The Times-Mountaineer SATURDAY. .DECEMBER 17. 1892 ITEMS US BRIEF From Wednasdar'a Ballr. ' . J. B Croweu, our county clerk, re- Mr, turned oo tbe noon train Irum a trip to Port. and.; - Mr -Nicholas Baser, who lires nrar Omaba, Neb., is vismug hi nephew, Mr Juno B user, la ibis city Mr. Win. Flovd left on the tiain Sun day even log on a Tislt to Spokane, wuere be will remain a lew aaya Tbe went-bound trmn was several hours late tbis morniosr. Ic was -delayed in ibe Blue moDDtaius b; bear; n'Ws. V ' - Assessor Karnelt is still engaged in fin isbing tbe assessment roll of tb a couuly; ana listing any lanas tnat ne baa over looked. Mr Peter Debnff returned this morning rrotn faiout Uiiy, when be bu been ' visiting his daughter Mrs. McCornack in ber sad affliction. . ' The, residence ot Mr. Wm. Micbeli has been completed, and wilt be occupied foj bis family in a few days All our leading merchant have a full supply of hoiidoy Bvuaa. and tbe quail j and quaniii is good evidence ol tbe briskoeM of trade in this city. Dr. RInebart left on tbe evening train yesterday toalteud a meeting of tbe slate Board ot charities and corrections in ea lem. He will return Thursday noon Captain S. C Uir, of Hood K ver. droppfd ino our efface this atumoou ana repotted every btog brilu uu promising at thai town. Piles are being driven at tbe llegxUator wbart, wbicb win be extended, a tin trsde demands more fauili'les for the atoisge and landing of (roods. Duck hunting on tbe sloughs n ar thi city is a pref auiusrmeai witu mm rod; tint ibe species ot nirds have am decreai-ed n numtiers bat very lew Mr. C. W. Rice, who has just returned from a trip into the country, says in the southeastern portion ot Wasco the ground . is not as wet as it is in this immediate vicinity, and, although farmers are busy . plowing, more moisture is greatly neeued. Tbe Juvenile Temple wrlgive a Curitt mas tieo and entertainment in tins c U on Saturday evening. Dec. 24tb, and the proceeds wul be used towards inrnishiog poor children witb suitable remembrances on tbe great Christian festival Tola -s a very commendable object, and should re ceive liberal patronage The Christmas holidays are approach' lng, and all are anxiously examining suitable presents tor loved ones; but lu this season of joy and git's, those who are not fortunate enough to have mothers. ' fathers, sisters or brothers to k'adly re member them should not be forgotten Christinas tide should inaugurate the reig ot peace, good will and uuiversal charity. The telegram received from Seoutor . Dolph relieved a great anxiety regarding the status or the locks tell by our people. There is sucb a jealous interest fell in this work that the least suspicion ot un necessary delay causes an anxious fear. The people of tbe Inland Empire have ' pinned their faith to au open river, and uniil ibis is accomplished all otiier mat ters will be beld subservient. '' Rev. Mr. Nutting, of Seattle, is creating Quite a ripple of interest in a crusade agaiusl tbe saloons, lie proposes the es tablishment of coffee bouses in tbe gro cery stores where men who bave no fam ilies can go and imbibe conee. nome men we are of the opinion would consider it rather a poor substitute, and men 'who have been accustomed to take something stronger will not take to it very willingly. Ellensburgh Localizer The bed rock flume it is expected will develop great wealth. Wln-reyer it strikes tbe old chan nel the pay will be big. This flume may be tbe means of bringing to view the mother lode, wbicb is undoubtedly fabu lously itch.- Quite a number of large nuggets bave been taken out of tbe Swauk. We call to mind one of $700, one of $444. one of $400. one of $300 and from that down to $70, $.2 and $o. We are glad to be able to contradict tbe report mat twoot Mr. McCornack's cbildieo ba I died of scarlet fever i'be little girl, Frances, aged aboni 9 ears, died Sunday morning at 10 o'clock; but tbe inlant boy, about 1 jear o.d. Is im proving. Tbe affliction is very sad as it Is; but it is not as severe as it but- weie taken. There is do panic at Palnnse City , in regard to scarlet lever, and the d.s a-e bas not become epidemic. Albany Herald: Coyotes, which were Once so destruouva to sheep lutdreata, are not very numerous in Oregon now, these little wolves Having been killed off and hundreds of dollar baying been paid oat for their sca ns A large healthy coyote was seen a few days ago on the farm of W H. Thompson near Albany. Sme boys ' bred at ic at Ionic range wi h a shot gnu, iv and bis wobship was chased off by dog. . Baker Democrat: John Williams, who it was suspicioued assisted the two youug calf thieves, Fowler and Howard, to es cape from the officers, was taken in charge yesterday by the sheriff and is now in limbo. Williams will receive attention , by tbe grand jury as it is almost certain that evidence will be brought out that will show his implication with more or . less stock stealing in this section tor a long time past, He bas for a year or two been the head of tbe Fowler-rioward gang, at least stock men think so. I. W. Miller, tbe Union county man who bas been searching tirelessly many months for bis lost girl, was in Pendleton Monday evening, says the tost Oregonian. Mr. Miller now has a clue and hopes that his child may soon be restored to him He thinks Bhe bas been kidnapped hy gypsies and is somewhere in tbo neigh borhood of Cbelialis, Wash. Tbe anxious father has traveled miles and miles in his bunt. He bas been in many parts of Ore . gon.Wushington and Idaho and bas seven times crossed tbe Bl'ie mountains. Six saddle horses bave given out wiln him. and Mr. Miller himself looks as though he were badly in need of rest. Coyote scalps are the source of dis agreement between our county board and some of our citizens, says the Prineville Hem. The county ought to pay a reason able bounty for the destruction of these rmg-sireaked-ann-slriked imps of perdi tion. It would not be extravagance, for every time oue of them kills a sheep he knocks a hole in tbe sum total of tbe next year's tax roll. Neither .o wjb think it can be cai'ed class legislation on tbe pretext that sheep men are ibe only direct lieoeflciaries. They are not. Tbe farmer who loses a pig or a half dozen chickens could pay therewith his portion ot the re ward lor quite a number ot these four footed bandits. A visit to the sheriff's office yesterday nfiernooii revealed the