The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, January 07, 1893, Image 4

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The" Times-Mountaineer
.JANUARY 7, 1893
The proposition to repeal the Sher
man bill requiring the government to
purchase Bilver bullion with treasury
notes redeemable in gold or silver is
again at the front, or, rather, is getting
' there. Two causes are contributing to
the success of the attack, says a Chi--cago
exchange, which, upon their face
at least, are hostile to each o'her. This
probable alliance between policies oth
erwise upfriendly is the especial danger
of the situation. - '. .
The repeal movement is to be pushed
in the senate under the lead. of Senator
McPherson, of New Jersey, a capital
ist whose sympathies are on the side of
.'gold as a single standard. ' He' expects
the support of that seaboard las3 of
both parties. Some of those who voted
-for the Sherman bill originally would
. like to see it repealed. They only
' supported it then as a breakwater
against the high tide of free silver.
, They were afraid that unless something
of that kind were done a still more
. radical measure would be passed. This
argument no longer holds. The elec
tion is over, and the presidential chair
is td be filled for another four years by
a pronounced and extreme opponent
of silver. The monometallists may be
expected to . present a solid front in
.support of any measure discriminating
. against the silver dollar as a monetary
unit' . , ' -; .
The other class referred to are the
supporters of the state bank system,
To repeal tie Sherman act would be
to"Btop the present expansion of our
currency. It is being increased under
this silver purchase bill at a rate fairly
even with the growth of the country in
population and business. - Repeal that
law and the result would probably be
contraction or at . least very nearly
' that The new national banks are
not, as a rule, taking out any more
circulation than they are .obliged to,
and the old banks are reducing rather
- than increasing their notes. . Some-
: thing must be done to expand the vol
ume of currency. The wild-catters
see in the Sherman bill a barrier in
their way. . So long as expansion
comes through its operation the public
will not-cry out very loudly for the re
peal of the 10 per cent, prohibitory
tax on state bank money. But let the
Sherman bill be repealed without the
restoration of the Bland bill and there
will be a vociferous demand for state
. . Such is the reasoning of the cham
pions of wild-cat money, and therein
lies the especial danger of the situa
tion. The Republican senate should
not allow itself to be uped for any such
purpose., The monetary condition of
the country should undergo no legal
- change during the, next few remaining
months of this administration. The
Democratic party will soon be in posi
tion to repeal or enact whatever na
tional legislation it may see fit to, and
there should be no divided responsi
bility in the matter. If the Demo
crats want to stop the purchase of sil-
' ver let them do it The Republican
party accepted the responsibility for
. the legislation of the congress elected
. in 1888, and now let the Democrats
take their turn at doing something be
sides finding fault; . . '
When free-trade mugwumps fall
out something is wrong with the nasal
organs in - Denmark. Here,' for in
stance, is the New York Times yank-
. ing the Evening Post by the nape of
the neck and telling it of its ignorance
regarding a great American industry:
"The Evening Post permitted a corre
spondent to assert that the protective
duty on stained glass prevented large
amounts from being obtained of 'Eog
lish and lierman artists,' whose work
is of a 'style and quality that can not
. be obtained : in this country at any
cost,' . and that, in consequence; 'the
public is now practically shut up to
gaudy colors ' and mechanical designs
- for windows;' whereupon the Times re
marks that its contemporary's inform
ant 'has apparently been oblivious of
the passage of events for at least fif
teen years, for it is so long ago that
.. American stained glass equaled the
-. best productions of. Europe, which it
has since far surpassed.' " The Times
neglected . to state that this same'
American industry was a fruit of Re
publican protection, and' would never
have been here to. compliment if the
advice of the Times and its free-trad
ers had been listened to during the
past twenty years.
Following are tbe minutes of the
the Farmers' Institute, held at Dufur,
Dec. 29, 1892: . , jur. a. in. Anderson, by re
quest:, called the meeting to order and
and placed A. J. Dufur, Sr., in nomina-
tion for chairman.'" No farther nomina
tions being made Mr. Dufur was unani
monsly chosen. The attendance being
small, in consequence of bad roads, etc.',
ic was thought expedient to adjourn until
the evening session.
At 7 o'clock p. m. a good sized audience
met in the U. B. church, A. J. Dufur in
the chair, where the followiug proceed
ings were had:
- a. irazier was cnosen secretary on
- motion of P. P. Underwood,
A choir of singers belonging to Dufur
- community rendered a piece of music in
their usual excellent style.
The address of welcome by W. H. H
Dufur was carefully prepared and ren
dered in a style that did him much
, credit . '
The response that was to have been
given by Mr. McMillen was made by
Prof. H. T. French in an impromptu
speech that though short was timely and
to the point
Tbe choir then sang The Faries' Dance
: a chorus, in good taste. j '
, Farmers' organizations as political
educators was discussed at length by
P. P. Underwood. - Hfs presentation of
tbe probable' literature of farmers upon
politics, laid a foundation at once ingenu
ous and instractire.The primer read
ing lond against lawyers and doctors as ,
law makers and law givers. The readers
to follow to charge upon politicians and
office seekers in a way that will allow
the honest granger to cast an intelligent,
Miss Blanche Dufur then read a well
written essay "The Shadow of Destiny.".
Mr. Roberts, who had been appointed
to present tbe "Benefits to be Derived
from Farmers' Institutes," being absent,
the subject was presented by Prof. A . T.
A number of short speeches were made
by Mr. Roth, A. Fiazier, W. H. S.
Dufur, P. P. Underwood, A. H. Ander
son and A. J. Dufur. These speeches
were animated, some amusing, some in
structive and some eloquent.
The agricultural college and its pur
poses, in the absence of Pres. John M.
Bloss, was presented by Prof. O. W.
Shaw, assisted by Prof. H. T. French in
giving lantern views of tbe college and
farm. -
' Prof. French gave an additional lot of
views, showing grades and breeds of
cattle and sheep. ' - "
Meeting adjourned until Friday, Dec.
30th, 10 o'clock, a. m. . " ,
FKIDATr , Dec, 30 tb.
Institute met at the appointed time
Attendance light.
Music by the choir.
., Minutes of yesterday's meeting read
and approved.
