The Times-Monntaineer SATURDAY NOVEMBER 19, '.602 . Occasionally one can read a Demo cratic paper that ia not so completely wedded to its principles bat that it can do justice to tho Republican par y and what it has done for the country, and we quote the iellowing to demonstrate the fact that the East Oregonia i does not believe the cartv was "born in sin and ihapened in iniquity:" Many Republican! now seem to think that the Democratic victory waa doe to the McKinley bill, Bill McKinley and the Force bill.' These three William did have some' thing to do with it, bat are not mainly re sponsible for the defeat, it being largely due to the insignificance, incompetency and gen eral cnssedness of Republican leaders of the present, wbo are mostly recruits from the ranks of shyster lawyers, political tricksters and corporation servants. The people lost faith, temporarily at least, in the R publi can party because these "peanut" politi cians had complete control of it. With new leaders and a retain to soand Republican principles, the party will once more renew - its old-time enthusiasm and assnme its old- . 'time grandeur. The masses of the R pub i- can party, with the exception of thoia who are purchased by undeserved pension money, unearned profits through a h gh protective tariff, and , the emoluments of offce, are true as steel to the best interests ' of the country and defenders of good gov ernment, having performed valuable ser vices for greater freedom and better coudi- tions in the past. Many of these men voted the Democratic ticket this year, which is the reason of the great victory oyer which we rejoice. When our cotemporary speaks about "political tricksters" wo desire to re- und the editor that Tammany man aged the' successful Democratic cam paign this year, and we do not believe a more corrupt ring of politicians ever disgraced free institutions in any coun , try. Speaking of "corporation serv- l anta and shyster lawyers," there is no doubt that our friend, the enemy, is not entirely clear of their contaminat ing influence. . : There was another outbreak at Homestead Saturday, and bullets flew lively for a while. Some non-union negroes were assaulted by strikers, and they defended themselves as white men would do under the same circum stances. Of course now that the force bill has been voted down our colored citizens' must learn the manly art of self-defense. In other countries, under monarchial forms of government, they are allowed the privilege of working at ' any employment at which they can ear a' living; but it is doubtful whether they have this right in the United States, without they are mem bers of the nnion. They were freed in 1863 and given the ballot some yean later; but "can a leopard change hia spots or an Ethiopian his color?" And their inability to do the latter appears to be a crime at Homestead, and in other portions of the country. We received Monday - from Mr Albert A. Pope, of Boston, Mass., copies of a petition to congress for the establishment of a road department, an institute of road engineering and permanent road exhibit in the city of Washington. The object of this is to secure better roads in the country, and the needs of Eastern Oregon in . this regard are apparent to every resident. We hope our people will favorably consider this petition, and that it will receive tbe signature of every one interested in the development of this portion of the state. The routes ' by which farmers are forced to haul their produce to markets are of sufficient importance to warrant the establish ment of a department at the seat of mvAmmRn? rlAvnr.prl t.n that: nnmnco and the institute of road engineering would furnish intelligent men who would be competent to construct high' - ways, ; ' : : ' Hon. D. P. Thompson has received and accepted the appointment aa min ister to Turkey, and will leave Oregon for Constantinople about December 1st. ' He has been a very successful business man in this state, was at one time. governor of Idaho, and will no doubt fill the position with credit to himself and the nation. Hon. Sol. Hirschi resigned the portfolio some . time since, - and on the recommenda tion of Senators Dolph and Mitchell President Harrison tendered the office to Mr. Thompson. Our relations with the : Ottoman empire are of the most friendly character, and this gentleman, who will represent the country at that . court, is a sufficient diplomat not to impair these. We hope the Democratic parly will pursue the tame liberal policy towards public improvements that Republi cans have done. The rivers and har bors of the northwest need govern ment aid for improvements, and money expended in this way is not wasted- Every dollar spent to open rivers ia a benefit to the producer, and stimulates the development of the country, be- sides opening avenues of employment to laborers. It