TfinMes-Honntalneer SATURDAY. . .... SEPTEMBER 24. 1892 , CLEVELAND AND TAMMANY. According to dispatches from New York, ex-Preafdent Cleveland has re turned to Buzzard's Bay quite well satisfied with the success of his attempt at clipping the claws of tbe Tammany tiger. At a meeting of the general committee of Tammany, the chairman made an address eulogistic of Cleve land and Stevenson, and at each men tion of Cleveland's name the hall shook with cheers. ' - It may have been noticed, however, that at the love-feast which took place a few days ago, Senator David Ben nett Hill was conspicuous by hla ab sence. . As the San Francisco Chron icle remarks, public duties could hard ly have kept him away, since ho was in Albany buying Joseph K. Emtuett's former residence for $50,000, and Al bany is not very far from New York by boat or rail. If David had been very anxious to meet Grover he would have managed to find time to drop in on him and his friends. It cannot have been a very gratify ing sight for tbe Cleveland men to see their chief courting the favor of an or ganization which they had denounced again and again as the very incarna- tion and personification of all that is vile and despicable in politics. The Democrats who engineered tbe anti snap convention must have thought they were dreaming, to see Grover Cleveland hobnobbing with the very men whom they had f aught so bitterly ' only a very few months before. And how will the mugwumps take the defection of their idol? If there be any one thing that the mugwump detests more than another it is Tam many, and to see the object of their adoration, making overtures to that or nanization to secure its support in the coming election must have been a se' vere blow.' All the same no one will believe ' that the truce between Cleveland and ' Tammany is anything more than a hollow one. Tammany will not throw Hill over for Cleveland, and Hill can' not afford to risk his prestige by al lowing Cleveland to carry New York this year. The gulf is too wide to be bridged over between now end Nov ember. - A Democratic exchange says it is enough to make the sphinx smile to hear Republicans claiming the honor of saving the union and emancipating the slaves. This may be historically untrue, but the speeches of the great Democratic leaders, Calhoun, Davis, Breckinridge and others, would in cline one to the belief that that party was not a very active supporter of either of these measures. . That eminent constitutional lawyer, George Ticknor Curtis, has turned his back on the Democratic party because he could not endorse the plank in the platform that declares protection to home industries unconstitutional Mr, Curtis should know that "protection" was unconstitutional according to the Democratic instrument framed, we be lieve, in Richmond, Va,, some time in 1861. BOUTHEBff WAS00 NEWS. Itei Frta the Cvlunna Aatelope Herald. t the . It has been suggested that the old school house at this place be sent to the World's Fair as an exposition of Eastern Oregon's institutions of learning. Bain is badly needed ia this section. Pasture for stock is at a high premium and if rain don't come soon It will work a hardship on cattle and sheepmen. - Tbe baseball fever is breaking out again in this section. We hope it will get all tbe boys down to bard playing, for we have some hard battles to fight in the field this fall. Cattle throughout the buuehgrass conn try are reported to be in splendid condi tion, notwithstanding tbe shortage of pasture and lack of good water. Tbey are fatter now than they have been at this time for several years. A few of the sheepmen are yet hugging the mountains, but nearly all have al ready sought pasture on the buncbgrass, and are wending their way homeward as fast as possible. , Tbey will all be in about tbe middle of October. George Chandler, one of tbe sheep kings of this country, was in town' on business this week. Last week be sold all his sheep, $17,000 worth, to George A. Young, who is ' now, we presume, the largest sbep owner in tbe northwest. Mrs. Bethune came down on tbe Mitchell stage . last 8asurday, and is at present stopping at the UBioirHouse at this place. According to her story, and we have no reason to doubt it, her bus band, who has acquired a splendid taste for his "grog," got on a jamboree the other day and made things so unpleasant about their home, near Mitchell, for MrsT Betbune that she was compelled to leave and seek safety in flight. She is quite an old lady and well respected by everyone. Much sympathy is felt' for her. OE00K. 00 UN IT. liens Froam the Columma . Oehoe Kevlew. of the Bridge creek farmers have harvested a fair crop of wheat this season, and will haul a portion of it to Prineville to be ground in the flouring mills here. At last accounts there were no more new diphtheria patients in tbe Liberty neighborhood, and those who were afflict ed with the disease were recovering. Prineville is now a good field for an as say er to locate in. A great deal of pros pecting is being done in tbe surrounding country,and an assayet would find plenty ol work here. The water in Ochoco and Crooked nvers is lower thaajtbss been for year.-;. For twenty miles up Ochoco tbe water is run ning only in a few' places, and in many places Crooked river is but a mere brook. L. C. Perry and A. C. Palmer came in Thursday from Ochoco mines Tbe; have great confidence in the ledge which tbey are prospecting, and believe that tbey have the best prospect iu tbe district. Work on tbe Luckv Boy is shut down for the present, awaiting the company's ne gotiations for machinery. - Judge Sumner has issued an order in the circuit court commanding members of tbe town council and tbe marshal to repair a certain ditch belonging to M. H. Bell, which the town authorities obstruct ed by the laying of a crosswalk. The town officers question the authority of the county judge to make orders in tbe circuit court and will probably pay no at tention to tbe order. While oa Upper Ochoco a tew days sgo we noticed a striking example of the freaks of frost in this county. At M. Sicbel's & Cj a place all kinds of garden vegetables wsre perfectly green, no frost having