Mr. E. Moore, who had been appointed
to dibcnss tbe subject of spring and fall
sowing of, wheat being absent, Mr.
A. J.. Dufur, Jr., was called upon
to present the subject, which he did in
good taste and with many sensible sug
gestions. A leading thought being that
iu this section it makes little difference
in the long run which time is chosen so
that the ground is well cultivated.
Some years the winter interferes with
fall sowing against wlncn thero is no
remedy. But in the event of tbe pros
pect being thus destroyed about tbe only
l03s the farmer has sustained is the loss
of the seed, as the land has been ad
ditionally cultivated his chances for a
crop are additionally enhanced.
Dr. Yanderpool was called np and at
length discussed the subject of sown
grains, advocating thorough cultivation,
cultivation that will not admit of the
maturity of weeds. -
. The speaker advocating wide drills or
rows with spring cultivation.
Mr. P. P. Underwood threw a wet
blanket on theories by citing to volunteer
crops of the past harvest and other
drilled in crops, where no plow nor har
row proceeded or followed.
. A. J. Brigham gave some experience
as to sproutipg grain by late sowing so
that it may not winter kill. His experi
ment. was a failure and tbe neld was
again to sow in the spring.
Prof. H. T. French confirmed the re
marks by certain explanations that were
timely and to the point. ' '
L. Klinzer gave his experience and
acknowled that when he followed his
father's instructions his success was best.
On motion the institute adjourned
until 1 o'clock p. m.
Institute met promptly at the ap
pointed time and exercises were opened
by song by choir, followed by original
essay "Onr Homes, oy Mrs. juuersoy.
Tbe essayist brought np several word
pictures of homes made beautiful by toil
and love, and counseled mothers to not
give np tbe strife until life's struggle is
past. . -
The essay was followed by song en
titled, "When our Darlings Kneel in
The audience was then entertained by
an essay by Mrs. Dixon, "How to make
our homes happy. Cleanliness, music,
flowers, kind words, and all fruits of
well directed toil and love were com
mended as tbe instruments to be wielded
by all in the home especially the mother.
The choir then sang tho good old
Rock Bye Baby Bye-" .J
Dr. Yanderpool was then called upon
to give bis experience in raising
tomatoes. He then' narrated the course
tbe disease appears to have taken which
corresponds exactly with what almost all
have observed. He then went into a
detailed account of what - boxi-g the
plants has done for him ; he claims that
he has not satisfied his mind yet nor
reached a conclusion that is in any sense
satisfactory. The doctor announced that
during the last growing season be yiad
sent a blighted tomato stalk to the agri
cultural college at Corvallis, for examin
ation and bad expected some facts from
that source that would assist in com
bating the blight, that might result in
return of our luxuriant and luscious
tomatoes of past years.
"Economy as applied to the farm,
by Prof. H. T, French. This was a well
prepared paper, every part of which was
full of wholesome advice to farmers,
Any attempt on my part to give synopsis
would be of little profit tp the reader and
a possible injustice to Prof, French.
'Mr. A. J. Brigham next spoke and
witn mncn energy upon the economy
necessary to run a farm, giving his ex
perience in the way of diversified farming.
J. H. Trout, who was unable to be
present on account of ill health, sent in
au essay on the "Thistle."
The writer made it rather a letter of
inquiry than of instruction. '
How A. J. Dufur answered those in
quiries with emphasis. ' The Canada
thistle can be eliminated by cntting it in
the dark of the moon in August.
"Alkali Soils was presented by Prof.
G. W. Shaw, in which be spoke of the
compounds by which . tbe white and
black alkalies are produced. By the use
of chemicals upon soils and diagram, he
was enabled to explain many things con
cerning these soils that otherwise would
have been devoid of interest. -Mr,
Dufur spoke of bis attempts to utilize
alkali lands as always resulting in
nr. v anuerpnoi spoke 01 - tbe same
kinds of lands and what to plant on
them, especially the white alkali. The
most successful crops being rye grass,
grease brush and jack rabbits.
The exercises 6losed for the afternoon
with the song "Oive the Boy a Chance
The following resolutions were adopted
by tbe institute:
First. That the thanks of this meet
ing be given to onr chairman, A. J.
Dufur, Sr., for his efficient services as
chairman of the institute.
Second. That Prof. G. W. Shaw and
Prof. H. T. French, of the State Agricul
tural College, be thanked for their active
interest and instructive efforts dnring
the institute. - ,
v Third. That the Dufur choir be
thanked for the beantiful and appro
priate music rendered.
Fourth. That.the thanks of the insti
tnte isbereby tendered to membeis and
trustees of the U. B. church for the use
of the church. A. J. Dufitr, Sr.,
Aaron Fbazieb, Sec'y. Chairman.
Boys' and Girls' Aid (Society.
Boys may be had (and sometimes girls)
for (1) ordinary seryioe at wages; (2) upon
indenture, to work, attend' school, and be
brought up somewhat as jour own; and-i-
(3) children may be bad for . legal adoption.
Address, J. H. Misener, Superintendent
Oregon Boya' and Girls' Aid society, Port
hand, Oregon. i.J o..-. 1
From Saturday's Daily.
The old year will have nearly gone out
of existence when this number reaches ita
readers, and whatever there has been of
good or bad will have passed into the irre
vocable. There are pleasant memories and
some very sorrowful ones that cluster
around 1S92 which will claim attention as
we bend over the couch of the dying year.
Death has stalked unbidden into many
households, and young life, with its smiles
and love, has been given to others. The
memory of each succeeding year will he the
safe in this regard, and it is well at these
milestones to atop and drop ttia tear of re
gret or give expression to the smile of love
and joy. We should heed the lessons
taught, whether over the couch of death
or the cradle of birth, and by this means all
of us should grow wiser and better as the
years link themselves to eternity. .
Finally, a happy new year to all. May
it be brighter in its joys and less bitter 10
its sorrows and disappointments; may peace
and love be the gods of every home, and
malice, slander and jealousy be banished
from society. With this benediction, we
bid old Father Time
Ring out the old, ring in the new.
Dufur, Jan. 2," 1893.
Editor Tuiss-UouHTAinsicn: '
Only a week until the legislature meets.
and only four new counties to be cut off of
Wasco this term, so far as heard from. Poor
old Wasco! that once reached from the Cas
cades to the Idaho and California lines.
