The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, January 21, 1893, Image 1

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uimiTiltKilK, Volume XXXI
LI II " . - - - - .
John Mighell, Editor and Prcprieiob
8'iii.rle copy, one year. . .-. .... . ..7.
Biugle copy &U mooth
tar-Terms strictlv iu aavanot.
. l.uf.
." . PnttnUceatTheDallei.Or - tcond
Viatt Matter for tratumiaum (ArvuyA the mailt.
' Governor ."..J .:....-..:.....8. Pwr
a-trv of state O.W. Mcbnde
Treasurer Pln.iip iletscnan
Superintendent of Public Instruction:, fc. . cijn)
Senators j... ...." J."H.MiU:(lell
rt districts..... B. liennann
. - second uucrios...... ...
Bute fruiter......
Frank Boi.
Coanty Janice...- ..i. -
8lM3rtll....f ............. ...
Clerk .
C.aninidionei..-.. -Assessor....
Suiwrt.iten.Iem of Public Schools,
Coruuer ..,. ... .........--.
.. George B atse
......T. A W -.rd
,....J. B.Crosseii
.. .. Vi m. Michel
.V. .psraie-lc
..'..J '' &il"llU
E. F. Sharp
Troy beiiey
,.N. IL ta two-al
Professional C rda.
R. rl. LOU AN.
T Pliysiciau and Surgeon,
Room t and a in l.anrt OWw Rnildiim
Phviiian and Surgeon,
' , Rooms over Dalle. National Bank
Omce hours-tC AJ1 to 1? M.,aod from 2 to 4 P M
RA dcnue West end of Third street.
. . . : r '
J-JR. S.'B. WALTER. ; ...
Piiysician and Sdrgr-on.
Diseases at Ubiliren a Speciality Erekiinvfll.
8he man Co., Oregon. '
Physician and Surgeon,
tDDirV Cuvm. K and H Ph-.nm&ll Blnfk. '
RRsIutNCE Second d. or Iron, ihe southeast cdr
. aer ourt ai d ourib .-tre ta. "
Ottce hour. 9 to 12 A at, 2 to 6 and 7 to 8 P M,
Phvsician an
Poon. I, Chapman Block, over Nielaen'e store.
Office houra 10 to K . and t to 4, 7 to 8 V
Residence on Union btrett corner ol Muth.
Cnr.,r of Second and W.iMngton reeta, ver
reuch C .' ba..k.
8c;ei.tific and Mechi kad I'eu iairy thtr-u.blj
nnderxtoad, and a.Wciou (iuj.rai.leed in ev ry m
atauer. , - - " 1al10 "
0. C. ESUkLSlAX, ' '
. Fliy-ician and Surgeon.
r. ntni m.h. uwwmi or mutlv lay nr niht
i ooiu. 6 ana 87. tbp.. b.ock, The ialle.
t. I. COXDO. '
: j w. coNOca.'
Attorneys' at Lau. ; ,
Office (Ju Uourt street, opposite the Id ouri
rtoue, THe lile.. Or. -; -
y Attorney at La v ,
. oatoa in Scbanno'i building, uptaira.
The Dalles -- Oreiron.
Attorney at Law,
Room 62 and 63, Near Vogt Block,' .. ;
' The Dalles, .- ' -
. Oregon
Attorney at Law.
- ' ; : , , 'The Dalles, Oregon
J O KOuNTZ, " u ;
lteol hZetkte. . 's , , .
Insurance and
" , . ' Loan A if n t..
Aaents for the Scottish Union and Nath'Ual 1 '
urance company of bdinurgh, Scoilaud, Cspit
8u,0il0,000. -
V.iuable Firms near the City to sell on ess
Oittce over Post Office. The Dal es. Or.
n.a Uit'T a
Attorneys at Law.
Rooms t snd43,Chapmin o-k. The Ds Ire, r.
is raarAUD to oo
! Cor. Third and Lincoln Sts.,
Ash rent public patronage (li(ited. Situ
faction guaraiiteei. - . seplo-d
Plans for builHinss draft.-d, and estimateN given
All Irttrn cotninir tome f rough the postotfice wil
4ceiv nmmpt atento i
t 8SEMRLY NO. 4SJ7. K. OF L. Meets in K. of
. J P. Hall the nscond ai.d fourth Wedneedayg ot
each man to at 7 Jll r. H
fTT'lSCO tODOK. NO. IB. A. F. & A.." .Meets
VV tint and third Monday of each month at 7
Meets iu Masonic Hall the third Wedneadu)
atatcb month at 7 P M.
COLUMBIA LODGE, NO, 6, I. O. p. F.-Me-ta
every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, In K. of P.
Tiall. comer f record and Court street'. 8- jouni
3nr brothers are welcome. A. LAKSEN, N.G.
. U. VLoces, bee.
VKlEI" DSB 1 p LODGE. NO. .. K. of P. Meets
C every Monday evening at 7S0 o'clock, in Schan-
no's building, corner of Cour. and Second streets.
Solonminir brothers are cordially invited.
D. Vacm, K. H. and S. , E. IS. HA1QH -. C C. ;
: :
will n eet every Friday alter noon at 8 o'clock
Tthe rraninir room. All are invited.
' jJ 1 i Utx a Camp, ho. 69, mee'S every Tuesda
evening of each week at 740 ocl- ck. In A. Kellei's
fall.- All brothers and sojourniug bruthen are
invited to be Dre ent.
TEMPLE LOIHJE. NO. 8. A. O. V. W.-Meets
in KKeiier's Ball every Thumlav evening t 7:30
o'clock. Gel HQH. UiUO 8, M. W.
W. 8. MTaas, Financier.
J AS. .-E6M1TH PllKT. NO. 42. G. A. R Meets
every Saturday at 7.80 P. M it. K of P Hil
OF L. :. M el
K. of P. Hill.
evev day nemeon iu
T but'day eveuinv Iu Keller's HalL -
107 Mee a n K.
1, of P. H .11 toe flral and hiid vYeiueadiy ol
euufa month at 7:3U P.
Ho 1M BooobJ Street, next door east of The Dalies
National Bank.
Having nst opened In businesa. and bat o r a full
aaaortaieat of too latest goods in my line, 1 desire a
share it the pubio patronage.
M lO.J. flTEI'HEAa
- - Second St., Cast End.
Hns bnen renttedthrnughout with the '
And Is now manufacturing the
Best Keg and Jottled Beer
and Porter
In Eanteni Oreon.
Kr. Bnihler Iwaya ltn to adopt the tatt. hre
Inir apparatus and will furniah bie cnstottiere b&
eqoal d mnrkei; .... wX
Pl"nRQ "f tie eat r8n1s niai'D'aci
Ul 'MmO nrefi. and orriVae from all p.ut
of the country tilled on the shortest ootio-
The repottion of THE DALLES CIOA I
ia become firmly established, and the de
mand. for the" home munufactuaad'article i
increasing every day. J
l24Av-tf A. ULRICH & SON.
