CO the Times-Mountaineer 8ATURDAY.. :...JDLV 22. 18H3 SPECIAL SESSIONS. While the country ia beiog agitated on the money question," and there ia . Borne discussion of the tariff, it is in teresting to the student to cote the facta of extra sessions of congress as they have occurred ia our history. By so doing one may learn the emergen cies that have preceded them, and the beneficial results that have followed. Eleven extra sessions have - been held, the first 'being called by Presi dent John Adams and the last by ' President Hayes. The latter called two auch -sessions, both to make the necessary preparations for some of the - great branches of government Presi dent Pierce had occasion - to call a apeoial - session for a similar reason. . The first in the series waa occasioned - by the break in our diplomatic rela tions with France under the directory, and second by our purchase of Louis iana from France under Napileon The most" important of all was the one called thirty two ' years ago by President Linloln, for war legislation. ' That session began July 4, 1861, and - closed the sixth of. the succeeding month. Only one extra session was ever oc casioned by hard times, and that waa convened by President', "Van Buren September 4, 1837. Specie payment had been suspended by the banka of the country in May. The.Whiga were anxious to have the national banks re chartered, which Van Buren opposed, advocating the sub treasury system substantially as it now obtains. The fight was a bitter one.1 The Whig! never ceased to put into their national platform a strong, anti-sub-treasury plank, but by : the time the Republi cans came into power that old issue had no vitality. Nor w'as there any - demand for a return to the national bank system. ' The present national bank system., baa nothing in common with the old onei.'whicli perished be neath the iron heel of Andrew Jack son. - -. -: . " . In 1840. as in 1892, the tariff waa the main issue, only protection instead of free trade won. William H. Har rison did in March, 1841, precisely what Grover Cleveland should have done in March, 1893 lost no time in calling an extra session of congress. In both cases the people had by their suffrages decreed a change in the tariff policy of the ' government, and the business interests of the country de manded the earliest practicable settle ment of the question of what changes in duties were to be made. ' General Harrison was a protectionist, and con gresa was in sympathy with him, as in the present case the president and con gress are both for a tariff for revenue only. The time set for the meeting was May 31, which was as early as the senators and representatives of some states could hear of the call and respond to it Practically not an hour was lost, and the session began at- the - earliest practicable moment.' Unfortunately the president died in the mean while. When congress did meet it was with no thought that Tyler would repudiate the platform on which he was elected, nor did his message to the newly con vened congress outline any deviation from the party programme. On the contrary, he advocated a protective tariff, but when it passed he vetoed it, to tne utter consternation and un speakable indignation of his party. It was as if Mr. Cleveland should die be fore August 7th and Adlai Stevenson should send in a message in favor of the repeal of the Sherman and Mo Kinley acts and then when repeal bills were passed should veto them; ' It is not possible for the American people of to-day to realize, the intense parti ' san bitterness aroused by Tyler's action. '. ; It is not fair to pass Judgment on "Mr. Lotan until it is known what evi dence of guilt there is against bim. . He waa summarily removed from his position, and it may be necessary to bolster up this act on the part of the administration. His trial will take place soon, and it would be well for the public not to condemn him until he has been proved guilty. BEY. W. H. WIL80H. The following are tbe remarks, in part, of Rev. W. C. Curtis, in bis funeral aermon over the remains of Be v. W. H. Wilson: Mr. Wilson waa tbe son of William and Mary (Wallace) Wilson, of Clinton, Alle ghany county P. One who knew bia father and mother says of them both that tbey were "remarkable for intelligence and Christian character." I can well believe it, for inch men do not often spring directly from onr common dust tbey are generally eyolved from an intelligent and noble an cestry. He was born on the 29ch of Janu ary, 1823. I can learn nothing of hie boy hood, and not much of bia youth, bnt a few simple words in characterization of him, taken from an old college, class record, brings bim very Vividly before me, and makes ' me . quite sure that I have not guessed wrongly in some important respeota. The reoord describes him aa a toll, slim young man of fair complexion, whose emo tions betrayed themselves in tbe flush that so quickly overspread his face. Gentle manly in manner, honorable and Christian n bia spirit, tender hearted, sensitive and modest, and possessing the confidence" and esteem of all.' I might atop just there and say that in all our knowledge and acquaint ance be waa only auch an. one fuller grown, lie was at that time a member of the Asso ciate church, aa I understand it, a branch of the Scotch Seeedera (Presbyterians) ' . He entered Jefferson college. Canonsbury, Pa., in tbe year 1843, graduating four years later. . In college he ranked high aa scholar, and earned for himself an enviable reputa tion aa a debater. --After, graduation he pursued his theological . studies at Canona burg. He was licensed to preach by the Presbytery of Cbartiers Oct 29th, 1850, and waa ordained by the Presbytery of Miami Angust, 1862. Jo 1S69 neaooepted the pasto rate of tbe first church of Washington Ia.. where he remained, ten years: While hold ing tfahr pastorate he was alaO" for five years a professor' in anathema tica and f the na tural sciences in Washington, college, bis ability and success aa a teacher, abundantly justifying the appointments. In 1862 sharing (and doubtless helping to bia utmost endeavor) the impulse of patriotism and de sire for the preservation of the nations' in tegrity, which possessed members of his congregation and community, he answered tbe call of his i ountry and went with- them aa chaplain of tbe Seventeenth Iowa volun teers. Members of the Grand Army of the. Bepubko and all who have toaooed in any way thirpart of his experience or eonyio tiona, kqow well that bis soul waa linked with tbe maintenance of the principles at stake in that struggle, though. I doobt not, the strugit e ended, be was as desirou; aa any one that the reign of chanty and mu tual helpfulneas should prevail throughout the entire laud. ,'- . .Aa to his ministry, I have it from his record ia ether place;- though if this were wanting, it could be fully verified from tbe ten months of his ocvnpancy of our own church in The Dalles.