The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, January 21, 1893, Image 3

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The Times-Mountaineer
8ATURDAY. ....... JANUARY 21. !893
Fnm Wednasdas DeOr. '
- ' The mercury reRisiered last night 17
degrves abore zero. , '
" " Th rivsr is nearly full of floating ice,
and my be expedted to close to olxht.
. jJccom to marry was granted by the
county clerk to eo. Mouigumery ano
JUU Kirkuam Monday, r . ...
" i Campbell I Bros, have aeferal barrelr,
. satiable iur' packing me it. which Uiej
will tell at reasonable prices. '
A deed is on record in the clerk's offl e
describing property an a "twotory nous
and 1 Tnat piece of ground must be
"nigh." ..
To-day has been cloudy and cool, and
, there bas been a Yrry puerile attempt oi.
the part of, lbs elemeuis to develop a
. snow storm.-
' -. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore, Mrs. M
Fulmer and Wesrs. 0. K. LmjC, VV. J
, Mania aud J. K. Martin, ot Mora, were it
i tbe city y es tenia y.
Two more- - a- fortunstes went below
this morning in chance f. Uf puty U. r
Marshal Jameson to stand trial f r selling
- . liquor to I .dUus. . I bey were picke U
around Hie Dalles; but were not citi
zens. The funeral of M r. Cornelius Howe, fron
' tbe Catbulio church this morning, w
largely alleuned by eiiizenr. Mr. Ho
bad many friend in thia city, n to loare
hU rsoiaiu to their last ream g place wu
- bear'iclt sutow.
Mr. We ter Moore, tbe leading oiercliwii
of riueruiau couulj, when we naked . Imii
today wlaat be was -oing in Tbe Dalle.
. answered lhal be came don 'Mo get u
. of tbeculd; but tne lemperaiure uu.
Impn.TeU m the least.'' ; . ". A .
. There Were four hoboes boused in tin
city jail lai uigtit, and they were inter
Viewed by the recorder this morning. 1
seeuis thai tramps -would "sell In uowu
iu some place lor Hie wimer.HuU U)i cim
liuue journeying troiu uua pace to an
other. Mr. Jainea Murphy of Har laud, atis i
attcu.iauue lo-tlay uu t ie ui u
. aepnear, Mr. Cuusiiua ti we. H a la one
our uiOit coniiiiuou auii,cr.Uer, hoi .
taatn tne linOKTAlXSKR fur ilio put rtii, -
. Ver, uuruig uicii ttuie U ua ut-v-tuisau
a eupy. ' . ' '
, Iu the ai I of Mr. W S. LulJ, Uelj d
eeaeu, $460,000 aa given iu l ust mi etlu
catibliai tu.a ttirilal a purpose iu Puitl.u
aud tne ataie ut O.eituu. Trie
w ho are tbe executura, b ye lull puwer i
diacrelion lu a ect aud ritiii(nau9 the brur
fiittarie of thia btquesc. , .
Mr. William Walker, bo reai le-i uu ( j
Bikm'i " the oily lu dy. Ha any tbei
are abbSi five luuhea oi auuw on the Krus
an the temp. riur i about the ums i
la here. Ctlle are being fe.i; but aa then
is au abtudinue of bay iu tae cuua-y u ,
seriuua loss is expected.
' Toe Dlle eujuya au irumnuity frou.
petty theita aud our ariea, aud on ihi uu
euiscus aie to becuiiKrainlaied., e urn
piua up an exotiauKe that due not cuia..
luatauuea iS uiuseua belui "llel.l uo" lo
the purpurea ot Urctuy, and theae appear i
be ut mure trtqaeut ucuurreuue thu Iu
B)rrly- -v ,. .
Judge Kradohaw, accompanied by his
sisier, strs. Uaryey, who has been visit
tax iu the city tor the pant few days, wer.
paaseugers ou tbe weal-bouud iraiu. ibir
alleruoop. olra. riaryey will reuru
her bouie at Lat'ayeUe, aud the judge il
apeud a lew days there auioi g uli.
frieuds. ,
.' liaac night the beat eoastiun wan ex
Deiieiiced ibanataii time during the aeaao
Cuuitauu V ahiUKuu atreU rr-mil V
tur thia aiiiUaeiuem, aud the meirv J i e
beila and ibe j iyoua abunta ut hilar tuuauer
ereaiea buuuu wake uil a late hour iu ti.
Iilkht. v ujter Mii ta aieiifH rl.n. g au
ikauiiK aie rare y i juyeif Iu Ihra cl.niai. ';
lui Ueu couriliiuua a.eauch that ilieae ua. .
Se UiauiKcd ib they are uuly appreciated.
m-A rough estimate of game now in Yel
lowstone fark would ucluite, according
lo the tleieua Jmlrpr(Ut, 40,000 elk, lftOO
anielope, 0O buua-o, 1U00 biau.-laileu
deer, 800 uiouutaiu sheep; witb plenty o.
bear, beaver aud olii r varieties. Tut
game lncieates every year. . 1 ue troop.
happened. They live distance from the
church, and alwaya come in the bugiv. The
liny quire olii, and tbe tiilunes are there
tors ot a seriuoi na'nre.
Fendletoa mast be tainted with s most
unHeamble elaas of tramna and hoboes, aa
the fallowing from the Tribune oald aiff
mfvt ,'Peopleof Piodletcn are bpginnintf
ro bamoade themselves lo their ho e snd
to gn armed upon the streets. Ynnr moat
inofiVoaive fru-nd, upon investigation, will
he fnond to have upon hia frraon a fnrtrtd
able Smith & Wesson 42 calibre pocket gun,
while som ' are carrying about with them
regular eanoona by the use of which they
could bore the heaviest armor on the
I rent battleships in the best navies. A
mp at tbe dor of friend house is
aoswered by tbe turning of a key or the
ilidiofr of a holt. . .
The Union whist dub last night met at
Fraternity hall, and s very agpreeable time
was enjoyed. There were several tables
occupied and the interest, in the game aa
sept uo to the time of adjournment. The
namn of those prnt weie: ' Mr aurt
Mrs W Irord, Dr and Mra Rinehart, Mr and
Mrs Loehhead, Juilse and Mra B ikelt-y.
Mr snd Mra Oi.-nn. Mr and Mra F A
Houghton, Mr sod Ma 8ll, Mr and Mis
Peter", Senator and Mrs Hilton. Mr and
Vlrs W H Wiio . D-. and Mre .helmn,
Vtr and Mrs B S WiUnn, Mr and Mrs Fiah.
