The Times-Mountaineer SATURDAY.... .DECEMBERS. 182 SECRETARY RUSK'S REPORT. The proof of the pudding lies in the eating. . Secretary Busk 8 report is valuable in that it takes the question . f ttui tariff" in relation to farm products out of the domain of specula tion and places it in that of accom- ' plished fact. ' It has been said by the Democratic press that the increase of duties on agricultural products could have no effect upon the prosperity of American farmers, and, says an eastern exchange, juus,us - lot Weaver in some of the farming states, it ' would seem that the false statement has gained a considerable measure of credence . But the . secre tary dt the department of agricaUnw eives cold figures that show a decrease of importations of articles that com- Dete with American produce from a ratio of 54 per cent, in 1880 to 44 per cent, in 1891. Certainly thU" is a fine showing for the first year's opera tion of the new tariff. .moreover, oj tuts rcuipiuuivjr iruoc of the McKinley bill, and by the establishment yf vigorous inspection agencies under the control of the de partment of agriculture, all the foreign countries that prohibited or restricted the importation . of American pork liav rRnnnnnri fcrinir markets to this important farm product More than ; 40,000,000 pounds of American pork m ? 1 I . nave iouna ioreign marges uy upem ' tion of one clause of that bill which the Democratic press denounced as re strictive of the foreign trade of America. One effect of this increased foreign trade has been an increase of 80 cents per 100 pounds on the value of American cork.- Another effect has been an increase of 62 per cent. in the quantities of pork shipped to ' foreign countries, and an increase of 66 per cent, in the value of it, taking the months of May, June, July and AnsrnaL 1892. . into comparison with those of last year. ' But the secretary hints at the need of increased diversification of farm in dustries, tie nnas mat toe unurujuuo , sum of $189,000,0000 yearly is sent out of the United States to pay for .- things that should be grown and made ' on farms and by rural communities of this republic. The items stand thus: Aninul products.... fibers Fruits and wines. . . . Hides Raw silk f40.000.000 67.000,000 30,000,000 27,000,000 25,000,000 Total:.. ........ lS9.00O,0o0 . ' There is not one of these which the soil and climate of the United States is not capable of producing. In view of the excessive production of cotton and wheat on American farms, with an inevitable shrinkage in : price, and the further depreciation of . cotton by large importations from Egypt and Peru, the secretary recom mends lessening the wheat and cotton areas, and acclimatization of . the Egyptian and Peruvian cotton plants, the fibers of which have qualities not found in our native growths. The - beet sugar crop nas been iouna to give large profits' to the grower and to . the manufacturer, whenever the con dition insisted upon by the depart ment have been observed. The tariff on barley has lesssned importations of ' that grain by 10,000,000 bushels, and, of course, has added that many to the home production. American wines, American fruits, American sugars, American flax and hemp fibers may profitably engage the attention of farmers and planters who : hitherto have relied almost exclusively upon cotton and wheat as the sources of profit. - ti7.tii.iiii 1 1 . Am T a Am AK.Kr-.Xl A I I.AKI. The Koslyn Bank Bobbers Captured Hear Fossil. Last Monday morning there left this city . j ui ij u : : 1 men for some point in the interior, and at the time they were supposed to be on the trail of Sootag and Evans, the two Cali fornia express robbers; bnt later develop ments have proved these theories incorrect. Last night there arrived on the weat-boand train from Arlington Cat Hale and Jim Ajmaey, wuu were aiTeswu last j.uurauay morning near Trail Fork, in Gilliam county, and lodged in the Condon jail that night, The next morning they were brought to Ar lington and taken to Portland on the west- honnrf mm flna riAVA At A1A in (ho nffj noon, wnue nere naie was recognized Dy Mr. Frank Abernethy and Dr. Lyons as one of the Roelvn bank robbers, and as the man who poured the ooin into the sack. . It will - be recollected . that Mr. Abernethy was cashier of the bank at the time, and was badly injured by being struck over the head with a revolver. - Dr. Lyons was also in the banK at the time. The . mystery of the armed men in the hacks has now been solved, and their destination was the fast nesses oi tne jonn Day, where the. Koslyn bank robbers lived and owned stock ranches ine armed torce consisted of. Detective Sul livan, Deputy-Sheriff Banks, of Kittitas county. Marshal McGratb, of EUensbnrgh, Wash., and others whose names we could not learn. After they had located the par ties a requisition was procured from the governor.and they proceeded to secure their men.' They went by way of Antelope, after leaving this city, to Fossil, where they be gan operations.. Having these two men they left a sufficient force to capture the other fonr men, and if they have not left the county they may be expected in The Dalles with their prisoners in a day or two. - They will come in the hacks they took with them, as the road to The Dalles, from where the remaining robbers are located, U a mote direct route to Portland than by rail. It has transpired that these desperadoes have been staying quietly at home since the rob bery.and at the time of the event were only absent five days. Tbey are expert horse men, and can ride from their places to El lensburgh in two days, and return in about the same time. It is hoped that this gang will bo arrested and be placed where they will be perfectly safe from committing dep redations. The work so far has been done very skillfully, and Mr. Sullivan is entitled to considerable