The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, January 21, 1893, Image 4

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The Times-Mountaineer
.JANUARY 21, 1893
Perhaps no railroad of modern times
to fully illustrates American "push"
' and enterprise as the building of the
3reat Northern, which was completed
to its Paget Sound terminus a few
days ago. The road was pushed over
the mountains at the rate of 2,000 to
4,000 feet a day, and for the past two
or three weeks the builders have been
hindered ; by over three '.feet of snow;
jC&ts work went on "with the precision
' and certainty of a machine or a great
army,-; notwithstanding the snow and
cold. The road traverser ' wiida and
solitudes unknown to tourists and
sight-seers,' and the work was pushed
in both directions until the builders
met Friday night, January 6th, when
the last spike was driven. ... And not
only were the rails laid down at the
rate of nearly half a mile per day in
frost and snow, but a wire car followed
the locomotive and unreeled a West
ern Union line, and an improvised
teleeraDh station was formed at the
end of each day's work.
' The manner of the construction of
the road is gratifying; also, says the
Inter Ocean, compared with the history
of the Northern Pacific. In the build
ing of the latter Chinese labor was an
important and at that time regarded
as an indisDensable element. In the
construction of the Great Northern,
however, Scandinavians and Irish did
the greater part of the work and at
fair compensation, the wages for com-
. mon labor being $2 per day.
The immediate benefits of another
great transcontinental route will be
felt by all the cities of the northwest
as well as by the rapidly growing
states of the northern Pacific coast.
The element of competition will now
enter more and more in commerce with
the coast states, and this in turn will
be felt in. the increased commerce be
tween the east and the west Every
great railroad and telegraph line makes
the solidarity of-, the United States
more complete and tends to unify com
merce, politics and laws.
Very many are inclined to blame
the legislature for acts of omission and
commission when the members are not
at fault ' If a community having a
representative at Salem desire a law
passed th individuals should" signify
their wish in unmistakable terms. The
right of petition is as old as the great
charter, and should be exercised with
perfect freedom. What is true of af-
- firmative legislation also applies to the
defeat of an obnoxious measure. In a
few days our members at Salem will
. be besieged by persons desiring Wasco
county to be carved up in a most in-
' discriminate manner, and' four divis
ions of the state made where only one
now exist If the citizens of The
Dalles do not want tbes bills to pass
it is a simple matter to make the fact
'known and procure remonstrances nu
merously signed. Of course it will re-'-
quire active work; but it is useless to
-remain idle in such an emergency and
than censure the' members of the leg
islature' for not understanding; our
.. wants.' , The friends of the new coun
ties have been actively at work, per
haps for months, maturing their plans,
, and when they visit Salem know how
to proceed. If we desire to effectively
. oppose these measures there is no time
to be wasted, and it will require un
tiring, earnest efforts. :.
There is a demand in Democratic
quarters for , a special session of con
gress, and we hope Mr. Cleveland will
acquiesce to the wishes of his friends.
' If, he was elected on the Chicago plat
form, every distinctive principle should
become law, and, if the McKinley bill
caused the defeat of Mr. Harrison
should be repealed, and tariff for rev
enue inaugurated. An experiment of
this kind will prove beyond question
which is the better economic policy
for the nation, protection or British
free-trade. The people are sovereign
phey have given their decision and
let "it be heeded by the executive and
congress. -
0B00X. C0UJ.TY.
I tens From
the Columns
or the
Oehoco Review.
The roads in every .direction are drying
up and are getting in nrst-ratc condition
It is reported that diphtheria has again
made its appearance in the Liberty neigh
Col. Nye has been verv .sick during the
. week from heart failure, but we are pleased
to state he is growing better. '
George Gibson waa down from Newsom
creek this week. He says that locality has
been particularly favored this winter so far.
three inches being the greatest depth the
snow has fallen.
The farmers of this section have taken
advantage of the open winter, and sown
large acreage of grain. Marion Tentpleton
says be has sown over 100 acres of grain on
McKay creek dnring the fall and winter.
and he, together with . his neighbors,. conK
dently expect a bountiful harvest. .
Crook county's tax roll, as submitted to
the inspection of the state board of equliza
lion, it credited with having been the. best
prepared and most accurate roll of any
county in'the state. This is a well-deserved
complement to Mr. Robinson, the assessor
who made op the roll. '
The county court at the January term
made an order authorizing the payment of a
bounty for the scalps of wild animals killed
between the 15th day of January, and tbe
1st day of May, 1893, in the following
amounts: Wildcat.catamount or lynx,1.00;
coyote, $1.00; bUck-tail rabbit, 2 rents;
aagerat,2J cents; cougar and panther, $2.60.
No bounty will be paid on the scalps oti
young animals, the increase of 18U3, and
none will be paid to an Indian for any
scalps, nor for any scalps taken from ani
mals killed on the Warm Spring: agency.
All persons presenting scalps shall make
and subscribe an affidavit before tbe county
clerk or some justice of tbe peace of the
county, that he ia a resident of Crook
.county; that the scalps therewith presented
were taken from wild animals killed be
tween January 15th, and May 1st, 1893,
and tilts affidavit shall have attached there
to the certificate of tbe officer before whom
it is made, to the effect that the scalps were
presented by the person named therein,
and were destroyed by the officer.
We Wants It
Hood Biver Glacier.
After mature deliberation we have raised
our lightning rod and patiently await the
storm after tbe 4th of March, in hopes the
lightning may strike it in the shape of the
appointment of register ot The Dalles land
office. We respectfully suggest in our own
favor that since the 8th day of November
last we have waxed fat, gaining 22 pounds
in that time, on diet such as the country
editor usually tackle?, which is proof posi
tive that tiie political pudding is the cause
of it. We have grown too large indeed to
longer remain a private individual, and
must either have an office or have tbe Ore
gon legislature incorporate us. We feel
that we are competent to fill the office and
strong enough to draw the salary, thus
reflecting credit on the party and deflecting
cash to burseif supplying a great need in
either case. Besides this it would be a fit
ting recognition of the newspaper frater
nity the people who put others in office
and get nothing themselves; the men who
"lead tbe columns" in political battle, who
marshal and drill the forces in time of
peace; the men who get all the scars, no
cash and a very limited credit. The
truth i?, tho newspaper man is,, so to
speak, tbe war house in time of polit
ical battle, the beast of burden between
fights, turned out to pick a precarious hy
ing on tbe range, fenced out of the public
pasture, and only groomed when it is time
for him to stand up and be shot at. These
are our claims to recognition, and . if we are
to be turned down, we ask in all justice to
an overworked and underpaid class ot party
workers tbat some other newspaper man be
giyen tbe place.
The Sailxoad Lands.