Paints, 0113, Cila$3,
Ani th Most Complete and Latest
Pattern and Dedifrna in ( ,
PraiUcai Painte,'s and Paper Hangers. None bin
the best rands of the Kherwin-wiiiianu f ont uneo
in all our w rK, and none but the ost skilleii
wnrkmen employed. AU order will be prompth
attended t".
ohop adjoining Columbia Packing Co., ;
H-tnweai C r. 9xnd and WathinKtoD Ht-.
Sa oes ors to Gorge Ruch. -'
rjie C'lieiipest ' Pliifi'
All Kinds of Groceries,
Wo re8D4ft-tfullv solicit a nMtv of the mhlc pat-
rotiaca, and -iall and avor to give enure aattafac
tion to our custitmera b"th old and new.
Sample: Rooms,
(Ne irly opposite Umatilla Bouse.)
The Best Wines,
Liquors and Cigars.
Soecial Prices to Gash Buyers.
' : 170 SSOOND s STREET. :
First door east o' Cran.lall & Burnett's "Fur
Dilure Store. ' 1
Fine Wii es and Liquors.
The Celebrated Pabst Beer
171 Sec nd St., : THE DALLES, OR
Photographs in the Highest Style of
' the Art. ;
' '. .
a. Mcintosh.
Meats, Butter and Eggs,
towns the oh iiwt Btef. "u lon nd Pork
Alxop.ytbe hi has: m.x. 0! pricj for Butt-r aad
Egs-. augl
Andrews Velarde,
The Dalles.-
Addres; Lock Box 181:
Cigar Factory
The Diilfe Nationa.! Mi
J. A. Hond
iieneral Banking Business Transactec
Sight Exchanges sold op
i h.v YORK,
ikiliections made on favorable terms at all
tf ilile piinia
l.'s. 8CHENCR,
(Successor to)
rKOJdri Li
DlrectorH .
1 P Tbompsox, K'd M V illiahs.
J S SoHBHca. GaoRea A Liasa
H M Brall.
Tliompson's Addition
a,. '
'nv Readj for Sale on Easy Terms.
Now is the timelto buy while
This tract has been' surreyed and platted in acre
ncu with convenient street, aud avenues and so
.rruntTfed tht pure "as ere can get one block or sev
rut acr-s in a body. The lan i is eompanitively
e el. oi) excellent, water easily obtained, locat4on
lnsa t, bea itiftil and etsy to acces- and joins the
itv immediately on the east.
TitlpU. S. Pateni. WarraDt) Dredv.
Hii Mh -aiidlnijiiwiiinil 0.
Fir p trticuiars apnly at the office of the Com pan
'iiiouis 7 and 8. Land omce Buildlnit, The Uaiie., ir
Real Estate Aicenis.
Cor.- Court sm'd Trout Straeta.
Wines, Liquors and
None bnt the Best Quality of Liquors and
the Best Brands of Cigars on sale. . j
Kentucky Straight Whisky
From $3. to $5 Per Gallon. i
A BETTINGEN, JR., Proprietor
Gunning & Hocl'man
In th new ,hop on Second street, Bret blacksmith
shop east of French A Co.'s tuick block.
Horse-Shoeing a Specialty!
All kinds of work In Iron, whether of sgricnltuial
implem, nts or vehicles, done in the moat mechan
ical style, and satis action guaranteed. fau2wkr
DAN BAKER, Prop'r.
Keepa oa baod the ocst
Wines, Liauors and Cigars.
Near the Old Mint, Second Street,
R. E. Saltmarshe
" ' - TH
HigrliestCash Price for
'' - .
Hay and Grain.
Second and Union Streets.
A. L NEWMAN, Prpprieto
Lost, Sfravei or Stolen, .
f Tj h ibure. . white je-rllmr bei er no nnU
but bianded III riimh. A nwmd if r6 will bervea
to aLV oue delivering the heifer to m- at my pUce
- -- - - ULKRY HiuLMUN.
Th-' I'lsliwny Bill.
alkm, Ju. 13 R.-uiu8KDiKiie Mil
iti" t.i I lur a B.iiay at Oregon Citv
Mi;ir prutes $(iJ00, nr s much thereuf
at s'iuII lie necM-ar-. the Mali way to lie
c.TBirui tid iu the bed of the river on
tin- W'St aide nt the mato lull t'V wnk
Wft rafuValliint) Iu the snlid rocR when the
wnlt-r is l"W, mi that the 8pe rl be
more gradual, and when the - water is
higher the txcavatiooi- will form a series
o Di hi a C'ltiUt-ctioe "-I'll eai'D ti'litr. all
cci.strucitrd aDd arranged . in such
manner that salrooo cau lre Iv a-cend
I rom heiitw nr a'xive tne lads by pass
ir.g from pooi to ponl.
A J Sliruni, id Mitchell, Or, is here
in t he interests 'Tit ti e ptoptised measure
) build a new county around that pace
He is also Yerv aDlioU- that the letfis'a'
ure tiive some lelief to the ntochers of
Crtmk. Gran, B.ker. Walliiwa. Haroev
Mt.lieUr. Lake aud Kamalb couones.
hore raueea are overrun every mmm
bv herds fnm Vsami and from trher
porti' iis ol Cuhik aoi Grant. Tlie top
ni'rniihv of ihe rikton l- suc'i that it is
eaier t' pasture on lh-te rangs. but
much t-iiffering and rou-tquent id feelinn
remans. Every man, bheephenier aoa
camp'euder alike, become a walking ar
enal. and serious outiirrakM are feared
Mr 8c'irum sars that, wnat the Urm-ra
ol the Willamette va'lev need is more
extensive gheepraisint; They can be
ea-i'y leided 10 the limthtlis oo eher
si le of the valiej.aod their cloke broas
inir ses vt.uajr forests by rendering
iage tires almost imjmssible.
. Four Were Hanged.
Chestrstown. Md Ju 13 An un-
il-ua iicurence, a qilaiirup e exvcuii'in.
which came vtry nearly being an ocv
'upie oue, took place i i j id shortly after
oooo today, me nis'ory leaoini up to
the tragic end is as lol ow: In Auril
Us' a triui; ol "ecr-iea waylaid Dr. J.
H Hill na he was going on a pr fes
Mnnal vifir, cut his ttiruat anu beat his
trains out with a clan. Tun nitml r
tjrew out of Ihe testimony of Dr Hid
which another negro was killed some
uie belore. ; Filieen neijroes were ar.
reb'ed for the crime, but only Dine were
inuicted. and one of these was acquitted.
The other eiuht were sentenced to death
Ol this number. Chra es Emery, iieury
Uurtt, Joshua Baynard and Lfi Biy
uatd. three boya of 16 and one 13 had
their sentence romoiuied by ibe gov
iruor to imprisonment fur life, and were
tcret;y removed by a body of constables
at nitfht to Bii'invre for fear the eo-
asieil populace would .torni the jail and
hoch liiem.. which they wonid uodoubt
dlv have done The remaining lour.