is not economy to hoard nnnecessarv milliona in th nnh, lio treasury when the demands of bnsU nen and the necessities of the country require money. A Sad Accident. Friday night about 9:30 the word was rapidly sent down Main street in Baker City from the Grier stables that a man was killed by a runaway team. A Demo erat reporter harried to the scene and found a stranger lying in tbe driveway of tbe stables bleeding profusely from tbe bead and bis general appearance Indicat ing that he waa badly injured. When a crowd congregated none knew him and no one seemed inclined to offer any assist ance to tbe unfortunate. At tbia junc tion a good Samaritan appeared in tbe person of P. Nitscbe, wbo had tbe man conveyed to his room, where shortly after Dr. Dodson attended him. After a care ful examination the physician found no bones broken, tbe man's injuries being an abrasion of the bead, scalp and shoulder and no bad results likely to follow. . Tbe man was since identified as Professor Domtnick Morrelli, a piano tuner and musician. The cause of the accident was tbe result ot drunkenness and tbe man in that state falling lrom tbe seat in bis buggy hendioDg between the front wheel and bed, bis limbs becoming entangled la tbo undergeariDcr ot the vehicle. He was aragced nearly the whole length of Main street, the single horse he was driv ing owned by Mr. Grier, making direct to the stables s,dJ entering the driveway at a rapid gait, wheu be was stopped by an employe of tho barn. HOOD BITES ITEMS. Gilder. The total vote in this precinct waa 319, a mm of 26 since June, and this too with a large number of voters having moved with the mill to Cuenowith. The vote represents a gain of at least 100 since Jane. The OJell barn, 25 tons of hay aud 250 bushels of barley, were burned Wednesday evening. VVui Uilell naU gone into the barn to take cire of his horses, when one of them kicked the lantern over aud the flames spread S3 rabidly they could not be con trolled. The Ions is a serious one, as out- si le of the valne destroyed which " will innunt to at Isast 550, the hay is hard to replace. MoLilay night some party or parties broKO into Delk s plnce by prying up the back window. Whoever it was got away with 200 cigars, about ten gallons of whisky and a Lit of bottled bet-r. Besides this they took a lot of empty beer bottles filling them with whisky from the barrels. Delk is auxious to have the demijohns, bottles and cigar boxes returned so that they can be til ltd again. Jackson the Indian, had a fight here Sun day, caused by too much bug-juice, and got the worst of it. Monday he went home to White Salmon snd got even, just like some of his civilized white brethren whold have done, by beating his wife. He knocked her down and jumped on her until he got tired, and thinking he had killed her skipped oat, and up to date bas not been caught. The squaw remained unconscious for nearly 24 hours, but will recover. The Hero Eeturns. Grant County News. Major Joseph Magone, tbe veteran hero who left here on tbe morning of July 4th to walk to Chicago, accomplished bis journey in lees time than be allotted to himself to make the trip, and returned borne last Saturday evening just fonr months and one day from tbe time he started. Tbe old gentlemen, wbo is over eighty years or age, walked every lucb ol tbe distance to tbe world's fair city, and was there in ample time to. witness tbe dedi catory exercises on October 21. . When he laid aside his pedestrian garb and donned bis best smt of clothes, topped off by swallow-tail coat and high silk bat, his long flowing white beard and hair, gave Mr. Magone a venerable appearance, so marked that be must have resembled a senator or a bloated bond holder, judging from circumstances which followed. , Chicago is infested with a band of bomb-throwers and sandbaggers, wbo are constantly howling for an equal distribu tion of wealth. Tbey differ from some other classes of howlers, for they work as well as howl. One of them felled our major to tbe earth one night for tbe evi dent purpose of sharing his wealth. Major still carries tbe scar made by the would-be assassin's club, But his life waa spared. He came borne in a palace car to the end of tbe 8. V. R. R. and ia to-day tbe hero of tbe longest pleasure walk on record. He set out to walk against time, and conquered, with several weeks to spare. He returns home hale and barty, and as spry as a schoolboy. Long live the major I . In Trouble Again. . Heppncr Gazette. J. L. Jones, the young lad who robbed the Douglas postoffice recently, is in trouble here. After getting out of the Douglas scrape he came to Heppner, aud went to blacking boots down at C. M. Jones' barber shop. He soon got handy with his fingers, and tbe neighboring tills suffered. He finally took a pair of boots, for which he was arrested Saturday evening, and put into