The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, December 24, 1892, Image 1

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iHi;TAisi.-utyjlcoNSOLroATED 1882.
TIJ eU-M.O rSITAlfc . ----J
Jjhh niicHEUL, Editor and Proprietor
BiniricOiiy,onereer.... - "'
Siua-le copy su montus
Sar-Terms strletlv in innnrc
ClanMatUT or tratuminim tkrmyk the mail.
" 8. Pennorer
zzzzz iiu:::::
ZZZZjir Ph-P Uewchai,
JJSSwrf.tol Public instruction.. K. B. McWrov
i J . 9
Sjoaiors - '
l J. Hi Itucbtl.
OongreMinaa, An' district ... .
Stat rrinier .............
... B. Uerniaiih
... "A". U fc.lU
... Frank Buk.
County Judge..
Soar in ...
Cotnuusstoum .
..' George B ska j
T. A w ni
....J. K.Crosaei
.... Wm. Michel
,...J baruie I,
...J W K"'iu.
Surveyor-. ..... ... of PubUe school.
K. F. Bliart
Troy hulk.
,.Bi. M- fca twcvu
Profeaional C rds.
Physician and Surgeon, y
' Omoa: '
Rooms and s in Land Office Building
- Ptiv.icmn and Snreeon.
, Boom over Dalle National Bank.
Once houra-H A.U to it H., and from S to 4 P.M
Bsaien West end of Third street.
B. 8. B. WALTER.
Physician and Surgeon.
-Diss of Ohil rren a speciality. Ersklusvill.
1 8herman Co., Oregon. - - -
tt. O. D DUANE,
Physician and Surgeon,
- cTTIfE Rooms I and C Chapman Block.
ftEtjIDbJNCK Second dior iron. tb southeast cor
ner ' oort aid onrth rtre ts- .
Omoa bout. to 18 A H. 2 to 6 and T to 8 P M.
Physician an Surgeon, -
Poon I, Chapman Block, over Nielsen's ator.
' Office noon 10 to 12 V and C to 4, 7 to 8 P
Beeiiienee on Union b trect corner of Ninth. ,
K. 8AKDEK8, D. D. 8.. -UKNTlPlT.
Comer of Second and Washington streets. -ver
. i .. -.
acieminc ana mwuwkw ..... -.j
understood, and eaiUacUon Karanted lUev,r, in-
- Physician and Snrgeon.
Country ot an wot1 pr'mptly day or ajb-"
lam M aau 87. Chapman iuock. The iiallee, . . ..' Pri
i. w. ooKSoa.
Attorneys at Law.
Mnea On Court treat, oppoeite the Id Court
Monae, Ta Oaila, Or. . , , ' .
Attorney at Law,
Offiee ia Schanno'a building, ap4taire.
The Dallea .
, H.WILSOS. . '
" Attorney at Law, ;
Boom St aad SS. New Vogt Block,
The Dallea, - i ' . -
"' Attorney at Law.
. The Dallea. Oregon
J, a. KOuHTZ,
'. ----- -':,: x '' .'
Inauninoe and
. tan -Jk irent. .
Aenta ier-tha Scottiah Union and National 1 ;
- enmpany of Edin Jargh, . Scotland, Capit
vSbaWa Farma near the Ciy to ieU on eaay
Oiooa over Poet Oitlee. The rtallea. Or.
a. a. acrca. ni tmn-
- v Attorneys at Law.
Room it and 48, Chapman B.oik. The Da'ka, Or.
a rairauo to b '- ' '
Cor. Ihird and Lincoln Ota., '
Aahiraof the public patronage anllcited. 8atii.
i action gnaratiteoi. aeoieU(
ryauAM bltjji,
Plana for bnilHlmra drafu-d, and aathnatea- mvtm
.All letter cominar to ma ttiough ' the poatomce wil
, aoeire prompt attento i . , -
A8SEMBLY NO. 487. K. OP L. Meeta in K. of
P. Hall the aacond and fourth Wedncadaya at
each month at 1M P. at.
ASCO LODGB, NO. IS. A. F. & A. .Meeta
flnt and third Monday of aach month at 7
Meet, ia Maeome fiall the third Wedneadt.)
.if each month at 7 P Ji.
every Friday evening at 740 o'clock, in K. of P.
Hall, corner .4 mom! and Court atraet. SVJourn
Inr brother are welcome. A. LARUEN, N. O.
H. Clodsh, betfy. - :
V.1E1ESD8HIP LODGE, NO. ., K. of P. Meet
X every Monday evening at 7:9) o'clock, in Schan
no'a building, corner of Conr and Second atreeta.
Soinurnine; brothel are cordially invited.
: i. Tatna, K- K. aad 8. E. K. BA1GH f.CO.
will meet every Friday afternoon at 8 o'clock
at the read ins- room. All are inrited.
Boid Camp. ro. 59. meea every Tueada
evening of each week at ISO o el- ck, in A. Kellei'
hall. All brother and ojourning bruUier are
invited to be present.
TEMPLr LODGE. NO. 8. A- O. V. W.-Meeta
in KKeller'a Hall every TharaJav ereiing 7a0
o'clock. OK BGK OlBO8, M. W.
W. a. Mraaa, Tinanotr.
J AS. NESMITH FUST. NO. it, O..A. B Meeta
every Saturday at 7 JO P. M lu K of P. Hall.
OF L. K. eve.r
K. of P. Hall.
day itarneon iu
j buiiday evening; in HVller' HaiL
OF. L. R DIVISI 'N. NO. 167 Mee a n K.
. of P. H J1 toe flru ami bird Weuioduy oi
each month at 7du f.U
'MATS. CAPS, BOOTS, 8U0B3 -t Tf;
Mo tti Saaaai gtraot, aext door anat of The Dalle
National Bank. ,. , .. .-v, . - -
Haftef tut opened u buaroaaa.aod ha vnr a full
awin laiwit H tiif 11'Tt ff fn t 1
abbiapawm jp nxEPH&Ma
. Second St., ast End.
Ha ben refitted thmughout with the f
And to now mantifactoriuc the
Best Keg and Jottled Beer
and Poner -
In Eaatern Orenon. , .
Mr. Bnehler lwy aim to adopt the latext brta
tmr apparatus and will rurntn ni. en.ionien w
quai tarv n maram: ww
VKO. Kt'l'H, fiop
Thi we'l know" Bakr-ry ha n- ened
at the o d .tan . and wi 1 nave on .-blu
Bread, Cakes, Pies, Etc.
Will n-celve prompt attention.
'-Va-binjcion tr at, nex d'irr to Cbrknun k Cor
on'a gr c r atot a ,
: - - - -m
Painty 0113, Glass,
. . And the Most Complete nd Lateat
Pattern, and Design ia ' -
W A. I L. .'PAP'E' K .
PwUmI PlntAm and Paner Haorer. None but
the beet rand of the 8berwfn-William Paint uaed
ia all uur w-.m, and mine but the n.oat .killeil
workmen employed. All order, will ha promptly
tended t
shop adjoining Cnlumbta rncKtng uo..
rtnwet C. Sond wd Wathrhgton t.
