cO The Times-Ioimtaineer SATURDAY.. APRIL 16. 13 ITFiW IN BRIEF From Wednesday' Daily. Mui Grace Michell waa a passenaer on the noon train for Colnmbus, Wash., where : she will viait ber pareota. The dispatches state that the president nit tn tho senate veaterday the name of Hon.' Charles B. Bellinaer. to be United ' Slates district jude for tne district of Ofe son. Hon. W. R. Ellis, of Heppner, came down on the afternoon train. He was ac oomnanied by his daughter, who will ma. ' trienlata at St. Mary's Academy in this i city. Notwithstanding the fact that the days : are spring-like in the city it gives one cold chilis to behold snow every moraine ' on the Klickitat hills. This, raiment of winter may last some time yet; but 11 Ka kT... ti 1 17 .f thA an m m fr land ficn 1UMB UN -7 v . . - 1 And now comes H. Ross, who this morn - ins declared on oatn his bona fide intention ' of becoming a citizen of the United States and thereby renounced nis allegiance to inr qneen of Great Britain and Ireland, am this when home rule for Ireland is being agitated before the British parliament. Mr. T. A. Hudson received a letter thU morning from Hou. James K. Kelly, ot Washington, D. C, president of Tbe Dalits Military Koad Uo., statins mat ne naa me the mandate of the U S. supreme court with the U. S circuit court in thi district and this would forever settle the title ot the ' lands in the Military Road Company. ' V rt Rmva Time: Gov. Peunover has 'not always been a prominent office-holder, or successful In the 50's he moved tc Washington county to ran for county slerk aeainst Bill Caldwell, wniia nere ne liven in the Harlow house north of town.- Aftei a month's residence he folded his tents and departed, for Bill beat him at the polls. Sprague Advertiser: K gang of counter feiters, tbe base of whose operations is supposed to be at Mpokeoe, are imitating . the silver dollar of 1892 so perfectly, with silicon and silver that only the testi t machine can reveal tbe true nature of the coin. Spokane and surrounding towns are supposed to be flooded wittt the bogus ' article. It has cost Edison $1,000,000 to prosecute infringement suits on his patents aod no. one ot bis lawyers has been compelled to ao to tbe poorhouse. A record like this is something for a man, who a few years auo was a poor ttlearaph operator, to be proud : of. ' He is believed to have saved a te millions out of the wreck to pay bis owi housekeeping expenses , -' Last night was harvest time for the po- II.. ..MnnM. In llii.i n I f ir onl t Vi i c m rkrnlmr the recorder found one hobo and an .d ebriated individual inside the city jail. Tbey were not satisfied with tbeir en vironment, and desired fresh air and an opporturity to pick daisies on the hill Bides. The recorder interviewed these unfortunates, and they were forced to dis gorge some portion of their accumula tions. ..' : East Ortgonicm: Manuel Coronado, the baoK swiDdler, is now safely boused in the county jail. He is a low browed, tawDV-skinued Spaniard, small in size, SDd hardly looks like a man who would engage in such e.nteel crime to make a raise as viuiiiui&iuk: uaua vui uuauti was taken to Athena Monday morning by Deputy Sheriff Hailey and brougnt back in the evening. At his examination be fore Justice Gilman he was bound over in the sum of $500. Two government employes were blown no by giant powder at tue rocs quarry on .' South Coos riyer yesterday. Henry B r tell and William Garrison were Masting a rock when a premature discharge took nlace. Kartell is the worst hurt of the two, as tbe whole keg of powder went off 1 in bis bands. His face was covered with powder, turning it black Garrison's bandb are the wor.-t feature, of his inju ries. Hart ell's case is dacgeroas, but the doctors gay he may come out all right. ' Hon. W. R Ellis has made preparations for holding examinations for applicants foi ceskful appointee must report at that insti ' tution on the 13th dav of June. . The time - has been named for the 3d and 4th ot May, and the board will coon at of Dr. Logan, physician; H. S. Wilson, lawyer; Professor Shelly, educator. Examinations will be made in ordinary Eng'ish branches, and the applicant must not be oyer 22 yeara of age nor under 17. There will be five or six can didates, bat none so far from The Dalles. Under date of March 19th Minister D. ' P. Thompson writes from Constantinople to-me eneci mat ne oaa received a leie gram from Washington informing him that his mignaiion had been accepted in accordance with his request, to take effect on the appointment of bis successor ; that such appointment was not to be made ilalo, Ih.n U do lat Uinioto. Th.-m nas,n has engaged passage on the steamer ktru ria, which vessel will sail from Liveipool May 15th. He can be eipected to reach Portland by the latter part of May. - Washington county will soon haye good roads of crushed rock. The action of tbe "county commissioners in investing: in a rock crusher seems to have given general satisfaction. A I thou -h tbe weather bas not been favorable, satisfactory progress bas been made during tbe winter months. ThA pnmmtltAA dirprlino tlm work rth serving on business principles. Tbe men composing it so arrange tbeir affairs that some one ot them is always at. the crusher. No idling is allowed. When a man tires he is paid off and given an op- punuuiiy lur t catiug. Articles of incorporation ot The Dalles Fruit Drying & Packing Co. were died with the souDty clerk to-day, wjth a capital stock of $4000, divided into 4000 sbaiea ot fl each. The incorporators are 8. B Adams, IJ. E. Cbribman, Hugh Thru-man and W. K. Corson, and the object of ssiri corporation ia to purchase, dry, pck ami sell fruit of all kinds, and to facilitate said i ' - - i i.ii , i easiness, iu purcnase, iiq.u, leaae, reus ana ell real and personal property.' They will ' use tbe E. Cnrisman fruit dryer, and it is expected the company will forniah a market fnp tht frnit nrnwn in thi. viMnifv. Pendleton ia a lively town, and runaway do not atop in a block, but keep right along, as the fol owing from tbe Tribune will show: - While a reservation farmer named Jacques Boreau.waa on his way home this afternoon, and when a short distance above tbe sisters school, his team became frightened . and started to ran. He was in some manuer thrown trom tne wagon, nut noiortonateiy escaped any more serious injuiies than a good shaking op. The team at last ac counts were still going in the direction o' the agency on a run, and the owner was also going it tbst direction, tut more leis orely, as walking waa not good. . Another Cceur d'Alene mino has ceased operations and the men are dispersed ex cept tbe few who