to 4 -Ctrl ts THE DALLES, OKEGON, SATURDAY. JANUARY U. 1893. ilOUSTAIXBrtB. Velun Tl MISS-aOCSTAXSBK CONSOLIDATED 1882. NUMBER 23. - ' . .: XI XY . . . PRINTED EVERY SATUBDAY . BY ' John Michell, Editor and Proprietor TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. dnirta oodv. one Tear. . bitucle copy six. months . l.ot Sa-ferme strict! in advance. . ... .i. Tha Ballet. Or econd LIST OF STATE AHDCOUMTY OFFICIALS. " .8. Pennoyer i;"::::::.":::: :....G-w,ucBride 52" . Phillip iletschan Senators I J.'h. Mitchell ... B. nermann ...."A". K tilis . .. Frank Baker ' Congressman, first district...' ' second district. State Printer ........ COVSTV. Coanty Judge BtteriB Clerk ' ' Treasurer Commissions! ..... ... - Assessor - - ......... Sarveyor......... Superintendent of Public Schools. Coroner. ......... ....J.. ,. George B'akely .4....T. A Ward B.Crossen VYm. Michell .'..Jbs. Uarniede ...J ' KIK4IU .... E. F. Sharp . :.. Troy neiley .H. M. ka twood Professional C rda. D B. H. LOO AS. Physician and Surgeon, ' . Booms X aid in I -and Office Building f O. H0LL18TER, " Physician and Surgeon, Boom over Dalles National Bank. Office bours-10 A.M. to 1 M., and from t to i P.M Residence West end ol Third street. JJB. S. B. WALTER. Physician and Surgwm. nfanasM of Children a smciality. Erekinsville 8herman Oo., Oregon. - JR. O. D DOANE, Physician and Surgeon, OFFICE Rooms 5 and 6 Chapman Block. RESIDENCE Second door froo. the southeast cor neri ourtsnd fourth fctre ts. Office hours, 9 to 12 A M. i to6 and 7 to 8 P M. J-JB. W. K. BINKHABT, Physician an Surg eon, Boom 1, Chapman Block, over Nielsen's store. Office boon 10 to 12 A ( and S to 4, 7 to 8 P Residence on Union btreet corner of binth. p K. SANDERS, U. D. 8.. . . DkNTlST. Corner of Becond and Washington streets, over . t rench C .'s Bai k. . Scientific and Mechaideal Dentistry thoroughly understood, and satisfaction guaranteed in every iu- D R. O. 0, ESBLLMAN, HOMSOMTHIO Physician and Surgeou. ' Country calls answered pr. mptly day or night. ' hooma 38 and 87, Chapman Block, The Indies, Oregon. ' - Pr23 . J. B.COHDO. ' " 1. W. 0OBO. QOKDON CONDON, Attorneys at Law. Office On Court street,' opposite the Id l ourl House, The Dalles, Or. - S. BENNETT, ! Attorney at Law, Office in Schanno's building, up-stairs. The Dalles - Oregon. Miscellaneous ZBsuiIm. THE OLD E8fABLMHK COLUMBIA BREWERY Second St., East End. AUGUST BTJCHLER, PROP Has been refitted throughout with the LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY The Dalles National Bank, TELEGRAPHIC. OF DALLES CITY. OR. President,. Cashier, ... ..Z. F. J. 4. Goody -And it dow man ufacturi ng thi General Banking Business Transacted. Best Keg and Jottled Beer and Porter In Eastern Oregon. Mr. Buchler always aims to adopt the latest brew ing apparatus and will furnish his customers bee equal to any n - market: tf T HE PiOHEER BAKERY, Sight Exchanges cold up NEW YORK. SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND, Oh & Collections made on favorable terms at -ill - cestilile points The Chairs Tifchtenlus; on Jefferls BacbamenTO, Jan 6 Cle'gyman Fer gusoa, who married George B Jifleris and Miss Ayree, the victim of the Brig'itoD tragedy, came op last night as a witness at the mouest to be he'd here He was j al:owed to see the Drisooer, and suid that with the exception that the man h married to Miss Avres had a beard the privooer filled the descripum. A mm named Marden, relative of Starkev, was br utht here (rom B-rnta and corrobora ted tlie ttoty told by S arkey that Jefferis had endeavored to cet' tbem to eo to Bntrhtoo two months ago and kill th wonim and rob the station. - It has been learned that Jeffcrin' real wife was here on the moroios Mis- Avres was burned to death, and left for Oik and about noon It is.said, howey r. that she ar rived; tnim Orgon the same morning ali'.mt 4 o'clock - Ioteres ing develop rnems are loi.ked for at the inquest. warehouses adjoining. It is still burn ing, tnougn it win De connnea to tne present limits Three firemen were killed by faliiDg walls. Eleven thousand bales of cotton were burned Loss, 160,000 The Keport Denied. MONTREAL, Jan. 6 to Home, gen era! manager of the Canadian Pacific, de es the report that the steamers Em- Dret-8 ol India, Empress ol Japan, and Erapres of China, plying between Van couver and Japan, will be transferred to the Atlantic and constitute a last line be tween Canada and the United Kiogdom. her time to caring for unfortunate women man? of whom she took to ber own borne when tbey are persuaded to leave a life of shame. ' It was white aiding her mother in this work that Mrs. Damon rontrae'ed the disease. There are now 17 cases in the pesthonse. This is the only death for 10 days, and nearly all are convalescent. ITEMS IN BRIEF MKO. HITCH, P -op This well-known Bakery has re-o'-ened -at the old stan t. and wi 1 nave on ialo 8. SCHENCK, President. U. M. UEAlX Cashier. Bread, Cakes, Pies, Etc ORDERS LEFT FOB WEDDING CAKES . Will receive prompt attention. Washington Street, ner doer to Chrisman Cor- - .: eon s groc-ry store, Til 10 I Frenrh Royalittts in Spain. T inom T.n A Th.. Punnt' rl Puris haft rin rs-w- miriniiii niiiu ui"1'-""""" " rlnO I HA I lUnAL DArilV. Seville with h.s son, Ferdinand Francit. aged eleven years, and Count d"H-iU!tsionville, formerly manager of the count s prest hurenu tor spreading rovnlist opinions The Count of farii wiU. jt is expected, be i-horlly joined by the Countess and tte res of the family. and a gathering of Orleanint princes and their principal connectors will take place to fix a line of conduct to view of the French general e ections. The Spanish government is keeping an espionage opr on the count and bis Hdlx-renls. 1' is uo derstood that Sugasta will not auow ny demonstration on 8pauish territory just when the Madrid government is about to renew ber negotiations with France ft r a treaty of commerce. OF l'HE DALLm (Successor to) SCHENCK & BEALL. BANKERS, TRANSACTS A REGULAR BANKING BUSINESS BUT AND SELL EXCHANGE. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY CAREFULLY MADE ACCOUNTED FOR. AND DRAW ON NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO AND rUBiiiAHU. Directors! D P Thompsok, Eo M Vtn.Luas, J 8 8CBSHCE. lei Oborss A Lissa. H M Baau. Mlaoellsuieona TRE DVLLE4 , . OREGON PAUL KEEFT & CO, Thompson's Addition TO -DEALERS IN- Paints, OflS,$Ia&. And the Host Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in W A Li Li FAIEK Practical Painters and Paper Rangers. None but tbe beat ' rands of the Sherwin-Williams Paint ued all our work, and none but the n ost skilleil workmen employed. All orders will be promptly attended tr. bhop adjoining Columbia Packing Co., DALLES CITY. Ready for Sale od Easj Terms. Now is the time! to buy while. PRICES ARE LOW. This tract has been surveyed and platted in acre tracts with convenient streets and avenues and so arranged that purchasers can get one block or sev eral serve in a body. The lan I is comparatively level, sou excellent, water easily obtained, location, beautiful and easy to access and joins the itv immediately on tne ease A New York BIfzsard. New York, Jan. 6 No' since the ter rible snow storm of 5 years ago has New York experienced anything so otarly like a olizzira in tne oanana oeit 01 jjaxoia as i hat which was blowing last night Traffic on Broadway was almost sus pended, while on some of the less prom inent vlreets the blockade is complete. Tbe mow-drifts in places are fonr to five feet deep. Snow fell fi fallv all the aft ernoon., with gusts ot ina. , Jiarly in the dav it began to tall fast ind furious Di ven by the gale it soon became as fine as powder, increasing in volume It con tinned throughout the oight, witb tbe results given as above. A rail Confession. Paris, Jan. 7 M. Baibut, Blondin, Fontaine, Cottu and Charles de Leaseps were examined simultaneously by Magis tiate Franqueville today. The confronta lion of tbe men led to vehement alterca tioDS, the noise of which could be beard outside the courtroom. Magistrate Fran queville afterwards held a conference wub tbe procureur general. If it shall be decided to prosecute ex Minister Bt'hut, the government will leave it to the cbambtr to decide wbetber be shall tie prosecuted before tbe senate or be fore the assizes. There is no doubt bu Ctmrles de Lesseps told tbe government every thing he knew. It is said when he cumpleted bis statement be expressed himself as greatly relieved tie said he had felt lor years be was bearing the burden of suspicion which ongbt to attach to others. The siogie desire of bis latber and bimbelt bad been touring he fanama canal enterprise to a success ful termination, but the blackmailers had taken them by ibe throats, and the company had been compelled to buy the support and aid which, in tbe interest of the good name ot France and for tbe ben efit of tbuueands of French investors, ought to have been giveu freely and as a matter of public duty He boped the people of Faance would place the re sponsibility where it belonged. Fon taine followed De Lesseps example and made a full confession. A Conversion syndicate Formed. Vienna. Jan 7. A conversion syndi cate bas been formed for tbe purpose of procuring gold for Hungary in anticipa tion of a currency reform It consists of the Rothscbi'd firms of Vienna and Frankfort, the Austrian Credit Foncier, Hungarian Credit bank, Bleichroeder of Berlin, and Darmatadt Ditconto Oessel shaft. Operations will not begin before next fall, and win last three vears. Aus tria is ne rotiatiDg with the same syndi cate lor tne same purpose. An Editor's) Mndden Heath. Dayton, Wash,, Jan. 8. Henry Gaddis, editor of the Dayton Courier, died suddenly this morning at tne residence ot Dr. Andrus, whither he had gone for treatment. rHIRO STREET BE DALLES IOjIEEfi uHOCEkl .ortbwasiCor. Second and Washington St. i '9 Sutcesaors to George Ruch. Fixe Cheapest Place 1H THI DALLES FB fy H. WILSON, ' Attorney at Law, Rooms 52 and 63, New Vogt Block, The Dalles, ... Oregon J L. STORY, Attorney at Law. The Dalles, Oregon. j a. koontz, Real Kstatr, - Insurance and . Loan Agent Agents for the Scottish Union and National I urance company of Edinburgh, Scotland, Capit 80,000,000. - Valuable Farms near the City to sell on easy erms. Omoe over Post Office, The Dalles. Or. a. s. Bom. . raiKK mkkkp e TQUFUK C MENEFEE, - Attorneys at Law. - Rooms 42 and 43, Chapman Block, The Da'les, Or M RS. BU68ELL' m raiPAtao to do DBEr4MAEIM . " . Cor. Third and Liueoln 8ts., ; TH DALLES, OREGON A shire of the public patronage solicited. Satis faction guarantee!, sepl6-dcw TT71LLIAM BLUM, ARCHITECT, TB". DA LES. OREGON. ' Plans for buildings drafted, and estimates given A U letters comins; to me through the postoffioo wil eesive prompt at i en ton MOCIKI IKS A BSEHBLY NO. S27, K. OF L. Meets in K. of r. uau tne second and fourth Wednesdays oj eacn monio a. ijpj r. n. TTASCO LODGE, NO. 16, A F. & A V V nrst sod turn P.M. .Meets Monday of each month at 7 mHJ DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER. NO fl L Meets iu Masonic Hall tho third Wednesda if each month at 7 P M. (COLUMBIA LODGE, NO, 6, I. O. O. F.-Meets J every Friday evening at 730 o'clock. In K. of P Hall, corner of f-eeo..d and Court streets. 8"journ luar brothers are welcome. A. LARSEN, N. G. H. Clodob, Sec. 1 FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets JJ every Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Schan no's building, corner of Conn and Second street. Sojourning brothers are cordially invited. D. Vausb, K. K. and 8. E. E. HA1GH r, C C. WOMEN'S CHBIST1AN TEMPERANCE UNION will meet every Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the readine- room. All are invited. Ill IV I Hood Camp. No. 69, meets every Tueedai evening of each week at 70 o clock, in A. Keller's 4ialL All brothers and sojourning brothers are invited to be msent. TEMPLI- LODGE, NO. , A. O. U. W.-Meets in K Keller's Hall every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. OK BGE OIBO.-S, M. W. - W. 8. Mtess, Financier. I AS. rESM!TH PuST, NO. Si, G. A. R Meets I every Saturday at 7 M P.M. in K of P. Hall. B. OF L. K Meets emy K. of P. Hail. day item eon in GESANO VEKE1N HABMoMK.- Meeta every Sunday evening in Keller's Hall. OF. L. F. DIVISION. NO. 187 Mees n K. of P. HJ1 the first and hird WeanesiUy o- each month at 7:30 r. M ; B. C. I1. STEPHENS, DEALER IN fL- fl.aJ. fl....' fl....' Li... BATS. CAPS, BOOTS, 8U0H3. No VU Soeoni btreet, next door east of The Dalles Jlatioaal Bank. Having ust opened In business, and hat ng a full nssorimmt of tho litest goods in my line, I dvSim a .share of UM pubic patronage. or . . v. r. J unius Ml Kinds of Groceries, FLOUR, GBAIN. WILLOW WARE, ETC. " We respectfully solicit a share of the imblie pat ronage, and shall endeavor to give entire satisfac tion to onr customers botb old and new. Titfe U. S. Patent. Warranty Deeds. FOR SALE BY . Th. Dalles Land and Improvement Co. For pirdcuiars apply at the office of the Company Booms 7 and 8, Land Offioe Building, The Dalles, Or COME AND SEETHE PROPERTY. THORNBURY & HUDSON. Real Estate Agents. THE DALLES Cigar Factory, FACTORY NO. 105 A. A. BROWN A FULL ASSORTMENT AND PROVISIONS, Soecial Prices to Cash Buyers 170 SECOND STREET, First door east ot Cranilall & Burgett'a Fur nitnre Store. J. O. MACK, -DE ALE K IN- Flue fm and