V4rand. Mrs Crowe, Mr and MrsH iinon,
Mesdamea B'adahaw, Biyard. Croaen.
Mvprs, Judge B n-et'. Dr Ligan, Mbt
B duster ler. and B H Ridded MrCfi
Biyard won the first prise and Mrs Brad
haw the boohy. ' .
During I he year 1801 G'eat Britain an t
IniiH reretvm) from o'her connrries 154.
400 000 t d-ihela n wheat and flour, which
. alM.u' 70 pe cent of the total ennaump
i'in. 0 those imports th- United Statea
-niitribured 45 per vrnt and Rnn leaa than
IS pr 06! t Ir is thus readily aeon hiiw
imnortant a part the f.imt-rs of tie Uni't-d
Sratea nlav in tle pre' ention notou r f
iant tnf of ahsulure "tarvatinn n the
United ti tigdnni The pt:l:entage of thf
q'lanriry nr wwti a niif niwiini ir"i nus-
" K-iilah India, Australia, the A'g-nM
H-etih in m I th U S -af ca 40 34
I8S4 31 44 m 18S5 47 93 m IdRS 4176
IS87 1119a ii H8s. 2S 22 in ls9. a."l
i2 78 m It90 Th- otln-r "onntrtra xoort
ittlewliei, wht e the ptfefntage of 11 ur
oui rntat -Xiort ot the err!,, and it
p iuciprl r ! t is large and stea lily id
water commisstouera any person, ro
elected shall hold his office for the re
mainder of tbe unexpired term. Further
provision is made that st the first meeting
uf tbe water commisaioners for election of
s superintendent of water works, who sbsll
hold hisotflce for three veara, and give a
bond in the snm of $5000 for the faithful
performance of his doty.
Tns editor who would attempt to plaoe
tbe blame for jumbled sentence, redan
dsncy, verbosity sod meaningless phrase
to "typographical errors" is hard pressed
fcr an excue, snd his apology merits se
verer censure than his butchery of standard
English. In this connection, we will stste
tbat we are Lersonslly acquainted with
many of tbe c mpoaitora at work on nnr
cotemporary, and will say for their justifi
cation that they are intelligent printers and
would never have committed the rjagranr
errors in tbe item on which wej commented
exctpt in "following copy."
The Asylum Affair.
F un Fii ay's Daily.
Th a ts, o D l ur,
sialluued at Aloumouth Hot Springs are
now devoting their tube to the prciecuuu
'- ut these animals, which uiual be tuurt-
cloaely auarUcd duriug the wiuler lhau
in ibe suuuuer.
Hud. A. H, Lvle, of , Crook , eouoty,
amvu iu tbe eity Hum furtiaad last uigbt
iu a ttouveraaiiuu with bim we tna :
cattle lu Ouok county, ourtb uf Prmevillr.
Wei nut iu guou coudiliun titu be leit.
auuuttwu Kka a if uuld Wiatne
couuuuea fur ' uiauy nays they will autf .
Severny. tie says they are abuut iu ili-i
aau.e euuditiOB lUey went three year ag '
when' heavy luaaes were experience.)
Uuub uf Prmeville cattle are iu muo
belter tlcab, aud will b able 10 tau
' severe weather.
.' Ka. JtLBiba killed a wild eat last Sator
; day, while hauling to the Waanir gtuu ai
01 Ute Cu.nmbia, alaiUt bvr mi t a eat I
thia city. ' llieanimai wa- quite I rge f.
tbe Specie, aud was in t.ruciou-j but " r-
Well Uliecietl ahot fiuiu IS . a Marlin Jan
. biu kor$ du combat. Ihia is a rare sprui
men ui amuiai t. r this yiuinity, and, whil
' we bava lrtu.ueutiy ehrouiclea tne klillug t.
couj(aia aud lynxes this u the br.t tmi a
'. have beard ot a wdil cat arouuu 1'be Dd .
We bave au abuud. ce ot duuieticat
memliers uf the teliue rpeuiea,-aud I m-i
. be that tins uue was a "stray" from sum
bSirthstuue in the citv. -
T"e Attorhm tells the following on .vla-
' riou couuiy's great ecouomist; They art
having couaidsrable sport iu -taleui ovei
Tillmuu Furd'e alleged ecououiv. Whilt
he was cavortiug over the represeolutlvi
hall Motiday iu tbe inlirest ol the horny
handed sou oi toil, be overturned Hirer
Ink ootids, del ugmg tbe new b dy Brus
sells carp t with the blaoa liquid, an
piobably eutaiiiug more expense on tlx
Stale than he will be able to save will al
his drastric- reiorin measures. Ford i
nothing it not Peunoyeque, but Uoe
doi seem to be advancing bis guberna
torial caudicacy.
- ISatt Uregomian: Tbe man who made Hi
startliug statement in connection witb ln
Fletcher and Gaokell case has beet
brought lo Pendleton and isal tbe Goltlei,
Hu e boiel. where he is lying Ml Hi
name is Edward Dennisim, and be reside
at ibe iarm hpringH on the Umau U
' river. He was seeu, and said that owing
.to his condition his physician bad ad
vised bim not to talk coucerniug tbe al
fair, wbicb troubles In in greatly, aud b
did nut desire to do i-o. Vtben askeii,
however, if the report was true tbat liir
aon had con eased lo him tbe uiunler o.
Charles feme, be replied in tbe affirma
tive, lleouisou'waa visited this aib rnoun
by the grand jury. '1 be statement biu
been made that Deunistiu sotfered such
meutal sttaiu, as the trial of Fletcher and
Onskelt approacued, tbat he could u
longer conceal bis Hn's confession.
From lhafaiairoi Daily.
Mr. Jobs L. Aytr, of K. r lat-d, is in th
Air. W. J. Bo' trts, of Colfax, Wash . i
in ibe ei y. : J
Mr E A Giiffin, ore of the sheep king
of V asou, a testuent ot Kansene, la id th
eir v. '
Mr D W. Biley, a prominent attfToe.
of feudietuo, arrived in tbe city on thi
afternoon tiaiu.
It waa expected that the river would be
cloed tbia morning; but only a belt of ic
' adheres to ihe bank on ea b si le, and tr
middle channel is -till op o, a.thourfb di
" turned by moving floes.
