The Times-Mountaineer SATURDAY. ..JUL 22. 1893 ITEMS - IN BRIEF Uriao TOintrml ichn him rMen srjendini? ft few dava at White Sulmon, WasO- re- . turned last evening. - Peaches are beginning to ripen, and some : ' ars already in the mark. t. . Thure Will be a fair crop in tbu vicinity. A criminal case before Recorder Dufur this afternoon ma je Court street in that vicinity give evidence of considerable ac tivity. " ' - , Mr. J.K. Uua and wile, or I'lttsuurg, ... .Pa., were in the city today. 1 hey were the guesis ot ur. u. u. uouister, ana wm An mntA uaol fpnm a trial! In A lanba Mrs. Adams and daughter, Miss Irene . Adams, and M.sses Bessie French and f earl cutler left this morning for a so journ at the seaside during the heated term. - Mr. W. H. Broo&s, of GrantR, is in the city to-day. He has placed the Dispatch office in compact shape, and will soon re ' move his printing office to greener pas tures. The Roseburg Review, of July 17th, says "it is brimful of news," and we carelully " read its columns to-day without finding a single item on which wa. could use the scissors. Mr. Geo. Ruch, who has been making a tour of the Soood, returned on the boat . yesterday. He was a companied home from Portland by his son, Ueorgie, who went to the metropolis a few days ago to SPA itlA Wltr shirk Mryntjnrj The verdict of the jury in the case of State vs. Ed. Gibson, tor assault and bat tery, tried before Recorder Dufur this uiCTuuuu,wt&a -qui uiuy. t. u. xviruy, O. . Bayard, N.J. Sinnott, R. U. Cluster Geo. Herbert and D. Bunnell constituted the special panel. . Mrs. Edith R. Bagley died at Salem iroin tne extraction or tnree teem - riiooa . poisoning set in and she died in three weeks, rthe leaves a husband and a ' daughter Z years old ; her mother, Mrs. T? U.nt I u A . n D1L.I!.. Mica ClnPiinlta T . i . . ... : ... r l I. of The Dalles; a stepbrother, E. 0. Pent land, of Independence. The' hoars of irrigating hereafter will be from 6 to 7 o'clock lu the morning and from 6 to 8 in the evening. If these rules are complied with the superintendent will not be DDder the necessity of shotting the water on; bat if not followed the water will be stopped, as the protection of tne city prop erty demands a strict enforcement of these hours for irrig ition purposes. Telephonic connection was secured with Hosier last night, and now messages may be transmitted. This is on the line of the Oregon Telegraph and Telephone Co., ami the system will be completed in a little while so that Portland can talk with almost every point in the northwest. Ac present the forces are working eastward from the Deschutes and westward from Mosier. " mi . : . : .1 ... ; : i Auero are fcwu iuuimmsb iu iud uiiy itui. One was the hobo who stole the jar of fruit, and the other was a fresh arrival lajt night. The foimer complained of being sick, and tne newspaper reporter recommeaaea i frmt diet, which he thought would he bene ficisL This may be the reason for the lap oeny, ana possibly be was to'd to take someiomg ior nia neaitn, ana touowing tne advice took the fruit. Pendleton Tribune: Mrs. Mattie Horn, sister of Captain Humphrey, arrived y eater. dsy to be in attendance at his bedside, and bnds him getting along boe. : As hn related to her sympathetic ears the story of the ac cident she exclaimed. "Why, I don't see how it dido t kill your We i, siys the Cap., and his own rare smile lit up his fsce, "the thing I can't see rt why it didn't break the car wheel." Ben Ullrich, Julius Ullrich. Willi j.1 iuuuw aim ui cy iuuiniomu jeu last Saturday on a camping expedition to Lost lake. They took fishing tackle and am- sny quantity of game or honk any nom ber of fish, and they no doubt will enjoy themselves.- This lake is situated somewhere In the vicinity ot ML Hood, and afier these young men have camped 02 Its borders it will be "lost" no longer. Salem Statesman: The gold and silvei problem has already landed one victim 1 inn..nn ...... 1 .. '.:,. ; a 4...M Dressen, a man '9 vears of age, hailing from Portland. He has a system by "which, with the yelks of eggb, he makes gold out ol silver and insists that there is no need of free coinage. He is so dem onstrative at times in his endeavors to convince people of the success ot his sys tem that the services of a straight jacket m in uul ut lia ul,A Cairo ha huliavaa frtiA bible is made out of cotton, but as long as the hens bold out the gold and silyer question will remain solved. -We copy the following from the Albany Democrat., but we do not believe the fact would exist if any such project were at tempted at The Jialles, because the sup ply could be met by home production; "Fruit canneries in the northwest are said to be universally failures Nearly 50, 000 are said - to have been sunk in the Salem cannery, and a good many thous and dollars in the Eugene cannery. Cities are often accused of lacking enter prise for not establishing such things; but the truth is, it is necessary these muHprn Httva in nrncMxt with unH judgment. A vacant factory is always an eyesore." -. The following from the Telegram gives the account of sn accident thai bappeued to two ladies who were visiting at tbe resi deDce of Judge Liebe in this citv as', week: Mrs. Theodore Liebe and Mi s Frank Botefnl.r, accompanied by Mrs iiiebe's sun. were ont driving on tbe W hite House road Saturday afternoon, about two miles south of Portland,, when the horse they were driving became frightened at some object on the roadside, and started to ran south ward. Tbe animal became entirely unman ageable and tbe baggy was overturned, and tbe ladies were thrown down an embank ment. Mrs. Liebr- was braised consider ably on her right side, and Mrs. Botefahr sustained painful injuries to one of her arms and shoulders. Mrs. Lube's son escaped without being hart at all. Eugene Guard, July IS: At Hendricks' ferry, ab- nt IS miles east of Eugene, of paralysis, Caswell Hendricks died, aged 74 years and 11 days. Mr. Hendricks was one of the noble band of pioneers, having crossed tbe plains and came' to Lane county in the year 1148, where he has since continuously resided. He settled at the place where he died in ltsAl, and has run the terry across tbe McKenzie river at -hie place for a number of years. U n m n Kan in 1ia .1.1. ,F Tlllnnia 14u JUV IT WJ bVIM 1 U tut. BMW VI A... . u. leaves a wile and seven grown children to mourn his decease, besides many other relatives and friends. The funeral will be preached at Thurston to morrow morn ing at 11 o'clock, and the interment will take place immediately thereafter at the Smith cemetery. From Thursday's Daily. Mr. P. C. Davis, of Cascade Locks, was in tbe oity yesterday. Hon. S. A. Clarke arrived in the city tfiis afternoon from Portland. There are several freight wagons in town loading goods for interior towns. . Mayor Binehart and wife were passengers down the river this morning on the boat. Mr. Lam Rhea, the banker of Heppner, was a passenger on the afternoon tram from Portland. . Mrs. J. Beezley left to-day on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Smith, who lives near Pnneville, Crook county. Mrs. Emily Eibelman, of Centerville, Waih., arrived in tbe city this afternoon, and will visit ber son. Dr. G. C. E.helman, for a tew days. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Runyan were pas seogers on tbe Regulator this morning. Mrs. Runyan is en route to Tacoma, Wash., and will be accompanied by ber husband as far as Portland. , . - Parties from 8 hei man county as-ure a that there is no possibility of failure ol crops in that yicioity this year. - The grain is principally all fall-sown, and this is iu good condition. Mr. H. Cbnsman.'wife and family and Mr. A. W. Moore, wife and family left on tbe boat this morning for White Salmon, from which place they will take convey ancces to Trout Use, where they will spend a tew days camping. The passage through the streets of a large band of sheep last night attracted consider able attention. They occupied tbe space of two blocks on the street, and were from Antelope, tbe property of 'Mr. Phil. Bro gsn, sr., and were shipped to Chicago last night. - ' ' ' This morning, Mrs. Blossom, the proprie tor of the boarding house at the East End, lost a gold watoh and chain, which is sop jioeed to have been stolen by a tramp. When the articles were first missed from the house it was supposed that some of the children bad taken them; but upon investi gation it was found they knew nothing about either the watch or chain, and it is supposed some hobo walked into the house and pat the time-pie into bis pocket They -were lying under the pillow in tbe bedroom. - The street commissioner is doing good work in removing projecting rocks from tne tnoroughtsres and improving tneir conai tions generally. The Dalles need not be ashamed of tbe streets, for they are well graded and are good roadways, winter or summer. Mr. .Tames H. Miller arrived in the city yesterday from Prineville with a four horse wagon,- which he will load with freight and return. ' He crossed over the new bridge on the Deschutes, and ssvs the grade has been repaired, and is now in good condition for the passage of wsgons. East Oreaonian: Capt. Humprey is again suffering from mental derangement and has been for three days past, tie endeavored at intervals to get up last night and had to ie held in bed by bis attendants. To-day he is no better in th s regard. His limb is still healing well, and his physicians ex pres no alarm over bis c ndition. The recorder was enjoying peace and quiet this morning, theie being not even a hobo or "drunk claiming nis clemency or enforcement of justice. Yesterday was a basy tim witn tne court, ana ine mine or justice ground out considerable grist. there ore. it was entitled to a rest to-day, and doubtless enjoyed the calm after the storm. There were shipped from the' stockyards of R. E. Saltmarshe & vo. in this city six' teen carloads of sheep to Chicago, and one carload of horses to Wisconsin. Tne sheep were owned by Mr Phil. Brogan, sr., of Antelope, and the horses by Mr. Frank Ga- bel, of Wapnitia. Mr. Saitmarsne ana Mr. Gabel accompanied the stnok east to day, and during their sojourn will visit the world a fair. A gentlemsn writing from Heppner, Mor row co nty, Oregon, says: 'The outlook in this section is very gloomy, taking in con sideration the low price of wool and the shortage of crops. In the past two days we have been favored with rain, which win add greatly to the yields of wheat, while hun dreds of acres will not be cut. We have in our warehouses some three million pounds of wool. No sales have been made yet. A great deal has been consigned at six and eight cents. Merchants, farmers and wool growers are very blue. In a conversation with Hon. S A. Clarke to day we were very much interested in his remarks regarding the fruit interests of this country At present there is no mar ket for the product of our orchards in this state, and chis baa to be sought elsewhere, Mr. (Jlarke idea is that where there is a common interest there should be a combina tion of effort, and this be is attempting to accomplish. Our fruits msy be shipped in refrigerating cars with little or no waste, and would reach tbe consumer in a good state of preservation. Tbe fruit-growers should take this matter into serioas con' sideration, and should affect an organization at tbe earliest possible date. Yesterday we bad tbe pleasure of ex changing a few w rrds with Mr. J. H. Mo sier, of Mosier, oyer the wires of the Ore gon Telegraph and Telephone Co , the odice of which is located at B akeley & Hough ton s drug store .There was a rumor cur rent that Mr. Mnsier had changed to a Re publican, and this he emphatically denied and said be was a "Democrat dyed in the wool and was la favor of the repeal of the Sherman act and the McKinley tariff. This is Democracy, and there csn be no douht that Mr. Mosier is still a Democrat, The telephone furnishes an opportunity to pass congratulations between friends at a dis tance, and is quite an innovation for The Dalles. From Friday's Daily. Mr. Phil. Brogan, jr., of Antelope, is in the city. Hon. J C. Lackey, Indian agent at the Warm Springs ageucy, is in town to-day. Tbere is more water in Five Mile creek than there baa been for a number of years past. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Koontz. of Five Mile, re nrned during the week from Tacoma, Wash. . ' Marriage license was granted bv tbe county clerk this morning to Neil Clark and Martha Collier. Mrs. D. Handley lett to-day on a yisit to her old home iu Ireland, and will be absent seyeral months. Mrs. Pickering left for England to-day. where she will spend some time visiting relatives and friends. A band of horses arrived at the stock yards of R. E. Saltmarshe & Co. to day, Tbey will be shipped east. The committee soliciting funds for the Fireman's Tournament have met with good success to- day, and there is no doubt quite a fund will be raised. Tb6 Juvenile Temple at Hood River numbers thirty five members, and, nnder the snpenntendency of Mrs. M. B. Potter, is doing a good work in that community. The Dalles base ball nine expect to play the olnb ac Goldendale, Wash., a wtek from to morrow, and an interesting game, will be witnessed. Mrs. Hilton and daughter Florence, Miss Jeannette Williams and her three sisters and two brothers, and Miss Georgia Samp son left on the boat tbis morning for the seacoast. After O. D. Taylor had been horse whipped on the street this afternoon, some person hired an organ-grinder to play the uraa area in aaul in tront of bis othce. This was an unquestionably adding insult to injury. Wnila St eet Commissioner Madron wss brenkio roc i'i the sireet to-day a oie e new np aud bit bim in tbe eye, causing qui.e au injury to that member. Medical aid was summoned, and be was reliuved from bis pai i, Miss Aqua had her trial tbis after nooo for assault and battery before Justice Davis, and she was placed nnder $250 bonds to keep tbe peace. Tbe amount was raised in bve minutes by ber friends, and double the amount would be forthcoming, if necessary. A coaching party enjoyed themselves last evening driving through tbe streets of the oity. Tbey continued their drive to Cneno etb creek, aud on their return to town sat down to a bountif jI refection of ice cream and the delicaoies of tbe season at Camp bell Bros. The Oregonian yesterday, under the title ot "Brief Court Notes has the following: "In the cae of tbe Improvement Company against O D Taylor Judge Stearns in creased the injunction bond from $1000 to $5000 The plaintiff, seeks to haye tbe de- eudaut restrained from selling some prop erty. Mr. John Ryan, who lives on Five Mile, gave as an agreeable call to-day. 