Lipors DOMESTIC AND KEY WEST CICARS. The Celebrated Pabst Beer FRENCH'S BLOCK., 171 Second St., : THB DALLES, OR C. N. THORNBURY. A. HUDSON. THORNBTRY & HUDSON, ; VVrite Fire, Life & Accident INSURANCE lvoiie37- to on Real Estate, Chattel and Personal security. Will attend to all kind oj Land butinesg be fore the U. S. Land Office. Rooms 7 and 8, up-stairs, U. 8. Land Office building. THE DALLES, OREGON HENRY LKTJCK, -Manufacturer of and dealer In ' Harness and Saddlery, Second St., near Moody's Warehouse, THE DALLES, - . OREGON A Work lofaetlvsi . Unuranteeel to-ttlve Mat- CITY BAKERY -ASD- A. Second aod Union Streets. L NEWMAN. Proprieto. WANTED. LA DI FN who will do writing f ir me at their homt-s will mate tA wairea. Renlv w th self. aduressed. stamied envelope. JLUia MlLUKf.O M'LLBB, arSB . aoatb Bend, Ind. OIDO of the UI JftnO ured. Best Brands ma ntact and ordeas from all pai ts of the country filled on the shortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR has become firmly established, and the de. mand for the home manafactuaed .article is increasing every day. dec24av-tf A. ULRICH ft SON, THE BALDWIN Cor. Court stud Front Streets, - THE DALLES, i t ' OREGON Hies, Liquors and Cigars. , None but the Best Quality of Liquors and the Best Brands of Cigars on sale. Kentucky Straight Whisky . From $3 to $5 Per Gallon. A BETTINGEN, JR., Proprietor. F 8. GtTSNIN'G. J. D. HOCKMAN Gunning & flockman .GBNKKAL RlacksmithS. In th new shop on econd street, first blacksmith shop east 01 rrencn m oo. a onca Dioca. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. All kinds of work in iron, vhetber of atmcultaial imnlpm. ntf) or vehicles, doua io tbe most meeban- ical style, na saustacuon iTuzmntweu. isuzwair "WOOL EXCHANGE , HALOO, DAN BASER, Prop'r. Keep on band the oest Wines, Lipors and . FREE UIKCH EVtfiY EVENING ars. Near the OKI Mint, Second Street, ' , THE DALLES, : :. OREGON. R. E. Saltmarshe -AT THB East End STOCK wi .. WIXI. PAY THE . HigliestCash Price for Bay and Grain. DEALER IN LI VE STOCK. Perk to Brine Halt for Llbfel. Albant. N T. Jan 6 A report (bat Labor Commissioner Peck proposes to sue for libel a large number of news papers throngbout tbe couuty Ibat made him the Kuhject of editorial attack, as an outgrowth of tbe celebrated tariff- wages con' rovers v during the political cam paign, is strengthened by Ibe fact that several thousand newspaper cuttings re atmg thereto have been turned over to him by a press clipping bureau. The most vicioua of these nave been sorted out and placed in the bands of counsel tor examination. Tbe labor commits. oner himself, however, keeps si ent regarding bis intentions, and bis closest friends are equally reticent. Th o'e Alone hor . Highland Light, Mats. Jan. 6 Tbe gale that developed here yesterday in creased to tbe wur t. northeast storm thu- far this season. Dunn? tbe night the sea thunderrd against the ciiffs the - entire length of tbe coast Two harks and tbe schooner Alma Co mm ings were driven i-ouiheast seaward The steamer Chatham, which passed out for Baltimore at noon, is laboring heavily One 8 earner, one quare- rigged vessel and fiye schooners are sttirm-bnnnd near Pniv.dence'own. There is no sign of chauge of weather Tbe train due from Boston at IP M. bas not yet ariived toe tracks being filled with snow. . Bi-publeansj lve Uq Ine Fihgt. . Helena Mont., Jan. 6 Tbe Demo cratic and Populist members of the bouse of lepresentatives have come to an an derntanding in regard to tbe celebrated Box Elder precinct cae. Hamilton. i he Democrat, will be seated not later than next Wednesday. Witb Hm Iton seated JJje Democrat will have 3G mem hers, just a mi.ritv of ihe whole legis la' ur- without the aid ;! Ihe Populints. The Ri publicans have given up the fight upon senator, and will content tbem selves with comp imenting Sanders witb their votes. ' To Protect the Fisheries. Ottawa.' Ont, Jan 6 The govern ment is ad viced that R. Ratbbun, of Washington, member of tbe United 8 'ate 6,-h cumm ssmn, bas been appointed TJni tea states commissioner to act in con junction wrb Commander Wakeham, ot tile Canadian naileries staff, to invest! gate and report up- n tbe fisheries ot waters contiguous to both countries, in eluding methods of destruction and close seasons. K N Yenning, of the depart' ment, will probably be detained to ascis' Commander Wakeham. Indict, d fur Extravagance. Brooklyn, dan e 1 De grand jury bas indicted 30 members of the board of supervisors for exrravagent expendi tures in connection with tbe recent Col mbiau celebration. The names ol the ind cted are not made public The jury also recommended that the corporation counsel sue tbe pnr'ies to whom the moBev was unlawful y paid, and strongly e sure! Mayor B'ody. tne comptrnllrr. cit) auditor and board of aldermen. Killed n O lahuna. - La Qbande, Or., Jan 6 A telegram from Gusbrie, O. T., today contained tbe information that Rufus M.-Kennon lawyer, well known here, a brother ot ' D . Mt-Eennon, had been stmt and killed by a former partner, F M. Bea'e. Tbe murdered man's chi dren, who had been iving with their ann, Mrs. J M Berry, in this city, left to oight lor Outhrie. : Charge of Murder DI-misled. 8an Fkancisoo. Ju. 6 The charge of murder agaiort Mita C ara King, who accidentally "slabbed and kill. d 8 dne MiCoy-dur ng a rehears! ol irnbrompto ilinraiies New Year's Vi, was d.smisSed u .o iceti uit No 3 his mornii g. ' A Fireasaa Killed. PuCATELLO.' Jtu 6 Austin Too', m firemiD, was killed between D y cret k and M'nida thi afernMn - The pin he ween Ihe ensrine and tender broke while Toot was o the apron track aud was run over. Hh fell to Ihe DlanBle.ona Vtrr tm s-iveipool. Liverpool, Jan . 6 Fire, broke out in an .mmence ti story cotton warenouse at midnight, and spread to two cotton Horrible Treatment of Convicts Cincinnati, Jan. 7 Edward Hudson, wbo says be speLt 2 years as a convict miner in tbe coal mine? at and near Briceville, Tern., told a story to tbe chief of police of tbe horrible treatment accorded the convicts. He says'tbat tbe men are divided into gangs and given a certain amount of work to do each day. If tbey fail to get out the required amount, tbey are bcateo witb an in strument wbicb very much resembles tbe Russian knout. AH are whipped. no matter if all but one or two did tbeir share of work. He claims to have seen convicts die from tbis beating. Tbe victims are placed on tbe ground face downward and beld by two men, every cut of tbe knout drawing blood -Two men he kuew committed suicide to avoid punishment, and others were known to pull great pieces of slate down upon them, bopiog to so maim themselves tbt tbev cou.d not work in the mines. Hud son's story is in line with that ol a very eminent professor of national reputation who recently investigated tbe Tennessee f 5 stem, and described it as worse than Siberia "a veritable bell on earth." The Exclusion Law. . Philadelphia, Penn , Jan. 7 A clever scheme of Chinamen to evade tbe Chinese registration act bas. pcen discovered by government detectives in tbis city. Tbe act requires the Chinese to have tbeir pictures taken and to fl e tbem at the office of the internal . revenue collector. Philadelphia Chinamen have been taking lessons in photography and in tbe art "of using a preparation that will cause tbe photograph to grow dim and fade in a year. When the registration act goes in to force next Msy tbe Chinese ot Plula delpbia will have an artistic countryman photograph fem, and after applying the fading preparation to tbe picture it will be bled witb Collector Brooks.