. In bis. visions nymphs fairer than those who waited on Diana, maidens more beautiful than the black-eyed nouns of Mahomet's paradise. would weave garlands ot roses tor his brow and caress him. It was in this blissful state, so we are informed, that honest John dressed himself id bis best suit of clothes, and wended his way to tbe trysting place. previously made by appointment, about 9 o clock Saturday night. He had provided himself with a bottle ot wine to make bis heart glad, and other stimulants to arouse his courage for tbe emergency. The pre lude should be giyen here, so that our read era may be fully informed regarding the airco instances. For several weeks some hard-hearted yonng man bad penned the love letters to John, and thus played upon tbe credulity ot his honest, trusting nature. He had nearly reached the fifty mile post in life without giving way to the tenderest. holiest sentiments that ever-animated the chivalrio breast, and now felt the need of a partner as tbe shadows of age were gather ing arannd hia nathwav. It is needless to ay that thia cruel young man had named the time and place of meeting, had donned female attire for tbe occasion, and was promptly on time. John's footsteps were as elastio aa when he was much younger when he approached "her in whom his heart de lighted." 43weet words of love were used as he fondly caressed tbe deceiver's cheek. And. when ha waa on the eve of vtronnaino- a journey to the nearest clergyman, a erne t moonbeam pierced the overhanging shade of the tree, and illuminated the unshaven face of the youth. Seeing hta mistake he told the object of bia affection that he was a base deceiver to so toy with the affec tions ot a confiding beng. Hitherto the principal actor bad been silent; bat at this lie pretended anger and left in an ill humor. John followed, ana tnen trie oeceiver nai lowed, "Helj! Help! M order!" at which Siebert ran as fa-t aa possible ont of the academy grounds. At this juncture the city marshal wa-i making his nightly rounds, and hearing the screams proceeding from what be supposed to be a woman a d seeing the running fugitive, arrested bim after a desperate straggle, during which tbo bottle broke and the thirsty ground drank the rich, red wine. John's story is somewhat different, as he told a reporter this morning that he was walking quietly through the academy grounds Saturday eyening, when a "masquerade" came after him, and he ran because he was afra.d of receiving bodily injury. He acknowledges having a bottle ot wioe with him; but says he did not pat ary girl's cheek or kiss her This he stoutly denies. We were informed to-day that the sequel to the joke was that he was brought before a magistrate ana bound over 10 the sum of $40 to answer the charge. Undoubtedly he can exclaim id the language of Moore: The tune I've spent in wooicff In following and pursuing The light iht lies in woman's eyes Has been my heart's undoing. Attempted Sheep Swindle. East rcgooian. Mervin Sworts. of Baker City, bas just been arretted on an indictment found against bim by a Harney connty grand jury October 27, 1892. He had been out of the country nntil lately. The charge sgtinst Sworta is one of larceny, and it re veals an attempt on his part to perpetrate one of the biggest thefts on record that of 2000 head ot sheep. It appears that Sworts and his partner. Miller, were in the sheep business. They became involved finan cially, and had their band of 2000 sheep at tached hy the sheriff for money due VV. F. Matlock, of Pendleton. The sheriff -took possession of the sheep and placed them in charge of a deputy, and while he was away paying his attentions to a young lady living near where the sheep ranged both Sworts and Miller drove the band away and were about to cross the Snake river into Idaho, when the sheriff, who by this time was hot on their trail, overtook them and recovered noB&ession of the sheep. Had the sheriff been a few minutes later the band would have crossed into an adjoining state and sold before Sworta and Miller could haye been restrained. Pound Dead. l'rinevillo Kews. Geo. P. Ferguson, who was employed in herding sheep for the B. S. & L. Co., of Hay Creek, was found dead on I'ook out mountain last Saturday by a camp tender. Deceased had not been feeling well for a day or two, and as be did not return to dinner on the day named the camn tender went to look for him. He soon met the dog, which animal guided him to the place where his master was lying dead beneath the shade of two trees. He had apparently lain down and expired suddenly, as there were no indications ot a struggle. Justice Elliott, as acting cor oner, accompanied by Dr. Gesner, left Prineville on Sunday, but did not reach the scene of death until Monday, being compelled to mate a goodly part of the distan e on horseback. An inquest was held and a verdict of death from natural causes was rendered. Owing to the de composed condition of the remains, and it being impossible to get there with a waeon. the body was temporarily buried where it lay. Another Fatal Accident. Ochcco Review. On Thursday of last week N. M. Os- born, while coming from The Dalles with a load of freight, met with an accident which resulted in his dea'.h. When pass ing over a grade about two miles above the Hay Creek store his wagon turned over, throwing him to the ground, and it is supposed that some of the machinery with which he was loaded tell on him. He lay by the roadside in an unconscious condition until Friday, when he was taken to the Hay Creek store and cared tor, but as be did not rally, J. B. Cartwnght and F. B. Sommerville brought him 10 town Saturday evening. Dr. Belknap was sum moned, but found the old gentleman be yond human assistance, one side being paralyzed and he was also suffering from internal injuries. He lingered until Wednesday evening, when death released him la the meantime his son bad been sent for and arrived here the morning be fore his father's tieath. Bis remains were buried in Prineville cemetery Thursday afternoon. Cloud Oap Inn. Hon. M. A. Moody, Messrs. E. Y. Judd, of Boston, Mass., and H. J. Green, of Port land; Misses Annie and Bessie Lang and Mrs. A. L. Newman