'The grain in that vicinity, he says, is in excel lent condition, a d tbe wheat will be No. I no No. 2 around his portion of th country. Potatoes and other vegetables are of nrst quality, and there will be a good yield. Wool still continues to arrive from the interior, bot tbere are no prices being of fered. The present seatou the trouble is that there is uo market for wool it is not wanted. ' It is not a matter of simple shrinkage in the . price, but of ' no sales svhateyer. The shadow of free trade bas absolutely closed tbe market for this product. Our reporter called on the recorder tbis morning, and to tbe inquiry for items he looked over the blotter of the night force and returned . the answer, looks iskum, which means, translated into ordinary United States, no one was arrested. And so there was nothing for tbe news-gatherer to pencil in that department of justice, and he de parted very unsatisfied. This afternoon was one of nn lsual excite ment. After the interest in the horse whipping affair had -subsided, a team at tached to a wagon owned by some China men, who have a farm on tbe bluff, took fright aud ran through the streets scattering the con ten s by the ways de. At one place a barrel was thrown out, and then a box at another, and so on notil pearly the entire load was scattered a ong the highway,. The horses were finally captured before tbey bad done much damage to the wagon, Erchange: Did yon ever stop to think of the size of Alaska? It is nine times as Isrge as all tbe New England states put together; three times the size ot California, or twice tbe size of Texes.' It stretches more than 1000 miles from north to south and bas a coast line of nearly 20,000 miles. We bought this country from Russia in 1867 and got a bargain that ought to satisfy any bnman being j for, although we paid a lump sum of $7,000,000, that amount only rep resented about one-half a cent an acre. It has an average of one inhabitant for every eighteen square miles, so one is not likely to be jostled sbott much. Last night $100 was stolen from the room of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Branner. Mrs. Rrsnper bad stopped in her restaurant until late, and when she retired to ber bedroom upstairs took the money with ber and de posited it in one of the drawers of the bareao. On awaking this morning it was gone, and the window open where the thieves hsd made an entrance. The denom inations were a Union Pacific check for $60, $20 greenback and smaller coio. The two story brick is by the side of a one-story frame building, and the roof reaches within two feet of the ledge of tbe window. Other buildings adjoin tne frame one, and the roofs form a means for rohbers to reach the room from the alley. Footprints on the shingles seen by the officers after the lar ceny became known, furnish indisputable evidence that this was the way in which the burglar made his entrance into the window. La Grande Chroiiicie: A sad accident oc curred at Mr. Al Good's place, two miles north of town, Friday evening, resulting in tbe almost instant death of Charlie, tbe 12 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Good. The boy had arrived home with a load of lum ber from tbe saw mill a few minutes ahead of his father, and saddled a horse preDar- atory to driving some cattle into the corral near tbe bouse. Other memoers ot tne family were out assisting him, and while ndine near tbe fence a hog ran in front ot the horse causing it to stnmble and throw. ing the boy with his head against the fence. and in this position the horse fell upon hi m crushing bis skull the boy lived Dot abont twenty minntes after the fall. The news ot the sad catastrophe was received with the most profound regret, and th' deepest commiseration tor th : family under their heavy burden of sorrow, so suddenly nflicted. OBEGON WEATHEB SEBVIOE, The following is the weather report for the week ending Tuesday, July 18th, from the central office in Portland: The correspondents of this bureau, who represent every election nrecinct in the state, were requested to make a special report on the acreage, present condition and probable yield of grain. The re ports are very full and complete, and the conditions here noted are based on the re ports from intelligent and observing cor respondents. EASTERN OREGON. Weather The fore part of the week was cloudy and cool, while the latter part was clear ana warm. 1 lie maximum tern peratures ranging from 75 to 95 degrees. Crops 1 he rains trom the 8th to tbe lllh were of inestimable benefit to the crops. Tbe wheat crop is reported in ex cellent condition In Wasco, Gilliam and Morrow counties, where the prospects two weeks ago were trom ten to fifteen bushels per acre, have improved trom 25 to 40 per cent. Sherman and Umatilla counties will have as good a crop as tbey had iu 1891, and tbe total product will be more. In Union county the present con ditions are excellent Wallowa, Baker and tbe interior counties have greatly improved prospects. One wheat grower in Umatilla county, who has 6000 acres of growing wbeat, reports that he will have at least 120,000 bushels. Some fall- sown wheat is being cut this week ; but not until next week will harvest become general in tbe (telumbia river valley. Haying continues and very fair. crops are secured. The trait prospects remain as reported last week. The wool continues to be stored in tbe warehouses some ten or more million pounds now being stored awaiting for a market. Summary for State Fall wheat in creased acreage, slightly decreased yield per acre. Spring wheat decreased acre age and decreased yield. Total product will be for Western Oregon tully eight and one-half million bushels; for Eastern Oregon fully six milliou bushels. Oats and hay crop as good or better than ever before. B. H. Pagub. Local Forecast Official. 