are kept working on tunnel No. 4. The reason given for clos ing down the mine was that the low prices of silyer and lead and tbe excessive -freight rates not only took all profits, but tbe mine ran behind from $2000 to $3000 per month. The Morning has systemat ically Developed, and tbe present owners have expended $400,000 on the erection of a mill and other improvements, and yet tbey have decided that it is better judg ment to stop all operations than to mine with a loss. About 140 men were em ployed on the mine. Th's is the way winter lingers' in the lap of spring in Northern Washington, according to the Vvatervillentfcz: "ferry Wilcox returned Tuesday from a two weeks' trip to Chelan. He. visited the head of the lake by row boat before the ice opened at First creek and found some three feet of snow in the Bteheuin, which prevented reaching bis claim np the yal ley.' The snow is well gone from the north side of the lake shore but the south aide is yet deeply covered. Soowslides were to be heard thundering down . the mountain slopes almost continuously. Bands of deer and goat are frequently seen within range of the water. Perry reports a number of squatters' light ranches changing hands iu the Stehekin recently at good figures, Dan Devore hav ing disposed of bis for $1200. Prospec tors general y are ready to begin a vigor ous development of their claims as early as conditions permit." . From Thursday's Dully. The streets are dry and duaty. ' Persons from tbe country say tbe roads are in a terrible condition, caused by tbe recent rains and snow. Mr. Emile Scbanno, of this city, is at tending tbe meeting of the state horticu' tnral society at Euaena. Qaite a namber of passengers arrived on also a large invoice of freight. The Union Whist Club was entertained veaterday evening by Mr. and Mrs. W. H. ixwbhaad. A very pleasant venicg waa spent at the tables, twenty five hands being Dlaved. Mr. W. Lord captured the first prize, an elegant bonbnnniere, while Mrs. H. M. Beall carried off the booby, very choice. The river fell aearly three feet last night, Ir the cold weather continues mucb longer a flood in June cannot be averted. Some Indians from Camas praire brought in town to-day, two small bear. Thy were yery docile, and were as playful aa kittens. Mr. W. S Cram, of Portland, came up on the midnight train, an 1 spent the day examining the fish wheels ia which he is in terested in this vicinity. Farmers are busy plowing and seeding, nd have very little time for any but farm duties. Good crops 'are well assured this summer, and the producers will be con tented. The annual encampment Q. A. it. is in session at Pendleton.' Tbe members w re welcomed by the mayor, and the city will entertain them in a roval manner. JLastern Oregon knows how to extend a welcome to isitors. We acknowledge the receipt from the Department of Agriculture, from Hon John ti Mitchell, of a package ot choice teens. These are for the purpose of testing the adaptability of sils to different vegetables and plants Heppner is making extensive preparations for the grand lodge, K. of P., which meets there in October. Committees bsye been ppninteil. and arrangements are being made to extend to the visiting Knights chiyalrio welcome. Hon. H. F. Gollick on. of Portland, was passenger on the east-bound tiain this ifternoon. He was a member of the last egislature and introduced the militia bill nd fought it through successfully after its veto by the governor. The Telegram, after learning of the disap pearance ot Dr. Francke. of Ante'ope, from che columns of the TIMES MOUNTAINEER, gave publication to the fact, and a thorough iearch is pow being made by tbe police of Portland after tbe imaging man. Sixteen placer mining claims were filed with the county auditor Tuesday, says the Walla Walla Union Journal, by represen tatives of the eastern syudiuate, whicb bas recently made so many filings in tha. county, naking in all 2080 sSres bled upon. Pacific university, at Forest Grove, offers t'i erect a new building at a cost ot SoU.UOU, rovided th- citizens of the town will sub- cnbe $15,000 toward it. Already a num ber of the more public apirited citizens have ub-icribed upwards t $11 uuu, aim enorca re now being made to raise tne regaining $4000 The Badger Ditch Co., of Wamic, Waaco o innty, bled articles pf incorporation witn he county clerk to-day, tbe members being f. M. Patison. W T. Norval. B. F. Switt d W. W. Patison. Principal place of business will be Wamic, and the business ot cbe company is to const net, own and oper- te a water ditch from Badger creek, to and cross the entire lands known as xygh urairie. ' : Indians are in the city attempting to make sale of all kiuds of furs. Tbcy com prised coyote, otter, sheep and fawn skins Ic in easv to account for the capture of the wild animals, but the wool pelts must nave been proeured near aome sheep camp. Ine daughter of deer, old and young, is coo rary to law. and if the authorities were to x mine the matter there would be some prosecutions. ' Pendleton lYibune: E; H. Clsrke. wool uommisrioner, bas at his office in tbe Sav ings bank buildiug some fine specimens of S .stern Oregon wool. The wool waa taken torn Charles Cunningham's fine Spanish Merino bucks and is of the finest quality Monday evening it will he taken to Portland ny Senator Matlock, and from there it will be shipped with other Oregon exhibits to the world's fair. . ; Biker Democrat and burned the patient's clothing and bed ding, and took every possible precaution to prevent a spread ot the disease. As every thing waa considered in good order, the steamer waa allowed to depart Saturday night. Vancouver Independent: Portland anglers are discussing the introduction of black baas in the waters of the Columbia and Willam ette. There are two species of black bass and they are both "man eaters among the finny tribe. It the "big mouth" black baas bas a greater capacity for destroying "bull heads" and Dutch carp than t ie small mouth black bass they are the boys. By all means give us tbe most destructive va. riety. We only bone tbese bah will grow aa big aa shark, and will some day devour the genius from nowhere, who planted these trtsh Dsn, in the waters of the Columbia, The damage they have already done to wild fowl shooting and the salmon industry is more than their increase in the next forty years will be worth. People who prefer carp and "bull heads" to the native species must bave an innate fellow feeling for these bsb themselves, including the "sucker specie. service of Uncle Sam on board one of the monster warships which carry tbe stars and stripes. Three weeks ago Miss Bessie Mitchell left