returned last evening from a short visit to Cloud Cap Inn. Last Sunday it snowed all day at the ion, and tbe storm raged furiously in. the surround ing mountain, blowing down large trees which in maty places blocked the road. Iu their descent from this mountain resort. when about twenty miles from Hood River, in driving over a large tree that bad fallen across the roadway, the casting in which the king bolt of the wagon rested, broke. causing the vehicle to be useless until it could be repaired. In this emergency Mr. Moody rode one of the horses bareback to Hood River and dispa ched two wagons to bring tbe party to town. These arrived safely without any further mishap in time to take the train to thia city. Cloud Cap inn is a very pleasant place in summer weather; but it must be anything but agree able during an August snow storm. Their Places Filled b Japs. East Oregonian: A carload of Japanese, thirty-seven in number, passed through Pendleton with Minday evening's east- bound train. They were going to Idaho, it is reported, to take the places of dis charged white laborers on the sections, and this created not a little unfavorable com ment, in view of tbe fact that the idle men problem is becoming locally ominous. Several workingmen were at the depot, and they looked at tbe "Japs" with gloomy, clouded faces. A carload shipment of the same kind of humanity passed through a zew aays ago. ine railroad company could find plenty of men besides these yellow ssinnea ioreigners, 11 they wanted them. It is estimated that not less than 500 men are scattered along the road between Pen dleton and Huntington. Gangs of them may De seen at tne small stations, at tbe water tanks and under bridges, and truck and bund baggage passengers are numer- A Bun Stopped. : There was a ran on a bank in an iron mill town and the depositors were being paid ia silver dollars. The excitement increased and the run became a fast one. The cashier was a young Irishman and the work put upon mm was more than he liked hie re solved to stop it. He sent tbe janitor with a bushel ot silver dollars into a rear room where there was a stove, with instructions to "heat tbem silver dollars red hot " They were heated, and in that condition handed out with a ladle . The depositors first grabbed the coin, then kicked. "But you'll have to take them - that way," said the cashier. , "We are turning them out as fast as we can melt and mold them, and if von won t wait till they cool you 11 have to take them red hot.' That settled it. The run was stopped. Letters Advertised. roe toiiowmg is tne list ot letters re maining in The Dalles postoffice uncalled for Satnrday, August 5, 1893. r Persons call ing for these letters will please give the date on which they were advertised: Adamson, Elmer Berglof, Haus Bennette, Lottie Bins, J C Coats, F L Green, A Clark Howard, W T Looney, Mock May, C S Ogle, Dick Smith, C E Ware, J S , T. Nolan, P. M. Clarke, Nellie L Davidson, Win Uaron, Won Kelsay, D A Marlette, Steve Munger, W D Shaw, John Walker, John M Be You On Dsctar. It won't cost yon one half as much I Do not delay. Send three 2-ceot b tamps I for postage, and we will send you Dr. nauimiun's great work, line colored plates from life, on disease, its causes and borne cure. Address A. P. Ordway & Co , Boston, Mais. Work at the Locks. Cascade Locks, Aug. 6, 1S98. Editor Tms-kotntTAixna: Now for the brief but long promised de scription of the locks and gates, although "Zebedee" has not the facilities for getting information of this kind that a regular news gatherer is supposed to have. There are to be two locks three hundred and ninety feet between the gates, which, I take it for granted, means that vessels of that length can be passed through. I am told that the amount of fall is about sixteen feet, which doubtless means the lowest stages of the river, (0 there is certaiuly not so much as that during high water. I take it for granted that each lock "ill have a lift or rue of eight feet aud, of course, a lowering capacity of the, same number ot feet. There will be foor gates. Ech lock will have a gate which I am told will be folding, that is in two parts meeting in the middle, and when closed like the folding doors in a house. The other two are to be at each end of the canal and will be callel guard gates, and will be one solid piece; or, to be more exp icit, will not be half gates hut whole gates, and will be use 1 to close the 'canal when necessary to pump it out for the purpose of repairing. The gates will be opened and closed by w ter power, a turbine or other similar wheel to be used for the purpose. No doubt there will be necessity for some power other than men or horses, for the combined weight of the four gates aud their appurtenances will bd about two million pounds. Just think ot it for one moment, a gate that weighs five hundred thousand pounds or two houdred and nftv tons, which is only one-fourth of the weight of the four gates. Zebedee. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Hve Set iu Caucus. Washington, Au;. 5 The hall of the house of representatives was well filled with Democratic members tonight wben Holman, chairman ot the caucus, called it to order. It was known that Crisp's reoo mi nation as speaker wai assured, and thit there would be no contest oyer the doorkeeperehip. After a short speech by Holman, Turner of Georgia nominated Crisp lor re-election, alter which Crisp was nominated by acclamation amid ap plause. Crisp spoke as follows : ''An txtraordioary condition of affairs throughout the country bas necessitated our meeting in extraordinary session. In so far as that condition is attrionted to existing law. we are in nowise responsible therefor. Now, for the first time In more than 30 years, we are in full power. We can repeal bad laws and we can make good ones. The people have entrusted us with that power and expect us to ex ercise it for their behalf. Our financial system should be revised and reformed; strict economy in public expenditures should be observed, and taxation should bo equalized and greatly reduced. To these purposes are we tooronghly com mitted. We must redeem our pledges. Let us begin