The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, December 17, 1892, Image 2

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    The Tiies-Motuitaineer
The Inter Ocean, ia discussing this
aaVject, Bays: "There should be
baste to pass judgment on the addres
. of Mj;r. Satolii embodying the views
of the pope on the subject of publi
schools in America. t If Ve mistake
not. there ia more statecraft in this
document than in any other papal pro-
nnnciamento of recent years. If it be
not specious, it is nevertheless subtle
its air of candor being well calculated
to disarm ordinary suspicion. That
the head of the Catholic church feels
constrained to speak in terms ot friend
linesa of the public schools of ; this
country is simply indicative of the fact
that, tha nnrwi in a. warn to what an ex
r i -
tent the independent Catholic citizens
of the United States favor and support
a system of free education, the inesti
' mable value of which experience hr.s
taught them.. - v
"The time has come when the Cath
olic church realizes that it can not an
tagonize the public schools without of
fending and to some degree estrang
ing thousands of its own members who
eagerly avail themselves of the privi
lege of securing to their children the
benefits of a system of education that
-seems to be the best adapted to the
practical needs ot American citizens.
Concessions are therefore necessary;
but, examining Mgr.' Satolli's words as
impartially as possible, it seems that
the apparent concessions are of a sort
that promise increased advantages to
the Catholics in the future power to
regulate the public schools by their
own ideas. ,
"There is a peculiar craft in the
declaration that there is no repugnance
to Catholic children 'learning the first
elements and the higher branches of
the arts and the natural 'sciences in
public schools controlled by the state,
but the Catholic church
shrinks from those features of thepub-
ho schools which are opposed to the
truth of Christianity.' It might be to
the purpose were the public informed
specifically as to these nnchristian
features which 'are removable,' and
which, presumably, are other than the
co-education of the sexes, to which ob
jection is raised on moral grounde. In
the face of this charge of unchristian-
ity against some features of the public
Khools and the avowal that the pro
visions of the Baltimore council are
yet in force, in which was the com
mand to Catholic parents to send their
children to parochial or truly Catholic
schools' in order 'to xhield and secure
tftAm f hunnnkAitf r 1 1 rl Vi ntf-vrl and Wa-inth
from the dangers of a merely worldly
education,' there is some reason to
doubt if there be perfect wisdom, and
equity in the proposition to establish
an agreement between the bishopi
and the members of the school board.'
"As the public schools of this coun
try are non-sectarian, as any form of
religfous instruction is prohibited, and
a i n l : i u 1 J L. if
incensed were a Protestant bishop a
recognized adviser of the school board,
this proposition is rather extraordinary,
to say nothing more. . As citizens the
Catholics have the same rights with
Protestants of discussing matters-that
pertain to the education of the young,
since forms of religion do not change
the complexion or value of citizenship,
but anything looking to the establish
ment of a religious right in favor of
any particular church, either to confer
with or influence the school board offi
cially, is not only inimical to the
schools themselves, but is opposed to
the constitutional spirit of the coun
"The religious education of youth
may be cared for independently of
their practical education, and though
it is highly important that the moral
and spiritual welfare of youth should
be zealously protected at all times,
special instruction of a religious char
acter has no essential plan in the
problem of public school education,
and therefore there is no need of the
representative of any particular creed
acting as mentor to a school board.
We see a far-off peril to the public
school system in the very plausible
nmnnul In iron a n ntaUt certificate or
diploma to persons who are to teach
in parochial or other private schools.
While it is true this might tend to in
crease the efficiency and improve the
standard of those schools, it would
also result inevitably in raising up a
formidable competitor with the public
schools, and one over which the state
would have no control whatever.
"Let everything be done that may
be to improve and strengthen to use
fulness the public school system; but
whatever is done to improve that sys
tem or to create an irresponsible rival
Are still in the lead, and are selling- Holiday Goods and Xmas Presents of all kinds at Prices to suit your pocket. All we
, ask is to give us a call and be convinced of facts. One Dollar will go further at our Store than el sewhere.
We are selling Webster's Original Unabridged Dictionary for One Dollar each. Also a line of 12 mo. bound in cloth gilt at 25c each- A fine line of Dolls,
. ' Toys, and Fancy Goods suitable for young and old, at Bottom Prices.