, Sotoessora to Geo ge Ruch. , .
rhe C-heapest Place
All Kinds of Groceries,
We reanectfullv anlicit a ahan- of the i nble pat-
wtioM. and i si eod-avor to give entire aat:fac
tion to our costumem bith old and new.
DAN BAKEE, Prop'r.
Keep on hund the oest ' '
ViDes,- Lipors and Cigars.
Near the Old Mint, Second Street,
Write Fire, Life & Accident
Coia.e3r to ' Xjbaii
on Real Estate, Chattel and Personal security.
Will attend to all land qj Land busmen be
.. fore the O. 3. Land OJiee.
Room 7 and 8. np-uira, U. 8. Land Office building,
R. E. Saltmarshe
HiglestCashPrice for
; Hay and Grain.
cr '; ..
Soecial Prices to Cash Buyers.
First door eat of Cran1all & BurRett' Fur-
nitnre Store.
iaUnufacturer of and dealer in
Harness and Saddlery,
'r 7!hIM.aor Moody's Warehouse,
THE DALWL .- , , , : . .. . OREGON
A Work OtuiraaiMol to 4lve Mat-
lafMtloai -
The Dalles National Bank,
Casnier, ...
H. A. Koodj
.lensral 8anking Business Transactec.
. Sight Exchange sold op
Collection, made on favorahle terms at ill c
comilih- piinf
Til 10
(Successor to)
' Directors t
D P Taoarsoa, ' fir M W iuuiu,
1 8 SoHaarcE. Omasa A Ltasa,
H M Bull.
Thompson's Addition
.Vow Ready for Sale on Easy Terms.
. Now la the tim;to buy while
Thia tract has been mrveved and slatted in acre
tract with convenient streets and avenue and 0
arranred that purchasers can get one block or sev
eral acres in a body. The Ian I i comparatively
level, soil excellent, water easily obtained, location
pleasant, beautiful and easy to accee. and joins the
ttr immediatelr on tn east.
Title U. S. Patent: Warranty Deeds.
IV Dalles .Land and Improvement Ce.
Fir particular apply at the office of the Company
Kooms 7 ana 8, lauu umce BUiiaing, me uauee, ur
' Knal Estate Ageut.
Cor. Court and Front Streets, -
rliprs aod Cigars.
Nona but the Beat Quality of Liquors and
' . , . the Best Brand of Cigars on .ale.
Kentucky Straight Whisky
From $3 io $5 Per Gallon.
A"; BETT I NGEN, JR., Proprietor.
FIHfT rTXElirr.
nifvipQ of -the Best Brands mannfsct
III JAnO ured. and ordeas from all paits
of the country filled on tbe shortest notice.
The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAB
has become firmly established, and tbe de
mand for the home manufactaaed article is
increasing every day.
Hec24ov-tf i A. ULRICH ft SON.
Gunning & Hockman
In th new shop on econd street, first blacksmith
shop east of French at Co. brick block.
Horse-Shoeing a Specialty.
All kinds of work in Iron, abether of agricultuisl
Implem. ntaor vehicles, done in the most mechan
ical style, ana ati : aouon s-uaranieeo. nuirwar
Fine ffkes aDd;4ipors,
The Celebrated Pabst Beer
171 Second St., : THE DALLES, OR.
. Second and Union Streets.
A. L NEWMAN, Proprietor.
lost, Strayed or Sloler.
FR' -M the praniiaas of the sukecrfbir, reatdinr on
Ty.n riuire, a white ye nin mi-ka,
but branded HI dimlh. A reward U will ke eivea
to acy ooe oehvariDX the bcifer to as -assay phuss
- . HAKftY xUUrislUI.
A Meteorite lr,pa In A bnny.
Albany, Or., Deis. 16 Almut 5 o'docK
Una luuru uif. a -Fieii Kela w8 omiDg
from the depot io Lyon S rtet. near the
Episcopal clidrch. he i e bngbt me
l-or aut roHchirjif Irom :hr Bouttieast. I a
riw-gveot was very rapid, nod wub a rush
ijt sound it lell obliquely iulu the 8'ree
lot owud ij a wake ot bright sparks. Mr
Reia riH8leutd to a here il fell and dug it
out It was a quer lMking etone aiiout
14 luulies to ciicumlerenco. It was ttui
verv hot au 1 be carried 11 home ou
uiere ot tnrd The .tone retained its
heat to a wonderiul degree and charred
ihe b,'ard upon winch it was placed In
S'doe ti aupearaoce resemob s a piece ot
eddia -brown c uy that bad been
luro d. ruiber than a siooe. it is nut
rn; hard aoa iooks i Ke a vor.'an.c pro
duetii-n Ii waa liroki-n in two ao1 ore
piece Sent to Portland to tie aoahzrd
I he ot lii-r piece Mr Kelt will keep as a
M.uvenir t 'lie eanv nioruioif ceieniai
is i tor. The stone ia not benvt and h:i
identlv beeu su'jecied to prent hea'.
It does n; eeeoi ' cou'ain much, it buy
miLerul ru I t
After the Kid."
Tombstone, Anz,Dec 16 Lisoteuant
WaJuce, w ho ii to L"i alter "the K J," is
r pidiv getting his loreig together. Ten
men Irom Huaehuca went tbmuub here
ait nijjht to join the expedition at
B iwie. Five men will be chosen from
each company -it the second cavalry
Ten packers and five Indian scouts will
complete the party. L'euiecant Wsliace
lm ccrte iilaoche to u into I tie Heart ot
Mexico- if necessarj, and remain in the
fitid lnm one day to twi years.' H s
lusirniions are not to return without
the K d," dead or alive. The reward
tor "'he Kill"- bodv now HBgreaaieii
$2000, and $5'0 ehpli Icr bio followers to
the uuiniii r eljiht BUiervisnr ol nils
rouiily will oner an additional reward oi
$5U0 lor "the Kid" at their Tieeting
Monday nex', and Pima countv ii ex
uecied "10 follow suit. 'Ttie Kid" wai
never better equipped with hoises and
munitions of -war ll. an at the present
'imp, and will nmke a lively campaign
for Wallace's expedition, which "Will
-tan from Bowie by the middle of next
' Killed in ihe Peuitrntiary.
BoisE,I.labo.Dec.lO. Turnke French
killed a convict named Satnu-1 Hitlon
iu the Idaho peuiteotiary, at 8 o'clock
this morning. Sttton wta eou lined io a
cell on the third fl nr. French went
with the coot to give him hU'breakfast
The convict i ef used to lake tbe victua's
and thp men were leaving, when Hattoa
spraog upon French, rusher) Dim upon
the lauding and attempted to throw him
over the rail to the stone pavement be
low The cook ioterfired, wnen Hit'ou
turned upon hfm and he tied. Hatton
then ru.hed Upon Freocb affair, and,
rinir 'a powerla man, would have
ihiown h in over, but French b id orawo
a liuotiutr ' knile, and he. plunved . the
weapon into the convict's aide, sevriog
the uorta anu cau.Vme death in a few mo
ruenis. A coroner's jury -exonerated
F-tnch. Uaiton nsa a' desperate man
Me nad threat ened, the liy8of all the
guards in the pen. He was serving a
term ot 10 years for grand larceny.'
