0mm THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY. JULY 15, 1893. XOUNTAIHKKK. Volume XXXIII TIHEK-MOFSTAIXEEB, " XI C0NS0LIDATED 1882. NUMBER 49 mm V PRINTED EVERY SATURDAY John Michell, Editor and Proprietor TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ngle copy, one year 92.0 ng-ieeopy six montns a. Jar-Terms strictly in advance. Xntered at the Poetotice at The Dalle. Or eeond Class Matter for transmission through the mailt. LIST OF STATE AND COUNTY OFFICIALS. Governor 8. Pennover Becretary of 3tate. G. W. UcBnde Treasurer Phillip Metscban Superintendent ol Public Instruction. . E. B. McElroy Congressman, first district ..(.... " second district.... Bute rrlnter COCSTS. County Judge Sheriff Clerk Treasurer Commissioner.. Assessor. I 1.H. Mitchell ... B. Hermann ....W. B. Ellis ... Frank Baker . . George B'ake'y T. A. Ward J. B.Crossen .... Wm. Michell Jas. Darnielle .J. W. Koontt Surveyor " E. F. Sharp Superintendent ol Public Schools Troy i-holley Coroner N. M. Eastwood THE CHUHCIIIM. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. Tatlok, Pan tor. Services every Sabbath at 11 A. H. and 8 P. M. Sabbath school immediately after the mornmg service. Prayer meeting1 every inursaay evening; at 8 r. M. Qflaoellaneona IHE OLD ESTABUsH I COLUMBIA BREWERY Second St., East End," AUGUST BUOHLEB, PROP. Has been refitted throughout with the LATEST IMPROVED - MACHINERY And is now manufacturing the Best Keg and Jottfed Beer and Porter In Eastern Oregon. Banks. TELEGRAPHIC. Tie Dalles National Bank, OF DALLES CITY, OR. President, : Z. F. Moody, Cashier M. A. General Banking Business Transacted. Mr. Buchler always aims to adopt the latest brew inr apparatus and will furnish his customers bee eanal toacv n maxkei: wtf If K CHURCH Rev. Jko. WmaLia. Pastor. VI. Services everv Sunday morntnr and evening Sunday School at 12:20 o'clock P. M. A cordial invi- tatioe extended by both pastor and people to all. "CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W.C. Ccrtis J rastor. services every sunoay at ii a. jn. anu 8 P. M. Sunday School after morning service. S" T. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father Broksgkim Pastor. Low Haas every Sunday at 7 A. a. Hlgn sat 10:80 A.M. Vespers at 7 P. M ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. Union Street, opposite Fifth. Rev. EU D. Sutchfle, Rector. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M and 7:80 P M., Sunday school at 9:30 A. U. Evening Prayer on Friday t 7.30 P.M. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Bsv. J. W. jBSUss, pas tor. Preaching every 8undav afternoon at S o'clock in the Congregational church. All are cor dially invited. MOC1KTI sen -W P.M. ASCO LODGE, NO. 15, A. F & A. M. Meets first and third Monday or each montn at o rrai : L Meets ill Masonic Hall the third Wednesda jf each month at 8 P. M. - COLUMBIA LODGE, NO, 6, I. O. O. F. Meets every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in K. of P. Hall, corner of Second and Court streets. Sojourn, ins brothers are welcome. tt. Cloush, Sec v. FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets X every Monday evening at 8:00 o'clock, in 8cban no's building, corner of Court and Second streets. Rejourning brothers are cordially invited. D. Vausb, K. K. and S. F. MENEFEE, C C. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION will meet every Friday afternoon at t o'clock at the reading- room. All are invited. "WOOL EXCHANGE" SALOOJN, DAN BAKER, Fropr. Keeps on band tbe oest Wioes, Liprs and Cigars. FREE LUNCH EVtBV EVENING.' ' Near the Old Mint, Second Street, THE DALLES. : : OREGON. Sight Exchanges sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND, OR td0 Collections made on favorable terms at all ac e-rilile ptinte S. SCHENCR, President. H. M. BE ALL Cashier. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF THE DAIiLBS, (Successor to) SCHENCK & BEALL. BANKERS, TRANSACTS A REGULAR BANKING BUSINESS BUY AND SELL EXCHANGE. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY CAREFULLY MADE ACCOUNTED FO AND F 8. GUNNING. J. D. HOCKMAN. MODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Mt. Hood Camp, No. 69, meets every Tuesday evening of each week at 7:30 o clock, in A. Keller's Hall. All brothers and sojourning' brothers are invited to be present, TEMPLR LODGE, NO. S, A. O. U. W.-Meets in KKeller's Hall every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. PATL KREFT, M. W. W. 8. Unas, Financier. rAS. NESM1TH POST. NO. 42, G. A. R Meets I every Saturday at 7.30 P. M. in K. of P. Hall. B. OF L. E. Meets every K. of P. Hall. Friday afternoon in. GESANG VEREIN HARMONIE.- Meets every Sunday evening in Keller's Halt B0F. L. F. DIVISION, NO. 167. Meets n K. of P. Hall the first and ihird Wednesday of each month at 7:30 P. if. ProfeaBionaU C rda. R. S. B. WALTER. n Physician and Surgeon. Diseases of Children a speciality. Erskiasville Sherman Co., Oregon. JJB. W. E. RINEHART, Physician and Surgeon, Room 1, Chapman B ock, ovr Nielsen's store. Office hours 10 to 12 AM and 2to 4, 7 to 8 P ii Residence on Union Street corner of Ninth. i. s. ooHDOK. t. w. ooisca. QONDON at CONDON, Attorneys at Law. Office On Court street, opposite the Id Court House, The Dalles, Or A. S. BENNETT, Attorney at Law, Office in Schanno's building, op-stairs. The Dalles - . Oregon. w. H. WILSON, Attorney at Law, Rooms 62 and 68, New Vogt Block, . The Dalles Ore on J G. KOOXTZ, Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Agent Agents for tbe Scottish Union and National I -urance eompany of Edinburgh, Scotland, Capit 80,000,000. Valuable Farms near the City to sell on easy erms. Office over Post Office, The Dalles, Or. B. DOTDB. nalTK MXHB7RE. UFUR MENEFEE, Attorneys at Law. Rooms 42 and 48 Cha man Block The Dalles, Or. w TLLIAM BLUM, ARCHrrMcrr, THE DA LES. OREGON. Plans for building drafted, and estimates Riven AH letters coming to me through the postoffice wil ceive prompt atleatoa W. T. WISEMAN. W. L MARDERS. WISEMAN & MARDERS, PROPRIETORS ircial ExcMdr u 3XTo. 85, Cor. Second and Court Streets. Gomnu Old Mattingly Whisky, nsed for medical purposes. Cigars, Wine and Beer of the best imported brands always for sale. CITY BAKERY -AND- FAMILY GROCERIES Second and Union Streets. A. L. NEWMAN. Proprietor FOR RENT. THE BUILDING ON Union andCourt. FRONT STREET, between For terms, apply to MRS, A. K. BONZET Gunning & Hockman, DRAW ON NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO AND PUKTL.VND. Dlreotor t D P Thompson, Ed M Williamb, i 8 SCBINCK, OSOROB A LlCBS, H M UKALb. fei Miscell&ueous blacksmiths. PIDflEEB UBiT, In th new shop on Second street, first blacksmith shop east ox rrencn a itt. s Dnck diock. Northwest Cor. Second and Washington Sts. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. All kinds of work in iron, whether of agricultuial mplements or vehicles, done in the most mechan- cal style and satisfaction guaranteed, laozwkv HtkJ.si; Successors to George Ruch. The Cheapest Place Of THB DALLES FSR SKIBBE HOTEL All Kinds of Groceries, F. W. L. SKIBBE, Prop. FLOUR, GRAIN, WILLOW WARE, ETC. The Only Brick Hotel B IN THE CITY EST DOLLAR A DAT HOUSE in the North- We respectfully solicit a share of the public pat ronage, and shall endeavor to give entire satisfac tion to our customers both old and new. L. P. OSTLUND Killed by Hundreds. Fonda. Ia.. July 1 One of tbe most dreadful calamities in the hietory of this state visited this section last even og. Owing to tbe demoralized condition of tbe telegraph wires, it is impossible as yet to get all tbe details. As far as can be learned a cyclone started southeast of here about 7 o'clock last evening and swept almost due east, leveling every thing in its oath for a width of 1000 yards. kiliinsTand maiming tbe inhab. itastsintbe towns and thickly popu lated farming districts. Tbe loss of life iSjknowo to be verv great, though tbe actual details arc far from lull and tbe loss ot property is beyond estimation As far as beard from, tbe calamity took its most frightful form at Pomeroy. a town of about 900 population Reports received are to tbe eflect that tbe tntir town, except 30 houses, was swept from the facn of the eirth. One hundred peo ple are killed, and 200 injured, many o' whom will die. As soon as the news of tbe disaster was learned, special trains, with physicians and nurses, went from here nd Fort Dodge, and every able- boaied man in tbe vicinity lent a help ng band to tbe wounded and dving The wounded were found lving all about tbe streetH, beseeching help, it wad sev eral hours before tbe condit on ol affairs was knwn. The town was in total dark ness and the streets were nl ed with wrecked horn- and Susiuess houses. SOME APPALLING SCENES. The tcene was appalling as men wi'b lanterns went abont ia tie debris. In some Instances entire families were wiped out. Mangled remains were found in the ruins of the homes. The work of rescue was slow, and the truialoads ot helpers made hut little bead-way. rb sou b halt of the town is ruztd. The church, just opposite tbe track of tbe sJorm, was turned into a hospital Hi-re the surgeons worked by the aid of lan terns and lamps. Those with broUtn bones were stretched upon tbe pews, while those less severely injured were compelled to lie on the floor awaiting ibtir turns. Tbe dead were laid out on the ground on a vacant lot at the edge of a devHstated block. Through tbe aisles between the bodies the survivors passed looking tor lose ones. At the approach. of the storm, which imparted a greenish tint, followed by darkness and what appeared to be a col umn ot smoke, many sought shelter in their cellars, and others mounted horses to flee from the path of destruction . The relief party worked under tbe di rection of Vice-President EUrraban, ot the Illinois Central railroad, who with a party ot officials narrowly escaped tbe cyclone, reaching here a tew minutes af ter it passed. Tbe' tornado past-ed west and south of this place, demolishing buildings and groves, and killing and injuring many persons. peuded 18 months ago: A. B, Smith. ! cashier; R. M. Page, vice-president; and Colonel R. M. Wynne were in consulta tion over the affairs of tbe bank yester day morning, in tbe cashier's othce, when a dispute arose. Page and Smith dis agreed and drew pistols. Eight shots were bred. Page teceived a deep flesh wound, which is not serious. Colonel R. M. Wynne pushed between the men and got Smith on tbe t ther side of a brass wicket door and then left the bank. Smith and Page emptied their revolvers at each other through tbe door, but neither was bit. and the party were on deck and waived acknowledgments. The lieutenant pro poses to make a brief stop at Eagle island, 14 acres large, nd five miles oft llarspell. He bought this island 6oon after he left college, and as it is the onlv real estate he owns be wants to go ashore mere ana take a look at bis property. The members of tbe partv are in the best ol health and spirits. After weichinsr . ....... . rL . ancnor tney win sail direct for St. John. .Newfoundland. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report II Fight With Hiavetraders. Brussels, July 7 Advices from the Congo Free State report victoties over the Arab slavetrtders. The Arabs re cently attacked tbe forces of tbe State stationed at Stanley Falls, but were re pulsed with heavy loss. The expedition of tbe Belgian and Anti-Slavery Society operating in East Africa, under tbe com mand of Captain Jarqjie, also reports an engagement with tbe Arab s'avetrad- ers, in which the latter were pot to rout. Thirty-two Killed at Jonier3 . FORT ijodge. la., July 7 " wo cy- clones struck Pomeroy last evening, de stroying tbe residence portion and a part of the business bouses The first came between 4 and Opm; tbe second be tween I and e l Dirty two ceid were taken ou ot tbe ruins. Fully 70 are in- lured. 1 ne wires are down and partic ulars are bard to get.. A Voani; Buy Drowned. Tacoma, July 7 Three boys named Hall, while wading in the bay this morn ng, went beyond their depth, and the smallest one was drowned. Tbe others were rescued nearly dead, by tbe chief of police. The Deadly Winchester. Tacoma, July 8 Jorgen Anderson, with a Winchester rifle, killed Theodore Hardy, a neighboring settler, Thursdav afternoon. Tne bullet entered tbe right siae inrougti tne rigbt arm. Hardy lived tour tours. Ihe shooting occurred on Harky's clearing, a few miles from Mineral City, Lewis county. Anderson and wifearnvtd here Friday night, and the former gave himself up to Sheriff Matthews this morning. The prisoner says Hardy made improper proposals to to nis witu, and upon meetiog him the latter m de a motion to draw a revolver, when he shot bim down. Sheriff Burnett will take the prisoner to Centralis to morrow. toiler .Mills Iturucd. Moscow, Idaho, July 9 The Moscow roller mills were totally destroyed by fire last night. Tbe loss loots up $30,000, with $10,000 insurance. The fire started in tbe-engine-room late at night, when no one was present, and waa discovered in an incipient state by a