Every purchaser will receive, free of charge, a Prize Ticket on our Raffle of a large Doll, on display in our show window. Also one entitling them to a chance on Webater'a Unabridged Dictionary, Dressing Case, Album and Air Rifle.
to it can not be favorable to the first
aim of the public school, the making
of good citizens. The educated
thinking . Catholics, long ago found
out ; that the American" public
school is an institution they can well
afford to patronize by making their
children partakers of its acknowledged
benefits and inestimable advantages of
horough education. They and their
Protestant friends accord in the opin
ion that the public school system can
get along and should get along with
out church douiinatioa or church in
terference of any sort other than that
wholesome ethical superstition which
makes for a common morality."
The copy of the petition which we
publish in another cclumn is an at
tempt on the part of the enemies of an
open river to defeat any appropriation
which the people of Eastern Oregon
may desire for a portage road from
The Dalles to Celilo from the legisla
ture which convenes in Salem next
month. Its object 13 very equivocal,
because the petition is bo worded that
the friends of the needed improvement
are misled by the idea that it will
vork against the boat railway or other
project by the government to overcome
the obstructions to navigation above
this city. It is already demonstrated
that with the lower house of congress
in possession of the Democracy there
is not the least hope that anything
will be done in this regard for many
years to come, and in the meantime
the producers and shippers are to suf
fer under the extortionate rates charged
by the railroad monopoly. Tnat if the
portage were constructed by the state
it would not be considered an obstacle
to permanent improvement by tbe gen
eral government, is fully proved by
the railroad at the Cascades, built 1&V
yer, which had no effect against the
locks receiving an appropriation of
1435,000, and the plan of operations
being changed to the contract sys
tem. Our delegation in Washington
City understand fully that the people
desire temporary relief from the etatp
and expect permanent improvements
from the eeneral government. Sena
torsDolph and Mitchell and Repre
sentative Hermann are in perfect har
mony with this plan, and the action
taken by the legislature next month
will in no manner interfere with their
efforts in the halls of congress from
doing all they can, against all opposi
tion, to pass a ship railway or canal
and locks bill to overcome the rapids
east of this point. Our people should
not be misled by such sophistry, which
is only used to defeat honest action by
Oregon legislators that will be op
posed to the interests of purse-proud
The ire of - tbe Democrats has been
aroused since the insult given to Mr.
Crisp at the banquet of the Reform
club in New York City, and ' the
Evening Telegram, the organ of the
simon-pure .Democracy in 'Oregon,
says: "They were using both Cleve
land and Crisp for a meau, revengeful
purpose, hence the insult was as much
to Mr. Cleveland as it was to Speaker
Crisp. The whole thing was a vile
plot to breed discord and sow dissen
sion in the Democratic ranks." In re
taliation for this premeditated snub to
Mr. Crisp, the party will cut loose
from the' mugwump element, and will
"stand in solid phalanx in support of
correct Democratic principles." v Dur
ing the last eight years,, by means of
the mugwump contingent, the Demo
crats have twice elected their candidate
for president, and now,since they have
fulfilled a desired end, the parly can
do without them, and these reformers
can take care of themselves and carry
out their principles in any other or
ganization. This may' be considered
ingratitude, savored with a little du
plicity but it is correct politics, and
e hope those in favor of civil service
reforja and purity in elections will not
expect any good to result from casting
their fortunes with that party which
has matured into active life every dis
reputable method that has disgraced
political conventions, and has cnanipu
ated the elective franchise to per
sonal ends in the United States.
Tbe report is current that Senator
Hill has been offered the portfolio of
secretary of state; but Mr. Cleveland
say 8 he knows nothing about such an
ppointment. Paraphrasing an old
dage,it seems that Democrats propose
and Cleveland will dispose. From the
character of the gentleman for many
years past it is very evident that Mr.
Grover S. Cleveland, if he live, will
be president of the United States after
the 4th of March, 1893, and there
may be "weeping and wailing and
gnashing of teeth" among very many
fiSce-seekers after he has made a dis
position of the publio patronage.
