The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, December 24, 1892, Image 3

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    .The Times-Honntaineer
SATURDAY, ... .. DKCE M BER 24. 1892
! w:l lafee the
r-r - -The fall of auow last ulM made sleigh
; - log wod to-day. -. ..
V V Sheriff Les ie, of -Sherman count;
"' A few Utvs more ana '
place of in dale Hues.
;, ua has lalWo teaiuy duriDg- itte U
Dd l now over loot on level.
"Alwatttwo inches of snow fell taut
nigliUtbr all-of which our. people, feel
truly thankful.
' Hun. A U. MtJJ.iDalil, was a passenger
on Uie-allaiBooD trn u troiu ' Fortieiid, et
route to u noine lu ; ier an cuuaty.-
Toe monthly, ha qaet of Tbe Dalles a hut
Club will be held thia eveinK lu rraternny
.. hall over . Andrew Keller a -coufecxiuuery
y saloon.
" Mr. S. A' Byrne, formerly of the drat ot
w r DyTuu Fiua.C JUtJ , w la the eny r-(ire .
seuung the Mutual Deuehi iiile lusorauce
-: i Vo'ttif Newaik. N J. -
" v Passengers on the train this afternoon -re
port abvoc twenty iiit-hea of n w at Biuue
tille, aud the .element . lucreasiug at. tbe
( rate of an inch .an Ouur,. ........ .'. , '.
"Mr. U Schaok, toruierlv book keeper fix
Filloou Bros : caUieup fiuni 'Purilaud ou
tbe.afteruoon traiu and wjil "apeuil a .fe
day witn friends in the citv.
lXo snow had fa len at Grant up to 'ast
night aud the ground waa - bare aud I lie
" lif- spring- ike." - nut Mjeriuau- county
. ..; anxious y debiies suow,, aud euuw ii
' abundant 'quantities. - -
" ' Iii compauy with some engineer, ae'vatai
coutractora went . up the- lo.d to-day i
'Uraot,' where they will ezmuue the' Muhr
. pottage before . mkli K their .bids, which
" -wih be receded Qutil Dec. 23 h ' j
'- " No-difficulty -haa beeu tzpenenceii be
. . 'Itween thw vity aud Portlam! . by . reason ul
, the a ow ; nut tu Hie I'aacai'.ea and below ii
. .i chau(itK to aluati . by rjpHi.n of tht
' 'temperature, and u this iMUrfi-sts it' will be
: : almost impossible tut triua' to tuu -
Capt. aud Mm. Slierman,- last 'eve in!,
on tile, occa jou of the riff n auuivetaary tt
.their man laur, emeftaii.e l tlijsir trends
',' their residence in thia city, any pu
ant time waa spent with the capai aud In -estimable
lady, aud many conirainlatiui.(
Were eztendei to tbein
' The Disli liiigmid Ml log Co liaa. be
. . gaa operatioim, and ihe quiet ai Unisphere
' -of tjrant la disturbed three lluiea h day
' 'r fy the wilial o of the aleaiu engine A
Koverumeul gaoger is oil the jrouud, and
. .thorough y leais every ga ou of spirit as
il cornea from the Bli.i. '
. j Justice aud recorder's courts are very
. ' quiet these days, and tue judicial ermiue j
alia iigntiy ou.'iieir suou Uers. l Uere is
: nuibinr uew to disturb the tquauiuiny t
Uieir diKpoaitious. aud wituii'ouieuled
smiles they watch through frosted paues
of glass the tall ot the gentle snow-flake.
xeateraay was. a flood oy lor inarnage
. liceuse-, aud the o-uuty clerk bad th
. -. pleasure of UoUing three uermita to. ardent
"aud anxious lover to be j nued in niatri
: moiiy. Ihe loHumx are me iihoks i the
hapuy wdiviilualh: W U Clrk n S.rh
; i Kurae I, Ai viu O. Hershey a"' Eva J
. Cuik, Lucerue B. Kelly and Z uoa- A.
. VSuotljcsss. -
. . It w ii uean set or kindness, and one
. ; that will be duly appreciated by residents
' 4a the bluff il ihe ofBcials,wih a linle or
'.'large uatchei wi I clean ihe steps ou
r Court street of accumulalol snow and ice
. " Tu's would taciMaie the vpeed of Ihe
. h iruy-uauded sons of toil wuo perambu
' late Ibis highway several times a day to
; and tioih meals. '
j 3 be sheriffa ctfice is quiet, very quiet,
- and the only matter ot imeresi is' when
the alien fl or deputy desire to air their
: iemM4Mi)rand Iheu tree trade aud Sail
orn' right receive encnuiuins that' would
-have niade John - Stuart Mill app'aud
rsui lheut they are rarely vwound up" in
.. .. tltts , regard, aud. are uaiiallv very pit'
tienl in the pursuit of their official duties.
'. iMr.Stacej Mho wo, in his jewelry eni -porhiiu
adjoiuia; Ihe"' Kirst Matiou-tl
.: lMukK has .a very complete .stock of
. watches, cl ka ud rings of the latest
- pa terus. This is .the place tr any 4lesir
' iug to purchase a gilt lor friend or re.a
tiye to se'ect giaaJs, g there is a great
.variety from which to chiMiee. Htacey is
weil acquniuled with the rants of this
community and has made careful se'ec-
'Washington and Union streef were
thronged with laiys aud girls last night
coasting down bill. It was very danger
ous .for persous to ailempt to walk ou
' - these Ihorqughl'ajca, for hardly an iiis'ani
elapsed without a sled parsing down with
";.ligliluiMg-Hke rapidity. To make matters
..more voiuiortiiu e large bounres were
iigbied s as lo warm coas-ers when they
became cold. Tbe reporter's peucil is
sbaip, and be always carries a tablet on
'which to chronicle accidents.. .
- V e bav! reriml tM- H a' number i f
If 0) (Ai;to' Illuttratcd itayatime f. r Jsou
,ar. lbH3 ihiIhisIii il Uk.i.iIi v .1 HilifiT.I,
Conn,, by A. D. Worthingtoti & Co. Thn
has a Very choice la le of vouteuts from
' ; some of our beat literary men and wuuieo.
and should take a biuh place among pei iodi
cats. Tltt February uumbrr pronnars to l e
of especial Inteie', aud the leading article
will be "Brighani Youi p: A Fair Sketch bv
vOue.Whn Knew Uim," pnifurlv illustiate'i
: :Truui-b toidsphs 1: V only $260 a yetr
' anil reuil-.f .i 23 uts a l amiier.
