7 7 ' Tie Times-MottDtaineer SATURDAY. .DECEMBER 31,1892 ITS SIGNlGIC ANCE. There is great significance in the controversy provoked aiaoDg Catholics by the address of AI$r. Satolli, the delegate from the pope, whose au ' thority to speak as he did some have . . attempted to discredit. The signifi cance is that the leaven of modern thought derived from the free institu tions of America has got into the lamps of old-world prejudice, of religious in tolerance and narrowness, of misappre hension and nncharity, and is creating ' a new. spirit of intelligent purpose. There would be no disagreement be V tween the heads of the Catholic church, . the archbishops and bishops, says the Chicago Inter Ocean, but that the body of the church has felt the quick ening of new ideas and become restive under outgrown restraints. . - . The educated Catholics of this coun try are successful business men, law , yers and physicians; are active in poli tics, are factors in society; and while they have lost none of their religious devotion to their church they have learned to temper that devotion with - an intelligent appreciation of the moral, ' political and social being of this coun try. It is an absurd waste of time for ' the priests to tell an American busi ness man who happens to be a Catho . lie that his children will be damned if they -do not attend a parochial school, ' and will be doubly damned if they do attend the public school " The think ing citizen knows it to be as much his . ; paternal duty to provide for the intel lectual development of his boys and girls as to look .out for their spiritual - welfare. ' As he is . proud to be an American citizen he takes . pride in having hia children qualify to become good American citizens, and ho per ceives thadV the best way to produce the- desired result is to have them thoroughly acquainted with American 'institutions and educated in a way to compete with their Protestant associ a tea in business, professional or public life. He is willing that the church should follow its own ideas in the re - ligious and spiritual instruction of his children,' but he insists upon the privi lege of choosing what he believes to be the best medium for the intellectual ' benefit and equipment' of his children. It is this self-assertion, coupled with the indisputable fact that the free ' public school offers a thousandfold bet ter educational advantages to the poor . - than do private schools of any charac ter or denomination,, that has done so much in recent yeacs to correct old false notions and compel the head of the church to take a more liberal view - of the Ctitholio needs and demands in this country. Americans, Catholic or non-Catholic, cannot be chained by twelfth century errors, and will not re main subservient to an authority that insists upon the abrogation of secular rights by ecclesiastical edicts. . , Moreover it is a strange commentary upon the spiritual control of the Cath olio church that schools in which the - mind is educated without regard to re ligious sentiments are inimical to the office of the clergy that is concerned with the salvation of the soul. If the home and the church together .cannot create a moral balance to the influence - of the schools in the mental develop- . meni without prejudice to spiritual , training, then the fault most lie some where' between the home arid - the ckurch, if it does not involve both, We must, confess to some impatience of such, criticism - as that from. Arch - bishop Ryan, of Philadelphia, who ob jects that the public schools do not go far enough in the mission of. training or calling out the power of the soul, Does the learned archbishop forget that the absence of religious benefits in the public schools is the result of a concession to the Catholics who de manded the expulsion of the Bible from these schools? Let - there be common sense and no denominational or creed sentiment in discussing an inr stitntion that is as dear to and as well fixed in the American heart as the constitution itself. ' Ohristmas Obseryanoe.' Tbe Christian festival was generally ob served in tbe city by appropriate exercises, and there were many family reunions aronnd tne home fireside. Presents were numerous with tbe little folks, and tbe poor were re membered as well as the rich. ... . . . At St. Paul's Episcopal ennreh there were appropriate services commemorative of tbe .' event, and the sermon by Key. E. X. Sut- cliffe emphasized . the importance of 'the birth of the Savior to the salvation of the '-world.' - '- . Tbe midnight mass, Christinas eve, at St. reter Catholic church was largely at ' tended, and high mass was celebrated dar ing the day and vespers in .the! evening. , , &ev. A. jjronsgeest, m fata dircoarse, spoke of the. joyous event commemorated -and its significance to the world. ...... : . ii-ev. W. U, Curtis preached a very able . and tboughttul sermon in the morning - on the birth of Jesus Christ and the new era in religious life and experience which dawned on that day. In the evening a Christmas -' concert wss given by the children connected ,with the Sundsy school. ; Several appropri ate songs were sung by the little folks, and the choir rendered in an unexceptionable manner one or more Chriatmaa anthems. ; Tbe exercises at the Methodist church ' were appropriate to. the occasion, and the sermon by Rev, John Whisler was an able ' discourse on the natal day of the Savior of '. the world, All the exercise were appro- . prate to tbe occasion. The Blookade SaiserL Since Thursday afternoon The Dalles ex .' perieneed the annoyances of -a snow blook ade between toe city ana Portland, and no communication was bad with any point west of Hood River. ; Trains from the east bad arrived daily, and several hundred, were awaiting transportation. Friday ' morning ' 200 passengers left tne city on a train pre ceded by the rotary snow plow. ; These were blockaded near Bridal Veil no til Sos- , day night about 10 o'clock, when the track was , open to - Portland. $ .They procured meals at Bridal Veil and Latourelle Palls, and for lodgings did tbe best they could - tinder the oirou Distances, ' The now plow . fought its wT to Bridal Veil Friday, and Saturday'encountered a'drift near that place thirteen feet deep and several hundred yards in length. In one of its encounters some of the machinery hod heoome dam. aged, and this took some time to repair. There were reported to be twenty-one ly comotives on the track between The Dalles and Portland at the tiir.o of the blockade, and one of these was attached to cattle train bound for Troutdale. The live stock were fed at Bridal Veil by the company un til the track was cleared. Mondiv about half-past i o'olock in the afternoon two passenger trains arrived iu the city from Portland, and there were about 1000 passengers on board. . It is un necessary to say that our citizens hailed the arrival with delight, as every one appeared anxious to hear from friends and to be in formed regarding the outside world. There were two carloads of mail, aud the foree at the postoffice were kept busy assorting and distributing letters and papers. . This blockade ot three days was not as disastrous as that of eight years ago; but coming as it did during the Christmas tide, when persons are anxious - to hear from friends it created considerable disappoint ment; bat the season is not so far advanced but that the rigors of another blockade may yet bo siiS-'rcd betore spring. Uunranteea Care. We authorize our advertised druggis to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Cough and Colds, upon this coudmon: If you are afflicted with a cougb, cold or any lung, throat or chest trouble, and will use this remedy as di rected, giving it a lair (rial, and experi ence no benefit, you may return the bottle and have your money refunded. We could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied on. It never dissapoints. Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kmersly's drug store. Large size 60 cents and $1. 1893. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATE Dr HARPER'S BAZAR to Journal for the home. It lives the fullest and latest information about Fish ions, and iU numerous iliustruions, Paris designs and pattern-sheet supplements are indispensable alike to the home dress-maker and the professional modiste. Uo expense i spared to make its artistic attractiveness of the highest order. Its bright stories, amusing comedies and thoughtful essays satisfy alt tastes, and its last page is famous as a budget of wit and humor. In its weekly issues everything is included which is of interest to women. The Serials for 1893 will be written by Waltei Besant and Edna LyalL Christine Terhune Ferrick will furnish a practical series,- entitled "At the Toilet." Grace Kin''. Olive Thome Miller and Can dace Wheeler will be freauent contributors. The work ot women in the Columbian Exposition will be fully represented with many illustrations. T. W. Higirin son, in "Women and Hen," will please a cultivated audience. HABPEB'S PERIODICALS. PsbYiai: Harper's Magazine 4 00 Harper's Weekly 4 00 Harper's Bazar : 4 00 Harper's Young People . 2 00 Postage free to all subscribers in the V nited States, Lanaaa ana Mexico. . The Volumes of the Bazar begin with the first Number for January of each Tear. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Num ber current at the time of receipt oi order. Bound Volumes of Barrier's Bazar for three years back, in neat clotn bindioir, will oe sent oy man, p stcge paid, or by express, free of expense (pro vided the freight does not exceed one dollar per vol ume), for S7 per volume. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding;. will be sent bv mail, post-paid, on receipt of Sl each. Remittances should be mads by nostoffice money order or draft, to avoid chance of rasa, . Hewtpavers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of harper Brothers. , Address: HABPEB A BROTHERS, New York. . 1803. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. HARPER'S WEEKLY is acknowledged as stand ing first among Illustrated weekly periodicals in America It occupies a place between that of the hurried daily paper and that of the less timely monthly magazine. It includes both literature and news, and presents with equal force and felicity the real events of current history and the imaginative their es ot fiction. Ou account of its very complete series of illustrations ot the World's Fair, it will be not only the best guide to the great exposition, but also its best sduvenir. Every puhlio event of gen eral interest will be fully illustrated in its naeesr its contributions being from the best writers and artists in this country, it will continue to excel in litera ture, news and illustrations, all other publications of its class. . HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Psa Ybak: Harper's Magazine... Harper's Weekly Harper's Bazar ; tt 00 4 00 4 00 i 00 Harper's Young People Postage free to all Subscribers the United States, vanaaa ana Mexico. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first numrjer lor January oi eacn year, wnen no time mentioned, subscriptions will begin with , num ber current at the time of receipt of oraer. : Bound Volumes of Hone s Weeklu for three rears back, in neat cloth bin 4ing, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by expicas, free of expense iprovinea ireigns oes not exce one aouar per-vol- uiiia, iur 9 1 per wiiune. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for bind liur. will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $t each. Remittances should b - made bv nostcfEce monev onwr w uzaic, hi avow cnance u nes.-: - - Sempavert are not to eotni tiiis advertisement mtnout the express order of Horner & Brothers. Address: HARPER BROTHERS, New fork.' THE CALIF0RNIAN Illustrated MAGAZINE Published in San Francisco, California, has a circa lation all over the world. Its growth during one year is posravery pnenomenai in aim annals or maga zine literature, surpassing every other magazine In the world in the same spate of time. The reasons are odvious. It has strong financial backing.' Its contents are reulete with tvoical dentations ox t.ai.iornia ana racmc Joast subjects scenery, climate, fruits and flowers. i Its range of topics is cosmopolitan, embracing MvhviHs, w European ana unnai scenee ana cnar acteristics. '- -- -' i It discusses without bias or Dartiaan zeal, the liv ing questions of the dav. It owns and controls its entire riant, inclndlmr v mw, wo jaixesi' prcasea oouw coast, a complete half -tone and photo-graving outfit, and employs its own artists . . Its aim is to develop the natural, commercial, so cial and literary capacities of Western and Interior America: to present only wnat is Dure in tone. in. strnctive in matter and Interesting in form. The price of this magazine is S3 a tear, postase prepaid- The subscription list is increasing over twelve hundred a month, and it has a larger circula tion On the Pacific OOast than anv other nuumzinA In ujo wwtu. We present to every annual subscriber a beautiful Sicture, 16x2r? inches, ef one of tbe Old California lissions, or a view from - the far-famed Yosemite valley, it is the intention uf the nublisheni to offer variety oi oeauuiui premiums lor annual subscrip- ww) Hfluwcuonr ffiui iuv auuary, igvo, nutuiier. - , KSD to CSLIFORNIHN PUBUSHINC CO., ; , -' Academy of Science Building, '"' SAN FEAKCISCO, CALIFORNIA, For this great Premium List, from a California Carl. oeity to a S100 Organ. nv5 Notice to Contractors. '!(!?. i - ' i a CHIEF ENGINEER'S OFFICE, ; '. . COLUMBIA B'Y & NAV. CO., 5 The Dalles, Or.. Dec. 14, '02. 1 Sealed nronosals will be receive at this nfHy nn. til December 28, 1892, for the construction of the portage railroad of this company from Columbus to tne western terminus opposite Urate s point), a dis distance of twenty.two miles, Including grading, bridging, tunnclwork, track laying and balls-ting. Rock excatation and tunnel work to be commenced by January 16th, 1893, and completed by the ism uay oi Bay, i-wj, and all remaining work to be- oomple'ed by July 15; 189S. Maps, profiles. plans, apeancations and approximate estimate of quantities can be obtained by application t- the Chief Engineer, as also the blank forms for pio- pvoMo. v.u wu aiMsr DaMlfuay, UCU. lft QO proposal will be received unless written noon such blanks. All payments will be made in eaah. days from the date of each monthly estimate, such monthly estimate to be made on or about the Hut day of each month during which the work was done or materials furnished. The right to reie. t any bid is reserved. All applications or bids to be addrhssed to Emery liver, Chief Engineer, French's bu-lding, The Dalles, Oregon. . . daelsS CODHTT TREASURER'S KOTICE ; All couLty warrants registered nrinr to Apnl 1. 1889, will be oaid if nrauninl .t my office, corner Third -and Washinaton streets. - Interest ceases on - and after this date. Tbe Dalles, Oct. 31, 1892. WILLIAM MICHELLE "Treasurer Wasco County, Oregon. O.T. THOMPSON. A.W. FABQHER. TH8HPS0H & f ARCHER, ' Near Mini baildmg, Second St. HoreeiSlisM ztg; and - xt I eTobldac at optmmnj' Prices reasonable and to suit the times Blacksm Legal Notices. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lasb Optics at Vakcci-veh. tFA.sa., -,- .., MOTUDBer .17, ISiK. fix William L. Lea and all whom it may concern: Untira la hrrebvelven that tho folloa-linr-named set tlers have filed notice of their intention to make final proofs in support of their claims, and that said proots will ee onus tenore w.