Tlie Times-Mountaineer SATURDAY. .OCTOBER 22. 1892 - A Democratic speaker in one of the valley towns has gone Lack to 1776 to class Republicans with the tories of the revolution. It would be a wise course if that speaker would refresh his memory with matters of more re cent dates, say' 1861 to 1865. Since the war of independence three or four generations have . passed . away, but . there are very many still living who recollect the events of the "late un pleasantness." Still it makes little difference to Republicans if Demo crats are desirous of making reference to historical facts. In 1856 the first Republican platform was adoptcJ, and the party is in no manner responsible if George Washington, Alexander Hamilton and the Adamses were tories. , But. the Democratic or ganization was in . active existence in 1861, and some who voted for John C. Breckinridge for president and sup ported Jefferson Davis and the south ern confederacy are still voting the ticket That is right, gentlemen. Have frequent reference to history, for it educates the young m the beat politi cal principles, and Republicans are not ashamed of their record during the past thirty years. . A Democratic exchange says: "Chi crgo is ' making magnificent prepara tions for the dedication of the world's fair buildings, but the best feature and the one that will interest the raulti ' tude most will be' the 'visit to the Windy City of Mr.' Cleveland, Mrs. Cleveland . and . sweet little Ruth." There will no doubt be great interest manifested in the Democratic candi date for president, wife and daughter! but the greatest sympathy will'be ex pressed for President Harrison, who will be debarred from taking part in the ceremonies by reason of necessity compelling him to oend over the death bed of his wife. The American heart is always right, and : in : the midst of rejoicing there will be comforting words expressed, for the sufferers in the sick room in Washington City. . A pointer in the direction of th prosperity of the country is found in ' the decreased number of failures, and an important one too.. R. G. Dun - Ca's statistics'' of failures in ; tb United States for the quarter ended ' September 30th, show that there were 1,984 failures, with liabilities slight " over $18,500,000. The failures for ' trie same period last year were 2,57; ; with .liabilities of oyer $44,000,000, Thus far in the present year, for nine . months, . the failures number 7,487, with liabilities of only $80,000,000 as against 8,326 failures and liabilities of $136,000,000 for the same nine .' months of 1 891. ' ' ' , ' The fall season thus far has been : very favorable to our farmers, and in a few days almost every plow in the country will be busy turning up ground for seed. It is expected that more soil will be planted in wheat this sea son than ever before, and with a fa ; vorable harvest in 1893, an open river, and a good market for products, this .- portion of the Inland Empire will en joy an era of prosperity that has never . been experienced. - Wasco crunty has strong hopes for i the future, and the early rains have caused these to bud. They will blossom next summer when . the crop is harvested. I ' 0B00K. 00U5TT. Items From the Columns .. Oehoeo Kevlew. , of the '.. Parties who have traveled the McKeszie road across the Cascade, mountains recently say it is in a very bad shape. Chas. Butler ia en route to The Dalles with large drove of beef cattle which were purchased in this county. They are de signed for the Sound market. , . An evidence of tbe healthy condition of boa in eaa iq Prineville is the large number of freight teams laden with goods that are be- ing daily unloaded at the different places of business here. -: ,', ': Joe Swain, of Bear creek, was in town this week. He reported the fall grass grow. ing nicely and tbe sheep in fine condition Mr, Swain says he lost bat six sheep daring the summer. - Report has it that a man by name of Oric, living on West Branch, recently butchered one of S. Gnsham'a steers, and then had the unprecedented audacity to sell Mr. Got ham his own beef. The affair leaked ont in some way and it is probable Oric will be taught a lessor! that will not be soon forgot . ten. . .r . - : - " The ' Antelope baseball club has signified its willingness to. come to tbis'place and cross swords with the Prineville nine, pro vided the latter place will bang a puree for which to play. -. We should bestir ourselves and raise a parse for this purpose as' a con test of this kind would bring a large num ber of people to town, and besides it. would give us an opportunity to become better ac quainted with our Antelope neighbors. Last Sunday the water was turned into the Prineville Irrigation Co.'s ditch, and it carried a large volume of water so far as the ditch had been completed between six and eight miles below town. It looked like an oasis in a desert, to see that grand artificial stream wending its way through the sace brush and sand, and when we reflect that tnis same aesers can oe maae to "Dlossom and bloom as the rose," then we can form some idea of the benefits that will accrue from this company's enterprise. ' ! zl ' Homicide Hear Heppner. . We learn from the Gazette that a few days ago Frank Merrill was arrested at Heppner on tbe charge of haying mur dered an old sheep herder named "John Garrity, who was found dead at his cabin about two miles south of that place. Justice Halleck, Dr. Fox and others re paired to tbe scene, where a coroner's jury was empanelled and tbe following facts elicited: , Wednesday, October 5th, Merrill and Garrity went to tbe house of Bob Dexter and purchased three - quart bottles of whisky, of which they drank freely, and soon got into a drunken row.' After be ing separated once or - twice by Dexter, the odds being decidedly in favor of Mer- rlll,they left his place for Garrity 's cabin. 