Chicago on a railroad jou ney round tbe United States. Tbe J urney was under taken on a wager that a person could travel 10,000 miles without setting foot to the ground. The distance between cars where changing was necessary being such that the change might be made by passing easily from one to another. Miss Mitchell waa successful in her undertaking. The route lay through Portland, thence to Mexico, back to St. Louis, Boston and Chicago Three weeks was tt.e time stipulated for the journey. It was accomp iahed in eighteen hours abort of that time, she arriving od Sunday afternoon at 4:30. Though wtarv of riding, she enjoyed the trip. 0REQ0N WEATHER SERVICE, In jo-oieratton With V. M Weather Bureau, of the Department of Agriculture. From Friday's Daily. iUncaid, of Antelope, is in The amount of money offered tor the capture of Tom and Bill Mc Uarty, tha alleged fioslyn bauk robbers, who escaped from the officers at Haines last week, is reaching a aong sum and is a big incentive for vigilance on the part of 'all. The amount is $3,700 $2,700 for Tom an I $1,000 for Bill. Tne aasociation of the for n r with the Denver bank robbery accounts for tbe larger reward. ' - State Printer Baker has the session laws more than half printed, there being 800 piges printed text and some forty pages of indexing. List session's laws made 1250 in all. . The law requires the state printer to have his work done within ninety days after the legislature closes, which this year falls on May 17th. The state printing office has its work so far advanced that the laws will e ready to oistribute May lat. On the occasion of the fifty-fifth anniver sary of the bi'th of Mr. Alex. Hugnenin tbe (Jesang Verein Harmonie tendered him a. sereuade last night at Mr. A. Buchler's hrewery in the East End. Several songs were rendered, and a very enjoyable time had Mr. Huguenm came to Tne Dilles in ltjfil, aod baa been her,- ever since. He -worked at the blacksmith trade tor fifteen years, and baa followed other employments. Albany Herald: James E. Monroe, a Douglas county rancher, attempted to ford tbe swollen Uinpqua at the mouth of Elk creek, on a scarcely broken colt. He rode bareback, aod near tbe middle of the stream the animal reared and plunged, throwing him back into tb6 water. He disappeared ant did not rise again. It is supposed he waa trampled upon bv the colt, lie leavi-s a wite aod two children. The body was not recovered. . Assessor Bob Shaw wishes the Heppner Gazette to announce that the exemption now allowed under the new aasessment law re- maina tbe same aa under tbe old law, $300. It was reported that this-amount had been rais d to $600, but thia is a mistake. Mr. Shaw reports that bot little waa accom plished at the recent meeting below, but with one exception, the assessors decided to assess everything in sight, even if there waa some evidence of double taxation. Hon. A. B. Manley, of Albina, member of tbe last legislature from Multnomah niunty, arrived in the city yesterday from Portland, nd went out to Wamio this morning where bis father lives and where ne owns a ranch. 1 He waa accompanied by his wife, and will spend a few days in Wasco county enjoying our sunshine. Mr Manley introduced the free bridge bill for Aibina into the legislature, and nobly sup ported it before and after it waa vetoed by the governor. Union Journal: As Paul Weaver, aged 8, and Charlie Pieraon, aged 7, were returning borne from tbe Baker school Tuesday, tbey engaged in a game of "Buffa o;" Weaver played the part of Bison, and Pieraon waa the . hunter. He' had a knife in bU hand. and as be ran up to Weaver stabbed him in tbe left side, inflicting a wound an inch lung and deep enough to atrike tbe laat rib. Ur. Clowe, who waa called, stated that the kmfe striking the rib waa all that prevented it irom reaching a vital point, and saved the bov'a life.. Two carloads of Oregon's quota of ex hibita to the world's fair passer through the city to-day. One was an open car contain ing specimens of timber and plants of forest trees. Tbere was the stump of one tree nine and a half feet in diameter, and about three feet in thickness, a plank about three feet wide, aod specimens of oak, fir, cedar and hemlock. Iu the closed car we presume there was grain of different varieties. These tttracttd a large number of visitors as thty -topped near the Wasco warehouse befoie being hauled out. . A board of examiners to pass noon th qualifications of officers elect will meet at Arlington to-morrow afternoon The oth ers to be examined are Mai r G. C. Henry, of La Grarde. Third regiment; O N G., and Second Lieu'enant Geo. W. Staggs, ot Weston. These officers bave been elected :0 the positions named, but before they re ceive their commissions must pass a rigid exsmination in military tactics. The board ionsists ot liieut.-Uol. tieo. T. - Thompson, Third regiment, of Tbe Dalles; Capt. H. L. Wells. K Co., First regiment. Portland. and First Lieut. S. Collins, Third regiment, Arlington. . Waitsburg takes water out of Coppei creek for drinking, household and fire pur poses. A few land owners on the creek above Waitaborg have broogbt suit against the town, claiming prior rights. The plain tiffs pray for an order from the court restraining and enjoining the defendants, its agents, officer, servants and employes, from diverting in auy manner the waters ot said creek trom tbe natural flow. After reading the.petition. Judge Upton issued ai. order directing tbe defendants to appear in i he court April 15:h, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. u .aod show cause why a restrain mg order should nut be granted, providing, however, the plaintiff ale a bond in tbe sum of $5000. Another case of small pox from the Hai tian Republic is reported from Portiaud The Oregonian says that while making an inspection ot the steamer on Saturday, City Pbysioian Wheeler discovered a well-developed case of smallpox. The victim waa Charles O'Connor, purser of the steamer. The disease is not of a bad form, and tbe patient will undoubtedly recover. O'Connor was immediately removed from the steamer and kept in seclusion until Sunday night, when he was taken to tbe pesthouae. Dr. Wheeler thoroughly fumigated the Teasel Mr. Frank town to-day. Mr Woi. Walker, of Biggs, was in town yesterday. Col. Crossen returned yesterday from, a short sojourn at the metropolis. there waa nothing ot which to make a note in justice courts this morning, and re porters gleaned no harvest of items. Mr. Wm. Michel), while working at his fijh wheel to-day, had hia foot bad y bruised by a h avy weight falling upon it. Fortu nately no bones were broken. Mr. M. McLennan, of Antelope, was in the city yesterday. He is one of the sheep kings of Wasco county, and says nocks win. tered all right, but the spriug has been very cold tor lambing, The county court was in session to-day to consider the petition of J. D. Tnnney for a license to sell spirituous liquor in less quan tities than one quart at Antelope License was granted, and the court adjourned. Tbe executive committee of the W R. C. elected at Pendleton veaterday, are Mrs. Gwilr, of East Portland; Mrs. Hobbs, ot McMinville; Mrs. Hurd, of Weston; Mrs, Fraaier, ot Eugene; Mrs. Patterson, of The Dalles. Mr. Cbaa. Stabling, assignee, will sell at public auction to morrow at 2 r v.