wcik at once. Let us lay aside every other consideration than the public good, and endeavor to so dis charge the duties aa-igued us as to re store confidence, promote prosperity and advance the-general welfare of all classes of our people I am sincerely grateful or your confidence and esteem. I pledge myself to devote myself to the discharge of the duties of the responsible position yu have assigned me with all tbe en- ergy and ability I possess" At tbe close ol Speaker Crisp's address, Kerr of Pennsylvania was renominated clerk by acclamation, and tbe caucus then proceeded to tbe election of ser-peant-at-arm?, tbe leading candidates being the present incumbent, Todor of Ohio, and Snow of Illinois. The contest was a most bested one. After tbe nom inations were made it was discovered tbe Ohio delegation was divided. Charges were made against Yodor that after bis election in tbe last congress be bad ap pointed a Republican as chief clerk and endorsed a Republican for captain of the watch. Several representatives defended Toder. among tbem Caminetti, of Calif ornia, who said he bad carefully inquired mto tbe charges, and found tbem base less. Finally, wben the first ballot was announced, it was found to be a tie, each candidate receiving 93 votes. Tbe sec ond ballot resulted In 96 votes for Snow to 95 for Yoder, and the former was de c Hired tbe Caucus nominee. Tbe other officers elected were: Lycorgu- Dalton, of Indiana, for postmaster; A. H Hunt, if Tennessee, doorkeeper; Rrv. 8. W Hadaway, of Maryland, Methodist, for chaplain. Adjourned. A Fast Express Wrecked. Toledo, O.. Aug. 5 Tbe fast express on tbe .Lake Snore, due nero at 11 o clock, was wrecked at Lindsey, 24 miles east of here, at 10 o'clock. The uninjured portion of tbe train bas just arrived and the passengers say tbe two rear sleepers were thrown from tbe track. Tbe engineer and head brakemau ot a Height train were standing by tbeir train on a siding. Tbe coaches struck them and they were instantly killed. Two porters in tbe rear coach were killed Tbe sleepers were smashed to kindling- wood, and the passengers say tbey sav nix bodies taken from one side of one of tbe coaches. The passengers estimate at least 13 persons killed and a great num ber injured. Among' those lniured are James Rvan, badly injured about tbe head and body; A. H. West, of Chicago. injured internally. Tbe bead engineer's uame was Laverty. CKvernor Till man Angry. Columbia. S. C, Aug. 51 be rough treatment accorded to Governor Till man's dispensary spies in Sumter and Charleston bas aroused tbe governors ire. and today be made tbe announcement that be was going to arm tbem and give tbem instructions to shoot down anybody who joieriereu wun inem. just as tne newspaper men were about to leave the executive chamber Governor Tillman walked over to a cabinet and opened a drawer. Ia it was a lot of belts. In an other drawer were large Colt's army re volvers. Governor Til'man remarked, pointing to a "small wooden box: That is box of cartridges I'm going to issue orders for tbe first one of tbe constables to shoot when be is struck. I'm not going to allow the state consta bles to be made dogs of by barkeeuers and tneir followers." Cntldrea of Chana; and ng. Raleigh, N. C, Aug 5 -The once fa mous Siamese twins, Chang and Eog, who, were joined at tbe sides by a large piece 01 neso,-Dave children, now grown men, residing; in Surrey countv. N. C. The twins alter retiring from the sbow lusiness, married and settled in Surrey county. Tbeir farms adjoined and they would pass one night at the bouse of Eog and the next with tbe family of Chang. Tbe young men are perfectly formed, nearly white and intelligent. One was a delegate to tbe Republican state conven tion in this city last September. Blot Among Kailroad Laborers. Pcebla, Mexico, Aug. 7 Further panicu.ars of a riot among laborers on the Mexican Southern railway, which re sulted in tbe killing of two men by tbe roaa master, 1 nomas Burke, bave been received. There bad been washouts and tbe roadmaster was endeavoring to re pair tbem aud open tbe road. Forty men in bia gang struck and demanded tbeir pay, but Mr. Burke could not comolv with tbeir demands. Tbe men then at tacked Burke with stones and be drew a pistol and shot two of tbe party dead Ha then gave himself up. Soldiers then ent to 'be mountains and arrested 25 01 tbe strikers, who are now in prison in Villa Eta. Congress to ttossMn. Washuigton, Aug. 7 The extra ses sion of congress assembled at noon. Tbe assembling is of special interest, because for the first time in a third of a century tbe Democratic party is In control in all departments, and because tbe national legislature is convened. to deal with one ot tbe gravest questions which bas con,, fronted tbe nation since the civil war. While tbe responsibility lor the results rests on tbe Democrats, it is alse true the 1 questions at issue will not be fought ou in strict party lines, ns the parlies art divided on it geographically rather than onlitica ly. Tbe anomaly is shown t men on each side of the frce-coinagt proposition in the ranks of Democrais. Republicans, Populists and grrenbackrrs alike. This is a fruitful theme of dis cussion while tbe members are assem bling;, and there are many congratulation that'the fight has been taken out of the domain of rigid party politics, with a liKelihood that it will be discussed roO" neariy in the light of pure n-ason . The first, thing on assembling in both house was tbe reading of the president's pn-cla-naiion convening cougr- s in extra set. si 80. This was followed by a call names of the oiemoers elected. In The House. Washington, Aug 7 Wnen Michigan was reached ij calling 'he roil, the clerk stated that since the credentials ol Rich ardson ot tbe fifth district were receive and entered on the roll, there bad been n change of state officers, and these ban tiven a ctrtificate toBelknip. The clern added that be refused to strike out R ch ardson'e name, and cow lett the ma-tei in the hands ot tbe house. Three bun dred an 1 sixty-six members found pres ent. The clerk. then announced the election of speaker next in older. Holman placeu Crisp in nomination Hender-00 