0. D. Taylor Horse-Whipped. From Friday's Daily. Considerable excitement prevailed on Washington street near the noon hour to day, and the blocks in the immediate vicin ity of O. D. Taylor's office were thronged by an anxious throng. Our reporter was ont present tut learn from eye-witnesses that Miss Aqua, armed with a raw bide whip, paraded in front of Rev. 0. D Tay lor's real estate office, and threatened that gentleman with a borse-whipping if he ap peared on the outside. He no doubt con sidered "discretion the better part of valor" and locked himself on the inside.? She maintained her position, on the sidewalk, so we are intormed, for nearly an hour and a II. and during that time tbe gentleman kept himself barricaded behind a locked door. From information gleaned from par ties, who claimed to be acquainted with the circumstances, the grievance seems to be that Miss Holnomb a member ot the fac ulty of Wasco Independent academy iu settlement tor services last ytar, had been paid by Rev. O. D Taylor, the president of the board of directors. $100 less tban tbe amount be promised to pay her. Another version of the matter, and we presume the correct one is, thaf Rev 0. D Taylor prom ised Miss Holcomb $100 individually, more than the amount allowed y tbe directors, aud this he bas refused to psy. Her per sonal friend and companion is Miss Aqua, si irited young lady, who says that she will not tamely submit to see Miss Holcomb cheated out of $100 of her salary, aod that she will wbip O L). Taylor if it is tbe last act of her life. The sympathy of tne crowd was with the yonDg ladv, and if Bhe had horsewhipped tbe reverend gentleman the fine would have been subscribed withio five minutes. Mii-s Holcomb is a scholarly and highly accomplished yonog lady, and i- beld in high estimation in this community Uiss A-iua is very mucb attached to her. aud her friendship amounts to adoration. About 2 o clock this afternoon the young lady. Miss Aqua, horsewhipped Taylor from bis office to the Methodist church, when the marshal arrived and she was arrested Tbe affair was witnessed by a large crowd of persons, who followed the parties from the first p ace where tbey met to the point where the marshal interfered. There were frequent cheers from the throng of persons. and it is stated that on more than one occa sion the reverend gentleman was held while Miss Aqua belabored him with the rawhide. 5 " ( Arrested for Bape. From Friday's Daily. A man by tbe name ot reter Strom was arrested while going on board a freight train at the depot, this morning, on a war rant of arrest issued at Cascade Locks. The crime for wbicb be was arrested was rape, committed at Wyetb Wednesday evening on Mrs. Harps m, an old lady aged 64 years. Strom is a Swede, and was tramp ing through the country. He stopped at Cascsde Locks and approaching a house inquired for something to eat. On being informed tbst there was little in tbe bouse he told the omn to be in a hurry aud furnish bim a meal. The woman becoming alarmed did the best she could nnder the circumstances to give him something to eat. Fo lowing the railroad track be came to Wveth. and coming to the residence of Mrs. Harpam. after choking and overpow ering her criminally assaulted her. Her sons were absent at the time, aod tbe only person in tbe -house was a 9 year-old boy. He immediately left that vicinity, and this morning was getting on oard a freight train when he was overhauled by Officer Gibons Mid lodged in the county jail. A reporter of this paper saw him in jail, and learned from bim tbat he had been in the state sixteen years, was a fisher man and bad worked at Astoria. He is a muscular appearing fellow, and looks capa ble of committing the crime of which he is charged. Organization of Thieves. The encounter with Ed. Henderson bas brought into prominence tbe subject of horse and cattle-stealing in this vicinity during some time past, and tbere can be nn doubt that there is an organized band ot thieves, whose operations cover the Pacific slope from the British line to California. For years cattle and horses have been missed in this county, and tbere is not much doubt that these have been driven to other markets and sold. CTOPPEI RIVETED The members of the organization in Washington drive their stolen cattle into Oregon and aispo.-e ot luem, ana inose in this stale to Washington. They have a per fect system, and plans are carelully marked out to be followed. Some time ago about fifty horse were disp sed of in the Big Bend country that, it is confi dently beleved, were stolen in this imme diate vicinity ; but conviction of any ot those connected with the theft would be almost impossible, for it was very care fully planned, and each one acutely cov ered his tracks. Members or tbe gang have been "spotted" for years, and it may be no matter ot surprise if desperate measures are taken to protect property from their depredations. The leaders are men of intelligence, and know how to successfully mature their plans. They are made with carefulness regarding de tail, and parts are assigned to persons who are capable ot carrying them out. A steer or a horse may be missed bv the owner, and in a few weeks it may consti tute one of a large band sold by an "in nocent purchaser" several hundred miles distant, such large nerds may contain the property ot a hundred owners, and each isolated theft is rendered more diffi cult to trace. That our bands of cattle and horses are constantly being dimin lsbed by these schemes there can be no doubt, and that some remedy heroic or otherwise should be applied soon is ve y apparent to every person who is conyer- saot with the facts. Our people are law- abiding; but tbere are times and occa sions when long continued evite require desperate remedies. Evening Lawn Part v. From Thursday's Daily. Last evening a pleasant surprise, ii the nature of a lawn party, was tendered Mr G. W. Phelps at the home of Mrs. Lida Dunham. The large and commodious lawn was brightly illumined with numerous Chi neae lanterns, which produced a most pleas ing effect. Mr. Phelps bad been detained down town duriog the afternoon and early evening, and on his coming home was greeted by tbe unsuspected company gath ered on tbe lawn. The t-rst effects were sooi, overcome, and joining the gay crowd be evening wus pleasantly and enioyahly passed with music, games, hammocks and in uther agreeable ways provided by tbe host ess. During the evening a deliciou luncheon was served on tbe lawn Those present were Minses Virginia and Grace Marden. El'Za- heth FitzGerald, Rose and Myrtle Michell. Clara, Etta and Auburn Story, . Ctddie Bootb, Kate Dehuff, Ursula and Louise Ruch, Jesie Lowu, Minnie Lay, Anna and Laura Thompson, Florence Lewis. Aimee Newman, Alma Schmidt, A'lie Rowland, Annie Williams, Cassis Wiley. Nellie vlicriell, Grace Campbell, Ruth Cooper. Lizzie SimpsoD, Mollis O'Lesry, Maybel Vlack and Mri. Lida Dunham; Messrs. A Clsrk, J. Oossen, J. Alien, H. W. Freoch. Max Vogt, E'lw. Patterson. E H French. F. Garretaon, M. Jameson, J. Hampshire. , F. A. French, G. P. Suowdeo. V. H French. F. Faulkner. H H. Riddell. Ed. M Williams, W. K. Corson. H. Lonsdale ud G. W. Phelps. A Pleasant Dream. Mr. S. G. Thnrman, by reason of a yivid imagination and reading the stories tf dis covered buried treasures, thought he bad 'truck it rich yesterday. Deep in the sand near his nsh wbeel, he found a sack, with contents tbat were heavy to lift Visioua of Capt. .Kid, and "how he sailed and sailed," gathering his store of ill-gotten wealth and then burying it from the curious and co-.etoas. flitted through his mind. He would build a palatial residence on his river farm, the fljois should be composed of tbe most costly mosaics, the ceilings frescoed iy the best artists, beautiful avenues should be id out on his ample grounds, paintings from tbe old