fact thai a vocal concert was in progress in lb: corridor of the jail adjoining. Tbe plaintive tones of "When other lips and other torgues, their songs of love shall tell" was rudely broken into by "Rally aroung tbe Flag, boys." and this by "Tell me tbat you loye me once again;" while in another part broke in a deep bass voice "America is the gem of the ocean," ei It formed a novel entertainment to one who studied human nature from an ordinary every-day standpoint, and proved the fact tbat love unlocks all doors, for even in the gloomy recesses inclosed within prison bars the tender passion is uppermost in song and sentiment A night or two ago, while a dance was in progress at tbe Gillett place on Tutu Willow, says the B. O , three drunken In dians appeared and took an active part n the fes'ivuies wiibout any pressing invi tation, being armed and bent on mischief. They broke up tbe dance, compelled Ibe ladies present to sing for ihem, and car - ried th ngs with a high band, pistols be mg trumps. Subsequently, while Dirk Nye and the violinist were going home, the Indians made a delour, beaded them off, and every now and then pointed weapons at the young men's heads in a familiar sort of way, just to indicate that they were brave warriors and would just as soon take a scalp as to skin a dead .sxbeep. Dick intends to carry an arsenal jbeeafter. , . frtneville New; This bas been an autumn abundant in prospect.. The old tradition jsf East Oregonians that a cer tain amount of falling weather must be .experienced .between the equinoxes has Jbeea gratified by the amount of ram and (transient snow already fallen bere. It lends a hope, perhaps not well founded, that the vigors of the present month and fit the two jftrat months of foe coming year may not be so severe as if the fall bad been less stormy. The ground bas been so thoroughly soaked that tbe prom- ise of good crop yields next year seems brignt, a d, Barring tne untoward circum stances of tbe past summer will doubtless be realized. stocK are yet reeding upon the ranges.where tbe rains have continued ! good pasturage for tbem. Thus it will be seen 'hut we of tbe huocbgrass bave good canst at present to feel confident for the winter. . , From Thuradar's Daily. - -The holidays are approaching.,' Dr. Vandernool. of the S. B. Medicine Co. of Dulnr, is lu town to-diy ' Mr. Lou Cleaver, of the La Grande land uthce, was lu ibe city yesterday. Mrs. Frank Sella, daujh-erof Mis. J.' W. lewis, la viaittug ncr mother in tne city. To-uay bas bden spring, ike, and, except oar ibuuuy streets, has 'Ken aa delightful as May.. At tbe Umatilla H u-e there areperaons registered . Iruui Hj XiH4 uuicago auu other eastern ciuco. Mr. Cbas ' Sutler, the' e ttle uyer of Fort Timoseuu, is lu tbe city after tbe uteres IS ot bis busluess. - foe cases of aoariatiua reported a few uaya ito are uupioviug, and uo tear is leit ut ibe uiseiue oreauiug. Duly oue U. S. pilauutr, held for selling uiaay o luoians, is in the county Jail, His luiu will come uexc.' tioi J. C. Leisure was a passeuger on ike altera oil tram to .reuuleum. fie was eu ruUte huiue iroin a irip to Southern Uiegou Mr. J. FitzGcrald, the Janitor, made cjiorougll cleau up veaierla il ttie' county Jul, and It will uo cumpaie iavurab.y wiln auy lu tbe stale. A carloa.i ot eattle and one ot sheep left K. K Ssltmaiahe & C ' aluckyarus to-day lui fori luwu-euu, iu rcp.euian the market oi Mr. Cbas. Bugler. Tbe vulce of suuii bas ceased in the coon ly Jdii, aud the songsters departed thi uioiuinu f'jr other otiines, wheie tbey will sing their songs less sweetly. A motto hsugs on the wall of tbe jail bicn reads as follows: "Welcome Guhi Btt-ss our Hume. There la uo piaue like the ouuty jail." This is sui iouu.jecl by a gar land of eyergreeu. Uurter the beading of "Mistits" the Al bauy Democrat prluia tbe fuiiowiug stauza ttoiu foue: Kuoar theo this truth, enuugh t rmm to knuV, Virtue same is tupptueat Hers iew. There was quile a j ui deuyery this morn in. UtDutv u. s. jaarsUal Jameson tooa six on the luuruiuii train 10 Portland. These were arresteu tor selnua liquor to Xudiaus, aud will be tried beiuie Judge Deaoy. A new sewer is beiug p sued in the street leading from the baliiug adjuiuing tbe Hun omcef I0e worameu aieuowu anuat twelve feet, aud exuect to go about two feet more before they will reaun tbe main couduit. Tne remains of Mrs. R ga Freiinao, ac compauK d by relatives aud trituua, were taken to ttie depot ibis aiteruuou n toe arrival ot tne st-bouud trim, and lett fo: Portland, wbcra tbe funeral will take place to-morrow trout tne Jewisn synagogue. Tbe annual meeting of the Officers' Ka- uouul Guard Association of Orcgou will be held tale evening at the Fust Regiment Armory Hail Porclaud. Tub session will coutiooe two uaa. Col. Thoinpon, Capt. Buschke aud Sergeaut Booth ol this city wil be in atteudauce. A letter received bv Mr J. B. Croesen, the county clerk, contains the intelligence that the s'ate board of tqualizatioo will be in ihe Dalies between friday. Dev. lOtn, ami Mouuay, Dec. 19 h, seeking mforma- non as to values and methods ot assessing, and will be glad to uieet the county officers aud others during lheir short stay. Baker City Blade: Deputy Sheriff Ken- nisou left ou last eveuiug's tram tor S-tiein, having in charge three persons wbo are go ing to Salem for the benefit of their health, viz: Jnbu Kelly, larceny, one year; E. P. Perry, larceny, one yer; John Williams, larceny, three years If all reports are true there will be another exodus in a few days. Tbe eity jail was remarkable for its lack ol occupants this morning, and this is con- cla ive evideoce that a quiet night was passed; for . the police force thorough y patrols the city, and gather the aimless wanderers into the calaboose. If the jail is ouly occupied occasionally it is mucb better for the peace and quiet and the poise of tax payers tbau if it were full of evilx'oers every day. , We are informed that instructions have been received at the liud othce in this city foibnidiug any proofs to be made or other busiue8s doue requiring tbe inspection and signal are ot the register until be is able to perform his duties, lnis will wort a naro ship on many settlers, as Capt. Lewis, the register, is still quite sick and it may be weeks before be is able to attend to bis business. Mr. W. F. Stevenson, wbo left this city last summer fui San Francisco, IJalif., to