gentleman passing tbe mil). Before the fire de partment arrived, the building was en veloped in flames. Six hundred cords of wood were destroyed with tbe mill. The mill belonged to Austin & Z mmerman, tbo senior member of the firm being ex- senator Austin, oi Asotin, Wash., now residing at Seattle. The miil will be re built at once. Fcmder ABSOUJTSCtf PURE ITF3IS IN BP.IEF fire of September 2d, and th rooms wt first-class in every particular. The table is supplied with the oest me marKec anoras. The oar ii connection with the hotel is supplied witn tne njgr.es grade oi Wines, uquors an im ported and Domestic Cigars. . an39w Contractor and Builder PATH EEEFT & CO., DEALERS IN- Painty OH, Glass Andthe Host Complete and Latest JPafterns and Designs in W.A.JL.JL. PAPER Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. .None but tbe best hranda of the Sherwin-Williams Paint used ia all oar work, and none bat the most skilled workmen employed. All orders will be promptly anenaea Shop adjoining Columbia Packing; Co., I will furnish drafts and estimates on til buildin s dwellings and stores. Mr. Ostlond is" a practical mechanic' and the plans drafted by bim will prove artistic, cheap and dura, ble HENRI L KUCE, Manufacturer of and dealer in Harness and Saddlery, The Striking sjoat Miners. Seattle, Wasb., July 7 Only about half tbe miners at the Gilman coal mines struck against reduction ol wages today, toe others going to work at the reduc tion. Tbe strikers held a met ting this afternoon and demanded tbe pay due them, but about 25 of thtm will goto work tomorrow Tbe company has in troduced the custom of allowing miners to hire loaders to load cars, carry timber, etc, who are paid $3 a day. Tbey are well pleased with the result today, hav ing made from $2 50 to $5 eacb. This materially reduces tbe force of miners, and allows the miners to earn more than under the old system before wages were reduced Superintendent Parker says tbe men who strnck will be paid off to morrow and their places are being quickly filled. Second St., near MoodVs Warehouse, THE DALLES, OREGON THIRD STREET HE DALLES A. A. BROWN Keeps A FULL ASSORTMENT A Work lHfnrtlun Uaarnnteed t(Ive Hat- mm m im mmi, AND PROVISIONS, Special Prices to Cash Buyers. 170 SECOND STREET. First door east ot Crandall & Burgett's Fur niture Store. Andrew Velarde, HOUSE MOVER. The Dalles. Address; Lock Box 181. Cot Flowers lor Sale. Destru. tive Blaze at Chehali. Chehalis, Wssb , July 7 Fire de-. stroyed tbe sasb aod door factory of Leudinghaus Brothers this afternoon. At about 3.30 one of tbe employes opened tbe door of the dryhouee and flames Durst out, driving bim back. An at tempt was made to get water from the hose in tbe mill, but the fire spread so rapidly tbe men were driven out before hey could turn on a stream. Some ot the employes barely escaped witb their lives, aod several lost clothing containing watches and money. The fire depart ment arrived in good time and worked bard, saving the adjoining buildings; but the factory, machinery and slock, valued at $15,000, is a total loss Lued ingbaus Brothers carried only $5000 insurance. R. E. Saltmarshe AT THIS East Eg STOCK THUDS, x W1XI fAI THE - HigkestCash Price for Hay and Grain. DEALER IN LIVE STOCK. Sample : Rooms , 58 FRONT STM (Nearly opposite Umatilla House.) CHARLIE FRANK, PROP. T HAVS all styles X Kuitthts of fythiis. signs, ayerymini on short notice. 1 junl , I wires, including Odd Fellows, Masuns aud Woodmen de- in Floral i)ecorations furnished rices reasonable. Mk;,. A. C. 8TUBLINQ Corner Eighth and Libeity bis. apM-tt JUNtict- Blatchrrd Dead. Newport. R. I .", July 7 Associate Justice Samuel BiatcMord, ot the United States supreme court, passed quietly and peacetully from earth at 7:20 this even lng. He retained consciousness until an hour or two before bis death. There was no udlen change in his condition, sim- y a gradual slipping away, wbich tied et-n taken place for tbe Utt week. Tbe arrangements tor tbe funeral are not as yet completed, but 'be body will prob ably be tbken to Washington lor inter merit.. Fur many seasons the dead jurist bad been a quiet visitor to this city dur- Jpvj. Cf I lug i lie Buiuuicf bchbi'u, nun wujie u(H , X UJjvjUi irfOp. I greatly given to society following, be was frequently eniertameu in tne nrsi i amnios. p(D Pure Goods and Fall Weight, Z GO TO The Arctic Candy Factor y No. 238 Second Street, East End. Genera JAS. FERGUSON, 1 Expressman ! Goods bauled with tbe greatest care to all parts of tbe uity on short notice. SALESMEN The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. OLUMBIA BREWEHY BEER OK DRAUGHT A. McINTOSH, DEALER m VIeats, Butter aod Eggs, PRO and GR1HT, OBEGOfl. ITTILL ALWAYS HAYB ON SALE t the sbov V T towns the choicest Beef, Mutton and Pork Also pay the highest maraet price (or Butter aod aujris C. F. STEPHENS, DEALER IS E:j CoodSp Mi FurMi&gs, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. 13 Second Street, next door east of The Dalles National Bank. Having; ust opened In business, and hat nv a full wsoruneBt ot tbo latest foods in my line, 1 desire a ah a re ot toe pubic patronage. . . , itiil . F. STEHEN3 WAMTFn Fill 1 IssV Local & Traveling To represent our well known house. You need no capital to r. present a firm that warrai t nursety stock first-class a d true to name. Work all the year. 8100 a month to the right man. Apply, stat ngaxi. L L. MAY 4 Co., Nurserymen, Florists and Seedsmen, I aprl St Paul, Minn. ARGTIG SODA, VICHY WATER And all Flavored Drinks at Andrew : Keller's : Confectionery, Second St, Adjoining The Dalles National Bank. Also Ioe Cream. Cream Cake and all other delicate Refections. my25dy JERSEY BULL THB JERSEY BULL, BT. ii A 31 BERT, wd stand tor the season at the Columbia Feed Yard For service and particulars apply at the yards, nea the Brewery, to SILAS Ob BORNE. aprw GEORGE T. THOMPSON General Blacksmiths, Near Mint building, Second St. Horse-Hhoeinir and General Jobbing a Specialty. races reasonable and to suit tbe times. Situation Wanted A Prehistoric City Discovered, Oaxaco, Mexico, July 7 Mail advices were received here today from tbe state of Cbiapa that a prehistoric city bad been discovered ia tbe dense forests near tbe line ol Guatemala. A party of men engaged in making excavations came upon tbe rains. A great mapy queer ookirjg utensils, weapons and stone or naments have already been unearthed in tbe city. Ia oae .of the buildings have been found tbe skeletons of several hu man beings.' These skeletons - measure from seven