-n. cunimr, vwuuw .in.r United status Circuit Ceurt. district of Wash ington, at his office in Goldendale, Wash., on Jan. 10, 13V3, viz . WENDEUN XETDL,- Homestead Application Sd' 8280, for the WK of HIM. 8F1 of NWJ, and NEJ of SWJ, Sec 19, Tp 3 N, RUE. tt M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation oi saia land, vu: George O. Lindsay, Angus Campbell, Melville M. Warner, William Brtogefarmer, all of Hartland postjmce, Washington. Purchas e Application No. 243. under 8e S, Forfeit ure Act, sep., who, ror lae toi sc,uu ni of SEtf. 8e 12. To S If. Kit R WM. O He names the following witnesses to prove his claim to said land, viz: George G. Lindsay. Angus Campbell, alelville Jl. Warner, William urrago- fanuer, all of Hart land uoatolhoe, Washington-. "GEORGE TJ. "LINDSAY,"" Purchase Application 'No. 200. under. Sec. S, Forfeit ure Act, Sept. a. isau, lor tne ntst, sec n, i p a ci, R IS E. W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his claim to said. land, viz: wendelln beioi, Angus Campbell, Melville- M. Warner, Will-am Bridge farmer, all orHarUandpostomce, Washington, GABRIEL HAKDISON, r . Purchase Anolicatiou No. 29. under Sec. S, Forfeit ure Act, Sept. 29. 1890, for the 8EJ of SEj, Sec 21, TnSN.I113E.WlI He names the following witnesses to prove his claim to said land; vu: marvin n. cpian, joun Kure. William Bndefarmer. Hartland postotnee. Wash.; William-;Vaii Vactor Goldendale postolflce, Wn.li. XrV-1 w - " JOHN A. SPLAWN. Purchase Anolication No. 30. nnder Sec. 3. Forfeit uro Act, Sept. 29, 1890, for-thaNK of NW4, Se29, TnSH.RUtWU. i . He names the following witnesses to prove his claim to said land, via.- John H. Ward, William A. O. Msrkman, -Walter M.' Hardison, Hartland post- omc3, naso.jniiam uarner, j.yie pusmuuiw, nwu WILLIAM X: A. MAKOKMANN, . Purchase Annlication No 49". under Sec. 3. Forfeit ure Act. Sept. 29, 1890, for the NE, bee 33, Tp 3 N, B13E, WM. . . He nsmes the following witnesses to prove his claim to said land, vis: John M. Hpiawn, John nure, Gabriel Hardison, Hartlani postomec, vvasn.; .will um van v actor, uoiaenaaie postomje, nusn. nv26 -JOHN D. G80GHEGAN, Regi ter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lasd Osficb at Vanooovkb, Wash., . . Dec 14. 1882. Notice is hereby given that' the following-named settlers have filed notice of their intention to make final proof in -support of their claims, and that said proof will be made before W. R. Dunbar, Commis sioner ol United States Circuit Court for district of Washington, at his office in Gcldendale, Wash., on. WILLIAM N CRAWFORD, Purchase Application No. 633, under Sec. S, Forfeit ure act, sept, zsl law. lor tne saia Dec o, ip ia, R 14 E. W M. . - . - . ' - He names the'ToUdwing witnesses to prove his claim to salo--tana, viz:. iMmiogos A. umaiaa. Ignatius Romero, Henry -F. Brans,' Vomer T. Cooke, all of The Dalles postoffice, Oregon. DOMINGOS A. LEONARDO, 7; c " Purchase Amplication No. S23. under See. 8. Forfeit ure Act, Sept. 29, 1890, lor the N hf ef Sec S, Tp 8 a, K 14 B, r . .-- .-- - He names the -following ' witnesses to piove his claim to said land, viz: Domlngss A. Leonardo, Ig natius Romero, Henry F. Bruae, Vernon T. Cooke, all of The Dalles postoffice, Oregon. JANE ROMERO, Purchase Application No. , under Sec. 3, Forfeit ure Act, Sept. 29, 1890. for the W hf of Se qr, W hf of NE qr, and NE qr of NE qr. Sec 1, Tp 2 N, R IS a,wa. - - She names the following witnesses to prove her daim. to said land, viz: William N. Crawford, Do- mingos A. Leonardo, Vernon T. Cooke, Peter Agedius, all of The Dalles postotnee, Oregon. dec2t . JOHN D. GEOGHEGAH, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. - Laud Officb at TARCorvsit, Wash., ' Deals, 189Z. - Notice is hereby given that the following-named settlers bave filed notice of their intention to make final proof in support of their claims. - and that said nroofs will be made before W. R. Donhar, Com missioner United States Circuit Court for district of Washington, at his oftce in Goldendale, Wash., on February 1, 1893, viz: ION ACIO ROMERO, Homestead Application No, 9050, for the SW qr. Sec 1. To 8 N. K IS E. W M. He names the following witne-ses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation ox aaia land, viz:- Dominiros A Leonardo. Will run N. Craw ford, William H Brnne, Vernon T. Cooke, all of The Dalles postoffice, Oregon. .... ,-IGNAClO ROMEBO, Purchase Annlication Ho.. 658. under Sec 3. Forfeit ure Act, Sept. 2p, 1890, for the HW qr. Sec 1, Tp 2 M, B 13 B. W H. . ' He names the following witnesses .to prove his claim to said landv. viz: Domingoi A. Leonardo, William N. Crawford, William U JJrune, Vernon T. Cooke, all of The D-tues postomec, uresop. dec24 JOHN D. GEOGHEGAK, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lans Omcs at Vascouvsa. Wash., December 12. 1882. To Robert Handerson and all whom it may concern: Notice is ht rebv alien that tbe f ol owin?-named settlers ha v filed notice of their intention to make Anal proof in support of their claims, and that said proofs will be made before W. R, Dunbar, commis sioner United 8tates Circuit Court for District of Washington, at his office In Goldendale, Wash., on January 90, 1893. viz: FRANCIS M. SPLAWN, . ' Purchase application No. S38 under Sec 3, Forfeit ure act September 8, law. tor tne n nt ol na qr, NEqrof bWqi.Shfof N W qr and W bf of NE qr, see xi,'ipn,iti9JS,wn. Be names the following witnesses to prove bis claim to aaia una, viz: wiimun van v actor, aieivuie At. Warner. William r. unatneld, ol uol 'enaale Postoffice, Wash., and William 0.,A, Marckmann, oi rtartiana rosto tce, wasn. CARL C. FRANZEK, ' Purchase application No. 9, under Sec. S, Forfeiture Act sept, -a, low, tor tne a rr qr or n w qr ana a w qrof SW qr, Sec 31, Tp 8 N, B 13 E, W M. He names the' following witnesses to prove his claim to said land, viz: Frauds M. Bplawn. William Garner, Marion M Splawir and John Kure, all of uartiana rostomoe, wasn. dectl7 ' JOHN D. GEOGHEOAN. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . ' . xlaan Ofrci at Ths Dallbs, Oxumoh, Nov. 9. ISSrt. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of eonimss of June 3, 1878. en titled ' An act for the sale ot timber lands in the states of California; Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,' Buldah McCoy, of Portland, county of Multnomah, state-.of Oregon, has this day filed m this office her sworn statement, No., for the purchase bf the W hf SW qr, Sec 14, and NE qr BE qr. and SE ar NE qr, of Sec 15. in Tp 6 8. R 10 E and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber ur stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said I land before the register and receiver of this office at I xne vaues, oreeon, on tne 1st day of February, Oregon, Hampton Kelly, W M Ridge way, Isaac E xtice, oi wapinius. uregon. . .t. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above- described lands are requested to file their claims in this office On or before said 1st day of February.1893. JOBS W Um-Oegfiisjv. .. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. .- ' Laid Omcs at Ths Dauxs, Oas ' i . - December 8. 1892. Notice Is berebv ariven that the fallosrhwr-nami settler has filed notice of hia intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof wui oe mans oeiore tne register ana receiver at The juaiies, ur.,on aoooay, jail. 23, lata, via: "v JOSEPH BARRTLL, " " Homestead AppUcation Ne. 4615. for tbe El of NE. ana oi or.. oi oec o, ip 9 a, a It & He names the foilowinir witnesses to nrova hia eenuonoua resiuence upon, ana cultivation of, saia land, vis: Tnomaa v. r-argner, uuiur, or.; u. t argher. Nan. ne. ur.; unaries ravette. joaenn uanev. ainiraiev. aeeig -,'OHH w. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. '. ' . TJarrsD Statbs Lasd Omcs. The Dalles, Or. Dec s, 1892. Notice is hereby ariven thafr the foDowins- named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proas will be made before the register and receiver of the U. 8. land office at The Dalies, Or., on Jan. vjy law, via. f. , , - " jennie Waterman, Homestead Application No. H07. for theSWerof NWqr, andNWqr of SWqr, of See 27, Tp 1 tt, R " HL,na... .i -.. She names the followinr' witnesses to nmva hr.r continuous residence upon and cultivation of said jauu, via: H. Giloin. H. Kloe. N. McDonald. P. Garlaw. all oi -ine Afaues, uregon- aeciu JOHN w. lewis. Register. NOTICE FOE. PUBLICATION. i I Jstjtv Omcs at Yahcowss,' Wam., ; Tlrfimhnr 14. lam Notice is berebv siren that the following; named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof I will be made before VV. B. Dunbar, Commissioner I united Buwesurems uoon. metrics or waenuwton. at his office in Goldendale, Wash- on January 23. 1893, viz: - Purchase AppUcation No. . nnder See. 3. Forfeit nre Act, Sept. 29, 1890 for the Nt of NW1 and Ml of NEqr,Seol7, TpzN.R UE, WM. . - - He names the following witnesses to prove his claim to sad land, viz: Levi R. Hillearv. Vernon T. Cook, William D, Gilmore, of The Dalles Postoffice, or., and Manuel 8. Le .nardo. of Centerville. Wash. decl7 JOHN D. UEoGHEGAN, Retrister.. Notice of Final Settlement "VTOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, X administrator of the estate of W. C. Tar! ton, deceased, has filed his final account as such adminis trator and the time for heariiw the same and anv nh. jectione there may " e thereto, has bee set br Hon. O. C. Blakeley, Judge of the county court of the state of Oregon for Wasco county, for Wednecdav. the 4th dav of January. 1893. at the hoar nf a o'clock a. sa at the sonaty eearseouea in Ux eoart house of said Wasoo oountv. All heirs, creditors and ether persons Interested in 'said estate are nsreoy requirea to apiiear and jn-esent. their obiee-. tions to Said acoount. if anv thmv havn nn nr tuJnm V'Jt said above named date, Hassan C. Rooms, . vanes uty, or., Dec, 6, 1S82. Administrator. Dissolution Notice. "DY tnntuaIconsent the co-partnership heretofore -a-r ""s wwa b. u neca ana u nnaer the firm um at . R n triMi, a, n u . iM.Mh dissolved. D Chessman U1 be responsible for all debts contracted by said firm sad ail money due the same must be paid to him. R C FLECK, . tt CHEKSMAN. t. he Danes, December IS, 1882. ,- TRIP WORLD'S FAIR Commencing May 1, 1893 ' The History Company, of San Francisco, Ca 1 (capital stock (600,000) the oldest and largest pnb lishing house on the Pacific coast, this day announce that they will giv, abtelutelufree, a ticket to the World's Fair and return, including moats en routs one .week (7 days), hctel accommodations, six admis sion tickets to the Exposition grounds, two tickets to leading I hicago theaters, and such other privi. leges as may insure a pleasant trip to deservinu per sons who comply with their requirements KTOTXOjEI. Those desiring to. go to the World's Fair and who could not otherwise do so, can