- Within a year tbe picture will, be so dim that it will be almost unrecognizable, and tbe collector will be unable to tell whether tbe man before bim is the original of the photograph ot a recent importation from China. It is said the scheme bas been transmitted to the Chinese in all tbe large ci:ies throughout tbe country, and tbat photography is being zealously studied by celestial inhabitants. IJfn In Death. . Toledo, O., Jan. 8. There is no apparent change in the case of Clay G. Hopper, the young man wbo was supposed to have died nine days ago. The body has the appearance of one lying asleep, It is limp and retains its natural color. The only change is iu the pinkish spots about the body, which are con stantly changing to a light blue and growing deeper. The temperature of the body re mains at Ji deg., and although . it has laid in a warm house for nine days there, are no signs of decomposition. The case has at tracted tbe attention of tbe local medical pro fession, but the distracted parents will not permit investigation of tbe body. It is. if the belief of the parents be true, one of the longest cases of suspended animation- on record. The eyes remain bright as in life, and while the heart is not beating, the blood vessels are plainly visible. Italian Tries to Kill His Wife. Tacoma, Jan. 8. An attempt at wife mur der and successful suicide occasioned intense excitement tt Roslyn to-day on account of prominence of th: parties. John D. a hatchet, the Dene to assaulted his wife wi h Old Oregon Treaty. Washington, Jan. 9 Senator Mitcb ell today secured the passage of a res otu'ion calling upon tbe secretary ot tbe interior for a copy of tbe treaty negotia ted by Joel Palmer, superintendent of Indian affairs tor tbe territory of Oregon in 1855. The treaty is said to have been made with the various Indian tribes in habiting tbe coast of Oregon from tbe Columbia rver to 'be California line. consisting of the Tillamook, Coos Bay, Coquille, Too Too, To- Ney, Cbeico, 8ius- law,Clatsop and Lower Umpqua Indians. By this treaty, it is alleged, ihey ceded ail the country claimed by them between the country theretofore ceded by various ether treaties and tbe Pacific ocean Tbis was estimated to contain 6,000.000 acres ot land. By the terms of tbe treaty, it is alleged, tbere was a reserva tion ct a tract of country on tbe coast. wiibin the limits of the coast reservation established bfthe president, estimated to contain 750,000 acres. The senator also secured the passage of a resolution that tbe secretary be directed to advice tbe senate wbetber such treaty was ever . transmitted to tbe senate for rati - fication; also, whe her tbe United States. it said treaty was not ratified, has acted upon the terms stipulated and receive;' the benefits ot the cession, and if so. whether said Indian were ever paid tbe amounts stipulated, and when such pay meats were made. Senator Mitchell says that tbe object of tbe resolution is to quiet tbe claims made by tbe Indians u Oregon. It is not believed tbat when all the papers are submitted tbey and their friends will be satisfied tbat no grounds for claims exist. From Saturdav's Daily. Skating parties are cow tbe order of the day and nijiht. A postodice. we learn, is about to be es tablished at North Dalles. The principal business houses now close at 7 o'clock in the evening. Rev. Ford is holding revival meetings in the M. E. church at VV'asjo. The people of Sherman county have en joyed sleigh-riding for some time. Mr. Henry Hudson, of Dufur, has been id the city several days this week. Ice forms every night, and in a few days dealers will be putting np a supply lor sum mer. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Askew nee Butts of Portland, are visiting relatives and friends in the city. Mr, John H Cradlebaucb. editor of the Hood River Glacier, is in town to-day and gaye ns a pleasant call. The new editor of the Arlington B'cord. Mr. J. M. Johns, makes his bow to bis readers in the issue uf to day ot that paper. Hon. E. N. Chandler, the joint-represen tative for bherman and . vVasoo counties, took tho train for Salem yesterday morning, Tbe new postage stamps, commemorative of the four homlredtn anniversary of the landing of Columbus, are coming in cucuia tion. ' A Theory of Suicide. Sacramento, Jan. 9 Tbe only new development In . tbe Btigbton mystery is tbe repotted discovery of a letter writ ten by Miss Ayres to Jeffries on tbe after noon of tbe tragedy . Rsi road officials refuse to divulge tbe contents of tbe let ter, bnt it is said to contain a threat tbat unless Jeffries acknowledges, tbe writer aS bis wife she would expose bia villainy and cause his snest lor bigamy. Ac cording to the officer wbo bas been in vestigating tbe mysterious case, the let ter was delivered to tbe engineer by Hal lie Stoeckel, whose name has been prom inently mentioned in connection with the death cf the Brighton telegraph operator After the delivery of tbe letter to Jeffries, Miss Stoeckel, acting under instruction from Miss Ayres, informed Jeffries tbat the operator was sick and desired to see him. Jeffries, it is said, replied tbat be wished tbat he was dead, and instructed tbe bearer ot tbe letter to tell ber so, Whether Miss Stoeckel obeyed Jeffries' request cannot be ascertained, but it is known that after leaving Jeffries tbe young lady returned Brighton and was seen to enter the sta tion houte where Miss Ayres lived Since the engineer's brutal reply to Mis Ayres' request to visit ber bas become known, tbe suicide theory bas been stead ily gaining ground. As Miss Ayres' was of a morose disposition, it is contended that Jeffries' indifference caused ber to hecome despondent, and in a moment ot deeprration she fired . the bouse and blew out ber brains. Destructive