to eight teet in be'gbt. Ho ! signs of metal of any kind bave yet been I discovered . Assignee For the sarrlase Company. Cokyallis, Or., July 7 Walter T. Wiles, recently - filed bis resignation as assignee of tbe Corvallis Carriage and Wagoo Compmy, aod ao election to fill tbe vacancy was ordered to take place before tbe clerk of tbe circuit court to day. N B. Avery, of. this city, was nominated and received all tbe votes cast. Parties representing some $15, 000 in claims did not vote and propose contesting the legality of the proceedings. BY FEMALE. Cook or ireneral housework. Ex perienced. Address C.C., Hood Kiver,.Or. .apul A Tree Irelavs a Train. Corvallis, Or., July 7 Tbe regular Oregon Pacific east-bound passenger train arrived here about six hours late this evening. Considerable anxiety bad been manifest during tbe day, owing to a report that tbe train bad been wrecked. This, however, proved false, the delay being caused by a tree falling across tbe track, with no serious results. Pistol Practice by Bank Officers. Fobt Worth, Tex., July 7 A. P. Tnckett, president of tbe Merchants' Na tional bank, which temporarily, aus- A Sto m In Chie.otso. Chicago, July 9 A furious wind and raiu storm patsed over the city between 5 and 6 o'clock this evening, and caught many a craft on Luke Michigan. Four peisons are known to bave been drowned, and in several cases boats were capsized and narrow escapes from drowning were bad. Bv the capsizing of tbe sailing yacht Chesapeake, near the life saving sta tion, the occupants were thrown into the water and four were drowned. Their bodies were nob recovered. The dead are Tbemistocles Fiambolis, William B. Cornish, Ethel E. Chase and Harvey Marlow Tbore who were rescued are George Gray, Edith Cumuton, Frederick Avery, William Avery and William Elliott. The Chesapeake was a well built yar-.ht. aud was owned by tbe Avery brotbers. lue former was captain, and counted skillful in handling a sailboat, When the storm struck tbem tbey were unable to battle against its sudden fury, and before any one on board bad time to prepare for the emergency they were all in the water, some were able to swim, but others were not, and before assistance arrived four lives were lost. The Avery brothers and Grav swam to the assistance ol Miss Compton and succeeded in get ting her back to the overturned yacht. where they were rescued by Captain Mc- Rae, of the tug Robert Torrance. Ethel Chase the young lady who wa drowned, formerly lived in Boston. She was a te'egraph operator employed in tbe Western Union in this citv. Thirty-Eight Buildings Destroyed. Oroville, Cal., July 9 Oroville was visited by a big conflagration this after noon. The fire broke out in the western hotel at 2:45, and spread rapidly to Chi natowo. It swept buildings on both sides ol tbe street for two blocks, but at 6 r. M. was under control. Nearly tbe bame area wa3 burned some years ago, ani onlv a strong souib wind saved the business portion of the town today. Eight brick stotes and 30 smaller build ings were burned. The loss to the West ern hotel is ahoDt $5000, partially in sured. Tbe Chinesu will lose $36,000, witlimall insurance. Herlous Riots In Australia. Vancouver, B. C. July 9 People out of work are in open rebellion in Sydney and British Australia. The steamship Warrinoo brings word that the recent failure of banks have stopped pay.nent for many public works. The contractors and laborers have become desperate, and reinforced by tbe trades people, who lost heavily on account of tbe widespread idleness, compel tbe police to adopt con ciliatory measures in dealing witn them. Tbejlower of the Australian militia is now in Eogiand, hence tbe rioters are more boistrous. Iiienlanders are Happy. Palouse, Wash , July 8 The news of the lieuland decision was received bere with a great demonstration of joy. Tbe Palouse News received a private telegram early this morning and posted bulletins, which caused great excitement. Flags were raised and buildings decorated, and tbe lieulanders took possession of the town. Tbe settlers regard tbe decision as a great victory. Tbey held a large massmeeting in tbe afternoon .and passed resolutions thanking Hoke smith, rec ognizing and expre.sing- gratitude to James Hamilton Lewis for his inval uable cervices and splendid fight in their behalf. The meeting adjourned with prolonged cheers tor Lewis and Hoke Smith. Numbers of all three parties, regardless of politics, unite in celebrating tbe occasion. Cole & Guilford will test cases for all lieulands in tbe vicinity. The examiner of tbe bnreau of claims of Washington has expressed the opinion that tbe decision destroys the claim of the railroad to all lieulands in this in demnity strip Cabinet srrisis In France. Paris, July 9 M. Peytral, minister of finance, has resigned. A cabinet council was held this morning. Wide differences of opinion as to the proper policy to ward the mobs became apparent at once, and a general ministerial crisis is immi nent, M. Dupuy, premier, went this af ternoon to Mairee le Roi- to confer "with President Carnot. .This evening another cabinet meeting was called, at wbich M. Peytral consented to withdraw bis res ignation. . livst Whre Oat Fishing. Wardner, Idaho, July 8 Frank P. Cbilcotte and George Williams started on a fishing trip from bere Thursday. Tbey disagreed as to wbich way to go and sep arated. Williams returned to town, but Cbilcotte has been missing ever since, and' parties are out searching for bim. The lost man is 30 vears old. Previous to bis residence bere he was a soldier in tbe United Sta'es Army, stationed at Fott Sherman, Idano. Itiotlna; Italian Deputies. Rome, July 8 The final debate on tbe bank bili in the deputies today was tum ultuous. Signor Bovio, who bad been energetically pressing the investigation of the frauds, made tbe principal speech. Tbe time bas come, be taid, for all im plicated in tbe banK briberies to explain tbeir actions. He continued: "It tbe senate will aopoint a new com mit tee I will relrain from naming the goii'v men. I demand, bowevtr, that tbe guilty men abstain lrom voting on the measure now- before tbe bonse. If tbey do not I will name tbem." A riot broke loose in tbe chamber as tbe threat was made. Insults were ex changed on every side and a dozen or more fights were barely prevented. After endeavoring in vain to restore order, tbe president suspended tbe sitting. When tbe proceedings were resumed Bovio yielded to tbe importunities of bis friends and declined to continue bis speech, Tbe hank