The Times-Mountaineer SATURDAY .JANUARY 7, !893 . NEW COUNTIES. . . Among the matters which will be brought before the legislature which convenes in Salem next w.eek will be the creation of several new counties in different parts of the state, and we 'understand that one or more divisions , , of Wasco will be demanded. Aapbp . nlation and. wealth increases these po litical divisions become not only con veniences to the people residing at a . distance, but almost a necessity. For this reason, when the exigencies re- : quire such action, we believe members of the legislature, as representatives of tho best interests of their constituents, should grant the request of petitioners; but due consideration should be given to the facts in each particular case, ai.d V the vote by which such bilk are passed or defeated should be an' intelligent one. In many instances the taxable property of the people seeking to bo set apart from their neighbors may not be sufficient to support the increased bur dens, and then it is for the general good of the public that these requests not be heeded. Old Wasco has been sliced up in the last few years in different shapes, and we will not say that the new counties formed out of the parent one have not proved for the best interest of alL Distance from the county scat rendered this nearly imperative in the past; but in this era of railroad com munication the same emergency does not exist. It may yet be necessary to carve up our county in two or more. . 'different parts, and if it can be proved to be a convenience 'or a necessity to the tax-payer it should be done. But we have confidence in those who rep- . resent ns at Salem that no hasty ac tion will be taken. Due consideration should be given to the value of prop- - erty in the new division, and, whether there is a sufficient amount, without exorbitant taxation, for the purposes of erecting buildings and paying officials - a living salary. And legislators should not be unmindful' of the condition these new counties : will leave the old one, and consider, if it will not burden the property-owners who remain in an unfair degree. Representatives of the people who congregate at . Salem ; every two years have, duties to do , which should be performed conscien tiously and intelligently, and there is ' no legislation which ., requires more careful thought than the formation of new counties. " ,r . chasm between these two leaders the .Democratic party is causing con siderable anxiety, and it is evident that if Mr. Crisp expects Mr. Cleve land's influence for bia re-election he must forego some of his notions on silver. It is very evident that the last term of Grover Cleveland as presiden of the United States will be auto cratic in matters over which the con stitution gives him control, and the country will anxiously wait and see whether Crisp can so far forget his Brit ish stubbornness as to become an hum' ble suppliant At the throne of this modern Cesar for the position he de sires. Thero are many jarring ele ments in the ranks of Democracy, even if mugwump discontent has been elim inated, and not the least of these Is the strong individuality of him whom the party has elevated to the presi dency.. The project of incorporating the port of Portland, to extend from the region east of the Cascades to the mouth of tho Columbia river, is agi tating tho people at present. This in corporation is to 1)6 made for the pur pose of improving tho navigation of this great commercial highway, and it is claimed by this means that the work at the Cascades and the portage road from this city to. Celilo would be pushed to an earlier completion. It seems that such a corporation has been pushing the work on the lower, river very successfully, and it is claimed that the same would be true of the middle aDd upper Columbia. There may be some arguments in favor of such a scheme and many against it, and viewed in the most favorable light must be considered experimental The producers east of the Cascades appear to desire an appropriation for a port age road more than to be included .m the "port of Portland," and their de sires tor a sufficient sum to ouiia me road are not in any manner imperti. nent or the amount asked exorbitant. Every session of the legislature liberal sums are appropriated for public insti tu lions in Western Oregon, and very little, if anything, for Eastern. The portage road will not nearly equalize benefits between these portions of the state, and as taxes are proportional, appropriations should follow the same equitable rule. DR BRIQGS VINDICATED. Dr. Brings has been vindicated, and neither of the charges against him of teaching doctrines contrary "to the Westminster creed has been sustained. In this age of the world the leaven of liberality is permeating the churches, and the iron-bound dogmas which were considered necessary to salvation a century ago are only advocated occa sionally by the clergy. If religion consists in the advocacy of a life more conformable to the high moral teach ings cf the New Testament, with the constant practice of an open-handed chanty towards all classes of man kind, then the world is becoming more religious; but if it consists