of Ilii oois named Tm R-rd on behalf ot tin Republicans; K m of Nebri&ka nomi nnted Jerry S mpflon on behalf of th Populists. TneteKni took the vote; re sulting: Cri-p 214. Reed 123. Sinipi 7. Criso was declared elicied amin great applause, and was conducted to the chair by his late opponents Asmroing the chair. Criso thanked the bouse for the honor, and said that be wou d dis charge bia duties with fidelity, courtesi and impart a ity. Tbe oath was then ad mioitttered by O'Neill ot Missachn"ets. The speaker then adminiKte ed th oath to tbe members: Rxhnrli;n ot Michigan, on an o jectton by Burrow Repub ican, being requested 'O stand aside till the boue was fully o'rgmizeri Af'er the others bad taken the oath O'Farrell ot Virginia offered a reolution that Richardson be swnrn in. Burrow- offered a resolution for the swearing o Belknap on the ground that Richardson V credentials had been annulled by tbe u preme court of the state. Action on both was postponed till tomorrow. The of ficers of tbe bouse nominated by the Democratic caucus of Saturday were then elected and sworn in. A committee was appointed to notity the president tbe house wag organized and ready to bear from bim Alter drawing for seats, adjourned till tomor row. bangs) of River Pirates. Topkka, Aug. 7 A nest of rivt r pi rates bas been discovered 011 an island in tbe Kansas river about' four miles west of tbe city. For a long time far mers have been suffering from depred ations which they attributed to tramps. Hogs, sheep, chickens, house bold goods and even horses have disappeared ' It was accidentally discovered yesterday that a cans' of white and black theives bad a rendezvous on one of the islands, where tbey bave been living royally. Thev had six or sever shantiescompletely hidden by tbe dense underbrush, and possessed three boats with which to carry their plunder When the ra:d was made lust night 10 were captured. Several sprang into tbe boats. Teu wagon loads of stolen goods were seized . It was supposed that much of tbeir plunder, which will amount to thousands of dol lars, was disposed of in this city. They Shot to Kill. Corydon, Ind., Aug. 6 Last night about 1 o'clock B'Kin township, this county, was made the scene ot the most terrible shooting affair that ever occurred in this part of the state. A large crowd of men went to tbe borne of William and Ed Conrad for tbe purpose of lynching tbem, tbey being - suspected of killing tbeir lather last winter. Tbe Com ads armed themselves with sho'guns and re volvers sod secreted . themse ves outside the bouse. When the crowd appeared they fired into it, ki ling John Timber lake, William Wiseman, Eiw.rd Hous ton and Isuac Howe Wi liam May waa fatally shot. The lonrads escaped. In tense excitement prevails throughout tbe county. The Conrads have always beeu regarded as vicious and worthless Boutine Proceedings. Washington, Aug 7- -Ia the senate, after reading tbe proclamation calling congress together. Quay of Pennsylvania and Pascoe of Florida were sworn in A communication from Beckwith of Wy omiDg was read, saying - l.e had placed bis resignation in tbe bands of the gov ernor. Committees were appointed to notily tbe bouse and tne president tha the senate was in session. Then tbe death of Senator Stanford,-ot California, was communicated to tb senate by White ot that state, and as mark of respect the seoa'e adjourned un til tomorrow, '''bis prevents the recep tion of tbe presidents' message today. MeiallMS In Session Zurich, Aug. 6 The international socialist congress opened today. De'e gales were preent from sixteen coun tries. Tbe morning session was taken up with tbe appointment of an executive committee ol two delegates from each nation represented. In tbe afternoon there was a demonstration. Del eg tes marched in a procession through tbe prmcipal. streets to the Schule Platz where a mas meeting was beld, ad dresses being made by several speakers, Ran Over and Killed. Independence, Ore, Aue '7 Thia morning, near McCoy, G C Bell, a far mer, seventy years of age, was run over and kilied by a Sou hern Pacific train He attempted to cress the track 10 light wagon ahead of the locomotive, Hs body was caught between tbe cow catcher and rail and literally cut 10 pieces. The man was evidently deat and did not bear tbe whistle. Haj Decide Against England. Pabis, Aug. 6 Inasmuch as the B' hr- inz sea arbitrators hive not asked tbe agents of either power to furnish addi tional evidence relating to the questions of regulation, it is Inferred that 'be de cision will be sgainst England, as it had been arranged ibat if evidence was sought at ail, it would by a decision of the question of jurisdiction favorable to England. Issue of Mil ver Do'lars. Washington, Aug. 7 Toe issue ot standard si-ver dollars from tbe mint and treasury office during the week end ing Aug 5 was f 1.274.840. For a cor responding period last vear it was $452.- 452 Shipment of fractional silver coin for tbe mootb of July was $763,448 and from tbe 1st to tbe 5th int. $130,604. French Kdltors Found Ciallty. Pabis, Ang. 7 Ducret, editor of tbe Coearde and Norton, on trial for conspi racy and forging documents purporting to be stolen from tbe British em bafsv and compromising prominent Frenchmen in treasonable actions, were found guilty. Ducret was sentenced to one year and Norton three years. In Financial Trouble. ; Chicago, Aug. 7 Tbe Chicago Iron & Steel Company, of East Chicago, Ind has failed. No statement. Tbe plant is nearly new and cost $250,000; liabili ties are less tban $100,000. A BeeelTer Appointed. Philadelphia, Aug 7 A receiver bas been appointed for tbe Cbesnut Hall Iron Ore Company. It is hopelessly in - solvent. ' It was one of tbe largest man ufacturers of pig iron in eastern Penn sylvania. For those DEATHLY BILIOUS SPELLS depend on Sulphur Bit ters; it never fails to cure. DO YOU SUFFER with that tired and all-gone feeling? If so use Sulphur Litters; it will cure you. Don't be without a bot tle. You will not regret it TRY IT. The Secret of a fair face is a beauti-1 f ul skin. Sulphur Bitters makes both. If you do not wish to suffer from RHEUMATISM, use a I si bottle of Sulphur Bitters; it