no The Times-Mountaineer SATURDAY JUNE 10. 1893 The American convert to Mahom medanism promise that a colony of immigrants of this religious belief will soon settle and make their homes in the United States, It may be that the cosmopolitan character of our pop illation need this addition to make it complete; bat the orient will not in crease the enter priseof the west by commingling with its people. The followers of Mahomet have some strange notions about social matters which will never become popular with the Angly-Saxon race. Their polyg amous notion of the marital .relation cannot be permitted, and the Edmunds law will be enforced against Moslems the same as against Mormons. 'Arabian Moslems may be a lower type than Hindoo Moslems, but neither are in any way acceptable additions to our population. They may prosper and fill a "long felt want" under tropical suns, but never in northern latitudes. Court etiquette demands many ex pressions of good feeling and kind wishes, which cannot be measured by the "little hatchet" story. Minister - Runyon, the new appointee to repre sent our government at Berlin, palav ers Emperor William in approved dip lomatic style, and ends by wishing the great German nation continued pros perity. In his own land, Mr. Runyon would roundly abuse the military des- potism of the German empire in elo quent terms, and end the peroration of hia oration bv a fervent wish that Re- publican institutions may cover the earth and that monarchy may sink into shapeless ruins in every country. The old motto remains: When you are with the Romans, follow their cus toms; and, if you are an American The London Ironmonger, in discus -. sing the action of the protection policy C'ia the United States, says that the ' stimulus . to the manafacture of im proved industrial machinery has been very large; that ' France had this ea son ordered a large amount, there be. ine one for 5000 harrows to S. L. Allen fe Co., of Philadelphia, for Tbos. Philter, Pans; another Paris house ordered twelve' car loads of "Oliver" plows: that Sweden had ordered of Walter A. Woods twenty-seven car loads of implements, mostly reapers; South America had taken six car loads of harvesters and hayrakes. The impulse given by the United States since the war to such manu factures has been of much value. A ' Bourbon exchange says: - "No good Democrat can bring himself to believe that Cleveland meant what be said when he ordered the White House closed to all office-seekers." It is un doubtedly a great disappointment to the rank and file that the president whom they elected last November should not pigeonhole national matters of vital importance until he has re moved all Republican office holders and filled their places with Democrats. . This was the reason they voted for him, and to them it is a lasting shame that the doors of the White House are closed against their chtm- orings. What a deplorable state of affairs the Democrats, who- have supported the "time-honored princi ples" through good and ill report, dur. ing the days of secession as well as in times of profound peace, have ' wit nessed daring the past few months. There was a big strike in progress yesterday near Chicago,along the route of the drainage canal between Lamont and Romeo, by reason of a reduction in wages. This is- but the beginning of the end of the financial depression in this country, and as -soon as free coinage is inaugurated and free-trade established there will be more strikes and suffering among the laboring poor than has been witnessed in this country I for many years. Capitalists are the first to feel the pressure of hard times, and they will attempt to recoup their losses by reducing the wages of labor. They can suffer losses without stinting their homes of the necessaries or even the luxuries of life, but the poor man must work or starve. It means the depreciation of stocks to the one and death to the other. Work at the Locks. In a visit to the government works at the Locks recently a reporter of tbe Timbs Mountaihkek bad tbe pleasure of meeting Mr. Day, sr., the person in charge of the construction. He was found to be an agree able gentleman, very practical in bis ideas, and determined in everything ' he under takes. He took great interest in showing the reporter every department, and explain ing matters minutely. iiie track has been laid to the stone quarry on Hermann creek, about three miles distant, and two loads of rock mak ing about 100 tons are hauled to the stone cutting sheds daily. There is now enough material to put stone-cutters at work, and about 100 of these will be hired immedi ately. The tram will furnish enough rock to keep these busy during the season. A better quality could not be procured any where. It is of basaltic formation, and can be easily worked. into any shape. Wires nave been laid and preparations have been made to erect an electrio plant at the quarry, so that work can be carried on continuously. Fuel can be procured obeaply there for power to ran the dynamo, and, if necessary, water-power may bo utilized. When needed electricity may be transmit. ted by wire to the canal. Considerable difficulty was experienced m overcoming the grade np Hermann creek, but this baa been accomplished and trains make the trip easily. The rook consists of large bowlders, and these are split into convenient sizes before being taken, to tbe sheds. These are more easily handled than if the material had to be blasted from ledges, and the supply is inexhaustible. , There will be in operation soon two com pressed air drills and two steam travelers. for working the stone and taking it to its proper place on tbe canal. There are about 175 men at work, but these will be increased by the addition of 100 stone-cutters, and, as soon as the water recedes by a large force in the bed of the carat. Everything is being done by the latest improved rrachinery, and steam, water and compressed air will be brought into requisition. Mr. Day lully nndei stands the such a stupendous undertaking, of the nan of machinery and the employ ment of every man who can be worked to an advantage. Heretofore, by reason of the lateness of the