the city jail. On Sunday morning be windowg ont and lt is thonKht he had help in this. " He did -not try to get awav. bat complained of being cold, and said he wanted to get where it waa warmer. He waa pat back into one of the cells,, and Monday morning had bis examination be fore justice Halleck, who sentenced him to two months in the county jail, bat will en deavor to get Ira Powers to take him. He would have been sent to tbe reform school, bat that institution is full to overflowing. Toung Jones is only fifteen years of age, and claims to be asf orphan boy. He is go ing the rapid road to ruin, and ought to be stopped. Official Eeturns. The following are the official returns from this county, as canvassed by the county clerk and Justices Schutz and A. S. Rob erts: - . - , . Republican Caplea, 1059; Donne, 1065: Irwin, 1067; Miller, 106S. Democrat Butcher, 497; Colvlg, 512; Noland, 512; Pierce, 857. Populist Burleigh, 507; Galvanni, 499; Holt, 502. Prohibition Black, 66; Norton, 65; Lu cas, 67; Parker, 67. v -. t Union Pacifio System. Tbe Democrats of Oregon baying de cided to bold their grand ratification meeting at Portland -Thursday, Novem ber 17th,tbe U. P. railway will sell round trip tickets at tbe very low rate os $3.45, Tickets good going, leaving The Dalles at 4:23 p.m. Nov. 16th, and 3:05 a.m. Nov. 17tb, returning from Portland on any regular train up to and including Noy. 18'.b. E. . Lttls, Agent. An n"i"Rrant family by the name of Mil J 'Sf lT f Grande Chromde. Their wagon was unset and Mrs. Miller and her daughter received serious in janes. They were both caaght under the wagon, the young lady having ner arm oroaen ana an ankle dislocated. Mrs. Miller was badly braised about tbe spine. Ibe yonne lady was brought down to La Urande Wednesday by Dr. Bacon tor medical treatment. A substantial , parse was made up by the railroad employes and . . i . . - i it . - . . . uuiera tu assist me iamuy m their misfor tune. MncfcUemU &ram Haivn. ine nest saive in tbe wrld for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rbenm, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money reinnaea. rrlce 25 cents ner uu. nut mid uj ouipes at iunersly. Boys' and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon jsoya may ne Had (and sometimes eirls) for (I J ordinary service at wages: (2) noon indenture, to work, attend school, and be DToagns up somewnat as vour own-1 and (3) children may be bad for lecal adontion. Address, J. H. Miseoer, Superintendent I uregon uoys ana tiirls' Aid society, Port- lana, uregon. A Foxy fetory. An eastern paper bas tbe following Jason Lunt of Kenaebunkpnrl, tells a fox story worth hearing: A few j cars ago be caught a young fox, built a pen for him out of a bogbheud and kept him tied no- with a codiine around bis neck. He made Quite a pet of tbe animal which be- cume uuhc tame, but the mother fox used to come around every night find keep the household awake, barking for her youDg one. One ninrniiig he went out to look o ftn. t w. n n r fi n A a nnnrl Kulu gnawed in the hogshead and the codiine bitten oil close to tbe young fox s neck, and the animal gone. Soon after there were stories in tlx: neighborhood of a le markably bold or tame tox which would come in a (loor jard in tbe day time and make off wilb chickens. Nearly two years atterward Mr. Lunt lost a number of chickens . from foxes, and set a trap and one' morning found that be had caught the cbickeq thief. It was a good sized fox, and a remarKably fat one, and while Mr. Lust was teelirg arouoa the animal s neck ana admiring Ins condition bis fingers came in contact with seemed to be a collar un ler the f.:t of the animal's neck. He bad curiosity enough to find out what it was, and cut tbe double turn of a codiine which proved it to be tbe same fox he bad bad tr a pet two years before. A connoioeur, who is desirous of accom plishing great reforms in inartistic methods, perpetrates the following: "The perfect kiss should be- soundless. He should feel her grow heavy in bis arms and her eyelids should droon till tbe lashes half cover her eves, her breath couiir m a sigh through her parted lips. Thus she is more beautiful to look upon than ever before, and he,grown the more tense, tho more powerful aud np rigbt as she yields m his arms, drinks in her beauty while bis lips cover hers. With the embrace his strength goes. When it is over she smiles above him and hoids his head close in her arir.s. This is as a kiss should be. The man is seldom to blame if a kiss does not go off ia this. way. ' It is usually the girl. She is not experienced, and, be sides, she is afraid her pa will come in. It she is experienced well, that is not as it should be, either. Instructions have been received at Arling ton from Boston wool men to the eff jet that they will not make any more advances on fleeces. Tbe prospect