Baker City is ludly iffljted with thi
Oregon diteaae of muMbat kii-nt. and thia
' ; toe beioic trnaiuieut ahich III. Dethoerat 1
. admintsterioK tor its cutet I- iu,,k a
' thouKb ihe people of B.ker Ci'v hail givm
. rap any fuether attempt to upttudd the ci i
or adyauce it inleresta by sjsti-matic t
' fiantsaliou. The pr(,inntiou ot enkrprisi
;' that would tend tit tie pnspeiity ot lb.
community kre let -siuuuiarlv alone ami
the edict aeenis to have uoiie forth that tin
1 Xior.i will take care of the town anil that
tSUavm is the hums of Its inhabitants. "
The following front a McMinnville pa
per is a good joke on some one: . A dep-
. uty sUeriff named ifot-a, while in search
of Charles ilsoo, the Milwaukee mur-
derer, last summer, left a bay horse at
'Waiting's livery lu Amity, and t ever
called lor him. The horse was sold the
other day lor $77. Waiting's bill was
$7-,end other expenses incurred amounted
.. lo $3.50. . VVailiuir is now advents ng lor
. - Boss to come and pay him the difference.
This all goes to show that a borse van
wore than eat himself up in Cve months'
, time iu this couuiry.
Mews from Warrens iciving full partic
tilara of tlrs killing of Jack Wilaou bv
liaity rJcbieler, is to the effect that Wii
son bad many limes threatened Schetlcr'g
life, aclieiler bad charge of ihe Linle
Giant mine and bad forbidden Wilson to
enter ihe premises. He said he would
'. and waa again warned not to.but evident
ly went out of his way lor the purpose ol
. baring trouble. When found dead his
band was' gra ping a loaded billy.
' fSchieler voluntarily surrendere !. Wl
son was one of those men who tries lo he
a holy terror and bis death was a natural
- Eant Ortjtotuan: List Thursday nfcbt
thieve ' euirJ the premises of A. U.
. Rhomini, living tour milea north uf Milton,
and droye tiff twenty he d of horse a. The
' were tracked as fur as Geer Sprinit, where
il Usee ot them was fust It is supposed
they crossed over towards the bead of tbe
: Umatilla, a here it la claimed by mauy
there i a regular rendezvous ot the thieves
who npe ale all oyer the uortbwest. UtJi
, cers are ou tbe lookout sod it la to be hoped
; nay catch them and recover be stolen
horses. ' Tuesday tnoruing a party ot men
with Winchesters, preumably after tbe
' tb.ever, passed through Athera.
One of tbe . P. papers at Corvallis
. ays: Nolwitiislanding reports lu the con
trary through ibe assuciaied pres, we are
reliably informed ibal ibe reorgauizaiiou
plan originally adopted by tbe bondhold
ers was agaiu accepted at tbe meeting on
tbe 14tb iusl., by a very bu-ge majority,
aud that a Ct.nirary reoort proposed by
some members of the reorganization
,' cointnitieo whs refused to lie adopted by
Ibe meeting and was laid on ibe lab e bv
a --orres ondingly large majority. The
boud holders, it is slated, are actively eu
gaiied in raising the sum n quired io
comp ete the pendiog purchase. .
- A rnrawsy of horses attached to -a cut-
' ter yesterday created cousiderab e fuu aud
no injury, lie person 'driving did not
' have a firm bod of tbe reins, sod the aui-
mais feeiing frisky seemed to entertain
tbe notion that speed was neceessry.
Tbey made a ran toward tbe sidewalk,
but managed to miss a collision by mak
ing a short Pirn By this Jime tbe occu
pant became frightened, bat gsiued a
firmer bo.d of the reins Tbe tags came
loose, tbe cotter was tamed oyer, and the
person, tell with I ha sleigh above her.
- fortunately the reins slipped through ber
bands, and the horses came to a" stop
azainst an e ecirlc iio e. Tbe cutter was
righted, the horses again hitched to it and
ihe woman took ber drive through ibe
streets, her nerves not in the .east affected
by iho accident. (
One soitary nccnDant wa'ka throneb
the corridor of the county jm' with meas
ured tread, ana bis dream ot lbeny is
sad y maried by prison bars. Tbe pae
streaks ot light are not as joy-co'
as tbev were in- ear ter youth, when he
loitered by the meandering stream in
summer days- r c tasted down hi is in
wintertime. Then ife. whs peasant as
sunshine, tnd the future as go den as sun
set. But with ibe night of years tbe path
of ife became more rugged, aud one mis
step caused bim tosiuuibe. Ibis was
his mtslortuoe. and now be pines uou
atier hour tor the ha cry ou day- of tbe
morning of ife; bat they are gone for-
ver gone; and me far away misty rtnec-
tion ou y remains.
" " ' From' Thursday' Dally.
Mr Hall, tbe claim ageut of the Uuion
Pacific; is in the city. ' ,
The thermometer ruts ranged high to
day, sod has rrglai end near ti.e tie- zing
Cnriattnas tree re beii. bf naht in town
in I- re qtiaiititiea, and the fcnxmua ey
childrtn ai.e feasted on expujtancy.
Mastet Riy Luian la in the city from A
tona. tie will sieurt the Unriatinaa hull'
daysaitbbi father. Dr. L-gn.
A uaog of men are at work on Front
treer, keeping .the track clear of snow.
ahich.u accumulating constantly.
Locomotives left the round-house to-day
with snow plows itached, prepare! to plow
their way out iu case of an e nerKency.
Snow, ehovt-lrra are -in-rtquisition, and
men put in niplenieut can do
-od business by clesiong roofs and sheds
- Mr. N il M L o I cone down from Grant
his ui unin to meet hi daughter, wb was
i uaseiiaer ou the afternoon t aln from
Tbe ' papsensrr tra;n left this afternoon
Witn two locomotives, east tumml, and tbe
weat bonud train is reported two hours late
this evening ......
r.iot paria are plying tb-ir vocation in
Ttland, add ihe lnc pavers warn neople
ut late aLuuh or nat-iug d rk comers to
lie on the lo kout.
The river mav he ezp i.led to be
olock-d iu Ine. uixt tweu'v fnur hours.
s there lias been coo-idtralile ice float-
ng dowu during the day.
No 2. tbe east bnun.1 tiain. arrived in
vity from Finland this morni'ig a'
10:30, with tn lneomnties attached. Is
a one at 11J50 last night.
To day has the lesst sunlight of any one
u ibe year. This ia not on coatit of the
retailing storm, I u' by reasou of the post
in ot the earth to the sun. ;
Thi monthly bnqu't of ibe cona-.lidated
h s clu! waa a very wremn'e event, and
uu beon a a one ot tne m i-t recherche
an-. eer ic'Ven in thi eity
The Eiuio Rccordrr vmies n- exubaiiite
table thu Wee S as a four onl illl i folio, on
account, we suppo-e, uf the ili-astrous fire
that recently destroyed the uttice.