season, and the continu ous rain he has worked to a great disad vantage: but the weather is very favors' le. and the greatest energy is displayed. Mr. Day says the canal and locks will be tin ished in two years, and sooner it possible. He has a thorough understanding of what is necessary to be done, and has the deter mination to pnah it to completion. Our people may rest satisfied that an open river will soon b- a reality, that the contract sys tern will accomplish this object, and that the right men are at the head. Advioe Hot Heeded. Endersbt, Ore., May 24, 1893. Editor TmBS-Motfeuixna: I noticed in jcnr last issue a plan formulated by "Keno" for the resur recting and building up of Dalles City by a new method, which originated Dot in the fertile brain of "Keno," but in the city of Sacramento, Calif. If the article had been written twenty years aeo, "Keno" might have been looked upon -as a hero from away back. As it is, it puts us in mind of a quacK doctor shooting pills down a dead man's neck with a shot gun, in order to bring the carcass to life, and there is about as much sense in it as trying to build np a city that has been dead lor years. There was no record of death kept as there were not enough en terprising citizens left to hold a coroner's inquest. "Keno" evidently has uo knowl edge of the true causes that have led to the retarding of a large city at The Dalles. The writer of this article arrived In the I city in 18"1, and has lived in the imme- vicinity ever since. At that time Win. H. Hand edited the Mount ahjeer, and was always enthusiastic in the future develoDment of the city, which after wards was taken up by the Times Moun taineer nresistently setting forth lis ad vantages as to climate, location and nat ural power to run factories of any kind; but these ideas were always set aside by the everlasting greed of some of her citi zens to obtain a few dollars, whereby they might take ease and comfort and retain the few acres they possessed, and' which was necessary for the building up ot the city. The first great blunder the city made was in keeping up a continuous warfare against the railroad and transportation companies entering the town, which re sulted in the moving of the shops to Al bino, taking away the laboring men . and feeders. And right here, we say, not only the city but all of Wasco county have suffered more or less by the retarding of the city's growth. .Not satisfied with a warfare against the transportation companies, the next war was among the citizens, in which the old water works was the root of contention, and for which the city was bondrd for something over $100,000, with few more water consumers than when the works were-first put in. As all cities have the elements to contend with the little city of The Dalles was not exempt from a gen eral conflagration by fit e, which shook the faith of those that had been enthusi astic in the upbuilding of the city for years. As there is no use in us dwelling on this gloomy outlook of the past, we would suggest a remedy for the future. First deport, with the Chinese, all those that have kept back the -future growth of the city by rushing around stiff legged, buy ing np all the real estate that may be for sale in order to take advantage of what ever enterprise may be started for the benefit of the city and the country at large cheap sand dunes, which, if left alone,migbt become the homes ot innum erable factory hands, where the enterpris ing farmer could sell his surplus eatables, In speaking of railroads to the interior, keep the thing a profound secret, at least nnttl the right of way is secured, or some ot your so-called enterprising citizens will have all the land secured wiihin a radius of ten miles on either side for the entire distance. And now, Mr. Editor, as we have been a subscriber to your paper tor nearly twenty years, and know the stand you have always taken, some of the above re marks will appear to you and perhaps to some of your many readers, like pulling a cat by the tail kidof "against the grain." Yon will, therefore, try to grin and bear it. With all due respect to "Keno" and the effort he has pnt forth to build np the fallen walls, we remain a subscriber . Seville. Found Dead. Hood River Glacier. L. Francesco, Saturday morning fouDd the dead body of Wm. M.- Murphey, about a quarter of a mile from the tatter's cabin. Tbe body was lyiog by a log, and, from ap pearances, death bad taken place nearly week before. Justice Knox, of Baldwin precinot, held the inquest on tbe body Sun day, with the following jury: Dave Wis hart, D. R. Cooper, Qjorge Perkins, George Wiahart, Thomas A. Connor and Frank Reis. Tbe body was badly decomposed, and an examination disclosed a bruise three or four inches in diameter on tbe top of the head with the skin broken in leveral places. All around the body were horse tracks, and marks of a dragging rope. Tbe evidence of Mr. Francesco, was that several days before he had walked a short distance with de ceased, who was then, going toward the place where the body was found,for tbe pur pose of catching his horse. The jury found his death was caused by the horse kicking him. Deceased bad received some $600 re cently, from the government in payment of Indian depredation claim, and had de posited it in Tbe Dalles National bank His check book showed that it had all been paid, or loaned out to different parties. Murphey was a pioneer, and was, we under stand, in the battle with tbe Indians at tbe Lower Cascades. A Sad Death. Antelope Herald. . Mr. A. H. Bills, an honest, industrious citizen of the John Day, was drowned near Clarno's ferry last Tuesday, 30th ult. On account of the melting snow and heavv rains in tne mountains, tne river was un usually h'uh. Tuesday morning Mr. Bills and bis 20-year-old son came over the river to get some young trees from Duncan Mi Rae, and on their return when they were in the middle of the river the boat capsized and they both went under. They arose and swam toward the shore. The boy, witb great difficulty, gained the back in safety and tbe father was almost to the ahnro wnen a heavy tide came and carried him oaca, amongst tne rougtr