Fire In Sew fork. New York, Jan. 9 Shortly after o lock tbis morning, fire was discovered in the six story building, Nos 43 to 47 Elizabetb street, occupied on the first floors by Frederick Doll & Co., furniture dealers, and by Berliner, Truss & Dan zer and tuna, bummer 5e Co., neckwear manufacturers. Tbe structure whs com pletely destroyed and a loss of $350,000 sustained. Tbe fire was discovered -by tbe elevator man in tbe third floor of tbe building, and be quickly gave tbe alarm to tbe 300 employes wbo bad just started to work for the day. . Many of these were girls, employed by tbe two neck wear factories, and there was an immedi ate panic among tbem. The fire-escapes and stairway, wbicb bad not yet caught fire, afforded means ot exit for the scared employes, but some of tbe frailer women were caught In a jam on tbe stairway, All tbe people, however, got - oat in safety. Panama Canal Trial. Paris. Jan. 9 -Tbe great Panama canal trial begins tomorrow. Tbe govern ment bas summoned a large number of striking her on the head and body. He thought I :...0. .ij, r w kt.1w, Kh W9K HmH ,nri rMllwl tn hie j-hamhu any! I 0 1 put a bullet thiougn his brain from a 38-cali ber revolver. Domestic infelicity, in the way of alleged infidelity on the part of the wife, is tne attributed cause of the tragedy. Mrs. Deneto will recover, but is badly wounded, Deneto is an Italian by birth and 50 years of age. Me came to this country 20 years ago. aua lor 10 years uvea in St. Louis. Mo. where he owued a large wholesale liquor bouse, corner of Thirteenth and Market streets, and largely controlled the Italian vote of tbat city. . . Ureal Northern's First Train. Seattle, Wash., Jan. 7 At midnight eiigiue No. 813, witb Patsy McEvoy at the throttle, bauled tbe first train into 8 aitle, wbuh came through from tbe east over the Great Northern. .The train con-isted of tbe private car of C Shields, gentral superintendent ot tbe Western division, and a secood-.lass passenger coach.- As tbe train pulled no in front of tbe Gteat Northern depot a small party of local officials of tbe road boarded Shields' car and gave him and bis party congratulatory Handshake. This was the only demonstration. Two Brothers Found Head. New York. Jan. 7 Robert H, oho(d, g a 78. was tound dead in bed this moro on, l 231 avenue His brother. niainiu, ag-d 45," wag found deait iu the hiitwaj at tbe same numbtr h s morning, Tbe coroner will invent! gale. Smallpox ns the Mound. ' Seattle Wash , Jan 8 Mrs. Edward D.mon. ile of tbe son of tbe wed- Known pioneer preacher, died of small pox si her home in this city tonight. Her mother, Mrs . Noble Rj tber, devotes all Bonaparte Wyse, the engineer, wbo claims to bave originated tbe idea of too canal and wbi is supposed to know a great many secrets in connection witb tbe scandal . The men to be . tried to morrow are: Charles de Lesseps, director of tbe Panama canal; Marcus Fontaine, secretary ; and Gustavo Eiffel, tbe famous engineer. Toe charges in tbe indictment are, in effect, obtaining money from snuscribers to tbe canal loans by false pretenses, and misappropriating tbe funds when obtained. . . Baibut, ex minister of. public works, was arrested today. It is said tbis action i taken because of tbe reports connecting Presdent Carnol's name witb Baibut s. to show the government is not afraid to take action againat any one. Clemencean was, at bis own request, examined by a magistrate today ia re U'ion to bis knowledge of Panama mat. ters. Tbe examination lasted a long time. No details were made public. Demora Ised the Honey Market. - Paris, Jan. 8 Tbe settlement just concluded bas been the most disastrous recorded ia many years.. Tbere were many forced liquidations- of "bull" ac counts, and prices all round declined The market- appears 10 be completely demoralized and all speculative business has ceased The fal in rents since the beginning of the Panama canal expo sun-s is estimated at over 85.000.000 francs, and tbe fall in ether French se curities at nearty 15,000,000 francs. - The HI Ter Far. haaetf. Washington. Jan 9 The treasury to day purchased 637,000 ounces of silver. at prices ranging trom $0 88 to $0 834. Offers were 609.000 on area and tbe pur chases tor tbe month 1,665,000 ounces. Tbe governor has issued oertiticstes of election to Caples, Dunne and Iiwin, Re publicans, aud fierce, feoples-Democrat. These were seut to the secretary of state at Washington Uity. There is a movement on foot to divide Skamania county, Washington, and mnke White Salmon the .county seat. Ths counsy ia of gigantic pr3portions,aand has very tew population. - Mr. E iward Malin, tbe pioneer hill farmer ot Wasco county, was in towu ta- terdayr About hi teen years ago be bexan cultivating hill-land, and since that time the highlands have proved the most produc tive. The sheriff of Morrow county and Tom Quaid, a prominent etockrnan, pas ed tnrough the city this moruiug en route to Salem with 6. D. Dasey, nu insane - man, ho haa attempted suicide by cutting his throat. We are informed tbat the contract has been let for the Washington portage on the north bank of the river to Oleon & MnKeo- cie; but work has not began yet, and it is considered not a very favorable season of tbe year for railroad building. The Elgin Recorder says there have been 2000 acres ot government land patented in that section within the past twelve months. and states tbat tbe year 1893 will see a still larger amount deeded. This is good evi- deuce of the growth of Uniou county. Tbe tog which banes over the Willamette valley nights and morning is rapidly becom ing as popular as the reuowned one of Lou don. An Astoria exchange, tbe Examiner, savs "the' steamer Telephone made a hole in the fog all the way down tbe river yesterday.". A petitition was circulated and nu merously signed by citizens yesterday, asking for a further extension of tbe time in which to make payment for the forfeited railroad labde. This was sent to our dele gation in congress, and will act aa a stimu lus to action in the matter. Stones come to na from the Willamette valley of residents being lost in the snow in going a few miles Hiven in wild and un settled Eastern Oregon we haye heard no such tales tbis winter. This leads one to ask the question, Which is the terra incog nita of Oregon tbe eastern or the western portiou? Tbe pro pec ts for another good crop in hUickitat next year are very nattering, Tbe recent big snow bas about all disap peared, says the Klickitat Leader, and the greater part ot it has gone into the gound, wettioit it thoroughly. With the snowfall and raina that are yet to come, the ground will be in excellent condition iu tbe epring. We learn from the Glacier that a deputy sheriff from uoldeudale brought a prisoner over from bite Salmon Vt ednesday even ing, charged with breaking into tbe bona of bis brother in-law, Mr. Rich, wbo is the justice of the peace for that precinct, and took him to Uoldeudale for trial. 