The Times-Mountaineer SATURDAY,. .JULY 8. IS!3 GOV. ALTGBLDS ACTION. The Inter Ocean is a fair exponent of the sentiments of Republicans in Illinois, and especially of those in the great city in Chicago. At some Dem ocratic exchanges have seen fit to quote it as endorsing the pardon of the ; anarchists by Gov.Altgeld, we publish the following from its columns of Jane 27th: "Gov. Altgeld has pardoned the three convicted anarchists, Schwab, Fielden and Neebe. In doing so hp has exercised his constitutional right to extend clemency, and even those who deprecate his action must concede that it was his doty to follow the die - tales of his own sense of right. But he did not stop with the exercise of : his Drerocative. He went oat of his way to criticise the judge who pre sided ever the trial court and the chief .detective who ferreted out the tesli - mony in the case. This was without -- excuse and positively outrageous. Many who cordially - approve the am nesty will .repudiate with indignation the attack noon the court and the prosecution. "The awful crime occurred in May, 1886. more than seven years ago. The trial was a long one, and on appeal was carefully reviewed by the supreme court of Illinois. The case was even . brought before the supreme court of the United Stated. Neither of these high courts found anything to criticise. The trial was really a monument of justice and had the desired effect, for there has been no attempt since then to put anarchistic ideas in practica. , It is true that there has grown up in the community a strong feeling in favor of pardoning the convicted men, but this was not due to dissatixfaction with the original trial, but because of the feeling that they had been suffi ciently punished and that because of that trial and. punishment there was no longer any danger from the ml flag and the disorganizing sentiments it represents. "If anything could kindle anew the fames of anarchy it would he the (spec tacle which the governor of Illinois ' mak?8 of himself . in his arraignment of Judge Gary and Detective Boo field. The pardon is only a fulfillment of one of the governor's anti-electiom prom ises, and perhaps few, if any, will, be surprised at it. The demagogical ar gument, however,, with which he pro mulgates the pardon to the world will astonish many, and while it may make mends lor the governor among pro nounced anarchists it will not draw friends either for anarchists or for the . governor from the rank and file of the American people, who love their coun try and believe in law and order." other pests they make op in the 'pernicious scale.' I ha.1 no- idea of the ravages of this pest notil I saw it there, and it was a revelation to me. The sulphur, lime and salt treatment is sate to kill them. Uicd often the . leaves fa.Il in the autumn and again before they leaf out in the spring; bat extermination is hopeless, as they ex tend even to the stalwart pines that cover the landscape, and devastate them so that the evergreen pices tarn yellow and die. Mr. Scbanno showed me a tree in Judge rhornbury'o garden nosptayed, that was a living mass of this vermin, covering every limb ss welt as the main trunk ' All the others had been sprayed and were clean, thoueh the limbs were crusted with an ex cresence composed of the dead scale and their terrible work. This demonstrates the possibility of keeping trees olean and the need of doing it, though tbey mast find a world ot foliate to fatten on in tha sur rounding forests and river growths. I seems as though that region was a natura home for the pest, as it could not be more effective by any human poasibility. When I saw the capacity of this lpfinitesum il fiend for harm it was easy to surmise why the Califoroians christen it 'the pernicious scale!"' Eeal Estate Transfers. Jnue 30 Samuel Brookhouse to Sarah Gorman; w hf se qr sec 22. tp 2 s, r 13 east; SI June 30 United States to Samuel Brook bonse; w -hf se qr seo 22, tp 2 s, r 13 east; homestead. Jane 30 Charles D Wilson and wife to GfO Anderson; lots G, H and I block 81, Ft Dalles military res -rvation; $250. The Faces of Men. Physiognomists tell us that the ha man face resembles that of some ani mal Those who remember the late Henry Bergh will have no difficulty in recalling the equine profile and ex pression of his face. It was remark able. George knot was another ( any dividends that may have The "Changeable Bose" of Mongolia. One of the achievements of the Chinese the one on which they pride themselves above all others. unless it is the art of raising oaks in thimbles is the "changeable rose, a real rose in everything except that it is white, when in the shade and blood red as soon as the sunlight strikes it. The words "as Boon" in the last sentence above do not liter ally mean instantaneously, but one thing is sure, the transformation is rapid enough for the wondering eyes that are' allowed the rare pleasure oi beholding such a wonderful sight After night, or when in a dark room, this curiosity of the rose fam ilyis a pure, waxy white blossom, the thick, succulent petals much re minding one of gigantic mandrake flowers, with the exception that even the stamens and pistils are of the same immaculate color. When transferred to open air, the transformation immediately sets in the time of the entire change of the flower from a livid'whiteness to the most sanguine of all sanguine hues. depending on the degree of suniignt and warmth. First the petals take on a kind of washed or faded blue color which rapidly changes to a very faint blush of pink. The pinKgrad ually deepens in hue until you find that your lily white rose of an hour before is as red as the reddest peony that ever bloomed. St. Louis Repub lic, For Endowing Daughters. In Germany when a girl is born her parents make her a member, of a marriage association. The premium the father keeps up until the girl is old enough to contribute, if