F, etcher VVi dims. Frishv Comcgts.
Cuarles Brooks and Mie Brown, were,
handed on ihe rime scaffild ' todt.
A-id'e Itom the tact of numbers the
enes atindine the ezicution ' were in
io way unui-uai ine negnies uhu a
eaMio of prayer and praise 'before be
ginning' their march to I He ecan.iin.
Smashed Into NpHnier.
Webster Cir?. Ia, Jan.-13 Oie of
the most fearful wrecks on tbe NirlU-
westeru in years i ecu red at 10 o'clock
ast night near Story Ci'j, la- A snow
low sent out to clear the (now, run
oing at the ra'e or on rare arc nour.
elecootd a bli'UX Ull 65 Ud Moines
pa-8eng T train, smasning tne rear coach
nto apnnrera ami eeriousiy mjur'ng
about 20 or 25 passengers. ' Among tboce
ianireronsly lntired are: '
E. A Wood. Nevada, la, shentt ot
S or? county. I ;. Mr. Zsikes, traveling
islesman for Fronty & fru't, U s Moines
M W. Eibel,-RtMine, traveling leetorer
for the Odd Fe lowv; John Man,' col-
red. VD a M 'ioe-; Mrs. F AConklin
nd daoghter. W-l ster Cit : D : C
Miller, lm-nrance agent, Des Monies; F
Greenwood, lr-ike Citv; fireman on
the snowplow and the eneineir. O'ide
Muain. the great vio'im-t, who was wnn
comoany in the car; was seriously in-
iured. The snow po ran nearly throuah
he coacb , Valines, seats ana piecek oi
the car were thrown in everydireciion.
The Hemeatead Puloning Case.
Pittsburg. .Jan. " 13 Tbe court was
crowded at ihe second day's trial ol Hugh
Demp ey. lot comiiliti-y iu the Homestead
poisoniiig. Most ol tne trenooo se.-8.op
was taken up wnh the examipa'iou o'
he men taken ill while working at
Homestead and their phyMcians. Tbe
alter all express ihe belief that the men
ad bi eo poisoned. 1 be defense oijectea
o the phvricians' testimony The court
said tbe proceedings were somewhat ir
regular, but it it could be p oved tne oe
endant was guilty of furnishing the
poison, the tvidence would be admi-sible
he district attorney would show this
fact and tbe testimony was admitted.
General Butler's B. mains.
Washington, Jau. 12 After brief re-
gious services at the house, the train
bearing tbe la.dv ol General Butler lei t
Washington at 3:15 o'clock this alter
noon tor Lowell, ov. r the Pennsylvania
nd New Yoik and New England roads.
President Harr Son paid a visit to the
Butler bonse this afternoon and viewed
be body of the dead general.
Lowell, Mass- o 13 The remains
Ol Geueral Burier arrived this afternoon
and were escorted by Butler post, G A.
R, io the general's late borne. Te body
will be givto a rui itary inmial. it will
lie in state in Uuntinutoo ' ball The
mills wid clo-e oo Mooday. the day of
the funvral, and busiuess will be sus
pended. ,
Two Kl'led and Othern Injared. '
Burlington, is. Jao.13 It is report
ed from Morning Son, la, that a bid
reck occur. d this evtning on the Iowa
Central road. An east bound passenger
traiu was derailed while on a crossing 60
feet above tbe ground. The rear coach
led from tbe track, 'lurnici. complete v
over io i s lali. Vod struck ibe ground
upon its roof. Eight passengers were ;n
the coacb. Two were' ki led and two
others sustained lujunes that will pruba'
bly prove latal A partial list of the
iijured is as follows; R v Wayland Mil
tei, Iowa, seriously: E mer Reece, Mro
inB Hon. siightly ;' W S. Drum mar, Wy.-
mingId., back hurt.
l' A Terr tle Explsawa,
' San Bernardino, Cii, Jo. 13 Last
night Eddy R ose, a boy 10 years old,
dropped a blxZicg s ick into a tank con -taiuiDu
5000 gallons of oil us d for run ;
tiny an engine at the Sun ' Brnardino
Laundry A terrific up osion followed
Eddy R"Ue. Harry Taylor and Billy Ed
wards were i.-rriblj l-urned, and are in a
critical condition.,. .The engineer clo-ed
the oimniDg iu the tank and sm ithered
the flames. "'
Nine Pamlllen Aphjxiaied. ' .
- Pittsburg, Pa, Janr l3 Six families
in this city and tl rea laruilieir of Alle
ghany, in all 2(1 persons, , narrowly ear
captd deatb this moroiog from aspbjs..-
too by iliutuioatiug gas. As it is, sev
era! persons are iu a cinical condition,
but ail are ikelv to recover. In botb
cases broken mains are respona lle. Id
this city every member ot Ihe sis fami-
lieit ore more or lean effected, but by
prompt opi uins all but three, a soo ol Garner, Siiuuel Aroet and Mrs
f .cksou, quicKlv rec lvered. Tney are
in a tri u8 coudition, but no la'.al re-
suits i. re . xpccied.
The Klout In Mervla
Belgrade, Jan 13 One hundred Ser
vian radicals weie arrested for complicity
in the recent riots, which were much
graver than the official reports represent
ed them to be. At Semendiia armed
radicals seized the town ball, stored with
a large quantity of arms and food, and
tried to hold it against the government
Sorces. Io the tight 30 radicals were se
riously wounded and a gendarme shot
dead. At Tsatsak a radical was killed
in a fight between the radicals and police.
. A Free-Snver I'll .
WASHrsoTON. Jan. 13 Biker of K-n
sa has introduced in the hoose a bill for
the freecoioage of silver, making it un
iawlul lor anv person to make any con
tiacts, note, draft or bill Datable it" any
specific coin or currency.
Three Mere liyaehed.
Brinkley, Ark., Jan. 13 To more
Cigrocs aud one while man Were Ijnched
yesterday in the vicinity of Cotton Plant.
for the murder and cremation of At kin-
sou family S-itorday night.- Two oegrieB
wre lynched tor the sime
crime Mn-
C vtarrtly Kevensje.
South Bend, Ja 14 The North
river farming community, near tois
jlace, is greatly . exc ted ovt-r a sup
praed attempt to murder an old sett er
and his famiiy by poisoniiig. Isaac Smith
is one of tbe pioneers ot Southwestern
Washington, having come to 'this neieh-
borhood with his lather in 1854, He is
well known and highly refpee'ed through
oat Faanc ana unenans counties.
At the time of the Fredriksen murders
id 1890, lie was a leading fisure in the
chase tor (he criminals, which led up to
the kil lrig of John Ross snd I, is alleged
contederaie, Edwards, in Oyctervillc j-iil.