waves, there to perish. Men have been dragging the- river i t ... . . m tearoh of bis body ever since, but np to the time of going to press their efforts have been fruitless. -Mr. Bills, with his wife, four sons and three -daughters, came np from the Willam ette valley last October, and after looking over tne country, took np a homestead in Gilliam county on tbe John Day. He was an nones i, industrious, nard-worktog man, and was striving hard to make a lirinrr .l a borne for himself and family. His heart broken famdy baa the deepest sympathy of the entire country, . COMMON 00UH0IL. At a regular monthly meettpg of the com mon council of Dalles City, held at tbeir hall Saturday, June 3, 1893, at 8 o'clock P. J., at which were present: C E Hai. ht, Pul Kreft, T N Jules, Ed M Williams, James Wood and C F Laucr, councilinen, the following proceedings were bad: Tiie mayor not being present, the conn cilmen, on motion, appointed C E Haight as mayor oro tern. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The petition of the Oiegon Telephone and Telegrapn Co. for the franchise to erect poles and string wires along the streets of the city, was read and refened to commit tee on streets and public property. The bid of the Times-Mountaineer for printing 300 copies of the city ordinances and charter was accepted, being the lowest. The committee on streets and public property recommended that no further work he done on the road leadiog towards H. Klindt's property. This was adopted on motion. The committee on judiciary reported that they were of the opinion that the council could not legally proceed to elect an assessor at the present time, which was adopted and placed on file. The select committee appointed to recom mend districts for sewer purposes were granted further time. An exhaustive report from the committee on health and polite, which demanded nu merous water c'osets to be connected with their respective sewers, the names of the owners thereof beiug fully specified in the report, was read and on motion the recom mendations were adopted and the report placed on file. The regu ar monthly reports of the re corder, marshal, street commi'siooer and treasurer were read and placed on file. On motion the recorder was instructrd to notify the proper parties to remove the barn standing in Federal street, south of Fulton street. The committee on fire and water repor ed tiiat they bad a new bell tower constructed at the engine house and had the old tower removed to Mt. Hod boae bouse. Ordinance No. 272, entitled an ordinance defining the compensation of the city mar sha,l was read and passed. Ordinance No 273. in relation to the duties and compensation of the street com missioner was read and passed unanimously. The following judges and clerks at the approaching city election were appointed: First ward Judged, Geo A Liebe. Hugh Chrisman, J K Paee; clerks, E H Merrill and Henry Smith. Second ward Judges, E Jacnbsen, 1 1 Burgitt, Geo Ruch; clerks, H J Maier and E P FitzGerald. Tt.e following bills were allowed: F Henefee, recorder' salary $100 00 Dan Matoney, marshal's salary iOO 00 J F btnaials. street commissioner 78 00 L Rorden, treasurer 25 00 Geo J Br w.i, entri eer fire department 80 00 J 8 F1 b, fire warden 12 00 water OommiBMonert, water rent 32 00 Da lea Electric Co. light fire department.... 6 40 Dallas Electric Co. livhl offices 3 60 Dalles Electric Co, lutht streets 260 50 H V Gicous. nivht wilchman 75 00 O C Bills, night witch man 6i 00 J no Mieneu, printing l so Burham at Robertson, team hire 8 00 h Uortrn. labor 8 10 K E Teattue, hauling; S 25 Hater Benton, mdse 75 Dalle Lumbering Co, lumber 8 75 IMira ljumoennjr Co. lumber 27 33 B H Thjreion, foundation for bell tower..:., it K A 8 Cathcart, hauling 3 00 E Mor en, labor 10 00 W n Brnwn. labor 10 10 C M Fonts, labor 16 76 E Rives, labor lu 00 Jus ( Peters, wood and cement. 9 76 A at Williams a Co, rope oo Maier a ben ton, mdse 4 99 Mays Crowe, indse 76 w a Young, biackmlhiaa- -. 4 05 Geo J BroD, cah pal. lor sawing wood .. 160 rariey a rrana, mass. to Joles Bros, muse 4 85 J P Math-ck, hauling S 00 Dr H Logan, meuical attendance 2 60 Umatilla House, feeding prisoners 12 95 The council adjourned to meet June 30th. Shot and Killed. Long Creek Eagle. Harry Cupper, the oldest bod of H. A. Cupper, of Monument, was accidentally shot and killed Wednesday afternoon about one hour before sunset by bis brothe-, Fred Cupper. Tbe facts concerning the affair as near as the Eagle can learn, are aa follows: Wednesday afternoon the two brothers. each in possession of a gun, started out to kill a cougar that had been committing dep redations in the yicinity. The two boys separated id order that they would make sure of securing tbe ammal in case it was out of its lair ou that afternoon, and wand ered about' through tbe undergrowth, neither haying any knowledge of the other's whereabouts. Fred, the younger of tbe two brothers, imsgined he saw a wildcat or cougar wandering slowly on its accus tomed trail through the brush or thicket With direct aim. he fired, but ioBtead of capturing tbe much sought for sheep camp offender, his brother. Harry, fell a victim, dying almost instantly.' Tbe particulars farther than stated above. could Dot be ascertained for this issue, The family is well known in this portiou ot the county. Tneir many friends tender their sympathy during the present dark hours of sadness and i-miction. - Good Times Coming. To whom is good times comma? The Waihingiion dispatch to the Puiiadelphia Prets says that some 1200 immigrants monthly, who arrive in the United States .in a destitute condition, are furnished by Dr. Senner, tbe new chief of the immigra tion bnrean at Eilia is and, New xork harbor, nd that the new postotfice in Philadelphia is furnished with many hun dred stone cutters, who baye just arrived in this country entirely destitute. Ihey are paid $3 per day. American laborers at the same work get $i per day. Twelve hun dred monthly who cannot speak our Ian guage is a good Democrat saving to tbe gov ernment, if not to American Lbor. " Seal Estate Transfers. June 5 Charles D Doyie and wife to Ed win Doyle; w hf of ne