Hood River has been trying to cut off and
80 into tbe olEce business for some years
Antelope made an unsuccessful attempt two
years ago. Some weeks ago a petition was
circulated at 'Mitchell and vicinity to cut tiff
a section from CrKk, Wasco and Grant and
make a new county, and now Antelope baa
a new petition, Hood River is again in it,
and a petition being largely signed to cut
off : "Tygh county" beginning with the
meanderings of Eight Mile on the north,
thence to the Deschutes.albng the Deschutes
to reservation line, thence west to. commit
of Cascade mountains and along the divide
to point of beginning. Antelope's new-
county really has the mot justice; for the
county seat is five days distant from them
at the best, while Hood River is only a few
honrs away,
Tygh county is tbe only one that can be
cnt off and have any hope at the present
time of conducting a county government
without excessive taxation, and Irom the
way the citizens within the proposed lines
are flocking in to sign the petition it is evi
dent that they are anxious to have this
county matter settle!. As one prominent
farmer remarked: "It is getting monotonous
fighting about counties every two years, so
let os get out of Wasco as soon as possible."
Tygh county will go before the legislature'
with a petition second to none,and its peti
tioners will show by the assessor's list that
it is to the interest of the fanners and the
state that it be set aside for a county.
We are all aorry for The Dulles, for a five
mile atrip will be all to remain of old Wasco;
but after the oounty seat is settled in Tygh
county some future legislature will proba
bly annex The Dalles to "Tygh." '
Myl but won't we have lively times at
tbe legislature this term? Tygh county will
get there if auy does, and don't yon forget
it. , itxso. ,5
-- : r
The sudden death of . Dr. McKay ' at
Pendleton removes ' a man well-known
over the state and a former citizen ot The
Dalles. He was bora in Clatsop county in
the early part of the century, and was bet
ter acquainted with the history ot Oregon,
perhaps, thau any man who has resided
here. Graduated at Harvardjn medicine,
be followed his profession for many years.
As a gentleman he was courteous and affable,
and as a citizen patriotic and enterprising.
On his father's side he was of Scotch des
cent and was related to Mr. McKay, who
was drowned on tbe ill-fated Tonguin at the
mouth of the Columbia. His n.other was
an Indian woman, whom his father married
and by whom he had several children. Don
ald McKy, the celebrated Indian scout,
was bis brother; and the doctor had coal
man d of a company of Warm Springs' dur
ing the waf with the Snake Indians in 1S68
and 1867. - He leaves a widow and family
in- Pendleton, who will mourn bis demise.
U'.A' .. .
The choice bread, cakes and pies now
produced at the bakery of Mr. Geo. Ruch
can be purchased at Campbell Bros.
Legal Notices.
TN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Oregon,
J. for tbe County of Waseo. - .,
T. H. Johnston and George W. Johns'on. co-part
ners 'ioiug business wrier the firm name and style
r jonnato-rutotnera, puuntuis, vs. is. is. rattenon.
To E. E Patterson, the above-named defendant:
In the name of tbe State of Oresron. yon are here
by required to appear in the above entiiled court and
answer the complaint of plaintiffs B'ed against you
in the ab-vo entitled suit on or before the first day
of the next regular term of the above entitled entart.
after the final publication of. this sununens, to-wit:
un or adore ....... ..-.
Monday, the 13th day ot February, 1893,
an J If you fail to ao appear and answer, for w iht
thereof tbe plaintiffs will apply to tbe Court for the
re'i i prayeu ior in tneir complaint, to-wit: . - -For
a decree foreclusinir those two eertain mort
gages, made, executed and delivered by you, in favor
of A. 8. Bennett, given to secure the iament of the
sum of 1200 together with interest on said urn at
the rate of ten per cent, per annum, wlgleh said
mortgaire bears date tbe - 26th day of Knvtmber,
1890, and prior to the rommencement ef this suit
was auiy assuned, sold and transferred to the
plaintiffs, and the other of said mortgage given in
faro- of these plaintiffs to secure the payment of the
sum of S3t 0 4S. and interest on said sum at the rate
f ten per cent per anu urn, ana which R.yi mort
gage bears dote the 1st day of April, 1881, boih uf
aaiu morte-affes Deing given upon tne roiiawiog de
scribed real estate, to-wit:
The south half of the southeast quarter and tbe
wutb half of the - southeet quarter of section
twenty-six (28), in township one (1) south of ranira
twelve cizi east or Willamette maridlaij- in Wuni
county. Oregon That said nremi.M ha. sold accord.
Ing to law and that the proceeds of such sale be ap-
puvuui payment oi tne sums uue upon said mort
gages above mentioned, t -wit: the sum of $200 and
interest at ten per cent per annum since November
26lb, 1880. and 30 attorney's fees. Hue and owinir
umuu mm iiFinjn: nni aDove menn nea. ana inf
ill in of 0290 46 and interest thereon at ten per cent.
jrar auuuDi since npru 1st, lbl, lees Piu 77 paid
thereon on the 7th day of December. 1891. and S40
attorney s rees, due ano owing upon toe mortgage
last above mentioned, and io payment of the eoeis
sua uisounemeniB 01 tois suit and the costs, charges
and expen es of such sale; that the purchaser at
such sale be let into the immediate pussewi'Mi of
add premise-; that you and any and alt persons
claiming by, through ur under you, be forever
oarrea and foreclosed of all interest in and tn said
premises; that pUuiiiffs have Judgment over for any
deficiency that may remain alter all o the proceeds
of such sale, properly upp icaMe thereto, have been
applied in PAvment of Diaintiffa demands, incluninir
attorney's tees and the costs ef suit and expenses of
such saie, and for other nd further relief as the
uourt may deem equit ble and just.