masters should ornament the walls, statuary chiseled bv ren wned sculp tors should be placed at convenient dis- auces along shaded walks, and the perfnme of flowers and the limpid liquid sporting irom marble fountains should add attrac tions to tbe scene. But tbe dream did not last long, and had a very delusive ending. Opening the sack be found it to contain a dead dog and a heavy rock, and palaces, gardens, fountains and statuary ftded away into forbidding reality like mists before tbe sun. bam was as rich as Orceins for hve ninutes, and then became - devoid ot wealtb in as short a time. Veteran Volunteer Firemen. At the last annual conyeution of the veteran Volunteer Fireman s association The Dalles was selected as tbe place for nolding the next meeting, and the first week in September designated as the time. So far nothing has been done by our city for he entertainment of tese guests, and Chief Fish received a letter yesterday from rhe secretary of tbe association asking what the Dalles had done in the matter. An tnswer is desired Saturday night, and this ives little time tor work. A meeting of the citizens should be called immediately to take some action, and committees should be puoioted-. Tbis city has an extended rep utation tor the hospitable manner to wbicb t bas entertained guests, anil the visit of tbe volunteer firemen should be considered 4 aesirsoie opportunity tor the exercise ot a generous, cordial welcome. Our city will am by a liberal expenditure in entertain ing these guests and if this is not extended it will lose immeasurably in the tnture. Let immediate action be taken, and a meeting called for to-morrow evening. Word must e received in Portland Sat lrday, or the firemen Will go where tbey are wanted, and where they will be welcome !. A Mistaken Celestial. East Oregoniao. Hue Mun is a celestial who became ex cited Monday night, about 10 o'clock, and took six shots with a pistol from tbe door of his wash-bouse en Cottonwood street at tbe form of a man setting in front of the Depot stable, few Chinamen could bit an elephant at six paces, atia Mun is no exception, so tbe human target, whose name is J. W Clore, escaped any damage except the natural insult to his feelings. Somebody bad been throwing' rocks at nun's wi8U-Douse, ana ran away. Mun mistook Mr. Clore tor tbe offender, and turned loose at him without due mvesti gaiion. The Chinaman was arrested and jailed. His examination has been post pone! m Justice Kosenberg's court until Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Kor over Kif-y Yean ' Ah Old amp W six-Tried .Rxmedt Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething with perfect success. It soothes the child. softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy foi diarrhoea. Is pleasant to tbe taste. Sold by ill druggists in every part of tbe world, Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sore aod ask tor Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Keal Estate Transfers. July 19 Chas Payette and wife to Nich olas Mart; a hf of se qr and nw qr, se qr aod se qr of sw qr, sec 7, tp 3 s, r 14 east; also one acre in sec 8, tp 3 s, r 14 east; $2600. July IS Mary Ann Kuykendall and Al bert Kuykendall to Grace P Buchanan; 40 acres ot sec 34, tp 2 n, r 14 east; $800. When Baby was sick, we ct her Castorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Hiss, she clang to Caetaria, Witts she bad ChOdrsn, she gars team Cestoria. . Fwr Bent, A dwelling house In a desirable local ity. For terms apply at this office. . ADDRESS: SAN FRANCISCO. CAl TO AMERICA. Graduating or tion delivered by Thomas M. Roberts, and aaaided the Bwltman prize of S100.J We publish the following oration of Mr, Roberts, who is a resident of The Dalles and well known to our citizens, by request of many readers: Across tbe Atlantic, in Prussia, beyond tbe touch of our laws, lives an ecclesiastic and politician by tbe name of Cahensley. Zealous tor the promotion of his Roman faith, he bas become actively interested in European migration, and is endeavoring to shape the course and kind of tbat vast horde tnat is coming to our shores. Two years ago, from a convention at Luzerne, he was sent to the Vatican, with a memorial, urg ing that foreigners in America, be relig iously dealt with on separate national lines; that "every different group of emigrants be organized into a distinct parish with a priest ot its own nationality; and that their chil dren should receive every kind of instruc lion in the language peculiar to each. Under the guidance of this un American cheme, Germans, Russians, or aliens from any country, opon lauding at our seaports. are to he coiomzra into separate comment t es, with German trachers for the Teuton. Russian pastors for the Russ, and Italian priests foi the Latin. Each organized body is to retsin its native speecn, and be pre- vented from learning the .auguage in which our laws are written. Although, tms movement, kuown as Cahensieyism, failed to gain a sanct on from rwime, it is still silently and secretly gain ing strength in our midst; and unless speedily couuteracted by American influ ences, it will certainly have a bineful effect npon our civ lization. tor Cahensieyism, iu its political phase, means imperfect as similation of our alien and increasing popu lations, and a consequent fostering of for eign languages and customs; it means an attempt to denationalize our American iu stitutions, and to put in their place the ffete forms ot the old world; it means a gradual dismembershio ot tbis cosmopolitan republic, and a planting of as many sover eignties in our mid, t as there are people of foreign tongues. Well may tbe wrecks of pat republics be a warning of present and approaching dan gersl Well may our - tatesmeo scan the po litical horizon and ask What is in store fur America? For a century, this republic has kept au individual nnity among the nations of the earth, intrusting tbe guardianship ot established rights to law, and the move ments of reform to the vote of the people. Liberty has been our watchword and Union our battle cry. And though an Bullish peaking nation, we haye welcomed Celt nd Teuton, Sclav and Litin, so long as tbey renonnco their foreign allegiance and become Americans. Bat through the world wide hospitality we are fast becoming a heterogeneous people, aud that liberty, so cherished by every loyal American, and that Uuion so essential to republican wel fare, are to day, subject to tbe will of a peo pie whose racial differences are a constantly growing peril to national nnity. Tariffs and finances are concerns of to-day, but "the i hildren of to day are tbe nation of to-morrow." And instead of building up a stronger and more harmonious union, Ca hensieyism forcefully tends to increase our social sod political differences. Instead ot teaching Americanism, it seeks through tor eign int rterence to destroy that national haimouy which has so prospered this re public in the past. . A people of one lan guage and many creeds, the Americans are building opon the' basis of Christianity a national edifice that aspires to