credit. Murder at Birch Greek. - Pendleton Tribune.' . John Alexander to-day shot and killed a beep herder named Len McCarthy, who was in the employ of Jordan Bros. The shoot ing occurred near the head of Birch creek. Alexander is now in the custody of the sheriff and securely locked iu the county ja;!. At the time of going to pres3 we were nnable to get tho foil particulars of the shooting or the cause that led to it. Latf.b It is learned that McCarthy bad been encroaching on Alexander's land, and that the latter had warned him to keep off. McCarthy threw some rocks.aud in response Alexander shot. Alexander, upon seeing that the man was hurt, eUrteJ for a physi cian and gave himself up to the authorities at Pilot Rock. Deputy Sheriff Tweedy and Constable White heard that the man was dead and brought Alexander to Pendleton. McCarthy is quite a youog unmarried man, acd has an node, A. B. McCarthy, at Prospect. Alfcucder was recently released from the insane asylum at Salem, having beon there two months. Shot and Suioided. Pendleton Tribune. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney T. G. Hailey, Dr. F. V. Vincent ana Justice George R-ssobarg went op to Birch Ciesk Saturday and held an inquest over the bo-J of Leo McCarthy. They ar rived at 1 o'clock p. m. Deputy Sheriff T J. Tweedy ba.1 already been on the gTOua4 and imd the jury and witnesses ail ready tor tlioinqae3t. They proceeded to McCarthy' cabiu. Thsy found bini lying on the floor, bu feot being toward the door, bis bead on the bed whiuh was made up on the floor. A magazine rifle lay by his side with fresh powder smoke in it, one cartridge being discharged. The entire top of his head was blown off above the eyes. About the room were soattered his brains. A bullet wound was found in bis side, between the seventh and eighth ribs. It was supposed that the pain from the wound inflicted by Alexander had driven him to suicide. ' The jury returned a verdict in accord ance with the above facts. Gaorge Horn was the only witness of anv consequence. Horn was at work about one-naif mile below in the canyon. About 8 o'clock in the morniog Alexander rode down and said be bad had trouble with Len Mc Carthy McCarthy had encroached on Alexander's land with sheep, and the lat ter had asked him to go away. McCar thy sworo and cursed Alexander, and picked up a rock, throwing it at Alexan der and bitting him in the face. Alexan -der then shot at McCarthy, merely to frighten bim away. McCarthy picked up a pick and advanced toward Alexan -der. The latter warned him away, or he wonld get hurt. - Alexander shot again, the bullet taking effect In the side. Mc Carthy asked Alexander to send the boys for the doctor, and be started to do so. This story told to Horn is substantially the same iold by Alexander as soon as brought to Pendleton in custody of the deputy sheriff. The Boslyn Sank Bobbers Held. - A dispatch to the Oregonian, received from EileosburGh, Wash., last night states that Cil Hale, Tom Kimsey and George Zicbary had an. examination be fore the justice there yesterday after noon. Tney were identified by Cashier Abernethy, Dr. Lyons and Prof. Jenkins, whom they held up iu the bank. Kim sey, who took the money from the safe and bagged it, was identified by each witness. Zachary was positively identi fied as the man who did the shooting in the alley near the bank. At the conclu sion of the examination the outlaws were bound over to the superior court in the urn ot $10,000 each. - In default of bonds all went to jail. The identification of Zachary was surprise to everybody who met him in Portland. In conversation with a num ber of persons, be gave a plausible ac count of himself during the month of September, and "three different 6tories told by bim at different times during the day did not vary in the slightest particu lar. Messrs. Thiel and Sullivan bad con clusive evidence of his guilt, but were so impressed with his story that thy di rected the Ellensburgh authorities to re -lease bim 'at once it he could not be identified. Mr. Thiel says Zachary Is the most nonchalant man he has ever seen in his long experience with crimi -nals. ,- . State ys. Wm. Birgfeld. From Tuesday's Daily. The same interest centers around this case as when first called, and every avail able seat was occupied in the court room by ladies and gentlemen. The witnesses ex amined were Mr. Spicer, of Antelope, Mis. Birgfeld, Bert JRogere, Mrs. Gordion and Mr. J. S. Schenck, acd the testimony elicited was in relation to , conversations with the defendant. A new development in the case was marked by the presentation of an affidavit of ' Mr. Wendall Hall, statin,;, in substance that he had telegraphed to the nonse where the embalming fluid was procured regarding constituent elements, and whether either sulphate or chloride of zinc were the ingre- dients. : The answer came referring bim to the manufacturing firm in Boston, from which he had received a telegram stating that both sulplate and cblonde of zinc were used. .--On this he asked that another analysis be. made of the embalming fluid, and Mr. ' Hampton, the chemist, was en gaged in the operation when this paper went to press. . Death of Grandpa Snipes. Mr. Elem Snipes, familiarly known as Grandpa Snipes, died at bis residence near Goldendale Friday evening.' He was aged 82 years, and bad been a resident of Klickitat county since 1863..