Since then, he has received several an
ooymoua let'ers, threatening vengeance
lor the part he took In that case it is
claimed that at various times bia well and
the family food have been poisoned, the
atteuints being di-coverd lietore serious
couseauences t-nued. The first of this
week Mr Sctth and the large family
we e taken ill wph gripping dscn ty.
The ordinary household remidies proved
of no avail, and the cond'tion of the
pttieoia became worse from day io day,
Mrs smitb aud tbe roundest child are
daouerouaty sick. Dr. W. Grunell, of
this city, who is now iu attendance i
the house, is of the opinion that a min
eral poison has been taken bv the' family
in their food- He thinks it was corrosive
sublimate, but was summoned too late to
be able to determioe with certainty.
. Mltnatl'tn In Ktasas.
Topeka, Jan. 14 Tbe debute in tbe
senate over tbe recognition of the Pop
ulist bonse came up this morning on tbe
presentation oi a bouse concurrent reso
lotion. O'Brien, .fusion leader, moved
ihatsAhe consideration of tbe resolution
be deferred, lili Monday. A Lot debate
followed. Dillard, Popollbt, joined
O'Brien and Taylor, Popnlifts, sayiat;
that while all bis sympathies were with
the Populis's, and he had every reason
for acting with them, there was simply
a matter of right and wrojg in this, and
he must protest against any recognition
ot tbe house. The opposition filibustered
away most of the day, and it was 8 o'clock
before tne voting began. The resolution
a-as adopted by a voir of 23 to 18 The
R publican uii inhere filed a joint protest
agaioit the actioo. and the three tosioo '
ists filed individual . protests. The sen
aie ibeu adjourned until Tuesday morn
ug. . . . :! . " :-
The dual hou e passed the day waniag
for he decision of ibe senate uiku Ibe
proposition to recognize the Populist
houe Time dragged wear ly along on-,
til 3 o'clock wlieu (he senate's chief clerk
appeared on the fl'Hir. aod in a message
UOui th presidrtig flie-r of the senate,
inloimed Populist Speaker Donsmore of
the recoguiiion of bis bouse. -. '
Ti.e Sext Hehate.
Washington, Jau 14 News is receiv,
ed here that Senator 8anford, of Cal
ifornia, has fully decided to resign,
though his term wi'.l nor be up for two
years: Unless there is some understand
ing between Stanford and the Populists
io the California legislature by which a
Republican - successor will lie chosen.
Thin ; wil give the Dmicrats straight
control ot ttie senate, tissuming that
Stephen M. White, the-D- mratio cau
cus nom nee to voceed - Felton, is suc-
cessiu . 1 tie u mocrata now nave ov
stratftht - D niocratic senators. They
gamed one in JNew York, one In wis
consin. and ith two in California,' will
have 43. Kyle of Sooth Dakota has
already let it be known that he will
act with the Democrats. This, writ)
Vice President Steveusou'a casting vote.
would give them control, even the ugh
thev are not sure of Montana and should
slip up on Wyoming.
Vv later in Kararst.
Chicago, Jan. 15 The cold spell ot
the pest few days ig ibe severest experi
enced in several years. At 10 o'clock
this morning the thermometer registered
18 deg below Xt-ro. but Unco that boor
the temperature has slightly moderated.
The railroads' sre the sufferers, nearly
ail passengei trains being from 1 to 24
hours late. Tbe co'd weather Has nued
the lake with ice and made' life almost
unbearable at the waterworks cribs." The
experience of tne men staltooea at tbe
two mile crib last night surpsesed any
thing in ibat quarttr in several years.
During tbe night lour ot them were se
riously frozen.
senator Mltehel
Washington, Jan. 14 William R
Handy, son-in-faw of Senator Mi'chell
and for many years a confidential clerk
in the ffice of the secretary ot the navy,
died at bis residence in this city this
morning, alter a lingering il'ness. Sev
eral years ago he married Miss Maggie
Mitchell, and they have coo tinned to re .
aide in Wa-hingtou. He was 88 it ears
old, and leaves two children. . The fun
eral wi I take p'ace Monday.
Ji.klna: W th Indiana,
Umatilla, Or. Jan 14- 8m young
men attempted a practical j ke oo an In
dian tbla evening, and thereby came near
cau-liig an outbreak amoig the 300 Col
umhit river Iodians camped near here.
Tbe Indian was peddling "squaw made
gloves," 8Ld while displaying his goods
o a crowd of youog men, one slipped a
pair of glove- into ms pocket. This en
raged Hie Indian, and alter miking re
pealed demands for the return of the
property, he went away. He presently
returned with a di zio more braves. They
marched up and down the street tnreat
eniug io bring all the Indians over aud
wip- nut the town uuiess the gloves were
returned. For a short tim it loosed as
if i In re wooid trouble, as their savage
blood was at fever heat. They finally
located : he young man ai.d scared him
into vtiving over the glotes, and then
went away apparently satisfied.
The Jary Slaved His Heelt.
Seattle, Jan. 14 James Murphy,
who shot Pmiiip Dawe last Bering in the
Copper Ctiief saloon, was sentenced by
Jutge Homes today to 15 years' confine
inent in the penitentiary. The trial was
concluded about a month ago and re
sulted In a verdict of moider in tbe
second degree. Tbe prisoner's motion
for a new trial was denied, and Judge
Humes said iu i entencing him that the
jury would have been ju-nficd in finding
the prisoner guilty in the Oiat degree-
t'lity Killed by is Expioalo.
St. Paul de Loan da, Jan. 15 A train
crowded with European and natives was
lulled on the Congo railway near Matadi
ncently and the engine was detached to
I nn a wagon loaded with 54 boxes ot dy
uaruite and 03 casks of goupowder, Ibe
engine moved down grade with great
spetd aud collided with the wagon, ex
ploding the rUnimite. Filty persoos
were kuled, including M. Liquene, bead
ot tbe Societe Aoonyme Beige.
Grain for the tMarvlwg. .
St. ' Petersburg." Jan. 15 Director
Kerbedtze, ol the Vianl-Ktvkag- railway
has bought for tbe government 72,000-
'00 pounds of grain which will be di
hi uted among the starvitg poor of
To la, Yarbnesli and RreEtn where tens
of thousands are tamiue stricken. In
Petrozavodsh and Arcbacgel nearly one
third of the population are wandering
from place to place begging and robbing.
Heavy Know fall In Virginia.
' Cape Charles Ya., Jan. 15 Snow
fell early this morning, covering tbe pen
insula from 11 to 14 inches deep. The
mercury is at 10 degrees tonight, and
tailing last. It has been tbe coid. st day
since 1857 The steamers between Cape
Charles and Norfolk are. making trips
with much difficulty on account . of tbe
ire. At Smith islaud the ice extends a
mile aod a half into tbe ocean.
Bocae Bi ver Buad leased.
' Jacksonville, Or, Jan. 14 Honey-
man, DeHart & Us ot Portland, owners
of tbe Rogue River Valley rai road, haye
leased the road between Jacksonville
and Mediord to W. 8 Baioum, of Med-
ford. The lessee pays $8 per day for the
road, aud bag given $20,000 bonds for
the taithlul performance of the servicle.