-' Not a few of those whose opinion I value m such matters, hav iog frequently declared bow they delightei in bia ministry and were profited by it. H vecoid is that of "an earnest, faithful and devoted minister of tbe gospel" of "one who carries tbe spirit of gospel in his life, and won and retained- the confidence and love of tbose about bim." ' He was a man of "fine literary tastes and studious habits, and if ever he fell short it waa not because he did not aim high and do bis utmost to reach tbe marc. One great characteristic of his preaching was his persoasiveaes Another equally prominent, " bis faculty of presenting gospel truth without denomi national bias or credal empha is, his presen tation being auch that many of diveise bt lief claimed him for their own, beiog so sure that his . view waa according to the troth. He waa in high esteem for genuine ability in every Presbytery with which be waa ever associated, and only his exceeding modesty, which really amounted to timid ity, kept bim from the prominence of which bis abilities gave promise. He gathere about bim a large, stroog church there iu Iowa, many members of which, as of tbe community, cherish to this day bis memor with great sadness. Had it not been that the paralysis fell upon him just as it did, be would have gone back to them this rummer and proved how much they could do - to make him ' know . bow good is the o'.d love." But the old church. dear as it was. could not keep him. Some how he got it into his heart that he ought to arise and go unto the great land bevond the mountain, whose shores are washed by the mighty Pacific a land which God would ahow him and give to him, in part at least, for a possession. I speak of the church and the cause he loved. At length in 1S69 he secured through the board of misaioua an appointment which removed him to Salinas City, Calif., where he remained ten years. It was a great deal like many of life's hopea and the lands of promise which are seem ingly opened unto us. Much there is in theui so mush that we would not think of going back nor of charging Gud with failing us. And yet there's always something nn fulfilled, something that makes us think tbat unless God bag some fuller, better thiog for us io those who shall come after us, taking our work were we leave it and carrying it to some high tullhlment, tbe promise has failed us. But tbe word of our God "upon which He baa caused us to hope" does not fail us. God is too great a God not to love and use ns all all who try to serve Him and saye our work from ur ter failure, nay rather to make it a part of His grand success which ia sure to come. There must bave been muob grand suc cess and much enjoyment too io tbeae years I'm sore of tbat, though the outcome waa something like a bitterness. (I apeak largely from impressions. ) It all came from a man'a being in a place and among a peo ple not yet prepared for bim. Tbat ia the oondition of propkeiure in all agea and among all people. It only seems strange when it touches us. He waa not soured by bis experience of man'a inhumanity to man of the Christian's sometime onkindness to bis brother a thing of narrowness and big otry and selfishness. He was not sonied by it, nor in anywise turned from Christianity nor tbe church; but grew even to the end in breadth and charity and sweetneaa aa we all do testify. Aa a parishoner aad fellow worker, where he waa not a pastor, h waa highly esteemed and greatly beloved for bis warm aympatby and steadfast Christian helpfulness. .' Mr. Wilson came to Waitsbnrg, Wash ington territory, in September, 1879. He moved to Dutch Flat in tbe spring of '80, living there through the hard .winter of 80-'81. Came to The Dalles in the fall of '81. Moyed on Mill creek io March of '82. living there until December, 1891, when he returned and took up has resilience in tbe city. . At the time of his death he waa prov ing up a homestead at Mitchell, about 125 milea south of here. He leaves a widow and three sons Lee. Parker and Norman and one daughter Mrs. Bela Huntington. Bobbery Hear L-le. Mr. Jesse W. Blakeney, of this city, re ceived a letter yesterday from his -wife's ancle, Mr. M. Spencer, residing near Lyle. Wash., containing the intelligence that Mr. James Gunnings, his son in-law, bad .b en robbed while coming borne from the boat landing of $270 by two armed men. Mr. Gunnings and wife reside near Vancouver, Wash., bnt about a month ago came on a visit to Mrs. Gunnings' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer, and had been stopping on the farm since. . A few days ago Mr. Gunnings made trip to hia home at Vancouver on business, and had in his possession the amount named. The boat waa late that night, and in going from the whatf to Mr. Spencer's house, a distance of about three milea.he waa attacked by two men who relieved bim of the money; No information is given in tbe letter of the appearance of the robbers, but simply the bare tact of tbe theft. - The denominations were, two one hundred dollar greenbacks, one fifty dollar greenback, one twenty dollar greenback ai d two ' dollars in silver.' 