It Slay Cnd In W order.
Canton, O., Dec. 16 fen W'Utecaps
paid the boms of C'TU'Altl'er near here
a visit at an early hour jesterday morn
ing. Ucftth may result irom tneir treat
ment. One of their number cal'.ed Mid
ler to tne door, and in a moment be waa
bound aud taken a short distance Irom
Home, where lor an hoar he wa-t tossed
n a blanket and clo'ilied tie pleaded
pi'eousic, but hi cries only served to
incite the men to renewed effmls in their
punishment The cries of the sufferer
attracted (lis wife and two children to
the 'scene, and th'ir pi'eous wails were
j lined " with those of the husband and
tati-er. tie is now in a precarious condi .
tin.. Mi'er has. been a bard drinker,
and. wmle in his cups, brutally beat bis
wile, a frail woman.
The Pawasaa Canal feeandal.
Paris. D,-c. 16- Chatles do Lessees,
Marius Fontaine. and M. danlemy have
been arrested oy tbe direcion of Midis-
ter of Justice B iurureoi8, tor alleged con
I nectioo with the Panama cant I fraud.
Henri Cotter, for whose arrest an order
was also issued, has fled to Vienna
San'erny is ciiargi d with having accepted
a linos a a tnemoer or tbe cnamnr ot
deputies. The charges against the offi
cers of (be company are that they j lintly
made use ot a fraud u ent, imagioary
credit; that they dissipaied the capital
entrusted to them for a specitic purpose.
and swindled others out of part or all of
their means ol living. These offenses
come-within the reach of seven articles
of tbe penai code. N
Killed by at Cable-Car.- -
Chicago, Dec 16 Emanuel Bruns-
wictf, a wealthy manufacturer of Ban
Francisco, was kit ed last night while
trying to board a State street cable train
He. was whirled under tbe front of the
grip car, and the guard struck him in
the Iclt Mde, croi-hing several rihs. Ooe
of bis ribs was driven tbrougn bis heart
Mr BruQswicK was propnetor of the
Brunswick B l ard & P.aii Tart e Co., ot
Sao Francisco. H.- atso manufactured
sporting goods and club room furniture
Hia ware are widely known all over the
Pacific coast. ' A di sen years ago Mr.
B'ULswirk was a member of the Bruns
wick Baike Billiard Tab e Company ot
ibis city,
: Flint mt tmM BoaveBtra.
Philadelphia, D c. 16 Tne first 50,
000 ot the world's fair souvenir half-dol
lars were shipped to Chicago lo-!ay by
express in care of tni TJuiterl Slates suv
treasury. Tney occupied five kegs, and
include ail I be firsl 50.000 minted, except
No. 1, lor which the eipo-iiiun tomuany
is to get $10,000. and three others num
bered 400, 1493 and 1892. The-e, on
act ouut ot n-eir extra value, estimated to
aggregate $15,000, were Carefully pot op
in separate packages, and packed id a
special keg '-y ibemseUes The? will go
foiward li Uulted S' ates express.
A-Woaaaai Beaieki tm Death.
Citt of Mexico, D c. 16 Tne pre-s
puoliehes a btory t i the Beet that lh
p..liee if L-n. G'lateuia'a, recently ar
rested S.H"ra N ifit.a. ahlle
Wat on ''er way to flat iator. conduete I
her to Outlemala.Coy. wnere siie wts
beaten to deutH with rixta in the plzi
belore tne prism. .It apea-8 the no
' fortunate woman supported the cause f
Catileanaa rro to Death. ,
Oikat Fai-lb, M mt, Dec.- 16 The
body of W. Gouid Smith, a weli-koowo
cattleman, was found on the prairie near
F -rt B -ti'on. 40 nii'ei, east of here, yea
1 terday, fruXca tuff, lie left the ranch
Saturday on horseback to attend a Re
publican committee meeting at Fort
Benton. Tnat was tbe last Been of him
a ive. The supposition is he felt from his
hor.-e, wa severely stunned, aud when
he Came io was too Bum Irom co'.d to
get up, no ne perished He was promi
Cent lu Montana politics.
The Keaitle Pluneer.
Seattle, Dec. 17 Henry L. Yrsle.r, a
pioneer oi Seattle, who died bere at his
home at 2.30 o'clock this morning, was
the strongest link between the imancy
and the manhood of ibis City, and wad
tor many jears its moat active citizen
BilcK aud stone blocs erected since tbe
ureal tire of three years ago by him and
those now under way cost about $700,
000, and represent a small snare of bis
pi open y bere.
91 order fluh So Fattteu'ara.
Moscow, Id.ihu. Irc 16 News has
ju.t readied bere ot a co d olmitled oiur
uer winch was .c-oiniuilied t Lelauil. 30
miles liotn here. The town ii tnrowu
into a tta e of- exciiemeni, and there is
tain oi lyuchiui:. Il is imposeible to gt
lull .particulars.
The Poiaunlns; Caae.
PiTTtBLBG, Pa . Die. 17 The I. earing
of the cae of Rot.ert Beat tv, cbarg-d
with furniaiilnK powder with which 'o
poison iiou un.on workmen at Homestead
was held this alternoon. Patrick Galla
gher, the cook who made the cojltssion
was not there. Ibe courtroom was
crowded. A number of witnesses were
examined. J. M. Davidson, formerly
cook. at Humebtead, testified that August
25 be, in comuany with Gallagher and
Beatty. beld a conference witb District
Master Workman Dtmnsev, tbe reeu t of
which was that ail et tbem went to
Homestead to poison the non-unionists
at the mi'.l. As to tbe selection of poison
he wiinet-s said :
Beatty suggested. Crotou oil. I said
no; that it was oaugerous, uempse;
ild be kuew.a powoer which wouiq be
Octtc-r. D mpsey sa d be need some
powders iu Chicago aril bad orokeu up a
strike in four days It was not danger-
our. JJempsey said ne would guarantee
us $50 and our expenses. We received
no powder that day. We then left alto
gether and talked about it. Beatty said
we weie to get $50 each and a gold watch
and chain if we went;
DjVluoti said that of $50 promised
biji he got f 14 A severe crot-ex;ami
nation did not materially weaken David
son's teatimoney: He, however, admitted
hat be wa. arrested in .November and
taken into tbe St Nicholas buiidios and
sworn. He told ihe story he had just
told and was then released.. Gallagher
was arres'ed belore that. He said tbey
had it down' in black and white, and he
had 10 teli all be knew. J. H. Ford, a
detective, testifying, said:
"I know Beatty. Gallagher and Dtvid
on. December 1st I beard a conveisa
lliin between the three, iu which Beany
old shout powders snil what they con
tained I heard G lUgher say that Tom
Beatty tjrat suggested Croton oil Bratty
then said Turkish rhubarb and sou if in
powder, aud it wasn't necessary to tell
the rest."