the heayeos; and while they are building for freedom aod futnrity, it is plotted to scatter the builders by a Babel confusion of tonguei-I Yet with all his old world habits, welcome, thrice welcome the foreign clod I Only let his ohildren and his children's children breathe the pure air of our living freedom let the breath of our liberties fall upon them, aud new births of our new soil, they are Ameri cans. Moulded in the coarse, common clay of humanity superstition, tbe offspring of serfdom, shall our .immigrants become Americans, or subjects of Cahensley? Shall they contribute to our streugtb, or to the germs of our dissolution? But beyond these diversifying effects, Cahensieyism is a straggle of political pria oip!es the old with the new the past with the present a struggle of the degrading iu fluences of absolutism ag inst the elevating principles of free nati nality. How differ ent is our civilization which Cahenslevism is antagonizing from that of the lands from which it is drawing its strength Here is freedom, there serfdom; here intelligence, there ignorance; here po itical progress, there monarchial stagnation; here are in stitutions to which all are admitted with equality; tnere the systems of caste, aim tocracy and feudalism, where one-seventh of the population is in arms to quell tbat spirit ot Ireedom which we eniov. Behold. here is the palm of peace, the vine and olive or a (Jbristian civilization, where a free, in telligeut manhood begets a progressive, law abiding citizanship. But is it possible for these foreign prin ciples to take root in American sod? Go to Quebec, ask why their political status is a century behind tbat ot other Amerioan commonwealths, and yon will receive answer in an unknown tongue aod from people whose social and industrial conditions are no better than those of the peasantry of Europe. Go among tbe communities of Western Pennsylvania, search for the causes of their peculiar conditions, and yon will find tbat, within the past generation, the most undesirable element of Europe bas settled upon tbat state, and without assimi lation into our Union is a menace to dhr laws, a scourge to our industrial interests, and a poison to onr civilization; an element wbich "May in some grim revel rata his hand, And shake the pi lars of the common weal Till tbe vast temp e of eur liberties A shapeless uaas of wreck and rubbish lies." Political disorder, social degradation, aod consequent aoarcny these are tbe exotics that Cahensieyism would plant npon onr soil. Let them once gain lodgment, and nothing but united Americanism can uproot them'v If Cahensieyism ceased with transplant ing evil bearing principles to America, then its dangers might be averted by a closer re striction of immigration. But it is more than this. The scheme deepens into con spiracy. The Rubicon is crossed. Jesuit ism, although here and there possessed of heroin devotion, is yet, in its fanatical phase, the stagnation ot Europe and the foster-mother of Cahensieyism. It is al ready here spreading .its corrupting ideas through every avenue of our bo'y politic, attacking the state in the name of tbe buret), aod education in the came of re ligion. A few years ago Wisconsin had a law requiring the Eaglish language to be taugnt in thu publio schools. , Through tbe weight of a narrow, bigoted priesthood, this beneficent law was abolished, that our free Ameiican schools might? give place to the private sectarian domin e; and now Jesuit ism, the sword and shield of Cahensieyism, is there triumphant, marshaling its force-, "conquering and to" conquer," while the American youth is cheated out of his in herited rights. Beware priestcraft! It is causing constant discord and revolution in the Spanish republics, and shall it take away our only safeguard? Oh! .religion, re ligion, how many primes are committed in thy name? What will be the rising genera tion without tbat equality which is protect icg ail, securing all, ennobling all! Whence that loyalty among onr youth, if it be not taught in tbe publio schools? Free schools! Hapf.y is tbe nation whose valleys and hill sides they adorn, aod blessed is the genera tion upon whose souls tbetr treasures are poured out! They are tbe guard of the publio weal tbe palladium of American lib erties, and withered be tbe hand tbat is raised for their destruction) Let Cahensieyism grow on our free soil step half a century into tbe fotnre and be hold it? fruitsl Onr laws have become dis cordant, our language polluted, and onr schools, once infant republics, teaching loy-. alty, are now foreign. Our nation is di vided into states of foieigt, make-up, which, fostering their old- world hatreds for one another, are too proud to concede their es tablished rights, and too alien to American principles to respect a national nnion. A vasr, ignorant, purchasable vote clannish, credulous, impulsive and passionate tempt ing every art of tbe unonnsiDled. hot in sensible to the aorjeal of New Eoizland bas become New EV New" York. New Ireland, and the we.t. New Germany. Clouds of war are rising in Europe, and these vroups of foreismsed people, with more loyalty to tbe old world tban to the new, are banded in sectional estrangements against eacb other,- against every hope of A ..ericao civilization. What a nnion we present! Hierarchies without end, languages ot Babel, rites aLd customs of all cations, and resulting discords, fac tions, bloodshed, disunion, revolution and ruin. ' -But can this ever be? Shall freedom bow to serfdom? Shall tnia ureat nation cease to be the elevating, ennobling, christianis ing example to otber lands? Shall the blood of our martyred h roes have been shed in vain? Magnificent nnion. grander than Grecian or Roman ever dreamed of it 1 can, while united, control tbe destinies of ' 0AHENLETISM ITS D AUGERS mankind, Shall this be. its fate shall it in tuture speak with one voice in the councils of nations for peac-? and a puier civilization, or snail ic, divided into jxrriug sovereign ties, go the way of all lepubhcs before it? Let Cahensieyism or any kindred priu cipie gain supremacy in tms nation, aod a representative government is no longer pos sible. But let neither creeds nor mammon be king, nor any rule gain sway that may destroy our equalities, and on this Colom bian soil, amid this liberty-loving people, the opinions of centuries will struggle witn the principles of humanity, each stimulating, moulding and curbing the other; and from them shall issue a national composite stable, beautiful and grand the flower of the ages. Hail to thee, America, exalte daughter of the world! A mighty destiny is before thee. Speak to the guardians of the public weal. Arm them for tbe holy cauee of liberty. Strike tbe shackles of ignorance from your progress, and let tbe school house be freedom's rallying cry to summon the scholar and the statesman to the fight of "eternal yigilance," tbat these states may remain nnder the stars and stripes for ages to cotre, united, prosperous and free, a nation of one language, one peo pie ana one aestiay. TRUTH STRANGER .'TH AJT FICTI0X. A True Story