- His birthplace was North Carolina, from which state he immi grated to Oregon. He leaves an aged widow and a large family of sons and daughters, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Mr. Ben, . Snipes and - Mrs. James M. Smith, of Seattle; Mrs. H. H. Allen, of North Yakima; Mr. George R. Snipes, of this' city, and Mr. Ed. Snipes, of Goldendale, are the children who survive bim During the last years of his life he cherished an idea to be bnried on the hillside, near his residence, and we understand during his last illness bis relatives acceeded to his request. For several weeks he has been bedfast, with lit tle hopes of his recovery at his advanced age. He has received every attention pos sible from his sons and daughter since he has been rendered incapable of helping him self. i . . lor Over Fifty rears. As Old and Well-Tbiks Remedy Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain,' . cures wind oo he, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by all druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. - Be sure and ask tor Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Beal Estate Transfers. ; The following deed was filed for record to-day; John Backus and wife to Anna Backus; the undivided one-half interest in the n of nej, and sej of nej, and nej of sej, seo 17, tp 1 a. r 8 west; also the e and swj, seo 13, and of sej, seo 14, and ej of e, and iwj oi se4, see 23, and n oj nej, and ei of nwj, and nej of, awj, sec 24, tp 1 s, r 8 east; $!.' - ' ' - -' ' TELEQEAPHI0 NEWS. Trial of Prnfeosar Brlga.. New York, Nov. 28 Memotrs of the New York presbytery assembled this afternoon for the purpose of trying the charges of hertsy against Professor Charles A. Biiggs. The charges are eight in number, and touch mostly on a denial of the verbal inspiration ol the scriptures and the possibility of salvation aside from tlio saving grace of the scripture Two Children Burned to ienth. Chicago, Nov. 38 Toe dwelling of W. L. DcrMey was burned tbis morniog. Two -children, aged 8 nod 0 years, were burned to death. Mrs. Desbey and James Henry were seriously injured while at tempting to rescue the children. The financial loss is insignificant. Callitrton of fattsenxer Trains. Vikkha, Nov. 28 Passenger trains collided at Szama, near Treutschine, on the Wang. Severnl were instantly killed, and a many maimed, soma for life. Others died after protracted suffering. five Burnett to Death. M lddleto wn, Conn.. Nov. 28 Three men and two women were burned to death, in a barn Saturday night. The victims were a party of umbrella mend -ers, and it is supposed they set fiie to the hay while drunk. Letters Advertised. The following is tho list of letters re maining in The Dulles postoffica uncalled for Saturday, Nov. 26, 1892. Persons call ing for these letters will pleasa e;iv the date on which they were advertised: -W T Barnes Mrs D Bolton Mrs Marv Y Brown H L Chenowith Mrs Peruis Cutting C Denton James F Elliott C C Hamilton Andrew Johnson John J Kelly Michael Mulvehill. Win Patterson (3) Wm B Rennie (3) James W Scott M C Sellick C A Smith Mrs. Catherine Wigle . T. Nolan, P. M. Mrs Julia Edwards Albert Erickson Chas Holingran Dan A Kelsay Mrs McManus Mrs Mary Patterson W F Powell Miss Lucy Robinson T E Seely Mrs D W Sinclair T O Weeks M . Pronounced Hopeless, Vet Saved. From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E, Hnrd. of Groton. S. D.. we quote: "Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on my lungs, cough set in and finally termi nated iu consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying I could live but a short time. J gave myself up to my Kavionr. determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones aDove. aiy nusuana was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took iu all eight bottles; it has cured me, and thank God I am now a well and hearty woman." Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store. Regular size, 50c. and $1. 4 ' Heppner Gazette: Tuesday eveuiag about 4 o'clock, Wm. Ay ers, jr., who resides on Butter creek, was seriously stabbed by his brother-in-law. Wm. Beuediot. The cut- A? .1 - vf- A I , TU HUg occurreu iu iui. ajfci b uuuos, -"a men were quarreling over a cayuse, when the discussion grew loud and long. From what we can learn, it would have ended in blows had not the stabbing occurred, stop- Diner the row. The knife blade, a common pocket affair, 2J to 3 inches long, entered Avers' left side lust below the ribs. Bene dict was arrested and lodged in jail early Wednesday morning. Wednesday evening young Benedict was released on bail, Alfred Avers, his father-in-law. and Johnny Ayers, a cousin of Mrs. Benedict, becoming his snretv in the snm of $1000. The wounded man, at the present writing, is getting along nicely and will recover. " Buckles '8 Arnica Strive. The best salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, tever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi- titelv cures oiles. or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents pe box. For sale by Snipes & Kinerslr Lewiaton Teller: Fred Kiner, who resides just on the other side of Snake river, was assaulted and seriously injured on Monda y afternoon. Mr. Kiuer crossed the river in a small row boat Monday and on attempt ing to return he found two men, Likes and Welsh, occupying it. They refused to give it up. Mr. Kiner demanded the boat, say ing that he desired to return to his home. After a few words one of the men got out and attacked Kiner with an oar. He, how ever, worsted both men In the struggle, sot possession of his boat, but as he started off he was struck over the head with a rock thrown by one of his assailants, and was knocked into the water. The men ned and he followed up town and swore out a war rant for their arrest. Thsy were tried . be fore Justice McConkey and bonod over to the grand jnry, where last night a true bill was found against them. , Boys' ana Girls' Aid Society of Ore ' Kon. - Boys may be had (and . sometimes girls) for (1) ordinary service at wages; (2) upon indenture, to work, attend school, and be brought np somewhat as yonr own; and (3) children may be bad for legal adoption. Address. J. H. Misener, Superintendent I Oregon Boys' and Girls' Aid society, Port- ! Ji I- Portland Dispatch: Joe Day, the well known detective, is preparing to go to Chi cago, where be will enter the Pinkerton agency and be. assigned to duty in connec tion with the world's fair. When Mr. Day's resignation from the police force in this city -a tew weeks ago became known, he received pressing requests from different detective agencies to enter their employ, but it was only when William Pinkerton visited Portland last week that Mr. Day consented to accept a position. . - Wton Baby was sieli, ve gar her Caatccia, When she wm a Child, she cried for Castoria, -Wnen she became liias, aha clung to Caatorla," . Whan she had Children, aha gr tail Castarrla TUB CHCRCB.K!. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. Tatlob, Pastor. Services every Sabbath at the Academy at 11 A. M. Sabbath school immediately after the services. - Prayer meeting every Friday renins; at the putter's residence ME. CHURCH Rev. Jko. WmsLia, Pastor . Service every Sanday morning and evening Similar School at 12:20 o'clock P. M. A cordial invi tatioc extended by both pastor and people to aU. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W.C. Cyans Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:80 P. M. Sunday School alter morning service. ST. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father BaoirsesKn Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday at 7 A. U. High atass at 10:30 A.M. Vespers at 7 P. M. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH.- Union Street, opposite Fifth. Rev. Lli D. Sutcliffe, Rector. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:80 P. M., Sunday school at 2:30 P. II. Evening Prayer on Friday at 7-an p u & . . - . ... CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rbv. J. W. Jsmuss, pas tor. Preaching every 8unday afternoon at 8 o'clock in the Congregational church. AU are cor dially invited. Steam Wood Saw. WE ARE IN THE FIELD FOR the Fall and Winter work, and will cat, split and pile Wood at . , . the lowest possible rates. - NONE BUT WHITE LIBOR EMPLOYED . ; .- - - . - , . . WE ARE HERE TO STAT. WE spend our money here, and - . 'will try to give satisfactory. work. ' Thankful for past favors, we would , solicit, a continuance of the same. Orders Taken for Wood ORDER-BOXES at Chrisman Corson's; corner of Michelbach block, and at the machine, corner of ' Washington and Fourth streets. ' 1 t r mriTn septlS-dfcw J. U. iiLD-LUD. Xregal Notices. NOllCE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Omts iT Vakcocvkr. Wai-n., Novcrub.r 17, ISttL -To William L. Leer and all v horn it m ly concern: Notice is hereby sriven that the f ol Owing-named set tlers have filed notics of their intention to make final proofs in support of their claims, and that said proofs will be made before W. R. Dunbar. Commia sioner United Stales Circuit Court, district of Wash ington, at his office iq Goldendale, Wash.) on Jan. 16,1593, via- WEN DELI N LIUL Homestead Auphcitinn No. B280, for the fi of NL'4. SKJ of NW, and NEJ of SWJ, Sec l!),Tp3 N, K H E, W M. .Ho names the following witnesses to prove nts continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: George G. Lindsiy, Angus Campbell, Melville M. Warner, William ISnagefaraier, all of UartLind poot tfice. Washington. WEKDELIN LE1DL, Purchase Application No. 243. under Se S, Forfeit-, ure Act, Sept. S9, 1SH0, for the "f NEJ.and tii of SE& , Sec 19. Tp 3 2. R 1 E. M. lie names the following witnesses to prove r it claim to said land, viz: Georgo O. Lindsay, Ancus Campbell, Melville M. Warner, Wil:iam Bridire fartuer, all of Hartland postotfice, Washington. GEO SGE G. LINDSAY, Purchase Application So. 290. u-'dcrSec. 3, Forfeit ure Act, S-pt. 29. 1S90, for the NEJ, See 21, Tp 3 N. R 13 E, W il. He names the followini witnesses to prove his claim to aid land, viz: Wendelin Leidl, Anaus Campbell, Melville M. Warner, William Bridge farmer, all of Hartland postofBce, Washington. GABRIEL HAKl'ISON', Purchase Application No. 49, under Sec. 3, Forfe it ure Act, Sept. 29. 1S90, for the SEJ of SEi, Sec 21, Tp 3 N. R 13 E, W M He names the following witufsscs to prove his claim to said land, via: ilarvin M. Splan, John Kure, William Bridgefanner, Hartland postr.uica. Wash; William Van Vact'jr, Golilend-ile p stotfice, Wash. - . JOHN A. SPLAWN, Purchase Application No. 30, under Sre. 3, Forfeit ure Act, Sept. 29, 1890, for the N4 of NWJ4, Sec 29. Tp 8 N, R 13 E, W M. He names the followinir witnesses to prove his claim to said land, viz: John H. Ward, Williim A. O. Ma: kman, Walter M. Hariiuon, Hartland post ofBcj Wash.; William Garner, Lylc postofflce, Vi ash WILLIAM O. A. MARCKMANN, Purchase Application No 49, under Pec. 3. Forfeit ure Act. Sept. 29, 1890, for the KEJ, tec 33, J p 3 N, R 13 E, W M. lie n;;mes the following witnesses to prove his claim to said land, viz: John M. Splawn, John Kure, Gabriel Piirdisou, Hartlani postotficc, Wash.; Will iam Van Vac lor, Goldendale postoffice, Wash. nv26 JOHN D. G EOGHEG AN. Regi-ter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LANO OmCI AT TUK DAI.LK8, Ott. Nov. 5, 1892. Notico ts hereby given that the following-named settler h&3 filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before the Ketrister and Receiver ol th j U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., on December 26, 1892, viz: JAMES WALSH, Hd. App. No. 2050, for the SWJ4. Sec 34, Tp 1 N, RUE, WM. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: E. F. Sharp, H. S Hannah, J. L. Hannah, H. J. Adams, all of The Dalles, Or. nvl2 JOHN W. LEWIS. Roaster. NOTICE l"oa PUBLICATION. Laud Omcs at Ttr Dalles, Orxook, Nov. 1, 1892. Notice is herebv iriven that the following-named settler his filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and tLat said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver of the U. 8. land office at The Dalles, Or., on Decemoer 12, 1892, viz: FRED CHANDLER, Hd. App No. 3842 for the W SWV, SEK HWtf, and SWH SE, of Sec 13, Tp 4 S. K 12 E, W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residenoe upon and cultivation of said land, viz: - H. Chrisman. A. C. Sanford, The Dalles, Or.; O. W. Stout, tw Pratt, Wamic, Or. nvl2 JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBUCATION. Lass Orici at Tns Dallss, Obkoor, Nov. 8, 1892. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3, 1878, en titled ' An act for the sale or timber landa in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," fiuldah McCoy, of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has this day filed iu this office her sworn statement. No. . for the purchase of the W hf SW qr, Sec 14, and NE qr SE qr, and SE qr NE qr, of Sec 15. in Tp 6 8, R 10 E. and will offer proof to i-bow that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said lnnd before the register and receiver of this office at The Dalles, Oregon, on the let day of February, 1393. She names as witnesses- G W MeOy, cf Portland, Oregon, Hampton Kelly, W M Ridgeway, Isaac E Rice, of Wapinitia. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 1st day of February.1893. JOHN W LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. Labs Omcs at Thb Dallas, Orkooh, Nov. 1, 1892. Notice is herebv riven that the f jllowinir-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at Ihe Danes, or., on Dec. lz, uso, vis: CHARLES W. WING, Hd. App. No. 38S4. for the NEVi NWj, and H'A NE, Sec 13, Tp 4 S, R 12 , and NW Sec 18, Tp 4 S, a 13 IS, w JS. - He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said lanii, viz: E. N. Chandler, H. Chrisman, The Dalles, Or.; O. W. stout, rred Jhanoier, wamic, ur. nvl2 JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. - Executor's Notice. NOTICE Is here y given that I have been ap pointed by the Honorable County Court of Wasco countv. Oreiron. at the October term thereof. A. D. 1892, sole executor of the last will and testa ment of W. tocD. Lewis, late of said county and state. All persons having claims against the said es tate are n-auired to d resent them to me. properly verified, within six months from the date ot the first publication of this notice. ucn claims to oe pre- sentea as ine isaues national duik, uiiw muw, Oregon.- - Z. F. MOODY, oct29 Sole Executor of said estate. CODSTY TREASURER'S MICE All cout-ty warrants registered prior to April 1, 1889, will be paid if presented at my office, corner Third and Washington streets. ' Interest . ceases on and after this date. The Dalles, Oct. 31, 1892. WILLIAM MICHELL, Treasurer Wasco County, Oregon. G. R FL0WEEDAY, 1X8 COURT STKEKT, IS PREPARED TO TAKE- Fhotographs iu the Highest Style of the Art. GROUPS AND CHILDREN A SPECIALTY, nvll ' ' PRICES REASONABLE. JAS. FERGUSON, Goods banled with the greatest sare to al parts of the city on short notice. G. NOWAK CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans and si-fcifcattons tor building fur. nished. Will do all muds of excavating nd grading. - . All orders should be left at postoffice. novlS Andrew Velarde, HOUSE MOVER. The Dalles. Address; Lock Bos 181. HEW YORK CORRESPONDENCE COB UOKrirf STUDY 043 BROADWAY N INTRODUCTORY. LECTURE WANTED. LA DIEM who will do writing for me at their homes will make good wages. Reply with self addreaaed, stamped envelope, , -. MISS MILDRED MILLER, dt45 8outh Bead, IruLij General Ml THE CALIFORNIA! Illustrated MAGAZINE Published in San Francisco, California, hai a circu lation all over too world, its growth during one year is positively plienumenal in the annals o maga zine literature, surpassing every other magazine in the world in the same spat e ol time. The reasons are obvious. It has strong financial baokin?. Its contents are replete with typical descriptions of Cal.fornia and Pacific Coast subjects scenery, climate, fruits and fiowtrs. Its range of topics is cosmopolitan, embnuing rkotclies of European and Oriental scenes and char acteristics. It discusso without bias or partisan ztl, the liv ini? questions of the dav. it owns and controls Us entire plant, including type, the largest presses on the coast, a coinplclc half-tone and photo-giavinx outfit, and employs its own artists Us aim is to develop the natural, commenr.a., so clil and literary -f Western and Interior America; to present inly what is pure iu twe, in structive in m.tter and interestiui; iu I r.u The price of this magiziue is 3 a i ear, pjstase prepaid, 'fhe subscription liet is increasiiu over tweNe huudred a lnontl., i-nd it has a larger arcula t on n t'-e facidc cost than any othr njai.:uie in the world. We present to every aiiruai subscriber a beautiful jactuie, 16x21' inches, of one of the Old Calil'-riiia Visions, or a view from the far-fiimtd osemi'C Valley. It is the inu.-ntiou ot the publishers to offer a variLty -f beautiful premium- for annua! subscrip tions, commencing with the January, ltOi, nu."bir. 8EID TO CKL.IFORNIKN PUBLISHING CO.. Academy of Science Budding, sax fkancisco, California, For this great Premium List, from a Califori.ia Cari osity to a 8100 Orfeau. r.v5 A FREE TO TOE TRIP Commencing May 1, 18S3 The History Company, cf Sen rranei.-co, C.-J. (capital stock S5O0.0O0) the oldest and lsr.