There is little hope of the time being ex
tended for payment on the forfeited rail
road lands, although the Oregon delegation
in congress haye done everything they pos
sibly could to extend tbe time. The latest
dispatch gives the following information in
relation to the matter:
Senator Dolph to-day had a long inter
view with the commissioner of toe general
land office and tbe secretary of the interior
about the construction to be placed upon
the act of the last session of congress ex
tending the time for the payment of for
feited railroad lands by persons entitled to
purchase the same. The senator argued
that a resident upon an adjoining tract of
land should be considered as a resident
. .
npon railroad lands. xoe commissioner,
however, believes that under the wording
of the aot which requires actual residence,
he would not be justified in so construing
the act, and the extension can only be given
to those whose residence is actually on the
railroad lands. Senator Dolph hopes to
have an early leport on bis bill extending
the time, but insists that the several hun
dred settlers in Oregon and Washington on
these lands should not depend upon legisla
tion, but should make payments as soon as
possible. ;" '
. ' Mistaken Identity.
A peculiar case of mistaken identity hap
pened in Missouri last fall, in which Mr. F.
M. Hampton, of the firm of Hampton Bros.,
of Moro made the error. . He had just de
livered three carloids of horses, and was
walking along the street when he apparently
recognized a resident of this city. Taking
him by the hand. he said, "How are- you
John M ? When did you leave The
Dalles?" ... Tbe man said - bis name was
M , but not John, and he had never
seen Tbe Dalles. He had a brother called
John whom be had not seen for several
years, and perhaps the gentleman referred
to was the individual.. Strange to relate j
the family of M- immierated to The
Dalles from Wisconsin about twenty-eight
years ago, and no member , is now oyer
thirty miles distant Somewhere in the
forties a distant branch of the family settled
in Wisconsin, and nothing has been heard
from them since 1852. Perhaps tne person.
the victim of mistaken identity may be a
descendent of that part of the family; but
it is very surprising that the family like
ness should be preserved in relatives so far
removed from the parent tree as to furnish
case of mistaken identity.
Public Installation.
The .public installation of the officers of
the G. A. R. and W. R. U. last Saturday
evening in Fraternity hall was a very en
lovable event. Mr. W. S. Myers was the
inatalhug officer of the G. A. R. and Mrs.
W. S. Myers of the W. R. C. After tbe
exercises an able and appropriate address
was delivered by Rev. W. H. Wilson. The
names of the officers of the G. A. R. were:
J. M. Patterson, commander; R. L. Aiken,
junior V. C. ; H. H. Learned.sorgeon; Rev.
W. H. Wilson, chaplain; E. N. Chandler,'
quartermaster; C. H. Brown, adjutant;
Comrade Baker, officer of the guard; J.
Lemison, sergeant major. The W. R. C.
officers were: Mesdames Alice Varney,
president; Mary Learned, senior vice presi
dent; Lizzie Ullrich, junior vice president;
Julia Chandler, chaplain; Blanche Patter-
sou, secretary: Belle iierger, treasurer;
Mary Nichols, conductor; Lavina Lemison,
guard; Sarah Bunch, assistant conductor;
Millie McDonald, assistant guard. We
were not present but are informed tbat the
ladies excelled the gentlemen in rehearsing
the ritualistic ceremonies.
Letters Advertised.
The following is tho liBt of letters re
maining in The Dalles . postoffice uncalled
for Saturday, Jan. 15, 1893. Persons call
ing for these letters will pleaso give the
date on which they were advertised:
Ashbangh, JS Allen, Mr
Allen, Hattie Allie, Maud
Buahell, John , Breheny.Mrs L M (2)
Crolton, W J Crocker, H H i
CuimaBg, Mrs Louisa Cummins, Mrs Oliver
Denton, Mrs Mary Erfen, Jennie
Fowler, AW- Hardison, Gabe ' '
Hyre, ChirlotU -Johnson, Mrs Alma
Keister, EJ ' Milligan, Billy
Mitcntu, airs Mamie Moore, 11
Murray. J T
McCleary. R S
McKelrev, Dave
Phelps, Mrs J H
Poley. El
Nelson, Nets
Powell, A D
Quiring, Tohatn
Rober s, Chas
. " Thomas. L 3
Wood, Frank
Yerberg, A
M. T. Nolan, P.
Richmond, E
Stiles, Mrs Frank
WeiUler t Co
Wilson, W. L
Death of Mr. Oon, Howe. f
From Monday's Daily.
Mr. Cornelius Howe, who has lived in
the city for the past fifteen years, and who
has been sick : for a long time, djed this
forenoon at 11 o'clock. He was "aged about
42 years, and leave a widow and eae child
to mourn his decease. For a long time,
previons to ma sicaness, Mr. Howe was
night watchman, and by his honest guard
ianship of the peace of the city made ' very
many mends, who will regret hi de
parture. " AsviPtaan "Con" was honest and
generous, and no man bad a better fnend or
charity a more liberal supporter. . His fam
ily will have tbe heartfelt sympathy of the
community in their sad bereavement, and
the tears of many friends will mingle with
those of the disconsolate widow and child
over the remains of him who was true to bis
fellows, just to bis enemies and liberal to
all. -' ' a ' ':'. !, -
- ,: Wanted.; .
Employment to do general housework in
family or plain sewing. ' Apply at this
The Committees. -Salem,
Jan. 16 Tbe standing commit
tees ot tbe leislature were announced to
day. President Fulton's rppointmenta
are :
Judicary Denny (chairman).
Willis, Wetberford and Butler
Ways and Means Hirscb , Gates,
Woodard, Black man and Raley.
Elections Woodard, Hayes and Hus
ton. Clatmr McGinn, Stelwer and Myers.
Corporations Cameron, Cross and Van-
derburg. -
Counties Dodson, Looney and Yeatcb.
Military Affairs Bancroft Gates and
Commerce Loony, Maxwell aod
Education Crosnc, Willis and Mat
Engrossed Bills McGinn, Dodson and
Enrolled Bills Gates. Hirsch and
Weatberford. .
Reads and Highways Cross, Looncy
Crosno, McAlister end iieckley.
Public Lands Steiwer,Maxwell,Haye,
Cogswell and Smith.
Federal Relations Cogswell, Alley and
' Mining Cameron, Woodard and Mc
Printing Maxwell,McGinn and Raley.
Kiilroads Hayes, Cameron, Uenny,
Matlock and Cogswell.
Agriculture Vanderburg. Cameron
and Alley.
Assessments Willis, Steiwer, Dodson,
Raley and Huston,
Fishing Iodustries Alley, Hirscb,
Cross. Blackman and Veatcb.
Public Buildings- Looney, Bancroft
and Beckley.
Elections Nortbup (chairman), Dur
ham, Cornelius, Mays and Miller.
Ways and Means Wright of Union,
Wright ot Marion aod Jeffreys.
Education Brown of Douglas, Par
ton and King.
Judiciary Paxtnu, Brown of Morrow,
Ford, Nichols and Kmg.
Claims Cornelius, Bangbman and
Military Affairs Geer of Clackamas,
Nortbup aod NicKell.
Roads and Highways Cooper, Geer of
Marion and Curren.