neces- sarv. this premium out of her earn ings. When she marries or comes of age, she is entitled to draw the entire amount of the premiums, witn inter blessed with the equine expression on her 'countenance. Dickens' head and face were often Likened to that of a fine dog. In England and America, where Jogs and horses are more thought of and better cared for than in other civilized countries, we find more men whose faces are strikingly canine and equine in profile and expression. Among successful men we often see the piercing eyes and long, bent nose of the eagle. This eagle profile, so seldom found in men of commonplace talents, is much admired by physiog nomists, but physiognomists con demn the eagle's face when a woman bears it The vast majority of men and women of our race resemble sheep, and this accounts for the stupidity and susceptibility of the average man and woman. But those who think or have been told that they look like a horse or a dog must remember that there are "balky" horses and some mighty snappy and miserable dogs. Brooklyn Standard- Union. The following are the comments of an eastern exchange on the cowboy race, which has just finished at Chi cago: "The facts as they stand are that great cruelty has been inflicted upon the horses that are now out of the race, and that great hardships have been undergone by those that re main in it. . It goes without saying that every mile henceforth traveled by the jaded animals will add to the pain felt by them, and to the probabilities of a total breakdown of their systems at the end of the race, if they are able to endure to the end. The race is not a trial of racing skill on the part of the riders nor of speed on the part of the horses: it simply is a trial of the relative powers of horses to resist pain and weariness, and of ability on the part of the riders to so distribute the amount of torture as to prevent it from breaking down the horses before the goal is reached. It has nothing in common with legitimate racing." - A Holy Oil. The love of the marvelous in the thirteenth century was not less re markable in this age than in those which had preceded it In the old French account we read of new won ders in Pales tinenot mentioned be fore, and of the Sinai convent we learn that "there lies St Catherine, virgin and martyr, in a very fair mar ble tomb, which tomb is so holy that a sort of oil from it heals many ills, and the grace of God is shown, in that many wild beasts, which are on that mountain, live on nothing save by licking the tomb of my lady St Catherine and by the manna which kdeclared it to be the most perfect accrued. In England and Ireland the daughter's dowry is not a pre vailing custom. In the middle class, however, not infrequently the father insures his life for the benefit of his daughters severally. This sum they may receive at his death, or by agree ment when they come of age. This form of insurance, it seems, is 1 an endowment for girls that will ap peal most readily to the American mind. Here, as in Germany, the con tract made to run for a limited time, as when the girl marries or comes of age, would put it into definite shape and unlikely ever to become a our- den. The American girl in her pres-. ent alert state of mind and body would in any emergency be equal to keeping up the insurance if it should be necessary for her own benefit. Thus her father would be relieved of the responsibility of her future, and her husband, if she marries, one may hazard the eruess, would not think of her the less for her prudent dowry. New York Evening Sun. Sound In Two Buildings. The First Baptist church of New bury bort, Mass., a structure some 200 years old, has a wainscoting ex tending entirely around it from the choir loft to the opposite end of the church, directly over the pulpit, and by placing a watch on the wainscot ing at either end it is possible to dis tinctly hear its ticking at the other end, a distance of 210 feet The Bee hive (Mormon temple) at Salt Lake City is exactly the shape of a bee hive, only elongated. Here also one can distinctly hear an ordinary whisper from one end to the other, andMme. Patti,who once sang there, Some one had blundered, and the Victoria went down with Vice Admiral Tryon and 400 of his brave crew. If it were the vice admiral himself be paid for bis error with his life; but if Bear-Admiral Markham, he must Btand his trial Jy court martial and subm.t to the consequences. Brave men are foo scarce to be drowned by mistakes of commanders, and -some one should be punished. . W QBflA ftAtlnfrw Pt nNV WVkUVJ In a very interesting letter to the Orego man yesterday, by Hon. S. A. Clarke, of Salem, we n?ake some extracts regarding the fruit pros.-ects of this vicinity: 1 naye lately been in Southern. Oregon, in the best portions of the Willam ette valley, around Vancouver and the Co - Inmbia river, an 1 nowhere have I seen such peach trees as grow below The Dalles. There is no carl leaf, and the trees are great solid balls of heavy green foliage. There the app'es do not scab and fain with fungus; there are no disease, of the peach and prune, and their orchards are more sore to bear than in any other part of thia state. "It is astonishing to see the difference in conditions that prevail in Western and Eastern Oregon. In many respects our Western Oregon country is incomparable. Bnt the region between the Cascade mount ains and the Deschutes river is lui generis Est of there, both soil and conditions of climate are less favorable for fruit, except alona the Columbia and Snake rivers, in the canyons, where fruit does wonderfully, un less some severe winter finds a -tleptu of cold that kills the fruit bads, and sometime the trees outright. This is true, once in a great wnue, as to peacnes, ana the iMlles occasionally suffers, as does . Walla Walla county, bat otherwise each has a safer re gion to grow fruit than is often found in Western Oregon. w- - - --Y "I was impressed with the tonally eood crops on all fruit trees around The ' Dalles The same is true of certain fruit farm on or along the Colombia,-- below The Dalles and at Hood River. One would naturally think that as all the country east of the Cascades is much colder than that west of them, that they would have muoh. more frost there than here, but ..Schannor.of The Dalies, tells me tbey never naye late spring frost there, while they do have them here, and we all know tha late rains are very injurious herewhile tfcey seldom occur 'there. There" is more -of ten want of rains there than too much after bloom time. :. a . '.