bill was then passed by. a voteof 223 to 135 and tbe chamber adjourned for the summer bolidavs. Kan Over and Fatally Injured. Corvallis, Or., July 8 As two band cars were going to work on the Oregon Pacific this morning Thomas Smitb, a section boss, who was standing on the front car, fell off and both cars passed -I over bim, crushing bis shon der and breaking several ribs, from wbich in juries be died this afternoon. Twenty-Seven People Drowned London, July 8 A yacht havi g on bobtd 30 excursionists capsized off Skeg ness this afternoon. Twenty-seven peo ple were drowned. All tbe persons uniwoed were railway builders, who with, thousands ot other excursionists, had gone to tbe little watering place for a lew days sport. The yacht Stannon, licensed to carry 60 passengers, took out 30 ot tbem.' When well out tbe yacht ws overwhelmed by a thunder storm The darkening of tbe sky, combined witb tlu rain, obscured tbe yacht from tbe view ot those on shore at tbe time of tbe actiient. After the sky cleared tbe jLct.t was seen bottom upward witb three ueu clinging to ber. Tbe other 27 bad I em drowned. An old fish beat, tbe only i-rslt available, was launched and tbe thr;e survivors were brought ashore. Twelve bodies have been recovered. Tbe three survivors agree that nobody was to blame tor the accident, as tbe sudden ness of tbe squall could not be anticipated. A Mailroad Seized. Tacoma, Wash., July 10 Last week men employed on tbe Tacoma & Pujv allnp railroad, obtained judgment against tbe road. The rolling stock was seized to satisfy judgment, and today no trains were mo as the workmen bave posses sion ot the rolling stock but not tbe road bed. Many end loud are tbe complaints from residents living along that line at the sadden stoppage of their only means of reaching tbe city. Tbe company will get new rolling stock and hope to have tbe roao. running in about a week. Tbe road is 15 miles, narrow gauge, and has been in financial difficulty tor some time past. Drowned Her Baby. Milwaukee, Wis., July 10 Last Wednesday morning a baby was found dead on the lake shore near tbe govern ment break-water. From appearances tbe child bad been drowned. Tbe police took the rase, witb tbe result that Mr and Mrs. Seaman B. Mill, who live at Oak Hill, Jefferson county, are locked up charged with the death of tbe baby. Tbey confessed tbeir crime, tbe mother herself admitting tbat she threw tbe child into tbe lake. The couple are chil dren of well-to-do farmers of Jefferson county. A Steamer on Fire.' Oak Poist, Wash., July 10 At 4 a. m. this morning a small steamer was re ported passing Oak Point on fire. Later, parties reported from Eureka tbe steamer was sunk on tbe opposite side of tbat place, and is supposed to be tbe steamer Orate of Skamokawa, and no one was aboard at tbe time the steamer went down. Parties reported tbe steamer on fire at Stella, three miles above bere, and why tbe steamer was not beached or what bad become of tbe crew is a mys tery as jet. Sails For the Arctic. Portland, Me, July 8 The steamer Falcon, bearing the Peary Arctic expedi tion, sailed from this port at 1 o'clock this afternoon. Tbe Falcon was nearly overturned in ber berth at tbe custom bouse last night, tbe fall of tbe tide not having been sufficiently calculated con sidering tbe way the ship was loaded. The mate got heavy hawsers around eacb mast and reaching to tbe dock, so she was held up by tbe ropes. Sbe was rigbted today. A big crowd was on tbe wbarf to see ber off. As sbe steamed away cheer after cheer went up. Pear; When Baby was sick, we pave her Castcrla, When she was a Child, she cried for Caetoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Caetoria, VThsn shs had Children, she gave torn Castoria at or Sixht." The traveling public are now folly alive to the fact that the Chicago, Union Pacifio k Northwestern Line offers the very best accommodations to the public from and to Chicago, Omaha and intermediate points, not only during tbe world's fair, bat all tbe year aroana. From Saturday's Tally. non. v. n. 11. uarur, ot Djtur, is in town to-day. The city jail received no new occUDants last night, and the recorder's court was not a popular resort this morning. The following deed was filed with the clerk to-day: United States to George G, coster; ne qr sec 32, tp I e, r 15 east: cash entry. Little Walter French is verv sick at the residence of his parents iu this city. He contracted cold, by bathing, while profusely perspiring. Judge Bradshaw, wife and son Clinton left yesterday morning for the Willamette vallev, where they will visit friends and relatives for a few weeks. Mrs. Theodore Liebe. Mrs. Frank Bodcr- fern, and Mrs. Boderferh's father, who has just arrived from Germany, are visiting at tne residence or Judge Uoorge A. Liiebe in this city. Mr. W. H. Brooks.of the Grant Dispatch, was a passerjgtr on me atternoon tram en ronte from Portland. He had returned from the Willamette valley, wtiere he had been spending a few days visiting friends. The largest arrowhead we have seen in this vicinity was in the collection of Indian onrios which Mr. Ullrich has in the window of his cigar factory. It is about eight inches in length, and has a glossy, polished surface. The war against thistles still goes on. and hoboes and impecunious "arnuks are be ing worked to an advantage. This is the proper way to manage them, as the citv should receive some remuneration for their board and longing. i no Annie axon mada her hrst trip up to Liewiston last Saturday, says the Teller, after being laid up for a thon ugh overhaul ing, some three months ago. She made the fast tune of ten hours from Ripana to Lew iston, a distance of about eiahtv miles, in cluding three ?top,. Trouting is verv good on Fifteeu Mile creek and neighboring stream. A few days atro a party of three went fishing, and came home in the evening witb over 300 speckled beauties. It is presumed they caught the fish, for there were no Indians around, of whom tbey could have purchased tbem. Prof. Wm. Birgfeld, wife and family left this morning for Tront lake, Wash., where they will spend a few days camping. This is a beautiful place in summer, and there are excellent opportunities for hunting and fishing. It is a frequent resort of citizens of The Dalles, and very many-enjoy au out ing in that pleasant locality. It wil! be a matter of regret to the man; friends of Father Bronsgcest that he has resigned his pastorate of St. Peter's Catholic church in this city, and will reside els -wherein the future, lie has proved