qr, sec 20, tp 1 s, l 13 east; (500. June 5 O D Taylor and wife to Geo R Burnaiue: parcel of land near Masonio o metery in tp 1 n, r 13 east; $5000. June 6 United States to R Rondeau; w hf nw qr, nw qr sw qr, see 28, tp 2 , r 13 east; homestead. June 5 United States to Cbas D Doyle; w hf ne qr, sec 20, tp 1 a, r 13 east; cash purchase. Important Telegram. The register of the land office received the fallowing telegram to-day : Washington D. C, June 5, '93. Receiver and Register The Dalles, Ore. Allow no entries for patented lands. Steps will be taken at once to recover lands erroneously patented to Dalles Military Roaci Co. within conflicting limits of North ern Pacific grant. Edw. A. Bower, Act'g Cotn'r. For Over u Years An Old and Wbll-Thikd Remedy Mrs. Vtinslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over hfty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to tbe taste, bold by all druggists in every part of tne world. Twenty five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask tor Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. World's Fair People Will Have It The pnblio demand tnroogh service when traveling. It is old-fashioned to change - .. . ... ?i.t j cars.- Uu toe tnrougn soua vesuuuieu trains of the Chicago, Union Pacific ft Northwestern Line from or - to Chicago, Omaha and intermediate points, there is no change. This is the finest and fastest road. TELEGEAPHIO HEWS. The Rxtra (tension. Washington, J'ine 9 The r. si said tliii eveoiotf, in reply to a oi e qaes'ion by a representative of tbe pre that be intended to call an extra ses-ii of congress not ear.ier that tbe 1st nt later than the 15ili of September, unless unexpected contingencies should nfces sitate an earlier meeting. The presidei further said : "While there has been no myery n"t s urt-cy la rtgard to my intention la this matter, I think it not amiss that out peo ple should be informed antbontativt-l that the time is at hand when tbeir rep resentatives in congress should be called upon to deal with tbe financial couditiOD wbicb is tne only menace to the country welfare and orosperlty. It is well lot the people to take up the subject f themselves and arrive at tbeir own con clu-ions as to the merits ot tbe bnancia policy which obliges us to purcha-e id silver bullion witb gold taken from ou reserve. One does nt need tbe eye of financier to see that this go'd, thus sub tracted from the government's stock, yager1 Seized by other nations for th purpose of strengthening their credit at our expense. It dots not need the art of statesmanship to detect tbe dinger ibat awaits upon the continuance ot this op ation. Already the timidity of capital it- paiotully appxrent, and none ot us cat fail to see tnat tbe fVar and npprehenRii in monetary circles will ultimately brow suffering to every humble borne in ou and. I think betaon now and tin meeting ol coogres. that much depend upon the action ot those engaged in fi aucial operations and bu-iness enter prises Our vast national resources an credit are abundantly sufficient toius'it them in tbe utmost faith and confidence if instead of be'og trightened they ar conservative, and if instead of gloomil aoticipating immediate disisttr they wil perform a patriotic duty, and at tbe mr time protect 'heir own mteres. in things ihit are just now n ederi are coo ness and calmness in fioancia' circles an study and tt flection among our people The Bunk of Kpokaue. Spokane, June 5 Tne Bank ot Spo- kne Falls temporarily closed its d oi this morning. The suspension is taken quietly. There is no run on tbe otht- banks. The Back of Spokane Falla was orgm tzed in 1879. and is the oldest bank north ol Snake river. It has alwavs been c m sidered the strongest and safest bank l Eistcrn Washington. The hard timed ot th..- past year or so in Spokane, it is thought, has placed the bank in a tigh fix tor ready money. A M. Cannou, tbe president off he, was an old-time resident of Portland, and has been Ion known and identified with the welfare of Spokane He has many and diversified interests in that conutry and is rt puled to be a millionaire. Bascomb H Bennett, the cashier of tiie bink, and son.-in-law of Mr. Cant on is also well t-nuwn iu this city, where h was raised. The btnk has paid-up capital of $150,000 and a surplus of $125 000 Tnere has been no S' element made of the liabilities and assets. The Brisgs Cnse. New Yokk, June o Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott, id bis sermon on the Bnggs case yesterday at Ptymoutb cburcb, Brooklyn, endeavored to prove that Dr. Briggs bdJ Dot tbe geoeral assembly during the last two years pad defended the tru Christian faitb, and tbat it was Dot Dr Briggs who was heretical, but the gen eral assembly was tbe one whose logica result was iotideli'y. Dr. Abbott spoke of the battle wbicb bad gone on from the days of Moses down to tbe present be tween ecclesiastics and tbe prophets, tbe one maintaining tbat the institution is tbe esential thing and tbe other tbat tbe individual personal life is tbe essentia tbing, and there could be no religuous institution without. He exclaimed 'Heresy I What is berest T r or one thing it is to declare tbat God is doi tbe father of all mankind, and leaves do door of acces to himself save tbe one door of a written word tbat was not completed lil the human race had louged, cried and prayed for tbeir father for 2000 years.'' Tbe Kansat Oraln Compapy. Kansas City, June 5 Tbe Kiosss Grain Company, which claims to be the largest purchaser of grain from producers in tbo world, has failed. Tbe anoouoce- menfwas made on tbe board of trade this morning that tbe company was no able to meet itscontiact. The announce meut caused great excitement. The main ffices were at this city and Hutr.b loson. Kin. The officers here decline to make any statement of assets and liabil ities ill authorized bv President Tomp- ler, in cb.rge of tbe omce at Huit-biosou It is preumed, however, they will be arge. The company have elevators in over 100 town in Kansas, all containing grain. Tight money is .the cause of the failure. Floods in Austria. , Vienna, June 6 Excessive lains lav swollen the rivers of