t3uched them, while a half mile above there, "at D. W. Claypool's, corn, potatoes, etc., had been bitten and were sear an J brown. A quarter of a mile be yond Air. Claypool's, on Mrs. Lawson's farm, the garden showed no signs of frost but a mile further up Mill creek, at E. Johnson's place, tbe frost bad killed everything that it could effect. While returning home from town last Monday eveoiDg S. R. Slayton met with an accident that might have resulted se riously, though be escaped with only a few bruises. The night was quito dark, aud be was driving a colt that would oc casionally leave tbe road. When he got to the crossing of Ochoco above town, in stead of turning down to the crossing tbe celt' went straight ahead and jumped off a bank . adout eight feet high, carrying tbe buggy and Mr. Slayton with him. Mr. Slayton was thrown from tbe buggy and rendered unconscious by the fall. When be recovered be started homeward on foot, and arriving at bis place.two and one half miles farther up tbe road, be found bis borse and buggy standing at tbe gate. The Dead Alive. Salem Statesman. Johnny King, who disappeared from Salem as mysteriously five years sgo and completely as it the earth bad opened and engulfed . him, has been heard from He is alive and well, and is now living near Kansas City, Mo. Monday morning bis brother William received a letter from him. Tbe letter bore date of September 14th, and ran about as follows: My Dear Brother: I suppose yon will be very much surprised to get this letter from me, but I know you will be glad to bear (rem me. I am still in the land of the living, and often wondered if yon were still alive. It is five years since I left home and I thought I would write and see if I could hear from any of my folks. How is ma, and pa, and all the rest of the folks? Write as soon as you receive this and tell me an the news -how everybody is and what changes have taken place since I left. I am single and have roamed all over the west and have not found any place like . home yet. I have been away a long while and bare always had plenty to eat.and plenty to wear and a good bed, and am do ing very well and am very thankful that I have had such good luck. I am se full of grief to-night that I cant write. I have been homesick many a time and have often cried myself to sleep and wished could see mother. 1 wonld give everything to see her to-night. Many times have I wished that I could see my mother's face again.'' Johnny speaks of bis absence as wild-goose chase and inquires lovingly of mother, father, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. But he gives no clue as to where he has been or what be has done during these long years. It is sufficient for the present to know that be is alive and well, since be has many friends in Salem woo have for him the friendship of a brother. But what sad tidings are in store for tbe poor boy? Since he left here so mysteriously five years ago, cn tbe 23d instn his mother, about whom he inquires so longingly and whose loving lace has no doubt been con stantly before him during his wanderings, has gone to her reward. A sister has also been borne to her last resting place since that time. Two Sides to all Disputes. The Dalles, Sept. 20, 1893. Editor Tuns-HousTAiam - In your weekly paper of the 10th you seem to think that Col. Lang, as an ad vocate of protection, strikes bard blows at free trade. One side may sing loud songs, but tbe public will be tbe judges ''for a' that." The undertaking to use tbe cheaper cost of a foreign product, or commodity, or of a manufactured article, sought by labor ing an objectionable national pol icy, calling for great, political differences u absurd. It is the right of every man to buy what he wants wherever he can buy it cheapest, no matter if it is in Eng: land, France or Germany, or wherever it can be produced tbe cheapest, and where it can be bad at the least cost to Ameri cans. This calls trs'de, to ensure it to our laboring population, or those who have to save every dollar to make both ends meet. If John Jones, of Can ada, sells one dozen eggs for 15 cents we ought not to be forced to pay Ike Jones 20 cents, because tbey are laid in Oregon. If I can buy an English or a German bat for 00 cents wbat is tbe use of my paying $1.20 for tbe same . kind of American made bat 1 All for protection I ' Free Tbade. Code Duello. The other evening, says the Walla Walla Spectator, a soldier named Iogledoff and Whitman College student thought they would try their band at dueling in a friendi ly way. Taking each a sword they retired to the classie bank of Garrison creek near Poverty flat, and buckling on their breast armor, began the combat. Tbe soldier was getting the best of tbe contest and his an tagonist was getting desperate. Mustering op all bis waning strength, be made a sud-t den onslaught, which found the soldier un prepared. The consequence was that be re ceived an ngly cat on the arm and another thrust piereed his right breast. This ended the affray. The soldier was taken to tbe post hospital, where bis wounds were dressed and found not to be serious. The stndent retired to tbe protecting arms of hit Aims Mater, none tne worse lor tbe affair and with his ability as a duelist proved bet yond a doubt. ' Por Over Fifty Tears. An Old and W ell-Tried Remedy Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is tbe beat remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by all druggists in every part of tne world: Twenty-live cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and 'ask tor Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Albany Herald: Quite a number of bovs from this city went oyer to tbe picnic across the river at Capt. . W. N.. Phillips', laati evening. After this was over they an-l nounced their intention of going into the watermelon patch, and started off. They had gone only a short distance when two shots were fired from a shotgun at them, one of which took 'effect in tbe arm and band of -a" boy named Westbrook. " Tbe wound was quite painful, though not sen-s.'