1 he dis tance from White Salmon to Goldendale, via the river route, is about fifty miles. We are informed to-dV that the oontrao- tor for the works at the Locks was over tbe ground yesterday and will have 200 men at work in a few days, cutting stone and doing other things necessary to complete tbe im provement at the earliest opportunity This looks encouraging, and as soon as the first move is made on this project under tbe contract system, the pub 10 will consider this the beginning of tbe end. Tbe eighth annual meeting of the Oregon State Horticultural Society will be beld at Arion hall, Portland, on the 10th and 11th iost. The proceedings will be enlivened throughout with music and singing and arrangements have been made whereby every subject with which the society deals will be dealt with and commented on. Tbere are to be several lectures, and a lare number of papers on botany. Yesterday morning Bertram Borke, an old resident of Clatsop county, was crossing Necanicum creek at seaside near Astoria on horseback. Tbe horse slipped in the stream and Burke, losing bis balance, tumbled into tha water. A heavy bag onoumbered his n ck and he was drowned the body was found thrown upon the side of the creek 20 minutes afterward by his son, who bad been following bim along the trail. The first of tbe world s fair souyemr coins to arrive in Albany, says tne Herald, were received yesterday by Mr. r. M. French, wbo made an early order for them direct from Chicago. They are handsome coins. Un ooe sine is tne oust ot unristo- her Columbus and on the other bis ship Santa Marie, and a small relief of the hem ispheres. The coins from an artistic point of view are all that could be desired. Pendleton Tribune: Mrs. Louisa Mann was to-day examined for insanity by County Physician F. VY. Vincent. She was found to have been insane for six years. She is fifty-nine years old, and her residenoe baa been witb her son in law, Mr. Davis at Pilot Rock. Of late abe bas been growing much worse. A deputy Sheriff will go with the lady this evening to Salem, where abe will be placed in the hospital for tbe insane It will be remembered, says the Astoria, tbat about six weeks ago several ot tbe pa nera throughout the state contained an item concerning the mysterious disappearance of Captain John Davis, who was last seen walking down the Umpqua nver at Win chester, this side f Roseburg. Mr. Phil Bowers, of this city, has been io communi cation witb a brotber-in-law at Oakland. Oregon, about the matter, and yesterday re ceived word tbat Captain Davis bas turned up in that town safe and well. Bv tbe annual report of tbe stock in tor to tbe county commissioners court. says the Grant Dispatch, tbe following is the number Ot sneep 10 onermao oouuty: Robert and Alex. Smith, 9l)0; Harvey Smith, 2200; Kerr and Buckley, b447; Joseph Sherar. 4707; Mr Koorelan. 1600; Mr. Bo reel, 18UU; James rraser, ouu; Cra mer Bros . 2200; P. J- Walsh, 1K2U; o U. R-l.av. 1700: L C Kelsay ft Co., 3200; B. H. Outhne. 3285; O'Leary ft Strong, 3950; Michael King. 1000. Total. 29,799. Accidents will happen in tbe best regu lated families, and bere ia a peculiar one from the Dayton, Wash., Vounrr: iast Thursday, while playing with a button book, the 3-year-old son ot Unas, w. omitn, leu off the sofa witb tbe hook in his moutn, striking in such a manner as to drive tbe bonk almost through hia cheek at the rear of the lower jaw. Vr. van ratten was called and made an inci 100 under tbe ear, from which he extracted the foreigo snb .tnce." and th little fellow went banting something else to play with. - Onr ranchers should begin to think about raising Irmt, for it won't be so many years helore raising and marketing fruit will pay larger and mere certain nrotiu than wheat enltnre. savs the Giant DUpatck There is one important taot that tha tarmera of Etst ern Oregon should not fotgeU that a future great demand tor fruit from British Colum bia, Alaska and tbe northwestern parts of Asia can be more quickly and cheaply sup plied from this section than trom any other pari of the world. If anv one of our read era has ever been in a mountain mining. oamp when a load of frnit got in, he know what this means. The necrology of 1S92 embraces, ot liter ary men, Tennvson, Whittier, Curtis, baroe-t Kenan, Walt Whitman, Amelia a. towards, and Kose Terry Cook. Of tales men and politicians. Senators Gibson and Barbour; ex annators Ssulsbury, Kernan, Kennedy and Hasted; a'-o Edwards Pierre- pnnt, ex-minister to England. Of soldiers, (iens. Pope, Meigs and Crawford; and of naval officers Ker Admirals Rirers. Ho. ells and Capt. Waid of tbe Confederate navy. Of theologians, Cardinal Manning nun una, a opurpeoo. Ut capitalists. Jay uuuia, oianey .union, Uyrus r leld, J. J Knox snd John Hoey. A very pleasant time was spent at the residence of Mrs. J. P. Booth last evening uy several 01 our young people. The mem bers of tbe mandolin olnh, who serenaded several of onr citizens on Monday, Jan. 2d, nnisneri tne circle last night, and at Mis. John Booth' found a n 01 her of young la dies prepared 10 entertaiu them. It is un necessary to state tbat the hours passed very enjoyably with mane, singing and games. Those present were: Misses Rose and Annette M'chell, Rath Cooper, Maybel Mack, Lura Thompson, Florence Lewis. Uaddie Booth. Messrs. In. J. Siouott. Ki French, F. Garretaon, F. Fn-nob, H. H, Riddell, F. W. Wilson, Ed. Pattcrsoo.John Booth. Lewiston Tetter: A serious accident hap pened t . Monroe Maddor, a yonng stock man, on 'Salmon river, last week. While iding after stock he was forced to dismount and lead bis horse down a steep mountain He slipped, somehow, and io the scramble a boulder, was misplaced which struck - the young man and threw him to the earth. breaking his leg. He was, at the time, far up Salmon river canyon out of reach of all medical aid, and be was compelled to ride fifteen miles on borsebaok to the nearest habitation, and then await the arrival ot a surgeon from Cottonwood. In spite of his terrible hardship the patient is doiog well and will soon be about again. Tbe Knotson family at White Salmon are now being cared for as well a circum stances will permit, aays the Hnorl Kiver Glacier, We wrote a statement of the case to Hon. W. R. Dunbar, of Goldendale who aid the matter before Judge Sol. Smith. The latter said he had no authority to bind the county, but telegraphed