Engrossed Bills Merritt, Manley and
Enrolled Bills Belknap, Merrill and
Maloney.- :
Indian Affairs Ormsby, Stone and
Printing Duncan, Gowan and Upton.
Corporations Russell, Gullixson and
Blevips .
Com merce Guillxion, Belknap, Trul-
linger, Belts and Wilkinson.
Counties Brown of Morrow, Brown
of Douglas, Lawton, Hobos and Iom&n.
Federal Relations Hobos, sueriuan
and McEweo. ' "'
Mining Write of Marion, Buxton nnd
Houck. .
Public Lands MerrlU, Gowan and
Internal Improvements Goodrich, Gill
and Toner.
Public Buildings and Grounds Ford,
Wilkins and Staats.
Agriculture Geer of Marion, Coon
aod Belvins.
Alcoholic Traffic-r-Belts, Duncan and
Railways and Transportation Gowan,
Rassel, Chandler, Jeffreys and Houck.
Assessment and Taxation Chandler,
Manley, Lagman, Lawton and Daly.
Manufactures Bishop, Hiiuiore and
Medicine and Pharmacy Day, Gill
and Miller.
Horticulture Coon, Ormsby, Toner.
Public ' Morals Gill, Baughman and
McEweo. '
Rules and Joint Rules Nichols, Dui
nam. and Ionian. ,
Salaries and Mileage Durham, Mer
ritt aod Malony. - '
Public Library Baugbman, Eord and
Fisheries Mjero, Coon, Cooper Jeff
reys and Campbell.
Labor Lamson, Mays and Upton.
Fourteen New Cardinals Created.
Rome, Jan. 16 Tbe pope created 14
cardinals at a consistory today. Tbe
list does not include an American. They
are Archbishop Lughan, of Westminster;
Archbishop Logos, primate of Ireland ;
Arcbbibhop Krementz, of Cologne; Prince
Archbishop Kopp, Breilao ; Monslgnore
Moncinni, papal under, secretary of state;
Monsignore Persisco, secretary of tbe
propaganda, and others,, there being in
all six Italian cardinals, two French, two
Prussian, one Eoglisb, one Irish, one
Hungarian and one Spanish. Tbe pope
on the allocation thanked God fct having
preserved bim to celebrate the episcopal
jubilee. , lnia event, tne pope said
would be regarded by man as a sign of
divine protection" extended ' over the
church in these calamitous davs through
tbe preservation of the life of the supreme
pontiff. Tne pope announced, In addi
tion to tbe cardinals named, that tbe cre
ation of two cardinals was reserved. Thev
are believed to be Heinhuber and
French bishop. . ,
Engineers Suffocated by Charcoals
New Yoke, Jan. 16 -At 8:50 this
morning word was brought to Captain
Cooper, of the police patrol, that two
engineers upon the British tteamsblp
Glenbervie, lying in tbe bay ott Bedloe's
aland, were dying of suffocation. As
there was no surgeon on board. Captain
Cooper summoned an ambulance from
Chambers-street hospital. Surgeon Df
8. H. Stokes was taken on- board of tbe
patrol and carried down the bay to tbe
Glenbervie. He found Granville Steven'
sou, tbe second engineer, already dead
Henry Thompson, third engineer, died
shortly after. Their deaths were caused
by tbe inhalation of poisonous gases,given
off by a brazier of charcoal kept-burn
ing for the purpose of warming tbe cabin.
Critical Hltaation la Chattanooga.
Chattanooga, Tenn., Jan. 15 Chat
tanooga Is in darkness and tbe city is
without a drop of water. At midnight
tbe water company's supply gave out.
owing to tbe freeziog ot tbe river and the
water in tbe suction pipes. Tbe electric
light went out and the city is bitch dark.
In case ot fire not a drop of water could
be secured tor work. The , situation, ia
critical. ,
Capsiaed Schooner in Tow.
Sak Fbahcisco, Jan. 16 A dispatch
from' Eureka, Caln this morning says
tbat the tug Fearless passed Here jester
a ay atternoon wr.b a; wreck bottom- up
in tow. 'ibis is the. schooner Volant
bound from Sao Pedro to Eureka to
load lumber, and which capsized in a
recent gale. She carried' a crew of eight
m n . . , .
Fatal Train Wreck.
Pit8bubo, Jan . 16-Tbe third section
of a fast train bound east on tbe Penn'-
sylvama road ran into a coal train near
Latrobe early this morning, wrecking
nve coal cars and tbe engine of tbe pass
eoger train. Fireman George Little was
crushed to death, and George Cannon,
G?orge Kelly Getting, trainmen; seriously
if not fatally hurt.
The Philadelphia Ledger publishes situa
tion in Homestead; The Homestead of to
day ia not the Homestead that it waa four
months ago. The entire aspect of tbe place
has changed. A period of inactivity, as
marked as ta former condition of turbu
lence, baa set in, The streets are deserted
and the majority of workinginen seen npon
its thoroughfares stand shivering in the lee
of sheltered buildings. The day of promised
wrath has come Upon this town, 'one of the
most prosperous, formerly, in all tbe state
of Pennsylvania.-, Strike, advisory oom
mittee and happy homes have been broken.
Men whose life interests, apparently, wore
centered around the place are in prison or
hsye disappeared, leaving no trace behind.
or have gone to distant states to begin life
over again at one-balf or one-tbird the
wages which they received for years in tbe
mills of tbis place. Hundred ot those who
remain are a burden upon the bounties of
the state, are comoelled. they and their
wives and children, to eat the bread of
charity and warm themselves at the tires
lighted by the hands of plilanthropy.
The Misnonette club gave its first party
Friday night at Fraternity hall, and the in
itiatory dance was successful in every par
ticular. Prof. Birgfeld presided at the pi
ano, and the music was all that could be de
sired by those who delight to "trip the lieht
fantastic toe." Tho3e present were: Dr.
and Mrs. Snedaker, Judge and Mrs, G. C
Blakeley. Captain and Mrs. Sherman, Mr.
and Mrs. H. J. Maier, Mr. and Mrs. D. C.
Mr. ind Mrs. L. E. Crowe, Mr.
and Mrs. F. A. Houghton, Mrs. French,
Mi6ses Jeannette and Annie Williams, Vir
ginia and Grace Marden Clara Story, Cad
die Booth. Iva Brooks, MatiMa Hollister,
Miss Gosaer; Messrs. Max Vogt, jr., r
Faulkner. John Hampshire, John Booth
Wm. McCrnm, M. Jameson, E. M. Will
iams, Jos. Worsley, John Hertz, H. French,
F. Sharp, J. Bvrue and 01. llonnell.
For Over Fify Vears.
An Olo asd Well-Tried Remkdv
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been
used for over fifty years by millions of
mothers for their children while teething
with perfect success. It soothes the child.
softens the coma, allays all pain, cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarrhcev Is pleasant to the taste. Sold
bv all drueeists in eyerv part of tbe world.