receive from the government aueot there a back pension amounting to $10,000, was sadlv disappoint1'. After reselling lbs bay uuv he learued tbat the act had passed; but that the convressmao from his district in Onto had the bill referred to tbe committee on pensions, and it is doubtful when it will be passed upon again. The Oregon Pacific railroad, steamboats, etc., are advertised to be resold, in 'he (J t- vallis header, on Jauaary lo. load, by Sner.ff O--uru of that city. No bid less tnan $1,250,000 lor the property will be re ceived by the sheriff. Tne sum of $200,000 must be deposited with him before a bid will be received Irom any party, and if tbe successful bidder does not pay the' entire amount within thirty days, the deposit will be declared forfeited. A Palem dispatch says: From talks with members of tbe legislature, it is learned an effort will be made at tbe coming session to establish a jute factory at the state prison for the manufacture of grain sacks for the farmers ot Oregon. This, it is said, would save them thousands of dollars annually, and the. feeling seems to be that no trouble will be bad in pausing the law. It won d n quire an appropriation of about $75 000 to put a factory uuder way, Gov. Pennoyer is extending his pardoning power to pruone s in county jule, as the following tiora the Salem Statesman will prove: "On recoinmeudatiou of Judge Bur uett yesterday tbe governor granted a full uardnn to Hugh Starr, and the latter will uot oe compelled to serve out the three mouth in the couoty jul to which he was sentenced October 50. h. for ssstult with a iaugerona weapoo upon Mrs. Kuriz, living several miles north of this city." Rosehurg Review: G H. Pitts and El wards Bro-., ..f Oak Grove, shipped a car load ot dried prunes to the Chicago market last week. Thev were pnronased from J. W. Weaver the Adams estate, Luke Chapman, E I. Libne aud in lad. d several small luts and cost about $5000 at 9i cents per pound. Mr. Weaver realized over $2000 fiim,liis ten acres ot bearing trees in ihis u8" year aud the Adams es ate $1900 from about five acres. The B attle Telegraph says L. S J Hunt, of the Post Intelligencer, bas been buncoed out ot $75,000 by purchasing a salted gVd mine, lne quartz was brought from the Coeur d'AUne, placed in tbe mine aud paid well, but after it was worked up the mine did not pay, so an luvtatigition was bad with the result tiiat Mr. Hunt was so much out. It most have bee i a rare expert wr.o could not tell tbe difference between ore frum the mine and quartz that came from auother locality, but maybe the expert was in it. ' The 400 of Tacoma decline to furnish the names of their guesta at every ptrty and hall they give, says an exchauge. It has become so common for the "society" re porter to publish tbe nmes of everybody wbo attends a shindig tbat tbe aristocracy prefer in future to be conspicuous by their absence in the pages of tbe newspapers. There is getting to be too mucb snobbery anyhow among tbe American people, aud tbe columns which should be devoted to news are tilled with the veriest trash taken from hotel register or those who are ambi tious of continually seeing their names in print. Exchange: There is an item going the rounds ol tbe easte: n press to the effect that an Orexon newspaper ma i has 4000 cords of wood due him for subscription. We know the mau; he got really hungry tbe other day, and had to break up bis empty chicken coop for firewood to boil a champion hig potato left witb him by a delinquent sub scriber fast fall. Footpads are becoming bold in Pendleton, and Tuesday evening, says tbe Tribune, at 7:30 o'clock, as Miss Neva Lam was return ing home from a shopping expedition, she noticed a maa following her. Sue quickened ber step- but was overtaken at the corner of tbe Presbyterian sburcb and ber hand bag wrenched from her arm. Sbe gave tbe alarm, and S. P Hutchison came out from bis house, but could find no trace ot the robber. The bag contained but $5 in cash and a few trinkets. - Salem Statesman: O le wbo is in close ton eh witb Governor Pennoyer saya bis ex cellency bas already commenced work on his biennial message, and be further states of that tbe document is going to be a shoulder striker, so to speak. Oolv one or two para graphs of it are completed even in the rough, hut in them the governor urges it upon tbe legislature as being tbe duty of that body to knock out tbe gold clause The governor is right after tbe gold bugs and bis last message is going to define his position with a olearness that is unmis takable. He also, but rather between the lines, sugg sts that it wouldn't be a bad thing to let the Oregon National guard also drop into tbe waste basket. The goyernor says his message will be short, and if all signs do not fail it will be sweet as well. The West Coast Mail sayi the following placard was fou d posted on a Portland, Ore., cburch door: "This ehnrch cost $200 000 in gotd. It has a $10 000 organ. Its communion silve ' crmt $2000. Its com' muoion table cost $1000. Ana its seveD e ders are like onto the even rolden candle stick i of Revelation. Every one of them is a banker or note-shaver, lending money at ursury for five per cent a month, aud grabbing lands to make p or meo pay royal prices tor home. Application for member ship ma f be accompanied by collateral The world, ihmi;h, should not luiige the ctiorch gene ally, by such churches as the. rortlsnd cburch. - From Friday's Da ly. Judge Davenport, ot Mosier, is in town to-day. Hon. E. L Smith, of Hood River, is in town to-day. Mr. J. A. Anderson, the cattle buyer Victoria, B. C , is in the cicv. Mr. C. M. Donaldson, a prominent citizen of Baker City, came down ou the morning tram. Hon. Henry Blackmann, of Heppner, was a parseuuer on tbe afternoon train Irom Portland. Notwithstanding the lateness of the sea son there is considerable travel on passen ger traius. A chaik mine has been discovered on ' the banks of the little Klickitat. Tbe vein is said to be' five feet thick. After tbe pleasant weather yesterday a crisp frost covered the ground this morning, and the air felt t ery wintry, Mr. and Mr. Frauk MuFarland, of Hepp ner, Ktt tbat city .or Ijos Angeles. Ualif.. w here thev will make a permanent home, Capt. Ad. Keller, of this city, left last evening for Portland to attend the meeting of the office re association of tbe O-'egon National Guard, which is now in session in that