Yesterday and to-riav the first sleighing
ezperieuued for two years was erj ived by
ur cit sma, aud cutters and bohs were con
stant v pulsing the at eets at all hours.
. We are infotmed that at fie company
h-ips in this city there is only about a car-l-d
of eoal,'and without a supply is re-u-ived
endues wil be forced to uro wood
Tbe stps leadinu to the bluff audition
are alnn st jcipa 81 o e lit reason ot anow.
ami if thtse wre cleaned it w.iU d be
much more agreeable lo bluff n sidenis.
Judge W'. L. Bradshaw waa a paener
Irmn Portland ou the. delayed east-bouud
traiu this m truing He lit a held court tor
two weeks for Judge Stearns during his ill
ness. . . - -
. There are two carloads uf clay lor the
Columbia GlatS Factory at Graud Dalles at
the d. pot Tney base len there since Oct.
20 n, ami perh.p-t will rematu umj uioulbs
lunuer. m ,
The west bound train am fed in tbo city
this nmruit-a; about 9 u'oioek, and praeded
down tbe road as far aa Hosier to await the
arrival of the east-bound ptasencer, which
an expected at 9:45 - -There
was the ui-Oil suicide in Pn-tlao l
eterd ly. an I the peno i wlio ahum d off
hut mortal cult waa ni o IU rfri"d G enter.
aGer.nan ad ab- nt 37 years Hi uietnoi
waa by banging tilins.Lt with a c oioeslioe
The passenicer train arrtv&l in the city
this afiernoou at half-put 4 o clock, with
three locomotives attached It left Port
land two hours late,ai d at'ipped a half hoar
at Bonnevil e. " I i tbe schedule time it was
delay d a half hour by the suow.
Mr. A. G. Johnx'n left on the train this
morning for, Wallace, Idaho, where be rx
Iteota to spend Christmas with his son, ami
aughter . It is very doubtful if b will
reiclt hi destination; as tne atonn which
brit precitle.1 here for the past thirty stz
niiuis is reported severer tar. her east. .'
Thn feathered antigoters w ich roam at
ill during p estut we-uner ate now seek
ing hVlter.; A very veuerab e book saya
"A kiud i kind to hia beast," .and
without attempting auv Sunday school dis-
coni-i it Is also due la-l a geuernu?
hrart d boy will not take amusement ii
adding to the miiery of even little, helpless
birds. . , '
During the year 1890 the Oregon Railway
& Ntvuation coinpinv. hal orrieil to Port
n I on its line m (Jregon 4o 000 tons of
neat, and ir ls9l, 50.000 ious Iu 1890.
77S cailitails ut siirrp, cattle, h- r-ea 'ai-d
Hitta were shipped to Portland, anil in the
foilowma year the number of carloads was
mcreaitd to 71)3 . .
Since the storm began recollections of
1884 85 are revived, and many think this
.a lute will be a r-imiiti iii uf th-tc one
8'niw began to fall Dec 15 1884. ai d until
I n 15. IbPO, there w a uu tinoiiKh Iran
ei ween this dtk ami Portbtud It se-me
in possible to keep i.e track open, aud a
large totce of men. con uuously employe-
ho- bug suow. . . . -
and called an "automatic repeater." The
object of the instrument is to enable offices
uu two different aud independent wires to
cooiniuuiuaie with each other direct. About
two years ago Mr. Gillespie invented a
"butiou repeater" to do be same work per-
lormed by bis new device, but the "button
repeaier" required tha attention of an op
erator, wbne tbe new instrument is anto
E gin Secorden It is rather an nnusual
occurrence lor a person to be bitten by a
suake at any time of tbe year iu this oouu
try, but to receive a bite from a ratllesuake
at tbts time of ibe year is one ot the most
peculiar circumstaucea that we have heard
of lor some lime, but uch appears to be the
case a- V. .. Uickey, who works in tbe 3rC
oua Hmd 3. ore, claims that he was b teen
by oue last S.tur.tay night wni'e' reacuiu.
umler tbe It or lor a kuite which qe hail
uropptd. tie-waa bitten ou the lore arm
aud suffered quite severely fur several h 'Urs
aud 'telni i uad it not been for promp
medical assistance it migbt nave proven
fatal. It is supporea that his auakestnp
had era wild u..ner tbe buddiug during ike
summer aud bad - been' kept active by the
beat ol ihe atoie.
A meeting of the Eistem Oregon Bir Aa
sociation was held lu feud e ou, luesilay,
Ao uruao.Sitiou was ff cted by the ejection
ul T U Ci a w lord, ol Uuion, presuleut, and
A D. Su.imali, secretary. Ine a-sociatmu
recomii.euileil that the sizch mi seveuib
judicial ''istncta be divided into districts aa
loiiows: t he sixth to couaiat ol umatina
and Morrow vouulies: the seveuih to re
main aa now, except tnat Monow county
will be arbieil to ihe sixth; the eighth to
cuosist of U..iou aod Wallowa counties, an.i
the ninth to consist of tbe couutie) of Baker.
Graur, Harney and Malurur. This airauge-
inent woo i aiv each district a population
of ab oi 16 000 A committee was appoint
ed to iiratt an acc. to the above tffsct to be
pre'seuted to the legislature. They also rec-
utuiueo'leil tnal two terms of the tupreme
court be held iu Peudleton, to run uot less
thau thtee weeks each year.
Mr. Jobu Ptiipp-, of Naosene, s y :this
no storm t tbe salvation or the country.
nd he will not be sati ded until it covers
he ground to the depth uf nine or ten feet.
For the past two or tnree seasons wells and
P'lnifs have become d y n account of the
uilure of moi-tuie in tne ground, aud he
laslievee a heavy lad of suow will cause the
.rnund to become ihur- ughly soaked aud
insure good crop-.
Spokane experienced a terrible blizsird
and snow storm today.. The thermometer
aeut down to s-ro, aud the wiml b ew a
humcauc. . Snow led in great quautittpc.
upeiliuk' tr vel on all tbe s reets. A
U .ion PacibV tiain, above Trkoa,waa snow
-oil il, and both li'comotivea were literally
nuried in ri'ts. Every efl rt was made to
keep r s open; but it seemed impossible.
Itb the heavy wind and dmtiug suow.