The contract begins January 20. ; -
Traflle laterrapted la Aascrla.
Vienna.' Jan. 15 More snow, accom
pauled by high winds, lias blocked tbe
country- roads and interrupted .railway
traffic. A party of 40 travelling io 8 edges
was caught id) a snow drift two miles
from tbe city and was half buried before
belp couid tie summoned. Alter tnree
hours ail were rescued, several with feet
or bands frozen .
Heavy Bnawa la CSerasany. .
Berlin, Jan. 15 It has snowed here
almost incessantly for the last 48 hours.
Tbe thermometer hss varied meantime
between 2 and 8 deg, Fahrenheit, above
zero. The Herno Munich express has
been blocked for eight hours in the Up
per Pfalz Kill way trsflia throughout
tbe empire has been interrupted.
Itrsfted the Heme Bale Bill.
London. Jan. 15 Tne Chronicle this
morning says it bears that the new Irish
home rule bill was drafted by Right
Hon. Brce, chancelor of the duchy of
Liouaster, and toat Mr. Gladstone gave
itrvce a seat in tbe cabinet for tbe very
purpose of draltiog the bill. ..
- A Deaial Frosu Htauford.
San Francisco, Jan 14 Senator Slan-
rd e'ated today that the report ' tbat
he was to resign from the senate is no
troe. He save his health is good, and
he does not consider he wou d be doing
jus ice to his party or country by resign
ing, ' .i
An l&rly nettle' Dead.
Port Townskno, Jan 4 J. G. C inger.
a pioneer of this city, who came to Paget
soood 51 years ago, died of paralysis Ibis
evening, aged 74,
The Pepallsta Koalas tireand.
Topeka, Jan. 16 The only, hope of
effecting tbe dissolution of one ot tbe
lival bouses is ibe inability of the Pop
ulist leaders to bold their men. . Several
threaten to go boldly over to and act
with the Republican bouse unless a . set
tlement is reached this afternoon ' when
he two houses meet. The Republicans
say eight Populists have already pledged
themselves to do this. It is believed
soch a move would force tbe Populists to
Tbe senate Ibis afternoon will further
recognize the bouse by calling a joint
session lor tbe election of a state printer
tomorrow. The Republicans will flli--buster
to defeat the resolution. - A bigger
fight ia expected than took place
Blalne'a SJoadltlan.
Washington. Jan . 16 Blaine's phy
sicians this 'afternoon issued the follow
iog: .' :.
, "B'aine's condition is one, of great
weakness, shown principally in the fee
bleness of tbe heart's action and difficul
ty in breathing. He is perfectly con
scious, aod at no time in a atate of stupor.
He suffers no pa n. No narcotics or se
datives at an; time have been giyen. It
is no' probable such remedies will be
needed . -
4a OldiTlme Actress Dead.
London, Jan. 16 Frances Anne Kem-
ble, tbe well known actress, -daughter of
Charles Keroble, and niece of Mrs. Sid
dons, died today, in her 84th year. Be
sides being a remarkably gifted actress,
botb in comedy and tragedy, she wrote
aod published a large number of works,
prose aod poetry She spent a good por
tion of her life in the Uoi ed States, msr
rying Puree Butler, a South Carolina
planter. " '
. Ninety.sXIcht Vaya ln the Saddle-1'
- San Fbanci-oo, Jan. 15 Gisbeit
Waercber arrived here on horseback last
night. ' He started on hia ride from
Chicago July 18. Be was detained over
a month by sickness in Iowa, and fl-iodi
aod snow in tbe Rocky and Sirrrs Ne
vada M'-nutains. He has been 93 days
ia ihe saddle, and io tbat time covered
a litile over 8000, miles,
Ftxxa Saturdays- Dallv
Hon. W. R. E lis, of Heppoer, is in the
city. We ajkuuw edge a pleasant call.
License to wed was granted by the coanty
clerk to day to Joseph Francis Hubuer and
Anna Burke.
The following Heed was filed to-day with
the county clerk: Dalles Cicv to Joaepn T.
Peters; lot 3, block 19, Gates additiun;
A cold east w ind blew to day. commonly
termed a Walla Walla Chinook, which
changed tue temperature considerably to
wards evening.
The Arlington Record gives a free notice
to what be is pleased to term a "tinhorn
doctor" by the name of R9wlaiid, attempt
ing to sen a Kind ci catarrh sonll.
Now that tbe legislature u in session,
says tbe Arlington Record, let ua make a
long pull, a strong; pull aud a pull altogether
tor an appropriati n for a portage railway
oecween tne uaiiesana Uelilo.
Oo making the usual inquiry at tbe re
corder's office we were informed tint there
had been bat one occupant of the oity jail
aince trie snow leu. lots la a good record,
aud we hope it will be kept up.
ine i. a. tu ana w. n. u will hold a
camp Ore in cauueotion with tbe installation
of o Ulcers this evening in Fraleruity hall
There will be no pork aud beaua, bat an
nld-ta-hiuned sociable. All old soldiers are
invited to las present.
With a bountiful fall of snow to thor
numbly wet the ground aod cold, fret sing
weather to form ice oar farmers and ice
dealers should feel satisfied with the vener
nas manner io which they have been treated
during the preseut season.
Set, eral of the parties v bo went to Ellens
burh as witnesses iu the hank robber case
have returned to Fo-sil. the trial haying
been postponed until Jar. 30th. They are
pretty apt to return at that time, as thev
were compelled to give bunds for their ap
A cougar, last week, frightened the ani
mal on which two little girls were riding
near urawiorusviiie in tne vt uiamette val
ley, and tbey wore thrown off, reauitiny; io
tne fracture ot the limb of the smaller one.
She was carried hy her sister to the nearest
bouse ana medical aid summoned.
xne Arlington Record lacetiousiv re
marks: " When Jay G.mld died we truiv
sympathised with the calamity bowlers, as
he was their principal stock in trade, and
fear that orgauic ttioa will now go to pieces.
Jow mat uea Butler baa died there is an
other class who will be le:t without a voca
Hood River Glacier: Wila Winans killed
an iuimeuse timber wolf last week also a
wild oat. The wolf's hide ia as lame as an
average deer bide, and no doubt hia death
has saved that of many a deer. Since set
tlmg on his place Mr. Winans has killed
ten wild cats, eleven bears, fi.e cougars and
two woives.
Tbe winter is not so far advanced bnt
that severe weather may be' expected vet.
1 1 1862 thecoldest day was on the 17th of
J muary, ana ten years ago tbe coldest
weather was experienced in the Utter out
ni renrnary. spring win not be so wauton
aa to attempt to - woo the old man of the
seasons yet for several weeks.
The petition' ot the bondholders ot tbe
Oreg n Pauifio railroad to tbe circuit court
tor an exteusion of time, on the aaie of the
road, baa been grauted and tbe time ex
tended from the 16th of Jannary to the 5th
of March, 1393. aays the Albany Herald.