List night while cuattiog on Waahingto
strret, Mrs Jubusoo was thrown Iroin
led d remained U'ict uacioas for soin
time. She was not ser.on-ly ii jured, bui
tbe 1 lo stuuned her tur a while.
The latest applicant for exchange f-ivoi
. h the Wattrytile ldtx publtahed in Dung
las cuuuty, mm. A la i eat iu apuearauur.
contaius co s dt r-tb.e news, h i goo I ad
vctisiug patrol age, no 'patent" inside ui
outside, sud shi aid succeed
Tne Rust burg Review ol last Monday war
a vry crerlnaO a edition of twentv-fuu
pages, ounta.nii.g m Dy illustrations o'
bui d ng. ai d sc. ue in Duugiaa county, an.
savrrat artiuU a importing impoit nt intor
BB"tun regarding 4he resuorcea ot that por
. tion ot OrKOu It la .be four a anuua
avtuiou I tiie paper, and is a high reoom
aendatioa of the enteruriae ot the pub
Mrs. A. M. Walker, in attempting to
,fak a seat in the buggy yesterday after
poon, missed ber footiog.feU backwards aad
suffered the frkctars of three ribs snd con
tusions on tbe body. The lady, in company
with her husband, were preparing to c .me
'to she etty ts sttet d tbe ssrviees being held
la the Uetbodist church wbea the accident
Mr. D B Thin is, o-, Dt ur, n to wi
A VlcL o I 4iid F. nk L .IiIm n, of Kug-
i 1,,'are iu ton t I y.
A J.Biiie and wife, L, are
r 4 teied at th Umatilla Hi uie
The sea-ou- u in) I g spring i b ita
1 wera and winter with ita snow.
'.Mr. Wot. , Miohell. county treasurer, it
-o tiutd to hii residence by a severe cohl.
T ns cold weather is very healthful, and,
i-nin fiom severe co d., there is little sick
ess in the city.
P rsens were kati'vj on th.i bank of th
iver to-lay The ice waa very solid, snd
t a smooth surlao
' Hon J. N. Brown, if Heppner, is 10 the
ity. (le is a me nber ot tbe legislature
rotn Morrow county,
, Mrs B Mioheli and daagbter Maude
eturoed ou the afternoon train yesterday
rrom a snort visit to f ortland.
Matters of legislation ' are general topics
l ouverS4ti'iu, Sil l the upinn'ut ou suuh
natters are aa niverae aa they well could be.
Ice is being put op in large quantities,
id the quality ia vtry good. The last few
aya of cold weather bas mcreased tbe crop
f ice.'
. Nrarly every department of the public
tiools is rrowded to its full extent, and
ins attendance is larger thau for several
ears pait
"Wu " is becomiug popular for the ab-
neviatluu fur our. ueignburnig stale; hut it
a ouudles auJ eurele, and VD la
iiiiuuucable aud very suggestive to a new
i uutry. , , - .
; Tne revival services now b-ing held at
ue Metnudisr church are atirantiug con-il
rab e interest in religiuu, untteis aud
.iime additions have been made to the
-iiurcb m -ii b rahip. : .
A wbitS wo f, weighing pern apt 150
iiunds, walked deiib.-ruUdy the lull lenio
the rraiu street in Pi St. a new tuwn
ear Spangle, uumnleatwl, and passed up
ue gUiuu intr, the bills,
Wtuter sport have been indulged in very
teueiallv (luiiug the pat two weeka, aud
ur people hsye e j iyed eleightug and skat
g ne or y every na, Jbe trost king is not
be dieaded wneii (eraousare prepared
tor his temporary sway.
As an illustration of how a stamp collxc
iOu erase w ill reach large.iroportmns. it is
atatea' (list Europe will waut $200 000 of
a new Cnlouii iau postage atauip. Tney
:annot Use them for mailing purposes, but
tll put them iu ecrapbuuke
The following are th otfi rs in ta lied by
D B- Tnom', I) U G M , for 11 ewi de
Uige,N 107.1 '. O F.or Mt River,
i the last rrgu ar nieetn g: J. fdiuna,
N U ; L. N 0, V. O ; A B. Jones, secre.
; S & Bt tineas, Treu. ; E W. Udell,
'Per H o.. --( '
-. At tt'dgeley Lidge, No 71 I 0 0 F .
- Datsr. the oihcer, war in-
ied lor the eu-ui ii terra t the la't r-g-dar
meeting hv Datri.:'. Deputy D K
rnuinn-: A. K ' Di ur, N G ; U. 8 Mi i;ee,
V G ; D. K. lbjuias, aec i Q P. - Bdch,
tress. ' .. .' '
riou. E N. C laadler, dr reprearnUtive
t talent, etute up on the noon tr-ito. to day
Tne legtaiaiure aj lUiued iu honor of the
lemnry ol ex Pre-ident H. e-,from Thur-
y until Vluuday. an I Mr C.iaDilier Wl I
peud the vauatlou with his cunstitueuuv iu
nia city. ;.
The Christmas number of theSu Frau-i-oo
Nam L'tter, which we received from
e pub.iohrr ye--tonlay, is a uial excellent
litiou I', u replete with gio.l illustr
uiia of Calitoroia sueoery, aul with well
arrttten article. ' Toe. typography is iu the
Highest style of srt, aud will be admired by
onuoisseurs, '' '. -
Pru'uably tbe largest freight car ever buih
- aboot to be constructed at A 1 toons, Peun.
ylvants, bv . the Peuusytvauu Rtilroad
mnpioy. Ic ia lo h-ve 32 whaela snd wi l
e d signed to can 124 tous lie-ide it own
veight. It wi I be uard to tranaimtt the
in onw being dull' by - Krupp al Euen fur
xhiuitioo at Cniuago. ,
Tois, from the. Prmeville Newt, is enm
I ineutary to a former citiz-m or Tne Dailer:
It anyoue has a will and woolly brouooo.
-. e wi' h a audden diaponition to riai op an i
look over tbe muuntaiu to see b ) the graaa
a un the other aid", and want to bave nun
idden in a thorough and methodical mau
ir, a 1 chey have to do is to take him to
taVw. T, G. Hodgon "
'A Jockaon enunty, Mich., mau. to take
he gold cure for what was the matter with1
i:in, pawued hla personal eflcOta. among
u ich waa asetot lal-e teeth Wneu be
got baik tmm tbe institute, the pawue-,
no we a demist, oad bmkeu uu ihe bet.