city. There was one solitary hobo found wan deriug around the city last night begging tor something to eat, and be was taken to the i itv j ii where board aud lodxiogs are furnished tree. It is reported that a syndicate on the bound bas bought out the ualiula and Portland braucn of the old Hunt system and will build tnrough the Klickitat valley connecting witb Tacoma la the spring. The members of the state board of equal- izttiun were passengers on the tram from from Port and this afternoon. Thir desti nation was Pendleton, and from there tbey will go to Heppner, and, returning, stop at Tbe Dalles about Monday. Tbe efforts to raise the Bonita, which waa wrecked neat Bridal Veil a lew days ago, has proved futile, and (be boat is con-" sidered a total loss. This is a well-known crait ou the lower Columbia, and has been in the trade a number of years. Karl Stephao, pronrietoe of the Parisian suit house, wbo bas been engaged in busi ness in Portland for a number of years, make an assignment Wednesday for the benefit of bis creuitors to Jacob Strauss. Stephan's liabilities are $24,316 41. His sssets are not known, but are estiuiated at $20,000 ' Mr. Patrick Bolton, of Kingslev, wbo is in town to-day, sa,s tbat rain is needed very mucu; but he would prefer snow, as thix insures trore certainty of crops. There is time yet before spring for abundant snow, and it is to be hoped the ground will be covered with three or four feet of tbe con cealed e euieut. Sentinel; News came to Goldendale Men- day that Sam Miller, a former typo of the Sentinel and old time resident of this county, Was severely n lured while playing a game of foot ball iu Seattle last week He is now in tbe Seattle bespital in a critical condi tion. His many friends here sincerely hope for his recovery t A Frenchman from this city, according to to-day's Oregonian, named S Bireille, pre meditated suicide in Portland by taking - a dose of morphine. He was prevented from swallowing the contents of a bottle 1 this drug by a bystander, and- thus was saved from making a uddeu exit to the unkujwa region from whence no traveler returns. Portland is imitating Seattle iu enlarging her borders, and the Dispatch says: "With the completion of tbe car service to Oregon City, many now predict a solid city in the near future from Oregon City to the Colum bia riyer. The bridge across tbe Clacka mas will be completed in a day or two, ready for crossing and the track into Ore gon city will be completed about the same time. Ic will take a week or more to finish stringing the wires, and it is expected the road will be ready for operation by Christ mas day." A brother of Leo McCarthy, the young mau who lost his life in au encounter with John Alexander on Birch creek, says the E O , lett Pendleton yesterday tor Pilot Rick, in company with James Lewi.', to exnume the remains ot the deceased. He employed Drs Smith snd Guyon to bold a post mortem examination. The object, it is presumed, was to obtain additional facts concerning tbe tragedy, and determine if possible by "an examination of the body whether or not McCarthy committed sui cide by shooting himself in his cabin after receiving the wound from Alexander. , Astorian: Rouse, the man who was res cued from d-atb by drowning off Cape Horn on the XandVer, and who was thought to have suffered no injury at the time, was taken to tbe hospital yesterday in a very serious condition. A medical examination showed that his adventure bad given mm an acute attack of pneumonia, and tbat the hundred days that had ensued since had nursed it into consumption. He is now iu a very precarious state: Scurvy has also made its appearance on tbe unfortunate man withiu the last few days. Portland TeUqtwm: About 10 o'clock this morning a partly developed body of an infant was found in a cigar-box floating in the river about one-half mile below tbe Portland flouring mills. The box had floated ui near tbe east bank of the river, and M. C. Thompson, a yonng fisherman, in walking aloug the beach discovered it and pulled it ashore. Upon discovering the contents of tbe box, be immediately came across the river and notified Coroner Holman. Coroner Holtaao sent oyer for the remains which are now lying at the morgue. No clue to its identity bas de veloped. W. W. Statesman: The Hon. S. S. Fenn, of Idaho, died at Blackfoot on Friday last at tile advanced age of 72. For a number of years in the early days of Idaho, Mr. Geon was a Democratic leader and a mem ber of tbe first legislature of the territory and twice elected to congress. . He was an old 49 r and followed minine in California aa i Idaho up to the year 1870, when he re tired and went to farming. He was a generous,- whole-souled man and always a friend to a poor man whom he always as sisted. Oi late years bis mind became en feebled and he was plsced in the state asy lum at B ackfoot where be died. Intelligence reached the sheriff's office last night that a woman was fonnd dead on. the reservation, aays the East Ureyonian. No p-rticulars were obtainable. Deputy Sheriff J F Johnson and Deputy Distuct Attorney Hiiley procured a buggy and started at 4 o'clock this morning for the scene to bold an inquest. Reports are that the woman was tbe wife of Will LaRocque and resided about two miles from Cay use station. Sbe was discovered in a barn, not far from the bouse, and there was a rope around her neck. Foul piay is suspected. The woman was a daughter of Cash-Cash, a wel known old Indian, formerly judge among his people. A Portage Eailrsad. Mr. Paul F. Mohr, the projector ot this portage road o be built Irom Columbus to a point opposite Crate's point in Wash ington, took the afternoon train to-day. In a few moments1 cenversatioo with bim at the hotel prior to tbe departure of tbe train a Times Mouktaineek reporter learned Ibat tbe object of tbe company was to construct and operate a railroad in Washington between the points named, and work will be begun as soon after Dec 28 h as tbe contract can be let. Tbis will take about five months in building, and it is expected to have trains running by the first of July. Mr. Mohr la an air table gentleman, and answered all ques tions frankly aud fully. If boats cannot be procured to operate in conjunction with tbe portage road, a regular lioe wil be put on, as it is confidently believed that the trade of the Colombia will war rant sucb an expenditure. Tbere is sumcierjt sruount