The construction of the portage
road on the Washington side of the
river is about to be brgun, and an ad
vertisement appears in this issue for
bids for that purpose to be received
until December 28th. It is somewhat
puzzling to arrive at any definite con
clusion what object tbe projectors have
in view in building this road, and out
people are somewhat diversified
in their opinions. That the people ot
Eastern Oregon need relief from op
pressive freight rates, and to that cud
expect the Oregon legislature to ap
propriate a sufficient amount to build
a portage road from this city to Colilo,
is a well established fact; but tnat the
road on the Washington side if it ih
ever built cannot answer this pur
pose is apparent to any one who will
giye the matter a moment's considera
tion. To give the producer minimum
rates, the road should be operated by
the state and not by a private corpo
ration, the members of which will ex
pect to make a reasonable percentage
on investment. The road in Wash
ington will be subject to the control of
the Puget sound legislature, the ma
jority of the members of which have
no interest in an open Columbia river,
and for this reason the regulation of
freight rates will not receive such re
strictive legislation 03 might be expect
ed if tne populous districts were situ
ated in the eastern instead of the west
em part of that state. The Columbia
is the great highway to the ocean of
Western as well as Eastern Oregon,
and with the Willamette tributary, im
proreroenta to the navigation of tnin
river is alike beneficial to the countiee
west of the Cascades as well as those
east of this range of mountains. Oo
the contrary, Puget sound is the great
harbor of Washington, and any work
which renders this more accessible to
sea-going vessels is a benefit to tbe en
tire state. This road on the north
bank may be used as a bluff to tbe
Oregou legislature not to build on the
south bank of the Columbia, and, if
so, railroad influence can be readily
decerned. Whatever the purpoxe may
be, there can be no reason for Eastern
Oregon abating her efforts for a ship
railway by the general government
and a portage road by the state. This
mast be kept prominontlj in view by
every one interested in the develop
ment of the Inland Enpire, and every
senator and representative who goes
to Salem from this region should be
pledged to work honestly and earnestly
for a portage road from The Dalles to
The greatest interest is manifested
in Eastern Oregon in the project ef a
portage road to be constructed hj. the
state from this city to Celilo, and an
appropriation for this purpose is ex
pected from the legislature which con'
venes next month. From, Washing
ton dispatches it is not at all probable
that anything will be done towards
the ship-rait way at thia session of con
gr 88, and the people- of the Inland
Empire must look for relief to the
Oregon legislasure. . Washington is
more interested in Puget sound than
in the Columbia river, and the popu
lous counties in the western part of
that state will eontaol legislation.
This matter should be kept constantly
before the people, and every senator
or representative who' goes to Salem,
and refuses to support an appropria
tion for a portage road, should be re
membered by citizens at tbe poll
hereafter. There must be a united
effort in this direction by every county
east of the Cascade mountains.
The president's message will, bear
criticism, and has received very favor
able comments from Democratic
sources. It deals with facts and tn
ores which cannot be denied, and
proves that protection has enhanced
tbe wealth ot the country and in
creased the earnings of wage-workers.
It is an important state paper, and
snouid oe read ny mends aa wen as
enemies of the administration. Re'
publicans can point with pride to tbe
successful history of the country for
the past thirty years, and to the ad
ministration of - national affairs by
every president' affiliated with the
party since tbe lamented Lincoln; took
the reins of government ac the evo of
the most gigantic rebellion of modern
times id 1861. . - f
While the' Democrats have' been
posing before the country, in a politi
cally profitable way, as tho poor man's
friend, it is nevertheless noticeable
that the only eligible-timber for sena
torships to be found in that party
seems to be the millionaires. Tbe
New York Mail 'and J Express says:
"Only millionaires have been men
tioned (by tbe Democrats for the sen
ate), beginning with the millionaire,
Governor Flower, of this state, and
the millionaire brejrer, Edward Mur
phy, jr., of Troy; the millionaire Tam
many orator, Bourke Cockrvn, and the
millionaire iron-master of Clinton
county, Smith M. Weed." Ia several
other states the same condition of
things is noted. Even Oregon, tbe
Democrats of which have a desire to
elect a member of their party to suc
ceed betator Uolph in lo93, has a
good Democratic millionaire candidate
in the per son of Hun. A. Bush, ot
A Democratic exchange says: "Of
the. 20,000 men employed by the Car-
negio works at the time of the great
strike last July, not 35 per cent, were
native Americans, and since work has
resumed with a now force more than
80 per cent, of them are foreigners.
Yet we hear some folks howl about the
protection of our American laborers. "
The Republican party has never
claimed that protection benefitted in
dustries' operated by native Americans
alone, or increased the wages only of
thie class, and never in any of its plat
forms or legislation made the least dis
tinction between them and naturalized
American, citizens. For this reason
the paragraph quoted above is "lioah,'
and the naturalized citizens equal
under oar laws to native citizens
may constitute the 80 per cent., de
nominated "foreigners "
The opinion of Mr. Blanchard on
the bo-.t-railway should not he taken
as the ultimatum on that question.