never j iaus to cure. Are you CONSTIPATED? If so, sjj Sulphur Bitters is just what yon need ja j-wr, wean, mm weary muLners N RAISE PUNY. PINDLINC children. Sulphur Bitters will make them 4 Cleanse the vitiated blood when you see its impurities bursting wrougmne SKin in j. ... . . PIMPLES, BLOTCHES AND SORE8. w .ttely on bulphur .Bitters and Health -nrill fnllnw Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ordway & Co., jmtun,Jiub3.,iuru?BbiuBumu wuriLjjuiMj&uev Application ft Lipr License. Cascade lock, Falls Prbcisct, VVo Countv State of Oregon. OTICE IS HEREBY CIVEN THAT WATT ft CA LAHAt. cf pai precinct ar d county, will. nn the 4th day of Sept., 1893, apply to the Ountv uourt ri me aoove namea couii'y tor a license to sell -pi ituous unit nd viuoua liquors in less quan tities tnan one gallon Cascjdh Locks. Falls rurciicr. Wasco County, state of Oregon. To the Honorable County Court of Wasco County, UregoB. We, the undersigned taxpayers and legal voters o Falls Precinct, county and suite aforesaid, respect- tuny petition your honorable court t" giant li cense to Watt & CalNhan to sell spi ituous,. vinous and malt liquor- at the town of Cascade Locks, in said p.ecinct, in le-s quantities than one gallon f'T the period ol one yf ar: NAMES. C 3 Candiai.i, M D John Sul'iran Pete Niel J E Sorbin K Black Thos W Badder Kric Nel-on Andrew Dou 111c P Sheriiiger I hos H Williams Noah Roub Wm Duncan John O Bn.wn John Fiadebo Wm Lay cock J e Tompkin Paul Paulsen Wm McKenzie Joel W LH.titliit W Lake A J Knightly 8 J Dndrn Dennis' Buckley A B Olnzi.r Johan Thiesen Fred T Bru. kman August Peterson J M M, Isaac A Ketiher 8 Vi Iverson John Trans Pat Lahey M.k Wtber Carl Carlson Richard Woodward August w ilson Jumes Gorton O S Harpham E D Monoghan D L Cat. s A Firischhauer J C Jones Ed Berg-ron Q n BuSon Mike, -Msk Wm Day A E t'rask It L Aldrich A B ndiews Co H Trana Francis Coulon Frank Hall isai Mori ri Hail ss. Kenneth IdcKenzie A Wilson N Nelson Frank Puzzi Sam YcCorey A G Hal' W 1. Keltner Leon Freiman M M Kinn-m Pat Sullivan H Lillenrd ThosC'-y'e H D Parkins P A Trana Chas olin Geo J Buffon Gus Sands Patrick Walsh Perry McC rey C A ftewart H P H irpham Hans Wiecka Phil Warren P Sinnott Chas Hunter Lick Eiilen Samuel Woodward 0 w Bergman Chas badei berg P Lillegrd Chas Le Buon P W Yettick W H Smith G S Henry M Fitzverald Louis Gebhard A.ei Thorin August Turnelius Alex byring Jos Schmidt J F Mi Uraih J Di cks Andrew Laxsen John buss E Juhnaoo. E Hilieata Ed olaen Sious Bainen Louis P. tenon Alex G Johnson JEHU Nel avensen E A Alvi-.-k P McAlleney E P Asb 1 Brown A 8vring James tewart Chas Gray J W At well John.T Thompson J C K Fairview - Application for Liquor License. Cascadk Locks, Falls P icntcr, Wasco County, ftpte of Oregon f, Notioe is hereby given that T. W. Lewis, of said precinct and co'i'-ty, will, on the 12th day of Aug., 1893. at a special session of the C .utity ourt of the above-named countv. apply to the said court for license to sell spirituous malt and vinous liquors in Jess quantities tnan one gallon. Cascass Locks, Falls PBScntor. Wasco County, State of Oregon. To the Honorable, the County Court of Wasco county. Oregon: We, the undersigned, legal voters of Falls Pre cinct, of Wasco county, or., repe tfully petition your honorable enurt to grant a license n T W Lewis to sell spirituous, vinous and malt liauors at tne town or cascade locks, in said precinct, in less quantities than one gallon, for the period of one yean NAOTS. HAMKS. C 1 Candiani Peter Dugiran W Lake Rudolf Schmidt R S Aldrich Mel Leavent A E Trask Hern an Backman Francis Conlon John "iiss B V Roger Wm On., can ' W L Ke.tner Gio Pe'erkin H A Leavens August Peterson E D Mnnaghan Wm -tr-tton A J Ki.ighUy J F rvmpkios D L Cafes G W Buffon m A G Collier M t Welsh Pete ghering Yah ilson PEGIalus A-gTernieis L Freiman - , Geo aio 'au'ey H I Lillegard Denni- Buckley " Chas Olsen J C K Fairview Edw Evrainer 8 H Hulseman Paul Paul-en ' John ' Brjwn Mck Weber C E Miller Hans Weicks " Pa il W Galetts John Woodward H Fit salmons M M cKinnon Thoe Badder J 8 Uabinger H D Parkins ' Wm Laycock Pat McEiianey G Henry Pat Wa sh Pat L&hey Martin Johnson A Flrischhauer F A Alwick Kenneth McKenzie Tim 8xtou Wm Dy John rhieso C W Fluke ' John W Haley brick Nelson August Wilson J Dircks A G Hall J t Hill Al-re C-llis Harry Gray P W Y, nick F T Brut kman oeo P Griffin G H Trana - John P Wistrand C H Trak Uf swanson Geo J Buffon Cha La Bu n Ki s Nils n CF Cottrell Patrick Sullivan Chas Olen Gus Sands Andrew Wilson Jneepb "chmidt Frank Hall M F tzgtrald Herman Backman Juis Ge hard W Kirkpatrick J M Mclsaav Mck bidou G 3 Harpham 8 J tiryden Application fir Liquor License. Cascadb Locks. Falls Patenter. Wasco County. State of Oregon. XTOTICB I HERFBR GIVEN THAT I. PVT- J.X rick McMleny. of said i recinct' and county, will, on the 12th day of Aug.. 1883, at a special ses sion ox tne oouoty court o tne aoove named county, sddIv to the said court for a license to sell sni. it uous, malt ai-d vinous liquors iu less quantities than one ganou. Casc'DB Locks. Falls Paicnrcr. Wasco County, 8tatr of Oregon. To the Honorable County Court of Wasco Coumy, uregon: We, the undersigned taxpayers and ega! voters of rai is rrecinct, county ana scue aioresaia, respect fully petition your honorable co rt to grant a li cense to Pat ick McAlleny to sell spirituous, vinous and mult I quors at the town of Oscade Locks iu said precinct, in less quantities than one gA.lon for tne penoa or one year: XAHES- HAHBS. Hans W leeks W B MWlrary John Sullivan C J Can iaui, M D Pat Lahey AG H.ll W lke P I Lillegard M Fitxrerald P trick Sullivan H Fi'zsimons TbomaM Coyie G W buffon OEM her EPAsh John Buss B I Lillegard John Niison C W Duke f Yeuick Chas Olsen H A Le yens B F Kogers . OS Henry C H Trask W H Smith A E Trask Oarl Carbon W m 8tratton Pat Wash A Wilson SJ Dryden Mck Weber ftfel Leavens ' S VGuinoo N F Murphy PILUligard John D Woodnrd Junes Cro.t n Johu O Brown J w Attwell J F Stout B Alwick B Blask A J Knightly T C Benson Louis Uebbard Dan Suilivan JCK Fait view CAbtewart John O Bruan AGColier Geo J Buffon J W Lewis Thos W Badder A Li ring Peter Trana J F McQrath Miles bisk Phillip Dab! fed bergeron G S Harbam Alex watt Gus Sand Rudolf Schmidt Sam af Cary M McKlnnon D D Callahan T-iper Thesus Francis uomon Jaa bchm dt Erick M Ilson A A Glacier Assignee's Sale. S L. PHILLIPS. Assignee of William Fairs & I J. Co.. will on tho Slat day of Augnat. 