Aud uow tbe D K i- sued fur damages On
cuount of the dy-pepsia, los ut tt'-h an t
eueral debility resulting from tbe loss ot
tbe teeth.
The whe it product of tne I dand Knpire
aouniliy 2o OOJ 000 OuaheU. w-.He. i a
,ei alble output ta estimated at 200 000,000
uabela per annum, aud the moat cuueci v
ive estimate ia that iu five years, when the
iver H Opened and the Nicaragua canal I
Mimpleteii, tbe wheat product fur One year
ill amouut to sufficient tu b uld tbe Nn
aragua ssnal sod pay every dollar ot coat
tor au opeu river. .
G -Id udale Sentinel: The trouble which
14a been lrew ug between tbe Ktttitaa In l
.annu Comptuy along tue right ot way,
culmiuated last Tueslay, wheu a party ui
.burera attempted to enter the proptrtv ol
aoine of t"B chief ol jeriora ai d were driveu
ck by Wiucbeater r ft in the bands uf
lie farmers Tne latter state, that until
tuey are psid for the right ot way, they wilt
.Hit Liluw the ditch tu cruas their lands
n early settlement of the trouble is I Hiked
' We have received a copy of Senator Ra
ey'a purtage bill. It provides fur the con
struction of a portage railway between the
highest and lowest points of tbe navigable
alters of tbe Cdumlit river, between The
Da les and iu Ureou, and to build
aud equip all iieuesary approaches thr.-to.
Fur this purpooe the iiin,ure aka fur au
app.opriattoo ot $P30 0JU, and ' that the
same may he made atauaule aa soou aa it
beoome law.
Hammond Stalling, a little boy about
7 year old, was suuck by a tjb-ak-d ciat
tug down' Umou street this aneruoon,
and suffered a Irauture uf tbe right leg.
Medical aid wa immediately aummuued,
and tbe fracture reduced. We learn frm
Dr. Rinehart, the physician ealled, that the
leg is broken between tbe knee and ankle,
and is a oommntsted fracture. This is the
first serious socideot that bas been caused
hy this amusement this season, aud we hope
it will be the only ( -
Hon. . N. Chandler presented us to-day
with a copy of his bill which has parsed
both bouses of the legislature. Is provi lea
that when a vacancy occurs u ths board of
College Sotog.
MoxMorjTA, Jan. 17. 1893.
Editor Tmss-atotmaufsss:
Prof. Gts gave some i- teres ting expen
ments in cbapel last week witb tbe coloi
A large new cabinet has been placed ii
Prof. Powell's I room, in which the appar
atus for the philosophy class is arranged
systematic order. This hss been a long felt
want, and tu ssy that Prof. Powell is prou
of it is expns ii'g it very mildly.
Mi a Virginia Goodwin, a graduate of thi
Kjrmal. wi I give an entertainment in tin
chapel dan 21 it.
Mis-es Ayres and S uce will give a musi
cal eutertaiomeut in the chapel Jan' 28th
The Atnletes will give an entertainment
in Mcvlii.ville Jau 27 Ii
Mri N-iltner, ( leceaseil) wife of the ed
tor of the Portlaud Vupatch shortly lf re
h. r death donated to the O S N S a uop
of Biucrcft's histories of the United S atea,
That gift is highly appreciated by the
Theieisa grett deal of Mckoo a among
t ie studeut-; seve-al eaes of pueuuioni t aie
' I. la wt'h sadnexs that we note the death
tit R '. T F C.mpbel', lather of our e;
t eiin.' i Pita r. L Laiupbe I . K..-V O m.-
bell hi l-ecii rick fir rotue wees. aud atiei
inu.-h -uff' paa el away Tued'iy uiuru
mi at 2 Vine k. H- Mill be teuicmbe eit
by many at Tne D diea aa principal i f tin-
W. I. A. some years ago.' Be leates a wife
and three tin ill chil ren be-ide several
who ae inarri d.
The B ard of R -gents visited the O S
N S. last week, after which they held i
meeting in the interest of the school. Thi
result was that they sent a bill to the legis
lature asking fur an appropriation of $42,
500,' with which to build an addition to tbe
present college building. It is hoped tbat
the aunt aski-d for will be received, for the
present budding is very tnacli crowded.
There are uuw 374 students eurulled.
The Dalles, Jan. 19, 1892.
Editor Tisia-MuD.TALtsss
I have an abhorence of rushing into print
on any pro ocation,but tbe leading editorial
in last evening's Dalles Ckronkle compels
me to gtve Superintendent Rowland the de
fense one him. Dr. W. E. Carl!, of Ore.
goo City, F ther White, of Stlem, and my
self were tbe committee who investigated
these asylum rumors from begioning to end.
We examined a score or more of witnesses
under oath, and reported our findings to tbe
I is true the keys ot tbe institution were
distributed too promiscuously, and one of
tbe most serious accidents resulted there-
troin (I refer to the Hiding of a painter,
nam d Huntley, iu a loom with three le
male p tientsat about 10 o'clocg ine night,)
aud bave stated m my report to tbe gov-
e nor "that there ir one thing the auperin
tente.t should at all times be certain ot,
and that ia, that tbe virtue of hi female
minates must be guarded as zealously as lite
itself, and the fiend who would commit, or
attempt to commit, the awful crime should
he abased down aud prosecuted to tbe fU'i
extent of the Isw. regardless of expense oi
comequenres." There was also a female at
teodaut, who, to say the least, acted verv
innruilenth ; hut no seriour off n-e wa-
r- J '
proved against ber, aud we bave reconi
meudeil her immtdiate discharge. Also re
ports I that nepotism was not advisable ii
my ndicia! position, and I hope this will b
remedied -oon, as it ff ild too mucli
grounds for criticism. We failed to get oy
testimony provi.g the t-uthtuluess of ce
tain other scandalous reports. -
I will falao state tbat Dr. Rowland hia re.
ided at tbe a ylnm and given it manag
ment bis entire attention since his appoint
tnent. The institution is a-i neat as a pirloi
thr Ujiiour. Tne patients are well treated
nd cared f. r. Bed are clean; food, giaoo
in'. wholeaOim; tire protection, peiiecr, tic
I be new rules couc runiij keys ie uow ii
f.irc' and I ibiiik il! prevent a recuneuc.