'Whoever took tbe money must have possessed considerable knowledge of Mr. Gunnings' affairs, and also have been acquainted with the locality. any description i of the men had been given, a lookout could, be kept for them; but,' aa it is, it would puzzle tne keen obser vation of Sherlock Holmea to furnish the leaat clue regarding their. "identity. .Lyle has heretofore been considered a peaceable neighborhood, but auch acts as this wilt not improve its reputation in the minds of bonest men. , A Boy Drowned. Yesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock, while some boys were bathing in Snipes' lake near Rowena, one of them was drowned. It seems tbat after swimming around for awh le, tbe unfortunate lad and ooe of the Snipes' boy attempted to ride two horses across - the slough, and when near the -center he fell from the animal in some way and before assistance could reaoh him- sank to the bottom.',,. Young Snipes aaya tbe first he knew that hia companion waa in the water was when he beard him struggling, and - before he could reach him be had sunk below the surface. The boy waa a. Uerman, and. he bad been, working for Mr. Hank Snipes tor two or three ire ks past. He came there with hia father, and the old-gentleman went to Walla Walla. He waa aged about sixteen years; but hia name- oaald not be ascertained. - At the plaoe where - the aouideut ? occurred I the slough is? about forty feet aoroes, and bury dep'viirithe center- The trod y waa not recovered last nigbt, and this morning Mr Geo. B. Snipes came to tbe eity and procured grappling hooks and dragged the lake. .,. , Encounter With Ed. Henderson. - Teslerday Deputy-Sheriff Jackson " ac companied a deputy from Douglas county, Wash. t. M. Corbley to Tygh valley o arrest Ed- Henderson. Tbe dep uty from Washington bad a warrant of arrest for Henderson from Douglas county for larceny, and the ..requisite papers to briDg-hlm- back ; with ;him.'; They met hiialn front of the store at -Tygh, and Mr. Jaclson called to him lo atop. Hen derson pulled up his horse and told Jack. son that he would go with him Jackson then took the bridle of the horse, and asked tbe deputy toreid the warrant. He stepped out: of the buggy -with his war rant in hand, began reading and laid his revolver on the seat. At this juncture Mr. Jackson requested Henderson to get off, when he leaned forward as though to take his feet out of tbe stirrups but in making the m vement drew a pistol out ot his shirt bosom, levelled it on the dnp uty and told him in not very elegant lan guage to let go the bridle, fie let go toe horse and at tbe same time reached be hind into tbe pocket of his pantaloon 3 to procure hia gun. The weapon was caught in the lining of the pocket, and before he could get it out, Henderson's pistol was discharged, the ball striking the ground by the side of Jackson. This was caused by the horse making a quick movement when the hand Ioos-jued ihe hold near the mouth. Tbe pistol was pointed directly in Jackson's lace, and tbe nervous motion of tbe animal is the only thing that caused tbe gun to deviate from its aim As soon as possible both deputies tired at Henderson, who In the meantime had put spurs to his animal and was riding rap idly away. Cojbley fired tnree shots. one of them striking the horse and caus ing bim to double up as though about to fall, when Henderson jerked bim op with the bridle and renewed his spurring I eputy Jackson managed to fire two shots at Henderson, and he retaliated by firing three times at the deputy sheriffs. Neither of these eight balls look effect, except the one that bit the horse. Henderson was well mouotel, and it waa impossible to overtake him in the buggy, so pursuit was not continued. The catile were sold to Mr. Harry Moran, who traced them up until be as certained they were stolen. A warrant was sworn out and placed in the hards of Special i)eputy v.'olbrey, who immediately rode to the railway station and came to The Dalles. He was followed by Mr. Moran and Deputy Sheriff Barnes, who arrived in town yesterday. It is presumed that Henderson received warning from some friends up there, and that he was placed on bis guard. We learn tbat the evidence against bim ia very convincing, and he will undoubtedly be convicted. There is no question that he will be even tually captured.although he is thoroughly acquainted with every canyon in Wasco county and may elude pursuit for some time. . . Coroner's Inquest, A jury was summoned this morning over the remains of the boy who waa- drowned in Snipes' lake last Sunday afternoon. After tbe jury waa empanelled several witnesses were sworn and testified. It appears that the boys had been accustomed to swim the horse8 over this slough in hunting the cows, and last Sunday Johan W etzki and -lames Mo own had been in bathing, fntting their shirts on they got on the backs of two horses, and while in swimming water the W etzki boy slipped off and was drowned. McCown tried to grab him while he waa tn the water, but could not reach h m, and his horse made for tbe shore. V hat- caused the boy to slip from the horse waa reaching for hia shirt, which fell in the water,. This was near the farm of Mr. Henry Snipes, and happened about 5 o'clock Efforta were made by Mr. Henry Snipes and by, his nephew to save the boy,' but these were futile of results. The following is the verdict of the jury: We the jury empanelled by the coroner of Wasco county to inquire into the cause of the death of .iohan Christian etzki find that hia death waa caused by drowning in Snipes' lake wh le trying to swim a horse across said lake, and that it waa purely ac cidental, iom victor, J. K. Pack, J. E. Remington, CM. Foots, J. W. Fish kb, I. N. Campbell. Thb Dallks, July 18, 1893. Fire at Warm Springs. Ochoco Bevicw: Ou Monday, the 10th inst., at about noon, tbe residence of the Indian agent, J. C. Luckey, was totally destroyed by fire, together with a large portion of the contents. The fire, seems to have originated in a terra cotta flue connected with the kitchen stove. VVhen discovered it was too late to make a suc cessful fight against- the flames. Those present worked heroically and with self