Ibe next move will be for a oommittee to
examine the road and report upon it. '
The bill introduced, by Senator Steiwer.
of Gilliam, provides for the creation of a
new county to be known as ''Stockman.
and to be composed of parts of Wasco and
Crook eountiea bounded on tbe west by the
Deschutes river aod on the east by tbe
John Day river and west line of Grant
county, with the county seat at Antelope.
G. W. Davis, clerk of the state board of
school land commissioner-, reports sales ot
land and receipt imin different fonds of
?30 629 38.. Of tht. r0l,293 39 is school
fund principal and interest, . Total number
ot acres of land disposed of, 122,239. These
fioures are for time between August 1, 1891.
to December 31, 1892, one year and five
months, . .
It now transpires that Thomas Henderson
Boyd, who was shot and killed at Seattle a
few weeks ago, hy his mistress, a Spanutr I
woman named Ursula Untung. deserted a
young wife in New York before he came to
this coa t, Thia unravels the mystery re
garding Boyd's delay in fulfilling bis prom
ises to tne woman who took his lite as a for
feit for broken pledges.
Green Basin 'Xajmeermaa; H. Harbor, a
man nearly 70 years old, who lives ia the
vicinity of Bowlder creek, above Cottstarted
oat banting alone after the big fall of anow
about Uhnetmas, aod was not seen or beard
from for two weeks. ' He was given ap as
lost and probably froxeo to death. Last
Monday, however, be returned booie, bay
ing walked io to the hot aprings and re
mained until after tbe storm.
This is the dull season of the year, when
tbere ia little activity to uny branch of
trade-, aod when tbe professional man aod
mechanic bava considerable leisure. While
we have not a word to say gaioat anv
ama-ement, yet we believe tbere aboald be
sufficient interest manifested In literary
matters to organise ooe or more inatructive
societies. Are debating aod Shakespearean
o nbs too suburban to be indulged in by our
Portland Telegram: Twenty bright $20
gold pieces are seldom found stored away in
every woman a butle, but when Mary
Suhulti, the "Mystery," was subjected to a
change of garb on her arrival at tbe asylum.
she begged permission to retain ber bastle.
It was noticed tbat the article was very
heavy and on being opened was found to
contain a nice store ot wealth. Hence it
was no freak of a diseased miod nor tore of
stylo tbat made Mary ask for her. bustle.
She was simply talking business, '
Captain Svmons, TJuited States ei-gioeer.
has returned to Portland from a trip to
Yaonina. He reports that work baa been
guiug ahead oo the jetties all winter with
very few days interruption on account or
the weather. Tbe landslide in the rock
o jarrv smashed a derrick and an engine.
but opened up a lot of rock, so tbe loss was
slight aod tbe work was delayed. Work
has also been carried on contiually on the
jetty at tbe mouth of tbe river, with tbe
exception ot a tew aa- a wnen is was neces
sary to make some repaira to the plant.
A rather youthful specimen of the bovine
apecie, almost aapnvxiaieu uy means ui a
rope around its neca, created oonaiaeranis
amusement to the small boy this afternoon
by bis wild "breaks" for freedom, each time
winding tne rop-i iignter aruuna ita neua.
At ooe time tbe young man having in
charge the animal was nearly hauled irom
the saddle, but managed to regain bis equil
ibrium. How illustrative this is ot tbe
fruitless attempts ot some aoxioas toils a to
free themselves from the clutches of capital.
Each Sort only makes tbe bands more
firmly oppressive.
A German, who bad been grubbing sage
brush for Del Zichary for severs! weeks,
was relieved of w hat loose obange he had
io hia jeans a tew days ago while at work
on Pel's place at the month of Butte creek,
writes a cor respondent of the Condon Olobe
Del bad been to town aod on hia way home
he nassed where the Uennao waa at work,
and paid him $23, and went on to his borne.
A few minutes alter, a man witn a rea
handkerchief, nvar his face for a mask, rode
op to the G-raian and accused him of being
a Sullivan detective, and at the aame time
to d bim to "fork over what change be
had on bim. which he promptly did without
any "back talk." The highwayman then
rode away and we have not heard any clue
yet sa to his ideotiiy.
It bas remained lor a man in umatiiia
county to solve tue problem of perpetual
motion. - His name ia Jacob Mills, His
device ui a three wheeled concern, each
wheel being eat a bove the other, aod is
operated by chains aod balls. The latter
are about , the size, of a )rge marble, aod
are contained io backets... Toey crop in
so i h a manner rrom cnain to coatu mat
they keep tne wheelsoontinaally revolving.
Tbe apeed ia regulated by means ot a spring.
nd the machine can be stopped at will.:
The inventor bas alt hia life turned bis at
tention to invention, which explains tbs
fast tbat ha ia poor. Ma baa haea at work
on tbe perpetual motion racket siooa ha was
twelve years old. aod his aire ia now three
score aod live, so it will be seen that he h,s
bad time enough to do eMosiderabJe thi. k-
From Monday's Daily,
Mr. F. M. Bixhy, editor of tbs Moro Ob
terver, was io the oity yesterday.
Mrs. J. E. Hardy left this morning to
visit her brother Mr. James Tullis at
Centralis, who ia quite aick.
Conaiderable iu was eat and pot op Sat
urday before tbe anow fell; but tbe next
crop will be cot f om the river.
The thermometer marked 24 degrees
aoove sero this morning, sad an east wind
prevailing it became quite cold before even
sir. j. n. atonenton, ot Dutur. is io
town to-day. He reports about the same
fall of snow that we have here and the
weather cold
Mr. R R. Byram, who has been clerking
in the city for some time past, has taken a
vacation of a tew weeks, and will visit bis
parents at Antelope.
The snow which fell yesterday was sen-
era! oyer this portion of tbe slate, aod this
ill give satisfaction to tbe farmers in this
and neighboring counties,
Mr. J. B. Haveley and Geo. W. Rice
came in town from Bjyd t -day. Tbey re
port about six inches of snow at that place
sunaay and the weatber pretty jold,
Yesterday snow fell to the depth of six
inches, and the ground being frozen this
furnished excellent sleighiug. Tbe merry
jingle ol bell was heard quite Ireqaeutly,
ana people eojoyea tnemseiyes.
Mr. Webb's boase at Blockhouse, Wash.,
was burned to the ground last Friday after
noon. There wea nothing saved frorr tbe
building, bat there was a snail m.arauce.
The family were . absent visiting at the
stating win oe discontinued by our
youog people, aud coasting will again be in
aagurated. Ihe streets will furnish verr
excellent grades for this purpose, but we
hope boys and girls will leave sidewalks for
I edeatrtans.
ihe conda of the three Gilliam county
men, held lor the Vualyo bank robbery,
nave oeeo reuucea irom siu.uuu to woUUU
Zichary ha, been liberated uo ball; but
Hale and Kimaoy did not pat np the re
quired bonds.