Accident on the tireat JVorthern.
. Alexandria, Minn.,Dec. 18 4 frtlnl
acciiieni occurred on tbe Great Northern
rat road this morning at Nelson station,
five miles east of here in 'which eight
men were killed and five seriously in
juied. There bad been a collision Friday
morning at Nelson, and a number ot cars
were wrecked. Tbe wreck, train bad
been there two days clearing up and was
making up. preparatory to pulling 'out
lor the cast at about 1 o'clock th 8 morn
iug ' The wreck train's calionse was lelt
eiaudiug oo main I ruck w ih a num
ber of cars An east-bound .height was
due here about 1 o'c ock, and bad ordeu
to sidetrack for ihe pageDgerttue bere at
1:20. The tiremao on the Ireight te Is
the Mory o' ibe coll sion which followed,
as fo low.: .
"There is heavy grade west of the
station, and. aa the freight with 36 cars,
under charge of Conductor William
N'Ckey and Engineer James Maioney,
approached "the switch, the engine was
c ha i off and tbe brakes called for. There
was oo perc ptible decrease of speed, find
Conductor Nickey cltmtied out 'of : the
caboose where be was aod began setting
the brakes .Bur the speed was too great
to stop. When within a train length of
ihe caboose, they 8w the track was 'full
ahead, and bu:b engineer and fireman
jumped. The engine struck tbe wreck
train, threw the caboose on ' top 01' tbe
next car. setting both on fire." '
There were 14 men in tbe caboose, one
jumped off; five were hurt, three were
burned -oeiooa recognition and Iur
were killed ontrigbt. One was 'totally
burned up without a sign of bis remains
being touod. . - ,
Bis Blaae in Brooklyn.
Brooklyn. N Y., Dec. 18. At 1:40
o'clock this morning a fire broke out to
tbe top floor of the five story brick build
ing occupied by William B. A. J urgent,
wholesale gfoter near the. corner of
Flushing . avetne and Ryerson street
fbree alarms were immediately sent in.
as a strong nortb wind was blowing and
ibe flames ate their way . downward. In
Ie8" than 20 minutes from the time the
first engine arrived tbe whole interior ot
be Jurgens' building was a solid (beet
ol flames. The building was heavily
stocked witb flour and groceries tor tbe
holiday trade. Much of tbe flour was in
the top fl air. At 2:50 the south wall oo
the Flushing avenue side fell in. crush
ing two two story buildings. Ooe wss
occupied by a liquor saloon, and the
Market holel and the other was nnoccu .
p ed Several firemen were burt when
the wall tell. .Tne buildings which were
crushed were those at 242 aod 244 Fiush
ing avenue. At 3- o'clock the tenements
at 911.913 and 915 Hall street cangbt
fire, aud are threatened with destruction
Other imildicgs are afire, and it looks as
if seveial blocks wi'll be destroyed before
tbe tare is under control.
. A Yar Hi y Kills His Brother.
Post. Falls. Idaho, Dec. 17. Last
eveoiug,Frauk Beufield, the 12 year-old
s in of B. W. Beufield, shot and killed bis
younger brother and seriously wonnded
s schoolmate by the accidental discharge
of a revolver Mr. B ufield's bin J man
was loidiog ihe weapon preparatory to
hunt aud y laced the revolver on the bed.
Frank, who wi'h the other buys was
watching him, picked it up and puioted
it at his liro'Oer, when it was dischar
ged, tbe ballet passing through the heart
of the iioy and thence through the heart
of Chanie Rader, who Was standing near.
- - Frt Belkasp Agency. ' .
Washington, Dec. 17. The Indian
bureau has received from Aect Simmons,
of the Fort Belknap agency, a -report of
the affray at the agency 14ht iost. An In
diao named Raider married tbe sister of
B g Mou b. He then beat tbe bride an
mereilulty. B g Mouth started witb tbe
woman to the agency to settle Nie ma'ier
Roder "overtook them and killed Bg
M 'Uth and W.iU tided hl wife. Tbe oc
currence caused the greatest txcitemeul
among- tbe Indians. Tbe agent witb
three men started at once to settle the
trouble, and on arming- at Roder's
cabin tbey were fired upon by him
and his lather. Agent Simmons was
wounded in tbe leg. Tbe men in ihe
cabin escaped and other Indians organized
lor tne purpose of pursuit, tbey over
took Raider and his father in a cabin and
nuring tne oattie notn lugitive were
killed. Ad is now quiet on tbe reserva
Cauaht In ih - Machinery.
Post Falls, Idiho, D-c 17. While
Frederick Eodi rs was ai woik witb a bay
. t . . ... "
ooner in a aneru am. nis lelt lee was
caught in the macbinrv, suapp nu it sn
two placet ahove the ankle. The bone
was so badly shattered that the physician
attending him wan forced to saw off he
tweeo two or three incites. He is now
doing well.
The Mealing- Controversy.
OttaWa, Ont, Drc. 19-M-jor Sher
wood, commissioner of the Doiuit on po
ice, returned from the Pacific coast alter
ao absence from Ottawa of about two
months, dnr eg which time be has been
collecting evidi nee confirmatory of the
act on which Canada has 'taken in the
Behring sea controversy. About three
weeks ago dUpalchi-8 announced thai Mr
Sherwood had been among the Indians
ol Qieen Charlotte islauds. from wbom.
it is said, an i.theer of ibe Uoited Stales
navy had lakea evidence favorab'e to the
American case by unfair means of per
suasion. Il is said that important evi
dence bearing on this somewhat dts
agreeaole phase of the difficulty has been
obtained by tbe commissioner. About
a month ago Sherwood left Vic
toria for San Francisco, and there
prosecuted uis mission wiib suc
cess, and so secretly that it "was not
until the day following bis departure that
any iutiuiation of his business was made
public. San Franciaco is the, headouar-
ters of the United States sealing fleet.
By the furtherance ol inquiries within
he precincts of the Golden Gate. M1"r
Sherwood, it is said, obtained a numiier
of affidavits from American captains cor
roooratlog Uanada s contention.
A St. Iton m Mystery.
St. Louis, Dec. 19 Early this morn
ing ibe watchman at thecitv ball dincov
ered a fire in a closet in the private office
of City Treasurer J. F.-erstell, fq which
papers pc documents of various kinds
pertaining to tbe business of the office
are stored. Tae fire was soon quench
ed witbv little darotge, as the papers
burned mere of liit'e value. Later tbe
fact became known that Ed. Koerstell,
son ot tbe city treasunr and his chiet
clerk, bad shot himself at bis borne.
This' event was at once connected' witb
the fire, and as tbe young man was
known to have negot ated loans through
a man named Yaw, who. it appears was
only a go between for tbe endorsement
of M J, Foerstell, the affair is verv
much complicated . Treasurer Foerstell
says bis sou's accounts are straight, and
be cannot account for the shooting.
The.yonng man's wound Is not faiai.