forgetfulness worthy of all praise to save both government and personal property. Nearly all the furniture, bedding and clothing were taken out, hut a great num bei ot valuable books, a quaniity of dishes, gla.s and silver ware aid all the kitchen furniture aod utensils were lost. A trunk and contents belonging to Miss Ka'e Lister could not be reached and was destroyed. : At one time the office seemed to be doomed and tbe records were has tily r. moved to a place of safety, but prompt and energetic measures averted the danger. There was no insurance. The loss has not yet been estimated. A Queer Bank. sVntone Joseph was recently murdered in S uthern Oregon for his money, which waa not found. The Grants Pass Courier tells of bis bans: as follows: A joist had been very neatly mortised and into the cavity the sum of f 1700 had been neatly placed, each $100 rolled in paper and tied with a string. These packages were then packed around with cotton rags and the lid of the mortise neatly slid into pUce and he'd in' position by a small screw, which was not visible to the casual glance. There waa a sum of $250 found in a purse -thrown amongst some corn oobs in another part of the building, and it is thought Aotone had placed this there to be more easily foucd by robbers, who would then desiat in their search. If tbe location ot the coin bad not been previously known by his nephew it would perhaps bave remained hidden for many years yet. '''", To Whom It May Oonoern. . Tnis is to notify all thoe interested in my personal and family affairs that my wife and I have not separated. ' She has gone east to wait on a sick sister, and may re main. .Any further ioformation'desired le- garding my family affairs can be , obtained by addressing my wife at rMechanicaburg, Ohio, or myself at Tbe Dalles, Oregon. - W. C Gilbkbt. Tbe Dalles, Ore , July 17, 1893. Union Pacific Further Eeduoes Bales To Chicago $33 60 fiiat class; St Louis $31 first class; Omaha, Ksosai O'y, Sioux ity and St Joseph $30 first class, v Bates correspondingly redound to all eastern points. Cunaolt Union Pacific agent before purchasing, and yon wUl b convinced tbat the old Overland ia the cheapest and quick est route to take. v Warier Fair reeple Will Have It. : Tho public demand through service when traveling. It ia old-fashioned , to change eara. On the through solid' vestibuled trains of tbe Chicago, Union Pscifio 6 North was tern Line from or to .Chicago, Omaha and intermediate points, there if po change. This ia the finest and fastest toad. TELEG&APHI0 HEWS. Itliihiran K red On. Port Townsknd Ju'y 17 Tiir Uoit-d Spates man ot war Mohican a as fired upon by the seal poachiog sitamerylfes cuidrta, in B 'bring sea My 25 aod dis- abled. Tbe Alexandria escaped. Mea- eer particulars of the battle wtre received tonight from Ounalsska, via Sitka, on the steamer Topeka The Alexandria smled nm Sin Frincsrvi Ihs Amn , uud-r he Htwaiian fltg. on ft-hiin ing aort fihiriK voyage io thn N -rtii Picific nce-n S was command: d bv one if theM. L an brothtrs, who became uo'orious iast jear on account of hiVDg raided the s.a ro" enea of the Japan coast. When the steamer sailed lrm San Francisco she carried an unusually large crew and was well armed with rifles and small cannon It is generally believi d a raid of the R'is lu or Bhring sea rix'keri a was ton emplated and the American patrolhnv fleet was warned to onk out- At dy iglit. May 25, ihe Alexandria wa ob served by the Mohican cuming out from node-' the lea of an island wnere seali usually congregt'e in large numbers. The Mohican, which is the flagf'-Dnl the squadaon, commanded by Nicol Lud low, s goailed the Alexandria to heave to which order was dinoiieyed and a cooit e nt 8i"t. wnre filed across ner how. Th Alexandria, put on allsi-nm md reiurnex tiitr lire w. h a smal' -ix noundi r. Th- .ot slruck ih- MeiAi'ciA a'ii''d-hip anO ill. abled her englnt-a The mm f whi !"en' 8 cuple of aim1" at r -the fl t-ini iHiacht-r, "ut they fl w wide oi ihtit ni.rk. Kive Fiahrmaa --owned. Astoria, Ju y 17 After a few week ot fishing; un roaeu by any calami' there was a heartrending scen at thi moutn of the river today, whi o five men without a moment -. warninif. wen Orngg. d into the breakers and drowon At a little alter 9 o cloca this uioriiing tmcK fog came upov r iLe river ami thi wetrrl) wind cuaDiieil the i-m Hitli w.itt-i into a very choppv sea. JNear v 4iu ihiais were out around Hirj uv and It puolio spit, and only a few of them cam u at the ntt-t xigns oi danger A mui hour aftt-rwar ie. wh' u the ttj lined, thi ouRout at F'oit Cunhy aw three over turned boata aod the sigov gun iiumed iately i ailed nut the liiesiviog crew Tnev went out at once nod found tire m-n Jjad weot down and that doZ.-o boats lad been ovelturoid. A i th- aeS'Staoce possible wis given and the captain of the rrew though it hem lay nut among tbe Dsn bouti during the rest o( tbe dny alio te lu r- ail I further disaster . Einy in the afternoon, the fog thii-kened up ugam. and n w I be impossible to teil (ill nmorro lo many more aec den's nave otcurrea. though it is certain that there has bei n other deaths besides those meutiontd Two of tbe drowned men re from Tal lau'.'s cannery, cue from KiontjV, nut from E' more 8, and one from the Occi dent cannery, Fish were runmoar con siderably better today, aerngiog nine to boat. Killed By a Train, Watertown, N. Y, July 17 The people of this city ate horror-stricken on account ot a fatality fast night. A youi;; g:r , a domestic at a boaraing bouse, ana George B Fiaine, a board-r at the t-auir place, were struck bv a train, on the Rome, Watertown & Ocdensbnrg rail road, while attempting tocro-s a railroad Dridge on tbe outskirts of this city. Tne gin's body was mangled horribly, and the man's skuH crushed. The accident occurred about 11 o'clock The girl had started to call on a friend and was cros iog the railway bridge, instead of the regular foot bridge, in order to save time. A moment later Frame started on a similar errand, and tbe girl, see'ng him coming and being somewhat