- a bankrupt stock of liquors and cigara at the Miche bacb brick, corner of Union and Sec oud streets. This ia a rare opportunity for bargains. Hon. W H H. Dufur, of Dufur, csme in town yesterday, tie reports -farmers rosy in that locality plowing and seeding. The spring is very backward, but the season is favorable to the growth ot grain, and far mers are satisfied.,. Mr. Michael B. Ward, an old and re- spec ted citizen of Walla Walla, Wash., died very suddenly at his residence in that town last Wednesday morning of heart fail ure. He was born in Ohio in 1818, and came to Walla Walla in 1861 A man in Seattle went to sleep' with $6,600 nnder his pillow, and when he awoke there waa not a cent there. Tbere ia a moral to this, but few tbere be wbo need te find it. as tht habit of reposing tbe ear on $6,000 wads is not dangeroualy prev aleoc. - Sdmoo are quite plentiful in.ourmarketa; but the wheeia are not catching many bsh yet. The weather has been too cold so far for salmon to take their usual trips np tbe Columbia; but with hi h water and wanner weather they may be expected to swarm in tbe i iver near this city. , At a recent decision of the supreme court of the United States, the town of Bristol, which before waa in the state of Tennessee, is now in that state aud Virginia too: The main street makes the -brand-try. Now there will have to be two city governments and jurisdictions, when before tbere was but one. Wednesday night the Villard House at Pendleton waa entered by robbers, and $45 were taken from roomers. ' Tne day before the gentlemen who were robbed went to La Gramie aod deposited a considerable amount with the land office in payment for laud. and if this money had been in their rooms the thief or thieves would have been amply re- Warded lor their trouble. ' The Chicago board of aldermen bave pro hibited the further construction of all buildings in that oity over ten stories high. But when a brick falls from even the - tenth story, aa it did the other day while the building was undergoiog repairs and strike the head of a man below, it will kill him as it did W. S. Weed, the owner of the North western Druggist anil the Coicago Graphic Chronicle; Tbe members of the La Grande militia company are fortunate in having se cured permission for tbe organization of the regimental band tor the third ttegimeut. A full set of twenty instruments will be pur chased, and a competent instructor, for whom the -om of $50 per month is allowed trom the militia fund, will be engaged. The band wilt be fully organized in short time The Pxineville Neva gives the following advice to visitors: Gentlemen, when vou spit at the stove iu our office, please do not nuke a target of the stew pan of dried apri cots that are cooking on top of it. lhe liquid extract of tbe fruit that feeds this paper, and of your naroo'ic lunch are first eousins in color, but tbey don t fuse at ail in the matter of taste. Please spit in tbe cuspidor; it Wka formerly a water bucket aod will most likely hold it all.. Salem Statesman: Rev. W. D. Nichols, well knowu in Oregon many years ago, and who during several yeara past has been a missionary in Africa, is dead. His field of work was Liberia. Some months ago he waa taken ill and went to the Canary islands. Getting better he started on his return to Liberia, died suddenly on ship board, February 4th, and wa buried at aea. He waa educated at calem and Foreat Groye, and many in Oregon will remember him. Miss Jessie A. -Ackerman, the world's missionary of tbe W. C. T. U.. varied the monotony of winning new recruits for that organization on a recent trip from Australia to oiugapore. lhe steamer stopped two dsys among the pearling grounds, where 1300 men were working. Here Miss Acker- man put on the diving drers and went down sixty feet to the .ocean's bed and saw for herself the wouders of the deep. She i the first woman to make the experiment, and much relief waa felt when she returned to tbe boat in safety. We learn trom tbe Arlington Record the following proceedings of the circuit court at Condon: , "Iq tbe case of Wm. Cunning bam, more generally known as Bill, tbe Butcher, tbe grand jury returned not a true bill, and the poor victim was after six long months of imprisonment turned loose, not being able to give bonds, as they , were placed at the enormous sum of $5000. . Mr. Cunningham has made many warm friend in Condon fie ia the man the Fossil Jour nal accused of playing the crazy act soon after be was thrown in jail." Tbe ' special agent of the government who whs here last week, says tbe Eugene Register, taking testimony ot citizens of thie country in claims against the govern meet for' Indian depredations, bad six claims submitted to him. The largest claim is the BeUhaw, which is tor abbot $1500. A brother of George Belshaw of this city, accompanied by another man, obtained a load of apples down tbe val ley and were taking them to Southern Oregon, when tbey were attacked by the Rogue River Indians and killed and tbeir property destroyed. Tbe claim is for this property. East Oregonian: Judge M. L. Olmsted is justly proud of tbe record which his son, Percy N. Olmsted, bas- made at the An napolis naval academy. Percy is the cadet for Oregon, and has been honored by the grade of commander of hia class. This po sition is one which is attained pnrely by merit and hard work. Tbe class graduate June lbt. after which Percy will be sent abroad for two years, before being com missioned for regular service. He holds the second best record in tbe world for artillery shooting.the first being beld by a Minnesota boy, who is a cadet at Annapolis. As toon as a vacancy occuia Percy will go into the To Build Up Traffic. Frank G. Carpenter, tbe celebrated news paper correspondent, in an article on Jim Hill, relates the following practical method, employed by the great magnate for creating traffio for his road: "One of Jim Hill's hobbies in the de velopment of bis railroad system is the im provement of the stock and the