of capital in tbe cor poration to build the road and boats if necessary, and tbe members mean busi ness. Tbe object of the western terminus opposite Crate's point is to overcome the ice blockade in winter which usually forms at tbat place, but near this city. there will aUo be a permanent station which will be tbe one generally used, ex cept when impossible to reach open water. As yet it has not been detet mined where the mad will . reacb the river opposite The Dalles, aud Mr Mohr received information that an available point is about two miles above Tbe Dalles; but tbis will be determined in the future. Tbe permanent eastern ter minus is at Columbus; but by reason of tunnel work being necessary opposite Celilo, a temporary station will be estab lished near that town, and the wotk will be done from Rockland to that point. His object in going up tbe road to day was to locate tbe temporary tesmious be fete the tunnel wcrk is done. Whether tbis road wss under coatrol of tbe Union Pacific was not asked, and very likely would bave received a negative answer if propounded. Whatever may be the ob lect, if tbe road will be a factor in the development of tbe country tbe Times- Mountaineer will give it a cordial wel come. A Salnsion and a Snare. The following is the text of a petition. several copiet of which have been received in this eity by a resident with a request to circulate and receive 8'gnatures, and which it would be well for every person interested in the state portage by every possible means to discounteoauce To tie Senators and Representatives of the Seventeenth Legislative Assembly of Oregon We, tbe undersigned resi eats and tax payers ot Uregon, respectfully present to your honorable body the following tacts for your caretnl consideration: The opening of the Columbia river at The Dalles by canal or Ship railway, so as to se cure for tbe interior country easy aud cheap transportation to tine water, is a public nec essity, and tbe people of Cistern Uregon demand that steps be taken by your honor able body to s-cure tbe desired result at early a date as possible. We al-o ask that the improvements for opening the river at The Dalles be done at the expense of and by tbe general govern ment for the following reasons: As tbe several states of O'egon, Wash ington and Idaho ate directly interested it would be unjust to ask our state to burden its taxpayers with an interest paying debt of more than one million dollars, to open and maintain a free river From The Dilles to Wallula, the Col am but river is the dividing line between Ore gon and Washington, and the arable and producing lands of Eastern Oreson lie from twenty to forty miles from the river be tween these two points; therefore to reach tue Columbia river shippers would bave to use existing lines of railroads or build new lines at a beavy expense, so that the run them in quickly enough; bnt be is not going to collar every suspicious character and "run bim in." He keeps a careful watch over the vicious classes, and he desires it emphatically denied that Tne Dilles is at present a "den of thieves" or a "ho-o's rendezvous." Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report The Wagon Boad Case. Monday morning, in the United States circuit court, Judge Gilbert decided the celebrated case of the United States against tbe Willamette Valley & Cascades Moun tain Wagou Road Company in favor cf the defendants. . The Telegram says: "The bone of contention in this case was about 600.000 acres of land granted by congress to the com Dan v for building the road. The government claimed that the company bad never completed the road, and that it should revert. The court beld that the west end of the road was completed within tbe limit expressed in tbe act, and since tbe suit was commenced - the remainder had been fiu- ished. The certificates issued by the gov ernor at the time the work was done could not be called into question, as there was no evidence showing fraud in any respect. It was so decided tbat Alex. Weill and David Cohn, the present owners of tbe land, bad Durcbased it in good faith, and that the government is estopped. College (lotos. Monmouth, Dec. 13, 1S92. Editor Tmxs-MotmTAisssa: Prof. Getz, of the Not mat, addressed the students of the college at Lafayette last Friday evening. Tbe students will bave a Christmas tree in tbe college chapel Christmas eve. Tbe Athletic Association will give an en tertainment in tbe cbapel Dec; 17tb. Mr. W. Corson, of Tbe Dalles, spent Sun day visiting friends in town. Miss Cassie Wiley, who is attending school at the O. S. N. S., will spend tbe holidays at ber home in The Dalles. The college faculty were very pleasantly eotertaiued by Mrs. Prof. Powell last week. A recital was given in the college Satur day evening by members of the musical de partment. It consisted of talks on the works and lives of classical authors, inter spersed with songs and music. It was highly spoken of by those present. These recitals are given once a month. School will close for the holidays Decem ber 22d and reopen Jan any 2d. Many of the students are looking forward to spend ing the time at their homes. Those who remaiu here will no doubt spend the time pleasantly, as the people of Monmouth are very enterprising io the wav of entertain ments. A. E. W. II C7 V ABSOLUTELY PURE TElEQEAPHIO HEWS. Blaine's Conditiou. Washington, Dec. 15 Inquiry at Blaine's residence to night elicited the simple response that Mr. Blaine's condi tion was aSout the same. From other sources it is Jearoed his condition is less favorable than this morning, and tbat b is not only a very sick man, bat tbat bis present condition creates tbe gravest tears. A person qualified to speak by reason ot his relationship with tbe tarn ilv, says Blaine's trouble is witb bis kid neys. These become coosrested when ever be tikes cold. Furthermore, bis throat and lungs are effected, and bu svstem is crowing wesker day by dav He speaks freely upon the subject of death and is preparing for the end, which he realizes cannot be a great way off. A loving father, the death of three children within a comparatively brief period has sorely stricken bim, and bis grief bas hastened tbe progress of the malady with wbicb be is afflicted. The Contest la Klickitat. Goldendale, Wash., Dec. 15 The contest began by some of the defeated candidates of tbe People's party was ended to-day in Judge Sol. Smith's