timid, waited for bim to heip he' across. The which waa a Sunday excursion from Thousand Islands, was late aod waa ruuning at an unusual rate of speed to make up time. 1 be engineer gave a warning signal and reversed tbe engine, but too late to be of anv avail. He said the man bad reached a place of safety, but the girl did not follow hm as rapidly aa i-he should and he re'uroed to save her Their bodies were thrown from, tbe bridge to ao embankment below an deatti was instantaneous. Peace Between France and sam. Bangkok. Si am, July 17 This port is open to trade once more. Ail ia quiet and tbe war cloud seems to have blown over Admiral Humaon, tbe coium -nder of the French naval forces io tbe China seas, who came here yesterday to nego tiate peaceful solution of tbe questions which have been agitating the French aod Siamese, has given to tbe Siamese authorities toe assurance thai no attack upon the city is contemplated. Tbose assurances bave been confirmed bt cable dispatches received from P-iri. Ou the her band the Siamese government hue agreed to make nodi crimin tion against the ships ot the French, promising- to treat them -ike the ships of tbe other great powers ; ' Died From H vtfroptiobfa. Asbury Park, N. J.. July 17 Miss Lzz;e Byram, ag-d 19, a daughter of A J Bvrain maoutauiurer of patent medi cines m New York, died at his somm.r borne here this mormng of hydrophoiua. the result of a bite Irom a pet dog. io dic ed ewriv last April The wound w very a'igbt aud cnu-ed no tt-nd to flow, aod tor this rea-on was not c-o'eriz d Early Friday last, the young woman complained of feeling ill. aud. despi all t-ff rts of attending physici ns. she dien tbis morning io terrific coovuisiooa. It took the combined s reng'h of two men to hold the suflt-rer down no tbe bed, aod ber cries were most pitvous Woman's tiireatrat Enemy. H'cman. An eastern exchange sajs: Woman need not take exceptions to a little criticism mingled with tbe man; complimeo'8 bestowed no ber from every source. Toe criticism arises from a con spicuous illustration of what has long bieo recogoizd as woman's inhumanity to woman. Tbe illustration was a Horded by the Boiden trial and contested 10 the tact tbat scarcely one -kijd word - was spoken to Lizzie Bordon during the triu by one of her sex, and every point gained by tbe defense only t o apparently di appoin'ed the wp-neo amojg thb speota tors Supposing Li'.zit B -rdern gut ty ; A'my was known io be guilty of the cruelest pos-ible crime on one ot tbeir own sex and yet expressions Of sympathy Irom w.omeo are not altogether wanting. Harris, the wile murderer netted quite a degree of sympathy among vome wo men. Indeed woman is regarded as a more sympathetic being than man and one naturally expects a more lavish ex pression of it Irom ber than from the sterner sex. Her fidelity to man, brother or bui.baod, i olten times surpasses tbe comprehension. ' But woman's fideli'v tn woman ia markedly less than man's fidelity to man The m t damaging testimony against L;zz e B rden come from one who waa her ionma'e friend and it was given apparently with will ingness akin to p easore Of course ex ceptions prove this rule as all others; hot so fnqoently are seee exhibitions of this trait in womankind that general atten tion has otten been attracted to it. All Brakra Dawn. -Is it not sad to see. so many young men every day of whom this be aawf Y.iuug man, take my advice.', .Stop all indiscretions wbich you bave practiced, keep good hours, retire early, and build up your shattered system by using Sul -phur Bitters, which will cure you. Old Pbtsioiah. .--'"'''- '- '. '; , "Ona mt OiKaC" The traveling public are now fully alive to the fact that tbe Chioago, Union Pacifle It Northwestern Line offers tbe very best accommodations to the public from and to Chicago,, Omaha and intermediate points, not only during the world's fair, but all the year arcand. This i what the Astoria Herald says about sa'mon in that locality: It is ex pected that tbcro . will be a large run of salmon commencing to morrow and ran nervuien are making preparations for it. Unless there i a good run, the salmon pack on the rive will not exceed 200 000 cases, beiug the smallest pack on the river. People are beginning t- realize that they are depending uion the salmon pack and when it is a failure, dull times is ihe result. Should the pack prove n failure, and Itemingtun fail to secure fundi for a railioHil, a large nuijority of Asiorians will be forced lo a sal' salmon and potato diet this winter The busi ness outlook ai pres ut is not very fla'.ter 'ng. A giaid run of salmon between noiv and tbe close of the season, will revive business, and a d greatly lo Astoria's iuture prosperity." Two boys, the sons of Air. J. tT and Mrs. Mary A. Thornton, of Cornwall, Idaho, but formerly of ayville, Gilliam county, were drowned on the 4th of -luly in the Potlatch river. We learn from the Fossil Journal that Lee ami Charlie Thorn ton were fishing on tbat day, hen the for mer fell in the river and, iu his efforts to rescue him, Charlie wan also engulfed in the stream. A boy of 13 years witnessed the accident, but was powerless to render any assistance. The bodies were recovered by Indians, who dived and brought them to the surface. In the vicinity of Kossilthe I borntons are well known and highly e speoted, and the family has the sympathy of the community in their sad bereavement. .THE BEST AND Purest Medicine EVER MADE. Don't be without a bottle. You will not regret it. Try it to-day. What makes you tremble 80? Tour Ksbvxs are all nnstrunsr, and NEED a gentle, soot kin 5 TONIC to assist nature to repair the damage which your excesses have caused. Sulphur Litters . IS NOT A CHEAP RUM OR WHISKY DRINK to be taken by the glass like other preparations which stimulate only to DESTROY. If you have FAILED to receive any benefit from other medicines or doctors, do not despair. Use Sulphur. Bitters immediately. In all cases of stubborn, deep seated diseases, Sulphur Bitters is the best medicine to me. Don't wait until to-morrow, try a bottle