-est pub lishing house ou the Pacific coast, this day announce that they will give, absolutely free, a ticket to the World's Fair and return, includinir meals en route one week (7 days), hotel accommodations, six admis sion tickets to the Fxposition grounds, two tickets to leading Chicago theaters, and such other privi leges as may in-ure a pleasant trip to deserving per sons who comply with their requirements . NOTICE. Those desiring to go to the World's Fair aad who could not otherwise do so, can adnress us at once for fuil particulars. Thi offer does not applr to per sons cf means who a-e in a position to meet the ex penses of sueh a trip themselves, but to enterprising and intelligent young men and women who can ap preciate such an opportunity and make the most of it. Teachers, clergymen, students, farmers' bright sons and daughters in fact any and all possessing energy, enterprise and character will be eligible. THE CHASCE OF A UFE-TIMK.' Every young man or woman who desires to goto Chicago and see the wonders of the greatest exhin ition the world has ever known, sbonld address us at once. Such an opportunith is rarely offered, and the trip will be the event of a lifetime to those who 20. Address THE HISTORY COMPANY, TUB HlBTOAYaBClLDIXa, No. 723 MARKET ST. 8V FRAKCISCO, CAL. To Young Housekeepers ! Free to all Brides! VT OTICE is hereby given to a the readers of this i paper and all their fri udsand auquaintauccs IT"- - - n.. .n.a that THE HOUSEHOLD Will be Sent One Year as A WEDDING PRESENT Tn evnrv nAwlv married coatile whose address and 10 cnts tp paySpoftae is tent to the publisher withiu one year from the date of their marriage. Persons sending for thts presoiit are requested tw end copy of a paper con tain mir a notice of their marriage, or boipa other evidence that shell amount to a reasouaoie prooi mat tney ure vuo.lil-u w uo tuagazuielu:iGer tne aoove oner, aourw, 'THE HOUSEHOLD." Brattleboro, Vt FULL UI fl I Line Op U i r-ri' m L inn CLOTH, NV '(an Be Found HI; . O- "WTTSS'. : No. 77 Second St. Suits made to order, and fit guaranteed FASHIONABLE MIUfflERY ! -AT- Mrs. J)e Lyle's Emporium 114 SECOND STREET. H FULL HSSORTMENt I of svsarruiKs at HATS, BONNETS AND TRIMMINGS MRS. A. SCHOOLING, Manager. LOUIS PAYETTE ' (Successor to Payette & Friend.) THE LEADING BLACKSMITH 1 . ; AND WAGON-MAKER,, Corner Second, and Madison Sta. All work work in iron or wood done in the neatest manner. Anything- in tne wagon line, irom a wheelbarrow to ah omnibus made ' or repaired. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Plows and machinery lopaired in the most skill ful and workmaiuiiaja manner. -- - - mcnuaw Hi MOSES & CO. ,- '. Successor to C. L. Richmond ft Co. Adjoining the Diamond Mills, Second Si rT.: DEALER IN ; f Groceries and ProYiw, CANNED GOODS, ETC. ' . TTIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR PURS OP 1 1 -AIX KINDS. Determined to sell nothing' but the choicest goods at the lower price, we deire a share of the publ le patronage. aepiy n. auow m w, Sample : Rooms, ' 58 lTRONT 1V (Nearly opposite Umatilla House.) CHARLIE : FEANS. PE0P. The Best Wines, ' .Liquors and; Cigars. COLUMBIA BREWEBT BEER ON DRAUGHT. W.T.WISEMAN Successor to J. H. McDonouzb C ) AND CIGARS. None bat the best brands of Liquors and rUigars on sale. - Temperance drinks of all kinds ' ' (jorner ot vjonrt ana secona streets, ' TEE DALLES, OREGON. Estaistaent, i . ' DEALER IK . ' Northern Pae is U'c to tufcf Fo all mm Mi -m mtb It in the I'jiiiiiisr r H-uV. It imts Krriih Vc3 ST. PAULVaiia CIHCAGO. C:.0 CI:;AGE OF CARfi) Comjo f Tirii-if Cp'P v.r.i-rri ; iimi'. ii'ln mi TOURIST'S SL.EEFSuG CARS, Bv-Pt t! t Tt( t' c-t slr-cfiiJ, r-titl in v.liit-h ate-m icn- n't i.ili Jr'rteiimJ 1 t- r l.Iclis ! K.i3t tt tccini cluss TicKfU, n lid ELEGANT" DAY-COACHES. A ContiBiicus Line, CoanectSn with All Lines, Affording Direct aafl ULliUeiTupteJ Svrrice. FulaiAti sleeper refttsrvsitiuiia can K: seeurtJ in ad- THROUGH TICKETS JXZg Ktigand and Furojis cn )'U:f.iaiid.t sa;y liikit cttiC6 r Ihe company. Full iiif'-rtputK'n co minv raif ( time tf trill;:, roufs acd di- Ks; c. 1 !:t:.tx!i to W. C. ALLOWAT, l i'. & A. n C:, Regulator oiaiM.iTiie lwlles, Or. A. X. CHARLTON, Ast't General Fr.tmrijffT Aat., 2fo. 121 1 irrt St., Crr. W a li., l'oRrl.AD. OitGON OMAHA. KANSAS CITY ,ST. PAUL, Chicago, St. Louis,7 asd alt. ponsra . EAST. HORTHland SOUTH. S OS A. M. 1 26 P. M. 4 05 P. M. Leave The Dalles Arrive at The.. Dalles ' . . 11 66 P. M. PULLMAN ELIEPEB. . colonic rxirrEKS, EEC3LIKIJ G CHAIR CARS and DINERS Steamers from PcrUand to San Francisco Evsur Fora DaTs. T diets to ond irom. Europe. ' For mtes and periPil intonr.atioiV cill oq K. E. LVTLE, Depot Ticket Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. W. H. HURLBURT, A ait on. Pfi Ajrt., 254 Wahinirton t P Tsland, Or WORLD'S FATK HEAD TUI BOOK 1. BOOK 2. ,;Review of Our Country," by Hen. James O. Bbii.e. "New Life of Columbus," by J. W. Buel. "Complete History of America," from the landing of Columbus to the"present time, by Prof. John Clark Btdpatb. Pictorial History of the Co lumbiun Exposition," by Hon. Benj. Butterwortli. BOOK 3. BOOK 4. The above four (Treat works by fonr great authors, every line of which is oiily just written, hive been bound up into one massive volume of ngarlv - 900 PAGES and 500 ILLUSTRATIONS, Under the Title of "ColumbHS and Columbia." The greatest subscript' n book ever published in this country and of which A MTT-T.Tr.yr COPIES Will be sold during the next six months. irrilTP Wanted all over this state. Better Altr-H I O terms than ever. We guarantee to the right parties 850 a week profit from now on to Chrittmas, and a flrat class RoUND-TKIP TICKET to the WORDS FAIR and one week's admission to th Exposition absolutely free. Also other valu able premiums. We have plenty of capital at O'lr command and can and tetw do exactly wnai; we say. Bend at once for special circulars and further par ticulars to tne . ' DOMINION PUBLISHING C ., Meattle. -"VVasliliiarto a . WE TELL YOU nothing new when we state that it pays to engage in a permanent, most neaiiuy .ou (iicomu. busi ness, mat returns a prom ior every uav .ul,. Siirh ! thA hiiftineas we offer the workine1 class. We teach them how to make money rapidly, and guarantee every one who louows our instructions faithfully the making of S3O0.0O s month. Every one who takes hold now and works will surely and speedily increase their earnings ; there can be no