adores us at once for full particulars. - This offer does n-.t applvto per sons of means who are in a position to meet the ex pense of sueb a trip themselves, but to enterprising and intelligent young men and women who can ap preciate such an opportunity and make the mot of it. . Teachers, clergymen, students, fanners' bright Sons and daughters in fact any and all posseasing energy, enterprise and character will be e igible. THE CHASCE OF A MFE-T11I& Every vounjr man or woman who desires to goto Chicago and see the wonders or the greatest exhib ition tho world has ever ki.own.sl-onld address us at once. Such an opportunitb is rarely offered, and the trip will be the event of a lifetime to those who tea,. Address - ' - the" history cqmpany, THK BIBTORYjKUILniXO, Nor 723 MARKET 8T. S FRANCISCO CAL. To Young Free to all Brides ! VT OTICE is hereby given to a the readers of this Jl paper and all their fri nds ann acquaintances turoughout the United States and Canada that;jt THE HOUSEHOLD Will be Sent One Year as A WEDDING PEESEKT To overy newly married couple wbose address and 10 ci-nts to pay J postage is sent to the publisher within ono year from ibe date of their marriage. Persons sending for this present are requested tu end copy -of a paper containing a notice of their marriage, or some other evtue-.ee that slial! amount to a reasonable proof that they are entitled to the magazine uncer tne aDore oner. Address, THE HOUSEHOLD." Brattleboro, Vt. FASHIONABLE MIUINERY ! j - at- )k De Lyles Emporium, 114 SECOND STREET. H FULL HSSORTWENT OP BVKRTTH1HQ IS HATS, BONNETS AND TRIMMINGS MRS. A. SCHOOLING, Manager. W. T.WISEMAN ' Successor to i. H. UcDonongh & C. ) DEALEK IK . - III 1UUU AND CIGARS; None but the best brands of Donors and Cigars' on sale. Temperance drinks of all kinds " Uorncr ot Uonrt and second streets, THE DALLES, OREGON. Sample : Rooms, " 58 JfKOIVT ST., (Nearly "opposite Umatilla House.) -. CHARLIE FRANK, FS0P. The Best Wines, ; Liquors and Cigars. COLUMBIA BBEWEUT BEER OK DRAUGHT. A! McINTO SH, DEALER IN- ' HORO and GRAST, OREGON. ITTILL ALWAYS HAVB ON SALE at the above VV ..towns ths choicest Beef. Mutton and Fork. Also pay the highest maiaet price for Butter and jsgga augis L. P. OSTLUND I wDI furnish drafts and estimates on til buiklin a I . , . dweilings and stores. Mr. Ostrand is a practical "mechanic and the plans drafted by him will prove aniatio, cheap and;dura- ui - 4 : 1- 1 . J t - ar G. II FLOWEKDAY, - I8 COURT STREET, Jl IS PREPARED TO TAKS Photographs in the Highest Style of tbe Art. GROUPS AND CHILDREN A SPEC1ALTT. PRICES REASONABLE. . . . . i .-. ; ;' uvll Andrew Velarde, HOUSEMOVER. The Dalles. Address; Lock Box 181.'' JAS. FERGUSON, Goods hauled with the greatest care to parts of the city on short notice. . MONEY-TO LOAN. We have an unlimited amount of money to loan on approved farm security. . Thornbtjky & Hudson, " . . The Dalles, Or. WANTJSD.. , ; ADIEM who will do writing- for meat their homes will make good wages. Bepl w th self- addressed, stamped envelo aope. AUSS allLDRKD -titj.bp aoShjind. i I vZS EEEE TO THE mm mm imm LaJUUVlU laWutteaMfa, Gout der General Expressman! n u a,LllJ ' ;'-- ' '.:. i THE i DAILY AND WEEKLY Times-Mountaineer - LEADING PAPER OF WASCO Full Report of and General News. REPUBLICAN But is not owned clique Always takes a on all public questions, m TRESSES ITS OPINION REGARDISS OF SUBSCREPTI' N RATES: DAILY: .R YEAR ... . ........ . fER MONTH, by carrier .'ER WEEK, " 'INGLE COPT...... ONK YEAR.l... ?1T MONTHS... ILL KINDS OF Fine Win es DOMESTIC and KEY WEST CIGARS. The Celebrated Pabst Beer. FRENCH'S 171 Second Street,. Ion Want .We. keep 'the Largest and Best' Assorted Line in the city, of Dry Goods and Notions, Gents' Furnishing Goods and Clothing, Men's, Ladies' and Children's Fine Shoes. ...... . Of course we -will put Prices to suit. . Always do that. Nobody undersells us. ' Come around ' and investigate. ' . ' . ' A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. . " .-'". 8oceksors.to Hrs.'.CE.Dunham, " ' Corner of Union and Second Streets, The Dalles, Oregon. ' 1 ' DEALEH8 TJT DRUGS, MEDICINES Fine ToiTet 8oaps, Brnahes, Combs, Perfumery, Etcf JPure : Lqoora for Medicinal Purpoaea. Iliysiciaiis .; Prescriptions a Specia.lt y. THE - COUNTY .Jet Local Happenings IN POLITICS, or controlled by any or ring. . Determined Stand CONSEQUENCES. ..$6 00 ..- 50 15 . . 05 ..12 00 .. 100 JOB PRINTING and Liquors,- BLOCK, THE. DALLES, OREGON Tour Dry Goods Your Patronage. AND CHEMICALS, Tt 18 A DTJTT yo m yornelf m fkn. 11 y to get the beat value for year mneauey. Economize in your feet wear by W. I,. Danirlas tiheee. which vepreeeet the brwt walue fer price asked, aa tav sKAkX KO STrBSTITtTB. VV. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE CENfLErV, IUE BEST 8HOE IN THE WORLD F08 THE MOfitfc A senalne sewed shoe, that will not rip, fine eaht. seamless, smooth Inside, flexible, more conk fortable, stylish and durable than any other shoe ever Iota st tne pn tromtttofc s costing snys and 03 Hand-sewed, flneeaUshoes. The 0v m atthenri znost styliah, easy and durable shoes ever sold at the price, they eual fine Imported shoes oostlne from SB to $12. qo SO Police Shoe, worn by farmers and all we nthera wha wiuifc & irood heaw calf, three Eieo, extension ease anoe, easy to waut u, auu wui )ep the feet dry and warm. . tSO 50 Fine Calf, 'i.25 and U2.00 Work, Jae Ingssen'a bhos wiuj moner than anv other make. vloe. The Increasing sales show that worlrjngmen naveiounasnisout. DausI Vi.OO ana Tenths' 81.73 School UU 1 0 btaoee are worn by the boys every. waere. men The most serviceable ahoee sold at t ie prices. LdUICo 9200 and S1.75 Shoes for 91 iiuM are mfldA of the best Do&ko1& or floe Calf, aa eftlred. They are very ty lish, comfortablw and dnra bla. The U)0 shoe equals custom madeahoea costing from tU.OU to 6.ija Lad 138 who wUH toeoonoiaixa la their footwear are finding this out. n.airiAH. W.Ia.Douzlaa'nama and the Mice Is tamped on the bottom of each shoe ; look for It when you buy. B ware of deal ere at tempting to sub etltute othr makes for them. Such substitutions are S fraudulent end suojecx to prosecution uy law tor od lnintr rnnnPT uQuer missa DnjienuHB. Am aUUfjrXaAa9 Arvcjat.vu iuui Duma lay FREIMAN, AGENT. THE DALLES imJ&. UP MlitMl hla OiiMrtnnltv! nan. Tourit ISceMlcr. Tb majority neplBctthftir op- MrttmltiAav And Irot that eavnM lira in norartT ud dif 9in obieaiitTl Harrowing despair it ihlot of many, u tby look back on lost, lorsverioat, opportunity, uiou In V ! Beach oat. B up and dolor. I mproTO your opportu nity, and Menr proipentr, prominence, smcil uwu aaia by a philosopher, that Hh Goddess of Fortune offers oldest on port unity to each person at some period of life; embrace the chance, and she pour ent her riches ; fall to do so and she departs. Merer to return." How shall yoa find tbe flOLDXH opportonityT InTeitiKato every chance that appears worthy, and or rarr promise ; tnat iswnatausTio- j cessfnl meo do. Here Is an opportunity, such as is not often within tharssachot laborintriteoDlssw ImoroTed. It wlllrlre. at laaatv a rrand start in Ufa. The ttOLDEir ODDOrtnnltr for many is here. Honey to oe made rapiaiy ana nooorabiy by any Indnstrions person of either sex All ages. Yon can J do the work and liwe at home, whereverTen are. Eren be- ! glnnere are etvily earning from &5 to StOper dny. Toa can do as wellif yon will work, not too hard, bat tndnstrt onsly; and yoo can increase your In coma as yon jro on. Yon can give spsre time only, or all your time to the work. Easy to learn. Capital not required. We start you. Alllseom pnxativelT new and really wonderraL We Instruct and show yon how, free Feflnra unknown among our work ers, wo room tn expiam nere. n rue ana team an n-e. by return nmll. Unwise to delay. Address at once, II, UaUctt b Co.. Box Portland. MultMk WE TELL YOU Bothlns new when we state that it pots to enrage in a permanent, most healthy and pleasant nasi. ness, that returns a profit for every day's work Sueb Is the business we offer tbe workina class, We teach them how to make monev raoidir. and guarantee every one who follows our Instructions faithful? the making of S300.00 a month. .very one who takes hold now aud works will surely and speedilv increase their earnings; there can De no Question aoout it; outers now at worn are doing It, and you, reader, can do the same. This is the best paving business that vou bave ever had the chance to secure. You will make a frave mistake if you fail to give it a triul at once, f you grasp tlie situation, and act quickly, yon will directlv And vourself in a most prosperous business, at which you can surely make and save large sums of money. Tbe results of only a few hours' work will often equal a week's wages. Whether you are old or young, man or woman, it makes no difference, do as we tell you, and sue cess will meet vou at the very start. Neither experience or capital necessary. Those who work lor us are rewaraea. w ny not write to-asy lor tall particulars, tree .' is. t;. allkn sl d., . ZMia iv. avt Auguauaj me. tun ltjTRh?rJ First CUat. . ....lUfii.. ajiwcwia Fastest soul Ftaeet ia.tka WeriaV .ONDONDERRT AID BLASaOW. Vvswt-v Siatnrrlitv. NSW TOBK. GIBBALTBB and NAP1-BS, A l reiTuiar niwerrsiB. S1LD0II. SFCQND-CU&S AND STEER ABE MMi nn lovMt tApmai to avnd from tbe Drtncipto SO0T0S.TOZaISl.ZSim A oobtzkikiai pozhts. KXajarnan nomnm avsuiuie to return oy nmor wV . tnfVsVTB. nivtia. A Hnpfcta of InlaUtd tp NaxaalsM A twlbraU' Pnfli m4 Montr (Mm far Air aiaont i lew wtM. Avoir to anv of onr local Asset or U BBDVSSSON BBOTHKKS, ClUcaaje, 111. AGENTS WANTED Apply to T. HUDf-ON General Agent. The Dalles. Or. , JanM3 -RB0NE IS PEATHEKBONE is made from QTJILL8. natures own toogtmt material, best whips made tot tbe price. Cheap. Durable. ALL ftTYLES. all prices, ask your dealer for a ... PPITHRfiRfllR J0, S-4VJ 33V HENRY KUCK, The Dalles, Or, SKIBBEHOTEI F. W. L. SKIBBE, Prop. The Only Brick Hotel IN THE CITY. TE8T DOLLAR A DAT HOUSE In the North- I l west. This builoma has been refitted since tne are of September zd, ana tne rooms are nrst-ciaas in every particular. Tbe table is supplied with the Dest tne market anoras. The oar In connection with the hotel is supplied with the highest grade of Wines, Liquors and Im wild wOenirpeK roue ok ninca. iuiquorsi m" ibi ported and Domeetic Cigva. Jao3t)-w. CAL! COAL! ported and Domestic Cigars. - Jan38-w -THE BEST- Wellington, Bock" Springs, and Eoslyn Coal $12, sacked and delivered to any part ol tbe city. . I At Moody's Warehouse. P. WILLIG, Merchant Tailor, ' Has removed from hia old stand to IVo. 64, Hecond Htreet, A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED In eTerj instance. . Beadv-made Suits on sale ch-ap. Ail work In the tailoriur line warranted flriixlaas.. II v THE GRANT HuTEL GRANT, OREGON. KENNEDY, PROP'Il. J. B. Tbe table is provided with tbe best in tbe market. Transient travelers will be accommo dated with tbe beat meals f urnisbed bj any botel In town. ocl23 v 1 , lie 1"" ssaVlf'aiii III mam I 1 1 t A!v As) LaTSeet, iev Yoatrl FOR WHIPS I rW. ''-00 '"25 CM AS. H. D0DD & CO. Front, First and Vine Ms., Portland, Or. ' WHOLESALE DEALERS IM - , HARD- &M?