Young Foerstell died at 10;30r.nevr re
gaining cont-ciousness. - He stood be
lore the, mirror and shot . himself in
the head He left nothing io indicate ibe
cause, " .
. i 1 -.'
American Matters In Valparaiso.
New York, Dec. 19: The Herald'
correspondent at Valparaiso telegraphs
that Admiral Gherardi called Saturday
on the intendecte. Naval officials bave
received the . officers of tbe American
fleet most cordially, and shown them
every atteatinn. Tbe admiral has de
cided not to gVb bis men shore liberty,
although- the icieudente has aeaured
Consul Barre that every possible precau
tion has becu taken to make Ibe slay ol
be men tale and pleasant . It is said
hat, iu view of tbe price ot coal and tre
unsettled -condition of affairs oa tbe
i-estern . coast of Sou h America, tbe
Uoited States government has decided in
elatn at least two tbtps on tbe Pacific
instead of leaving tbe coast unprotected
The British government has increased
her Pacific fleet by three modern vessels.
. Fi acht With Rassr.
Cincinnati, O , Dec. 19 -Word is re
ccived Irom Hog Run,. KVn- of a not
among colored railroad laborers Saturday
night, in which two were killed and two
atally burt. ' William Jackson, Wm
Grimes, Dudley Warner and another
kuown as Grimy, alter receiving their
pay, went, nu a drunk.' Jackson and
"Grimy" quireled, and a fight resulted.
a which tbe other two, and finally many
others, were involved. Tbe scrimmage
continued some hours After it was over,
Jaeksoo and Warner were tonud dead,
nd iwo others so badly slashed Witb
razors tbat tbeir lives are despaired of.
Bis Death Certain. -
Washington, Dec. 19 Mr. Blaine's
physicians now concede tbat be will not
recover. Ibevdoootsay just bow long
he may live, but from tbe tone of iheir is believed be cannot live
oiore than two or three aays. A corre
spondent'saw Dr. Johnson again this
tternoon. He is more commuoh alive
and had no hesitancy in stating Mr.
Blaine's exact condition and the disease
witb wbicb be is sofferinf.. His disease
is mainly in tbe kidneys. Waxy de
generation nf tbe kidneys," tbe malady
was called, witb complications ol hernia
nd nervous troubles.
insist of Cat am be r I Ala's Detnleatlen
New York. Dec. 19 It is stated tbe
mount Edward P.- Cbamberialn, mias-
ng-executor of the estate .of John W.
George and other large piopertie,-is sc
ented of misappropriating is $16,000.
Tbe warrant wbicb was issued charge
Chamberlain witb misappropriating $10-
1)00 in Northern Pacific and Montana
first aiortgnge bonds, but, since issued, a
further examination shows, it is said,
$6000 cash is also uuaccounted for.
The Caansnell Mnrder Cause.
Port Arthur, Ont., D.c. , 19 The
corrner . ju y returned a verdict in toe
Cammeil murder esse to tbe effect tbat
Cam met I came to bis death irom a gun-
hot wound, in the jury's opinion in
flicted by -James Rowe, and that Mrs.
Cammeil was accessory after the fact. A
strong refO Ution was passed by the jury
on be laxity ol the government in en mi
oal cases in the district.
A Million Frlewds.
A friend in teed is a triend indeed, and
not less than "one million people have
found just sucli I Triend in Dr. King's
New Diecovert W Consumption, Coughs
and Colds. If you bave never used this
real cough medicine, oue" trial will con
vince yon Ibat it bas wonderful curative
powers in all diseases ol throat, chest and
lungs. Each bolile la guaranteed to do
all tbat is claimed or money1 will be re
funded. Trial bottles free at Bui pes &
Kinersly's drug store. Large bottles, ooo
aud $1. .. ; - . .. .. .1 ;
Tbe choice bread, cakes and pies now
produced at the bakery of Mr Geo. Rucb
can bs puiubased at CampbsU Bros.
from Saturday's Daily.
Mr. Aithur . Unmn. of Arlincton. haa
Aithur . C.itfin, of Arlington,
lately returned from a visit to California.
A large warehouse ia in contemplation of
oeing ouut at Uraut, an nuing rha depot,
John T. Hirsel bas purchased the Kelso
courier, tie was formerly an employe in
iuia uuiue,
The mud in the streets is somewhat con
gealed to day, and pedestrians can cross the
streets without using stilts.
We bave received the firat number of the
U'ant JJupatch. Dunlirbed bv Mr. W. H.
Brooks at mac thriving town in Snerman
An auotioo sale of oiKars, taken for debt,
was beld at the rberitr office this moruioaV
There were nnt many bidders and prices
uni uuc range nigo.
Tr-e Indian woman who was found desd
on the reservation near Pendleton a few
days ago, committed suicide because her
husband spoke cross to her.
rratractel meetiDB-i are beincr held at
tirant by Kovs. Wblte aud Joboa, of Coiura
bus. Wash. The attendance ia quite large,
and the relihm interest is increasing.
A freight - train was ditched near the
Deschutes last night, and this delayed the'ioud naawoirer train ai.eral hnnra.
I: was due at 3:05. but did nut arrive nntii
Mr. T. J. Driver, of Warnio. came in
town on the staue last evening. He reports
everything t roaproui in his neighborhood
and the temperature about the same as it is
in this city.
Tbe clerks' office was. barren of interest
to reporters thia moruiog, and nothing of
importance oould be gleaned. There were
no licenses granted, no cttiztns made or real
estate transferred.
Frost on the sidewalks furnished small
hoys some amusement this morning; but the
p easure was short lived, and full gratifiua
t on will not be bad nutit the sroaod is co..
ered with a foot or two of snow.
'. Union is trying to dnll a -comoanv of
yonng ladies in the manual ct anna, ami
forty-eight of these will go through the
oianeuvrea at a pntilio entertainment to bs
given in tbat city oo December 31st. ,
Mr. and Mrs. A. J Dufur are in town
ta-day. Mr. Dufur sava the roads are in
excellent condition. Ttasre is Brest neces
sity ior rain in that vicinity, and there has
not oeen enough moisture tor good plowing.
The new ferry boat between- Arlinaton
and Washington is propelled bv easaliaa
aod naptha power, and can be operated at a
joat ot about buy cents a day for fuel. It
is said tbe boat is of a very unique plan and
patter 9,
Mr. Lindsay Thomas. . who has been work
ing on the Times Mountaineer for soma
months past, cuit work during the "week bv
reason of failing bsaith, fie is an honest
and wtel'igent boy. and we wish htm sue- whatever be undertakes.
The Union Pacific has contracted with a
gas company in Portland to supply gas tor
Hunting sll the cars on tbe Uuton Paoino
system. It l probable tbat the Northern
and Southern Pacific companies will also
adopt the arce method for lighting their
Tbe enrollment of tba school at Grant,
says the Dispatch, cambers thirty-three
pupils; and it is moderately supplied with
apparatus oharts, etc. ' Miss Ioes Hunt,
the teacher, is a pleasing and popular young
lady and haa taught for fonr years in Sher
man county. - -
We acknowledge tbe receipt of an invi
tation to the twentieth anniversary of the
marriage of Miss B aoche Gray to Mr J.
f ai terson. which occurred at aalnm Deo.