1 Dexter visited the cabin Thursday morn ing and saw both men drunk, aod evi -do ico of tbtir having been fighting. Dexter vibited the cabin again and foand both men drunk, Garrity lying on tbe bed and Merrill on the floor. He gave the old man some water and placed them both oo the bed. - Friday morning, as Merrill passed Dextci's, he said he bad John laid out but that be was all right. Dexter again went tc old Johnny's Fri day noun, and getting do response to bis call entered tbe cabin and found tbe dead body of Garrity lying on the bed. hav ing oo one shoe. Had some marks of violence about bis face. Medical exam ination failed to reveal any external wounds fcufficient to have caused death. . Delendact claimed that bs only fought In self defense, and that the old man wag wa'ktDg aroond, but whisky sick, when be left the cabin in the morning to go to Penland'a to collect some money, and that be knew nothing of tbe death until ho wa3 arrested. Chased by an Elk. on; Creek Eagle. Mayor Chss. H. Lse, of this city, who has been a b'.iuter tbesa many years, met with a thrilling experience with an elk near the Long creek meadows last Satur day, aud was indeed fortunate to have escaped without serious injury. The mayor bad wounded a large bull elif, and was trailing his game through the timber aod thick undergrowth, in view of get ting another shot at it. Watching its trail and keeping no lookout (or the animal at a distance, Mr. Lee walked within ten feet of where it was lying. and was only warned of bis proximity by the elk springing to its feet and giving its pursuer a chase around tall tf.manicks, beUowicg wildly at his heels at every jump. Such sport was not apprehended by Mr. Lee, and the position grew rather critical, for after dodging around for tea or fifteen minutes tbe enraged animal was still at his heels. Ho was in a man ner exhausted and had to devise some other plan to evade Mr. Elk, or the ani mal would gain that much desired leap and a fatal collision -would result. No ticing a log near by that lay a short dis tance from tbe ground, Mr. Lee dropped under it, leaving tbe elk at a safe dis tance pawing tbe earth and bellowing furiously for being thus disappointed. Having given up tbe chase the elk re paired to tbe wood, thus affording Mr. Lee more than simple relief. When the animal was a safe distance be crept from bis biding place, but was almost-Enable to walk - from exhaustion, but after a little rest be resumed tbe chase after tbe elk, and was successful in capturing tbe animal without anv tenous accident. Bank Bobber Located. Sheriff Ward received a letter Saturday evening, dated1 at Me. Hood postoffice about 12 miles from Hood River Thurs day, October 13th, from D. R.- Cooper, in which be says: "I am certain that the j Rosij u hank robber was here oo Tuesday night. Ho came over tbe mountain and slept in onr school house and eat at a sheep camp. The next night be slept at the Elk beds, four miles from Mt. - Hood, and was trying to make the valley past Mt. Hood; bat the snow is four feet deep, and he had to turn back. I have just arrived home, so I don't know where he is to-night. He answers the description of robber No. 2. Heavy set, one tooth gone, stooped shoul ders, dark or sandy complexion, and blue eyes. I am sure he is tbe man. My wife; saw him, and she is certain also he is the man. He stopped all night with Will Langell at the Elk beds, and he thinks he is j tbe man. He told two stories. " Said he came down the river on a scow, and attain that he tramped from Walla Walla. All the difference between him and No. 2 is that he ia darker, and may be considered of a dark or sandy color. He wants to keep away fromthe railway. He cannot pass except by way of the Cascades. . He has no grab, and has two days the start. : There is a' good reward offered' for the apprehension of either of these robbers, and any one can arrest them and receive the money. I Dedication Services. The beautiful new Congregational church was dedicated to religious services San- day morning by appropriate ceremonier. A programme of exercises was prepared, which was carried oat, and the aeating capacity of the church was fully occupied. The beauty of the structure and the convt- mence of the iuierior impressed all visitors. Singing by the choir was very enjoyable. and the excellent discourse by Rev. C. S. Clapp was listened to attentively. A finan cial statement was read by Mr. B. S. Hunt ington, and a collection taken. ' There was no subscription paper passed. It was very mnch regretted that Rev. D. B. Gray, the former pastor, could not be present, but Rev. W. C. Curtis read a letter fiom bun, containing many kind words and wishes. Rev. Jenkins made tbe opening prayer, lev. John wnisler tne dedication prayer, ana tie v. w. jj.TJurtis, tbe pastor, lead tbe responsive reading, wbicb was adapted to the occasion. Eeal Estate Transfers. . Oct. 15. Dalles City to Mary L. Booth; lots 4 and S block 1, Trevitt's addition; $1. Oct. : 15. C. L. Phillips and wife to Dalles City; property on Third street; 52500. Oct. 15. United States to Charles H. Stranahan; ej of sw and w J of sej, sec 9, tp 2 n, r 10 east. Oct. 14. Chas. V. Champlm and wife to 0a y. Cooper; ej lot 1, block 1, Thomp son's addition; $75, Oct. 14. F. F. Kirkman and Alice M. K'rkman to W. C. Adams; n of nw and of nej, sec 30, tp 1 a, r 14 east; $1000. Herald: Antelope has a rolay team that would like to arrange a contest race with about six of the Fossil bovs some time this fall, the match to take place at either town, This kind of a race it generally run with six men on a aide and the distance, three hundred yards, Eajh side places its men in a line and fifty yards apart. Then the two at one end are started evenly and they ran fifty yards and tap the next man on their respective sidea and that man bounds off and taps tbe next one, and so on till the end. Whoever passes the line first at the outcome wins tne race ror nis siae. iom six races are run all in one contest It makes a very interesting race and we would like to ran the f ossil boys for "glory or