it the wurst tiud ng, t ini, of tin la am
Tin re Hcie tau r. p rl made to liie go
eniur. U . Ua. II an.' r .tli. r Hire sen not
me. and I the otiitr. The fiudi. gs eit
jyr.ctic. iy the same tu eich, but X nloni,
that ' cr.aige Ol tut Incinucv had be n
made in the bieouial repoit of the Stati
Boaid ut Cnaritiesaud Corrections by the
secretary, briore we held oui investigation,
I de uied it but justice tbat Dr Ruwlaud
should I e allowed representation at cur in
vestigation to defend himself against the
priuted charges inerbe'eoc being one of
them." W. E Rixkuakt,
Member of Asylum Couitnittee of tbe
Slate Board of Cnantiea and Coriejtions,
The United States Official Investigation of baHn poT7rT7,
mads under authority of Congress (see Bulletin 13, Chcnucal
Division, U. S. A?. Dept.), shows the Foyal to be a cream of
tartar LaHng jmrilert f the nitfiest qualitj-.snd superior to rJl
ciiicrs in strength, leaveuiui; ,iower, and general usefulnccs.
The Royal Baking- Powdu Is thus distinguish;
by the highest expert official authority lie
lcsdbff Bahinz Tcvdcr of tl.c
to such matters this is the pomt al whit h
the inquiry is made.
Mr. altrnHrslie has been qirte hiiFy
during th past few dnys let ding and
shipping horned CHtlle; but tue move
ment in sheep and b rses has nut been s
nmrked , He lias now a carload of beet
cattle t ship to the Portland market, al
though one left tbe yards yesterday. An
other is expected in to-morrow, and sti'I
Iwo more the day after. Portland and
Paget Sou-id must have beef; Eastern
Oregon is the place from which the sup
ply comes, and Tbe Dalles faockvards is
the medium through which horned cattle.
sneep aud bogs are recmyed.
rttatia'; HnitO'ijUttorriev; L'onev, farmer;
v 'tnek. stockman; Maxael , farm-r; Mo
A lia'er, farinir; Mifl nn, atrnrnet ; 1ver,
ipits'iat ai d f rme ; Ritev. banket ; Smith,
irmer; Sreiaer. men-han'; Vanderbn rg,
merchant; Va'ch. inan'ifa.'tU'-er; VVeither
ord, attnmet; Wi1i-. attornevt Wnod
vard, ririikgis ; Pre-ident Fulton, attorney.
EeEolutioDs of Condolence.
Temfle Louob No 3, A. 11. D. W.; )
las Uallkm. Jan. 18, 1893, J
In view of the loss we bave sui-taioed by
the decease of our irieud and brother Cor
nelius Howe, and of the still heavier loss
sustained by those nearest snd dearest to
him, lie it
Jieaolrxd Thst it is only a just tribute to
tbe memory uf he lpi-n 1 : ' say thitt iu
regretting bis removal f om our midst, we
mourn for one -who was in every . way-
worthy nf our respect and regard.
Resolved, Tbat we sincerely condole witb
the bunny uf the deceased on tbe diep nsa
tion with which it has pleased divine provi-
deooe to cfllict them, and commend them for
coosolatiou tu Him who orders all thiogs
for the best, aud .whose chastisemeuts are.
meant in mercy.. 1
Benolfud. That this heartfelt testimonial
f ..ur sorrow aud symuat y be forardet
I0 tlm wi lo and daogbier uf our departeiC
hroiher, alao spread upon our records and
puhusnr.d n the daily papers '
Jtetoived, that our charter be draped in
mouriiiu ior thirty days. ;
Submitted iu C H an 1 P ,
' , Hams Hanskst. ,
Gso v Ro.ntox, .
L KoBDKit.
Snyder Gets a Yeu.
Wednssd .ys Telegram. . ' j -William
Suder, a G-rmao restaurant
man, who b ( been engaged in the restaur aut
buiuesa at The D dies for a great many
earj, waa convicted this morning by juury
trial in the 0 iitd Ststea district court f
the crime of giving liquor to Indians, under
au mdicrmeut returned by tbe recent graaxi
jury. Snyder was cnarged with giving a
pint of whisky to 8lly, the wife of Dr.
B it, the medicine man, au! j ct to.cerrtain
immoral conditions. D.. : Bill Lot ' the
whisky, helped bis wife drink it, and iben.
repudiated the traussctiou, aud later casstd
his arrest. D puty Doited Slates Marshal
Jameaoo, who arrested Snyder,' fusfod htm
iu company with another Iudiaa wouia a
whom he ' bad intoxicated with whisky
Suyder aeut into bia trial wi houta bswyer.
pleailing bia own ease, and the. jury, cou-
cludiug that tney had a bad man' for a
client, couxicted him. This rather stag
gered the . defendant, aud' when Judge
Yt-artv aebtenced bim to one year in the
penitentiary ne nearly naa a nc;
A Pen Piotarev ' f
An item in a cotemporary yesterday,
speaking of ah accident that happened
to a' sleighing party, ' ststes "everything
weuton nit) ica" etc.uoeii "they reached
their destiua ion, wAicA was a far at they
wuhrdto drive, when ; .,'.. at thi
jttnetiv one of the ronrs dropped into a
sag in the ground, and over the . parly
stent into llio snow : which was aided by
one ot the ladies catching one of the'
reins which the driver was trying to con
trol, aud the result was as stated all over
on the turn with a scream auu a laugh."
Tbe graphic description of bib iocideul
or accideut, whichever it may be termed,,
tibould occupy a lop Shelf lu Ibe unique
literature ot the imrtu west Such peu
paiutiog "barrows up tbe soul," aud lead
oue to po :der over tbw queation, Whether
'tis nobler in ibe suffea tbe slings
aud arrows of outrageous English, or by
caustic cri'icisui to place tbein where
tbey properly ' beicvog, and thua end tbe
thousand shocks that such gibberish is
liable to produce.,
. The Publio Sohoola.