This summons is served upon you by publication
thereof by urder of the Hun. W. L. Bradahaw. Jm mi
of the beventh Judicial 1 -istrlct find of iHa Pi m. . i t
court of the State of Oregon for the conn tv of
Wasco, which order bears daxe the 2Sth dav of De
cember, 1892. DUi'UK s MEEFEE. -
dec31-7t Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
Notice of Final Settlement.-
J OTICE is hereby given tint the undersigned,
X administrator of the estate of W. C. Tar I ion,
deceased, has filed his final account a? such adminis
t a tor and the time lor hearlnsr tha same and anv ob
jection- tbere may - e thereto, has been set by Hon.
u. v. maaeiey, judge 01 the county court of ihe
state of oreg..n for Wasco countv, for Wednesday,
the 4th day of January. 1893. at the hour ot a
o'clock a. m., at the oounty court room in the court
house of said Wasco couuty, All heirs, creditors
and other persons interested in said estate are
hereby required to and present their objec
tions to said account, if anv thev bavts. m or lu.fva
said above named data. HutazaT C Rooraa, .
DauesGHy, Or., Dec, 8, 1892. Administrator.
Dissolution Notice.
BT mutual consent the co-parturah!p heretofore
exiting between B O Fleck and D Cheeaman,
under the firm n,m. at to n fi 1- a. ia 1- ium
dissolved. D Cheeaman U1 be rasponiiW for all
debts contracted by said firm and all money due the
uiu um to mm. . ..f -t
- ' ' BO FLECK. ---
Ths Dalles, December 18, 181.
Land Notice.
- Laxd Officb at Vancouver, Wami.,
Nov.mb r 17, 1SK2.
To William L. Lae and all whom it m iy concern:
Notice is hereby iven that tho foi owing-named set
tiers have filed notice of their intention to make
final proofs in support of their claims and that said
proofs will be nude before W. R. Dunbar. Commit
sioner United States Circuit Court, district of Wash
ington, at his office in Goldendaie, Wash., on Jan.
IS, 1393, via-
Homestead Anplic ition No. 8280, tor the W)j of
Sh.4, St't of SVft, and NEJ of SW J, See 19, Tp S N,
R 14 E. W Si.
He name tbe following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation ot saia
land, viz: deonre O. Lindatv. A-ira Campbell.
Melville 41. Warner, William Bnagefarmer, all of
HartUnd posWfBce, Washington.
Purchase Anslication No. 843. under Se- 3. Forfeit
ure Act, Sept. 29, 1390, for the tA of N,and b
of SU., Sej 19, Tp S , K 1 E, W II.
He names the following witnesses to prove Ms
claim to said land, viz: George ti. Lindsay, Aiwus
Campbell, Melville M. Warner, WiliUm Bridge
farmer, all of Hart land posU'tfice, Washington.
Purchase Application No. 269. u-derSec. S, Forfeit
ure A-t, 8 pc 29, moo, for tne nt.t, sec zi, ip s n,
He names tbe following; witnesses to prove his
claim to raid land, viz: Wtnielin Leidl, Annus
Campbell. Melville M. Warner, will'am Bridge
farmer, all of Hartland postoffice, Washington.
Purchase Application No. 29, under Sec. 3, Forfeit
ure Act. Sept. 29. 1S90, for the SEi of SEJ, Sec 21,
Tn S N. R IS E. W M
He names the following witnesses to prove his
claim to said land, viz: Marvin m epian, ionn
Kure. William ttndrefarmer. Ha'tiana uostotnee.
Wash.; William Vau Vactor, Ooldendale pstodice,
John a. splawn.
Purchase Application No. 30, under Sec. 3, Forfeit
ure Act, Kept. z, isuu, ior me ot eiiiji, oec -a,
Tn 3 N. R 13 E. W 41.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
claim to said land, viz: John H. Ward. Ullam A
O. Markman, Walter H. Hardison, Hartland post-
office, Waan.; William Garner, Lye po.tomee, tiasn
Purchase ADOlication No 49. under ec 3. For'eit
ure Act. i-ept. 2i, 1890, for the NEJ, bee 33, Tp 3 N,
R IS E. W M. -
He names the following witnesses to prove bis
claim to said land, viz. John M. 8plawn, John Kure,
Gabriel Hardi-wn, Hartlant postomcc, waan.; mil
iam Van Vac tor, Goldendaie postoffije, Wash.
nv26 JOHN D. GCOGHEOAN, Regi ter.
Land Offick at Vamcouvmi, Wash.,
Dec. 14. 1892.
Notice is hereby (riven that the followinsr-uamed
settlers have filed notice of their intention to make
final proof in support of their claims, and lhat said
proof will be made before W. R. Dunbar. Commis
sioner oi United States Circuit ourt lor district of
Washington, at his office iu Gcldendale, Wash., on
j-enruary l, lsai, viz:
Purchase Application No G33, under Sec 3, Forfeit
ure c:, Sept. 29, 1890, for the S hf of Sec 6, Tp 2 N,
R 14 E, W 41.
He names the fallowing witnesses to provo his
claim to said land, via: Dnmingos A. Leonardo,
Ignatius Komero, Henry r ttrune, Vernon X,
Cooke, all of Tbe Dalles poatotfioe, Oregon.
Purchase Application No. 523, under See. 8. Forfeit
ure Act, fepi. 29, 1890, for tbe N hf of Sec 3, Tp 2
- He names the following witnesses to piove his
claim to said land, v z: uonung-ts A. Leonardo, Ig
natius Romero, Henrv r. Brune, Vernon T. Cuoke,
all of Tbe Dalles postoffice, Oregon.
Purchase Application No. , un ler See. 8, Forfeit
ure Act, Sept. 29, 1890, for the W hf of Se qr, W hf
of NE qr, and NE qr of NE qr, Sec 1, Tp 2 N, R 18
She names the following witnesses to prove her
claim to sail land, viz: William K. crawlord. no
mingos A. Leo ardo, Vertiu T. Cooke, Peter
Agedius all of The tialies pjetomce, Oregon.
ilec2 JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN. Register.
Laxo Oris at Vaxooiter, Wash.,
Dec 14, 1892.
.-Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settlers have filed notice of their intention to make
final proof in support of thtir claims, and that
said proofs will be made before W. R. Dunhar, Com
missioner United States Circuit Court for di trict ot
Washington, at hisoiicein Goldendaie, Wash., on
February 1, 1893, viz: ' '
Homestead Appiic tion No. 9050, for tbe SW qr,
Sec 1. Tp 2 , K 13 E, W M.