Mr. M. Thorbnurn, b vinu read in' the
riaJKs-JuotlllTAl.saBlt ol a family in thn citv
In a destiU4e couiimou, lu fnm Kit g-
sl y with a generous supp v of provision-
lust people iu Uregou shi Bid suffer tr
waut of food, when he had sun a bountiful
supply was soinethiug mat be did not wish
to happen, aud lu the suow storm be came
aeuiy aiz miles to relieve I heir ece&a't 38
H is Iwneyoleuce will lung e remembered
by the recipients '
Rusdmaater Thnroas Block bad a narrow
rsuspe while ruling iu ina cab ot au enaiue
near Wilbur on Monday last, says the
A alia Walla Union Journal. Tbe rod con
uectmg the big driving wncels broke while
the traiu waa running at a good speed, aud
oue end f tbe rod struck tbe lajtmui ot the
b directly underneath where Mr. Bock
was sitting, but did no app .rnit damage be-
youd up the rosdinaster, v.hj itn
m diately stepped over to tbe other an e
where tbe engineer was sitting Tne next
blow of the rod smashed that side of tbe cab
tiitoKpliuiera ami it is quite eertaiu that the
mortal remains f Mr. Block, bad he re
named a few seconds longer, would have
beeu tbe central ti'gure lu a postmortem ix
animation. '
The old time discovery of-diamjnds on
Snake riyer iu early days by two old ouuera
wbo were coming up lo develop them, Says
tne VV v . StuUtnan. but weie ttroarued ou
the UroUier Johnathan reads like au old au-
qusiutai ue. tuu waaea about the fortieth
-o vi men being tirowued ou ibat cratt
who were luuiiiig back lu tmne mysterious
hud of either rub qiur i or p auer dig lua,
they had discov.reu tne previous la L
Many of their "lost cabins" are still undis
covered. . Iuthee cases the original dis
coverer either alwaya went cr.S;, somebody
killed blui or be weut doau as above. There
were too mauy 2 ounce diggings iu the days
wnen tne oiatnoutltterous discovery is aaid
to bave oc nrred fur a man to waste hia
time, moukeyiog around after crystals.
Ab invention which is undoubtedly des
ttned to bring a fortune to the man who
OODoeived it is . a' oat to be patented bv a
prominent etticeo of Colfax ' The inventor
is W. H. Gillespie, looal manager of the
Western Union Telegraph oomnanv. former
ly of Walla Walla,, wbo has devised and
perfected a very ingenious yet simple and
complete (ostium eat used m telegraphy
From Ftlday's Da ly.
There is a great deil of fl isting ice in th
river, but it ha I not closeJ up to toe tune
ot KOiug to p. ess.
Suow-shuveters, at 75 cents an hour, lad
qui e a bouauzt to-ttay, aud bad as good
business as moat wane earners.
There baa tieen only oue occupaut of the
citv i til for tne last two days, aud be was a
hobo and remuned on y oue nighc.
The pasaeugeia a ho are snow bound man
age to pae- away the time a Well aa Cunt. I
be expected uuder ibe circumstances.
Hoo. L B. Cx, of Pendleton, who has
been lit arbiogtou City In attendance ou
the V. S. supreme court, is in the city.
Uou. i. B. Eldy, i P.riland. is in the
city. Ho is ou the biuukaxle'l traiu, aud
was eu route to hia home from- Peudletou
The aidewslka were cleaned this morning
in many places, and walKing, if not cooveul
ent, waa pjsaible with Soma tuutcular ezer-
The' poor should uot be forgottPU during
Chiimias, and tb'ise less fiartuuate thau
others should be rctueu5ertd Ou trees aud
lu ihe dintribut ou of gifts.
loth-crop ot a q lad killed at Ichaci,
Mich., 101 poiatu bug. were louud. Tins
seems lu snow while quail on toast are good,
on potato bugs ibey are tough. .
Suow is being hauled away in wagoua
from the piles ou the aides of the waiks.
I hia will make room for more, which it la
very probable will lall durlug tbe ucXt few
We-ttber prophets are very much puzzled
over this recent storm. Their pioguo-tica-
tions did not prove correct, and tile "b.uiu
tiful snow" ome dowu without giviug m. in
proper warning. "
For the tour d iya ending list night t .ere
has beeu a coutiuuoui tall uf suow, aud the
ground is covered to the depth ot three feet
Sleighing hat been exc illent iu the streets.
aud greatly enjoyed by the citizens. .
W e acknowledge the teceipt of an iovita
t:on to 'the annual bill uf tile German Sing
iug society of thia cut, to las giveu ut v tu
gate'e hdi, De--. 31, 1892. Tile graud
uurcb will take ai 9 o'clock T M .
Tne snow on tbe grouud and resting ou
the leatlesa lim a of trees, together with the
meny jirgle uf sleign-hilis, gives the ap
pearance uf ao old lashioued Cnrutiuas, uot
wituessed io this portion of the northwest
for. mauy years.
Mr. N-cbola says last Tuesday, when he
left Pi lueviile there Mas no ai.O ou the
ground, aud the first that be met was at
Bikeoveu. Uudoubtediy the a to in uf
Wedutsday aud yesterday reached ibat por
tion ot the northwest.
We apprehend no serious loss of stock
froip the severe weatb- r txperieuced during
the pat few- days. -Neari'y all cattlemen
are well prepared with feed for any emer
gency, aud have enough to last them duriug
mauy. weeks of wiuter. ' -
The suow storm which We bave experi
enced duriug thia week has beeu general iu
almost every porcioo of the uurtnwest. O
the Sjun I travel hia beeu i npeded. and iu
Seattle aod Tauuin atreet cars bave beeu
forced to sio their usual trips. . '. .
The surveyors on the Paul Muhr portage
road are suoa bound in a house near Win -a
'a ri hery Wo are informed they are oat
of fuel,' aud Mr. Thoa. Giltnore, a-uo lives
uear Rock laud. Wash., has undertaken to
supply their necessities in this regard '
Mr Meaplie brought into the city today
several buzes.ot '-"lady- apples," a small,
peautitut variety woioo are quite orna
mental and have a pleasant 11 .vor. He lu
forms Us that be picked tweuty-ooe buxe.
of these apples I rum a single tree the i-si.
season. ! ...
' A ' Gddeudale exchange says: Merril
Short -waa arreated last Otturd.iy ou a
charge ' of eattle stealing. Tne friends ot
the youug in-n are fudv co iviuued of nis iu
noceuce and a vigorous defense will be mt ie
to establish it if necessary. We sincerely
tmpe that he will establish nis luuo teuoe.
- A social dance-at Weatou Friday night is
Sim to bave been broken np by some godless
pei son witb malice in bis heat t, who scat
tered Cayenne pepper iiver the floor, prior
to thn festivities. . When the dance begin
eyeryoue wa compelled to. stop to soe.Xs,
and a sudden end was pat to tbe eveuiug
pleasure. - . . .
H o. B F. N chol-, ot Crook count v, ar1
rivtd in ibn city last evening from Prine-
vilte . He will takn the first iraio for Walla
Walla, where h - will visit his daughter,
dra Wiuok er, for a few days, aod theu
uroueed to Stiem in time f"r the meeting of
the leg stature, of which he is a member
troin nis ooouty. '
A dispatch dated at Moscow, I laho, Deo.