court. The result is, tbe People's party lose tbe sheriff and one county comrais sioner. tieorge V. McKinney, wbo just got in on the first count by three votes, gained on tbe recount 20 votes. Many votes were thrown out oo account of tbe judge of election failing to write bit initials on tbe ballot. Judge Smith, wbo is a very strong partisan of tbe Republi can idea, should be commended for ni3 fairness to all contettauts He was in dulgent to hesr every point tbe People's party bad to offer long after tbe case should bave been thrown out of court for lack of evidence. ?OW(kf BTICKSohLICE MX V V WsaiiiarU - htlj v Ar. o i n orty rA m r n 3 rVWIM l r aaa a WW aW efca "J I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Omen at Vinootroa, Wakh., Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice nf his intention to make final proor m aupport ol bis claim, and that said pn win ne made before w. K. Dunbar, Commissioner United sua tea Circuit Court, district ot Washington, at hii office lu Goldendale, Wash., on January 28, iovo, via; JOHN T. LUCAS. Purchase Application No. . under See. S. Forfeit- ore Act, Sept. , 1 W0 for the Nf of N Wl and Jtil of NE qr, See 17, Tp S N. R 14 E. W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his claim tnma land viz: Levi K Hllleary, Vernon T. Cook, William D. Gllmortt, of The Dalles PoatorBce, r., ana jaaouei o. 1 narao, oi uenterriue, waao. ueciy wunai v. iBiutiUAr, Kesuter. Dippings superintended by experienced representatives, free of charge, CHEHP6R THHN TINY OTHER. "lOOPER SHEEP DIP is sndorsrd by tbe following Oreena and Hon tana 8ptnen! J. W. Brers. New J Lisbon; Oeorire Ochs, Amanda; John Hamaon, Manner; W. S. Lm. Junarton City; W. B bonaldsoa Dayville: B. Kelaar. Cross Uollowa: P. J. Moula. Beroaik Jaamh Hiraehbare-- Choiaan: J. O. MoOuaUr. Dupuj er; Oeonrs Edie, Dillon; Cook Clarke, Pbilbrook. The Wool Clip is Vastlv Improved by Its Use. ASK YOUR MERCHANT FOR IT. 1 NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Lavs Omci at Vahcocvxb. Wash. December 12. 1882. To Robert Handeraou and all whom it may concern: Notice is h leby riien that the fot;owtneoamed settlm hav flta? notice of their intention to make no 'I proof In support nf their claims, and that said proofs will be made before W. B. Unnbar, commis sioner United states Circuit Court for District of Washington, at bis office in Goldendale, Wash., on January 80, 1893, vis: PBANCI3 M. 8PLAWN, Purchase application No. 838 uuder See. 3, Forfeit ure act September 39, 1890. for the N hf of 8E qr, NBqrof oWqt.Shfof NWqrand Wnfof NE qr. Sec 29, Tp 3 N, B 13 E. W M. He names the foliowinir witnesses to nrove hla claim to said land, vis: William Van Victor, Melville H. Warner. William P. Chatfield, of Gol endale Poetoffice. With., and William O. A. Harckmaim. of Hartland Posto ce, Wash. CARL C FBANZEN, Purchase application No. 9. under See. S. Forfeiture Act Sept. 29. 1890. tor the SW or of NW or and NW qr of S W qr, Sec 31. Tp 3 N. R 13 E, W H. He names the following- witnesses to prove his claim to said land, viz: r raucis M. Splawn, William Garner, Marion M Spiawn and John Kure, all of Hartland Postoffice, Wash. dectl7 JOHN D. OF.OGHEOAN, Register. KOSHLAND BROS., Portland, Or., I A. M. WILLIAMS A COMPAIY, CEN. ACTS. FOR ORECON, WASHINGTON & IDAHO. iooa Acts. The xcrtie. or. WILLIAM COOPER & NEPHEWS, Proprietors, Galveston, Texas. Heath of Mis. Pieman. Frtm Thursdrv's Daily. Mrs. Riga Freiman, beloved wife of Mr. Jos, Freiman, died last evening about 5 o'clock, after ao illness of three . weeks. She was ailine for a lone timo before sbe was confined to her room, and, although everything that medical skill or affectionate relatives could devise was done, she quietly passed away at the boar mentioned. Mrs. Freiman had a large circle of friends and acquaintances, witb whom Bbe was held in high esteem, and her death will be generally deplored. Har husband has been in busi ness in tbis city for about 20 years, and will bave tbe heartfelt sympaty of tbe commu nity in bis irreparable loss. She was aged 53 years, and leaves a family of six chiidrea three boys and three girls to mourn her demise. The remains will be taken to Port land on the afternoon train, where they will he interred according to the ceremonies of the Jewish cburch. Demoeratte Plurality. Albany. N. T , Dec. 15. The report of tbe state board of canvassers, made to day, shows tbe national Democratic ticket had 43,449 plurality in tbis state in the November election. BOR. Dissolution Notice. TT mutual consent the co-partnership heretofore j existing- Between it u rieca ana u uneeeman, under the firm name of R C Fleck Cn, is hereby dissolved. D Cneesman will be responsible for all debts contracted by said firm and all money dus the an. lulls, uv paiu Ml luiu. K C FLECK, D CHEESMAN. The Dalits, December 13, 1892. NIELSEN In this city, December 13th, to the wife of Mr. H. C. Nielson, a son. , makkied BAOLEY MATH1ESON Dee. Hth, in the city, at the residence of tne nride s motner, by Kev. wm. Mi:heU, Miss Ida C. Bggley to Mr, A. C. Mathieson. MRS. L EOZINE, FASHIONABLE Dress-maker! Kooms over Pease & Mays' store. Notice to Contractors. A lilttle Cifrl's) Experience In a liKht hunite. Mr. and Mrs. Loreo Trescott are keep ers of tbe government lighthouse at Band Beach, -Michigan, acd are blessed with a daughter, four years old. Last April she was taken down with measles, followed with a dreadful cough and turning into a fever.. Doctors at home and at Detroit treated her, but in vain ; sbe grew worse rapidlv, urlil sbe was a mere "handful ol bones." Then she tried Dr. King's New Discovery and after Uie use of two and a half bottles, was completely cured. They say Dr. King's New Discovery is worth its weight in gold, yet you may get a trial bottle iree at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store. 