of free wool has knocked the bottom out of the market, and those wbo have made advances will be happy when they see their coin again. The Baldwin Sheep & Land Company are rejoic ing that it disposed of the greater part of its clip before the trouble came, ana is now figuring on cutting down expenses, and looking forward to marketing more mutton sheep. This company employs 30 or 40 herders, and has one of the largest herds ot sheep in tbe country. It behooves it to grasp tbe situation by the wool. Toe growing city of Heppner is with out a night force of policemen, and, in consequence, thefts are quite frequent X in a iq t. nut ituc truc ouj o uu a u day night someone entered the cellar of 13 Minor. lAkinfr nhnnfc two rirtzen r.nnn nf trnit. We are informed that nothing else is missing. Pilfering is getting to be too common in Heppner. Heppner should have a regular night policeman, tor it is too much to ask of the marshal to work night and day. There is need of this change, and the sooner that it is done the better" Tbe Frineville Newt is attempting to stir the baseballists of that town to some activity, and says: "Very little interest seems to be taken in the base ball game that is to be played here in the near fu ture between tbe Antelope and Jfrine- vule clubs. Boys, 'get a move on' or tbe visitors will carry off the pnrse for it is a known fact that they pat an a great ball." Boys, these days are too cool and disagreeable for base ball. Postpone tbe game until next summer, and then it will be fun. The Antelope Herald says: . "A news paper man is in every instance like other people. He respects his friends, appreciates a kindness and is always willing to return a favor. In another respect he resembles his fellow men be wilt not continue to pat a man on tbe back, tell what a good man he is, how muoh he has done for the town and give him a free easiness putt every week, when that man will not, through personal prejudice or otherwise, aid m supporting the paper. In other words ha stands by the man wbo stands by mm. ' Guaranteed Care. We authorize oar advertised draggis to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for uonsamption, uougn ana uoias, upon this condition : It you are afflicted with a cough, cold or any lung, throat or chest trouble, and will nse this remedy as di rected, giving it a fair trial, and experi ence no benefit, you may return the bottle aud haye your money refunded. We could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could De renea on. it never aissapointa. Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kmersly's arue store. .Large size ou cents ana xi. Wsea Baby was sick, we gave her Caatrrla, When she was a ChQd, she cried for Castoria, When she became Hiss, she elan): to Castoria, Whan aha had Children, aae gava Coam CaatarJa Legal Notices. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' Lahd Orrica at Thb Dallbs, Or. Nov. 6. 1892. Notice is hereby eiven that the foltowuur-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof wui d maae oeiore tne ttetnster ana tieoeiver ol uij U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., on December i, 1882, viz: JAMES WALSH, Hd. App. No. 2080. for the SW. See 34. Td 1 K. He names the followi nar witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, ana cultivation ol. said land, viz: - E. K. Sharp. H. 8. Hannah. J. L. Hannah. H. J. Auams, au oi xne uanes, ur. nvlS JOHN W. LEWIS, Betdster. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION.- ; Lass Omca at Tun Dallbs, Orsooh.' . . .Mov. 1, 1892. Notice is herebv eiven that the foUowine-named settler his filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and tLat said proof win oe maae oeiore tne Kegister ana iceceiver ol tne U. 8. land offioe at Th Dalles. Or., on December 12. xcftiz, nz: FRED CHANDLER, Hd. App No. : 382. for tbe WK SWV. SEU 8Wtf . ana sw t, ol seals, Tp 4 a, n 1Z K, w at. Be names th foUowimr witnesses to prove nla oonunuoua residence upon and cultivation ot land, viz: H. Chrisman. A. C. Sanford. The Dalles. Or.: O. yv. otouc, fc rratvwamic, ur. - . nvl2 ' JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOB, PUBLICATION. Lass Omca at Thi Dallss, Orxsoh, . Nov. 1. 