He displayed ' opposition lust year
to this scheme, end what was con
tained in the Washington dispatcher
simply signifies that be has no;
chacecd. As chairman of the com
mittee on commerce, he has great in
fluence in tbe house, and from this
Democratic branch of the national leg
islature liberal appropriations in the
River and Harbor bill have always
met determined opposition. The Re
publican senate has always been
friendly to improvements in thf Co
lumbia river, and the ship railway
would have been un.ler construction
several yean ago if the hill bad not
been slaughtered in the Democratic
A story is published by u' Sunday
paper in Jrittsburg of a conspiracy to
poison by wholesale th non-union
workmen ac the Carnegie steel plant,
and two deaths are already reported,
Lf this proves 10 be a fact public sym
pathy will be extended to the work
men not connected with the union, and
universal condemnation will he poured
upon the head of the perpetrators of
sucb diabolical acts. We hope, for the
sake of the good name of Ameri
can workmen, that this is simply a
sensational rumor, without a shadow
of tact for a foundation, for such a
manner of wreaking revenge disgraces
the civilization of the nineteenth cen
tury. and should cause a blush of
shame to mantle the cheek of every
citizen of the rppubhc.
There appears to be a growing de
mand for the repeal of the Sherman
silver bill, for the reason that it is ac
cumulating in large quantities in the
treasury, and the government is sim
ply hoarding a depreciated "-oin. Un
doubtedly some action will be taken
during this session of congress, and the
periodical purchases will either be
stopped altogether or considerably de
creased. This bill was passed to sat
isfy tba demands of western men, and
it undoubtedly had the effect to in
crease the price of silver and furnish a
narket for the product of the mines.
But at the present fluctuations of this
metal, it is advisable for the treasury
not to possess coo great a surplus, and
thus be prepared for any future declen
sion in the price.
Dispatches from Boise contain start
ling news of the discovery of diamond
mines ' in that vicinity; but in this
western country there are so many
fraudulent schemes used to "boom"
towns and sell corner ; lots that we
place little confidence in reported rich
discoveries of mineral wealth. In
early life we read "Martin Cbuzz'e
wit" and the etory of "Eden' and later
"Tfi Gilded Age," and we are free to
confess that we are a confirmed skeptic
in any scheme that claims to have
'millions in if."
The provisions of ib Australian
ballot system, if they did originate in
a penal colony' of Great Britain, are a
great safeguard to tbe purity of the
elective franchise, and, it is fair to
presume, will not be abolished in but
few states after being once introduced
They may abridge tbe license formerly
enjoyed by the political striker; hut
they insure protection to the honest
citizen who desires to exercise the
privilege' of voting intelligently and
according to the dicta tes of his con-!
The rain-makers are at work in
Texas, with poor success. They tiiuln
cone to Oregon, where their efforts
would be abundantly rewarded.
The Republicans in the senate an
preparing to outline their policy dur
ing the present session of congress.
Of course, they cannot accomplish
anything with the determined opposi
uon of the honse; but, even after the
defeat of November 8th, they can sho
a bold front and make known to the
country that they still possess the
courage of their convictious.
Dr. Briggs, if not increasing the
number of his friends in tho Presby
'erian church by his able defense, is
gaining supporters among he reading
and thinking classes. Oid creeds th-it
are not elastic euousjh to hear investi
gation in the liahtof the advanceroen
of the present age must break under
the test. It is impossible to chain
thoueht, or bend human reason to hi
the narrow and prescribed cbaunels of
the past century.
After tne recent overwhelming vic
tory the Democrats hve come to the
conclusion that they can do without
the mugwumps, and they are given the
"cold shoulder. it is to be hoped
that these seekers after purity in poli
tics are fully persuaded, after their
eitfht years' experience, that the golden
age of America cannot dan whil
Tammany controls the Democratic
party that manages the affairs of the
The statement in the Washington
dispatches to day that I. N. Day &
0 )., of San Francisco, who have been
awarded the contract at the Cascadi s
for $1,500,000, will begin work imme
diately upon the close of the rain
season, is very encouraging to our peo
ple; but the water is very low in tbe
Columbia now, and considerable pro
gress could he made this winter. It
might be advisable for Messrs. Day &
Co. to visit tbe Cascades and ascertain
the facts in the matter.