farming along bis line of road. He bas for yeara been distributing fine stock, sheep, cattle and hogs, to the different sections for breed. ing purposes, stipulating that tbe animal shall be for the use of the communities. He has usually sold them at a moderate figure to one of the leading farmers in each place with tbis provision, and has rarely charged more than the cost of the freight from St. Paul. Among othet things that he dis tributed in this way were some very fine hogs, tbe offspring of some that be imported from the old country himself, and which cost him several hundred dollars apiece. He sold them for about $5 apiece to these farmers and sent them out all a'ong the line. One day not long ago be came down to his office in St. Paul to find an old farmer wait ing for him. He asked him what he could do for him, and the farmer said: 'Mr. Hill, I bave come down to do business with yon. You sent me a boar some time ago and I cook it of you at $5. Well, I tike-it so wel that I have come to tell von that I want to buy the whole litter if yon will let me bave them at the same price.1 Mr. Hill then sat down and explained to the man the philoso phy of breediiig. He told him what the hogs had actually cost him, aod when the fellow went out of the office his eyes were. I am told, as big aa your fist." Central Office Portland, Oregon. Crop Weather Bulletin, No. S, for week ending Tuesday, April 11, 189S: EASTERN OREGON. Weather The weather continues to be wet, cloudy and cool; there is a marked absence of sunshine. Six inches of snow fell on the morning of the 10th in Uma tilla. Union. Wallowa and Baker coun ties. Frosts hive been frequent. The amount of rainfall lor the week has ranged from 0.60 of an inch to 1.83 inches Tbe season is unusually late and back ward.' Crops There are very - few, if any, trees-showing a blossom east of the Cas cade mountains. Color can be seen on some peach and cherry trees about Mil ton and The Dalles. Buds are swelling in the Columbia and Snake river valleys, but they are much later than usual. Tbe ground is thoroughly saturated. Spring seed in? is crreatlv delayed. Grass has slow growth. Little spring plowing has been done in the interior counties, while in Wasco, Sherman and Gilliam counties it is about comoleted. The farmers and stockmen are generally jubilant over the prospects, though where spring seeding is not completed there is considerable com plaint Warmer and fair weather would now prove very beneficial and would greatly facilitate growth of vegetation and tbe backward farming operations. Stock on the range are not in good con dition. Lambing season is on, and small loss is reported. In Klamath county stock have been turned onto the range. B. S. Pague. Local Forecast Official. county. Thompson killed a man named Sherry in a saloon at Antelope, September, 1887. The petition sets forth the tact that Sherry imposed on Thompson and spit in bis fice, whereupon, in the beat of passion, Thompson drew his revolver and shot and killed Sherry. An Interesting; Land Oase. East Oregonian. An interesting laud cane in Oregon has been brought before Surveyor General Byara for decision. The trouble arose over the fact that the Malheur lake, in the south western portion of the state, which formerly covered an area of about 15,000 acres, went' dry two or three years ago, except a long, narrow strip in the center, covering about a section. The cause of this was channel forced through a sand ridge between thi lake and Harney lake, which is -lower, al lowing the water to drain off into the latter. On the lands left bare by the recedence of the water, aome sixty persons have settled and are cultivating farrm. It appears that a man named Nodine had acquired posses sion of all or nearly all the land around tbe margin of the lake, and be now claims that tbe "made lands," or the land left bare by the draining off of the water, accrues to him, and Surveyor General Byars haa been instru :ted to have tbe land aurveyed. Hi will have to make a ruling in the matter. Thia is only one of the many complications which have arisen from tbe habit lakes m that part of the state have, of drying up or of becoming land at one season and water at another. A Cripple for Life. Jacksonville, Or., April 13 Philip Miller, tbe yonog man injured in the Miller mine Monday, was brought to his parents1 borne in Jacksonville today. He will recover from bis injuries, but will be crippled for life, as his right arm was broken above and below tbe elbow aod the elbow joint is hopelessly displaced . Snow 1st South Uafcotn. Fargo, N D , April 13 The temper ature fell to 11 deg. laat night. Snow ceased to fall by noon today. The ice is badly jammed between here and Grand Forks. A gang ia trvioir to break up me Dig noes with dynamite. Tbe tem perature is still below freezing. um m Mi M --- I it iisisasaajssaMSSMStasjsassssassss CAB, TICKSaLICE .'. TH E WOr'L'p RENOWNED -ZS) Situation at Antlers Serious. Washington, April 13. CaDtain Guthrie, sent to report on tbe condition ot affairs at Antlers, I. T.. bas made a report to tbe war department. He re gards the situation as serious. It is be lieved more troops will be sent to the scene. Dippings superintended by experienced representatives, free of charge. CHEHPGR THHN HNY OTHER. COOPER 6HFEP DIP is endorsed by the following; Oregon and Montana BhMpmen: J. W. Brsrs, New Lisbon; George Ochs. Amanda; John Harrison, Mattney: W. 8. Lea, Junction City; W. B. Donaldson Dayville; B. Kelaay, Cras Hollows; P. J. Mouls. Bercail; Joseph Hirschbunr, Chotcau; J. O. MeOuaia;, Dupuj er; Geoiya Edie, Dillon; Cook Clarke, Phllbrook. Tne Republican Canena. Washington, April 13. The Republi can senators in caucus this mornine de cided to insist to tbe last on an investi gation into the charges against Roach, and of tbe claims ofAdy to Martin's seat. The Wool Clip is Vastly Improved by Its Use. ASK YOUR MERCHANT FOR IT, J&EptW tow -other p D Eeal Estate Transfers. April 13 United States to Henry Her- bring; ne qr and e hf of nw qr sec 9, tp 2 s, r 14 east; cash entry. April 13 -United States to Karl Gott fried; aw qr sec 3, tp 2 s, r 14 eaat; cash entry. " April 10 Adelbert A Diabrow to Geo C Jones, Jr; se qr, sec 33 and e hf of ae qr and aw qr of se qr sec 29, tp 1 n, r 9 east; $1000. April 10 John T Mason to I V Mason; nw qr seo 12, tp 1 s, r 14 east; $350. April 11 Neeley Gray, to Michael Ken nedy; e hf of ne qr sen 21, and w hf of nw qr sec 22, tp 4 s, r 12 east; $1400. April 12 J C Hostetler et nx to. L D Ainswortb; one-half of lots 2 and 3, block 11. Laughlin'a addition to Dalles City; $2500. . ' April 13 flampton Kelly et nz to HomT White et al; 4.15 