He names th following witne'ses to prove his
continuous residence upon an 1 cultivation of said
lan 1, via: Domii'poe A Lronaido, Wil iam N. Craw
ford, William U Brune, Vernon T. Cooke, all of The
Dalles postoffice, Oregon.
Purchase Application No 66i. under Sec 3, Forfeit,
ure Act, Sept. 29, 1&0, for the N W qr, Sec 1, Tp 2
N, K 13 E. W M.
He names the. following witnesses to prove his
claim to said land, viz: Domingo A. Leonardo,
William N. Crawford, Wil Urn H. Brune, Vernon T.
Cooke, all of Toe D .lies postotflc-, Oregon. ..
dec24 JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN. Register.
- Lan Ornca at Vascoura Wash.
December 12. 1882.
To Robert Manderson and all whom it mar concern:
Notice is h lebv sriien that the fol owtnar-named
settlers hav filet notice of their intention to make
finil proof in support of their claims, and that said
proofs will be made before W. R. Dunbar, commis
sioner United (states Circuit Court for District of
Washinirbin. at his office in Ooldendale. Wash., on
January su, laas. viz:
Purchase application Mo 838 under Sec. S. Forfeit
ure act September 29, 1890. for tbe N hf of SE qr,
Mi qrof w q. 8 mat w qrana w m oi ihjs qr,
Bee 29. To 8 N. R IS E. W M.
He names the fuliowiiur witnesses to prove his
claim to said land, vis: wunam van vector, veivuie
H. Warner. William r. cnatneio, oi uoi -eudaie
Postoffice, Wwh., and William O. A, Marckmann,
of Hartland fosto os, waan.
Purchase application No. 9, under Sec. 8, Forfeiture
Act Bepu av, tuw. ror tne Anqrviawqr ana a w
orofSWar. tie 31. 13 E. WM.
He names the following witnesses to prove bis
claim ti said land, viz: f racis M. splawn, William
Oaruer, 21a ion M Bplawn and John Kure, all of
Hartland Postoffice, Wash. - .
dectl7 JOHN D.. GOAHEGAN. Register.
Lajto Ornca ai Ths Damn, Oiown,
- , Nov. 9. 1882.
Notion is hereby given that in compliance with the
provisions of the act of tongreas of Ju e 8, 1878, en
titled '-An act for the sale of timber land in the
states ot California. Oregon. Nevada and Washington
Territory." Huldah McCoy, of Portland, county of
Jdultnomah, state of Oregon, has this day filed m
this office her sworn statement. No., for the
purchase of the W hi 8W qr, Sec 14, and NE qr SE
qr, and 8 qr NE qr, of Sec 15. in Tp 6 S, B 10 E.
and will offer proof to i-how that the land sought is
more valuable tor us timber tr atone tnan lor agri
cultural purposes; and to eetablish her ctaim to said
land b fore th& register an 1 leceiver of this offici
The Dalles,. Oregon, on' the 1st day of February,
She names as witnesses G W HcOy, ef Portland,
uregon, Hampton tveuy, w ji jtuogeway, Isaac c
nice, 01 wapimua, uregon. 1:. ' '
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
des ribed lands ate requested to file their claims in
this office on or before said 1st day of February,1898.
. . . juu.x a 1.B.W IB, Kegurter.
. Laud Ornca at Ths Dallks, Ors.
.' - December 8. 1802.
' Notice is hereby given that tbe following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make final
prttof in support of his claim and that SAid proof
will be made before the. register and receiver at The
uaues, or., on uonday, Jan. 23, -1893, via:.- ,
Homestead Application No. 4015, for the E of NEJ,
anu 01 acyt, 01 sec 0, ip 3 b, a u a.
" He names tbe following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, ana cultivation 01, said
ana, vis:
Thomas C. Fareher. Dufur. Or.: H. Fargher. Nan.
sene, Or.; Charles Payette, Joseph Daney, Kingsley,
declO 'OHN W LEWIS, Register.
Usrrro Statu Land Ornca, :
" " The Dalles, Or. Dec. 8, 1892.
' Notice is hereby given that tbe following named
settler haa filed notice of her intention to make
final proof in support of her claim, and that said
proof will be made before the register and receiver
of the U. 8. land office at The Dalles, Or., on Jan.
20, 1883, Viz: . ; t -
Homestead Application No. Si97. for the SW ar of
NWqr, andNWqr of SW qr, of Sec 27. Tp 1 N, B
ift a., w ." r - - -
Sue names the following witnesses to prove hsr
continuous residence upon and cultivatioi of said
land, via: - - -
' H.Gilpin. H. kice.N. McDonald. F. Garlaw. all
of Th-t Dalles, Oregon
aeuu . juuh w. lewis, Begister. ,
Land Omcz at Vancocvir, Wash.,
December 12, 1892.
Notice )s hereby eUen that Ihe following named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before W. R. Dun bar, Commissioner
United States Circuit Court, district ot Washington,
at his office in Goldendaie, Wash., on January 28,
1898, viz:
Purchase Application No. . nnder Sec. S. Forfeit
ure Act, Sept 29, 1890 for the Mi of NW1 and Hi o
NE qr. See 17, Tp 2 N. R 14 E. W M.
He names the lollowing witnesses to prove his
claim to sa d land, viz: Levi K Hillearv. Vernon T.
Cook, William D. Gilmore, of Ths Dalles Postoffice,
ur., ana jianuei a. jje naroo, or centerviiie. wasn
oecir ..jtiiifl u. UK uutUAN, Hegtster.
All oouLty warrants registered prior to
April 1, 1889, will be paid if presented at
oiy office, corner Third ami Washington
treets. Interest ceases on and after
tbis dst.
Tbe Dalles, Oct. 31, 1892.
Treasurer Wasco County, Oregon. ,
We have an unlimited amount
of money to loan on, approved
farm security.;; '"..! ..1 '
iTHOUJUBUKYffe Hudson,
' . The Dalles, Orl
"Review of Our Country, " by
Hen. James G. Blaine!
"New Life of Columbus," by J.
W. Buel.
"Complete History of America,"
from the lauding of Columbus to
the iiresent time, by Prof. John
Clark Rid path.
"Pictorial Hiatriry of the Co
lumbian Exposition," by Hon.
Benj. Butterworth.