-'JV'' ' Columbus Day and the Publio Schools. This Dallss, Sept. 17, 1892. Editor Tuns-MoDHTAisEiw: Will you please publish so much of the enclosed circular as your space will allow? In addition to the information which they convey let me say that a beautiful badge, to be worn in the public school review, has been designed and prepared, dud' will be presented free to every child in the county attending school. If any school is not in session, the school clerk is urged to under take the celebration, either personally or by appointing some one in the district to attend to it. Mr. I. C.Rckelsen, of The Dalles, will distribute the badges, and they will be given on the following terms only: First Each teacher must certify to Mr. Kickelsen or myself the names of all chil dren attending their school. Second If tbe school is not 10 session. the clerk, or the person appointed, will cer tify to names of all children who attended the last session. Third A representative from each family must call at Mr. Kickelsen's store where he will receive the badges free. Let us hope that evary district iu the county will take part in this instructive and entertaining celebration of our nation. Such an opportunity will never occur to any of us agaiD. Troy Shelley, School Supt. Following is the preliminary outline of the official programme for the national cel ebration of October 21: A uniform programme for every locality in America, to be used on Columbus Day, simultaneously with the dedicatory exer cises of the 'World's Exposition grounds. will give a significant unity to America's celebration of its 400th anniversary. Ac cordingly the superintendents of education. when they adopted the plan of a national publio bchool celebration of Colnmbus Day, instructed the executive committee to pre pare an omcial programme, identical tor every city and village in the country. The executive committee are now endeav oring to teenre contributions from the ablest American writers. The names of the authors cannot be announced yet. But the general plan for the exercises ot the day is as fol lows: The official programme provides for morning celebration. The pupils of our publio schools are to' gather on Columbus Day at the usual hour in their school bouses. Instead of the regular recitations tbe morn ing is to be devoted to exercites befitting the anniversary. These exercises may be simDle or elaborate, according to tbe re sources of the echool. Many schools will doubtless do little more than use the official programme; adding to it the old, familiar, national songs and few speeches by leading citizens. Othe schools, with larger resources, will, we are sure, extend the programme with additional features, such as special music by chorus or orcbestra,historical exeroises, pageants, etc. The largest liberty for individual ingenui ty and taste is left to all schools, and the executive committee would encourage a lo cal variety to be given to the official pro gramme. The official programme will consist of the following features: Raising and saluting tbe flag, under the direction, wherever possible, of a detail veterans of the war. ' of The sone of Columbus Day, to a well known tune. ' The Address, to be declaimed by tbe best speaker among the boys. The Ode, to be read or recited by a young lady. America," which will in all cases be the closing song. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, A. I"re-Historic Race. Phoenix, A. T, Sept. 19. In digging a sewer on Madion street, workmen have broken into a bnnal place of a pre-his toric race, and tbe find will settle many Questions heretofore disputed by scient ists. Tbe fact that they cremated their dead is proved by the finding of several urns containing the ashes of the bodies, together with teeth and pieces of skulls. Two Accidents. ' Oregon Cnr, Or., Sept. 19. Louis Dolittle was brought in from the mount ains this morning with a bullet imbedded in his back. Tbe accident occurred week aero in the mountain camp, A vouner man named Williams was extract ing - cartridges from bis rifle, when the weapon was accidentally discharged. This morniDcr George Martin, an em ploye of tbe Willamette Falls Pulp and Paper Company, wnne employed in mas: ing repairs at tbe pulpmill had an artery and several cords ot bis wrist severed by a sharp chisel. A. Police Officer Asphyxiated. San Francisco, Sept, 19. Joseph Linsky, aged 41 years, one of the most popular police officers in this city, was founll dead in bed this morning, haymg 1 - ' ;J t - 1 1 ..n,..:nl.i1 K. nn ueeu actsiueniauv aopujFAiaicu vj a,. His wife and little son narrowly escaped a similar fate. Tbey are still prostrated. but not in a dangerous condition. A Measure Party Vptiet. San Francisco, Sept. 19. A rockaway containing seven young people was upset on a steep grade in South San Francisco yesterday. Several of the party were cut and bruised, and Miss Wilbelmioa Smith, 28 years of age, was so severely injured that she died early this morning. Cholera at Calcutta. Sah Francisco, Sept. 19. The; ship Corbet Cattle arrived this morning, 166 days from Calcutta. When the ship left tbe port there were 111 cases of cholera there. Although tbere Was no sickness on board, tbe vessel was placed in quar antine, and will be thoroughly fumigated, Visible Supply of Groin. . New York, Sept. 19. "Visible supply of grain ; Wheat. 41,869,000, increase 2,653,000; corn, 9,795,000, increase J74,- 000; oats, 6,019,000, increase 604,000; rye, 670,000, increase - 79,000 ; barley, 430,000, increase 105,000. Fatal Ballroad Accident. Grajton, Wl' Va., Sept."19. The train on which tfio Cincinnati baseball nine was traveling was wrecked. ' McPhee and Latham were dangerously hurt. ' It is reported nine were killed. Hrs. Harrison Is Decidedly Better. Loon Lake, Sept. 19. Mrs. Harrison's physicians this morning decided to com ply with her request to betaken to Wasbt ington. She starts to-morrow -' if : she continues to improve. ' Strength, and Health. If yeu are not feeling strong and heal thy try Electric Bitters. " If la grippe has left you weak and weary, use Electric Bitters. This remedy acts directly on liver, stomach and kidneys, gently aiding those organs to perform their functions. If you are afflicted - with sick headache, you will find speedy and