acres, sec 7, tp 5 s, r 15 east; exchange of property. April 14-H M Eping to E W Wilhelm; lota 4, 5, 16 and 17, block 11, Thompson's addition to Dallea City; $275. April 14 Ed.ward Henderson and wife to Wm T Vanderpool; donation land claim of Lewis P Henderson; $10,446.80. April 14 United State to heirs of L P Henderson; w hf of sw qr sec 34, tp 1 s, r 13 east; homestead. Cruelty to Animals. Some men do not possess sense enough to treat dumb brutes decently and here is one mentioned in the Silem Independent: "A case of extreme cruelty to a horse is being nvestigated by Deputy Prosecuting Attor ney Condit. ' It seems that a horse had been turned out to die; that last fall, when nought by tbe - present owner, was in good coudition. That the man who owned it re fused to give bis son money to buy feed for the animal, and waa heard to say that it had only had two bales of straw since last fall. Yesterday the animal fell from weakneas and waa severely beaten. It managed to et upon its feet bjt conld not be made to pull tbe load. Ic was then unhitched and driven out of town to die. On the way out it fell three times, and each time it was beaten with a board nntil it regained its feet. Mr. Condit is going to giye the owner a taste of the law if he can substan tiate the facts, which it seems highly prob ably that be can." Coming to The Dalles. ' One or more Sorgeons of tbe National In stitute, which is established at 319 Bush street, San Francisco, will be at the Umatilla- House Tbe Dalles, Or., Thursday May tth. One day only.- . , Tbia institute is ' specially devoted to the treatment of curvature of the spine, diseaaes of the bip and knee joint, crooked limns, club feet and all bodily deformities. Tbeir success in treating tbese troubles as well as nasal catarrh and all cbroniu diseases, has made for the institute a national reputation. All persons wbo are suffering from any manner of disease or deformity, or wbo have children or friends so suffering, should not fail to take advantage of this opportunity for relief. Ask your postmaster" for circu lars This institute received the gold medal at the World's Fair at Philadelphia for the beat apparatus and methods of treat ment in the world. Thousands of refer ences will be given on application. G- A. B. Grand Encampment. The following officers were elected at Pendleton yesterday: Commander, J C Cooper, Custer Post No 9, McMinoville. Sr Vice Commander, W W Brannin, Kit Carson Post Ko 2S, Pendleton. Jr Vice Commander, R S Greenleaf, George Wright Post No 1, Portland. Medical Director, O. M. Dodson, . Joe Hooker Post No 20, Baker City. Chaplain, Rev G W Gue, Lincoln-Garfield Post No 3, Portland. Assistant AHjt General, D H Turner, George Wright Post, Portland. . Council of Administration Eugene Clark, George Wright No 1, G P Sanderson, Sedg wick Nd 10, Silem; Clark Walter, Gettys burg No 33, Helix; E M Sargent. Sumner No 12, East Portland; Henry Bust, Joe Hooker No 20, Baker City. Delegates to National Eocamnment G W Grann s, D B Bush, George Wright No 1; Thos. Prothero, O 1 Morton Post No 36, La Grande. Alternates A J- Bellows, Reuo No 29. Portland; W H Burghardt, Meade No 2, Oregon City; J V Willis, Rawlins No 31, Lexington. Tbe national encampment will be held at Indianapolis in September. - Roseburg waa chosen as the next place of meeting of tbe encampment. A Little Girl Burned to a Crisp. Baker City Democrat. The 4-year-old daughter of ' Mr. J. W. Kelly was burned to death Monday evening at Mr. Kelly's ranch, about four miles from Weiser. Mr. G. E. Uickerson was at work in Kelly's field, and had two or three small brush fires, near one of which the little girl was playing. He heard her scream, and on looking up saw the child's clothing on fire. He was at least 200 yards away, aod by tbe time he reached the spot the little one w completely wrapped in names and was burned in a horrible manner. In tearing the remnants of her clothing from the child. Mr. Uickerson also burned his handa badlv. Dr. Shirley was at once sent for, but hia aid was useless, aod the child died about 12 o clock at night. Tbe doctor found the little girl in tbe most heart-rending condi tion. She was bu'ned from head to foot. The hair wa burned off ber bead, aud the body was completely roasted to a crisp. The body was buned in tbe Weiser ceme tery on Tuesday. "How do 1 look f " That de pends, mntftmy upon how ' you feeL If you're suffering from functional dis turbances. ularities or KOSHLOD BROS., Portland, Or., I i. H. WILLIAMS & COMPANY, CEN. ACTS. FOR OREGON, WASHINGTON & IDAHO. Local .A fits., IMie Dalles. Or WILLIAM COOPER & NEPHEWS, Proprietors, Galveston, Texaa. j1 n esses, you're sure )k it." . tn'Mnnki An Dr. Pierce's Favarita Fresm-intion remedy. It builds up the system, regulates and promotes the nroDer functions, and re stores health and strength. It's a legitimate medicine, not a beverage; purely vegetable, perfectly harmless, and made especially for woman's needs. In the cum nf nil "fomsl. complaints,'' it's guaranteed to give satisfac tion, or the money is refunded. No other medicine for women ia sold nn Think nf that, when the dealer says something else ia lys ma Deraeri is "just as good," " Times have rhanond " Rn Inn The modern improvements in pills are Dr. Pierce's Pleasant PeUnts. IVvMn Ntn instead of fightina with her. Sick and ner vous headache, biliousness. mtiTanm nA u ueiTuigmaeura fjL u liver, stomach aau bowels are prevented, relieved, and cured. BIG OFFER For tbe next Thirty Days we offer Goods at the following Low Prices for CASH : Our $6.00 Shoes for $5.25 Our $5.00 Shoes for .... . .$4.25 Our $4.50 Shoes for $3.75 Our $3.50 Shoes for $3.00 Our $3.00 Siloes for $2.65 Our $2.50 Shoes for $2.15 Our $2.25 Shoes for . . $1.90 Arbor Daj. This afternoon the exercises at tbe publio schools partook of those relating to planting aod growth of shrubbery; but as the direc tors planted twenty trees in the ground tbis spring, and as no more were desired, this part of the programme was omitted. Tne teachers of the different departments drilled their pupils in declamations appro priate to the occasion, and these consisted from a couplet to a complete poem. It ia on necessary to state that all acquitted them selves admirably. There were quite a nam ber of visitors present, and tbese were highly entertained. Tbe day is one that should be universally observed, and as noth ing is more attraetsve to any educational institution than trees, the day is made of practical utility. In after years, the man or woman may point with pride to a giant growth planted in childhood days, and the tree may thus become an attractive acene around which memory