13, 1872. Mr. and Mra. Patterson will be
at home Monday evening, Deo. 19. h, from
to 10 P.M
Iudemniry bonds, to be used in liberating
Hale and Z ichary. bave been forwarded to
Eilenstur;h by leading citizens of Gilliam
county. The matter of charges against
tbem will, we understand, be inquired into
by a grand jury early iu January next. It
will now lie in order for Sullivan to. say that
the signers ot tbee obligations were iu
duoerl te execute tbe same through motives
of tear.
The French campaign in Dahomey lasted
two mouths and a half, ending with the
capture of B-hanzin'a capital Abhomey.
It contains 12,000 inhabitants and had a
ditch and a hedge of thorn bushes sround
it. But tb French got io, tbe tierce Da
homeyan fighting them every step of the
wsy. Ot French soldiers uuder Colonel
Dodds iu the African campaign there were
Jt is reported that thn parties who have
"fOUittea" oo F. ed Nodioe's tule ranch
will base tbeir claim ot en ry on the point J
that tbe laud in quaatiou when the govern
ment survey waa made waa designated as a
"tule lake'' aod should not have been ceded
to the state as swamp land. Tbe lan 1 has
been dfained and is worth $50 an acre says
the La Grande Chronicle. Tne will
necessarily be exn.iVQ aad troublesome
State Printer Baker recently addressed a
circular to eich member of of the iegialature
suggesting that any bills of a special char
acter, such a -bills incorporating towns, or
bills amending the charters of towns al
ready incorporated, be Vent in for printing
between the first and fifteenth of December.
This letter has already coiomenoed to bear
ftutt, bills for acts incorporating townt of
Adams, Umatilla ami Goldhill, . Douglas
county, being received.
A petition is being circulated aod uni
versally signed bere asking for tbe pardon
of William H. S pease, who was seotenoed
to tbe penitentiary for tbe term of eight
years about one yer ago, by tbe oircuit
court oi Umatilla county, on charge of man
slaughter. - All parties concerned in tbe
attJatr were once residents of Arlington, says
the Record, Mr. S. having two sisters now
residing bere. It is to be hoped that the
governor wiil relieve the defendant from
the balance of bis long sentence. ... .
Tbe order issued by Postmaster-General
Wanamaker a few days ago for the reduc
tion of the registry tea on mail matter from
10 to 8 cents a piece will be in force on and
alter January 1. Tnougn devoted to tne
subj ct of postal improvement, Mr. Wana
maker was toe shrewd a business man to
allow the government, through his depart
ment, to let go of tbe sure thing of two cent
a pitce on the hundreds of thousand of
Christmas rsckages that will be consigned
to tbe mails during December with the
registry fee attached.
Prom Monday's Daily.
Tbo beautiful snow,
Tis the first snow of winter.
Sidewalks should be cleaned of snow, as
walking is difficult.
Tbe mery jingle of sleigh-bells make tbe
air attuned io tb rythmic muaio of winter.
Mr. and Mra.- H. L. Kuck-left to-day for
Chicago, wnere tbey will visit the Colum
bian exposition.
Tbe Christmas tree exercises of the Meth
odist Sunday school .will be beld at the
church fricay evening.
A revival baa been in progress at Foasii
for several days, and the Globe says great
good has been accomplished.
The Regulator made her last trip Satur
day, and will be hauled out and tnoroughly
repaired before she again eoters tbe trade.
License to wed wss granted bv tbe county
clerk Saturday to J. D. Hockmaoand Katie
Kaabsrger and' to H. L. Kuck and Miunie
Anderson. -:
There wa quite a number of atage men
in the oitv to Uy, among whom were J. H.
Boomer. J B. Keeoey, J. D. Parish and A.
W. Branner. ' ' ,
Trains are beginning to exoerieoce tbeir
winter delays, aad' since snow has come ia
good earnest we may expect further inter
ruption of travel. ' z - ' "1. ; " .
Suow began to fall last night aboat 8
o'clock, and this m ruing it covered the
gronod to tbe depth of six inohes, and con
tinued falling during the dy. . , ,
The R'td and Gun elub of Hood River
are determined to enforce the game law.and
there should I . concerted action on tbe
part of all club in the etaie, ;
: Hepo ts made totbe horticultural board
show that there are at present about 33,000
acres la tbe state planted with frait trees,
the annual income of wbicb ia about $1,250,
000. Io five years from now, wnett all
trees now planted are bearing, it is esti
mated that this amount will be increased to
$3 000,000 '
Tha poatomce at Crown Rock, in this
cocnty, baa been discontmued, and parties
heretofore receiving their mail there most
hereafter go to Foasii or Aotelope.
The "small boy" is now happy, for be csn
throw snow bal s at Chioauien and eoaat
down sidewalks. "This world," to them, is
no longer "a fleetiuu; show for man's de
lusiou given."
uir. -. xi. uTomer, general anpenn
teodeot of the California, Oregon and Idaho
stage isO., ot san rraneisco, is in the city,
aa is maaiog a tour ot the northwest look
after the properties of bis company.
There is a colony of seven or eight beavers
iu the river near Lmgille'a farm, we learn
from tbe Hood River Glacier, and another
larger one up tbe stream. Mr. Leuure has
caught three this winter, and inteuda to
capture both families before spring.
Mr Frank Middle ton, form rly editor
the 5un iu this city, lot hia little dauguter.
aged four years, in Portland Saturday, bv
scarlet fever. Tina i a sad beieavement to
n.otner and father, aud one in which tbey
wiu receive tne symaty oi this community
Robert Carr was appointed olerk and audi
tor of Skamania county, Waan., Wed e
day, by the county uoinmisnouer. in Dlsce
of tbe late Judge Waterman, h.) (Ileal last
Suuday. Mr. flarr waa Ju.ige Waterman's
deputy, and, is well qualified for tbe post
The Vale, Malheur, UatsUe ays it is re
ported that a dead body baa hteu unearthed
at Sku'i spring by dog. Mr Pratt, who
naa taken up a ranch there, made the dn
oovery. It is supposed to lie tne remain of
one Tudd, a partner of the Biiley bovs
wneo m-y uvea at tna spring, tie disap
peared very suddenly two years ago. An
investigation is being made.
Condon Globe: Tbe immense b II for tha
school bouse arrived this week, and waa
placed in the belfry Wedneaday bv M-assrs
v altera latom. It is a magnificent bell
and weiBh 300 pounds. Tbe balance of the
new seals also arrived, this week, and our
arge new school houie is now among the
beat equipped in tbe atate. With our effi
cient corps of teachers, all the pupils are
making rapid progress, and the school bas
never belore been in such a flourishing con
dition. About 4 o'clock Wednesday morning.
say the Hood Btver Glacier, J. N. Reyn-
noio dwelling nouse-ac tbe head of tha
grade on the east side of Hood River,
caught tire, and was almost totally de
stroyed. Mrs. Reynolds has been sick for
some time, and Mr. Reynolds got up shortly
before 4 o'clock and bade a fire gung bick
to bed. Io a couple of hours tbe house wis
discovered to be on tire, it starting from a
defective flue. Tbe family are stopping for
the present with Geurge T. Prather, Mr.