The above four great works by four great authors,
every line of which is culy just written, have been
bound up into one massive volume of nearly
Under the Title of
Columbus and
The greatest subscript' n book ever published in this
country anu 01 wmcn .
Will be sold durln the next six months.
I firllTO Wanted all over this state Better
Audi I O terms than ever. We guarantee to
the light parties $50 a week profit fr m now on to
th-rii turns, ai d a first class Rl.UNU-TKIP TICKET
to the WORLI 'S FAIK and one week's admission
to the KxDOsition abiMutelH free. Al other valu
able remiums. We have p enty of capital at onr
command and can anu mu oo exactly a nai e say.
Send at once for special circulars and further par
ticulars to lbs
' Meattle. "Waelaln if ton .
v 1803
Harper's Bazar.
HAMPER'S BAZAR is a journal for the home. It
eivea the fullest and latest information aHout Fash
ions, and its nomerou- illut-tr lions, Pris designs
and pattern-sheet supplements are indisi enmnle
alike to tbe home dree mak-r and the professional
modiste. Noe-pen i spared to make it- urtistic
attractiveness of tb Highest order. Its bright
stone-, amusing comedies and thouehtful t-ssys
f-attgfy all tastes, and its last page is famous as a
budget of wit and humor. In its weekly issues
everv'hing is included whuh is r I interest to r.n)en.
The Serials for 1898 will be written bv Waltei Besant
and Edna LyalL Christine Terhune Herrick will
furnish a practical series, entit'ed "At the Toilet
Grace King, Olive Thome Miller end Candace
Wheeler will be frequent contributors. The work M
women In the Columbian Exposition will be ful'y
implemented wi'h many illustrations. T. W. Hlgvin-
so , in Women and Men, will please a cultivated
Harper's Magazine ..$4 00
Harper's Weekly 4 00
Harper" Bizar .' 4 00
Harper's Young People 2 00
Pottage free to all nibtcriben in the United State.
Canada and Mexico.
The Volumes of the Bazar begin with the fl-st
numoer ior January oi eacr yew. wne no lime is
mentioned, suhecr ptions will beirin with the Num
ber current at the time of receipt of order.
' Bound Volumes of Barper't Bazar for three Tears
back, in neat cloth binoins;. will be sent by mail,
p sti ge paid, or by exp-ess. free of expense (pro
vided the freight does not exceed one dollar per vol
ume), for 97 (jer volume.
Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding,
will be sent bv mail, post-paid, on receipt of $1 each.
Remittances should be made by postoffice money
order or draft, to avoid chance of lose.
Xeutpapen' are not to copy thil advertisement
without the expreer order of Harper A Brother.
Address: HABPEE 4 BROTHERS, New York.
Harper's Weekly.
HARPER'S WEEKLY is acknovledged ts stand
ing first among illustrated weekly periodicals in
America It occupies a place between that rf the
burred daily paiterand that of the le-s timely
n onthly magazine. It inc udes both literature and
news, and presents with equal force and felicity the
real events of current history and the imaginative
therres ot tiction. On account of Its very comp'e e
series of llluxtr-tions of tbe World's Fair, it ill be
not omy the best guide to the great exoosition. but
also ita best souvenir. Every public event of gen
era! interest will be fully il ustrued in its pagea its
enntributiona being from the best writers and artists
In this country, it ill oontinue to excel in 1 ten
ture, news and illustrations, all other publications
of its class. , . 1 .
PxrYsar: "
Helper's Magazine...:. $4 00
Harper's Weekly 4 00
Harper's Baxir 4 00
Hur-.r's Young People .. 2 00
Pottage free to all Subteriber the United State,
tarwos ana mexim.
Tho Volumes of tbe Weekly begin with tbe first
numner for January of each year. When no time is
mentioned, subscriptions will begin with nt
ber current at the Ume of receipt 1 f oner.
Bound Volumes of Harpe s Weekly tor three
years back. in neat cloth bio )ing. aiil be sent bv
mail, potare paid, or 'y exp,u a, free of expense
(provided freight oes not exce one dollar per vol-
ume), for $7 per volume.
Co cases for each volume, suitable for binding.
will tent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of VI each.
t tan ccs should b made by postoffice money
oruer or uxait, to avoio ct ance 01 loss.
' Sempaper ar not to copy thit adtertuemmt
without the express order of Harper 6s Brother.
Address: . HARPtUt & BR -TdEltS, New York.
Illustrated MAGAZINE
Published in 8an Francisco, California, has aclrcn
lation all over tbe world. Its growth during one
year is positively pnenomeai in tne annalt 01 maga
zine literature, surpassing every other magazine in
tne woria in tne same spa- e 01 time, me
are obvious.
It has strong financial backing.
Ita contents are replete with .typ'eal descriptions
or t;al lorn la and facinc uoast subjects scenery,
climate, fruits and flow.-rs. -
lt-t range of topics is cosmopolitan, embracing
saetcne-i 01 European ana oriental scenes and char
It discusses -without bias or partisan seal, the liv
ing questions of the day.
It owns and controls its entire plant, including
type, the largest pr sses on the coast, a complete
baif-tone and outfit, and employs ita
own artists
It aim is to develop the natural, commercial, eo
citl and literary eapacit es ef Western and Interior
America; to preeent only what is pure in tone, in
structive io mitter and interesting in form. -
The price of this mag. sine is 43 a t ear. postage
prepaid. Tha sub-criptiun list is increasing over
twelve hundred a munib, and it has a larger circula
tion on tie Pacific coast than any other magazine in
the world. -
We present to every annual subscriber a beautiful
picture, 16x2? inches, of one of the old California
alissious, or a view from the far-famed Yoeemile
Valley. It is the inu ntion id tbe publishers to offer
a variety or oeautuui premiums lor Annual suosenp-
tioos, oommenctnr with tne January, 1893, number.
Academjr-af 8. ienee Building,
For this great Premium List, from a California Cori-
" . - osity to a gioo organ. nvs
P.-.W. L. SKIBBE, Prop.
The Only Brick Hotel
west This bulleing has been refitted since tha
fire of September 2d, and ths rooms are first-class
in every particular. The table is supplied with ths
beat the market asords.