from North Carolina. Some one has said that " tha tma anil fhm false speak the same language." But there can be no doubt that this speaks with the true ring to it Letter from Mrs. J. M. Holleman , proprietress of " Hotel Holleman,,, Apex. N. C. " Mv son Harvev hxA cm-nfuia from the time he was three years old until be was seven. We had the best doctors tbat the country afforded, vet he wait n vpn tin tn die, several times. Some one recommended Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. After taking five bottles be was well enough to get about, and has mended so fast that he is now enjoying good health." Find a remedy for scrofula something that purifies the blood, as well aa claim to. That, if it's token in time, will cure Consumption, wbich is only lung-scrofula. Dr. Pierce has found it It's his "Golden Medical Discovery." As a strength-restorer, blood-cleanser, and flesh-builder, nothing like it is known to medical science. For Scrofula Bronchial, Throat, and Lung affections. Weak Luncs, Severe Coughs, and kindred ailments, it's the only remedy so sure that it can be guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, in every case, you have your money back. BORt. BUNCH In this city, July 15th, to the wife of Mr. L. A. Bunch, a daughter. BENTON In tbis citr, July lstb, to tbe wife of Mr. J. f. Bent d, a daughter. BROGAN In this city. July 21st. to the wife if Mr. Phil Brogan, Jr., a dauchter. - MARRIED. v NELSON-STEWART At the residence of the brides's parents at Fairview, near The Dalles, on ihe xlternoon ot July leth, by Kev W. C. Curtir, Imvid I) Nelson aud Jobaaua 8teart. Tbe Engineer Of the Wakefield, Mass , Rattan Works, C. N Young, says: lb all cases of bil lousness accompanied with those terrible Sick headaches, I have touod no other medicine that seems to tskebold and to do the good that jonr Sulphur Bitters does. It is the best lamily medicine made. NEW TD-DAY, (No. of Bank, SU1-) REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, at The Dalles, in the Stat 3 of Oregon, at the close of business, July 12, 1893. RESOURCES: Loans and discounts $104,585 63 uverararts secured and unsecured....... U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 6.034 06 12,500 00 8,000 83 2,183 05 3,176 49 60 00 1,581 85 1,500 00 541 01 22 45 15.511 80 43 00 502 50 Stocks, Securities, judgmeiits,claims, etc. Due from approved reserve agents Due from other National Banks Due from ftate Banks and Bankers Banking bouse, furniture, and fixtures.. Premiums on U. S. bonds Checks and other cash items Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents Specie Leg 1-tender notes Redemption fund with U S. Treasurer (5 per cent, of circulation) Total . ..$155,292 73 LIABILITIES: Capital stock paid in $ 50,000 00 surplus luno 12,000 00 Undivided profits 6.U78 47 National Bank notes outstanding 11,250 00 Individual deposits subject to check, .... 44,246 67 Demand certificates of deposit . 26,900 79 Due to other National B nks 46 40 Due to State Banks and Bankers 4,870 50 Total $155,292 73 State of Oregon 1 . County of Wasco J I, H. H. Beall, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. H. M. Bsall, Cashier. Subscribed aud sworn to before me this 15th day of July, 1893. ' D. a. DUFUU, Notary Public for Oregon. Cobbicf Attest: J. S. Schksck, ) Ed. M. Williams, V Directors. Geo. A. I.1KBS, NOTICE. ALL PERSONS are hereby warned not to por ch se thit certain proniiorv note by me givn to William Tarkma on June 30. "1893. with interest, as said note was given for a ba-anoe on account, wnich balance was onlv $4.40, but by mistake was reckoned at $37, which amount was rrrone .uslv in serted in said note. I will not pay man than $4.40, and interest thereon, being the exact amount of my indebtedne-s to sa d Tack man. C. K. HILL Dalies City, Oregon, July 19, 1893. jui20-2w NOTICE. INASMUCH AS MY WIFE, Georgia Anna Brooks, has, without Just cause r provocation, left my beu and boa id against my wishes and consent, and refuses to retjrn or furtner live me, I hereby arn all persons not to give her any credit on my account, I will not pay nay bills of her contract ing after this date. CALKB B .i.OttS. uallea City, Oregon, July 20, 18u3. dw-lra . WANTED, CLOTHING SALES AGENT WANTED for The Dalles and vicinity. Liberal Commissions paid, and we furnish the best and most complete outfit ever provided by any house. Write at once for terms, bend references WANAMaKER ft BROWN. July22 Philadelphia, Pa. Assignee's Sale. CL. PHILLIPS. Assignee of William Farre k . Co., will un the 31st day of August, 1893, sell in front of -be court house, the book accounts, un. eollec'ed, and also all promissory notes remaining in his bands. . july22 The Dalles, Oregon, July 21, 1893. A. GBHRBS, - Manufacturer and Dealer in Soda Water. Dream Soaa. SARSAPARILLA, CINDER ALE, "TAX," ETC. Having seeured tbe best improved apparatus, I am prepared to manufacture Temperance Beverages eq nal to any .old on the Pacific coast. All I ask is a trial from my old patrons. A. Gfc'HRBS Orders from a distance will receive prompt atten. tion. Jun28Jw Stoneman & Fiege, Boots and COLUMBIA PACKING COMPANY Corner Third and Waahlzurton Streets. Cured flams, Bacon, Dried Beef and ToDgues. And the best Beefsteaks, Mutton Chops aci Yeal Outlets in the market. , Orders Delivered to Any Part of the City Fresh Vegetables on sale at the Lowest Prices, Legal Notices. Application for Liquor License. Cascabs Locks, Falls Pucrsct, Wasco County, btrte ot Oregon Hoik Is hereby given that T. W. Lewis, ot said P2?n? "ld "')', will, on the 12th day of Aug., P""" session of th O ,uuty oart of the above-named pountv, apply to ttra said court fop a license to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors MINI HOB KailOQa Cascade Locks. Falls Psaenccr. Wuco County, Stole of Oregon. ao tne uonoraoie, tne County Court uf Wasco oountv Oregon: J' We, the undersigned, leeal voters nt r-n. t cinct, or Wasco county, or., re-pe trolly petition vuur honorable court to Brant a beense to T W Lewis to sell spirituous, vinous and malt liquors at the town of Cascade Locks, in said precinct, in less quantities than one gallon, for the period of one HAXXS. HAHCS. C J Candiani ' WLake R S Aldrich A ETrask Francis Conlon B K Roeer W L Keltner H A Leavens E D Monaghan A J Knightly l L Cates A G Collier Pete Sbering P Olazius L Freiman H I Lilleeard Peter Duggan Rudolf Schmidt Mel Learens Herman Backm&n John hubs Wm Dni.can Geo Pererkin August Peterson Wm btratton J F Tompkins G W Button M t Welsh Yabn Mlson At g Ternleis Geo Mcrautey Dennis Buckley J C K Fairview S H Hulseman John c Brown C E Miller Paul W Galetta M Fitzsimons Thos Badder H D Parkins Pat MrEllaney Pat Walsh Martin Johnson F. A Alwick Tim Sexton John Thieatn -John W Haley August Wilson AG Hall Al're Collin. P W Vfttick Geo P Griffin John P Wistrand Olef Swansea Chas La Buon C F Cottrell Chas Glen Andrew Wilson Frank Hall Herman Backman W Kirkpatrick Kick Eidou . S 1 Dryden Chas Otsen Edw Evrainer Paul Paulsen Nick Weber Hans Weieks John Woodward M McKinnon J 8 Habinger wm Larcock i Henry Pat Lahey