Snow at Tbe Dalles ia deeper tbao any
place on the route, east or west, aod no
tears are entertained of a blockade. The
rotary did not arrive at The Dalle, bat was
atopped at a point east of here, there being
oo. necessity for it io the gorge if the
Moore of Skamania county. Wash . ia the
only man io either boate who was elected
by the unanimous vote of Democrats, Re
publicans, fopulists and prohibitionists.
There was only one ticket in bis county at
the last tleotion, and his campaign cxpeuses
amounted to $o CXJ.
At the aher fTs office the prinsiple matter
was the discawioa of a Latin phrase, wbiob
was nnally aettled by being translated, and
then everything settled down in the ordi
nary routiue of every day affairs. ' The two
occupants of tbe jail still walk the corridor.
aod while away the hoars bydreams of lib
There was no delay in the arrival aod de
parture of trains yesterday by reason of tbe
soow. It was feared tbat it may have falleu
heavily m the mountains, a; d th t another
blockade would be suffered; but tbe corn-
paoy to be prepared for any auen emergency
telegraphed to La Grande for tbe rotary
plow, so tbat tbey wouid be prepared for
any emergency,
We learn from Mi. Btxby, of the Moro
Observer, who left Moro in Sierinan county
last Tuesday and has visited Uo:deadaie and
Ceulerviile, Wash., that cattle are being
fed, and not allowed to roam on the range
aod pick np a susteosoce 4 rom nibbling
grass on the hills, Tnere i i plenty of hay
in stack, aod there will be no appreciable
loss of stock if tbe severe weather continues
or weeks. i
Albany Herald: Eighty men are employed
on the government works at Yaqaiua 30
in the quarries getting oat rock, and 50
damping it into tbe jetty: Scows of 250
tons burden are used to transport the rock
to a landing place from wheuos it la takeo
on ' tbe jetty railway to tbe front and
dumped ovei board. Mr. Holoomb, the new
engineer, took command of tbe works Moo
day morning.
Pendleton bas a white cap outfit, and
here ia a uotioe it served on a citison: "Mr.
Max Bird: You are hereby notified that
you are given 48 boors to leave this town.
we dou t want your kiod of people h-re.
You most take that old oat witb you. You
had to leave Biker City in woman's clothes.
Now get, or we will fix vsu. By order, of
oommittee. Wonder why the association
wauted B rd to take bis oat along, and why
was hi. dog omitted? There is some partial
ity in the order. The Bird did not fly,
however. He is at the old stand yet.
Fosail Journal: Thursday evening, about
s-xoolock. as Mahlm tUII was pis-lug
Colemau Welsh s house, on his way into
Fossil with the Antelope mail, a wbeel of
hia cart struck tbe uphill side of the grade.
aod Hall was damped over the grade into a
rock pile ten feet below. - He lit oo bis
shoulder, hrniaiog it severely. - Tbe pain
waa excruciating until Dr. Howard injected
a larite quantity of morphine into his arm.
aiooe which ha bas beea resting easily. As
a result of the accident, no mail went oat
to Antelope to-day; Hall hopes to be able
to make the trip Monday.
Fossil Journal: Mrs. Chss. Sister, of Lost
Valley, arrived in townVto-day with her
little daughter, who, it will ha re mom be red,
swallowed a quantity of lye about two
months ago. The little one ia apparently
in tbe best ot health, bnt ia really in a pre
carious condition. As the burned parte
healed up. the tiaaues contracted, aod dar
ing tbe paet month the child has beea no
able to a wallow a morsel of solid food, and
haa subsisted solely on milk. It is now be
coming' difficult for tbe child to swallow
even the milk, and the mother, becoming
alarmed, brought her to town for medical
care. - y
After his wedding on New Year's day tbe
editor of the Prineville Jr'etes wrote this ad
vertisement for the columns of his paper:
"We have for sale a little over half a box of
bachelor buttons' tbat go through the
cloth aod fasten together on the same prin
ciple of the rivet in a harness tag. They
are variegated in oolor. ooe end showing
Heantifnl uoloiiog ot the Polled-Aogas year
ling while tbe other rivals the beauty of a
braas lamp. - Among other things tbey sre
baody to fasten tbe perforated ends of aus
peodere to. . Like other relics of oar bache
I r days they are things of whieh wa have
more aupply than demand. We conscien
tiously recommend them as being better
than a nail on account of monopolising leas
of the troarers and not drawing frost ia the
In the Ions lapse ot years a great many -
of the arsbieves of the territory and state of
Oregon have accumulated io the depart
meat at Salem. Speaking of these ancient.
bat nevertheless interesting documents, and
tbe proper provisions being made for their
careful and proper preservation, tbe Salem
Statesman says: ' The inadequate book
oases that have long been denominated tbe
archives of tbe atate were yesterday re
moved from their position in tbe office of
the auditing clerk in the state bonse, to
give way to more elaborate and convenient
shelving finished in antiqoe oak, aod of
sufficient amplitude for a repository ef all
tbe valuable aod carious documents tbe
state may possess. -The words "Oregoo
Archives' in embossed letters ornament the
nper part of tbe cases.11
OraoaMa; The regular Sonday wood
train on tbe Portland & Willamette Valley
railway (narrow gauge) that left the Jeff-ir
atreet, station at a o olock yesterday
morning, met witb a serious accident wheo
two ai lea south of Oswego, which resulted
in injuring more or leas 16 persona. Every
one on board, except Conductor Kennedy
and Engineer Miller, was hurt, several of
them seriously and ooe or two probably
fatally. Tbe train consisted of a locomotive
aod caboose and 24 flstcara. The latter
were to be left at various places along tbe
line. Seven flatcars were between the tooo
motive sod the caboose, and the Otoer 17
rare behind. There. were 17 men ia.ths
caboose, among whom were Seket Herrman,
L A Clsrke, J A. CUrks, all wood deal
ers) C, A. Stuart, a yoang maa reixassat
ing Dr. Poppleton, and H C. Braodei, of
Biam ft, who was goirg out with
Mr. Herrman to inspect a lot of wood.
Toe remsiuder wet a laborers who had beea
engaged at a station to go along aod load
wood for the various dealers.
Lewis too Teller: There has been a decided
turn in the remits obtained bv the commie
siouers at work oo the Iodiao treaty. The
plan has been adopted to make an individ
ual eanvaas of tbe tribe, aod. as a result,
signature are ' being received rapidly.
Nearly 100 have already signed the treaty.
aod among therr. many prominent and influ
ential men. The Ltpwai branch ef the
trine are now strongly io favor of tbe pro
position, and tbe most eooonracinc reports
come down from Kamiah. Arohie Lawyer,
one of the moat influential of the Kamiah
members, has changed in favor of the treaty
and he is using his luflnenoe to help tbe
commissioners in their work. It ia reported
that forty of the Karaiaha are at Lapwai to
day for the purpose of sigmog tbe treaty.
juverytniog ia layoraoie now to a final set
tlement in a few dsys.