-, - - -"What the people of The Dalles lack in , falls on the mountain." At Tortosa also was now shown St Lake's portrait of Our Lady, and at Sardenai a Syriac monastery on a rock north of Damascus was the mi raculous image of the Virgin, which distilled oil from its breast By spe cial treaty the Templars were allowed to visit the shrine and collect the oil, which was in high repute and sold for a great price in Europe. - It is often mentioned in the inventories of churches in France as one of the treasures of the church. Edinburgh Review. - - - - It Fetched Him. A down town lawyer borrowed a book from a friend in the same office, took it home and forgot to return it. Several times he was reminded of this by the owner of the book and as many times forgot to put it in his pocket when he left his house. At length, stung to desperation by his friend's gibes, he sat down, and ad dressing a postal card to himself at his residence he wrote on the back of it thus: "If you do not attend to that matter within 24 hours; you may ex pect the worst." "There," he said grimly, "if that doesn't fetch me. nothing wilL" It did fetch him. It fetched him out of a late sleep the next morning immediately after the postman's first visit to explain to his white faced, terrified wife that she was not likely to be made a widow. He offered ex planations and took the book back, but he is not sure that his wife does not believe that he has committed some crime or in some way got into the clutches of a blackmailer. New York Times. building for singing in the world. In this case, however, the peculiar shape of the roof explains the carrying of the sounds so perfectly, but no such explanation is present in the New bury port case. Sylvester F. Deacon in New York Sun. . What He Was. The drummer sat down to the feed on the table-at a hotel, and he did not look as cheerful as Borne men look who sit down to some tables. . The waiter brought in a glass of blue milk and a piece of beefsteak that looked like leather and set them down before the guest Just then another drummer came in and took a place opposite the first one. .They had been working the town together that day. "By Jove, Jim," he exclaimed, "what's the matter with yon? You look as if somebody had been impos ing on you?" Jim gazed sadly at the feast spread before him. "That's it, Charlie," he murmured. "You see before you a man cowed by a glass of milk and bullied by a beef steak," and Charlie ordered some thing else and got the same. Detroit Free Press. TO THE BOYS. Deaf boys, I want to give you A motto safe and good; Twill make your life auoceesf - If you heed it as you should. Obey it in the letter Dont say a thing Is "good enough" Till It can be no better. And whether at your lessons. Or at dally work, Don't be a half way dabbler Sxml slip and slide and shirk nd think it doesn't matter; That such talk is "trash" and "stuff" -For nntil your task is perfect It is never good enough. If your work Is in the schoolroom. Make your lesson tell; No matter what yon mean to be. Build your foundation well. Every knotty point and problem That yon bravely master now Will increase your skill to labor With the pen or with the plow. If yon sweep a store or stable. Be sure yon go behind Every box and bale and counter; It will pay, yon'U always find. To be careful, patient, thorough. Though the work be hard and rough. And when you've done your very best Twill then be "good enough." So you'd better take my motto If yon ever mean to work To any station higher Than a stable boy or clerk. It will make yon independent; It v5l make yon no man's debtor. Then never say "It's good enough" Till it can be no better. Golden Days. A Chinese Legend. "Very many years ago," said a Chinese fortune teller, "there was a redheaded Chinaman in China. - He lived there so long ago that no one now living had ever seen him. Chew Fut was his name, and he was tall and fair of complexion. From some cause not pleasing in the eyes of one of the numerous gods. Chew Fut was known of all over north China. where he lived and grew to man hood. "One day it was disclosed to a few of the faithful that this particular Chinese with the red - hair must die. but it was not explained by the deity why. It is not known to this day why the order was disobeyed, for no steps were taken to end the life of Chew Fut and so a fearful vengeance was wreaked on the people. A ter rible earthquake occurred, and the waters of the sea overflowed the land. engulfing thousands of inhabitants. who were carried out to sea by the receding waters and drowned. "The red haired Chinese was lost at the same time, and it is believed was transported direct to the internal regions, where he must always suffer fearful torture." San Francisco Ex aminer. Rust Preventer. A simple method of keeping iron and steel from rusting is to coat them with a solution of rubber in benzol made about the consistency of cream. It may be applied with a brush and is easily rubbed off when desired. A coating of more use where the ' 'tooth" imparted by rubber would be disad vantageoua is prepared by dissolving 2 parts of crystals of chloride of iron. 2 of antimony chloride and 1 of tan nin in 4 of water. Apply with a sponge or rag and allow to dry. As many coats can be given as are deemed necessary. When dry, it is again washed with water, again al lowed to dry and polished with lin seed oil The antimony solution should be as nearly neutral as possi ble. New York Telegram. 