him self a eenial, courteous gentleman, and the community will regret his departure. Hia successor will be Father Buchoer, of Ba varia, Germany, who arrived in the city last week. L. F. Burdom was found dead on Thurs day of last week on the pathway between his home and David Straights' p'ace near White Salmon, Wash., where he had been on a visit. It is supposed that death was caused by heart disease as be had been suf fering from heart trouble for some time Mr. .Bur doin was one ot the tew men wno had no enemies and many friends who sin cerely mourn his loss. , There is in Spain a river called Tinto, which has very extraordinary qualities. Its waters, which areas yellow as topaz, harden the sand and petrify it in a most surprising manner. If a stone falls into the river and rests upon another they both become per fectly united and conglutinated in a year. It withers all the plants on its banks as well as the roots of trees, which it dyes the same hue as its water. No nib live in its stream. laughable as well as pointed. His descrip tiou of tbe process of marriage as it is prac ticed in China, their modes of travel, their strange religious beliefs that retarded the development of the country; the origin of tbe customs of wearing the queue, and many others held bis hearers attention until a late hour. Salem celebrated the 4th with a picnic Bere was a sample according to the Inde pendent of the day's proceedings, evidently a 1st of April affair: Quite s large amount of amusement was an'orded at the picnic grounds yesterday by a "lost purse." It was a new and neat lookine affair, stuffed just full enough of paper to call up visions of lots of wealth. A wooden peg was the means ot fastening it to the ground, and this was done so securely that a cart horse could hardly have moved it. The cupidity oi the crowd was amply illustrated by the way in which it dived for that purse. At one time four people saw it at the same mo ment; onn of them was a woman, aod in the confusion they were so badly mixed up tbat if it had not been for the frantic man ner in which she reached foi her fallen hat, it "ould have been hard to distinguish her from tbe men. Mr. W. Lord arrived in the oitv yester day from the new mines lately discovered near the Methow, wbich empties into the Columbia about fifteen miles south of the Okmogan river. In company with Mr. H. P. Michell, of Goldendale, Wash., he made the trio to tbe mines about a mouth aso. and have spent the time since in prospect ing that country. After thoroughly satis fying themselves regarding tne district tbey returned home. Mr. Lord thinks there is mineral there, but its richness has uot been thoroughly tested and will not be until re turns are received from quartz which has been sent to the smelter at Ttcoma. It is a very mountainous region and is difficult of access, there are a large nutn'ier of pros pectors through the district, and thesri are making examinations of tlm grom-.d, prinnt- piny lor quartz lne district is so rough that placer mining is not at all feasible.. During the journey they camped out every night, aud enjoyed the trip very t uch. ' From Monday's Daily. Mr. Grant Mays, of Antelope, spent yes terday in the city. Mr. Richard Palmer, ot Dufur. gave us a pleasant call to-day. Mr. M. Thorburn, ot Kingsley, is regis tered at the Umatilla House. , An ingenious automatic switch, says The Enyineering Magazine, is now applied to the electric lamps in the guests' room in a hotel, whereby the locking of the room door from the outside (but not from the inside) turns off the lights. Many travelers, it seems, doubtless with the philanthropic idea of helping the lousiness of the local electric lighting company, are accustomed to leave the lamps burning at full head when they vacate tbe rooms. Lewiston Teller: News reached the city Wednesday afternoon that two Thornton boys, aged 16 and. 21 vears, who reside in Cornwall, were drowned in Clearwater river, near the mouth of Potlatch creek, Tuesday. From what we could hear the boys were spearing fish, when one ot them fell in, aod finding it necessary to bave help called to his brother, who went to his rescue, lne drowning man secured such a bold on h s brother tbat it was impossible for him to do anything, and the result was that both were drowned.' Here is good advice for you from Peter Cooper, the famous philanthropist: "In a 1 the towns where a newspaper is published, exerv man should advertise in it, if nothing more than a card stating bra name and tne business he is engaged in. It does not only pay the advertiser, but lets people at a dis tance know the town in which you reside is an energetic community ot Business men. As the seed is sown so the seed recom penses. Never pull down your sign while you expect to do business." La Grande Chronicle: The saw mill be longing to Hunter & Fox was bnrned down Sunday night, and 700,000 feet of lumber was destroyed. The total loss was lo,tAKi, insurance, fV.WO. It -is not; Known now the fire originated, as the mill bad been closed down for about three weeks. A watchman was in charge ot the yard, but he did not discover the tire until it was too late to save anything. The watchman thinks the fire was incendiary. The pro prietors. Hunter Sc. Fox, suffered a similar loss two years ago, when their saw mill up the Grande Rounde river was burned. East Oregonian: Tom Dillon, A. J. Dil lon's 14-year-old son, had a distressing mis hap Wednesday afternoon at the Dillon ranch on the Umatilla. He was engaged in operating 'a bay rake and the harness gave way, causing tbe horses to run. Tbe boy was thrown from his seat, and when Dieted np was lying beneath the rake, one tooth having inflicted a severe scalp wound about three inches long. Both bones of his left leg were broken midway between the knee and ankle. Dr. Morrow was summoned from Pendleton and reduced the fracture. Tom is young and vigorous, and will proba ably suffer no permanent damage from his accident. In tbe last days of her life, Mary Queen of Scotts amused herself by malting a oea quilt. Upon a back ground of red, green and black silk, she worked various designs with silk thread of bright colors. In sev eral places sbe attempted emboidered por traits nf noted characters of her time. The resemblances, however, are striking. This auilt was the gift of tbe queen to a maid of l -.u i .1 ,.u 1 honor wno remained witn u iuiuuu wm of power and friends, lbe quilt bas been carefully treasured by the descendants of the one to whom it was given. It was brought by them