to-day. 8""l S 2-cent stamps to A. PJOnlway ft Co, Bofcun,21ab3.,for bebC medical work published 1SOS -Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED I HAMPER'S BAZAR is a JnnrnJ fn the home. It trivea the fullest at'd latest informntion aout Fash ions, an'1 it nirnieron- iflmtr lions, P-iris designs and pAttern-sh- tit supplements areModiS' ensable alike to th home tirt-ss-mMk-r and the prifeft"imal modiste. No e penp i spared to matte It urtistic attractiveness of to highest order. Its bright stories amusing oo nedies and thoturhtful 8SMys catiffy all tastes, and ns last page is famous as a buriget of it nd humor. In its weekly issues every hlng 1b included whi b Is f interest to rmen. Tbe 8en.lo tor 1898 will be written br Watte. Bezant and Edna I vail. bristtnp Terhune Herri ck will furnish a practical aerie1, entited "At the Toilet." Ora e Kinir. Olive Thome Miller nd Can dace Whee'er wil b frfqnent c ntribitT8. The work ofl women in- ihe OJumbian Kxpition wi'l b tul'y repi evented wi'h many illustrations. T. W. Hig in o . in '-Women and M.n " will please a cultivated audience. HARPERS PERIODICALS. Pkr !uk Harper's Mafraiine ti 00 Harper's Weekly 4 00 HanK-tr"- B-r 4 0 "arper's TunE Peonl. .Trr 00 Portage fret to all mbteriben in the United State, Canada and Mexico. The Volumes o' the Bazar begin with the II st Number for January of tarl- tear. Wbe no time i mentioneH, snhscr ptions will beirin with the Num ber current at the time of receipt I order. Bound Volumes uf Uarvei't Bazar or three Tears back, in mat cloth binui s will be sent by mail. p st ge paid. r by exp ess. free of expense (pro vided the fr.itiht does not exceed one dollar per vol ume, lor 97 r er volume. Cloth cafes for each volume, suitable for binding-, will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $1 each. Rrmittances should be mane by postofHce money order or dr.rt, io avoid cbanee 0 loea. Semvaven are not to eonu Viie advertisement tnthoxU the express order of harper ie Brothers. Address: B Ah PER BKl.TrJb.h8, Itew York. 1898. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. ... HARPER'S WEEKLY is acknO 'led?ed rs stand- ins nist amor g illustrated weeklv pe l lical in America It occupies a place be'wern that f tbe hn-red dailv iterand tbat "f tbe Hr-s limeiv onihly ma. asine. ItinendR. hotb literature and uewa. tor present, with equal force and. felicttv tbe realeveiiioi current bn-Sory and tbe. imaginative their es ot Hctioo on accoor tof its verv comp ete aerie-- of IHu-tr tiona of the World's Fair, it .ill he not ony the bst sruide t- the treat exposition i-nt also its beat so v- nir. Every puhli- evnt of ge er I interest will be fully il u-trued in its paees ts contributions being from the best writers arid artists in this country, it will continue to excel in 1 ter ture. news wnu iilustrationa, aU otner ttubllcatiou ot its class. HARPER S PERIODIC ALB. PmYbae: Harper s Wag-axine (4 00 Harper's Weekly 4 00 Harper's Bazar 4 00 Harr rt Young Pep'e -. 8 00 Pottage free to all Subscribers in the United States, vanaaa ana Mexico. The V- lumes of the eekly becr!n with the first num' er for Jannary of each year. Wl en i o tim- is mentioned, subscription will begin wth the num ber enrrtnt st ihe lime of reot-ipt f or er. Bound Volumes of Barrier's Weeklv for three vearhak, in neat cloth bit'd-ne, aill be sent by mail, Dotage paid, or y expre a, free t.f ex ense (provifled freLbt oes ot exceed one dollar per vol ume), lor ft per volume. . - - Cloth cases tor each vo'nme. suitable for bindimr. will be srnt by mail, post-paid, -n receipt of tl each. femitt-nccs shou d b made by ptanV.-ffife mone rder or drai-, ui avoid ance of lo-s. Newtvavert are not to com this advertisement without the express order of Harper 4e Brothers Address: HAitPEK & BK'iTriEKa, Mew York. LITTLE'S PSTEMT FLUID SHEEP-DIP NON POISONOUS" AND CATTLE-WASH SAFEST DIP AT ALL TIMBS. A CERr! D ATH TO rCKS. LIC8 J B'bT CURB CUB -AB. t3r It improves tha Woo', and increases the quantity. One gallon mixed with col i w-iter makes one bundrad gat'o sof strong; wish. James Ijaldiuw fe Jo. Agents. PORTbaHS. IRSOO!t. Vnr aale bv Peiae as Vavs. Tne rK"ea. fron. UNIVERSITY! of. OREGON, Open Monday, Skptembek 18th. Just closed the must prosperous year in its history. ' Wide ra- ge of stuilies. Thur oueh instruction Bu-mess cmsa ailrled Tuition free. Entrarce fee. $10. Board od lodging at reasonable ratea in the ele gant new, dormitory and boarding ball oo the campus, students will receive p-rsooal aupervi ioa JOHN W. JOHNSON, jollS President. NOTICE. IHAVR A PATENT FhPIT DRITO, the beat one la the United States, and two-thirds cheaper than any other drier in tne state, and will dry fruit tn one-thiid 1ms time. Tne trays work on a revoiv inc wheal. Aboyttn yean old can dry fruit as well as a mau, if be knows how to apply the beat, Tney can be built any sice one tbat .ill dry M0 pounds up to three tons aod any farmer can de the work. One that will ttoet 160 wlU dry 8000 pounds. It will dry Italian prunes in 16 hour; Peteits in 10 ours; Sliver in 20 boor. I will Mil tha right tn build one for 60 and guaranhe tbey will do what I laim or money retnrned. For further particulars imulre at Vbrisman Uorson s store ana ee model ... . , a v rnajeum W. L DOUGLAS 53 SHOE noTOp. Do you wear them 7 When next In need try a pair. Best in tne worm. $3.50 2.0f 2.50 2.25 FOR LADIES $2.00 FOR BOYS $2.00 1.75 FOR If yon want a line DRESS SHOE, made In Q latest styles, don't pay $8 to $S, try my $3, $3.50, 54,00 or $5 Shoe. They fit equal to custom made and look and waaraswelL IfvmlwIshtaACnnnmfoAlnvniirfnntwAar. do , Dy purchasing W. L Douglas Shoes. Name and price stamped on the bottom, look for It when yon buy. W. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Haas. Sold by Ulfl J. t KEiMaN, Ag-eut. Tut. DALLtS. OU. H? Minted his Opportunity t DOVT Mia iourt,l.ealcr( 1. majority ntloct their op portunities. And from Uint canie live in Dovtmv mail die In ob'Cnritrt liurrowinR despair Is the lot of ninny, u tliey in-?! Roach out, Banpnnddoloff. Iiuprovoy our oppurto- k duck on lost, luruverioBi, opponnmiy. j.i.eni my, and socurepiwncrft r. proniinitCJ. pac. Itwm said y a pluIosopiK'r, tliat "the ioduus or rune offers Toltlcuoppottanity to enenpersun at snnta period or lire; uur.