193. Harper's Bazar. NOW READY LIFE AND WOEK OF Jas. G. Blaine 1LUJBTRA.TED TAtPEE"8 2AZA.R is s Jocrail fnr the home. It aires the fullest and latest information shout Fash ions, an! ite nnmerou- 'ions, P.ris deigns and pattern-lb' et supplements are indjs ensat-le .like to th home dress-nuk' r and the professional modiste. No s pens i spared to matte it artlrtui attractiveness of tn highest order. Its brlfrtn stcria, amusing oo-riejies and thoughtful ssrs patiaiy all tastes, and its last page is famous as a buritret of wit and humor. In its weekly issues everv hiwr is included whit n in f Interest to wf.mrn. The Sen .1, or 1888 will bv written bv Waltei Bexmt and Kdua Lyall. brlstine Terhnne Herrick will funixha l ractioal aerie, entit ed "AttheTonet On e King. Olive Thome Miller nd Can lace Whee'er wil b fiq-ent c ntribit-rs. Tbe work .if women in the Columbian Ezritiou will be fully remesented wih many illustrations. T. W. Hlffin- o , in ' Women anu Akn," will please a cultivated audience. HARPERS PERIODICALS. Per Teas: Harper's Magazine $1 00 Haroer'a Wklv 00 Hai-nrr- Bi2r " "arner'a Young- Poole 00 Postage free to all subscribers in the United Stoles. Canada ana Mexico B Prnf. John Clark RMpith. LL D Amt-rii'a's grnatt'st living H tori.n; an G'-neral Selilen Connor, ex- Govrrnnr of .'Hup, anil Mr B ame' life-long ind hosnm rienil. -f The Only Authentic Work Published On which the authors have been encaged tor over a year. Sold Only on Subscription. Tbe Volumes o' the Bazar bpgin with the fi st Number for Jainarv nt t wit er. ne no ume i mentioned, suliecr ptinns will be'in with the Num ber current at the time oi it ceipt orner. Bound Volume ,.f Harper's Bazar nr three rears hack, in n-at cloth bmni. - will be sent by mail. p t ge pad. or b exp ess. free of exiense (pro vided the ir. unt dors not exceed one dollar per vol ume), lo 97 er volume. Cloth cae for each vo'ume. tuitahle for binding. will be sent bv mail, p let-paid, on re eipt of 81 each. Rf mittanceR sboulu he ma-e by p stoffice monev order or dr ft, o avo-d cbf! ce 0 loa. tfeugpapen are not to copy thia advertisement without the exprea order of Harper Brothrrt. Address: HAI PtB BltlTH KhS, Iew York. 1893 We mnrerelv warn hook canvas rn ami tie luhlic neoinst slloMtins themselves - erl aatrav and cheated hy any of th' "carch-p-ni'y so called "hiourarhiee of the great Statesman which will be thrown i the market in a ery short time, and hieh consist nf nothing hut a collection of old and unreliable newspaper c iutiini? UO"'t no earned away bv any n trine ami t racrive circnlHr that ynn mav receive re- '-i to; to any foch book heciuxe what yon tant is THE ONLY STANDARD WORK o-i the life of the illustrious 3tateman. Harper's Weekly. ACENT$ ILLn.VTRATKD. H'RfERN WEEKLY is ackro leoVed s stand ing 8t amne illustrated weeklv pe l .Ileal- ii America It occupies a i-'ace bewe-n that if tht liured dailv iaierand thtl of the les time" onihly ma azine. Itincudo- both l'ternture and new, and present with equal force nnd felicity the real events oi current hn-tory and the imaginative then em ot taction n acciU'-tnf its verv coinp e e aerie- ot i'lu-tr tiona of the World'a Fair, it will he not on v tbe b at snide t the irreat exposition, ut alo ita bent so- v nir Every puhlf- er-nt of sre er I interest will be fu'lv il u-trtted in its pages .t c ntrbutiona being from the best writers and artist in this c-uniry. it will continue to excel in I ter- ture. news nd i.luatiations, all other publication its class. HARPERS PERIODICALS. PssYbar: Harpers Magazine. S4 H) Harper's Weekly 4 on Harpers tfezar . 4 O" Harr r'a Young People 00 Postage free to all Subscribers in the United Statest Laneaa ana nextco. TheVlumes of the eek'y bar'n with the first num erfor Janeary of each year. Wl-en to time is mentioned, subscription will begin with the uum ber cum nt at he ' inie of receipt f or er Bound Volumes of Harper's Weekly for three vearna-K. m next cioin oind-ng. am oe sent oy mail, potnge pid, or y exprea, free of expense (provided frei.nt oes ot exceed one dollar per vol ume), for $7 per volume. Cloth coaea tor each vo'ume, suitable for binding. will he sent oy mail, post-paid, on receipt of 9 1 eacn. Kemttsncc8 should b made hy posteffice mone raer or arair, lo avoio " ance ot K8. Newspapers are not to com this advertisement without the express order of Harper ic Brothers Address: HAJtPEK & BROTHERS, New York. wn ted all oer this state- S'eadv workers can mak sure of earning 5100 week for the nex t'ree monrha. - S-!id at once for special cir culars and further ptrtiuular- or send f 100 tor outn J to the DOMINION PUBLISHING CO., f7 Seattle, Wash WE TELL YOU nothing new when we state that it pays to engage la a permanent, most iieaitny anu pleasant pun ness, that returns a profit for every day's work. Such Is the business we offer the working clasa! We teach them how to make money rapidly, and guarantee every one who follows our instructions faithfully the making of aKMNf.uu a montn. kvery one who takes hold nowuud works will surely and speedily increase their earnings; there can be no question about it ; others now at work are doing It, and you, reader, can do the same. Thia is the best paying business that you have ever had the chance to secure. You will make a frave mistake if you fail to give it a trial at once, f vou graap the situation, and act quickly, you will directly find yourself in a most prosperous business, at which you can surelv make and save large saius of money. The results of ouiy a few hours' work will often equal a week's wages. Whether you are old or young, man or woman, it makes no difference. do as we tell you, and suc cess will meet you at the very