to this country, and one of them, Senator John Bidlake, ot south Dakota, sent it to tbe fair. A considerable audience assembled last evening at tne uongregationai cnurcn to listen to the lecture of Rev. Jen Hawk, on the customs and religion of the Chinese. For about two hours Mr, Jen entertained bis bearers with a graphic description of the Chinese customs, both secular and religious. His lecture, fluently delivered in excellent English, betokened a thorough scholar, and many of his comparisons of Chinese super stitions witb certain American customs were Mr. M. T. Nolan returned Ust night from a visit to his father in New ork. Ion. F. P. Mays- was a paeseog r to Portland on the afternoon train yesterday. Three hoboes were interviewed by Re corder Dutur this morning, an J a fine im posed on each. Mrs. Geo. H. Thompson, ot Colfax, came down Saturday with her son Heroid, and is visiting relatives and friends in tbe city. In the examination of Wui. Hurst before Justice Davis to day for larceny of cattle, he was held in the sum of $250, la default of wbich he was remanded to the custody of the sheriff. Mr. John Baxter, an old resident of King sley, in this county, died yesterday at his home. He bas been atnicted with oanccr for several months, and death to him was a relief from bodily pain. The rain Saturday was very general throughout the county, and was very bene ficial to growing crops. ' It is not usual, in this region, to experience such a bountiful fall of moisture daring this month. Mr. Otto Pieper left on tbo midnight train yesterday for Walla Walla, Wash., where he will remain some time. Otto was formerly an employe of this othce, and is a young man of excellent traits of character. R. C. Gosmao, of Hood River, was held in the sum of $200 before Justice Henry of tbat town, last Saturday, for larceny of a bor.-e. In default of bail be was committed to the county jail, and was brought to the city that afternoon aud is now in durance vile. . The son of our fellow citizen Mr. Charles Schmidt fell out of a cherry tree Saturday evening, and suffered a sprain of tbe arm. When the boy fell he was only a few feet from the ground, but he struck the ground in such a position as to cause the injury. Mr. A. M. Allen, who has been managing The Dalles' stable of horses that have taken part in the different races in the Willamette valley, returned Saturday niht. Our horses have maintained their reputation in centests of speed witb those ot other por tions tf the state. The Dalles City made three trips yester day from tbe lower Cascades to tbe foot of tbe locks. She came np with a full load in the morning, and transferred this freight to the whartbojt during the day. The land ing is now made inside the canal, but the approach is very rough and rapid. J. A Keeley end C. S. Dubois filed a water notice with tbe county clerk on Sat urday last, claiming 250 incbes of water, miner's measurement, for the purposes of ir rigation and domestic use, to be takeu from Eight Mile creek, at a point near the br.dge where the old saw mill road crosses upper Eight Mile, to be conveyel by ditch or flume to the head of Dry Hollow creek. Dr. O. C. Hollister, wife and daughter Florence arrived home on the midnight train Saturday from an extended visit to relatives and friends in the east. They spent several days at tbe world's fair, and speak in the highest terms of the exhibi tion. During their absence they have vis ited Washington City, Philadelphia, Balti more and other principal cities of tbe na tion. Bro. D. C. Ireland, of 'the Sun, returned Saturday evening from an extended tour of the county. He says tbe rain on tbat day was very general over tbe farming district. The farmers are happy, and, be says, even tbe coyotes smiled from the fence corners as tbe wagon, in which he and his companions were riding, passed. There is no question tbat tbe rain was the one thing necessary for good crops, and a bountiful harvest is almost certain. The Sherar grade; to and from Five Mile, is an excellent piece of road. Every gaily has been bridged, and ia places there are fills" fifty feet deep. The road follows tbe left band bank of the washout coming to Five Mile, and the grade continues to the summit of the hill between tbat creek and Three Mile. Mr. Sherar bas good success in building roads, and this one, if anything, eclipses all bis former efforts. There is nothing more conducive to the growth of town than good roads,and we want as many as possible of these in Wasco county. Eastern Oregon sunlight bas always been the delight ot visitors, the air bas been in vigorating, and the forests bave been a great resort for hunters. Bat blae skies, tbe ozone in the atmosphere, and wild game in glen and wood are not the only attrac tions of the region east of the Cascade mountains. There are also thoasauds of speckled trout in tbe streams, and Isaac Walton would consider it a perfect paradise. The person who can folly demonstrate this fact ia Mr. C. L. Phillips, who makes a tour every Saturday in the neighboring streams, and always comes home with his basket full. On his last trip be caught 170 trout.and some of these were very toothsome, of which fact the editor can bear testimony. a jollification by reason of the recent rain. Tbey believe they will have better crops of grain in that portion of the state than ever before. The Antelope base ball nine beat the Prineville club two tallies at the latter place on July 4th. The only celebration of the 4th of July held in Gilliam county was at Condon, ana the ceremonies were very entertaining. The strawberry season is a thing of the past; but the trade this year has been unusually lively, and good returns have been received. The fish-wheels At tbe Cascades bave caught few fish this season, aod two that caught 120 tons last year have not so far dipped twenty tons. Tbe following deed was filed with the clerk to-day: Larkin Vanderpool and wife to W. fl Vanderpool: parcel of land in Dufur, Ore.; 200. Mrs. A. C Wyndham, Mrs. John Crate and daughter Lucille and Winnie Frazier left on the bott this morning on a visit to Mrs. Robert Dunsmoor, at M osier. Mr. Robert Kelly, of Kingsley, is n the city to-day with twelve head of thor oughbred horses, broken to ride or drive, lie will take them to Portland in tbe morning on tbe boat. Sandoz Bros., on Mill creek, had a val uable horse injured yesterday by running into a barb-wire fence. The animal's lugs were badly cut; but it is expected its lile may be saved by proper treatment. The base ball devotee! bave