1892. Notice is herebv riven that the f jllowimr-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final roof in support of his claim and that said proof will ' made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Or., on Dec. 12, 1892, Tiz: CHARLES W. WING, Hd. Aon. Ko. S8S4. for the NEU NW1. md NU Mfci, Bee 13, Tp 4 B, K 12 i, and MWJ4 Iv4, dec 18, Tp 4 S, & IS E, W m. . Be names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said lanii, viz: E. N. Chandler. H. Chrisman. Tbe Dalles. Or.; O. W. Stout, Fred Chandler, Wamic, Or. nvl2 JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. Executor's Notice. "W.XOTICE ia here'iv riven that I have been ap- Ji pointed by the Honorable County Court of wasco county, uregon, at tne uctoDer term inereor, A. D. 1892. aole eiecntor of tlia last will and testa ment of W. McD. Lewis, late of said county and state. All persons bavins claims against the said es tate are rtquirea to present tnem to me, property , verified, witiiin six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Such clai-ns to be p.e- seated at The Dalles National Bank, in Tbe DaU en, Oregon. Z. r. mu-uui. ocuof ooie executor, ot aara came. COONTY TREASURER'S BOTICE All couLty warrants registered prior to April 1, 1889, will be paid if presented at my offise, corner Third and Washington streets. Interest ceases on and after this date. Tbe Dalles, Oct. 31, 1892. W1LUAM MIUUKLL, Treasurer Wasco County, Oregon. 'HE PIONEER BAKERY, fiKO. KUVII, Prop. This well-kn wn BJ'-ay has re-oiened at tbe old stand . ai.J will have on-eale ORDERS LEFT FOR- WEDDING C AK.Il S Will receive prompt attention. Wvhington Street, nc- door to Cansmvi S Nor ton s grocery mure. IHE DALLES OREGON BIS THE DALLES, OREGON. Best Kentucky Whiskey, FROM LOUSTXIXE. Very Brfst Key West Cigars, and Eest of Wines. English Porter, Ale and Milwauke Beer always on band. ' MAETZ & PUNDT, : PROP'S. DAN BAKER, PROPRIETOR OF THE Wool - .A BEST IMPORTED AND DOM EH 3 Wines, Liquors, Cigars Second Street East End. THE D AXLES' OREGON IREGON BAKERY A. KELLER Prop I am prepared to furnish families, notels and res taurants with tbe choicest i - . . hrfiflfl I jB.KPS flTlfl IPS, 1 ' Washington street, next door to Chrisman Cur sor c grocery store, The Da! js. Oregon. W.T.WISEMAN Successor to J. H. UcDonough SC.) DEALER IK AND CIGARS. None bnt the best brands of Liauora and Cigars on sale. Temperance drinka of all kinds. Corner of Court and Second streets; THE DALLES, OREGON. Sample : Rooms, 58 FRONT STH (Nearly opposite Umatilla House.) CHARLIE FRANK. PROP The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars COLUMBIA. BREWERY BEER OK DRAUGHT, G. lt i'LOWERDAJ", 128 COURT STREET, IS PREPARED TO TAKS Photographs in the Highest Style of the Art - OEOUPS AND CHILDREN A SPECIALTY. PRICES REASONABLE. nvU - THE GRANT HOTEL 'GRANT, OREGON. ; B. KENNEDY, PROP'R The table is provided with tbe best in the market. ... Transient travelers will be accommo dated with the best meals furnished by any hotel in town. octaa Andrew Velarde, HOUSE MOVER. The Dalles. Address; Lock Box 181. MONEY TO LOAN. "We have, an unlimited amount of money to loan on approved farm security. Thornbuey & Hudson, octa TriA TiaIIps Or JAS. FERGUSON, General Expressman! Goods banled witb tbe greatest care to all parts of the city on short notice. O.T.THOMPSON. A.W. FAROHER. THOMPSON & FARGHER, General Blacksmiths, Near Mint building, Second St. Horae-Sliod ng and nerstl Jobbing av opcMoauiy Prices reasonable and to suit the timenf - ' G. NOWAK. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans and svrtifcatiaos lor building fur. nisbed. Will. do ail kinds nf excayatino. nd grading. . All orders shonia be lett at postomce. novl3 Bread Cakes Pies Choice Lp Vines w nSSSSaSB xansEixsKsss I SEIBBEHOTEI F. W. L. SKIBBE, Prop. The Only Brick. Hotel IN THE CITY BEST DOLLAR A DAT HOUSE in the North west. This building has been refitted since the fire of September id, and the rooms are first-class in every particular. The table Is supplied with the best the market affords. The oar in connection with tbe hotel is supplied witb the highest erade of Wiuas, Liquors ant Im ported and Domestic Clears. jan39- w NOTICE. LL COWS found roaming at large will be taken te the pound, according to the provisions of le city ordinance. This will be fair warning to all owners of cattle to keep ine same nom running around the streets after this date. DAN. MALO&EX, city Manual. The Dalies, Sept. 14, Wi . seplS . , TT IS A DTTTT Ton owe yonrself and fnm. fly to sret the bent value for your money. Economize In your footwearby purchasing W. Ij. IIouuIrs rhoe, which represent the brut value lor prices asked, aa thousands trill testify. (TTAKE NO SUBSTITUTE.) W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE CENTLEIEN, IDE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE M0NE7. A genuine sewed shoe that will not rip, fine fcalf. seamless, emootb inside, flexible, more com. fortable, stylish and durable than any other shoe ever fcold at the price. Equals custom made shoes costing rrom $4 to (3 and 9-5 Han d-ae wed, fine calf shoes. The J)V most stylish, easy aud durable, shoes ever sold at the price. Taey equal line Imported shoes costing from $8 to $12. C Q 60 Police Shoe, worn by farmers and an i3Oa others who want a good heavy calf, three Soled, extension edge shoe, easy to walk In, and will keep tbe feet dry aud warm. CO 50 Fine Calf, 8.25 and 92.00 Work. P eta. tnirmen's Shoes will give more wear for tha money than any other make. They aremade for ser vice. The increasing aales show that woxkligmen have found this out. nAVC) tf j.OO and Vonths' $1.75 School DUV9 Hhoes are worn by the boys every where. The most serviceable shoes bo Id at the prices. I 9H!ac $3.00 Hand-sewed. 