of implicit faith in old creeds which narrows thought to tho most contracted chan nels of investigation, then the human race is more heathenism tnan in any epoch in history. To hold the views which are now frequently preached from the pulpit would have consigned ministers of . the gospel a few years ago- to the severest condemnation or their church synods; but ecclesiastical bodies must keep pace with modern advancement, and men, whether-Catholics, Presbyterians or Methodists, can only follow the path in religion, as in science or philosophy, that their en lightened reason marks out for them. It was hardly expected that Presby- terians would so soon occupy the ad vanced position of Dr. Briggs; but they are in the line ot advancement, ana other denominations must follow or adopt the rules of the' inquisition of be middle ages over the minds of their adherents. . CLEVELAND AND TAMMANY. The Democrats are not smiling com placently at the dictation of Mr.Cleye- land in the choice of senator from New York, and the Evening Telegram, the organ in this state, makes the follow- w ing vigorous protest: ''Plainly speak . iag, Murphy is Tammany's candidate, and Mr. Cleveland is fighting him for that reason. - In view of the noble stand Tammany took in behalf of Mr. Cleveland and the assurance of victory that they gave him, it looks to be in gratitude on his part now to make a . fight against Tammany's choice for the senatorahip. It ia bad politics all . . around, and waether Murphy is elect " ed or not Mr.' Cleveland's action in this matter will be hurtful to the Dem ocratic party. It will be treasured up against him by the friends of Tarn- . w - . : many, and it is but natural that they should seek every opportunity to pun- ' ish him for his interference in this : senatorial fight' Mr. Cleveland is a much abler politician than he was four years ago, and now that he has - secured the presidency through Tam- ' many '8 efforts he can paraphrase Mr. Vanderbilt's expression regarding the people. He has captured " the big plumb in the Democratic pie, and is - undoubtedly satisfied. ; If any one can afford to be independent of party dic tation that man is Grover Cleveland, and it is very apparent that he intends to exercise his prerogatives as execu tive of the great republic. This is fun for us, and we desire to see this oppo sition extend all along the line. The coming legislature has a diffi cult task to perform if it attempts to pass 1a ws on the subjects which have been named by the people and the press. It is expected to remedy the defects of the method of assessing val ues; to deal with the convict labor Question: to create several new coun ties; to guard the salmon industry; to legislate on a better system of roads, eta; eta, and all this in forty days of working time. Of course it is not ex. pected that the representatives elected bi annually to occupy the capitol at Salem' are given the position for the purpose of recreation or festivity; but if the matters requiring intelligent leg islation are presumed to receive proper consideration and laws passed which will be made effective, the constitu tional limit' of the session should be extended. It would be no great bur den on tax-payers if the per diem con tinued for a longer period than the time mentioned, for matters of legisla tion are of little good if done hastily and not with care and consideration. Hon.. Henry Cabot Lodge, of Ms- -' sachusetts, is the caucus nominee of , the : Republicans for United States senator, and this will be very accepta ' ble to the party in that state and in . the nation. But the Democracy does ' not approve of him because he is the author of the so-called Force' bill, and . they have already begun to "show their ' teeth." Mr. Lodge has proved him- - self a very able legislator, and in every ' way competent to represent his state 1 in the upper house of congress. The odium attached to the bill he intro duced for fair elections in the United States was manufactured by the dough-faced Democracy of the north to' keep the south solid, and if en forced would not have interfered with the constitutional rights of any citizen. It may have had .its effect in increas ing the dimensions of the tidal wave of public senttiment last November; but when this settles down to its nor mal condition, and men regain their sober senses, the Lodge bill and the McKinley tariff will be the theme of praise instead of blame. The next four years of Democratic ' rule may give the people practical illustrations of the way elections are manipulated in the soath and of the financial dis asters attending the inauguration of free trade. It is, of course, a difficult matter to estimate with any approach to accur acy what amount of the outstanding obligations of the United States in the shape of currency have been accident ally destroyed and thus removed from the class of treasury liabilities, says Uradstreel's. The discussion of the condition of the treasury which '.has gone on recently, however, has direct ed attention to the subject, and accord ingly we find in press dispatches from Washington some attempts at- esti mates of the amount of paper currency destroyed by accident