The Panama canal frauds are grow
ing larger in proportion as investiga
tion progresses, and it is shown to be
the most gigantic theft ever known to
the French . government. This will
undoubtedly have a bad effect upon
further progress of the work on the
great inter-ocesnic canal; but from
ibis fact our government should prose
cute with greater vigar tbe JNicaraguan
scheme, and by this means tbe t nited
States would control the commerce of
riotb the Atlantic and Pacific sea
An Old Man Shot by Mistake.
New Whatcom, Wash., Dec. 13 Mr,
Boen: ger, of Liaueu, was shot and killed
by his gjandsou, a boy about 11 fears
old, at 8 o'clock last night, the boy tak
ing him tor a tra.cp. Chris Bot ringer,
father of the boy, went to Wbutcom, and
was not expected home. Instead, he and
the grandlatr-er ot tbe boy returned and
went to the house Tbe family were
alraid of tramps, and inquired who it
was. The old dim not answering, tbe
boy fired through toe door. Tbe woman,
bearing a fall, went to tbe door and
found her husband's father shot in the
arm and abdomen He died at midnight
He was 70 years of age and bad a ranci
at tbe bad of Lake Whatcom, but gen
erally lived with his son. Tbe bny bad
been accosted in tbe alterooon by two
men, probably nuuter., who said the)
would call at the bouse and rtop there
all DiLbt. Tbis frightened the boy, ano
tib was loaded lor tramps, Indians, bears.
or anything else.
A terrible and probable fatal accident
occurred at Blue Canvoo coal mine yes
ierday. Two miners, named Ramsey and
Leeman, were blown up by an explOMOt
tif gs and Leeman is liable to die, being
f rightfully burned. Botb men are in the
company's hospital and are cottoned and
oiled to save tbem as much suffering at
possible Leeman signified to Ranieej,
who was working with bim, that be wo.
ordered into the eat gangway, on tbe
first level, and started Ramsey called
to him to take a safety lamp, as there
was gas in the gaogway. Litem m no
net dint; Ramsey started after bim and
arr.ved at i be entrance jurt ut Leeman
was blown back and be bimseif received
a terrible scorching.
Battle With Bandits.
Coffeyvtllk, Kan., Dec. 14 Another
battle with bandits occurred 15 miles
southwest cf Coffeyville, in tbe Indian
territory, yesterday, between Detective
Dickey, of the Pacific Express Company,
and Deputy United Stales Marshal Wil
son oo the one side and members ot the
Starr Newcnme gang of outlaws on the
other, Tbe meeting was unexpected, and
the fight took place on the open prairie.
Wilson was killed and Dxkey driven off
Starr escaped after emptymg hi rifle aoi
revolvers at the officers. The gang bs
been organized, since the death ot the
Dal tons and is credited with four daring
robberies in the territory. The bandite
are all young men. Starr, the leader, l-
half breed Cherokee, and Newcome, hit
lieutenant, is a full blood Delaware
Armed men are in pursuit and morr
bloodahed ia anticipated.
Four jnen Be purled Killed.
Charleston, S. C, Dec. 13. A repor1
1 cached here to-day that four miners work ing
in the Horseshoe phosphate mine near Jack
sonboro were shot and d illed by a padrone
named Andreas. Jack sonboro is 18 miles
Irom here, bnt has no telegraphic communi
cation. A large number of Italian laborers
from New. York work in the mines, and mur
deis are of frequent occurrence. The latest
report from Jaci- sonboro is that an armed
hand of Italians headed by a trial justice are
in pursuit of the murderer.
Murdered by Keeeade Indlaaa.
Deming, N. M., Dec. 13. News reached
here last evening that Kid and his band of
renegades made a raid into the Las Animas
- -..'' L ' . - . . csv iv
valley, Gamt county, N. M., last Friday, kill
ing "Bud" Taylor, who was hunting near the
Grey ranch, owned by the Hagfpn & Hearst
Cattle Company, Taylor was shot dewn and
his both mutilated in a horrible manner.
Everything of value was taken from the
corpse. A man named Billingsly, who ac
companied Taylor, witnessed tne tragedy
some distance away and attempted to save his
companion by shoo' ing at the murderers.
The savages turned on Billingsley and he
barely escaped with his life. The same
evening 30 head of hne horses were stam
peded and stolen from the Haggin & Hearst
camp, where the round-up was The cow
boys gave immediate pursuit and recovered
19 head, forcing the Indians to taue refuge in
the surrounding mountains. United States
soldiers are in close pursuit, but the rene
gades are supposed to have escaped into Old
Mexico. The body of the murdered man
was recovered next day and given burial.