12.5 O, LOQICO $2.00 and $1.75 Shoes for HI is sea are made of the best Donpola or fine Calf, aa desired. They are very stylish, comfortable and dura ble. The$3jXshoeeqnalscustommadeshoescostlng from 4.00 to $6.00. Ladles wbo wish to economize In their footwear are finding this out. Caution. W.I. Douglas' name and the price la stamped on tbe bottom of each shoe; look for lt when yon buy. Beware of dealers attempting to sub stitute other makes for them. Such substitutions are fraudulentand subject to prosecution by law for ob taming money under false pretences. W. 1m DOL G1.AS Brockton, Mas. Sold by J. FR KIMAN, AGENT. TUEDALLES Uf MtMed his Opportunity! JlOTPT M1m Hi x ours, iteauer. x iO majority negiacs meir op portunities, aud from that cause live in poverty and die in obacnrlty I Hurrowing despair Is the lot of many, as they wok uacKon lust, loreTeriost, vpiwriuuiij. liivf Itnnch nut. Rann snil doinir. I m Drove vour ODDorra- ni;y, flndBocureprosnerity, prominence, pace. It was said by a tiliilosoplitjr, tliot "the OoddeM of Fortune offers a golden opportunity to each person nt Borne period of life; umbriLce the chance, and sheponrsontlier ricnes; fUtodo & and she departs, tirrer to return." Iiw shull yoa find the goldux opportunity? Investigate every chance tliat appears worthy, and of fair promi-e; tlint is what all etie-cc-sfnlinendo. Here is an Pppirtuuity, 6uch as isnotoftea within the reach ot laboring people. Improved, it will give, at lenst, a grand start in lire. The qoldk opportunity for many is nere. Alonev to do maue rnpiuiy ana nonorauiy by anyindustrions person of either sex. All ages. Yon can do the work and live at home, wherever vn are. Even be ginners are easily -earning from l3 to SIO per day. Too can do as well if yon will work, not too hard, butindastri onsly ; and yoa can increase yonr income as yon go on. Yoa can fdve spare time only, or all yonr time to tha work. Easy to learn. Capital not reonired. We start too. AH is com paratively new and realty wonderful. We instruct snd show you how, free. Failure unknown ammg our work er, h'o room I" explain here. Vrite and leum all free. dt Winm ni:iil. en wise to aeiay. AGi;n!a moitce. si. UaUett Jtc Co., IftoX SHO. PortUtnd. JAialue FULL Line Of t" T? n m Can BEfouNonr No. 77 Second St. Suits made to order, and fit guaranteed. mm TirstClaii The Isftrrert, Fastest ud Fhwrt la the World. Pa&iiser accomodations unexcelled. . NEW . VOrITlONDCNDERRY AMD 61AS80W. NEW TOEK, GIBRALTEK and NAPIES, Atreiraiar lnierrais. g AinOM. SFnnND-CLASS AND STEERABE TMm on lnwAdt tArma to and from the nrtnciDle SCOTCH. INGUSH. Z3IBH ALL COHTQTEHTaL POINTS. Exoorsion tickets arailable to return by either the pie turesqne Clyde A North of Ireland or Naples A Gibraltar Drafts and stonty Ordtn for Anj Aaosst at 1vmI Batst. j Appiy wo any 01 uur iucsi Atpsnis ur w OENBKKSON BKOTHEK8, ChieSffO, HL AGENTS WANTED Apply to T. A. HUDSON. uenerai Agent, iae lmies, it. janxa-wz ffRBrjNE is oh FEATHERRONE Is made from QTJIIX8. nature's own touebest material, best wblps made for the price. Cheap, Durable, Al.L STYLES, all prices, ask your dealer for a . PI?ITHI7RRfHilf POB 8AJ K: a uaiiujiuiuiuji HENRY KUCK. - The Dalles, Or COAL! COAL! -THE BEST- Welliiigton, Eock ' Springs, and Eoslyn Coal. $12, sacked and delivered to any part ol tbe city. At Moody's Warehonse. A. McINTOSH. -DEALER IN- Meats, Butter and Effffs MORO and GRANT, OREGON. TTTILL ALWAYS HAVE ON SALE at the above Vl towns the choicest Beef. Multon and Pork. Also pay the highest market price for Butter and JSS. auifis H. MOSES & CO. Successors to C. L. Richmond b Co. Adjoia-og tbe Diamond Hills, Second St. - DEALER IN Groceries and Proyisions, CANNED GOODS, ETC. . TTIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR IURS OF I I ALL KINDS. Determined to sell nothios- bnt the choicest (rood at the loweat price, we uenre a share of the pubii patronage. sepis il. MOaES & CO. C. T. STEPHENS, DEALER IN E;j Ms, te' k::$, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. No 13 Second Street, next door east of The Dalles mm$s ' mmm nuivuiu wmmimm ClK.'Sl?? hi liK&S.m ON SALE ' " BI .11- FOR WJEXXFS 25o. 50c. National Bank. Having; ust opened in business, and having; a full assortment of thclateat foods in my line, I desire a share of tbe pubic patronafre. ' apri C. F. STEPHENS i-'KOM TERMINAL OR INTERIOR POINTS, noiioern rec. RAILROAD !f the lir.c to t:ihe TO AIL HINTS EAST,- AND SOI TH i U li t,' jt-.'