or otherwise eliminated during the last three, de cades. The estimates of the amount of currency thus removed range from $14,000,000 to $20,000,000. Of course All of this currency has not been lost. Some of it, the fractional currency es pecially, has gone to a considerable ex tent into the hands of collectors. What gives point to these estimates is J the suggestion now made that the amount of this money be . taken out of the sum of the liabilities of the gov ernment, a suggestion which may be laid before congress in the near future. NOT HARMONIOUS. Congressman Qeorge Fred. Williams, of Massachusetts, has not helped the cause of the mugwumps with the southern Democracy by his visit to Charleston, S. C. Mr. Williams made speech at the Forefathers' Day ban quet at Charleston last week, says the Chicago Inter Ocean, and he was ap plauded when he devoted' bis attention to the corporations in the north and accused these of controlling votes in the interest of the Republican party But when Mr. William's gently hinted that there were election methods in the south that would not pass muster in the shadow of Bunker Hill he touched a sensitive point and the at mosphere of the banquet hall became as chilly as that which struck the Lau resitna wnen her compasses were frozen, and . the Charleston Newt and Courier, next morning proceeded to read a lecture to mugwumps in gen eral and Mr. Williams in particular Mr .Williams has learned that how ever much the mugwumps may help the south to control the government they must not speak in criticism of the southern ' elections. The solid south does not band over to Mr. Cleve land its 159 electoral votes without re gard to the wishes of the. voters to have the elections criticiced. Like the colonel who ate the chicken stolen by the foraging private, Mr. Cleveland and his friends must accept this sup port without asking impertinent ques tfons. Louis McComas,wbo was nominated judge i t toe supreme court ot toe District o Columbia. Talking, about the probable outcome of the senatorial contests now beginning in the .northwest, Mr. Carter baid: 'In my own state the result is still doubtful, but with chances in favor of the Democrats. In Wyoming the Dem ocrats and Populists together have con trol of the lower branch of the legisla ture, and there are two contested cases which I suppose will be decided against the Republicans, thus securing a major ity on joint ballot, which will probably be used to elect a Democratic senator. Id California, the legislature is against us. Id Kansas, and Nebraska there is a chance we will be able to elect our candi dates, but there is considerable doubt about it." Another Idaho V order. Lkwiston, 'Idaho, Jan. 3 Mr. J A Czizik, a prominent miner from Warrens arrived in the city last evening, brintcing the news of another horrible murder in Idaho county. Two brothers named Perkins killed a man named Dickinson about midway between Orabgeville and Warrens, near the junciion ot the Little Salmon and Rapid rivers. The cause of he tragedy seems to nave been a dispute over a minicg location. One of the Per kins was held under arrest by Tom Pol lack at the letter's home, where Dickin son's body was taken, but the other Ptr kins tied the counary. TELEGRAPHIC. Cold Soap In nrope. Berlin, Jan. 3. The cold it severe. increasing all over the continent. Last night the thermometer marked 10 deg. above zero. A heavy snow is falling in the mountains. Suspension of traffic is threatened on sevrral railways. All the lakes in France, Germany and Austria are Irozen over, and night fetes have been organized in most of the cities. In Vienna thousands were employed all night clearing the snow from the streets. At Trieste the harbor presents an Arctic scene. A whole family were drowned near Gifhorn, while crossing the Alter on the ice. There is some discussion in the pub lic press of employing the convicts in the penitentiary in a jute bag factory, and this is receiving favoiable com ments from many. The state which supports these criminals should receive some compensation from their labor, but it should be in a channel in which they would not come in competition with the wages of bread-winners, and this causes the present agitation of the question. We believe the manufacture of jute bags has been tried in the penv tentiary of our neighboring state, Washington, and the result has not been very encouraging. There is no reason that it would be more success?. ful in Oregon, and it is experimental1, at best, on this coast. There is a pub lic necessity of the early completion of The Dalles portage road by the state, and the northwest is interested in this improvement -The present legislature can pass a liberal appropriation for this project, and there would ' be healthy employment for criminals in grading and doing the heavy work. . Now that congress has re assembled after the holidays, our senators and representative should be urged to im mediate action in favor of the bill ex tending the time for the payments to be made on the forfeited railroad lands. In many instances our settlers will not be able to purchaae these lands next month, and an extension of time would be no hardship on the