start. Neither experience or capital necessary. Those who work for ns are rewarded. Why not write to day for full particulars, tree .' je. u. allea THE CAXIF0RNIAN Illustrated MAGAZINE ARE YOU I Is your Urine thick, low spirited. Iropy,cIoudy,or hili- ana sunering coiorea? jjcrrtwaiti from the ex- Your KIDNEYS are cesses of being rained. Use youth? If so, Sulphur Litters. Sulphur Bit- One bottle of Sui ters will cure phur Bitters will do yon. you more good than sssBsssassasMsssBsl all the Latin pres criptions of drugs and mineral poi sons which will remain in your sys tem, destroy your bones, and make yon a poor, weak, and broken down invalid. No person can remain long sick who uses Sulphur Bitters. Ii Tbe Deadly Cutlery Trade. A foreign statistician has recently compiled figures relating to the bane ful effect of the unavoidable inhala tion of metallic dust by cutlers and file cutters. -Assuming, he sayB, that in the case of an ordinary active ex istence in a healthy atmosphere the number of deaths per 100, 000 artificers is 100, the figure of mortality result ing from consumption and other lung complaints among the ' first named workmen would be 383, and among file sharpeners 396. The death rate prevalent in the cutlery trade would, it seems, be much heavier were it not that tihe allied handle manufactur ing trade is included in the statistics. Altogether the number of fatal ter initiations to pulmonary diseases among cutlers and hie cutters is nearly equivalent to the aggregate deaths among fishermen from all causes, including accidents, which are numerous. London Iron. Real Balm of Oilead. . . . The real balm of gilead is the dried juice of a low shrub, it is said, which grows m byna. It is very val uable and scarce, for the amount of balm yielded by one shrub never ex ceeded 60 drops a day. -According to Josephus, the balm or balsam of gil ead was one of the presents given by the queen of Sheba to King Solomon. The ancient Jewish physicians pre scribed it evidently for dyspepsia and melancholia. Philadelphia Ledger. The injury done to vegetation by pelting rains is incalculable, and those who have watched the benefits of applying moisture only to the roots can appreciate the difference. Mankind is ever looking for sym pathy,-and undoubtedly that is why we tell of our woes more readily than we do of our pleasures.' t r-. Emotion turning back on itself, and not leading on to thought or action, is the element of madness. J. Ster ling. . . . , - IJttle Things That Bother. Perhaps you do not want your pres ence known and down goes your um brella, or, still better, your scissors fall with a whack 1 Perhaps you make a beautiful cake and leave out the eggs and flour I Tou accost a stranger, mistaking him for a friend. You feel at peace with all mankind and a hand organ strikes up near by; you try to sew and your thread either has no knot or is all knots, and your thimble is too large; you stumble going up an aisle or ascend ing a platform; your hair comes out of curl when you want to look your best, and the terrible infant mentions a few incontrovertible but embarrass ing facts in company. Boston Com monwealth. One Way to Break Glass. it is scarcely credible, out it is a fact, that a glass can be broken by the voice. If you strike a thin wine glass while you hold it by the stem, it will emit a certain note in met cases a pretty, deep one. On ap preaching the glass rapidly to youi mouth and shouting into it the same note as loudly as possible, the vibra tions of the glass being thereby ex tended, it will be shivered into frag ments. This used to be a favorite experiment : of Lablache, the . re nowned basso, who, when in com pany : with his friends, thus broke one after the other "all the glasses that were handed to him. Exchange. Negro Graves In tbe South. Negro graves in the far south are sometimes curiously garnished with the bottles of medicine used by the departed in their final illness, and the duration of the malady is easily guessed by the number of bottles. Often .these are the only things to mark the mound, and everything about the graveyard bears the marks of the haste characteristic of a super stitious people in all matters concern ing the dead. New York Press. . A young man at Niagara, having been crossed in love, walked out tc tbe precipice, gave one lingering look at the gulf beneath him and went home. His body was found next morning in bed. ; The suggestion is passed on that books with white and very delicately tinted bindings are cleaned in book stores by rubbing the covers with a bit of chamois dipped in powdered pumice stone. YOUR DAUGHTER'S FACE is covered with ugly sores, and fest ering Pimples, give her Sulphur Bitters. Ladies in delicate health, who are all run down, should use Sulphur Bitters. If one better. . Try Sulphur Bit ters TO-NICHT, and yon will sleep well and feel better for it. Sulphur Bitters will make your blood pure, rich and strong and your flesh hard. fXa I.aH1a nnxir i vrov ca vvvw uwn, Ar You nervous and fretty, or in DELICATE health? Sul- Is phur Bitters will make a n ew person of you, Poblifhed in San Francisco. California. hai a circu lation all over the world. Its growth during one year u positively pnenome- mi id trie nnat or maga zine literature, surpassing every other maguin In the worl in the same spa- e of time. The reasons are obvious. It has strong financial backine. Its contents are replete with typ cal descriptions oi ai tornia ana racino uo&st suojects seen err, climate, fruits anil flow rs. It- rane of topu-s Is cosmopolitan, emb'actng SKetcne- oi curopean ana uneutai scenes and char cterit)iics. It disrufwe" without bias or Darttsan lesl. the liv ing questions of the day. It owns and controls its entire plant, including type, the largest pr sacs on the ooant. a complete ! h If -tone and outfit, and employs its own artists. It- aim is to develop the natural, commercial, so- iitJ and literary cap it es f Western and Interior menca; to present nly what is pure in toe, in structive in nutter and int-rBting in frm . The price of this mag. sine is 3a ear. postage prepaid. The Bub-criptinn list is lncreasimr over ' twelve hundred a moniL, :nd it has a arger orcula- t on on t'e Pacific coast than any othr magaaine in tbe world. We present to every annual subscriber a beautiful picture. 