Twentv five centsa bottle. Its value is
incalculable. Be sure and ask tor Mrs,
Winslow's Soothins Svrup. and take no
other kind.
'Land Notices.
Lard Omci at Vancouvrb, Wash.,
- Dee. 14. 1S82.
Notice is hereby riven that the followintr-.iamed
settlers have filed notice of their Intention to make
final proof in suppoiPof their claim, and that said
proof will be made before W. R. Dunbar, Commis
sioner ol United States Circuit ourt for district of
Washington, at his office iu Ocldendale, Wash., on
February 1, 1803, viz: i
Purchase ApplicattVin fto 533, under Sec. 3, Forfeit
ure ct, Srpi 29. 189. 'r the S hf of Sec , Tp S N,
He names the following witnesses to prove bis
claim to said land, viz: Dnmingoa A. Leonardo.
Ignatius Romero, Henry F. Brune, Vornon T.
Cooke, all of Tbe Dalles pojtoffice, Oregon.
Purchase Application No. 623, under See. S, Forfeit
ure Act, l-ept. 29, 1890, for tbe M hf of Ste 8, Tp 1
H, R 14 E, W H .
He names tbe following; witnesses to piove his
him to said land, viz: DominKM A. Leonardo, Ig
natius Romero. Henrv F. Brune. Vernon T. Cuoke,
all of The Dalle postoffice, On-gon.
Purchase Application No. . un-ler See. 8, Forfeit
ure Aot, Sept. 29, 1890, for the W hf of Se qr, W hf
of NE qr, and NE qr of NE qr. Sec l, Tp 2 N, R 11
E, W M.
ane names tne lanowin; witnesses to prove ner
claim to said land, viz: William N. Crawford. Do
mingos A. Leonardo, Verno T. Cooke, reter
Axedius, all of The Dalles p jstofflco, Oregon.
deo24 - JOHN D. GEOOHEGAN, Register.
' Laud Omcc at VAXOorvsa, Wash.,
Dee. 14, 1892.
Notice Is hereby liven that tbe following-named
settlers have filed notice of their intention to make
final proof in support of thtir claims, and tbat
said proofs will be made before W. K. Dunhar, Cum
mias oner United States Circuit Court for di-uiat of
Washington, at his o nee in Ooldendale, Wash., on
February 1, 1893, viz: .
Homestead Appila .tion No. 9060, for the SW qr,
Sec 1. Tp t !, K 13 E, W M.
tifi names tnn ioiiow:ng witne-nes to prove nis
continuous, residence npon an I cuttiv ition of sat i
Ian 1. viz: Domit sos A .Leonardo, wu lun N. uraw-
fr-rd, William H Brune, Vernon T. Cooke, all of Tbe
Dalies pjeWmce, Oregon.
Purchase Application No 664. under Sec 3, Forfeit
nre Art. Sept. 39. 18j0, for tbe N W qr, 80 1. Tp f,
N, K 13 E. W M.
He names tbe following witnesses to move his
claim to said land, viz: Domimro- A. Leo'tardo,
William N. Crawford. Wit lam H. Brune. Vernon T.
Cooke, all of The D. lies postotfic , tire.on.
dec24 L JOHN J). GEOOHEGAN, Register.
' Lahb Omca at Vahcocvu Wash.,
December 12. 1894.
To Robert Mandenon and all whom it may concern:
Notice is h i ebv giten that the fol owmar-oamed
settlors h&v filet notice of their intention to make
flu 1 proof in support t tbeir claims, and that said
proofs will be nude before W. R. Dunbar, conimia
sionei United btatea Circuit Court for District of
Washingtiin, at his office in Ooldendale, Wash., on
January so, 1SU9. viz:
Purchase application No. 338 under See. 3, Forfeit
ure act September 29, 1890. for tbe M HI ol se, qr,
NEqrof eW qt. 8 hf of N W qr and Wat of NE qr
Bee xw. TD 8 A. A 13 K. W Jt.-
He names the following witnesses to Drove bis
claim to said land, viz: wuitam van v actor, Meivuie
M. Warner. William r. Cnatneld, of uoi ujale
Postoffice. Wa?b.. and w ilium o. A, Marckmsnn
of Hartland Posto ice, wasn.
Purchase application No. 9, under Sec 8, Forfeiture
AcL Bene.. z. law; tor tne Aitarotflnqr ana n w
arof SW or. see 8r". Tp 8 N. R 18 E. W M.
tie names tne xonowing witnesses to prove nis
claim to said lnnd. viz: K rands M. Splawn, William
Garner, Marion M Splawn and John Kure, all i
HartUnd Postoffice, Wash.
aeeui i joaiv v. ukuuocuab, itegister.
Omca at Ths Dalubb, Okrooic,
Nov. a. 1MHL
Notice is hereby given tbat in compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of Ju -e 8, 1A78, en
titled ' An act for the sale of timber uu.d. in tbe
states of California, Oregon. NeyaUa aod Washington
Territory.'' Uoldah McCoy, of Portland, county of
Multnomah, state of Oregon has this day filed ia
this 'office ber sworn-statement. No. , for the
purchase ot the W. bJSW qr, Sec 14, and NE qr 8E
qr. and SE qr NE qr, of See 16. in Tp 6 8, B 10 K.
and will offr proof to how that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber r stooe than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish her cinim to said
lnnd b fore the agister an i receiver of tbis ofnee at
ins tiaues,. Oregon, on tne, 1st day ot J-ehruary,
133. ."..i.'j. v " -i-i v : - .
8he names as witnesses Q W IleOy, cf Portland
Oregon,- Hampton Kelly, w at rUdgeway, laaae
Bios, of WaulnitU. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-
des ribed lands aie requestod to Ble their claims in
uus omos on ox Beiore said lsiaay oi r eoruary.isija.
. . JOHH It LaWlS, Uegister,
" Lahd Omcl A.T Tbs DIlLlxs, Oasooir,
December. S, XMB2.
If otlos is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make final
proof In support of bis claim and that id proof
wui oe maoe oerore tne register ano receiver at Tne
i-aues, or. on aooaay, Jan. si, iba, viz: : -'
Homestead Application Ne. 4ol6, for the EJ of NEJ
anu tytj oi acy i see a, AP o, n l
Be names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence npon, anq cultivation of, said
una, -rnB-
Thomas C. Farcber, Dnfur, Or.; H. Fargher, Nan.
sens, Or.; Charles Payette, Joseph Daney, Kingsley,
-declO ' WHN W LEWIS. Register.
- - . . TJkitto Statss Lasd Orrica,
Tbe Dalles, Or. Dee. e, 1892.
Notice is hereby given tbat tbe following named
settler has Sled notice of her intention to make
nasi proof in support of her claim, and that said
proor. win oe maue oefore tne register ana receiver
of the (7. S. bind office at The Dalles, Or., on Jan.
xo, ih&j, viz:
Homestead Application No. 3" 97, for the SW or of
NW qr, and N W qr of 8W qr, of See 27, Tp 1 , B
14 IS, W A. j
She names the following witnesses to prove b
continuous residence npon and cultivation of said
land, viz:
H.Gilpin. H. Rice. N. McDonald. F. Garlaw. all
oi Tne oaues, Oregon. ,
aeciu - s juuh w. lewis, itegister.