government and be a great boon to those who desire to secure them, for - the past two or three seasons . crops have been very light, and farmers have found it diffi cult to meet their obligations. There is no possibility of land speculators reaping any advantage from such leg islation, and the petitions presented to congress clearly prove that these are the honest, ' earnest prayers of home- builders. ' Considerable interest centers around the Washington legislature by reason of that , body having to, elect a successor to Hon. John B. Allen, United States raanator. It is generally conceded that Mr. Allen has - ably represented the state in the national legislature, and will very probably succeed himself, Of course there will be other men who will have the senatorial bee buzzing around their heads, but no one is bet ter able to attend to the interests ot that growing state at Washington City than Mr. Allen, and in his election the legislature will have given voice to the sentiment of the sovereign people. Mr. Nathan Pierce will be an elector rom Oregon by a decision of the su preme court, although the judges de cided that the votes cast for hia, where his name appeared oh two tickets, were irregular. This is one way in which a decision may be -rendered that is Mr. Cleveland, as is well known, is ' a pronounced mono-metallist, and has not the least sympathy with the silver . craze, which has lately passed over the country, while Mr.Crisp, the speaker of I really not conclusive on a question of the houaebelieves in free coinage, and I law, and is the same difficulty were to in placing silver equal with gold as a I happen at the next general election representative of value. The speaker, I there would be no precedent to follow. in the appointment of committees and I It appears to one not acquainted with shaping legislation, has equal if not I the technicalities of jurisprudence that greater power than the executive, and I if a vote were irregular it would be il- there most be no clash between him I legal; bat this rule will not hold good and the president. To bridge the I under the Australian ballot system, TELEQEAPHI0 HEWS. A Slob 'a Hasty Work. . Lkwiston, Idaho, Jan. 3. At mid night, a furious mob ot twenty-five or thirty men, masked and arme J and de termined to take the law into their own bands, called upon Deputy Sheriff Wright who has rooms at the court bouse, and at the point of revolvers demanded bim to deliver to tbem the key to the cell of Albert Roberta, who murdered Jack Sutherland. The key was obtained and Roberts taken from the jail across the road to an old grist mill and hanged by the neck. The coroner found a verdict in accordance with the above fact. The enme for which Roberts suffered was the killing of J. A. Sutherland, at Leland, Idaho, Dacember 15. The row, culminat ing in murder, occured in Jones' black smith shop at Leland, about four miles from Keudnck, over the amount of wages coming to Roberts, who bad form erly been employed by Sutherland. Dur ing the altercation Roberts called Suther land a liar and was jumped upon by him. Roberts bad a gun . in the" inside breast pocket of his coat, which he discharged three times, all three shots taking effect In Sutherland's chest. Sutherland lived about 10 minutes. - Carter oa the (Sltoatlaa. . Washuigon, Jan. 8 Chairman Car ter, of the Republican national commit tee, was at the capital to -day under a ubpena from the judiciary committee of the senate In the charge made against Democrats Control in kausas. Topeka, Kan , Jan. 3 The supreme court is bearing arguments in the cases brought against the state board of can vassers bv tba Jropulist central commit tee involving four scats ia the legislature. It is believed that the hearing win not result in any change, except to give Kos entbal. Dem.. the certificate ot election issued to Stubbs, Rep., by an undisputed clerical error. This leaves the Kepubii cans one majority in the house On joint ballot tbe Democrats will noid the oai ance of power. - Doable Harder and suicide Oakland, Cab, Jan. 3. Last mgbt a terrible affair took place on the line of the electric road between Baywards and San Leandro at a point called Asblaad Junction. Tbe men who keeps a way side place became involved in a row with a man and his wife who were stopping with him. He shot them both, killing the husband and dangerously wounding the woman, and then killed himself. All were Portuguese, and had been drinking heavily. A Hernial Prom Mexico. Crrr op Mexico. Jan. 4. Stories ot great dissatisfaction tnroogbout Mexico with the Diaz government, and that battles with tbe revolutionists are being fought on tbe northern frontier, pub lished abroad, are denied here. It is de dared that tbe country never was more pacific or less inclined to revolution An interview with General Reyes, in command of the northern frontier, con tains the following: "These bandits do not exceed 250 in number Tney are scattered along tbe Texas side of ihe boun iary." General Estrade Local, de Alaracon, archbishop of Mexico, being shown tbe statement in tbe American newspapers that the church party was aiding tbe revolutionary movement on the frontier and desiring a