-ice tuecuance, and sliepourtontliurrtciH-swuiltoao rtnnd Blia deDRrta. swr to return.' linwtliull Tun find lie GOLD!.?) opportnnitrf Inveiiijite everj cltnucetliat :;poara worthy, ana oi lair promt e: tnr.t 1 what all ene- rc s; at men do. llcrelaaoopiHirtitiuty. tiiruns btvitor -vUliln tbe ranch ut laborlns people, luipmveil. It :it fount, a prand iitart In life. The onL:t:f o. Ro many is here. Aloify to be madernpMly r.- 1 ... t.yntiylndnmoueiern or either aox. All a' -s. .14 can ao the work and lire at home, whoever yon tire. Even be. dinners are en lly earning Irom IL-. to i O) v t d y. Yoo ciin do ai well If yon will work, not too li..rd, but liidnatrl unsly;andyoa can iDcroase yonr inc-mei'.synil ron. Yoo sanjnve spare ttmeonly.ornll ynnrtluietothewcrk. fcasy to lo;irn. Capitol no. required. We start too. A Ills com '"trotirely now aim really wonderful. VVe instruct and Viiow yon how, free, rullura unknown anions; onr work . No ronm tn explain here. Write and learn all frfe. T r,nm tti:Til. Jnwlse to lelar. Al.,ps at o-re. II. Uallett Si Co.. llox 86O. Portland. MiUue. WE TELL YOU nothing new when we state that it pays to engage j in a pc rmaneut. most neaitny ana pleasant Dual. ness. that returns a pront for every day's work. Such is the businesa we offer the workinir We teach them how to mttke mouey raufdlv, and tritiiratitee every one who follows our instructions luttiituiiy tne making ot s.ioo.oo a montn. Every one who takes hold now aud works will surely and speedily ittcrease their earnings ; there can be no question about tt ; others now at work are doing it. aud vou. reader, can do the same. This is the best paying business that you have ever hud the chance to secure. You will make a frave mistake if yoo fail to give it a trial nt ouce. f vou grap the situation, and act quickly, you will directly find yourself in a most prosperous business, at which you can surelv make and save large sums of money. The results of only a few hours' work will often equal a week's wages. Whether you are old or young, man or woman, it makes no dilfereuce, do as we tell you. anil suc cess will meet you nt the very start. Neither experience or capital necessary. Those who work for ns are rewarded. Why not write to-day for full particulars, free ? E. C. ALLEN A CO., Uox Mo- XO, Augusta, Me. orthwest Cor. Second and WashlnKton 8ts. J Li Successors to George Ruch. '-The Cheapest Place IN TUB DALLSS rOK All Kinds of Groceries, FLOUR, GRAIN, WILLOW WARE, ETC. We respectfully solicit a share of the public pat ronage, and -iiail endeavor to give entire satisfac tion to our customers botn old and new. P f. GUNNING. J, D. HOCKMAN. Gunning & flockman GEN KliAJj Blacksmiths. lath.- new shop on eonnd street, first blftcksmith shop east ox r rencb z Uo. s brick block. Horee-Slioeiiig a Specialty. All kinds of work In iron, ahether of sgricnltuial mplem-nts or vehicles, done In tne moat mecnan cat stvle and satis action guaranteed, lauiwkv SEW YOtuTlONDSIIDERRV AMD BaSBQW. srwimMlBtlnM nnMteelleii. Every Baturaay, NEW YORK, GIBRALTER and NAPtKS, At regular Intervals. tAlOIH, SECORO-CIASS AND STEERAGE MtM nn lnnMt lArmR til AUld frOTD tbe DnnelPm Biearalon nok.tT available to nrtarn br either the pie- tnresqoe Clvrt. Ac Sort, of Inland or Naplea el Gtbrartai BrafU sad Katsy IMsn far Any Amotart st ' swtst Sstss, Apply to any of onr local Agents or to HESDKiiSON BROTHERS. Chicago. Xll AGKSTS WANTEI Apply to T. A. HUD'ON enerai Agent. The Dalles. Or. - vttt 4 XCT F R Ri) W. is made from OI7H.T.S nature's own toughest material, best whips made for the Drtce. Cheap. Dnrabla. Al-L STVLK all oLrV FEAT" "CUE. HENRY KUCK, - The Dalles, Or. COAL! COAL! -THE BEST Wellington, Bock Springs, and Eoslyn Coal. $12, sacked and delivered to &uy part of tne city. . At Moody's Warehouse; THE CRANT HOTEL ; GRANT, OREGON. J. B. KENNEDY, PROP'R. The table is provided with tbe best io tbe market. Trassienf travelers will he accommo dated with tbe best meals furnished by an? hotel jd town. . nctiS3 IBaTJ PHOTOGRAPHER. First Prise awarded for the best Portraits and Views at the second Eastern Ore iron District Agricultural Society. : (Sucoeasor to T. A. Houghton. Chapman Block, Tbe Dalles, Oregon. . janl7 PI! EER GRODEhY Vk. - T..iM anil Tlnaat tat the WerisV FOR WHIPS 25o. 50o. TS. ( Jh f . lip THE GREAT SPANISH BRAIN AND Have you abused the laws of nature and injured your nervous system ? Are you despondent and melancholy with confused ideas and gloomy thoughts ? ESPANO ' " will positively cure you. It contains no mineral poisons and is remarkable for awakening organic action throughout the system and an improvement in every tissue. nails, skin, blood and gives vigorous life to the unfortunate who has exhausted his powers. Prepared in tablet form and packed in boxes convenient to carry in the pocket. Each box contains 90 doses or enough to last one month and is worth many times its weight in gold. The price $1.00 per box or 6 boxes for $5.00 if ordered at one time and a guarantee will be given that any case men tioned above that it does not cure, the money will be refunded. As to our financial standing we refer to any bank in this city. Sent charges prepaid to any address in United States or Canada. Put up in plain wrapper with no mark todistinguish what it is. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address, SPANISH 3.XJ3l3ICir15 1 Stockton Street SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., U. S. A. An able Brain and Nerve Specialist can at any time be confidentially consulted entirely free of charge, personally or by mail, at the above address. - MTttels l ON SALE OMAHA. KANSAS, CITY, ST. PAUL, Chicago, St. Louis. akd Aidrowra EAST. HORTH'.and SOUTH. 