Laxs Officb at ViKCocvza, Wah.,
December 12. 1892.
Notice is herebv riven that tbe following named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that said proof
win uc njauv mQra ot. n. vuou&r, vuuuiotMiGi
United Slates Circuit Court, district ol Washington
at his office la Ooldendale, Wash., on January 28,
ms, yiz:
JO tLM X. 1.UCA3. - .
Purchase Annlic&tinn No. - under See. S. Forfeit
ore Act, Sept. S9, ltDOforthe bi of NWJ and N, o
NEor. Sec 17. TnSN.R 14 E. W M.
He names the lollowing witnesses to prove his
claim t, sa d land, viz: Levi K Hilleary. Vernon T
Cook, William D. Gilmore, of The Dalles Postomce,
ur., anrt Manuel a. ut narao, or -interviiie, wasn
decl7 - JOHN D. UfiuOHEGAN, Register.
' ' LuipOrncs atTbi Daubs, On,
January 11, 18SS.
' Notice Is hereby given tbat Chester W. Emerson,
of Tbe Dalles. Oregor, has fi ed notice of hi inte .
tion la make final proof beiore tbe Regi-ter and Re
ceiver at tbeir office in Ibe Dal es, Oregon, on Bat
urday, the 25th day of February, 1893, on Timber,
culture Appii -atton No. 1842, for tne w qr N W qr,
and Wqr8Wqrof Section No. 20, ia Township
No 1 N, Range No 16 E. -
He names as witoe-ser 3. Ci Egbert, James
Hurst, John P. Davidson, 8 8. Smith, allot Tna
Dalles, Oregon. . , : . -'
. W V1-.TT rtr TTJUTTa sT.tavsas
Taken Up. ?
maK fallowing described animals cams to tna
X pram sea of the subscriber, six miles went of this
city, about three yean agu, and the owner can have
tne svne my prosing pruvTty, f)mg nrK. ma
tha ao of this advemaament: One bweksaia col
ored horse, branded oa rivht stUls samethlog
like the letter F; ne whits noise with oo discerni.
u hmJ. about fifuan hands biirh. - bte borse is
aa Indian borse aod tb, buckskin a batf-breed.
SMastitiusLs,w raawi. '
Tb Dallss, Jan 11, last. ' -v-
Legal Notices.
T N THE CIRCUIT COURT of the StatzTOf Oregon,
J. lor the County of Wasco.
T. H. Tohnstnn and Georwre W Johns 'oo. cvprt
n?r Hoidii: t'UHin'jsw n trier the Arm nme and atyii
f Johnston Bi others, plaintiff. v. . . Patterson,
Td E. E Patterson the above-named defendant;
In the name of the State of Or yon are here
by reouired to aooear in the above en t ivied court and
answer the complaint of piaiu tiffs fled avfHinatyou
in the abs ye entitled tmik on or btf re the flist day
of the ne.U revular term of the above entitled enure
after the final publication of -this bummene, to-wit:
On or before
Mouday, the 13th day ot February. 1393,
an I if you fail to m appear and answer, for w nt
thereof tne plaintiffs will app'y to the Court for the
re'i I prayed lor in tneiroumpiainE, to-wit:
For a decree forecl isiiiT those two certain mor.
gages, made, executed and delivered by you, in favor
of A. S. Bennett, jiiven to secure the t a im nt of tlie
sum of 8200 together with interest on said urn at
the rate of ten per cone l-er annum, which naid
mortifave hears date he 2Gthdayof Nr mbcr,
1890. and prior to the lomniencement ef this suit
was dtjiy assisted, sola and tran-ier-ea to t e e
plaintiffs and the other of said mort:ajre jfiven in
fuvo- of these plaintiffs to secure the p yment of the
sum of $3i 0 45. and interest on saio sum at the rate
.f ten per cent per annum, ana which s id mort
gage bears date tne 1st day of April, 1891, bo h of
said mortinures beimr given upon tne following1 de
c?ibed real estate, to-wit:
The south half of the southeast quarter and the
louth pall of the southwest quarter of frecuon
twenty-six i26 . in town1 to one (1) sonth of rani
twelve (U') east of Willamette meridian, in Wac-
county, Oregon. That said premi e be sold accord
ing; to law and that the preceedn of such sa'e be ap
pue 1 in paitnent of the sums due upon sai I mort
gages above mentioned, t -wit: tne sum of 200 and
interest at ten per cent per annum since November
26th, 1890, and 30 attorney's fees, dueaud
upon the mrtga e nret above metiti ned. and the
sum of 290 45 and interest ih- reon at ten per ce t
pjr annum since April 1st. 1891. less M0 77 paid
thereon on the 7th day or December. 1891, ana 40
attorney's fee, due and owing upon tho. mortgage
laat above mentioned, and In payment of tne cusis
and disbursements of this suit and the costs, charges
and expen e of such sale; that the purcntner at
such tsale be let into the immediate poesc4i-ifi ot
said premise ; that you and auy and al p. rsous
clai ninif by, through ur under you, b forever
barred and foreclosed of all interest in and t said
premises; lht pi .uuiffti have judgment over for any
deficiency tnat may remain otter all u the proceeds
of such sate, properly stop icvle thereto, have been
applied in payment of plaintiff- deranis. including
atiorney s tees and the costs of suit and expenses ol
such Mue, aud lor other and further relief as the
Court may deem equit ble and just.
Tbis summons U served unou you by pnblicttion
thereof by order of the Hon. W. L. Br&dfebaw, Ju- gi
of the beveutb Judicial i 'isirict. and of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon for the county of
Waco. which order bears date the 28tn d y of De
cember, 1892. DUi-Uh MELFEK,
dec31-7t Attorneys for tlaiutifU.
NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by tbe Honorable
County Court of the state of Oregon for Wasco
County, administratrix of the estate of John fii
ton. deceased. Ail persons having claims sgtinst
said estate are hereby nutinVd to prtsetit the s roe
duly verified to me at mv residence near Ktnini'ey.
Wasco C uritr, Oregon, or at tbe office of my attor
neys, uufur & Alei.elee, J he la!s-, Oregon.
Administratrix of the estate of John Bolton, de-
Dated at Dalles City, this 12th day of Jan. 1893.
Notice of Final Settlement
"VT OTICE is herebv given tint the undersigned
li administrator of the eitate of W. O. Tarlton,
deceased, has fl'ed his final account a ancb tdminis
tutor and the time lor hearing the same and any ob-
iectun- tbere miv e thereto, has been set or Hon.
u. C. Blakeley, j.idge of the county court of the
state of oregn for Wasco county, for Wednesday,
the 4tH dav of January. ltUS, at tne nour ol
o'clock a. m., at tbe county court room in the court
house of saul Wasco county, All nelrs, cr aitora
and o'ber persons Interested In said estate are
hereby required to sp -ear and present their objec
tions to said account, if any thy have, na or beiore
said all ive named dte H vaszar u hootu,
Dalles City, Or., Dee. 8. 18U2. Administrator.