Bukwina. Many streams haye overflowed their banks and flooded tbe fields. Tbe Prntb has risen so high near Czernowitz as to inundate tbe suburbs and to threaten the least ele yated listnets of the city The Cz-re- moz broke over Its banks at Wizni'z last night and ran in torrents through the streets of the village. S'xteen house collapsed and man? others were rendered uninnaoitable. j even persons were killed by falling; timbers nr drowned in tbe flood Sores of families had to fiee for their lives, without pauoiog to save property. Tbe wbole town is in danger of beiug laid waste. "Out of Sight." The traveling pnblio are now fully alive to the fact tbat the Chicago, Union Pacific ft Northwestern Line offers the very best accommodations to tbe public from and to Chicago, Omaha and intermediate points, not only during the world's fair, but all the year around. fSBt ftBONE IS PEATHERBONE is made from QtrilX nature's own tougbeac material, best whins made for in pros, uaeap, isoraoie, ai.i ktilgs. price, ass jour aeaier ror a FEAT" "ONE. ros SA n BY" HENRY KUCK, The Dalles, Or. THE GRANT HOTEL GRANT, OREGON. J. B. KENNEDY, PROP'R. Tbe table is provided with tbe his' "id the mirket. Transient trave'era wi'l be accornmo dated wi'b the bfgt meals furnished by any hotel in town. nct22 MONEY TO LOAN. We have an unlimited amount of money to loan on approved farm security. Thoknbuby & Hudson, oct Th Dallas. Dr. FOR WHIPS 9 f E MMfHJ Poor Weak and Weary toothers Raise A Puny, Pindling Children. Sulphur Bitters Will make them Strong, hearty And healthy. Send 3 2 -cent stamps to A. P. Ordway & Co. Boston, Mass., for best medical work published 1803. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. HARPER'S WEEKLY is acknowledged ps stand inor first amorsr illustrated weekly peM'-thcais America It oceupies a place be 'ween that, of the Iiut ed daily itaner and that of the Ies timely onthly magazine. It ine udeM both liters tare and news, and presents with equal force and felicity the real events of current history and the imaginative then-es of nctioo n account or its rerv couip'e aerie of Wwtr tiona of the World's Fair, it a 111 be not only the best jruide to the great exposition, t-ut atfo its best soty-nir. bvery puniit; ernt oi Rt: er I interest will be fu'lr it u-trUed in its pages. contributions being from the best writers and artists in this country, it ill continue to excel in i ter- ture, news and illustrations, all other publication ot its class. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Paa Yse: Harper's Magazine tt eo H-irner's Weekly 4 uu 4 00 2 00 Harpers Bi2ar llarf - r's Young People Pottage free to all Subscribers in the United States, vanaaa ana Mexico. The V-Urates of the Weekly begin with the first num er lur jannary ol eacn year, when to time u mentioned, subscription will begin with the num ber cnrreDt at the time ot receipt 1 1 or-er Bound Volumes of Harper's Weekly tor three year ha-k, in neiit cloth bind-nsr. will be sent by mail, postage paid, or ' y ex pre a, free of exi-ense tprovMed freight oea "ot exceed one dollar per vol ume;, tor 7 per volume. Cloth cues lor each vo'nme. suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of 1 each. Remittances should b made hv posteffice money raer or urate, to avoid c ance ol lo-s. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement wUhoul tne express order of Harper orothtrs. Address: HARPER ft BKOTUEKS, New fork. 1M3. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED HARPER'S BAZAR is a journal for the home. rives the fullest and latest information about Fash ions, and itj nnmerotiM illut-tr lions, Pris designs ana pAtternsn et supplements are lnaisi ensarie alike to the home dress maker and the professional modiste. No e pens i spared to make it artistic attractiveness of tft highest order. Its bright stone, amusing coinedies and thoughtful essays satisiy au tastes, ana iw last page is famous as budget of wit and humor. In its weekly issues every mm? is incinaea wniin is i interest to women. The Serials tor 1893 will be written by Waltei Besant and Edna Lyall. rhristine Terhune Ferrick will furnish a practical series, en tit ed "At the Toilet Gr-e King. Olive Thorne Miller nd Can dace Wheeler wilt be frequent contributor. The work of women in the Columbian Expsition will be fully repteseniea win many iiiust ration, r. w. nigvin- , in "women and At n. will please a cultivated auaience. HARPERS PERIODICALS. Paa Yzaa: Harper's Magazine Harper's Weekly Harper Bazar $4 00 . 4 00 . 4 00 . a oo Marpers Young People . Postage free to all subscribers in the United States, vanaaa ana Mexico, The Volumes of the Bazar begin with the fl-at Number for January of tact- year. Whe no time is mentioned, subscrptinns will begin with the Num ber current at tbe urn. of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Earner's Bazar or three veara back, in neat cloth binoi g. will be sent by mail, p eti ge paid, nr b.i exp ess, free of expense (pro vided the fn-iebt does not exceed one dollar oer vol ume. iur , er volume. Cloth caces for each volnme. suitable for binding- Km um sent, ov man, jKt-paia, on receipt- or si eacn. Remittances should be made bv ruratofficB money oruer nr anal, 10 avoia cnance Ol loss. Sewsvaven an not to etmv this ttduertiseuumt mtnout the express order of harper t Brothers. address: BAhPEB BROTH EH8, Mew York. Legal Notices. Application fjr Liij'ior License.. Cascadb Locks. Falls PascrecT. W seo County, State of Oregon. "VTOTICE 1 HERFBR GIVEN TH iT I. PT- 11 rn-k McMlenr. .if said nrer-inct and eountv. will, on the 8d day of Juy, 1893, apply to the iwuniy vjouts o1 tne aoove numed county for a 11 cense to aell spi- ituous, malt ai-d vinous liquors in icm (fuauHue. viuuj one yanon. Cisc d Locks. Falls Pksctxct. Watco County, 8 tat of Oregon To the Honorable Cou ty Court of Wasco Conn y We. the undeMiimed taxpayers and em.', vntera of ri . j-reei q -, county ana stue sioresnin, respect- cense to Pat ick McAlleny to sell spirituous, vinous and mlt 1 quors at the town of Oscade Lotks in luiijr vcmu'id your nonoraaie 00 n umni a. 11. said precinct, in less quantities than one ga.lun for uie periuu ot udb year; HAHK8. HAMKS. Hins Wiecks W B HCVary John Sullivan C J Can iani, II D Pat Lahey A. Q H.U W I ake P I Lillegard M Fitzgerald P trick Sullivan H Fi'zsimons . Thomas Coyle John D Wotxljvard Junes Go.t n Jobu 6 Brown w Attwell J F Stout K Alwick R Blaak A J Kuightly T C Benson Louis Uebhard tan Sullivan J C K Fairview NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Optics at Vaisoocvsr, Wah. May 20. 