monopolized Court street, between Thiri and Fourth, for exercises in batting and catching. It would be well for the common council to fence up this square for the boy's exclusive nse. James S. Stewart, the editor of the Fossil Journal, on July 5th, became a citizen of the United States, before Judge Mariner of wiuam county, it may be expected that tbe paper will show an improvement here after. About noon to-day Mr. George Smith, residing near Rockland, Wash., vr.ir tlirowu from a load of hay by the velocity of the. wind, aud suffered a dislocation of the right elbow joint. Dr Bineliart was called and attended to the injuries. "Hero" Richardson, of Southern Pacifio fame, made two or three attempts to escape while incarcerated in the Douglas county jail. It is hoped he will bear his imprison ment in the penitentiary with patience, and not attempt to gain his freedom. The Regulator left litis morning with a large load of freight and a good list of passengers. There is i C':ilIeraVe amount of freight that parses through t interior towns, and transportation u itio middle rive is at lat in the hands of the people. Eugene Guard: The 000 cattle purchased by Stewart and Pickord for 'Carr & t.'o., were started for Eastern Oregon this morn ing via the McKenzie route. The following persons act as drivers: A. J. Packard, Jack Walton, Johnny Stewart, Jack Davis, Bud Hyman, Cbas. Fresh, A If. Walker and Ad. Owen. An exchange indulges in the following wail; but the country desired a change and , it has come: "It really seems that sheep men would bn rather despondent ooder the uow existing circumstances. When ' ne turns bis entire attention to sheep and then is wholly uu ble to ' sell the product of his herd it seems rather discouraging." Hartford Heligious Herald: The re ligious statistics of the census of 1890 re veal the fact that of our total population of G3,000,000 there are 20.643,000 members of Christian churches. This is or is not a bopeful outlook, according to the point of view. If we look at the 40,000.000 of non christian people of tbe United ritates we may(feel appalled at the frightful momen tum of paganism. An editor gets the following notice from tbe Dallas Transcript: "say, Bro. Guild, you lantern-jawed, cross-eyed, measly dia phramical, knock-kneed monstrosity: did you notice that awful name the Telephone Register man called you? He said you was a Decameron and blatherskite; that you had molasses on your fingers and tbe flies were lighting on. We'll help you if you want to go down and castigate bim. Ellcnsburgh Localizer: Two boys.Burch Brotbers, aged about 18 aud 20 years, both light complexion and light eyes, rather low in stature, both wore white cowboy hats; and both bad a greasy look, as if tbey camped out a good deal. One of the horses taken is a blue roan pony, tbe other a dirty white, red roan on back, crooned mane and end of tail cut square. The horses are the property of Mr. Carothers of this city. Mr. Henry Knuckles, who formerly re sided in this city, is now one of the Co lumbian guards at the world's fair, and occupies a high official position. Since he left this city he bas been graduated from a college' in Indiana and has been highly honored in militia circles in that state. Boys from Tbe Dalles always reach the summit when they migrate te ether localities, and this is on account of tbe drill they receive in this city from ex amples of enterprise shown by the citi zens. A few subscribers to the 'Pendleton 4th of July fund refuse to pay because the car load of clams intended for the clam bake spoiled on the committee's hands. This ia just like some people. They are always looking around for some excuse to repudiate their obligations. The committee should enforce tbe collection of such subscriptions by law. How different in other cities. Every dollar subscribed bas been paid with perhaps one or tWo exceptions, and ti.j funds on hand are ample to pay all claims. Pittsburg Post: There is a canal to be opened in Greece which has been a spell of time in construction. It crosses the isthmus of Corinth. Its construction was begun iu tbe time of Nero, in the first century of the Christian era. it shortens the distance be tween the countries of Western Europe and Athens. The gentle Nero first struck the earth with a pick in building this canal, but he had to go elsewhere in tbe empire to attend to more pressing business in putting down a revolt. Ten years ago modern capitalists, took np the idea, and the canal has been completed at a coetof $14,000,000. Winter, not satisfied with lingering in the lap of budding spring appears to be in alined to woo the more advanced maiden Bummer, and the frosty fingers of the old man were seen on vegetation daring the past two or three days. The "oldest in habitant," who is consulted on all extra ordinary occasions, is bewildered at the "signs of the times." There has been no summer, and tbe next blast from tbe north or west may enthrone the "old man of the seasons." In this anno domini, not only wool has reached the lowest figure in price, banks haye failed, bat even the seasons bave not come in regular rotation. . . From Tuesday's Dally. Mr. J. H. McDonough, of Portland, is registered at the Umatilla House. Miss Annie Crimens, of Portland, spent Sunday and yesterday in the city visiting frieads. We are informed that about 250 farmers visited Grant last Sunday from different portions ot Bhennan county and enjoyed For Over Fifty Yeara An Old and Wsxl-Tkibd Rxjudt Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup bas been nsed for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and ia the best remedy for diarrhoea, Ia pleasant to tbe taste. Sold by all druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-rive cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask tor Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Seal Estate Transfers. July 8 United States to Asabella Sluaher; sw qr of nw qr, nw qr of sw qr, aod lots 2, 3 and 4, see 33. tp 1 s, r 13 east; homestead. July 8 United States to W. E E Dufur: n hf of ne qr, and n hf of nw qr or lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, see. 1, tp 2 s, r 12 east; homestead. Union Faoifio Farther -educes Bates. To Chicago $33.60 first class; St Louis $31 first class; Omaha, Kansas City, Sioux City aod St Joseph $30 first class. Rates correspondingly reduoed to all eastern pomts. Conault Union Pacifio agent before purchasing, and yon will be convinced that tbe old Overland is tne cheapest ana quick est route to take. V