to have Cap tain A. S. Blowers hire nurses, following it with a letter that tbey would aea the bill paid. In response to tbe Glacur'i call for clothing, a large quantity was left at Bart mess' by our good people, which was taken over by Cuah Lackey Sunday. Dr. Broatus has been tireless in his attention, to thn no- fortunate family, visiting them three or four times a week, aud furoishiug medicines be ide. Io his efforts to their behVf 11 also largely due the generous contribution!, of olnthing, bedding and -mouey sent from here. which he failed to notice, and be fell from the train. One of his bands oaught under the wheels and was crushed completely off. Condon Globe: James Hughes, an old and respected oitizeo. died at his home io Kah ler Basin Deo. 20th, aged about 61 years. At breakfast be seemed to be apparently a well as eyer, and 'only a few minutes after he droppe 1 dead, doubtless of heart disease. It is a singular coincidence that jest one year ago Tuesday, his brother, Dock Hughes, died under exactly similar eiroomstanoea, and from the same complaint. Moon sym pathy ia felt for the orphan children of Jamna Hughes, their mother bavjng died about ten years ago. Kettle Falls Pioneer complains because Captain Symoos,. in hia report to the de partment, fails to recommend tne improve ment of the Columbia, which flows around the Big Bend, about 200 miles in length. From the bouod.ry of British Columbia to Kettle Falls is 604 miles. S y moos' report alludes to but two points for improvement fr- m the boundary to Little Dalles, 15 milos; and from the bead of R-ick- Islands rapids to a point above the Okanogan, a distance of 180 miles. Tha Pioneer objects to this as incomplete and unjust to the Big Bend. Eastern Oregon, lastly termed the Inland Empire, haa a kick, and a justifiable ooe. Recently the eove nment experimental sta tion at C rvallis issued a bulletin devoted to the soils of Oregon. The bulletin has been prepared by Prof. G. W. Shaw. Dro. feasor of chemistry, and in the bulletin ha said the main growth of Eastern Oregon was sage hrush and bunch grass, Tbia bulletin was sent broadcast, and now. savs tha Salem Utatetman, the state board of horti culture and tha state weather bureau botb embody every word of Prof. Shaw's bulletin in their reports. It is likely that 60 000 ' copies of each report will be p iuted tor dis tribution throughout the state and at tha World's fair. The press of Eastern Oregon - is mad, but not without reason, and is after Chemist Shaw with a howitzer. From Monday's Daily. . H. Bigg', of Wasco, was Hon. W town yesterday, A light fall of snow last night covered the ground this morning, Ten names from Portland were registered at the Umatilla honsa yesterday, Messrs. Thomas Burgess, Lemuel Burgess aud J. N. Burgess, ot Bakeoven, are in the city. Hon. W. H. H. Dufur and wife, of Dufur, were in town yesterday. We ac knowledge a pleasant call from Mr. Dufur. And on this day came Emile Beck, a sub ject of Austria, and under oath declared his intention of becoming a citizen of tha United States. Six U. S. prisoners were taken to Port land Saturday morning by Deputy U Marshal Jameson. These were all bound over to the U. S. district court for selling liquor to Indians. The highest place in the world regularly inhabited is the Buddbiit town of Haine, in Thibet, which ia 16,000 feet above the sea level. Tbe highest inhabited place in the Americas is at Galera, Peru, 15,625 feet above sea level. " A young man by tbe name of McGill, wbo received au order to leave town, bas lately turned up in Antelope to the discom fiture of some of his creditors. He was turned over to Fossil, and the citizens ol that town sent him to Condon, where 1 similar fortune may befall bim. Military matters iu Gilliam county are al ways interesting to the citizeus, aud tbere are two as good companies of the Oregon National Guard as are in the region east of the Cascades. The monthly drill and in spection are always subjects of interest and attract a large attendance ot tbe boys. The information in a Goldendale ex change, tbat the contract for ihe Washing, ton portage on the north bank of the river bad been awarded to Glenn ft McKenzie, was a little premature. It has not been let yet, but very probably the bid of the firm named will be accepted as soon as the pre. liminariea can be arranged. It is reported that a rock quarry has been discovered about three miles from tbe Locks, and this will produce sutfioieut Quantity for the completion of the work at the Cascades. Our citizeu may expect work to b; prosecuted with vig r, under tbe contract system, and Day Bros, will have a large toice of men at the Looks iu a few days. Canyon City Newt: From an industrious prospector of Granite we learn turther par ticulars concerning the new gold ledge dis covered on Olive creek. It is about 100 feet wide and sticks up from the ground in places 30 or 40 feet high, Croppiogs asssy from $7 to $40 per ton. A uiill will soon be ereoted 00 tbe property. A Kentucky man recently got a prize for the following definition of a geotlemao: "A man of refinement and oulture whose aims are noble, whose truth ia constant, and not only constant in its kind, bat elevated in its degree; whoae want of meanness makes him simple, and who can look the whole world in the face with a tiue manly sym pathy for tbe great and small. Tbe Salem Statesman says that Harry Miller will get a vote for president as presi dential elector,notwithstanding the decision of the supreme court, wbicb confirms the election, of Pierce over him, David M. Duone, one of tbe Republican electors, is absent from the state, and tbe balance of those elected will till tbe vacancy. Tbey will do this by electing Harry. One night last week tbe inmates of the county jail were awakened by a terrible bowling made by one ot toe prisoners. Aa tbe morning on inquiring the cause it was found tbat tbe howler was a bobo, aud in hia dreams he met witb the terrible misfor tune of being forced to work to earn his daily bread. This caused the outory and disturbance. The United States contains 70.000 law yers, 11,000 of whom are in New York city, making tbe proportion there about one to everv 160 of the population. France, with a population of 40,000.000, has bat 6000 lawyers, and Germany has only 7000 ont ot a population of 60,000,000. Tbe statistician did not give tbe number of editors in differ ent countries; bat as these are rated in the degree of quality quantity is insignificant. Tbe Antelope Herald says: At the elec tion of officers of tbe A. O. U. W. at thu place last Saturday eight tbe following were the successful candidates: Master workman, F P Kimsey; foreman, W