Final exatuinations' were held in tbe
public schools last week. , The work of
the eightn grade 'was 'completed by
George Biggers, Pearle Butler, Matlie
Cuahing, M. nnie Kltoo, Wut. Cederson,
Grace Hill, Kthvard Jenkins, Ida Ouieg,
leunie Kussell aud Beujamio Wageu
blasu Vv m. Moore and CUarles Wagea
blast completed the wo'k iu til branches
except physiology. Owing to the un
usually large enr. II tnent. in the . upper
grades, it has become necessary to have
the 7th, B, grade work completed before
ibat class can 'enter the fiigliest depart
ment of the school. Beginning classes
will be organized in the primary depart
ments next Monday.. .'Alt' children who
reach tbe age of six years before May 1st,
may start with these new classes
Letters Advertised. ''
The following ia tho.iiat of letters re
mainiog in The ' Dallea poatntfice uncalled
for Sato day, Jan. 21, 1893 Persous (Jail
ing for these letter will ' plesae 'give tbe
datd on which they were advertised:
Allen. David
Bennett, 9 W
Biurland, Olivet
Ciaypuol, Jennie
Dillon, Ar
Henderson, J A
Johnson, Lydta (Z
Ioman, J VV
Lutterman. Harry
Weeks, FO
Beugeu, KllaS
' Clanon, Frank .
' Campiil. Mrs Katie
Gngga, Neily .
Hamoud, Mrs Laura
Johnson, Cbas P
Kelly, R W .
- VVehinai.n. Martin '
Zumwalt, LS
M. T. Nofcajr, P. M '
List evening Uuiou and Washington
atieeta were the sceoes of great amusement,
and the happy hours paased too rapidly fur
many. As soon as school was dismissed the
jru igcr portion of the population uecl
these streets, which, by reason of their
deciiuatiou, may be termed nil s,, for coast
iug purposes, and their merry laughter, as
they sped downward from Eighth to Second,
resounded for a distance of several blocks.
But, v. heu the mantle of night was thrown '
over tbe hoiizio, and these 'youngsters"
were at home t nder t je care of parents,
oung ladies sn I gentlemen ei j yed them-
selye by the same exhilaratiug exercise
Then the. wetl-knnwo "bob sled" pturped
the course and drove the diminutive, hand-
sled to the shelter of some protecting fence,
and. this, under the carelul manipulation
of expert teeren would attempt a rivalry
with the wind in velocity. ' During th
sfteruuuu U.nbti siteet had received a puli-h
on ita steepest declivity known
the "cut," by pouring buckets of water oyer
the surface, which, in , the frosty atmos
phere, soon congealed, and ; this save : in
creased momentum to tbe "bob ti range
to say, yonng ladie' who would jump 00
tables, couches or hide lu closet at the
sight of a mouse, would ait 00 these- sleds
with the coolness of stoical heroism' while
tbey weie toing down the bill st a rate ot
veloeit), . which, if an obstinate obstacle
were met, would result in fractured limos.
or, perhaps, more serious injury; Dut aa
ger always adda excitement to pleasure, and
river skating would not possess balf the at
traction if there were not air holes occasion
a I), in which cue receives an immersion in
the rivr, 01 coasting be iuleusely eij rysble
if broken legs, spraiued ai kbs an i bruised
beads were pot commou results. Theo the
euvi'Onuient inurtasea the fascination,, for
there are cer-ain stagea of, existence iu
which al skie are golden with sunshine
and no draught has bitter dr. gs. " This
is especially true of young men and we pre
ruroe of young ladijs alao. For theae rea
aons, we suppose, the beauty and 'chivalry
of The Dalles were represented 00 the hills
last night, and will coutinue to be until a
chinook destroys tbe present . ouJitioo of
tbe temperature. So far only one accident
hue occurred, and wbiie the sport continues
harmless we can. see uothiug to which ob
jections might' be raised. Coaatiog is
bealtbful.if there are no fractures or bruises,
snd, if tbe nightly reveler, in their exuber
ance of emotional excitement, do not dis
turb tbe slumbers of those who need rest to
resume their daily vocations, we caunot dis
cern how it should be diacouutecauced.
The Largest lugget. - i: m
Mioiog men often indulge in argument
as to when ' and where the largest gold
nugget was found, how much it weighed,
etc It bas been reported that tbe largest
nugget ever found was discovered in Aus
tralia and that it weighed about $J5,000.
But a more recent statement has been
w li'ely priLted in mining journals show
ins: tbat tbe heaviest nugget of gold ever
discovered was found in February, 1869,
near the village of 10Iisgel, Victoria
Two diggers found it on the exir me
margin of a patch of auritenms alluvium,
within two feet of the bedrock of sand
stone. It lav on stiff red clay, in a loose,
gravely loam, and was barely covered
wilh earthv. It whs brought to light by
Ihe wbe. 1 of a' cart ! turning it up. The
nugget was twenty-one inches long, ten
inches thick, and, though mixed witu
quartz, the great body, of it was solid
gold. The finders heated the mass in a
fire to get rid of tbe adhesive quarlz.
They also , detached and pave away a
i.umber of specimens of gold before they
took it to an asaayer. "When tnelieu tbe
gold was found to weigh ounces, 10
penney weights and 11 graiun, and con
tained only l-"5 of alloy, chiefly silver
and iron. Including tbe pieces given
away tbe nugget is estimated to bave
yielded 2fiH0 ounces' of pure gold, the
value of which , was $1088. Near ibe
same spot where the nugget was unearthed
two other nuggets were fouod later,
weighing respectively 114 ounces and. SS
ounces. . , . '
The Stock Yards.
Notwithstanding tbe cold weather
lately experienced buaine al ibe stock
yards of It. E. Saltuwrshe. & Co. baa been
quite brisk. Kearly every day there are
some shipments' of cattle made, snd fre
quently the force of employees e kept
at woik uniil late ,iu the night. It is a
subject'for congratulation that the enter
prise ot Mr. Saltmarsbe has so established
tbe reputation ot this industry tbat Tbe
Dalles stockyards are well known throu. h
Eastern Oregon, Washington, Idaho and
Montana, and if any cattle are desired to
be fed while in transit this city is tbe
place where the feeding is done. The
same is true in reference lo sales of cattle,
aad if iDfonaatioa is desired ia retereact
Money at Low Interest.
Cheap money has for years been the
greatest need of Wasco county, and it may
also be said of all of Oregon. Our local
capitalists deserve much credit for their
efforts in behalf of our citizens. The local
bankers have loaned freely and to the ex
tent of their abilities. There bas,' however.
ans a a demand for money at low rates ot
interest, money without brokerage or at
tendant commission. Those of us who are
acquainted with tbe low rates at which in
terest rules ' in the east have wished we
could obtain money at the same rates. The
plans presented for consideration,, the pro
posed solution of the momentary problems
before ns, have r ceivod caieful considera
tion of those wanting money, and some of
them have contained elements of great
merit. But to truly solve the problem we
must find a plan combining two important
features. We must obtain money at low
rate aud we must provide for tbe cancella
tion of existing mortgages. Joel Koontz,
Esq , whose' borne and headquarters are at
The D dies, has secured the county agency
uf the New England National Building Loan
and Investment Association, sod is in posi
tion to illustrate to all a plan that combine
the features we regard as indispensable.