1893. sell In front of the court house, the hook accounts, un collected, and also all promissory notes remaining in hi hands. v jolyiS The Dalles, Oregon, July Zl, 1883. Legal Tfotioea. CITATION. IN THE COUNTV CaUiir of the State of Oregon, for Wasco ounty, in Probite. la the ma ter of the estate of Ilciri-on Coram, deceased Ci-tion. To Gemre Comm. J. W. Coram, E. Hutchena, J. C. Coram, ilra. T. 1. Poe, J. W Hu'cheni, John Ravsuale, heirs at Uw of Harrison- Co- um, tecoi-pfl, ami t ail unknown heirs at law of said Harrison Co-am, dsueast-d, if any such there be: In the name of th State f Oregon, vou fire hereby cited tind commanded to ap eir t a re-ula term of Ine Ci tun Court or the St te of rerun, for the County of Wasc, at tho co re house ia Dalles City, in county and state, on UtBay, Tlte 5'h rla of September. JStt3. at 2 oVock in the :ittcnton of aid dav, then and in re to show c use, if an ther of, w.y an rrfer should not be made, authorizing- and directii; he administrator uf &ai'l e tate to still tne following dt; ecribed real estate belonipng to said estate, t-wit: The we half of the nortntast quart: r, a:id il.e northwe-t quarter of the southeast quarter of section ty five, in tottn-thip two orih f a e rt-n tart ot i lie Willamette meridian, cmtainintr 120 t crs, and situaied in Wasco cu .ty. State of itre gon; a d a'so the e tst half of the east h iff of rectiou o. twehn-five in town chip No -w. north of ranjr ten east of the Willamette meridian, containing 100 acres, and situated in Wasco county, State of Oie t?oi, tojffctl'er with the tenement, hereditaments, appurtenances and water rich's thereto ue outing, a- prayed for in the prt tio.i of the aaurin strut, r, file in tht court Ju y Aih. 1H93. This C tut ion if. issue hy order of the Honor ab'e eure C. Blakeley, Jud.e of said court, of date -luly 19th. 1893. W tne-s my band, and the seal of said court hereto affixed, this 4th day f August, 1893. sbal J J. B. CROSSES, aut(5 County Clerk of Wasco Count; , Oregon . Executors' Notice, NOTICE is hereby xiv.n th-t the undersigned have been . a pointed y the County Court ol the State f Oregon for Wasc. cnunt , the execu tors of the last will an t. summit if H 6tley, de ceased; an i a I prntins ha. ing cl ims -tcaiust 'he e - taie oi saiu aeoeafceu ar nereoy potiued to pre ent the same, with Dr lx r vouchers, to is.r the reai dtnee of Them Driver, in Wanu, Wasco county, Oregon, within si . mouths iruui ih date of this no tice. C. J VAN DUY, W. M McC"KKLE, WH. CENTRUM., B. SAVAGl-. july29 ot -1H S. UK VER, fexecu-ors. vaiea uus ztn day of July 1E93. Administrator's Notice. AT OTICE is hereby given that l ho undersigned Xl has been duly api-ointed by the honor.ble County Court for Wasco county, Oregon, administra tor of the mtati o Har, euO. Campbell. dectaed All persons haling claims auainst said estate are hereby required to present the urne, -July verified m d with proper vouchers, to meat my residence near rciiltev. a.-ro county. Oregon, within six montns irom ice date ol tnis notice The Dalles, Oregon, August Ml, 1893. H. U. HOOPER. Administ-at'ir of the estate of Harvey G Camp- Den, aeceasea. an. 6-5t ioir of Final Settlement. fN THE matter of the estate of W. I. Graham, de- c-seu. Police is herehy civen that the undersigned ad ministratrix of the estate of W. I. Graham, deceased. ha. n ed her final account as such a- ministratiix in the County Court of Wasco county, Oregon, aud the said County Court has set the 4th day of September, 1803, at the hour of 10 o'cldck A. H of said day, in the county court room f said county and state, as the time ana place for bearing any objeiitioni. to the allowance of said final account, and that she be dis charged. CAKKIE F. GRAHAM. A-imini-tratrix of the estate of W. I. Graham, de cease i. iulri-6t NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Orpics at Tun Dalles, Or soon, June 21. 1893. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler his Sled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and tLa said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver of tne U. S. land office at The Dalles, Or., on neanesoay, August v, laws, viz: CHAKLE4 K1RKHAM, of Dufur; re-emption D. S. No. 7299. for the N W of NWVi. and SK1 of NVVJ, of Sec 28. Tp 1 S. R 14 E. w M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation oi land, viz: J. w. Montgomery, G. W. Otey, John Decker, I. . numrjen, ail oi Boya poaomce, oregon. un24 JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. i NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION . Lairs Omu at Tbs Dulcs, Okssoi, Juue xg, mug. Notice is hereby given that the followinc-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final prof to support of his - claim and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Danes, or., on wetnesday, Auust 9, 1893, viz: JOHN E. McCOKMICK, of The Dalles; . Homestead Application No. 2611. for the EU of NW !. and NW of NEi. aud MEi of SEi. of a'-C 14. To 1 S. K 12 E, W M. lie names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Joseph Means. Peter Omeg, H. L. Powell, George u. .uarun, all oi ine uaues postomoe. Oregon. Juu24 JOHN W LEWIS, Register. of EUGEM3. Open Monday, September 18th. Just closed thfi most prosperous year id its history. Wide ranee of studies. Thor ough instruction. Ba.-iDess course added. Tuition free. Eatrarce fee, $10. Board aud lodging at reasonable rates ia the ele- ESDt new dormitory and boardiog hall on the campus, where students will receive personal supervision. JOHN W. JOHNSON, jull5 President. 