-z (":rR.ute. It runs ThrotiL-h Vo i r:lwi j :.,:!. I r Da in tl:eyerto ST. PAUL "and CHICAGO. ctU'JK OF CARi) Cini..) nl ! f ii jj cr C'cib ii tvr, is ii. i, lnanl lrcn-i'oii! ft i us if Lui E iTiipnu-ht. TOURIST'S SLEEPING CARS. Ilcst tl at cm br cm slTUcted. and In wh'th tccom uuxirti n- rue 1 cth Frtc crd F'urni Ltd U r h( !tit is r f Ftrht ci tecond cliiss Tickets, ond ELEGANT GAY COACHES.' A (Viitinuous Line, Connecting with All Lines, Affording Direct and " Uninterrupted Service. Pul'mali lcper reervatiuns can be secured, n ad- t.1 rou'iiaiiy otrentot cue roaa. TlfRfSTrnTr TTrTf TTs! To a..l from aU ''"ULU" poiots ill Amt-Lca. Krglanrt I n: ore can te purcbasec! il nny tickU olltct. m ine cf'iupany. 1'u'i inf..rinat'.n co rnintr, tl:ne t( traius, ruut- x .ml ftTtT dttMits funiiched on pH:.tion to W. v. At. LOW AY, Arent I I'. & A. A C i., r.ojulutvr uffice.iThe Halle?, Or. A. D. CHARLTON, A6s't General Paswner Ai:t., Jio. 121 l"irst St.. Cor. Wal., I'CRTLAND, IHLGON OMAHA. KANSAS CITY, ST. PAUL, Chicago, St. Louis. ASD ALL rOBTS EAST. HORTH'and SOUTH. n. r. .. 1 S 05 A. M. Leave The Dalles 1 2S P. M. . m rv-i. 1 4 05 P. M. iirnvc at iub uwiia n 55 p, Jl. PULLMAN SI.IEFER . COIiONIS SI.EXFEFS, RECIJKIP G CHAIR CARS and DINERS Steamers from Portland to San Francisco Etbrt Four Dats. T ckets to and frcm Europe. For rates sn-1 general Information call on . E. LYTLE, Depot Ticket Agent. Tbe Dalles, imgon. W. H. HURf.BtTRT. Asst. Gen. Pam. Art. 254 Washington bt., Portland, Or WORLD'S FATE BOOK 1. BOOK 2. "Review of Oar Couiitry," by lion. James l. iSImr.e. "New Life of Columbus," W. Buel. by J. BOOK 3. E00K 4. "Complete History of America," from the lauding of Columbus to the present time, by frvl. John Clark Kid path. 'Pictorial History of tha' Co lumbian imposition, by Hon. cecj. iiutterworth. Tbe above four preat works by four great authors, every line of which is ouly just written, h;Te been bound up 111 to one massive volume ox ncwri . 900 PAGES and 500 ILLDST8ATI0NS, Under the Title of "Cotak and Columbia." The greatest subscript" n book ever published in this coumrj ' anu ci wnicn A MILLION COPIES Will be sold during the next six months. APCkiTC nraDted a1' over this sUte. Better AuLnlO terms than ever. We guarantee to the right parties $50 a week profit fr-m now on to cnri&tuias, and a nrst class Kuunu-TKif riuhtl to the WORLli'S FAIH and one week's admission to the KxtKwition absolutely free. AIbo other valu able premiums. We hare picnty ot capital at yir comtnana ana can anu vrtu ao exactly wnac we say. Send at once for special circulars and further par. cicuiars to tne DOMINION PUBLISHING CO., Seattle. -"W athlngton . Thompson's Addition J- DALLES CITY. Now Ready for Sale, on Easy Terms. Now is the timeito buy while PRICES ARE LOW. This tract bas been ranreved and platted in acre ! tract, with convenient streets and avenues and so arranired that purchasers can ret one block or sev eral acres in a body. The lahil is comparatively level, soil excellent, water easily obtained, location pleasant, beautinl and easy to access and joins tbe uy immediate iv on ine ease Title U. S. Patent Warranty Deeds. , FOB SALE BT The Dalles Lanl and Improvement Co. For nirticulars apply at the office of the Company Booms 7 ana a, laua umce uuiiaing, 'in Liije, ur COME AND 8EETHE PROPERTY. THORNBURY & HUDSON, Re Estate Asrents. ' THE CALIF0RNIAN Illustrated MAGAZINE, Published in San Francisco. California, ha? a circu lation all over the world. Its growth duriiitr one year is positively phenomenal in tbe annul or maga zine Mteniiure, surpassing every omer magazinr in the worl J in the same spat e of time. The reasons are obvious. It haa atronor financial back inc. Its contents are reulete with typical descriptions of -al (ornia and racinc Coast subjects scenerv. climate, iruiu and nowrs. 1U nnge of topics is cosmopolitan, embracing' sketched of European ana urieuuu scenes anu cnar- seteruues. It discusses without bias or partisan zel. the liv insr auesuons of the da v. It owns and controls its entire plant, including type, the largest presses on the coant, a com pie: e half-tone and photo-giavinz outfit, and employs its own artists Its aim is to develop the natural, commercial, so cial and literary capacities of Western and Interior America; to present enly what is pure in tooe. in structive in matter ana interesting in xorui. The price of this magazine is 43 a Lear, postage prepaid. The subscription list ia increasinr over twelve hundred a monib, una it nas a larger circula tion "n the Pacific coast than any other magazine in tbe world. We prevent to every annual subscriber a beautiful picture, 16x2? 4 inches, of one of tbe Old California AliaaiotaS, or a view from tbe far-famed Yoaemite Valley. It is the intention of the publishers to offer a variety ol beau til ui premiums ir Annual subscrip tions, commencing with tne January, lbUa, number. 