6 Call at Joles Bros, snd make arrange ments for the celebrated Warner's butter for the winter months, fhe first to come will be the first on the list, ISdcJQt re moval of the obstructions at The Dilles wonld bene6t Oregon less than it would tbe sister states ot Washington and Idaho. " We, the nndersigred, also believe that any temporary road that might be built around The Dalles, at present, would be of little valne to the producers of Eastern Oregon and wonld delay permanent im provements for many years. Therefore, we your petitioners, pray that yonr honorable body memorialize the con gress of the United States for appropriations to secure a froe river from Astoria to tbe navigable sonrces ot the Columbia and its tributaries, and demand tbat onr senators and representatives in congress give -this matter their earnest atteetion. , Tbis is in direct opposition to any appro pnation being made by the state legislature for a portage road between this city and Celilo, and is so worded that it might secure the support of some friends to an open river, who, withont c onsideration would affix their names' to the petition. We understand that Grant, Baker and other counties in En tern Oregon are flooded with similar petitions, and it is very evi dent the enemies to an open river are not asleep. . Sadden Death Prom Friday's Daily. Mr, Wm, Bethame, who has been drink ing verv freely for tbe past few weeks in this city, waa found dead in his room at tbe Umatilla House this morning abont 6 o'clock. About 5 o'clock last evening. while sittiDg in a chair he fell over twice and was placed in bed. After the second fall, cots were discerned on his face and Dr. Logan was called, who examined and dressed bis wounds. Tbe night clerk, Mr. Batty, visited him several times and found him sleeping very soundly, and apparently in a profuse perspiration. At 3 o clock this morning fie was seemingly in the same condition, bat, sooq after, on going to his bed be found his forehead cold and the man dead. Abont two months ago Mr. Betbnne, wbo formerly lived on Bridge creek, had some family trouble and came to Tbe Dalles, and since tbat time has constantly indulged to. excess in liquor, He owns two farms, w understand, in Crook county, and has a competence cf worldly goods. His age wss abont 55 years, and he was born in Scot- laud. Oo being notified of the facts, the coroner summoned a jury and an ir quest was held. . . - The jury consisted of S. S. Thurman, E. B Johnson, J. Fisher, J. S. Schooling, Jos. Berger snd D. W. Ebersole who were prop ealy sworn and the following witnesses tes tified: D. C. Ireland, Fenn Batty, E. Beck, C. Frank and Dr. H. Logan. From tbe ev idence it was apparent that the man came to bis death irom indulging too freely in in toxicating liquors. Moro Observer: Some of our citizens are trying to organize a cavalry company here to be attached to the Third Bsgiment of the Oregon National Guard. Tne war depart ment of the state) is perfectly willing to or ifanizu a company here and all that is to be done is to have forty or 'more names of men over the age of 21 years, or if they are under 21 years and over 16 years then the consent of their parents or guardians is required, Now let us get in and rustle for a company. The petition is being circulated around the connty. If you have any bard look in nod- iurf it, come to this office and we will assist you in finding it. Now you may ask what it will cokt. We will say that all of the cost is just practicing and being here oo drill nights, that is if yonr business will permit it, and attend as often as, yon can. There is no reason why there should not be a first-class cavalry company and by six months practice we teel assured that tbe company can parade with any company in the Inland Empire. An immense hop field is being planted on Burdock's ranch, about one mile west of Coyote station on tbe Columbia river. One thousand acres of tillable land lying be tween the bluff and the Columbia river will be utilized in the undertaking, and if reas onable expectations are realized the value of Gilliam county's agricultural land will be materially increased. Posts and material for constructing drying houses, etc., are al ready on the field. Water for use during the drv months will be. elevated from the Columbia river into a natural basin or reser voir on top of the bluff by means of wind and steam pumps. It is an assured fact tbat hops will do well in the sandy soil of that section of conntry. A few vines which were planted for a shade in .Mr. Carter's back yard a few years ago are in a most healthygcondition and their yield is enor mous. Moreover, there is no sign of rust. which sometimes, effects hops in the wet climate of Washington. . That "Lawless Element." Any intimation tbat "there ' is surplos of the lawless element in The Dalles" is an injury to tbe reputation of the city, and a reflection on our efficient police force. This is not a fact, and, while it is true that Deputy U. S. Marshal Jameson bas 'arrested several for selling liquor to Indians, very few of these could be denomi nated "hoboes." Tbe case of the Klickitat farmer who was robbed be did no claim tp have been "sand bagged" was heard before a city magistrate, aud the fellow s evidence was so incoherent that the district attorney. on motion, dismissed tbe action and was in tavor of taxing the costs to the complaining witness. .Regarding the robbery of the premises of Bob Teague, we were informed that the money was afterwards found in the bouse, - These are the evidences, or the majority and ' most aggravated cases, to prove that tbe city is overrun by a lawless element by our evening contemporary. In this it is in error, and we do not believe there is a city in the northwest where property is safer or where law is enforced more fully than in The Dalles. Marshal Maloney says if any persons know of any hoboes or bad characters around be will Stick to Ut Sometimes you may have to wait. -'The troubles that nave been yean in gathering cant always be cleared away in a day. For all the dis eases and dis orders peculiar to -womanhood, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the surest and speediest rem edy. You can depend upon that but if your case is obstinate, give it reasonable time. It's an invigorating, restorative tonic, a soothing and strengthening nervine, and positive specmc ior iemaie wuuuaa auiu ailments. All functional disturbances, pain ful irregularities and derangememteare cor rected and cured by it. Ail unnatural dis charges, bearing-down sensations, weak back, accompanied with faint spells and kindred symptoms, are corrected. In every case far which it's recommended, " Favorite Prescrip tion," is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or tbe money is refunded. ' !No other medicine for wonen is sold on such terms. That proves that nothing else offered by the deal cut be "just as good." Boys are boys tbe world over, but some are worse than