22 I, says: 'When the new president. Prof
tleatou, went to take charge ot the Wash
ington S ate agrica tural college at Fallmau
the students refused to allow htm tb enter.
rotten egging hint aud then all left the o I-
levte. 1 Ihey say Uiev waut rresideni isdly
Trouble is looked for.
The voice of Christmases past may have a
weird aud solemn sound to insiiy; bnt sor
row ami sadueas snoubi be masked tor oue
lav, so that all may feel j tytul over an
eveut that eveu angels celebrated ou the
plains of Judea nearly nineteen huuilr d
years ao. Christmas should be merry witb
tne youug aud old, tbe rich and poor, the
high aud tbe low.
The ludians bave given &ent Lynch, of
the Yakima reservation, $5000 for invest
ment in canals tor 'he iiupioyeineut of their
la-ids. Tbe Republic says: "As neac as
can be learned, ine money is to be put iuto
ama'l cauals taken from the main ditch of
the Sun ysidd compny,hicb is to be con
structed ou the reservation, thev holding a
grant from the government for that pur
pose. . -
Trains come through the city drawn by
two or thr-e locomotives. Tue Uuiou Pa
cific is inakiug every effort possible to keep
commuuicatiou open with the out-ide wor.d;
but the difficulties are almost lnsuriuoout-
lile. The gorge of the Cascades is where
tbe storm king rules with the moat despotic
sway, aud be dares any interference. Com
nuuiuatioo with rortlaod will be very un
certain lor'days, and perhaps for -weeks.
The arrival aud deptrture ot trains are
very uucertain. an. 1 trom tne east ar
rived here at about 8 o'clock this morning,
aud backed up to the depot. No. 2, due
last night, baa not ai rived yet, auu ia block
aded. A freight train attempted to make
the thr ugh trip to Portland, but bscame
blocked near M.sner and could proceed no
farther. No 3. west-bound, due at 4:05.
was several bonis late. 1 .
William Newby was hurt quite badly as
be waa descending the . Wallowa hill
Wedoesday of last wees, aaya the CAWtrtta,
with a load of freight. The bill beiug alick
.an i icy toe brake wonld not bold tue wagon
off the team, it ran away throwing Btfly
from his seat, breakiug ouo of bis legs and
brusinff bun no Quite aeverelv. Dr. Brawn.
ell, of Elgin, was called to attend bia inj t
nes. We , learn that . Williao. has been
brought home and under the treatment of
Dr. Bernard is in a fair way to recover.
We received a call from Mr. James B.
Petrie, of Paisley, .Like county, today
lie is a brother to Mr. Cnas. fetrie, woo
waa murdered near Milton several week
ago, and is en route to see his- sister, Mrs.
W. M stark, w ben be arrives at Milton
he will earsinlly ascertain a. I the facts in
the case. A week sgo last Monday was the
first time he teceived any intelligence of the
murder, and started from his in Lake
county Deo. 15th and came through by
stage. He is very much provoked at being
compelled to stop io Toe Dalles by reason
of the snow blockade, when he ia within a
few hours' ride of his d stination, the noane
where the tragedy was committed.
Rone D looftue died at Ptwrucke', R I..
Sunday, aged 47 Sn was stricken with
pualysis at the age of 9, aud for 33 vears
had not left her "little crib in which the
three feet of body rested, nor don tb t
time had there been an apparent erowth in
the limns, shoulders aud tmnk Neverthe
less, her head gruw as rapidly to its proper
pmportiou as that of a person who ei J -yed
good health. Her ut-imory was remaraably
clear aod b r eyes beamed with nr gntness
ud intelligence Sue devoted all her timo
to readmit works of eminent Catholics, lo to her Conditioo ahe woU'd neVer Siy
a word an . ws always as baupy aud cou
tented as possible
Wallowa CW'oia 0 ir local militia com
D.nv was lusoe ted last S.'uruay niuin. u
Col J. P L icas, cominauder of the laud
Rtmuit Tu rn- five men reported aud
uarliciuited in the cereal lilies, and quite
number ot spectators worn alo pre eut Tne
general deporitnent and pn hcieouv m the
inli ezlmated by the company ornugn
forth words of highest prme from the c A
nel. who stated tint 1 Co n.iiny bad tne
best record in attendance and drill of auy
comDmv he had vet io pec ted The re
marks made to the compauy by the Col.
alter the drill were warmly leceiveii, and
our militia boys feel that his efforts to raise
the standard uf the rekimtnt should receive
the ear. est support of tbe entire comtnaud
From tiarties who came from Warm
Sun sa last night we learn that tne roads
are In a terrible condition, aud the snow is
on au average about two feet deep Tho
sing started from vVapimtia at 7 o'clock in
he inorning.aud it w .a 11 ocirp, last utgni
liefore it ar ived at this city. 1 1 most dim
cu t . placea the passengers took turns
Uudiug tbe rotd for the vehicle, and some
times would sink waist deep in the snow.
n one place the rod was lost for ao buui ;
nut ibe passengers walked around until they
founl where the grade was made, and then
helped the stage ou to the road. It is very
probable that if the ditver wa's alone he
would , never' have fouud his way to Tne
Ddles. -
These stormy A ys may he .a great bard-
ship uu 'he merchaut and business mai
but thev do uot reatiz- its difficulties like
tne new githerer.. who wal is street stter
.-t'eet to peucil something new for the col-
uuius ot the. paper. Uuuversation ranges
on one key, and that is a storm note, lu
subject talked about is snow, its depti here
aud elsewhere, whether tho storm will con
tinue, a d if tne people of The D.lles am
vciuitv will have a repetition ol the sceoe;
of 1884 85 I these were enciled down
they wou d Ii I coniuiie; but tbev would be
uf little lutero-t to the general reader, who
hat beard th. m over ami over vgain un
street corners. "Variety is the spice of
iife, ' aud the rei o to mu-it tell in a .liver-
ued manner tne most uio lotou' Ui tale
Union JournU: The regi'ar passenger trom f ortl md on the U uon fac he,
which make- connections with the swin
tram from Umatil a arriving -here at V:ii
P. X is lodged lu a sand biuk below B
luck station. raiaimm rep irt that the
wind has blown steadily for two days along
toe C'lumbia iver aod tee sand haa drifted
very rapidly. Iu the cuts ue r Castle R k
the snow is siz feet deep I he snow be
tweeu Tekoa aud Spokane haa hi led np the
cuts to such an -xtent thit the r.futar east
bound paaseiis;er train ia still at T-kna. Toe
road betweeu Walla Wa l aud Weston is
open, but it the heavy wind conti ue it is
feaied this portion or the road Will also be
blocs led A heavy wind b e steadily in
Walla Walla all da Wed-esday drifting
the sio very bailiy. Rejorta trom the
cuuutry state that the suow in the roads is
piled .in some plao s st least three feet deep
Astoria is not only lo king forward to an
open river, when she will be the great sea
port 01 (J egon, but aim to rail conuectiou
itn the VVdLm-tte valley " This iS the
n coura. ing artio e pub ianed .in the At na
Examiner ut last Tntsday: ' "I . la reported
tostiat, aod the retort n. firmed by Mr.