permanent relief by taking Electric Bitters. One trial will convince you that this is the remedy you neea. Large Dottles only 50 cents at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store " ' - - - s - Wanted. Employment as salesman, bookkeeper, collector, accountant or general office man. etc., by fully competent man. Address A. J. care Tnos-MovHTAiXEXB. seplOtf Syrup of Pics. Produced from tbe laxative and nutri tious juice of California figs, combined with the medic -il virtues ot plants kcowu to be most ben. bcia! to tbe human s?s tern, acts genily on the kidneys, liver and bowels, effectually cleansing tbe sys tern, dispelling colds and headaches, and coring habitual constipation. Mr. Columbus Friend lost his honse by fire a few days since, and we learn from the Antelope Herald that he was in that town last Saturday and purchased from merch ants a large supply of household goods to renlace those destroyed by tire last week. He will erect another residence on bis ranch immediately, iu order to look after Mb stock interests over there. Hence he will not lo cate at Antelope until next spring. Land Notices. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Officr at Vancouver, Wash, Ausrust 8. 1892. Notice is hereby iriven that the foliowine-namcd set tlers hae each filed notice ol bis intention to make final nroof in support of his claim and that said proofs will be made before W. R. Dunbar. Commis sioner United Circuit Court, district ol Wash ington, at bis office in Goldendale, Wash., on Hep. ro, viz: , LEON W. CCRTISS, Purchase Application No. 516, under Sec. S, Forfeit- urn Act. Sept. 29. 1890, for the NE, Nj ol st-i, ana KEt of SEi. Sec fi. Td 2 N. R 13 E. V M. He names ine following witnesses ro prove ma continuous claim to said land, viz: Peter Ae'edius, Thomas M. Gilmore. William D Gilmore. William M. Brune, all of The Dailes postoffice, Oregon. ALONZO H. CURT1SS, Purchase Application No. BIB. under Sec. S. Forfeit ure Act, Sept. 29, 1890, for the NW4, sec 3, Tp 2 , K1H K W M He names the followinir witnesses to prove hi continuous claim to said land, viz: retcr Aeeoiu-", Thjmas H Gilmore, William D. Gilmore, William M. Bruue, all ol The Dalles postomco, uregon. LEON W. CURTISS, Administrator of the estate of Joseph S. dirties, de ceased; Purchase Application No. 617, under See 3 Forfeiture Act. Sept. 29. 1890. for theNW. KE'l of and SVii ot BWJ, bee t, Tp z r , k is r- W M. He names the followin witnesses to prove nis continuous claim to said land, nz: reter Aifoius, Thomas Jrf. Gilmore, W'lliam D. Gilmore, William M. Brune, all of Tbe Dalles postorhce, uregon. WILLIAM M. BRUNE, Purchase Application No. B26, under Sec. 3, Forfeit ure Act, Sept. 29, 1890, for tbe 1SJ4 of SEJ, and SKJ of NE , Sec 1, Tp 2 N, R 13 E, and Jili of NE, and SV. of NWi. Sec 7. To 2 N. R 14 E. W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous claim to, and cultivation of, sail land, viz: Leon W. Curtiss. Al 'nzo H. Curtiss, William N Crawford, Peter Agedius, all of The Dalles post- office, uregon, suglS JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN. Remitter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lasd Omci at Vancouver, Wash., Aucr. 8. 1892. Notice is herebv iriven that the followinir-nanieit settlers bave each filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and thut aid nroof will be made before W. R. Dunbar. Cum' missioner United States Circuit Court for district of Washington, at his office in Goldendale, Wash., on Sept. 23, 1892, viz: WILUAM D. GILMORE, Homestead Entrv No. 8893, tor the NE4, Sec 9, Tp 2 N, K 14 E, W M. - He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Levi K. Hillearv, Vernon T. Cooke, The Dalles postoffice, Oregon; John T. Lucas, Manuel Leonards, lantervine posxomce, rvasn. LEVI R. HILLEARY, Application No. B28. under Sec. 3. Forfeiture Act. Sept. 29, 1890, for tbe SEW, Sec 7, Tp 2 N, K 14 E, W M. He names the following witnesses to - prove his claim to said land, viz: Vernon T. Cooke, William D. uumore, xne Danes postotnee, Oregon; jonn a. Lucas, Manuel o. Leonardo, Centervule, Wash. VERNON T. OOOKE, Application No. 627, under Sec. 3. Forfeiture Act, Sept. 29, 1890, for the SW& Sec 7, Tp 2 N, R 14 E, W M. He names the following witnesses to prove bis claim to said land, viz: Levi K. umeary, wuiiaiu D. Gilmore, The Oalles poetoflice, Oregon; John T. Lucas, Manuel S. Leonardo, lenterville postoffice, wasn. augl3 . JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laid) Ofpicm at Vahcodvib, Wash., Aug. 8. 1892. To George W. Smith and all whom it mav concern Notice is hereby given that the following-uamed set tiers have each filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. R. Dunbar, Commis sioner of United States Circuit Court for district of Washington, at his office in Goldendale, Wash., on tseptemuer z, isz, viz: CHARLES H. BRUNE, Purchase Application No; 620, under Sec. 3, For feiture Act, Sept. 29, 1890, for the of 8WV, and w4 oiawit. Ei ot hwj, awj ot Mil, ana J of SE1. Sec 13, Tp 2 N. R 13 E. W M. He names the followlag witnesses to prove his con tinuoua claim to said land, viz: Thomas Holt, Peter Agedins, Vernon T. Cooke, William N. Crawford, all ox Tne Dalles postotnee, Oregon. THOMAS HOLT, Homestead Entry No. 8891, for the SW1, Sec 11, Tp 2 N. R 18 K. W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Charles H Brune, Peter Agedius, Vernon T. Cooke, William N. Crawford, all of The Dalles POHtonice Oregon, THOMAS HOLT, Purchase Application No. 610, under Sec 8. Forfeit ure Act, sept. z, usuo, lor the W4, Sec 11, Tp 2 h, R 13 E. W M. He names the followfng witnesses to prove bis continuous claim to said land,- viz: cnaries 11. Brune, Peter Agedius, Vernon T. Cooke, William N. crawtora, all ol Tne Dalles postoffice, uregon.. auglS JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN. Register, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Linn Omci at Ths Dallm, Ob. Auirust 27. 1892. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver of th j U. S. Land Office at Tbe Dalles, Or., on October 11, xtsvz. viz: ' DAVID D. NELSON, D. S. No. T199, for the SW qr, Sec 10, Tp 1 8, R 12 E, WM. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, ana cultivation or, said land, viz: John 8tewart, W. J. Harriman, C. A. Davis, W. u. DDnst, au of xne Danes, uregon. sepS JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . Laid Onus at Th Dallks, Orbooh, Sent. 7. 1892. Notice is herebv riven that tbe following-named settler bis filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver of the u. 6. land office at 'ins Dalles, or., on uctooer zz, 1892, viz: . WILLIAM A. MILLER, Hd. No. 4622, for the N hf NB qr, NE qr NW qr, ana Bis qr qr, sec S3, Tp 1 x, It IS E. ' He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation ot saiu land, viz: O. W. Cook, O. S. Moigan, F. D. Cicighton and Da via ureignton, au oi rue Danes, ur. seplO JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR. PUBLICATION. Lass Omci at Vahoohvib, Wash., Sept. 6. 1892. Notice is hereby given that the following named claimant has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of the Superior Couri of Klickitat county, Wash., at Geldendale, Wash., on October 22, 1892, viz: GEORGE W. SMITH. Application to purchase No. 636, under See. S, For. feiture Act. Sept. 29. 1890. for the NW or SE ar. and 8 hf BE qr. Sec 3; N hf NE qr. Sec 11; and SW qr ita qr, Dec 10, ip z a, a is c. . He names tbe following witnesses to prove his eonunuour residence upon ana cultivation of said land, viz: - William N. Crawford. Charles Brune. Thomas Holt and William M. Brune, all of The Dalles, nasco count), uregon. . - seplO JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lure Omci at VakcoCvbr, Wash. , September 8, 1892. Notice is htrebv trhen that tbe follownur-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make Anal proof in support 'of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. R, Dunbar, commissioner United States Circuit Court for District of Washing. ton, at hi a office in Goldendale, Wash., on October 27,1692, viz: W1LL1AX At. UKAWrUKU, Purchase Application No. 626, to purchase under Sec. S, Forfeiture Aot, Sept. 29, 1890, for the NW qr, and W of of NE qr, and SE qr of NE qr. Sec 6, Tp 2 N, K 14 E, W M. He names the following witnesses to prove bis cmiw H, nuu lanu, vis; Henry F. Brune. William M. Brune. Vernon T. Cooke, Manuel S. Leonardo, all of The Dalles pos office, Oregon. septl7 JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN. Register. " NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laxd Omci at Vancouvzk, Wash., September 10, 1892. Notice is herebv given that the following named settler has filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be m.-de before W. fi. Dunbar, Commissioner United 8.ates Circuit Court, district of Washington, at his office in Goldendale, Wash- on November 5, 1892, yiz: . rr.ii.rt, Purchase Application No, 618, under Sec 3, Forfeit ure Act. Sent. 29. 1890. for the SE or. and S hf of NE qr, See 11, Tp 2 N, R IS E, W M. He names ths following witnesses to prove his continuous claim to said land, viz: Vefnon T. Cooke, Thouas Holt, William Brune, Charles H. Brune, all of The Dalles Postoffice, Or. sepl7 JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN, Register. JAS. FERGUSON, - (lend Ixpmian ! Goods hauled with the greatest 3are to all parts of the city on short notice. For Sale at a Bargain. mHI BOOTH HALF OF LOTS 11 and 12. Block 1 7. Billow's addition to tbe City of Tbe Dalles.' Size of lot, 60x100 feet. Cash oilers only entertained. Address - - - .- a W. RICHIE, aug231m ' Box 108, Walla Walla, Wash. lie gal Notice SUMMONS. IN THE JU3TICE COURT, West Dalles Precinct, Wasco County. Oregon. H. Herbrinc Plaintiff, vs. A. S. Collins and Mrs. A. S. Collins, his wife. Defendant. To A. S. Collins and Mrs. a. H. Collins, his wife, the above named defendants. In tlie name oi the State of Oregon, you are here by required to appear ana answer the romplaint filed against you in the above entitled action within ten days from the late of the service of this sum mons vpon you, if served within this county or if served within any other county of tbis state, then within twenty days from the date ot the service of this summons upon you; and if served by publ ca tion, tnen m cr oerore tne zza uy 01 ocuoer, IWZ, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said dav. and if you fail so to answer for want therraf, the piaintin win caxe juagroem agrunst you lor tne sum of 850.80 and interest at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum and his costs and disbursements iu this action. This summons is published by order of E. Schutst, Justice of the Peace for West DalUs Precinct, Wasco county, Oregon. Made at his o ce in Dalles City, said county and stite, on the 1st day of September, 1892. v E. SCHUTZ. Justice of the Peace for West Dalles Precinct Wasco county, Oregon. - aep3 Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned was on the lOtb day of June, 1692, duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for wasco county, administrator ol the estate of W J. Mein, deceased, and that ho has duly qualified ai such and entered uon the duties thereof. All tier sons indebted to said d ceased are requested to mane settlement, aod all persons having claims against taid estate are hereby notified to present them, property verified, at my residence in Dalles CUy, in said county, or at the office of W. H. Wil son, in said city, within six months from the date nereox. j. J. AitiN, June 24th, 1892. Administrator. Administrators Final Kotice. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS FILED HI& FINAL account as administrator of the estate f James M. Mugee, deceased, in the county court of the state ot Oregon, for tbe county of Wasco, and the same 1148 been set for bearing and final examination on aionuav, September 12, ibuz, at iu o doc a, m. All persons interested are hereby notified to p nt, said time and place and file their objections to said report if any they have. WM. MICHELL, Administrator of the estate of James M. Magee, de cease . The Dalles. Julv 30, 1S92. Assignee's Notice. NOTICE is ncrcby given tbat tbe undersigned has been appointed, by deed duly executed atiu aeuverea, assignee or tne estate ol the fca&tern Oregon Co-operative Association of the Patrons o( Husbandry (limited), and has accepted Baid trust and it now qualified and acting as such assignee. All persons having claims auainst the said estate are re quested to present the same, duly vended according to law, to me at Dalles City, Wasco county, uregon, witnin three montns nom the date hereol. Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, June 30, 1892. jiy2 7t - E. N. CHANDLER, As ignee. Notice to Contractors. T IDS will be received at theo'i ce of Crandall ft 1) Burgett until Saturday evening, September 10, 1CS4J2, at 7 o'clock, for tbe stone and brick work for Dr. W. E. Rhinehart s lesidence. Bids will also bo received until Monday evening. September 19, 1892, at 7 o clock, for tbe onstruc tion of the suDerstructure of the above-named build- ing Plans and specifications of the superstructure will be ready for bidders Saturday, September 10th. Tne same can be seen at cranii II s Burget. s ouice. The Dalies, Or., Sept. 8. 1892. Dissolution Notice. VTOTICE is hereby giveD that the firm of E. Jac- 11 obsen s Co. has been dissolved by mutual con sent. O. S. Savaire has this dav sold his one-half in' terest in said firm to E. Jacobsen, and said E. Jacob- sen is now sole owner, of the business and will con tinue the same at tbe old stand. He will collect all accounts due the firm of E. Jacobsen & Co., and pay ui uemanus against saiu nrm. jk. JAuuirabj, OTIS 8. SAVAGE, The Dalles, Or., Sept. 3, 1892. seplO-lin NOTICE. ALL COWS found roaming at large will be taken to tbe pound, according to the provisions of tbe city ordinance. This will be fair warning to all owners of cattle to keep tbe same ltou running around the streets after this date. ' DAN. MALOliEY, City Marshal. The Dalies, Sept. 14, 1892. seplS C008TY TREASURER'S HOTICE AU conLty warrants registered prior to March 13, 1889, will be paid if presented at my otfioe, corner Third and Washington streets. Interest ceases on and after this date. . The Dalles, July 16, 1892. WILLIAM MICHELL, Treasurer Wasco County, Oregon. FULL nl Line Of Clothing ! BoSTosf.AAsso '(an Be Found PiT Tailoring : Establishment, No. 77 Second St. Suits made to order, and fit guaranteed. LOUIS PAYETTE (Successor to Payette & Friend.) THE LEADING BLACKSMITH I AND WAGON-MAKER, Corner Second and Madison Sts. All work work in iron or wood done in tbe neatest manner. Anything in the wagon line, from a wheelbarrow to an omnibus made ox repaired. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Plows and machipeiy repaired in the most skill ol aod workmanlike manner. mch21dw FEATHKKBOSTE is made (ram OT7TT.T.H. nature's own toughest material, best whips mads tor ine price, uneap, uuraoie, all miles, au prices, aai jour dealer or a - yPITUPPPfiNl? TOB BAJ B BY1 luilllliiuivuu HENRY KUCK, - The Dalles, Or. W.T. WISEMAN Successor to J. H. HcDonough & C. ) DEALER Vi AND CIGAKS. None bnt the best brands of Liquors and Cigars on sale. Temperance drinks of all kinds. Corner of Court and Second streets, THE DALLES, OREGON. Andrew Velarde, HOUSE MOVER. The Dalles. Address: Lock Box 181. G.NOWAK CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plana and suciPcatioas tor building fur nished. Will dc all kinds of excavating .nd grading. Ail oraers snouia ne lerc at poswmoe. novl3 FOR WHIPS SSill. 25o. 50c FROM TERMINAL OB IN1ERIOR POINTS, Northern UAILROA I) Is the line to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AKD SOUTH It Is the Dining Oar Br.ute. It runs TlircuRh Yes (ibuled Trains hitry I'r.y in tl.c vr to ST. PAUL na CHICAGO. (NO CUAGE OF CARS.) Compo ed of Dinirg Cai ursurpstscd. Crawing-rcoiu Sleepers f Latest Equipment. oilman TOURIST'S SLEEPING CARS, Best that can be corstrucud, and in which accom mouatton? are both Free and Furnished for holders of First or Second class Ticket, jnd , ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous. Line, Connecting with AU Lines, Affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service. Pullman Weeper reservations can be secured in ad vance through any aent ot te road. THROUGH TICKETS and from all points in Amei xu. England and Europe can be jnucl-usid at any ticket omce ot the company. Full information con min? rxtrr.'time of trail: routes and other dcti.ft furmsued on implication to W. C. ALLOWAY. Airent D P. & A. A O..., Regulator olBcc,,The UolleK, Or. A. D. CHARLTON, Ass't Oncrul Pr-stenger Axt., . Ho. 121 Hrrt St.. Cor. Wa h. HOKTUND, CMEGON OMAHA KANSAS CITY, ST. PAUL Chicago, St Louis, ASD ill F'IH! EAST.HORTH and SOUTH ( S 05 A. M. Leave The Dalles j 26 P. M. . i 4 05 P. H, Arrwo Ki. iuv ismiTO j. 55 p. PULLMAN SXiEFXR . COLONI& , SLEEPERS, RECL1KI G CHAIR CARS and DINERS Steamers from Portland to San Francisco Evkbt Four Days. Tickets to and from Europe. For rates and pencrtil information cil. on K. E' HILE, JJtpot Tickel Ayent, The Dalles, uregon. W. H. HURLBt'KT, Asrt Gen. Pan. Art., 254 Washington el., furtland. Or WORLD'S JAIR READ Tills. BOOK 1. BOOK 2. BOOK 3. BOOK 4. "Review of -Our Country," by Moo. James M. J!aioe. "New Life of Coluuibus," by J, W. Buei. "Complete History of America,1 from the lauding of Colnmbus to the present time, by rroi. John Clark Kidpath. "Pictorial History of the Co lumbian Exposition," by Hon, Beoj. Butterworth. Tbe above four great works by four great authors, every line of which is only just written, have been oouna up into one massive volume ol nearly 900 PAGES and 500 ILLUSTRATIONS, Under tne Title of Colnmbus aid Columbia." The greatest subscription book ever published in this country, ana ox wnicn A MILLION COPIES Will be sold during: the next six months. inrUTQ Wanted all over this state. Better AuniO terms than ever. We guarantee to the light parties $50 a week profit from now on to Christmas, and a first class ROUND-TRIP TICKET to the wukld'S J A lit and one week's admission to the Exposition absolutely free. Also other valu able premiums. We hare plenty of capital at onr commano, ana can and vntt uo exacuy wnas we say. ena at ones lor special circulars ana runner par ucuiars 10 we DOMINION PUBLISHING CO., Seattle. -- - "Waslilu arton 31 ur m Missed hi Opportunity t DOITT "Mlm nlw Toqn, Reader. To majority neglaet their 01 nortoTiitiea. aod from that eana lira in oovertv and die J nnra. If ranrr Tba mainritv nolMt thnfp ah. 