3 06 A. M. 1 46 P. M. Leave The Dalles : Arrive at The Dalles 1 11 66 p! M. PCTLLMAN SX1 ETtR , colonis :me rms, KECLTK1G CHAIR CAP S And DINERS Steamers from Portland to San Francisco Evsbt Form Days T cket3 to and from Europe. Fr rates anrl renr ral information call on K. E. LYTLE, Depot Ticket Agent, Tbe Dalles, Ort-gon. W. H. HCRLBTOT, Asst. Oen. Fan Agt., 254 Wahinirton St., Portland. Or FROM TERMINAL OR INTERIOR POINTS Northern Pac. KAILKOAD Is the line to take fO EL POMS EAST AKD SOUTH It ut the Din!ny r Route. It mns ThrnuKh Yes; ti billed Trams fcery Pay in tlie yerto - ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. (NO CHANGE of CARS.) Compu ed of Dining Cms unsurrsssed. ul'man iirawing-rnom Meepers oi Latest Equipment. . . TOURIST'S SLEEPING CARS. it tlt can be cot stnictrd. and In which acoom modation aie t otb Free and Famished fur holders of First or hecend class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. Conlinuons Line, Connecting wit All Lines, Affording Direct and Uiiinterrupted Smice. Pullman Heeper reservations ran be secured In ad vance tl-romrb any sgent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS JX K Gi gland and hurnpe can be purchased at any ticket omc 01 e company. Full information co mine rates, time of trains, routes and other furnished onai plication to W. C. ALLOW AY, As-ent D. P. A. Co., Regulator olflce, Tbe Dalles, Or.- A. D. OHABLTON, Ass't General Passenger Agt., No. 121 rirst r)t., Cor. Wa h , PORTLAND, O tEOON WORLD'S EAIE liEAO Till?. BOOK 1. BOOK 2. BOOK 3 "Review of Oar Country," by Hod. James G. Blame. "New Life of Columbus," by J W. Buel. "Complete History of America," frnm the lauding of Columbus to the freent tune, by rrol. Jonn Clark Kid path. BOOK 4. "Pictorial Histnrv of the Co lombian Exposition," by Hon Benj. Butterworth. The above four neat works by four great auth is. every line of which ia ouly Jus t written, have been bound up into on. maaive volume ei nearly 900 PAGES anil 500 ILLUSTRATIONS, Under the Title of ..n.T i.. j n i.l:. tomras ana mmm. The greAteMt sahecriptt n hook evr pabliahed la this country ana ci wnicn A . MILLION COPIES Will be sold dm ins; next six months. I APCMTC Wanted all over tbis state Better AuCn IO terms than ever. We guarantee to tne ngbt parties sou wees: p ont ir m now on co Chrittuias, aj.d a first class E. UND-TR1H TICKET to tne wt'KLl b J-Alh and onewteks admuadon to the KxpositJon absolutely free. Ale, other va n- amr rem tarn, we nave p-enty of capital as oir vommand ana can ami trill do exactly hat a . say. Send at once fur special circulars and further par ticuUra to tbe DOMINION PUBLISHING .CO.. - Heattle. - Wajahlnfrton . FOR RENT. - Part of the Mlchelbtch res id nee. with several aeres of land; also part of orehar Fn terms ap ply to GKO. WILLIAMS, Admhliatrator of tha estate of John UlriaJhaoh. deceased.. moh28 Situation Wanted BT FBMaXK. ' Cook or seneral boasework. Es penenoed. Address CO., Bead River, Or. aplU " This Tronclerfnl preparation, is Purely Vegetable t .oortvpoundrd frjam tiio prescription of the Official Physician to tho Court oi Spain. ; " Espano " recreates Mental and Serve Pcrer in Man and Woman. An infallible remedy for Nervous and General Debility, Nervous Prostration, Creeping Paralysis, Weakness caused by Debilitating L-osse8, Excesses or Over-Indulgences, In cipient Softening of tbe Brain or Paresis, Dizziness, oss of . Memory, Confused Thoughts and all Brain, Nerve or Sexual Weaknesses. It has no equal in restoring the Stomach and Brain to its normal condition following the abuse of Alcoholic Beverages, or indulgence in the Opium, Morphine or Chloral habit. It produces better muscles, bones, nerves, CO., THE GERMANIA, STUBLING.& WILLIAMS, PROPS. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ' All brands oi Imported Liquors, A'e and Porter, and Genuine Key West Cigars. A full line of CALIFORNIA : WIHES .: AND : BRANDIES. welTe-Teor-oId Whiaketr. trtctiv nun, for tnedleluavl nur. Malt Liquor. uoramDu. drewarj (oecr ou di autfht. e Second Street, rriIR DALL,r.. OT5. The Oiie Price COR. SGCOXTJ J. P. IcIIEMT. D3A.IX:R I IN- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. . r Aeent for the BattericR fatterna; also for the Hall Baxaar Urea. Forma. . Chas. H. DobD &'G: IMPORTERS OT HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, AND FdRf. rMCHINCR FRONT, FIRST AND VINE STS 1 REAPERS MOWERS a. MA T-. the many anperlor points that have charaeleiiaerl the old reliable) Buckeye Mowers have been added many new ri.nt.iiro. lanlaSla.. .... llftinc the entter bar. eto. nnirvr DODD'S N2 2 STEEL HEIDEE? EmcoflyiEU old nrLnciples anl lew lmjioTementt, especial j slanted to Oregon, f aslisctoii mi JilaU HAND & SELF- ti FULL C,RCLE DUMP HORSE hfrss.,Jktt ALL STEEL HAY RAKES. ?;XJA HAY PRESSES eeZr!-?-. .?:.a. M LOADERS ADRIANCE REAR DISCHARGE BINDER. Tito liIitcst, best balanced, most economical Binder made. . BUCKEYE STEEL FRAME BINDER. SCKUTTLER FARM IT SEND FOR 1803 San i Francisco i Beer i Hall F. .E3I(iK WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS. ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. COLUMBIA BREWERY BEER ON DRAUGHT. SECOND STREET, BE I WEEN TJNlUN AND COURT TIIK DALLE-. - : - - OnKGON ISCIIKPUATKU IbMO. THE DALLES LUMBERING COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Dealers sod Manafacturera of 13 r tiding- 3Iaterinl nnd DiiTienion Timber DRY. fii, mis OVIt and tSlAli PROMPT DELIVERY TO n 7 H hli(lon Mr. unlet E. W. HELM & CO, CORNER OF UNION Drugs, Medicines FINE TOILET SOAPS, COMBS. Pure Liquors for medicinal purposes. NERVE REVIVER hair, ' Cash House, AND COURT STS., PORTLAND, OR; W HAY TEDDERS & MARKET WAGONS, aulth&n's star traction engine. THE NEW STAR VIBRATOR' An Entirely New Machine ballt on new and successful principles. FINE CARRIAGES, PH ACTONS, TOP BUGGIES, CARTS, ETC., ' FARMERS CARRIAGES, FOUNTAIN AND FIRE ROAD WAGONS. CATALOGUE FREE. Proprietor, l' .WOOD ANY PART O? THE CITY. Vorrl nt r'rair t R r aU it r8w. Vf Bucceswr U Fiord c shown.) AND SECOND STREETS, THE DALLES DEALERS IN and Chemicals, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, ETC Physicians' Prescriptions s Bpecia.ty