Wat is, that the Aston i & Eistern railroad
people had left Ogdeu for Astoria aud will
arrive here Thursday. It is als - stated that
tbe nroeraary luuda to carry on the wuik
b .s been secured aud that the creditors will
he paid off in a few days, Ic is also stated
thit tbe Pacific C instruction Cimpiny ex
pect to make a settlement with their '.Toil
I'ora within a h rt time, aod that they ui l
be able to pay about 50 cents on the oolUr,
Ic l- also stated tbtt a suit will be brought
against eertaiu directors nt the Astoria &
S .nth Coast to recover Sou 030. claimed to
have been cdleeted bv th'-u on a note given
Ksid by tbe vyil amette V illey road
Ought to 6s
smaller tbe
great, griping,
old-fashioned pilL
There's too much
n npleasantness
for tho money.
Ought to be bet
ter, too. They're
big enough, and
make trouble
enough, to do more good.
That's tost what Dr. Ptereefe PVttflmtt
Pellets do, more good. Instead of weaken
ing the system, they renovate it; Instead of
upsetting, they cleanse and regulate it
mildly, gently, and naturally. They're tha
original JJtUe JJver rUJs too smallest but
most effective, purely vegetable, perfectly
harmless, and easiest to take. Only one little
Pellet for a laxative three for a cathartic.
Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Constipa
tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attack, and all ae
zangemente of the Liver. Stomach and
Bowels are promptly relieved and per-
manenuy cureu.
They're tbe cheapest pills you can buy,
for they're guaranteed to give satisfaction,
or your money is returned. Ton pay only
for tbe pood you get It's a plan rr-u)inr
w vr, ttwvo a meninnea.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Nprriwea 4'asea.
8. H. Clifford, New Casselc Wis., .was
troubled with neuralzia and rbenmatism,
his stomat'b wa- disordered, bts liver waa
affected to ao nlarmirg rJeeree. aoDettte
fell away, and be was terribly reduced in
flesh and strength. Three bottles of Elec
tron Bitters cured him. - -
tdward Shepherd, Hamsburg, III.,
bad a running sore nn his leg ot eight
years' standing, used three bottles
Electric Bitters and seven Imxes of Buck
len's Arn:ca Salve, and bis leg is sound
and well. John Speater, Catawba. Ohio,
bad live large lever sores on his leg, doc-
tors said be wa incurable. One bottle
Electric Bitters and one box Bucklen's
Arnura Sal ye cured h'm entirely. Sold at
buipes & Kinersiy's drug store. ' il
Btrraa-th and Hea th.
If you are not feeling strong and heal
thy try Electric Bitters. If la grippe has
left you weak and wearv. use R ectrlc
Hitters. This remedy acts di recti v on
liver, stomach and kidneys, crentlv aidinc
i nose organs to perform their functions.
If von are afflicted with sick headache.
you win And speed and permanent re ief
oy takin? js ertrtc Kilters. One trial wi i
convince tou-that this is tho remedy yon
need. Larce bottes onlv 50 cents at
snipes & Kinerelv's drug store ff
KSAHTLi In this citv, I'eeember 19th. to the
sue or a. fiuiantia. a aaug-nter.
Ten Days' Clearance Sale !
K Pia oo1 Felt Hats,wortli
; A I UfJ Jlb. $1.00 to $1.50.
I A t $1 French and Far Felt Hats,
XL V 1p X U Worth $2.00 to $2.50.
112 Second St.,
the. rAisVF:s, or,
Dippings superintended by experienced representatives, fref of charge.
J. W. firm. Nr
riOOPER 6HFEP DIP it tndonpd
I ! i.ha.. nMrtd.. a A . . 1
a- uvvii wwisv vuia, nuiBliu') ivu USitHVU) nailllll. Tf. D. !, s7Ulr7HI Vlta V WUSUSj
UavTiIle; B. Keur. Cr-ras Hollows; P. J. Moots, Btrcail; Joaspta Husoobuni.Cbotaaa; I. 0. Module,
vuyujw, wwnB KMim, iuiou, voos uiaras rtuiorooa.
br tbs followuur Orsenn and Hotitans Bhmomen:
i Osonrs Oehs, Amand; John Harrison, Mattnar: W. B. 1m, Jons' ion Cltl w. B bnnaldsoa
The Wool Clip is Vastlv Improved by Its Use.
ASK YOUR MFRfH A NT V' .k IT And as. that oU Sbaq. tip
pustwd a poo jtm.
CEN. ACTS. FUR OREGON. WASHINGTON & IDm rcsa Atrtsv, The iall-. or.
WILLIAM COOPER & NEPHEWS, Proprietors, Gslveston, Texas.
- - J.
And to be KEPT POSTED In regard to the same from
now until next December you should subscribe for
ANDER f'N HUTS December 18th. near thl dty.
t ne rwueili-v m Ule onu s pATtrnts, oy KeV rf
O Curtis, aias Hiunie Anderson ( Mr. Henrv L.
I lIltST BAtTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. Tatlob,
1 Pa-tor. Services every Sabbath at tha Acadeiuv
at 11 A. il. Sabbath school imtncdiatrlv alt r the
lervicea. Frayer maetloK everv Fridav ernuinr u
ne iattor a reaiaeuoa
E. CHURCH kev. Jko Khisleb. fastor
bervices everv hunda niormi. rnul venini.
-un lay School at 12::0 o'clock P U. A cordial inW
tatiof ox tended by both paster and people to all.
I Pastor. Services every Sunday at It A. M. aiKl
i:w r. a. Sunday School alter morniiur service.
O f "tor. Low Mass every Sunday at 7 A. ii. Hlb
uwv ai. iu;ov o.a. veapersat 7 r. at.
Ol'. PAUL'S CHURCH, union Street, opposite
kj r uto. kv. t.:i it. sutciine. Kcctor. Services
every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:80 P ., Sunday
school at 2:80 P. M. Evening Prayer on Friday at
i:3u r. M.
CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rbv. J. W. Jbnki a, pas
tor. Preacni tc tsen Sundav afternoon at 8
o d.cfc In tbe Congregational cbur h All are cor-
uia.iy inviteu.
The WeelQy toter Ocean
be of absorbing interest to everybody, and THE INTER OCEAN
intends making A SPECIAL FEATURE OP IT. A corps oi STAFF
REPORTERS will devote their attention to the Exposition, and
tha readers of The Weekly Inter Ocean will in each Issue have a
synopsis of all happenings and features of Interest on the
grounds and elsewhere, with illustrations.