sponaoolix. , , Sentinel: A portion of the real estate property of the -Murray , Bros,, insolvent, were sold at the conrc house in Canyon City on Saturday, the 8tb inat. Tbe sales made were as follows: The J. Tbarp ranch was purchased by James Small for $600; the Sprowl hill land by E. Stewart for $200; Andy Litch place by Lincoln D. Luce for $800; Eli Lester ranoh by. W. W. Wiley for $2500; the bill lands on the South Fork, . I 1 .1 I i ,. . w , . huibo iwucs, sum mr iuu; me juascai a, I WarheJd places by Wm. Mascal for $3000. Tbe Bracket ranch and npper Murray i places were not sola, mere was also some road lands and sheep camps sold, bnt we have failed to ascertain as to the correct figures. ' There was a little man, . ' And he had a little gun. - And everybody said bis name waa Peck, feck, x"eck. He pulled both triggers, And shot a lot o' riggers. - And bit tbe Cleveland party in the neck. neck, neck. . - ' . '. Chicago Tribune. 1 TELEGRAPHIC HEWS. .Thousands t'oaid In a Hovel. Laobel, Del., Oct. 17. Ten days ago John Allen, aged 70, died at . Bedford, near bere, in a freight-car, which he bad purchased for a few dollars. In this hovel be reared a large family of children and conducted a small store, tobacco and cider being bis principal stock ia trade. After his death, a committee to tako an inyentory of hi.i effects was appointed by the orphans' couit. They found bank and railroad stocks amounting to many thousands of dollars. In an old box was found nearly $30,000 in gold coin. Allen had three daughters who were compelled to go out at service, doing kitchea work. Clans of Bustlers Exterminated. Boise, Idaho, Oct. 17. Wilson Mar vin has arrived from Deer Flat, in north era Idaho, and gives the authorities here tbe details cf a fight with a gang of borsethieyes, which occurred last August, but which so far has escaped publication. This gang of rustlers had been operating very boldly, running a number of horses off into British Columbia. Finally a started after them and came up with them near Deer Flat. Marvin says be witnessed tbe battle wbicb followed, in wbicb tbe entire gang of rustlers, num bering eight, were exterminated. Cleveland's .Manly Sympathy. Chicago, Oct. 17. The committee on ceremonies of the world's fair have re ceived a letter from Groyer Cleveland, saying be would not be present at the ceremonies. He bad intended to do so, and the reason for bis change cf plans is given in the following sentence from his letter: "I may be oversensitive and evtn morbid on the subject, but I cannot allow myself tn take a political advantage over the opportunity afforded in the sad sick nesa that keeps President Harriaicn away from Chicago." Perlsbed In tbe Mountains. Albany, Oct. 17 The remains of man, supposed to be John Hagarty, who was lost in tbe uountains near Mount Horeb, Morion county, in September, have been found by hunters. It is sup posed he died of starvation. The remains were found in an uninhabited part of the mountains, seven miles above Mills City Pronounced Hopeless, Yet Saved, From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E. Burd. of Groton, S. D., we quote: "Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on my lungs, cough set in and finally termi nated in consumption. f our doctors gave me up, saying I could live but short time. J gave myself up to my Saviour, determined it l could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones a Dove. My nusoana was advised to get Dr. King's New DJscovery tor consumption, (Joughs ana colds save it a trial, took in all eight bottles it has cured me, and tbank God I am now a well and hearty woman." Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store, Kegular size, 50c. and $ 1. 4 The Famous Bobs Bucks. We will have for sale here at Arlington, between October 3d and 25th, 300 head these noted backs, both Grades and Thor oughbreds. Sheep owners will find these bucks to be tbe very best, and were the choice of 2000 head. They are noted for the dense wool, length of staple and white ness of yolk, and will increase tne weignt of your fleeces two pounds to the sheep. 243ep4 Coffin & McFarlasd. The Union Pacific system will extend to its patrons the usual reduced rates on roun trip tickets which will include admission to the Exposition, selling : on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays of each week. Detailed information can be had by apply- to E. E. Lytle, agent. - sptl2-oct20 $4000. To loan m sums to suit on improved in side property, $4000 of Dalles City water fund. Apply to . ,. " . , Hugh Chbishan, sep2 Secy Dalles Water Co, JSOCiETlK. . A SSEMBLT NO. 4827, E. OF L. Meets in K. of V P. Hall the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 7.30 V. 1. - - TJ7ASCO LODGE, NO. IB, A. F. & A. M. Meets Y V first and third Monday of each month at P.M. mfll DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER. NO. 6, X Meets in Masonic Hall tho third Wedneadaj if eacb month at 7 1. tt. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO, 6, I. O. O. F. Meets V ) every Friday evenimr at 7:30 o clock, in JL of P, Hall, corner of Second and Court streets. Sojourn ing; brothers are welcome. - A. L,Alisfc.if IS . u. a. CLooeH, Secy. rn&ENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets I1 every Monday evening at 7:30 o clock, in Scban- no's buildinsr, corner of Court and Second streets. Sojourning brothers are cordially invited. jo. VAUga, &. B. ana . n. o. ukajh, u v. ITTOMEN-S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION V f - will meet every Friday afternoon at S 0 clock at tne reading room. All are invited. 11 T ODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Mt. XVX Hood Camp, No. 69, meets every Tuesday evening of each week at 7:30 o'clock, in the K. of P. Hall. All brothers and sojourning brothers are Invited to be present. mEMPLR LODGE. NO. 3, A. O. U. W Meets I at K. of P. Hall every Thnrsdav evening at 7:30 o'clock. OK jKUE UlBUia, M. w. W. S. Mrass; Financier. f AS. NESM1TH POST, NO. 82, G. A. R. Meets O every Saturday at 7.30 P. M. in K. of P. Hall. B. OF L. E. Meets every Snnday K. oi P. Hall. iterneon in fi ESANG VEREIN HaEMONIE.