1803. Notice is hereby gf 'en that the following- named settler has filed notice nf hia intention to make final proof in support oL his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. B, Dunbar, Commissioner L nlted Slates Circuit Court. District ot WaHhinmon. at his office lu Ooldeodae, Wash., on July 10th, ioyo, viz: JJHH C. CRAWFORD, Purchase Application No. 637. under Section 3. For tetture act, sept. zv. igw. f the n Tin west quarter Bees Tp IN. K 4 . , w M. He names thu following w tnessee to Drove his claim vi sa a isna viz v rnon 1 . cooke, Henry r. B une, Levi R. Hilleary, W lliam D. Gilmore, all of uraun tsaue. ruwwnno , wasmiurcon. my27 JOHa L. UK GHKGAN. Register. Dissolution Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the firm hereto fore d ins: hutunea- in Dalles Citv. 'retron. un der the name o Pioyd ft Shown, has this ay been dissolvd by mutual con&eot. htmcy -Hi. wo will continue the jewelry business hereto ore conducted by said firm and will collect all debt due a d pay all demands against said firm on acco'int of raid jewelry business The sid William Hoy" will con tinue the druir bu iness heretofore conducted bv said firm, and will iay all demands against and col lect ah deb s due the s. id firm on account of said orug buhineas. WILLI AM, FLOYD, &i'AJ.X SHOWN The Dalles, Or., May 16, 1893. mytt)-5t Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersiirned has been duly appuin ed administrator of the es tate of David L. - ob r s, 1 te of W sco county, and now deceased. All persons bavin; claims against sa d e-tate ill present them, iluiy e ifieii. to meat lfufui. -reiron. within sU months from the date ot this nouc . Doted at Dufur, Wasco county. Or., Slav 8. 1803. W. L. TANDERfooL. Administrator of the esbue of lttyid L. Rotor's, mya-ot County Treasurer's Notice All county warrants registered prior to Jan. 1, 1890, will be paid en presenta tion at my office. Interest ceases after this date. William Michell, County Treasurer. The Dalles, May 22, 18?3. WANTED. LA III KM who will do writing for me at their homes wid make good wages. Reply w th self addressed, stomrt envelope. nv26 South Bend, Ind OMAHA. KANSAS CITY, ST. PAUL, Chicago, St. Louis. A5D ALL PODSTB EAST.piORTH and SOUTH. Leave The Dalles j J 3 05 A. M. 25 P. M. Arrive at ine vaiics -j u M p j, PULLMAN SLi EFIR , COLONIC f LI I FEB S, RECLINI G CHAIR CARS and DINERS Steamers from Portland to San Francisco Evsbt FotjB Days T ckets to and from Europe. Ft rates and percral information cal' on R. E L YTLE, Depot Tick et Airent, The Dalles, Oregon. W. H. HCRLBCRT. Asst. Gen. Paw Ait. 254 Wa-hinnton i-t., Portland, Or FROM TERMINAL OR IN1ERIOR POINTS Northern Pac. KAILKOAD Is the line to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH It is the Dining Car Route. It rung Through Ve" uumeu jnuna cery uy in uie w ST. PAUL ana CHICAGO. (NO CHANGE OF CARS. Compu ed of Dininj; Cars unsnrraseed. Drawinic-rforo Sleepers of Latest Equipment. oilman TOURIST'S SLEEPING CARS, Best tbat ron coi-tttncte!, ontl In which acceir? ciori;itinii ate 1 oth rreo and Furnished fur holders of First ci Second class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. Continuous Line, Connecting with AD Lines, Affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service. Pullman Sleeper reservations can be securedin ad vance through any sgent ot tne road. TUDfiTTlH TTI'ITVTJ To and from all 1 llliuuuil A A1 alaj J u points in Amct jot. England and Europe can be purchased at any ticket omefc ot tne company. a Full information co rnintr rates, time of trains. routes and other details furnished ong&i plication to W. C. ALLOW AT, Airent D P A. Co., Regulator office, The Dalles, Or. A. D. CHARLTON, Ase't General Passenger Asrt., No. 121 first 8t., Cor. Wad , PORTLAND. OtEGONT- WORLD'S FATE HEAD TIIIH. book i: BQOK2. BOOK 3 BOOK 4. "Review of Our Country," by lion. James U. Blaine. "New Life of Columbus," W. Buel. by J. "Complete History of America," from the landing of Coin tubus to the present time, by Prof. John Clark Kid path. "Pictorial History of the Co lumbian Exposition," by Hon. Kent. iJutterworth. The above four trreat works by four great authors. every line of which is only jus t written, have been bound up into one mai-sive volume of nearly 900 PAGES and 800 ILLUSTRATIONS, Under the Title of "Coluk and Columbia." The greatest subscript' n hook ever published in this country ana oi wnicn A MILLION COPIES Will be sold during e next six months. 1 pry TP Wanted all over this state. Better AULillO terms th n ever." We guarantee to tne fight parties too week profit fr m now on to Chrittnias, and a first class R UND-TKIP TICKET to the HCKLI 'S FAIH and one w.k's admission to the I xpoHition absolutely free. A)s other valu able rem-ums. We have p enty pf capital at ou SVnd at onos for special circulars and further par- uoinuuuia ami can anu wxu oo exact v wnax tie aav. ucuiars to tne DOMINION PUBLISHING CO., Meattl. Waelilrisrton . THE CALIF0RNIAN Illustrated MAGAZINE Published in San Francisco, California, baa a circu lation an over tne world, its growth during one year is positively phenome' al in tbe annal. of maga zine literature, surpassing every other magazine in the wort in the same sna e of time. The masons are obvious. It has strong financial backing. Its Contents are renlete with tvnlcal deararintinna oi i -ai lornia ana f acine ijoast subjects scenery, climate, fruits and flow. rs. It- range of topics is cosmopolitan, embracing aewuci ui -urupean ana uneutai scenes ana cnar cteruues. It diacuarap without bias or nartiaan seal, the liv. ing questions of the dav. It owns and controls its entire plant, including tpe, the largest pr saes on the eoaxt, a complete half-tone