revolution agaios Diaz, emphatically denied the troth tt tbe assertion. He said : "If toe clenca s ever retnrn to power it mnst be peacefully. President Diaz although a liberal, is not an enemy to the church, nor is the church bis enemy," Monetary Delig-atea Will Resign. Washintok, Jan. 4 The Post says Senator Allison, who has returned from attendance upon the Brussels conference, and who made an informal report to tbe president yesterday morning nf the event. said yesterday he would certainly tender iiu resignation a9 a member of the com mission to tbe new president, and he in timated that bis colleagues would do the -ame thing. '-It is certainly the proper thing," he said, "to give the new admin istrauon a chance to seud a commission tbat would be in accordance with its own views on the silver question." When asked as to the truth of tbe pobhcaiino. Allison neither denies or offirmes. De simply said: "I may, but that is net v-orrying me now. I certainly shall nut do it now. Whether I will when Cleav land takes his seat is a matter the future can take care of." The Official Vote. Salem, Jan. 5 Tbe official canviss ot the vote in Oregon's 81 counties tor pres idential electors was made by the slate officers today and' shows the following totals: Republican John F. Caples, 35,002; David M. Dunne, 34,938; Geo. M Irwin, 84,982: H. B. Miller, 84 910. . Democratic W. F. Butcher, 14,848 W. M.Colvig,tl4,217; Geo.Noland, 14, 207. People's W. G. Burleigh, 26.811; S. H. Bolt, 26,905 Democratic-People's Nathan Pierce, 85,813. Prohibition G. W. Black. 2258; N. R, Gaj lord. 2350; A. W. Locas, 2207; Gil man i'aikcr, 2231. . o. a.. Whole Train Load of Garden 0 Posson's Seed Stoi OIL V THE TRAIN AS IT APPEARED,ON THE TRACK. Nearly everyone who saw it wa3 greatly astonished to see a whole train load of garden seeds cross the ' J T v . : i J " mc toast agents ior i. r.i. i-erry u-i lul-v uau muveu imu a large warenouse. corner cecona ana iavlor streets hnf ennrvli. r.nn i;. : steel bridge and pull into the Union PaciCc yard nr. 4. II hn,l h.ulF lift u,1..'1 n I-..,- .... ' - . .... ' f ' . J WUIU.U lUUb MILS IUU1 I'Qkt U.tlH 1. . ' J ..V -1 . ' J .1 Lue three years since they have been in business here. . . . t i T? pniciate ? 8me ejAV wh,at 5 Vanity f Garden Seeds this is, it may be stated that there is enough in this shipment to plant over three 1 no Jrc.l and eighty thousand acres, and is valued at over three-fourths of a million dollars. The freight alone on this shipment amour.ti'v to ncailv llftc :!...-. . ctia dollars. - . . -. . . As this is more than three times as much Garden Seed as has ever been shipped to this coast by any firm, it v. ill at once be seen thai 11 r-in -im rtvi flue Ma.t bujIb '. hcad- h V,n. w.'.t s C mlatioa, r. well as hx addition to their seed business Posson & Son operate a large Fertilizer Factory at Trw.tda!c, prohablv the lar-eat fhctorv cf I Omaua, where thev manufacture aU grades of fertilizers - This product is exported largely to the Hawaiian ISlvuli U.t the Sumr Mm In all over the coast for the Hop Fields, Orchards and Gardens. " - . lucre was also two cars ot ISee Keepers' Supplies in this train load, from A. I. Root; of Jlcur.a, Ohio, fos whom Posro:i & So:i arc Xcrthwe.iti t . .w::t To kcor that such a quantity of Bee Keepers' Supplies is used here was also a surprise to laot everyone ' A liberal use of printer's ink, hard rustling, honest dealing and eastern prices are to blame for all this trade which thisponubr fim has v.-cr!.! i:p ia the short space of three years that they have liecn ia business. Monting devonian. Picked Oat For Prosecution. Pakib, Jan. 8 Le Figaro says the batch of persons selected by tbe govern ment for prosecution in connection with the Panama canal frauds includes four members of the chamber of deputies and an ex. minister. It is reported Fioqnet will resign from tbe chamber on account of the connection of bis name with the scandal. Tbe Oregon improvement Company New York, Jan. 4. A committee tbe Oregon Improvement - Company, which has extensive steamship and "rail road properties on the Pacific coast and in tbe states of Oregon and Washington has adopted a resolution to abolish tbe sinking-fund provision covering the first mortgage bonds. It amounts $50,000 annually. Members of the ex ecutive committee practically control tne affairs of the company. . Hepaira to tbe Xambesl. London. Jan. 8 Repairs to tbe Brit ish steamer Zambesi will take 86 days. at a cost of 3100. Tenders were re cieved from Hons Eons to repair her for 2600. Surveyors recommend to re. pair her at Yokohama. Temporary re pairs can be made in one week. D ath on the Kails. .Pittsburg, Jan. 4. Eight are reported killed, and two trains wrecked by collision on the Baltimore & Ohio road at Buena Vesta, 18 milrs east of here. Tbe collision was net ween a work tram on a side track and a tiain of loaded coal cars. A number of laborers are still alive under the wreck. Both trams took fire, and tbe flames spread so rapidly it was impossible to rescue those in the ruins. ' Cola Weather In .London. Loudon. Jan. 3. The weather has been very windy for several days. Much Ice has formed in tbe Thames. Traffic above and below London bridge is much impeded by pack ice. The upper river is frozen over. : ' : - s Terrible Lynching Bakebsttixe,N C , Jan. 4 Last mgbt a mob of 600 masked men entered tbe jail and took Calvin Soipes.a murderer,to the forest half a mile away and lynched bim. Ten of tbe sheriff's posse were killed in their efforts to defend the prisoner. About 29 of tbe mob were killed . Among tbe dead and wounded are some of tbe most prominent men in the county.. Sngcentlona by the Board of JKqual. lzatlan. Salem. Ob .. Jan . 