16x2f inches, of one of tbe 'Id California - idsio' s, or a view from tbe far-famed Yosemiie j Valley, it is the in nu n of the publishers to offer a varuty i neautuui pren.inm iur ..nnuai fUMcnp uous, commencuir aiui ine January, ity, number. CKLIFORNIKN PUBLISHING CO., Academy of 8 lence Building, 8 AN FKAU CISCO. ' CALIFORNIA, For this great Premium List, from a California Curi- I oenv to a siuu uivaa . ova Legal Notices Application f r Liqu r License. 1) 4 JHPVT Wm portanitfes, and tnm Uit aaae liv. in ymvenj sad 41. RIP" ST I... A hi. OMNII f.Hltvl nG Yours, Keader. l..mAjorilr neUot thr op- abieoritrl BMTOwtag daipslr is ttalul ot uthaj lock but o lost, lorsTST loss, ososramiiy. ui pi..i Inzi, Bo so ana aolnc. li.pnTS7aroppsrn. offers Si iriod oriUBl I Jio or o. I k or rUhes ; till to so o mis' ibo dopu-BO. iMnr So rotam." Uiw &om11 Jm Una th. coldem .aaorterjItTt loTOMlate evtn vImbco SIms appwtra worttij, na of Stir proml ; tlint Ih.IimiU so. co BUmosdo.IioroiouoppMrtnblrjr;oabMbnlor wilhia tkoreiickut Isooriaxponplo. liapnnwi. It at lout, a srsnd start la Ufa. Ilia soldi: o;" many is hora. &lnny to bamada rupWIrc::! I ...f bjrnnyiBdMotriooaDertfmaf aiUioraex. AllRffwa. .n can do tba vorfc aad lira at botna. whoravarrffu are. cram aa fdnam ara Iry earning Iropi fc3 to S 1 or d jr. Yea can do ai wall if yoa will work. too k.rj. auliuihntrl oaaly;aadyoacaDiDwaaaoyoarlcnaMnsynairooa. Tm can pi to spare Umeealy, er arl ynw time ta tbe wnrk. Easy telaara. UesHel so. ratpiired. We atari roa. Allleeom paratrrerv sew and really wonderful. a instraot and shew yea bow, fraw. FaftaroonknawB ammo; our work e. Kb raara t explain kere. Write and loarn all free), y rani math Jawiee lo Jelay. Ac..r?s at eiee. If. UtaUett 4& Co.. Isox Sbtt. Portland. Alulae, Cabcads 1 ocas. Falls Prictkct, Wa-oo County State of Oreg-1 NOTICE 19 HEREBY f IVEN THAT I. R. Field, cf si'i prne nct a- d county, will, nn Mir 81 d y of J'llv, 11493, apply to the O orjtv Conrt ' f the above named county for a license to : sell .pi itu us m ilt ind vu.ous liquors in less quan tities tnan one gallon FOR WHIPS ffl -S25 FEATHERBONE la matte from QCII.I.H nature's own toughest material, best wblps made for tbe price. Cheap, Durable, STYLUS.' all price", ask your dealer for a VTf I rr in nn IPOS. 8A B y ' Lift IRU HENRY KUCK, - The Dalles Or. JTer"WI Bend 8 9-cent atamm to A. P. Ordwsv & Co. REV 10RK. ABECTRinry TIrst Class FaatcaS aad Placet la .the WarlaV Per iajYi-mrwiavrifWiB luirTiniwa. OHDCMOERRY AI0 6LASB0W. Bl,l futnTlMT. NEW TOBK. OIBBALTEB and NAPLES, At regular Internals. SALOON, SEC0N0-0LASS AND 8THRABE rates on In west terma lo and from the niinetple aOOTOH. XX3LISB. BIBS k ALL QOSTBWtTeL FOOTS. Exeursfcm ticks ta available to return by either the plo toxeeqno Olyde at If orth of Inland or Naples A Gibraltar uruis ass nooey eratn air abosm m ' even uus. . Apply to any of our local Afe-nts or to HBNDE&SON BROTHERS. Chicago, ILL, AGENTS WANTEI" Apt ly to T. A. HUD-ON oeral Agent. The Italics Or. Jan -H NOTICE. I HAVE A PATENT FfcUIT DWFR, the be t one in the United States, and two-i birds cheaper tnan snyoiner oner in toe sutte, ana will ar I run at one-thitd less lime. The trayssrork on s revoiy inr whi-el. A boy t n Tears old can dry fruit as well as a man. if be knows how to applv the heat. Tney can be built sny size one that .ill dry 600 pounds up to three tons and any farmer ran do the work. One th t will cost S1A0 will dry 3000 pounds. Jt will dry Italian prunes in 16 hour : Peteita in 10 honrs; Silver in. SO hour. 1 wi'l t-el! tb ru;ht to build one for .60 and guarant. e they will do wht I laim or money returned. For further particulars, inquire at Chrismaa at Corson's store and ee model. mchl8 OK. CUBISM M. THE GRANT HOTEL J. B. GRANT, OREGON. KENNEDY, PROPR. ' CascADs Locks. Falls "arciscr. Wascu Cou ty. State of Oregon To the Honorable County Court of Wasco County, - Oregon. We. the under urned taxpayers snd legal voter of Falls Precinct, county no suite aforesaid, resiiect- lully petition tour nonoraoie court t graot a li cense to H- Field to sei spi itrtous. vinous and malt liauor at the town of Ciscade Lock. n said P'ecinct, in ie-s quantities than one gallon f.r tbe penoa oi one y ar: SAMSS. Pat L b er H A Leavens . Matt Welch A J Knixhtly W Lake Wm Day Ed Ejralner Wm Stratton Kenneth ftfcKenzie Eiick e!sou Tnomas Badden O S Hen y C H Trark Jut Habinirer, Mel Leavens Jos rebmidt Wm Ouncan COAL! COAL! -THE BEST- A Fleischhiuer A 8 OI zjer Rudolf echmidt H Glns er Geo B fltrd O s Lams JCB Lurnene Aukust Haz)bloro Nela Nelson A J Hall ouis Grbhard J T Or th D L Cates O A Brolliar P trick Su livan EAalnick Tboa Cope Wellington, Eock Springs, and Boslyn Coal delivered to bd; part ol $13. Backed and the city. At Moody's Warehouse. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. - Lamb Optics at Tasoocvsr, wash. Mav 20. 1883. Notice is hereby gi'en that the following named Settler has filed notice nf his intention to make final nrooi in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be mede before W. B. Dunbar. Commissioner United Slates Cin uit Court, omtrict ot Waohinimnn, at his office i.. Goldenua'e, Wash., on July 10th, 18KS, y -z : JUHST C CRAWFORD, Purchase Anplicition Nn. 637. under Section 3. For leiluie Act, sept. 29. 