- Meets every V ounaay evening in n. ol f. JtlalL B. OF. L. F. DIVISION. NO. 167. Meets in K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 V. U. . THE CHURCHES. T7URST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev.. O. D. Tatlob, I Pastor. Services every sabbatn at tne Academy at 11 A. M, Sabbath school immediately after the services. Prayer meeting every Friday eveaUng at tne pastors resiaence HT E. I . Services every Sunday morning and evening Sunday School at 12:20 o'clock P. M. A cordial invi tatioc extended by both pastor and people to all. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev.W.C. Oralis Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 r. M. Sunday school alter morning service. IT. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father Bkohsoksst Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday at 7 A. M. High mass at iu:w A-u. vespers at i r.M. - - - ST. PAUL'S CHURCH.-. Union Street, opposite Fifth. Rev. Eli D. SutcluTe, Rector. Services every Sunday at U A. M. and 7:80 P. M., Sunday scnooi at zw r. a. evening rarer on r nuay w :wi r. Ja. IREG0N2 BAKERY, A. KELLER Prop';, I am prepared to furnish families, notels sad 1 taurants witn tne cnoicest r -i - - -n . nTPflfl 1 li KPS 11 fl ' I 1 PS 1,1 CaU VALUES dHU. lCOs Washington street, next door to Chris man fc Cor son's grocery score. The Dalles. . - - . 0ecom. THE DALLES, OBBGON. , . Tr , v tttI 1 KfiQT, KfiTl IIlfiKV W niSKBV. " : --; V ?. FROM X.OUST IXLE. Very Best Key West Cigars, nod Best . .of wines. . , Er.glish Porter,' Ale and Milwauke Beer always on band. MAETZ & PUNDT, : PROFS. 1 Thecal Notioas. SUMMONS. TN THE JUSTICii COCi T, est Dalles Precinct, A wasco uounty, Oregon. H. Herbring Plaintiff, vs. A. f. Collins and Mrs. A. S. Collins, bis wife. Defendant. To A. S. Collins and Mrs. i. i). Collins, his wife, the above named defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are here by required to appear ana answer the romp'aint filed against you in tho above entitled action within ten days from the -late of the seivice of this sum mons I'pon you, if served within this counrv, or if served within any other county of this state, then within twenty days from the date ot the service of this summons upon you; and if served by publ ca tion, then on or before the 22d dy of October, 1892 at tbe hour of ten o'clock in the forenooj of said day, and if you lail so to answer for want therrof, the plaintiff will take judgment agtinst voa for the sum of S50.80 and interest at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum and his costs and disbursements in this action.- - - This summons is published by order of E. Schutz, Justice of the Peace for West Dalits Precinct, Wasco county, Oregon. Made at his o fee in Dalles City, said county and state, on the 1st day of September, 18K2. E. SCHUTZ. Justice of the Pewe for West Dalles Precinct Wasco county, Oregon. . sepS SUMMONS. T N THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Oregon, J. for the County of Wasco. J. L. Story, plaintiff. ) vs. V George Gariner, defendant. ) To Gennre Gardner, defendant: t In the name of the State of Oreon. yon are here by required to appear and answer the complaint nied against you in the above entitled action within ten dava from the date of the sevice of this ram- monf upon you. if served within this county; or if served within any other county in this state, then within twenty las from the date of the service of this summons upon vou; and if served upon you by publication, then by she first diy of the next regular term of this court, to-wit: Unndav, the 14ih aayot ovemoer, isns. ine aeienaant m take notice that if he fails to appear or ansuer as above required, the plaintiff will take juilgment against him lor the sum of 3250, and interest tnereon at the Iciral rate from the 1st day of Julv, 1887, and for the furthor sum of S32. and interest there" n at the lepil rate from June 1, 1890, and the further sum ot $30, and interest tnereon at tne ie?ai rate from Juue 1, lb91; and for his costs and disburse ments of this action. This summons is published by order of the Hon- W. L. Bradshaw. Judge of the above entitled court, made at chambers in Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon, on the 30th day of September, 1892. J. L. STORY, octl ' Attorney f"r Plaintiff. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Oregon, for the County of Wasco. Anna A. Greenwood, plaintiff,) vs. VSummons. Jno. S. Greenwood, defendant. J To John S. Greenwood, defendait: In the name of tbe State of Oregon, you are herebv required to appear and answer tbe complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause and court, on or before the first day of the next term of the said court, to-wit: on or before the fourteenth day ot November, 1892; and if you fail to so appear or answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the said court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: to dis solve the bonds of matrimony existing between plaintiff and defendant; that plaintiff be restored her inaiden name, and for such other and further relief as to the court shall seem reasonable and just. This summons is published pursuant to an order made by Hon. W. L. Bradsbaw, Judge of the above entitled court, on' this 30th day ft M-ptember lisax. U. r., octl Attorney for Plaintiff. FOR SALE. gT TOOK RANCH AT AUCTION'. The urd framed. as administrator of the estate of A. Finlayaon, recessed, will offer for sale by public auction, at Prineville, Crook county, Oregon, on October 18, 1892, at 1 o'clock P. M., the desirable property known as tne "JNye rancn, situated tn tne urooKec; River valley, about 24 miles from Prineville, tbe county seat of Crook county, and on the staire road from Prineville to Burns. The