R yuolda" aon-in law.
A lady correspondent of tha Evening Tel
egram give the following prescription as a
certain cure for the appetite tor liquor:
"Electrified gold, 15 grains muriate of am
monia, 7 grains; compound fluid extract of
ciucbooa, 4 grains; fluid extract of oooa,
11 t-zj glycerine, 1J oz; nitrate of strychnia,
1 grain; distilled water, 1 oz. Take a tea
spoonful every two or three hourS when
awake, tor two or three weeks. Alter the
second or third day there will be no desire
to drink. Meriiotne to effect a, cure willUeinembeied by the nimroda in that yicin-
cust nut over a w. -
List week tbe large, four-'nast vessel
Mowhan arrived at Portjaud. . Shu ia tbe
large t sailing vessel that ever entered tne
Columbia river. She cornea from England,
unchartered, . witb 700 tona of cement iu
her hold for ballast. She was built last
June by William I'iokersgill ft Sans, of
Southwicfc, Sunderland, so that this is 'her
maiden voyage. She is 317 feet long be
tween perpendiculars, aod 840 feet over all,
while she bas a full. 44 teat beam. Her
hold ia 26 feet deep. The Mowhan ia a
solid steel ship, with four steel masts, bark
Globe: At the shooting contest in Condon
on Thauksgiving, Del Rice, Shed Grider
and Jim Kiser tied for tbe second prize,
with a score of 18. Saturday last these
gentlemen met at Condon and bad a bttls
shooting match of their own, in order to
settle the tie. Del wa the "lucky Mul
doon," winning with a score of 19 Grider
and Kiser tied agaiu Witb a sore of .17.
Tbey then made up another purs betweeo
themselves and ahot for it, Dei winuing thU
one also. D:1 is "in it" squarely wheu it
comes to p'oggtog the target with bullets
close arouud the mark.
Oreyonia: Mr. George Belabaw, of Eu
gene, baa forwarded to XC tv. Allen all
large boxes of grain, thre had and in the
stalk, which will probably form tbe finest
exhibit of cereals at tbe Columbian exposi
tion. There are 200 varieties of wheat, all
put up in' neat aheaves, bound witb red
white and blue satin ribboua. Some of tbe
grain is eight feet in height It is doubtful
if any one anywhere can b giu to equal the
display prepared by Mr Bashaw, who bas
spent two months in preparing it. He baa
also sent a lot ot fine samples of oat, rye
and other grains. It Mr. Allen's anticipa
tions in regard to nis truit aud grain explo
its sre realised, Oregon will not be entirely
out of sight at tbe exp aition.
The reported death of Pete French, the
big rancher whose possessions occupy a good
portion of Eiatern Oregon, waa a canard.
Mr. M. H. Drake, who returned last wees
from Harnev valley, sold his land and eattle
to French, and haa met him sinoe the date
of his reported Freocb is in bis
usual bealtb. but earns near being kuiea
something more than a month ago by tbe
kick of a borse, and this may have started
tbe rumor ot his death. Tbe horse's heels
left some ugly marks upon his face, but he
waa so close to the animal that tbe kick
was more in tbe nature of a push than a
blow, and sent the owner of 100,000 acre
of land and 25,000 cattle upon a back som
ersault over into a muddy corral.
Teller: Miss Nellie Smith, of Kingston,
Idaho, assistant world's fair commissioner
for Snoshone county, has collected over
twenty different varieties of wood for the
shield wbicb is to mark the completion of
the woman's building at Chicago. These
b ards ate t oaf inches wide by tnree feet in
length. The shield will be made at Cosor
d'Alene City by local mechanics, and will
be a work of art. Miss Smith expects to
have at leaat twenty-eight pieces of timber
in the shield, anoY she has taken great pains
to collect every variety of wood native to
this atate. Tne shield will be plaoed in po
sition at thn dedicatory services of the wo
man a building next May Montana, furnun
ins the gold, silver aud copper spikes and
Nebraska tbe hammer with which to fatten
Saintum Lumberman: Tbe enormous tim
bers sent to tbe world's fair by tbe state of
Wa-hington bave attracted a great deal of
attention aod comment, but it Oregon naa
the enterprise she culd procure from her
msgnifiuent forests logs that would dwarf
tbe Washington monsters into insignifi
cance. Matt Colli van. a timber land locator
aod experienced lumberman, who lives near
tne tsreitounuan a novo mis piaoe, say mat
he can ae . ont a timber within five miles of
Green Basin that will square 4 feet and
140 feet long. He also aays that there is a
tree on his claim tbat measures 31 feet in
circumference 6 feet above tbe ground,
and 170 feet to tbe first limb. It 1 esti
mated that there is 70,000 feet of lumber in
the tree.
Fossil Journal' Bill Eldoo, who shot bis
neighbor Pet Myers on tbe first day of last
July, on Lower Crab creek, near Sprague
Wash , baa been lound gouty oi man
slaughter. For - some time ynor to the
shooting Myers bad been soheming to. get
possession of tbe E Idoo Bros.' ranoh, and
through bis machination t'tev bad become
financially embsrras-ed, . Ia a fit of exasper
ation Bill hot Myers, who sometime after
wards died. : - When tbe Eddon boys left
Gilliam county seven years ago they were in
good circumstances, taking with them sev
eral hundred bead of cattie. Mr. Eldoo
baa a large acqusintanoa here, . and many
friends were sorry to hesrof his getting into
trouble. Much sympathy is felt for bis
wife who is an estimable lady. She wss
formerly Miss Maude Atwatet. daughter of
tbe lata Judge Atwater of The Dalles,
It .is very gratifying to see the selling
lace of a book agent enter the sanotum
when the editor ia juat finiahing bis last ed
i tonal article for tbe day. .At aooh timss
it is eondooive to. longevity and economy
for the retailer of htsrstara to open tbe
door softly, take a seat very quietly, and
demurely and serenely Jisnd over to tbo
scribbler a $20 gold'piece, with the request
that tbe amount of that be sent to different
addresses in yearly subscriptions to tbs
paper. This, and tbia only will pour oil
upon the troubled waters, calm the hurri
cane of wrath, and drive the gathering
storm-clouds from ths mental honsio. A
word to tbe wise is sufficient, and if book
agents are given to cogitation tbey will
carefully treasure op tbe truths contained
in thia paragraph, and it will not ba Deoes
sary for them to spend so much ia accident
policies in tbe future.
Prom Tuesday's Daily.
"Now is tbe winter ot onr discontent. H
Last night was the coldest of tbe season.
These be tba times that try men's wood,
The thermometer registered about 2 be
low aero thia rooming.
Fur caps and eoata were in requisition to
day for tbe tirat time for several yean.