question about it ; others now at work are doing It, and you, reader, can do the same. This is the best paying business that you have ever bad the chance to secure. You will make a frave mistake if you fail to give it a trial at once, f you grasp the situation, and act quickly, you will directly Bnd vourself in a most prosperous business, at which you can surely make and save large sums of money. The results of only a few hours' work will olten equal a week's wages. Whether yon are old or young, man or wooiau, it malcM no difference. do as we tell vou. and suc cess will meet you at the very start. Neither experience or capital necessary. Those who work for us are rewarded. Why not write to-day for full particulars, tree K. v. alln e . . Box No.20, Augusta, Me. V COAL! COAL! -THE BEST- WelLington, Eock Springs, and Eoslyn Coal. 113, sacked sad delivered to aoy part ol the city. At Moody's Warehouse. MON EY TP LOAN. We have an unlimited amount of money to loan on approved farm security. Thoknbuby & Hudson, octS Tho ToT1p!H f)p L P. OSTLUND I will furnish drafts and estimates on 11 buildings i dwelluiK and Mr. Oathind ia a practical mechatiic and the plans drafted by bim will proves, artistic, cheap aud dura- oie. ... i on sale Contractor and Builder TP T4 A T! !TV Vhim ntra MtiMnlf nnif fbm. fly to ffft the bent value lor yonr raoDey. Kconoiiiize tn your footwear by parch al tig V. Lj. foutrIn.a Shoes, which reyrewnt Che bt value lor prices asked aa thou van 4. will tcHiify. t-TABLE NO gTTBSTITUTE, W. L. DOUGLAS m BEST SHOE IH THE WORLO FOB THE MON&T. A genuine sewed shoe tiiat will not rip, fine talf, ecainlesg. smooth lueide, flexible, more com. (ortable, Ptyllsh and durable than any other shoe vet Sold at the price. KquaU custom xn&do ahoea costing trom tH to OJi nod 9$ TTand-sewed. flnecnlf shoea. The P w most Btvllbb, o&my and durable Bhoes ever Bold at the price. Tiiey equal flue imported ahoes costlmc from $5 to $12. (SO SO l'olice 6hoe9 worn byfarmers and aU iPui others who want a good heavy calf, threa Boled, extension edge Bhoe, easy to walk In, and will keep the feet dry aud warm. (CO 50 Fine and 92.00 Work p ssssisj nemea's Shoes wlU Rive more wear for tha money than any other make. They are made for ser vice. The Increasing sales show that worklngmea have found this out. pnirc) V'j.OO ana Tontbs $1.75 School DvljD mboes are worn by the boys every where. The most serviceable shoea sold at tne prices. LdUlCb it 2.00 and Si. 75 Shoes for DI isaes are made of the best Dongola or fine Calf, aa desired. They are very stylish, comfortable and dura bla. The$3.u0shoeequalscustommadeshoeoo8tins from ltl.00 to 86.00. Lad lea who wish to economize la their footwear are finding this out. Cantion.W.L. Douglas' name and the price Is Stamped on the bottom of each Bhoe; loot for It when you buy. Beware of dealers attempt inp to sub stitute other makes for them. Such suhsUtutlonsare fraudulent and subject to prosecutloa by law for ob taming money under fale pretences. W DOUGLAS, liruckton, fliass. Sold by J.FRICIM'VN, AGENT. THLDMLEb Eir I1m?iI Itis Opportunity! DOVT Hlaa SlsW l ours, Kcader. majority ncj-loct their op prtUTiitius, and from tliutcaTiaolive in poverty and die in obscarity I JlurrowitiK flespair Is tbe lot of many, as tbey look back on lust, forever lost, oftportnnity. I..iielapaiis liivt Kuachmit. Be up nnddoinfc. ImproveyouropiKirta nity, and soenrepru verity, prominence, poace. It whs said l.y a philosopher, thai "the isoddess of Fortune oilers a joUlca opportunity to each person at Fonie period of life; taiorace theclmnce, and fchepours onthor riches; fuil to do Ft and she departs, nettr to return." Ilw bIihII you find tho tiOLDKX opportnnitv? Inve-jtinte ovory clmnce that niip.'.-irs wortliy. and of fair promi -; that is what all co c -nful man do. Here is an opp:-:nnit7, mch as i not oflon within the ronchot laboring peo- la. Impmved, ftwillfriva, utlunst, a prand start in lifo. li o cot-nKf o;(ortiinity for many is here. Money to be mn-le r,ipi.3Jy or.d bom-taMy livanyindnstrionspersonof eit": t sex. All atres. Yoa can do the work and live at home, v-w overran era. Even be-piniier"aree-ily earning frm:i iu feiOpi-r tr.y. Yoa can do as well if yon will work, nt too bard, but itidnstri onitl ; and yon can increase your income ns yon po on. Yoa can Klve spare timeonly, or all yonr time to the work. Easy to lunrn. Capital not reqnired. W'e start you. All is cm pnrnuvely new and really wonderfol. We Instruct and show yon how, free Failure unknown among onr work em. Ko room tn explain bare. Write and learn all free, bTfwnniunil. Unwise to delay. Ail.Jrtss ntonce, i, Vtullett s Co. liox 8 HO. ForUuud Mtftlae ABKTRienY flRST CLABS bnreat. Faatert sad Flnrrt In the Wwrla. Pasaenfrer accomodations unexceneu. iew yorkTlonoonderry and BU8G0W. Rvapv Rntnrrlav. NEW YOBK, GIBRAtTEK and NAPLES. At regular Intervals. lALRflN. iPCrjND-CLASS AND STEERAGE mtArinn lowAflfc tArn to and from the principle SOOTCS, EXOXJSB, ZHiaB ALL OONTXtfEVTAL POINTS- Kxenralon ttcEets available to reram oy eitner wvyio tnresqne C9yde A fforth of Ireland or Naples t Gibraltar Drafts tad Monty Ordtn for Any Amout t Itwart Bittt. Applr to any of our lucai aku or w BEND1SBSON BBOTHEB8, Chicago, . iu. AGENTS WAKTEP Apply to T. A. HUUSON, General Agent. lh-.