ranch consists of 600 acres of deeded land, besides some wagon road and other entered land held under lease, and is taken so as to control the waters of Horse Haven creek for a distance of 5 miles. Besides this, Crooked river runs through the land, affording a never-failing; water supply for all purposes. There are about 2&0 acres unaer cultivation, 76 of which are id alfalfa and un der ixrisration, and about 400 acres enclosed. There is also a irood sheen- dippine station, with boilers. tanks, eta, and a number of good cabins and corrals used in the sheep business. There are -bout 60 tons of good grain and alfalfa hay, besides miscellaneous effects, all of which will be sold with the place; also wm go wild tne place all tne ngnv to tne out side range connected therewith, and sufficient to run from 5000 to 10.000 sheep ana loo neact oi cattle. The surveyed line of the Oregon Pacific railroad passes within 25 miles of the place, and as soon as completed tbe property will more than double in value. Terms of sale -One-half cash: balance ia three ft) annual payments, with interest and curity on the ranch. JOSEPH JdAcEACHERN. oct8td . Dissolution Notice XTOTICE is herebv eiveD that the Arm of E. Jac- 1 obsen & Co. has been dissolved by mutual con sent. O. S. Savage has this day sold his one-hall in terest in said firm to E. Jacobsen, and said E. Jacob sen is now sole owner ot the business and will con tinue the same at the old stand. He will collec t all accounts due the firm of E. Jacabseu & Co.. and pay ail aemanos against uia arm. is. JAuuisr. OTIS S. SAVAGE. V The Dalles, Or., Sept. 3, 1392. seplO-lm Iistnd Notices. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. LA7TD OfFICB AT VAtooUVISWABH. September 10. 1SS2. Notice is hereby fdren that the following; named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will im: ouuie ueiuro n. . uiuiuor, uiuiuiiwiuuBi United States Circuit Court, district of Washington, at bis office in GoldendaJe, Wash., on November S, vans, yiK . - PETER AGIDEUS, Purchase Application No. 618, under Sec. 3, Forfeit ure Act, Sept. 29, 1890, for the SE qr, and S fat of Ofiqr,EWCil, ipZA,A19, ff A.. He names the following: witnesses to prove his1 continuous claim to saia lana, viz: Vernon T. Cooke, Thomas Holt, William Brnne, unaries 11. isrune, an oi roe vaues rostomce, or. sep!7 ' JOHN D. GEUGHEGAN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . Lahd Omci at Vakcodvbr, Wash., Sent. 6. 1882. Notice is hereby given that the following named claimant has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of the SuDerior Court of Klickitat county, Waan., at Goldendale, Wash. on uctooer zz, lews, viz: GEORGE W. SMITH. Application to purchase No. 636. under Sea S. For feiture Act, Sept. 29, 1890, for the NW qr BE qr, and 8 hi SE qr. Sec 3: N hf NE qr. Sec 11: and SW or n qr, sec xo, ip z , n ij t: He names tbe following; witnesses to prove his hjuuuikwf murun upon iuu cuiuvauou oi saia land, tic William N. Crawford. Charles Brune. Thomas Holt and William M. Brune. all of The Dalles. niavo couut), urgon. seplO . JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN, Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. ' Lax Offics at Vancouvsh, Wasb. - ' September 9, 1892. Notioe is hf rebv chen that the followuw-named settler has filed notice of his intention to "make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof wui oe maae Deiore w. it, iranbar, commissioner United States Circuit Court for Dntrict of Washing-- ton, at bis office in Goldendale, Wash., on October zf,isvz, vis: nuAjiAjn a. I'ttArvruKxi, Purchase Application No. 626. to purchaqe under Sec. 3, Forteiture Act, Sept. 29, 1890, for the NW qr, ana w ni oi n e qr, ana be qr ot UK qr, Sec 6, tn a vr nun w a- He names the following' witnesses to prove bis claim to saia lana, viz: Henry r. Brune. William M. Brune. Vernon T. Cooke. Manuel 8. Leonardo, all of The D&llea nMfc. omce, uregon. septl7 ' JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN. Register. . NOTICE FOB PUBUCATION. Lass Omci at Tun Dallxs, Ossooir, Sent. 7. 1892. Notice Is herebv efven that the followinff-nmmetl settler his filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver of the S. land office at The Dalles. Or., on October ss. xovs, via: . , . WII.I.1AM A. MI1.I gR Hd. No. 4S22. for the N hf NE or. NE or NW or. auiu oa 410. qr, Dec Od, xp ixi,aiafi. He names the following witnesses to nrova hi. wuHiiuuu. resioenoe upon ana cultivation ot saiu lana, viz: O. W. Cook. O. S. Ifoiiran. F. D. CrelirMnn miul 1IU1 VlVUf U.UI4, ail U IH 1AJJCB, ur. seplO JOHN W, LEWIS, Hegister. Leveling Instruments For Sale. ONE AEROID BAROMETER, in thorough order, one Level. 22-inch Teleacona. in mod nr.W- . new Rod and Surveying Outfit of the best kind for ale; also standard works upon inigation, involving American, French, Spanish and Italian methods fullv explained and illustrated, an I diacrihi hv .n. graving and plates by the best authors; will be sold at a low price to any young man who wishes to en ter upon this most important economy. Draught ing boards and outfit will also be sold. ea-w T. 8. LAXQ. NOTICE C. L. Richmond IE Co. having riinwMMt nf hml business to H. Hoses a Co.. all thnax in,iahtri requested to come forward and settle their within the next thirtv d&va. or tha am. will h. placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. v. it, HHmnuKu co. The Dalles, Sept. 27, 1892. MISSION-:-GARDENS! ALL VARIETIES OF GREEK-HOUSE FLOWERS and Plants from the garden on sale a C F Lauers. Orders will receive prompt attention. 6ar . . A. N. VARKEY. alanager. rSWTCKK CORRESPONDENCE Ft FOR HOME STUD V If.TReSUCIOaY LECTURE U X i i m m h Tim Great Exposition of '92 OPENS AT PORTLAND, SEPT. 2 1 Continues one solid month, forerunner of the The OHIO AGO EXPOSITION of 1893 MUSIC BY THE FAMOUS AMERICAN BAND OF PROVIDENCE, B, I. AN ART COLLECTION Surpassing all former Expositions, and valued at 300,000. A MAGNIFICENT DOUBLE ELECTRICHL : EXHIBIT, Under the combined Thomson-Houston anl Edison Companies, including the latest adaptations of electricity. Immense Mineral ExMMt. UNITED TATES MODELS OF BATTLE - SHIPS! From the Navy Yard at Washington. STOCK : DEPARTMENT Exceeding all former years, with GREATLY INCREASED PREMIUMS. 