The New E iglaud, whose general otfio. s
sre iu the O.egouian Bail ling st Portlaud,'
is one of the largest institutions iu tbe
Doited States. It is officered by or.eo who
are well known as abl successful and re
sponsible business men. Tne asso .istions
plana are lib ral aod fair, and its affairs are
ad nioistered carefully and economically
We believe It will be a great help to- the
county, and Mr. Joel K'ioutx is to be con
gn tula ted in tbe appointment as its county
agent. . - -
Capt J ty. Lewis register uf tbe U. 8
Ltnd office iu this city, who was so very
sick1 recently that little bopea were euter
tamed of his recovery; haa regtfued his
health so rapid y as to b-able to walk down
town, and has attempted fur a week past
to resume bis duties in the othc. ; hut to
day has been compelled to relinquish the
work. Hi physician adviaes hrm posi
tively to cea-ie, if be would save his life.)
E'try fiis u of The Dalles, koows full
welt the 1 ffrt Capt. Lewis hss made and is
making at this time, iu behalf of the people
most iottresttd, and no'ody can regret
more than ho does his inability to represent
each particular case involved. Tnere can
be no sacrifice of the interests of settlers in
this matter. ' -
t - . m .
. An exchange says: Jam s Brittain had
his shoulder dislocated while telling a tree,
near the Warm Springs receutly. Ha was
not aware of the dislocation for several
daya,when the pain made him sensible of it.
and be started to Walia Walls for treat'
ment.' Boarding a freight train he laid down
in the seat to sleep. Near Milton tbe jir
occasioned by the switchiog of cars threw
tbe dislocated bone back into place, and
when Mr. Brittaic arrived at Walla Walls
he fuund that he bad no occasion for 'sur
gery, expenenq ng only a tittle soreness.
Can be counted
0 to cure Ca
tarrh Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy.
It's nothing new.
For 25 years it
has been doing
tbat very thing.
It gives prompt
and complete re
lief but yon want mors than that. And
you get it, with this Remedy there's a curs
that is perfect and permanent The worst
chronic cases, no matter of bow long stand
fa)?, yield to its mild, soothing, cleansinz and
healiig properties. "Cold In the Head"
needs but a few applications. Catarrhal
Headache, and ail the troubles that come
from Catarrh, are at once relieved and
You can count oa something else, too
$500 in cash.
You can count on It, bat ifa mora thaa
doubtful whether yoa earn it .
Tbe proprietors of Dr. Sage's Remedy, ta
mod faith, offer that amount for an incur
able case of Catarrh. Dont think that yoa
have one, though. Tbeyll pay you, if they
can't cure you. Thvf certain.
But they can curs you. That's Just about
ascertain, too, Cap. yoa ask mors I
Exchnnge: Fr the 6rat time, Oregon
lias a divided electoral vote. It'is the sec.
'd me that the state tailed 10 vote for
he R -publica-' cmdidates. In I8S3 Hor
nio Seymour, the Democratic nominee, re
ceived the electoral vote. It is a good job
- carry the electoral vote from Oreg u to
Washington, and amounts to more than it
oes in the east. Though only about two
weeks am required, the messenger will get
about $1400 mileage and his hotel exp'nses,
or about $1500 in al'. . His entire eepenses
will not b-- over $400, so a clear $1100 is his
C eveland tu Attend.
Lakewood. N. J, Jan 19 Cleveland
wa a pa-seugeron She train leaving here
at 7:40 tbia nuroinflr for New York. The
president- hcl i on his way to Fremont.
O. to attend the funeral of ei President
Hayes. Cleveland Diode lint little pre
paration for thi; loctr j'diroey lie arose
about S. and after partaking 01 s bast
breakfast arrmged s me business ha In
tended to look alter today and tomorrow
Cleveland expects to catch the western
express leaving tbe grand central do'
at 10:30 tbi morning Ue will not re
turn until Sunday night or early Monday.
The Kautlae War It.
Salem, Jan, 19- The senate this for
notm was opened witb prayer bj tbe
R t.W, R. Williams, ot Salem, after
which Huston's bill to incorporate Sher
wood was read the thi d time and
passed. Willis introduced a resolution,
wh en was tidopted, thst tbe chairman ol
each commrtee be empowered tnrmolny
such clerical aid as was necessary; aa was
abo a resolution by Blsckman, that
when the senate ad, turned tqpsy it be to
meet Mod day at 2 P M.
Dippings superintended by experienced representatives, free of charge.
pOOPEB SRPEP DIP is endorsed by tb followin
uum; ueonra uens. Annum.;
Oayville; B. Kslaav, Cr as Holluwa;
oupujs.; Oaorire Mis, DUiou; Cook Clark, Philb.ook.
d by tb following Oregon and Hotitws Sheepmen: J. W.
; John Uamsoo. Maimer; W. 8. law. Jurwlon city; W. B
a; P. J. Mou , Bcrcail; Joseph Huscasunt, Otautaau: J. I
l a Clarke, Philb.ook.
Brer. New
0. MuCusic.
Positive T the Laat.
Chicago. Jan. 19 Mary Aon Nelson,
positively tbe last of George Washing
too s army or roioreo servan's. was
found desd in her shanty near Chicago
ws'erday. she remembered lighting
Washington's pipe for him before the
R vo ution, and c aimed to be 180 years
We are in'ormed that Capt. E F. Coe
died at the hospital in Portlsnd lsst Tail
nay. For over s year be has been sffl.eted
with partial paralysis, and for several
weeks hss been Confined to hia bed. He
was formerly captain on one nf the boats of
the npper river, and has a large circle o'
friends snd acquaintance in this city.
When in health he was a tine specimen ot
physical manhood, hut of late veara, rii--
eae ated his rohnt frame on'.il he be
came an invalid and had to he m"ved in s
chair. He was taken to Hood R.ver anr1
nried on the old homeatead, where acme
mrmhers ot the family hive resided since
The Wool Clip is Vastly Improved by Its Use.