The band is only composed of eight Indians.
This makes the fifth murder committed by
Kid and his followers within the last three
A n el'-Knon'i Srout.
Tacoma, Dec. 13 John Flett, whi
moved to Oregon territory from Mani
toba in 1841. died last night near Stela
coom, aged 77. He was intimately con
nected with the early history of tbe tern
torv. having been present at many of the
conferences between the territorial offi
cer and the Iudiaos, both in Washing
ton and Oregon. At several ot thegi
councils be acted as interpreter. He wbf
a'so "reeent at the final grand council
i.eld by Governor Stevens and Genera
Joel Palmer with several tribes near
Walla WaMa. ia 1855. In the early dat
ne accompanied General Palmer and In
ilian Agent Chrin Taylor to Klma-b
lakes and tbe Modoc country, that beiop
'be brst partj visiting that region.
Fight With Bobbers.
InON Gate, Va., Dec. 13 As the Chesa-
peaks & Ohio vcstibuled train pulled out of
Huntington, Va., last night, four masked
train robbers, with two pistols each, appeared
and ordered th: passengers to hold up their
hands.' Two of the passengers seized one of
the robbers. In the scuffle one of the passen
gers, a German from Cincinnati, on his
wedding trip, was mortally wounded, and
Peter Drake, also of Cincinnati, was wounded
twice. The conductor secured a revolver
and emptied it twice at the robbers. Mean
time tbe scene was one of indescribable con
fusion, passengers biding beneath the seats,
and women screaming and fainting. At last
the robbers, realizing their failure, pulled the
bellcord, stopped the train, jumped on and
disappeared in the darkness. It is believed
some of them ere wounded.
Killed in a Drunken Bow.
Great Falls, Mont., Dec 13. A dis
patch received this afternoon shows that yes
terday's report of trouble with the Indians
about Fort Belknap was exaggerated. The
facts are that one Assinaboine Indi.n, Big
Mouth, was killed bv another buck, name un
nown, in a drunken row. The murderer
fled to a lone cabin near by, and fortified it
with the assistance of friends. Vhen Agent
Simon arrived from Fort Belknap with a
posse, fire was opened from the improvised
fortress, killing a horse and wounding the
agent in the calf of the leg. The Indian still
holds the fort, and the agent and his posse
are besieging it. It is not thought that the
trouble will extend further.
, A Coal Mine Horror.
Londoh, Dec. 14 A fearful explosion
occurred thi morning in Bamfurlonu
colliery; Wigan, and nor less than 50
ives were ios'. Tbe men went to work
this morning as usual after ibe mine bad
been inspected. Shortly afterward
fearful explosion shook the ea' th, and a
cloud of smoke shot up through the Shalt
It is supposed the explosion was caused
oy an accumulation of coal gas. which
tbe inspector overlooked on bis rounos
As soon as tbe explosion occurred, oui-u
and children rushed to tbe month of the
pit, and there were the usual heartrend
ing scenes when sucb accidents occur
Stept were immediately taken to ascer
tain tbe extent or tne disaster, ana many
volunteered to explore tbe pit
Later advices say the loss of life ma
be lees than at hr-t reported, but tbe sit
uation is critical. Oqo hundred men re
main in the mine unable to get out.
owing to a fire which followed the ex
nlosioo, and which is raging fiercely.
Every effort is being made to subdue tbe
lire, and bring tbe survivors to the ur
lace. It is impossible at present to give
the loss of life. .
Twenty mioers have just been rescued
10 a bad condition. Tbe; men stilt bel
low are imprisoned in a team below fcbere
the fire is raging . There is strong hope
manv of tbem will be rescued.
A Happy Medium.
New York, D c 14 EvauP. Howeils,
of. tbe Atlanta Constitution, was inter
viewed here to day. He said: -
"Tbe South is full of men like myself,
who do not want the extreme ot protec
tmn, nor the extreme ot free trade. W
believe tbe golden mean is the best for
the country. 1 was not at toe Ketorm
Clnb b-ttrquet, but read the speecbet
made tbere I tell you, it Tom Johnson
bad made a few such speeches as be de
livered at the banquet in ibe Southern
states during tbe campaign, there would
not have oeeo one state in five south itt
Mason and Dixon's line that would havi
voted for Cleveland Why. what John
son demanded is simplv in'amous. I-
would rum tbe soutn. JNortb, .bast and
West." ,'
Want the Apaebea Uemoved.