Assignee's JNotice.
lO all whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby
given that tbe undetsigne.1 has been duly sp-
insolvent debtir. All persons having claims aealns
said estate wrLI present the same under o-itn t me.
said assignee, at m place of tm-iness on tie souv
west corner of Second ar d Con it streets in Oalls
t itr. orwr n. or to mv attorn ei z. Lm'ur A Menefee.
at their ufBet in Chapmui Block, rw ms 39 and 40.
ovtr the postoffie in said city, and wKbin three
months from tl e date of this notice.
Dated at Dalles City. Ore , Jan. 2. 1893.
Jin" 7t - Aesiiinee.
Harper's Bazar.
HARPER'S BAZAR is a Journal for tbe borne. It
rives the fullest aiid latest information shout Fash
ions, snd iW nomeroiiH ihntr tions, Prts designs
and pattern-shet supplements are tadisrensable
alike to the home rirres-mnkfr and the profesnonal
modiste. No e pens i spared to mate in srtistic
attractiveness oi to Bignest oraer. ire ongnt
stones, amusing comedies and tbongbtful t-ssays
satisfy all tastes, and its last page is famous as a
budget of wit and humor. In its weekly issues
every hlng is included wiii h is f interest to men.
The Serinls for 1893 will be written bv Waltei Be-euit
and Edna LyalL Christine Terkune Perrick will
furnish a uractioal series, en tit ed "At the Toilet
Grace King. Olive Thome Miller tnd Candace
Wheeler will be frequent contributors. The work nf
women In Ike Columbian Exposition will be fully
represented wi'h many illustrations. T. W. Higuin
son, in ''Women and Men." will please a cultivated
audience. y
Harper's Magazine.. .., li 00
Harper's Weekly 4 00
Harper's B isir 4 no
Harper's Young People 200
Portage free to all lutoerOert in th4 Umttd StuUt.
C anada and Menca. - .
Tbe Volomes of the Bazar begin with the t st
nnmner lor January oi iacr year, wne no time i
mentioned, subecr'-ptions will begin with the Num
ber current at the time of receipt nf order.
. Bound Volumes of Harper"! Bator tor three Tears
back, in nat cloth binoii-g. will be sent by nail,
p sfge paid, or by eip ess, free of ex ne use fpro-
ytoeo tne irtignt noes not exceed one oouar per vet-
mnty. lor 7 rtt volume.
Cloth eases for each volume, suitable for binding,
will be sent bv mall, post-paid, oo receipt of 1 eacn.
Remittances shoald he made by postoffice money
order or dntft, iq avoid chance of loss. -
Smtfapen ar not to eapy tMs adwtrtiotmtnt
Kitkout tht txyreu uritr ot Uargtr 4t Brotkfn.
Address: ' HARPER A BROTHERS, New York.
Harper's Weekly.
HARPER'S WEEKLY is acknowledged rs stand
lmr first among Illustrated weeklv seiKlicsli in
America it occupies a place between that f the
burred daily paper and tnat oi tne ies limeiy
monthly magazine. It inc'ndes both literature and
news, and presents with equal fores and felicity tht
real events of current hihtory and the imaginative
their esol fiction. On account of its very couip e e
series of illnstr tions of the World's Fair, it iil be
not only the best guide to the great exposition, r ut
also its best sonvuir. Every puhli.: er-ntof get -el
interest will be fu'ly ii ustrtted in its pages, its
smtributions being from the beat writers and artists
in this country, it ill continue to excel in I ter.
ture, news and illustrations, all other publications
01 Its class.
Hsrpers Magazine., a t4 "0
Harpers Weekly 4 00
Harper's Bssar -, 4 On
Hurr. r's Young People 2 00
Portagt frot to all Subscribers toe United State;
vanaao en
l and Mexico.
Tbe Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first
hum -er for Jsnnary of each year. When liO time is
mentioned, subscription will begin with num..
ber current at the lime of receipt f or.ier. '.
' Bound Volumes of Harp s Weekly for three
rears bat k. in neat cloth tuning, aill be sent by
mail, postage paid, or ny exults, freecf extense
(provided freight oes not exos one dollar per vol
ume;, lor 91 per volume.
Clo canes fo each volume, suitable for binding,
will . sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of tl each
. ttanccs should b made by posUffirs money-
order or draft, to avoid c ano. of lo-s.
Xmvapr ar eurf to eopg.thi a&eertxtmtnt
n(aou( th xpr order of tlaryr 4c Brother.
(Address: HARPEtt ft BBxTuEiiS, New York.
Illustrated MAGAZINE
Published in San Francisco, California, has a circu
lation all over tbe world. Its growth during one
year is positively phenumeal in tbe annel-t of maga
zine literature, surpassing ever, other magazine In
the won i in the same spa e ol time. Tne reasons
are obvious.
ft has sirong financial backing.
Its contents are replete with typ:eal descriptions
of :al fornta and raunc ooast subjects scenery,
climate, fruits and flow rs.
It4 range of topics is cosmopolitan, embracing
sketches of European ana oneutai scenes ana i-nar
acterisiics. .
It discusses without bias ar partisan zeal, the liv-
inff aues tions of the day.
It owns and controls its entire plant. Including
type, tbe largest pr sses on the coast, a eotnpleie
half-tone and pboto-giaving outfit, and employs Its
own artlsia -
It-i aim Is to develop tbe natural, commercial, so
cial and literary capacit es e-f Western and Interior
America; to prsreat only what is pure in tone. In
structive in matter and interesting ia-tVrm.
Tbs price of this bag .sine is as a - ear. pestas
prepaid: "The sub-ertpuoa lut is increaslnr over
twelve hnndred a montL, and it baa a larger r eola
tion em t-te Padfis coast than any other niagasins in
Cb world, -''fe'---.- -
.- WsBresent to everr annual sabserlber a beautiful
ptetans, lOzWX inebes, ot me of the old California
ailssioua, or a view tram tbe far-fsmed Yossmi
Vails. . It is the tnwntien tbe publishers to uCer
a varkty of beautiful premium, (ur nnuat subscrip.
ttons, commendne- with tbs January, IbM, number.
- - BSD TO
Academy of Slenos Building,
For tbis great Premium List, from a California Cari-
. Mtrtsssiwuniu. art . I
V7rite Fire, Life & Accident
Conesr to ILoan
on Real Estate, Chattel and Personal security.
WUI attend to all kind oj Land buxinens be
fore the U. S. Land Office.
Rooms 7 and 8. up-stairs, U. S. Land Office building,
anil Its!
And the best brand of
Can be found at mv store in ths
in tbe East bnd.