delights to cling. When Baby waa sick, we gmr ber Caatru When ahe was a Child, she cried far Caataria, ' When ahe became Hiss, she elans; to Caatoria, Whau sha had Children, aha gT nasca Caataria An Inhuman Father. The Eugene Guard thus makes men tion ot a man by the name of Weaver in that vicinity: , "Prank Weaver, the boy spoken of in the Guard a few days since, has been found a place, by the county court, with Hon M. Wilkins, of Coburg. Judge Fisk managed to get enough money from the father Saturday night to pur chase the boy a few clothes; and he was sent over to his new home Monday. Tbe father with the mother and younger chil dren left for Missouri, Saturday night. Another son, aged 19, v left working at Junction; but the worst action of all was the leaving of a 15-year-old girl here among comparative strangers. His ex cuse for this was that 'she wanted to go to school and read too much.' He evi dently wished to rid himself of all but his wife and smaller children. It is prob able that some kindly disposed family will give her work and a home, but th: action of the father in this latter instance is more despicable than the former, and if it had been generally known before bis departure, he would, without doubt, have been severely dealt witb." , Annual Sohool Beport. : From tbe annual report of Superintendent Shelley, we glean tbe following statistics: Number of persons between four and twenty years of age Males, 1546; females, 1340. Total, 3086. ' Resident pupils enrolled in public schools during yesr, male, 045; ,fe male, 931. Total, 1876. Number enrolled under six yeara of age. males, 43; females, 55. Total, 98. Average daily attendance, 1246. Number of teachers employed, male, 19; female, 58. Total, 77. Number of teachers holding first-grade county cer tificates, males, 3; females, 3. Total, 6. Seoond-grade certificates, males, 6; females, 29. Total, 35. Estimated value of school houses, including grounds, $48,525; value of achool furniture, $7634; apparatus, $1916; ayersge salary psid male teachers, per month, $53 80; females, $43; superin tendent. : $75. Number of organized dis tricts, 55; number of school districts re porting, 55; average number of months publio school taught, 5 1 10. Amount of sohool funds in hands of distriot clerk, $3089.11; amount raised by districts on taxes, $8186 26; apportioned to school dis tricts from tbe county school fund $13, 490 52; apportionment to school districts from the atate achool fund, $4170 20: TELEGRAPHIC HEWS. A Young Bay Burned to Death. Grant's Pass, Or., April 13 News bas just come in ot the burning of tbe residence aod one of the children of Mr. aod Mrs. Charles White, wbo live oppo si'e Woodville, about nine miles from this city. The bey who was ouroed to death was about eight years old. aod was burned to a crisp. At about 5 o'clock the two older boys got up and built a fire and went to attend tbe chores. Mr. aod Mrs. White did not get up at once, or un'il tbey heard tbe noise of tbe flames. Opening their bedroom door tbey were forced back by tbe flames. They bad some difficulty in opening a window to escape, and tbe fire spread so rapidly tbey were forced out, both being burned, and not being able to rescue the, child. Tbere bad been some carpet rags colored the previous day and tbey were dryiug ;n iron t ot ice nrepiace, ana it is sup posed that a spark flew from the fireplace causing tbe conflagration. Tbe loss is a severe one to tbe family, as all tbe con- tents were burned with tbe building. World's fair Travelers Will Have It. The public demand through service when traveling. It is old-fashioned to change cars. (Jn the through solid vestibnled trains ot the Chicago, Union Pacific & Northwestern Line from or to CM M an Omaha aod intermediate points, there is no cnange. xnis is the finest and fastest road. CHILDREN'S : SHOES, In Kid, Pebble-Goat, Kangaroo Calf, Oil Grain and Bright Grain, . proportion to above reduction. "Out of Sight." The traveling public are now fully alive to the fact that tbe Chicago, Union Pacifio ft .Northwestern Line offers the very best accommodations to the public from and to Chicago, Omaha and intermediate points, not only during the world's fair, but all the year- around. - H1RRIEO. ROWLAUD AIN8WORTH April li, 188S, in this . city, ac the residence of the bride's parents, by Rer. W. C. Curtis, Miss Margaret Rowland and Mr. Lewis D Ainsworth. ADDRESS: SAN FRANCISCO. CAU A Bough Journey. ' . W. W. Statesman. Mrs. J. C. Eberly, wife ot Dr. Eberly, went last fall to visit ber sisters at Fort Bid well, in the northeast of California near tbe Nevada line. The trip there was enjoyable, but haying stayed till winter had set in, there was no getting out again till the snow bad disappeared. From Fort Hid well to the nearest railroad is 110 miles, which bas to be trayersed by stage over a rough mountain road with frequent hollows, where mud and water threatened to engulf the coach and its occupants bodily. At times the coach sank so low that the water flowed freely through it. Mrs. Eberly had to be strapped to the seai aod her baby strapped to her to keep them from being pitched out bodily. It took two days and two nights to travel the 110. miles. The doctor received do mail tor five weeks owing to the difficulty of its being brought out Horseback and snowshoea were the only means ot travel during the winter. Mrs. Eberly arrived home with marks of the bruises received in her rough ride still visible, and says it will be iome time before she attempts the journey again. . . Pardons Granted. Four pardons were granted yesterday by Gov. Pennoyer. Tbee convicts wbo en joyed the executive clemency were: John W. Bare, sentenced for three yeara from Morrow connty; Moses Bedford, two years from Umatilla county; Jjia Bally, from tbe same county, one year, aud John Thompson, from this county, 15 years for manslaughter. His pardon was recommended by the dis trict attorney, who secured hia conviction. Thompson's term would bave expired May 23, .1900, provided his; conduct continued good. Congressman elect VV. B. Ellis, then district attorney, recommendeil the pardon in consideration of Thompson's, age aod tbe belief that all that can be done in the way of reformation -haa already been accom plished. The pardon " was also petitioned 1 for by a large number of citizens of Wasco 1 Ie Ieasepa Moat Serve Time. Paris, April 13 Tbe court of cessa tion has rejected the appeal of Charles de Lesseps from tbe sentence of a year's imprisonment - imposed on bim as a re sult of bis conviction ot having corrup ted tbe ex -minister of public works. Bai but, to support the Panama lottery bonds biJ, tbe sentence