Owing to the fact of the change in the political' character of the
National Administration. NEWS PROM THE POLITICAL WORLD
will be of unusual interest THIS WILL BE POUND COMPLETE
IN THE INTER OCEAN. In fact, it is the intention to keep
The Inter Ocean to the Front as a Paper for the Honje,
And make it sucn a visitor as will be snjoyod by EVEET MEUSEH OF THB
FAliIX.Y, youner and old. To make THE PAPER BETTER THAN EVER
shall be our endsaror.
The Price of The Weekly Inter Ocean is -' $1.00 Per Year
The Price of The Semi-Weekly Inter Ocean is $2.00 Per Year
The Weekly la published EVERY TUESDAY. The Semi-Weekly EVERY
etONSAY aud THUR3DAY. Send lor sample cost and see tor yoareeU.
Addrett all orders THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago.
. . Seal Estate Transfers.
Deo 16 Uutted Slates ui K lar M Wil
liam-; se 1 uf aec I, tp 1 it, r east; cash
eutry. '.
Dec 19 tJi.iterl States to Ajtleb W Ma-
Kill; svjui w.. sec 32. tp 8 ijof dwJ
anil ni of uij. teo 6, tp 6 a, r 12 eat;
cat h mt-y
' Dec 20 United State to Stephen ''st-
Der; of utj.'i J ui Sr. ej uf naj, db qr
of ear q-, seo 11, tp 4 a, r 13 east; cash
entry " '
Dec 20 U ut. d States to B C McAtee;
t4 of s qr, seo'13, tp 4 s, r 13 east; cah
eoiry. "".
Dec 20 United S:stes to Lnoien B
Kelly; ue qr aod nw qr, see 19, tp 5 s, r 13
Stat; cah entry.
Deu 20 John R Harvey aod wife to W
U Wilaou; lot K. block. 17, Fc Dalles mili
tary rewr-e; foOQ ' .
Deo 19 Julia Uirn to William 3 Haru;
two acre- io sec 3 tp 2 n, r 10 east; fl.'
' Deu 22 Leman A MtCartuey and wife
to P L imneroth; nw qr of se 4. tp 2 a, r
14 ea!: J350.
Un;22 ddorv Hnrhrinp; nn-l w fe to P
Ltiumorutli; se qr c 3 ', tp 1 , r 14 east;
a hf of ue q" aixi a h' ul uw or seu 32, tp 1
s r 14 rati; $2430.
Laud Omcs at Vakcouvrb, Wasb.,
llec. 14, 1892.
Notice is hereby riven that the followlnir-named
settler- hare Bled notice of their Intention tii make
final proof In i'l port of their claimis and that said
proof will be made before W. R. Dunbar. Cummin.
siuneroi Untied States Circuit ourt tor d i strict of
Washington, at bis o.e Ui Gcldendale, Wash., on
February 1, 189 i, viz:
Purchase Application No 533, und r 8ec 8, Forfeit
ure .o , apu . 1890, f Uw S hf of ace 6. Ti i S.
RUE. W u.
He names the foUnwinir wirneasea to tirove hia
ciaim u, sa a laud, viz: LMniniiros A. Leonanio.
lanauus Kome o. ueurv F brune. Vernon T.
vooaa, au of i ne uaiies uoitutsoi, Uregroa.
Purchase on Nn 628. uude' sc. S. Forfeit
ure Art. epi. 9, 1890. fur lbs N hf of Ike 8, Tp t
, KM K WM .
He nameathe folloirine ntneses to piovehis
diini i eaiu iaii, v k Ltominir A. LonarUo, I if.
uatiiw Ro nero. Beurir F. Brune. Vernon T. Cuuke.
au an t ne uauee postornc , urrgoa.
Purchase Application No . nn er Sec. 8. Forfe't-
ure Ac. brut. i.9. -18U0. tor the W hi of or. W hf
aKnilnu ir qr, qeo L, Xp Zfl, U u
L, n a
sne names a following wltae ses to prove her
Claim o au . land, Is: William N. Craaford, IH
mintroa a Leo ardu, Veruo T. Cooke, Peter
Axeoiu . au of The iwlies p scofflco. Greg. in.
Utc24 JOHN D. OEOOHEOAN. Reetster.
Laud Omcs at VAjroorrsa. Wash.,
Dee. 14, 1891.
Notice to hereby riven that 4b e followirur-named
settlers have filed notice ol their Intention to make
final tiraof In supuort ol ttalr claims, and that
said proofs will be made before w. K. Dunbar. Com.
miss oner Unite I States Circuit Court for di trict ot
Washi etnn. at his o i,ee in Ooldendale. aaah.. on
rtoruary 1, lavs, viz: .
Homestead Aod Ic Hon No. 9050. for the fiW or.
eec 1. Tp i . K IS E. W M.
He named tn follow na- witne e to Drove his
continuous residence upon an I cultiv itl m of ai i
lan h vis: uoml soa A. Ltonaido. Wd run N Craw-
tra, n uiuun n urune, veruou I . vooke, all of The
Dalles p t jffice, Orarou.
Purchase Appli.-atlon o 663 under Sea 3, Forfeit
ure n. Sept 31, 18 0, for t .e N W qr, Sec 1, fp 8
N, R IS K. W M.
lie names me foltowlna wiinesnes' to urova hia
eaim tn eaid lai, viz: Domingo A. Leordo
Willi m S. lawford. Wi. lam H. Brune Vernon T.
Cooke, all uf Tne D lies postotfic , itre ou.
dec-24 JoHN D. OEOOHEOAN. Berister.
Lively Time at Umatilla.
There is war and rumors uf war in th
little (own of Umatilla, on the Columbia.
It was all started by a young touirh who
beat an old inoffensive Chinaman. A It
cal correspondent made mention ot the
occurrence in an item which appeared in
tbe Wasco i'luj. The "lough" saw the
item, aud emboldened by success in bis
previous encounter, attacked ihe "news
gatherer." The latter, being somewhat
of a man himself, quickly wound up the
"would-be pugilist's" career by a few
well .directed right-handers. It is well
for toughs and bullies to take warniug.for
the item-gleaner st Umatilla is a man ol
prowass and captb'e of dealing heavy
blows. Wuen with bis best girl oi in the
company of friends be is as mild as a
lamb and as smiling as a Bailee school
girl : but wuen aroused by insult a Kan
sas cyclone or a simoon is as an evening
zephyr compared to bim. In bis left
hand th re are pal ful days and in his
riifhl maimed Inubs and the 'valley aud
shadow ol death."
The Demorest Medal Contest.
The following ia the programme of the
fourth medal contest to be held at thr court
house Wedoecday Dec. 2$ih. Exercises to
begin at S o'clock, p. at.