Skibbee building.
Successor to J. H. McDonouj.'h ft C )
None hut the bst brand- of Liquors and
Cigars q sale. Temperance5 drinks of all
kinds Corner of Court and Second street",
I will furnish drafts and estimates on sll buildin s
dwellitufa and shires.
Mr. Ostlund Is a practical 'met harlc'and the plans
aranea oy nun vnu prove ariiane, cneap ana aurs-
-Manufacturer of and dealer ia
Harness and Saddlery,
Second St., near Moody's Warehouse,
A' Work
UatsraBteeol ts 61re Sat-
rastea em Fines ta.tka
raw arwimtvliiMnrii niMTGaiiraa.
At reiroiar intervals.
Mm aa Inma aernu so and from tbe prtnetolcl
tanas, tanisa, tubs t all oootinuitsL poqitsV
Mxeorssnn ttekata available to retain bv either tbe pte
toraaqae Otvds Jl North of Inland or Naples ft Gibraltar
firafu saa Koesy Men tor Air Aaomrt t 1 svsst
Apply to any or oar nan: events or w
General Agent, 'tho Dalles. Or.
Jani -W
FFtTHFRRONE is mad from OITII.T.S.
nature's own lougnest maienai, oest wnine maas tor
the prtee, Cheap, Durable, ALL STVLK all
prices, aak your dealer for a PPrPr" OAUD
roa sjt.j bx "'
HENRY KUCK, - The Dalles. Or
Wellington, Eock Springs,
and Eoslyn Coal
12, sacked and delivered to any patt oi
the city.
At Moody's Warehouse.
Kooms over Pease & Mays' store.
Daenes mids in the
atest styles, and Pita r jar.
an teed.
F. W. L.SKIJBBE, Prop.
The Only Brick Hotel
west This buih.ii.fir has been i fitted fiiiioa the
fire of September 2d. and ths rooms r fint-elus
in every pu-ucuisr. 'ins uoie is suppiieo wiu ine
best th market ano-as.
Ibesjar iu c"nu-ction with the hotel is supplied
with the nighes grade of wines, Laquars nt lui
ported and Domestic Uigurs. Jsji39-w
We have an unlimited amount
of money to loan on approved
farm security. .:
Thoekbury & Hudson,
o68 The Dalles, Or.
General- Blacksmiths,
. Near Mint building, Second St.
Horse-Sho jg and ners.1 Jobbing
a specialty
Price i reaonble and to suit the time
Goods baaled with tha greatest we to all
parts of the uity on abort notioe.
Choice Wines, Liquors
or and Builder
1 0 A rfxwT' CLAsa
Tht) laijsst,
W(-t!k 25c. 50c
General kpresiaii !
Northern Pac.
Is the line to take
'tis the Dininir ftrR.-utr. It runs Thmnih Ves
tlbnled 1ram ln Di in ll eTerto
Compu ed of rinii irCtii wurt r Petri. uiloai.
Drawinn-p vm SUpf i f LaUst
Best mn br rot MiucTid. and in nhitb kcoom
Jincc'ntirn ne olh Fnctrd 1-DrttifcbeU
fcr b Icif r f First ci Mx-cnd-class
TicVftU, nd
Toiitinunns Line, Connecting; wi(b
All Lines, Affording Direct and
Ui'iiiteirnpterl SerTiee.
Pullman fleeper reservations can be serurcd in ad
vance ti rouitn any aitent of the road.
to and from nil
onints in Amef n.
Krgiana and 1 nrope can te purcl astd at any tkket
OIHce ol the company.
Full Information co mini rates, time of trains.
routu aud other dttnils liimithed on ii plltaticn to
W.'.C. ALLOW AY, Airent
n P ft A. ft Co., I
Regulator ulllce, The Dalles Or.
Asst General Passenger Airt,,
No. ltl hint M., CorJUa h..
Portland! o lgon
Chicago, St. Louis,
( 8 05 A. M.
" 1 1 P. M.
I 4 06 P. M.
"Ill 6S P. Jl
Leave The Dalles
Arrive at The Dalles.,
Steamers from Pcrtland to San Francisco
Evbbt Fova DATS
T ckets to and from Europe.
For rates snd penrrsl information cai; on E. E
LYTLK, Depot Tiek et Agent, Tbe Dalles, Oregon.
W. H. HUFLBPHT, Asst Oen. Pass Airt,
254 WaetaiuutoD Portlaoil, Or
"Review- of Our Country," by
Hen. James G. Elaine.
"New Life of Columbus," by J.
W. Buel. .
"Complete Hiatory of Airertos."
from the lauding of Columbus to
the rireaent time, by frof. Johu
Clark Ridpath.
Pictorial History nf the Co
lumbian Exposition," by Hon.
Beuj. Butteraorth.
Tbe above four great works bv four ereat authors.
every line of which is tirty Juit vrltun, hsve been
bound up into one tnasive volume of nearly "i
Under the Title of
Columbus and Columbia."
The greatest subscript r n book evr published In this
oouDirv"ou i woicn
- Vi lli be sold durin the next six months.
AP CUT0 tinted sit r this state. Better
AuLnlO terms th n ever. We (ruarantee to
the luht parties (50 week p-nflt fr m now on to
thrittwas, and a first class E UNIi-THlP TICKET
to the V. t KLl 'S F1H and one wek's admiioa
to the I xtoiitjoi abmAutelv free. Ais--otlier vaiu-
abl' rein urns. W bate ptntyof capital at onr
com ma no aiid caw ano nu oo eiacuv nst e sav.
Srnd at ones for special circulars and further par
ticulars to the
4aatt If-. "V a nil In r tori
SIP hla Onnwrtsmltv!
Is. Y4urs,l.esMler. s-.smuirItyncliM.-ttlisiri,p.
psrtaoitlas, and fro id Umi eanas lire iu poverty and lls Is
obcnritvl Uurrwfnasnairlstbslilof sinny, aatliey
loos bncRon lest, loruvsrwsvepperinnirj. ..i.e
IhI Rnuksait R (Hi (! dAltlsT. 1 IIIIirDT TOUT APIMfrta
niiy, and aocfmyroimurif r. pronifnoiaCJ. 1 1 wu .Mud
bjr phiipbvr, tli at tb iioducM ot t'ar'wnm offer
Crlclcu) onportnnity to twich iMrsun atamnertcrlod of llfo;
euaonicotbocbautes, sad liopoorotitlicrrlc!u';fulltodo
a snd h doprta, ivritr to marn." Uw tvhult And
tho count opportaoitTt Ioveul jato ererj chnaco thai
Rpoonre worthy, aad OI lUr promi ; that 1 what all soe
co slulreoodo. lIoralaajirpnnnuitr.uruKsUttoria
within tboreat-'hot Ubortoc poTl. Iuipri-cl, Uwillsiro,
atltMtt, Sfrrand start in Uf Tb0COLa::tojpftrtunliy fof
man j ia bore. llutvy to be maOo mpiuly and bon.irablf
liyanylndn.trioniiserioaof eitkeracx. Allatrua. Yoacaa
do tbe work and live at borne. wberavijrTitn nre. Eva be
tId tiers are on lyoarnlna: troisi t5 to r?' d T- Yoa
cau do well If too will work, sol toe hard, but ttitlaatrl
onslr : aud too can lorroaao Tonr Inc-mojia Ton roo. Yovj
caaroapfuvtitnooolT, orell7nrUiiiotothow-rk. Easy
tolonrn. uop'iM not roqnirea. niiianyoii. Aiineom
puraiiToIy bow and nnllv wondoKnl. vVe Inst met and
how tos how. free, Faflareenknnwn anions: onr work
e-x fXo room vcxpiUb bora. Write sod learn all free,
hr Twnm ir:iJ. Jnwfte te Jelay. At-JroM ato-'ro. II.