4 Today tbe state board of equalization adopted a resolu tion addreesad to tbe legislature, reccom mending certain changes in tbe assess ment law. It reccommends that as tbe 5 mill tax, now required to be levied by the county courts for school purposes is an inducement to assess property at less than its actual cash value, tbe said tax ought be abolished, and in lieu thereof an act should be passed requiring said tax to be levied pro rata according to tbe number of children of school age in tbe county. Tbe board wants - the law amended so as to give the state board of equalization 60 days in whtcb to complete its work, instead of 30, as sow. It recommends tbat the law allow ing deductions of indebtedness and ex emption of same from taxation should be so amended as not to allow any ex emptions lor indebtedness. It asks -tbe repeal of the present law on tbe assess ment of mortgages. It wants property assessed as actnally owned March 1, at noon, of each year. Bloomy Fight In Kentucky. Louisville, Ky., Jan. 3 Tbe blood iest fight in Mapoffin ' county's history took place today about a mile from Al- yersville. There were eight or ten of the county's best-known citizens engaged on each side, armed with repeating rifles and navy pistols. Tbe tronble had its inception in a trivial matter tbe day before aed culminatad in a pitched bat tie John Davis was killed by pistol shot, said to nave been Bred atter be was dis abled and disarmed, w. m. Deskins, a constable, was fatally wounded by a shot in tbe right hip. Alonteville Deskins, justice of the peace, has not been found since tbe ngbt and is supposed to be fatal ly wounded. Shepperd Cole,coroner of the county, received some fearful blows witb a clubbed gun, and may die. Brace Pat trick was shot through tbe bowels and is j reported dying.. W. T. Patrick received a nfla ball alongside tbe bead - and was at first supposed to be dead. - He rallied, however, and tbe physicians say be will live if there is no concussion of the brain. Murder of BIM Aye. Sacbahento, Cal., Jan. 4 The Even ing Newt has just learned, that Starkey, night foreman of tbe railroad yard here, made a confession today in which he ad mits that Engineer George Jeffries, two months ago, made a proposition to bim and a third party to go out to Brighton and kill Miss Ayres, tbe operator there, to whom Jenriea was united in a bigamous marriage. Tbe three weot out, but Star- key backed out and would have nothing to do with it. Jt fines is still in jail here barged with murder. The statement clears np tbe mistry surrounding tbe death of Miss Ayers last Thursday mgbt. Jeffries' motive was probably to get rid ot tbe woman, wno naa it in ner power to send bim to palson tor bigamy or break up bis domestic life- .more Arrests Kxpeeted. Pakib, Jan. 4 M. Blondin, of tbe Credit Lyoonais, was confronted before Examining Magistrate Fraoqueville tbit afternoon by Marius Fontant, an im prisoned director of tbe Panama Canal Company. From him many new facta were elicited and eventually Fraoqueville ordered tbat be be placed under arrest. Not Yet Stamped Oat. . Tacoma, Jan. 4 Smallpox has broken out at tbe United States penitentiary on McNeil island. John Brean is down with the disease, and S. Herman is sus pected ot saving it. All tbe prisoners have been vaccinated and a quarantine established JNo prisoners will be re leased untill tbe danger is over. exonerated by a Coroner's Jnry. San Francisoco, Jan. 4 Tbe cor oner's jury has exonerated Miss Clara King, bo accidentally stabbed and killed Albert 8 McCoy on New Year a eve during the performance of a charade at McCoy's home. Tbe case will be caled in tbe police court today, when it is ex pected to be dismissed. An Alaska Vendetta. Seattle, January 5. From passen gers. wno arrived- from Alaska on the steamer City of Topeka today, it was learned that tbe Cape Fox Indians had had a pow-wow at Cane Fox December 24, to settle a long-standing feud be tween two families, but not being able to come to any agreement, tbey all be came drunk, and got into .a general fight, during which one man was killed and several wounded. That night the family and fnends of the murdered man met and drew lota tor the honor of avensr ing tbe murder. .An aged rquaw drew tbe lot, and the next day walked up be bind the Indian who was supp'osed to have killed ber kinsman and fired the two barrels of a shotgun into bis back She then went to her but and loaded tbe gun "gain and sent ber boy out to see tbat the job was finished. He found tbe murderd man dead. This has started a vendetta, and serious trouble is expected Imprisoned Miners Rescued. St. Petebsbubg, Jan. 4. Ten days ago a mine oh tbe