Froas Tuesday's Dally. -
There will be plenty of ice tbis season.
The mercury rcgis'xred 18' degrees
above zero Ibis morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Buckler, of Sherar'a
bridge, are in the city.
Mrs. M. C. Nye, of Prineville. is regis
tered. at the Umatilla house.
Mr. M. King, the sheep king of Sher
man coanty, was in the city yesterday.
Mr. W. S Cram, of Portland, waa a pas
senger to tbis city oo the midnight train.
Mr. R. J. Gltio. of Moro. the leadinr
hardware merchant of Sherman county,
is in town lo-day . .
Mr. P.M. Bixby.oftbe Obtrver. who
has been in tbe city for tbe past two oi
three days, returned to his home at Moro'
to-day. . . (
I jo is forming on tbe river, sod if the
w ather keeps cool for two or three davs '
there will bo excellent skating adjoining '
the oity.
Mr. 8, L. Thurman cleaned lilt pond of
snow, and this nfleruoot, skating was en-
joed by tbe participants paying 10 cent
Mrs. J. McPberson. the principal owner
of the townsiie of Wasao, is in the city as
a wiines ia land matters before tbe 17. 8.
land office.
One solitary hobo wss jailed this after
noon tor begging. Thia ia tbo second in
habitant tbe Jail bas bad since lie first
fall of snow.
Heck Wheeler, the mm who killed K 1-
muuds in Crook couuty a .t days ao,'b
been held to answer tne i-runa ot warder in -
the first degiee. -
Sir. S. 'A.- Muichiu, member ot tbe
firm of Bright Jt Murctiie, the leading
law firm of Sherman county. U registered '
at tbe Umatilla House.
The scene of the most activity these
days is around the beach where tbe fictm
Intor is undergoing rep rs. There is a
large force of mechanics at work, and tbe
boat is being thoroughly overhauled
Senator Dolpb has introduced a bill for
tbe relief of tbe Ulalock ' Wheat-growing
company, and ibis has been relum! to
tbe commiitei on public, lands and will
probably be reported favorably soon. (
Antelope Herald: Uueor as it may seem
it is nevertheless a faoC . that after the dan
cers found that the man was dead in the
recent tragedy at Willow Creek aod no
further disturbance was liable to oooar.they -
all returned to tbe ball sod reaamed d ,no
ing, apparently with renewed vigor until a
late hour. ,
The masquerade ba'.l of Jtcksoo En
gine Oo. No. 1, of this city, will take
place Feb. 6ib, and tickets are on sale at
all our principal business houses. We
expect to see a liberage patronage of this
entertatnmens by our citizens, as this fire
company has heretofore done noble work
in saving properly from the desiruciioa
of tbe flames. - '
The following- ' officers were installed
for Columbia Lodge, No. 5, 1 O O F, for ,
tbe ensuing quarter at the last regular
meeting:! E W Trout, N ti; O Pairman,
V G; H (Hough, sec; H C Nielsen, treas ;
O D Doane, .': T A Ward. W; R G Clos
ter, I U; SB Adams, KiiNO; 8 Kleio,
LSNG; .HenryBills,RSVG; Henry
Fiege, L 8 V U; Geo Ruch, HSU; E
Coasting was excellent amusement last
night; but tbe air was too severe for per
sons of mature vears to suffer all tbe in
conveniences, ot cold hands and feet to '
enjoy si id lug down bill. Of course there
is an environment connected with sleigh
nding which makes it always delightful;
but this period in human existence does
not last always, and when it passes away '
its remembrance m iv cause a smile la
tbe evening of life. . ',
Mr. L. Payette, the blacksmith, haa a
difficult piece of wet -Ing to do at tbe Reg
ulator yard.: There Is an iron, band of
considerable dimensions tbat goes the.
full length of the keel that has to be
joined by intense heat, and It ia Impossi
ble to put m is inside a forge wnicu is not
ei prated to tbe air. If any person is
equal to this emergency Mr. Payette is
the man, and be will undoubtedly accom- ,
Dlisli the task. He was hiring a number '
of helpers yesterday to aid hint in hand
ling this Duisy piece oi iron.
Mr. D. C. Herns, tbe photograph srtist
of tbia city, bas received an urgent invita
tion from Hon. Carenoe K. xoang, assist- .
aot secretary. World's Congress Auxiliary,
to attend tbe World s Congresses in the
department of art, to convene . ia Chieagu
during the week commencing Mooday, July
31st, 1893. Tbis is quits a eomplimeut to
Tbe Dal'ee, aod speaks ia .- aamistakable
terms of the estimation ia which Mr.
Herrio is held as an artist. There will no
doobt be srtiats present fro ui all portions of
the globe and many who have been famous
all over tbe world by their pencil and brush.
Representative Wilson, of Washington,
has received an order from the commis
sioner of the general land office tor the
issuance of patents for the lands of the
Northern Pacific, commencing at the
eastern line of Washington and continu
ing thiough to the end of the road, for all
old sections within tbo grant. Montana
and Idaho have been left nut for tbe pres.
enl, owing to the tart tbat tbe lands of the
western states have been more geaorally
sold than the others, and owners are ask
ing for patents.
We have received from Hon W. W.
8teiwer a copy of a . bill Introduced by
htm for 'be protection or stock-raisers,
and makiog it unlawful for any person to
sell any slaughtered bovine animal to the
keener of anv batcher shop or meat
market "without having and exhibiting
to such keeper the hide containing the
brand or other marks upon the hide of
such animal." Tbe bill aims to protect
flock-owners from having their cauls
stolen, and then butchered to destroy the
evidences ot the larceny. Iu provisions
are very complete, and we bope it will
become a law. ,y
Iu this great and glorious northwest
thing always happen on a large scale.
Snow falls less frequently than In the
east; but when it comes it is with a
"mighty, rushing sound," and, aiuiougn
there are no cyclones, occasionally the
wind blows . furiously. Tbt following
from the Long Creek KagU is an illustra
tion of "zephyrs" in the northwest: "Talk
about beavy wind siorms i rrny, we mi
a ind aiorin which vislied Wagner dis
counts anything In tbat line aver ' known
in Great county, at leas tne eapwricwc
which befel a steer belonging to John
Collins is decidedly out of tbe usual run
of things. When Mr. Collias went out to
feed bis slock tbe next morning after the
wind storm, behold tbere stood tbe steer
on top of a bay stack. Now. if the wind
did not blow him up tbere, now did be
get there f Jt is a question far. u. is ua- -able
to answer, but be is of tbe opinion
tbat the force of the wind carried him up
tbe side of the slack and landed hint
safely on top."
Botioa to Orwditors.
All those having hills agaiaat- the under
eigj.ed will please present the aame witbia
ths next thirty days. J0 A. B. 8izsza,
Taa DaUsb, Jsa. 4, 189$.