80,000 Square Feet devoted tS the finest HORTICULTURAL EXHIBIT ! Ever made on the Pacific Coast. Agriculture to tbe ironf manufactories in iuu operation. The wonderful Hall of Mystery. "The Little World " the result of mechanical srenius. Larger number of exhibits than ever before. The popular Special Days continued. Everything new; I nothing dead. GREATLY: REDUCED : RATES ON AU, TRANSPORTATION LINES. TT TS A TIFTV vam nva v.iiH.1f and IWma lly to eet the beat value for your money. Economize in your footwear by purchasinc v . A-i. uougias snoes. wnics represent sne bi-t value Jor prices sutked, aa tbouaaaiU WUI IBBtliy, . MT'i:jLIXr KU STJBBT1A il A AaH VV. L. DOUGLAS itv" mmmmm kcnicra (HE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOB THE HONtX 1 A .Knntnn Mwffd ah Aft. that will net Wo. flnfl Ball, seamless, smooin insiue. nexioie. more oom, I tortsble, stylish and durable than any other shoe ever tola at tne price. Jtqnais custom maae l tines mating from $4 to fc-, CO a most ana v9 nanawweip uuecuiuno. ina nost sxj usn, easy ana auraoie snoes evor Nia rice. They equal fine Imported shoes costing kt the crice. rmm ntnliz. 9 SO u9wa othi SO rollce rJhoe, worn Dy Tanners ana ait i others who want a good heavy calf, three Soled, extension edge shoe, easy to walk In, and i keeD the feet drv and warm. ia wiu CAM Fine Calf, 82.23 and 83.00 Work Pas tngmen'a Shoes will give morewearfor the money than any other make. They are made for sers vice. The Increasing sales show that worklngmeq navesouna uiisoui Roves' VMt ana y oaths' 91.73 tseboot wwio F3boea are worn Dy the do; oys every wneieT Tnamostservlce&blesboessoldat tne ie prices. I aJSooI 81. IK) Uandxewed. tj . Uand-eewed, kaUICS a.n uid 1.T.t Rtinea fro SI isaes are made of the best Dongola or fine Calf , as eslred. They are-very stylish, comfortable and durable- TnettSJWshoeeqnabcustommadeshoescostlng rora to S7).uu. AAaieswnowiaasoeoono their footwear are finding this out. CaatIon.-W.Ij. Douglas' name and the I rice la for it when you buy. Beware or dealers attempting to sub. stltute other makes for them. Such substitutions are fraudulent ana suDjecx o prosecution Dy law lor oo' t&lnlnir mnnev nnder false nreteneea. . W. 1m IOl7GlAS, Brockton. Qlaaa. SoldW 3. FREIMAN, AGENT. THE DALLES UC Mlawd hla Oppvrtnirityt ' IK?TT Mlsa lib TouriiBeader. Ta majority neglect their op portnaitlea, and front that cane lire In poverty and die in obscniitTl Harrowing despair la tbe lot of many, aa they iooe oacK on ion, lorerer lost, opportunity. JUiie u pw Inarl Reach ont. Be no and doinir. ImOroreToar ODDortu- ntty, and aecnrepresperitr, prominence, peace. Itvaa aaid: by a phUoaopher, that "the Goddeae or Tortnne offers s ffoldea opportunity to each person at some period of life; embrace the chance, and sheponra ont her riches ; fall to do so and .be departs, next to return." How shall Ton find the go u cif opportunity? Investigate every chance that appears worthy, ana or tatr promise; lnat is wnat au ene cessfol men do. Here is an opportunity, such aa is not often wiinintneroacnox jaoorrofrpeopie. xmprovea,Hwmgive, at least, a arand start in life. The golden ODnortnnity for many ia here. BKoney to be made rapidly and honorably Dy anyinanstnonapersonoieinersex. au ages, ion can do the work and live at home, whereveryen are. Even be ginners are easily earning from $a to J10 per day. Ton can do as well if von will work, not too hard, bnt industri ously ; and yon can in crease your income as yon go on. Yea can cive snare time onlv. or all vonr time to the work. Ease to learn. Capita not required. We tartyon. All ia com paratively new and really wonderful. We instruct and snow yon now, arevb auurv soinown among onr wotk era Ko room to exDlaia here. WiiteandlearmallA-sM. dt rwtaru man. vdwim 10 aeimj. Aaurau as once, am UaUctt Sb Co.. Box 8bO PortlsuuL Maine. -rri ;-' ; t - " - " 11 1 A f HITMAN COLLEGE, Thrall a walla. U If ASHINGT0N. c 0MPLETE Also Eoeiish. Normal. 0LLEGE 0URSES. Business, Preparatory ana junsic (bourses. Oldest! Best EauiDDed and Beet Attended fll.. t - itt t - . wuBgiaito iiuumuus in .vasniDbOD. Tlilrteen Teaoliers. Send for latest bulletin to ' ' - Peksidknt J. F. Eaton. aug27 . or J. Edwards, Seo. of Next session begins on Monday, the loth I day of September. 1802. . ' ' TUITION FREE. V. Four Courses: Classical, Scientific. Liter ary, and a short English Course, in which mere is no .Latin, ureek, trench or German The : English is pre-eminently a Business Course. For catalogues or other information address I. W IOHNSON. jly2 - President, ST. ; MARTS ACADM, The Dalles, Wasco County, Or. A school for voanar ladies nnder th Mrin t wie omen oi wie noiy names of Jesus and Mary. Board and tuition per term, in advance. . . . . . i$40 00 Entrance fee, to be paid but once ............ 5 00 Drawing and Painting. Dertara.. a nn MusiCi per term, .,. ., ,., .. i6 00 ueu ana oeuuing. 8 00 Telegraphy, Stenography and Typewriting, extra. 