City of Mexico, Dec. 14 It is le-irned
from authorititive sources that tbe Mex
icao government will present a otti'ion
to the United States, at-king that the
Apache Indians, which now occupy . a
reservation 10 Arizona near the MeX'can
boundary, oe removed to a greater dis
tance from the international border I
la asserted the near preuen e of tbe Apa
ches 10 tbe Mexican teiritory neces.-itate
continuous watching on the part of tbe
Mexican mi'iiary and evil authorities !o
prevent raids being made into their
country; that the movement of the war
ring tribes to a reservation H'oated far
ther in tbe interior of the United S'atea
could be accomplished without difficulty.
Drowned In a Well .
WiNLoCK, Wash., Dec. 13 A son ot
George Miller, living three miles east ol
here, aged aboot 12 years, fell in a well
this evening while drawing water and
after about an hour was brought to tbe
surface dead .
X,-t a I'l al Adjournment.
Bbcsbxls, Dec. 14 It is coosidend
oiohaole the international monetary con
ference will not adjourn without date,
but wilt artpuni until some time next
spring, or perhaps for a lew weeks. The
oimetallists from India and e'se where ate
decid dly aroused over what tliev regd
is tne tiophcity 01 the oMier side It t
laimed Great Britain is us-ng G-rmn
oid Austria to nccomolish uuruoses I'm-
England doe nti dare npenlv to org ,
'r fear 01 offending India, as ell as the
Biglish hi nietai list otlment. Thes.iet.
i-ti committee of tt-.e conference has bt-en
Iicu3i.!ii:r he bimetallic proposals of Sir
William tL-uidw.irtb, of the British del
ga-ion, and one of the Be'-glau delegates,
Allard. TirnrdV summons tn France t
u-c-pt the " Eire ot miuidtt-r of finance i
ilaoe 01 U-.uvier, resigned, has inter
rupted the discussion of the delegates i
Fovil'e's proposal for uq issue of warrantr
in the deposit ol silver.
Butcher C .nvleted T Larceny.
Bakeu Citt, Or., Doc. 141 he circuit
:ourt has been in session here over a
week, and several important criminal
cases have beej disposed of. The case ot
f J Marco m, a local butcher, tried and
:oDvicted of the larceny of a heifer ex
ited considerable public interest, owirg
o the high standing ot the prisoner in
ne community. The defendant drove
he animal in from the range and
utchered it. He will receive bis sen
eoce Sa'ur.luy.
A general shaking up of dry bones is
occssionea oy tne grand jury. It is
understood that a number of stockmen
nd others will be implicated witb
Fowler and Howard, two yonthlul cait e
brandets who are held for mat.
The Oregon Faeifie Boad.
Nbw York, Dec. 14 Oregon Pacific
bondholders met to day to deviie and
consider a plan to re'ain possession ot
the road. The committee appointed re
ported it bad not been abiu to formulate
any satisfactory plan, and was discharged
A sale of the road had been ordered by
tbe Oregon courts to take place January
15 at tbe minimum price of $1,250,000
A proposition wis submitted for 'be ap
pointment ot a cotnininee to examine and
report on the oroperty and levy an assess
met t on the bondholders pro rata, so as
to raise an amount equal to $1 250,000
tor the purchase ot tbe road. -Smallpox
in a Jail.
Seattle, Dec 14 Two male prisoners
in the county jail were tound to have
smallpox to-dav, and were removed to
the pestliouse. The sanitary arrange
i.ienis of the jail are perfect, and as ibe
men have been in the hospital ward, io
I ited from all other prisoners, ever since
they came, no danger of the disease
opreadiug is feargd Another case was
discovered in B- Hard, a suburb, today
Nearly a'l the eases had been discharged
from the pesihous-, and the extra nurses
bad just been discharged.
Inequality of Asaessmeuta.
Salem Dec. 14 Tbe deeper the botrd
of equalization de'ves into the county
assessment roll?, the greater does the in
equality of the assensment appear
Mortgages have been assessed at all
figures. Most of the counties assessed
them at face value, but in Mu tnoraah
the? were taken at 50 per cent. only.
Douglas and Union put them at 75. and
Polk at 66 - Jackson failed to segre
gate mortgages, und Gilliam tailed to re
port whether or not mor'gages were
HIS Dead Bady Fftund-
London, Dc. 14 The body ol Pat
rick Macudury. of Brooklyn, N. Y., was
found to day in the hold of the Anchor
ioe steamship Bolivia, at GlaBgow from
New York, imbedded among tbe grain
Macadurv was sewinjr bags in the bold
when the Bolivia '.oaded witb wheat
irom a lighter. It is supposed be was
overwhelmed by the grain wbicb was
ctiuted in at tbe rate pf several tons per
English Conservative Coafereaee.