1800. t than r lb west quarter O Hoc 8 Tp 2 N, Hf 4 . , W M. He names tb- following w tnessee to prove his claim U ltd land vis V rnon T. Cooke, Henry F. Brut.e, Levi R. Hilleary, W Iliam l. Giiuiore, all of (J rand Dulles roatomo , Washington. . my27 JOHtt i. UK GHtOAN. Register. Cut Flowers for Hi -BAVS all style f wires, inc'ndin? Odd Fellows. Kninhtnuf lythiM. MM-n and Woodmeo Ue- Mims. It very thine in rleral Uecora4oDS luinisbta on short notice. Prices reaaa.hie. A. C 8 U"LINO. junl Corner Eighth snl Lib- uy Ms.' f QfJ Puie Gflflds and Fnll Wefghf, GO TO A ct.c Can fy Fact.fy This -cndGrful tTopfiration la Pnrcly Vcjetf.ble : coirpctir.clcd from the prescription of the OCLoial physician to the Court oi Spain. " Espano " recreates Mental and 2serre Poorer in Man and Woman. An infallible remedy for Nervous and General Debility, Nervou9 Prostration, Creeping Paralysis, "Weakness caused by Debilitating I.os3es, Excesses or Over-Indulgences, In cipient Softening: of the Brain or Paresis, Dizziness, I,oss of Memory, Confused Thoughts and all Brain, Nerve or Sexual Weaknesses. It has no equal in restoring the Stomach and Brain to its normal condition following the abuse of Alcoholic Beverages, or indulgence in tho Opium, Morphine or Chloral habit. THE GREAT SPANISH BRAIN AND NERVE REVIVER Have you abased the laws of nature and injured your nervous system ? Are you despondent and melancholy with confused ideas and gloomy thoughts ? ' ESPANO " will positively cure you. It contains no mineral poisons and is remarkable for awakening organic action throughout the system and an improvement in every tissue. It produces better muscles, bones, nerves, hair, nails, skin, blood and gives vigorous life to tho unfortunate who has exhausted his powers. Prepared in tablet form and packed in boxes convenient to carry in the pocket. Each box contains 90 doses or enough to last one month and is worth many times its weight in gold. The price $1.00 per box or 6 boxes for $5.00 if ordered at one time and a guarantee will be given that any case men tioned above that it does not cure, the money will be refunded. As to our financial standing we refer to any bank in this city. Sent charges prepaid to any address in United States or Canada. Put upin plain wrapper with no mark to distinguish what it is. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address, 1 Stockton Street SAN F3ANCISC0, CAL., U. S. A. An able Brain and Nerve Specialist can at any tirno be confidentially consulted entirely free of charge, personally or by mall, at tho above address. 0$ -0 kThgis OMAHA. KANSAS CITY. ST. PAUL, Chicago, St. Louis, AlfD ALlJPOIKTR EAST. NORTHIand SOUTH. Leave The Dalles..... Arrive at The Dalles., f 8 05 A. M. " 1 25 P. M. I 4 05 P. M. "Ill 65 P.M. PULLMAN SL) EI IR , COLONIS S1E1 IFBS, R1CUNI G CHAIR CABS And DINERS Steamers from Portland to San Francisco Evbrt. Foca DATS T ckets to and from Europe. THE GERMANIA, STUBLING & WILLIAMS, PROPS. Wines, -Liquors and Cigars. Fine All brands ot Importeil L'qnors, A and Porter, and Genuine Key West Cigars. A full line of -CALIFORNIA : WINES : AND : BRANDIES. welve-year-oM Whiskey, strictly pure, tot meolciu.U por Dnees. Malt Liquor. OoUimbU drewerj beet ou dtaugnt. ISO Second Street. 'FIIF3 UALLFS, OI?. San i Francisco i Beer i Hall I.IOXIi.l-' Proprietor. WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS. ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. COLUMBIA BREWERY BEER ON DRAUGHT. Ft rates and s-errral information cal' on R. E LTTLE, Depot Tieket Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. W. H. HURLBrKT, Asst. Gen. Psst Apt, 254 Washington M., Portlaod, Or FRBM TERMINAL OB 1K1ERIUR POINTS Northern Pac. KAILKOAD Is tbe line to take 0 ALL POINTS EAST AKfl SOUTH It is the Dining Car Route. It rent Thrnutfh Te-S iibnled Trains tery Day io tiie ytw to ST. PAUL dnd CHICAGO. (SO CHANGE OF CARS.) Cnnipu cd of Dining Cam uneurpvpferti. urawinK-rxro Mecpeta .i Liuet Equipment ul ma Beat TOURISrS SLEEPING CARS. that can b- rorstmcipi. and In which acoom modation eie lioth Free and Farnieheu Jut bt-lders of First or Second class Tick fits, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Line, Connecting with All Lines, Affording Direct and Uuinterrupted Service. Pullman sleeper reservations can be secured In ad yance throujrb any sgent of tbe rosd. HROUGH TICKETS TOLV?dA! iigland and Karope can be purchased at any ticket otfic6 ot tbe company. Fnll information co rnhur rates, time oi train. routns and other det.ils furnished onbaj plication to W. C. ALLOW AY, Arent D P. A. ft Co., Regulator office, Tbe Dalles, Or. A. D. CHARLTON, . Asst General Passenger Act., Mo, 121 First St., Cor. h . PORTLAND. 0EOON WORLD'S FIR THK SECOND 8TREET, BE I WEEN LLE-, UNION AND COURT OHKOOft The One Price Cash House, COR. SS OXD AND COURT STSM J. P. IcINERM. lE A LEI1 IN- Foreign and IcquIh 1 13 Cccds Hats and Caps, Roots and Shoes, &c. Agent for the Battenok Patterns; also for the Hall Basasr Dress Forms. Chas. H. Dodd 1 WW IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, AND nnnirvr DUUHC1E 1 h n 1 1 I IMVIIIfil fro 1 II tl m al kt M. kkC X JbaaS SL 1. U FRONT, FIRST AND VINE STS., PORTLAND, OR. 'REAPERS ANO mowers m, Ti. tba many superior points that hsrs characterised the old rellabls Barkey Mowers have been added many new features Inolnfltna. at uum n - - - . - v...- .M lirilne the cutter bar, etu. "stviafcf DODD'5 N2 2 STEEL HEJDER Effifiodyimc old jrtBcijles ua isw LmproTEmenti, esjcdallj hapten to Orcsoi, WasMnnoii ?U Kilo. HAND & SELF- FULL CIRCLE i (V ' ... I ?- ii i mmmm MM? HORSE JLm. JF - , 1 ALL STEEL apU-tf No. 238 Second Street, East tnd. . J. FOL 0, Prep NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. Lajtd Ornca at Tda Dallbs. Oasoon, June 21. 