1am and Ornamental Meedla Wnrir nm..n i I French buwiura. t.nrht fpn. . I For further particulars address 1 B18TEK SUPERIOR. Reopens the first Monday in September. augz-im - FOR SALE. A GOOD POWER BAILER, PRICE 86.00. Als J.X. a guoa uisc noiier wn seeder attached: pric 50.00. JOEL G. KOONTZ. ocUt Over Postoffice. - ' - - WANTED. mo BORROW HOQ on improved farm property 1 worth four times the amount. Annlv thnnh p offlos, Box "1," The Dalles, Or. , Juni6 , r FROM TERMINAL OR IN1ERIOR POINTS, THS Northern Pac. Is the lino to toko TO ALL POINTS EASLAND SOUTH It is the Dining Car Route. It runs Through Yes tibuled Trains Ltery Day in tl.eyei.rto ST- PAUL ana CHICAGO. (SO CHANGE OF CARd ) Compu ed of Dining Cars unsaiT'Srsed.. ullman Drawings-room bleepeis ot Lab st Equipment. TOURIST'S SLEEPING CARS, Best that can be corstructed. and in which accoml motlatione are both Free and Furnished fur holders of First or iecond class Tickets, and "ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Line, Connecting with All Lines, Affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service. Pullman Sleeper reservations can be eecuredjin ad- Yance-tcroujcn any agent oi tne roaa. THROUGH TICKETS To and from all points in A met jca. England and Europe can be purcbasedjit any ticket office of the company. Full information con rninc mt?s, time of trains. routes and other details Curiiishetl on u plication to W. C. ALLOW AY, Airent D. P. & A. A C.T.. Regulator office,iTho Dalles, Or. A. D. CHARLTON, Asn't General Passenger At., ' No, 121- lirst St., Cor. Wa;h., PORTLAND, OSECON OMAHA. i . . r,TmTr crn Ti A TTT KANSAS CITY. Oi. xAUL, -Li-d-"-' VAJ.J. i. f hJ a. Chicago, StLouis, AND tLl P0I.ST8 EAST. HORTHiand SOUTH. I 8 05 A.M. ' 1 1 25 P. M. Leave The Dalles. Arrive at The Dalles. 4 05 P. M. 55 P.M. PUZXMAN ELItPER , . COtONIS S-LEIFERS, , BrCUKIAO CHAIR. CARS , nnd BIKERS : Steamers from Portland to San Francisco EVSBT FODS DATS. Tickets to and from Europe. Fr rates and central information call on K. E" LYTLfif-Depot Ticket Agent, Tbe Dni:es, Oregon. W. H. HUBLBCRT, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt, - 254 Washington ' t., Portland, Ur WORLD'S FAIB HEAD 'nils. BOOK 1. BOOK 2. "Review of Our Country, by Men. James O. l::iii e. "Xew Life of Co'.amLus," by J. W. Buel. "Complete History cf America,1' from the laudicg of Columbus to the present time, by Prof. John Claik Iiidpath. 'Pictorial History of the Co lumliin Exposition,", by Hon. Bei'j. Botterworth. BOOK 3. BOOK 4. The shore four great works by four pre-it authors, every line cf bich is ulv lust written, imve been bound ui into one niAfcsive volume of nearly 900 PAGES and 500 ILLUSTRATIONS, ' Under the Title of . t.fl.Ir. J fl.l u.n I The greatest subscription book ever published in thii country, and ox woicn A MILLION COPIES : - Wit be sold durirjtr the next six months. , I APCWTQ snted all over this state. Better AuLillO terms thn ever. We iruarantee to the right parties $50 a week profit frm now on to Christmas, and a first class ROUND-TRIP TICKET to the WOBLli'S FAItt and one week's admission to the Exposition absoiuUlu free. Also other valu able premiums. We have plenty of capital at our command, and can end will do exactly what we say. Send at unce for special circulars aod further par ticulars to the DOMINION PUBLISHING CO., Seattle. - AVaslilnxton . L. P. OSTLUND ilt i wil furnish drafts and estimates fonj til buildings. aweiungs anu swirea. Mr. Ostlund is a practical mechanic, and the plans urareea oy nun wui prove artistic, cneap anuidura we. -t A. McINTOSH. -DEALER 1N- MORO and GRABT, OREGON. W1 riLL AX WAYS HATH ON SALE st the above towns the choicest Beef. Mutton and Pork. Also pay the highest market price for Butter and ?a augis A Tl I TATTT TTol Q Trl Q O-UUlUYt OHHUO) HOUSE MOVER. The Dalles. Address; Lock Box 181. MONEY TO LOAN, We have an unlimited amount of money to loan on approved farm security. . Thoknbuby & Hudson, 8 The Dalles, Or. Denny, Rice & Co. Wool & Commission Merchants 610 Atlantic Ave., Boston. (SVOaab advancas made on consignment. ' ' NOTICE. ' A LL COWS fonnd roaming at large will be taken i to the nound. according to the provisions of the city ordinance. This will be fair warning to all owners of cattle to keep tbe same fiom running around the streets after this date. DAN. MALOAET, City Marshal. '.The Dalies, Sept. 14, 1892 seplS MTiclels i on: SALE ' Contractor and Builder Vleats, Butter and Eggs Thompson's Addition DALLAS CITY. Now Ready for Sale on Easy Terms. Now is the time. to buy while PRICES ARK LOW. This tract has been surveyed and platted in acre tracts with convenient streets and avenues and so arranged that pHrc'iasere can gat one block or sev. eral acres in a bcly. The lan i is comparatively level, soil excellent, water easiiy obtained, location pleasant, beautiful and (wj to access and j .ins the ity immcdiauilv ou the eust. Title U. S. Patent. WarraBlj Deeds. FOR SALE LT - Tha, Dalies Land and Improvcnieut Co. F3r piriicular. apf ly at the office of the Company Rooms 7 aud S, Land Office lluilding, The Dalles, Or COME AND SEETHE PROPERTY. THORNBURY & HUDSON, Real Estate Airents. Full Lune Hr t I OTHI N: : Bos TorJ. Aa e, s 6 (an Be Found fT No. 77 Second St. Suits made to enter, and fit gnsraoiefd. Xirst Class ..iNlMnu. Ite Urtwt, Tut na Ftneflt In th World. Passenger accomodationa onezceiiea. IEW VORKaTONDGNDERRY AND 6LA5B0W. Every 6aturday, NEW YORK, OIBRALDEK and NAPLES, At regular l:;lervals. SALOON, SECOND-CLASS AND STEERAGE rates on lowest terms to and from the principle SOOTOH, IM3LISH, IBIS3 k AU OONTINIOTAL POIHTS Exeurslon tickets available to return by either the pio tunwqne Clyde ft North ot Ireland or Naples A Gibraltar Drafts sad Mousy Ordsn far Any Amout t Lowstt Sitit, Apply to any of onr local Agents or to BENDBBSON BROTHERS, Chicago, I1L AGEST8 WANTED Apply to T. A. General Agent. Th3 Dalles. Or. HUDSON, W.T.WISEMAN Sjccesjor to J. H. McDonou-h iC. ) DEALER IN AND CIGARS. Nona but tiie bwt branrl? of Liquois ai.d Cigars on sali'. Tempersnci1 driuksio' all kinds Oorner of Court sod Second eiree", - THE DALLES, OREGON. FOR WHIPS 25o. ' 50a , 75c. $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 BONE 15 FBATHERBONE Is made from QTJII.I.S. natures own tougoest material, best whips mads for tbe price. Cheap. Durable, AI L STYLES, all Price, art your Dealer for a PPITUFPRllNR X0o BAT "R! 33 a uninuuuvnui HENRY KUCK. The Dalles, Or P. WIIXIG, Merchant Tailor, Hu removed from his old stand to No. 64, He co iid Htreet, A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED In every instance. Ready-made Suits on sale cheap, tailorii-ff line warranted flrit-dass. AU