and outfit, and employs its It" aim is to develoD the natural, fiommereial. an. ciai and literary cap, it es . f Western and Interior America; to present nly what is pure in toe, in structive in m itter and In u-renting in f-.rm ine price of this magaine is S3 a ear. postage prepaid. The sub-cription liat is increasing over twelve nunured a montL, and it has a larger circula tion on tne Pacific coast than anv other nruurazina in the world. We present to everv annual subscriber a beautiful picture, 16i2l4 inches, of one of the old California Missions. Or a View from the fu.faniMl VnMnlm vaiiey. it is tne lnu nti-in .4 tbe publishers to oeer a varitty of beautiful premium-, fur -flnuaj subscrip tions, commencing witn tne Jannary, 1893, number. BCD TO CHLIFORNIHN PUBLISHING CO. Academy of S ienoe Building, SAN FRANCI8CO, CALIFORNIA, For this great Premium List, from a California Curi osity to a 100 Organ nv6 ARKTRICIiV flRST CLASS A . Iuni. affiircHJnnj tan. Fastest aad Ftmst ! the WeeiaV P-Tifflnflm- aecomodationa unexcelled. iew yobOonognderrv AMD iLASBOW. tCvctrv Ralrnrtiiiv. NEW YORK, GIBB ALTER and NAPLES, At reouiar intervals. SALOON. SECOND-CLASS AND STEER A BE rates on lowest terms to and from the nrlndDUi MOTCH. IB9USB. LUSH a ALL OOHTISZtiTU. PSJUTf- Kxeurslon faakses available to return by either the pf aureaaae urae et nana ot iniaae or Naples tt oionutar Ca&l see itaaay Srlsn for Any Aaesst at Iwtt Sam. Apply to any of our local Agents or to HXmJBSOIT BBOTHSR8, Chicago. 111. AGENTS WANTEO Apply to T. snort! Agent. Tha Dalles Or. HUDSON jan?'-Q2 Cows Herded. A NT PERON dear ng cows herds 4 this summer V can nave tt done at tne c t of $1 per m nth. The cons will be taken to good pastures and proper care taken of them. Leave orders at Mr. L. Butler's store. mci 8 MRS. E OMEG. FOR RENT. Part of the Wcbetbach resid man, with several acres ot land; also part of orchart, Fn terms ap plv to OKO. WILLIAMS. anminrswawr ot tne estate of jona Mlcbeloach, THE GREAT SPANISH BRAIN AND Have yon abused the laws of nature and injured your nervous system ? Are you despondent and melancholy with confused ideas and gloomy thoughts ? E S PA NO" will positively cure you. It contains no mineral poisons and is remarkable for awakening organic action throughout the system and an improvement in every tissue. It produces better muscles, bones, nerves, hair, nails, skin, blood and gives vigorous life to the unfortunate who has exhausted his powers. Prepared in tablet form and packed in boxes convenient to carry in the pocket. Each box contains 90 doses or enough to last one month and is worth many times its weight in gold. The price $1.00 per box or 6 boxes for $5.00 if ordered at one time and a guarantee will be given that any case men tioned above that it does not cure, the money will be refunded. As to our financial standing we refer to any bank in this city. Sent charges prepaid to any address in United States or Canada. Put up in plain wrapper with no mark to distinguish what it is. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address, SFlJVIJSXI AI13I3I0IA:I5 CO., 1 Stockton Street SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., U. S. A. An able Brain and Nerve Specialist can at any lime be confidentially consulted entirely free of charge, personally or by mall, at the above address. NOW READY I LIFE AND WORK OF Jas. G. Bv Prof. John Clark Ridpath. LL D:. America's greatest living Historian: and General SeWen Connor, ex-Governor of Maine, and Mr. Blaine's life-lone and bosom friend. The Only Authentic Work Published On which the authors have been engnged tor over a year. Sold Only on Subscription. Wn sincerely warn book canvassers and the public against allowing themselves tc be led astray and cheated by any of the 'catch-penny so-called "biographies" of the great Statesman which will be thrown on the market in a very short time, and which consist nf nothing bat a collection of old and unreliable newspaper o iopings. Don't be carried away by any flaring and at ractive circulars that yon may receive re- la ing to any such books, because what yon want is THE ONLY STANDARD WORK oo the life of the illustrious Statesman. AGENTS wanted all oer this state. Steady workers can make ure ot earning $100 a week for the next three months. Send at once for special cir culars and further particulars or send $1.00 for outfit to the DOMINION PUBLISHING CO., f7 Seattle, Wash. VE TELL YOU Mthlns; bsw when we state that it pays to engage la a permanent, aaoss ne&iiny aaa pisaMiii uui aeas. that returns a rjroflt for every day's work. Such Is tbe baalsesa we offer the working class. We teaeh tbcra bow to stake money rapidly, and guarantee evary one woo ioikiws oar instructions faithfully the making of S3O0.0O a month. Every one woo takes bold stow and works wui snrrlv and snecdUy increase their earnings; there can be no question about it; others now at work are doing it, and yon, reader, ean do tne same. This Is the best paying business that you have ever had the chasea to seeure. Tou will make a ive mistake if you fail to give it a trial at ones, yon grmap the situation, and act quickly, you 1 dlreetlv And vourself in a moat Drosperons bnalueas, at wtilob you ean surely make and save large sums of monev. 