The oar iu connection with the bote la summed
with the highest grade of Wines, Liquors and Im
ported and Domestic Cigars. Jan39w
Merchant Tailor,
' Hss removed from his old stand to
No. 04, Keoond street,
In every instance.
Heady-made Knits oo aale ch-ap. .
tailuri g line warranted llrtt-cliss.
All work in the
Goods hauled with the greatest cere
parte of the nty on abort notioe.
LA DIEM who will do writing for me at their
homes will make goad wages. Reply w th seif
addressad, stsmied eni-elope.
South Bend, lad, '
A. KELLER Prop':,
I am prepared to furnish families, notels and res
tanranta with the choicest -
Bread, Cakes and Pies.
Fresh Xysters Served In Every Style.
Beeoad Bireet. Next -door to Tbe Dallas Na-
. tional Bank,
Tha Dal jeu
To Yoig Housekeepers
Free to all Brides !
"VT OTICB is hereby -riven to a the readers of this
Jl paper and all their In- nds ant acquaintances
toroutcnout me unuea euues ana uanaaa was
Will be Sent One Year
To every newly married eouule whose address and
iu en La to pyi postage is sent to tne punusner
witnin one year from toe oate ot tneir mamaire.
Persons sending for this present are requested to
end eoov of a bpner containing a notice of their
marriage, or some other evidence that sliali amount
to a reasonable proof that they are entitled to tne
magazine under the above oner. Aaareas, -
''THE HOUSEHOLD." Brattleboro, VL
Monet Hoed Samnle Room
Best Kentueky Whiskey,
Very Best Key West Cigars, end Best
of Wines.
English Porter. Ale and Milraoke
- .Beer always on band.
Rooms over Pease & Mars' store.
tha atest -rtfla, and FIta rjar-
Northern Pac.
Is the line to tats
'tU tho Dining Cur Route. Jt rnnfl Thrr.tiub Tfl
UbuJed Trains tery V&y in tl.e yer to
(SO CHANGB or CARd ) '
Compo ed of PininE Cars ul.furrisixd.
DrawiuK-r-om Slcepeis f Lat at
tt can Ik coTitnictfd.and In which team
modstton- ate t oth Frre and Furntehi-d
for holders of First oi Kecoud
clnas Tickfits. and
A Continuous line, Connecting with
All Lines, Affording Direct and '
Unintermptcd Service.
Pullman Meeper reservations can be secured in ad
vance tt rouf-h any agent of the road.
England and Europe can be purchsstd at any ticket
offita of the company.
Full information co mine rates, time of trains,
routes and other details furnished on a) plication to
W. C. ALLOW AY, Airent
It P. as A. Co.,
Regulator office. The Dalles, Or.
Ass't General Paseenirer Atrt,,
No, 121 First St, Cor.,
PIjRTLaND, oheoon
He MI Med Ms Opportunity! IK?TT Miss
IIC Yours, lesder. l'as majority noglsct thsir op
portunities sod from that csvw lirs in poverty sad die in
obtcoritrl HsrroviDg despair Is ths lot of many, ss tbsy
look back on lost, foreTsrlsit, opportnnltj. I Jib Is pass
Inz! Besch oat. Bsnp ssd doinc. Iiuprorsyouropporto
niiy, andieenrsproiparity, prominence, poses. Itwaissid
by s philosopher, that "ths tioddsss of Fortjins offort
ffoluenonportonity to each person atsoms period of life;
eui braes thschancs, and shspoan out lisr riciiss; fail to do
so and eh departs, iwwr to rstarn." llow shall yotj flod
tbs gold eh opportunity t Invest I gats ersry cbsnesthai
appears worthy, and of fair promUe; that i what all sne
co Talmen do. II ere Is so opportunity, each as is not often
within tbs reach ot laboring people. Improved, It will girth
at least, s grand start In life. Tbs colde opportunity for
many Is beret Money to be made rapidly and honorably
hvanvtndnatriii-DenMninB of ahhaw ae-K. All affea. Vm earn
do this work and live at boms, whereverreii are. Evsn bs
Cinner are ea.- Uy earning from A3 to SlO per dy. Too
can do ss wstl If von will work, not too burd. but ludnstrt
onsly ; and yon can increase your Income as you ro on. Yon
can give spars tiraaonly.orsll your tiros to tits work. Easy
to lourn. Capital not required. Ws start you. All is com
paratively new and really wone'erfbL Ws Instruct snd
show yon bow, fsrcCb Failure unknown among our work
era, ho room ft explain bore. Writs snd loan all fteo,
bytftiurnnttill. Unwise to delay. AdJress atones. If,
UaiieU 4z Co.. Box S-d-O. Portland, slulssi
nothing new when we state that it pays to en
in a permanent, moat neaitny ana pleasant
neas, that returns a profit for every day's work.
Such is the business we offer the worklnr class.
We teach them how to make money rapidly, and
guarantee every one who follows our Instructions
laimiuuy ine mating or auu.uu s mourn.
Kvery one who takes hold now and works will
surely and speedily increase their earnings ; there
can be no question about it; others now at work
are doina it. and vou. reader, can do the same.
This is the best paying business that vou have
ever had the chance to secure. You will make a
crave mistake if von fail to srivc
If you grasp the situation, and act quickly, you
will directly find yourself in a most prosperous
business, at which yon can surely muke and save
large sums of money. The results ef only a few
hours' work will often equal a week's wages.
Whether you are old or youug, man or woman, it
makes no difference, do as we tell you, and suc
cess will meet vou nt the very start. Neither
exoerience or caoital necessarv. Those who work
for us -are rewarded. Why not Write to-day for
full particulars, tree .' K. v. allkh tun.,
ntu iiu. vt Auimta, ao.
, a.T-T aft a s-aa.aa
First class
'tt AtiD-VONS
law-net. rastesS
s auvwimnrlntlniu HBXflAllSd.
ii ioaiuToiiDoiiDERR aio busoow.
TC-ntrr R-Ltnrdav.
At retro tar intervals.
rtlja nn Invart uran to and from the Drindols
hotos. Dtauas. bibs all oobtohsttui rooiTS
Kzeoralen Uekets available to retorn by either tbe pie-tn-Matw
olTda Ac Morth of Inland or Naolas A Gibraltar
eraSs tad Xtasr Oitet fcr in Aaont it lm SatM,
Apply to any of onr local Agents or to
aBNoaasoN bbotheiu, cues-ro. m
General Agent. The Dalles. Or.