ASK YOUR MERCHANT KK IT. ZlZl " oth" 8h" 1 1
KOSHLAND BROS., Portland, Or.,
Iooal Asct: TTno rullca. Or.
n.a..nm vwrLn ntrntws, rroprietort, Galveston, Texas. -
KIKHAt MOTfJOMKHY Near Dufnr, at th-
r st' ence of the vrouru - rune', Jjn. istti, br D.
E Th. ma-, 1 Miss tlU Kirk ham to Mr. Geo.
First Prize awarded for the best Port' nits
and Vieas at the Second Eastern Orrgon
Dist'iet Agricultural S iciety (Sooce-sor
to T. A. Houghton. . Chapman Block, Tbo
Dalles, Oregon. . . janl7
: : NEW YORK !
New Jackets!
New Dress Goods I .
Ne w Fancy Goods I
New Clothing!
New Hats and Caps!
New Boots and Shoes!
Prices Very Law This Season. .
TF-RMasH H. Herbring.
Annual Masquerade Ball ! i
for It when you bur.
Bia everrwnere.
At the Armory Hall, v-
"r, A sewed shoe that will not rip; Calf,
1 seamless, smooth inside, more comfortable.
(C i stylish and durable than any other shoe ever
IV I sold at the price. Every style. Equals custom- '
l vrs tnaae snoes costing trom J4 to jt5. ,
N. A Suitable Prizes will be awarded to the best
sustained lady and gentleman character.
The Best Music will be Furnished .
the following are of the same high standard of
oo and 5.c." Fine Calf. Rand-Sewed.
.50 aoitce, farmers ana iiusrarnersb
a.50, $2.35 and Ss.oo for Working Men,
aa.oo and H.79 lor Youths ana Boys.
3 00 uana-sewea, I FOR
S.80 ana a.00 uongoia, LAUlta.
S1.7S tor susses.
IT IS A DOTTyoa ewe ToarseK
w gas torn Deai aino 10c your
ussy, cjooaomiasi in 700s
wot wear uj poronaains: w.
aa. Douguu unoes, wnion
rapmant tns best vala
as ua) pnoea utouim
ssuoosaiias oaais-
avo you waatt
J. H. Wood, G. C. Bills,
John Blaser, ,; L. Payette,
W. T. Hill, C. A. Klindt.
A. Sandrock. .
L. Payette, F.W.L. Skibbe,
C. A. Klindt, John Blasee,
i August Buchlee.
Wirt tra ee)aatT sale tashoe dealers and veaeral tu
Mwata. Write tor cmialos-aaw Irnot for aale la roar place seas'
Uad. aiae and sriakk srasudV Psasaae Vim. W. JU. Xlooalaa,
M.rrhani, whm f have
adjtlroct le Factory, stalls
urooaueu. iuaaa.
'.'.. aaswsssasass
F. T. Hill, . WT H. Burrs, J. S. Fish, ,
" Colonel George T. Thompson.
A. Wyndham,
Tickets, Admitting Gentleman ana Laflies, $1.09.
A general invitation ia extended to all; but no disreputable
characters wiUjbe allowed on the floor. ; ,
BI1E IQILLipijr,
i i
113 Second St.,
And too KEPT POSTED In regard to the same from
' aesv until next December you should subscribe for
The Weelily Inter Ocean
. toe of absorbing Interest to everybody, and THE INTER OCEAN
Intends maMng A SPECIAL FEATURE OF IT. A corps of STAFF.
REPORTERS will devote their attention to the Exposition, and
the readers of The Weekly Inter Ocean will In each issue have a
synopsis of all happenings and features of interest on the
. grounds and elsewhere, with illustrations.' t
Owing to tba fact of ths change In the political character of the
National Administration. NEWS FROM THE POLITICAL WORLD
will be of unusual interest THTS WILL BE FOUND COMPLETE
m THE INTER OCEAN. In fact. It is the intention to keep
The Inter Ocean to the Front as a Paper for the Home,
And make it such a Tisltor as will be enjoyed by EVEHT MEMBER OF TEE
aball be oar endeaTOr.
! '
From tbe Celebrated House of Wsoamaker A Brown,
' of Pniladeipbia, at .
P. Fagan's Tailoring Establishment,
The Price of The Weekly Inter Oceaa ii -; $1.00 Per Year
The Price of The Semi-WeeMy Inter (Kian is 12.00 Per Year
' Tbe Weekly is published EVEHT TUESDAT. Tb Semi-Weakly EVERY
MONDAT aod THUHSDAY. Band for sample copy and see tor youreall.
Addrest alltrdtrt THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago.
The following are given as the occo p-
t ions of tbe Oregon senators: Alley, editor;
Bancroft, railroad man; Buckley, merchant;
Blackman, merchant; . Butler, . attorney;
Cameron, mine operator; Cogtrawell, a'tor
nev; Creno, real estate dea'er; Cross, at
torney; Denny, attorney; Do-tsoo, physician;
Gates, atlorney; Hayes, attorney; Hirscn,
Mr. Fagan baa been appointed Sole Agent for tbia celebrated firm, and vill
' , attend to all orders personally.
P. l a WBgg U ! BS
Hand-Coided Health Corsets and Dress Reform Waists
and Children's Waists
In rarlous styles ao4 on lots. ' All orders saade te (oatoiara sir sears,
aod a pa' feet It jraaraorteii. Call and Isms yoar ord.ra at Iheir It etorj
at Nor h U.llea .ar its o thaai. aad thrir sirant, Mrm Ualla ThseMS,
will all at your boms aad take roar ord.ra. eatlsfactioa sasraatead.
Amu wanted In srery town sod eit? watt or the Boekiss to ssa
rasa or their suods. Writs lor Unas to aeeuta. .
Fostofflos Box 106. .
-, j .
School Books, Sutionery, Notions, Mosic, Fancy Goods, Toys, Express Wag
ons and a nne line of Uigara.
Corner Third and Washlnfftoii Streets.
, Cured Hams, Bad, Dried Beef aid Tongues,
1 OS Heoond Street,
' And tbe hest Beefsteaks, Mutton Cbopa and
Teal Cutlets in the market.
Orders Delivered to Anv Part of tlie Citv.
Frsh VeretaMes on aale at the Lowest Prices. .
Wholesale sod Retail Dealers sod Manufacturers of
Orilding- Material and Dimenbion Timber
The Celebrated Pabst Beer
ll Scoond St., t THfi DALLES, OR.
OAK and rSL.A.13
' ...