&&$ 'RQ WARE, S&Ldg' STEEL FA R M A1 AC H I JM E RY. Solo AgenU for Oregon, Washington and Northern Idaho for the " BUCKEYE - REAPER AND MOWER, k These Machines are too well known to need comment Thousands of Farmers hare used them and apeak of them with praise. They are the only Harvesting Machines that will give entire satisfaction to the purchaser. MILLER'S NEW MODEL VIBRATING THRESHER, PHCENIX STRAW BURNER ENGINE, The most Effective and Successful Combination for Threshing and Cleaning . Grain ever Constructed. -i BUCKEYE STEEL . FRAME TWINE- BINDERS, i- The features that distinguish this Twine-Binder Is the Lightness of Draft, combine with Its . Extraordinary Strength and Durability. The Binder is of the Appleby pattern, the only really suocessful one yet known. We have two styles, the Elevator Binder and tho Platform Binder both excellent both recomiasnded by hundreds of patrons. WILLIAM' : TTii'lertiilfor aud Elmbalmer, Has always on hand a new and complete ular attention given to embalming and taking care of the dead. PRICES IOW AS THE PICTURES FRAMED TO ORDER I Southwest Corner of Third and Washington streets, NEPTDNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS HO Front Mtreet, FRAZRR & WYN mm RHZORSFOR SHLE STUBLING & WILLIAMS, PROPS. . FineiWines, Liquors and Cigars. All brands of Imported and genuine Key West CALIFORNIA : WINES COLUMBIA BREWERY 86 Second street, miK lAlJ L1. The One Price Cash House, - v '. ' - . ' COR. SECOND AND COURT STS-, .. P. Mcl.NEKNY, IJEALEH Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. -, J - ' Agent for the Bottenck Patterns; also lor the Hall Baxaar Ureas Forms. las f laioisao Be er-'Ba SECOND 8TREET, BETWEEN UNION AND COURT lsE3XIJE, PROPRIETOR, IT. . Ta.ct.ro ua vnMiuni COLU M B I AB REWER Y BEER, irTtnu vr ALL KINDS OF Best Imported Wines, CARLISLE WHISKEY, lh PerfectioA of Hand-made Sour Mash Bourbon. PURE AND MATURED. INVALUABLE ; TO DOCTOR, THE AND THE GOOD Sherwood & SHERWOOD, Distributing Agents, . 2ia Market St. Portland, . 24 N. Front St, San Francisco, In compoundine a solution a part mi i,ci'ileotly snilled 01 pieteiy removeo. v, e Trade Mark. with Hhavlng, by k. L3, ' Jf ' V.-:' g rA9?!3aee AnO-Halrlne tl. per bottle, sent In safety mailing boxes, postage paid by os (secun ly sealed Irom observation). Bend money or stamps by letter with full address written plainly. Corres pondence strictly confidential. This advertisement Is honest and straight forward In every word It contains. We invite yon to deal with ns and yon will find everything as represented. Cut this out and Bond to-day. Address QUEEN CHEMICAL CO., 174 Race Street, CINCINNATI, O. You can retrister your letter at any Postoffice to Insure its safe delivery. We will pay er.00 for any case of failure or slightest Injury to any pal-chaser. Every bottle cuarauteed. S P Fill Sl To ladles who fntrodaee and sell among ..,.. we win premnt wltn a BII.K DBKBHL IS of silk to select from seat with order. .AND. Sohuttler Farm "Wagons, Deere Plows Deere Bulky Plowa, Cook ft Oo.'e Car. riagea, Phsatona and Top Buggies, Tour. Spring Mountain Wagons, Buekboarda, Superior Drills and Seeders, Corbln Diaa Harrows, Hodges-Halnes He ad era, Haiah Barbed vv iro. SEND FCH CIECULAL2. MICHELL, line of Undertaking Goods. Partic LOWEST. THE DALLES. OR The Dalle, Oresron. OH A M, Pi opriptors. ff ..."'If"....- '(1:1 ' m LlniiniiiilirinrifSon VS.O?. "7 HT $1.50 RND UP. Liquors, Ale and Porti r, Cigars. ' A full line of : .AND : BRANDIES. BEER ON DRAUGHT. 4 Tin . ftillsl BOTTLED BEER. Liquors and Cigars THE INVALID, LIVER. ('.KKlipiU IIN : "UK, s r. mi OOOVERY byAOOIDENT on tbe band ir VL' MM ... ...I . ana on waentng- ullerwjira it was discuvireu tbut tue hair was coin. at once put I bis wonderful preparation, on tbe marset ana so great nas neen tne aemana mat we are now Introduclns; It throughout uie world under the name of Queen's Antl-Ualrine. IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS AND SO SIMPLE ANY CHILD CAN USE IT. Tv the hair over and apply the mixture for a few minutes, and the hair disappears as if by magic w ithout tbe slightest pain or Injury wben applied or ever afterward. II Isnnlike anyotber preparation ever used fora like porpose. Thousands of LADIRH who have been annoyed with hair on their FACK, ECK and A It MS attest lis merits. GENTLEMEN who do not appreciates beard or bairontbeirnerk. And a priceless boon In 4cueens Anti-Hairifie which does awsy 1W.. it, hilnM rnn th a ti ti 1 1 r ln rui 1 1 . 1 1 i I V their friends S Bottles of Qneen anu-srainiia. yards beat allK. Extra Lars Bottle and sasaplee Qood aalarx' or Commission le Agauta. c i i A V i 1 t -v e A