'portonities, aod from that emaM Ur in poverty and die In obscurity! Harrowing decpair la tba lot of many, aa they look back oa loat, foraTar loat, opportunity. Life la Inarl Reach ant. Bans and doinr. ImnroTavonr on chont. Bup niiy, and aerara prosperity, prominence, pac a. Itwaaaaid br a t)liiloeonh Goddeas or Foruroa offara Soloes opportunity to each person at some period of life; emorace me cnance, ana me poors on. ner nciiea ; lau 10 ao so and she departa, amr to retarn." liow shall 70a find tbe GOLDKlT onoortunitTf InTestiirate everr chance that appear worthy, and of fair promise; tbat ia what all ane cesfalmendo. Here is an. opportunity, such aa is not often within the reach ol laboring people. Impr-ored, it will gire, at least, taod atari in life. The cold aw opportanity for many ia nere. noney 10 do maae rapiaiy ana nonoraoty byanyindostrionspersonof either aex. All agee. Yon can do the work and lire at home, wherever ro are. Even be ginners are easily earning- from &5 to 10 per day. Yon can do as well if yon will work, not too bard, hot industri ously: and yon can increase your income aa too irooa. Yen can giro spare time only, or all yonr time to thework. Easy vo lenrn. vapiwi no reqaireo. w a start too. Aiiiaeom paratirely new and really wonderful. We fa struct and show too how, free. Failure unknown among oar work era. &o room to explain here. Write and learn all free dj mnni mnu. unwise 10 neiay. Aaaroas at once, la. U&liett ls Co.. lkex SftO. Portland. JfeUna a. Mcintosh. -DEALER FM- Aleats, Butter and Eggs, MORO and GRANT, OREGON. YITILL ALWAYS HATE ON SALE at theabors f f towns the choicest Beef, Mm ton and Pork. Also pay the highest mantel price for Butter and 5S. auiflB C. F. STEPHENS, DEALER IN !rj Hods, -.tatf hiH BATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES So ISt Second Street, next door east of The Dalles National Bank. Having lust opened in business, and hsrim a full assortment of tho latest goods in my line, 1 desire a share of tbe public patronage. apr u. r. fciwi'tiajsa L. P. OSTLUND I will furnish)drafts and estimates fan' til buildings. aweiunjcs ana Mr. Ostlnod is a practical mechanic and the nlans drafted bj him will provaaruaUc, cheap and dun ble. Pac. ON SALE Contractor and Builder Thompson's Addition -TO- DALLES CITY. Now Read? for Sale on Easy Terms. i No- U ttic time .to buy while PRICES ARE LOW. This tract has hecn surveyed and plittcd in acre tract with convenieut t:rets auil avenues and so wnuired that purci asera cu et one block or sev eral acres in a ho-ly. Vhe Ion 1 is comparatively level, soil excellent, water easily tbtined, location pleasant, htttntifiU and easy to accesj and joins the Ur immediate! ou the efc. Title U.S. Patent. Warranty Deeds. FOR SALE BY Tin Dalles Land and Improvement Co. For pirriraiaM ap'ly at the offlce of the Company IUhwih 7 and 8, Laud Office Buil Jinx, The Dalles, or COME AKD SEE THE PROPERTY.' THORNBURY & HUDSON, RfwJ Estate Atrents. ITT 18 A DTTTT yon owe yonnelf and fan. It to set the beat value for your money. Economize In yonr footwear by purchasing V. I,. DoueIbo rihoea, which represent the beat value for prices aaked, aa thousands will tent i ly. IW TAKE HO SUBSTITUTE. hJnoSC!M' " W. L. DOUGLAS 5 StUOaP fPJL (HE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MOnEt. A gen In sewed a boo. that wtu fcalf, seamless, smooth Inside, flexible, fortable, stylish and durable than any oth not rip, fine more com. tersboe ever toia at we pn torn $4 to $5. and 9$ Hand u4 moat atvliah. eas1 fl. fine ealf shoes. The most stylish, easy and durable shoes ever sold at the rice, i najannai nnff imnnniwi ntuaiyting from to $12. S3 SO Police Shoe, worn by farmers and aU 39 w a others who want s good heavy calf, three ftoled, extension ed go shoe, easy to walk to, aod keep the feet dry aud warm. Will tA SO Fine Calf, 82.25 and 92.00 Work ?sfia .nirmen'a Shoes will give more wear for the money than any other make. They are mad for ser vice. The Increasing sales show that worklngznea have found this out. DAve! $4.00 and Tenths' School Dvjo Shoes are woiu by the boys every. wbereT The most sfrice&b o shoes soldattheprlces. kClQieo $3.00 and 61.75 Shoes for H Bsc are made of the best Dongola or fins Calf , aa desired. They are very sty lUh, comfortable and dura ble. The SSifo shoe eq ua f s custom made shoes costing from $4.00 to f&oo. Ladles who wish toeooaomise ia their footwear are finding this out. Cajtion.W. L. Douglas' name and tho price 1$ tamped on the bottom of each shoe ; look for It when yon buy. Beware of dealers attempting to sub tltute other makes for them. Such substitutions are fraudulent and subject to prosecution by law for ob 1 saining money under false pretences. VtTlZ lOVGL,A, JUrociuen, Maesw Bolds j.FREIMAN, AGENT. THE DALLES rTnECTRicraf TirstCLaii i Iraest. Fastest and Finest I. th. werU. P&uenger accomodations unexoaued. u IEW YORaTlONDONDERRY AND BUSBOW. Brery Saturday, NEW TOBK. GIBRALTKB and NAP LBS, Atremlar Intervals. SALOON, SECOND-CLASS AND STEERAGE rates on lowest terms to and from the principle 800TCH, INOLIsa, DISH ft ALL OOHTTHIOTaL POIOTB Exenrslon tickets aTallable to return by either th. pic tnresqne Clyde A North of Ireland or Naples Gibraltar Crafts sbI Uosst Ordm for ka ianuX st Lorwt BatM, Apply to any of onr local Agents or to HENDEKSOX BBOTHEBS, Chicago, HI. AGENTS WANTED Apply to T. General Agent, The Dalles, Or. HUDSON, Jani-92 SKIBBE HOTEI F. W. L. SKIBBE, Prop. The Only Brick Hotel IN THE CITY B EST DOLLAR A DAT HOUSE in the North- fire of September 2d, and th. rooms an first-claw in every particular. The table ia supplied with the best the market anorda. The oar in connection with the hotel is supplied with the highest irrade of Wines, Liquors ann im ported and Domestic Cigars. janS9-i Sample : Rooms, OS raoNT ST, (Nearly opposite Umatilla House.) CHARLIE IBANK, PE0P. The Best Wines, , Liquors and Cigars COLUMBIA BREWEBY BEER ON DRAUGHT, COAL! COAL! -THE BEST- Wellington, Rock Springs and Eoslyn CoaL $12, sacked aod