- ialles. Or. Jani:-92 FOR 25c. 50c 75c. $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 mmmm irlSQKE IS J FEATHERBONE is made from QFIIXS. nature's owu toubest material, best whips made for the mioe. Cheap, touralile, AM. STYLES, all priced, ask jour dealer for a - Ff?iTUJ7DRflHI7. rOB SAJ 1 BV HENRY KUCK. - The Dalles, Or SKIBBEHOTEI F. V. L. SKIBBE, Prop. The Only Brick Hotel IN TBE CITY BEftT DOLLAR. A DAY HOUSE in the North west. This building has been refitted since the fire of September 2d, and the rooms are first-class in every particular. The table la supplied with the best the market affords. The oar in connection with the hotel is supplied with the highest (trade of mes, Liquors ani luv ported ana uomestic cigars. jansu-w HENETL.KUCK, -Manufacturer of and dealer in Harness and Saddlery Second St., near ifoody's Warehouse, THE D .VLI.ES, . . . OREGON A ' Wcrk ttnarsmeeJ tn ti-e. ira.clion THE GRANT HOTEL '.: . GRANT, OREGON. J. - B. KENNEDY, PEOFR The table is provided 'with tbe best in the market. . - Transitu! travelers will bs accommo dated with ilie best meals furnished by any b-jtel :a town. . oct22 A. McINTOSH, TJfcALER IN- , Butter and Eggs: KORO and GRANT, OREGON. "WILL ALWAYS HAVE ON SALE at the above VV towns the ch nicest licef. )luiton and Fork. AUo pav the highest mari.ct pries for Butter and JUjKS utu P. WILLIG, Merchant Tailor, Has removed from his old stand to No. tH, icoiitl ttx-eet, A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED In every iodttJice. : .tulv.m&iR hulls on ft&la rhf.o. All work in the laiLrii'jf liue warrauted firillrsw. , Uyi Denny; Itice & Co. WduI & Coinmission Merchants 610 Atlantic Ave., Boston. JJf"Caah (Vdvancee made oa oonMfnmeat. , Tke 7 mm ri'ont, First and Vine Sts., Portland, Or. WHOLE8ALE DEALERS IN HARD WARE, FAR , 'X'iar"rf .t'a "Wfs'a e and 9 M M Sole Agents tor Oregon, Washington and Northern Idaho for tha i BUCKEYE REAPER AND . M0WER. These Machines are too -well known to need comment. Thousands of Farmers have nseo them and speak of them with praise. They are the only Harvesting Machines that will give entire satisfaction to the purchaser. MILLER'S NEW MODEL VIBRATING THRESHER, PHOIN IX STRAW BURNER ENGINE, The most, Effective and Successful Combination for Threshing and Cleaning Grain ever Constructed. i BUCKEYE STEEL FRAME TWINE- BINDERS, k The features that distinguish this Twlne-Blnder is the Lightness of Draft, combined with lti Extraerdlnary Strength and Durability. The Binder is of the Appleby pattern, the only really successful one yet known. We have two styles, the Elevator Binder and the Platform Binder both excellent both recommended by hundreds of patrons. WILLIAM : MICHELL, XTnilerrsxl:?i' unci "L2ixililirioi , Hag always on hand a riew and complete line of Cndertakiug Goods. Partic ular attention given to embalming and taking care of the dead. PHICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. PICTURES FRAMED TO ORDER. Southwest Corner of Third and W-t'iingt'iu Streetf, THE DALLES, OR NEPTUNE SHAVING PMLOHS AND BATH ROOMS 110 fc'ront Ntreet, Tlte iallra. Orrausi. PRAZRIi fc VYNI RHZORS FOR SHLE a. ffraaoisso mbm r ' SECOND STREET, BETWEEN UNION AND COURT . . F. lEJMXiJE, PROPRIETOR, KEEPS ON DRAUGHT COLUMBIA BREWERY -AND ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. Best Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars - The One Price Cash House, COR. SECOND AND COURT STS., J. P. IcIMMI DEALEB IN- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. - , Agent for the Buttenek Patterns; also for the Hall Baziir Vtms Forms. STUBLING & WILLIAMS, PROPS. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. - All brands of Imported Liquors, Ale and Porter, . . ." ' and genuine Key West Cigars. A full line of CALIFORNIA : WINES : iAND : BRANDIES. COLUMBIA BREVJiERY BEER ON DRAUGHT. 86 Second Street, TIIK DALLES, OK. CAtLBSLEE The Perfection of Hand - S.l:-.S&r?.i n -iV PURE AND tit A TURED. INVALUABLE TO THE DOCTOR, THE INVALID, AND THE GOOD LIVER. Sherwood & Sherwood, Distributing Agents, San Francisco, . 21a Market St. Portland, : 24 N. Front St. m HEW DISCOVERY by ACCIDENT mm Trkd. Murk with Kli.vln u Price of Queen's A ntl-Halrfne ti mv iwifti in sealed from observation). Send money or stamps by letter with full address written plainly. I'orres pondence strictly confidential. This advertisement Is honest and straightforward in everv word It contains. We Invite yon to deal with us and yon will find everything aa represented. Cut this out and s nd to-day. Address QUEEN CHEMICAL CO., 174 ffac Street. CINCINNATI. O. Vou cau register your tetter at any Post Office to insure lta safe delivery. We will pay .-.oo for any caua Himra or uarmest injury to any pnrcbaaer. . JTery trotue snsranwea. vDFPIIl ladles wno tntrodnee and sen anions' their friends IS Bottles of Queen's Antl-Bainna. uruUIBL we will present with a SILK ERE as, iTyards best ailk. Xxtra Larue Bottle and samplas anssssasal ofailk to seleot from seat with order. Oooa Salacy or Ooauslaaiaa to Asanuj. "S.DODDaCO. IRON, iir STEEL ACHIiMERY. Schuttler Farm "Wagons, Deere Plows Deere Bulky Plows, Cook & Co.' Car. rlages, Phaetons and Top Buggies, Tour. Spring Mountain Wagons, Buokboarda, Superior Drills and Seeders, Corbln Disc Harrows, Hodges-Haines Headers, Haish Barbed Wire. SEND F03 CIRCULARS. 1I A1r, Pioprietorw. KT $1.50 HND UP. FOR SALE- 5 -WHISKEY, . made Sour Mash Bourbon. BEER, In componndlns a solution a part was aocWently spliird on the hand and on wanning afurwanl It was dlscovervd that tiis balr nas com pletely removed. We at once put tills wonderful preparation, on tbe market and sofreat baa been the demand thai wear now Introdurins' It throughout the world under tbe nameot Clueen's Antl-llairlne. IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS AND . SO SIMPLE ANY CHILD CAN USE IT. Iay the hair over and apply the mixture lor a few mlnutra,nd tha balr dlRappears as If by niag-lc without the slightest pain or Injury when applied or ever afterward. It lsnnllke anv other preparation ever used fora like parpose. Thousands of L.AllV.S who have been annoyed With hair oil their FACK. NECK and A KM attest its merits. GENTLKMEN wbo do not appm-latea beard or hair on their neck", find a nrioeleaa boon In OiiMna Antl-ll nlHiie V. Mrh Aovn aMiv K. fLLMMnaih ti litter ImrMMUtihilil v. ... r m.ninv i.m Amt... nnld bv ns faerurelv