Janf 91
25c 50a
$1100 $1.25
WftBDNE 15
WK ATTTJ-ITtHON K la made from 01711X9.
nature a own too-? neat material, oest wnips maue rot
ue prion, uneap, uaraoie. ? i x L.r.. au
price--, ask your dealer for a ' - DP IfTT' '1AVR
The Dalles,
. TO THE , '
Coxnmenoinjr May 1, 1893
The Hlstorv ComDanv. of Ban Frand'eo, Ca 1
fcapital stock 1500,000) the oldest and la-vest pub
lishing house ou the Pacific coast, this day announce
that l
;hey will give, aoeotuiely free, a ticket to tne
i s fair ata return, lnciuoinar meaia en route
one week (7 days), hotel accomiuodationa, six admis
sion tickets to tbe Kxpceition grounds, two tickets
to leading Chicago theaters, and such other privi
leges as may in.-ura a pleaaaut trip to deserving per
sons who comply with their requirements
Those desiring to go to the World's Fair and who
could not otherwise de so, can ad trees us at once for
full particulars. This offer does n-.t applv to per
sons of means wbo are in a post lion to meet the ex-
Dense of aueh a trio themselves, but to enterprising
and intelligent young men and women who can ap
preciate such an opportunity and make the mot of
It. Teachers, clergymen, students, farmers' bright
sons anu aaugnters in met any ana ail ptjtawaauig
energy, enterprise and cnarattor wui oe eigiiie.
Every vounir man or woman who desires to goto I
mucago ana ace tne wooaers or ine greaiest uai
ition the world has ever known, sboold address as
at ooce. Such an opportunitb is rarely offered, and
the trip will be the event of a lifetime to those bo
go, Ada rees
- TUB BisnTtuiuns,
Wellington, Rock Springs,
and Roslyn Coal 1
(18, sacked and delrrered to any part OI
t&e city. -
At Moody's Warehouse.
Tbe table is provided will) tbe best in
tbe market '
Transient travelers will be accommo
dated with tbe best meals furnished by
, . . s: .r w "Hsv
ny hotel in town. ' 0C122
Front, First and Vine Sts., Portland, Or,
JJL , " ;
Sole Agents for Oregon, Washington and Northern Idaho for tha
These Machines are too -well known to need comment. Thousands of Farmers hare M4
them and speak of them with pralae. They ana Mi only Harvesting Machines
that will give entire satisfaction to the purchaser.
The most Effective and Successful Combination for Threshing and Cleaning
Grain ever Constructed. ,
The features lhat distinguish this Twine-Binder Is the Lightness of Draft, combined with IU
Extraordinary Strength and Durability. The Binder is of the Appleby pattern, theonly
really successful one yet known. We have two styles, the Elevator Binder and tha
Platform Binder both exoellent both recomuicnded by hundreds of patrons.
TJn 1 c t t j ilf o i find TEmln,lmeri
Hss always on band a new and complete line of Cnderiukinu GooJh. Fariio
nlar atteation given to emtalnuin.' and taking cam of the dead.
Southwest Corppr of Third and W sli'iigton streeff, THE DALLES. OR
HO JTotnt Street . The Dalles, Oreges.
FRAZRR & WYNI)HAM. Proprietors.
The One Price
j. p.
Foreign and Domestic Dry, Goods,
Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c
Agent for the Butterick Patterns; also for the Hall Raiaar Dress Forms.
Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
, All brands of Imported
and genuine Kry West
83 Second street, THE DALLES, OR.
gas Imwbm
Best Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars
The Perfection of Hand-made Sour Mash Bourbon.
& SHERWOOD, Distributing Agents,
. 212 Market St. - Portland, . 24 N. Front St.
San Francisco,
lay tb hair OTr and
with balr on tbelr FACE. KECK anrf ikmi umi ii. it. '
w j
iealexl trim ohnii.M c. " V- """a a1" "
pondenee strlMr-; fiA.Z?1''t'faZyT Pa ?T
contain. W iViVii-J. r T . "maemeni la
nwld i - " . ' '-J - - '
of fai 1 n .ii i. . . , 0"c to Insure It afe
Price of Quaei?? wltB fnav'"?. 7 rnderln it future growth an otter InipoiiaibllHy.
hoWrIAHr 1- "X"" In wfetv malilnr boae.. poatag paid by oViaeciirely
" . -,uijuiji n parcaaier. anry imu (unMueo,
SPtCIIiL"?iS!!,LT,"intrdn "' nf MHfHwJSSBotl of Quean' 4nM-alrtn
MIMW TJJTit,!!!1 BILK "OBBSa. l7TarU txatiilk. -rtra Lory ottl n4 apl
Sohuttler Farm "Wagons, Deer Flows
Deere Bulky Flow. Cock Co.'s Car.
riagea, Fhaetona and Top Buggies, four
Spring Mountain Warfbns, Buokboarda,'
Superior Drills and Seeders, Corbin Diss
Harrows, Hodges-Haloes Hehder
Haish Barbed w'iro.
HT $1.50 HNb UP.
Cash House,
Liquors, Ale and Portrr,
Cigars. A fall line of
1 QtV
"'"' "lj
In oompoandlng a solution a part w acc'-'ntl-r r.:ill on th h.nA
anion waHblog alir-anl 111. UKvJieJ ulS ' "bu nm.
SIMPLE ANY cuun taii nr it
appt-rthmnlxlorafora trer mlnolra. and tha
hair dlaappeara a If by magic m Ufaont th llbtt pain or Injury wbea
applied or er allerward. it iaunllke any olber -preparation ever uned
i igniaai pain or injury wbn
otber preparation ever umd
TOotiMnd of LADIKliob twen annoyed
do not appreclatea beard or bairoa tbelr nerk.
id uimd i ADtl-Halrlnalilcb noea nuv
nrety mailing boaeii. poatag paid bjr n laeci
" inu wre written plainly
nonew ana atnugbt lot-ward in
ererT word It
Cut this out and
mnuw initn. V HU nun I
O. Yon cau
deilvrry. win pnT r,oO for any m
i t
- V