1893. Notice is hereby siren that the fuilowinsnamed settler hit filed notice ot his intention to ke - final proof in support of his claim, and tLa said proof will be mule before the Register ud Receiver oi l.e u. B. lana omee at me uaues, ur., on eduesdAV, AUipist V. 1HUH, is: CHARLEi K1RKBAM, of Dufur; re emption D. . N.i 7299, fr the nu of NWW. and of ft w, m secza, rp i a. h i k, n. He names tha foilowins witneeaea to pruve bis continuous remoenoo upon and cultivation ot said land, vis: J. W Monteomerv. G. W. Otey. J hn Decker. I. B. Humbert, all oi B yd postoffice, urecon- jun24 - - - JOHN IV. LEWIS, Register.' SOMETHING WOR H KNOWING Th:it it is more easv to cure tboe stiff orine from nervi'us d- bility, ea ly decay, urssnic weaknesses. CAhaustins los s. in mau or woman, than almont any o ber chroi ic olease. After years ot study and expenmentwe nave tbe remedy. N quaes treat m oi. IH ot despa r 1 o tret past imooaiti,nn on our purse, p iat outnures on your CO' fldenoe past fa lures i y remedy Is t,f to-diy- a pneuive cur. . V.,u bave tried thm all; try this, ii never fails btate co dition. and medicine will be sfn priatel on receipt of 3- Address Loc k B-.i 87. Purtland, tin sn JN. d. i-eierencs as to re&p inaibiutj". ma20-lvr NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. The-table h provided with the rwat in thf market. Transien' trave era i ' be accommo daud with tbe b s meas furnishtd by any 'ts-1 in town. ri22 ; GEORGE T. TH0K1PS0!. General Blacksmiths, Near Mint building, Second St Horse-Rhosins; and Oenersl L Jobbing; a Specialty. rnces reasonable aad to salt the times. WANTED.. LA DIEM who will do writing tor ms at their homes will make soud warns. Bsnlv w th seu addrssssd, stsnnod envelope, - - muoa atiloiUKU MUXES, nv26 south Bend, tnd FOR RENT. THK BUILDING ON Union and Court. FRONT HTRKET, between For terms, apply to H&S, Aw sLaBOJtZET. Lasd Omci at Tub Dllss, Orboob. June z3, IxOi Notice is hereby riven Unt the fnllowinK-named settler has filed notice of his intention to nuke final prof In support of his eiaim snd that std proirf I , , will be made before the register and receiver at Tbe I Lneap at usiies, n., ou n eonesaay, a.uus& w, loao, tik - JOHN E. McOOKMIOK, of The Iiailes; Homeatead Application No 2611. for the E4 nf W is. snd w) of M4J aud a&t oi act, oi a c it, lp lS.uljE.WM. He namea the fllow ng witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, land, vis: J.eeph Means. Peter Omeg, H. L. Pow U, GeotyS D Martin, all oi ine Dalle poewmos, uregon. un2 : JOHN W.. LEWIS. Register. County treasurers Notice . ' All conntv warrants registered prior to Jan. 1. 1890. will be paid on presenta tion at my orfioe. . . Iotprest ceases after tbia date. - W illiam Mich ell, . - , County Treasurer. Tbe Dalles, May 22. 183 Shade and Ornameutal Trees, Flowering Shrubs, Vines, Hedge Plants, etc., WANTED ?! To repreitent cur well known homo. You nee t do capital to represent a arm tiitvt warrai to nurseiy stock 6rat-elbvtui a d true to name. Work all the vear. 1100 ft montn to toe mnt man. Appiy, Bti SCJ. 1j Is. m liU-, Ktirsorymen, Florieta and Seed em en. aprl St Pstul, Min. JERSEY BULL mHE , J. stand for the season at the Columbia feed Yard For service aad particulars apply at the yards, nea the Brewery, Ut - til LAS OBBORN& , - aprlT ' ARCTIC SODA, VICHY WATER And all Flavored Drinks at Andrew : Keller's : Confectionery, Second St., Adjoining The Dalles National Bank. Also Ice Cream. Cream Cake and all other delicate Refections. my26dy FOUND. AN OPEIt-FACE, S1LVKK WATCH; CHAIS attached. The owner can have the same by proving iiropertrand paying for this advertisement. Apply at the freight depot. JAMES CAKNABT. BOOK 1 BOOK 2. BOOK 3 BOOK 4. HEAD Till.-. "Review of Our Country," by Hi d. James O. Blaine. "New Life of Columbus," by J. W. Boel. "Complete History of America," from the landing of Columbns to the present time, by Fruf. John Clark Ridpath. "Pictorial History of the Co lombian Exposition." by Hon. Benj. Buttersrorth. 'i HAY PHFS.QP.Q The above four great works bv four great authors, every line of which I only jua t wrltU-p. be been bound nu into one mar-sive volume of nuarlv 900 PAGES and 500 ILLUSTRATIONS, Under the Title of "Coloius and Columbia." The greatest subscript' n book evr published in thia counirv anu oi waico A MILLION COPIES Will be sold during e next six months. APEMTQ Wanted all over this state. Better AULIslO terms tbn ever. We iruarantee to tiie rint parues sou a wees pront fr-m now on to Chrittmss, and a first clsss ROUKD-TKiP TICKET to the YVOKU V rAIK snd one week's sdmission to the t.xpoaition absolutely free. Also other valu- ablr reuuums. We hare D cntv of csnitul at ou- command and east and trrZi do exactly a hat ee sav. Send at once for special circulars and further par- ticulxrs to the DOMINION PUBLISHING CO.. Seattle Wra.slilri a: ton ' i (a HAY LOADERS HAY TEDDERS ADRIANCE- REAR DISCHARGE BINDER Tlic tightest, best balanced, most economical Binder made. BUCKEYE STEEL FRAME BINDER. SCHUTTLER FARM & MARKET WAGONS, AU-LTRIAfl'S STIR TRACTION ENGINE. THE NEW STAR VIBRATOR An Entirely New Machine built on new and successful principles. r5 A .sat-r3 L LVj Ulill i '-'w rf;-'' -sV. FOR FINE CARRIAGES, PHAETONS. TOP BUGGIES, CARTS, ETC., FARRIERS CARRIAGES, EQUNTAIN AND FINE ROAD WAGONS. 1893 CATALOGUE FRCC. THE DALLES LUMBERING COMPANY 13 1 Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Manufacturers of ilcling- Material and Dimension Timber DRY Cows Herded. ANT PERSON desiring cews herds this summer can have it dons at -the e t of Al m- nt b. The coal will be taken t- grood pascures and proper care tasen ot them. Leave oriers at Mr. L. Butler's mcnS MRS. 1 t)HHXi. PROMPT DELIVERY Office x- 63 i ht K H'. Flit, pjm:, OAKand SSIA 13 TO ANY PART OF THE CITY, .WOOD E. W. H ELM & CO., Situation Wanted BT FEMALE, perienosd. CoosTor freneral housework. Ex Address C. C, Hood River, Or. splUj CORNER OF UNION Successor to Floyd & Shown.) AND SECOND STREETS. THE DALLES DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, FINE TJILET SOAPS. COM BS, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, ETC fure Liquors for medicinal purpose. Physiclana' Prescriptions;., Specialty