also including the pay ment of costs and of damages demanded by civil parties to tbe proceedings. The one year's imprisonment was to ran con currently with tbe five year sentence pre viously imposed on Charles de Lesseps upon his conviction of having defrauded Panama shareholders. Charles de Les seps bas no recourse now trom escaping Jrom punishment, excepting the clem ency of President Carnot. In The Hep ate. Washington, April 13 In the senate, a memorial signed by 77 members of the Eansaa legislature against tbe right of Martin to a seat aa senator, and stat ing he was illegally elected, was pre sented and referred to tbe committee on privileges and elections. Tbe senate tbtn Went , into executive session, aud when the doors reopened adjourned. In tbe executive session tbe senate listened to the Republicans, wbo de clared tbey would bave the Roach case considered in epen session if tbe Demo crats ignored it in the executive. ( BOK.t. CONR Y In this .ity, April 13.h,to the wired ir. r. iwnroy, a caugnter. PHOTOGRAPHER. First Prize awarded for the best Portrait! and Views at the Second Eastern Oregon District Agricultural Society. (Successor to T. A. Houghton. Chapman Block, Tbe Dallea, Oregon. janlv CM STO NEMAN & FIElGE. We also do All Kinds of Repairing Quickly and Neatly. 114 SECOND STREET, THE DALLES, OREGON THE GERMAN STUBLING & WILLIAMS, PROPS. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. All brands ot Imported Liquors, Ale and Porter, and Genuine Key West Cigars. A full line of i 1 CALIFORNIA : WINES : AND : BRANDIES. Twehre-year-old Whiskey, strictly pure, for medidual pur poses. Malt Liquet. Columbia Brewery beer on draught. SO SecondlStreet, TIIK DALLES, OK. The CARLISLE WHISKEY, Perfection of Hand -made Sour Mash Bourbon, NEW Tl l-OAY. WANTED To represent oua well knowu house. Ton reel no capital to represent a firm that warrants nurseiy stock firstKilass a d true to name. Work ail the year. $100 a month to the riant man. Apply, stat ins; aac. L. L. MAY Co, Nurserymen. Florists and Seedsmen, aprlS bu F.ul, Minn. tmsm PURE AUD MATURED. INVALUABLE TO THE D0CT0U, THE INVALID, AND THE GOOD LIVER. Ca-rrr 2r A. WESOLO, He Boston Tailor East end of Second street, . TH8 DHLL6S, OREGON. Sherwood San Francisco, & SHERWOOD. Distributing Agents, . 212 Market St. Portland, . 24 N. Front St NOLAN'S P0ST0FFICE STORE. EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OP. DesBoeratie Cirtat Hall. . "Washiugton, April 13 Tbe president bas sent to the senate the following nom inations: , . A. W. Terrill, of Texai, minister to Turkey. J. W. Hawkins, of Arizona, assoc iate justice of the supreme court of Ari zona. J. H. M. Wigmac, of Wiscooiio, United States attoroev for tbe east era district of Wisconsip. SUITS made to order from $15.00 np. PANTS made to order from $ 5.00 up. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Conity Treasurer's Notice." All county warrants registered priori to June 1, 1889, will be paid on presenta tion at my offioe. Interest ceases after this date. ' William Michbll, County Treasurer. The Dalles, March 31, 1893. SML BOOKS fljlD FIJIt STDTIOJIEBI, FRENCH CANDIES AND IMPORTED AND DOiOTIC CICARS, -OAK BE FOUND AT- To Whom It May Concern: WINO TO A PROLONGED ABSENCE FROM home after Mar 1st, I am eompelled to ask settlement by easn or note on all onutanains; ac counts Please remit on or befoie the above data, aprl O. C HOLLlbTER, at. D. M. T. NOLAN'S POSTOITICE STORE. JOLBS : BROS., -DEALERS IN- MONEY TO LOAN On LoDg Time at Six Per Cent Merest Staple and Fancy Groceries, HAY, GRAIN AND FEED. . Masonlo Block, Third and Court Htm. THE DALLES, OREGON -ON- COLUMBIA PACKING COMPAHT mi aod taMiMos FiibJ Plan Wip w5lk 3STE"W E1TG-J . A TTD NATIONAL BUIIDINC, LOAN AND INVESTMENT ASSOCIATION Oregonian Building, Portland, Oregon. JOEL G. KOONTZ. AGENT, THE DALLES, OKEUUfl Agents wanted Address tbe Portland Office. And tbe best Beefsteaks, Mutton Chops and Yeal Outlets in tbe market. Orders Delivered to Anv Part of the Citv. Fresh Vegetables on sale at theLo west JPrices. . MISS HNNH & COMPANY, . , Leading Musie and Book Store, I. O. rSICBtJELSJBlIN, Proprietor. Blip HJILLIDEY, 118 SecondfSt., THE. on. -This old house, established in 1870. is enlaraina in all it departments. Not too biff tn .nt oMrvhndv's natronacre. School Books. Desks and School Furniture, Organs, Pianos, Watches and Jewelry. Able to sell everybody Foreien Excbanae and Parcel Express paasaae tickets to and trom Europe. Baeostsors to Mrs. a E. Dunham, Comer of Union and Second Streets, Tbe Dalles, Oregon. DEALERS IS'. DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, NEW DISCOVERY ACCIDENT In compounding a aolntkm a pan was aecldentlj aplllrd on tt band and on waablnc alfrward It was discovered mat lb. balr waa. com. pleteiy removed. We at ones put tbis wonderful preparation, on tbs market and ao areat baa been tbe demand that we are now Introdubtna; lt throafbost tne world under lbs name ot Uihi'i Antl-lialrlaa, IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS AND SO SIMPLE ANY CHILD CAN USE IT. Imj th hair over and apply tbe mlztore for a few mlnntes, and th hair disappears aa If by mafic without tbe sllcbteat pal a or Injury when applied or ever afterward. J t Isunllke any oiber preparation ever nerd for a like purpose. Tbonaanda of LA I ITS -who bave been annoyed with balr on tbeir FACE, NECK and A KM attest Its merits. UEaTLKfln wno aonot appreciate a oeara or oairoDujeirnera. FineiToilet Soaps, Brashes, Combs, Perfumery, Eto. L qnors for Medicinal Purposes. Pare Physicians' JPre scrip rions a. Specialty. TraH Mark. Price of Qneen i AnM-Hatrf n O. sealed from observation!. Bend money . pondenee atrlctly confidential. Tbis adTertleement hi honest and etrelcbtf contains. We Invite yon to deal with and too will And everytninc aa renn s-nd to-day. Address QUCIN CKtMIOAL COM 174 Know StrMt, CINC oi isi I are or sllffhtast lajnry ta aarr aanaaHr. . arwi wotuw a enrptll To ladles who iatrodnee and sen moa thear Meade at BatUesar ert AavJ-K airlnev OrtUIlL we will present with a 1LX DBJnta, 1( yards beat auk. Bztra lam Bottle aad sasspl as saaaaaasaaa ot allk te seleat faM with eawa. Oeod a. I are a OomialHon La Aaaaaa. , Cod a priceless bona la Queen's Antl-Halrlne wblrh does away with Shaving, by renderlna Ita fntnr growth an ntter Impossibility. pa bottle, seat In safety malHaw boe. poetaire paw oy as (arrureix none- or stamps by letter with full addreae wrlttea plainly. C'orree bls adTertleement at honest and etrelcbt forward lpvtT word It rlth an and too will And everythln aa renreeented. Cut this out aadl .QUCIN CKtsIOALCOl74IatrCINCINMATI.O. Yoa eaa