Prayer by.E v. Mr. Whisler.
The Crv of Today.
. ProhihitioD Warrior form in Line.
. Our Country's Cruel Tyrant. '
. Prohibition Bittle Call.
" The B.ys of America. .
. Yuuug America's War Cry.
Mnio ...
Judges' decision.
When liabv was sick, we pave berCastcaia, .
WUen slie waa a Child, she cried far f'saroria, :
When she became Miss, she eluac te l.'sma la,
(No. of Bant, SU1.) , , .
. OF THE .
at. The Dalles, In the SUt of Oregon, at the doss of
business, December 9, 1892. t
Loans and discounts ...1133.218 82
Overdrafts secured and unsecured. 14,arg w
U. a. ifcaxis to secure circulation.'. 12,600 Oil
Blocks, Securities, judgmei,tti,ciauns, etc. 8.134 61
Due from approved reserve aseuta '. 8 43 SI
Doe from other National Banks . . . .. 18S 01
Ban.! rat h.Hiae. furnitnre. and fixtures.. aLOul HS
Current expends and tax spud .-. 1.9 S t7
Premiums on U. 8. bonds . ........ 2,000 00
Checks and other cash items 474 87
Fractional paper currency, nickels, and
eautt 19 76
Specie...., 16,251 76
L iral tender notes 100 00
Kedemptiou fund with U 8. Treasurer (6
per cent, of cireuiation) , 6fK so
Total 8194,231 68
Capital stock paid la.,.
Surplus fund. ........
Undivided profits
National Bauk notes outatandinr
Individual deposits subject to check...
itemaua cert locales of deposit...
D ie to oibcr Natiuoat Bauka...
Due to State Banka aud Banters
TotAl, 819431 63
Stau of Oregon 1
County of Wasco-
I. H.M. BealLCaibieroftheabore-named bank.
do solemnly swear that ihe above statement Is true
to the bast of my knowledge and belief.
a. at. sstu, uasnier.
Subscribed and sworn te before me" this 19 h day
of Decern er, lS9i. Fa as sUaana,
notary ruoue for Oregon,
CoaascT Attest: J. 8. 8oaaiica, ' 1
u. M. UA4AMS, Directors.
Gao. A. I utaa, I
8 60,000 00
2,000 00
s.asa er
11,260 oo
8 ,66; 01
29,280 40
8.72S 01
- 717 41
APPLF, &c.
Groceries, Hardware and Stoves:
8 and 133 bECOD 8TRKET
T. O.
Pine Wines and Liquors,
The Celebrated Pabst Beer.
171 S-conrl. Street, ' '
New Jackets!
New Dress Goods I
New Fancy Goods I
New OlotMngI
New Hats and Caps I
New Boots and ShoesI
Prices Yery Low This Season.
H. Herbring.
Tou Want Your DrJ Goods
We keep the Largest and Best Assorted Line
in the city, of Dry Goods and Notions, Gents'
Furnishing Goods and Clothing, Men's, Ladies' .
and Children's Fine Shoes. . .
Wg WiMlt Your Patronage.
Of c-urse we will put Prices to suit. Always v
do that. Nobody undersells us. Come around
and investigate. '
For Candies, Fruits, Nuts, Cigars, Tobacco,
. Lq-j TO THK , ,. . '
104 SECOND STREET. : : : : :
All the Latest Novelties for the Holidays,
consisting of . : '
in Boots and Shoes. We keep in
Stock a good selection of
Ladies,. Misses and Childpen's Shoes
(Spring Heel), of all widths and -sizes.
. Prices are yery reasonable,
and goods warranted. . No. 114
Second street.
". Wholesale and Btail Dealers and Manufacturers of
Or ildincr ZVlaterial and Dimension Timber
onee Km 7 Wklnstem Ht. ,
: : Tarsi at OI tirrwmemt Barraeh
tationerv Jewelry W atoheb
Boy' ana Cili ls' A si H. mj ar Ore.
. .
Boys msy be hsd (and sometime girls)
fnr (1) oiHinary utrxjot st wsses; (2) or On
iodeniure. '( stork, lewd school, o'i be
hronuht np some ht jour own; and
(3) children mav he I sd tor- IpksI adopt oo
Address, J. H. Miseue, SuperiotenHen
Oregon Boys' and Girls' Aid society, Port
hand, Oregon. . .
r -
, -ae mine meat, ian.40c.7Bc.
Cafa. Mst'ted rabefrurt. Ettrat. doz. $2.10.
" Dned Peaches, 12 tot No. I. Si. 00.
vwse naisms, t- me. XV to, fl.ou.
Dried Grape, sooV 30tbt.Sl.00. -
OsnasttsUotslleiireoedXmss things hen, as
SBd rournaaa taiami iwMtl m..A mm.iv. !
" list- pages. TWlU, rAY lUtll
414-418-418 Front St.
aa kinase- itudv saSaasainJMSnw. M
. Corner Third and Washington Streets.
, Bacon, Dried Beef and Tongues,
And the heet B-f steaks. Mutton Chops and
Yeal Outlets io the market. ' '
Orders Delivered to Anv Part of the Citv.
Frpah Veue'aMpe on aale at thV Lowest Pricea.
Columbia : Breweey,
Thia well-known BrwTY i now torninir ent. the best Beer and Porter
east of ttH Odxcadeg, The latest appliances for the tnaofscore c good bealtlf
ful Beer have been introduced, and only the firnt-clasa article will . be pla d
on tbe market, - . .
From the Celebrated BTnoaa of Waoamaker eV Brown,
of Puitadelpbia, at
P. Fagan's Tailoring Establishment,
Mr. Fagaa has been appointed Sole Agent for this celebrated firm, and wil
attend to all orders personally.
Baxd-Coided Health Corsets and Dress Rtfona Waists
and Jhlldrena Walat
Is sieae tWs aoe eolera. All ereeis aseae te if
sad a p fed tt insnBtaati. Call and laava year otdtrs at tbtlr Itetaiy
at Norta Dallas . iu e thess.'sad tbrtr scsal, Un. tislls Tkassas,
1U call at soar besM sost take few srdtrs. Sstislsttiea asraolss,
Aa-miUwaBtsd iaereryiewa aodeUj aestar Ike Besklss U ssa
ass ter tbsir uods. Wriu lor Unas to acsnts.
Postofflcs Bet 106, , ' TBI BAIXXS, ORtOOff.
oooaMors to Mrs. C:X.,ttuiba
Corner of Union and Second Streets, The Dalles, Oregon.
FiDe Toilet 8oae, Brashes, Cocnbs, Psrfamary, Bto.
. L qnors for Madioinal Purpose.
PbyHicianai9 Xxescziptionai a Spocltxlte