UalleU K Co. xiwx . roruuma. Sll.e.
nothing new when we state that It pays to enrage
In a pe rinanent, most healthy and pleasant bui.
ness. that returns a orotic for every day's work.
Such is the business we offer the working- class.
We teach them how to make money rapidly, and
Einrantee everv one who follows our instructions
lthfully tbe making of 300.00 a month.
Uvery one who lakes hold now aud works will
surely and speedily increase their earnings; there
can be no question about It ; others now at work
are dolug it, and you, reader, can do the stune.
This is the best nariur business that vou have
ever had tbe clianco to secure. You will make a
grave mistake if yon fail to give h a trial at once.
If vougraup the situation, and act quicklv, you
will directly nnd yourself in a most prosperous
business, ai which yon can surely make and suve
large sums of money. The results of ouly a few
hours work will often equal a week's wages.
Whether vou are old or vounff. man or woman, it'
makes no difference. do as we tell vou. aud suc
cess will meet yen at the very start. Neither
experience or capital necessary. Thone who work
for os are rewarded. Why not write to day for
full particulars, tree ? E. C. ALLEN CO.,
J. B.
Tbe table is proyided with tbe best id
the market.
Transient travelers will be sccommo
dated witb tbe beat meal furnished by
1 anj bote! in town. . ocl23
jlm N SALE
CM AS. H. D0DD & GO,
Front, First and Vine Sts., Portland, Or
-t p-p -w i i h r
Solo Agents for Oregon, Washington and Northern Idaho for tbe
These Machines are too wen known to need comment Thousands of Farmers havs n4
them and speak of them with pralie. They are tho only Harvesting Machines
that will give entire satisfaction to the purchaser.
The most Effective and Successful Combination for Threshing and Cleaning
( Grain ever Constructed.
The features that distinguish this Twine-Binder Is the Lightness of Draft, combined with Iu
Extraordinary Strength and Durability. The Binder Isof the Appleby pattern, theonly
really successful one yet known. We hnve two styles, the Elevator Cinder and tho
Platform Binder both excellent both recomi-'.-nded by hundreds of patrons. '
TJii ierrjvlcof tim Kinhnlmcr,
Has alwriyd on hand a' new and compUte 1 ne of rjntleruktnir OooJu. Pirtio
ular atteation given to erutialmin ' and taking cam of the dead.
8 i"hest CornPr of Thl-ri ad W i'iii'i;'on t'f( t.
Ti7ivrniM Ciimrivn'nini
IWIUM mm) i ArLLUilo Ml) DAlD HUUiDy
llO front Mtrrri, The ltailek, irrt.v.
FRAZF.R at VVYfllAM. ! omi.'tors.
Th e One Price Cash House,
Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods,
Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c.
Agert for the Batfenck Fatterri; alfo for !hr Hsll Bsasar Drnaa Forms.
it '
Best Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars
Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
All liranrls of Imponed L'quors, Ale and Porfrr,
and genuine K-y West Cigars. ' A full line of
80 Second S treet, TIIK UAI.L.F.S, .
Porfecion of Hand-mado
San Franci?co,
Lay tb. balr over
bair dhisppears as U by
itira iiae f
with bsir c
nnaapnoeussi ooi.
.,. iraaeMark. wiihSbavlrui, by rendering Its futnre (rowth aa alter Impossibility
i snu-nsirat si. per 004 tie, sent id setetr msinnc boxes pasts re paid
!A1Sr-If?1?osrytl9n- Send money or stamps by letter with full address w ritten p!
Bend money or stamps by
pvuu.nvsmctiy oonnaentlal. This advertisement
tt . mniB von to aal w tb na and von will
-aa to-day. Address QUFEN CHIMICAL CO., 174 Race Street, CINCINNATI, O. Yoo oau
. yoar ,ct,rr at any Post Ofttce to insure its safe delivery. t will pay MM for any cas
u..iurr,or iirncett injurr to nr pnrcnsner.
SprPtll slsdlsawnolntForraM nnd sell smonc
' 7 ' "M5 w. wiu psewens wlte a KILK DK jnymrds ftrnt silk- Kxtrm lr.. RStlt
' ' HWSWHi
Bchuttler Farm Wagona, Deere Plo ws
Deere Bulky Plows, Cook ft Co.'s Car.
riagea, Phaetons and Top Buggies, Four.
Spring; Mountain Wagons, Buckboards,
Superior Drills and Seeders, Corbin Disc
Harrows, Hodges-Halnes -, Headers,
Hatsh Barbed wiic .
hno vK n itiu 'nwiiio
, 1
HT $1.50 AND UP.
Sour Mash Bourbon,
& SHERVOGO, Distributing Agents,
. 212 Market St. PcrtlauiJ, . 24 N. Front St.
Id eorntHiondlDg a solution a part wiu act-MenUr splilsd on tor band
anl on wasblnf alK'rwanl It was iiiiw.iiv-rr2 tbat ins balr as com '
pletely retnoved. e at one put tuis Moiuierlul SireparaUOQ on tho
market and so great has been tbe demand tnat waarv note Introducing;
it tbrougbout the world under tbe nam ot Qsses'i ADti-llairiiial
aod apply ths mixture for a few tntnutre. and the
magic Ubout tbe sllalitest pain or injury lien
appiiea or ever tiwrwiuu. .1 iBuuiin.nruvuerprrnaraiionverusi
I purpoxe. Tlintisands of L A U 1 K bo nave been an not ed
r on tbeir FACE. NECK and AKtyH attest Us merits.
dr. not appreclatea brd or bair on tbeir nerk.
in vueen-s isntl-Hnli-lne wntcti-oos auity
mslllna boxes mstare nsid by as (securely
fetter with full address w ritten plainly. Ovtm-
Is honest and slrlht lorwsrd In evei
n everr woru n
Cut tbis out and
nnd evervtn nr a renrwienTed
every Dottle tnarsutesd.
thetr Manas tt Bonis, cf Qneen. Arrtt-ilslrtn
Jflvsrd Nmi silk
OtootmUmewve i