delivered to any put ol the city. At Moody's Warehouse. I Northwest Cor. Second and Wakhlngton St. ISM J '5 Successors to George Ruch. The Cheapest Place IK TBI DALLBS rSS. All Kinds of Groceries, FLOUR, GRAIN, WILLOW WARE, ETC We respectfully solicit a share of the public pat- ronaare, and shall endeavor to give enure aotiaf ac tion to our oustonwra bote old' and new. AT UNIVERSITY PARK. LOCATION Three mllos Irani center of the dty. Elevated, healtnrul, beautiful aite; saloons pro hibited; boat society; 6 oenta fare to the city. DEPARTMENTS Classical, Literary, 8dentiflc, Theological, Normal, Btulneas, Musical, and Ore torioal court, taught by specialUta. Normal stu dent, visit and study the methods ot Portland public schools, among the best in the United States, and also entitled to State Diplomas. EXPENSES Board and Tuition, school year, 100 to szdu. Tuition lire to ineolcjlcal students. Half price to children of ministers. Three from seme family, 10 ner cent. off. TIME AU departments open at Unirearity Park on September ID, iwt. Bend lor uatalogues and in. formltion to O. O. PTKATTON, D. D., Preaidcnt, or TiiOH. VAN SCOY, D. D., Dean Portland, Or Juh80-6t Of Next session begins on Monday, the loth day of September, 1892. TUITION FREE. Four Courses: Classical, Scientific, Liter ary, ana a snort tngnsn course, in which there is 00 Latin, Greek, French or German The English is pre-eminently a Business Course. For catalogues or other information address J. W. JOHNSON. jly2 President PI FEB GROCER CHAS. H. D0DD & CO. Front, First and Vine Sts., Portland, Or. WHOLE8ALE DEALERS IN HARD WARE, F A R M M AC H I N E R Y. Sole Agents tor Oregop, "Wftahlngtoa and Northern Idaho for the m BUCKEYE-REAPER AMD . MOWER. k These Machines are too -well known to need comment. Thousands of Farmers have need them and apeak of them with praise. They are tba only Harvesting Machines that will give entire satisfaction to the purchaser. MILLER'S NEW MODEL VIBRATING THRESHER, PHOINIX STRAW BURNER ENGINE, The most Effective and Successful Combination tor Threshing and Cleaning Grain ever Constructed. h BUCKEYE . STEEL . FRAME TWINE- BINDERS. The features that distinguish this Twine-Binder is the Lightness of Draft, combined with It Extraordinary Strength and Durability. The Binder U of the Appleby pattern, the only really successful one yet known. We have two styles, the Elevator Binder and th Platform Binder both excellent both recommended by hundreds of patrons. WILLIAM :' MICHELL, Tinder talcer iiiid Hlmbalmcr, Has always on hand a new and complete line of Undertaking Goods. Partic ular attention given to embalming and gating care of tbe dead. PRICES AS LOW PICTURES FRAMED TO ORDER. Southwest Corner of Third and Washington Streets, . THE DALLES, OR NEPTDNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS 110 Front Ktreet, The Halles, Oregon. FRAZER & TVNDHAM, Proprietors. RHZORS FOR SHLE !an Vraaeiseo Beer lall SECOND STREET, BETWEEN UNION AND COURT LEMKE, PROPRIllJTOR. -KEEPS ON COLUMBIA BREWERY BEER, -AND ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. Best Imported Wines, Liquors and' Cigars. The One Price Cash House, COR. SECOND AND COURT STS., J. P. McixVERNY, DEALER IN- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. Agent for ths Battenck patterns; also for the Hall Bazaar Drras Forms. STDBLING & WILLIAMS, PROPS. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. All brands of Imported Liquor?, Ale and Porter, and genuine Key West Cigars. A full line of CALIFORNIA : WINES : AND : BRANDIES. COLUMBIA 3REWERY BEER ON DRAUGHT. 8tJ Second street, THE DALLES, OU. cfi? 8uGoeasors to Mrs. C E. Danharn, Corner of Union and Second Streets, The Dalles, Oregon. -dealers in- DRUGS, MEDICINES Fine Toilet Sosps, Brashes, Combs, Perfumery, Eto. Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. niyisicians' Prescriptions a Specialty. ALSO DEALERS IN Watches, Cloeks and Jewelry, Silverware, Etc, Etc. All Kinds of Repairinb Neatly Done ok Short Notice. nnd a priceless boou Trade Mark. with Hh, ZJH?Za rfili Antl-Halrlne tl. per bottle, sent In safetv malllne boien. posUire pnld by us (. ur. iy -!SSJSrnlSberT"Uon- Send money or sUmna by letter with ftill nddrna written plainly. Cm s pondenoe strictly confidential. This advertisement la honest and atralabt forward in every word It j lnTfte Ton to dal with n and yon will find everything aa renrewntrrt Cut this i.nt andt s.nd to-day. Address OUEEN CHEMICAL CO.. 174 Race Street. CINCINNATI. O. You cai nyinier your letter at any Pont Office to Insure Its safe v "uro or auirntest injury to any pnrrhaaer. every Dottle guaranteed SPrPlll To 'e" who lnlrodnre iit sell imonf t.uiau w. will pMent with a BILK DRESS, IS: si sua select rrom srat with aw. IRON, 11 1 STEEL 1. .AND. Sohuttler Farm Wagons, Deer Flows Deere Bulky Flows, Cobk Co.'s Car. riages, Fhsstons and Top Buggies, Four. Bpring Mountain Wagons, Suekboards, Superior Drills and Seeders, Oorbin Diss Harrows, Eodges-Haines Headers, Haiah Barbed Wire. ' SEND FOB CIRCULARS; AS THE LOWEST. HT $1.50 HND UP. DRAUGHT- FOE 8ALE snowier, AND CHEMICALS, Pure y -.."Ct 'v-"' Ju'-tA1': w ' HEW DISCOVERY y ACCIDENT In compoundlnir .solution pan was ao-l'lpnily pnlilcd on tli. band and on wasblug al.lrrwaril It was dikcu tn-l Uia( li." Iialr -was com pletely removed. We at once put ibis wonderful iireparation, on the market and soareat baa been tbe demand tbat w. are now introducing It tbrougbout the world under lb. nam. ol Queen's Antl-Iialrlne, 1 1 I rtKPtUTLT HARMLeSS AN O SO SIMPLE ANY CHILD CAN USE IT. Iat the hair over and apply lb. mixture fora few mtnotrs. and thn hair disappears as It by magic wllbout Ibe sllcbteat pain or Injury wln-n applied or ever afterward. It Isunllke any oilier preparation e er luihI fora like parpoae. Tbounndn of LAIH Fs who have been annoyeta with hnlron their TACK. NECK nnrl AI'.MS alteet Its merits. UENTLKMEN who do not appreclalea iward or batron Ibelr nocr. In tlnoen'n Anti-nnii me wnicn does mviy deilvf ry. v will pay BMIO for any case. their friends SO Bottle, of Queen's Antl-llalrlna. fiyarda beat auk- extra l.ars. Bottl. ana aaaipi Oood Salary er Commlaaton to Acuta. -, ,