25c. 50a 75o. $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 FEATHERP.ON K is made from QUILL.. nature's own toughest material, best whips made for the price. Cheap, Durable, ALL STYLES, all mT'l?TV " FEAT' "OSE. HENRY KUCK, The Dalles, Or. FQR Pure Ms and Fall Weight. QQ J() The Arctic Candy Facky No. 238 Second Street, Eatt End. J. FOLCO, Prep. ap!4-tf WM. BIEGFELD, Teaclier of Instrumental Music. Lessons given on thr Piano or Violin. Persons desiring instruct! ns can l-ave lh-ir names at E. I Jacobsen's or h C. Nick, laen's Atnaic Store, Second eer, jre i aiies, Oregon. Boris JAS. FERGUSON, General Expressman ! Goods hauler with the greatest care to all par" f thp oitv on hort notion. NOTICE. A LL PERSONS are hereby warned not to pur X cb se thit certain DroniiMsorv note bv me iriv.n to William Tar-kma on June 30. 1893. with interest. aa said note wis give" for a baanee on account, which balance .was only 94.40, but by mist ike was reckoned at 17, which amount was 'none osl in serted in raid note. I will not mi more than 24.40. and interest thereon, being the exact amount of mv oueuieunes iu aa u racKman. u. n. MILL, Dal eo City, Oregon, July 19, 1893. Jui20-2w GEORGE T. THOMPSON General Blacksmiths, Near Mint building, Second St. Horse Shoeing and General Jobbing a Specialty. run. reaaonauic Ha to BUlt Ule nines. Shade and Ornamental Trees, Flowering Shrubs, .2 Vines, Hedge Plants, etc., Cheap at v WANTED 2 , Traveling To represent our well known house. Ton need no capital to r present a firm that warm ta nnrsety stock flrst-daas a d true to name. Work all the year. luoa montn to the right man. Apply, stat- 1. U L. MA x as co. Nurserymen, Florists and Beedsmen. aprl . . St Paul, Mian. FOR WK . L DOUGLAS S3 SHOE noTOp. ; Do yoa wear them? When next In need try pair. Best In the world. MOO X.50 2.00 FOR LADIES 12.00 I.7S FOR BOYS If you want I fine DRESS SHOE, made In the latest style, don't pay $8 to $8, try my $3, $3.50, $4.00 or $5 Shoe, They fit equal to custom made and look and wear as well. If yon wish to economize In your footwear, do to by purchasing W. L Douglas Shoes. Name and price stamped on the bottom, look for It when you buy. XV. I IXJTJGLAS, Brockton, Mass. Sold by uiyl J. t KEimaN, Agent, THt LAlXt- un OMAHA. KANSAS CITY, ST. PAUL, Chicago, St. Louis. AKD ALIP0D!TB EAST. HORTH'and SOUTH. fare The Dalles. I S 05 A. M. 1 1 25 P. H. Arrive at The Dalles., I 4 Oft P. M 1 11 66 P. PULLMAN SDEPXR , colonic ismriES, 1R1 CLIKIT G CHAIR CAR svnd DIN IRS Steamers from Portland to San Francisco Etzbt FOOB DATS T ckets to and from Europe. For rates and gertTa! information cal, on E. E LiTLE, Depot Ticket Agent, Tbe Dalles, Oregon. W. H. HURL KURT, Asst. Gen. Pan. Ant-. 264 Warhinirton ttt., Portland, Or FROM TERMINAL OR INTERIOR POINTS Northern Pac. RAILROAD Is the line to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH It is tha Dining Car Route. It runs Through Tes tibnled Trains liery Day in tb year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. (NO CHANGS Ol? CARd.) Compu ed of Dining'Cara unsurpassed. oilman irawing-rom sleepers ol Latest Equipment. TOURIST'S SLEEPING CARS. Best that can be constructed, and In which acoom tnodaticn are both Free and Furnished fur holder of First or Second class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. Continuous Line, Connecting with All Lines, Affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service. 1 Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured in ad- yanoe through any agent ot tne road. THROUGH TICKETS pIV?nd fS -J England and Europe can be purchased at any ticket office of the company. Full Information co rning rates, time of trains. routes and other details furnished ona plication to W. C. ALLOWAY, Agent D. P. A. n Co., Regulator office, Tho Dalles, Or. A. D. CHARLTON, Asst General Psssenger Agt., No. 121 First St., Cor. Wa-h , PORTLAND. O iEGON MM rTRSSTRrCTlY TIFOTCUaM ...llamas SJIH't- Id hi the WerisV tswfut. V Fin nicer ' voiiTLoi r suaAWtBafMliaJtiOBB amnflSCfltl MO. UFO LOMDCMOEBIiy AID SUMO. Tver ftntnrdav. NEW YORK, OIBBALTKB um HAP LBS, as regnuK- uwmua I11D0I. IFCDID-GLAIS AND STttRABE raw on lowest sarins to and from tha prinelpM . Dtousa, mss t m, mrnxunu. nam. onnoMss avauame ao rarora or anawHww . dvda M Itoraa of InLawd ar Kansas A dibrauar Drafti as ataxy triers te Asv Aaont at I mat lataa, Apply to any of onr tooat Agonts or to BBHDKUOIf BROTHIRs, Chleafo, HI AGENTS WANTED Apply to T. HUDSON Jan2S-2 neral Agent. The Dalles. Or. THE GRANT HOTEL GRANT, OREGON. KENNEDY, PROP'R. J. B. The table is provided with the best in the market. Transient travelers will be accommo dated with the best meals furnished by any hotel in town. oct23 Comity Treasurers Notice All co'intv warrants registered prior to Jan. 1. 1890. will be paid on pvrsenta- tion at my office. Interest ceases sfter this date. William Micheix, County Treasurer. The Dalles, May 22, 1893. Cut Flowers for Sale. HAVrS all styles -f wires, including Odd Fellows. Knights of PythUs, Maauna and Woodmen de signs. Everything in Moral Decorations lurmsnea on short notice. Prices reasonable. unl jlU. A. C. STUBLINU. f Corner Eighth and Libo.iyota. ARCTIC SODA, VICHY WATER And all Flavored Drinks at Andrew : Keller's : Confectionery, Second at, Adjoining The Dalles National Bank. Also Ice Cream. Cream Cake and all other deUeate Refections. mraay To the Public. T havk PURCHASED a half-interest In the 1 blacksmith business of L. Payette, at tbe East Knd. Aa ia well known. I am a nrvt-dass m- cnanie. and all work done, as heretofore, iU be No. 1. All work . ntruated to ns will be done promptly, and guaranted to be executed in tbe most wo k manlike manner. J. n -or. a&puui, Tbe Dalles, Or.. July 31, 1893. lm NOTICE. J N A3 MUCH AS MY WIFE, Georgia Anna Brooks, has, without just cause r provocation, left my d and tmaid airainat mv vrUhes and Consent, and refuses to return or furtner hxe me, I hereby warn all neraons not to irive her any credit on my account, as I will not pay an) bills of her contract ing aRer tnta date. D "n oaues city. Oregon, jury zu. ibx. uw-im WANTED. rlLOTHlNO SALES AGENT WANTED for The Oallea and vicinity. Liberal Commissions paid. and ws furnish the best and most complete outfit aver provided by any house. Write at onos for terms. Send references. W AW AHABf.g SI HHUWfl, july22 Philadelphia, Pa. 3.50 1 .j. ,1 $2.50 f i VJ 2.25 N$ - 2.00 3iiC.S. KilCtt yA ON SALE I 4U CHAS. H. D0DD & CO. Front, First and Vine