work in the llyi SKIBBEHOTEI F. W. L. SKIBBE, Prop. - The Only Brick Hotel IN THE CITY TEST DOLLAR A DAT HOUSE In the Korth- XJ west. This bui Icing has been refitted since the ; fire of September id, and the rooms r first-claw j in every particular. The table i supplied with the Destine market n nor as. ' The oar iu connection with the hotel is supplied with tbe highest arade of Wines, Liquors nn Jn ported and Domestic Cigars. janS9 H. MOSES & CO. - ' Successors to C. L. Richmond ft Co. Adjoioiog the Diamond Mills, Second St. DEALERS IN '-. Groceries and Provisions, CANNED GOODS. ETC., V , TJIGHEST CA8H PRICE PAID FOR TORS OF I I ALL KINDS. Determined to sell nothing- bat the choicest good at tbe lowest price, we denre a share of tbe publi patronage. sepiv a. auwea a w. Sample : Rooms, 58 ITBONT HT, - (Nearly opposite Umatilla House.) CHARLIE FRANK. PROP. The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. COLUMBIA BREWERY BEER ON DRAUGHT. COAL! COAL! THE BE8T- Wellington, Eock Springs,! and Eoslyn Coal. (13, sacked and the city'. delivered to any part 01 At Moody's Warehouse. G. NOWAK. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, j Piam and sir tiPcati-iai tor building far nished. Will dc all kinds of excayating nd RradiDg. All orders ahonld De lett at poatomce. novl3 v -i u ft : i wr. x v i m i i Choice Wines, Liquors CMS. H. D0DD & CO. Front, First and Vine Sts., Portland, Or. ' WHOLE8ALE DEALERS IN 11 1 - l--L-1- HARD- &iMw$ IRON, WARE, S STEEL- FARM M AC H I N E RY. Bole AgenU tor Oregon, Wasnlngton and Northern Idaho for the BUCKEYE- REAPER. AND . MOWER, k These Machine, are too well known to need comment Thousands of Farmers have used them and speak of them with praise. They are the only Harvesting Machines that will give entire satisfaction to the purchaser, MILLER'S NEW MODEL VIBRATING THRESHER, v PHCENIX STRAW BURNER ENGINE, The most Effective and Successful Combination for Threshing and Cleaning Grain ever Constructed. BUCKEYE STEEL . FRAME TWINE- BINDERS, fr- The features that distinguish this Twine-Binder U the Lightness of Draft, combined with its Extraordinary Strength and Durability. The Binder Is of the Appleby pattern, the only really successful one yet known. We have two styles, the Elevator Binder and the Platform Binder both excellent both recommended by hundred! of patrons. WILLIAM Undertaker - IV' Has always on hand a new and complete line cf Undertaking Good 3. Furtio - ular attention given to embalming and taking care of the dead. JfKlUJib AS LUW AS JLMJu JLUW.SX. PrnTURES FRAMED TO ORDER. Southwest Corner of Third and Washington Streets!' THE DALLES, OK NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS HO Front street. The Dalles, Oregon. Flti A 55 & WYIVTlrl,VX, Proprietors. RHZORS FOR SHLE STUBLING & WILLIAMS, PROPS. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. All brands of Imported Liquorc, Ale and Porter, and genuine Key West Cigars. A full line of CALIFORNIA : WINES : AND I: BRANDIES. . COLUMBIA BREWERY 86 Second Street, 8ECOND STREET. BETWEEN UNION AND COURT , J?i ; LEMKE, PROPRIETOR. -KEEPS GOLUIVJBIA DKEvtni DbcH, -AND ALL KINDS OF Best Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. The One Price Cash House, COR. SECOND 7 p .'":MnTlil-P'lY IfJ ' X 111- V JL -LI JLj W) JL -DEALEIl IN- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. Agent for the Buttenck .Patterns; also for the Hall J?ozar Dress Forms. . CARLISLE The Perfection of Hand PURE AND INVALUABLE DOCTOR, THE AND THE GOOD LIVER. Sherwood San FrancifcOj IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS AND jstt-.- a a SO t.t th hair over Trjul. Marti. k mAnm It. fiitnre .rowth an nttrr tmposelbtlil v. Price of Queen's Antl-Halrlne tl. per bottle, sent In safety mailing boien. postage paid by s (securely sealed from observation). Send money or stamps by letter wllb full address written plainly. Corres pondence ntrfctly confldeatlal. This advertisement Is boneat and straightforward ineverjr word It contains. We Invite yon to deal with n. and yon wlU find everything as ivniwrnerr Cut this tnit and nd to-day. Address QUEEN CHEMICAL CO., 174 Raoo Street, CINCIHNATI, O. You can register yonr letter at any Post Office to Insure lis sale delivery. We will pay aiOO for any cast) of failure or sllchtest Injury to any purchaser. Every bottle guaranteed. V31 T II -TO ladles who In trod Tie. and .ell .mong tbelr friend. o TJtmiea or vneen-s aaa-H ainii. OrCUlBL we will preaent with a BILK DRESS, It vaed. bet .Uk. axtra Large Dottl. and MaplM . aaoiaasBsi of sUktosetosttrsmsentwitbonUr. Ooo4 aUr o OoauUssloa to Acenia. .AND. Sohuttler Farm "Wagons, Seer Flows. Deere Sulky Flows, Cook ft Co.'s Car. riagea, Fhsetona and Top Buggies, Four. Spring Mountain Wagons, Buckboarda, Superior Drills and Seeders, Oorbln Dlso Harrows, Hodges-Haines Bead era, Haish Barbed Wire SENS FOB CIBCULAE& : MIOHELL, unci EJuilalniei, ..." HT $1.50 HND UP. BEER ON DRAUGHT. TIIK DALLES, OK. OK DRAUGHT- FOB SALE BOTTLED BEER. AND COURT STS., WHISKEY, -made Sour Mash Bourbon. MATURED. TO THE INVALID, j'L;,A & SHERWOOD, Distributing Agents, . 212 Market St. Portland, . 24 N. Front St. IEV DISCOVERY byACCIOEflT In compounding a solution a part was aorldently spilled on tb nand . and on wanning- afterwurd it was dtscove red that lli balr was com pletely removed. We at once put this wonderful pieparatlon, ontba market and sojrreat has been the demand that we are now Introducing II throughout the world nnder tne nam of (Iumd'i Antl-Ualrliia, SIMPLE ANY CHILD CAN USE IT. and annlv tbe mixtnre for a few minutra, and the balr disappears as U by nuiglc without tbe slightest pain or Injury w hen applied or ever afterward. It tsanllke any other preparation ever nsed fora like porpoM. Theunnds of LAIH F.S ho have been annoyed with balr on tbelr PACK, KECK and AltMS atunt Ita merita GENTLEMEN who do nut appreciate. Iieard or balr on their neck, find a nrlcelesa boon In Quim'i Antl-Halrlne which dors awuy