H Silvertooth (re-elected); overseer, Win Menefee; recorder, K M Shutt (re elected); financier. Fred Wallace; receiver, A Kirch beimer (re-elected); guide, E C Dickeraon; inside watchman, J U Brogan; outside watchman, Peter A Kirohheiner. Exchange: Men have various ways of o -frying money. Batchers, grocers and bakers carry it in a crumped wad. Bank ers in nice clean bills laid in full length in a morocco pocket book. Broken always fold their bills twice. The yonng business man carries bis money in bis vest pocket, while the sporting man carries it in bis trousers pocket. Farmers aud drovers carry their money in tbeir inside pockets. - Editors carry theirs in other people's pockets. . James BelL one of tbe oldest conductors on the Union Pacific, aays the East Ore gonian, whose run is between Huatingtou and Pooatello, met with a distressing acci dent this morning. Mr. Bell bad chara of train No. 7. aud at a point east of Hunt ington stepped down from tbe platform of a car. A step happened to be missing, a fact , From Tuesday's Daily. Stock Iuspeotor Thompson ie in town to day. The roads to the interior are in bad condition. - Mr. S. F. Blythe. of Hood River, came to town on the afternoon train. Mr. M. A Moody returned on the noon train from a hurried visit to Salem. A turnip weighing sixteen pounds is re ported from Woston, (Jmatiily county. Hon. John Fulton, counlv fudge of Sherman county, was in tbe city yesterday. To djy has Lien ss mild as soring, and tha snow has cooaidurably decreased iu quantity. The Benton Leader came to us to-day In a half sheet. No reason is assigned for tho discrepancy. - Little Johnnie Dunbam, wbo bas been very sick with capillary bronchitis, is convalescing. Mrs. Ella B. Miuhell and daughter Maude left yesterday afternoon for Portland, on a short visit to relatives. A heayy Chinook has been blowing on the north side of the river all day, and the snow has nearly disappeared. Mr. B. M. Rothery, of Dufur, has been in town for the past two or three days. We acknowledge an agreeable ckll. - Some of our local dealers arc putting up ice to-day. - It is about six inches thick, but not of the best quality. - - Cattle owners in this oounty have driven their stock to their barn-yards, and are feeding tnem. There is still some grass on the hills. The new counties in the Inland Empire petitioned for by citizens are numerous, and will furnish county seats tor many ambi tions aspirants. .A rain fell last night and this morning the sidewalks wets covered witn glare ice. Iu ooniequenoe walking was done under great difficulties. Some of the farmers at Hart land, Wash., are plowiug. Tbe snow has all disap peared, and tbe ground bas received great quantities of moisture. Mr. T. H.' Johnston,' of Dufur, was in town to-day.. He reports farmers very maob encouraged by reason of the snow and favorableneas of the season. Tbe winter Is passing away very mild ly, and, although more snow is desirable, our farmers feel thankful for the amount that bas covered the ground. A large party of ladies and gentlemen went down to Ro arena on an excursion train tbis afternoon. . Tbe object was to enjoy skating on Snipes' lake, which is near tbe Station. Another suicide took place In Portland Sunday. Tbis tiite it was J. R. Blygb, a scenic artist, aged F0 years. Tbe metrop olis maintains its renown in this regard very well. Hon. John F. Caples will take tbe three Republican voles to the electoral college in Washington City, and although de feated by Pierce, Miller cast tbe vote of , . Dunne, who was absent from the state. Miss Gertrude Myers, at ooe time a teacher in the public schools of this oity, but recently engaged ia the same profession in Portland, baa been quit sick for some weeks past. At last acoouuta abe was im-proving. The bovs ot America are bound to have tbeir sport, bowevet dangerous it may be. Tbis morning coasting was indulged io on the sidewalks, an the glassy-like sur face impelled sleds at a fearful velocity; but it was spurt, ana young America en joyed it Tbe report of the superintendent of the state insane asylum tor the month of De cember shows that 29 patients were received during the month; entire number treated. 824; discharged, 6; died, 6. To ear for these it haa requited the services 01 bo om- cers and employes. Tbe per capita monthly expense was $11 25 6.10. The oonds in tbe vicinity of the city are utilized every eyenlng by skaters, and the congealed surface of ihe aqueous ele ment yields considerable amusement Generally sneaking tbe ice is not as smooth and glassy as it should be to war rant first-class enjoyment; but ll is better than has been experiencea lor several years. The foe is interfering witb navigation on tbe Willamette river, and yesterday the steamer Joeepk Kellogg was sunk, and the Telephone collided with a British ship, . anchored in tbe riyer. With all tbe pre cautions tbat are possible being taken it seems tbat accidents to steamers aro of daily occurrence by reason ot tbe dense fog tbat prevails. Pendleton Tribune: The sword winch ' wasplaced on tbe coffin at Dr. William McKay's funeral, by Itobert Bruce, bas a most interesting history It is . much treasured by tbe owner, J L. Carroll of this place. Tbe Tribune scribe today learned tbat it was used by the grand father ot Mr. Carrol in the war of 1813, and was banded down to him by his an cestor. There is nothing in tbs shape of news around toe recorder's court these days, and a reporter gleans nothing for the columns of the daily paper. The same conditions exist in justice courts, and these repositories of jurisprudence are not aotively employed daring the dull season. A oalm appears to pervade over matters terrestrial, and tha busy wheels of commerce seem ologged for a season. O. E. Bayard, of this city, special agent of the interior department, is now in Ash land making an examination of the peti tion of Ashland people to have tbe gov ernment set apart as a reserve about a township and a half of unsurveyed land up Ashland canyon as far as the summit of Ashland butte By setUng tbis apart now tbe people will have reserved the watershed of Ashland creek, a priceless gift of nature to thu community. Tbis is very pertinent from tbs Wallowa Chieftain, and will be endorsed by every paper in tbe Inland Empires It is diffl.' cult to believe that aa orgauisad at tempt will be made to defeat an appro priation for an "open river" at tbe coming session of tbe legislators. Bat ws are as sured that a powerful lobby witb pleat? of money will bs at Salem during tbs session. for suoh a purpose. Tne pr ol- Eastern Oregon will now "keep cases" on the votes of members on this important qoastisa.