Sts., Portland, Or, - WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 1 I I HARD- i i i WARE, FARM M AC H I JM ERY. Sole Agents for Oregon, Washington and Northern Idaho for the BUCKEYE REAPER AND MOWER. These Machines are too well known to need comment Thousands of Fanners have newd them and speak of them with praise. They are tha only Harvesting Maohlnaa that will g-lve entire satisfaction to the purchaser, . . MILLER'S NEW MODEL VIBRATING THRESHER, PHCENIX STRAW BURNER ENGINE, Tha most Effective and Successful Combination for Threshing and Cleanln Grain ever Constructed. h BUCKEYE . STEEL FRAME TWINE- BINDERS. the features that distinguish this Twlne-Blnder Extraordinary Strength and Durability. The Binder la or the Appleby pattern, ma oniy really successful one yet known. We have two styles, the Elevator Binder and the Platform Binder both excellent both recommended by hundreds of patrons. Where, are You Going- ? Why, I am on my way to tho Neptune Shaving . Parlors and Bath Rooms, located at No. 110 Front Street, Frazer & Wyndham, Give Them a THE GERMAN I STUBLING & WILLIAMS, PROPS. t Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars, j All brands ol Imported Liquors, Ale and Porter, and Genuine Key West Cigars. A full line of CALIFORNIA i WINES : AND : BRANDIES. welve-year-old Whiskey, strictly pore, for msoiciual pur- Malt laqoor. uolumoia ommyiomt on araugni. SO Second Street, The One Price COR. SECOND J. P. IcINEMI. DEALEH IN- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. Agent for the Buttenck Patterns; also for the Hall Bazaar Dress Forms. San I Francisco i Beer i Hall F. JL.E:M:il.IC WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS. ALL KINDS OF COLUMBIA BREWERY SECOND 8TREET, BE1WEEN UNION AND COURT Tllli: DALLE.-. NOLAN'S POSTOFFICE STORE. EVERYTHING SCHOOL SQORS DHD HIIE STDTIOJIEBY FRENCH CANDIES AND IMPORTED AND DOM STIC CIGARS -CAN BK M. T. NOLAN'S POSTOFITCE STORE. 1193. Harper's Bazar. fcILLU8TRATED - 1 HARPER'S BAZAR is a journal for tb. hots.. It live. th. fullest and latest information a Hoot Faah- iona. anrl it. noanerou. lJIrjt-tr lions, r.ri. desi and pattern-abret supplement, are indisi enaW alike to thi- horn, dreas-nuk'-r and th. pmrek,al modiste. No. pens t spared to man. iu srtistie attractiveness ot u mgnesi oraer. its nrirni stories, amusinr comedies and thoturhtf ul nays satisfy all tastes, and its but page is laraous as a budget of wit and humor. In IU weekly issues every hitig is included wbl h is f interest to acmon. Tb. 8eri.b for 1W3 will be written bv Walta Beaant and Edna LyalL I hristlne Terhune Perrick will furnish a practioal series, endt ed "At the Toilet " Orae. King, Oliv. Tnom. Millar md Camlac Wheeler will be frrquent cntributora. Tb. work of women In Ike Columbian Expitiou wi'l be luliy repiesented wi'h many illustrationa. T. W. rJinui aoi, la "Wmn and Men,'' will pleas, a cultivated audience. HARPERS PERIODICALS fta Tsaa: Harper's MagaauM S4 00 Harper's Weeklv i Ou Harper'. Bazar 4 iJ Harper's Young Prai'ln 1 00 PoUmgtArt to mil mbtcribtrtjn tht UniUd Statm, caoaaa ana jfacwa. Th. Volumes ot th. Btumr besin with th. fl st numoar lor Jauuary oi lacr yew. w ne no time I mentioned, subscriptions will begin with th. Num ber current at the time of rtoript at order. Bound Volumes of Burftt't Baxmr or three Tear back, in neat cloth bioaii-t-. will be sstil by mail, pKfi paid, or by exp eta, free of extxnse (pro vided th. freicht does net exceed ens dollar per vol an), for 17 per velum. Cloth eases for each volume, suitable for binding-. will bs sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of f 1 each. Remittances should be mad. by puatomce monev Order or draft, to avoid chance af loss. Ktwvamn art net to eera (A is tvfusifuwBUial snfAnf Ul sa.rsjj mritr of Harper aV Brwtkrri. Address: HARPER BRoTBKhS, New Terk. U IRON, rrr STEE I i l .AND. Is the lightness of Draft, oomblned with Its SohutUer Farm Wagons, Dae re Plowi Deere Sulky Flows, Cook Oo.'e Oar riagea. Phaetons and Top Baggies, To Spring Mountain Wagons, Buokboard- Superior Drills and Seeders, Corbin Harrows, Hodges-Haines Header Haiah Barbed Wire. r SENS FOU CIECTJLAES. BV Whre I can get the est Sbave in tbo city. Best Bath and the Glean. . The genial proprietors, have thoroughly reno- voted their Bath Rooms and tbey are now sec ond to none in the northwest. Call. TIIR DALLES, Oil. Cash House, AMD COURT 8TS Proprietor. BOTTLED BEER'. BEER ON DRAUGHT." OREGON IN THIS LINE OF; FOUND AT 1IWS.- Harper's Weekly. ILLDSTBATED. HRPER'8 WEEKLY ts acknowledged is stand int flist amorg Illustrated weeklv pi.lioale In America It oceupies a place beiwcea that of th. burred daily paper and that nt tbe le. limely bDtbly magazine. Itincudea both literature and news, an. present, with equal fore and felicity it. oi curreut hi.tory and tbe Imac' uve then es of notion, da account of Iu w erio of tion. of the World's fair, H will b. not oniy th. best guide to tb great eapoaitieri, hut alto iia beat sonvi-nir. Every puMtu event of gen er.i interest will be fully 11 u-trtted In It pages, it contributions bring from tha beet writers and artist. In this country, it a ill continue to .xcel in I tera tura, newt and ill usti ations, all other woblication ol iu class. HARPER S PERIODIC A LB. Pbb Ysae: Hsrpers Magaain. Harper's Wevkly Harper's BmMMX ilarj,r's Young Peopl. , M 00 00 . 00 . t 00 fotmf fn to mil auhonrOon in tA Cnittd BtmUm, vaimuei wraw aiMsw, TbeVlumea of Ibe Weekly begin with the Sist num er for January of each year. When lo time is meationed, subeorlptien. will begin with tbe t ber corn nt at ibe lime of receipt , f oroer. Bound Vol tune, of Harper's Wklf for three rears back, in neat doth blDdiag, will be seat by mall, poage paid, er by expre, free of expanet tpreviiied freight ees not nosed ou dollar per vel une), for 7 par volume. Ctoh oases for each velume, suiubl. for binding, will he sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of 1 each. Remittanoes ahou'd b made by postcmc. sneney rder or draft, to avoid ci asot of loss. - Jfiaejwwn mr not U copy Utit minrUmmmt wuluntt tAs aoy-raat ordor qf Horpor A hrviJurw Address: HAJlPUt BlUrTMKKS, Mew Yerk.JI . 1