line of tbe Lonetz rail way was flooded by tbe sudden ingress of a luge volume of water. All tbe min ers managed to escape except eicht. Tbe pumps nave been working day and mgbt since, and tbe water was today re duced enough to admit a party enteiing tne mine to bring op tbe imprisoned bod ies. To their surprise tbe imprisoned men were iouna sun aiiye in tbe upper worning!, out nearly dead irom starva tion, - The California Legislature. Sacbahento, Jan. - 5 Including ' tbe nonpartisan (rom San Francisco, tbe Democrats have 60 votes on a joint bal lot. Sixty one votes are necessary to a choice, and there are no indications, as yet, where tbe extra vote is to come from. Tbe right Populists witb the one In dependent from San Diego have tbe bal -ance of power. Stephen M. White will be nominated by tbe Democratic caucus tonight. T. V. Cator is ibe nominee of tbe PeopleV party, and eitber Charles N. Felton or B. M Burns will recieve tbe Republican complimentary vote. Tbe In dependent from San Diego has not said how be will vote. He was formerly a Republican, but great efforts are being made to induce bim to vote for White. If be should do so, Wbue of courte, will be elected. by P. Duff & Sons, commission mer chants; Cahill & Hailnck, lamps and fancy imported goods; Booth & Flino, ontractors, and numerous offices. The losses at midnight were estimated at from $250,000 to $300,000. Kerch's immense nstaliment and the Westinghouee machine shops were on fire several times, bnt the good work of the'tire department saved them. At 11:30 o'clock the wal's of the Duff building fell with a crasb, burying the old ernor mansion aojoin ing." Fortunately, the family deserted be honse before the walls came down. and so far as known, only one person wa injured. Many valuable paintings anri works of art were destroyed. ; Sliver IfgtslRtiou. Washington, Jan. 5. All sorts of sil ver propositions are being ta ked over lj the members of the bouse. Bland lias has been approached by a dozen mem bers witb suggestions of a compromise A return to tbe Bland act is the cbiel compromise proposition suggested to him, but Mr. Bland, at present, refuses to listen to anything less tban the coinage of $4,000,000 worth of silver per month, and to this tbe other side, of course, will not agree. Culbertson, a Democrat from Texas, and chairman of tbe judic iary committee, has prepared a bill in tbe nature of a compromise, which he will introduce in tbe house. It requires the coinage and use. as assets, of tbe ac cumulated silver bullion now in the treasuay. Tbe present law is repealed and the Bland law re-enacted. JVJQW Tl K-I1A.Y. Assignee's Notice. TO all whom H may conrn: Notice la hereby given that the nndcniifned hu been duly ap point ed amlirnee ot the estate of Adolph Keller, a insolvent debtor. All persons having claim acrainr said estate wl.l present the same under oith to me. said assignee, at mi place of business on the sout1 west corner of Second a"d Court streets In Dalles City, Ores-on, or to mv eUornev s, Dufur & Menefw, at I heir office in Chapman Block, rooms 80 end 40, ovir the poav(Be in said citv. and within three months from the date of this notice. Dated at Dalles City. Ore , .Ian. 2, 189S CHAliLtS J. STUBLING, Jan7 7t Assignee. JEWyORK CORRESPONDENCE 1 -1J T . I If I FOR HOME STUDV 243 BROADWAY ;N.V. INTRODUCTORY LECTURE The Dalles National Bank, OP DALLES CITY, OR. President,... Cashier , The New Umatilla House, THE DALLES. OREGON SINNOTT & PISH. Proprietors i.A.'ll if, -snr.. - r. yitTJMQBt. P , I L h"o' - . I General Banting Business Transacted. THE LARGEST AND FINEST HOTEL IN ORECON ....Z.F. Moody. . 0 - ;....m.i. Moody; Free Omnibus to and from tne Hotel Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables M Inster trfneo n ta Resign. Chicago, Jao. 5 It is understood that the resignation of Minister England Robert T. Lincoln will be one of tbe first to be placed at tbe disposal of President Cleveland after bis inaug oration. It developed today tbat dar ing bis recent vacation in this country tbe son oi Old Abe made arrangement to - resume bis law practice by opening oi tne woria's lair, and it Is stated friends tbat be expects a democrat, in bis place so as to etable bim to get back in America by tbe end of April. This will probably be the first diplomatic pinm at tbe disposal or tbe president An Unholy lsve. Seattle, Jan. 5 Mrs. Nellie Bran dage, wife of C. N. Brundage, a prom inent real estate man, committed snicid in tbe room ot ber paramour, S F. Clute, an attorney, at Grandview botel early Ibis morning. Clute, on realizing wbai tbe woman bad done.made an unsuccess ful attempt to end bis life by tbe Fame means, lne climax was tbe result ot in toxical ion and an article In tbe Sunday Mercury telling of ber actions Christ mas oignt, but mentioning no names. The busbabd is heartbroken at Ibe disgraceful anair. Delay In the Nonvntrs. WA8H1KGTON, Jan. 5. Tbe acting di rctor ot tbe mint telegraphed the super intendent of the Philadelphia mint this afternnoo for the number of souvenir coins struck off at tbe close of business today, the end of tbe year. Tbe reply was 473,000. This is less tban half million, which is less than half