London, Dec. 14 The conserva'ive
conference at Sheffield has adjourned.
A resolution was adopted in favor of
measures to remedy tbe depression of tbe
agricultural industry in Great Britain,
providing tbe measu es should invo ve no
lucietise in general taxation Ine con
ference exhibited great enihusia-m, et
pecialiy denouncing Irtab home rule.
Burial ef Judge Waterman.
Washouoal, Dc 13 Judge J. O,
Waterman, auditor of Skamauia couojj
who died last Sunday at tbe Cascades,
was buried here to day under tbe aus
pices of the Independent Order of Odd
Follows. He was a charter member of
lodge No. 3. Portland, Or.
A Story rrena Hew Yark.
New York, Dec. 15 The mystery
surrounding tbe disappearance of Banker
Linus E. Post, of Tacoma, .Wash., U
cleared up. He has not been murderea
nor has be committed suicide, as wa
generally supponed, and it is denied that
the present is not the first occasion on
which he has mysteriously disappeared
Mr. Pom was seen alive in Hobokeu,
wbere it now turns out he took ibt
steamer for Europe .' It is believed hi
departure was to escapepensure for care
lessness in businees. lie has been ol
some account 10 commercial circles 111
ibe west, because be was tbe agent 01
George Vauderbi't. Mr. Post recently re
signed ybe presidency ot a bank con
trolled by Vanderbiits.and it is St a tea n
accounts are perfectly straight He was
elected a member of tbe uanonal Demo
c.ratic committee of Washington, but was
not aclive.
Tbe November Election.
Boise, Dec. 15 The state board of
canvassees completed their wotk tu-day.
Tbe following is the official vote of tLe
state for presidential eleclois: Republi
an Heybarn. 8 789; Ki. hards, 8.442;
Wa ers, 8.422 Populist Wormsiev, 10,
520; Strong, 10430; Monroe, 10,372
The Jew Umatilla House,
SINNOTT & riSH. Proprietors
fejagrgSaSJSdKtoii'i .va- ttiSA.vS.'sgmiriiwii.-. v-
Free Omnibus to and Irom the Hotel
Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety ot all Valuables
fiafce and Baggage Office of thr UNION PACIFIC Railway Company, and Office oj the
Western Ut.'m Telegraph Company, are in th Hotel.
VO. K: KILLER, Proprietor.
Port 81, b Burgundy 83,
Sherry 81 WTOfPCfft N Zinfardel 84,
Muscat 83,
Angelica 83,
Mountain 83
an Grefforio "Vineyard Co. -Aixenoj.
All Wines and Brandies Guaranteed Strictly Pure ,
The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Always on Sale.
Try the best remedy for Dyspepsia, "Dandelion Tonic.'
Furniture and Carpets.
Best Stock and Lowest Prices. ,
Hoonl Mtreet, The Dalles, Orejron
Fine Wines and Liquors,
The Celebrated Pabst Beek.
171 Second Strqpt, . THE DALLES, OREGON
' S. IF. M0(ll)nDY,
(Jener 1 Commission and
391, 393 and 395 SECOND STREET,
: (Adjoining Railroad Depot.) . ,
Consignments Solicited !
Prompt Attention to those who favor me with their patronage.
The Highest Price paid in Cash for Wheat, Barley, Etc., Etc
Portland- OresoiL. A. P.
Xstabliabed in 1868. A lire, practical tcbool, faToralMy known throughout the Pacific Worthwwt
DEPARTMENTS! Bualnnt. Shorthand, T rpawrltlns, Panmanahip, Engllah.
Opea all the year; no Taotiona, no term beginning. 8 inoaau admitted at any tlma. Caukca Tr.
Fine Upholstered Goods
Furniture. 'Carpeta, Mattlnra. Parlor Oniamanta, Window 8hada, Etc.
Crna.fsrtEOsd.zg" Specialty.
Coffins, Caaketa, Burial Bobea, tte.
Can he found at al) hours of the day or night at their place of business,
lOO S!lflCOiD UTREiET, Thn Dulle.
Eiesling 83,
Hock 83,
. Table Claret
Ail iCTBoaa, Principal.