others, snd the following from the Pendleton Tribune shows that there are some bad ones in Umatilla county: Yesterday evening on the reservation near Athena, a son of Mr. Knight and a boy named Boss Dixie, engsged in a quarrel, which resulted in the Knight boy seriously wounding Dixie with a knife. Dixie is the larger of the two, and bad baen imposing on young Knight. Both boys are rather w Id and have given their parents consider able trouble. (Stresuttb. aaa Health. If you are not feeling strong and heal thy try Electric Bitters. If la grippe hat left you weak and weary, use E'ectric Bitters. This remedy sets directly on liver, stomach and kidneys, gently aiding those organs to perform their functions. If yon are afflicted with sick headache, you will find speedy and permanent relief by taking E'ectric Bitters. One trial will convince yon that this is the remedy yon need. Large bottles only 50 cents at Snipes & Kinersly's drng store ' ft The choice bread, cakes ' and pies now produced at the bakery of Mr. Geo. Eooh can be purchased at Campbell Bros. CHIEF ENGINEER'S OFFICE, ) COLUMBIA R'Y & NAV. CO., f The Dalle, Or., Doc. 14, '92. j Sealrd proposals will be receive I at this office un til December 28, 1892, for tbe construction ol the portage rilrod of this company from Columbus to the western terminus (opposite Crate's point), a dis distanoe of twenty-two miles, including ending, brid&nnr. tur.nelwork. tracklavina and baluvunir. Rock excatation and tuunelwork to be commenced by January 15th, 1898, and completed by the l&th day of May, 1"93, and all remaining work to be comple'ed bv July 15, 1893. Haps, proflles, plans, ana-ideations and approximate estimate of quantities can be obtained by application t th Chief Enirineer, rs also the blank forms for pro posals. On and after Saturday. Dec 17, no proposal will be received unless written upon such blanks. All payments will be made in cub. witnin twenty days from the date of each monthly estimate, sucb monthly eatimat to be made on or about the last day of each month during which the work was done or materia a furnished. The right to reje-1 any bid in reserved. All applications or bid to be addrnseed Urkjcaery liver, Chief Engineer, French's bu lding. The Dalles, Oregon. decMtd Daeases mads in the latest styles, and Fits guar- anteea. deci-aw TB1 TTOTT WAIsTT TOYS DOLLS EiODKB- ALBUMS CARDS CUTLERY STATIONERY Jewelry W atche8 Clocks Clothing Millinery SEND TO US A5.DosAT Homermade Mince Meat, jars, 40c. 75c. Coa. Ass'ted Table Fruit; Extras, doz. $2.10. i.uu. " Dried Peaches. 72 lbs. Ho. 1. SI, " 1 n-r-n U ........ r Hl n1 fiuiarrfo, r tint, v IU3. Dried Grapes, Good, 30 lbs. $1.00. Cannot tell of all our good Xraas things hers, ss send your name to us on noatal, and receive tbe full fist M pages. '1W1LI. AY YOU I SMITH'S CASH STORE, 414-416-418 Front St. 8AN FRANCISCO, CAL. WE RETAIL A T WHOLESALE PRICES. Ten Days' Clearance Sale ! A 4- d K r'-r-n Wo1 Mt Hats, worth At Ot) UtiV $1.00 to $1.50. At $1.15. French and Fur Felt Hats, Worth $2.00 to $2.50. ffilSS HNNH PET6R & COMPANY, 113 Second St., THE DALLES, OR. JUST RECEIVED -FROM- : : NEIVOYORK! New Jackets! New Dress Goods I New Fancy Goods! New Clothing! New Hats and Caps! New Boots and Shoes! Prices Very Low This Season. H. Herbring. TERMS CASH nil You Want Twg DrJ Goods We keep the Largest and Best Assorted Line in the city, of Dry Goods and Notions, Gents' Furnishing Goods and Clothing, Men's, Ladies' v and Children's Fine Shoes. We Want Yonr Patronage. Of course we will put Prices to suit. Always do that. Nohody undersells us. Come around and investigate. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. For Candies, Friiits, its, Cigars, Tobacco, CHOICE BR9HD, CHK6S. PIES. ETC.. 33 TO THE COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY, OAMPEELL BROTHERS, 104 SECOND STREET. : : : : : Proprietors. THE DALLES. OREGON , WE HAVE THEM All the Latest Novelties for the Holidays, consisting of . NECKWEAR, MUFFLERS, HANDKERCHIEFS, SUSPENDERS, GLOVES, ETC., ETC. ETC. JOHN C- ZHZaEIES1 ir NOLAN'S POSTOFFICE STORE. EVERYTHING IN THE ZJNB OP SCHOOL BOOKS flJID FIJIE STOTI0IEBY, FRENCH CANDIES AND IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC,' CIGARS, -CAN BK POUND AT- M. T. NOLAN'S POSTOFFICE STORE. CUSTOM-MADE CLOTHING From the Celebrated House of Wanamaker fe Brown, I of Philadelphia, at P.Tagan's Tailoring Establishmen t, ' SECOND STREET, THE DALLES, OREGON. Mr. Fagan has been appointed Sole Agent for tbis celebratad firm, and wil attend to all orders personally. TsT TTFSIOJST SCHOOL H J HAIER J P BEN10H -DEALERS IN- MAIER & BENTON, C FIR, PINE AND ASH, MAPLE, CRAB APPLE, Ac. -ALHO- Groceries, Hardware and Stoves. TINNING AND PLUilBING. . THE DALLES. OREGON CORNER THIRD AND CHION. I 13 ana 131 UKCUMJ STREET I COLUMBIA PACKING COMPANY Corner Third and Washington Streets. Cured Hams, Bacon, Dried Beef and Tongues, And the best Beefsteaks, Mutton Chops and Veal Outlets in the market. Orders Delivered to Anv Part of tHe Citv. Fresh Vegetables on sale at the Lowest Prices. 6! 3 STONEMAN & FIEGE, Dealers in Boots and Shoes. We keep in Stock a good selection of Ladies,' Misses' and Children's Shoes (Spring Heel), of all widths and sizes. Prices are very reasonable, and goods warranted. No. 114 Second street. 01 o H BEST I2ST AMTIICA Tlie PACIFIC CORSET COMPANY MANUFACTURES Hand-Corded Health Corsets and Dress Refsra Waists and Children Waists In various styles sad colors. ' All orders mads to customer's measure, and s perfect St guaranteed. Call and leave your orders at their factory at North Dalles r write to them, and their agent, Mrs. Dells Thomas, will call st your horns sod take your orders. Satisfaction guaranteed. A(nts wanted in every town and city west or the Bockles to can vass for their (oods. Write for terms to amenta. THE PACIFIC CORSET COMPANY, Postoffics Box 106, THE DALLES, OREGON. IXCOBPOATEl ltttt). THE DALLES LUMBERING COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Maanfactareraof Building' material and IDinlension Timber DRY. FIX., PINE, OAK and SLAB PROMPT DELIVERY TO ANY PART OP THE CITY. Ofllee Bi 7 Whlactosi fM. .WOOD "Tar at OlsT aTena v THE MINTGR TERM OF PACIFIC UNIVERSITY and TDAUM ACADEMY WILL OPEN TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1893. For Catalogue and foil information address THOMAS aJoOTiKTiTi AND. PrfMldsWt. dec8-lB Forest.Qrora. Orswoa.