Ex Gov. Moody. Mrs. Moody and Miss
Edna Moody are in tbe city visiting friends.
Hteighing is very good io our streets, and
is ei j.tyed very uiuoh by tbose having cut
ter. We are under obligations to Senator
Dolph for favors received in the soaps of
pub io documnot.
A cold, disagreeable fog covered tbe river
this morning, which waa not in th least
delightful to our citiseus.
Jesse Helm was killed near Bliss Citv.
by being thrown from his borse while in
toxicated, last Monday.
Nearly every sidewalk. in - the citv has
been utilised to-day tor coasting purposes, -and
tba boys have royal fun.
Monday, Dec. 26 ih, will be duly eele
brated at Antelope witb a so oner and ball
in honor of tbe Cnnstmas festival.
Mr. Josiah Mirsb came in from Wasco
yesteriay evening. There was aboat one
men of snow on the ground, but the weather
waa not cold.
Two or three days of freezioz wstther.
and the ice harvest will be iu full operstion.
For three year no ice baa been out no bv
our local dealer.
The students at tha Wasoo Indenendent
"academy are enjoying a vacation of two
weeks, and studies will not resume until
flex tha holidays.
Mr. W. A. Hendricks, of Dufur, is in tbe
city. Tba we ther in tne vicinity of Dufur 1
is colder than it is at Tb Dalles, but the
snow is not as deep.
Mr. Ben. MoAtee, of Tygh vallev. is in
town to-day. He says snow extends, to
Ktngaley, to a depth ot about four iucbes,
but there is none on the Tygb.
A new steam ferrv boat ha bean launched
ou the John Day river, says the Antelope .
Herald. It will be used for ferrying pur .
poses and for excursions ic summer. v
A case of trespass wss tried before Jus
tice Keaton at Antelope laat week, and the
jury were only out about two minutea when -
tbey rendered a verdict of "not guilty."
Hon. W, H. Biggs, of Wasoo, is in the
city. The snow, he says, is very welcome
to the farmers of Sherman county; but the -cold
weather oould bs dispensed with witb-.
out any serious annoyance to any one.
The editor of the Aotelops Herald is fed
royally on duck and drake. He is always
avauy. and that is tbe reason that he has so
wonderfully increased iu adipose tissue dur
ing bis residence in that town. ,
Wasoo Lodge. No. 15. A. V. k A. M..
elected at tbe regular communication last,
evening the following officers for tbe ensu
ing year: L I. Bargett, W. M.; H. Clough,
W.i U Horn. J. W : Ueo. A Liebo,
tress.; O. D. Doane, Seo.i R. G. Cluster,
We acknowledge the receipt ot a copy of
the Reflector, published by tne Lsorean and
Eu'-axian societies of the Uregoa university
at Eugene. It ie s very creditable literary
production, aod furnishes an opportunity
for tbe students to give publie ec ureas ion to
their opinions en question.
Tbe degree of the Orient Was conferred
on several applicants last evening at tbe K.
of P. balL Grand Pasha Z niton bas Dtoved
bis tents to this oity. and the encampment
will receive guest for the next few days.
The pilgrimage to Mecca will begin in a tew
ays, aod in com memoratioa ot toe neairs
th tents will be closed.
The executive committee of the Wash
ington world's f jir commission sleeted Piss
ideoual E rotor G. V. Calboaa executive
eommissiooor, to fill tbe vacancy causaJ by
the resignation of Dr. N.'G. Blalock. Tne
latter remaina president of tbs oommissioo.
So fsr, 156 carloads of material for tha stste
ai ding have been forwarded to Cbtoago.
Ten carloads more are to go. . , .
Coasting is fair on tbs sidewalks; but tba
change to a complete right angle of the '
walk in tba cat has destroyed the best hill
in tbe city. Our city council must recol
lect that tbe "spirit of 76" waa displayed
bv tbe boys of the Revolution because Brit
ish soldiers in tet fared with eossiing on Bos
ton Common; buvundoubtedly this obanoe
has saved some youngster from ssvsre aoct-
ents. .
List Thursday a dispatch from Marsh-
field. Or., stated that Postotfioe Inapeotor
Bautelle bau arrived at that place from Ban
dou tbe previous Saturday with a Mrs.
Mahset in custody, aod had resumed his
journey with bis alleged prisoner Monday
morning, i ns inapeotor aeaires to remove
the wrong impression which tbe dttpticn
may bave created. She is only a witness rn
case of sending oosoens mailer tnrougu
tbe mails. .
We acknowledge tbe receipt of the an
nual report of the postmaster-general of the
United state tor tne nscai year enuing
June 30, 1892. It contain interetiog statis
tics regarding this important braucn ot tne
Dablio service, and map showing the differ
ent mail routes from this to foreign coun
tries. ' Mr. Wanamaker has undoubtedly
been the most faithful public servant in his
department that ba sver ooenpied tbe po
sition, and mail facilities are better than
they have ever been in tbe history of tba
Long Creek Soak: Eugene A. Brackets,
who is publicly knoarn aa a defaulter, is
now in tbs custody or onerin vomoa, ne
being hsuled up io San Francisco, and ar
rested on the 8th iast. He is beld to snswer
ths charge of embezzling the funds of tha
Canyon City school district in 1587, by
which bis bondsmen, r. U Bern sou rnu
Metsohan, suffered to the amooot of $1100.
Mr. Barckett bad at one time the brightest
future of anv man in tbe county, being a
man of unusual intelligence, but tb mania
for gambling canned bis downfall. Hut only
bone for the tutors is a term in state prawn.
Canyon City New: Major Magomt in
formed ths New that be woold retire . to
the life of a hermit in a few day and com
menoe the task of writing his book. Hs
will occupy a cabin in tba mountain soli
tudes above Dore's sawmill. Major has
plenty ot good, nutritious "grab," . and
nothing will disturb bim in bis mountain
home until the happy spring time shall
come and tbs sweet sephyrs swske tb tow
ers to bloom in si their lovslines with one
breath and with tbs next scatter his "oopy
through tbs window tempting tbe plucky
author to say words seldom u.ed in tbe
modern Sunday schools.
Por Oror Fif lean.
Am Old and Wxll-Txjzd Exmxdt
Mrs. Window's Soothing 8yrup bas been
used for over fifty years by millions of
mothers for tbeir children while teething,
with perfect suooesa. It sooths the child,
softens the gams, allays all pain, euros
wind colic, and is tbe best remedy foe
diarrhesv Is pleeaast to h. tast. Sold
by aU druggists ia every part of tne world.
Twentv tlve cents a bottle. Its valos is
incalculable. Be ears and ask tor Mra.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup, aad take ao
other kind,
Boys' an CUrla' Ai HWrlety sr Ore.
Boys may bs bad (and sometimes girls)
for (1) ordinary seryios at wages; (2) apon
indenture? to work, attend school, aod bs
brought np somewhat as your own; and
(3) ohildren may be bad for legal adoption.
Address,. J. H. Miseoer, Superintendent
Oregon Boys' and Owls slid society, Port
band, Oragon.