A Fleischhaucr Kenneth McKenzie Wm Day C W Fluke trick Nelson J Dircks J E Hill Tarry Gray F T Bruckman O R Trana C H Tnwk Ueo J Buffon . Ni s Nils n Patrick Sullivan Gus Rands Joseph -chraidt M Fit.zgt.rald Louis Ge hard J M Mclsaai G 3 Uarpham Application fjr Liquor License. Cascadb Locks, Falls Prscikct, Wasco County, State of Oregon. VTOTICE 13 HEREBFl GIVEN TH VT 1 PaT- a.1 rics sicuieny, ol said precinct and county, will, on tbe 12th day of Aug.. 1893, at a special ses sion of tbe County Court oi the above named oounty, apply to the said court for a license to sell spl, it uous, malt and vinous liquors in less quantities than one gallon. Cascadi Locks, Falls Prscixct, Wasco County, State of Oregon. To the Honorable County Court of Wasco County, Oregon: t We, the undersigned taxpayers and legal voters of Falls Precinct, county and state aforesaid, respect fully petition your honorable nourt to erant a li cense to Pat, ick HcAlleny to sell spirituous, vinous and malt 1 quors at the town of Cascade Locks, in said precinct, in less quantities than one gallon for the period of one year: NAURS John D Wood .ran! James Gottjn Johu G Brown J w AttweU J F Stout K Alwick R Blask A J Knightly T C Benson Lonis Uebhard ban Sullivan J C K Fairview C A btewart John G Bruan A G Collier, Geo J Buffon J W Lewis Thos W Badder A Lyring Peter Trana J F McGratb Miles oisk Phillip Dahl S-d Bergeron G 3 Harpbam Alex Watt Gus Sand Rudolf Schmidt 8am M Cary M HcKinion D D Callahan ' T.'per Thesus ' Francis Conlon Jus fachm dt Erick Nilson A A Glazier SAMXS. Hans Wlccks W B McCrary John Sullivan C J Canjiani, M D Pat Lahey A G Hall W Lake ' P I Lillegard M Fitzgerald P trick Sullivan H Fiixsimons Thomas Covle G W Buffon ' CE Miller E P Ash John buss HILilleirard John Nilson C W Duke P Yetiick ' Chas Olson HAL yens -B F Rogers . G S Henry C H Track W H Smith A E Trask . Carl Carlson Mm Stratton Pat Walsh A Wilson 8 J tiryden I, ick Weber Mel Leavens S V Guiaon N F Murphy P I LiUigard Executor's Sale. THE UNDERSIGNED hereby rives notioe that be will sell at public auction to the highest bidder lor cash, on Saturday, the 29 'h day of July, 1893, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon ef said day. at the front door of the court house in Oallea City, Wasco county, upxuo, uDoerua uy virtue oi an order ox sale is sued out of the County eurt of said county, the following "escribed real property, to wit: Lot G, in Block 88, Fort Dalles Military Reserva tion aauiuon to uaues v uy, wasco county, Oregon. ELI D. bUTCLIFFE. Executor of the estate of Thomas Thompson, de- ceasea. julyl 5t J. B. Crosses . Auctioneer, NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. Lass Omca at Thk Dallbs, Orsoosi, June S13. lo93. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hia claim and that said proof win oe maae neiore tne register ana receiver at The Danes, or., on Wednesday, Auust 9, 1893, viz: JOHN E. McCORMICK, of The Dalles; Homestead Application No. 2611, for the EV of NW 9a. ana ntoitt, ana ua tsat, ot aee 14, Tp 1 S, K12E, WM. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Joseph Means. Peter Omeg, H. L. Powell, George u. auurun, au oi xne Dallas postomce, Oregon. Jun24 JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. Laxd Oppici at Tub Dallbs, Orkoost, June 21, 1893. "Notice is hereby riven that the following-named settler has filed notioe of bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and tLa- said proof will be made before tbe Register and Receiver of tne U. 8. land office at Tha Dalles, Or.; on Wednesday, August 9, 1893, viz: CHARLES KIRK HAM, of Dufur, . re-emption D. S. No. 7299, for the' NM NWJ, and UKJa- of N Wi of Seo 28, Tp 1 S. R 14 E, w M. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: J. W. Montgomery, G. W. Otsy, John Decker, I. B. Humbert, ail of Boyd postomce, Oregon. un24 JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. WM. B1RGFELD, Teaolier of Instrumental Music. Lessons riven on the Piano or Violin. Persons desiring instruct! ns can leave their names at E. Jacobsen's or I. C. Niokclsen's Music Store, Second at eet, Tie t aUes, Oregon. apria Shade and Ornameutal Trees, Flowering Shrubs, Vines, Hedge Plants, etc., Cheap at d o d Q CO U So Shoes. 1CAB. THE WORLD CHEHP6R THKN HNY OTHER.i PDflPFR DTP I used and endorsed by the following well known, sheepmen UUUrLa LflL in Oregon, Montana and Idaho: Kenneth McBae, Dajrille, Oregun; H W Cook, Ridgeway, Oregon; W 8 Lee. Junction City,- Oregon : WB Donaldson, Dayville, Oregoo ; B KeUay, Cross Hollows, Oregon ; Donald Fraser. Day ville, Oregon; P J Moule, Bercaile, MoBtana; Joseph Hiracbberg, Cnoteau, Montana; i Mcnaig, uupnyer, Montana; Jobs The Wool Clip is Vastlv Improved by Its Use. ASK YOUR MERCHANT F'JR JENKINS & STEVENS, Portland, Or., GENERAL ACTS. FOR ORECON AND WASHINGTON. WILLIAM COOPER & NEPHEWS, Proprietors, Galveston, Texas. BON 7 FOOL If yourself or friends wish to be cured of Liquor, Opium, Morphine, Chloral, Co caine or Tobacco babits,seek only the Genu ine Keeley Treatmnnt, which is the only safe, reliable and permanent cure in exist ence. Genuine Keeley Institutes, with most favorable surroundings, at Forest Grove and Rosebarg, Ofegou. Write for particular!. Correspondence confiitt-ntinl. Do Tou Know That We carry a full line of Stoves and Ranges, Building HardwareTinware, Granite ware, Fishing Tackle, Guns, Ammunition, Pumps, Iron Pipe, etc. We are sole agents for the Garland Stoves and Ranges The World's Best banitary Plumbing, Tin ning and Metal Roofing a Specialty. Groceries, Provisions I Cordwood. All orders promptly attended to. MAIER & BENTON, The Dalles. Spring Summer Dry Goods FA1ICY GOODS AIID'IIOTIOITS, mm FiiDMiviiii jr wm io r uunioiinu uuvuu. vlv HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Now complete in every department.- All goods will be sold at Greatly Reduced Prices. e TERMS CASH Where are You Going ? Why, I Parlors No. 110 Front Frazer & Wyndham, Give Them a NOLAN'S P0ST0FFICE STORE. , EVERYTHING; IN THE LINE OF! school' boors m m stbtiouery, FRENCH CANDIES AND IMPORTED AND DOM. STIC CIGARS. -CAN BK 1L T. NOLAN'S POSTOFFICE STORE. Leading Music and Book Store, I. O. ISICKELSEN, Proprietor. Tbis old houae, established in 1870. U to want everybody's patronage. School f-ianos, watches aod Jewelry. Able to Express passage tickets to scd from Europe. ffiISS HNNH PETGR & CQWPHNY. BIDE D2ILLIlEIir, XI S3 Second St. TICKS crLICE RENOWN En 9 1' 4wX5TJ3U'a Trrrii i-,irnfiii-Yni niiiiiiiYl Noble, Mountain Home, Idaho. IT, And see that you hare no other Sheep pushed upon you. A. M. WILLIAMS & COMPANY, Local Ant a., Tbe Dalles. Or. mm r mi H. Herbringv. am on my way to the Neptune Shaving and Bath Rooms, located at Street, m FAKES m Where I can get the Best Bath and the CWn est Shave in the city. The genial proprietors, have thoroughly reno- vated their Bath Booms, and tbey are now sec ond to none in the northwest. s ' Call. FOUND AT- enlarging in all it departments. Not too bi Books, Desks and School rnrnitnre, Organs sell every Doay foreign r-icnanx" " THE. DA T J.EH, Olt ip