8BXD TO CKLIFORNIHN PUBUSHING CO.. Academy of Science Building, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, For this great Premium List, from a California Cari osity to a W WiK!. FOE, SALE. A GOOD POWER BAILfcK, fKlLE Kft.OU. All a coed Disc Bolter with Seeder attached; pric OCU-4 ' VIW aTUWUUiUO. 1 'IA J v I I J jfC1iWT(.,;'.-J L . a TO - I CHAS. H.D0DDV:& C0r Front, First and Vine Sts., Portland, Or, - WHOLE8ALE DEALER8 IN V' I I I- Tr, UJ i. HARD- -Sj IRON, WARE, STEEL FARA1. MACHINERY. Sole Agents for Oregon, Washiriffton and Northern Idaho for tho i BUCKEYE REAPER -AND MOWER, These Machines are too well known to need comment. Thousands of Farmers have rued them, and speak of them with praise. They are tho only Harvesting Machines that will give entire satisfaction to the purchaser. MILLER'S NEW MODEL VIBRATING THRESHER, PHCENIX STRAW BURNER ENGINE, The most Effective and Successful Combination for Threshing and Cleaning Grain ever Constructed. - 4 BUCKEYE STEEL FRAME TWINE- BINDERS, i- , The features that distinguish this Twine-Binder is the Lightness of Draft, combined with its Extraordinary Strength and Durability. The Binder is of the Appleby pattern, tho only really successful one yet known. Wo have two styles, tho Elevator Binder and tho Platform Binder both excellent both recommended by hundreds of patrons. - WILLIAM XJinlortnliOi Has always on haod a new and complete line of Undertaking Goods. Partic ular attention given to embalming and taking care of tbe dead. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. PICTURES FRAMED TO ORDER. Soathw est Corner of Third and WsBhington Streets, THE DALLES, OR NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND Ml ROODS HO J Front (Street, The ltalles, Oreios. ' FRAZER &. WYNDHAM, FroprietorB. RKZORS FOR SHLE STUBLING & WILLIAMS, PROPS. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. All brands of Imported ' and genuine Key West CALIFORNIA : WINES : .AND : BRANDIES. COLUMBIA BREWERY 86 Second Street, SECOND STREET, BETWEEN UNION AND COURT : KEEPS ON DRAUGHT COLUMBIA BREWERY BEER, -AND ALL KINDS OF Best Imported Wines, The One Price Cash House, COR. SECOND AND COURT STS., J. P. McINEBHY xx2A.xx:n in- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. Agent for tbe Buttenuk Patterns; also for the Hall Bazaar Dress Forms. CARLISLE The Perfection of Hand-mado mm PURE AND MATURED. INVALUABLE DOCTOR, THE INVALID, AND THE GOOD LIVER. Sherwood & Sherwood, Distributing Agents, San Francisco, . 212 Market St. Pcrtland, . 24 N. Front St. ' SO Lay the hair over hair disanDeara as if Trade Mark. Price Of Queen Antl.H.M..l n- ' . 1 , tl " 1 ,j . yi;, wt.iu. Milk III W.I; llllllllli. uv.rn. iuiui. i.iu 1 . UB WIIIIVI7 sealed rrom observation). Bend money or stamps by letter with full address written plainly. C'orri n pondence strictly confidential. Thla advertisement is honest and straightforward in every woid It contains, we invite yon to deal with n and yoa will find everything aa renrrwnted. Cut this out and a-nd to-day. address QUEEN CHEMICAL CO., 174 Race Street, CINCINNATI, O. Yoa cau , f.r yoor It,,r at any Pont Office to Insure Its safe delivery. We will pay ar.OO for any can. or railure or slightest Injury to any purchaser. Every bottle guaranteed. SPCPIII To ladle, who fnrroduee and sell amona- their Mend. 18 Bottles of Queens Antl-Ualrlna, or I. Hint, we will preaent with a BILK DBX8S, It yards best .ilk. Extra Large Bottle ud samples aBnasBaai of sua to Mleot from Mnt with ordOT. Oood SalarT or Commiaaioa to Areata. .AND. Schuttler Farm 'Wagons, Deer Flows Deere Bulky Flows, Cook ft Co.'s Oar. riages, Fheetona and Top Buggies, Four. Spring Mountain Wagons, Buokboarda, Superior Drills and Seeders, Corbin Diss Harrows, Hodgea-Haines Hoadors, Haiah Barbed 'Wire SENS FC2 CIECULALS. ' : - MICHELL, and Embalmer, HT $1.50 HND UP. Liquor", Ale and Portf r, Cigars. A full line of BEER ON DRAUGHT. THE DALLES, OR. e r ml FOR SALE BOTTLED BEER. Liquors and Cigars. 5 WHISKEY, Sour Maeh Bourbon. TO THE U m ri it ( HEV7 BiSCOVEhr brACSIOEfiT a part was accl'Jently nimird on the hand and on waahinir arterwntd il Mas diiioovcrea that th. balr aa m pletely removed. We al once put this wonderful pn paratlon on th. market and sosreat has been the demand that we are now Introducina it throughout the world under the name ot Queeo'i Antl-Ualrlna IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS AND SIMPLE ANY CHILD CAN USE IT. and apply the mixture for a few mlnnm. and th. by masic without the elirhtest Daln or inlurv i,on applied or ever afterward, lt lsunllke any otber preparation ever ummI for a like purpose. Thousands of LAlkl KH v ho have been annoyed with hair on their FACE, NECK and ARMS attest its merits. GENTLEMEN who do not appreciates beard or ho iron their nwlc, find a priceless boon In Quwn'n Antl-Hnlrine which dors r.wi.y . 1 1 1 n . n ..L. il' I