tbe num ber Mr Gage expected would be- struck off The acting director is greaMv sur prised, lie told a correspondent tonigbt mat ne Knew me coinage would be muc.u less, tban be bad hoped, but he thought ii would amount to tuny ouu,uuu. A Shipwrecked Crw slaved. Baltimore, Jan. 5 Captain McBride and a crew of eight men of tbe schooner Edith Berwio, wrecked on Smith's island shoe's Sunday afternoon, have arrived here. Tbe crew were in tbe- rigging from 6 o'clock Suuday evemug till 10 o'clock Monday morning witb tbe waves breaking constantly over them. En gineer Hines became insane, and threw bimselr into tbe sea. Tbe others were half dead when rescued. Another Beport ot the- .Lynching;. Johnson Crrr, Tenn., Jan. 5. It ia next to impossible to get trustworthy in formation ' concerning tbe Bakersville riot. Parties Irom Cranberry tbls morn ing say Snipes was surely lynched and 23 men were killed in order to do it. Sev erai others were fatally injured. It is reported an attempt will be made to lynch tbe Wiseman brothers, coder sen fence ot death for tbe murder of Kit Byrd several years ago . Fstal Fight between Cowboys. Dkniscn, Tex., Jan. 5 Will Uovins and Jack Langdon were killed and James Neyens wounded in a fight with Win chesters at a ranch In- Choctaw nation All are cowbeys. . Republican Victory la Kansas. Topeka, Kan., Jan. 5 The supreme court this afternoon decided tbeStubbs Rosenthal legislative contest in favor of 8tuhis. -republican. This virtually in ures republican organization in tbe house. - Wree ed by Flames. Pittsburg, Jan. S A fire broke out to night ia tbe large brick building occu pied by tbe Collins Cigar Company, and before tbe flames could be subdued the structure waa entirely destroyed, together witb three five-story buildings and a resi dence on Pennsrlvania avenue. Tbe buildings destroyed . were occupied Sight Exchanges sold op NEW YORK, 8AN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND, OR Or Collections made on favorable terms at all c eeaible points Ticket and Baggage Office of the UNION PACIFIC SaUway Company, and Ofiee oj tki Hotel. Western Uiion Telegraph Company, are in the THE DALLES, OREGON. Best Kentucky Whiskey, FROM LOUST UXC Very Best Key West Cigars, and Best - of Wines. English Porter, Ale and Milauke Beer always on band. MAETZ k PTJNDT," : PROP'S. DAN BAKER, -PKOPR1ETOR OP THE ffool - M - SalooD. You Want Yom Br? 000(18 We keep the. Largest and Best Assorted Line in the city, of Dry Goods and Notions, Gents' Furnishing Goods and Clothing, Men's, Ladies' and Children's Fine Shoes. We Want Your Patronage. Of course we will put Prices to suit. Always do that. Nobody undersells us. Come around and investigate. . A.M. WILLIAMS & CO. THE ORO FIN0 WINE ROOMS AD. KELLER, Proprietor. BEST IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC Wines. Liquors, Cigars. Second Street East End. THE .DAJL1YES' OHEGOK Port 81, Sherry 81 Muscat 83, Angelica 83, Mountain 83 Sample : Rooms, 58 FRONT T (Nearly opposite Umatilla House.) CHARLIE FEANK, PROP. Burgundy 83, Zinfapdel 84, Riesling 83, , Hock 83, Table Claret The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. COLUMBIA BREWE6T BEER OK DRAUGHT. I Andrew Velarde, an Grearorio Vineyard Co. .Ajfen 03. All Wines and Brandies Guaranteed Strictly Pure The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Always on Sale. Try the best remedy for Dyspepsia, "Dandelion Tonic." 'I Commission and Forwarding MerchaDi. 1 i 1 uener HOUSE MOVER. 391, 393 and 395 SECOND STBEET, (Adjoining Railroad Depot.) - Address; Lock Box 181 The "Dalies. Consignments : Solicited ! Prompt Attention to tnoee who favor me with their patronage. The Highest Price paid in Cash for Wheat, Barley, Etc., Etc G. B, FLOWERDAY, 188 COIBT STBEET, TlfrlSS HNNH PET6R & COWPHNY, IS PREPARED TO TARE Photographs in tbe Highest Style of j the Art GROUPS aril AND CHILDREN A SPECIALTY. PRICES REASONABLE. Hip IllILLIIT, Children Cry for fXIOHSB'S Castoria " Castorla Is so well adapted to children that I recommend It as auperiur to auj praecriptJoa knows to me." H. A. AitOHnt, H. D- 111 South Oxford St., Brooklyn, M. T "I ass Castoria In my practice, and And tt specially adapted to affections of children. . , tUmx. BoBcareoa, M. D . 1067 M Are., Dew York. 'From personal knowledge I can say that Castoria ia a most axoallwit mnrHflina for ohU draa." Dn. O. O. Osoooo, ' Lowell, Haas. Caatorla. promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarmoea, end FeTerishneas. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. A. McINTOSH, -DEALER IN Meats, Butter and Eggs MORO and GRANT, OREGON. " 11 Si Second St., TIIF. DALLES, OR. PIHNOS ORGHNS T7ILL ALWAYS HATH ON SALE at the above V towns the choicest Beef. Mai ton and fort. Al-o pay the highest niaraet price for Butter and SOLD OH EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS AT THF BOOK J MUSIC STORE tIAS. FERGUSON, General Expressman ! Goods banlod with the greatest aare to aU parts of the city on short notice. -OF- B . J AOOBSBN & CO. ALSO THE LEADERS IN School Books, Stationery, No tion b, M&sic, Fancy Goods, Toys, Express Wag ons and a fine line of Cigars. 109 ttooond Street, THE DALLES, OK r .V ,1 I -!