1 ne results or oniy nw nonrs' worn wiu oiien eqaiu a week's wages. Whether von are old or yonug, man or woman, it makes no difference, do as we tell you, and sac cess will meet you at tne very Stan, rceimer experience or capital necessary. Those who work for us are rewarded. Why not write to-day for full particulars, tree ? K. C. ALLEN CO., AMP sa aw, aiaiwi nv. 141 -DEALERS IN- GenM rnercnandise. Gents' Furnishings, CI thing, Etc Have v well eelected stock of Goods,, which they twe emng at VERY LOW PRICES. Any one desirinsr anvtbmtr in this line should rive teem a can oeiora purcnasiug eisewnere, HE C rner Second and Court Streets, THE DALLES. OREGON PAUL KBEPT & CO., DEALERS IN Painty 011$, Qla$3, And the Host Complete and Latest (Patterns and Designs in j WA.JJJL. P A P E H . Practical Painters and Patwr Bantrers. None but the best brands of tbe Shorwin-Williams Paint used in all our work, snd none but the most skilled workmen employed. All orders will be prornutlv attended tn. Shop adjoining Columbia Packing Co., THIRD STREET BE DALLES G. R EIOWEHDAY, 188 COURT STKEFT. IS PBEPARFD TO TAKS Photographs in the. Highest Style of the Art. GROUPS AND- CHILDREN A SPECIALTY. PRICES REASONABLE nvlt SOMETHING WOR H KNOWING That it U -n I- exir ti mi5'm uf erinr fr.m nefVoua debility, early decay, onranic weaknesses, rxhtustimr !i-a, in mau or wumtn, tr an almost any o bar chronic oi-ease. After years of study and experiment we have tbe remedy. ( quack treat ment. Oo lot deepar. Foifretpast impositioas on jour purse, pist outrages on your confidence past, fa lures. My remedy is uf to-dsy a positive cure. Tou have tried thna all; try this, it never fails State eondition, and medicine will be sent privately on receipt of S3. Address Lock Box 87, Portland, Oregon. N. B. Beforences ss to responsibility, mayao-lyr Blaine HARRIS This wonderful preparation is Purely Vegetable : compounded from the prescription of the Official Physician to the Court of Spain. "Espano " recreates Mental and Nerve Power in Han and Woman. An infallible remedy for Nervous and General Debility, Nervous Prostration, Creeping Paralysis, Weakness caused v by Debilitating bosses, Excesses or Over-indulgences, In cipient Softening of the Brain or Paresis, Dizziness, lVoss of Memory, Confused Thoughts and all Brain, Nerve or Sexual Weaknesses. It has no equal in restoring the Stomach and Brain to its normal condition following the abuse of Alcoholic Beverages, or indulgence in the Opium, Morphine or Chloral habit. BEWARE OP FRAUD. ak lor. and Insist upon having laSC feiiOK4. None sen' BlnA without W. 1 . Innrlaam and price tamped on bottenw iorit wnen you Diiy ooia ever jwnere. sold maae r a ea. -as 1 A 3aw Mr f - V,' - f I - i 8f SXXS XvX K. --A vi'wi.'i cr I IL.III - . 4- ""-V Will a-lve eeluslTe sale te eboe dealers and a en era I saercbauia ttim I have aa rata. Write far cataloraa. If not for sal In year place send direct taVaecery.atatlasl bind, alae aad wldla waated. Peatace Free, W. L Iieuslaa, iirocaxea, jUaoe, J. FRElMAN, AGENT, THE DALLES, OREGON The One Price Cash House, COR. SECOND AND COURT STS., J. P. IcINEMY, DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. Agent for the Battertck Patterns; also for tbe Hall Rszaar Dress Forma. Chas. H. IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE. ram nacnmiKt. FRONT, FIRST AND VINE STS. nnnurvr 'REAPERS DIMEIE MOWERS To the many superior points that have characterised tho old reliable Buckeye Mowers have baan added tnany features includins; a power balance llftlnK tha catter bar, ate. DODD'S N2 2 STEEL HEADER ErnWyim ou jniclples ail new inproreneiti, especially adapted to Oregon, Washington ani Mafto. HAND & SELF DUMP HORSE HAY RAKES, HAY LOADERS ADRIANCE REAR DISCHARGE BINDER The lightest, best balanced, most economical Binder made. BUCKEYE STEEL FRAME BINDER. SCHUTTLER FARM & MARKET WAGONS, SEND fOR 1893 CARLBSLE The Perfection of Hand PURE AND MATURED. INVALUABLE TO THE DOCTOR, THE INVALID, AND THE GOOD LIVER. Sherwood ; San Francisco, Mark. TrOfeta rn Huemi aria-ctainne sj. par oottie, sent tn aatety mailing ooxes. posisre pnio nv r.s irrv aealed from observation). Bead money or stamps by letter with full address wrlttrn plainly, (uit!--pondenoe strictly eonndeatlal. This advertisement ts honest and straight forward In every wold It contains. We invite yon to deal with ns and yon will flffd everything as represented. Cut this out snd Send to-day. Address QUIKN CHCMIOAL CO., 174 ffaoa Street, CINCINNATI, O. You run register your letter at any Post Office to lasure Its safe delivery. We will pay aflOO for arj cr-e at fail ore or sllg-htest Injury ta any parchaser. . Every bottle guaranteed. a tPCPIll-e ladles whe fatrodnss and sen among then- Meads H BotUes efOneea'S anrJ-Mairice, OrCtliai. w. will present with a SIXK DEXSB, Uysrds best silk. Xxtra Iiargs Bottle aad samplas easssaawsat plana teseieetari seat with uSie. Oood Salarr or Oonunlaaloa to Aganla. NERVE REVIVER vi i nniiRinc US3 SHOE 7 A, sewed shoe that 'will not rip; Calf, V 'A seamless, smooth inside, more comfortable. u atvlifth ftnn rlTirahl. than anv nth.r ahna vf at the price. Every style. Equals custom snoes costing from J4 o $5. The following; are of the same high standard of merit: 4.oo and Jj.o Fine Calf. Hand-Sewed. Police. Farmers and LettefvCarriera. $3.50, $1.25 and $a.oo for Working Men, fj.u. un 1.79 iw zonula ,uu noya. a J.oo Hand-Sewed, i WOR ana a. 00 uong-oia, 1 lAUlk.3. 1.73 for Aliases. . IV IS A DUTY Ton owe woonalf to fre am Dasavanie) tar yeox toot wear try porcdiasriaa' W. t. Doagiaa nnooa. wuos. ropreeant ttaa bssa valne) at in piiusai aaveruaea Dodd & Co. IRON. STEEL. AMD PORTLAND, OR. irianr' FULL CIRCLE ALL STEEL HAY PRESSES HAY TEDDERS' AULTKIAR'S STIR TR1CTI0R ENGINE. THE NEW STAR VIBRATOR Aa Entirely Maw Machine bolltoa new aad snecessful principles. FINE CARRIAGES, PHAETONS, TOP BUGGIES, CARTS, ETC., FARMERS CARRIAGES, FOUNTAIN AND FINE ROAD WAGONS. CATALOGUE FREE. WHISKEY. -made Sour Mash Bourbon. earV ilfcS' & SHERWOOD, Distributing Agents, . 212 Market St, Portland, . 24 N. Front St HEW DISCOVERV ACGIOEKT la compounding; a solution a part was accldently splllrd on t no l nu j and 00 washing- afterward It was discovered that tlin balr wi.s cr&i. pletely removed. We at once put this wonderful preparation, nutlie market end so great has been lbs demand tbat we are now introdiirlfiff It throng-bout the world ruder the name of Uueen'a Arjti-llali ine, IT 18 PERFECTLY HARMLESS AND SO 8IMPLE ANY CHILD CAN USE IT. lay the hair over and apply tbe mixture for a few minutes, anil the hair disappears as If by magic without the slightest pain or Injury l., n applied or ever afterward. It lsunlike any other preparation ever 1:., ,t fora like Dorpose. Thousands of L.AD1 FS who have beenantioitd with hair on tbeir FACE. KECK and ARMS attest lie mr-riis. GENTLEMEN who do not appreclatea beard or bniron llieir rrt:, find a priceless boon In Queen's AntUlf airliio aliirh docn t.wy villi sih.wlnv h. MnHMtn. Ill tnlnr. .nmlli an ulti r ininrw.-l v